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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.26888506


>> No.26888525
Quoted by: >>26888574

source of chat?

>> No.26888569

You made the same thread holochud.

>> No.26888574


>> No.26888590
Quoted by: >>26892499

Vox emojis

>> No.26888592

what the fuck is wrong with them
that's your answer

>> No.26888610

Stop using Mito for this holofag.

>> No.26888613
File: 105 KB, 653x598, 1650785253067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck?

>> No.26888618

>is okay when women do it
>if you try one little lewd joke in a female chat she spends the rest of the day exposing you on twitter with ''touch grass jokes''

>> No.26888645

I bet /b/omu is one of these degenerates

>> No.26888666
File: 354 KB, 808x751, 1644409318885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26888998

>Making an entire thread about chat comments
Why're you reading the chat if you don't like it. You can literally close it

>> No.26888668
Quoted by: >>26889796

Fuck, not even rushia was this insane.

>> No.26888673
Quoted by: >>26888731

>"Touch grass" twittards completely SILENT.
Wow, fucking hypocrites.

>> No.26888679

dildos out, the stream

>> No.26888680

It's only okay when we groom vtubers guise.

>> No.26888703
File: 45 KB, 696x135, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it again OP

>> No.26888712

Holy shit, why are Nijisanji fans like this?

>> No.26888718
File: 1.81 MB, 3234x2240, 1654901714225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't bump the mikeneko thread off the board, intern-kun

>> No.26888725

cope, seethe, and dilate, holotranny

>> No.26888731
Quoted by: >>26889153

of course, personal interests always takes precedence over ideology

>> No.26888774

Why was it deleted?

>> No.26888857

Your first mistake was assuming these people are Nijisanji fans. They're not. They're only Luxiem fans. You sure won't find them watching the NijiEN girls or anyone from the main branch.

>> No.26888872

spamming probably

>> No.26888898
Quoted by: >>26888991

> one schizo
> the entire fanbase
good try intern-kun, but you can do better.

>> No.26888964
Quoted by: >>26889012

nijimeido got uppity

>> No.26888992

Vox must be happy, he pays no rent for he lives rent free in the minds of /vt/.

>> No.26888991

same but for vox

>> No.26888998

anons will do a thread of anything if it can let them shit on whatever they feel like shitting on that day.

>> No.26889004

>What the fuck is wrong with Nijisanji fans?
Don't worry, even the main NijiEN thread hates the boys' fans. It got so bad Luxiem and Noctyx have their own thread now.

>> No.26889012

Kek. The tranny was probably on that chat sc

>> No.26889029

>still talking with a penis in their mouths
Women suck at roleplaying

>> No.26889046
File: 509 KB, 720x900, 1654934847178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26889137


>> No.26889070


>> No.26889091


timestamp for when the blowjob session starts, in case you wanna blow your brains out or you're into that

>> No.26889131

NijiEN thread is worse than global to be honest.

>> No.26889134

Ger Locke is a fucking pedo schizo holy shit. He still hasn't been banned yet from Gura's livechat?

>> No.26889137

kys cumshart

>> No.26889153
Quoted by: >>26889260

It's an ideology rooted in sexism but it's okay because women are a hivemind that refuses to think for itself. A hivemind that is programmed by the top 10% of men, the Christian Greys and Jason Momoas of the world. The aggressive, massive celebrity guys who become so inflated with arrogance that the most fun use of their time becomes comparing themselves to every other man on the planet because they are literally better than 90% of men on earth. Women shit on 90% of men because they're blinded by sociopath Grey's billionaire sports actor celebrity dick, and it makes him value her more when her interests are the same as his. Threesome porn is increasing for a reason.

>> No.26889162

And they will claim that the jannies are holofags. If that was true, all of you nijiniggers would be banned forever from this board.

>> No.26889169

No vtuber should care about this place. This place literally has no effect on their career.

>> No.26889234

You'd like that wouldn't you cover intern?

>> No.26889246

Nice advice, but you should tell that to /b/omu instead.

>> No.26889255

He probably deleted cause of racism out of /b/.
I've gotten banned for that to when talking about people from SEA.

>> No.26889260

id fuck a schizo fujo chink

>> No.26889287

Nudity and sexual content policies:
Videos containing fetish content will be removed or age restricted.

Other types of content that violate this policy:
Pornography or depicting sexual acts, genitals or fetishes for the purpose of sexual gratification on any surface (such as video, text, audio, images)
Explicit or implied depictions of sex acts for the purpose of sexual gratification

>> No.26889309

Please explain how this place has affected Pomu in any capacity.

>> No.26889323


>> No.26889331 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26889399

lmaooooo holy cope. nijinigs are pathetic

>> No.26889334

why is fujo women allowed on the internet?

>> No.26889399
Quoted by: >>26889843

Cope? About what?
Its your black company that's getting sued brony chama.

>> No.26889440
Quoted by: >>26889494

Nijisanji being open about borderline pornographic things is the natural next step in the industry hollywood was prude in the 50s as well don't hate the inevitable /vt/. Embrace it.

>> No.26889494

Yea, its not like Hololive EVER did coomerbait shit before.

>> No.26889527

Last I checked they have yet to roleplay a blowjob session on youtube

>> No.26889553

Why are you genuinely upset by hornyposting?

>> No.26889585
Quoted by: >>26889655

Who knows? I don't even watch her, but she lurks here from time to time and gets uppity because someone points out how retarded she is.

>> No.26889586

>he doesn't know

>> No.26889630
Quoted by: >>26889720

Because I can't hornypost about girls without being called a creep

>> No.26889636

He's upset at Vox I imagine, not the hornyposting perse.

>> No.26889640

Anon, non of all the lewd chuubas i know, both jp AND even twitchtards ever blantly saying cock or the likes on their ASMR stream. Only literal AVtuber do that shit, like melody on onlyfans and other JPones that got banned.

>> No.26889655
Quoted by: >>26890035

Is that what the shizos here told you or is it the voices in your head?

>> No.26889657

Don't you have a cock to go choke on?

>> No.26889659

They are a fucking blight to the branch, and the favoritism only makes it worse.

>> No.26889680
Quoted by: >>26889794

Three days of member only live chat streams.

>> No.26889720

>Because I can't hornypost about girls without being called a creep

>> No.26889747
Quoted by: >>26890043

EN females were already bad and now we enter this male whores. Jesas.. vtubing is ruined

>> No.26889794

>/vt/ made Pomu a bunch of money in those days.
Shit, you guys really do care after all!

>> No.26889796

I can't blame the fans here when the content is actually explicit. They at worst asked for this.

She was really boring to be honest and all holo ASMR is pretty much the same or 'worse' than that.
It was always the same "you're my boyfriend I love you" with lap pillow ear cleaning besides that one time she brought a box cutter.

>> No.26889843

>Its your black company that's getting sued brony chama
By no one. Btw Luna left your asses, Lulu left, Gibara left, Bora left. All to return to what they were doing outside of Nijisanji, Panda quit and came back because of gaming permissions, Ibrahim gets feed up with management from time to time. If that doesn't say something then idk what to say.

>> No.26889938

don't fall for the nijinigger attempt at deflection, this thread is about nijifags being horny on main, not which company is getting sued by who

>> No.26889976

Good morning Cover interns.

>> No.26890008
Quoted by: >>26890067

I don't work for Japs. I just call it as I see it.

>> No.26890014 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26890314

now, this is not a call to raid, but it'd be a shame if someone were to go over there and click the report button on that timestamp

>> No.26890021
Quoted by: >>26891932

That seat's getting warmer, isn't it

>> No.26890035
Quoted by: >>26890135

I don't pay that much attention to that whore to start having delusion about her lol. AFAIK, she probably starts lurking here since the hotel offcollab when some people give her shit in the comment section which she had to turn off.
The nude doxx was also spread by this board after all and in the same day, she deleted a community post where she was acting like a numberfags a few minutes after a thread about it was made.

>> No.26890043

I wonder how the EN females feel about this or do they get ERP on the side too? I guess current year doesn't apply when there are too many benefits.

>> No.26890064
File: 62 KB, 507x477, 1647309550370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26890067
Quoted by: >>26890152

>he does ii for free

>> No.26890068


>> No.26890113
Quoted by: >>26890120

Post Kiara LGBQRTP chat.

>> No.26890120
File: 37 KB, 495x467, 1638166653694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26890135

Almost certainly she lurks here. And if so she should certainly be on the lookout for her so called gen mates, her dox only happened after off collab and meet ups.

>> No.26890136
File: 116 KB, 557x446, 1640131567257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna left
Good riddance
>Lulu left
Cause JP laws are retarded, and keeping Lulu from streaming was the only way to build a case, she left cause Anycolor was doing to much
>Gibara left
Literally wanted to do other things in her life,
>Bora left
Apex whore, boring, no big loss.
As for the other 2, I mean, Nijisanji has 160 people, if onlpy 2 JPs one are upset at stuff, then that's nothing.

Stop deflecting brony chama, your yabs have been 10 times worse, you closed yourself from an entire market, you lost your 2 biggest money makers, you force your talents to pay for their music, you JUST forced your EN talents to build a scuffed 3D studio and gave them no help for it.

That last one actually pisses me off cause I love Kiara, its a fucking birthday stream, all birthday streams are net gains for talent and company and Cover did FUCK ALL for them, just told them to do it themselves and hoisted all the responsibility on Ame.

>> No.26890145

Sasuga trannysanji

>> No.26890152
Quoted by: >>26890306

Speak the truth? Yea, it's revolutionary thing to do in these shit times.

>> No.26890165
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1650715382125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26890222


>> No.26890196
Quoted by: >>26890292

Did they really?
I know the NijiEN girls fans were fine with sharing the thread with the fujos, so why did they split?

>> No.26890208

>Says all this
>Like Chicken
Into the trash bin you go.

>> No.26890222
Quoted by: >>26890294

They are the only ones that pay, that's why Niji EN girls are starting to learn Chinese. Maybe we'll see some ERP from Reimu soon in the same style as Vox.

>> No.26890224
File: 15 KB, 512x511, 1656091147187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26890294


>> No.26890251
Quoted by: >>26890367

No you piece of shit post kiara's.

>> No.26890292

well it started when Mysta raided what's her face and the local Nijifags flooded the thread with gore and CP whenever mysta is mentioned, and it just snowballed from there

>> No.26890294
Quoted by: >>26890360

Trips of truth
We did say from the start that NijiEN is NijiHAN in disguise after finding out a lot of the girls are Asian Canadians.

>> No.26890306
Quoted by: >>26890386

This place is astroturfing for cover interns the "truth" is company mandated.

>> No.26890314
Quoted by: >>26890378

You really assuming holofags didn't do that already on the previous thread saying he gonna cause more censorship for ASMR vtubers?

>> No.26890325

Susan is literally masturbating to this

>> No.26890354

I can't believe someone unironically typed this

>> No.26890360
Quoted by: >>26890386

Cause asian girls are better by default

>> No.26890367
Quoted by: >>26890481

>NOOOOOOO my deflection tactic needs to work, but I will not post Kiara LGBQRTP chat
STFU retard

>> No.26890378

>38 posters
As if everyone ITT would be able to do shit.

>> No.26890386

I have to agree with you on that with how the fucking meidos act.
Can't argue with that.

>> No.26890481
Quoted by: >>26890558

Just post it you nigger don't make me cut your social credit score.

>> No.26890558
File: 32 KB, 702x278, 1628983756414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiseethe and nijicope

>> No.26890675

Aside from these ones being Chinese, there is nothing wrong with fujos. They are third to lesbians and idolfags in being the top vtuber-relevant female group and should be encouraged.

>> No.26890681
Quoted by: >>26890745

Nijisanji is a mistake

>> No.26890713

Goddamn, my dude, what the fuck.
I just hope he enjoys this and is not doing it only for the money and then puking and crying.

>> No.26890745
Quoted by: >>26890806

Wrong, we just need the girls to do these ERP streams. A precedence has been established.

>> No.26890806
Quoted by: >>26890947

I doubt even Nina and Finana have the balls.

>> No.26890925
File: 257 KB, 408x408, 1638668938572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a female talent tried a stream like this they'd get banned.

>> No.26890947

Nina only likes it on the receiving end, she has too much pride to denigrate herself. Finana has no compunction at all, she would eventually do it if money is tight and she is desperate to move out of her parents place, particularly since her views and SC have gone down compared to 4 months ago.

>> No.26891097

>Nijisanji does literal blowjob ASMR.
I take back every negative thing ive ever said about Vshojo. Nijiniggers are the actual enemy. Fuck all Nijiniggers.

>> No.26891124

Where did this "intern" shit come from? Nijinigs getting more desperate and pathetic by the minute...

>> No.26891143

I don't get Youtube. If you search "lesbian tongue kiss" you'll get a bunch of videos that are the first bits of actual porn.

>> No.26891189

>oh nyo our cover is blown

>> No.26891314
Quoted by: >>26891747

from /#/ as usual. They started saying a niji intern possibly Noor is defending niji here.

>> No.26891351

holonigs trying to bump mikeneko bombshell off the board with nijihate threads

>> No.26891360
Quoted by: >>26891417

Anti holo shitposting increased severalfold in the past 2 days, and one of them slipped up and said ">we don't care about you", deleted and corrected it without the >we, pretty much confirming it's some low level intern doing damage control.

>> No.26891417
Quoted by: >>26891450

All of those "oops guess I’ll delete and repost" posts are baits from anons doing it on purpose.

>> No.26891431
File: 6 KB, 937x80, 1640217299239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26891584

A shitpost that holofags ran with, which nijifags co opted because in addition to being lying sacks of shit they are also creatively bankrupt

>> No.26891450

> quoting nijicope

>> No.26891486
Quoted by: >>26891673

YouTube terminated mashiros channel for less

>> No.26891563 [DELETED] 

>Anon actually believes we are monitoring this board

>> No.26891584

Let's be real interns of both company should be here for feedback and finding rrats before they escalates. It makes sense.

>> No.26891611

I blame Petra for leaking the discord log and Fulgur saying the most inflammatory statement in that log for fueling the Holobronies never ending hate boner for us. Its their fault.

>> No.26891620

>Anon actually believes nijisanji is monitoring this board

>> No.26891649

> intern-kun trying to damage control again

>> No.26891672

pretty based desu

>> No.26891673
File: 11 KB, 423x217, 1636093096581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really intern?

>> No.26891683

I don't think they understand how ESL they sound when they say that.

>> No.26891702

Wow. I made a self-delete bait.
Please give me 20 (you)s

>> No.26891718

too easy, thanks for the (you)

>> No.26891747

how is noor an intern?

>> No.26891770
File: 358 KB, 1242x677, 1652022691918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26891798


>> No.26891798


>> No.26891799

Are we fact checking now my fellow interns?

>> No.26891872
Quoted by: >>26891932


>> No.26891915

She isn't. /#/ retards don't know the difference between employees and interns.

>> No.26891932

Damn. NijiEN fans are just as schizo and stupid as holoEN fans. WHO WOULD OF FUCKING GUESSED IT!?

>> No.26892065

She's a manager, so some people are shitposting by pretending it's her posting here lol.

>> No.26892094

> doing it only for the money and then puking and crying
God that would be so hot

>> No.26892121

Good morning interns.

>> No.26892142

yet every mean comment from /here/ lives rent free in mori's head that she brings /here/ up whenever she can
other chubbas are /here/ they feed on the negativity but don't seek self improvement

>> No.26892176
File: 3.39 MB, 445x345, 1643674395924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26892235

>teaching women their place
Why do we hate this guy again?

>> No.26892233


>> No.26892235
Quoted by: >>26893575

holobronies are full of pussies

>> No.26892320

>female vtuber shows a little bit of booba = BAN
>male does BJ RP = that's okay

>> No.26892348

This is 100% his fetish
I remember the comments I saw on Haachama's KFC ASMR lmao. They weren't that different.

>> No.26892394

Holo yabs have definitely been far worse, but almost none of the big ones were "internal" issues (other than maybe the green menhera). And they survived at least 4 company-ending events.

Nijisanji fanbase is far more isolated, so they won't ever have a "big yab" since something that affects one liver will never affect others. Best example being Nippleman of course.
Even the Roa-Meiro thing was isolated to a few people on either side of the debate (Chaika, Maimoto and several others) and never spread beyond that.

The advantage is obvious, since 3-4 livers getting themselves into a scandal won't ever kill the company so they are safe from company-ending events that Hololive often encounters.
At the same time though, the split fanbase means that there's less unity among the various sections, and smaller scale yabs will have a smaller scale concentrated effect on those isolated fans which will NEVER become obvious until it reaches a somewhat critical mass.

While Hololive is vulnerable to big yabs (and survived a few of them), Nijisanji is losing small parts of their fanbase bit by bit due to these "minor yabs" they end up having.
In addition to this, Nijisanji's major appeal is "covering of all niches" so they are also vulnerable to smaller scale competition taking away some of these niches.
New agencies like VSPO, Neo Porte and others are encroaching upon things that Nijisanji was known for, and building an audience for themselves.

If Hololive's end comes from "the final yab", Nijisanji's end will come from death by a thousand yabs.
If Hololive dies, they will die with a bang.
If Nijisanji dies, they will die with a whimper.

>> No.26892499

it remind me to this lol


>> No.26892514

>long post makes me smart
You wasted your life posting that.

>> No.26892570
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1639488173612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26892631

that actually makes alot of sense, but why are we talking about hololive in a thread about nijien?

>> No.26892713

cause Whataboutsanji loves deflecting

>> No.26893160
Quoted by: >>26893297

They're just really dumb

>> No.26893297

SEAwomen moment

>> No.26893337

>you force your talents to pay for their music
i have no opinion on the rest but both holo and niji do this for music if they're personal projects

>> No.26893575
Quoted by: >>26896226

Did you jerk off imagining sucking vox cock?

>> No.26894968
File: 20 KB, 385x384, 28a5g5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious considering there exists an official "Nijisanji Deflamation Task Force"

>> No.26895375
File: 541 KB, 504x586, 1654499868558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26896010


>> No.26896070
File: 42 KB, 622x615, chad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.26896226
File: 1017 KB, 4096x1365, 1628367193472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26901460

>types this while crying
feels good to see holobronies eat crow tbqh

>> No.26896366
File: 990 KB, 1067x600, HLPRO-PR-画像-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the audience Cover wants to take with Holostars EN. Remember that.

>> No.26896594

Is that Kronii I see in the chat on the left?

>> No.26896597

Every time there's some minor Niji drama they spam a bunch of insane rrats about hololive to deflect
Unfortunately there's been some minor Niji drama every week for the last 6 months somehow

>> No.26896661

This nigga is absolutely fucking insane. Mad respect.

>> No.26897755

dunno why these people put mito like she would be outraged about this when the girl made a watch-along of the human centipede herself or stuff like the SKB club exists.

>> No.26897793

Haachama did orgasm denial and countdown in an ASMR once, preceded and followed by a lot of "good boy" talk etc, but it was nowhere near as explicit or dragged out.

>> No.26897940

Thank God Hololive exists.

>> No.26898059

Will this encourage more men to apply to nijisanjiEN so they can groom thousands of women?

>> No.26898107
Quoted by: >>26898187

>Male fantasy: Say you love me again and let me hug you
>Female fantasy: Rape me now
Why are women like this?

>> No.26898187

Men are starved for affection. They want to be treated well for once.
Women get too much affection. They want to be abused well for once.

>> No.26898583
File: 69 KB, 1600x900, cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is wrong with nijifans

>> No.26898714
File: 579 KB, 400x218, B11FC5FA-DF89-4105-A5E2-D52420CBB67B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26898774

>male ideal gfe is being loved and reaffirmed
>female ideal bfe is being brutally fucked
why are women such whores bros

>> No.26899059
File: 281 KB, 1459x1596, hololiveglobal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fagoots of nijisanji

>> No.26899121

This is pretty tame compared to other Ero-asmr actually, even on youtube. Don't know why anons are trying to make it a big deal now though. Is it because it's from a male this time?

>> No.26900018
File: 425 KB, 1520x347, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vox does a little roleplay ASMR, all fantasy between consenting adults
This is not okay according to Holobronies because...it's just not, okay?
>Marine takes off her clothes in videos and pretends to fuck her fans. And then in her member posts she gaslights her fanbase and says she wants to marry them, emotionally manipulating them into supporting her and giving her money
This is 100% okay according to Holobronies

>> No.26900098

Its because you are in a thread of non vtuber watchers. The only streamers they know are xqc.

>> No.26900532

Why niji EN faggots are so so fucking disgusting?, Why they can can have some based bros like Belmon Banderas,Ex albio and Keisuke? for fuck sakes even Chaika is better than all Niji EN males.

>> No.26900720
Quoted by: >>26901043

Must suck to spend your entire day trying to spread rrats about Hololive and then getting BTFO by your own talents like this. Sorry for your loss Nijibro

>> No.26901043

nice projection, OP

>> No.26901106

That, plus the fact it's a Nijiliver, a NijiEn liver at that, and what >>2690009 said.

>> No.26901378


>> No.26901460

>actually jerks off to vox
nijisissies ...

>> No.26901737
Quoted by: >>26903272

thanks, reported to Youtube for sexual content

>> No.26901760

>If that doesn't say something then idk what to say.
Well, at least you're not short on company in that aspect on this board.

>> No.26902000

Looks like your full of envy OP. Want some anal lubricant for all the butthurt?

>> No.26902162
File: 331 KB, 970x1554, 1613896193823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26902210

>pretends to fuck her fans
Never once she did that, retarded tranny. Meanwhile Vox is literally talking about rape and nothing happens, because surprise, women and trannies are mentally ill that actually enjoys rape and abusive behaviour while at the same time seethe due to "parasocial" relationships.

>> No.26902330

>between consenting adults
bold of you to assume NijiEN's fans are adults and not teenagers spending their parent's money letting out their puberty fueled sexual frustrations on an anime boy

>> No.26902706
File: 798 KB, 1282x720, 1656142133366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holocure in pic
1 (one) (uno) game triggers nijiniggers like you its impressive
Why not seethe about it in your nijicord too while its still hot?

>> No.26902761

no (you)s, into the tranny abyss you go

>> No.26903047

Honestly I'm just surprised he got away with it on Youtube.

>> No.26903179

nice digits
Nijisanji wouldn't be as bad if weren't for the fans
I was watching Selen the other day after so much shilling and you know, she's actually fun, a nice girl I must say
but the chat was so fucking cringe I had to hide that shit, I thought Ame's chat was bad but this is atrocious

>> No.26903267

Absolute based sisters
They are just like us.

>> No.26903272


>> No.26903274

are you implying that western Corpo whores don't rely on parasocial relationships?
the redditor who made this pic was seething so hard at something in particular

>> No.26903668

There's some weird karmic retardation of Holofags being the first to post boomer Korone wojacks on /jp/ and triggering their spergs, to now having gay wojak edits being used on /vt/ as anti-Holo shitposts.

>> No.26903838
File: 252 KB, 512x506, 1630421985448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord. I-Is this what it sound like for girls when a guy's dick assumes control over his brain and he starts drooling over uuoooh/oneesan/mommy/randomslut/whatever fetish/preference?

>> No.26904003

Reported the shit out of the video.

Fucking Haachama's "sister" had to delete her actually innocent asmr videos while this nonce gets to publish porn on the platform.

>> No.26904196

Recently ASMR got in the ban watch list and many are hosting them on other sites, this have been a thing since the bot incident. It should be possible to report him if he has done this shit recently.

>> No.26904431

god i hate women so much its unreal

>> No.26904540

proud of you fulgur
