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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28993993 No.28993993 [Reply] [Original]

>1view, 2view, 3view, 4view
what does it MEAN, what is the significance of increasing the number

>> No.28994261
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Keep thinking.
You'll get it eventually.

>> No.28994396

There's this thing called "Advancing your career"

>> No.28994665
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Quoted by: >>28995728

>1digt (1~9 people watching)
>2digit (10~99 people watching)
>3digit (100~999 people watching)
>4digit (1000~9999 people watching)

>> No.28994920
Quoted by: >>28995260

It's like sales numbers for video games: The higher the number, the better the quality. That always holds true, right?

>> No.28995260
Quoted by: >>28995522

Yeah and everyone knows the best movies are the ones with highest box office revenue!

>> No.28995522

Name one movie that had an actual low box office (adjust for the year it came out) and is considered universally good.

>> No.28995640

>1 view
One viewer
>2 view
Two viewers
>3 view
Three viewers
>4 view
Four viewers
Anon, is it really that hard to figure out?

>> No.28995678

Blade runner 2049

>> No.28995728

I need evidence of a 0view

>> No.28995755
Quoted by: >>28996228

Citizen Kane, made less money than it cost. Only got repopularised over a decade later.

>> No.28995789
Quoted by: >>28996289

It used to just be a riff of 2hu because Global would have a habit of having like 10 successor threads sometimes that would accidentally kill a bunch of months-old Touhou threads on /jp/, but these days people have totally repurposed it to have an actual meaning which is kinda neat (albeit will always be wrong technically).

It's the number of digits of viewers, a 2view is sub 100 CCV, 3 view is sub 1000 etc. If you're a 4view+ you've made it basically.

>> No.28995880

The existence of 0views is impossible to prove because the moment you observe one they become a 1view.

>> No.28995959
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Quoted by: >>28996456

>the redditfags invading this place because of homo debuts are asking what common board lingo means
>retards actually spoonfeeding them instead of telling them to either go back or lurk more
This board is infested by newfags and tourists that need to fuck off.

>> No.28996015

You can prove it by becoming one yourself and documenting the process.

>> No.28996109
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Knock yourself out.

>> No.28996228
Quoted by: >>28996525

>Decade later
So for an entire decade it was considered trash. half proves your point but I will give it to you.

>> No.28996269

so this is SOVL...

>> No.28996289
Quoted by: >>28997408

only on VT.
2 views that surpass 20 have made it. Might still need a job but you will make some decent dosh to support hte channel at that point.

>> No.28996318
Quoted by: >>28997640

Any cute girls? I can save them......

>> No.28996456
Quoted by: >>28997323

It’s been that way since it’s inception.
t. oldfag who remembers the Scientology war

>> No.28996525

It won 1 Academy Award after release and was nominated for 8 others - I wouldn't call that "considered trash" unless you're purely talking about popularity.

>> No.28997093

nview = ccv in [10**(n-1), 10**n)

>> No.28997223
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>they're all guys
>omega still thought it was a good idea to force m*les when they have a proven track record of literally 1/10th the interest level of girl vtubers in the west

Rather they saw Luxiem and panicked, but didn't understand that their success wasn't due to the West but because Nijisanji already has a huge Eastern fujo fandom (which cover lacks).

>> No.28997323
Quoted by: >>29005748

> Scientology war
fuck off newfag

>> No.28997408

This. It's hilarious how places like /#/ will call someone that regularly pulls 3k viewers an "utter failure", but twitch streamers can easily make a living from just getting 100 viewers consistently.

>> No.28997640

If they were cute they wouldn't be 0view
On a serious note though, I've gotten some fun from these kinds of streamers over the years. Hit or miss - if it's a miss, move on. If it's a hit, have fun

>> No.29002438

Pekora would die watching that kek. And they're numerous as well, poor lads.

>> No.29002904
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Hololive shills want to maintain their monopoly. So they create an entire false paradigm that bigger number = better vtuber. They say that because hololive talents have the highest CCV, they are obviously the best vtubers. This is the argument they make, without any irony.

It's not true at all. Actually you will find that many lower view vtubers are as good, or better, than higher view vtubers. Within a corporation, and within a generation, you might find that better talents have better numbers. But that also has to do with when they stream, how they structure their memberships, what kind of streams they choose.....etc. It's not a straight measure.

I've been in the hololive thread. Literally every other post is about numbers. Most of their threads are remarking on numbers in some way or another. I've also been in the Niji thread, they very rarely discuss numbers, only remarking if someone hit a particularly high, or particularly low amount of viewers on a stream. The talents in Niji are all numberfags though, and are often worrying about their viewer totals.

I think that numbers are a box that prevents you from exploring other vtubers. Seriously, check out the smaller corporations, or even some indies. Don't be discouraged by their lower numbers, just enjoy it for yourself.

>> No.29004009

2views are the lowest possible number because the streamer counts as the first viewer, and the observer being the second.

>> No.29004368

Blade runner (both of them)
Starship troopers

>> No.29005464
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>I've been in the hololive thread
>I've also been in the Niji thread
Which ones? There's literally dozens of them. If you're only basing these remarks on two specific threads, you're excluding all the anons that only stay in their oshi's general.
>They say that because hololive talents have the highest CCV, they are obviously the best vtubers
Anon, answer me this: Why would they be accepted into Hololive if they weren't talented?
Hololive was not a big agency from its inception. It was another 2view company startup like many current ones. They were ridiculed on jap sites just like how small en corpos are often ridiculed here. They worked their ass off to get to where they are now. Nijisanji was the top dog back then, yet Hololive somehow managed to overtake them. How do you think that happened? Just luck? If it was only luck, the viewers wouldn't have stuck around. If it was just luck, many talents wouldn't be having physical/mental breakdowns due to exhaustion. If it was just luck, the Hololive model wouldn't have reshaped the industry as it has today.
There's a reason why the Hololive scouting meme was born, and that was because their (JP) member scouting was impeccable. Each generation of talents has had something to offer, covering different niches while also having a talent spearheading their growth. Some will say that the EN and ID choices may be subpar, but they all filled roles that captivated the foreign audience in one way or another, else Gura wouldn't be the biggest Vtuber in the world.
>I think that numbers are a box that prevents you from exploring other vtubers. Seriously, check out the smaller corporations, or even some indies. Don't be discouraged by their lower numbers, just enjoy it for yourself.
I found my Hololive oshi when she was a 3view, <30ksub chuuba, in a company that had just debuted their 3rd gen (gamers). They were growing, yes, but slowly, they were still a small corporation trying to stand on its feet. I've been with them through the journey of growing and becoming the top corpo for the past three years, and (You) come here to tell (Me) to watch smaller corpos/chuubas? Bitch I did, and I stuck with them, and my reward is seeing them all grow into popularity, while my oshi became one of the pillars upon which Hololive is standing on.
There are anons here who have been with their oshi's for longer than I have, 4, 5, maybe 6 years sticking with them along their journey, and you come here to preach to us about noticing the smaller corpos? We will wish them luck, but if their growth or actions seem to influence negatively the oshi we've been supporting for years, you bet your ass we'll be aggressive towards them. Nobody coddled the vtubers that were first starting out, and nobody coddled their viewers who stuck with them through their hard times other than the streamers themselves. Now newer corpos and indies find a market that has been built upon the work of my oshi's, of our oshis', efforts, and yet you come begging?
No, fuck you, learn to persevere. If your oshi is good and talented, she'll eventually be noticed. Maybe not by the viewers, but the talent agencies scouting around for talents. We helped the market grow to such a size that smaller corpos and indies even had a chance to appear. Recognise that and reflect upon what the successful streamers and corporations have done to get to where they are today.
We aren't blinded by the numbers. We are the numbers. We created the numbers. And we aim to increase the numbers of the ones we support, just as we have done for the past years.

>> No.29005748

I was duckrolling people when you were shitting your diapers and I mean when you were a toddler not that weird online fetish stuff you're into now.

>> No.29005855

>Hololive shills want to maintain their monopoly. So they create an entire false paradigm that bigger number = better vtuber
Holomems literally are the better vtubers. Cope and seethe.

>> No.29007161

Paranormal activity? Never watched it kek

>> No.29007497

1view, 2view, redview, blueview
