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File: 3.33 MB, 2728x3699, FWIriAVWIAAcjk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26985567 No.26985567 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

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Official Character References:
Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:


▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou
▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa
▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika
▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka
▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui
▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Tenmamaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenma
Twitch Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa


▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikaneko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi
▼Amaris Yuri アマリス百合 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmarisYuri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/amarisyuri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yuri


▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hMwvRuMsQrfgu0DPKLV2A
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilia_nephys
▼ Airi Chisaka 千坂 アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qlAhrec6-0J-K3zmhNPPQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi
▼Shiina Amanogawa 天ノ川 しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJNNk45O1QYS2oMRYFKSyw
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina
▼ Rie Himemiya 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4O6PWA47f6XbCgrLQNqEQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbg
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina
▼Panko Komachi 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVo_KgPNsDKxHwzib7uarCw
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko

▼Phase Friends
Aetheria >>>/vt//aeg/
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/
Aoi Moi - https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Maple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread >>26929043

>> No.26985578

▼Lumi Glimpse of Us Cover
Lumi released a cover of Glimpse of Us by Joji

▼Tsunderia x Phase Vocaloid Medley
Company unity

▼Current Streams
Lia is playing Ib

>> No.26985680

Flakes will be MINE

>> No.26985688
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, NASALOVE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's been going to shit in record time. Post the girls to ward off the shitposters.

>> No.26985701
File: 436 KB, 780x960, 1653192099851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26985720

base michan adding fuel to the "yuri is the brapposter fire"


>> No.26985724
File: 394 KB, 542x462, Lia80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia is so cute I love her so much

>> No.26985731
File: 585 KB, 648x575, 1656206735034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All times EDT / UTC / JST

NOW - Lia Ib remake

23:30 / 03:30 / 12:30 - Uruka zatsu

Weekly schedule:

>> No.26985790
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x712, sus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26986482

Amaris Yuri WILL be caught as the brapposter

>> No.26986029
File: 32 KB, 456x553, Screencap_Model_Sweating_Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26986751

I love this bear!

>> No.26986054
File: 1.22 MB, 1896x937, 1633439973934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you joined the guild yet?

>> No.26986060
File: 353 KB, 466x431, Lia2.0 horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she always so horny

>> No.26986179

Because she's gay and autistic and gay autistic women run into the same problems as autistic straight men trying to date.

>> No.26986268

sexually frustrated e-girl many such cases

>> No.26986282

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.26986418

I will hug Pippa even if it kills me.

>> No.26986482
Quoted by: >>26987061

the fact that Tenma is aware of the Yuri is the brapposter rrat is incredibly based.

>> No.26986751
File: 689 KB, 514x622, DamnItUruka[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4kzyab.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bear is funny.

>> No.26987059
File: 364 KB, 470x459, Lia82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26987061
Quoted by: >>26987329

Tenma lurks here now probably or Pippa sends her posts
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pippa sends most of the girls posts Anon's make about them that she likes or thinks are funny and that's how they're introduced to the thread

>> No.26987329

This is not news or ambigous. She sent them all to the board 3 months in because she is a FUCKING. RETARD. who needs to be made to read the following until she can recite it by hard.

They turned hard tourist for a couple months and she routinely bitched about it.
She kind of has a thing with self-inflicting pain.
This thread might in fact be at partial fault for the model change. She shouted out certain persistent comments connected to her model and persona before and seemed rather hurt by them.

>> No.26987479
File: 346 KB, 454x447, Lia pout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck Lias fountain penis

>> No.26987546
File: 204 KB, 769x221, look in my eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26987761


>> No.26987649

Hug Pippa
Watch Remilia
Swap spit with Erina
Don’t trust Lumi

>> No.26987761
File: 252 KB, 359x549, tiny Lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's too small for me anon i'm sorry

>> No.26987864

and here I am with a fairy onahole fettish.

>> No.26988061
File: 352 KB, 473x458, Lia85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26988146
File: 132 KB, 529x711, 1656130078998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26988147
Quoted by: >>26988234

lia likers, lia needs correction

>> No.26988161
Quoted by: >>26988988

Pippa forces a lot of things that make us go huh did that need a change? and then she gets upset when those changes hurt her. Like forcing Rimmy's group with Lisa and Aoi during the 12 person pixelmon collab.
>B-b-but I need to
No you don't. Leave well enough alone Pippa.
Lisa is not Lumi don't talk to her about conspiracies. Since Pippa is a poketard I'll explain in pokemon terms, some conversation topics are super effective with some friends and not very effective for others and you can only have a max of 6 pokemon + you in a party(collab). I spoke about the 5 geek social fallacies in an early thread but it seems Pippa forgot.

>> No.26988234
File: 379 KB, 483x444, Lia mindbreak1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desperately so

>> No.26988277

Lumi's genuine laugh is CUTE

>> No.26988336
File: 17 KB, 300x310, 1655480540032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26988388

why do i even have /pcg/ open all day when i don't read it?

>> No.26988388
Quoted by: >>26988505

I check /pcg/ every 10-20 minutes unless i'm out and about, then it's every hour

>> No.26988505
Quoted by: >>26988644

But why? There have been entire threads full of nothing. /pcg/ is useful for comments too yab for youtube chat during streams and that's it.

>> No.26988644

autism and boredom

>> No.26988899
File: 63 KB, 711x718, 165083227856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "/pcg/ is the center of the world" episode

>> No.26988979
File: 1.93 MB, 2011x2755, 1636239327685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what my hot non-blood related (kind of niece is currently doing.

>> No.26988988

Are you retarded?

>> No.26989004
File: 1.25 MB, 600x600, pippa exercise 3 lift tenma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26989106
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1647661418504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is...is that pippanties!?

>> No.26989112
Quoted by: >>26989294

why did lia get a breast reduction? are any of the gen 2 girls planning on getting one?

>> No.26989136
File: 967 KB, 830x806, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26989364

Lia is lucky she is so god damned cute. This game is like ambien

>> No.26989232

There is something very wrong about this gif and I hope God strikes you for it.

>> No.26989280

yeah why the fuck isn't she nopan

>> No.26989294

Reduced risk of breast cancer
Less strain on the back

>> No.26989295

Zach's squat form is off tweet that at him not me.

>> No.26989300
File: 312 KB, 1878x1624, mommys rancid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this bratty zoomer like you wouldn't believe

>> No.26989364
File: 324 KB, 471x447, Lia89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's ludicrously cute

>> No.26989462
Quoted by: >>26989729

Back strain is only an excuse if you have legit gigantic boobas tbf.

>> No.26989546
Quoted by: >>26989614

i want to hug pippa and tell her she is loved everyday

>> No.26989613

these random japanese noises Lia frequently makes gets me DIAMONDS

>> No.26989614

I made this post

>> No.26989633

this is not funny

>> No.26989686
File: 635 KB, 1920x1017, yuri peak cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only interested in Phase Connect, Tsunderia, and other related small corpo drama. HoloMyth dox parties and Vshojo politics drama does nothing for me. I thumb my nose at all who deign care about such things.

>> No.26989729
Quoted by: >>26989947

My sister has E cup and says the "back pain" is just a thing she tells other girls because if you dont they feel bad about themselves.

>> No.26989742

Holy based.

>> No.26989799

I heard from a reliable source that Yuri is actually a tall blond bombshell kind of girl. She has been posting images of some random shortie to throw us all of

>> No.26989883
File: 630 KB, 587x601, GOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26990776

This is my mom

>> No.26989887
File: 407 KB, 539x443, Lia91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I need more Lia asmr

>> No.26989947

kek based

>> No.26990193
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26990247

Lia is singing about how I should kiss her

>> No.26990247
File: 12 KB, 110x126, cheeky ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26990319

that's me shes talking about retard

>> No.26990319
File: 555 KB, 1408x1438, lia-squish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26990474

You stupid fuck she is clearly talking about me, the only way she could be talking about you is if you are me

>> No.26990474
File: 22 KB, 347x179, smug Lia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26990575

well since I made that post you are clearly me, and I am (you)

>> No.26990575
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1656107255884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I cant fault that logic especially because it came from me and afterall I am great. So great Lia wants me to kiss her

>> No.26990717

what words am I allowed to say in phase chat? am I allowed to say retard?

>> No.26990776
Quoted by: >>26991114

I made this post

>> No.26990788

Try room temp iq

>> No.26990797

retard is iffy, probably acceptable if you don't use it that often or that rudely. you wouldn't get a ban for it most likely if the jannies care. probably just a timeout

>> No.26990856
Quoted by: >>26992110

I would advise against using non politically correct language except for weird exceptions like schizo

>> No.26991067
File: 364 KB, 494x437, Lia92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26991114
File: 95 KB, 906x1200, FWH1icyWAAA0O_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad to have a brother like you, but I am mom's favorite

>> No.26991122
File: 19 KB, 561x109, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop containment breaking /here/ and kill yourself, faggot

>> No.26991282

fuck I wish Lia played better games

>> No.26991327

I love when she plays shit like this because i can just throw her in the background and not care about whats happening

>> No.26991383

Ib is a good game, your taste is just terminally shit.

>> No.26991426
Quoted by: >>26991809

maybe i'm mindbroke by her but I think shit games are part of the Lia experience. watching her play games I don't care about at all adds to the charm of her streams for some reason

>> No.26991809
Quoted by: >>26992190

Yeah, something about Lia liking FNaF but barely being able to play it is so endearing.

>> No.26992110

Just you wait until schizos get real power and get gibs then you won't be able to anymore.

>> No.26992190

FNAF is a shit game Lia likes. IB is a shit game that is trending flavor of the month. There's a difference. FNAF and enstars bring out the best in Lia. IB does not.

>> No.26992211

I got banned for using the word autist even though Pippa uses it all the time
Phase jannies are really something else

>> No.26992354


>> No.26992387
File: 467 KB, 1800x1800, 1655073275099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Pippa

>> No.26992479

Get fucked autist.

>> No.26992920
Quoted by: >>26993064

It’s kinda shitty when a moderator has no idea of the culture their in charge of. I suspect occasionally some members of janitorial staff from other talents pop in occasionally and operate it like they would on their own. Were I to sully myself with a janitorial position, I would focus more on the wierdos who obviously haven’t lurked enough and make it painfully obvious and thats probably how it should be done.

>> No.26992975
File: 629 KB, 591x665, Lia93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26993270

>> No.26993064
Quoted by: >>26993435

Kill yourself.

>> No.26993270

Lia has a smile worth protecting

>> No.26993430
File: 477 KB, 800x715, RATE THE STREAM2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26993435
Quoted by: >>26993783

Yes, adjectives, a great feature of the english language, don’t you agree?

>> No.26993530

I already love her new model more than the old one/10
game was kinda boring but I will suffer because I love Lia/10

>> No.26993729

oh noooo someone mentioned le ebin secret place NOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.26993783
Quoted by: >>26994068

I wish we went to the same highschool so I could beat and bully the sarcasm irony-poison out of you. Using that many adverbs means you have no confidence in your statements otherwise you would write the statements by themselves.

>> No.26993803

>any game that is shit at what it does is booted from its category
No, dumbass, you've got it the other way round. What, do you think Streets of Rage was ever considered a character action game?
Games get INTO categories based on their features, they don't get pushed out. Something like Deus Ex isn't considered an open world game simply because the world isn't big enough, so it's just a normal immersive sim. Need for Speed isn't a driving-sim because the controls aren't realistic enough so it's just an arcade racer.
DMC is a character action game whilst River City Girls isn't. I guess you could call DMC a beat-em-up as well, but that's like calling Arma just "a shooter" instead of a Milsim. It's reductive and takes away the utility of subgenres entirely.

>> No.26993930

Lia was really bratty and cute in the first half before she had to think about puzzles/10
I want to fuck gary in front of Lia/10

>> No.26994035
Quoted by: >>26994106

>cross-threading 2 hour old genre bullshit
"I was bu--" Not with anything meaningful or you wouldn't be the kind of person who does this shit.
Pop a Xanax or something. You're not doing so hot right now.

>> No.26994068
Quoted by: >>26994228

or maybe he just doesn't want to tell you how to think. did you know you can think for yourself instead of just agreeing or disagreeing with what you read?

>> No.26994106

I accept your concession.

>> No.26994110

Streets of Rage is dogshit
Deus Ex is for retards
DMC promotes faggotry and is pushed hard my closet homos like you.

>> No.26994228

Pretending to be another person to defend yourself is pathetic. Get off the internet and play with your plastic children's toys it will make you feel better.

>> No.26994281
Quoted by: >>26994437

The only good answer, I should know because I played two of the three

>> No.26994372

take your meds, theres more than a few people in this thread right now. don't be surprised everyone doesn't agree with you

>> No.26994437

>2/3 chance of being a fag
dante or virgil homo boy

>> No.26994438

Original anon here, It’s actually more like always using a sort of lawyerspeak wherever there is a shread of doubt, so I won’t sound like a dumbass.

>> No.26994459
File: 896 KB, 950x1376, gloriasex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMC promotes faggotry
What in the fuck
Are you talking about DmC and not DMC?

>> No.26994494

I want Pippa to womanhandle me

>> No.26994580

He is a closet fag himself and sees homosexuality everywhere he looks. Textbook projection.

>> No.26994713
File: 7 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuri clearly not paying attention
>Tenma has perfect timing and busted her
michan is a treasure

>> No.26994798

>this is all your fault!
>ah ah ah, as it should be
i fucking love tenma so much

>> No.26994904
File: 93 KB, 863x588, 1652993571636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're a cute girl.

>> No.26995151
File: 266 KB, 1200x1700, 1654496614659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa needs to correct her sheep.

>> No.26995158

Is there a reason why Aoi is asking to "give him the candy" and "lick the candy"?
Pippa? What are you teaching him

>> No.26995282

>Pippa? What are you teaching him

>> No.26995425

This is just the level the modern Japanese male is at. Personifying himself as a pre-pubescent child and asking for candy on the internet. Pippa need not be involved.

>> No.26995462

I'd blame Lia for that one

>> No.26995643

>you enter the house
>mold everywhere
>a small trail of smoke comes to you and exits the door you just came through
>pippa is sitting in a lawnchair smoking a cigar worth more than most of the furniture in the room
>as you get close you realize the smoke is the only thing masking her stench
>she stands up, head only reaching the bottom of your sternum
>her fist slams into your stomache
>she begins to choke back a sob, she has hurt her hand on your stomache.
>you fall over dramatically so she isnt to embarassed
>"y-ya you stay on the g-g-g-g-g-g" her jaw is quivering as she trys to finish the line
>tears are streaming down her face
>the cigar is just a wooden stick with the end slightly burnt so it smokes "stogie" written in sharpie
>her face is so pure red, soaked in tears, and snot is leaking out of her nose
>"g-g-g-ground, PUNK"
>she regains her composure and fires off a snot rocket to clear her congested nose.
>she sits down and begins to fall asleep
>having done more exercise with that one punch than she has in months.
>she begins to snore loudly shaking the floor as her snot filled nose fights for oxygen.
>her rabbit hops over to you and shits next to your face.

>> No.26995689

Lunaticthomas21#4895 is pippa's new bf if anyone is curious,you're welcome

>> No.26995773

never namedrop me ever again

>> No.26995776

>discord bf
Pippa you gota get a real boyfriend man

>> No.26995987

What’s the discordfag drama this time? Someone jerking off in vc? Posting the same emoji too much? I don’t fucking know nor care what you people argue about.

>> No.26996003
Quoted by: >>26996208

retard thinks if he names himself in here that he will get popular but it only makes him look like a bigger retard

>> No.26996092


>> No.26996095
File: 291 KB, 2048x1324, FVkWMOIVsAA3S7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26996568

I have had two dream's of Iori this week, i am officially mentally ill.

>> No.26996119

I think I like Royal/Hime Rei the most

>> No.26996208

Not him but hes someone i met through utuals on !pippas discord server, theres logs of this guy with pippa if ur curious

>> No.26996231
Quoted by: >>26996932

seems like some dude trying to fuck with another dude from discord or some false flag to self-post?
either way, its gay
I am curious

>> No.26996287

Dump the logs

>> No.26996459

As someone who actually knows shit this is the stupidest rrat I have seen in a while but sure go ahead and show your "proof" ill give it a good look over and laugh and how everything is wrong and schizo theories

>> No.26996502
File: 230 KB, 596x338, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not on discord
>not on twitter
>never donated or supa'd
>get recognized and remembered by lia and lumi
this is the ideal set-up

>> No.26996558

some grey names just radiate masculinity over the internet and I wish to be one of them

>> No.26996568
Quoted by: >>26997030

speak to us oh oracle of the deer what form of grooming has the blessed cervus bestowed upon thee

>> No.26996646
Quoted by: >>26996932

I mean, most people interested in this is going in with your exact same perspective lmao

>> No.26996680
File: 394 KB, 640x750, 1649789085335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels fucking good, man.
Well I guess I'm on Twitter but not with the same name.

>> No.26996877

Lumi is a fake bitch and belongs with the vshojo sluts

>> No.26996932

Contacting the guy rn, from what hes saying and shown so far it seems like a real final yab, they have an interesting history together.

>> No.26996967
Quoted by: >>26997033

Pippa is a bratty zoomer and belongs in my mancave

>> No.26997030
File: 1.61 MB, 2260x2500, 34DA5542-ADB3-47A6-8B00-0BEB46895B61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26997376

>feel like im not sleeping
>looking at the back of my eyelids
>loud pop sound
>fall over
>body is being dragged and im flopping when i try to move, harder i try to move the less i can
>another loud pop sound
>room gets bright
>sound of heels echoing on a marbel floor
>iori walks by
>another loud pop
>huge pain in back
>another loud pop
>more heel clicking, more pain
>she walks up to my face and looks into my eyes
>loud pop
>wake up

>> No.26997033
File: 826 KB, 1000x750, hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26997241

I am actually Pippa's boyfriend. I'm half mold, and half human. I'm the Moldy-Fiend and I've cucked you. Sorry.

>> No.26997376
File: 49 KB, 393x475, 61NA7YJH68L._SX391_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26997513

>deer, hunts you down
I wonder if Iori would enjoy pic related

>> No.26997504


>> No.26997513

>look up gameplay
>its fucking terrible
god bless the early 2000s

>> No.26998105
File: 439 KB, 1737x2048, 1656229554884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26998459

michi art is so comfy dude, if drawing wasnt the worst thing ever i would so learn to do it

>> No.26998128
File: 83 KB, 549x148, 1625516441982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26998257

I'm not an incestposter... however...

>> No.26998147

Final yab how? I have seen his comments and he is kinda based, so I cannot see how some logs between them, if they exist, could be a "final yab".
Also interesting how? You are just making me more curious and that is a red flag for bs. I am watching you.

>> No.26998257

>her brother is just going to literally say hello, its only a possibility of it happening

>> No.26998260
File: 410 KB, 870x739, 1640308162215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26998352
File: 227 KB, 1103x1102, 1656224979191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you believe the average age is for phase connect viewers?

>> No.26998459
File: 4 KB, 384x384, damichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26998490

try pixel art even if you are trash at it you can just edit some sprites instead while you learn more. I have been having fun with it at least

>> No.26998469
Quoted by: >>26998699

I think most are in the early 20s and early 30s range

>> No.26998484
Quoted by: >>26998699

Early-Mid 20s

>> No.26998490
Quoted by: >>26998582

Wait you are the guy making those?

>> No.26998582
File: 8 KB, 480x480, invadesyourcollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....whats it to ya

>> No.26998647

they are cool

>> No.26998651
Quoted by: >>26998699

figure late 20's. majority will be early to mid 20's but a enough outliers will raise it up

>> No.26998699
Quoted by: >>26998804

cool this helps me cope

>> No.26998790
Quoted by: >>26998825

I was born 1979

>> No.26998804
Quoted by: >>26998998

Be careful anon. I've been realizing that i'm getting older and I shouldn't ignore that anymore.

>> No.26998825

oh thats very interesting would you mind telling me your social security number?

>> No.26998904


>> No.26998957
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1647893889082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26999904

be patient photoshop takes time

>> No.26998998

>Be careful anon. I've been realizing that i'm getting older and I shouldn't ignore that anymore.
I've been trying to cut internet out so i can be an adult. Stopped videogames by replacing it with vtubers, ditched online friendships, and I have a minimum wage job now.
take a fist full of fucking meds and steroids too

>> No.26999004
File: 314 KB, 497x549, h245juq45h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26999323
File: 2.44 MB, 498x241, 1656213259073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27005676


>> No.26999534

Uruka is live

>> No.26999545

Its a process rn, pippas bf is drunk and hes trying to coax it out of him, i promise once he can get it itll be posted first thing here.

>> No.26999570

yeah keep makin em, you'll only get better

>> No.26999628

it was mentioned that the logs were already there which is what we want not some new crap so where are they???????????????????????

>> No.26999836
File: 55 KB, 629x635, F U 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27000429

>> No.26999904
File: 43 KB, 329x399, 1421336892205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copypasting caps to a canvas
>taking time
>say logs exist which contain final yabs
>suddenly you have to groom them out of the discord boyfriend
The logs don't exist and you're an attentionwhoring retard. Prove me wrong.

>> No.27000174

The /PCG/ theme after Yuri posts.

>> No.27000254

rrat: discord drama poster is the antifaggot who got 0 attention yesterday

>> No.27000429

that's urufu to you

>> No.27000512
File: 666 KB, 3380x3340, FPRQzpHVcAcfz8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27000605


>> No.27000516
File: 10 KB, 541x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27000938

>/pcg/'s memory is this bad
The fact that you're all humoring such bullshit when it's this guy's like 5th try for these longform narratives is mindboggling.
We can do better

>> No.27000605
File: 63 KB, 602x402, blue bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27000973

I love the blue bear...

>> No.27000708

>erina is not a cougar she is a tiger
right over her head

>> No.27000813

Uruka is peeing right now

>> No.27000933
File: 1.57 MB, 1024x1024, 1650958700814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27000973

Blue bear...

>> No.27000938
Quoted by: >>27001306

lmao remember that dude
but consider >>26996459

>> No.27000973

bear in the big blue house 2, staring uruka

>> No.27001016
File: 49 KB, 602x637, F U 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27001072
File: 147 KB, 1304x1067, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27001236

it actually is uruka's bro, you can tell by the cadence and pattern

>> No.27001306

Fair point.

>> No.27001641

He really does sound like someone that would stick a banana up his ass

>> No.27002025

/vt/sisters. Brother Bear is single. This is your chance.

>> No.27002106

And what is the shit you know, shit knower?

>> No.27003135

Ok heres what you need to know
>lunatic is someone pippa used to play DnD with
>went to hs together before she dropped out
>They have plans to move in together soon
>He does work on the /vt/ divegrass league.

all i got for now

>> No.27003709
Quoted by: >>27003962

its real guys i have proof heres the source
Source: I foresaw it in a dream I had after jerking off to Pippa feet hentai for the 7th time tonight.

>> No.27003919
File: 3.54 MB, 498x373, 1629448385493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek nice one but maybe try a little harder and get your "proof" ready ahead of time instead of wasting everyones time with your "talking to him"

>> No.27003962

This honestly seems like a more reliable source than many of the sources people use here

>> No.27004414
File: 40 KB, 540x540, 1645043703608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27007629

Ok heres what you need to know
>beatani and pippa operate an invite-only gloryhole out of an adult bookstore in Amsterdam
>neither of them do the sucking, it's really fenix aurum, who is being blackmailed by sei
>Erina did all the gambler astroturfing, in an attempt to woo her colleague by telling her after the fact
>Beebs is actually Lumi's father

all i got for now

>> No.27004755

Ignore all the previous schizo posts, here's the real thing:
>Lumi is a fake bitch and belongs with the vshojo sluts

>> No.27004830

>Uruka has to pee twice in an 80 minute stream
But what does it mean? GIVE ME YOUR RRAT BROS

>> No.27004914


>> No.27004997

Uruka has a tic or something that makes her say "heh" every 5 seconds, maybe she has a pee tic as well.

>> No.27005175

See now that rrat bait seems fucking stupid right? But at least a few of you genuinely bought it. Thanks for participating in my social experiment anons, remember to stop entertaining roomate/PL bait and just enjoy ur oshis. Its the one thing keeping us from being /hlgg/ or /nijien/.


>> No.27005278

Hug Pippa
Hug Lia
Hug Yuri
Don't trust Lumi

>> No.27005293
Quoted by: >>27005818

I still do not want to have sex with Vtuber Pipkin Pippa. I do not want any sort of romantic relationship with her. I only watch Vtuber Pipkin Pippa for entertainment.

>> No.27005477

>>He does work on the /vt/ divegrass league.
I was going to gloss over the bait but now I'm going to call you retarded for trying to make up connections to the 4CC environment in a thread with people who know the environment much better than you.

>> No.27005676

Based goldylogs

>> No.27005818
Quoted by: >>27007598


>> No.27005883

>nothing but an act!

>> No.27006113

>brother bear gets to rail lia and uruka every night
it hurts...

>> No.27006385
File: 1.21 MB, 1278x719, Cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27006694

>spews rrats
>gets called a retard by pretty much everyone
>"at least a few of you genuinely bought it"

>> No.27006694

>mfw I can easily make up a better rrat by saying that Pippa made this post because it has Watame in it
>mfw no face

>> No.27007416

I don't think anyone bought it and not even it's the most unbelievable rrat. Anyone who was here Dec-Apr knows she has her favourites. Then she said this month she can't be together with fans and we're all expecting a leak by next year.

>> No.27007598
File: 1.45 MB, 1500x1197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27007629

>>Erina did all the gambler astroturfing, in an attempt to woo her colleague by telling her after the fact
I actively choose to believe it

>> No.27007814
File: 99 KB, 1394x785, prostate exam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27007862

So who killed captain Alex?

>> No.27007965

No spoilers faggot, I'll watch that in due time.

>> No.27008215

>he told me he didn't trust doctors so I just did it myself
>of course I wore a glove
>its not weird chat lots of siblings do that I'm sure

>> No.27008239

just caught up with the Sheep Rabbit collab. This whole stream feels like https://youtu.be/yp5Oy0zv4b8

>> No.27008333
Quoted by: >>27008388

the real killer of captain alex was within us all along. we all killed captain alex.

>> No.27008388

>we killed captain Alex for entertainment

>> No.27008965

Gloveless handholding...

>> No.27009102
File: 241 KB, 687x687, 1656129490398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 days and I already miss my philosophical shitpost yabbit

>> No.27009147


>> No.27009953
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, jii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the schizo rising within me.

>> No.27010064
Quoted by: >>27010107

no Pippa, am dying, pipains

I hope she will get her vitamin D outside which can help with depression in what is probably her hunting trip to interior Alaska with Papakin.

This is my Pippa cope post for the night, goodnight

>> No.27010107
File: 32 KB, 128x128, sleep (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight an-non.

>> No.27010414
File: 228 KB, 800x800, Pippa plush hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27010962
File: 70 KB, 203x197, pipipipi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw going insane from pipkin withdrawls

>> No.27010988
File: 42 KB, 631x630, MGRPiPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27011144
File: 669 KB, 1440x1706, 1649405339590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27011296
File: 234 KB, 1500x1500, FVtgzcfWIAA1VGd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27012473

Tenma is playing The Binding of Isaac

>> No.27011894
File: 846 KB, 1543x1250, 1656102937835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27012139

All times EDT / UTC / JST

NOW - Tenma Binding of Isaac Repentance

06:00 / 10:00 / 19:00 - Lia English lessons with Moi

09:00 / 13:00 / 22:00 - Michiru Full Kiss

12:00 / 16:00 / 01:00 - Iori zatsu

14:00 / 18:00 / 03:00 - Tenma Ib remake

19:00 / 23:00 / 08:00 - Lia Muse Dash

19:00 / 23:00 / 08:00 - Lumi God Hand

21:00 / 01:00 / 10:00 - Pippa Price for Freedom (pre-recorded)

Weekly schedule:

>> No.27012018
File: 112 KB, 1347x1002, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just watching the last few hours of this vod, when lisa cried (allah bless her), and its so fucking apparent that pippa legitimately has some form of autism going on.
Those fucking questions were like hearing nails to a board non-stop as a normal human tries to explain what is so obvious but fails due to the absurdity of the topic.
shes either genuinely trying to understand how most people think and feel or she really enjoys larping as a philosopher.
I cannot finish watching this.

>> No.27012049
Quoted by: >>27013720

What are you talking about? It was fun and even a bit relatable.

>> No.27012071
Quoted by: >>27012567

>and its so fucking apparent that pippa legitimately has some form of autism going on.
She's just playing character

>> No.27012105

Let me guess, offkai tourist? Welcome to a year ago

>> No.27012139

>full kiss
>woman gets to be the house maid for a man and his 3 male boarders
>male harem
Michi...what are you trying to tell us with this...

>> No.27012473

Cute hag, comfy numbers surprisingly

>> No.27012567
Quoted by: >>27012710

must be epic to commit to kayfabe so hard that you make another person cry live on air

>> No.27012710

Not only a person, someone she calls a friend.
You could always believe that Lisa is also in on it and only faked her tears and worriedness.

>> No.27013042

Autism is a given but I am pretty sure she has some form of schizoid personality disorder(not to be confused with schizophrenia).
>If you have schizoid personality disorder, it's likely that you:
>Prefer being alone and choose to do activities alone
>Don't want or enjoy close relationships
>Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships
>Feel like you can't experience pleasure
>Have difficulty expressing emotions and reacting appropriately to situations
>May seem humorless, indifferent or emotionally cold to others
>May appear to lack motivation and goals
>Don't react to praise or critical remarks from others

However I don't think that really matters. imo Pippa's biggest problem is her low self-esteem combined with her depression. She has some kind of ideal version of herself in her head and in her menhera moments she ends up genuinely confused and hurt why she doesn't live up to it. Finish watching that vod and then watch the Lumi Yubicraft collab. It's gets pretty obvious once you notice it.
>why am I not more like xyz?
>why do I not enjoy "good things"?
>why do I like "bad things"?

If she could just learn to love herself most of the mental anguish she is suffering from would be gone.

>> No.27013080

you must be new debate bro pippa has always been with us

>> No.27013720
Quoted by: >>27014430

mmmm I have been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder and generalized anxiety disorder and all the meds they gave me were bullshit and only the last diagnosis made sense imo
I think anxiety handled by relatively eccentric types can look like many other personality and cognitive disorders. I think that is what is going on with Pippa.

>> No.27013902

Anybody else enough of an idiot to buy the 35$ coffee with pictures of anime girls on them? I got the Pippa and Tenma versions.

>> No.27013939

I'm not into coffee.

>> No.27013973

I was temptedm but got everything except the coffee. If I lived closer to the product, I would buy it with no worries.

>> No.27013983

I'll pick up a few bags with this next paycheck.

>> No.27014049

cost more than the coffee in postage i guess not

>> No.27014232
File: 3.57 MB, 1080x1920, pllw-PiPiPiPiDesire(renpc).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27014483

>> No.27014294

It could be worse, you could have bought anime themed tea.

>> No.27014430

Bro, bursting into tears live on stream just because Pippa was a little doomer isn't very normal either. Trying to get a clear picture as to why exactly they're crying is actually a pretty sensible thing to do in order to further understand a loved one in this scenario.
>unmedicated basketcase
Surprise surprise

>> No.27014483

I am excited to drink her weird fermented bean water.

>> No.27014538
Quoted by: >>27016170

>350 viewers
>Slow chat
I appreciate Kanpainiki

>> No.27014580

Maybe you're just a retard, anon.The probability seems pretty high, might even call it painfully obvious.

>> No.27014617

thinking of manko

>> No.27014780

I bought the Lia brew

>> No.27015047

Yeah, and I am way better not medicated, although the ssri helped for a while. I think medication is very useful, but either by innocent but relatively bad guesswork or misaligned incentives, there is a problem with prescribing shit you don't need, without even exploring other factors that often remain unexplored at a surface level during a session.

>> No.27015068
Quoted by: >>27016031

>She has some kind of ideal version of herself in her head and in her menhera moments she ends up genuinely confused and hurt why she doesn't live up to it.
Didn't Pippa tell her life story on that she used to be a perfectionist until she was brought down by One Bad Day? That's why I referenced the Joker on my letter.
I understand her case of impostor syndrome as I've dealt with the same, but what she should really learn, is that there are now people who love and appreciate her for who she is and what she can do. There are people now who are proud to say Pipkin Pippa is my Oshi.

>> No.27015209
File: 589 KB, 794x847, aoi in danger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27015268

1 hour till shota grooming

>> No.27015226

Lisa is a normie, bigly empathetic woman who had to listen to her friend rant about dark topics, of course she was gonna burst into treats.

>> No.27015268

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjoCmoUwD3Q Aoi pov

>> No.27015507

Basketcase here. Back to the issue at hand. Women break into tears for anything, specially confrontation with key members of an important social group they belong to. Just from the top of my head, I have made women cry for the silliest things, such as:
- Rejected the romantic proposal of a friend in HS.
- Refused to wear a sweater.
- Showed a girl "scientist" exactly how the wage gap is bullshit. Cried when she could not defend her position anymore (even his then boyfriend sided with me).
And just like these there are many other moments in which their crying made little sense, going from probably innocent and a genuine emotional response to most likely a manipulation tactic or a way to get out of a discussion.

>> No.27015678
Quoted by: >>27015882

Pippa unironically needs to start a physical sport

>> No.27015882
Quoted by: >>27015903

A little over two months until Pippa starts playing football.

>> No.27015903
Quoted by: >>27015972


>> No.27015940

>raiding a literal 2view
What a saint

>> No.27015972
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1655576783967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27016018

>someone is being a burger near me

>> No.27016018


>> No.27016031
Quoted by: >>27016655

I think it's more akin to an obsessive thought that gets triggered whenever she is getting really menhera. This leads to a self-reinforcing cycle
>depression hits
>"If I could be more like my ideal self I wouldn't suffer like this"
>feels bad about it
>rinse and repeat

This is why streaming is her 'anchor'. It helps her to break the cycle and focus on more positive things like her career and all the people who adore her.

>> No.27016170
Quoted by: >>27016248

Is that why Tenma posts are so rare in here? Her viewers won't even post in her chat.

>> No.27016248

Tenmachos are too busy with lifting for their oshi. They watch Tenma from the gym, can't post while excercising.

>> No.27016595
File: 3.42 MB, 2000x2000, I LOVE LIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27016655

>If I could be more like my ideal self I wouldn't suffer like this
As George Carlin said, inside every pessimist is a disappointed idealist. Even worse, Pippa's working in a profession related to the Idol industry - and as this very board can attest, it's a cutthroat Machiavellian industry where everything is about IDEALS. One yab, one bad day and everything falls apart. This board already has insults for these kinds of people: numberfags, idolfags, unicorns. In such an industry it's understandable why Impostor syndrome is an epidemic.

That's why I sent her a message to, don't she ever DARE become a numberfag. Become one and she'll definitely hero herself. Just continue doing what she does best, since she already had formed a strong community that loves her for who she is, her unconventionality, her uniqueness, her Pipkin. I don't expect Pippa to be Suisei, because I already love Pippa just as Pippa.

>> No.27016892
Quoted by: >>27018672

Lia is corrupting Aoi right now

>> No.27017118
File: 768 KB, 1189x574, Lia and Aoi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27017124

>appears twice then turns into the hag
fucking bullshit

>> No.27017146

Snow Leopard pussy...

>> No.27017162

>More people tuned into Lia collab with Moi at this ungodly hour than people who stayed after the raid into her playing IB
Tells you everything you need to know about IB

>> No.27017184

the cutest and the funniest...

>> No.27017211
File: 231 KB, 430x555, Aoi Groovin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27017579

Aoi is a cute

>> No.27017215
Quoted by: >>27017296

>ungodly hour
but an-non, it's 12pm right now. currently in my lunch break at work.

>> No.27017296
Quoted by: >>27017334

Bonjour or auf wiedersehen to you.

>> No.27017298

Aoi was made for anal rape. Holy shit Lia is going to peg this little twink so fucking hard.

>> No.27017334
Quoted by: >>27017596

>auf wiedersehen
your german reps...

>> No.27017406
File: 765 KB, 1189x571, simp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27017579

edit it to say groomin

>> No.27017596

Fuck off Kiara, this is a Phase Connect thread

>> No.27017720
File: 205 KB, 360x563, gunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27017739
Quoted by: >>27017764

I don't know what the fuck Gunch means and I'm not googling this shit on my work pc.

>> No.27017764
Quoted by: >>27017807

A combination of the words Gash/Cunt/Bitch.

>> No.27017786

I will take this result over UD any day https://gunch.quest/#about

>> No.27017807
Quoted by: >>27017846

Why does this extremely specific thing exist and why does Lia know it?

>> No.27017846

If i had to take a guess, Lia knew about it because she uses this gamer word in valorant to avoid getting banned.

>> No.27018070
File: 757 KB, 1212x590, MILF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27018215


>> No.27018249
File: 722 KB, 1242x595, cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27018290

why is Lia like this

>> No.27018302
Quoted by: >>27018343

which one of you is this guy? >>>/vmg/898350

>> No.27018304

Real CUNNYposting hours

>> No.27018343

That's a woman

>> No.27018480
File: 246 KB, 667x355, bussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27018483
File: 107 KB, 305x297, aoi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27018530
File: 790 KB, 1220x592, aoi bussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27018604

Otoko no cunny

>> No.27018608
File: 290 KB, 432x395, 1649172921835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27018628

Someone better be archiving this stream.

>> No.27018671

worst case you'll find aoi's perspective. i doubt he'd private it.

>> No.27018672

Lia love!

>> No.27018687
File: 256 KB, 524x586, trolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27018708
Quoted by: >>27018732

>Trolling is to make someone mad on purpose
Are (you) mad /pcg/?

>> No.27018732
File: 340 KB, 565x462, trolling no cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27018825
File: 644 KB, 1180x560, no cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kap...

>> No.27018833

There will be at least one archive in case it goes down

>> No.27018881

Is Lia always this cringe and unashamed?

>> No.27018927
File: 30 KB, 126x139, aoi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27018936
File: 121 KB, 307x356, Pippa I am cringe but I am free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe Connect all the way through

>> No.27018949

Hey that’s my bimbo wife you’re talking about

>> No.27018978
File: 653 KB, 1121x559, seethe mald cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made this next one for (You)

>> No.27019019
File: 134 KB, 378x213, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27019096

>> No.27019096

this stream is beautiful

>> No.27019139
Quoted by: >>27019215

she forgot dilate

>> No.27019215
Quoted by: >>27019856

She will teach him that in private. Dillate is too specific it only works as an insult on less than 1% of the population.

>> No.27019225

Fun fact, you can get banned from the discord for saying Aoi is adopted.

>> No.27019325

that ruins the incest fantasy, no shit you'd get banned

>> No.27019332
File: 102 KB, 311x349, aoi4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27019485

>> No.27019346
File: 15 KB, 508x73, adopt you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27019384

good everyone should be banned from discord

>> No.27019419

Hello, newfag /here/. Does Pippa actually have autism or is it just a meme? She seems too empathetic to be on the spectrum and she lacks any savant abilities, which autists tend to have.

>> No.27019454
File: 105 KB, 282x351, aoi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27019485

>> No.27019488

>savant abilities
Only a minor subset of the general population has savant abilities as does a minor subset of the autist population. Most autists are low mids.

>> No.27019485




>> No.27019511

she's not autistic she's just aggressively stupid and menhera

>> No.27019515

sorry, we're watching lia right now.

>> No.27019608

female autism and male autism aren't the same

>> No.27019690

No not really. Probably ADHD though.

>> No.27019856

It works on honorary one percenters too

>> No.27020075
File: 229 KB, 345x331, RATE THE STREAM AGAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27020085
File: 119 KB, 800x715, Lia leaks model maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27020143

Lia and Aoi brought their A-Game/10
Entertaining and Educational/10
Weird but comfy/10

>> No.27020163

Lia's japanese is cute/10
I want to pop off in Aois bussy no cap/10
kino corruption/10

>> No.27020175
Quoted by: >>27020283

>savant abilities
Imagine actually falling for the "autism is my superpower"-shit.

>> No.27020283

Go far enough on the spectrum and you unlock the superpower of gnawing on your own limbs

>> No.27020437

Don't trust or fuck Lumi. Fuck Pippa and fuck Rosemi

>> No.27020543
Quoted by: >>27020592

You know, nobody has ever asked: what exactly do you mean by "fuck" in this context?

>> No.27020562

I don't want STDs

>> No.27020589
File: 1.88 MB, 1314x829, 2022-06-28 13_47_39-【フルキス#1】ドキドキが止まらない恋愛シミュレーションゲームで嫁決める【紫翠みちる】 - YouTube - Vivaldi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27021129


>> No.27020592
Quoted by: >>27020645

"Fuck" as in non-literal, as in "Pippa and Rosemi suck/are lame"

>> No.27020621

Oh no I trusted Lumi and she leglocked me!She forced me creampie her!

>> No.27020645

Then what do you mean by "Don't trust or fuck Lumi"?

>> No.27021129

>[Full Kiss #1] Deciding on a Wife in a Love Simulation Game That Never Ceases to Thrill [Michiru Shisui]
Google a shit.

>> No.27021555

You know there are threads in other places, right?

>> No.27021600


>> No.27021837

New thread

>> No.27021883

Isn't the pippa discord mostly /here/ anyway?

>> No.27022449

living the dream
