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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 474 KB, 704x1340, 86CA553B-199F-4B8A-B5CB-0121DB09B4B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24506408 No.24506408 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when people used to shill this commie? LMAO

>> No.24506453 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, I get that they're just drawings. But what are they drawings of?

>> No.24506458


>> No.24506486

She's talented, but her views and opinions are so annoying. Glad I never became a member. Plus her mods are cunts.

>> No.24506492

She's right. Pedoweebs get the rope.

>> No.24506518
File: 33 KB, 739x406, 1636639273253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still watch her, but this behavior is really expected by this point.

>> No.24506519

Cunny. Next question.

>> No.24506531

Couldn't agree more. I would have so much more respect for these guys if more of them were just open about being pedophiles who want an outlet for their sexual desires and don't want to hurt kids.

>> No.24506533

Get filtered weeblet. She's a better singer than all of Holoshit and any corporate whore. Literally the best singer in the entire damn industry and you piss your pants over her opinion on pedos like you

>> No.24506562
Quoted by: >>24506590

Holy cope. Now this is peak delusional.

>> No.24506563
Quoted by: >>24512539

They won't because WELL ACKSHUALLY and R*ddit is full of these freaks.

>> No.24506568
Quoted by: >>24506612

She's also not wrong there, either. Not really the kind of thing that needs to be discussed on a vtuber account though. Something that obvious and depressing to talk about doesn't really have any place in vtubing in my opinion.

>> No.24506577
Quoted by: >>24506642

Stop shilling yourself so blatantly like this, it's pathetic

>> No.24506583

Uh, this post is in direct opposition to the OP, that just shows this faggot is inconsistent.

>> No.24506587

>I never mentioned hololive
Damn rent free huh?

>> No.24506590

Go ahead and prove me wrong then. She doesn't need fame, her voice is a natural bit of its own.

>> No.24506612
Quoted by: >>24506683

that is what happens when you dont separate the vtuber and the roommate

>> No.24506615
Quoted by: >>24555337

lol lmao, even Moona's better than her

>> No.24506635

Hi Mana, love your streams, when are you collabing with Nia again?

>> No.24506642
Quoted by: >>24506688

Don't need to shill her when I know she's the definition of talent that any corporate idoltrash is void of.

>> No.24506644

hi mana please stop posting thank you

>> No.24506654

>I'm a massive faggot, prove me wrong

>> No.24506683

Yeah, kinda misses the point of vtubing and just plays into the propogandists' hands. Very short-sighted.
I probably don't disagree with her about anything as far as politics are concerned but just seeing that makes me not want to watch her.

>> No.24506688
Quoted by: >>24506708

I mean that's cool and all but too bad she's gonna be a wagie the rest of her life and an unrealized talent bc she can't help but be an insufferable bitch

>> No.24506697

>dies on this hill
Why do people always bring up this non-argument? Why would I “die” just for expressing some hot take? Am I only allowed to have one unpopular opinion in my entire life?

>> No.24506708

She does what she loves best. That's more than (You) will ever achieve you privileged pedo fuck

>> No.24506720
File: 16 KB, 258x264, 1651506846114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24507495

Lmao is she Russian or South American

>> No.24506728

Thread barely started and you can already see the samefagging in the IP count. I've never heard of this whore in my life so I'm going to assume that this is a sad attempt at directing attention to some 2view western whore.

>> No.24506735

She unironically has the best voice of any VTuber in the world. Don't let politics influence how you think dude. Some of the best musicians in the world are unabashed communists. Are they untalented because of this?

>> No.24506745 [DELETED] 

I am so tired of the American culture war, guys. I don't want to live here anymore. I don't want to raise kids here.

>> No.24506753 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24506818

Pedophilia is pretty commonplace, weebshit just proves this since people have the ultimate excuse (it's just 2D) to not be viewed as soon-to-be-rapists like 3D pedos are. But regardless of it, it's commonplace to be attracted to prepubescents. History proves this as well but people tend to ignore that for whatever reason.

That said it's always funny to see leftists rant about le evil nerd culture. Anime, video games, and so on. I feel like they hate it more than the average dudebro normalfag. And then they wonder why these spaces are filled with right-wingers lmao.

>> No.24506763

> I probably don't disagree with her about anything as far as politics are concerned
Considering she’s pro-Russia, you might wanna rethink that statement

>> No.24506778

She's unironically very popular in VSinger circles. Not like Holobronies like you would ever know. Many people in /vsinger/ often list Mana as the best voice.

>> No.24506779
Quoted by: >>24506857

I'm really not trying to be an asshole but she screams "champagne socialist" to me with those tweets. People who virtue signal on twitter annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.24506793

Why would you care about Mana when Zephyrianna exists
Better voice, finishes her songs, actually streams and has more collabs with popular artists in less time since her debut
Embrace the metal birb

>> No.24506806

kek why are you seething so hard

>> No.24506810

Haha, wow! Yeah I take that back.

>> No.24506818 [DELETED] 



Right wing AND pedo cope in one post? You love to see the cringe.

>> No.24506830
File: 826 KB, 848x1242, CFA03C08-E6A1-47B9-8239-EB23D96D7FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24507268

OP here, I'm just as amazed. The commie whore seems to attract some nutcases

>> No.24506844

Now you're just assuming shit you weirdo. I live in an SEA shithole and I wake up at 4am every day to work at a bakery. I wouldn't say I'm privileged. You probably are though considering how much you care about someone else's privilege.

>> No.24506848

Stop browsing here Mana.

>> No.24506857
Quoted by: >>24506992

You say as if that's a bad thing. No one unironcally cares about Blumpf in 2022.

>> No.24506860

It’s a phrase used by terminally online retards who have developed unwarranted self importance.

>> No.24506866
File: 751 KB, 3329x4096, 1647871076159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24506906

Really? I've only been to /vsinger/ a few times and it was always 99% Japanese. I've never seen her mentioned positively on this board other than "whoaaa based and redpilled for a commie!!!" when she defends Russia.

>> No.24506875

>you will only lick the boots i tell you to lick

>> No.24506883
Quoted by: >>24506945

Its one thing to express your political views through works of art like through music, it is a form of expression after all. But to talk politics when im scrolling through my twitter feed is just exhausting and unbearable. I don't care if they agree with my personal political views or not, I just don't want to deal with someone that is so overbearing.

>> No.24506889

>IP count didn't go up
>obvious indie butthurt at corpo even though literally nobody in the thread brought up a corpo
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.24506892

Thank you! I've been needing more metal vtubers and mana has been the only one I could find.

>> No.24506906
Quoted by: >>24506950

Lurk there more newfag. Mana is often hyped on a regular basis.

>> No.24506905

... Where's the harsh vocals? Not even her 'screamo' cover seems to have any screaming in it.

>> No.24506914

>the one simp she has is astroturfing

>> No.24506937

Why the fuck should anyone support people who hate them? At least if they shut the fuck up you can continue in blissful ignorance

>> No.24506944

>21 IPs
>50 posts

>> No.24506945

>waaahhhh someone says big meanie words about my pedo rightoid feelings on twitter I HATE THEM NOW
kek get filtered weeb

>> No.24506950
Quoted by: >>24507015

You're not fooling me manager-san.

>> No.24506974
Quoted by: >>24507488

There used to be threads about her because she was a metalhead chuuba. Thing is she was extremely lazy and barely put out content. Around the time of Israel v Palestine happening #8721612 she had a complete and utter meltdown on twitter, spamming juvenile commie talking points she copied from e-celebs without end and shitting on people who said vtubing shouldn't be about politics. That was about the time everyone here dropped her. She's basically just a vtweeter now.

>> No.24506980
File: 100 KB, 1024x692, 1647719592064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using weeblet as an insult.
>mentioning Hololive out of nowhere.
The absolute state of 2views

>> No.24506982
Quoted by: >>24507069

>Vtuber that killed her momentum by being too political jumps into another drama topic to get relevant again

>> No.24506992
Quoted by: >>24507395

I don't either? This conversation is a dead end. You seem unable to see what I'm trying to say here through anything but a partisan lens. Maybe I misunderstand you, in which case, sorry.
I don't care about what the red and blue teams are doing and I'm not on the green or yellow teams either. Politics are a waste of time and a distraction from actually just helping people in your community and living a fulfilling life.

>> No.24507015

No seriously. Go to /vsinger/ right now and ask them what they think of Mana. It will almost be entirely positive. Many people will praise her voice as completely untapped and boundary-breaking. She also refuses to sell her soul, which makes her even more based.

>> No.24507029

rent free

>> No.24507059

Don't worry guys, I'll save her from herself

>> No.24507069

>killed her momentum by being too political
>100 seething /vt/ pedos having an opinion
>is regularly discussed on /vsinger/ in a positive manner
You really don't know how things work do you?

>> No.24507072
Quoted by: >>24507121

jesas you're really doubling down on this cringe

>> No.24507074
File: 61 KB, 429x486, 1647175772818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga literally has /vsinger/ open in another tab ready to samefag the HECK out of any posts mentioning her

>> No.24507093
Quoted by: >>24507161

I'm regularly in /vsinger/ and you're full of shit

>> No.24507106
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1651209786093m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this dumb bitch is a Zigger? Wonder if she's shitting up /k/ as well

>> No.24507121
Quoted by: >>24507162

Go to /vsinger/ and tell me what you find about Mana. Nothing but saying she is the future and inspiration for ALL VSingers.

>> No.24507125 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507159

Communism makes people cringe and insufferable and this thread proves it

>> No.24507127

Sure dude lmao

>> No.24507130

kek you just know

>> No.24507141
Quoted by: >>24507204

>hates loli
Does she have ANY positives whatsoever?

>> No.24507144

Where did I express disapproval any particular political affiliations? Politics just gives me a headache and I'd rather not think about it at all. I'm a proud fence sitter, being politically active just seems like a waste of time.

>> No.24507159 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507234

You will probably also think this is cringe, but none of these losers are actual communists.

>> No.24507161
Quoted by: >>24507183

Post timestamp of your last post, Holofag

>> No.24507162

I'll just refer you to >>24507074 you need to spend time in the thread before you start trying to spread bullshit

>> No.24507183
Quoted by: >>24507240

I don't watch holos retard, why are they in your head so hard?

>> No.24507194

you just know kek

>> No.24507204

If you’re a minority she’d probably let you dump a load in her butthole

>> No.24507205

I wish there was a historic record of posts made so I could verify if discussions around a vtuber occurred or not.

>> No.24507234 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507332

I believe you're a real communist because it's very on brand to accuse other communists of not being real communists

>> No.24507240
Quoted by: >>24507258

because they only watched 5 seconds of her audition vid or some shit

>> No.24507258


>> No.24507268

Ironically, she'd hate the girl in your pic, along with every single one of her genmates, friends, and family

>> No.24507325

Mana is literally in this thread reading every post and fuming LOL!

You might as well save face and admit it.

>> No.24507326

Typical roastie take. Condemns when she knows she can't compete.

>> No.24507332 [DELETED] 

I know, I know. This is my most embarrassing quality. If any of these morons actually lifted a finger or even opened a book they wouldn't fetishize Soviet imagery.

>> No.24507362

>Complains about pedos
>Uses a picture of a Catholic priest

>> No.24507364
Quoted by: >>24507480

*watches hasan once*
guys im a communist now

>> No.24507395
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1651554321798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seem unable to see what I'm trying to say here through anything but a partisan lens.
This describes so many internet interactions nowadays...

>> No.24507406
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1645507125033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when she went after her music producer for not paying her for spotify plays of her songs, even though he explicitly told her beforehand that she wouldn't be paid, and she said OK to it? And then the guy jumped ship to NijiEN, making a remix of Selen's BGM that she uses to this very day?

>> No.24507412

You people seem to really like assuming everyone is an American.

>> No.24507459

She's an yet another example for why the Committee on Unamerican Activities didn't go far enough and demand treason trials for all these Commie faggots.

Based if true.

>> No.24507462

Is having problem with lolis the biggest filter in any corpo? I swear every indie that people go ''Damn I wish this girl was in Holo/Niji/Phase etc'' always ends up having a meltdown to lolis kek, I'm starting to think they literally ask if you are okay with it the final stage of auditions

>> No.24507480

I hate that motherfucker so much.

>> No.24507488 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507558

That's probably all true, but you also sound like an analpained Zionist.

>> No.24507489

Holy samefagging. 31 IPs and 93 replies

>> No.24507495

She's a flip. I'm not joking.

>> No.24507515 [DELETED] 

As a SEA poorfag, I understand your beliefs. I do not believe in them, but I admire anyone with solid ideals. Westerners do not have convictions but follow anything they believe makes them morally superior.

>> No.24507524

Now that you mention it, it really does seem to come up quite a lot with the rejects

>> No.24507558 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507720

I hate Zionists with every molecule in my body but that guy didn't really read like one to me. It's just pointless to weigh in on the occupation of Palestine, especially as an anime girl idol on Twitter dot com. I'd almost argue that does more harm than good.

>> No.24507587 [DELETED] 
File: 3.16 MB, 1616x1997, 97636340_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24507639

How is this thread still up?

>> No.24507619 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507640

The Soviets were based comrade.

>> No.24507640 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507838

They most certainly were not, larper. "Comrade." I can't stand that shit.

>> No.24507639 [DELETED] 

Damn bro just gonna eat a ban just like that huh? I respect it.

>> No.24507664

fuck dem bio labs

>> No.24507665

Holy mother of retard. Kill yourself Mana, stop shilling your dead channel here.

>> No.24507694 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507758

>I get that they're just drawings
You don't

>> No.24507714 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 950x758, 96997590_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24507720 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507828

If they weren't upset about it they wouldn't be complaining about some random chuuba having opinions on something so specific.

>> No.24507725

>not being pedophiles
my sides

>> No.24507758 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507803

I actually do.
If I were to tell you that I masturbate to 2D gay porn wouldn't you think I was gay?

>> No.24507763 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 840x1200, 20220508_151649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I just want to post cunny

>> No.24507794 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24507912

Reminder that she's actually pro-Russia.
I will never understand tankies.

>> No.24507803 [DELETED] 

I masturbate to 2d gay porn pretty regularly and I'm not gay.

>> No.24507813

I find it funny that she follows Luto
There's a dissonance between vtweeters and the corpos. The common opinion on Twitter is that lolicon is literally CP and anyone who consumes it rapes children daily, while the corpo audience knows that chuubas aren't bad people for liking lolis

>> No.24507828 [DELETED] 

I'm a pretty fervent anti-zionist and really don't disagree with anything that guy typed, is all I'm saying.
Bringing this into vtubing trivializes the issue.

>> No.24507838 [DELETED] 

If you get flustered over a word then you certainly don't know what the measure of basednes is.

>> No.24507845
Quoted by: >>24549376

I'm a communist and think she and especially the way she expresses her opinions annoying (even though I more or less agree with her here)

>> No.24507846 [DELETED] 

Pretty based ngl

>> No.24507870 [DELETED] 

Alright man.

>> No.24507881 [DELETED] 

Leftists don't cannibalize each other challenge

>> No.24507884

Imagine thinking religion and politics is a good talking point for an anime girl. I can already tell this is a disguting 2view without even checking her out. Just make better content you absolute faggot

>> No.24507886 [DELETED] 


>> No.24507912 [DELETED] 

russian imperialism is based because muh le ebil west boogeyman

>> No.24507913 [DELETED] 

>the measure of basednes
cringe holy hell

>> No.24507929
Quoted by: >>24508078

Depends on the religion, but politics is a big no no.

>> No.24507942

only bad takes from this slut

>> No.24507954 [DELETED] 

Janny is pissed

>> No.24507970
Quoted by: >>24508009

What the fuck is this good take doing in this board.

>> No.24507999

I think it would work if they were doing bits like Cum Town.

>> No.24508008 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 750x855, 96833093_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24508009
Quoted by: >>24508126

It's a good take except for the first sentence

>> No.24508067

Where the fuck was Hololive even mentioned here you absolute dumbass

>> No.24508069 [DELETED] 

They're just drawings of children, what's your point?

>> No.24508078
Quoted by: >>24517041

Politics and religion are the same thing

>> No.24508112 [DELETED] 


>> No.24508126

Fair. She is good, no doubt, but the best? I don't think so.

>> No.24508202 [DELETED] 

>tranny jannies delete a bunch of posts about politics
>discussing pedophilia at length is allowed
>OP just shitting on a chuuba is good

>> No.24508219

This entire thread shows why no one wants to shill her anymore.

>> No.24508233

>She unironically has the best voice of any VTuber in the world.
She's not even in the top 10%

>> No.24508294 [DELETED] 

In some cases they are drawings of legally consenting adults.

>> No.24508348 [DELETED] 

>tranny jannies delete a bunch of posts about politics
>discussing pedophilia at length is allowed
>OP just shitting on a chuuba is good
>pointing out jannies abusing their position is bad

>> No.24508358

She would do better if she just focused on content, but you know, EN indie and all.

>> No.24508418

I have no doubt managers tell them to keep any negative opinions on the matter to themselves since it would generate friction with the JP side.

>> No.24511038 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24517212

I find it funny that mods banned just one person and suddenly this thread is silent

>> No.24511159

her music isnt good

>> No.24511434 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24511995

She's unironically a communist bootlicker, AKA a retard.

>> No.24511670

>She does what she loves best.
Working a shitty dead-end job because nobody will support her being a singer full-time?

>> No.24511995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24512072

Anyone who hates USA and their buttbuddies is a good person in my book. Still not gonna watch her but I'm going to cheer her on whenever she shits on the eternal Jewish vassal

>> No.24512009

Even Kiara is a better singer.

>> No.24512072 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24512149

Russia is a nation of Golems too, you troglodyte.

>> No.24512149 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24512846

Name one jewish person who supports Russia then. American Jews are certainly in favor of Ukraine, who happens to be ruled by an actual jew

>> No.24512225

Oh yeah, she's the one that did that stream about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Wasn't her driving point in that stream something like
>invasion bad Ukraine should be able to do what they want
>unless that something aligns with the west

>> No.24512539 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24512909

>"anime is for pedos"
>*months later* get jailed for grooming actual children
Why male feminists are like this?

>> No.24512616

Nice, you hit all of my triggers. Mmmm, tasty trigger words. Oh, I'm coming all over your channel!

>> No.24512846 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24517336

a bunch of russian oligarchs are jewish lol

>> No.24512909 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24514204

You do realise this "argument" that lolipedos have all picked up from each other is essentially just 'no u', right?
>accusing me of being a pedo for finding children attractive? you must be a pedo
This is literally your 'argument'. Frankly, wojakposting would hold up better than this.

>> No.24513531

I thought she was cool at the beginning of her channel, but I jumped ship when she started raising flags, and judging by this thread, I'm fucking glad I did get the fuck out.

>> No.24513904

>hates pedos and tiny hat puppets
Maybe not all commies are bad after all?

>> No.24514202
Quoted by: >>24549308

Considering at least half of NijiEN are lolifags and/or shotafags i wouldn’t be surprised if that was a question they asked at the very end kek

>> No.24514204 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24514413

Except fanbases you accuse as pedo arent interested with actual children 3DPD to begin with, while some of you male feminists in the past accusing anime fans as pedo and turned out you people are actual child predator, thats called projecting. Do your reps, /pol/ chuuba

>> No.24514347

It's a go-to for people whose argument stems from a moral position rather than any basis in reality because they want to act like it's the other party that is acting outrageously.

>> No.24514413 [DELETED] 

>no u
Every time

Explain why you find drawn little girls attractive.
Go ahead, try to do it without writing out the textbook definition of being a pedophile.

>> No.24514630 [DELETED] 

Why furries commie find drawing of animal attractive?
Go ahead explain that first

>> No.24514691
File: 27 KB, 594x334, fallenshadow vs anti loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know your place anti-lolifags.

>> No.24514752 [DELETED] 

Not that person but drawings are naturally more idealized and therefore beautiful than the reality. 2d girls are better than rl roasties, renamon is better than actual fox and lolis are better than smelly, retarded children

>> No.24514795
Quoted by: >>24514851

Should i even bothe asking for a QRD on this tard, or am i better off not knowing?

>> No.24514851

A commie flips indie vtuber with SJW agenda. Qrd done

>> No.24514920
Quoted by: >>24516039

Why don't these people ever put out an argument for why "thing" should be banned instead of relying on hoping people have the same morals that "thing" should be banned by default?

>> No.24514989
Quoted by: >>24536627

How can a person be so based and so cringe at the same time?

>> No.24516039

Their argument is rooted entirely in morality. The only "further" arguments are made up ad hoc as needed and likely supported by "I made it up".

>> No.24516449 [DELETED] 

Idk bro people say Shuten Douji is a loli and that design is hot as FUCK so you tell me

>> No.24516874
Quoted by: >>24517482

Are you fucken serious, good singer? Fuck off, any singer who sings through streaming is just rejected garbage that couldn't make it in the music world so they hunt for sympathy from spastics like you and the cucks that simp for them

>> No.24516878 [DELETED] 

Are you done being a simp yet?

>> No.24517041
Quoted by: >>24517192

But chuubas have mention religion in their streams, most notably Marine and Christianity

>> No.24517192

I believe he's talking about serious politics/religion talk, not as jokes like Marine confessional with a lolicon priest.

>> No.24517212 [DELETED] 

>one person
It was several alongside deleting dozens of posts.

>> No.24517272 [DELETED] 

petite and flat does not equal loli, when will they learn?

>> No.24517317 [DELETED] 

If those people exist then they are retarded and they opinion should not be taken into consideration at all, as they clearly have no clue what they are talking about and what an actual loli is.

>> No.24517323 [DELETED] 

There's that one dude that straight up posted cunny. I got warned and had my post deleted. Everything else is probably just from one dude.

>> No.24517336 [DELETED] 

To be fair, most of them ended up committing assisted suicide.

>> No.24517367

Most obvious /here/ post yet

>> No.24517406 [DELETED] 

A lot of those designs don't quite count because they mix and match proportions. So the head body ratio is childlike, but the body is not quite.

>> No.24517482

Her covers are legit good tho.


>> No.24517658 [DELETED] 

>against pedophilia

>> No.24517764

only good take by her

>> No.24517765 [DELETED] 

She clearly hasnt read Foucault.

>> No.24517905
Quoted by: >>24551802

The irony of this is that lots of Russian weebs are total lolicons. If she knew this, she'd probably be trying to back the Ukraine instead, lol.

>> No.24518014

When it comes to religion Sister Abigail is the only chuuba I know who has Christianity as her main theme and is beloved by indies. She isn't combative or quarrelsome about it and is a very warm and welcoming person.

>> No.24518032

Study Me is her best one alongside King. Too bad she's a bitch and her mods are still cunts.

>> No.24518287

>Anons believe is Mana
>When she knows more than a half of her audience are also Holofags
Source: Someone mentioned on her Karaoke she is on the same level as Suisei and pretty much chat moved fast.
If anything, this is probably that dood who gave her 1k USD on stream and Mana tried to refund him.

>> No.24518420

In the zoomer level anon, after that disastrous political podcast with her pajeet friend about Russia it totally showed how much of a fucking zoomer she is about acting as a commie.
And let's not dive into her chat streams.

>> No.24518732

anyone who talks like this has a much higher chance of being a real pedophile then I do

>> No.24519720

God I wish I were her preferred child of choice and within her vicinity...

>> No.24520334

Hey Mana, how's that commie indoctrination working out for ya?

>> No.24520812

Is that you futaku
Are you shillposting yourself?

>> No.24521134

Virtue signaling moral crusaders are ALWAYS projecting their insecurities

>> No.24521373


>> No.24521476

This is based though.

>> No.24521554

Shes not even that talented, I hope she gets replaced by Death Hime

>> No.24522427

>Some of the best musicians in the world are unabashed communists. Are they untalented because of this?

>> No.24522967

anybody who needs autotune to sound good can not be consider good.

>> No.24525159

That's a normal opinion

>> No.24528698

She's fuckin based. I wish she would do more politics stuff. I could honestly care less about her singing.

>> No.24529231

She's fuckin based. I wish she would do more singing stuff. I could honestly care less about her politics.

>> No.24529303

When will these morons learn that drawings of fictional characters aren't people? It really shouldn't be that difficult to grasp.

>> No.24529622

Every once in awhile this retard decides to shill herself by posting bait threads due to how irrelevant she has become. Weak and pathetic for someone who claims to be "le strong woman".

>> No.24534827

I had hope before her debut but the she turned out to be a metalcore fag so I got straight out of there, then found out she was a turbo-commie who does politics with her vtuber persona, big red flag.

>> No.24535250

All women who are into metal are universally mentally unstable whores and/or think being a needlessly aggressive cunt is a good thing. It is the true end-all be-all sign of a landmine girl.

>> No.24535299


>> No.24535924

>Unironically uses a picture of a Catholic preist
People are actually this retarded

>> No.24536027

Holy fucking rent free! I get 2view life sucks but come on there's no need to an absolute spurg Mana

>> No.24536133

The absolute state of westoid vtuber chuds

>> No.24536219

Didn't watch. She sucks btw and your attitude has made me want to anti her.

>> No.24536538

you're just an overglorified egirl like the rest of them. Kill yourself, attentionwhore

>> No.24536627

she's against Americanism for the wrong reasons

>> No.24536949

Kys, flip whore

>> No.24537360
Quoted by: >>24539948

What kind of retard becomes a vtuber and then "dies on the hill" of being against a part of the culture that vtubers inherited? Hoping to see whoever that is graduating soon, or maybe not because I'm going to forget about her 10 minutes after I close this tab so I won't even notice if she's gone.

>> No.24539948
Quoted by: >>24541659

she's been around longer than nijisanji en lol

>> No.24540490

kek, her screaming sucks

>> No.24541229

cope yeah?

>> No.24541335


>> No.24541575
File: 93 KB, 621x1280, 1651598573774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whore infiltrates popular hobby cause muh simpbux
>hates hobby and complains about it constantly
Many such cases
Also reminder: pic related

>> No.24541659

And is still irrelevant many such cases sad

>> No.24542128

What is it about EN indies that causes them to get the same brand of twitter brainrot?

>> No.24542167

>Posting that image
God doesn't love your nasty ass.

>> No.24542211

All while being a commie. Literal Agent of subversion. That's all these people do. They're programmed to do this shit.

>> No.24542338
Quoted by: >>24542454

loli/shota filters the normies out, kinda like gore

>> No.24542413

I feel like chuubas should keep their thoughts on this stuff separate from vtubing.

>> No.24542454


>> No.24543410
File: 1023 KB, 250x250, 1631155231484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Mana, you made me pull a muscle from laughing too hard, holy shit...

>> No.24543496

>Is extremely against loli/shota content
>Is pro LGBT
So what she's trying to say is that she's trans and a child predator like everyone else that is vocally against loli/shota content? Extremely fucked up

>> No.24543639

Based comrade

>> No.24543755
Quoted by: >>24555335

I'm not into loli either and I despise shota, but Anti-loli = Pro-pedo, simple as

>> No.24543766

commies and taiwanese are natural enemies

>> No.24543898
File: 59 KB, 1080x810, 1649618638493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having some of her covers in my playlist despite not being a fan of metal myself, her debut shows she could be a great chuuba. Months later she only reminds me why i stayed far away from 96% of EN indies in the first place. I feel fucking ashamed recommending her to people i know in her earlier days.
I liked her last cover, she deserves bigger numbers

>> No.24544582
Quoted by: >>24544655

She's still active? I haven't heard anything from Futa Coochie Mana in so long.

>> No.24544655

Despite spending most of her times /here/ and on /pol/ she is an accomplised vtweeter.

>> No.24544777

wtf i love futa coochie mana now?

>> No.24547740


>> No.24549308

Try half of Hololive JP.

>> No.24549376 [DELETED] 

>I'm a communist
neck yourself and go back to twitter

>> No.24549481

Literally who? No one gives a fuck about these random unknown whores, dude.

>> No.24551652
File: 94 KB, 694x1199, 53223.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This enrage pinoy commie.

>> No.24551802

most non-western weebs are lolicons.

>> No.24553924

That's pretty normal though.

>> No.24554952

You are allowed to have retarded opinions mana.
Don't do it on your vtuber account.
Even pokimane uses an alt account when she wants to have retarded woman opinions.

Because this shit is what turned me and my gf from watching you.

>> No.24555088

>pedo rightoid feelings
You are mentally unwell

>> No.24555156

You know social blade exists, right?
Everyone can see that her growth died

>> No.24555235

If it isn't then it should be.
These people need to be gatekept.

>> No.24555335

>I despise shota
Your opinion is respectfully declined

>> No.24555337

hey dont talk about my oshi like that, Moona did her reps

>> No.24557152

My oshi is an indie and she stomps on her singing

>> No.24557381


>> No.24557534
File: 44 KB, 680x615, 1651019746745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks because you can hear she has potential in getting better at singing, but her worldview is holding her back. So now she has surrounded herself with people circlejerking twitter's opinions as law.

>> No.24558836
Quoted by: >>24566098

Why would a flip care so much about politics outside of their country?

>> No.24558983

lmao what a fucking retard.
There are way too many amazing chuubas to waste time on shit like this..

>> No.24560212

Hi Mana, kailan ka pupunta sa bundok at magpapabuntis sa mga kapwa mong mga NPA?

>> No.24560514
Quoted by: >>24563214

Why is she pretending to be Japanese then?
You should take that guy's advice by the way Mana.

>> No.24561282
Quoted by: >>24562094

Do you think Mana fucks white guys?

>> No.24562094

She's Filipino so yeah

>> No.24563214
Quoted by: >>24564674

Props for not using a machine translator but this is some garbage ass JP skill, and tagging a Japanese person in such an "I have lots of black friends!" way is embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.24564674

There is not wrong with her fetish cumming outside.

>> No.24564979

They're "anti-p*do" as they say "groomer rights". These people are freaks whining about other freaks.

>> No.24566098

Literally the same reason no one (especially on the Chans) shuts up about the US despite residing elsewhere.
The biggest rent free nation of the planet.
Personally speaking, I’ve had a very large disdain for China, but that’s because of Covid.

>> No.24566167

That's a good opinion though and I'm American
