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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23241202 No.23241202 [Reply] [Original]

Do chuubas actually enjoy the thought of people on the internet actively masturbating to them? Seeing the last Suisei DMCA incident, I'm erring on the side of them all actually hating it.

>> No.23241260
Quoted by: >>23283842


>> No.23241262

depends on the chuuba

>> No.23241471

Depends on both the personality and the amount of experience they have with males.
Anyone who isn't socially retarded should know it's inevitable and natural. Then its a question of how much they can tolerate it. Very few actively encourage it, like Marine. Closest in EN is Kiara but even she doesn't really want that knowledge thrown in her face, its more like she's "understanding". Gura also lowkey encourages fapping to her but stays subtle about it.

>> No.23241550

I don't care if they enjoy it or not.

You wanted to be famous, right? You wanted a sexy anime body instead of putting yourself out there, right? Suck it up.

>> No.23241637
Quoted by: >>23281216

Same anon here

In fact, I prefer it if they don't like it, so at least their money that they rake off simps has at least a fraction of the discomfort that actually working for a living costs.

>> No.23242339

>Seeing the last Suisei DMCA incident
stop spreading this fucking rrat, nobody has actual proof of that

>> No.23242404
Quoted by: >>23245923

>Seeing the last Suisei DMCA incident

>> No.23242412
Quoted by: >>23242622

Some do, some don't. Some are indifferent about it, and some are outright insulted if you don't fap to them.

>> No.23242594

Most of them probably imagine their fanbase is a bunch of gross, smelly neets so I'm going to say that they don't enjoy it.

>> No.23242622
Quoted by: >>23242793

>and some are outright insulted if you don't fap to them

>> No.23242626
Quoted by: >>23242722

I wonder if Bae knows about the mating press meme and does it excites her.

>> No.23242722
Quoted by: >>23242771

It's starting to spread on Tw*tter and R*ddit due to tourists sharing screenshots of the board.

>> No.23242771

r/okbh is a cancer

>> No.23242793


>> No.23243024

Men are really dogs. This is the same excuse rapists give, except you truly believe this don't you?

>> No.23243105

Are you alright Kronii, is the coof treating you well?

>> No.23243109


>> No.23243197

>comparing rape with masturbating to some anime character
Must be a tranny

>> No.23243293

Gura is fine with it as long as you aren't weird about it.

>> No.23243299

All whores love the attention regardless of what it is

>> No.23243328

go back to twitter

>> No.23243388

is asking to lick her tail wierd?

>> No.23243567

I'm currently masturbating to you anon. How does it feel huh?

>> No.23243597

That only makes them more fappable.

>> No.23243645

NTA but having made a few Anon's here cum I can say its a really hot feeling.

>> No.23243697

that's just my cum on your face

>> No.23243737

The majority of them are either accepting of it or outright enjoy it, but are polite enough to not outright bring it up. Several encourage it, like Marine, Matsuri, and Okayu.

>> No.23243773

I like to stroke my cock to other anons roleplaying in certain specific threads.
I like it the most when anons reply to me ending their phrases with ~~~, so much that it's a trigger that makes I instantly leak my goop.

>> No.23243853

>no proof
Do your archive reps, newfag.

>> No.23243934
Quoted by: >>23246136

spoonfeed onegai, translate word for word what it was said

>> No.23243964

Isn't this because she's a GigaStacy?

I'm sure most don't care and some like Risu or Luna actually want more lewds of them.

>> No.23243991
File: 223 KB, 540x540, E3CAMYEXMAAiVim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have to do is look at their profit, makes them feel better about it

>> No.23244043
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x1500, 1637074082886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23244771

Eeeeeehhhh? You're actually jerking off
while watching 2 boys playing with each other. That's so gross~

>> No.23244369

Hornyposters are some of the nicest people on this board and 4chan in general. Unless they start arguing about their fetishes

>> No.23244730
Quoted by: >>23244870

I'm ugly and covered in shit

>> No.23244771

Fuck, my left hand is already literally full of dried blood from gooning hours after hours, days after days, and as soon as I say I can't resist shit like that, guys like (You) who feed my addiction and making me fall deeper into it appears.
Yeah, anons on the horny threads I frequent in this board, and on others such as /trash/'s pussyfree general are usually very nice and encouraging.

>> No.23244779
File: 123 KB, 1079x1080, FBmXo7sWEAA9XPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23277906

they're the backbone of the community, unsung heroes of our time

>> No.23244870
File: 5 KB, 240x240, 7ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23245165
Quoted by: >>23245734

As others have said already it depends on the Chuuba, because there even some on the opposite end of the spectrum from Suisei that actively endorse it and even masturbate to their own Fanart/Doujins...

i.e: Senchou and Feesh

>> No.23245510
Quoted by: >>23245640

I can't find anything about the DMCA shit, what's the rrat

>> No.23245625

you do you anon, if I serve as a fap material as awkward as I am, go ahead, just don't send me your tributes.

>> No.23245640
Quoted by: >>23245700

that she took down a porn model, based on a tweet from the model maker. That's all there is to that

>> No.23245700

pretty shit

>> No.23245734

Meh Feesh is just a whiny child.

>> No.23245767

>guras twitter likes
humna humna humna humna humna

>> No.23245814

please tell down

>> No.23245923
Quoted by: >>23246893

there are some lewd MMD animations in Iwara some user said he will delete them because DMCA

>> No.23246136
File: 46 KB, 898x293, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23246178

I imagine GFE Vtubers already know that people do and actively continue because coomers are some of the biggest whales. For regular gaming streamers, depending on their personality they'd be more inclined to believe their viewers do.

>> No.23246548
Quoted by: >>23246893


>> No.23246893

True. But hear me out, the DMCA was probably from a troll.
Sometimes, when I'm browsing Oreno3d (fuck searching for videos on iwara itself, can't even search for tags), after clicking on a video, I'm either redirected to the iwara.tv front page or to a url saying the video is private.
One time, while discussing this, a anon well versed in moonrunes from a /h/'s mmd sex dance thread was able to contact one creator to ask why they were privated the video, and if there was another place they could find the video.
The author replied they privated the video because they received an email from iwara saying their video got an DMCA claim. Tho the author said the claim was probably from a troll he upset on a discord server (japanese mmd resource sharing scene is very cancerous, some people go nuclear just from others using their motion data or stages), they decided to private just to be safe (the author shared a mega.nz link for the video, and a link to their fantia, saying "you can find it with higher quality here").
In this case, it was probably not Cover who claimed DMCA, but instead just some butthurt loser.
Anyone can issua a DMCA, it is lit just saying "this z content uses this x thing here, which is copyright by y, so this z content is infringing copyright".
Holy fuck you are lazy, just search the user profile and click on any of his videos featuring Suisex, such as this one:

>> No.23247073
Quoted by: >>23265809

>anime body
that's why I don't get why some of them are against it. and even if it wasn't an anime body, why would you dislike it? most men would be honored to know other people like them that much.

>> No.23247554

No homo, right?

>> No.23247570

>Holy fuck you are lazy
not lazy, I wanted sources of her taking down the videos featuring the model herself, and even then, it's normal, she wants to be famous and doesn't want porn made with her model. It's not her fault that the rest of holos don't care about that

>> No.23251365

>"do women enjoy male attention"

>> No.23253676

Some of them do, some of them don't
Why do ALL of them have to share the same opinion? Are you autistic?

>> No.23254029

Does Gura really encourage it though?

>> No.23254061
Quoted by: >>23254171

Have you never seen her retweets?

>> No.23254079

Vox does and admits as much.

>> No.23254171

At most its just softcore ecchi, she probably just thinks its cute

>> No.23254208

No, they are split on it. Only Marine and Haachama actually admit to liking it.

>> No.23254321

I once turned on an anon by simply posting a shitty bait thread. Felt weirdly powerful.

>> No.23254388

Imagine how many dick pics and tributes they get every day.

>> No.23254474
Quoted by: >>23258433

No women likes being desired by unnatractive men, however, with vtubers, some of them might tolarate it since they separete themselves from their character. "They are not actually masturbating to me, they are masturbating to a character I play and look nothing alike" is what most of them might think.
I completely believe this is the case with Marine, remember she is only okay with people masturbating to her if they DON´T do it while watching her, only before or after, why do you think that is? because that way she doesn´t have to feel like people are actually masturbating to her.

>> No.23254638
Quoted by: >>23254707

Sometimes I go down threads like this and remember most of the people here are actually retarded incels and not just doing it to be ironic. Sometimes it's funny to laugh at you guys but in this case it's just sad and pathetic

>> No.23254707

very funny now go back

>> No.23255079

what if i want to cut off her feet and hands to make shark fin soup?

>> No.23255413
Quoted by: >>23261050

Then you remember she's showing ecchi of herself to millions of followers.

>> No.23255425

Many do.
A few don't.

>> No.23255433

If they’re hot/fit irl, then they dislike it.
If they’re ugly/fat irl, then they like it.
This usually applies to most women.
Most men would probably be happy at the idea.

>> No.23255791

Yeah, Ame loves it when I masturbate to her.

>> No.23256013

Did Suisei actually take down porn/lewd shit of herself or was it the usual "I don't like that type of content" response?

>> No.23256266

The only reason she actually doesnt actively shill her lewds is that she knows she'll get shit for pandering to actual pedos

>> No.23256665

Read the thread, nigger

>> No.23257234

Do chuubas actually enjoy the thought of their fans not liking roguelikes ? they don't

>> No.23258433

Wait, they don't like it when people masturbate while watching their streams? Luckily they don't know me, or else they would die out of sheer disgust.
I thought they would like it since to me, masturbating to someone is a display of devotion, akin to worship.
My favorite streams are karaokes for a reason, fapping to the beat and trying to hold it in and cum only when it ends is amazing.

>> No.23260778
File: 170 KB, 666x445, 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23260862
Quoted by: >>23261588

Kill yourself you absolute cringe white knight bootlicker faggot

>> No.23261050

Kiara does worse but doesnt encourages fapping to her

>> No.23261588
Quoted by: >>23262804


>> No.23262804

I hope your family buries you alive

>> No.23263050


>> No.23263248

Nice try but I'm not going to draw any lewds of Kronii

>> No.23263553
File: 531 KB, 603x843, gwora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her most recently liked tweet is definitely because it's cute, absolutely zero sexual connotations

>> No.23264015

Matsuri probably got off on the idea at first but when she actually asked her chat and was confronted with the notion of upwards of 100k++ males fapping to her, extrapolated from 1mil subs and the number of affirmatives she saw in her chat when she asked, she got all quiet and a little freaked and wanted to change the subject.

>> No.23264169

Literally anyone can DMCA anything. You don't actually have to be the rights holder.

>> No.23264279

Not really

>> No.23264392


>> No.23264452
File: 539 KB, 679x748, 1650906236254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23265155

On February 8, 2022 Amelia Watson purposefully sent cropped pornography to her members. It was shortly removed later.
You are literally doing her a disservice if you aren't blowing loads to her.

>> No.23265119

I love how amidst all the cute art and some ecchi art there's some Shion art and milestone likes as well. Gura really loves her.

>> No.23265155 [DELETED] 

Love it8hvt0

>> No.23265343
File: 51 KB, 600x449, Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 03-07-35 🔴LIVE NOW 🥉 Pipkin Pippa 🔌🐰 Phase-Connect (@pipkinpippa).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is one that seems to like it, she even posted a followup where she says that the load matters to her

>> No.23265375
Quoted by: >>23265535

Realistically I don't think we could know either way based on stuff like that, but it's not a stretch for someone to not find that sexual and I just happen to think Gura is one of those people. Like it's literally just her in a school swimsuit giving you a smug look and you know how much she loves that >:3 face in any context.

>> No.23265535
File: 483 KB, 573x819, growler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a minute scrolling, here's another example

>> No.23265809
Quoted by: >>23267509

because they can only envision their fans as gross ass neckbeards instead of an average joe
so instead of
>my fans are sexually attracted to my character
they think
>ugly bastards are masturbating to me ugh

>> No.23265822
File: 399 KB, 683x1024, Deep in thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a sub 100 view male vtuber. I ignore horny comments but sometimes they make me hard as fuck.

>> No.23265955

That cameltoe UOOOOOOOHHH

>> No.23267509

> they can only envision their fans as gross ass neckbeards
Well, would they be incorrect?

>> No.23267728

Yes because i’m handsome as fuck

>> No.23268148
Quoted by: >>23269099

Fuck you, she's a big girl she can suck it up

>> No.23269099

Yeah, suck me up

>> No.23269547

Well yes, surely there's good looking fans out there. That is not to say they necessarily have attractive personalities but automatically assuming your fans are all X is already a problem in and of itself.

>> No.23274028

Women like to be wanted retard.

>> No.23276001

I understand women more than women, for I am man

>> No.23276956
Quoted by: >>23277777

"You can enjoy the ribbons and whatever in your... leisurely time. But when youre with me you need to focus on me me. Not the ribbons, not the timemutt, me. 'Kronii what does that mean' What DOES that mean?" *giggles*

>> No.23277205

move ame to arousal you newfag

>> No.23277397
File: 155 KB, 1117x1280, photo_2022-02-25_02-13-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is based.

>> No.23277534
Quoted by: >>23277775

Risu actually begging for more of her R-18 fanarts

>> No.23277775

Also Reine a while back was disappointed in not finding any R18 doujin of herself

>> No.23277777

When did kronii end up saying that on stream?

>> No.23277906

Which fanbase is the horniest?

>> No.23278164

IRyS is my oshi, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's masturbated to the VOD of that stalker skit she did a few days ago

>> No.23278648

I feel like Ame likes it when we masturbate to her but she playfully berates us for it. She's literally seen and liked lewds of herself and has brought it up on streams before. I thinks it makes her feel good knowing that people find her sexy which is true.

>> No.23281216

lol stfu minimum wage trash

>> No.23281495

Supposedly at least one Niji found her own Koikatsu card and talked about using it. The one time I saw that mentioned no one gave a name though so I’m doubtful it actually happened. Then you’ve got cases like Luna straight up telling more artists to draw lewds.

>> No.23281539

>anon thinks exhibitionism is normal

>> No.23281551

Someone who made an MMD model of her took it down claiming it was because of copyright shit. We have no way to know definitively if it was Suisei, her manager or someone else entirely that was behind it. Being 4ch though people are just going to run with it being her directly behind it.

>> No.23281613

Takedown herself, it’s the only logical conclusion

>> No.23281643

the based fatties like Okayu and Matsuri surwly do

>> No.23281836

Tbh, it's a thought that's crossed my mind, I'm not nessisarily bothered by it, I'm happier at the idea that it's ever happened rather than not. Then again I am going for the loli aesthetic so that just adds to the feelings... one day... I want there to be hentai of me... that I don't commission.

>> No.23282132

Okayu and Matsuri have done more than enough shit to confirm without a doubt they at the very least are fine with their fans masturbating over them. Wouldn’t be surprised if they then get themselves off to the thought of it.

>> No.23283276
Quoted by: >>23285410

Why are fat girls so based? Is it because they understand the struggle of being unattractive and so actually appreciate the attention?

>> No.23283425

I believe Lia from Phaseconnect tweeted about tributes and that she doesn't think they are bad.

>> No.23283554
Quoted by: >>23283806

No one uses these kinds of pics, even the actually lewd ones, as fap materials. You coomers are the only ones who get horny by looking at them. She probably just thinks they're cute.

>> No.23283806

>No one uses them as fap material
>Coomers use them as fap material
Not a chumbud, but that's a shit argument.

>> No.23283842
Quoted by: >>23284176

OP is a retarded threadwatcher who doesn't do any research on their own

>> No.23284176

Not really

>> No.23284337

Suisei is her own brand so most likely feels very personal about it, like the model/avatar is a extension of herself so grossed out by the thought of randos jerking off to her. Also one more evidence she's les. If the intellectual property is corpo owned and/or the talent is doing gfe then they probably don't mind and encourage it.

>> No.23284392

Doesn’t really correlate with her being les

>> No.23284452
Quoted by: >>23285495

When even miko wants more lewds than you, you kinda overlooked the industry you are in.

>> No.23284839

I'm pretty sure they don't care, so long as you don't tell them. Cause who wants to hear about some guy fapping to them?

>> No.23284974
Quoted by: >>23285332

Women would literally make it illegal for random men to think about them naked if they could

>> No.23285193
File: 216 KB, 576x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seiso kuma 100% masturbates to her fans. She probably enjoys the feeling of being wanted

>> No.23285332
Quoted by: >>23287121

No anon, that is one kind of woman. There are women who would do that, and there are women who want every man in the world to lust after them so they can absorb their collective energy and become immortal.

>> No.23285410

Yes, they enjoy being desired and they encourage it because it's special. This is normal, pretty women resent the attention they get while ugly and average women love it.

>> No.23285470

And once again newfags falling for /vt/ rrats. Never change /vt/.

>> No.23285495
Quoted by: >>23285548

3D off brand model used for porn videos ≠ lewd 2D art

>> No.23285548

True, can’t argue that

>> No.23285574

People exaggerate how easy it is. While it can be falsified its not exactly easy to do. You either need to be making money off it, or be extremely motivated to troll, and then its still illegal to send false claims so you're playing with fire.

I encourage you to try and send a DMCA sometime or at least look at the process on many websites, its a fucking bitch and not as easy as just clicking the report button.

>> No.23285665

I only sexualize small time streamers with <100 ccv.
You know they see my horny posts and lewd drawings of them and it probably makes them feel super awkward, its great. It's great when you watch a stream aftwards and they uncomfortably bring it up and try to ask people to stop talking about them in an extremely specific weird fetish.

You guys are just another drop in an ocean of semen. My oshis can identify me from the taste of my cum.

>> No.23287121

>there are women who want every man in the world to lust after them so they can absorb their collective energy and become immortal.
Are these women vampires?
