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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 352 KB, 481x454, 213125345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30683857 No.30683857 [Reply] [Original]

Vespain edition
Last thread: >>30670492

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #ScholArt
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>> No.30683887


>> No.30683910

Do not fuck Noir Vesper

>> No.30683913
File: 932 KB, 1280x720, ah domo hajimemashite[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fisrii4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30683914
File: 238 KB, 346x395, 1659576853048641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30684031

talk about the boys or else

>> No.30683916
File: 185 KB, 640x480, MANS_-_Commandments2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.30683917

nah, they were both buttcheeks but were worth getting the remixes and it's actually what got Mori to work with Patterns and release EoaL
also Mori always had a warm word for Rikka, keeps mentioning Robe's bar as a fun place, seems to be cool with all other JP stars (they often tweeted at her during celebrations and shit, Aruran even referenced her in his orisong), so even if her collab game isn't on point, she just seems to be a nice person to the boys

>> No.30683986


>> No.30684000
File: 167 KB, 1500x1500, 1660337824522767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't tell me what to do, anon.

>> No.30684004
Quoted by: >>30684073

I don't want my boys to collab with girls, they have cooties

>> No.30684026
File: 789 KB, 3200x3200, 1660069324619389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30684313


>> No.30684031

Sell me on this boy.

>> No.30684073
Quoted by: >>30684093

Too late. All of them already had sex with girls.

>> No.30684086
Quoted by: >>30684317

Is it really that surprising that someone in /MANS/ of all places would care about JP stars? Fuck off yourself. Are you some kind of chumbud that thinks ditching people for most of a year and then showing back up when you need them makes it all okay?

They did an offcollab karaoke. Stop talking like you know shit when you don't watch streams.

>> No.30684093

yeah, me

>> No.30684140
Quoted by: >>30684288

So I'm supposed to hate Mori cuz she wasn't super enthusiastic in Kiara's collabs? The same Kiara that will ignore the existence of our boys and pretend they don't exist while Mori is at least engaging and collabing with them?
Okay sure...

>> No.30684172
File: 341 KB, 486x411, 1660277050462997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ddlg fetish. He will be my daddy!!!

>> No.30684176

fucking myth timeloops again
see you fags next thread

>> No.30684175

Watching Ves' stream because I missed it
why the fuck does ironmouse have to insert herself into everything

>> No.30684213
File: 269 KB, 1667x2500, 1660247479926003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll cherish and protect Nowa Oji!!! Giving him a kiss on the forehead when he falls asleep on my lap after he rambles about PZ mechanics!!

>> No.30684254
Quoted by: >>30684425

Kinda wish I were hanging out with fujos instead of you /vt/ sister fags

>> No.30684259

Bless the GIGAMAG and His pasta
Bless the copying and pasting of Him
May His posting cleanse the thread
May He keep the thread for His MANS

>> No.30684288

>The same Kiara that will ignore the existence of our boys and pretend they don't exist while Mori is at least engaging and collabing with them?
yes? its what is supposed to happen

>> No.30684300
Quoted by: >>30684333

>nowa in a catsuit

>> No.30684308

Good thing nothing bad happened today right guys?

>> No.30684313
Quoted by: >>30684389

I want to impregnate Auntie Nowa. I don’t care if she’s past child bearing age, I WILL plant my seed in her womb, and I won’t be done with her till that happens.

>> No.30684317
Quoted by: >>30685025

No, it's not surprising to me at all that someone trying to shitpost would pretend to care about someone in a thread about them
Because it's pretty goddamn clear you only care about Rikka as a way to shit on a pink woman, since you think she should have kept him as some kind of fucking accessory to boost him instead of doing something with him and then going their separate ways
God I fucking hate "people" like you

>> No.30684329
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658634935891543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa my beloved

>> No.30684333
Quoted by: >>30684659

it shows off his breedable body ToT I'm gonna cry, I want to suck his vampire cock so badly its unreal

>> No.30684355

He's a legit schizo sociopath trying to play the good boy role, and he's hot and sings well.

>> No.30684364

I am indifferent to mori

>> No.30684379

You now remember Magni's moans.

>> No.30684389

give auntie Nowa autistic children!!!!

>> No.30684403

Lets me make this simple for you newfaqs here./MANS/ we are cool with StarsJP has always been since /MAG/ if u dont like it you can fuck right off.

>> No.30684425
File: 51 KB, 950x400, old witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we're just as horny as fujos and 10x as experienced EEEHHEHEHEHEEHEE
>takes off on broomstick

>> No.30684475
Quoted by: >>30685480

Growth monster. Professional tardwrangler. Exceptional leader.
His streams have been getting better and better just for the fact that he sets rules for chat, accepts suggestions, and yet still do whatever he enjoys.

>> No.30684502

>legit schizo sociopath trying to play the good boy role
In a
>person who enjoys being sociopathic but puts on a "nice guy" face to lure people in
kind of way, or a
>sociopath who doesn't revel in that but actively tries to be a role they find enjoyable, but dissonance between the normal behavior and things they think are normal but are actually sociopathic crop up
kind of way?

>> No.30684539
File: 231 KB, 2560x1440, 1656760503685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30684545

>Actual leader material
>Korean Martial Arts black belt he used to escape from his house and buy monster
>Reformed toxic gamer
>Sings good
>Good at shooters and rogue likes
>Won't collab with outside vtubers.

>> No.30684589

He's a bad boy turned good boy but still suffering from the darkness that lingers within him

>> No.30684592
File: 2.44 MB, 854x480, Arm Wrestling (GONE SEXUAL)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo3iy5g.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30684827

I do!

>> No.30684622
Quoted by: >>30684702

His rommate is also handsome, someone posted dox some threads ago

>> No.30684655
File: 258 KB, 2048x1535, 1660245036076427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huge improvement from debut till now (little to no ticks e.g wah, *pops*, nervous laughing.) If you hear it then he did it intentionally
>Entertaining and interact with chat very well
>Possibly one of the best gen leaders
>Makes the effort to be there for most, if not all of his boys' streams & chat in the stream chat
>Sets solid boundaries on what shouldn't be joked about - he put his foot down immediately when chat was making 'Is your sister single?' jokes
>Actually cracked at FPS games, but prefers not to play it too much on stream because it was the very thing that made him a toxic person once
>Excellent singer, if you have the unarchived karaoke archive from yesterday that should be a solid proof
>Has a demon lord side bit that he doesn't overplay so it doesn't feel forced
>Loves and support his boys very much

It's understandable to be filtered by his voice/design, but he's definitely a cool guy. People who don't have him as their oshi still respects and cheers for him a lot.

>> No.30684659
Quoted by: >>30684769

meds I want to fuck him at the back of a library so bad ToT

>> No.30684702

Yeah i know anon but could we please keep the doxx posting to the minimum? Unless you want to have his pikachu tattooed arm strangling you?

>> No.30684727
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, Magni what the fuck was this[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbyx0ms.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30685130


>> No.30684748


>> No.30684769
Quoted by: >>30685233

milking Uncle Nowa's prostate till he has an orgasm ToT uuuuUUU erotic... ah ah

>> No.30684799

So bros how we feeling about THAT collab? me personally I don't care as long as THAT person behaves.

>> No.30684828
Quoted by: >>30685020

I don't know why but this pic does things to me

>> No.30684827
Quoted by: >>30684887

leader is full aware of magni's power...

>> No.30684887

Leader matingpressing magni and then going “no homo bro”

>> No.30684913
Quoted by: >>30685077

I'm not excited for it. I'm really fearing for the second-hand cringe that might occur if THAT person doesn't behave. I never liked THAT person to begin with, but I don't think I could bare to watch the stream in fear that they'll act cringey and Nowa-oji silently suffers to be polite.

>> No.30684916


>> No.30684952
File: 82 KB, 494x543, 1642519114688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am excited for the Mori collabs
Vesper is such a different personality from her and I can see her synergizing with Magni well. These are going to be fun

>> No.30684983
Quoted by: >>30685043

I watched Vesper when he was in /wvt/. He'll do alright, most we're going to get are thinly veiled 4chan power level flexing between him and Mori. If he successfully shills her Zomboid I'm good.

>> No.30685000

>sociopath who doesn't revel in that but actively tries to be a role they find enjoyable, but dissonance between the normal behavior and things they think are normal but are actually sociopathic crop up

This one

>> No.30685020
File: 843 KB, 1800x2638, 1660253965244996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing but love for Nowa Oji this morning.

The artist really drew him well. I get you.

>> No.30685025

What the fuck kind of projecting is this? Do you seriously believe that the only kind of relationships people can have are the ones they either abandon or keep around as accessories? Is it that damn hard to just do a collab every now and then and keep in touch? Do you actually have friends that you don't consider accessories?

>> No.30685043
Quoted by: >>30685113

Besper was never /here/

>> No.30685077

Yeah I don't mind it I just hope it goes well and nothing ultra cringe happens.

>> No.30685086

second, it's quite interesting

>> No.30685096
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, NOWA FLOPPY PP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Yaoi drama even work if it's a matter of PP hardening?

>> No.30685109

He had speech impediments during childhood that probably made him unable to experience grow normally (being bullied and all, and also being Asian). I am not surprised if his demeanor right now is manually made, as in he took effort to find what is considered normal yet you can notice he is far from normal.

>> No.30685113
Quoted by: >>30685144

>didn't watch the meme stream

>> No.30685114
Quoted by: >>30685235

>no nuclear level cringe bombs happening
JAJAJA 6 hours de sexo chupado

>> No.30685130
File: 204 KB, 1725x1580, 1623556231123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this erotic brat!!!

>> No.30685144

I mean vt

>> No.30685154

I just wont watch, got filtered by that person in the first month in 2020.

>> No.30685191

This but unironically

>> No.30685215

>be me hololive en fan
>do not like mori
>start watching stars en
>now a stars en fan
>I still do not like mori

>> No.30685216

the non-music collabs they had were fairly awkward so instead she invites him for music stuff which is always great, literally the ideal situation for both of them

>> No.30685228
Quoted by: >>30685844

Why do they have to do stuff together repeatedly?
To satisfy your fucking schizophrenic brainrot?
No, go ahead and tell me how she was just using him for "clout" or some shit despite her having better numbers and engagement right out of the fucking gate because she's under the more popular banner
Is it so fucking hard to believe they had a song idea, decided to make it, and that that's all they wanted to do?
You don't care, you never cared, not for anything except "oh I can say pink woman is bad with this!" so stop pretending that you do

>> No.30685233
File: 581 KB, 408x810, 1660281139092904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa all flushed and sweaty while trying his best to keep his moans down to stay quiet in the library...

>> No.30685235
Quoted by: >>30685298

>mentions the name
anon your opsec reps..schizos filter by her mentions.

>> No.30685257


>> No.30685264

I genuinely don't think I'll be able to watch the collab cause I'll be anticipating life-altering cringe. I don't like to think of Nowa-oji in an uncomfortable situation cause he's just a good guy.

>> No.30685298

I dont care I dont want schizos replying to me anyway

>> No.30685299

Stop gossiping about Mori, for the love of God.

>> No.30685308

not me, im rubbing my clit to noir vods

>> No.30685310
Quoted by: >>30685385

who? surely you dont mean the sisters (fake)

>> No.30685321

she already ruined hololive en, why'd she have to come after the boys? Is it part of her reaper nature?

>> No.30685323


>> No.30685364


>> No.30685376

Again Nowa Oji if you're /here/ I'm sorry Do a heehee haha on the next stream if you are

>> No.30685385

He's talking about the sisters, not the femanons

>> No.30685386
Quoted by: >>30685457

THAT person simple has no organization skills and doesnt think things through.The exact opposite of uncle nowa hopefully their interaction will actually change THAT person for the better.

>> No.30685442

>THAT person takes out her cringy shrek and adam sandler voices
>THAT person makes hits at Nowa-oji with the voices, too much for a first-time collab
>Nowa-oji is clearly uncomfortable and trying to redirect THAT person to the topic at hand


>> No.30685457
File: 79 KB, 731x526, 2737388254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30685599

she's been streaming for years, she's literally a professional

>> No.30685471
Quoted by: >>30685711

do you just rub it out all day to his vods. surely you must get sore after a while

>> No.30685480

I'm sold on this boy.
What is a good place to start.

>> No.30685485

literally me but peen

>> No.30685491

i'm sorry but if you don't think a 40 year old man with extensive retail and IT experience can handle a woman for like two hours you are very silly. it'll be fine.

>> No.30685492

Wont watch it. Just hoping she doesn't permanently lower Nowa's IQ with her Shrek talk. God willing, he will counter her by reciting the entire script of the Bee Movie.

>> No.30685528

the worst thing is people making shitty posts like this ain't even ashamed of making them when they're wrong
they just start shitposting about another thing
there's literally no fixing you

>> No.30685541
Quoted by: >>30686058

keep your pants on you grotty harlot

>> No.30685545

remember when THAT "person" exclaimed "finally another musician" when Regis debuted despite the fact that everyone in holopro is basically a musician? That's next level ego

>> No.30685555
Quoted by: >>30685865

Won’t watch it honestly

>> No.30685564
Quoted by: >>30685648

>40 yo
Anon, he is only 36...

>> No.30685568

his twilight princess videos are where most people realized how kino he is. he's also god tier in like every collab (especially with magni)

>> No.30685586
Quoted by: >>30685645

Nowa can not fix Calliope Mori

>> No.30685590

Yes, because anons posting on /mans/ is definitely pressuring the boys, as well as 90% of the comments they don't read. You need to seriously learn how to ignore the posts you don't like and move on if you supposedly care so much about the boys

>> No.30685599

>Teach a class of students on how to be a streamer
Kek, roru, rumao even.
Look i respect THAT person ability to kind of juggle all of her projects but she is not, by any metric, that good of an streamer.

>> No.30685611
Quoted by: >>30685762

>What is a good place to start.

I always recommend watching his debut stream to get a good handle on what he wants his image to be, then starting with his Zelda Twilight Princess Streams + Ghost Train stream to watch that image break apart in real time

>> No.30685624

TP and A Way Out are goated with the sauce

>> No.30685645

>Nowa can not fix Calliope Mori
But what if he does, huh?

>> No.30685648

not when i'm through with him

>> No.30685658

His 'A Way Out' playthrough with Magni shows him cutting a lot more loose and letting his demon lord side show more. plus they're doing another stream today if you can binge and catch up.

>> No.30685661

Oh, I'm not infantilizing Nowa-oji, I know he can hold on his own accord, but THAT person is the worst to have a first collab with.
I don't care, I don't want to see Nowa-oji being blasted with pure unadulterated cringe that isn't the "feelgood" cringe like he usually does when he spergs about his interests.

>> No.30685664
File: 322 KB, 620x739, 1656181670385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30685710

I like every girl in Hololive EN and hope they collab with Tempus just to make the schizo catalog wanderers in this thread seethe

>> No.30685665

The first thing you want to see is the gungeon streams, The Zelda streams is him molding himself after Northernlion, that is to say, a vidya youtuber from the 2010s

>> No.30685677

HolostarsJP fans are such collab beggars that it isn't even funny
On the other hand I don't want Tempus to collab with those western whores, because they'll corrupt them.
Also I laugh at catalog baiters that are saying that they will fuck them. Nigga, every single Tempus member is passionate, charismatic and handsome. They won't touch your 6/10 talentless womanchilds with inflated ego to such extent that they won't stream for nerds

>> No.30685710
Quoted by: >>30685747

The second part of your sentence contradicts the first part.

>> No.30685711
Quoted by: >>30685854

im bored, sometimes its nice to just rub it gently but not fully go to an orgasm

>> No.30685744

Did she really? Do you have the tweet or timestamp? I want to chuckle for a bit.

>> No.30685747

No it doesn't
cope and sneed

>> No.30685762
Quoted by: >>30685936

that ghost train stream is something fucking else man. i still do not believe a second of the fear he showed was real

>> No.30685764

His Hades and chat stream recently were great to show you how he interacts and sets rules with his chat. He had SCs enabled already so you can see retards doing retarded things and how he dealt with them.

>> No.30685784
File: 1.29 MB, 926x521, Magnoir Kek [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fovz9hz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone once said the people who go around angry about her are just jealous women, and I've never thought of them as anything but ever since
It makes it so much easier to ignore them

>> No.30685817
Quoted by: >>30685957

All the femanons are making me horny.

>> No.30685844

Of course she wasn't using him for clout, that's retarded. She used him to make a song and ditched him. Nothing to do with clout. I'm sorry that your oshi has spurned you so much that you think everyone is specifically out to get her every time they talk about unfavorable shit she's done, but that's a you problem. I'm just as upset that the first collabs the boys are doing weren't with the JP Stars since that's how it should have been instead of cross-company stuff. Kindly go back to your own split where you can play the victim while we talk about men here.

>> No.30685854
Quoted by: >>30686029

that's just not fucking fair that you fucks can do that and we have to balance on the fucking edge of a dagger to get a similar effect without going over, if I could do that to my oshi's stream all day the world would be a different place

>> No.30685865

checked & based.

>> No.30685920
Quoted by: >>30686087

I would kneel so hard my knees would fucking explode, so hard infact that I would ask for my family to rename me to Anon (Vegetable)

>> No.30685936

>i still do not believe a second of the fear he showed was real

He was absolutely acting, the only real stress he showed the entire stream was him rushing to end the game so that he didn't overlap Magni's stream

>> No.30685940

Looking forward to it. Gonna support Vesper and Mori cause I'm not larping as an shut-in

>> No.30685957
Quoted by: >>30686340

the only true way to appreciate the fujos is to self insert as the boys

>> No.30685993
File: 567 KB, 900x900, 20220811_165019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Ghost Train vod is pretty good. I'd watch any of his streams honestly, it's a goldmine.

>> No.30685996
File: 463 KB, 815x772, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have and it's, rather obviously, maliciously twisted by the schizo
she was just calling him another musician on his Day 1 cover release (notice the lack of "finally" changing the entire point)
she also shilled Axel's cover on release

>> No.30685997

If anyone can fix Mori it's Magni

>> No.30686009
Quoted by: >>30686262

>resorting to screaming "deadbeat"
I accept your concession, now never pretend to be a tuner near me again

>> No.30686029

it must be fun to have a thing to flop around tho

>> No.30686058

NTA but sorry Vesper. We'll behave.

>> No.30686068
Quoted by: >>30686283

I feel the same man, I thought it was too early for collabs but I'm ok with it, Mori is a little awkward in collabs (well, most people are) but I think she and Magni share similar humor, they have probably around the same age
Vesper-Mori... I can't even imagine what is going to be like

>> No.30686087

How the hell are they gonna fix her? Is that even possible?

>> No.30686126

Could the boys ever get chibi 3D models? I don't know if it'd work, but I think getting JJBA type parody models would work perfectly

>> No.30686175

I mean, yeah. But having to deal with the equivalent of a super meter recharge that's slower every time changes the dynamic.

>> No.30686203

cant fix wiggers anon

>> No.30686213
File: 480 KB, 604x867, unknown-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30686217

Sometimes I sit wrong and hurt my balls.

>> No.30686220
Quoted by: >>30686601

I see it wasn't that bad then, oh well.

>> No.30686230
File: 195 KB, 1108x1108, FYZ11KlUsAM6jro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30686525

seen this question a few times and I'll answer with what I always say
Byong has been the premier Holostars chibi artist for years and I'd love if Tempus got some models based off her art style

>> No.30686259
File: 291 KB, 680x680, 1659720765256516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their voices wouldn't match but there's nothing stopping them

>> No.30686262

The only person who has been screaming is you my man, but if it makes you feel better to think you won a debate by calling the other person a schizo then you do you. I'm sure you need a win in your life. I hope you make real friends one day that don't just hang around you when they need something.

>> No.30686263 [DELETED] 

>She used him to make a song and ditched him.
song was Rikka's, that is strike one
they had a collab for announcement, the release and an extra one post-release with the remix contest, which is hardly just making the song and "ditching" someone, that is strike two
she invited him to her very first 3D event, that's strike three

get the fuck out, if your posts are all like this then you're actively lowering the thread quality

>> No.30686283

Its uncle nowa at this point i would believe he could interview a wall and make it interesting.

>> No.30686302

rich words coming from somone who gave up bass guitar for a perceived lack of talent

>> No.30686309
Quoted by: >>30686540

The hell? Do they hang that low for you?

>> No.30686331

There is something like communication gap. I myself don't believe that IQ is a good measurement, but it is said that there is no way that people with difference in IQ above 30 will interact well.
It is just one argument, but look at Mori:
>pathologic liar
>eats a lot doesn't excercise
>does everything for "cool people" approval
>doesn't have any hobbies outside anime and rap
>doesn't keeps her promises
>doesn't respect her fanbase
>spends money like a retarded nigger
She is literally reverse Nowa. There is no way it will work out

>> No.30686340

I am not that gay anon. Do you mean yumes?

>> No.30686394

>Mangi collab
>Vesper collab

>> No.30686397

EN1 was because a big fan built them for the girls based off of a fan's design after being contracted by one of them.
EN2/HOPE got their because the same fan built models again with another contract job, but with Sana's design instead of a fan and probably from the girls again for their celebration stream.
If Tempus wants chibi 3Ds, the answer is the same as before: they can contract out to the guy when it's about appropriate, and get them.

>> No.30686401
File: 1.88 MB, 1754x1240, 20220812_210836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it won't be anytime soon but how do you think the boys' 3D (individual) debuts will go? What do you think they'll do? Singing? Breakdance?

>> No.30686403

It honestly never is, the people who go around this board looking for excuses to be mad at her are actually deranged
Not even in a funny way, it's actually just creepy and weird that someone will take something like supporting someone's cover as some evil malicious act

>> No.30686438

Eh, I feel like you're projecting a bit here. She didn't say "FINALLY" as if there was a lack of musicians before, she said something like "We have another musician!", and that's just...true?

>> No.30686444

Nowa will correct her...

>> No.30686454

doggo is going to go crazy I'm sure

>> No.30686455
Quoted by: >>30686601


>> No.30686487

Axel will sing
One of the boys will be a cameraman
The boy who is the cameraman will pull out a dog collar and a leash
and we will all have to deal with that gag.

>> No.30686525
File: 3.88 MB, 4096x1586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30686721

>Not keenbiscuit, which is kino beyond belief

>> No.30686540
Quoted by: >>30686612

I usually squeeze them between my thighs.

>> No.30686566

My every thought these days is occupied by my need to fuck Magni.
Is that weird?

>> No.30686581
Quoted by: >>30686832

you dont really need a good reason to not like a person
to me she is the wrong type of cringe with a wigger speech pattern and the shit voices she does sometimes are worse than cringe

>> No.30686601

Sorry, I meant to quote >>30686220
I refuse to comment on the ball matter

>> No.30686602
File: 254 KB, 487x434, 1660177308291893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30686953

>Nowa will never correct you himself
why live

>> No.30686612

yeah It happens

>> No.30686633

If they paid for them then yeah. The Smol 3D were all commissions by talent from fans. Designs probably have to be approved by management though.

>> No.30686637
File: 388 KB, 768x768, WhereAreWeM8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30686653
File: 505 KB, 2050x4096, 1659500247374433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No,you are just extremely sane

>> No.30686667
File: 285 KB, 487x541, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you get those schizos here now, guys, I really am

>> No.30686700

I'm in a similar spot but instead I do my best to think about my ojiisan husband from FGO instead of him so I can continue to watch his streams without feeling horny.

>> No.30686721
Quoted by: >>30686980

keenbiscuit's fine but they're barely connected to Holostars. Byong has stuck by the lads for so long that to me, when I think "Holostars chibis" my mind immediately goes to her art. It's about the emotions behind the art style to me

>> No.30686764
File: 433 KB, 235x235, 1658699587814159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30686805
File: 373 KB, 912x1024, 1659697410481900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30686990

I want the Mori anti in the thread to find a productive hobby that will improve themselves over time and benefit their family and friends. And I hope they grow as a person eventually.

>> No.30686817

go away

>> No.30686816

god damn it magni

>> No.30686832
File: 311 KB, 1024x1024, choccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's completely fair
But when it's to the point of weird obsession and actually just finding any little thing to screech about and twist then it's just unhealthy
I don't like when anyone has to go on rants about why they don't like things or how they hate stuff, I like when people can leave it at "well, I don't care for it much" and then talk about stuff they do like, or moments from a thing they may not like all of but that they thought were good or funny
Everyone should be positive and find good things about everything and enjoy stuff like good bros

>> No.30686845

so much for fixing his schedule

>> No.30686844

>lasted 5 hours, the time of said nap
Did anyone bet this low? Jesus.

>> No.30686874

Any sort of concernfagging about StarsJP collabs is funny given that Astel was *literally* trying to invite Axel to hop into apex during his stream earlier after Axel showed up in chat.

(Hilariously when Astel asked his manager when he'd have the go ahead for a collab, his manager came back with "wait until Monday" which Astel interpreted as "it's after hours idiot, I'll tell you on Monday" but I guess was actually accurate lol)

>> No.30686880
Quoted by: >>30686998

>another stream with low energy magni
damn son fix your shit!

>> No.30686902
Quoted by: >>30687109

I feel like Mori and Vesper's collab could go two ways, both starting with Vesper enthusiastically explaining to Mori the details of golf and tries to give her advice:

>Mori's eyes will glaze over in confusion as what he's saying goes right over her head.
>Mori and Vesper will have a real uncle/niece moment as she actually tries to understand what Vesper is saying.

The thing with Vesper is that I feel most people who like Vesper respect him to some degree. Sure Mori is his senpai and she is the "dad" of Myth, but no one can ignore Vesper's age, knowledge, and experience. While Mori can be cringe in collabs, I feel she wil do her best to be engaged out of respect for Vesper. Especially if she's watched his streams and talked to him in Discord like many others seem to have. And of course Vesper will be the best and most respectful kouhai for Mori. So I think the collab will be inoffensive at worst. At best it would just be another Tempus stream people didn't think would be as fun as it was.

Magni and Mori's collab may be a cringe factory. Though I think it may be a fun cringe factory provided Magni get's enough rest to prevent his mind from wandering and there's no derailing scuff.

>> No.30686953
File: 1.99 MB, 720x304, 2g3c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just focus on what he says. I'm slowly getting deeply convinced that I should appreciate other people and small things more. We will be corrected by him

>> No.30686980

I agree, but I think Byong should be JP's 3D chibi artist (If they ever want one), not Tempus, since she has a deeper connection with them than EN. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.30686990
Quoted by: >>30687064

I unironically hate Mori but if the bros are willing to collab with her then I'm willing to stop hating her for 1 days or 2.

>> No.30686998

Low energy Magni is good considering the state of his voice. He needs to rest it instead of chatting in discord and playing apex with the boys whenever he isn't streaming.

>> No.30687029
Quoted by: >>30687154


>> No.30687064
Quoted by: >>30687224

I think you'll change your mind once the collab happens

>> No.30687088

> "It's understandable to be filtered by his voice/design, but he's definitely a cool guy
indeed, it happened to me, got up to date with his vods, i still don't quite like his voice, but after yesterday's karaoke, regis got my sincere admiration for his talent, godspeed blue boy

>> No.30687109
Quoted by: >>30688707

No it's just going to be an hour long discussion of how Happy Gilmore was a movie ahead of its time.

>> No.30687154
File: 160 KB, 712x709, 1659400365295115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reapply bandages when it gets dirty, and keep yourself clean. If you have/can find antibiotics, then take them. It should go away after a while.

>> No.30687175

JWU, how was Vespers Supa stream?

>> No.30687190

>It's understandable to be filtered by his voice/design, but he's definitely a cool guy
I have been sold on him ever since he decides to exploit women for dank ass chili, that's based right there

>> No.30687192


>> No.30687224

I used to be a fan anon but that changed long ago, by hate I mean I just avoid anything that has to do with her and I unfollowed her overall but well see.

>> No.30687268

I appreciate Mori reaching out to the boys, but she actually is stupidly shallow. This collab will be cringe and this first impression will cast shadow on the boys

>> No.30687270
File: 110 KB, 191x286, booj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himbo himbo
My name is Mr Pectin
And now it is time for you
To get correctin

>> No.30687348

i know regis could kick my ass but i want to treat him like a shota and groom him

>> No.30687371

He played the nap roulette and lost

>> No.30687579

Almost done with it myself. It's really mostly calling out names, saying thank you, and bowing. Some commentary about their names or their messages here and there.

Still squee'd like I was half my age when he thanked me for my supa.

>> No.30687719

when Nowa was talking about how he doesn't celebrate birthdays I got too emotional
I know it's a normal thing /here/ in the incel community but I don't want him to be lonely, I wonder if I'm going to be the same when I'm his age

>> No.30687784

>incel community
Nigga it's a normal thing for people over 25 years of age, get over yourself.

>> No.30687824

Once you hit your mid 20's it's just like that, man
I ain't happy about it, but that's just life

>> No.30687860
Quoted by: >>30688075

Mori will spout stealth True Capitalist Radio references only both of them and a few niggerfaggots in the chat can understand

>> No.30687861

Wait, is there already a Calli colab scheduled or are you guys just fearing for the future?

>> No.30687988

He is Jehovah’s Witness.

>> No.30687999

There are two scheduled

>> No.30688016

See THAT person's scedule anon it's not that difficult to find, besides it's almost at the beginning of the thread, twice.

>> No.30688018

What does not celebrating your birthday have to do with being an incel? You think people want to celebrate getting older when they are already old? Kids celebrate getting older. Adults wish time would stop moving so quickly so they could get more done in their lifetime. I personally stopped when I hit 25. That was nearly 10 years ago now.

>> No.30688043

Why would I want to celebrate a specific day that reminds me of how I'm growing older and will eventually reach an impending, inevitable death, when I can celebrate every day shitposting with all of (you)

>> No.30688056

I turned a year above his Hololive age just recently. Lucky enough to still have some supportive family members, but really it does end up like how he does it. It's all about how you'll treat yourself on your birthday more than anything else. Some years, it's actually a pretty comfy approach. Some others it does feel lonely, though.

>> No.30688075
File: 503 KB, 924x692, ghost wildfire[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fubchoe.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30688096
Quoted by: >>30688217

Don't hate more on a schizo level, just don't vibe with her and find her music unappealing. Probably won't watch the collab but whatever. It's not the end of the world. Obsessing over someone you dislike is retarded, unless they are actively going out of their way to fuck up your life.

>> No.30688108
File: 150 KB, 286x292, 432151636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30688474

>actual child poster can't into adult mindset
When kids become adults they start to care less about birthday cakes and presents, and that's not incel behaviour

>> No.30688211
Quoted by: >>30688322

Some interesting perspective thinking, but lets say the TEMPUS guy retire from streaming when they are 40 (not saying they should or will btw):
-It would mean Noir would stream from about 5~ years
-On the other hand, Regis would stream for another 20~ years

>> No.30688217

She poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!

>> No.30688247

Love how these Deadcucks are allowed to post their whale in the thread but if you try to talk about the boys in non STARS thread "Oh no we can't have that"

>> No.30688261

Nowa will do a 90min 3D livestream where he jumps into a trash bin, gets some PC parts, and proceeds to build a computer in his basement

>> No.30688322
Quoted by: >>30688374

No, I want Nowa to tell us how he did on his prostate exam.

>> No.30688337

it's not just about hating birthdays but being completely alone and trying to avoid anyone to mention it
it's hard to explain you just feel extra lonely that day, I'm not that old yet but I never had a good birthday it just reminds me that I'm not as happy as other people
It's hard to explain but you fags are acting like newfags have you ever been to those birthdays threads on /b/ ?? (before it went to hell) it's all you need to know

>> No.30688348

As you get older it becomes less of an event and more a day where you have an excuse to treat yourself. I'm lucky to still have family that celebrates it with me but I don't mind it being low-key as long as I have a relaxing day.

>> No.30688374

Nowa post-colonoscopy zatsudan onegai

>> No.30688376

THAT person is so large that deleting every posts with them would take too long

>> No.30688435

who cares

>> No.30688446

I want to write a fanfiction but it's been literal years and I don't know how exactly I should write Nowa's personality.. should I write him as a generic dominant bishounen?

its a fanfic based off hornyposting by fujos in the last thread or so talking about Nowa giving a handjob while degrading us and forcing us to lick his glove clean...

>> No.30688463
File: 60 KB, 476x1298, Raping the willing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30688474
File: 187 KB, 1000x750, 3c010a2ca8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags, go back
It's hard to believe but we have old people that act like twitter tourists

>> No.30688481

The only reason I still "celebrate" my birthday is because my brother wants my niece to have pictures of it. It's just cake and dinner or something and I'd much rather do nothing.

>> No.30688529
Quoted by: >>30688645

whens Axel playin GTA
bonus points for San Andreas

>> No.30688551

im still confused as to why that Anon said i should be scared then got confused when i acted scared

>> No.30688565

He looks familiar

>> No.30688576

kek based

>> No.30688590

Just go for it anon and see how it turns out. You can always go back and change things later.

>> No.30688633
File: 1.01 MB, 2810x4093, 1659807856966505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He personally comes off more as a submissive old man who gets easily flustered to me, but I'd imagine he'd be pretty kuudere-ish in scenarios like that.

>> No.30688645

Axel or Altare need more open world games to unleash their respective flavor of violence upon. Being an NPC in their presence will be hell.

>> No.30688707

Unironicly this.

>> No.30688769

Not him, but is it really rape if you're okay with it?

>> No.30688794

i had too much to eat and i don't want to sleep coma through my broshis

>> No.30688802

Please make him taste his own cum by kissing the female self insert cum filled mouth after licking his glove.

>> No.30688825

Technically no, but rape roleplay is a thing.

>> No.30688844

Just do like the sisters do, have a lot of black coffee and then force vomit on the toilet

>> No.30688846
Quoted by: >>30688901

You can't rape the willing. No fun in that.

>> No.30688849

gave me a chuckle

>> No.30688858
File: 188 KB, 1464x1839, 1660240214907363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could give you a good birthday anon. Had a fair share of bad birthdays myself but I think everyone deserves a good one at least once in their lifetime unless they're uncomfortable with the idea of their birthday being celebrated.
I honestly can't wait for Nowa Oji's birthday. Maybe he'll secretly break down. This man deserves so much.
If it's a fanfic, maybe his personality can be similar to those strict high school teachers.

>> No.30688862

i don't get it

>> No.30688863
Quoted by: >>30689109

I am NOT gonna erp here, no thanks, even less now that my words were marked as Regis' words, I have to behave
Be nice to each other wah

>> No.30688874

Nowa is mostly sub to me but he can dom in the correct mood. He knows where to touch.

>> No.30688877
Quoted by: >>30689449

Pretty sure John Norman would say anything that spices up your sex life is good.

>> No.30688879
Quoted by: >>30689449

I always figured it was just a way for people to say they liked rough sex and being dominated as opposed to actually wanting to be raped.

>> No.30688878

no... but its a fetish
real rape is yuck, but pretend rape is funs

>> No.30688886


>> No.30688890

Coffee? If you still have the room for it, anyway.

>> No.30688891

Oh I get what you mean now. Thought you were saying not celebrating birthdays was an incel thing. Yeah I don't think he's that lonely personally. He doesn't strike me as the type. I mean, I have friends and family, but still don't really celebrate mine because it's just a reminder of the ticking clock. I'd rather celebrate anniversaries because they are counting happy things.

>> No.30688901

You can rape them by not rape them if they are willing. That will be like rape since you are doing them by force the opposite of what they want.

>> No.30688904

vespies are melting down

>> No.30688929

Are we? I'm pretty chill today.

>> No.30688928

Actually we are having fun talking about rape, so...

>> No.30688947

Fucking hell its called /MANS/ not /WOMANS/ get the fuck outttt

>> No.30688956
File: 421 KB, 1320x2125, FZOsDmZakAAcHXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my alchemist wife (male)!!!

>> No.30688982
File: 398 KB, 3840x2160, smugleader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao based comic anon

>> No.30688987
Quoted by: >>30689063

nowa-mori collab tomorrow?

>> No.30689003

when Holostars EN 2 ends up debuting 2 people with W and O as initials, its gonna become WOMANS

>> No.30689006

Wait, but he's MY wife?!

>> No.30689011

Good shit

>> No.30689021

kek, based anon

>> No.30689027

that's cool, but rape is not cool, do not rape, be cool

>> No.30689047

What is Nowa doing tonight?

>> No.30689062
Quoted by: >>30689104

Based, rape is only ok if it's in 2D

>> No.30689063
File: 15 KB, 290x241, 1656392996669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689196

looks like it

>> No.30689078

in practice not so much, you are willing,, but legally yes if you claim that to be actual rape and act the part with the cops

>> No.30689081
File: 100 KB, 1124x720, FZwR4PRXkAAh1f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689415

>Drank too much
>Don't get funny haha feelings just going to collapse on my bed at 8pm
Don't drink kids

>> No.30689097
File: 334 KB, 1417x1890, 1660215787831557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30689104
Quoted by: >>30689174

can I rape you if you're pixels on my screen right now?

>> No.30689109
Quoted by: >>30689156

Don't be so dramatic anon the exchange was funny, but I'm glad you know when to pull the brakes.

>> No.30689115

Will you keep this thread alive during dead hours? Will you spam gay porn when the shitposters invade? Will you make OC memes and art for the boys?
Face it anon, this thread needs fujos. At this point it just has to be accepted

>> No.30689134
Quoted by: >>30689221

No no, ALL women should be raped

>> No.30689150
File: 69 KB, 990x645, 20220812_175817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleeping with me so keep quiet. He's snoring.

>> No.30689156

I'm kidding, it's all shitposting after all

>> No.30689174

Only if you are not gentle.

>> No.30689188

I said this from the beginning but the fujos are the ones who will be around when all the tourists leave. They're the true fans who hold down the fort.

>> No.30689190
Quoted by: >>30689284

>Face it anon, this thread needs fujos.
Anon...I ALSO need fujos....

>> No.30689196
File: 176 KB, 545x480, 1658321789216026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689423

im hoping for the best /mans/ be strong

>> No.30689201
Quoted by: >>30689263


>> No.30689202
File: 598 KB, 900x900, FZz-Zt-XoAAAUTN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30689207

I know you didn't draw this but I wonder what kind of brush these people use

>> No.30689221

This but men.

>> No.30689248
Quoted by: >>30689353

round brush

>> No.30689263
Quoted by: >>30689476


magni's reply is fucking hilarious

>> No.30689264
Quoted by: >>30689307

*by women

>> No.30689275
File: 224 KB, 640x480, 57r68t79y8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I ask you, what is rape?

>> No.30689284

Me too, under my sheets...

>> No.30689293

I'm open to that

>> No.30689308 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1672x2064, maggingpressu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689358


>> No.30689307
Quoted by: >>30689345

I was thinking by other men, but I'm ok with pegging rape to.

>> No.30689324
Quoted by: >>30689390

hard round lole

>> No.30689345

You can peg me, but only if you kiss me afterwards you disgusting smelly fujo.

>> No.30689353

no, I've tried

>> No.30689358
Quoted by: >>30689452

Why is he so erotic?

>> No.30689367
File: 221 KB, 477x477, 1621729439034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be cool
We cool?

>> No.30689369
Quoted by: >>30689435

try again

>> No.30689390
Quoted by: >>30689717

clearly not
look again

>> No.30689391
Quoted by: >>30690056

It's ok anon, we'll have plenty of time for after care and meeting the parents.

>> No.30689407
File: 141 KB, 847x588, 1660227241461388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689447

NTA but only if you beg for it
silly little man

>> No.30689415

hope this got sent to twitter for the meme review lol

>> No.30689419
File: 265 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689505

No, we hot

>> No.30689423
Quoted by: >>30689550

I've been hoping for that person to improve their personality for the better part of 2 years now I can't be hopeful they used to be my oshi

>> No.30689435

do you know the definition of insanity?
don't answer, schizo

>> No.30689447

Get off him Harlot! I'll rape male-anon!

>> No.30689449
Quoted by: >>30691630

Yeah, alright. I've never been into the whole rape roleplay thing, I'd feel bad afterwards I think.
I mean I can sort of see that, but not for me. Maybe I'm too much of a virgin.

>> No.30689452
File: 70 KB, 551x686, FZ7wF3_aIAUtI-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything about magni is pure sex, he's erotic and made for sex

>> No.30689459

do you know the definition of psychopath?

>> No.30689476
Quoted by: >>30689514

I don't get it

>> No.30689483
File: 81 KB, 570x570, 1660237249835076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're technically right - most likely a softer brush but it looks like the artist also colored/painted over the lines (or has a layer over the entire drawing to create the 'one layer painting' look)
The end of your brush strokes has to be customized a bit to have its edges thinned out too.
t. a drawanon that rarely draws

>> No.30689498

its using the round brush

>> No.30689500
Quoted by: >>30689559


>> No.30689505
File: 91 KB, 359x497, 1655062229469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm room temperature.

>> No.30689514

he's being a tsundere

>> No.30689533


>> No.30689550

Same anon. Before Tempus I used to be a huge fan of her but I'm exhausted of all the hate she gets. I just listen to her stuff and follow her for updates.
I'm just happy that /MANS/ seems to be a more chill place.

>> No.30689559 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 432x504, magcakebatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689637

just waiting for the male-anons to cum on his beauty mark so i can take a picture

>> No.30689592

he is made for 8-hand hugs, not s*x, please hug Maglord

>> No.30689604

>room temp pizza
bro, I hope you have not have been out for more than a day at that temp

>> No.30689620

Does the dick count as a hand?

>> No.30689637
File: 112 KB, 290x290, 1638913181517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689692

No gays allowed

>> No.30689639
Quoted by: >>30689670

he doesn't have a dick anymore

>> No.30689646

i can do both!! i objectify and love men!

>> No.30689670


>> No.30689687
Quoted by: >>30690000

>unironically bullied away from something you liked
at least you can have some consolation in the fact she feels bad for you while she'd actively dislike the dude you're responding to

>> No.30689688

When you become a Star, you become a Ken doll like Aruran

>> No.30689692
File: 216 KB, 1000x1246, FY2VBQ3UUAAUGSQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30689749

damn u got me what am i ever gonna do...!

>> No.30689717

i dont see it really, it seems like hard round with some size+opacity adjustment nothing too textural

>> No.30689720

Been at work all day. What's all this about the first Holostars collab? Is it just the usual catalog screeching or did something get announced?

>> No.30689740

i've been doing like 50% of the rapeposting in these threads and i am so happy to see anons carrying it on while i'm at work. ganbatte anons

>> No.30689749

Be italian.

>> No.30689750
Quoted by: >>30689803

new schedule, Vesper collab tommorow, Magni around end of the week

>> No.30689764

man if I had a penis I would've done cum tributes to all of the boys by now and posted it. Ya'll male anons are weak.

>> No.30689769
File: 142 KB, 852x1456, 1660017895979959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hear me out,
chastity magni

>> No.30689773

Mori's member schedule preview btw

>> No.30689788

Magni is collabing with Yagoo

>> No.30689790

We got your back sister.

>> No.30689796

post your tit and I'll give you a nice cum tribute

>> No.30689803

new Mori schedule*

>> No.30689802
Quoted by: >>30690000

>A deadbeat was bullied out of his thread
Excuse my meme rotten brain, I just find it funny.

>> No.30689828

no problem, we all are doing our part

>> No.30689838

You can smear your juices on their pictures as tributes too.

>> No.30689845

Imagine letting him hump your leg because he's really horny but you still won't take the cage off for another week!

>> No.30689880

how much are you willing to pay?

>> No.30689886
Quoted by: >>30690001

This shouldn't make me as hard as it does...

>> No.30689889
Quoted by: >>30690184

magni leaking from his cock cage...

>> No.30689918
Quoted by: >>30690001

Holly sex anon

>> No.30689946
Quoted by: >>30690184

hot...i'd like to put axel in a chastity belt too

>> No.30689950
Quoted by: >>30690001

first maglord related post that has made me SEX

>> No.30690001
Quoted by: >>30690184

Chastity and orgasn denial is by far my favourite fetish so yeah.

>> No.30690000
Quoted by: >>30690063

LMAO It's fine. I managed to ignore the hate for a whole year before Tempus. People say not to be affected by the hate but it's hard when it's right in your face all the time. . Watching Tempus makes me feel right at home either way, I love these boys.

>> No.30690007
File: 132 KB, 2214x312, hotttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posting this prompt someone did threads ago for prosperity

>> No.30690030
File: 769 KB, 691x696, 6457338343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30690066


>> No.30690056

Thanks, you sound like a nice girl.

>> No.30690063
File: 450 KB, 519x565, 1642714130475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30690066
Quoted by: >>30690115

I want some pit vipers...

>> No.30690103

Fucking hell, dead hours /MANS/ is becoming a cesspit of drama whores. Why not just wait and see what happens, for fuck's sake? At best it'll be a nice collab with a boost to Nowa, and at worst a cringefest that everyone but tourists and schizos will forget in a week. Don't make a mountain out of molehill, /MANS/ should be better than that.

>> No.30690111
Quoted by: >>30690155

but that would demoralize him and turn him into a sad silent Magni, I want him to be loud and stupid

>> No.30690115
Quoted by: >>30690143

Pit vipers are still cool, right?

>> No.30690143

I think so. They sure look cool on vesper.

>> No.30690155
Quoted by: >>30690205

i like to break the cuties so the thought excites me

>> No.30690160

I missed vesper sc reading. Did he read that number superchat?

>> No.30690173

Anon, we're not talking about it anymore, we're just chilling out

>> No.30690184
File: 101 KB, 818x616, M_A_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based taste, anons.

>> No.30690205
Quoted by: >>30690299

And I like to break the cuties(female)

>> No.30690223

he just said his name and said thanks like the rest of the SC reading LMFAO

>> No.30690245
File: 164 KB, 1928x1046, 20220812_075648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30690292

I want to protect my cute vampire husband Nowa Oji at all costs and make him happy!!

>> No.30690249
Quoted by: >>30690369

He just said "Thank you" like with all the others hundreds of SC he received

>> No.30690250

>He's been in the cage for a month
>He begs for weeks until one day you think this cute little puppy needs to be rewarded for his patience
>The deal is that he's allowed to cum but only if it's purely through kissing and humping the air
>You're making out with Magni as he whimpers and thrusts, desperately searching for any kind of surface for his cock to rub against
>You occasionally lightly brush it with your hand just hear him moan and cry out for more
>He doesn't cum after 30 mins and so the cage goes back on for another week until he's ready to cum hands free

>> No.30690266

Shhhh... It's rape hours now.

>> No.30690281

Is it actually possible to meet a male willing to use a chastity belt?

>> No.30690292
Quoted by: >>30690515

now THIS is what I call a gentleman

>> No.30690299
File: 1.46 MB, 1725x1497, FZ-Kv5lUsAEWytX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30690361

idek sounds gay but i'm happy for you anon-kun

>> No.30690341

sounds pretty hard to find, but it's possible

>> No.30690349

Anon it's by far my favourite fetish and I dream of the day I meet a girl I trust enough to use a chastity cage with.

>> No.30690361
Quoted by: >>30690481

Do you think Magman would feel it if you licked his big alchemy hands?

>> No.30690369
Quoted by: >>30690705

I feel like Nowa will get a lot less superchats after that stream

>> No.30690374
File: 52 KB, 550x506, 1642669952358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30690566

dead hours used to be the safe hours but global tourists and numberfags are starting to take over. sad.
Any time basically any other vtuber thats not a holostar is brought up is when the real faggots and shitposters take their time to strike.

>> No.30690380

Only a submissive ultra beta one with low self-esteem.

>> No.30690399

yeah me

>> No.30690409

Magni in a chastity cage but he has to keep streaming and he slowly starts to act hornier and make lewd noises more on stream as the weeks go by!!

>> No.30690430

Is /mans/ officially the horniest general now?

>> No.30690433
Quoted by: >>30690473

That's half of this board.

>> No.30690473

Well then, just pick one from the bunch.

>> No.30690481
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x1500, stopmakingmehorny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i asked fujosisters what would be magni's erogenous zones and we settled with his hands and his back so i think he'd feel tingly if you do that

>> No.30690484

i love da boyz so much bros

>> No.30690489

not even close

>> No.30690494

>Is /mans/ officially the horniest general now?

SEA shitposters and board tourists can't deal with the horny energy so we encourage it as a means of self-defense.

>> No.30690502

That's not true, you'll find guys like the denial and loss of control aspect of it without having low self esteem. You need to have a good relationship though and lots of trust.

>> No.30690515
File: 58 KB, 541x566, 20220810_170023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlewoman* I will be his wife, watch:

>> No.30690523

Leading to eventually him being so sensitive that he cums mid stream from his cloths brushing his dick

>> No.30690526
Quoted by: >>30690554

this is what's gonna get me to finally fap to magni. thanks anon. thanks a lot

>> No.30690541

I respect that, actually, keep protecting Oji-sama

>> No.30690548

FUCK YEAH there's the good stuff

>> No.30690554

You're welcome!

>> No.30690558
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1660336482226580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mans cucks, what the fuck is this

>> No.30690566

the /stars/ defense mechanism of excessive hornyposting isn't as effective in /mans/ due to the higher traffic and the higher number of people who fall for bait

>> No.30690582

I want to rape your husband.

>> No.30690593

the best defensive measure btw

>> No.30690617

Anyone who replies to this will be locked in chastity for a week!

>> No.30690644


>> No.30690645
Quoted by: >>30690701

Thats called a schedule anonchama

>> No.30690657

this isnt even a new IP. you seriously spend all day here despite not watching holostars?

>> No.30690661

Consensual nonconsent is a thing so as long as you talk it out it's all good. With safe words pf course

>> No.30690665

My new head canon is that whenever Magni seems tired or frustrated on stream, it's because he's locked up. Anytime he's upbeat or relaxed, he's had the chance to release.

>> No.30690672
Quoted by: >>30690724

>what the fuck is this
A schedule?

>> No.30690674
File: 50 KB, 683x517, 1660238133688564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30690701

what, I thought it was a png image?

>> No.30690705
Quoted by: >>30690796

>I feel like Nowa will get a lot less superchats after that stream
He absolutely will, that stream was soulless.

>> No.30690709
File: 78 KB, 1000x562, 1659837859357600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I found my chastity sisters-in-arms

>> No.30690714

no tourists

>> No.30690724

A mug?

>> No.30690739

Oh no, how terrible..

>> No.30690742

Ok, but also, consider uretral insertion

>> No.30690746

Why in the FUCK would you want everyone to be pissed off over something? That just ruins everything

>> No.30690795

I've noticed that every time someone gets the horny ball rolling in global, /mans/, or a split the shitposters get scared off
We must be ready to get horny at a moment's notice to keep the shitposters at bay

>> No.30690796
Quoted by: >>30690888

Do you think he should do zatsu combined SC readings? Maybe alternate days where he finishes a video worth.
Even so, I think he wouldn't mind getting less SCs. Just think he could be more creative with the readings.

>> No.30690799

Died it actually feel good for the person or is it just painful?

>> No.30690815

not farfetched for magni he's an alchemist i bet he's open for that

>> No.30690823
File: 278 KB, 2000x2000, 1659017968926595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30690846

Not if I do it first

>> No.30690827
Quoted by: >>30690912

>2 collabs with Holostars EN IMMEDIATELY in the first week it is possible
>collabing with Noir Vesper first because he's black
>all just to make the fans of both sides seethe
Jesus fucking christ Mori

>> No.30690846

Noooo, you can't rape your own husband!

>> No.30690877

Why are they already out of collab jail? I don't particularly care but it's going to set off schizos even more.

>> No.30690880

yeah, haha.....

>> No.30690888

The monetization stream superchats aren't going to be interesting but once he gets SCs relevant to a stream then his SC readings can be more interesting and zatsu-like. It's like this for every big event where the SCs are just going to be expressions of general support

>> No.30690894

The funny thing is that this thread is slow enough for people to see it's just one guy being a retard. He's using shitposting techniques that only work in /hlgg/

>> No.30690896

Oh no, what shall i do...

>> No.30690912

Anon, we don't care >>30683916

>> No.30690954
File: 955 KB, 1761x1297, 1660279072085083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to stream TOTW!

>> No.30690983

pretty much sums up how i feel

>> No.30691000
File: 173 KB, 1421x1396, FZ8J7YIaUAAJaNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wyd anon if fem-magni tries to make fun of you and bully you at school?

>> No.30691009

What kind of surprises me is how little some of the boys know about streaming on YouTube and the general structure of things like supa reading streams. They must've tried to get boys who don't watch much Hololive.

>> No.30691013
Quoted by: >>30691081


>> No.30691030

It's really hard to put on a chastity cage when you're horny

>> No.30691068
Quoted by: >>30691177

Would I be my highschool self?

>> No.30691081
File: 277 KB, 900x800, 1660330509773258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30691084
File: 158 KB, 461x397, 1627968545745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The degeneracy of this place knows no bounds.

>> No.30691087

It doesn't really feel good.

>> No.30691112

It's /mans/ related you nigger. This isn't discussions about whether nor not they should collab. This is a post about an actual collab

>> No.30691114

Join us

>> No.30691123


>> No.30691125
File: 24 KB, 723x424, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started the bait threads Believers, soon you'll have more doubters than you can handle.

You'll be fighting amongst each other, you'll feel what it feels like to have everything you liked about HoloStars ruined!!


>> No.30691131

my boyfriend has this fetish. He's extremely submissive though. Even allows me to cuck him if I want to. (I'd never do that because i'm not interested in other men,and he seems more interested than I am at times)

>> No.30691134
Quoted by: >>30691272

*Holds your hand* what are you going to do about it huh

>> No.30691141


>> No.30691144

JWU and read that there's a possibility of Mori collabing with tempus? I actually preferred if they get to collab with stars jp first though...

>> No.30691152
File: 180 KB, 993x1124, 1658631713215123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned all of you this would become the next /infinity/ but was brushed aside. "lol nah we're never gonna get that bad shut up doomposter" and yet here we are. The next step is discord ERP.

>> No.30691164
Quoted by: >>30691271

Still we don't care, stop trying

>> No.30691177
Quoted by: >>30691237

no your college self

>> No.30691187

*cums on you*

>> No.30691192

Shut up and stream, anons! Let's get those reps in!!

>> No.30691195

*puts a chastity belt* on you

>> No.30691202

You have to be a weirdo with a laser specific fetish to enjoy it.

>> No.30691204

>JWU and read
Found your problem.

>> No.30691213

why mention this, literally ruined the vibe for forever alones like us here

>> No.30691214
File: 49 KB, 540x540, magni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30691253

No, it's a post trying to bait shitposting and drama-sister shit and it's baffling that you think we don't see that

>> No.30691235

Me but only if it results in weekly balls deep mating press.

>> No.30691237
Quoted by: >>30691337

Then, lock myself in my room for 2 years

>> No.30691253

>genuinely annoyed post about this collab
>oh no it's bait

>> No.30691271

Fuck off stop being a fucking tryhard nobody cares about your thread policing

>> No.30691272
File: 212 KB, 352x353, 1632388383573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold your neck

>> No.30691276

NTR is one of the fetishes I will never comprehend

>> No.30691300

We knew the Mori collab would happen. She's kinda cringe but its not like she will kill Vesper, calm down and just don't watch it.

>> No.30691302
Quoted by: >>30691616

Shut up and post more Magni cockcage fanfics.

>> No.30691333
Quoted by: >>30691421

Have you seen the inside of the car of a woman or female bathrooms? It was only natural this thread ended up like this.

>> No.30691337

there there anon-kun

>> No.30691348

>exact same post is in hlgg
>not bait

>> No.30691359

shut up daniel

>> No.30691390
Quoted by: >>30691502

Don't fucking talk to me loser

>> No.30691409

I want to write fanfics of Magni being a cockslut throughout the lands of Elysium. Should I do it? I used to be a popular fanfic writer in a few fandoms, and I have no idea if it's a good idea to be writing Magni prostate abuse fics if I'm also aiming to get into StarsEN2.

>> No.30691418
Quoted by: >>30691711

Don't pretend we didn't see you post the same shit in global
It's always people trying to be slick as if people are insulated in a single thread

>> No.30691421

Yes. My old coworker used to take me shopping with her and then back to her house so I can judge her outfits. I had to sit in absolute filth, while giving thumbs ups or downs because she would spend the entire time on the phone with her boyfriend, and he didn't like her being around other men.

>> No.30691445
File: 162 KB, 499x336, please die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just get back to wanting to fill magni's ass with cum please

>> No.30691467
Quoted by: >>30693380

just do it anon. we need more r18 content for these boys, and no one else is willing to make them for us.

>> No.30691482

Don't fucking reply to me losers, nobody cares

>> No.30691490
File: 565 KB, 2407x1694, pizza mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell to make every tourist and bait poster's dick fall off*

>> No.30691502
File: 225 KB, 880x817, 1659303440589483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30691525

that's all you could come up with?

>> No.30691507
Quoted by: >>30693380

If you do make sure you upload them anonymously

>> No.30691520
Quoted by: >>30693380

just detach yourself (don't link your ao3 with your application) from it and write the slutty magni fic

>> No.30691524

but I am not...

>> No.30691525

Nobody cares incel, just fuck off from the thread

>> No.30691537

>Locked up Magni is a dripping, frustrated mess. He can barely keep himself together
>He has to consistently stream with it on
>As he streams his typical jokes and mannerisms become increasingly raunchy and sensitive
>Has to end his stream early
>Begs for you to release him
It's been a while since I've done shit like this

>> No.30691553

Just ignore those fatherless nigger. They have nothing better to do than waiting for their whore mom bringing more chicken tendies to their basement dwelling.

>> No.30691570
File: 135 KB, 1404x1055, OgaMage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30692623

*modifies the spell to give them testicular torsion instead*
No mercy

>> No.30691574
Quoted by: >>30692408

Wonder what dogboy and blue man is up to

>> No.30691581
File: 209 KB, 329x417, 1637730519617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I never had a dick.

>> No.30691587
File: 54 KB, 692x322, IMG_20210112_082819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's how I like it!

>> No.30691590
Quoted by: >>30693380

Please, please do it. I'm pretty sure you can post fics anonymously (orphaned) on AO3.

>> No.30691599
File: 144 KB, 717x934, 1660322322540951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we actually did /MANS/ sings TOTW? Would you anons participate? Would you sing?

>> No.30691605

there are no females on this site anon

>> No.30691611
File: 371 KB, 900x590, FZ_O-dIVsAAkmBS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30691946

reading this with leader's POV just makes me horny as hell tskr anon-kun

>> No.30691613

Mating press.

>> No.30691616

Ok, imagine it's the cockcage week. You put it on Magni as planned but suddenly he gets a call from his manager that he has in person dance rehearsals for his 3D debut. He begs you to not wear the cage this week, that he'll wear it for two week after the 3D prep is over. You deny his pleads and makes him wear it extra tight. As he goes for his solo dance highlight in the rehearsals he can't contain the surge of lust each time thebreak dance moves make his cock press in all possible ways with the cage. He dances while panting and being visibly flustered and in heat. In the last move for his solo he cums mid move. Cut, the manager screams, it was a perfect tak. The other boys have to contain themselves from jumping on post orgasm Magni from how much sex hormones he exuded in the span of 5 minutes.

>> No.30691620
File: 37 KB, 490x390, 1657106127071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like women. Scraw!

>> No.30691630

It depends on each couple. It's about finding things both like and are willing to explore, not about trying to force stuff. That's also from Norman.

>> No.30691632

lol no its literal fucking headcanon gossip about how Mori is doing a stream to attack you personally. Fuck off back to global with that, maybe they'll still take you despite your traitorous actions

>> No.30691646
Quoted by: >>30691675

Man, how can StarsJP songs so good?

>> No.30691654

nah i cant sing and im shy

>> No.30691675


>> No.30691692

Like, something from the thread, or do you want to summon prodanon and try to do it with the entire board? I still hope some day /vt/ will sing the niji song.

>> No.30691699
Quoted by: >>30691780

no fuck off that shit is cringe and nothing good ever comes from anons breaking anonymity.
make your own thread instead of trying to leech off of /mans/ success at least

>> No.30691711

I did post it in both threads because I wanted to genuinely discuss it.
Why the fuck does she have to go all in? She may as well just do one collab each day with each of the different guys from Tempus, and make it a goal to collab with a Tempus guy at least once a week from now on

>> No.30691720

>Would you anons participate? Would you sing?
My voice is probably too deep but if I can get my audio interface to work. I'd give it a shot

>> No.30691726

Imagine how filthy his chair and floor under the desk would become. All that old cum solidifying and him too horny to clean, forced to live in with his own dirt

>> No.30691753

i would but how could we harmonize ourselves?

>> No.30691759

i wouldnt to be honest

>> No.30691761
Quoted by: >>30691847

Good morning /MANS/ bros. JWU, what did I miss?

>> No.30691763
File: 112 KB, 792x410, axel why[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffdc70u.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30691780
Quoted by: >>30691828

>breaking anonymity
I don't like the idea, but still, the fuck?

>> No.30691794
Quoted by: >>30691927

I'd like to but I'm tone deaf

>> No.30691800

get some help. go outside. ground yourself by talking to real people and realize this shit is all in your head. holy fuck

>> No.30691828

people always, always use it as an opportunity to circlejerk and attentionwhore.

>> No.30691832

2 less streams for me

>> No.30691843

We wouldn't, ever single *board* sings is a mess.

>> No.30691847
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, FZF2IlFVEAA-3Jq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing some retards trying to stink up the thread just ignore it

>> No.30691898
Quoted by: >>30691935

I know it's to support the boys, but the image really seems feels propaganda lmfao

>> No.30691908

That's up to whoever is doing editing to do their best

>> No.30691909
Quoted by: >>30692040

Who's that cutie blue haired anime boy in the right?

>> No.30691922

exactly i think we'd butcher the song kek it's a cute idea tho!

>> No.30691927
Quoted by: >>30692458

Pretty sure nobody that ever participated in a "sings" can actually sing, anon.

>> No.30691935

Because IT IS propaganda lol

>> No.30691946
Quoted by: >>30692135

Leader would joke about letting him out, show him the key, but never actually do it. uuuoooohhhhh

>> No.30691964

a kino mess

>> No.30691975
Quoted by: >>30692113

How was Nowa's superchat reading?

>> No.30691983

kek, I miss the hyper oats

>> No.30691989
Quoted by: >>30692262

I'll learn the song on the guitar tonight and practice the vocals and blow the fuck out the garbage that cover produced
Why did they have to autotune Magni, man...

>> No.30691990

I thought Mogu turned out okay

>> No.30692010

Axel looks funny lol

>> No.30692022
Quoted by: >>30692121

It's too early. Wait for an anniversary or something if we're all still here. Maybe they'll put out a better song then as well

>> No.30692040

Noirgis Vespare

>> No.30692063

Yes, I want my voice autotuned so much it gets all weird like Magni's

>> No.30692082

She needed a friend to tell her that expensive things are still expensive even if you're rich, and she still wears $1k hats even though she only made 7% of her SC earnings

>> No.30692095
Quoted by: >>30692151

Oy, stop this slander!

>> No.30692109
Quoted by: >>30692173

One of the Tempus needs to sing this

>> No.30692113

>Thank you! *Bow*

>> No.30692116

>Start watching Tempus to avoid the garbage HoloEN has become
>Mori immediately starts digging her claws into them
Man this fucking sucks.

>> No.30692121

That's true, maybe I'll hold off until their anniversary to pitch this idea and reorganize it. Thanks for the feedback, /MANS/!

>> No.30692135


>> No.30692138

Okay, T-Pain.

>> No.30692151

sorry but it just sounds so weird, I have no idea why they left it like that while he sounds so good in other parts

>> No.30692153
Quoted by: >>30692676

>ever single *board* sings is a mess
That's the point. That even if you CAN sing, you give your all tryharding it.

>> No.30692173

You just know Nowa was in one of those /a/ threads

>> No.30692189
Quoted by: >>30692293

gonna need a lyrics sheet

>> No.30692216

That's where the soul comes from

>> No.30692230

He most definitely was

>> No.30692239
Quoted by: >>30692366

Do you reckon these hours are going to be standard from the boys moving forward? I know that nowa indicated he would be moving to a different time but have the other boys made mention of their time slots that I missed?

>> No.30692257

they seriously destroyed magni's vocals in the first part LMAO wtf
Also I like how all the art looks like it was made pre-debut. Full on fujo pandering, Magni actually behaving himself, etc.

>> No.30692262
Quoted by: >>30692403

>Why did they have to autotune Magni, man...
Because he's probably still too inexperienced to avoid singing off key so they decided turning it into an amorphous mess would let him save face more than letting him go AaAaAaAaA into a mic next to Axel who is actually singing properly. Give him some time, it'll get better.

>> No.30692292

Haha oh no how horrible I sure hope anons don’t do this haha

>> No.30692293
Quoted by: >>30692397

Only that, right? Because the instrumental version would already be available.

That's the entire point.

>> No.30692344


>> No.30692366

I think Magni said his streams would be a couple of hours earlier than his timeslot right now

>> No.30692397
Quoted by: >>30692519

That one is actually awful. Not even soulful, they're just mumbling. At least post something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTx0709z2Ao

>> No.30692403

Listening to Magni hum/sing on stream, he has decent relative pitch. It wouldn't be too hard to just sit him in the recording room for a day and do like 10 takes

>> No.30692408

Altare did mention that he and Axel are going to record a cover together, but I think they said it's going to be a long time before it comes out.

>> No.30692414

I am a cis male magmate.

>> No.30692420
Quoted by: >>30692560

Now THIS i can get behind
i hate het yume stuff

>> No.30692438
Quoted by: >>30692595

>Leader forcing Magni to do tasks while locked up
>Answering the door to receive a package, he can barely hold a conversation
>Panting and sweating, teary eyed
>Delivery man asks him if he's alright

>> No.30692458

kek. it's kinda cute

>> No.30692464

Still don't care.Uncle Nowa is based. Simple as.

>> No.30692468

I doubt it

>> No.30692471
File: 53 KB, 377x349, 1660323738075147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bows at you

>> No.30692473
Quoted by: >>30692563

>unironically using “cis”
Retard discord twitter fag

>> No.30692485
Quoted by: >>30692570

Reminds me of the time people found out Mori was in one of those /a/ sings compilations

>> No.30692506
File: 10 KB, 218x227, 1641218238038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up

>> No.30692519

>That one is actually awful
The entire point of that particular mess. SAOfags wanted to sing Crossing Field but Hunterfags hijacked and shat up the thread with Departure, so OP BTFO of them for all eternity.

>> No.30692560

same anon i don't feel excitement when it's a (you) pov i like it if its different parties (but im a leader/magni shipper so thats also one thing)

>> No.30692563

cry harder

>> No.30692570
Quoted by: >>30692847

Wait fuck she was? It doesn't surprise me in the least, but her being actually found does. Hell, Nyanners was probably in one too and just never got found. Imagine if this actually happens it turns out someone lands in starsEN

>> No.30692584
Quoted by: >>30692615

If /MANS/ sang TOTW, I think it'd be either ass or somehow better than what Cover gave the boys.

>> No.30692595
Quoted by: >>30692884

For some reason, my brain at first glance read that as "forcing Magni to do math".

>> No.30692607

Kek male be like

>> No.30692615

noone asked

>> No.30692623
Quoted by: >>30692683

One of my greatest fears is waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I have testicular torsion. If you don't catch that shit fast, your balls will literally fall off

>> No.30692647
Quoted by: >>30692731

Was the nowa SC stream today worth the vod or am I safe to skip it

>> No.30692657

Hey i've read something similar to this.
I'ts called mienai kusari by harada iirc

>> No.30692668
Quoted by: >>30692702

One of the many growing aches we'll be having moving forward, actual fucking mentally ill posters.

>> No.30692676

it's cause /a/ sucks

>> No.30692683

It's one of those things that's hard to miss, hurts like a motherfucker so you'll know it happened

>> No.30692702

Anyone who uses “poopoopeepee” is already a certified retard

>> No.30692707

>40 minutes

>> No.30692731

all you really missed was a funny mental image of nowa twerking being like a cat throwing up and him having to end the stream to go tell his neighbor their food was burning

>> No.30692735

mans bros should i start with fortress mode or adventure mode for first time dwarf fortress?

>> No.30692749


>> No.30692755


>> No.30692775

I'll never understand how people who unironically post on /mu/ are either tone deaf or just have no sense of relative pitch

>> No.30692785


>> No.30692826

>actual good quality tempus fic already, in the usual place
Good shit

>> No.30692845

They're practically different games. Fortress mode is the "main" game and probably what Nowa will do. Also get dwarf therapist, vanilla DF has the shittiest interface in the history of humanity when it comes to managing dorf labors, and I say this as a guy that played a massive amount of old janky ASCII roguelikes with bad interfaces (like having to play nethack moving your character with hjkl).

>> No.30692847

Nyanners used to do content referencing 4chan, no? She did stuff far before live2D tech was even a glimmer in some JP tech's eye. Her involvement in any 4chan collaborative effort wouldn't be such a secret by comparison.

>> No.30692863
Quoted by: >>30693163

link? link? link?

>> No.30692884

That works too

>> No.30692981
File: 1.22 MB, 4093x2894, 1660247418472482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think the boys will make a sovlful song? Something like Myth or treat?

>> No.30693004

If you remember this phrase, she was always part of the cancer that was killing 4chan.

>> No.30693021

>Nyanners used to do content referencing 4chan, no?
She outright participated in habbo hotel raids and I think she posted vocaroo links too.

>> No.30693066
File: 133 KB, 322x225, 1660265042917365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30693163

you can't just say that and not link

>> No.30693068

>habbo hotel raids
Fuck, good times

>> No.30693093

She's the poster child on why letting children near this hellhole is ill-advised.

>> No.30693115
Quoted by: >>30693207

if none of those involve genderbend, they're not good in my eyes

>> No.30693153

I want a real Tempus RPG where you play as the lost 5th member...

>> No.30693163

It’s magni/vesper

>> No.30693190


>> No.30693207

God I love genderbend. Good quality is hard to come by though

>> No.30693260

I magged.

>> No.30693262

>Brokeback Adventures

>> No.30693273
Quoted by: >>30693381

I'll stick it in my backlog of amateur fangame ideas
If I ever get around to making the ones I've been thinking of for the girls, I promise that I'll do this for you

>> No.30693287


>> No.30693316

For now, though, he’ll focus on Magni. The alchemist is completely worn out, collapsed atop his back and breathing steadily, like he’s ready to pass out any minute. Vesper shuffles them around so they’re lying on a cleaner side of the sheet and uses a cloth to clean them up.

>> No.30693319

>created by a man
do mansgays really

>> No.30693320

>comes back to /MANS/ after work expecting it to still be flooded with tourists and falseflaggers arguing
>everyone's chilling and talking about magni cock cages and music
god bless you bros and sisters

>> No.30693331

>porn without plot

>> No.30693371

It has plot if you read between the lines!

>> No.30693380
Quoted by: >>30693439

I'll start writing tonight.

>> No.30693381

Thank you game dev anon
Plot? In my porn???

>> No.30693386

What are you some kind of porn connoisseur? who watches porn because of the plot

>> No.30693398
File: 105 KB, 532x480, 165997655678637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, I can't be horny before the boys stream

>> No.30693407
Quoted by: >>30693461

SHUDDUP this is what we have right now let this be a push to any future and hesitant tempus fic writers i have a degree in literature but i can't write for shit i really want more tempus fics

>> No.30693439

godspeed anon...i belieb...

>> No.30693455
File: 93 KB, 372x372, 1648165939671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to avoid this place during dead hours now

>> No.30693461
Quoted by: >>30693605

>i have a degree in literature but i can't write for shit i really want more tempus fics
thats strange, what have you tried to write? is it an idea issue?

>> No.30693498
Quoted by: >>30693543

There was a python/programmer anon a few threads back while we were discussing about a Tempus VN (not romantic). Wonder if he's here right now

>> No.30693543

I hope they are working on that demo, fingers crossed

>> No.30693557

The choker makes it look like pekora’s head is floating in the thumbnail

>> No.30693587

oh god... gonna save this for later anon. thank you for saving my life with this good ass food

>> No.30693605
File: 344 KB, 1500x1500, FZ8DzuEVEAA9tKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm bad with words and i can't eloquently write what i want to convey, my creative writing professor just think i have potential but i have 0 self-esteem (and overthink too much to "write" good) i just managed to graduate out of sheer luck i guess, i think my works are garbage and my actual passion lies in linguistics and world culture

but back on topic, i feel like i can't justify a good content with tempus because i'd be too horny from scenarios to write

>> No.30693619

speaking of which what happened with reggi's disappeared friend from the lore intros

>> No.30693621

You're one of the last people to realize that. Why do think there is such a stark contrast in traffic during dead hours vs when streams happen?

>> No.30693644

Does Regis have a window up for A Way Out or is it just Magni this time?

>> No.30693700
Quoted by: >>30693783

Reggie: https://youtu.be/tuL1Ll2qM-s
Magni: https://youtu.be/_ZmT0pdxqPo

>> No.30693709
Quoted by: >>30693783

yes he's first

>> No.30693711
Quoted by: >>30693783

he does!

he's streaming in 16 minutes!

>> No.30693719
Quoted by: >>30693783


>> No.30693781
File: 109 KB, 1125x1125, 20220810_170014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30693783
File: 70 KB, 224x246, 1658989344347476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, thanks.

>> No.30693785
Quoted by: >>30693822

i hope magni gets bullied tonight

>> No.30693822

I'm sure we can trust Regis to bully him more

>> No.30693828

> i'd be too horny from scenarios to write
this is the killer anytime I started writing smut, but I got out of it what I wanted so didn't matter really. I don't do really do writing, though. hopefullly you can find a way to get through your embarrassment and make something you're proud of, or at least mostly satisfied with, someday

>> No.30693835
File: 142 KB, 862x437, magknee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30693886

magni...and leader...

>> No.30693886
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, 0574DCAB-F652-40DE-8B8F-FFDBD24D21F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30693928

magni and leader...

>> No.30693907

This comic and those series of posts perfectly encapsulates the spirit of /MANS/

>> No.30693928
File: 84 KB, 965x1428, FZ9L4i8aAAAr-xv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30694028

my otp is so cute i'm excited for their way out collab....i hope he gets bullied again

>> No.30694028

i really contained my fujo side for YEARS before this and was not expecting... these boys... to make me erupt again... leader/magni is just so spicy!!!!!

>> No.30694031

non streaming hours are unironically the best time for this general, streaming hours we get flooded with bait and global tourists

>> No.30694039

>Magni passed around by Tempus..
>He thinks it's over
>Rio shows up

>> No.30694040


>> No.30694061

I've written a lot of fanfiction. I tried writing smut in high school, but I wasn't very good at it largely due to a lack of experience. As crazy as it sounds, ERPing was a great way for me to build my vocabulary as well as start to understand what men enjoy being done to them. I wouldn't recommend that you ERP if you're not comfortable with that kind of thing. I do think reading good Ao3 fanfics (actually good ones) will also help a ton, as does reading anything

>> No.30694078
Quoted by: >>30694099

How much longer until they finish A Way Out?

>> No.30694099

i'd give it another 4 hours

>> No.30694130
Quoted by: >>30694262

I'm kinda confused about timezones. Is Uncle Nowa streaming this european morning, in ~3 hours, or his supachat stream counts as his main one for "today" ('merican)?

>> No.30694154


>> No.30694156
Quoted by: >>30694206

Let it be known that many high quality smut were made by creators who were horny at the time of creation. If you don't get turned on by your own stuff, how'd you expect the same from others? Just learn to channel it right.

>> No.30694206

>"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins."

>> No.30694212
File: 871 KB, 1791x1209, 1660177946981565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same boat with me then sis i retired my fujo shenanigans as a teen and SWORE to myself to never do it again...but look at me now i'm fawning over a slutty effeminate man and a sociopathic boy and shipping them as if my life depended on it...it just ticks all the kinks i like...like omg?? (older bottom/younger top, clingy needy bottom/possessive and obsessive top, tall bottom/short top...ughh PERFECT...)

>> No.30694239
File: 182 KB, 1284x252, 6ED0FC37-CE4A-45AB-85EE-9D39488DD111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very inspirational thank you altare

>> No.30694262
Quoted by: >>30694324

His next stream should be tomorrow unless he planned on doing another morning stream

>> No.30694288
Quoted by: >>30694386

so realistic question. since applications are being pushed by Tempus, would anyone actually be intrested in watching more skill-base speedruns (ie: Not using Ram manipulations and parallel universe to bug out the game.)

>> No.30694295


>> No.30694302
Quoted by: >>30694354

I'm unsure about the Vesper collab, but I feel like the Magni collab will go similar to how her Coco collab went.

>> No.30694323

I need a fic of regi correcting magni with tough love

>> No.30694324

Ah fuck, I miss Uncle Nowa already.

>> No.30694354

I'm a newfag, what happened in that collab?

>> No.30694365

They use one of his potion to make themselves better and have more energy

>> No.30694371

before this thread dies I have to say

>> No.30694386

speedrunners were some of the first streamers and continue to do well. As long as there is some variety I wouldn't mind watching someone incredibly knowledgeable about a game speedrunning it.

>> No.30694395


>> No.30694399
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