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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 206x264, 341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28474285 No.28474285 [Reply] [Original]

>Two of their biggest cashcows are stolen by a rival company
>Homo EN debut
>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
>Matsuri, Haachama, and Mel are prepping to move to Vshojo JP
>Ame is building a 3D studio, and planning to start her own agency
>Chloe is being stalked (shit management/talent security is part of the cause)
>Towa is moving to VSPO
>Gura is taking another "break"
>Still no words from Ayame
>Former CEO of Nijisanji and a professional idol producer are teaming up with Vshojo
>More wave of whores and manwhores will eventually get into Hololive's gaping ass
It's over. More than 4 years of build up, and it's finally over. All because you gave up on the purity of idols.

>> No.28474870

Us? No, that's on Cover hiring who they did. Their bad picks throughout the years are coming back to bite them in the ass.

>> No.28475092

Kiara's menhera moment says it all

>> No.28475098

holokeks are finished
its ogre

>> No.28475157

>>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
The voices in your head are so retarded they have voices in ther head aswell

>> No.28475328


>> No.28475455

>He doesn't know

>> No.28475462
Quoted by: >>28531687

She comitted seppuku live on stream because she was being forced to collab with tempus.

>> No.28475484

You cant shitpost about chammers leaving after VARK.


>> No.28475487
Quoted by: >>28518763

>Still no words from Ayame
No... Say it ain't so...

>> No.28475570

>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
How is that bad?

>> No.28475758

check the other account

>> No.28475900
Quoted by: >>28476168

They will lost Calli's music money, and Bae's.... uhhh.... merch money?

>> No.28476094

>>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
Dont give me hope like that nigga! frr

>> No.28476165

Good it has been getting pretty stale for a while. Maybe something interesting will happen if your delusions come true.

>> No.28476168
Quoted by: >>28531201

Who will lose money with music is Calli, since the contract with Universal Music is with the Hololive's character and not with her roomate

>> No.28476561
File: 660 KB, 2656x1050, 1647690484890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is building a 3D studio, and planning to start her own agency
So all of myth minus Mori and Bae to Vshojo, and probably Kiara (will stay in HL) ?

Sounds good to me.

>> No.28476713

Can any of this after homo en be verified as true?

>> No.28477432
Quoted by: >>28478039

They realized what they built is not what they wanted so there dropping you unicorns and starting again to build a decent fanbase

>> No.28477640
Quoted by: >>28491430

Kiara will follow Ame to hell if she must

>> No.28477790

Only because the ones moving are Ame ad Gura.

>> No.28477822

Half of those things are literally happening inside your head.

>> No.28477931
File: 222 KB, 1100x1872, sub growth charts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happen to hololive's growth?

>> No.28478039
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, IbtmfYz_LAYhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28478293

>Initiated the literal biggest virtual advertisement using the most advanced technology (at that time)
>Not what they wanted
Being delusional has limits. Hololive was, and always an idol company from the very beginning. Or at least, supposed to.

>> No.28478076
Quoted by: >>28478123

they have an extra zero on their graph

>> No.28478123

NijiEN girls are growing faster than all the holoEN girls. Incredible to see that happening. It used to be the total reverse

>> No.28478218

Bae's parents are too strict to allow her to be a whore

>> No.28478281

no, their slopes are 10x steeper because the scale is off

>> No.28478293
Quoted by: >>28478612

i'm talking about talents here can you not see they don't want to deal with you fags

>> No.28478520
Quoted by: >>28478944

Do you really expect a thread reader to know that?

>> No.28478612

How can you be part of a "Japanese Virtual Idol" company though and not realize what comes with the territory?

>> No.28478782
Quoted by: >>28479052

I hope the Kronster and Irys stay, they're the only ones in HoloEN that I still watch.

>> No.28478944
Quoted by: >>28493691

Do you really think parents will do jackshit for whatever their mid 20s daughter do?

>> No.28478978

You're the same shitbrained pisshead that cried meds when the Rrat that Kson and Rushia was being foretold, then it turned out to be 100% true and you shut the fuck up. Now the same patterns are being observed with Calli and Bae but you immediately try to shut down the discussion by claiming that only a deranged person could consider this very likely possibility. Go deepthroat a Glock you disingenuous fucking faggot.

>> No.28479052

Not with that ugly avatar. Even the most patient person can be frustrated and plan to move out when they have the chance.

>> No.28479369
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x2258, 04_ノワール-ヴェスパー_pr-img_resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentatively hopeful that we enter a fun Vshoujo x Homostars arc. Maybe Omega knew what we wanted before we did.

>> No.28479838

There's nothing to cry about. The vtuber market is getting decentralized, which means Anycolor and Cover's vicegrip on the market is weakening and indies and small companies are becoming more successful. In fact, that's something to celebrate, because it means more options. You'll be happier if you don't put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.28479983


>> No.28480266

Put em on the same graph and tell me what you see

>> No.28480390


Oh no, they're potentially losing Calli and Bae, the literal most boring of their respective generations?! How ever will they survive as a company? Calli is a boring as fuck streamer with a 10 word vocabulary. Bae just sits there moaning and going BRUUUUUHHHHH. She's got very little entertainment value beyond that. The only thing we could hope is they take Kiara with them as well.

Matsuri, Mel, and Haachama, Towa, and Ayame aren't really within the biggest talents for the JP side, so them leaving wouldn't be much of a loss.

Ame is building a 3D studio because she's a shut in and wants to do more, not because she's going to make her own company.

Gura is literally the biggest Vtuber talent. If she wants to take a break occasionally, she's got more than enough of a following that it won't impact her.

That aside, I hope Gen 3 is overall better than Gen 2 was. When they're getting 6,000 applications for 5 positions, they need to be more picky with who they're taking and make sure commitment to the company is the number one priority.

>> No.28480523

>chloe being stalked

I thought it was a ghost.

>> No.28480722


Hololive hit the sub numbers in about a month that it has taken Niji 11 months to reach. I think Hololive is doing just fine.

>> No.28480841

never should've followed western fag standards

>> No.28480986
Quoted by: >>28500796

This. I'm enjoying vtubers now more than ever, because there are so many choices and options now. Even small companies are getting in on high quality 3D and big events now.

>> No.28481114

>Signed musician with a producer on speed dial
>Trilingual with two original songs and capabilities to stream 28 days in a row
Hardly expendable. I only read thre lines of your post. Get quicker to the point if you tried to say something else.

>> No.28481323

Ladies and gentlemans we are presencing the END of Hololive, was good while it lasted (2020-2022).

>> No.28482730

>Gura is literally the biggest Vtuber talent
(except for any relevant metric that isn't sub count)
otherwise agree though, the entirety of EN and ID are expendable, and most JP chuubas too
there are very few holoJP whose graduation could influence public morale (fan's) even half as bad as Coco's did (Sora, FBK, Marine, Pekora, Korone, Suisei, Miko) because Coco was the most important Holo at the time of her graduation
graduate anyone else and you might not even get every other holomen to even say goodbye let alone attend the graduation stream. holoJP is a few heroes and a lot of zeroes, and every other branch is just zeroes

>> No.28482773

It's over...

>> No.28483283
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, 1646565707135.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of words of mouth and pen
The saddest of all:
/jp/ was right again

>> No.28484018

I have a feeling that if one girl of HoloEN jumps ship all the others will follow and if Gura leaves Cover can forget anything overseas related.

>> No.28484116

op do u relly beleb?

>> No.28484205

she does that at least once a month because the ass kissers will give her the dopamine she needs.

>> No.28484293

>Calli moving to Vshojo
I know you are shitposting but goddamn I wish it was true.

>> No.28484908
Quoted by: >>28536405

>Kiara marries an immigrant from Africa and has a kid with him.

>> No.28485022
Quoted by: >>28538525

Holy based

>> No.28486688

>5 album contract with UMG with early termination penalties
I have no delusions about Calli's intelligence, but even she's not dumb enough to walk away from that.

>> No.28488474

I certainly have to applaud your imagination, even if you are a massive faggot with holes in your brain.

>> No.28488607

Holo EN was the beginning of the end. If they never released EN they would still be on top now.

>> No.28489317
Quoted by: >>28491430

>thinking Ina gives a shit about Ame
This is your brain on trinity.

>> No.28489430
Quoted by: >>28489797

The Coco revisionist history at this point is too weird. And I say that as someone who still watches her.

>> No.28489797

? she was undoubtably the most important holomen at the time of her graduation. no other single graduation would've affected every other holomen as hard as hers. not necessarily the most popular but 10000% the biggest pillar inside the company at the time. compare that to literally any graduation that could occur right now, it wouldn't even be close

>> No.28490282

there is zero chance calli walks away from the UMG money/contract

>> No.28490330

The end of Hololive

>> No.28490718
File: 220 KB, 834x1184, 1645249066309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from a long break now that ruru and rushia are back.

Explain how desuwa is beating literally everyone in growth? Is the ojou that strong?

>> No.28491120

she did what now?

>> No.28491397

Less than half of these are true or even remotely close to happening, but have a (You) anyway, faggot.

>> No.28491430
Quoted by: >>28518218

Neither of them give a shit about trinity. It died mote than a year ago.
Ame will also follow Kiara to the end.

>> No.28491484

>compare that to literally any graduation that could occur right now, it wouldn't even be close

Korone, Miko, Pekora as top 3 and you could argue Sora, FBK, Chama and perhaps Botan

>> No.28491641

guess it is time to do a palomar knot

>> No.28492294
Quoted by: >>28504077

>Chloe is being stalke
wait what? I hope it's a rrat about the second voice in the stream

>> No.28492349

after observing desuwa stream for over 20 hours my conclusion is yes desuwa

>> No.28492698

rrat personified.

>> No.28493350


>> No.28493691

Haven't met many asians have you anon?

>> No.28495164

lol didnt read

>> No.28495675
File: 316 KB, 499x588, hana it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28529876

Do you guys have any other "It's Over" VTuber edition? I have some.

>> No.28495729
File: 676 KB, 1190x1218, Ollie It's Over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28495802
File: 24 KB, 444x325, FWkvJ6naAAMOryU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28497928
Quoted by: >>28500857

It's been a good run, wish I spent half as much time doing productive shit but it was fun. Seeing a company break down after so many avoidable mistakes is deserved however harsh it may be.

>> No.28497929


>> No.28498863

Oh yeah these schizophrenic voices in your head are always right

>> No.28499203
Quoted by: >>28538525

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.28499946
Quoted by: >>28500396

>>Still no words from Ayame
The only true thing you posted.

>> No.28500269
Quoted by: >>28538525

Based, retards need to be called out more often.

>> No.28500333

I don't keep up with retarded drama, why would Bae want to come to VShojo? Actually why would Mori as well since I'm asking. Not that I'd mind either since they're both cool to me, but the only reason I could see anyone on /vt/ saying Mori is cause she's a wigger and don't like her or whatever. Sorry, I don't keep up with hololive rrats much.

>> No.28500396
Quoted by: >>28501993

The very first one is 100% a real fact too.

>> No.28500796


>Choices and options

It's literally all the same shit. Cute avatar where a girl talks or streams or streams video games. Holy fuck this place really is full of schizos who take this shit way too serious

>> No.28500857
Quoted by: >>28531687


Just 2 more weeks til Cover is bankrupt

>> No.28501559

Soon Hololive will just be left with nobodies and pink woman because no other company will take her

>> No.28501993

It's true, Melody invented Taiwan and Nyanners told Rushia to leak information so they would join

>> No.28502448
Quoted by: >>28502526

>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo

please let this be true PLEASE!!
oh and if its not asking too much take kiara too thanks!

>> No.28502526

oops i forgot iris take iris too

>> No.28503084

holy shit they had to nerf hololive by a factor of 10x to even show some growth on the graph..
and the guy that posted that is 2 retarded to even understand what it means... holy shit you can't make this shit up...

>> No.28503681

hololive is so large that it kickstarts new talents past the initial growth phase; unless something unique happens, their graphs will continue to look like that
niji is much smaller, so they are still in their initial growth phase; i would bet that a large proportion of their new growth is from people who had never heard of them or even nijisanji before; it will level out eventually, but without the initial boost from hololive, it will take them longer to get there

>> No.28503763
File: 36 KB, 655x254, fastest_growing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28551974

2views are the fastest growing channels

>> No.28503914

>Still no words from Ayame
Business as usual then?

>> No.28504077
File: 183 KB, 500x500, 1613670485539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28505157

a large proportion of the people here are entirely unwilling to believe in the paranormal, so the only possible explanation at this point is a stalker
considering what she's actually said about it, it would have to be a very strange stalker
also her manager and both lui and iroha completely believe her; it may turn out not to be a ghost or whatever, but a stalker is too simplistic an explanation that doesn't take all the factors into account

>> No.28505157

>but a stalker is too simplistic an explanation
It's two stalkers, checkmate

>> No.28505295

Alright, here's your (You)

>Two of their biggest cashcows are stolen by a rival company
One was bored with not being enough of a whore and left, the other was a schizo who leaked company info, both were scraped from the bottom of the proverbial fish tank by a company who are desperate for relevancy
>Homo EN debut
Looking forward to seeing how these Kings will do
>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
UMG, and a rrat you pulled from nowhere
>Matsuri, Haachama, and Mel are prepping to move to Vshojo JP
Another baseless rrat
>Ame is building a 3D studio, and planning to start her own agency
First half, sure, so other EN Holos have the option to stream in proper 3D
>Chloe is being stalked (shit management/talent security is part of the cause)
Imagine not believing in the spiritual and supernatural in the Year of our Lord 2022
>Towa is moving to VSPO
moving to literally who
>Gura is taking another "break"
Having babymaking sex with me, she's ovulating
>Still no words from Ayame
As usual
>Former CEO of Nijisanji and a professional idol producer are teaming up with Vshojo
Good for them
>More wave of whores and manwhores will eventually get into Hololive's gaping ass
Projection, methinks

>> No.28505407
Quoted by: >>28505570


>> No.28505570

There's this term in business world called "poaching". Yes, it's a real thing, and that's what happened.

>> No.28505877
File: 9 KB, 680x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28505894

Those spammers who harassed Coco for months? All Melody and Nyanners

>> No.28505977

how can they be poached from a company they were let go from?

>> No.28506031

Everything listed here is accurate except the baby making sex part. That is happening with me instead.

>> No.28506183

You have to still have a job to be poached. Coco quit over harassment and Rushia was fired for being a mentally ill idiot.
Vshojo didn't poach shit. They picked at scraps.

>> No.28507077
Quoted by: >>28507888


Poaching is a dumb term because it suggests that employees are property and owned by their company.

>> No.28507888
Quoted by: >>28556549

In this context the idols identities, accounts and models ARE property and owned by their company.

>> No.28508172
File: 41 KB, 1200x630, 94015336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fear, fishman will save Vtubing!

>> No.28510835

>It's over. More than 4 years of build up, and it's finally over. All because you gave up on the purity of idols.
proof that English world doesn't mesh well with JP idol culture.
English world is too corrupt to enjoy idol stuff, they just want poggers whores poggers

>> No.28513167
Quoted by: >>28513610

>why would Bae want to come to VShojo?

>> No.28513421

This purity meme has to end. Leave it for religious fanatics or kids. You are a grown man anon, it's time to learn and improve yourself

>> No.28513510

>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
Maybe but why do you writte those as if they were bad things?

>> No.28513610

Freedom to be a whore?
Vshojo is cool for a more 'open' stream but 90% of their jokes and comedy is "haha SEGS SEGS BOOBA BOOBA SEGS POOSIIII COCKCOCKCOCK"
Some Holo girls are just as bad with that shit, like Kiara on debut or Marine/Matsuri but for the most part the JP girls still have other traits and comedy that isn't just sex related.
Vshojo is just constant sexualization which is tiring. It's not even about purity and innocence, it's just about not being constantly bombarded with sex jokes. Holo will always be the more 'serious' virtual idol agency, Vshojo will always be the more "wacky" whore one.

>> No.28513693

She's just saying she's sad about getting old.

>> No.28513811

If Gura's growth behaves like a step function, maybe her sub count will be stable at 5 mill

>> No.28515909
Quoted by: >>28532141

>Two of their biggest cashcows are stolen by a rival company
Nigga, they fucking fired them and then were left to their own will. No one gives a fuck about them being in another company except schizo faggots.

>> No.28516854
Quoted by: >>28556714

If your definition of whore is enjoying sex, talking about sex, having sex, then every woman is a whore. Your mother is a whore, your sister is a whore. Your GF if you have one is a whore. Your imaginary GF that says “anon please fuck me” is an imaginary whore. You, anon that spends 2 hours each day masturbating to massive futa cocks, are a whore.

>> No.28517119
Quoted by: >>28517342

why are redditors seething itt

>> No.28517342
File: 118 KB, 720x783, 163527194728482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28519397

dunno, it's not even friday yet

>> No.28518135

Damn, you didn't just bring a rrat, you brought the whole midden.

>> No.28518218

>Ame will also follow Kiara to the end.
What the fuck happened with these two? I don't see them collab a lot yet Amelia builds a whole fucking 3d studio for the chicken?

>> No.28518763
File: 279 KB, 850x1130, GOOK KILLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong! We received an encrypted communication from her personal commlink yesterday. It reads:

>July 17, 2022. Seoul.
>Koreans. The Jews of Asia. These dogs and eaters of dogs taint the world with their very existence... grifting, stealing, poisoning, killing. I see it all around me and cannot abide it.
>Postpone all my streams for the next six months. I will remain in Seoul, pursuing my holy duty to remove Koreans at the root by killing gook prostitutes and splattering their organs all over this giant whorehouse they call a city. Even now their 'police' (as if filthy gooks could form a professional force!) chase me down, but my blade is unerring, relentless. I've already butchered fifty of their number. With Amaterasu's blessing I will butcher countless more.
>PS: I see that gook bitch Ina is STILL ALIVE. Secure this objective as I commanded or I will personally return to do it myself, live on stream.

>> No.28519397

well, it's a little thing called "Summer". It's been a plight on this site since conception.

>> No.28519698 [DELETED] 

as this thread’s honorary kapumin i can confirm that you’re full of shit, mel’s roommate doesn’t follow a single vshojo related account and mel herself only follows one (veibae). mel’s roommate just released her fourth album not even two months ago and mel is working on monthly original song releases every month until her birthday in october. on top of all of this, she’s moving house closer to hololive to make commuting easier. there is not a single sign of her jumping ship anytime soon for any reason in any universe. keep her name out of your dogshit thread.

>> No.28522929
Quoted by: >>28528793

Gura is 100% graduating.

>> No.28523724
Quoted by: >>28531639

this literally looks like a teen girl's OC husbando

>> No.28523798
Quoted by: >>28526387


>> No.28523935

yes anon, please tell me again how "it's over". it gets better every time!

>> No.28526387

Mine Rrat doth swell fat, engorged on the delusions of the lost.

>> No.28527889
File: 35 KB, 400x390, 1649671959522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Calli prepping to move to Vshojo
please be real, i'll shill vshojo for a month if this happens

>> No.28528257

>says increasingly nervous man for the 10th time this year

>> No.28528793

She would be stupid to abandon such a well paid job but it's obvious for months that she gives zero fucks about Hololive.

>> No.28529237
File: 38 KB, 612x535, istockphoto-187126671-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28530609

Indies and small corpos are winning.
They are gonna have a feast with the hololive flight.
Just think of all those juicy viewers who will feel lost under the new hololive. All the hololive viewers who just got exposed to what the fuck twitch is, who just checked out vshoujo.
This is it guys it's the beginning of the end.

>> No.28529324


>> No.28529550
Quoted by: >>28530180

>Calli, who is the second highest subbed and arguably the most normie popular vtuber behind gura is planning to join vshojo
>the same calli who just signed a UMG for an album coming out in TWO DAYS and a major concert in three days.
>Somehow, Bae is also planning to ditch.
Alright I’ll bite. Proof?

>> No.28529646

>Chloe is being stalked (shit management/talent security is part of the cause)
You reap what you sow. You can say
>there is no excuse for stalking!!
all you want and you're right. But you're completely missing the point that this outcome was predictable and in fact something many people have warned Cover about multiple times when their talents dive into the dangerous area of GFE. Simply irresponsible and avoidable. All you have to do is not being a greedy piece of shit.

>> No.28529754

your newfag status is showing, dramafaggot redditor

>> No.28529876
File: 76 KB, 668x356, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have this Phos

>> No.28530028

clippfags stick out like a sore thumb uh

>> No.28530153

All women must one day face the harsh and unrelenting WALL.
A tiny majority come out well; a combination of healthy lifestyle (pilates, yoga, good nutrition) and of course superior genetics.
Most women aren't graced with the latter, though they could make up for some of it with doses of the former. Most don't though because they're lazy and so cope with cosmetics and surgery.
Which path Kiara will take remains to be seen. She's lucky that her job doesn't rely on her physical appearance so "getting old" means nothing to a vtuber compared with say a film starlet.

>> No.28530180

The voices in his head.

>> No.28530252
Quoted by: >>28540030

>A tiny majority

>> No.28530492

nice trips, unlikely Mori would move to vshojo because her record deal is under Calliope Mori rather than her roommate or a new vtuber model. Ditching that at this point would be a huge potential loss of recognition and cash, and she'd be starting all over from nothing plus having a rep for jumping ship

>> No.28530609

Don't you have phase connect threads to spam the catalogue with

>> No.28531201
Quoted by: >>28551542

this guy'

You don't know who Calli is. she is a former minor-minor wanna-be celeb that made it big BECAUSE of Hololive.

if any of those girls is a dog of the company it's her. she needs them.

OP proved right there he didn't know shit.

>> No.28531214

>Matsuri, Haachama, and Mel are prepping to move to Vshojo JP
cover probably amended their contracts to add a nonsolicit clause, otherwise all of jp would've left already like what happened to that other agency who had a weak contract

>> No.28531639

That is not a bad thing
You obviously don't know the joys of having a JK in your life, as opposed to a left hand or a landwhale.

>> No.28531687
Quoted by: >>28557948


Please explain.


Excuse me, whaaat?


>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to VshojoMatsuri, Haachama, and Mel are prepping to move to Vshojo JP.Still no words from Ayame

Yeah, remember when Korone took a break and then didn't join Vshojo? Or when Miko took a huge break and didn't leave Hololive?

If your excuse is that breaks = want to join Vshojo, then there is a clear fallacy association here.


You must be working as a Cnentral Bank Ceo.

Best answer by a margin here. Can't agree with everything, but still far better than most shits.
Also, can you tell me why people Hate Mori.

I don't like her content, but that's not enough of a reason to hate her. Would you like to put me up to speed so I can understand, what has she done? She can't be as bad as a fish brain, can she?

>> No.28532141

Dude, they're a fucking company. Money is their life and death. If they wanted to, they would defend their most profitable assets to death. Now that two of them are in another corpo's cage, they must be bleeding really hard.

>> No.28533687

I'm worried about Ayame being missing. What if she's tirelessly working to build a new Vtubing company that will blow Hololive and Nijisanji out of the water?

>> No.28533815


>> No.28533882

>stolen by a rival company
funny way to spell fired

>> No.28533908

>Tirelessly working

>> No.28533919

lol, she is way too lazy for that.

>> No.28534092
Quoted by: >>28542363

gura is trending on twitter? what's going on

>> No.28534178

I think niji is shitty but not as shitty as vshojo

Hololive isnt perfect either but its way better in terms of quality standards

Regardless disgusting whores and mentally ill/retarded creatures like russia will always be disgusting to look at

I just hope there is a market for quality instead of plain whores like vshojos

>> No.28534317
Quoted by: >>28534691

I just opened /vt/ and didn't expect to find a comment so based like this one, I kneel...

>> No.28534646

>150 replies to a schizo doompost
/vt/ is declining

>> No.28534691

Don't kneel for someone so retarded. He says mori/bae are following the same pattern as coco/rushia, omitting the fucking obvious massive difference that coco and rushia were no longer in hololive.

>> No.28534718
File: 714 KB, 1985x1999, 1647789681491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28536534

>Rushia and Kson
They're irrelevant. Call me when they become an actual threat to Pekora, Kobo, Miko and Fubuki.

>> No.28534756

Remember how like two weeks ago there were threads of people "leaking" that HolostarsEN had been canceled, and was never going to happen?

>> No.28535928

holobros how do we make a comeback? All our streams have declining viewership over the past year...

>> No.28536405

>Kiara marries a negress from Africa and makes her her housewife

>> No.28536534

>Kobo, Miko

selamat pagi!

>> No.28536965
Quoted by: >>28538525

put that little limp-wristed beta faggot in his place

>> No.28538444
Quoted by: >>28541118

>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo
If Calli leaves she abandons the Universal label, she may be a retard but even she knows that without that contract her dreams of being a musician are fucked in the water. People can say "hur but her roomate account does well." yeah compared to her HL account? Its peanuts, a pittance. Not even close to what she has accomplished with Hololive and anyone who thinks otherwise is either also a complete retard or needs to take their meds ASAP

>> No.28538525

Holy samefag

>> No.28538660

write that again without seething

>> No.28539767
Quoted by: >>28540469


>Calli and Bae are prepping to move to Vshojo

Calli has a contract with Universal, she can't leave Hololive even if she wants to because of that.

>> No.28539924

Where are you getting these from please don't just take your meds, at this point OD you are wasting air.

>> No.28540030

>absolutely inane schizo takes
you caught it

>> No.28540133

this is a certified american education system moment

madlad didn't pass statistic

>> No.28540415

I think they mean the tweets before the birthday stuff

>> No.28540469

>can't leave
Two words, bro

>> No.28540710
File: 3.28 MB, 1741x1080, 1641660635605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sic transit gloria mundi

>> No.28540938
Quoted by: >>28553127

>Vshojo taking all the bad out of Hololive.
Vwhorejo is actually alright if they keep taking the worst girls like they have been. Fuck Reddit dragon, fuck Callorie Mori, Fuck Menhara schizo, Fuck rat who joined to collab with a Homostar.

>> No.28541118

her rm is only doing well BECAUSE of the HL account. people need to see the numbers she had and was doing before anything Mori-related. She literally went from being a FT fangirl to banging one of them THEN to potentially getting them signed to UMG. this rrat of her abandoning ship with bae (for whatever reason) is stupider than she usually is. its a shame the rm music is still abysmal

>> No.28541338


The best part of this is that we'll finally see the end of anons (or one anon) constantly spamming that Hololive is the greatest all the time

>> No.28541575

Discount Alucard.

>> No.28541579

Coco killed the chinese market and chinese branch cause she decides to fuck with the zhangs causing holo to lose a bunch of Zhang whales..what a hero kek

>> No.28541727

I will not disagree on the fact Coco was a big figure in hololive at the time of her gradutation, but the biggest reason her graduation was such a big hit was in par because of the bugmen situation being in everyone's mind as THE reason for her graduation

>> No.28542363

she announced her pregnancy

I'm the father

>> No.28543315
File: 142 KB, 363x328, 1628782571176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even bring myself to make fun of you, it's sad...

>> No.28544305
File: 6 KB, 171x133, chrome_2022-07-19_07-49-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28546461
Quoted by: >>28557769

Because she's friends with trash taste which gives her a connection to Mouse, who she is also tight with now.
In regards to the record deal, she's already got what she wanted from Holo which is recognition. Now, her contract being with Calli rather than herself is a straightjacket instead of a benefit since she has proof she can get deals with the right connections - which if she's been smart, and she is regarding her music career if nothing else, she can leverage into another deal with her personally.
Calli staying with Holo hinges on her not thinking she can get better, and relying on gratitude is...shaky.

>> No.28546620
Quoted by: >>28547644

You guys do know Mori's RM is signed too right? Like, you seriously didn't think they signed a talent who they could lose access to because of a third party without a backup plan? Right?

>> No.28547644

If mori's RM was signed already, she would have announced it along with an upcoming EP. As of right now she only has that single that she did with Teddyloid that was "supposed" to come out last week.

>> No.28547663
Quoted by: >>28549483

>Looking forward to seeing how these Kings will do
Stop dickriding. This is an objectively stupid move.

>> No.28549483
Quoted by: >>28552070

"S-stop watching males! Hololive is dead because I say so!" I'm subbing to all of them now thanks!

>> No.28551542

>if any of those girls is a dog of the company it's her
Ah yes, that's why she makes sure to not make any yab, or even has her roommate do live streams while accidentally leaking info about who her roommate is.

>> No.28551974

>measuring growth in percentage
I would say that you are just being disingenuous, if I didn't know that you are actually retarded.

>> No.28552070
Quoted by: >>28553518

You’re watching them for the brand or because you’re a genuine faggot. Enjoy your DOA shite.

>> No.28553127

ok chink

>> No.28553518

Thanks I will! Keep seething it's really funny!

>> No.28556549


None of which moved over to the new company.

>> No.28556714


Rando: "Girls who like sex are whores!"
Also Rando: "Why will no girl fuck me?!?!"

I wonder... it is one of life's greatest mysteries... who could have imagined this would happn.

>> No.28557769
File: 43 KB, 166x142, confused enema face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about bae?

>> No.28557948

Mori hate is pretty much Trash Taste hate
