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23692696 No.23692696 [Reply] [Original]

>"""Trampoline""" stream
I don't know of any trampolines that make sounds like that

>> No.23693060

And here I thought it was a Needy girl overdose meme (when she does the gym ball lewd stream)

>> No.23693111
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>27:00 minutes
Figured OP was schizo but no, that really can't be anything else

>> No.23693448

I feel sorry for her fans.

>> No.23695038
Quoted by: >>23695131

What do you think it is then

>> No.23695131

i think its raw wet sex anon

>> No.23695285
Quoted by: >>23699762

oh nyo resident trampoline expert anon did it again

>> No.23695430
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>> No.23696188
Quoted by: >>23699762

>why is she not creative anymore??!! Why can't she do something new??
>Does something new
>She is literally cucking us on stream
You are the reason vtubers don't try anything, it's better to play safe, you never knows what will trigger schizos

>> No.23696415
Quoted by: >>23696462

Yep, she cut a hole in her expensive, hard to come by mocap suit just so she could fuck on stream.

>> No.23696462

Have to respect her dedication desu

>> No.23697001
File: 362 KB, 667x1000, 1622594480101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit sounds like someone getting fucked while trying to sing. She even cummed in the end.

>> No.23697102


>> No.23698995
File: 343 KB, 500x758, 1650341386805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koikatsu anons, get to it.

>> No.23699762
Quoted by: >>23702607

Calm down both of you, this is just fun rrat and shitpost about Ame's trampoline. Don't act like it's not hot to think she was bouncing on huge cock on stream.
I require a hentai edit of this because it's too good.

>> No.23702296


>> No.23702607

ok cuck

>> No.23703028

okay but seriously what the fuck is that clapping noise

>> No.23703187

She is just bouncing, anon...
I came.

>> No.23703193
Quoted by: >>23703250

Unironically the trampoline and it's unoiled springs.

>> No.23703250
Quoted by: >>23703352

Nah, the squeaky noises are from the trampolines. The clapping noises are different & straight from hentai anime.

>> No.23703352
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Someone make a imagine when she does the 360 spins.. Muh dick

the first seconds of the video, it's the pulling of the trampoline fabric that makes that sound

>> No.23703396

forgot video link

>> No.23703494
Quoted by: >>23703529

That sounds drier though.

>> No.23703529
Quoted by: >>23703693

It's almost as if microphones are different, what do you think it is anon? her bare thighs slapping against each other?

>> No.23703634

yo wtf

>> No.23703679
Quoted by: >>23703702

What is it about trampolines that makes everyone so hyped up? You see one and you immediately want to jump on it until complete exhaustion.

>> No.23703693
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I mean her mocap suit is custom made...

>> No.23703702
File: 275 KB, 1092x1092, 1648264262485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monke brain

>> No.23703728

Why is everyone on this board so eager to be a cuck

>> No.23703803
Quoted by: >>23703860

Teammates, do you really watch Ame's stream and fantasize about getting cucked? why?

>> No.23703855

I don't want to be a cuck but I assume the worst and go to that expectation because I hate and distrust women and am bitterly alone.

Also as a more general answer to your question, many of us have unironically been victimized by a Jewish psyop.

>> No.23703860

>what are nigger shitposters
the stream had genuine sexual innuendo feel to it, of course people use it to shitpost no matter how unbelievable it is

>> No.23703871

she seriously blurred her chest because she’s uncomfortable with them jiggling? EN is a disgrace.

>> No.23703915

She blurred the model because the jiggling is literally broken, not working as intended, on all the models that have it. It's not just proper normal jiggling it's fucking janky fucked up clipping weird glitched jiggling.

>> No.23703928
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Quoted by: >>23708227


>> No.23703963
File: 526 KB, 846x920, 1601311152997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great stream, Ame!
I came a lot. thank you!

>> No.23704160

her fat tits clapping

>> No.23704616
Quoted by: >>23705697

do i get to be the first to say it?
la creatividad.

>> No.23705623

Will trampoline streaming replace the hot tub streaming meta?

>> No.23705634
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>> No.23705697

weird how this became a thing
do people not understand the la creatura maymay

>> No.23705791

I mean she did start on Twitch...

>> No.23705996
File: 274 KB, 356x475, disconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23706019
Quoted by: >>23706044

she ran out of breath because she was singing while jumping around you dumb retard

>> No.23706044
Quoted by: >>23706086

Why it sound wet though?

>> No.23706086
Quoted by: >>23706101

Ironically acting retarded still makes you a retard
I swear if some of you monkeys..

>> No.23706101
Quoted by: >>23706120

It sounds wet....

>> No.23706120

Yes her pussy lips are so far that their sound manages to reach her microphone

>> No.23706139
Quoted by: >>23706309

I mean we don't know how much of whore she is HA HA.

>> No.23706142


>> No.23706200
File: 170 KB, 451x353, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23706309

the funny? where?

>> No.23706424

Her stethoscope, dumbass

>> No.23706468


>> No.23706657
File: 323 KB, 537x568, 1645408666582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit sounds like someone running out of breath while trying to sing because of the trampoline. She even fell from the trampoline in the end.

>> No.23707376
File: 898 KB, 1000x1600, 1635696360775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I know teamates have a lot of spics, but I seriously hope you guys aren't seething for real & thinking OP means that Ame had sex for real.

>> No.23708001

fair enough

>> No.23708155

You've gotta be retarded.
>B-But the sounds!
Have you never jumped on a trampoline? With all the springs and movement, there's a ton of weird sounds they can make.
>Inb4 cope more Investigator
Yeah, you're retarded.

>> No.23708227
Quoted by: >>23709250

Assume the worst? what a floating man >>23703352 fucking Ame while she does stuff like this? >>23703928
Assuming the worst doesn't mean you have to be delusional anonchama

>> No.23709250

>dabbing while having sex

>> No.23710869
File: 77 KB, 325x331, 1467946756456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23711106

In all honesty, if I were a Vtuber's boyfriend or husband I would definitely convince her to have sex while she streams. That's incredible hot.

>> No.23711060

Another pathetic attempt to trash Ame by resident discord trannies. Kys right now. All of you faggots.

>> No.23711106

I banged my ex girl against the side of her house with her parents and their friends sitting on a balcony above us. We were under them in the dark. It was incredibly hot desu.

>> No.23711243
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>> No.23711262

Man holo bros, We broke through the barrel and the house and are scraping the earths mantel now...
