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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.24221693

That would be cool if he did.

>> No.24221703

>Next day retirement
NijiEN is due for another wave soon, probably them

>> No.24222146

I can't see this guy fujobaiting
I guess NijiEN finally has a brotuber

>> No.24222385

I remember seeing some clips of him a while back. He seemed like good guy. I hope wherever he’s going brings him success

>> No.24222393

I won't forgive niji and holo if they ruin my bro randon

>> No.24222429

Supposition thread? What about this one then?

>> No.24222554

Men bend easier than women anon
the attention, the money, the success
you just need to be a slut for 3hours

Also for someone I have seen around alot
dude still small, less than 4k followers on twitch

>> No.24222589

He was a cool dude; I'd be glad for him if he made it in

>> No.24222761
Quoted by: >>24222914

Redpill me on him, is he really a brotuber?

>> No.24222914
Quoted by: >>24222992

A myth.

>> No.24222947

NijEN actually concluded auditions like 2 months ago, so it'd make more sense to be there.

>> No.24222954

He is the chosen one who will reign in the faggotry going on in NijiEN.

>> No.24222974

Not gonna happen.

>> No.24222992

In the ENsphere, maybe. Plenty exist in the Japanese world of VTubers. Yashiro, for one.

>> No.24223115

nobody thought meg would become a GFEstreamer either

>> No.24223167

>LuKya will graduate but if you find me somewhere else please support me like you always
>Just a French otaku VTuber
>3k twitter & youtube channel
>There's only a handful of covers in her channel, probably privated her streams already

Definitely not going for a small corpo with a channel this size
throw you bets
Holo EN Gen 3 vs Niji EN Wave 6

>> No.24223231


>> No.24223322

Most likely mixed Niji wave 6/7, they had 40k+ applicants. Is this Lukya a good streamer?

>> No.24223478

Isn't he in the same group as Coqui or am I confusing things?

>> No.24223615
Quoted by: >>24223677

>Holo EN Gen 3
That's been over for really fucking long and I genuinely don't think more than one person si going to make it in who doesn't already know someone.

>> No.24223621
Quoted by: >>24272482

Who's the GFE girl in Cyberlive?

>> No.24223677

why would this be the case?

>> No.24223699

>Can speak Chinese
Wave 6 most likely

>> No.24223711

Brotuber is the male version of gura killer.

>> No.24224024

>non-sexualized orc Vtuber

it's pretty far from a manslut so who knows honestly, I say niji EN mostly because I don't believe Stars EN will be a thing. I don't expect a great numbers for him either way, probably would be better of staying indie.

>> No.24224188

What's his usual numbers? Getting into NijiEN as a male is a guaranteed 3-8k and if he doesn't pander to the females he'll still hover around 1k at least.

>> No.24224220

All VODs deleted since she going somewhere
>but on her twitter she had a collab with a friend late april
>dude don't have a vod for the collab
>but search her name show some results of older collabs

>> No.24224274

He’ll at least do better than he is now. He has 4k followers on Twitch and almost 10k on YouTube; getting into Niji is an easy 30-50k pre-debut.

>> No.24224413

Maybe he's just tired and he's going off to do old man things

>> No.24224539

LuKya is definitely going HoloEN gen 3. She's exactly what they're looking for. She's a French polyglot that streams almost exclusively in Japanese, she's an IRyS tier v-singer talent, who's YouTube channel is seriously under appreciated.

Nijisanji EN would absolutely ruib a talent like that.

>> No.24224604
Quoted by: >>24224708

you shouldn't say things like that, somebody might rub it in your face later if you're wrong

>> No.24224607

Seems like she barely has any EN commentary in the collabs.

>> No.24224687
Quoted by: >>24228703

I think I recall he mentioned that he does vtubing for fun, forgot which exact stream tho

>> No.24224694

I'm gonna save this post and laugh at you once NijiEN next wave is announced

>> No.24224695

I listened to her covers and I thought she was pretty ok. Wouldn’t consider her Irys tier. Anyways, she can speak mandarin so I wouldn’t be surprised to see her in Niji with all their chink pandering

>> No.24224708

If she wants to sabotage her singing career like Emma, then Nijisanji would be perfect for her.

>> No.24224777

Chinks don't really care if you speak Mandarin, tons of them watch Pomu and the others and they don't pander to them. Seems like she barely speaks English, I don't want another Yugo desu.

>> No.24224788

She can also speak Vietnamese, that doesn't mean shit, ultimately.

>> No.24225946

I don't think Randon has much interest in the whole "idol" thing, and he doesn't seem to fit the bill for the talents you'd expect from what people have said about the stars auditions. So really all there is left is Niji or a real graduation, and I sincerely hope he doesn't go full chink fujo pandering like everyone else in niji if he did get it.

>> No.24225993

Real shit niji got 40k? Jeez now imagine how much HomosEN got .

>> No.24226231

they had so many they had to beg people to audition...

>> No.24226480

Lets be honest
at least half those 40k is Luxiem fans with no experience giving a shot causing a influx of useless applications

>> No.24226525
Quoted by: >>24271971

Giving up a unique office worker orc model for some generic bishi model makes me sad like you wouldn't believe

>> No.24226708

Is a full stoppage in streaming a requirement for joining these corpos? Don't I constantly see people talk about roommate streaming?

>> No.24226855
Quoted by: >>24237517

only Niji requires that. which adds more support to them being Niji

>> No.24226878
Quoted by: >>24227234

>Male Collab

Definitely Niji

>> No.24227234
Quoted by: >>24228967

Gura's PL used to collab with males before.
If she wants to really go for singing, Hololive is the place to be.

>> No.24227262
Quoted by: >>24237234

I was disappointed to find out that Sonny kinda panders to fujos too. It's better than pandering to TF2 manchilds, though

>> No.24227844
Quoted by: >>24237851

You just can't stream as a Vtuber
>kson only did cam streamers before she graduated
>this was the reason used by WACTOR to terminate the Shino Laila contract

>> No.24228131
Quoted by: >>24237851

You can stream as a fleshtuber just fine. What you cannot do is to stream as a Vtuber. This is also why kson went through some rebranding.

>> No.24228187

>I don't think Randon has much interest in the whole "idol" thing
when you get life changing money for just playing games you'd be willing to drop an ara ara or two.

>> No.24228192

O man, I saw him quite a bit back when he first debuted, he seemed legit genuine on enjoying being a Vtuber and found it to be his escape from his boring day job. Hope he got into either company because he's legit hardworking.

>> No.24228703
Quoted by: >>24229100


Pretty sure in one of his earlier streams, he said that vtubing has also improved his overall mental state to the point even his work colleagues noticed.

>> No.24228807
File: 166 KB, 2048x1366, gettyimages-155154294-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they have anything to do with it he'll be buck broken within three weeks.

>> No.24228967

Nijisanji has a bunch of people signed to actual record deals and girls like Chima and Toko are among the best singers in the industry, your just biased towards Hololive and don't want an indie you like potentially going to Nijisanji.

>> No.24229100
Quoted by: >>24229794

>Another menhera
What's wrong with VTubers? Normal streamers might be shit, but at least the ratio of menhera / normal seems to be significantly lower...

>> No.24229295

That's like only 2 people. If the person truly wants to shine in the musical aspect especially as a female , there's no better agency than Hololive for that. It's the bigger brand name as well.
>don't want an indie potentially going to Nijisanji
Where the heck did you even get that idea?

>> No.24229311

He got CEO position at a finance company and won't have time to stream anymore and wants to pursue a hobby in coaching other bikers in his free time.

>> No.24229413

Pretty fucking based if true.

>> No.24229414
Quoted by: >>24229757

Did he say this or is this just your headcanon?

>> No.24229647

>only 2 people
so you want me to post Nijisanji's other singers or some shit? because fine

but none of this is really relevant to this thread so I'll stop here

>> No.24229691

Holy based

>> No.24229757

even if it isn't something he said outright this is par for the course, for him
he works a full time corpo job and has a passion for it
this seems much more likely than niji

>> No.24229794

He's a human you defective robot.

>> No.24229855

So it's just a headcanon. We'll see how it ends up.

>> No.24229896

We're anticipating the next wave soon, and this graduation could be too late. Unless there is a catalog of graduation and debut dates from past lives to Niji EN to reference.

>> No.24231220
Quoted by: >>24232524

fulgur graduated a few days after their wave was announced i think.

>> No.24231794

Looking forward to see him in Niji EN collabs!

>> No.24231910
Quoted by: >>24232153

NijiEN 100%. They always hired the most obvious ones

>> No.24232047


>> No.24232153

for the girls maybe but ike, vox, sonny and yugo were surprises.

>> No.24232287

Nah, he will join vshota

>> No.24232524

The night before debut actually. Same with uki, his last cover was the day of

>> No.24233130

based on the replies, the graduation could work. (personally i doubt he's in starsen, since they intend to pander to females based on the job listing)

>> No.24233226

i don't understand why you would graduate just because you got a corpo job. if anything you wanna keep it as backup, right? or does niji not allow that?

>> No.24233417

most nijijps have day jobs. rosemi and pomu were wagies early on.

>> No.24233433
Quoted by: >>24234067

>If the person truly wants to shine in the musical aspect especially as a female , there's no better agency than Hololive for that
If the person wants to get hella numbers for a vocaloid cover they go to Hololive
If the person wants industry connections from actual musicians they go to Nijisanji. they got fucking FLOW to perform with them live and several big name artists write for their original songs

>> No.24233584

From what I know of Randon the guy likes having a small chat that he can talk to instead of a sea of people that goes so fast he can't read the messages, so becoming bigger (corp) doesn't make sense for him. Also, if you were going to go company and couldn't stream, you probably wouldn't phrase it like this, where he goes on about "not being able to do this forever like I promised" "I'm sorry" "retiring from vtuber activities" etc. because there's a strong air of finality about it instead of "I won't be able to stream, probably for a long time, but may come back one day" or something less hopeless sounding and happier than this.

>> No.24233669

>Also, if you were going to go company and couldn't stream, you probably wouldn't phrase it like this, where he goes on about "not being able to do this forever like I promised" "I'm sorry" "retiring from vtuber activities" etc. because there's a strong air of finality about it instead of "I won't be able to stream, probably for a long time, but may come back one day" or something less hopeless sounding and happier than this.
Pomu's PL literally said she was passing on into the afterlife for good.

>> No.24233872
Quoted by: >>24283386

Goodness gracious, I get it, you are a NIJISANJI fan. Still, Hololive is the better place for her of she wants to expand her music career. Othweose she'd be relegated to become a male's accessory.

>> No.24233956

vtubers are professional attention whores. they feed off of people's sympathy.

>> No.24234067

Hololive has made original songs with Deco 27, MikitoP, Taka Inoue, Kira, IOSYS , Yunomi, if you don't recognize those names as BIG TIME in the Japanese music/vocaloid scene thats on you for being aware.

>> No.24234659

Ok and Nijisanji had original songs made by Mafumafu, Syudou, Kira, Teddyloid, kz, Kanaria, Jin, scop, 164, Nem, and Sasakure

>> No.24234795

He would be lobotomized and neutered in Hololive, so that really only leaves NijiEN

>> No.24234843

All you've proven is that both companies are capable of bringing in big name producers to make original music for them, I've disproven the point that Hololive members are just some cover artists that don't have "industry connections"

>> No.24234990

I still remember that time people believed that Sachimu is joining niji as Petra, but then Holofans get the last laugh.

>> No.24235175

>Literally killing off your new hires past life
Niji's pretty brutal, huh

>> No.24235257

Yea, her PL Char passed on forever, she spoke about joining 2432 at least 3 times

>> No.24235273

>hot orc guy is going to be turned into an effeminate twink
This fucking blows, dude. Wish I didn't just learn about him today.

>> No.24235794
Quoted by: >>24236141

Let me know when Hololive makes music with bands and not vocaloids

>> No.24236027

Look tamed, probadly holoEN gen3

>> No.24236141

I don't think you know how vocaloid works, its just software that producers use to have a synthesized vocal track for the songs, these producers are still responsible for producing the rest of the song, yes even with bands playing the instrumentals. I don't know why think those are different when both vocaloid producers and bands produce their own music. Heck one of Japan's biggest artists, Kenshi Yonezu started off as a vocaloid producer. Same with Yoasobi

>> No.24236347
Quoted by: >>24236445

>know French, Vietnamese and Chinese
This one is weird

>> No.24236445
Quoted by: >>24236800

if you know anything about vietnam, not really

>> No.24236563
Quoted by: >>24236648

That's more evidence that it's holostars. I guarantee they're trying to keep the sex to a minimum, which is why it's taking so long.

>> No.24236648
Quoted by: >>24245932

he's literally got his gay porn art tag in his twitter bio you blind retards

>> No.24236800

I'm Vietnamese, she's probadly a second generation chink-viernamese in France but most of them choose to be chink and don't speak vietnamese at all, it's just weird

>> No.24236904

Im sorry man but Vietnamese is just a really ugly language to listen to, I wouldn't blame them

>> No.24237050
File: 314 KB, 850x1259, 1649492092028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24237178

chink, SEA and asia languages in general except Japanese are all ugly

>> No.24237189

yeah I was kinda talking out my ass, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.24237234
Quoted by: >>24237365

>I was disappointed to find out that Sonny kinda panders to fujos too.
Really? I haven't watched much of his stuff but I liked his debut.

>> No.24237365

People had high hopes when he regurgitated the /v/ /a/ and /tv/ core likes list but every stream after that is him moaning effeminately and kissing the audience for superchats. Can't blame him, weird sea woman money is as good as anyone else's.

>> No.24237390

You might think so but Cantonese and Vietnamese are the worst offenders, the rest are bearable.

>> No.24237517

I am still watching notRin everytime she streaming on her channel. They only forbid vtuber channel, 3dpd or non vtuber are fine

>> No.24237578

You don't want "brotubers", you want males who repel women and flop as a result so you can say there's no audience for males

>> No.24237611

Luca feels like a bro though

>> No.24237623

lmao, all chink languages are ugly, maybe mongolian with throat singing is nice but

>> No.24237717

Mandarin is considerably better sounding than Cantonese, its not even close

>> No.24237751

A lot of them are fun in game streams, it's just zatsudans where there isn't much for you unless you've got a pussy. There's a dedicated lady schizo that'll get pissed any time the word brotuber is mentioned though lol.

>> No.24237836

>worst offenders
what is Thai

>> No.24237851
Quoted by: >>24237981

Actually no, Hololive allows you to stream as a vtuber just fine. See Azki. You just can't be part of another corpo, which is just standard non conflict of interest clause

>> No.24237860
File: 71 KB, 722x1024, 1629969928649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry chinkman, your language is fucking ass to listen

>> No.24237862


>> No.24237894

That's an insult if anything, and there's far better EN Vsingers both corpos can poach (Miori, Amiya, Nina, AdaSings, Zephyrhinna, Shiki)

>> No.24237941

He seems like a nice dude, hopefully he made it into one of the big corps. Either way, it's going to be a shame to lose his avatar, the office worker ork was one of my favorite vtuber avatars of all time.

>> No.24237981
Quoted by: >>24238350

azki is a massive corpo ball of worms and grandfathered in from gen 0, pretty bad example

>> No.24238124
Quoted by: >>24262959

nah, thai doesn't have hard constant sounds, viet sounds like DUCK BUCK YUCK


>> No.24238350
Quoted by: >>24238502

The point is that hololive has a vtuber who's doing vtuber stuff on her personal account while still being part of hololive, so this whole "can't stream as vtuber" stuff has absolutely no proof behind it

>> No.24238431
Quoted by: >>24238594

Randon's later stuff was nothing but him flirting with men and talking about eating ass.

>> No.24238472

Nijisanji expressively requires you to retire or at least put any other vtuber activities on hold while you're part of the company, presumbably to prevent what Rosemi did to Tsunderia from happening to them.

>> No.24238502
Quoted by: >>24238540

And his point is Azki is a massive exception to everything because of INNK, she was scouted to be Azki and didn't audition either, that's not the norm anymore. All the other holos with second channels are not vtubers.

>> No.24238508

You don't need to reference "somewhere else" if you got into nijiEN, even less if it's holoEN.

>> No.24238540
Quoted by: >>24238668

Except Mel, of course

>> No.24238584

>Constant hissing sounds

>> No.24238594
Quoted by: >>24238681

Oh so he’s definitely going to NijiEN

>> No.24238668

Well she get special treatment or Cover will get their ass handle by her lawyer

>> No.24238681

well at least with the bara avatar we know he's actually gay like fulgur and not just doing it for money

>> No.24238729

Yeah, fuck mysta for the pl fakeout

>> No.24239003
Quoted by: >>24242887

doesn't read like a graduation to reincarnate tweet honestly more like a "well i no longer can do this is my free time"

>> No.24240636

not really

>> No.24240903
Quoted by: >>24272678

>EU timezone
>streams in japanese
0% chance it's holoEN, then.

>> No.24241006

Its all coming together

>> No.24241120
Quoted by: >>24242229

So did NijiEN decide females are not worth it anymore?

>> No.24242229


>> No.24242887


>> No.24242932

Most vtubers that say shit like that are just doing it because they know viewers like it. There're a few that are probably telling the truth but it's basically just a deflection.
Random's a good vtuber but he's always been pretty fake.

>> No.24243037

Why do they (Holostars) hire actual gay people for female pandering? What kind of thoughts gays have when they put their authentic selves for fetishization? If I were them, I'll be disgusted by the management. Even with NijiEN some indonesian fans enjoy BL but anti-lgbt which kinda shocked me, when I told them that nijiboys are genuinely gay/bi, they went into full denial mode.
t. Femindog but I support LGBT

>> No.24243115

>not gay
lol, I will applaud nijifucks if they manage to debut literal isekai MC design tier self insert

>> No.24243253

Get out.

>> No.24243267

NijiEN has a full on homo (fag voice, korean, proof in PL of sleeping on his boyfriends chest, has talked about having hookups openly on stream) and he retweets NijiEN hardcore yaoi
idk if anyone in Holostars is even near that level or if any hardgays exist there, Astel is a bislut, Fuma is Astelsexual, Izuru is about to become a girl, and Shien only likes em in 2D. so it's easier to pander to women since they all still like them

>> No.24245932
Quoted by: >>24248330

Yes, and? Point is he won't thirst for the en girls the way nijinigger m*les do. They want guys who will keep it in their pants like jp stars.

>> No.24246063

The only one confirmed not straight was Astel. Fuma is just a huge fanboy, idk what happened with Izuru.

>> No.24246087

That's quite ramdon

>> No.24246164
File: 572 KB, 1831x567, Planned Parenthood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24246487

Izuru's been saying shit on twitter, very good chance it's a joke but the usual types are taking things a different way.

>> No.24246274

Amiya from Tsunderia, I know you're here, you can announce your graduation now. We all know youre going to EN 3 soon.

>> No.24246356

>Todd will be real in 2-8 months

>> No.24246393

>choose to be chink
yes but why would a self respecting Vietnamese person choose to settle for less and learn Chinese? Why would you pick the inferior people over your own?

>> No.24246427

This reminds me of all the Holofags who expected to get Dokibird and Miki.

>> No.24246428
Quoted by: >>24247360

Don’t they have year contracts? And I thought she specifically picked tsunderia for it’s laid back nature where she can play these old games. Niji and holo would have managers telling her to drop the number poison games

>> No.24246487

30% of the time I can't even tell if it's genuine or a troll larp anymore.

>> No.24246563

>orc streamer
i dont know who the fuck this guy is but he's based for being the #1 fantasy race in my book

>> No.24246936
Quoted by: >>24247310

Fuck no. Amiya's content would get severely kneecapped in Holo/Niji.

>> No.24247310
Quoted by: >>24261584

She'd be fine in Niji, look at people like Ngo, Yashiro, and Sasaki, but yea Holo perms would kill her content.

>> No.24247360
Quoted by: >>24248015

Not sure which Nijisanji you know, but their managers don't give a shit whatever debuff content you play. Just look at Rin and her FFXIV obsession that has decimated her audience or Hana and all her filtering

>> No.24248015

You sure that's also applicable to nijiEN? From what I've seen they all seem to care about numbers to some degree.

>> No.24248155

NijiEN talents are mostly numberwhores.
Well at least Vox, Pomu, Covid and fish are confrimed from the leak.
NijiEN management we haven't really seen anything from.

>> No.24248169
Quoted by: >>24248401

Anon, Niji has members who pull than less than 20 viewers. EN even with a debuff game, has them sit around 800/900 viewers

>> No.24248330

Correct. Holo is looking for gays and eunuchs just in case they ever decide to allow StarsEN to collab with the main branch.

>> No.24248401

Enna explicitly doesn't give a shit about her numbers, and is annoyed when people bring them up. She had to be coaxed by Millie and Reimu to ask people not to overlap her big Higurashi concert. She's also taking a 3 week break in the not so distant future, which she wouldn't do if she cared about numbers and saw how much of a havoc a similarly long break caused to Pomu, she has also played the most number of unmonetizable games in the branch by now (at least I think so because Finana stopped doing them in recent months and Enna has played enough new games to overtake her in that department). Fulgur specifically said in his debut that he wanted to be the least watched EN liver and debuffs himself on every occasion without getting reprimanded by management. Petra constantly collabs with 2views and ID/KR despite it destroying her numbers which should tell you how much she cares. Millie is similar (and doesn't even stream her POV on most occasions) and only cares about numbers to the degree it allows her to pay her bills, she even donates all of her membership earnings to charity. Really the only people in the branch who are out and out numberfags in an expansionary sense are Nina, Mysta, Vox, and Selen. The rest are moreso just worried about their survival but don't give a shit beyond that.
Nah, Reimu and Millie can fall to 300/400 on truly debuff content, Finana and Petra can fall to 500/600 on highly debuff content. The rest of the girls have a 1k baseline though you are right.

>> No.24248581

Kira was also certainly not straight, especially if you see what his roommate looks like. However, it's true that holostars generally care less about fujobaiting compared to male Nijis. When female chuubas get sexual with Roberu he looks kind of uncomfortable to me, it's like he plays along just because it's his job, even if he is 100% straight.

>> No.24248817

>>OP (OP)
This dude didn't even monetize his Twitch and also has a decent paying job. I couldn't see him go for NijiEN or Holo for money.

>> No.24249177
Quoted by: >>24249995

I'm not really sure, but only NijiJP who got the record deals right?

>> No.24249346
Quoted by: >>24249995

Imagine a CEO being a vtuber

>> No.24249496

Nobody in this thread actually watches any holostar or nijisanji

>> No.24249995

Yea, Mito, Deron, Kazaki, Kuzuha, Kanae, Raindrops, ROFMAO, Trinity, Himawari are the only ones with a record deal in Nijisanji.

>> No.24250722

Nigga can't you read? He won't reincarnate.

>> No.24252607

I knew a girl like that, I think one of the reasons were that there's a bigger chinese community both in whatever country you're in but also on the internet so it was easier to feel at home as a Chinese than a Vietnamese.

>> No.24252741

Yeah but If he does, I'll be happy for him.
He seems to really like indie vtubers so I don't have high hope of him going Niji or reincarnate another indies.

>> No.24253135

Eh, yes and no, dude didn't hesitate to let out a few fujobait lines and actions every now and then from what I can remember and know, but it wasn't really the focus of his content.
Though there was that little arc where he advocated for YT's success and did very specific content to play the algo, though he ended up egtting burned out and returning to twitch after a while, so...

>> No.24253308

He's wording it like he's bailing but I hope he made it big. Dude is great and might actually fit holostars if he's willing to do singing reps.

>> No.24258988

NijiEN please

>> No.24259221

His graduation stream started

>> No.24259598

Lol. Until we have confirmation on who filled the slots for the generations you can't rule them out. Vtubers have made it seem that they were up and leaving from streaming for good and appear elsewhere, or claim they will continue vtubing as is and then weeks later get scooped up. Once you get corpos involved you cannot trust the words that people type.

>> No.24260023

where do you guys even find stuff like this

>> No.24260295
Quoted by: >>24261197

>Izuru is about to become a girl

>> No.24261197
Quoted by: >>24274424

Izuru has always been pretty open about liking girly clothes and wanting to crossdress and recently he has been even more open about it, so retards have been taking it as him wanting to become a tranny.

>> No.24261584

Niji doesn't have perms for those obscure game show spinoff games and 80's retro games either. I'm a Nijifag but Amiya would really struggle in a corpo that has to deal with permissions.

>> No.24262959
File: 60 KB, 1000x871, FO9sg-oX0AEp1uB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24270336

Oh boy, you've seen nothing.

>> No.24264235
Quoted by: >>24264532

Most of her recent streams have been Megaman (Yashiro plays it a lot, but even Ike played a few games so EN has perms), Kotor (Aadya played this once or twice iirc), Castlevania and Metal Gear (Pomu has played both of these) all of which NijiEN have perms for.

>> No.24264439

Man, this guy is a weenie

>> No.24264532
Quoted by: >>24265125

That's some really weird cherry picking.

>> No.24265125
Quoted by: >>24265551

It's not though, it's the main franchises she has played, I wasn't bothering to check and list all one-off games like Her Story (which Enna has streamed), Doom (which Pomu has played), Sim City (Vox plays it a lot and they have all editions). Then there's all the Apogee games (Duke Nukem, Crystal Caves, Mystic Towers) which I don't know if anyone has played offhand but since Pomu said they have Wolfenstein perms but just avoid it due to political stuff, I assume they can get those perms easily.

>> No.24265551
Quoted by: >>24265701

>killing nazis is now too political for vtubers

>> No.24265701

It's too political for Youtube and can get your channel demonetized and deprioritized in the algo, just like mentioning Covid does.

>> No.24268441

Considering how little a deal he's making of this I believe it

>> No.24268763
Quoted by: >>24268867

On the other hand she can't do certain things. Anything that pulls videos or images off the internet she won't be able to do in a Jap corpo. Like the video game ads stream. I don't know how tight fisted Disney can be as well. There will always be permissions that'll be in limbo. I don't know how long it took Pomu to get permissions to play Touhou, but it was in limbo for a considerable amount of time. There is still one more in limbo, Atlantis no Nazo, that she can legally play and vtubers have played before but can't play it yet due to lack of permissions.

On the other hand I do agree that Amiya wouldn't be completely crippled but it will still impact her compared to being indie. I'm pretty sure most if not all corpos are salivating to snap up Ami and Lisa.

>> No.24268786
Quoted by: >>24271708

Randon is confirmed going corpo into a new CEO position.

>> No.24268867
Quoted by: >>24269878

PC might be the only other corpo where Amiya could continue doing her thing without problems.

>> No.24269878

Nah, any corpo based in the US/Canada/Europe would be fine. The only reason Japanese corpos can't is because Japanese law doesnt have a fair use clause for copyright.

>> No.24270336
File: 156 KB, 182x512, 1629685454412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24270728


>> No.24271395

Holo has a 90k threshold with all their hires. Niji is 500 threshold.

>> No.24271600

Damn this guy actually made it, wow.

I only know of him because he did that cringe attention seeking video about eating a hundred nuggets on stream. Guess the attention he got from that was worth it.

Congrats on the huge pay day. Orc is now a millionaire.

>> No.24271708
Quoted by: >>24272577


This rrat is hilarious and I hope people believe it
imagine actually thinking some vtuber is becoming a ceo irl

>> No.24271839

I don't see HomosEN having more applications than NijiEN

>> No.24271971


This is the part that makes me sad. It's nice he made it to either niji or holo but he's one of, if not the only male vtuber out there who actually had a really fun character idea / avatar.
Now he's just going to be some generic eboy shit.

>> No.24272006

let's go randon

>> No.24272025


full stopping is only a requirement if you are currently streaming for a company. ie if you go from x small vtuber company to niji or holo you have to stop. being indie and going to niji or holo you don't have to stop, but there's no real reason to put any effort into an old vtuber channel either.

>> No.24272051
Quoted by: >>24272170

A lot of you are assuming he's made it

>> No.24272170


the only reason you stop as a vtuber is if you've failed and your channel is dead or if you made it somewhere bigger.

>> No.24272182

>check his channel
>horrible voice
>can't sing
>boring as fuck game choices and is not really good at anything either
>probably gay too with that design
Please don't be in NijiEN.

>> No.24272228

he's got a normal voice and his zatsudans are his key content
he's good at speaking and entertaining and that's really all you need in this line of work

>> No.24272244

NijiEN pick.

>> No.24272335
Quoted by: >>24276436

>he's got a normal voice
His voice sounds nothing special, it's just like Fulgur and Alban, I can't believe how hard it is to find another Vox or Ike.

>> No.24272482


>> No.24272577

Becoming the CEO of a company your brother created last year that's going down the shitter isn't exactly prestigious

>> No.24272678

She'd just be another Kiara. If Kiara was allowed to stream 100% in Japanese, she'd do it too.

>> No.24274260

How do you know they had 40k+?

>> No.24274424

Izuru is my oshi and I've always interpreted that as him thinking that the only way for him to be cute is to be a girl though not in a "I want to chop off my dick" way. Understanding him is difficult sometimes but he definitely refers to himself as a guy so those underage twitter retards really piss me off.

>> No.24276436

Fulgur's got a great voice, he's just fucking insane and filtered most of his initial audience.

>> No.24280024

Most of what you described is the average NijiEN male. He’d fit in perfectly

>> No.24281936

Absolutely going to niji or holo. He seems incredibly happy and says he'll have less time due to work. He could just mean streaming under a new company, new job.

>> No.24283386

If she wants to expand her music career she's perfectly capable of doing so in Nijisanji, Enna did a fucking concert for godsakes.
Stop spouting # rrats.
