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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 345 KB, 600x900, EsqDjhOVcAAAbb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3043227 No.3043227 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>3049238 >>3101035

Island visiting edition

Previous thread: >>3000557

>> No.3043366
Quoted by: >>3043411

Today kiara bonked me
It was a good day

>> No.3043411
Quoted by: >>3043932

Why did she do that?

>> No.3043932
File: 436 KB, 1448x2048, 1611168010894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3043952 >>3044109

We were talking about how AC isnt a game that really fits everyone, and Kiara chimmed in and said that she cant get hooked into the game
Then I told her she said the same about the sims, and she said the streams gave her a reason to stream the sims
And I told her its the woohoo that give her a purpose, and that woohoo gives a purpose and kids to everyone
And that's when she bonked me lol
Pretty cool to hold a normal conversation with her.

>> No.3043952

>she cant get hooked into the game for too long

>> No.3043988
File: 977 KB, 1920x1080, E0DxE7LVkAANrBu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love images of Kiara with her chickens.

>> No.3044047

RMT in the bottom center.

>> No.3044109
Quoted by: >>3044261

I'm surprised went for that long talking about that idol group. I know she was a massive otaku but fucking hell, didn't know how much she knew

>> No.3044261
Quoted by: >>3044442

That's just the tip of the iceberg my friend. Remember she only talked about 1 group for 1 period of time only and in very broad terms.

>> No.3044346
Quoted by: >>3044477 >>3044499


Sunshine is ded

>> No.3044442
Quoted by: >>3044462

I knew she's massive fan of idols but man, she could write several pages long essays of this shit if given the incentive

>> No.3044462

Only someone as obssesed with idols would've decided to become a part-time idol like she is.

>> No.3044477
Quoted by: >>3044508 >>3044525

Alright KFP, what ongoing game does she have that has the most sufferkino? I'm gonna miss 64/Sunshine because her meltdowns during those games were incredible.

>> No.3044499

This is my reasoning if she does the Cats watchalong. I will only watch Kiara's stream.

>> No.3044508


>> No.3044525

MC. She didn't start other games yet but I think Yakuza is going to be pretty good.

>> No.3044575
Quoted by: >>3044620

About the song cover, its pretty much confirmed to be coming out the end of this week, right? And there is a high chance its with Gura?

>> No.3044593

It sucks we have to keep reminding everyone about it but people still do it so here's your threadly reminder to not reply to bait

>> No.3044620

I'm pretty sure the only thing that's confirmed is that the partner isn't Mori.

When she mentioned it yesterday (I think?) her partner hadn't recorded her part yet.

>> No.3045415
File: 263 KB, 722x561, 1612934084524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3045528 >>3045752

>just did my archive reps and saw the prechats
Bros, Kiara is too cute when she hangs out with us...

>> No.3045528
File: 490 KB, 1447x2047, kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros, Kiara is too cute

>> No.3045752

yeah she's fucking adorable and I want her to succeed even more in her idol dreams!

>> No.3045772
Quoted by: >>3045877

Would it be bad for her to just put her OP pulls into the deck she played today? I'm surprised she didn't do that before the stream.

>> No.3045877
Quoted by: >>3051197

I thought she already did? I thought it was the premade deck with the added Jeanne's or something

>> No.3046391
Quoted by: >>3046494

I just love how Kiara lives rent free in these schizo’s heads 24/7. God I love her like no others if just because she pisses the retards on /vt/ like no other. Based chiken.

>> No.3046494
Quoted by: >>3046882

And it seems like schizos live in your head 24/7, don't fuck up the thread.

>> No.3046882
Quoted by: >>3047394

I’m just here to pay respect, don’t get so defensive. I actually like Kiara and she her streams did bring me a bit of joy during times when I was feeling really down and low. Her energy and peppiness is a welcoming in the usual awkwardness of gloom among the other vtubers. Even if I don’t watch her all the time, I do tune in when I want some cheering up for the day. The only reason I don’t watch her streams is because she tend to play games I’m already playing or want to play and I avoid them due to spoiler reasons.
I like Kiara. Very much.

>> No.3047394

I'm glad you can enjoy her streams. The chicken loves anyone who can drop by and watch when they can

>> No.3047892
Quoted by: >>3048524

anyone else noticed she finally interacts with youtube? i'm very surprised but also very happy. not only did I get a couple hearts, I also got 2 (two) replies on youtube. this is the first time ever i saw her in the comment section.

>> No.3048524
Quoted by: >>3049194

I know for the music videos she has but on a normal stream? which ones?

>> No.3049194
Quoted by: >>3049737

The last vid where she left hearts (so far) is I think her solo shadowverse stream
I dunno about youtube comments reply. I know she replied to someone who heard the cats in the background of her ukelele song

>> No.3049238
File: 626 KB, 1800x3000, 1619231257223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Kiara stopped her Forced positivity bullshit, I started to like her for some reason

>> No.3049737
Quoted by: >>3049946

oh yeah I do recall the ukelele comment. I didn't see the shadowverse hearts but I guess I'll check

>> No.3049946
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1601870938423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She left hearts to comments saying they had fun even though they didnt get the card game, and also comments saying she did a good practicing and getting a good deck.
The comments weren't that long either
Make sure to do your reps so you get your comments hearted next time around.

>> No.3050025
File: 131 KB, 493x663, 1604598477724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3050147 >>3053373

Oh yeah, also comments telling her to not stress out from her moving

>> No.3050147
Quoted by: >>3050234

cute! She loves getting pats on the back when she works hard. I don't even think she practiced too much though with the whole new place painting

>> No.3050234
Quoted by: >>3050309

>I don't even think she practiced too much though with the whole new place painting
Shhhhh that's not how you treat a girl

>> No.3050309

I mean she self admitted it during stream. She deserves the nice comments though and I'll leave one myself next time

>> No.3051197
Quoted by: >>3053101

She said it was premade in the beginning, maybe I wasn't paying attention. I think she would have bragged if she played it though.

>> No.3052945
File: 46 KB, 704x352, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3067565

An anon said that Kiara is leaving replies to comments and hearts hours ago but disappeared and never clarified what he meant.
What happened is that 8 hours ago Kiara went back to this video to check the comments, and saw a bunch of comments in her pinned message telling her to change the title of the video to romaji, so she did it.
She also hearted a bunch of comments, and also replies to a bunch of people
An interaction that made me lol was pic related.
So like that anon that disappeared said, maybe chicken is going to reply to more comments from now onwards, who knows.

>> No.3053101
Quoted by: >>3055191

she bought a premade and edited it I think. I'll go check but I'm pretty sure if it's just premade she would not have renamed the deck for no reason

>> No.3053373
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1602400234612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I did here, I could check her hearted comments and see the pattern that she used to like comments and even replies, but I'm busy doing something else.
I can tell you she went pretty deep in the comments section, and this is one of her most commented videos of all time, so she spent a considerable amount of time just checking comments and liking them.

>> No.3055191

I didn't pay close attention so you're probably right, Maybe she played those cards and I was afk. Maybe I missed it.

>> No.3057956 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1619674797031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3090491

>> No.3058017
Quoted by: >>3058053 >>3058306

What did happen recently? A lot of Holos and chimken especially got a huge sub boost.

>> No.3058053

youtube fuckery

>> No.3058126
File: 48 KB, 1081x593, 1589211952189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3058306
Quoted by: >>3063245

Yeah, my guess is that lost subs on the 900k stream found their way back. Yt is probably testing alot of bullshit right now. Things like no longer showing the like/dislike ratio, zhang wheelbarrow no longer working etc...

>> No.3058720
File: 252 KB, 640x360, 1601433954428.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3059031
Quoted by: >>3060031 >>3060075

Wtf, I came a bit late to the party, so I didn't know Kiara and Nene had this "connection" moment. Their friendship was already great for me, now its even better.

>> No.3059315

thanks to whoever saved these. I love this cute birb even more now.

>> No.3060031

Imagine being this new.

>> No.3060075

Welcome to KFP newfriend Yes it was a super adorable moment and pretty much started Oriends which is my favorite Kiara duo

>> No.3061631
File: 98 KB, 758x817, 1618856524961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3062255 >>3062318

>Penis inspection day at KFP
>Tenchou carefully examines every employee dick with a cold look on her face
>You have a nice thick dick and Kiara notices it
>Takes your hand, leads you to the boss office, and closes the door
>You get a blowjob from Tenchou
>The next day you get turned into some tendies

>> No.3061994
File: 1.32 MB, 882x900, E0AZG4CUcAISRmX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3062150

SFW because no nipples.

>> No.3062150

The disclaimer though...

>> No.3062255

worth it!

>> No.3062318

Alternative route
>after BJ you take the initiative and give her the dicking of her life
>she loves it so much she keeps you as her personal "assistant" from then on.
Just like my doujins!

>> No.3062762
Quoted by: >>3063150 >>3063600

ok, who of you did it and how hard will I have to bonk you?

>> No.3063150
Quoted by: >>3065358

You did. And no one cares, retard.

>> No.3063245

at least they're finally doing something about the spam
surprised they even bothered

>> No.3063600
File: 211 KB, 463x453, 1613057107181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 342 fics tagged with Takanashi Kiara
Who the fuck writes these? Is this where the //u/schizos reside?

>> No.3063692
Quoted by: >>3065461

As someone who reads these fics myself and wrote some non-vtuber related fics in the past I can tell you that everybody reads these, no just /u/-schizos. If you take these fcs at face value, they're just free entertainment about your favorite people/characters. Also, don't get it twisted: Stuff like this i pretty normal, it starts getting creepy when real people (in other words those who do not play an act and don't have an avatar to hide behind) get shipped or written about.

One example of that would be korean boybands like BTS, god, the people who write about those are fucked in the head.

>> No.3063741 [DELETED] 

I feel more familiar with /b/ than this hellhole.
It scares me...

>> No.3065358

why would I advertise mediocre fanfic on 4ch?!?!
>Is this where the //u/schizos reside?
tfw 71.3% of all story's are tagged with Takamori

>> No.3065461
Quoted by: >>3066109

>Stuff like this i pretty normal, it starts getting creepy when real people (in other words those who do not play an act and don't have an avatar to hide behind) get shipped or written about.
I remember one /u/schizo Takamori shipper on twitter who used to have Kiara's and Mori's roommates as her avatar. Shipping their roommates basically.

>> No.3066109

>Shipping their roommates basically.
Sends shivers down my spine. People like that do exist, and they see nothing wrong with this.
Even the crunchy one, with how off the wall /u/ she is, respectful and self-aware enough to separate characters and real people.

>> No.3066357

Whew, It's been such a great day for Kiara and KFP, and she hasn't even streamed yet

>> No.3067021
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 63708125-6F31-4480-8663-E2D51895554D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3067425 >>3067432

Hey guys, what’s going on in here?

>> No.3067425

Stream waiting room

>> No.3067432
File: 54 KB, 429x375, kiara dress.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waitin 4 tenchou

>> No.3067565

>c word

>> No.3068443

Lucky KFPbro made it

>> No.3068837
File: 714 KB, 725x1019, FDBB2F02-E3C5-4E15-82E8-1B9C4CC5E7B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3069438 >>3071160

>ywn get a private DM from Tenchou

>> No.3068878


>> No.3068947 [DELETED] 
File: 715 KB, 2000x968, 1605253629918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is paid for by cover corporation.

>> No.3068957

>have a code ready
reads to me as if she still needs to actually pick him, but being on the shortlist is nice either way

>> No.3069127
Quoted by: >>3069197

Abayo, but I love this pic. They're fucking cute! CUTE!

>> No.3069188

they are all pretty cute ngl

>> No.3069197 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 2592x1918, 53bbd8d56963920e27c6fd2c57bd16ac-(2o)0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 04/29/21(Thu)19:33:45 No.3068947▶>>3069127
>File: 1605253629918.jpg (715 KB, 2000x968)
>This board is paid for by cover corporation.

>> No.3069438
Quoted by: >>3069657

The best I've ever gotten was a reply to a tweet...

>> No.3069582
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, EzCVeb7WYAM6zQi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3069823 >>3069974

stream is starting, KFPbros

>> No.3069588

Anyone else here lucky enough to get in?

>> No.3069657

The best I've gotten is wont tell ya

>> No.3069721

Oh shit chicken hasn’t updated her game.

>> No.3069823

Holy shit how is she so fucking cute?

>> No.3069930
File: 533 KB, 509x520, 1602183541042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3071910

Is she going to get gay flags or windmills of peace? I wonder how much of a shitshow this will be.

>> No.3069974
Quoted by: >>3069999 >>3070019

Wait where are her feathers?

>> No.3069999
Quoted by: >>3070037


>> No.3070019

she took them off when she was having sex with ___me

>> No.3070037

nice numbers

>> No.3070105
File: 61 KB, 638x722, hnnngh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too cute bros

>> No.3070266

There's part of me that really wants her to go to an absolute mess of an island for funsies. I hope she picked out a real weird one too.

>> No.3070494
File: 156 KB, 334x307, 1597301801491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so happy bros

>> No.3070507
Quoted by: >>3070903

>I'll give each island 10 minutes only

>> No.3070903

When the hell has she ever stuck to her time scheduling?

>> No.3070911


>> No.3071076


>> No.3071160

I don't want to self dox.

>> No.3071436
File: 322 KB, 576x576, 1613519715537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3071561

Bros... why didn't I get into Animal Crossing... I want to have this interaction with Kiara...

>> No.3071493
File: 1 KB, 64x64, kiara_sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at Kiara.
I tried. My God how I tried.

>> No.3071498
Quoted by: >>3071814

Very cute, anon. Good job

>> No.3071547
File: 2.83 MB, 480x360, 1589394534464.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3071814


>> No.3071561

>Implying you wanna spend 100 hours setting up the island like these people did.
Seriously, I stopped playing when I got to that point because I had no interest in wasting a ton of time bell farming with the turnip scams/friendcode stuff and item buying/duping. Takes a lot of work to set up these fancy islands and it's not worth the time unless you have a decently sized friend group who plays with eachother often. Funny part is most of these designs are usually just lifted from other people directly so a lot of the islands start looking the same with slightly different layouts

>> No.3071814
File: 1 KB, 64x64, kiara_sprite_improved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, fellow kusotorians. I tweaked some of the colors here and there.

>> No.3071862
Quoted by: >>3072105

>Gay flags on screen
>Instantly turn camera away

>> No.3071909

>She ignored the gay flags
Huh? I thought she was a turbo SJW lefty. What does this mean?

>> No.3071910
File: 226 KB, 560x577, 2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3072105

>gay flags
>promptly ignored

>> No.3071921
Quoted by: >>3072105

Odds on twitter going insane because Kiara didn’t acknowledge the flags?

>> No.3072020

The person behind Kiara is but has the foresight to know when to not let it leak into her character.

>> No.3072051

She’s honestly won my respect for not letting her ideology slip into her character.

>> No.3072105

My Chicken wife can't be this based

>> No.3072315
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1613344319676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3072677

>Stargazing with Kiara

>> No.3072617
Quoted by: >>3073063

>people got picked but they didn't send a code

>> No.3072677
File: 388 KB, 637x467, F5A24300-8D25-42E8-810F-7DA32AA18EBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>____ with Kiara

>> No.3073063

Dear god, the pain

>> No.3073234

>showing Kiara your literal shit live on stream
kind of based actually?

>> No.3074398
Quoted by: >>3074757 >>3074833

Is it this one right now?

>> No.3074757
Quoted by: >>3075073


>> No.3074833
Quoted by: >>3075073


>> No.3075073


>> No.3075237
Quoted by: >>3080698

>Be Miso
>Get Kiara emotional over a fucking room in Animal Crossing and have her completely lose track of time as she explores your island
I'm jealous bros...

>> No.3075586

>plans to stream the same day the technician is supposed to show up for the first appointment
she's ngmi

>> No.3075630

It’s adorable anon!

>> No.3076592
File: 892 KB, 683x714, 1609428153852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chikin thread always dead during chikin streams
Do any of you actually watch her streams?

>> No.3076634

I'm too busy getting my chats read by Kiara.

>> No.3076650

Why would I post if I'm watching the stream? Threads are for the dead hours.

>> No.3076671

some leave the board during phoenix streams, other are simply engrossed in watching and the rest just jumps over to global and laughs at the idiots trying for rrats.

>> No.3076679

Trying to simultaneously work and watch her stream is already hard enough

>> No.3076829

Like other anons said, I generally don't post while stream is going on. I'm either fully paying attention or have her on the side while doing my reps.

>> No.3077122

I just lurk while watching or call out numberfags and SEAniggers

>> No.3077849

Another fun stream, those islands were awesome.

>> No.3077860
File: 1.40 MB, 220x252, 1610024632593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3077878 >>3077942

rate the stream

>> No.3077878

7/10 AC
3/10 Superchat

>> No.3077942

Loved the AC bit and the interaction with the fans.

>> No.3078642

>The KFPCord has noticed that SC readings aren't as fun anymore
I think it's because there's been so much talk about "administrative" stuff lately, like subs/views/schedules/the move/plans/etc.
I wish Kiara would just talk about random shit again. And I wish paypigs gave her more fun topics to talk about.

>> No.3078802
Quoted by: >>3080249 >>3080936

It's ironic, she'll make a comment about heart challenger views or her cover and everyone will send in SCs and talk about it which just ends up bringing down the mood further, especially if they do it while she's still behind since it means she has to read them again in 20 minutes when she catches up. Also a lot of the SCers have just devolved into empty platitudes and empty statements just to fill text so she doesn't complain about a lack of messages in the SC.

>> No.3078849
Quoted by: >>3081386

It's because she doesn't live in Japan anymore so there's nothing fun going on in her life.
Oh that and the fucking cat autism taking up 50% of stream content

>> No.3078896 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you can see how much she thinks about moving/taxes/new cover/shilling. She needs to cool down and chill. I hope she will be more relaxed after her life reps.

>> No.3079802
Quoted by: >>3080204

The gameplay portions of her streams have been fantastic lately, though.

>> No.3080059

Huh, I haven't noticed this really. Maybe because she does less bits like Wide Kiara and stuff? I still enjoy her SC readings a lot.

>> No.3080204
Quoted by: >>3080695

Yeah, it's weird. Before I'd say SC readings were the best part, but now the gameplay sections have been getting more interesting at the expense of SC readings, which have turned into "let me talk about my progress with <insert project here>".

>> No.3080249

Yeah, the moving induced stress shows and the superchats don't help. Paypigs need to recognize that bringing up hardships repeatedly just put Kiara in a depressive spiral and brings down the quality of the streams a bit. Luckily she's a professional and she soldiered through today. I was especially glad when she herself decided it was enough.
Another thing to mention is that with the moving, she cut down on collabs aside from Takamori stuff and Mori especially didn't help with creating fun collabs. Kiara had to carry the streams relly hard. More collabs and more interaction with her colleagues would help her tangents as well. Luckily both Kiara and us have to endure until next week.

>> No.3080585

most discussion and KFP are on global

>> No.3080694

Kiara had a lot of cute moments today. Sucks that we ain't getting a weekend stream but I assume she'll be back in full force once her stuff is set up. I'm looking forward to the cover and I was surprised she's already planning another. Kinda hoping she has another original in the works though but she's been busy

>> No.3080695

I think part of it may be that lately she puts so much energy into the gameplay portions that she's a bit burnt out by the time she gets to superchats at the end.

I mean she was soooo excited over everyone's islands today. It was absolutely adorable and she kept it up for nearly four hours. But by the end, her throat and head were both hurting as you'd expect from someone who just got off a nonstop hype train.

I think in terms of reaching a wider audience, it's better for Kiara to be at her most energetic during the gameplay because the majority of viewers bail for the SC readings. Her recent sub spike is undoubtedly in part due to subs being returned from the 900K karaoke, but I also have a feeling that a chunk of the subs being returned were from the recent Diablo/Minecraft/Sims streams, all of which had extremely entertaining gameplay portions.

>> No.3080698
Quoted by: >>3080805 >>3081288

guy likely did his reps. adding PekoMiko + Kiara, adding japanese festival stuff in his island (Kiara is a massive weeaboo and loves summer festivals) and finally adding the fireworks.
his island is basically what you would get if you made an island specifically to appeal to Kiara

>> No.3080805

Not to mention he greeted her with his salary too. From that moment on, she knew he was based.

>> No.3080936
Quoted by: >>3081264 >>3081386

I hope to god heart challenger gets to 1m soon so she can stop shilling it.
Also she doesn’t understand why your average EOP wouldn’t know how to search for a Japanese song they probably forgot the name of (I only remembered it as “that one supercell song”).

>> No.3080943
Quoted by: >>3082109

The person with the "Do It For Her" room dedicated to Kiara was hilarious. August wiedersehen!

>> No.3081030
Quoted by: >>3081174

>The KFPCord has noticed that SC readings aren't as fun anymore
I think what made superchat readings memorable was the back and forth between kiara and kfp, because even when teased kiara doesnt lays down and takes it, she knows how to roast back
and also the moments when kiara opened up about stuff that worried her, like her moving to japan for example, or when she talked about how hard it is to start as a content creator.
we have a bit of the later, but almost nothing from the first. paypigs now send her good wishes to her or her cats or pats on the head for something she did. she loves that and appreciates that, but 2 or 3 hours of "kiara you are great" doesn't really make entertaining content. I think many fans are very defensive about anything that could remotely be considered offensive or teasing towads kiara

>> No.3081174
Quoted by: >>3081386

I don't know if it's the same people who just stopped engaging in entertaining banter with Kiara, or the ones that do just haven't been superchatting recently.
Most should know that she loves having fun with her fans, so I don't know why most SCs are just various versions of "Don't worry Kiara, you're great," which only makes her worry more.

>> No.3081264

If you spend too long around other weebs you forget basic things like "EOPs don't even know the romaji to search for, much less the kanji to type out". Having Supercell in the tags and title is a big deal since that's at least a name people might recognize. On the bright side HC is close to 1M and I don't think her channel will end up shadowbanned killing the momentum of the next song so while it's probably not gonna soar (unless it actually is with gura) the rate at which it gets views should be more normal.

>> No.3081288
Quoted by: >>3081386

>guy likely did his reps.
I dont think people spend 700 hours to make an animal crossing island just in case Kiara might visit one day.

>> No.3081386

when she lived in japan she was stuck 24/7 in her room outside of buying groceries and off collabs every now and then. thats not exactly exciting either
I'm pretty tired of seeing heart challenger shilling on twitter too. playing a song for the sake of a number rather than because you feel it connects with you at that moment takes away its purpose.
yeah it would make kiara happy and i want to see her happy, but that type of pandering feels really shallow
>most SCs are just various versions of "Don't worry Kiara, you're great," which only makes her worry more.
i have the opposite opinion actually, i think she loves those superchats so much that it makes people send more of them. but yeah they are repetitive and don't make for entertaining sc readings anymore.
Kiara started Animal crossing in january right? thats plenty of time for an autist to make an island for kiara since she was visiting islands since her first stream

>> No.3081635

I just hope that some of you understand that just because you would be content with some success, doesn't mean you can't strive to be better or even that you are ungrateful towards anyone. I think people that think that Kiara shouldn't be upset just because she is not the worst in Hololive don't have any real passion or objective in life, otherwise they would understand the struggle.

>> No.3081726
Quoted by: >>3082046

Good thing no one here is telling her to not be successful.

>> No.3082046


I agree, It is safe to write that statement here. But if you posted that on hlgg or other critic/anti thread, someone will flip for sure.

I only look at Kiara thread and hlgg after a stream, when they goes " rate the stream ". But most of my free time on dead hours.
Roughly say 70%+ VOD and the rest live stream.

>> No.3082109
File: 518 KB, 2608x2985, E0LNVEjWUAcpZar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3082563 >>3082714

That super simp drew fanart afterwards!


>> No.3082563


>> No.3082714

cristina is based, love her art

>> No.3082816
Quoted by: >>3083164

I think it’s completely fine for her to be frustrated. It’s obvious that she has certain goals she wants to hit but it feels like she needs some guidance (which Jenma should be giving as her manager).
As for the ungratefulness, I feel like it’s just her blunt nature that makes it seem like that to some people. Her being in that sweet spot where native speakers will expect her to know all the nuances of the English language even though it’s her weakest.

>> No.3083164

maybe this is just me being ESL but I associate negative emotions with the words upset and frustrated. Nobody is telling her not to aim for higher goals or not to improve, just saying I dont want to see her being unhappy. She shouldnt beat herself up too much about things, that dont work out the way she wants them to. Happy chicken is best chicken.

>> No.3084632
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, nenechi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3084769

Nenechi appeared on the official channel for a stream where the holos picked who they wanted to sit next to in class. Nene picked Kiara to sit behind her!


She picked Kiara because when Nene was a student, Nene really got along with the person who sat behind her.

>> No.3084769
Quoted by: >>3084819 >>3107366

While I love O'riends, the only thing that sucks is that we'll never really get to hear directly why/how they became friends due to obvious reason.

>> No.3084819

You might be thinking of the details they connected on, but I think they've already explained how they became pals pretty clear.

>> No.3086729
File: 279 KB, 994x1374, 1611724903049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3089730

EN getting new outfits so everyone who bitched about Kiara's standard KFP uniform can shut up now.

>> No.3086820
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 3hxwpxgvj7w61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3088231


>> No.3088573

>Kiara's hips and thigh gap
holy FUCK

>> No.3088794
Quoted by: >>3089912 >>3107890

Suppose the costume turns out to be a farmer, would you say she would
>Both of the above

>> No.3089730

Her outfit grew on me. I didn't dislike it but now I genuinely like it.

>> No.3089912

Country girl Kiara taken after Mama raising and slaughtering the pigs! I like it!

>> No.3089939
File: 300 KB, 1161x1571, 0yxhy004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3090029 >>3091278


>> No.3090029
Quoted by: >>3090075

h-huke papa?

>> No.3090075
Quoted by: >>3090155

If you mean the artist of that, is Yuna, one of the lesbian trio

>> No.3090155

Oh, I hadn’t seen that Yuna had posted

>> No.3090491


>> No.3090698
File: 143 KB, 1584x1080, E0MiR7eUUAARu0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3090767 >>3091278

>> No.3090767

Ahhh, that'd be so cute.

>> No.3091062

Huke-papa was listening!


>> No.3091108
File: 514 KB, 2007x1299, E0MfnbCVkAMlmTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3091278 >>3093779

The second of the trio makes her appearance

>> No.3091113
Quoted by: >>3092371

What can we do to fix superchat readings bros?

>> No.3091256


>> No.3091278

The power of /u/ is insane and makes for nice art

>> No.3092371
Quoted by: >>3099487

It's easy, stop using the same damn thumbnail every time and add "and chatting!" to the title. I honestly don't know why she doesn't get this, but judging from acousticcovergate she has a blind spot about these things.

>> No.3092504

I'm so unsure if Kiara is getting a farmgirl or summer outfit

>> No.3092685


>> No.3092729

I hope it is a summer one

>> No.3092862

I think it is a summer outfit because of the purse. Dont see how that purse would fit a farmgirl

>> No.3093055

summer because Ame was giving really dumb guesses for all of the outfits on her stream and I would think she wouldn't have spoiled Kiara's reveal by giving out the real answer

>> No.3093160
Quoted by: >>3094605

Just occurred to me that the straw hat takes up a good amount of space on the screen. No problem because she'll probably be able to take it off, but that may mean more hatless streams!

>> No.3093187
File: 468 KB, 683x900, E0NHRFgUUAA9hk8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3093345
Quoted by: >>3094564

Kiara's feed and seed

>> No.3093779

I love yuuna's artstyle.

>> No.3094215

Kiara's nee outfit is probably Ryza inspired, right? I mean, Ryza and Super Mario Sunshine gave her a lot of summer art.

>> No.3094564


>> No.3094605

that'd be nice. I kinda hope she could also have a version without the drill tails and it's her normal hair with the same outfit

>> No.3094627

probably decently close. Kinda hoping Kiara's top will show more than that though (I possibly. imagine the whole thing being see-through with something under)

>> No.3094652
Quoted by: >>3094743 >>3094865

I will unironically unsub if she gets some stupid farmgirl outfit.
Especially if she wears fucking overalls. Imagine finally getting a chance to fix your shitty default outfit and choosig to become an ugly farmgirl.

More than likely it's just a summer outfit though. Here's hoping for hotpants. If she gets the Gyaru style tied shirt I will kneel and re-member.

>> No.3094653

Not sure about the Kiara one but I like the Mori design, even if it leans heavily on Towa inspired.

>> No.3094743
Quoted by: >>3096560

Anon this is pretty much going to be it, if you consider this "farmgirl" you might as well fuck off now. And good riddance to your shit taste.

>> No.3094865

I don't think it will be a farmer fit, because the see-through part on the shoulders makes no sense with overalls plus there seem to be hotpants and her shirt ends before it reaches the shorts. It looks like we'll still have chicken tummy exposed in between. Also, Ame said it could be a farmer fit but that was her purposefully giving wrong guesses (saying dog ears for Gura makes it clear that she was giving dumb answers)

>> No.3095283
File: 37 KB, 840x1160, 1603218824798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3095382 >>3095814

>we will never get CEO Tenchou

>> No.3095382

I would love this too or a teacher one + glasses for either

>> No.3095650



aaaaaaaaaah Kiara has been getting so much hot art recently! That and the new outfit is gonna make me diamonds

>> No.3095814
File: 1.17 MB, 2152x3501, 1619585063182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3096002

we need Kiara with armor on

>> No.3095976

Love the little pink flowers she added behind her ears!

>> No.3096002
Quoted by: >>3101570

this artist is so good. I'm surprised they are Kiara only but it's a really good artist to have for us

>> No.3096038
Quoted by: >>3096207 >>3096219

did she delete it?

>> No.3096207
Quoted by: >>3096307 >>3096672

She did. Did the pepeloni fuck up?

>> No.3096219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>3096307 >>3096672

She was right again wasn't she?

>> No.3096307

Flew too close to the sun, as expected.

>> No.3096560

That's what I find funny. I meant farm girl in the sense of "Hot farmers daughter" when I mentioned it, which that outfit (checkered shirt, possibly tied above belly button, straw hat, jean short shorts) is.

>> No.3096655


>> No.3096672

Tbf, she does that a lot.

>> No.3098300

I have watched heart challenger at least 20 times by now

>> No.3098569
Quoted by: >>3098638

Stream reservation up

>> No.3098638

Isn't this a coop game?
Does no one want to collab with kiara

>> No.3098671

Aww man, come on. Honestly though, she's just playing it with her moving theme and it seems like they really have to plan for collabs for whatever reason.

>> No.3099027

Nope, no one.
Poor chikin...

>> No.3099105


>> No.3099487

I mean to fix the content of the readings since they have been kinda boring these last days

>> No.3099605
File: 111 KB, 391x344, 1617237125515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's bare feet...

>> No.3099868

Not going to lie. I think Kiara needs to avoid the meme outfits for now. She needs something casual and sexy to counter what she already has.

>> No.3100139 [SPOILER] 
File: 960 KB, 541x890, 1619789945512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play with Kiara

>> No.3100201
Quoted by: >>3100303 >>3107644

Seems like an outfit she wears IRL
Kiara stop self-doxing for once

>> No.3100303

Coco got an adidas tracksuit. Not everyone feels the need to completely hide behind their avatar.

>> No.3100484


>> No.3100816
Quoted by: >>3100963

chikin brain...

>> No.3100963
Quoted by: >>3101030

Bets on what happened?

>> No.3101030

Since its related to that announcement, she made her stuff public for a moment while sorting stuff, most likely

>> No.3101035

Reminder that the rrat war is what's keeping the western Kiara threads in peace

>> No.3101064
Quoted by: >>3101469

Crisis averted, it seems.

>> No.3101237
Quoted by: >>3101270

What are the odds there's a second hat under the new one?

>> No.3101270


>> No.3101469
Quoted by: >>3101834

And here I thought she pulled a Nene

>> No.3101570
File: 2.11 MB, 2500x1537, Ezv4X5EX0AIwfqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3101773

Moona and Reine also.

>> No.3101773

oh didn't catch that. For a bit it seemed like they were only doing Kiara art

>> No.3101834
Quoted by: >>3101861 >>3102784

What happened? Or almost happened?

>> No.3101861

Don’t know. My guess is roommate posted on her main account or leaked costume by accident.

>> No.3102784
Quoted by: >>3104087

One of her account has been closed permanently
Cant say much more without meidos meddling.

>> No.3104004
Quoted by: >>3104330 >>3104373

Too bad. I actually wanted to support her via that method, as it would mean she got more of the money to keep for herself, but I guess the window is closed now.

>> No.3104087

Huh, well everything seems fine with her Youtube and Twitter, so I'm glad it doesn't appear to be a big deal.

Wonder how today's stream will go! I thought she'd be playing with viewers or something, but I just read a review that said the game has no online multiplayer (though the review is a year old).

>> No.3104292
Quoted by: >>3104327 >>3104360

I want to draw a picture of Kiara

>> No.3104327

Do it then.
What's stopping you?

>> No.3104330

I thought someone said they get a higher percent from membership.

>> No.3104345

Thats always been a persistent urban myth with no evidence for it

>> No.3104360 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1448x2048, 1618842375181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-Me too...

>> No.3104373
Quoted by: >>3104474 >>3106062

There's another method anon, and people have been using that method for while now anyways.
There's no Cover and Youtube cuts from memberships?

>> No.3104474
Quoted by: >>3104592 >>3106062

>another method
Are you talking about (a-z)(a-z)-(a-z)(a-z)?

>> No.3104592
Quoted by: >>3104657


>> No.3104657

Learn regex anon

>> No.3104711
Quoted by: >>3104983

supporting Kiara in any form should be enough y'all. No need for finding another way besides buying her merch giving sc and your membership

>> No.3104983
Quoted by: >>3106062

If people want to support her financially without as many cuts then that other form should be fine enough

>> No.3104984
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, 1617342700985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's about to start

>> No.3105529

She's hyper than usual today

>> No.3106028
File: 14 KB, 352x106, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of content are you supposed to create with this type of supas...

>> No.3106062

Mori (or her roommate)has something setup with Bandcamp or smth like that idk.
So how could I support her similarly financially minimizing money that gets routed anywhere else than her?

>> No.3106251
Quoted by: >>3106388 >>3106876

Kiara is in a good mood today

>> No.3106263

send her bitcoin in fan letters like that one anon in Global did

>> No.3106293


>> No.3106388
Quoted by: >>3106429 >>3106876

She's almost a little too hyper for supposedly being stressed from moving and such. I'm glad she's so hyper even though I think it's a bit much for some people

>> No.3106416


>> No.3106429

Let her be happy anon, people who were filtered by Kiara's energy are never coming back anyway.

>> No.3106876

Reminds me to her 3rd Kuukiyomi episode
She just cant hide how she feels. When shes down shes really down, when shes hyper shes really hyper
Maybe it filters people but shes super genuine

>> No.3106968
File: 387 KB, 412x570, iknowwherethathasbeendesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk somehow the kotori icon in the yt player seems lewd to me. i blame the crunchy one

>> No.3107366
Quoted by: >>3107779 >>3113141

Are you stupid? They sang the same song at the same time and the chat told them about the fact. Nene accepted the offline collab so they hanged out together. They're both stupid, naive, and are into idol stuff.

>> No.3107644


>> No.3107779
File: 186 KB, 380x380, 1619808928857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was such a wild coincidence, there was only like 2 or 3 seconds of delay between the streams.

>> No.3107846
File: 114 KB, 1324x1228, 1613175175476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3107946

Kiara's being cute today bros, I love it. This is why she works so hard, for successes like the new outfit, the song and the move.
When she's at an emotional high, you just feel it.

>> No.3107890
Quoted by: >>3108678 >>3113002


>> No.3107946
File: 1.81 MB, 850x1063, 1609517918440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean that she was cuter than usual today?

>> No.3108041
Quoted by: >>3108101

Am I deaf or did she not Auf wiedersehen at the end of this stream?

>> No.3108101
Quoted by: >>3108155

She did, she just did it quickly without the pause after "And in German we say..."

>> No.3108155
File: 1.73 MB, 1576x1113, 361c0acc041c53c63b03166d35acc966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I didn't catch it. Thanks friend will go to the vod to hear it.

>> No.3108307

KFbraP, mind explaining?

>> No.3108411

I want Kiara to play Recettear so badly bros

>> No.3108466
Quoted by: >>3109128

Kiara was super cute today. Game wasnt great and stream was short, but she was in a good mood.

>> No.3108481

Idols dont brap anonchama

>> No.3108484
Quoted by: >>3108530

bold choice going with the amputee look

>> No.3108530
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1611936511694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3108542
File: 413 KB, 1024x576, 12-04-2021_20-54-48-ky4h5udh-1024x576[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the certification process!

>> No.3108678
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, 1594001228076.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3108762
File: 67 KB, 541x668, 1604829317857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reaction.

>> No.3108811
File: 23 KB, 341x1067, E0PsBQXXMAQaOXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will (You) be participating?
Also, bigger silhouette

>> No.3108831
File: 1.06 MB, 3144x3096, 1612858019138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3108848

I forgot to link the tweet like a dumbass

>> No.3108939
Quoted by: >>3109048 >>3109120

High heels
Tummy exposed
Puffy blouse
Obviously one piece hat
Some girly small purse
Motherfucking twin braids
That's all I can tell from this design.
I wonder if Huke was involved or it was another person designing the character? my rrat is that mamaloni designed it

>> No.3109048
Quoted by: >>3109189

After seeing that pepeloni deleted her tweet and it matches the silouette to a teeth, I think she designed the takamori outfits (wouldnt surprise me)
And if im right im kind of expecting the models to also carry the takamori bracelet thing as an accessory (the official takamori silouettes dont show the wrist, maybe to hide it?)

>> No.3109120

She mentioned during the Animal Crossing that she had just recently spoken with Huke, ostensibly to ask about the white stars on her beret, but given the timing I'd bet they were discussing the new outfit too.

>> No.3109128

yeah she was super positive! I love that she was excited despite maybe being a bit more scatterbrained than usual

>> No.3109176

>Well well well, look at the city slicker pulling up with her fancy scythe.

>> No.3109189
Quoted by: >>3109354

I don't think so man. I love mamaloni but she herself doesn't wanna be a mama and I doubt they would incorporate the bracelets into their designs like that. I really hope it's just Huke redeeming himself from a confusing 1st outfit

>> No.3109354
Quoted by: >>3109420 >>3109663

>I doubt they would incorporate the bracelets into their designs like that.
Never understimate the power of /u/schizophrenia. Pepeloni has been so bold as to insert Takamori shit on things that weren't supposed to be about Takamori at all before anyways.

>> No.3109420

And also could be an idea from Kiara anywaysif assuming the bracelets are actually on the models

>> No.3109663
Quoted by: >>3109842

idk if that's true if you're referring to Heart Challenger and trust me I don't underestimate her ability to insert /u/ but she's shown to be super respectful to both Kiara and Mori and not just insert something that huge into a model (especially considering the recent shower art having a disclaimer on it)

>> No.3109842
Quoted by: >>3109969 >>3110017

I've read about heart challenger but I would need to have timestamps to confirm it.
I do remember the small video during the vacation trip when Kiara asked mamaloni to draw a bed so she could do a short video of Kiara sleeping and Mamaloni gave her a drawing of 2 beds so Kiara could sleep with Mori.
Cute as fuck video and I love it, but the point is that she made a normal video into /u/ on her own.
Since designing the outfit takes time, if the bracelets are inserted I don't doubt she would have permission from Kiara to do that though, it's not a last-minute thing like that small sleeping video.

>> No.3109969
File: 515 KB, 854x480, sleepover [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbpviz7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3110017
Quoted by: >>3110124

but it not being last minute is why I would think that's not the case. There would be plenty of time to get rid of anything /u/ in the outfit

>> No.3110124
Quoted by: >>3110224 >>3110303

>There would be plenty of time to get rid of anything /u/ in the outfit
But why would they get rid of the /u/ pandering?
Deadbeats don't care and Mori panders to them with her date simulations and ASMR anyways, they are fine
And KFP eats yuri up as if it was breakfast, even Kiara's stalkers go around praising and retweeting every takamori thing in existance.
I'm not saying the bracelets WILL be in the design, but I'm not sure why it would be a bad thing or design choice

>> No.3110207

>first opportunity to discuss the new outfits
>spends a chunk of it hyping up Ina and Ame's outfits
Kiara's such a sweetheart.

>> No.3110224
Quoted by: >>3111063

A good amount of deadbeats hate the /u/ pandering because of Mori doing those date streams. For KFP it wouldn't matter but I think it would go too far in promoting them as a pairing even compared to other ships floating around hololive. As far as I know, there haven't been other members going as far as having their outfits reference each other as that's kinda a permanent thing

>> No.3110287

I wonder if he's the one with the dead dog?

>> No.3110303

>And KFP eats yuri up as if it was breakfast
I can't speak for anyone else, I guess, but I'm KFP and I hate the /u/ shit, mostly because Mori constantly comes off as such a cold bitch when she's interacting with Kiara and it just makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.3110318
Quoted by: >>3110347

anon, she just has autism.

>> No.3110347

Understandable, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I would welcome a Mori-free Hololive.

>> No.3110378

mori hate

>> No.3110779
File: 252 KB, 1568x1074, 1619811173876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3110976


>> No.3110976
Quoted by: >>3111176

so are you guessing overalls in the outfit? I feel like we're gonna get to see her tummy still and the shorts and shirt stay separate. Hopefully there's some cleavage as her normal outfit kinda hides how big she really is (despite the bounciness)

>> No.3111063
Quoted by: >>3111279

>there haven't been other members going as far as having their outfits reference each other as that's kinda a permanent thing

NoeFure have matching chokers in their casual outfits.

>> No.3111176
Quoted by: >>3111397

Im guessing overalls - plaid shirt - white tank.
The top 100% isnt going to be just a translucent shirt, there has to be an undershirt and I dont think they'll make a model with a sleeveless croptop-cleavage combo so its just gonna be tummy.
I hope one of the alts has the front of the overalls down and they do something fun with the shirt instead of making it all white. Maybe making it the holoEN merch shirt, I dunno.

>> No.3111236
Quoted by: >>3111518

Shocker, Coco did a "send in your predictions" stream so of course the leech herself has to copy her because she can't produce any original content.

>> No.3111279

oh I didn't know that. I still highly doubt this possibility even if Kiara would personally be on board with it but to each their own speculation

>> No.3111291

Maybe she wouldn't come off as cold if Kiara didn't try to force it since literal day 1.

>> No.3111397

I love Kiara's art but please not the rushed merch shirt that even she herself was embarrassed about due to it not even being properly completed. I actually kinda want a simple white top as it's not complicated and could still be slightly see-through with something under. idk I kinda want simple + cute/hot

>> No.3111518
Quoted by: >>3111568 >>3111683

Yeah because "I'm getting a new outfit, guess what it is!" is such a fucking original concept.

>> No.3111568
Quoted by: >>3111642

He's got a point. Coco started streaming before Kiara as well. what a copycat!

>> No.3111588

I agree with this. I'm a huge yurifag and I love how thirsty for girls Kiara is, but I am sick of Mori's attitude of not giving a shit about anything except her music.

>> No.3111642
Quoted by: >>3111729

don't forget coco also invented the color orange and mixing japanese and english

>> No.3111683

it's the same bait as the Kiara is copying Pekora because Pekora owns the concept of braids apparently

>> No.3111729
Quoted by: >>3111783 >>3111843

speaking of this. Are they the best translators in all of hololive and if so I kinda want them to do a translation battle one day. Just who could translate JP to EN and EN to JP the quickest or most accurately. I feel like it could be a fun game between these orange multilingual women

>> No.3111783
Quoted by: >>3111851 >>3112007

If meme review is any indicator, Kiara is way better than Coco.
Which is an unfair comparison because Kiara has been living in Japan for close to 7 years and probably learning japanese for 10, but yes Kiara is better at japanese. Coco is getting better fast, she was a mess a year ago.

>> No.3111843
Quoted by: >>3111949

If and when the legendary Coco/Kiara collab actually happens, I can think of about a million things I'd prefer it to be over something so dull. Besides, Coco is a native EN speaker so it wouldn't even be a competition.

>> No.3111851

>Kiara has been living in Japan for close to 7 years
She only lived 1 full year before and 1 full year recently, then it was short trips every few months.

>> No.3111871
File: 494 KB, 500x553, KFBeats get the rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But to be real, what is weird bout takamori is that the roles they are supposed to act out are very close to their actual characters.
That results in the /u/ crowd being able to relate any character trope to the ship and, at the same time, timeloops that Kiara is forcing Mori into the ship. From the bias of the viewer the same action can have massively diverging meanings and interpretations.
Sadly Takamori is too big to fail right now, artfags dumped to many hours into it and a large part of the average crowd is on board with it, so killing it of will only work slowly.
TLDR: I would like to replace Mori with an identical twin of Ina, actually, just a second Ina they could play lethal league against each other

>> No.3111949

I can see how it'd be dull if it's random translations but it could be combined with something like a meme review or something other holo members participate/submitt in which would be more interesting. idk just throwing the idea out there cuz I haven't heard anyone else mention it

>> No.3112007
Quoted by: >>3112553

To be fair on the fly translation is different from translation where you have time, and I think from what we've seen Kiara is a lot better in that aspect. I think if were a situation where they had more time and with a passage that's more complex Coco's Native advantage would probably edge her out the win.

>> No.3112013

I see what you're saying as at times Mori only sparks interest in things but at this point I just enjoy any fun moments they have and enjoy mamaloni art

>> No.3112019
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Quoted by: >>3112173 >>3112610

Anon, all it takes is one of the EN Gen2's getting close with Kiara, and Kiara playing into it just a little bit. People will happily jump ship (ha) to the fresh new thing. We've seen this play out among the JP Holos many times. Every time a new gen comes out it's a whole new ball game.

>> No.3112058
Quoted by: >>3112109

>the roles they are supposed to act out are very close to their actual characters.
the chicken is not that gay and creepy outside of anime and game waifus though

>> No.3112109
Quoted by: >>3112172

Anon the whole reason she became an idol herself was because she was an obsessive fan of JP girl idols. Please stop kidding yourself.

>> No.3112172
Quoted by: >>3112300

that's not the same thing as being literally gay for them anon. im surprised you can even say that when you are willing to talk about so many years ago

>> No.3112173

That is all nice in theory, but I dont think Kiara is the kind of person, that will actually return the feelings. If a EN2 would try to make a move on Kiara, Kiara will most likely be like "sorry, already got Calli". It is basically Subaru and Pekora again. Subaru actually wanting Kiara, but Kiara wants to be with Pekora.

>> No.3112300
Quoted by: >>3112358

>that's not the same thing as being literally gay
It is though. Whether you think she's gay or bi, Kiara has the hots for girls, and has had her entire life.

>> No.3112349
Quoted by: >>3112576

I didn't understand why Kiara just didn't become a part of both. I feel like that was an option but Kiara was afraid of being seen as a spy I think?

>> No.3112358

yeah, whatever you say.

>> No.3112409
Quoted by: >>3112467

actually I laughed at the way Kiara defended her for the shadowverse collab, it seemed to me like a battered wife, I'm not saying it was something that serious but I find it funny how she' s willing to forgive her and defend her for everything

>> No.3112467

she barely mentioned Mori though no? I remember her mostly saying she was proud of how she played and didn't care if she made the most perfect plays

>> No.3112516
File: 89 KB, 220x220, 1617235393460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just letting you guys know that you're now being more insufferable than normie KFPs.

>> No.3112553
Quoted by: >>3112943

Kiara probably knows more kanji and textbook vocabulary than Coco, but Coco is likely better at modern slang because she hangs with Kanata. Coco is not a native, she grew up in the US.
I still think Kiara is overall better at japanese simply because she's been studying japanese for a lot longer and she's probably more dedicated being the colossal otaku that she is.

>> No.3112576

Probably because she got burned by Minecraft once since the game is srs bsnss apparently and didn't want to paint a new target on her back. I can practically see the anti comments berating her for ditching her favorite senpai to play with Subaru like the cheap whore she is.

>> No.3112610
Quoted by: >>3112760

you can not believe how much I want this to happen but sadly as >>3112173 says we all know it wont.
Ironically I fell into the hole because of the yuribait but stayed for Kiara so I wish she would just take the ship to a farm upstate

>> No.3112724
Quoted by: >>3112868

Don't be retarded anon you are falling in the same train of thoughts as Kiara antis, if you don't like mori just skip her content that's all there is to it.

>> No.3112760

You guys are making the mistake of thinking Kiara has to lean that fr into it. You know her, she'll be delighted to play along, and that's all she'll have to do. The fandom/artist machine will do the rest.

>> No.3112868

yeah that is probably the healthier thing to do

>> No.3112943

You seem to have misunderstood, I mean coco is native English. Thus given more time to translate, say a passage from a book, she will be able to turn it into a better English representation. Knowing kanji certainly saves you time, but in a situation like translating a passage from a book the difference between knowing and having to look it up is less important than being a native English speaker who knows the proper word that fits.

>> No.3113002
File: 10 KB, 328x664, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3113141

A song about "connection" nonetheless. It was fate.

>> No.3114240

Why is Kiara so fucking cute and hot. I can't wait for her fucking hot pants and for her to continue showing her perfect waist-hip ratio

>> No.3114526
File: 126 KB, 1156x237, A76FBF0F-35DA-40D0-9C93-F582146C2EF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later, virgins!

>> No.3114644
Quoted by: >>3114730

nice. Ain't she supposed to be sleep though?

>> No.3114730
Quoted by: >>3115215

Boss has sleep issues, please understand

>> No.3115215

true. Hopefully the moving stuff goes fine and I'm sure we'll get twitter updates about it

>> No.3115454

Nice, I got one too!

>> No.3115475

Congrats anon. I'm a bit sad I didn't get a like today on twitter or youtube.
There's always a tomorrow though!

>> No.3115593

New thread in a few minutes

>> No.3115883

New thread:
