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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 64 KB, 546x567, FC-B_fbXIAsevzb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22653182 No.22653182 [Reply] [Original]

Yummy Spider Edition

>Merch Website
>Official Website
>Official Twitter
>Teamup Schedule
>Jetri Schedules

▼Generation 0
>Inukai Purin
Mesugaki dog

▼Generation 1
>Yazaki Kallin
Certified chuuni bat
>Matsuro Meru
Sweetest person alive, high energy
>Nini Yuuna
The embodiment of chaos, bread crumb sized braincell
>Miori Celesta
Freaky deaky beertuber, isekai edition

▼Generation 2
>Orla Gan Ceann
Half toxic, half wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi
The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town

▼Generation 3
>Tetsuya Kazune
Insomiac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa
The giggling little sheep sister experience
>Uzuki Tomoya
Choir kid. Just how you like 'em, fffffflaming
>Tsurugi Nen
Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha
Itsy bitsy spider mommy. Certified hag

>Tsunderia Friends
Prism Project >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Cyberlive >>>/vt//clg/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
NijiKR >>>/vt/Nijisanji_KR
Meis - https://twitter.com/lynmeis
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Una - https://twitter.com/unamedch
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Hoshino Char - https://twitter.com/hoshinochar

Previous Thread: >>22594514

>> No.22653361
Quoted by: >>22653549

Your screenshot got meat very pleased

>> No.22653449
File: 609 KB, 661x659, 1627063409059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my boyfriend.

>> No.22653504

I love purin. I want purin. Oh purin let me come to your house and take you away. Let me take you to the US and make a family there. Purin, I cant get hold of myself everytime I talk to you it makes me insane. I want to do the most sexy of all things to do to you. I want to touch your boobs whenever you feel ashamed of your self for being flat. I want to insert my tongue into your mouth everytime You are shy about your singing. I will use your ears as handlebars whenever I want to pin you on the bed. Then, I will insert myself into your body and you will scream and yelp as you starts to enjoy it after.

>> No.22653549

Why'd you lie, i was excited at the idea Amiya was spreading. The screenshot isn't even in /meat/

>> No.22653686
File: 110 KB, 1124x761, 1631454901979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Breadwife

>> No.22653773

Then go and spread the word yourself

>> No.22653779

Maybe not that meat but my meat surely did.

>> No.22654175
File: 58 KB, 862x448, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi WILL do asmr

>> No.22654196
File: 262 KB, 411x380, 1646039648667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my beerwife

>> No.22654358

Amiya nail removal ASMR

>> No.22654413
File: 259 KB, 1564x1080, 1657294647926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22654503

I love Ami in an obsessive way but I don't want to beat her up or eat her...
you're all sickos

>> No.22654503
Quoted by: >>22661472

I only want to beat her consensually. Statistically speaking, more likely than not she would like it anyways. And if she doesn't like it I'll just discipline and beat her until she starts to like it

>> No.22654673

what's up with ami and meat?

>> No.22654732

She has an inside joke with her friends about the meat man, turns out it's the /meat/ man that she was talking about

>> No.22654764

Pippa antis have been trying everything to throw Tsunderia threads off topic and latched on to beating/eating Ami because the bait takers couldn't stop responding to it.

>> No.22654774
Quoted by: >>22655041

Yuuna doesn't know how do ASMR so it is just Zatsu

>> No.22654869

No i just love Ami

>> No.22654948

if anything it is the other way, Ami making the jokes that buckos are snacks and everyone loving when she got the fangs
it's Ami who should be biting us

>> No.22654956

I've been responding to antis this entire time...
I feel disgusted to be manipulated so easily

>> No.22654985

I'm not into it but i like Ami so if she really wants to eat me I'll let her

>> No.22655041

She literally just has to slap her tits in front of the mic for a few minutes

>> No.22655118
Quoted by: >>22655370

The ryona posters are much more palatable than the schizos trying to push the rrat that Lisa is going to jump ship to Phase.

>> No.22655370

>the rrat
You mean the truth

>> No.22655698
File: 66 KB, 406x720, hq720_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be down for either.

For example being caught up in her web and seeing Amiya walk toward me with her spider legs spread out fully. Even if I panicked I wouldn't be able to break free of her webs. She'd walk up to me and caress my cheek, moving her face close to mine before opening her mouth to bite down into my neck, injecting my with a paralysis venom. As my body goes numb she walks away before coming back with a saw, even as fear grips my heart my deadened limbs refuse to move as she starts to saw away at my limbs. The only thing saving me from death are the webs she spins around my limbs as she cuts them open, tourniqueting them to prevent blood loss, and the paralysis venom keeping my body from killing itself in shock. As my limbs are cut away one by one and I'm unable to even respond she brings her face up to mine once again to give me a light kiss on the lips, then her spider legs invade my mouth ripping my jaw open to expose my tongue. She wraps her lips around mine, dangling her tongue inside to tantalize my own, as she carassing my mouth with her tongue she draws my tongue out into hers, even as I sit there tied up in horror my body reacts on its own, my tongue enters her mouth and with a snap her fangs snap shut and rip my tongue off. Blood fills my mouth but she is able to tie it shut to prevent me from bleeding to death.
Finally her spider legs do a effortless stab through my eyes, plunging my world into darkness. Unable to scream, unable to move, unable to see, my life is a dark void.

Finished with her prep work she unties me and carries me to her basement. I feel myself thrown onto a writhing mass and hear the door slam shut. I can't see what's under me but I know in my heart its other men who fell into her trap just like me.
Days would go by, once a day around noon the door would open and Amiya would stroll through the basement looking at her victims and fondling their testicles to see if they are ripe, then taking the ones who have been here the longest back upstairs. The men who are taken are never returned.
2 weeks go by as I sit there, my bodily needs have lessened but I am still close to death from starvation. Amiya walks in at her normal time and I hear her stop in front of me, she grabs my balls and I can feel her satisfaction through her grip. It has been over 2 weeks since my last orgasm, the male body was never meant to store this much semen within it if any more time passed my balls would explode long before I die of starvation.

She picks me up and takes me upstairs, laying me down on her bed. I try to struggle but without my limbs or sense of sight its useless. She continues to fondle my manhood, even as I lay there in fear my body responds to her delicate touch and I grow hard in her hands. I feel the bed shake as she moves herself over me and I feel a soft wet sensation envelope my cock. She roughly grinds against me, it can hardly be called pleasurable but within moments I cum inside her, 2 weeks of semen have filled my balls to the breaking point and it floods her uterus, but for her that's not enough, she continues to roughly grind against me milking every last drop and as I finish cumming she grabs my balls and squished them between her hands, my testicles are smashed to bits and the tiny last remaining bits of semen are flushed out through my dick along with the bloody pulp of my destroyed manhood. I try to scream but nothing comes out, nothing but pain fills my body as my testicles are milked by her hands for everything that could possible remain.
As my sack falls, swollen with blood she gets up from off my flaccid cock and finally plants one of her tiny feet on my throat and smashes my larynx and letting me succumb to death.

>> No.22655942
File: 130 KB, 415x429, 1514002379385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting out of hand

>> No.22655995

I am sorry to all of you as I'm partly to blame for the ryona posting becoming a thing. I just thought it was funny, i didn't think this would happen.

>> No.22656052
File: 271 KB, 1701x1048, 1688217201823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I shouldn't be into this but my dick twitched
Ami I'm sorry

>> No.22656132
File: 77 KB, 1920x1280, ygctw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22656217

Never forget how you ruined the only comparatively normal fanbase in /tsun/

>> No.22656137
Quoted by: >>22660733

What am I looking at?

>> No.22656217

It's funny cause i held myself back for a week cause the fans here seemed so wholesome, then one person hornyposted and i had to turn it into ryona for laughs. And then he made the picture

>> No.22656922
Quoted by: >>22709568

i hate buta

>> No.22657236
File: 100 KB, 264x183, ami pthtic 1647996982989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22657513

You are being maniacs by lewding the seiso crab girl.

>> No.22657513

What if i just have nice wholesome loving sex with her?

>> No.22657529

I thought sheeple were weirdos for the incest thing but buckos are actual freaks

>> No.22657541

>I just thought it was funny,
You damned fool

>> No.22657620
Quoted by: >>22657677

The worst part was that this all started cause we wanted more lewd Ami art, and after all that we have 1 image

>> No.22657677

Does she have any good pairings?

>> No.22657985
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, Schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22658072
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 20220417_213131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see Ami make a costume of herself bruised and abused on Tuesday

>> No.22658190

Now eat each other's limbs

>> No.22658423


>> No.22658805

Castlevania IV will go much smoother than III. I'm interested in how she'll fare with the Shoot 'em Ups. I see that Steel Empire was ported to Steam four years ago.

>> No.22658832

Great schedule as always, but I wonder how the DK rap is gonna turn out

>> No.22658875

The fishfagposting spread to /prism/. Is it in every small corpo thread now?

>> No.22658908
Quoted by: >>22661049

PC has been the worst small corpo for a long time, don't be surprised.

>> No.22658980

She can pull off rap so it should be decent

>> No.22659136

She tried to make it better with a member stream but said she was too busy on Sunday for one sadly

>> No.22659302
File: 311 KB, 496x321, 1627347960709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22659959

I'm partly to blame for the incestposting and I just did it as a joke too...

>> No.22659372

[Members] Shaming Buckos Over Their Online Posts

>> No.22659472

You can rest assured that ryonaposting turns off /pcg/ and may very well be your best defence. Godspeed.

>> No.22659959
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, FQlg6RcUYAAx8PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22660335

Well it stuck now, no use in complaining about it.
Speaking of which your little sister uploaded her schedule

She's already streaming nearly every day this week, she's doing great as it is.

>> No.22660089

Nonconsensual marriage with amiya aranha

>> No.22660165
Quoted by: >>22660246

It's now been 1 month since Kallin has posted a schedule.

>> No.22660246

>No Kallin
>No Miori
>No Hanabi
>Urara and Char quit
>Orla HATE
Is there nothing left?

>> No.22660327
File: 237 KB, 534x373, 1639407224650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22668458


>> No.22660329


>> No.22660335

What movie will the watchalong be? Did sheeple successfully groomed their little sister into watching Drive or Blade Runner?

>> No.22660337
File: 84 KB, 1000x650, 1631635903941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22660393

The last girlfriend standing

>> No.22660393

That was her plan all along. She will groom us all

>> No.22660535
Quoted by: >>22660630

>2 weeks
>the male body was never meant

Do you even SAO?

>> No.22660545
Quoted by: >>22661369

Not sure, I'm not a member yet
But they probably got her to watch one of those in exchange for listening to one of those obscure bands she likes.

>> No.22660630
Quoted by: >>22660768

That's a fictional story anon.
Everyone knows if a man doesn't cum every 2 weeks their balls explode from the buildup.

>> No.22660733

Xiulan of Amber Glow and her numbers

>> No.22660768
File: 35 KB, 333x333, 1646529332242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22662722

Didn't know that
never had to experience it because my little sister sucks me dry everyday

>> No.22661049

Only because of Pippa. Now you have two /here/tubers under one umbrella. It shouldn't reflect the rest of the Phase fanbase. Remember, they split the thread to get away from Pippa fans.

>> No.22661369

She's asking for suggestions for a poll, Drive and Bladerunner have been suggested.

>> No.22661472
Quoted by: >>22661553

>I only want to beat her consensually
>And if she doesn't like it I'll just discipline and beat her until she starts to like it

>> No.22661551
File: 661 KB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22661632

>two /here/tubers

>> No.22661553

Sometimes you're forced to do the things you should do instead of what you want to do

>> No.22661632

4chan screenshots are just normalfag shit. Doesn't really imply they regularly visit here.

>> No.22661638

meant for >>22660335

>> No.22661720

Sounds like it'll be a fun time for them at least.

>> No.22661791

Don't care, love Bread.

>> No.22661805
Quoted by: >>22661959

I don't care if they regularly visit here. It is a different matter entirely to continually pander to 4chan. Keep 4chan in 4chan.

>> No.22661959

I mean I don't know if Lea (?) is a /here/ panderer.
But the backrooms isn't a /here/ thing, its just a general creepy pasta thing that originated here so the originating screenshot gets passed around.

>> No.22661991
Quoted by: >>22667823


>> No.22662698
Quoted by: >>22662828

nen draw stream doko

>> No.22662722
Quoted by: >>22662859

Speaking of Lisa, how is Lisa's body. Does it hurt when you push yourself into her?

>> No.22662828
Quoted by: >>22662892

Never watched Nen before but this seems like something nice to have on the background while i draw to make up for my sins I've committed against my oshi on this general. Thanks

>> No.22662859

If it hurts its because she's not aroused and her pussy is dry.
So yes it hurts every time. Twice a day.

>> No.22662892

My boyfriend is very cute and chill, I hope you enjoy her

>> No.22662963

Your boyfriend sounds like a genki girl but oh well, a holes a hole

>> No.22662999
Quoted by: >>22663061

Why is your boyfriend crying?

>> No.22663061
Quoted by: >>22663217

She's late by like 4 hours
But he's here now which is what counts

>> No.22663216

This is my boyfriend now, i want to mate with it

>> No.22663217

been watching nen for a few months now. Is Nen a girl or a boy? I know Nen model is a boy. But he's totally a she right?

>> No.22663354

He’s whatever you want her to be, when you need them to be

>> No.22663402

She is whatever you want him to be, which means they're adjustable, customizable.
For real though, definitely like an enby girl which means they give godly head, have giant tits or both.

>> No.22663420


>> No.22663478
File: 375 KB, 439x407, 213265112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22663683
Quoted by: >>22663718

>godly head
oh yes
>giant tits
Hell nah
good headcanon is that nen is a cute af girl. Or i like femoboys idgaf

>> No.22663718

flat is justice
hell yeah brother

>> No.22664050
Quoted by: >>22664296

i want to eat nen's asshole through his fishnets

>> No.22664090

>For real though, definitely like an enby girl
This will now be my official headcanon

>> No.22664296
Quoted by: >>22664369

That's disgusting and gay, I'll just suck his dick, or, whatever he has

>> No.22664369
File: 86 KB, 1281x1200, 1631751816561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22664841

Nenfags have quickly become the most depraved fanbase in tsunderia.

>> No.22664975
Quoted by: >>22665134

My brother, I'm not sure if sucking dick and eating ass is even close to beating up, amputating, and eating someone, or having them do that to you.

>> No.22665116

My brother in christ, you are projecting

>> No.22665134
Quoted by: >>22665286

Counter argument, dicks are yucky and you poop from the ass

>> No.22665219

We normally never talk about the guys at all, so I'll take talking about wanting to fuck Nen than nothing at all.
Personally I want to lay my head on Kazu's lap and read while he plays video games and we just kind of hang out.

>> No.22665277

Why are /tsun/ dwellers being such degenerates lately?

>> No.22665286

You're right it's much worse. Someone had to make Buckos look normal

>> No.22665333

I'll start watching Kazu just so i can make his fanbase weird too

>> No.22665496
Quoted by: >>22665713

People don't even talk about Nen that much. But I guess you're right if you consider homosexuality with plausible deniability more of a sin than spousal abuse and /meat/ tier fetishes

>> No.22665713

I just wanted to make a funny.

>> No.22665781

I just want to lick Mio's sweaty, stinky armpits

>> No.22665887

The real degenerates are showing up now

>> No.22665924

You lick Mio. I lick Lisa. My favorite part of her is the insides of her mouth though the neck is quite sexy.

>> No.22666012
File: 107 KB, 1500x500, tsundream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22666450

Allnighters stay winning

>> No.22666438
Quoted by: >>22666910

Shut up, Mio. You know you like it

>> No.22666450

From right to left so far we got
>confused gay (straight)
What awaits Kazu?

>> No.22666599

It's a little uninspired but I do think ryona fits him pretty well. .or maybe self harm.

>> No.22666720

Really sick shit like kisses on the forehead and shoulder rubs after work

>> No.22666733


>> No.22666835
Quoted by: >>22666870


>> No.22666870

That's already Kallin's thing.

>> No.22666910

Of course, she was checking out Neena's pits after all.

>> No.22666932

>What awaits Kazu?
Ask the femanons here

>> No.22666972

While we're at it ask them if they enjoy getting abused

>> No.22667005
Quoted by: >>22667306

So much pegging
Oh my god, imagine it all

>> No.22667306
Quoted by: >>22667400

Whats the appeal, is it like a power fantasy or something?

>> No.22667392
Quoted by: >>22667452

How the fuck would you describe buckos then

>> No.22667400

Yeah, but there are also some strapons that have a dildo on the inside to pleasure you while you fuck him

>> No.22667401

What is wrong with Ami btw? She snorts when she laughs but also drools and sometimes you can even hear her suck it back up. She also mentioned once that she is kinda sickly.
Also I heard that she always streams with a butt plug inside of her. Is that true?

>> No.22667452
Quoted by: >>22667590

Not as bad as armpit fags

>> No.22667506

Miori bra pic when...

>> No.22667533

the buttplug thing is true, it's attached to her spider legs they are not real after all

>> No.22667557

No, she streams with one of those egg vibrators up her ass, I she mentioned it in a maro reading stream from her early days

>> No.22667590
File: 785 KB, 701x642, 1635740935927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mio's armpits weren't so sweaty and stinky maybe I wouldn't have ended up where I am now.

>> No.22667823

Isn't Observation Duty an ideal stream for a collab? Having two friends play at the same time could be fun right?

>> No.22668088

Nen seems keeps calling out people who call it female. You guys lied, he is not fine with any pronouns.

>> No.22668111
Quoted by: >>22668203

Then she lied.

>> No.22668154
Quoted by: >>22668203

Then he lied

>> No.22668203

A liar? Rape correction needed?

>> No.22668458

She's joining Phase after Gen 2 debuts

>> No.22668534
File: 222 KB, 1362x1687, 1636131043627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread is going to Hololive

>> No.22668594

Bread is going to who?

>> No.22668649

She would rather go Indie and treat it like a hobby

>> No.22668723

I bet this sapling watches Amiya

>> No.22668839

It's really funny to me that in current year Yuuna thinks that office work is a "stable job"
The only thing stable is that you gotta hop between competitors every two or three years to actually get paid what you're worth.

>> No.22668853

Why is this hotter than the base design

>> No.22668914

I know you're here mods

>> No.22668964

Retard, everyone is here.

>> No.22668995

Cause she actually looks motherly instead of like a highschool girl

>> No.22669045

I want to fuck that silly ooga booga language out of Purin! With my red, white, and blue all American dick, I'll fuck that "Goo goo unga bunga spackle!" out of that tiny tongue meant for only speaking American and sucking my dick! With a white dick, blue balls, and red cum, Purin will be screaming "YEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!" as I cum in her ass. That is the only way to train that silly culture out of her and make her live a better life. God fucking bless America!

>> No.22669120
Quoted by: >>22670099

Do burgers really

>> No.22669146
Quoted by: >>22669210

Yeah what about it?

>> No.22669153

It's literally the same design, she simply applies a filter because she was super emo as a teen

>> No.22669210
Quoted by: >>22669329

Screw the vtubers! Screw the corpos! I want to fuck YOU

>> No.22669329

You gotta groom me first just like i've been grooming my oshi. It's the only way I can recognize you as worthy

>> No.22669524


>> No.22669577

I would eat Nen's used fishnets

>> No.22669655

She screams America as she strucks oil from your cock

>> No.22670099
Quoted by: >>22670241

he's not wrong, that's truly the only way to save Purin

>> No.22670241
Quoted by: >>22670297

To really save Purin you'd have to take complete control of her finances as well. Stop her from sending her whole bank account back home.

>> No.22670243

Nen's a bro and honorary, if not certified, penis haver

>> No.22670290

I will get in a monogamous relationship with Nen

>> No.22670297

Purins tribe needs her.

>> No.22670540
Quoted by: >>22671012

Archive special events and happenings. Not regular thread hornyposting.

>> No.22671012
File: 5 KB, 548x84, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill do what I want you commie bastard

>> No.22671051
File: 148 KB, 673x782, Wip Amiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on "low poly" Amiya. What are some things i should change before going on to texturing. Don't show Ami.

>> No.22671098
Quoted by: >>22671151

boob window?

>> No.22671105

oh yeah flat parts like for the twin tails is cause it's gonna be a texture

>> No.22671151

A lot of smaller details like that are gonna be added when I do texturing, since that's how most low poly stuff works

>> No.22671175

>Don't show Ami.
Anyways, looks fine, couldn't tell you what you could improve on in the first place but it has my worthless seal of approval

>> No.22671177
Quoted by: >>22671228

maybe the chest ribbon and headdress?
all else looks good and the details go into the texturing

>> No.22671181
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, 1647223231768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Mio's wakamezake and then munching her carpet afterwards

>> No.22671228

Oh yeah i forgot about that. Thanks

>> No.22671962
Quoted by: >>22674065

>Don't show Ami.
You plan on making it a surprise for her? At least show her the end result when you're done, she'll absolutely love it, especially if you're going for something Mega Man Legends-ish.

>> No.22672030

Sheepyhead playlist is up.

>> No.22673707

Lisa knows she's attractive, right?

>> No.22674020

She knows but hasn't come to terms with it.

>> No.22674065

Yeah i just don't want her to see it until it's done but i definitely plan to post it. I'll drop the blend file too once it's done, and hope she can use it for something, but that's being a bit too hopeful

>> No.22674170
Quoted by: >>22674210

She's said that she thinks she's cute.

>> No.22674210

A puppy is cute. Is a puppy attractive?

>> No.22674215
File: 65 KB, 680x383, 61984654614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting schedule from the birthday bunny

>> No.22674420

>8:00PM PST

>> No.22675827
File: 250 KB, 312x409, orlapout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orla HATE

>> No.22677156
File: 90 KB, 940x626, 1649071841500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22685881

>when your having sex with your little sheep sister but say your girlfriend's name out loud when you cum
I fucked up bros, she doesn't even want to talk to me. What do I do

>> No.22677192
Quoted by: >>22677229

What's going on here?

>> No.22677229

A whole week of Duo Lingo snore-fests.

>> No.22677882

>It shouldn't reflect the rest of the Phase fanbase. Remember, they split the thread to get away from Pippa fans.
Not even the split is completely safe from poaching faggotry.

>> No.22678381

It was just a small joke post that didn't get a lot of attention before you went in there going
>Holy shit, I'm usually on /tsun/ only but I see that the fishposting has spread to /prism/ too. What kind of faggot keeps spamming this shit

That's more direct 4chan material than Pippa has ever shown on her stream.

>> No.22678398

>Pippa fans
They were trying to get away from her anti posters who constantly loop through the same 4 rrats, not her fans.

>> No.22679117
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1291740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we all feeling about the current state of things?

>> No.22679225

Insideranon and the talents themselves seem to be fairly optimistic, so I'd like to believe them over all the doomposting

>> No.22679254

I just want to brutally fuck amiya to the point she's forced to take an unplanned hiatus

>> No.22679325

Recognize the thread only sped up once phase got roped in again

>> No.22679345

I want the phase rratposter to leave

>> No.22679534

Anyone trying to groom Lisa before fishman does?

>> No.22679555
File: 2.13 MB, 1330x854, 1646514109204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22679599

I miss Mio but I'll be busy for half the week so I'll have something to keep myself occupied until she comes back

>> No.22679599
Quoted by: >>22679758

I've been away, did she seem alright in her collabs?

>> No.22679758
Quoted by: >>22679801

I wasnt there for her coyote collab but she seemed to be her usual drunk horny virgin self in her collab with neena.

>> No.22679801

>She's the same even when not streaming for tsunderia
Fuck she's preparing for life outside the company...

>> No.22679928
Quoted by: >>22680284

Actually I am actively neutralizing groomers using a very particular set of skills I have acquired over a very long career.

>> No.22680284

Based sashimi chef

>> No.22680476

No, she seems too young. I'm not really into zoomers.

>> No.22682163
File: 1.14 MB, 2015x1136, 490823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22684101

Beerpals, you're going to be ok...

>> No.22684315
File: 12 KB, 512x512, ToT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22684523

>She increased the font to fill out the page
It's over

>> No.22684850
File: 546 KB, 567x656, 1646922742879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's over for (You)

>> No.22685472
Quoted by: >>22688473

Insideranon who told us Char's announcement was coming said things were fine behind the scenes. Meru seems positive and happy about things and that's all good enough for me. I'm sure losing Slug if they knee Char was leaving was rough for them all

>> No.22685847
File: 1.25 MB, 946x2048, 1634201185848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio schedule

>> No.22685881

Easy, do it with both of your girlfriend and Lisa. Given equal opportunities, surely she will understand

>> No.22686175

>I'm alright, but I'm easing into things
what did she mean by this Mio?

>> No.22686245

Anon taking a week off entertaining and going back to entertaining full force is exhausting.

>> No.22686660

Loosening up those laces on Ami's corset piercing so I can slide it in there...

>> No.22686700
Quoted by: >>22686851

Orla... Sorry...

>> No.22686851
File: 689 KB, 732x516, 121794432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22687056

Maybe if I ask for forgiveness again, she'll forgive me...

>> No.22687118
Quoted by: >>22687183

What's the Moji thing about? It seems funny.

>> No.22687153

She's easing into the dildo attached to her chair she uses for streams

>> No.22687183

He made a lame and poorly worded joke about Hanabi boy instead of just saying she looks like a cute ikemen and got bonked from a few members chats on YT and Discord.

>> No.22687649

Graphic design is her passion.

>> No.22687784
Quoted by: >>22692656

The draw battle seems cool. Do we know who's gonna be there?

>> No.22688473

I'm sure things are fine, and it's nice to have people inside Tsunderia keeping us semi-informed, but there's still a sense of unease around everything right now so I hope the company can publicly make some kind of positive announcement soon.

>> No.22688761

Even if those Insideranons are just LARPing, the general mood among the streamers thankfully doesn't seem to be all gloom and doom.

>> No.22690602
File: 28 KB, 418x236, 04182022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22690982

I know they likely wont but I do wish theyd tell us they hired someone else. I dont want a repeat of Cyberlive and Misaki for any girls having to pick up slack...

>> No.22692202

I'm guessing her medical condition flared up real bad and she's being super vague about it.

>> No.22692656
File: 69 KB, 1115x561, Draw battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone (except for Kallin & Hanabi) it seems

>> No.22693956

I miss my boyfriend....

>> No.22694948

I miss my bootyfriend...

>> No.22695463

I miss my pantyfoxfriend...

>> No.22695664

Alright, now give us the bra pic

>> No.22695784

Time for more bulli

>> No.22695798

Wakey wakey, Orla's beating up children again

>> No.22696155

Orla's friends sound pretty based

>> No.22697074
Quoted by: >>22697207

Kallin... when going to stream...?

>> No.22697207

Two jobs, a BF she dresses up for, and Asian family? She might as well be graduated.

>> No.22697342

Luv goblins
'Ate gnomes

>> No.22698243

Hag overlap hours begin

>> No.22698452
File: 402 KB, 545x634, 1639582131265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22699323

>ryonaposting about Ami increases
>Ami uses a slightly cuter/higher pitched voice next stream
I see...

>> No.22698589
File: 175 KB, 880x1080, 1625372917521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22698818

luv the fangs

>> No.22698680

>That costume
>Those now permanent fangs
>That snort laugh

>> No.22698818

Ami has been forced to increase her offensive capabilities in order to better defend herself from bucko violence

>> No.22698885
File: 434 KB, 913x1079, 1654279175398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this vampire spider too much

>> No.22699229

Hnnnnnnnngg, Ami is too much for my body. Ah Ami, you can bite my neck and suck my bloody. In exchange, let me insert myself into your body so I can release all of my desires into you. You can be loud all you want and push my pelvis all you want. Please don't crush my pelvis and leave me dry so I can satisfy you for another day.

>> No.22699323

Umm guys, this is just a coincidence, right?

>> No.22699343

Its hard to tell, Amiya is always cute.

>> No.22699387

she sounds the same to me

>> No.22699689

her voice is definitely pitched higher

>> No.22699850

She is reading it Guys!!!
and she is enjoying it.
Please tell me this is just a coincidence

>> No.22700087

>my throat is very dry
>there is a ami sucking body fluid story

>> No.22700155

>Orla's teeth hurting from eating a piece of candy
Old lady...

>> No.22700488
File: 82 KB, 1082x818, 1621660291306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22700548

>you will never feed Orla chocolate bars while she's gaming

>> No.22700548 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.14 MB, 1500x999, 129043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22701378

>Nobody take that in a weird way
It's too late Orla, forgive me...

>> No.22700794

Ami is so cute bros, I hope she can collab with my oshi Pomu some day

>> No.22700855
Quoted by: >>22700893

What toxin do you think amis venom uses? Cyto, necro, or neuro?

>> No.22700878

>Amiya missed her chat on her one day off
The parasocial relationship has just begun.

>> No.22700893

Schwammo toxin

>> No.22701277

Orla please don't die of tummy hort

>> No.22701378
Quoted by: >>22701897

So who's going to comission fat orla being hand fed pieces of candy bar by a column of gremlins while she plays no more heroes

>> No.22701463

She doubtless suffers from sleep apnea and incredebly loud snoring. You'll never get a restful night's sleep again

>> No.22701559

Just like me. We can both get shit sleep and bond over it.

>> No.22701600

Ami will just suck you dry every night so you sleep like a rock.

>> No.22701602
File: 1.28 MB, 924x940, 1649799666667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22701857

>Audience reflects the streamer
>That means you're WEIRDOS you're weird dorks
Well I never thought of it that way

>> No.22701629

Mio pulling together one last big company unity collab. She's so brave

>> No.22701722

>Athy collab

>> No.22701857

Shes a true valley girl

>> No.22701897
File: 99 KB, 204x204, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God just thinking about how utterly fucking disgusted she'd be if somebody did that is making me feel funny

>> No.22701946

>That snort laugh
is it normal for it to turn me on?

>> No.22701997


>> No.22702112

That depends, are you attracted to dorks?

>> No.22702280
File: 346 KB, 491x491, external-preview_redd_it-mI2uxLsnPuN5iMFD9gEAXKlZUvckyQa6Ea3oynGT4_Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22702531

You sick fucks are making the /meat/ thing real

>> No.22702531
Quoted by: >>22702630

Ami read a comment about eating buckos early on in the stream, you bastards aren't supposed to corrupt the spider

>> No.22702630

Ami's been casually talking about eating her viewers basically since she debuted, nothing new there

>> No.22702672

I want to become part of her

>> No.22702836
Quoted by: >>22702944

God I want ami to liquify my organs and drink them like a smoothie

>> No.22702935

I want to hug ami

>> No.22702944

I want her to liquify me as a whole

>> No.22702981
Quoted by: >>22703047

>Did you know your fangs are cute?

>> No.22703047
File: 80 KB, 1050x600, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22703297
Quoted by: >>22703333

I've never been more jealous of skeleton in my life

>> No.22703333
Quoted by: >>22703450

Member her as Mr.Bones himself, hell send her a Sega Saturn copy of the game. She'll fucking be all over you anon

>> No.22703450

That was one of the best streams doggo ever did

>> No.22704145

So does ami want to be ryonad or do ryona?

>> No.22704383
Quoted by: >>22704682

hopefully both

>> No.22704430
File: 975 KB, 1080x1076, AmiGosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22704734

I want to comfort Ami

>> No.22704682

>Me and Ami taking turns beating each other up
Sounds perfect

>> No.22704734
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x803, 1630325197195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu

>> No.22704917

She wants to host a fight club

>> No.22705016

I can't believe Ami was a figment of my imagination all along

>> No.22705203

See you at the Amibowl

>> No.22705593
Quoted by: >>22706379

Jellyfish wife #2 is building the F91.

>> No.22705643
File: 416 KB, 452x475, 1639433047361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22705766

>I have a crush on you and I would love it if you beat me, what do you say
>What's wrong with you?

>> No.22705759

She won't make it this stream but how will Ami handle the tower climb in the last level?

>> No.22705766

Just because she wants to host the club, doesn't mean she wants to fight.

>> No.22706088
File: 409 KB, 437x439, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22706199

Orla Ringfit noises...
And House Party, of all games

>> No.22706118
File: 623 KB, 1024x576, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22706316

>Ring Fit this week

>> No.22706199

Orla should pull a clock and mute herself when exercising

>> No.22706316
Quoted by: >>22706537

Orla, House Party is banned on twitch

>> No.22706374

will ami ever play ring fit?

>> No.22706379

I love that she is like the only EN vtuber that plays SRW

>> No.22706537

>It's true
Is it that bad?

>> No.22706595
Quoted by: >>22706772

Well, it's a porn game

>> No.22706625
Quoted by: >>22706772

It’s a game where I the end goal is fucking drunk people. And you can just pull your dick out and jack it in game

>> No.22706772
File: 486 KB, 454x522, OrlaChu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Orla is trying to corrupt us innocent goblins like this.

>> No.22706864

Maybe she's trying to tell us that she wants us to commit the actions of the game on her

>> No.22706954

I love pink spider and I miss my boyfriend Hanabi

>> No.22706986

Orla just hasn't been the same since she came to the realisation that most of the goblins have penises

>> No.22707232
Quoted by: >>22707302

I thought of a fun comic to draw of ami. But it honestly made me feel bad to think about.
I think I'll try it anyways.

>> No.22707302
File: 35 KB, 622x459, Gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22707422

What are you planning, bucko?

>> No.22707422

Playing retro games on the couch with Amiya and she starts saying it's her turn. So you hand the controller over but it drops to the floor because she has no arms. And she starts to cry because she realizes she can never play fun retro games ever again.

>> No.22707458

Oh my fucking god

>> No.22707499
File: 2.70 MB, 520x293, 14903403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22707525

Please don't draw that

>> No.22707602
Quoted by: >>22707716

We don't need Ami to become the fluffy abuse of /vt/

>> No.22707645

You better make a sequel where she gets prosthetic limbs and the first thing she does is hug (You)
Ami is ONLY for good endings, if things don't end up okay it's not canon

>> No.22707695

That's actually really cute wtf

>> No.22707716
File: 714 KB, 558x724, AngryWhip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you unlock that memory.

>> No.22707761

>Ami is ONLY for good endings, if things don't end up okay it's not canon
This but for everyone in Tsunderia

>> No.22707776

The true ending has me cutting off my arms to give to her now she can play videogames again but she has very weak and girly arms

>> No.22707873

Why'd you cut off her limbs in the first place if you'd just end up feeling bad about it?

>> No.22707900

The truer ending has Ami waking up from a nap and coming into your room to explain what a weird dream she just had

>> No.22707968

Is Ami now actually really the second pillar of Tsunderia, after Miori, popularity-wise?

(or is her visibility here just overinflated because she hits a very specific niche that appeals to channer retro ojisans?)

>> No.22708022

Yuuna and Lisa get more views

>> No.22708037

I think theres a certain aspect of her playing older games that really appeals to channers in general, just means she has more thread activity, which doesn't necessarily mean more popular

>> No.22708045

I think it's Yuuna after Mioria and she is over represented here because of her niche.
She is still growing a lot and doing pretty well though specially since she doesn't do the usual vtuber bait games and all that

>> No.22708100
File: 219 KB, 600x275, 1640822279519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck my sides

>> No.22708498

Where did it all go wrong for buckos holy shit

>> No.22708627
Quoted by: >>22709657

mio pls post the bra pics I need supplementary wank material to go along with your panties

>> No.22708847

I'm pretty sure Yuuna is still 2nd by a large margin

Ami and Lisa are close but they can consider being tied for third.

Purin has always been pretty low, Meru is basically in rock bottom. Kallin is DEAD.
Nobody cares about the men.

the competition isn't exactly fierce for her. but she is doing largerly better than most the other small corpos.

>> No.22708966

>she can never play fun retro games ever again.
Can't spiders regrow their limbs?

>> No.22709094
Quoted by: >>22709184

>Not only does the shedding allow for growth, but it will allow for regeneration too. If a spider is unfortunate enough to lose a leg, then provided it still has at least one more moult left in its life cycle it's able to grow a new leg.
Confirmed that we can now perform amputations on Amiya and it'll be fine.

>> No.22709131

She doesn't do endurance but other than that Ami is the closest thing to an EN (per permissions nerf) Korone

>> No.22709184
File: 1.07 MB, 751x798, 178542615532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22709189

Breadwife and Beerwife belong together with me

>> No.22709212

Only if they're still growing and have more moults left to go through. After they've had their final moult then any limb loss is permanent.

>> No.22709385 [SPOILER] 
File: 860 KB, 220x165, amiyastripping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiya stripping

>> No.22709474

I'm going to buy a tarantula and name it Ami

>> No.22709478

That's hot

>> No.22709481


>> No.22709514
Quoted by: >>22709941

Her popularity is probably greater here than elsewhere, Mio, Yuuna and maybe Lisa will be the core pillars since they're the most market or zoomer friendly.
But Ami definitely holds onto a pretty good niche, both the retro gamer and hag niche since barely any major EN corpos have bothered to fill that role. Also helps that Amiya really knows her shit.

>> No.22709566

Can someone archive Lisa part 2 of the music stream?

>> No.22709568

who's buta?

>> No.22709585
File: 210 KB, 1079x1080, 1689275271642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop writing this stuff about Ami she's for being in a caring relationship where you both grow old and reassure each other's growth and value
I'm a ryonafag but I really don't want to feel that way about her

>> No.22709617

Forget the ryona, incest time

>> No.22709657

yeaaaah, we neeed to see it

>> No.22709941
Quoted by: >>22710149

I think Ami's biggest strength is just how committed she is to the niche she's chosen. Even most of her streams that aren't retro gaming are at least loosely related to that theme, the only real exceptions being her karaokes and some of her collabs.
It's probably part of the reason her CCV is so high compared to her sub count. People subscribe for her retro gaming content, and most of them show up to basically every stream because they always get exactly what they originally subbed for.

>> No.22709970
File: 423 KB, 628x562, 3jd0zifpu7661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22710740

buckos... deserve to die

>> No.22709987
Quoted by: >>22710180

>Trying to keep us from our beauty sleep, huh?
>Perhaps, perhaps
Damn sheep needs correction

>> No.22710149

Honestly I don't even think its the retro games.

i don't like gaming streams, and don't particularly care for retro games (she never plays the games i played either, lion king stream when)

but I like her because she's cute, fills dead air really well, reads her chat and responds to everyone, and keeps an air of professionalism and seisoness that I appreciate. She's the only one in tsunderia that actually feels like a "professional" streamer.

Plus her model is adorable and looks so cute to nibble on while her tiny feet kick at you as she tries to get away.

>> No.22710161
File: 95 KB, 1080x423, Screenshot_20220418-191252_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ami is trying to put an end to ryona posting

Abuse correction is needed

>> No.22710180

dont do it anon, she's goading you to fuck her brains outs and then blackmail you for money and more incestuous sex

>> No.22710214

Has Lisa ever talked about what food she or her family makes?

>> No.22710227

I feel so bad for Amiya, she probably was hoping for lewds and instead gets ryona fetishes.

>> No.22710258

headpatting her brain... with my cock.

>> No.22710297

How do we reel it back buckos? how do we become normal again

>> No.22710367

I'm sorry Ami it's too late for us, all you can do is join in

>> No.22710408

Start cranking out vanilla erotic fanfics and hentai

>> No.22710428
File: 145 KB, 554x554, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for buckos to fight buckos

>> No.22710579
File: 11 KB, 300x300, Gobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the fanbase filled with ryona isn't the one that's called goblins.

>> No.22710740

Breadchad NOOOOO
