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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 300 KB, 2048x2048, 20220711_230907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28108829 No.28108829 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura

Songs: https://rentry.org/ggg_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/ggg_merch

Gawr Gura Birthday Celebration 2022: https://rentry.org/ggg_merch#2022-birthday-goods

Previous Thread: >>28077849

>> No.28108900
File: 592 KB, 3000x3000, don't bully me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115270

>> No.28108901

Gura cute

>> No.28108903

Gura and I are getting married

>> No.28108917
Quoted by: >>28108968

I'm referring to the specific details as to why Sana is graduating.

>> No.28108919

Why doesn't she stream? Or even do anything, at all?

>> No.28108948

Reminder to love Gura and hate management

>> No.28108968
Quoted by: >>28109017


>> No.28108978
File: 232 KB, 1125x2000, Eq9M5ydVkAIjky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.28108994

managment broke her back and killed her dog

>> No.28109017

Retard what? Please explain why extrapolating from Cover's vague statement on Sana's graduation is relevant to Gura?

>> No.28109024

she doesn't need to, prepare for public weekly streams, and member's monthly streams from now on

>> No.28109045
Quoted by: >>28109102

when's mori's concert anyway?

>> No.28109050
Quoted by: >>28109148

Lol, one again. No stream today

>> No.28109055

Anyone else think it's funny how much the copium mechanism evolves with every consecutive day without a stream?

>> No.28109063
File: 255 KB, 1197x1867, 1643007564159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to ESL retards this thread

>> No.28109089

Anon it's really simple, people are bored without Gura streams so they spend their time instead ranting about other shit since they have nothing better to do with their lives.

>> No.28109094
Quoted by: >>28109154

Maybe Gura got an unannounced 1 week suspension for calling out management in that member stream

>> No.28109102
Quoted by: >>28109198

kek, there's like zero hype for that.

>> No.28109123

I bet those people are not caught up on VoDs

>> No.28109146
Quoted by: >>28109214


>> No.28109145

Yesmen in full cope mode

>> No.28109148
Quoted by: >>28109195

Why hasn't anyone thought that the "special thing" that Mori did for Gura was to actually be in the concert live in Japan and do something there like a "3D debut"?

Why would she stream over Ame and Sana's collab? She's not Kronii or Mumei.

>> No.28109154

Surely they'd punish her by requiring her to stream, though.

>> No.28109160

Maybe anons here including myself are bored out of their minds that they start spewing inane shit in this thread.

>> No.28109162 [DELETED] 

I see Gura and her friend are off playing games off stream again. Freakin slut.

>> No.28109186
Quoted by: >>28109214

You just outted yourself as a threadshitter by bringing up shit from last thread.

>> No.28109195

Toxic positivity

>> No.28109198
Quoted by: >>28113195

>no hype.
>concert sold out.

>> No.28109214

So you are conceding and are trying to end the off topic converstaion, gotcha.

>> No.28109250

Wednesday Schizo here, Sorry I couldn't fulfill my job.

>> No.28109254
Quoted by: >>28109265


>> No.28109265


>> No.28109266
File: 251 KB, 756x751, FXkoZA6aMAAAiYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark midriff, hips and thighs.

>> No.28109268


>> No.28109270
Quoted by: >>28109406

People stopped biting poorly designed bait. Sorry :<

>> No.28109290


>> No.28109295
File: 154 KB, 576x1024, suki!!! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fawy8jb.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an entire Internet out there. Go scroll tiktok like a normal person.

>> No.28109306

Don't reply to retard poster. He does this shit in global too. He has no argument against what you say except for posting "retard." He takes a lot of L's

>> No.28109316
File: 396 KB, 576x1024, CHU! 💙💙 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw63oyj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love tiktok!!

>> No.28109330
File: 561 KB, 909x1207, TuTuT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28109346


>> No.28109349
Quoted by: >>28109406

Remember when Gura said she wanted to get better at communicating with us...Back in November. Lol

>> No.28109359
File: 21 KB, 2762x1298, 1632244960831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28109362

Is okay Gura's laziness is becoming too strong to predict

>> No.28109378

>installing spyware is considered the norm
That's just sad.

>> No.28109381
File: 426 KB, 1391x2048, vanilla_itachi-1501181323624742912-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28109401

Okay Gura, go scroll insta then.

>> No.28109394

This post is glowing red

>> No.28109401

okie will do buh bie~

>> No.28109406 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28109679

Whatever helps you cope that she isn't having more fun with the swede than streaming
never believe women, they're lying whores and gura has proven to be one

>> No.28109420
File: 511 KB, 570x578, 1642203624072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28109514

What if I find something else to do and don't come back? I don't want to let that one retard be the last chumbud.

>> No.28109427
Quoted by: >>28113169

Gross, too old and I don't like that underwear. Gura needs to be in little girl cotton panties with cute designs on them

>> No.28109474
Quoted by: >>28110244

There is already 2 EN collab at Gura time +1. it's her excuse for the day.

>> No.28109484
Quoted by: >>28109561

>Thinking she wouldn't just increase the amount of breaks that led to Wednesday schizo in the first place
Your mistake really

>> No.28109514
File: 931 KB, 1918x1080, Ping the Discord [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgvtgug.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll come back when Gura comes back. That's what most of her fans do.

>> No.28109521

I'm getting sick of this.

>> No.28109556

I'm getting sick of posts saying they are getting sick of this everyday yet they still continue to post.

>> No.28109561
Quoted by: >>28109745

is she physically incapable of streaming a bit earlier or later? she's streamed member's at 6 ET before so if she really wanted to stream today she could.

>> No.28109628
File: 446 KB, 1999x2355, agrainof_rice-1547306656606089216-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 good fanarts in a row, goddamn

>> No.28109666
File: 348 KB, 1446x2048, Takumi_ha_DX-1547306991676116993-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115621

Shion and Gura are too busy fucking to stream sorry

>> No.28109670

It really is another day without streams I'm actually shocked.....I can already hear her saying "yay it's Goobi" when she finally returns acting like nothing is wrong

>> No.28109679

>She's playing with the Swede during her birthday
>Was actually out with Ame
>N-no that doesn't count, all my other claims are totally true

>> No.28109708
File: 1.28 MB, 2604x3600, bokkun168-1547310414765391872-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28109717

Faggots like this are why we get no streams anymore.

>> No.28109735

I never made that claim, stop pretending every false claim is by me. I only speak facts.

>> No.28109743
Quoted by: >>28109818

>Implying that stuff getting posted here ever affect what Gura does

>> No.28109745

>if she really wanted to stream today she could
Same could've been said about many of the days she didn't stream

>> No.28109756
Quoted by: >>28109962

Please stop picking on the mentally challenged.

>> No.28109804

Sorry, too lazy to give fanart recognition either.

>> No.28109818
Quoted by: >>28109866

I'm implying that faggots like that take their garbage opinions and share it outside of here.

>> No.28109821

>It wasn't me when I was wrong

>> No.28109845
Quoted by: >>28109948

I hate these faggots who keep saying hi to each other in prechat and say Gura should take more breaks

>> No.28109866
File: 2.74 MB, 530x450, Dislike[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F954c0s.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28109880
File: 1017 KB, 645x961, 1630297528399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't posted facts

>> No.28109948

breaks make Gura happy, don't you want her to be happy?

>> No.28109962
File: 451 KB, 521x739, 1641271677341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how would I be able to pick on gura then?

>> No.28110042

I love you Gura

>> No.28110111

I love you shark

>> No.28110123

I am satisfied with your work performance Shark

>> No.28110129

Yeah man, I give her as much money as possible so she'll retire asap.

>> No.28110208
Quoted by: >>28110289

New rrat. Management is making Gura stream over Coco and Rushia's debuts with some exciting announcements just to shit on Vwhorejo

>> No.28110244

Yep, that's what I was thinking. One is a Sana collab so she'll use that as another excuse not go stream

>> No.28110250

New rrat. Anon is posting rrats on le 4chins with some exciting twists just to shit on /ggg/.

>> No.28110253

I thought you wrote >breasts and was like, yeah

>> No.28110289

I'll check out the new overpriced Hololive merch later, those debuts sound more interesting.

>> No.28110295
Quoted by: >>28110628

Gura was away, without communication as always, this past days. She came home yesterday but she is too autistic to stream today because there are a Kronmei collab and a Ame/Sana collab close to her timeslot.

Nothing more to say.

>> No.28110388

Anon was here, with posts as always, these past days. He/she got out of bed today but is too autistic to realize that assumptions are nothing more than assumptions and decided to spew their garbage on le 4chins.

Nothing more to say.

>> No.28110428

One more hour. I'll hold out until the usual time one way or another, but realistically, one more hour.

>> No.28110440

gura... please... I'm falling apart again

>> No.28110509

I won't kneel

>> No.28110524

You will kneel.

>> No.28110549
File: 43 KB, 1428x1106, cunny timeloop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't kneel if you're already kneeling

>> No.28110567
Quoted by: >>28110589


>> No.28110584

Gura will kneel... and propose marriage to the chumbies!

>> No.28110589

Gra-chan, go back to bed.

>> No.28110595

Today she has a collab with Sana

>> No.28110604

Pack it up boys, we've past the cutoff.

>> No.28110606

Writing a tweet to Sana was a day's work. It counted.

>> No.28110628

Either stream or say you're not streaming. It's not hard.
>le social anxiety
Don't care, get over it. This should be the bare minimum.

>> No.28110644

Gura, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

>> No.28110647

Has Gura co-streamed with Sana at all? I only remember the minecraft stream but that was purely by chance.

>> No.28110649

I hope she continues to not stream because that's what makes her happy. Hope she also gets to stream with her gaming buddies one day because and do a collab with xQc because I know that'd make her happy too.

>> No.28110663

Factual post

>> No.28110678

>2 years in
>Refuses to use the members tab

>> No.28110697
File: 243 KB, 810x767, 1628596149061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop insulting my wife

>> No.28110723

She just wants to graduate and finally realized that the Santa way is doable and will have the minimal impact.

>> No.28110733

Who are you speaking to?

>> No.28110803

Gura is gonna come down my chimney?

>> No.28110908

>Santa graduated
I can't believe Christmas is over...

>> No.28110992

How will we have Christmas in July now?

>> No.28111073

stream tonite :3

>> No.28111102

ok thanks gooba i cancelled my meetings

>> No.28111131


>> No.28111194
Quoted by: >>28111244

Hey tard. Stop fucking larping

>> No.28111203

Gura it's already night

>> No.28111244

nooooo you can't larp you'll interrupt the schizo posts

>> No.28111272
File: 141 KB, 512x512, owohnyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28111408

good ebening

>> No.28111278
File: 48 KB, 1080x211, Cancel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you talking shit, but can you walk the walk?

>> No.28111305

Good, you won't be missed faggot

>> No.28111310


>> No.28111317

But I would lose my perks.

>> No.28111339
Quoted by: >>28111373

"Shark is back"

>> No.28111373

Gura was actually warning us of Sana leaving because her back...

>> No.28111408
File: 217 KB, 4096x2072, 1657553474137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28112075

Good Ebining!

>> No.28111411

Incidentally if youtube asks you why you're canceling, there's a "feeling unappreciated" option.

>> No.28111421
File: 4 KB, 752x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even bother, I just torrent all her membership vids.

>> No.28111446
File: 170 KB, 895x824, goddamnitpleasejustsaysomethingorstreamidontwanttogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am thinking of cancelling myself but I'm going to hold on a little longer. I don't know how much more I can take

>> No.28111499


>> No.28111517
File: 319 KB, 425x402, 1651671408009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sharksiders?
Fakebuds getting filtered

>> No.28111530

>not even a day 1 member

>> No.28111548
Quoted by: >>28111573

Also if Gura communicates properly today, I'll actually kneel and renew.

>> No.28111573
Quoted by: >>28111705

Until you cancel again in a week, right?

>> No.28111618
File: 563 KB, 1239x695, Your mental health[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp6zz4e.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should end it now for your own mental health.

>> No.28111668

Man, I just love Gura...

>> No.28111682
Quoted by: >>28111999

I think Gura shouldn't stream more than once a month. It's bad for her health and this way she can have more time to socialize with her real friends and break out of her shell.

>> No.28111705

Well of course. And I will attention whore all over againm

>> No.28111709

Look, I'd join sharkside if she did t2 streams, but unless she does and you've all been keeping your T2 ARS memberships very quiet, I can't know how much money is going to her and how much goes to cover. I will buy any merch she puts out in a heartbeat because most of that goes to her but cover is something I reluctantly support due to not having a choice.

>> No.28111729
Quoted by: >>28111790

I think anon shouldn't post more than once a month. It's bad for their mental health and this way they can have more time to socialize with their real friends and break out of their shell.

>> No.28111765
File: 2.58 MB, 2508x3541, 99588592_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooba wants us to be happy and look at her cuncun

>> No.28111790

now this is facts

>> No.28111825
Quoted by: >>28111999

>expecting Gura to stream during a Sana stream
Yeah, no. She will only stream on Saturday starting next week like the average chuuba. There's no reason to stream more then a week, you're just entitled.

>> No.28111871
File: 519 KB, 1440x1440, MnmCat20-1547189564498132992-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking

>> No.28111892
Quoted by: >>28111999

Next Calli off-collab when? Gura should get wasted on stream together with Calli and do some drunk talk.

>> No.28111919
File: 2.19 MB, 2064x2840, 1656397805979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross, she's too fat in the picture. Why do all you disgusting fucks have a fat or chubby fetish? I'd rather have this

>> No.28111929
Quoted by: >>28111999

>imagine wanting Gura to stream

>> No.28111974

coffee creamers are actually pretty good. thanks for advertising them gura

>> No.28111977
File: 319 KB, 1205x1637, 1655947471223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. She wished for bikinis, so I know she loves me, even if she says I'll never see her toenails.

>> No.28111999

Are these posters mindbroken or something? What can possibly cause them so much mental trauma?

>> No.28112042
Quoted by: >>28112080

Gura not streaming or communicating mostly.

>> No.28112043

With all these schizos in her fanbase Gura should stop streaming for a few months to filter them out. They will get bored of waiting, eventually. It's summer, she needs to go to the beach and get some vitamin D.

>> No.28112050
File: 2.45 MB, 1448x2048, Success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28112075


>> No.28112080

Oh so it's just the shitposters as usual, understandable. One day they'll find something better to do with their lives.

>> No.28112082

Yeah, my D

>> No.28112133

i downgraded after the spam memberships started and it kicked in last night

>> No.28112134
File: 295 KB, 1360x1920, FWtjLSpaUAAoYLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants us to look at her child's chest, belly and groin! Gura truly loves us!!!!!

>> No.28112142
Quoted by: >>28112288

Everyone in HololiveEN should graduate at the same time when Sana leaves to protest against Cover. There's plenty of groups who will be happy to accept them, think of vshoujo or nijisanji, imagine unleashing Gura's real power level that she kept bottled for 2 years.

>> No.28112148

Nah "she didn't stream for 3 months and now she's back what was she doing look how different she's acting!!!" is a huge epic drama, it would be very popular

>> No.28112150

heads up she is not streaming today or the rest of the week and we would be lucky to get 1 stream from her at all next week, Management is having her not stream because of the Sana stuff to let the other girls get bigger numbers and more money.

>> No.28112200
Quoted by: >>28112254

It's fucking over.

>> No.28112213
Quoted by: >>28112261

"What are these people complaining about Gura not streaming complaining about"
Holy retard...

>> No.28112254
File: 260 KB, 354x434, turd[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7z933z.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28112369


>> No.28112261

And "people" "complaining" here is supposed to do what exactly now? Shit up the threads? Get le ebin (You)s? Understandable.

>> No.28112288
File: 362 KB, 858x343, blusleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If her real power level is cybersexing us, I'll accept it.

>> No.28112315
Quoted by: >>28112342

Not have threads when there is no Gura. No reason to have 100% uptime for a 10% streamer.

>> No.28112342

Well you can't control what other people do, which includes making more /ggg/ threads or whether Gura creates schedules and stream. Why do you even bother?

>> No.28112343

Gura just doesn't like hololive anymore. When Calli graduates she needs to follow her. Calli can easily introduce her to vshoujo and give a lot of support to her new channel in the beginning, they could even make a comedy duo channel like Nekomiya Hinata's. The banter would be out of the charts.

>> No.28112345

Gura won't stream until Sana graduates

>> No.28112347

Man all kinds of new Managers and they are going to make gura go under its bull shit they don't know what they are doing anymore.

>> No.28112360

And singing her praises all the time and being a yesman here is supposed to do what?

>> No.28112369

nice soundpost

>> No.28112381

>Muh management
Look, management is responsible for alot of dumb shit, but Gura choosing not to stream isn't one of them. You could say they should pressure her to stream, but all the ghosting and lack of streams is Guras own choice.

>> No.28112400

Wow ya guessed it, nothing! Go do something more worthwhile while you wait for Gura instead of posting here.

>> No.28112403
File: 239 KB, 1868x2048, 1633854801153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28112642

Makes me feel comfy

>> No.28112406
Quoted by: >>28112444

And what does complaining about people complaining accomplish except make them complain more?

>> No.28112418

Create an environment that makes people happy. You're trying to do the same thing in the opposite direction. This is why 5ch has separate threads for fans and antis.

>> No.28112426 [DELETED] 

I continue on my mission for Gura's dakimakura. Like my tweets, we deserve it

>> No.28112429

really and how know this how? trust me when I say that you don't know all you think you do.

>> No.28112431
Quoted by: >>28112497

Honestly I'm one of the people complaining about Gura getting worse and I'm tired of repeating myself. Left with the understanding that my venting changes nothing, all I have is loathing for was once a nice thing I used to have, now shattered and never to return

>> No.28112444


>> No.28112482
Quoted by: >>28112593

Why are people caring so much if she doesn't stream? once Cover fires her for disagreement she will be finally free and she will be back to the old streaming regiment of HER channel.
Be glad she's giving Cover a reason to kick her. The sooner the better.

>> No.28112491
File: 58 KB, 691x691, 16626177367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue on my mission for Gura's dakimakura. Like my tweets, we and she deserve it

>> No.28112493
Quoted by: >>28112561

you don't treat the people you care about the way she treats us. it's really that simple.
i don't understand why anyone thinks we matter to her in any kind of way other than disposable fans.
when's the last time she said she loved us?

>> No.28112494
Quoted by: >>28112689

Gura is sad and probably depressed due to managements actions. Sure some of the blame is on Gura but it's pretty much almost all managements fault

>> No.28112497
File: 269 KB, 417x492, 1640154269434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28112548

You think too much bud
Relax a bit

>> No.28112548
File: 103 KB, 167x387, 1640639985251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28112551

So what reps are you guys gonna do tonight if she doesn't stream?

>> No.28112558

yeah honestly fuck this I'm out

>> No.28112561

Digging yourself into a parasocial hole is your mistake.

>> No.28112559 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28114083

Fuck Cover. Graduation when? she can collab with Nyanners and Belle Delphine if she finally leaves Hololive.

>> No.28112593

>will be finally free and she will be back to the old streaming regiment of HER channel
So fucking never? It's hilarious how much structure Hololive brought to this woman's life. Then she dropped schedules (it's been half a year now with less schedules than you have fingers on your hands) and got worse. If she drops hololive you'll be lucky to see her twice a year, if she even deigns to reactivate her roommate and doesn't just retire to be a part time shit shoveler.

>> No.28112594
Quoted by: >>28112849

GUYS!!!! Gura lost 10,000 subs on youtube seems like her not streaming making changes. she was 60,000 over 4mil now she is 50,000 over.

>> No.28112605

See you tomorrow.

>> No.28112636
Quoted by: >>28112849

she is not and she has lost 10,000 subs today.

>> No.28112642
Quoted by: >>28112728

Found the yesmen. If you want a hugbox go to Hololive's Reddit forum. You can like gura and criticize her at the same time. Its not all or nothing.

>> No.28112647

he said for the 8th time this thread

>> No.28112657
File: 110 KB, 1448x2047, angelglzz1-1547334208997277699-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. Why did she turn me into this?

>> No.28112654

fap reps

>> No.28112667

>falling in love with some average woman hiding behind a cartoon drawing and complaining she doesn't give you attention as if you deserve any
The delusions of schizos never cease to amaze me.

>> No.28112681
Quoted by: >>28112737

But many of us you call antis are not antis. Almost everyone here is a fan. Why are you so dumb that you equate anons wanting to see her with antis?

>> No.28112689
Quoted by: >>28112921

Come on, alot of it is her own fault. And stop pretending she's the only Holo that gets screwed over by management. And gues what? They still stream in spite of it, can't say the same for Gura.

>> No.28112701
Quoted by: >>28112778

Oh the irony, lol.

>> No.28112727
Quoted by: >>28113230

Not when the streamer themselves deliberately cater to parasocial fans

>> No.28112728
Quoted by: >>28112759

not your hugbox faggot, if you want to bitch about splits go to global. You can criticize splits there all you want.

>> No.28112737

Cumbuds are the only real fans /here/

>> No.28112759
Quoted by: >>28112822

What? lol. The yesman is trying to turn the post around on me. Not gonna work. This isn't your hugbox. Go back to your Gura faggot discord

>> No.28112776

Considering how stressful her chat and in general her fans have become it's amazing she didn't go on hiatus every other month until now. She should really take a break and enjoy the rest of summer.

>> No.28112778
Quoted by: >>28112800

Gotta make sure the other hopeless buds realize this first before I go to bed.

>> No.28112800
Quoted by: >>28113203

They aren't buds. They're shitposters.

>> No.28112822
Quoted by: >>28113143

If you don't like the threads talking good about Gura you can go back to global. Not your hugbox faggot

>> No.28112849
File: 35 KB, 546x437, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya made me check, guess you win.

>> No.28112880
Quoted by: >>28112948

>asking for streams is le bad

>> No.28112889
File: 3.53 MB, 576x576, 1657413751619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells us she loves us
>tells us she appreciates us
>reads our mail on stream and cries over it
>tells us deeply personal things on stream frequently
>does "take care of you" asmr
>rants about her health problems to us
>motivates us, tells us she's always here for us
>tells us she's happy to be our "happy place"
>updates us
>suddenly stops doing all of this

What the FUCK did you, and her, expect would happen when you make yourself such a parasocial haven and then suddenly act like your fans don't exist and none of that happened? Of course they're going to get angry and upset and vent their feelings here. It's hard not to fall in love with Gura when she was doing all of that.

>> No.28112921
Quoted by: >>28113584

What other Holo had their birthday plans denied after working on them for months and than had a daki declined yet a literal child character gets one.
Fuck off shill

>> No.28112948

>asking for streams on le 4chins is good

>> No.28112973

Imagine spending all your free time literally crying on 4chan thinking she will hear you because "she's /here/!! XDD" and convincing yourself you're in any way or form important to her job or even relevant to her life at all.

>> No.28113019

Yea I feel like people forget how much she used to actually show she cares about us.
Everything changed after Holofes for some reason.

>> No.28113027

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.28113032

lazy bitch

>> No.28113071

I'm lovin the falseflag posts. Keep it going

>> No.28113089
Quoted by: >>28113245

Remember that all that it takes is one well made comment to make a vtuber actually re think her ways, even if Gura never look at you in chat or ignore superchats is always better to say what you want to say

>> No.28113092
Quoted by: >>28113494

I don't care about dakimakura.
I don't care about management.
I don't care about who else is streaming.
I don't care about concerts.
I don't care about projects.
I don't care about what game she plays.

I just care about her. If I can't see her, then none of the above matters. Nothing does.

>> No.28113110

Gura doesn't need schizo fans. You're free to leave anytime. What keeps her channel afloat are the casual watchers that click ads and install apps and share her streams on facebook and other social networks. You don't even have a facebook account.

>> No.28113143

If you don't like posts in ggg that are critical of Gura you can go to Reddit or discord you fucking yesman cucked faggot. A hugbox is not criticism. Try again

>> No.28113158


>> No.28113169
File: 192 KB, 512x512, 1657720376070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28113304

Kill yourself pedotrash

>> No.28113185

everyone is going to leave she has turned into Sana and no longer wants to stream and work, think god she could not come to a deal on her contract so gura is gone right after Sana.

>> No.28113192

Yeah every time I open this thread I get more convinced that maybe graduation wouldn't be such a bad idea. I'd kill myself if my fanbase was like this.

>> No.28113195

There's a concert?

>> No.28113203

Wrong. I'm a bud that thinks gura is lazy and needs to stream more. ITS OKAY TO LIKE GURA BUT ALSO CRITICIZE HER. IT DOESNT MAKE YOU A SHITPOSTER

>> No.28113212
Quoted by: >>28113253


>> No.28113215
File: 3.62 MB, 1542x1542, 1649229119468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my sharkwife

>> No.28113230
Quoted by: >>28113663

gura really doesn't do that tho

>> No.28113243

When is the concert?

>> No.28113245

Do it yourself next time she streams.

>> No.28113247

If you don't like posts that paint Gura is a positive light you can leave this thread faggot. Not your hugbox

>> No.28113253
Quoted by: >>28113306


>> No.28113304
Quoted by: >>28114754

Kill yourself fat fetish faggot. I bet you are fat. Only a fatass would like another fatass

>> No.28113306
File: 95 KB, 640x700, 1651681627626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough images

>> No.28113362
Quoted by: >>28114096

Allowing chat on her streams was a mistake. She should've done a collab channel with chat and comments turned off. Look at all the parasocial schizos that she has gathered because she interacted with them a little bit. Only the worst of the yabs can make them leave at this point, maybe it's time for another off collab with Calli and her sister.

>> No.28113379

No faggot. I don't mind the posts that are positive. It's you fucking retarded yesmen that complain about the criticism. So YOU can go somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.28113433
Quoted by: >>28114701

>anon upset he's getting shit on
If you don't like being called out and getting your feelings hurt you can close the tab and browse somewhere else. Not your hugbox faggot

>> No.28113447

Im both unmembered AND unsubbed. Havent even watched the new streams since the off collab (it was so shit). Match me.

>> No.28113450 [DELETED] 

you know why she stopped. everyone does. it's been posted here again and again and again. she isn't honest or empathetic with her fans anymore. there's only one reason why she'd stop so suddenly.

>> No.28113452
Quoted by: >>28114701

poor little snowflake

>> No.28113466

No one cares though, the only people mad are the usual babies. Negative buds just post into the void while yesmen keep complaining.

>> No.28113483

I don't see how calling my wife a lazy whore is criticism though

>> No.28113494


>> No.28113547

Nice goalpost moving threadshitter.

>> No.28113553

>man I sure wish gura fucking streamed
>you're all parasocial schizos! stop caring, its unnatural!

>> No.28113584
Quoted by: >>28113711

>What other Holo had their birthday plans denied after working on them for months

>> No.28113613

>all these retards still don't get how Gura works
She cannot stream more than 3 times in a week without getting serious health problems. She is weak and needs to rest. If you make her stream any more than what she already does she will really get sick and then she will really take a month break.

In this heat even, if she can stream once every 2 weeks without serious consequences on her health it would be a miracle.

>> No.28113637
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, FXf0s4gXoAItycK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28113694

Will you stream today Ms. Shark?!?!?!

>> No.28113661
Quoted by: >>28113762

Hyperbolic shitposting isn't fun dude, need to be more suttle.

>> No.28113663

>"I love you guys!"
>"literal smooching noise"
>"I wanna do my best for you guys!"
>random chatter asks if she loves her fans, she says of course she does
You're a retard.

>> No.28113688

At this point she should just graduate so the schizos can be happy and maybe they will finally leave her alone.

>> No.28113694
File: 640 KB, 564x840, 1635356628207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope not, this thread is hilarious.

>> No.28113711
Quoted by: >>28115039

Marine is absent a lot now because of her voice issues, but Aqua is the one I fear. Apex autism aside she's been gone so much because she's going all in on her idol reps. Gura hasn't been nearly as absent, but she HAS been doing her idol reps herself. I don't want it to get even worse, but it could. This sucks, man. I'm sure there are some here who consider that to be #1, and to a point I do as well just because Gura loves it, but it's her company I value the most.

>> No.28113724

We really need a proper forum for vtubers. The thread is unusable and so is the board. It's all just antis, trolls and other trash.

>> No.28113754

this is the reality of dating someone with BPD. the hot and cold. nothing for days, weeks and then a burst of positive emotion and attention.

>> No.28113762

subtle* mb

>> No.28113795

Honestly at this point I would be happy if she just graduated and was honest why. I'm tired of this. Just rip the fucking bandaid off. I think I need to leave

>> No.28113839
File: 412 KB, 800x800, ebi_step.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28113844

>I'm totally a chumbud
>She should graduate
Not even trying to pretend

>> No.28113847

anon pls, this is literally nothing, about as parasocial as a cashier going "thank you for your purchase", at least mention the valentine's asmr that one was a bit parasocial

>> No.28113853

Preferably with a ranking system and cover mandated moderation!

>> No.28113886

gura's manager is a worthless, lying subhuman cockroach

>> No.28113891

Maybe if one of her paypigs had the balls to ask her what happened to things going back to normal she would say something about it. And I mean one of her actual paypigs not a faggot using an alt account

>> No.28113898

Another retard

>> No.28113903

I'm looking forward to her first vshoujo collab next week. It was a success for Calli and it will help Gura gain a foothold in vshoujo after she quits Hololive next month.

>> No.28113942

you're an idiot.
casual fans never stick around for very long and eventually move on to other streamers. gachikoi and other dedicated fans are the lifeblood of a hololive streamer.
there's a reason why her CCV, VOD views, and memberships have largely stayed the same over the past year even though she now has twice as many subs.

>> No.28113960

start paying her then, you'll never convince anyone into your ebin gura hate raid

>> No.28113975
Quoted by: >>28114171

Lily tasukete....

>> No.28113988
Quoted by: >>28114097

Nullrefrepro almost did one time but the Discord convinced him not to

>> No.28114063

I told you. You insult us, management. So now Gura won’t stream for a month.
Suck it nerds

>> No.28114083

Soon, my fellow Chumbie.

>> No.28114097

They aren't going to. I guarantee you a few of them want to because they know as well as we do that she'll just ignore any superchat questions from non-regulars she doesn't want to answer (something all the girls do so don't have a fucking melty over this), but they regulars are known names who care more about their clout than getting any form of communication, as >>28113988 gives an example of.

>> No.28114096

you don't even watch her. why the fuck are you here?

>> No.28114171


>> No.28114183

where do you guys come from? You act like she is bed ridden with a fetal illness, Guys like you have what is called erotomania and you need help, Gura is fine and is doing what is needed of her when she is not streaming/taking breaks or doing day to day things that need to be done, leave her be and go get help because erotomania can be treated.

>> No.28114189

what's goomba fucking problem?

>> No.28114275

Not going to happen the money is too good and worth it.

>> No.28114311

Gura wants to talk about politics and LGBT but Cover won't allow her because they're misogynist pigs. Any transwoman or bi or lesbian/gay who follows Gura and can pay for superchat should tell her to join a better group like NijiEN or vshoujo.

>> No.28114340

>Caring more about "clout" than actual streams and communication from Gura
Actually pathetic

>> No.28114348

Her friend is literally dying chumbies. Give the sharkgirl some space will ya?

>> No.28114362
File: 186 KB, 480x480, GuraMM_m-lzX9qNKNHp8wS12JrICg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28114425

Of corse she's not streaming today! That animal poop ain't going to shovel itself!

>> No.28114461

you know that's bullshit. she used to stream way more often without any health problems.
retards like you are just terrified to admit that she's changed. you've created this fantasy for yourself because you're too immature to be able to deal with your own emotions.

>> No.28114490

She ignores regulars when she wants to also. They might get read a little more (because they're good posters) but they don't get a free pass when they cross the line.

>> No.28114566
Quoted by: >>28115144


>> No.28114573

>fecal illness

>> No.28114607
Quoted by: >>28114735

Is it true Sana is graduating because she's butthurt about not hitting 1M subs and making too little on akasupa? hololive fans are really retarded and don't know how to be supportive of precious maidens like Sana.

All HoloEN girls should take a month break after Sana's graduation and tell the fans it's their fault that a good and precious friend is graduating, maybe they will finally start thinking with their brain rather than their dicks for once.

>> No.28114636

NTA, but when's the last time she did any of that? she clearly doesn't care as much about us as she used to. her heart is somewhere else now or belongs to somthing/someone else now.

>> No.28114653

I get that 'crossing the line' gets ignored and I don't have a problem with it, but the line is shifting further by the day. I genuinely do not believe she would answer something as benign as 'how long until things go back to normal like you said' or 'do you want to shift to using no schedules entirely, does it work better for you?' Maybe from Lily Hooper or something. Maybe. Lily would probably just rather not do it to keep us frustrated, though, even if she wants to.

>> No.28114665
Quoted by: >>28115144

who are you talking about?

>> No.28114675

The worst thing is gonna be when she comes back, she'll just says that she was literally just enjoying the summer time or whatever, move on with no further explanation and everybody will be happy. Like the last unexpected break she took when she had that Disney mc collab

>> No.28114701
Quoted by: >>28114825

lol, 3 replies from the yesmen. Stop being such snowflakes. If you only want hugbox shit then go to Reddit or Discord

>> No.28114704

>t. I'm not an anti, why don't you believe me?

>> No.28114709

Mucho texto...

>> No.28114735

Sana was lucky to get the subs and supers she did to start with, you can not get that high without the work and she never wanted to work

>> No.28114737
Quoted by: >>28115218

People aren't just going back to being happy, though. Refilling the shark meter takes the edge off but the interval between 'I KNEEL' and 'okay what the fuck is going on' has been getting shorter and shorter.

>> No.28114754
File: 168 KB, 349x427, 1657644368954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger what? Pedo and Schizo is a terrible combo. Please do us all a favor before you ruin a childs life faggot.

>> No.28114760

>she'll just says that she was literally just enjoying the summer time or whatever

I mean it is summer and going out is nice.

>> No.28114780
File: 1.10 MB, 1160x1079, 1624592487578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28114868

>> No.28114792
Quoted by: >>28115338

They're not good posters, though. They ask her inane, creepy questions. Good posters ask relevant questions about the streams/content.

>> No.28114825

not your hugbox faggot

>> No.28114827

>as benign as "YOU PROMISED" or "SCHEDULE DOKO" phrased in a faggy "polite" way
No shit she doesn't want to answer those. Retard.

>> No.28114860
Quoted by: >>28115233

Kek yep that's always the sad part

>> No.28114868


>> No.28114877
Quoted by: >>28114972

lily literally asked about schedules and got her super skipped

>> No.28114899
Quoted by: >>28115144

why is this the 1st I'm herein about this? Care to explain?

>> No.28114914
Quoted by: >>28115002

Do you retards really expect her to stream in the hottest summer of the decade? she's going to the beach like any other person who can afford to go during this time of the year. I'm glad she goes because at least there's a chance her schizo stalkers will take some bikini photos.

>> No.28114972

Good, the bitch is getting too cocky. I hope Gura lets her cool off for a few months before responding to her supers again.

>> No.28115002

it was a hot summer night in 22....

>> No.28115024
Quoted by: >>28115136


>> No.28115038


>> No.28115039

Marine's voice is largely healed.
Aqua has just given up. She doesn't even do idol reps anymore. She tweets everyday, but that's about it. Everything changed right after she moved to Tokyo. The last time she played a single player game was around 10 months ago. She has no interest in seeing her fans anymore.

>> No.28115055
File: 94 KB, 888x533, 1645123102057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115360

Management mandated CR RT.

>> No.28115084

More likes and retweets too!

>> No.28115133
File: 47 KB, 1079x636, lotsofcryingebis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no contact from our dear, sweet sharkie today?

>> No.28115136

It is all we are getting because she is not streaming.

>> No.28115144

I was talking about Sana, she might as well be dead

>> No.28115152
Quoted by: >>28115213

She JWU, stream TONIGHT

>> No.28115175

Eh. Likes and retweets drag the odds up, corporate retweets drag the odds back down. We'll see.

>> No.28115195
File: 1.62 MB, 900x1238, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115399

Insane art. New phone wallpaper for sure...

>> No.28115203

I think we need heavy doses of medicine in this thread. I suggest either gura chat posts or hornyposting.

>> No.28115206

it exists, you insufferable faggot. it's called reddit. why don't you go the fuck back?

>> No.28115213

no stream this week.

>> No.28115218
Quoted by: >>28115386

>the interval between 'I KNEEL' and 'okay what the fuck is going on' has been getting shorter and shorter
No lol. If anything its like a gaping anus Gura widens more and more.
>it's just her standard 2 day break
>standard 3 day break
>yes she's been awol for 4 days and she streamed on and off last week, but this is just normal
Soon chumbies will tell you to stop being so demanding since she's working on 60 hololive shill projects while dying and while her manager whips her, so the yearly stream is normal.

>> No.28115222


>> No.28115233
File: 12 KB, 214x213, 1619586121050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115307

totally legit fans right here lmao

>> No.28115244

>no delivery

>> No.28115263

Lol, Gura probably just saw this while going through her art tag. I wonder what she thinks of gura porn


>> No.28115270
File: 365 KB, 512x512, 1655522735155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115561

Gura liked this. What does the smoke signal mean? Cybersex soon?

>> No.28115303

Aqua and Ayame are pseudo graduated holos. They'll show up for shills, events, and whims so they can collect big fat fucking paychecks. And this is exactly how it started with them too, btw.

>> No.28115307
Quoted by: >>28115455

I'm not even talking about hate but acting like nothing happened is annoying, prime brat

>> No.28115306
File: 361 KB, 720x474, 1657751104545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115528


>> No.28115338
Quoted by: >>28115507

>Blatantly ignoring that dino Gura tummy perms wasn't relevant to the stream
>Blatantly ignoring we got dino Gura plushie because of that superchat
And people say that nothing that happens in ggg matters.

>> No.28115340
Quoted by: >>28116529

That's honestly depressing, the Aqua bit. I guess it's good to know it can get much worse.

>> No.28115360
File: 111 KB, 428x424, 1655775885591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115523

>5 days since last stream
>3 days of twitter silence except the Sana obligatory tweet and the random art RT to keep shrimps under sedative
>this is what she RTweets now
HAHAHAHA my sides holy shit fuck my life.

>> No.28115386
File: 219 KB, 337x251, 1655492433730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe people just got tired or got used to the breaks, what's the point of bitching about muh no streams to the void I just check for gura activity and if there's nothing then that's it

>> No.28115399

Glass of Gura pee on this hot summer day

>> No.28115411
Quoted by: >>28115934

she posted this on twitter to tell us it is raining today so no stream because it would scare her.

>> No.28115415

me on the right

>> No.28115455
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1619212848974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115506

because nothing happened you dumbo, she'll stream later, looking forward to see you malding about people being happy she's back when she streams

>> No.28115497
Quoted by: >>28115546

makiin thumbnai;l

>> No.28115506
Quoted by: >>28115596

not today or this week buddy.

>> No.28115507

>all future merch ruined by dumb green blob design.
gee, thanks!

>> No.28115523
File: 748 KB, 635x614, 1630728922016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 days
anon can't count lol

>> No.28115528

If only the art style wasn’t shit.

>> No.28115546

Think god... you care to tell us what game it is?

>> No.28115561
Quoted by: >>28115643

She's DEFINITELY masturbating it's never been more clear than this

>> No.28115596
File: 994 KB, 1910x768, 1655078760867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you need to tell yourself anon, sorry to hear gura having loyal fans bothers you this much

>> No.28115605

>Gura didn't like this

>> No.28115603

i don't learn a cashier's name.
i don't care about a cashier's interests or opinions.
i don't look forward to spending time with a cashier.
a cashier has never said they care about me.

What a stupid and nonsensical example. How are you posting here if you're actually this retarded? It's quite frankly amazing that you're even capable of using the Internet, let alone this website.

>> No.28115621


>> No.28115643
File: 1.21 MB, 1242x1544, A074FA16-83A2-444A-9871-263487FE0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meaaaan

>> No.28115645

More people should tag hentai with Gwart to encourage her to actually make a lewd tag.

>> No.28115660
File: 2.32 MB, 2667x3600, 1647611257379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Gura... why doesn't she stream?

>> No.28115686

>changes the definition of a hugbox to fit his narrative
There are both positive and negative Gura posts here, as it should be. If you only want positive posts aka A HUGBOX, than go back to your Reddit or Discord. Yesman destroyed. Next

>> No.28115706
Quoted by: >>28115844

Gura is so cripplingly horny that she can't bring herself to stream

>> No.28115709
File: 232 KB, 360x395, 1657412643675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got stuck on loading

>> No.28115739
Quoted by: >>28115824

>anon still butthurt the threads aren't how he likes them
Not your hugbox, I can post about Gura however I want

>> No.28115740

Depressed but also lazy

>> No.28115742
File: 28 KB, 236x200, 1645335835332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why my pp big now

>> No.28115763

I got to him, lol. The faggot was trying to report my posts as spam. How old are you? 5?

>> No.28115767

Next he will say you are not a real fan

>> No.28115781

I like this guy's art a lot. It's funny to me how many JP artists Gura has.

>> No.28115783

>this fucking thread
Twitter likes really are the new streams

>> No.28115790

>cr expo in 22 days
Well that settles it. No streams for the next 22 days. Time to sleep, mandatory prayer before sleep wishing I won't wake up tomorrow because it's just suffering waiting from now on and things will only get worse. Please pray for my prayer to become true if you got time for it.

>> No.28115805
File: 113 KB, 512x512, 6HMLYIS4FIrv8gSX15fYDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28115888

lmao that's hilarious

>> No.28115824

Wait. You were the faggot complaining about negative posts. I like both of them. That makes you the hugbox faggot yesman, lol

>> No.28115827

>I'll do my best!
>no delivery

Why is she like this?

>> No.28115840

>comparing vtubers to cashiers

A better comparison would be strippers. Good entertainment and can have a nice chat sometimes but you don’t want to get to attached.

>> No.28115844
Quoted by: >>28115907

But that would only make the stream really good.

>> No.28115864
File: 1.59 MB, 682x846, 1652412322970.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like seeing my sharkwife give signs of life

>> No.28115888
Quoted by: >>28115970

No, I got to the yesman. He was reporting posts as spam

>> No.28115895 [DELETED] 

>and suddenly "B" went online


>> No.28115904

What are you even implying?

>> No.28115907

She's also shy :(

>> No.28115912

She is alive. Enough for me today.
See you tomorrow chumbies

>> No.28115927


>> No.28115930


>> No.28115934

Stay safe gooper

>> No.28115965

Here's the thing.
If gura wanted to say what was going on, she would've said it already. She knows how much her fans care about her and yet has become completely distant and never wants to talk to us about what's going on. She doesn't want to talk about it because she either knows she can't or because she knows it will make us sad or leave her.

>> No.28115970

>n-no it was actually him

>> No.28115971
File: 61 KB, 720x276, 1657751845028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28116064

Fucking kek

>> No.28115977
File: 368 KB, 741x841, 1639815531602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28116019

I'll still hold out. I can wait. I wasn't expecting anything today at this point and now I expect even less, but...maybe.

>> No.28116022

Sorry bros too many things behind the scenes no stream for 1 month :)

>> No.28116026

I only came to this place when she stream and tweet

>> No.28116032

It means no stream today

>> No.28116045
File: 212 KB, 900x900, 1656457446566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28116111

huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA huuuAAAA

>> No.28116050


No stream I told you guys. and the same for the rest of the week and most of next week.

>> No.28116057
Quoted by: >>28116114

pretty bad excuse but im glad shes actually communicating at least.

>> No.28116064
File: 414 KB, 754x880, 1652410138851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the concert must require some prep, I don't think she recorded at ame's so I guess she'll have to go to the studio she went for her bday again

>> No.28116076 [DELETED] 


>> No.28116084

I wonder if something got fucked up with Mori's concert shit and she has to go re-record a bunch of things

>> No.28116111


>> No.28116114
Quoted by: >>28116171

>pretty bad excuse
>Gura won't communicat
>She does
Kill yourself fucking retard

>> No.28116129
Quoted by: >>28116153

I will wait patiently for my wife!

>> No.28116151
Quoted by: >>28116273

The normalfags did not like this excuse

>> No.28116153
File: 1.33 MB, 1750x1006, 1617387479881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll sleep thingken of her

>> No.28116155 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28116253

Yep, who wants to make a fake twitter and post the screen shot to her? because I am.

>> No.28116166 [DELETED] 

Wtf...and he was offline the whole day too...the timing man...

>> No.28116171

its a bad excuse.
Deal with it. She knew about the expos and the concert and Sana graduating before she said things would go back to normal.

>> No.28116172

This is so sad it's funny, it's fucking hilarious. God I hope I get a deadly stroke from the euphoric reaction I'm having right now, fuck.

>> No.28116174

i am absolutely sick to death of that fucking cunt

>> No.28116206

could be that or it could also relate to the crunchy roll expo. i found it a bit weird that the only ones listed on their website is gura, ame, ina, kiara, and bae

>> No.28116213
Quoted by: >>28116330

Now she has an out of jail card to not stream for 1 more week....fucking great....

>> No.28116215

>she doesn't communicate
>well now that she tweeted it's obviously an excuse and a lie
Once again proving the threadshitters will look for any angle to complain

>> No.28116224
Quoted by: >>28116364

>She knew about the expos and the concert and Sana graduating before she said things would go back to normal.
Did she said it was about the expo ? About the concert ? No. You don't know shit, retard.

>> No.28116226

>Gura gives us an update specifically btfoing the fans saying "what about going back to normal"
> Already trying to damage control.
I love to see schizos squirm.

>> No.28116253 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28116306

why make a fake twitter for that?

>> No.28116273

I don't like it myself, either. I believe her, mind you, which is worse because it means cover DID dump a bunch more corporate hogshit no one cares about on her.

>> No.28116286
File: 1.23 MB, 1451x1362, 1645755898628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28116364

yeah but something might have happened or she's just bad at estimating her workload

>> No.28116301
Quoted by: >>28116386

They immediately started making lies up again too, it's hilarious

>> No.28116304

Autocorrect is a bitch.

>> No.28116306 [DELETED] 

so i'm not blocked on my main and I'm also one of her paypigs.

>> No.28116319

A week of regular streams >> events/expos/music

>> No.28116327
Quoted by: >>28116478

Time to abandon ggg for a while, buds.

>> No.28116330
File: 1.56 MB, 2990x2412, 1656346749889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it'll be just 1 week

>> No.28116364

100% agree but i give less and less of a fuck about literally everything but streams each day that goes by when we dont get a stream.
If her job is to just talk to corpos and do sponsors and expos i honestly dont really think I will enjoy her content for much longer.

>> No.28116386
File: 440 KB, 1735x2048, 1656931859564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would think they would have tried something that didn't got BTFO to smithereens on her bday

>> No.28116385
Quoted by: >>28116489

It's not a bad excuse, but it is a late excuse.

>> No.28116392

>busy schedule
no stream for the rest of the week then

>> No.28116410 [DELETED] 

>I obsess over making up lies and being a schizo
>I'm also totally one of her paypigs
I'm sure you are bud

>> No.28116436

Enjoy it now because that's the last time you're gonna see her use the word schedule

>> No.28116440 [DELETED] 

just looks fake if not on main.

>> No.28116478
File: 1.04 MB, 991x790, 1581736371727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a good destination. Get comfy buddy, we're gonna kiss a train at 200 mph to get there.

>> No.28116480

at least we know that means no more streams for a week

>> No.28116489

its a bad excuse because its so late.
If it was a few days ago it would have been a fine excuse.

>> No.28116511 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28116637


>> No.28116529
Quoted by: >>28116735

Aqua used to stream everyday with a couple day breaks just like Gura used to. In fact she streamed hundreds of hours more per year than Gura did. She started streaming less and less just like Gura is now. She started communicating less and less just like Gura is now.

>> No.28116535
File: 317 KB, 1483x689, based_meido [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fya8w7g.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28116547

>busy schedule
>Already vanished for 3 days
>Somehow not "done"
Gotta cash in for more extra vacation days after all

>> No.28116570
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1627693717802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28116700

I love you guys so much. Endless entertainment.

>> No.28116596
Quoted by: >>28116792

>Gotta cash in for more extra vacation days after all
She have no obligations to stream. She doesn't have to "scam" vacation days. If she doesnt want to stream, she don't have to.

>> No.28116620

Cover is intent on keeping me from my wife at all costs. They shutdown her bday cybersex plan. They're cancelling her cunny daki. And now they won't let her relax with her chumbies. I will DESTROY Cover.

>> No.28116637

Cope, barbfag. Gura reserved her cunny for the chumbies.

>> No.28116669
File: 168 KB, 347x278, 1636664902557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next thread will be comfy

>> No.28116676
Quoted by: >>28116796

fuck it I am going on the Kronii train until Gura returns then
Kronii is on her menhera GFE arc right now so I am just going to enjoy that instead

>> No.28116679

her heart belongs to something/someone else now.

>> No.28116684
Quoted by: >>28116750

If it's not a new original song then it won't be worth the wait.
If it's just to prepare some useless panel for that expo I will go schizo

>> No.28116693
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, nyamu[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fgjzack.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'll wait for her no

>> No.28116700

This guy has been having a field day (or more like month) in /ggg/ for so long now
I think it's just some chumbud who cracked

>> No.28116735
Quoted by: >>28116838

Aqua doesn't give a shit anymore after what management did to her tbdesu

>> No.28116750

>If it's just to prepare some useless panel for that expo I will go schizo
Anon, litteraly all of holoEN is on the panel, and they're all streaming. Why do you even think they have to prepare for it ?

>> No.28116752

Wow cool a tweet telling us that she isnt going to stream for the foreseeable future.
I sure love Gura being busy all the time and literally never having anything to show for it.
How do all the other girls going to the expos and doing the same stuff have schedules and communicate just fine but Gura just goes "lol busy no stream"

>> No.28116777

Didn’t she literally just talk about the projects she has going on in her last members stream? I know y’all like streams but if the pay off is more music and stuff isn’t that okay too?

>> No.28116781
Quoted by: >>28118906

Guys, why is my tweetdeck activity column for liked tweets not working? It's on another tab in another window when I was browsing /vt/ I thought it should be feeding Gura-liked posts but it's still empty despite her already liking the lemon shark pic

>> No.28116792

She's primarily a streamer is she not? Singers sing, policemen police, firefighters fight fire and streamers... stream? No?

>> No.28116793
File: 215 KB, 1201x1668, 1630006598434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28116866

Chill out bud, mucho texto

>> No.28116796

Didn't ask. Don't come back.

>> No.28116800
Quoted by: >>28116961

She's /here/ and she read this. That tweet is damage control so her paypigs don't call her out

>> No.28116825

>my schedule
>when she never even posted one

Do retards even believe what she says?

>> No.28116838
Quoted by: >>28116946

>after what management did to her
You must realize this isn't reassuring to anyone here.

>> No.28116866
File: 73 KB, 828x872, 20210109_003932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah thanks im having a schizo meltdown because we wont ever get Gura back at this rate and id rather post about it here than attack her on twitter over shit i probably dont understand.
Idk what shes going through but I know that every day we dont get old Gura back I get a little more deranged.

>> No.28116887

>Gura is the supposed ambassador for the meet events
>Her panels are the same as everyone else
>Her merch is the same as everyone else
>Her social media News are the same as everyone else
>The only real difference is that she gets a bigger image in the promotional artwork
>The other girls now are also part of the crunchy event and still have time to stream
I don't want to hear that this is all about IRL events because that's bullshit

>> No.28116909

>more music
It's been 5 years

>> No.28116930

I belieb

>> No.28116935
File: 680 KB, 993x1246, 1619213241570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope one of those two long ones she talked about, really hope it's not about the fucking concert

>> No.28116946

nta but this is exactly the same thing I think Gura is going through. She loves her fans but I really do think she just is starting to not give a fuck about Hololive and is just too stressed to even try to put in the effort anymore.

>> No.28116961

Gura only cares about cumbuds, not paypigs.

>> No.28116988 [DELETED] 

i mean, it's so fucking obvious what's happening now. It's 1:00 AM there right now btw.
i don't understand why anyone trusts her anymore.

>> No.28116997

Hey scizo what if idk

>> No.28117015

Gura didn't have much (or any at all) social interaction irl in the past 10 years and the off collab with friends she can trust (to a certain extent) made it possible for her to get a good fill of what she was missing.
She was starved for irl affection and friendly interaction until a few months ago to the point she had gotten depressed about being lonely but now it's not like that anymore.
She is moving on from her antisocial lifestyle which used to include social interaction with chat. She doesn't need that anymore and she doesn't feel bad about it because at the end of the day any comment you ever wrote was just a bunch of distorted pixels and you cannot feel the warmth or heartbeat of pixels.

This is the new normal and nothing will ever change this. She might have the courage to pull a 22 days hiatus for real because who is gonna get angry anyways? a couple chat "antis" at worst and they're just another bunch of distored pixels as well.

>> No.28117017

yes.... Gura is lazy everyone knows that.
The issue is that all this extra stuff doestn affect her the way it does others and we get less streams and a more stressed out Gura as a result of it.

>> No.28117036
File: 190 KB, 512x512, _DTNYKLyI4O_gwP3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28117038

yea i wonder why mori hasn't been streaming tho its so weird

>> No.28117044

It must be tough to be the #1 sharktuber.

>> No.28117054

Her ADHD means she has a very low capacity for planned activities which means anytime management throws projects at her (i.e. the things she has to do to keep her job) streams are going to be the first thing to deprioritize.

>> No.28117061

She just doesn't have as much energy as the other girls. Social batteries, etc, as mentioned before. I can bring up as many examples as you of the others going hard, Ame and her mocap studio and then coof and then still trying to stream, Mori living two lives, Ina being artfag Kirito, Kiara streaming more JRPG hours than sleeping, but Gura doesn't have that in her. It sucks, but it is what it is.

>> No.28117068

Her personal schedule retardchama. That could mean hololive projects or other real life stuff she has to deal with

>> No.28117071

Ok so I want more communication from Gura. So this is nice. But what I've noticed is that most communication from Gura is just her disappointing us in some way.

>> No.28117083
File: 373 KB, 627x606, 1642928248792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't chumbies be normal?

>> No.28117092

>Her merch is the same as everyone else
she got some extra shit for AX

>> No.28117108

An hour of some shitty panel or a 5 minute long appearance in Mori's concert or whatever else is just not worth countless hours of Gura streaming and talking to chumbuds. Try to prove me wrong.

>> No.28117115
File: 2.63 MB, 2507x3541, right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

antis seething and I just goomed to Gura liking fanart. love my sharkwife

>> No.28117131

well yea she only says anything when its way too far past the point at which she should have said something.

>> No.28117140
Quoted by: >>28117637

>The only real difference is that she gets a bigger image in the promotional artwork
What do you think being the ambassador even means? It just meant Cover was gonna use her face to spread their brand more, through having her shill and using art of her at events.

>> No.28117153

I will wait for her.

>> No.28117157
Quoted by: >>28117264

I hate this meme but no delivery fits perfectly she has been "recording" here and there for months

>> No.28117163
Quoted by: >>28117308

Holy shit you are genuinely retarded

>> No.28117175
Quoted by: >>28117263

Wow retard, you've discovered one of the reasons she doesn't like communicating. Keep thinking and you'll figure out the others too.

>> No.28117200

>Doesn't stream for 3 days, /ggg/ suffers from separation anxiety
>/ggg/ historically bitches about how little Gura tweets to give updates about stuff like this
>she actually tweets to give an update about stuff like this
>/ggg/ gets what they wanted and still continues to lose their fucking mind
Stop asking for shit if you're just going to be upset when you get it. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

>> No.28117245

classic chumbabies

>> No.28117254

I didn't ask for more communication I asked for streams.

>> No.28117262

please for the love of god understand that the threadshitters will literally always find something to complain about

>> No.28117263
Quoted by: >>28117334

Maybe she could learn to balance the shill/cancellation tweets with the inane cute bullshit.

>> No.28117264
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1655079490592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did have some stuff in june, also it's not like we don't know what it will be now, it's the mori concert

>> No.28117273

>new ip
ok threadshitter

>> No.28117274

Can’t help that Pajeets are allowed to comment here too man

>> No.28117308

there are ESLs who think that "schedule" refers only to a written document with a table of events and times, but not to the abstract structure of events and times.

>> No.28117320 [DELETED] 

>one tweet past frametime after three days of silence
>just after getting back from off-collab namek
>after months of decreasing activity
You know exactly why it's like this.

>> No.28117334
File: 722 KB, 1280x720, 1656778362122.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does that and people bitched about it not being on the same day as a stream

>> No.28117343
Quoted by: >>28117398

the issue is the communication is bad, way too late, and still doesnt tell anyone when the fuck she is gonna stream.

>> No.28117354
File: 329 KB, 436x456, 1631467849546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU what happened to the thread?

>> No.28117380
Quoted by: >>28117405

What happened to the Gura who was trying to improve?

>> No.28117393 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28117450

>the isle booted up

>> No.28117398
File: 97 KB, 512x512, rug_Ye3TBpPG7QTq-5noBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28117405

manager shitcanned it

>> No.28117410

something happened during the offcollab and i hate it. nobody except kiara streams anymore and its all so tiring

>> No.28117450

You continue to post about these things thread after thread, and yet my chicken has frozen solid.

>> No.28117451


>> No.28117464

So let me get this straight. Gawr Gura of Hololive English Myth, is the only member of the English branch who is busy? None of the others are busy? Only Gura is too busy to fucking do her job?

>> No.28117468

Sana getting graduated bro

>> No.28117477

He says while Inner is streaming.

>> No.28117490

If it was Kiara we would know exactly what she's busy with when it's probably going to be done and get a few hours long chatting stream. Shitters would still seethe and call her bad.

>> No.28117510

autistic girls got way too tired from prolonged socializing and needed like a week to recover, also I think most are back to normal anyway

>> No.28117551

Ina is litteraly streaming right now
Ame streamed twice since she returned from her break despite being sick.
Mori streamed four times, while she's preparing for her concert in less than a week
Mumei is streaming as usual
Fauna is sick
Kronii have a packed schedule
Bae is still in the US

>> No.28117596
File: 524 KB, 1097x1071, 1639329669904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28117618

Mori kind of addressed this in her last chat, why she's so scarce. She's just very busy I'm not about to court a ban by telling you why, everyone knows. Ame is sick as fuck but hopefully getting better. Ina is streaming right now. Kiara is active, at least, I don't watch her enough to tell you more because she streams too early for me.

>> No.28117619

bae streamed like 3 hours in almost the past 3 weeks

>> No.28117629

She had projects still in the works per her birthday stream...do you even watch her?

>> No.28117637
Quoted by: >>28117822

That's my point, sticking a PNG in some Image is not heavy work how that stops her from streaming? Literally everything from the ambassador spot is shit that doesn't show "wow that's an insane amount of work for sure I understand now", she needs to practice for the panels? All the other girls also practice for the panels is like NOTHING NOTHING SPECIAL LITERALLY NOTHING IS ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT WHERE'S THE HARD WORK IT NEVER SHOWS ITS HIDDEN SOMEWHERE IN SOME SECRET FUCKING MANAGEMENT DISCORD THAT NEVER GETS TO SEE THE LIGHT OF THE DAY FOR SOME STUPID REASONS OF LAZINESS AND WASTE OF TIME, OH SHIT I NEED TO MAKE FOOD TODAY HAHAHAHA NO STREAM OH SHIT KRONII MADE ME LAUGH TOO MUCH WITH A MEME NO STREAM OH SHIT I HAD TO TAKE A SHIT AND NOW MY ASSHOLE HURT NO STREAM JUST FUCKING STREAM STREAM STREAM STREAM

>> No.28117639

Gura is the biggest member of Hololive and as such have more promotional works and behind the scene works than say, Kiara or Ina? Like being ambassador of Hololive Meet for one ?

>> No.28117655
Quoted by: >>28117692

Last time she was busy we got two songs, a nice birthday stream with a last minute 3d concert, and the off collab arc. I wonder whats in store besides the panel?

>> No.28117668
Quoted by: >>28117750

I just want streams. I don't want another 3D MV that Gura was hardly involved in, I don't want more cancelled merch and projects, I don't want more shilling and conventions. I just want her to stream...

>> No.28117686

hey since they finally got atlus perms, any atlus game you want to see?

>> No.28117691

>does a promotional event once or twice every 6 months
>this takes up 6 days a week of streaming time

>> No.28117692

concert with human garbage

>> No.28117694
File: 446 KB, 3159x2761, 1642213994753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls really got sick over travelling it seems

>> No.28117701
Quoted by: >>28117860

Anon, each of the girls have project in the work. But they still stream while working on it.

>> No.28117714

She’s not the only one. The EN girls in general cannot balance BTS work with streaming like the JP girls sans Ayame.

>> No.28117750


>> No.28117756


>> No.28117772

Shut the fuck up now

>> No.28117773

epic, behinds the scene stuff! very cool and fun! great content! my favorite part is where none of it ever comes out!

>> No.28117792


>> No.28117796

Heh...i see how it is...this bitch...

>> No.28117800

>I'll do my best today

>> No.28117809

Schizobros not like this...

>> No.28117811


>> No.28117822
Quoted by: >>28117843

Don't delete.

>> No.28117824
File: 76 KB, 279x263, 1656463112307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28117836

>peer pressured to stream anyway

fucking kek

>> No.28117842
File: 755 KB, 2000x3000, 1650626340648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28117894

This is literally all we ask for. Just stream.

>> No.28117843


>> No.28117857
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, 1654017182679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Came here to talk about Gura next stream
>See nothing but bitching
This is why I never come here when Gura don't stream. Seek help or at least spend your time better.

>> No.28117860

The difference is I know what one of hers is. You don't need to believe me but it was supposed to be for her proper 3D debut.

>> No.28117865


>> No.28117866
Quoted by: >>28117974


>> No.28117870

ohnonono schizobros... our narrative fall apart....

>> No.28117871

Mumei is working on stuff for her birthday and streaming almost everyday.

>> No.28117877


>> No.28117879

>people complain
>Gura does something
Tell me again how complaining doesn't work?

>> No.28117892

Alright, I'll be damned, I wasn't expecting it. I am reserving my kneeling until some consistency, though.

>> No.28117894
Quoted by: >>28118203

This aged like milk.


>> No.28117904

Holy bitched the fuck out

Kneel to Gwoombus

>> No.28117905

my wife posted a waiting room bye nerds

>> No.28117917

Schizos are in shambles today.

>> No.28117919

She's not here, Anon.

>> No.28117922
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1649526948207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers never learn, do you?

>> No.28117935


>> No.28117949
File: 971 KB, 1290x1500, 1623810757218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's lazy, but keep in mind that she is literally our committed lover and not many girls will do that. That makes her worth supporting.

>> No.28117972

I-i never doubted her for a second

>> No.28117973
Quoted by: >>28118379


>> No.28117974

i'm gooming

>> No.28117979
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Cunny i kneel.

>> No.28117982
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Quoted by: >>28118042

Maybe you would be right if people didn't complain 24/7

>> No.28118000
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>> No.28117997

I hope she talks about what's got her so busy

>> No.28118004

Complaining where??

>> No.28118024


>> No.28118042

Weird cope

>> No.28118045

At this point I believe she is fucking with the shitposters kek

>> No.28118049
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>> No.28118061

>It works every single time
I will never stop complaining you yesmen are just piggybacking

>> No.28118064

People have been complaining since the last stream ended

>> No.28118068
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>> No.28118080

Thanks gura
I thought for sure she wouldn't stream over the sana Collab but I'm glad she put herself first when she finally has the availability.

>> No.28118095

Schizobros... we're getting laughed at yet again...

>> No.28118104

so much for 'cutoffs' lmao

>> No.28118110

holy fucking shit prechat is giga aids you guys better send all your love messages to gura jesus christ thats depressing

>> No.28118114

“People” complain here all the fucking time though

>> No.28118117

This is honestly really cruel to her fans. Not only is this after her usual frame time, she made a tweet that heavily lead people to believe she wouldn't stream. Lower numbers will reflect that.

>> No.28118128
File: 449 KB, 1888x1259, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo friends...

>> No.28118175

>Supers on
Thank fucking god I needed this so bad

>> No.28118177


>> No.28118193
Quoted by: >>28118300


>> No.28118203


>> No.28118209
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>> No.28118235

Bets on how long the stream will be?
Bets on superchats or not?

>> No.28118255

she had a word with management and threatened resignation if she doesnt get her daki, management takes too long to respond and translation issues aswell, it takes a while to get a fucking point across

>> No.28118266

She'll obviously get her thoughts about Sana's graduation out asap. What do you expect her to say?

>> No.28118269

So that mean the busy days already passed, right?

>> No.28118275

>I-I'm busy, sorry..
>here's a stream anyway

does she have a double personality?

>> No.28118276
Quoted by: >>28118319

Did she ever read SCs after a Minecraft stream?

>> No.28118297
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>> No.28118300

I can't goom now, Gura is streaming soon

>> No.28118306

2 hour 45 min stream no superchats

>> No.28118310 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28118366

Sorry, her "schedule" is "busy".

>> No.28118318

that's the point. she doesn't want the fakebuds and greynigs polluting her chat

>> No.28118319
Quoted by: >>28118365

how fucking new

>> No.28118324
Quoted by: >>28118472

How is this communication, you fucking dope? At best we know it IMPLIES she won't stream today.
Here's examples of actual communication:
>schedule got super busy, can't stream today
>schedule got super busy, can't stream for the next few days
>schedule got super busy, can't stream for the next week
>schedule super busy, will let you guys know ahead of time when streams can resume
Fuck's sake, its not schizo when people were never demanding vague shit like this.

>> No.28118347

fuck you keep your negative shit out of her chat hope youre getting shadowbanned

>> No.28118359
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>> No.28118365
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Day 1 chumbud

I just have Alzhaimer

>> No.28118369

Someone ask about the Shion daki lol

>> No.28118366
Quoted by: >>28118754

>He's STILL trying with a stream frame up
can you get more pathetic

>> No.28118379


>> No.28118425

Y'all dumb af she clearly just got in from being buzy and then did her twitter reps and told us her schedule has been nuts and you still bitching like she said she wasn't streaming

This exactly why she hate using twitter

>> No.28118427
Quoted by: >>28118606

I predicted this >>28102420

>> No.28118441

I'll get on it when she starts reading chat or alludes to 4M merch

>> No.28118450

Bullshit mate, HoloX shits out sponsorships ever 3 days and still streams. JP girls have been shill machines, did actual singing and dancing reps, and still streamed. Do I expect malnourished shark to match japanese work ethic? No lol. Do I think she's the busiest member in hololive? Also no, because I've followed her for 2 years now and she just isn't that involved with time consuming projects. Or maybe she has 1 billion cancelled ones because management loves pissing away money.

>> No.28118455

Well, looks like you whiners won. Gura will stream minecraft over the Sana collab and the Kronii/ Mumei collab.

>> No.28118472

It's schizo when people behave the way they have been in this thread when discussing an adult woman playing the role of an anime shark girl streaming video games on the internet.
If someone just doesn't stream it shouldn't affect your emotional state at all. It should be an "Oh, okay, I'll catch her next time then" thing.
If it affects you any more than that, you have an unhealthy attachment that, and I must be clear about this, will never, ever be reciprocated beyond roleplay.

>> No.28118516
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, 1634139068581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish all barracudas, schizos, falsflaggers, and antis a merry eat shit and die

>> No.28118561

>Frog stream
>Kiara giving free frogs
I-I.... don't know...

>> No.28118576

I wasn't going to watch those collabs, but now I'll watch the vods later since my sharkwife came to see me today.

>> No.28118583
Quoted by: >>28118622

thanks lily

>> No.28118603
Quoted by: >>28118659

>If it affects you any more than that, you have an unhealthy attachment that, and I must be clear about this, will never, ever be reciprocated beyond roleplay.
And why is that a bad thing again? If it brings me joy when I hear her voice?

>> No.28118606
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>linking your pre-cope

>> No.28118622

you better go order a Shion daki now as thanks.

>> No.28118624


>> No.28118628

Have multiple streams up or just choose what you want to watch and watch the others later. Why the fuck does it matter if there’s a bunch of streams going on? Live CCV doesn’t do shit for them.

>> No.28118654
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Quoted by: >>28118739


>> No.28118659

If you watch something that brings you entertainment and makes you happy, there's nothing wrong with that.
Just don't go off the deep end, it's not healthy for you and it's simply not going to get you anywhere.

>> No.28118666

Sana's probably gonna collab every other day. Gura probably took this into account and hence tweeted her "busy schedule" with other shit she has to do, in order to justify streaming tonight to meet quota

>> No.28118697

Is there a chance that SNOT won't screw it up?

>> No.28118739

>early thread

>> No.28118754

sowwy. i hadn't updated the thread. when I'm wrong. i'm wrong.

>> No.28118783

talk more in uwu it would make your posts adorable

>> No.28118801
Quoted by: >>28118876

She will never talk about it, won't she?

>> No.28118802

Which I imagine is often

>> No.28118832
File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, 1639818004255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will screw it up by being annoying, stinky and small

>> No.28118841
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1000, 1657422553755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just a role to Gura, she considers herself an e-girl idol who is a real waifu to her fans.

>> No.28118857

Later nerds.

>> No.28118876
Quoted by: >>28119133

What she does outside of streaming is none of our business.

>> No.28118900
Quoted by: >>28119042

if you're asking if snot won't show up. mumei and kronii have a stream in 2 hours

>> No.28118902

>no stories I follow update when gura is gone
>literally every story I follow updates when gura is has a stream in 45 minutes
Please delay the stream so I can read everything Gura

>> No.28118906
File: 504 KB, 1055x607, Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 06.19.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28119135

would a picture bring more attention perhaps?
please help guys...

>> No.28118925

i just hope gura will ignore all you drama and negative baits like she's done so far

>> No.28118929

everything she does is our business

>> No.28119010
File: 1018 KB, 2000x1733, 1636889505510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss her feet

>> No.28119042

>fanfic shit
This is the only thing i don't like about mumei, her tumblerina side.

>> No.28119133

She'd share everything with us if there weren't trolls/antis/NDAs to worry about. It's like a real marriage to her.

>> No.28119135

I have no clue how tweetdeck works, try googling it
