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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23807188 No.23807188 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23807365

This one is going to be rough

>> No.23807473

>expecting miko and pekora to ever collab again.

End your life spic

>> No.23807610

Wasn't SEA the vt bogeyman?

>> No.23807615

I love Pekomiko

>> No.23807636

i cant believe the rrats are true

>> No.23807645

Lol it really do be like that.

>> No.23807683

They really do hate each other...

>> No.23807693

Based rabbit pekomikofags get the rope

>> No.23807724

He has his yt in spanish anon and it's 4 am in Spain so he is a spic

>> No.23807866
Quoted by: >>23852631

i just saw a german doxbeat earlier
the janny was quick to delete the thread

>> No.23808580
File: 55 KB, 540x540, a08106cc37bbadf310c4209e4d69351c_f40ce220_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23811756

>Among Us
>Most entertaining player not invited
That's a bold move Peko, let's see if it pays off.

>> No.23811632

Surely it wasn't that bad

>> No.23811756
Quoted by: >>23811964

But Marine is right there.

>> No.23811865

la coneja no quiere jugar con esa violadora

>> No.23811867

Pekomiko is unbreakable, they said....
Pekomiko is forever, they said....

>> No.23811872
Quoted by: >>23823579

Hikosan made this.
Mikochi is floating away in the top corner......
Also without Miko to bully it's going to be a pretty boring amogus.

>> No.23811964

Not in among us unless she gets into a yelling match( she won't because throat hort).

>> No.23812027
Quoted by: >>23813260

Man, I’m so curious about why and how PekoMiko died so completely and utterly. I know all the rape rrats and other jokes, ha ha ha. I mean I wish I knew the real reason. They worked so well together.

>> No.23812083

Spic phoneposters are behind every shit thread. Why can't you subhumans just not post? Is it that hard for you mutts?

>> No.23813260

Shippers made Pekora uncomfortable

>> No.23813531
Quoted by: >>23814363

Towa, Lui and Iroha BTFO
Miko, Suisei and someone else instead

>> No.23813780
Quoted by: >>23843918

pecor is super straight and she doesn't want to be seen as a dyke, plus she's an idol

>> No.23813947

Why is that anon?

>> No.23814150

So? Shippers make everyone uncomfortable

>> No.23814363

I'd take towa over suisei any day

>> No.23814832

Free shipping lol

>> No.23814933

Even though I want to fuck Suisex. I agree with this for among us. Her and Botan Metagame it so much that it makes it not as interesting. It's more fun with idiots that don't find the imposter immediately. But Miko definitely should have been in this or Koyori who set up the last one.

>> No.23815439

I’d take Subaru, Miko, Suisei, Luna, Koyori, Aki over Towa, Lui, And Iroha any day

>> No.23815698

Let's be honest I fucking love Korone and Lui but this is literally a group of the most spastic Holos playing a lying similarity Pegora has the highest probability of both being sus'd out early just because Pegora and also the highest probability of pulling off a solo imposter win

>> No.23816288
Quoted by: >>23816447

The rabbit will kill the whole lobby again

>> No.23816447

Wildcard Haachama will stop her
Pekora and Haachama imposters team please

>> No.23816918
File: 1.70 MB, 2560x2160, amogus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 5 girls have their streams up.

Towa, Lui, Iroha, and Haachama still haven't put up anything.
And the mysterious 10th pink player in the top left corner is still unknown.

>> No.23817111
Quoted by: >>23817694

The letter ‘H’ is also pink, seems pretty sus

>> No.23817266 [DELETED] 

A lot of faggots here didn't even consider schedules , some of your
"favorites" are not in the collab bcuz of conflicting schedule retards , this group is probably the only ones who can clear some of their time.

>> No.23817417

>A literal screen shot from the waiting room on a Holos channel listing all the participants with links to channels
>One retard thinks some unspecified background filler is a mystery holo no one plans on crediting in the description
Anon please....

>> No.23817679

You don't completely stop interacting with your friend that you're already close with even before hololive because of shippers. There has to be something else

>> No.23817694

Who could it be. It's hard to tell because Hololive has so many pink girls.
Miko, Luna, Koyori, and Callie.
Aqua and Iofi also have pink hair.

>> No.23817804
Quoted by: >>23818116

The members participating are already in the description retard

>> No.23818116
File: 13 KB, 120x80, mystery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think pic related is Miko?
I think it's probably Miko.

>> No.23818919

Whoever that is she's not joining the collab

>> No.23819054

Like I said Hikosan ( who is friends with both Peko and Miko and made their matching rooms )made the art it's definitely Miko, but she's not in the collab.

>> No.23819467
Quoted by: >>23820386

Pekora will never interact with miko again retards

>> No.23820165
File: 65 KB, 1080x689, 1642700556419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23820252


>> No.23820386

I can see that becoming true.

>> No.23820400
File: 1.02 MB, 2151x4096, 1642761080722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then

>> No.23820423

you are not alone peko

>> No.23820458
Quoted by: >>23820631

whats the rat between pekomiko?

>> No.23820460
Quoted by: >>23820711

It's funny they even made Noel and Flare not do things as much on stream and they are actaully probably fucking each other right now.

>> No.23820521

Hikosan is a pkmkfag no?
The participants' channel were linked in the description but no pink holo at all

>> No.23820631

>rape rrats
>confession rrats
>jealousy rrats
>autistic bunny rrats
>cover kill pkmk rrats
Choose your rrats

>> No.23820654

Fuck EN and ID retard faggot
JP only

>> No.23820711

Yeah, between me.

>> No.23820764
Quoted by: >>23820873

>cover kill pkmk rrats
I can't remember really how it went but didn't peko joined cover to spite Miko or was that Aqua

>> No.23820811
Quoted by: >>23822578


>> No.23820826
File: 950 KB, 480x270, IMG_20211204_230709_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal rrat is they dated and broke up. Explains all of their actions towards eachother also gif related.

>> No.23820858

Why PEKO why??

>> No.23820873

Aqua. Miko got her the job.

>> No.23820957

Say it with me guys: MIKO RAPED PEKOLA!!!

>> No.23820968


>> No.23820998
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x3240, 1632650938689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Marine going for rebound then?

>> No.23821045
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>> No.23821068
Quoted by: >>23821160


>> No.23821160

It is Marine was trying really hard to go to her house and then convinced her to go to hers instead, but Marine then proceeded to get sick as fuck before it happened.

>> No.23821232
Quoted by: >>23821328

Pekomari is legit proof that pekora and miko are not on good terms.

>> No.23821328
File: 830 KB, 1502x2048, 1646043452353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23821490
Quoted by: >>23821746

>Miko: we don’t collab anymore because of the shippers


>Pekora: likes pekomari shipping stuff constantly on twitter and promotes the ship

>> No.23821511

dead ship

>> No.23821746
Quoted by: >>23822478

>Pekora: likes pekomari shipping stuff constantly on twitter and promotes the ship
She does? I know she really likes Marine to the point of letting her touch her on streams when she says she hates people touching her, but huh.

>> No.23822478

Her and Miko used to only get touchy with eachother and noone else could touch them......

>> No.23822578

Daily reminder.

>> No.23822634

Peak reality

>> No.23822722

I suck so much for laughing at this

>> No.23823053


>> No.23823579

It's My Melo...

>> No.23825780
Quoted by: >>23827651

So why has did she agree for a Turing Love cover with Moona and collabs with Marine who keeps trying to flirt with her?

>> No.23826218
File: 22 KB, 554x554, 1651915004615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mysterious pink chuuba
>yfw its Mori

>> No.23826373
File: 44 KB, 184x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23837420


>> No.23827159

it was the rape

>> No.23827651

This. Miko has already addressed this. Only ones still thinking about this are schizo dramafags who should be dismissed at every turn.
What do shippers have to do with a Turing Love cover with Moona and Pekora collabing with Marine who flirts with her? I've yet to see a single shipper go nuts and force Moona and Marine to confess their love for Pekora and then force them to do it again because they didn't put "enough emotion into it" despite them being extremely uncomfortable, saying they aren't like that and saying they don't want to do it. Because that's what insane pekomikofags did with Miko.

>> No.23827666

This. It makes no sense at all. I listened to Miko address this a few months ago and honestly it’s not something believable. You don’t work with a close friend and suddenly stop interacting with him because whatever; if you do that it is because something happened.
Miko said there was some pressure on them because of ship’s popularity but again that’s not believable to me; they don’t even appear in mass collabs together unless it is THE mass collab that includes even other branches.
I know they can talk to each other; it’s not like they completely stopped that but something happened to that relationship.

>> No.23827739

you have no fucking idea about whether they're interacting or not. they're not streaming their entire lives lol. take your fucking meds.

>> No.23828122

You’re that same retard that’s in denial from the other thread. Hi how are you?

>> No.23828165
Quoted by: >>23843918

Miko literally said that’s what happened. Just w you can’t read the room doesn’t mean other people can’t sperg.

>> No.23828729
Quoted by: >>23830278

Alright anon, can you then give me an example of Miko or Pekora talking about something the two did with each other like how Kanata will occasionally mention Coco?

>> No.23829351


>> No.23829417
Quoted by: >>23829878

Why though?
Did something happen between the two?

>> No.23829447

Miko and pekora will be in the same stream soon though, for the pekora and haachama trial from Subaru
Miko was very adamant on being haachama lawyer, and pekora can't get out of this one

>> No.23829481

she will because RAPE

>> No.23829601

Incoming Subaru separating Haachama and Pekora trials.

>> No.23829878
Quoted by: >>23830533

Haven't seen Iroha in an AU before but for Haachama il tell you what, is unironically the worst AU player ive seen, and not in the bad funny kind. She felt like she barely put effort and actively self sabotaged.

>> No.23830278

they're not obligated to talk about their personal lives, anon. especially if they think the shippers are being annoying. only makes sense that they would avoid talking about any private interactions as to not give them any ideas.

>> No.23830482
Quoted by: >>23830650

>only makes sense that they would avoid talking about any private interactions as to not give them any ideas.

That only makes it worse, retard.

>> No.23830531
File: 74 KB, 726x862, bad advice korone 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23830533
Quoted by: >>23830746

>barely put effort and actively self sabotaged
That's just Chammer's brand at this point.

>> No.23830650
Quoted by: >>23830788

no, it doesn't. it might give schizos ideas, but not shippers. you FUCKING RETARD. even your formatting is that of a mouth-breathing drooling fucking mongoloid. GO BACK NIGGER.

>> No.23830733
File: 81 KB, 398x722, 05F20725-4E4F-4D8D-BC0A-79EA6271B2C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must hate eachother

>> No.23830746

Ok sure but on a team game that really puts a damper on the mood when Haachama takes a long as time not killing anyone and can barely defend herself from being ejected even if she didn't kill anyone.

>> No.23830788
Quoted by: >>23831613

Yeah, i can tell you’re autistic by seething this much, you sperg.

>> No.23830830
Quoted by: >>23830881

rrat proven that flare and peggors had a fight all gen 3 are there except flare

>> No.23830881
Quoted by: >>23831011

Pleasd share this rrat with me, I'll est it up

>> No.23830913

You know Stellaris won't be good no matter how many expansions they release, right? Paradox fucked the game when they took away the tile system all the way back in 2018.

>> No.23830952
Quoted by: >>23831613

Pekora and Miko are really retarded if they think that the solution for annoying shippers is completely stop interacting and avoiding each other, basically splitting their fanbases apart.
I don't even remember PekoMiko shippers being THAT annoying.

>> No.23830968

Fucking Marine! How dare she overlap Stefan Anon?!

>> No.23830970
Quoted by: >>23831625

Nts but wtf go back to your /v/ niggerhole, you gross mutt
What the literal fuck was that post. Reevaluate your life.

>> No.23830991
Quoted by: >>23831075

What's the hold up? This is actually the first live stream I'm watching. Are they always late?

>> No.23831011

its more like marine and pekora had a fight with flare its to do with rushia's case and how flare probably went all out against her compared to the other 3. Also, remember how marine took a break and unlike the previous few times when she always mentioned flare after a break or how close they got together irl, there was zero mention of flare in any of her streams after the rushia case. Also in shiraken collabs, NoelFlare was awkward and silent as hell.

>> No.23831075

Big collabs always have high chance of starting late, since they require all members to be ready.

>> No.23831147
File: 24 KB, 463x453, 49A3F0E7-82FA-4864-A8B2-FE836DCCE25F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t feel so good peko

>> No.23831150

Huh. The S is green...with a halo above it...the necromancer is dead.

>> No.23831403

100% chance Miko tried something during that sleepover and it backfired. I don't blame her for going for it, but she should've known better than to go after Usada "puttin fags in body bags" Pekora.

>> No.23831613
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x1033, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking being called a non-normie is an insult. rumao.
you don't even speak japanese you fucking retard, so how would you know? you think shippers on /vt/ were the problem or what? regardless, what you personally think is annoying has no relevance whatsoever.
who cares about the gameplay in games like those? the fun is in the story you're creating.

>> No.23831625
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, friend boba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23832014

>he screams and twists in rage when he hears the truth

>> No.23831649
Quoted by: >>23832283

>this butthurt


>> No.23831708
Quoted by: >>23832283

Nice, actually retarded.

>> No.23832014

I ñittersly have no idea what that fucking game even is. Literally who game. You are likely the most retarded nigger in this board rn. Ponder about that fact. Repent.

>> No.23832026

Hmm, Flare does have this 営業重視 vibe, yeah.

>> No.23832068

I liked to assign my aliens with the lighter fur to energy generation and research and the ones with darker fur to the fields and mines.

>> No.23832199
Quoted by: >>23832283

Actual retard

>> No.23832283

>herp derp i'm just pretending to be a redditor
samefag. embarrassing performance all around.

>> No.23832332


That’s all this retard could say. Nice.

>> No.23832356

Up your ass, 35piss

>> No.23832396

pekora did nothing wrong

>> No.23832438

They all stay together way too much.

>> No.23832493

There is no time limit or anything else. sticking together is the way to win the game which is why any other jinroh game is better.

>> No.23832542

project winter is 1000x better but it's also too long for retards

>> No.23832566

They should've talk it out beforehands and realize that not doing it will lead to more interesting streams for everyone.

Like sometimes it's okay, like when someone stays with Marine for a long time and then dabs on her, but mostly it makes the games boring.

>> No.23832700

warp drive doko?
wormhole generator doko?

>> No.23833456


>> No.23833564

>Miko was very adamant on being haachama lawyer
what a bitch move

>> No.23833629

you do know they'll stream each side separately right

>> No.23833640
Quoted by: >>23833909

I mean she is a know rapist

>> No.23833842

flare is based. stand with your principals or forever be a faggot.

>> No.23833909
Quoted by: >>23834994

This is why 35piss need to die and burn for supporting a rapist.

>> No.23833939
Quoted by: >>23834253

ah yes the ancient art of true rrats

>> No.23834253
Quoted by: >>23834570

How do we know it's true?

>> No.23834570

did you watch the annoucement?

>> No.23834598

I mean the roster for this looks pretty shit, only Marine and Noel are somewhat competent here.

>> No.23834994
Quoted by: >>23836657

? Pekora is a pos, raping her is ethically correct, pius and virtuous. If you ever cross paths with her, make the world better and rape her a little bit.

>> No.23836657

rape correction

>> No.23837163

Pekora apologists are the worst

>> No.23837216

>t. Rapist

>> No.23837244

The truth will come out eventually, maybe when one of them graduates. Nobody buys what Miko is selling.

>> No.23837420


>> No.23837495

All out war

>> No.23837586
Quoted by: >>23837642

Are you women or do you like to reduce yourselves to that level?

>> No.23837642

Yes, i have a vagina anon, creepo

>> No.23837804
File: 441 KB, 1249x682, upegays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23841212


>> No.23838970

What a shitty roster.

>> No.23839660
File: 328 KB, 1450x2048, ef2f8792af6eac854f527a93dbcc28c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a few exceptions but your logic is fine here. most shippers just make it boring and awkward.

>> No.23839804

Pekora is going to message Subaru that she won't participate if Miko is Haachama's lawyer

>> No.23840800

Miko is a fucking angel and Pekora doesn't deserve her

>> No.23841116
Quoted by: >>23843953

Miko is friends with Subaru and Chammers.
She's not going to just go away because Pekora holds some petty grudge.
Peko needs to grow up and play nice, or just graduate. I'm tired of her crybaby bullshit at this point.

>> No.23841212
Quoted by: >>23841793

This "Peko is ultra fash super based" cope is hilarious.
She likes more gay fanart on twitter than Miko does.

>> No.23841793

Liking gay fanarts don't mean shit

>> No.23842184

Miko doesn't like much gay art on twitter, but when she does it's miComet

>> No.23843144

Miko and the other girl fought when they started streaming Yakuza at same time
you can notice something happened after this; suddenly Miko delayed her stream and stopped talking whit that girl

>> No.23843918
Quoted by: >>23844282

>Shippers killed peko miko

How the fuck do you people survive in society. Please, please, Please turn on your fucking brain for 10 seconds and think about how retarded that sounds.
They're uncomfortable enough with shippers to completely stop interacting with each other cold turkey for years, but the constant stream of fan porn depicting them getting impaled by BBC in every imaginable position, often referencing events or things they actually said on stream, that shit doesn't make them uncomfortable enough to not want to be a vtuber, but fucking Disney teir pekomiko shit is enough to decide to never talk to each other on stream ever again?
Fucking retarded.

And Miko is obviously lying when she said it's because of "pressure from shippers" because Miko is in the exact fucking same situation with Suisei now, and miko loves lusting after other girls on stream in general, but pekomiko that one just went too far?
Jesus christ who are you people who just automatically believe everything that comes out of a woman's mouth. People like you end up raising another man's child

>> No.23843953

Why are you schizos like this?

>> No.23844282
Quoted by: >>23847847

And on this note. Can this board please stop saying "AmeSame is dead because of shippers" or "Ame doesn't want to be seen as guras sidekick".
AmeSame is dead obviously but it has Noth to do with that.
Ame spoke about not wanting to be guras sidekick fucking once like 2 years ago within what the first 2 months after debut, when she was still establishing herself as a content creator and didn't want her whole brand to be "guras girlfriend" because of how much more popular gura was.
You can argue she was wrong to think that but regardless, TWO YEARS LATER, it's stupid to assume she has the same fucking mentality now that she's settled in.
Hell she's so settled now that she's gotten fucking lazy, current ame couldn't give a shit about establishing her own brand or fanbase or whatever. That shit she said 2 years ago isn't relevant.
Not to mention amesame happened way more around the time of her actually saying that than it does these days when she's not even saying it anymore.

Why did you people pick this one thing from years ago and hold it up as some permanent unchanging gospel. What is wrong you

>> No.23847023

Dead collab

>> No.23847847


>> No.23847986

Shippers destroy all relationships
When they start with romance, at first the talents may even participate in the joke, but over time the joke loses its fun and the duo is forced to keep showing signs of affection to the audience.
What was the fate of all the "ships"?
They stopped interacting or publicly distanced themselves to reduce this toxic behavior.

>> No.23848069

And if there's any talent happy with this kind of behavior, she's the exception rather than the rule.

>> No.23849605

I dunno, i can understand dropping the pair cuz pekora and miko are the same kind of vtuber and their fanbase overlap alot

But pekora legit try to evade ANY collab with miko and never ever mention her, this is not normal.

>> No.23849804
Quoted by: >>23849875

I was raped, Peko

>> No.23849875

kwab peko

>> No.23850465


>> No.23852631

Germans are well-known antis and doxxers.

>> No.23852663

Luna was invited but doesn’t enjoy among us so turned it down

>> No.23856841

Isn't another issue that the more extreme shipfags legitimately get angry when one part of a ship collabs with another female?
