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2976201 No.2976201 [Reply] [Original]

What chuubas do you find repetitive?
I find Marine to be incredibly repetitive, her zatsudans are generally the same thing every time and she sings almost the exact same songs in her utawakus. Even her collabs are repetitive because she often makes the exact same jokes and she tries to flirt with everyone.

>> No.2976305
File: 186 KB, 843x1200, Marine (115).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3000574

Maririn repeats!

>> No.2976353
Quoted by: >>2978120

Chammers' schizo arc has become repetitive

>> No.2976590
File: 251 KB, 1280x1791, 1619159517741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has repetitively made me nut, does that count?

>> No.2976630
File: 1.37 MB, 1384x776, at field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly why you should stream less and work behind the scenes instead

>> No.2976994

>What chuubas do you find repetitive?
1. Catgirl
2. Rabbits
3. Devils
4. Elf
5. Fox
6. Dog
7. Angels

1. Hoodie
2. Suit
3. Unnecessary asymmetry
4. Heterochromia
5. Pink and pastel color schemes
6. Gothic Lolita

Voices and Audio
1. High pitch voices
2. cutesy
3. Shit mic

1. Cutesy with a potty mouth
2. Slut
3, Zero charisma

Whatever the everyone else is playing.

Karaoke Songs
Western Pop and Jpop

>> No.2977069
Quoted by: >>2977139 >>2992118

I feel like everyone that sings more or less does the same songs with maybe the addition of one or two. More of them wanting to not fuck up.

>> No.2977078

So all of them in every aspect then?

>> No.2977139

Thats not true if you search songs in jetri you will often find that Holos have only sung them once, in Marine's case every song she has sung she has sung a lot.

>> No.2977167
File: 227 KB, 1902x1278, 1615017035647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2977488


>> No.2977168
Quoted by: >>2977379


>> No.2977379
Quoted by: >>2985132

I explained why she is repetitive in the OP. So not only are Marinefags EOPs who refuse to do their reps, but they can't even read basic English.

>> No.2977488

I miss her, so much...

>> No.2977700
Quoted by: >>2977886


>> No.2977714

>Gothic Lolita
>Cutesy (or at least an attempt at it)
>Slut (or at least larping as one)
OP is right about Marine.

>> No.2977886

Didn't Nyanners watch YouTube videos in every stream for a month?

>> No.2978120
Quoted by: >>2978397

Sadly it gets views so she isn't stopping anytime soon.

>> No.2978397
Quoted by: >>2978457

I miss the old Chama, the pre schizo Chama

>> No.2978457
Quoted by: >>2978580

Same I used to watch every stream, now I don't watch her at all. It sad that so many EOPs only know her for her schizo shit and not all the great stuff she did before. Her vtuber mixer is a legendary stream.

>> No.2978580
Quoted by: >>2978725

I even miss post-vomit inciden, pre-schizo Haachama, at least back then she would try new stuff instead of the same schizo shit every stream

>> No.2978725
Quoted by: >>2981344

Also she still did non-company mandated collabs and normal minecraft streams back then.

>> No.2978769
Quoted by: >>2978919 >>2979156

She gets the paypigs and coomers by the balls though. As much as you hate le horny faggotry and hag larping, fuckers love that shit. I hope Korone does too. She's bleeding viewers and on the verge of obscurity.

>> No.2978919

Korone's viewership is stable, Marine is the one currently bleeding viewers.

>> No.2979156
Quoted by: >>2988452

Pekora makes more money and gets more views without being repetitive

>> No.2980859

Anyone who plays Apex

>> No.2981344

I hope she collabs with Hoshikawa again. That thank you section for her during Hoshikawa's 3D was really sweet.

>> No.2985132

Marinefags are illiterate.

>> No.2985181
Quoted by: >>2992950

I can't think of a single vtumor that isn't repetitive.

>> No.2988452

Pekora is also very rude to her mom

>> No.2988564

Haha Horni LAUGH.

At this point I'm going to watch her Touhou streams exclusively nowadays. That, or a boomer game.

>> No.2988974

I see marine-schizo is out of the containment again...

Every last one of the hologirls are repetitive with their
Don't pretend your oshi is somehow superior in content production
>but muh haachama
yea no, that schizo story has been going guruguru for how many months now?

>> No.2990259

old people find comfort in doing the same old thing

>> No.2991650

Pekora hasn't played Apex in forever, Minecraft is less repetitive than Marine's zatsudans and Pekora doesn't constantly use the same songs in her karaoke streams like Marine does, she mixes things up.
Also there are only like 5 Holos total who still play Apex and very few Nijis. Try again Marinefag.

>> No.2991687

Do you even watch streams? That hasn't been true for most Holos and Nijis for months.

>> No.2991767
Quoted by: >>2991872

Good post. This is why I’ve stopped watching Hololive. If it’s not apex or Minecraft it’s some ancient FOTM or some old game that they got permissions for that everyone has played.

>> No.2991872

That isn't true for every Holo though.

>> No.2992118
Quoted by: >>2992145

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not also at least partly due to permission issues, similar to their game selection thing?
Like (talking about archived/monetized karaoke here), they probably can only choose from a narrow catalog of licensed anisong staples, so we're always hearing the same few dozen "safe" choice tracks on endless rotation.

(Of course, I'm not saying that if permissions weren't a thing we'd suddenly see every holo perform an eclectic /mu/-core mix of vastly different music - because at the end of the day, they probably honestly actually like anisong, and the majority of their target audience does too - but at least that it contributes to the sameness)

>> No.2992145

It is actually not true, if you search songs on jetri you will see that Marine repeats songs way more than other Holos like Watame for example,

>> No.2992153

except Gura

>> No.2992421
Quoted by: >>2992513

ogey schizo-kun

>> No.2992513

Not everyone who criticizes Marine is the infamous Marine schizo.
Please tell me what part of that isn't true?
Also if you are looking for the schizo, he made some thread about Marine being a liar or some shit.

>> No.2992539
Quoted by: >>2992591

You could at least try to change your posting style and the terms you use schizo-kun
Would be a little more believable then

>> No.2992591

What terms do I use that are so distinctive?

>> No.2992950
Quoted by: >>2993027 >>2993492


>> No.2993027
Quoted by: >>2993037

There is an impostor in that list

>> No.2993037
Quoted by: >>2993094

Probably someone you don't watch

>> No.2993094

I'll give you a hint, there is a "a" in her name

>> No.2993281

Literally every single one, there's so much a single human can do when they stream every day for hours on end. But, we don't care and we watch them for them and not their content.

>> No.2993492

Subaru is fucking great.

>> No.2993940
Quoted by: >>2993967

you really want those (You)s don't you?
keep edging faggot

>> No.2993967

Tell me which part of what I said isn't true. If I am a schizo it should be easy for you to point out where I am wrong.

>> No.2994103

ever heard of database consumption

>> No.2994478
Quoted by: >>2997323

Lamy doesn't even play Apex or Karaoke, somehow she can keep it fresh without resorting to gimmicky horny stuff. I like the fact she's one of the few who really tries to play different games like Botan does.

>> No.2997323
Quoted by: >>3000820

Marinefags only watch Marine.

>> No.3000574

como le haria un buen BRRRRR a ese orto

>> No.3000820
File: 602 KB, 1939x1211, 1618439940086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit I also watch Mikochi religiously
