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22502082 No.22502082 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>22481331

>Gira Gira
>Sakura no Ame with Miko, Aki, Polka, Iroha

Check out Towa's recommended manga (Shueisha x holopro collab):

Upcoming shows/events:
>(04/17) Vtuber Saikyou Ketteisen S4 with Aqua and Suisei

Previous shows/events:
>「[Nightmare Redux] Start of the Spring Guillotine Festival!」
>V no Uranai-kan
>All-Star Athletic Meet
>hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish
>Project V Oshisugite V #8
>Game Shop Maruyama
>JOYSOUND artist interview
>Latest Hologra

>YouTube channel
>Twitch channel

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact

>> No.22502097
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(FamilyMart holo White Day) https://www.family.co.jp/campaign/spot/2203_hololive_cp.html
(Project V #8 Official Pamphlet) https://projectv.booth.pm/items/3644567
(hololive IF petit-Relax time-) https://twitter.com/bnam_jp/status/1483643472133308416
(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
(set ready, hololive!) https://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
(Preview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm0KHnGOsyM
>born to be real
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk
>Prism Melody


>> No.22502137
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>> No.22502143

Please post the clip where Towa says "Towa!"

>> No.22502151
Quoted by: >>22502236


>> No.22502153
Quoted by: >>22502236


>> No.22502170
File: 226 KB, 2048x1536, FQP-8VjaQAA4n7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about Twi...

>> No.22502200

thinking about holding hands with twi...

>> No.22502217
File: 3.25 MB, 1677x2605, 1631168703616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Aqua said she won't enter any more tournaments after this, but do you think they'll continue to play Apex together? I wonder if Aqua is enjoying playing with a party after playing solo for so long.

>> No.22502225

Thank you for always making the thread anons.

>> No.22502236


>> No.22502267

The real win is the friendship they built along the way...

>> No.22502351

Rather than Apex, I wish they'd play something else as a trio after. I'd imagine they'd be burnt out from playing so much that a break would be in order.

Either way, I just enjoy watching Aqua stream

>> No.22502522
File: 914 KB, 853x480, towkick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22502577

>> No.22502577

the grunt that she did was super cute!

>> No.22502595
Quoted by: >>22502630

I don't know. It would be really fun if Towa continued to play apex with aqua afterwards, they are beginning to gel better and Towa plays much less conservatively outside of customs so it could be cool but I can't shake the feeling they are only playing with each other because of the tournament and when it's done they will part ways.
Aqua doesn't seem to really just stream apex for fun anymore like Towa does. It is always with something in mind, solo master or tournaments. Maybe if she wants to do a hololive full party master run that might happen.

>> No.22502630

Group mater project...

>> No.22503285

Splatoon with Aqua...

>> No.22503286

Apex doesn't run very well on my 1050...how will I be able to save Towa if I can't do my reps...

>> No.22503515
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>> No.22503697

do your processor reps, I got almost same performance with 970 and 1070 but getting new motherboard processor + ram made a big difference

>> No.22503718

I'm not even risking to run it on my 9yrs old laptop... maybe I should by ps4.

>> No.22503818

Apex is pretty gomi, performance wise.

>> No.22504081

What if Towa doesn't wake up...

>> No.22504251
Quoted by: >>22504303

This whole tournament and the constant scrims are probably really exhausting for Aqua.
They might do some other stuff together in the future every few months but that's it. Just like most Apex tournament teams.

>> No.22504303
Quoted by: >>22504875

I just hope they get a live and maybe an orison or two or seven, nene's christmas live was fucking kino

>> No.22504420

I hope they have sex with each other on stream

>> No.22504875

Suisei and Aqua will have a 3D live together and Towa will have to sit in the corner and watch.

>> No.22504904
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>> No.22505314

I hope they're all naked

>> No.22505893
Quoted by: >>22506336

This wouldn't have happened if Towa listened to her Mama...

>> No.22506336

Towa could have loving family and be dumb debiru...

>> No.22506535

What's the origin of the "Towamama absolutely wants Towa to have kids"?

>> No.22506571
Quoted by: >>22506919

From Towa's mama.

>> No.22506660
Quoted by: >>22506919

Towa is at that age so Towamama is worried that she isn't with someone.

>> No.22506919


>> No.22507019

Towamama please calm down! I'm still trying to groom your daughter!

>> No.22507292

She used to complain in her NND streams about her mom pestering her about getting married and giving her grandkids

>> No.22507334

Tokoyami "Onnanoko Suki" Towa...

>> No.22507389

I can fix that

>> No.22507481
Quoted by: >>22507653

She doesn't have to worry about that anymore, Towa and I have been going at it raw every night!

>> No.22507653

Anon... your fertility reps...

>> No.22507773

I'd rather impregnate Towamama...

>> No.22507809
Quoted by: >>22507886

Then Towamama is gonna bug Towasister about it...

>> No.22507886

That's her only hope left...

>> No.22507916

It was just one passing remark about her mother talking to her about marriage or relationships but that's how memes start.

>> No.22507929

Something went wrong and I got towamama pregnant instead of towa...

>> No.22507974

A brother is fine for Twap too.

>> No.22507983

Something went wrong and I got bibi pregnant instead of towa... He's going to get even bigger!

>> No.22507996


>> No.22508096
Quoted by: >>22508372

Big sis Towa!

>> No.22508122

towa really is great!

>> No.22508127
Quoted by: >>22508386

Now I HAVE to do my apex reps

>> No.22508157

rpr doesn't have to shill towa to me, i know she's great!

>> No.22508232

Making Towas for every kenzoku with mama...

>> No.22508372

That's just regular towa!

>> No.22508386
Quoted by: >>22508800

Impressing Towa with your rank has always been the only reason to play Apex.

>> No.22508413

What are her super powers? Besides glowing eyes.

>> No.22508441


>> No.22508649


>> No.22508800
Quoted by: >>22508917

She called my master rank strong in the participation stream...

>> No.22508845

I remember back in the bad old days Towa's antis would flame her by saying she had a bad personality. Kind of hard to do that these days when she is literally everyone's friend.

>> No.22508917

master! kimoi!

>> No.22508988
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Quoted by: >>22509673

>> No.22509177

Towa needs a comfy hoodie...

>> No.22509295

Is it okay to do my Apex reps on PS5 instead of PC...

>> No.22509464

worse performance than mid tier PC I think, but controller is so good pro teams usually have at least one playing it

>> No.22509501

Yes, you will become a truly elite apex player like genburten and niru if you just use pad. Goodluck anon.

>> No.22509574

>controller is so good pro teams usually have at least one playing it
What's good about controller? I thought mouse was considered better for aiming

>> No.22509659

Mouse is better for aiming but controllers are better for movement I guess.
Controllers have aim assist because accurate aiming with one is like trying to fish with your hands.

>> No.22509673


>> No.22509712
Quoted by: >>22525930

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.22509783
Quoted by: >>22510243

Respawn enables their built-in aimbot when you plug in a controller

>> No.22510083

Everybody is talking about Towa-mama but nobody wants to give love to Towa-Onee chan...

>> No.22510209

Oh...maybe I will stick with my 1050 then until the prices come down in my country...
I want to make Towa proud...

>> No.22510243


>> No.22510246

It's Towa imouto...

>> No.22510691

Towa looks like she'd be fun to bully...

>> No.22510710
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>> No.22511255
Quoted by: >>22511305

Taking towa to korean bbq and disneyland to propose...

>> No.22511305

Please come back Bora.

>> No.22511415
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>> No.22511545

Very cute though it always feels weird how much Japanese people use religious stuff for "fun"

>> No.22511708
Quoted by: >>22511816

This nun makes me want to sin...

>> No.22511769

I'm going to become religious if it means being close to this nun...

>> No.22511816
File: 1.10 MB, 1356x2048, 1641954007228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22512205

Getting towa pregnant and refusing to take responsibility...

>> No.22512442

Getting pumped and dumped by Towa...

>> No.22512531

Was Towa the perfect person to contain Aqua's bloodlust?

>> No.22512679

Now that I think about it, if we had good fanfic writers we could have a fanfic about an adventurer/war veteran Aqua traumatized by a very rough life and Towa and Suisei slowly getting her to adapt to civilian life...

>> No.22513072

I just wanna fall asleep using Towa as my pillow... She would be pretty annoyed trying to get off me without waking me up...

>> No.22513163
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Hi kenzoku! What time does the upcoming tournament start? I know its soonish but cant seem to find out the exact start time. Your oshi is very cute and I hope she plays well this weekend!

>> No.22513231

4/17 18:00 JST

>> No.22513267

No. She should go in with aqua instead of stopping her. Unfortunately their playstyles are completely different.

>> No.22513297
Quoted by: >>22513352

That's a good way to end up last place

>> No.22513311

>Your oshi is very cute
Yours too anon

>> No.22513352

They're called startEND not startFIRST

>> No.22513465

Getting Towa pregnant and taking responsibility... Multiple times!

>> No.22513483
Quoted by: >>22518599

Becoming a better father with each new baby!

>> No.22513601


>> No.22513801
Quoted by: >>22514201

I think maybe, I try to think of other people who could do it and it's hard. Someone like ebio would be the right points and could order I guess but he could not get away with what Towa says to Aqua and there's the whole male + he is not connected to Aqua at all. Anyone with Towa's points would just find it hard to try and tell a solo master with tens of thousands of fans who want to see her play aggressive to slow down, i think some other masters might even have trouble.

>> No.22513886
Quoted by: >>22513959

What if towa doesn't have a banana...

>> No.22513959

My love for Towa is unconditional! Though I'll have to cheat with tall kenzokus...

>> No.22514129
File: 2.03 MB, 3000x4000, 1650066687666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22515020

good morning towasama kenzoku.
what is "mating press towa"?
press = push?
that does not seem nice.
towa general will have a good day.

>> No.22514201

I think the only type of people who could get away with something like this are pros and foreigner pros at that, a Japanese or even Korean male is obviously not halal whereas foreigners are too compartmentalized in the Japanese psyche to be perceived as that kind of threat. Someone like rpr or ImperialHal probably.

>> No.22514223

I need to fill Towa with my banana cream...

>> No.22514329
Quoted by: >>22514362

I wonder if rpr browses this thread...

>> No.22514362
Quoted by: >>22514433

I hope he doesn't.

>> No.22514374

The problem is if aqua is so far ahead when she gets the one down it doesn't matter if Towa attacks with her, she needs to have her on a leash, but not a very short one. The times she goes crazy when everyone is close are fine.Towa also makes good calls on when to not to draw hate, that was a problem they had earlier on. That match where they kept shooting the last 2 teams and got focused down in the open with no cover or heals comes to mind.

>> No.22514433

Can't wait for him to accidentally alt tab and show this thread and his post about Towa banana.

>> No.22514587

I think Toppi is very cute

>> No.22514717

It seemed like they were trying to behave and reduce hate today with at least some of their games.

>> No.22514807

I hope Towa-sama is cute at this very moment.

>> No.22514976

Towa and all the people around her have been a positive force n my life and I'm glad I met her

>> No.22514981

You would be there for at all hours during labor, squeezing her hand and kissing her forehead, right...

>> No.22515020

Good morning, elfriend.
Mating press = sex act.
Kenzoku never stops being horny.

>> No.22515028
File: 108 KB, 848x1199, Towastrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22515179
File: 656 KB, 1111x1881, 1650067784665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here anon
I know we like to pretend about how much we love Towa but she means so much to me
I stuck in with my PhD because of her and I'm really enjoying learning Japanese and I want to get a job teaching in Japan someday
I love her so so much
I'm glad she's helped you so much anon

>> No.22515395

Thanks anon, keep up the good work

>> No.22515430

same here, glad i found her

>> No.22515492

Does anyone have that clip of tortilla acting like an oji-san, i forget what game she was playing what she was flirting

>> No.22515756

No I'm serious but I'm also the anon who lies in bed at night repeating her name to myself

>> No.22515810

The 5th game on the last stream where they got the champion, near the final ring where Aqua went out on her own to kill Astel + Mondo, she's really lucky that was Mondo instead of literally anyone else since he literally couldn't do anything because he wasn't allowed to use weapons, so he just jumped around and then died in the ring. She's also lucky Noah downed Astel since if he jumped down there with Mondo they probably could have 2v1'd her before Towa or Suisei could do anything about it. Those are the kind of situations Towa is trying to avoid with Aqua rushing out on her own, when it works, she looks cool and everything is well, but when it doesn't, it almost always ends in a team wipe because Aqua is down and Towa and Suisei are both caught off guard and have to rush in to try to save her.

>> No.22515880

sex with rpr NOW

>> No.22515902

the power of towa...

>> No.22515948

My love for Towa isn't a pretend.

>> No.22516020
Quoted by: >>22516064

oh i thought you meant i was pretending...whoops...

>> No.22516064
File: 83 KB, 1029x1029, towa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i meant pretending to love tow so much

>> No.22516122

The first thing I do when I get home is kiss my Towa daki and talk a bit to her. I like to think of Towa as a lighthouse for people that are unusual with good hearts

>> No.22516209

I hope Towa was able to sleep well...

>> No.22516238

oh nonono, not another future expat. don't for your own sake. admire it from afar but do not try to live the life of a japanese as a foreigner

>> No.22516251
Quoted by: >>22516310

If you don't live in Japan you'll never be able to get your own Towa...

>> No.22516310

go on trips there and kidnap towa...

>> No.22516451
Quoted by: >>22516506

Tomorrow's scrims will be streamed right?

>> No.22516458

It's the opposite. Controller is better for consistent aiming/tracking in close range due to aim assist crutch. M&K is better for movement due to ergonomy which allow more options for key binding that make some movement possible. Also, m&k player can turn their aim faster in response to the movement.

>> No.22516506
Quoted by: >>22516591

Today is the last day of scrims, but assuming you mean "tomorrow" in your timezone, yes, they plan to stream the scrims today. That being said it seems like Towa was it pretty bad shape yesterday so who knows really.

>> No.22516591

Thank you with a cherry on top anon

>> No.22516655
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>> No.22516660

Japan sounds like a place where you live here for a few years and then go back home to talk about it

>> No.22516853

Great place to vacation, horrible place to work at. At least that's the impression expats and friends have given me. A year or so of the honeymoon phase into depression and anger at the work culture that leaves you no time to yourself. May be different for non white collar jobs but in that case how did you even get hired in JP for a blue collar line of work.

>> No.22517223
Quoted by: >>22517833

I thought it was from a member stream.

>> No.22517614


>> No.22517833

She might have mentioned it in a members stream too at some point but she definitely talked about it during some of those streams.

>> No.22518196

But I don't want to take responsibility

>> No.22518311

I'll marry Towa.

>> No.22518599

Creating jealousy among my children because I treat the younger ones better...!

>> No.22518641


>> No.22518650

i think that a lot of japan is thought to be some nice happy place when in reality its still your typical east asian corporate dominion with a neat counterculture composed of people trying to escape said corporate dominion, as long as you go into japan with that kind of expectation you won't get disillusioned, also good for tourism

>> No.22518685

So you're just gonna be a regular father?

>> No.22519368
File: 500 KB, 1280x2048, FQTjMFhaIAA-hLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Tower touring Tokyo trying to eat the Tokyo tower.

>> No.22519519

I would eat Tokyo Tower’s Tokyo Tower…

>> No.22519554

Towa can't stop thinking about snacks...

>> No.22520215


>> No.22520220

This towa is too tall!

>> No.22520419

Towa and her smart friends.

>> No.22520787

I miss the Korean purple woman...

>> No.22521128
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, gentle_towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22521151

God I wish I was Kotaro

>> No.22521204

Imagine what Twap would be like with her kid...

>> No.22521284

Shuba translator added to the enemy list

>> No.22521374
File: 37 KB, 826x274, 1649982483385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22521432

God I wish that was me.

>> No.22521505

Towa diving her face into pussy.

>> No.22521644
Quoted by: >>22532940

>anyway lastly.. towa..
>towa was very kind
>Towa was worried about my ear and messaged me
>yeah shes kind like that
>she asked me if I was alright
>She asked if I was doing too. I said yeah that I was dancing and is eating noodles
>She said I eat noodles a lot
>but whenever I go to Towa's house, towa would catch her cat very suddenly and dive her face into the cat
>the cat would look at me like asking for help
>Thats the only thing I worry about her
>But Kotachi is very cute... and towa is very kind so Kotachi stays near Towa's legs all the time
>Anyway tomorrow is the actual tournament day for her
>do u all know what startend means!?
>Apparently it has start and end in the name
>U all knew?
>I thought only I knew about that, how embarassing

>> No.22521659
Quoted by: >>22521708

Seems like we'll get a video of one of the matches from yesterday

>> No.22521708
Quoted by: >>22522456

or maybe she means some kind of other video? I guess it's not clear.

>> No.22522422
File: 379 KB, 2740x1904, FG6AKbIX0AclZK0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's face is filled with claw marks.

>> No.22522456

I hope it's not one of the matches from yesterday, Towa probably sounded pretty miserable...

>> No.22522504

Kotaro is a little bitch and takes it

>> No.22522590

If it''s my only path to getting my own Towa I will suffer the hell of Japan as much as it takes...!

>> No.22522641
File: 413 KB, 1257x1812, FQUgI0aaIAAptWB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua will be uploading a Startend vod at 19.00 JST:

>> No.22522908

No wonder Kotaro poops on her bed...

>> No.22523065
Quoted by: >>22523207

>Aqua and Suisei flirting
>Towa softly crying in the background

>> No.22523170
File: 226 KB, 1191x1684, 1619063700311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22523207


>> No.22525878

I hope Towa tweets soon... I hope she feels better...

>> No.22525897

I hope Towa joins a Valorant tournament

>> No.22525930

Good night anon, sweet dreams

>> No.22526146


>> No.22526202

Debi debi? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibi-binary

>> No.22526558

Why is Towa

>> No.22526927

Because of Towa

>> No.22526970
Quoted by: >>22527483

What is Towa?

>> No.22527483


>> No.22527759
File: 438 KB, 2210x3502, 1618620137618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22528059

Towa didn't wake up...

>> No.22529321

My poor Twi...

>> No.22529456

Babying sick towa...

>> No.22530188
Quoted by: >>22530551

Towa used to say she doesn't poop but now she says she does!
What's the deal, Towa??

>> No.22530551

It's all Nose's fault...

>> No.22530908

I bet the reason Towa doesn't say whats za mean anymore is because she found za mean and doesn't want to tell us...

>> No.22530961

she's alive...!

>> No.22532306
Quoted by: >>22532687

When I first got into hololive I would mix up luna and towa...

>> No.22532687
File: 1.08 MB, 721x620, 1608658532000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22532940

>>do u all know what startend means!?
>>Apparently it has start and end in the name
>>U all knew?

>> No.22533344
File: 528 KB, 1749x2048, FQcNbOsakAUbHPh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22533924

>> No.22533924

Three chuunis...

>> No.22533932

4 scrim games and then the party starts

>> No.22534308
Quoted by: >>22534393

What party games are they doing this time?

>> No.22534393
Quoted by: >>22534431

Apex Musume is the relay race again I think

>> No.22534431

oh yeah I remember that.

>> No.22534470

Sex party

>> No.22534714

Towa please make a real tweet...

>> No.22534924

Towa is kind of a weirdo...

>> No.22534926

That means no stream

>> No.22535146

Sometimes I wonder if Towa's friends also have trouble decrypting what the hell she's talking about

>> No.22535148
Quoted by: >>22535195

whats za mean

>> No.22535195
Quoted by: >>22535939

She probably still feels like shit so she doesn't want to stream today even though they said they would

>> No.22535264


>> No.22535492

Foolish of me to think that a Towasamatweet would actually clear anything up...

>> No.22535936

I think she caught it...

>> No.22535939
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>> No.22536461

When I said towasama was sick this isn't what I meant...

>> No.22536859


>> No.22536900

Oh shit

>> No.22536916
File: 549 KB, 2560x1440, FQZXnOWaQAEprjx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22536931

Nice! Idol unit please!

>> No.22536954
Quoted by: >>22537062

Why are they upside down?

>> No.22537062

They're falling from the sky
Suisei no gotoku arawareta star no genseki idol vtuber no Hoshimachi Suisei desu

>> No.22537174
Quoted by: >>22537323

>cover drops at the same time as Towa's positive Covid test announcement

>> No.22537175
Quoted by: >>22537205


>> No.22537205

dasupi got an entire amazing live, it's fine

>> No.22537323

I forgot I had another tab opened to Mio's announcement and I thought towa actually got it...

>> No.22537605
File: 37 KB, 138x111, 1637665042935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*boots up APEX*

>> No.22537655

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.22537668
Quoted by: >>22537768

Am I just being dense but I don't get what she's looking for?

>> No.22537752
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, 1629937657747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22537917


>> No.22537768
Quoted by: >>22537801

For someone to practice with in the Apex firing range

>> No.22537801

I guess she found someone since she deleted the tweet then lol

>> No.22537866

Yeah, I DM'd her

>> No.22537917


>> No.22537927
Quoted by: >>22538184

Retweet the cover, Twap...

>> No.22538184

too busy training, plese andastan. She'll get there.

>> No.22538908

Wait, its not a vod? Lol, this is great.

>> No.22538917
Quoted by: >>22539008

Meeting Towa for the first time while she kicks you in the balls and calls you gross for no reason...

>> No.22539008

If she does that it's probably because you were kimoi...

>> No.22539043
Quoted by: >>22539151

It actually looks like she booted down apex if anything...

>> No.22539151

or she's smart and is actually playing on her sub account now instead of just changing her steam name

>> No.22539194
Quoted by: >>22539210

Why, if she already announced that she was playing?

>> No.22539210

Same reason she still changes her name even when playing with people she's collabed on stream with, Towautism.

>> No.22539279

Being devilishly sexy and heartmeltingly cute at the same time

>> No.22539314

My dumb retarded daughter...

>> No.22539335

>being smart
That's not the Towa way.

>> No.22539371

stop stalking towa apex, ty.

>> No.22539387

Best Towa moments?

>> No.22539424
Quoted by: >>22539465

Always makes me laugh when she forgets to turn off the twitter restriction

>> No.22539425

Every second she's here...

>> No.22539445

Lifeline misspick

>> No.22539460

her birth...

>> No.22539465
Quoted by: >>22539538

>Towa laughs at cute Kenzokus positing, deleting, edit, reposting tweets just to not tick her off
>She fucks up her tweets too


>> No.22539538

Kenzoku mirror their oshi...

>> No.22539546
Quoted by: >>22539644


>> No.22539644

cant tell if SOVL or ironic

>> No.22539767
File: 112 KB, 536x738, Kit Bibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22539795

>> No.22539795

That is one fat fuck...

>> No.22539965

>"joking" about Startend live since the first stream
>had cover made this whole time

>> No.22539988

Only if they win.

>> No.22540432
Quoted by: >>22540825

All part of aqua's master plan.

>> No.22540825
Quoted by: >>22540975

Actually, this is most likely suisei's plan. She's the master of marketing.

>> No.22540975
Quoted by: >>22541354

Actually, this is most likely Towa's plan to get a three-way.

>> No.22541354
Quoted by: >>22541428

Towa has no plans, she's just caught in the middle of the other two's plans...

>> No.22541428

That's what towa wants you to believe

>> No.22541743

Towa... I can't praise you...

>> No.22541787

Towa's tweets will be restricted forever...

>> No.22541804

there we go, great job Towa

>> No.22541812
Quoted by: >>22541839

fuck my family are having easter brunch today instead of tomorrow so i will miss the stream
how inconvenient

>> No.22541837

Does she not know you can just change the setting on the tweet without retweeting it

>> No.22541839

At least you aren't missing the tournament anon...

>> No.22541855

You already know the answer to that.

>> No.22541863

My oshi is dumb as a brick but I still love her.

>> No.22541871


>> No.22541953

I want to kiss Towa's manager

>> No.22541956
Quoted by: >>22541977

Can you use ellipses in apex names?

>> No.22541977

You can if you launch from steam

>> No.22542111
Quoted by: >>22542310

Premiering now

>> No.22542310
File: 849 KB, 942x529, SMOL TOWA SINGING INCREDIBLY HANDSOMELY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chiisai song
like my wife

>> No.22542313

That was really good

>> No.22542357
Quoted by: >>22542404

ah that was great, everyone got a chance to shine in the song, was some nice group harmonies, startend love!

>> No.22542404

Yeah, this is what I though. It was mixed well.

>> No.22542439

I really like this song

>> No.22542466

Beautiful cover, their voices complement each other really well.

>> No.22542475
File: 221 KB, 1271x720, Screenshot_20220416-180531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22542523

It was all in Yagoo's and Shibuya Hal's grand plan...!
This unit, this tournament's timing...all of it!
The numbers...!

>> No.22542495

Towa really is a boy

>> No.22542523

I want to kiss Towa's legs...

>> No.22542536
File: 1.21 MB, 1018x1582, FPzrk-_acAAiPer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a pretty cute girl!

>> No.22542550
File: 765 KB, 2831x4096, 20220414_232019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is the most girlish girl I know...!

>> No.22542561

I hope they are not making Suisei try and install apex on steam all of a sudden so she can change her name. Just do it in origin for now, you can change it back later.

>> No.22542574

Towa is a cute girl with big boobies and a huge banana!

>> No.22542617

banana no!

>> No.22542672
File: 3.95 MB, 2480x3508, 1650104389106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa...!

>> No.22542691

Towa banana...

>> No.22542747

すーちゃん really likes the cover!

>> No.22542808
Quoted by: >>22542970

Towa and I are going to release a cover of our favourite JAV...!

>> No.22542970

I don't remember typing this.
Mating press the TOWA...!

>> No.22543080

No, rpr.
I'M Startend's no. 1 fan!
Every Startend fan, all me.

>> No.22543093

I've always been the #1 Kenzoku.

>> No.22543104

I am the last kenzoku...

>> No.22543154
Quoted by: >>22543178

Towa, Aqua, Stylishnoob confirmed for CR Cup.

>> No.22543178
Quoted by: >>22543210

That's TOO many numbers...

>> No.22543195

now you may be the 1st kenzoku but im going to be the last kenzoku!

>> No.22543210
Quoted by: >>22543274

I only know of StylishNoob in passing from CR cup and the other events, is he that big?

>> No.22543223

i will be the leader of last kenzokus and i am going to immortalize towa in history books

>> No.22543230
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1649967447806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22543275

I really really like this pic the anon made

>> No.22543274

Well he's got about 20k viewers on twitch right now, I'd say that's pretty big

>> No.22543275
Quoted by: >>22543863

I wish Towamama read me a book...

>> No.22543794


>> No.22543863

The Ugly Kenzoku...

>> No.22543927

All this desktop flashing is making me anxious...

>> No.22543947

Purple women...

>> No.22543973
Quoted by: >>22543988

Is suityan eating?

>> No.22543976
Quoted by: >>22544009

Suisei cannot speak properly because she has a mouthful of cock...

>> No.22543979

Towa accidentally flashing our marriage certificate in google drive to thousands of audience...!

>> No.22543988
Quoted by: >>22544002

Aqua is too
Towa is actually the only one here not stuffing her face

>> No.22544002

What a subversion of expectations!

>> No.22544006

Towa is going to have a folder open that just says "STARTEND SEX" and it'll be full of secret lewds she commissioned of them all that she'll never share...

>> No.22544009


>> No.22544131


>> No.22544218

Just a reminder that yagoo and Hal haven't seen in the same room

>> No.22544253

I'm glad she seems better today, I was really worried

>> No.22544294
Quoted by: >>22544313


>> No.22544296
Quoted by: >>22544313


>> No.22544313

What a retarded push from them though

>> No.22544350

now startend do the same thing but even more retarded because they have a caustic

>> No.22544394


>> No.22544413
Quoted by: >>22544421

Fucking towa man what the fuck

>> No.22544417

Towa didn't take the portal again.....

>> No.22544421
Quoted by: >>22544462

Yeah trust me I think about fucking Towa basically every day

>> No.22544426

Towa died with a dome again

>> No.22544448
Quoted by: >>22544551

Dropping from there fight is pretty much lost already, need to go all out.

>> No.22544462

Need to fuck-correct her into not making stupid decisions in apex like not taking portal

>> No.22544465

>ult herslef
>doesn't dome when suisei get her up or run to the portal when aqua call for it

fucking retard

>> No.22544551
Quoted by: >>22544711

Not really, aqua portal got them into a good spot for reset. They just need space for valk ult. Towa somehow was late into getting into portal

>> No.22544555
Quoted by: >>22544673

Aqua's push wasn't sound but she's a wraith and can escape that easily. It actually delayed the enemy team enough for them to revive Towa.
Why is Towa like this? She got bailed out twice and she still fucks it up.

>> No.22544567

Fucking useless cunt

>> No.22544588

These are the people that whine when they don't have a frame btw

>> No.22544594

The retards are flooding in now I guess

>> No.22544602
Quoted by: >>22544684

Nah it was too hard for her to get to portal, akutan made it in an awkward spot and gib is a big target, towa was a bit slow on the dome out but there really wasnt a safe way out of there until dome cd was up and by then it was a bit late and a third party came

>> No.22544609

>Anonymous (44)
>Anonymous (45)
>Anonymous (46)
>Anonymous (47)

>> No.22544673

What can be done for her not to choke (on my cock) so hard

>> No.22544684

> towa fat ass can't fit into portal
Damn it towa get in the fucking portal

>> No.22544711

Sorry i mean they shouldn't push once they dropped down from there, should have portal and escaped. That place isn't pushable without horizon or octane. Only play is wraith portal kidnap someone from top.

>> No.22544717

That encounter and the subsequent portal out was so routine I don't understand how anyone could fuck it up. Even Suisei managed to do it right.
Aqua downed people on both firefights. One on top of the platform, one on the carriage. Towa needs to stop being a liability.

>> No.22544743
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, 1629051105071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22544922

>> No.22544922
Quoted by: >>22545019

>Beginning of STArtend
>Also Suisei Towa Aqua

>> No.22544949

Suisei is a fucking NERD

>> No.22545019

That's also the order of their discord icons...

>> No.22545049
Quoted by: >>22545220


>> No.22545214

Whose POV are you watching? Not Towa's?

>> No.22545215
Quoted by: >>22545234


>> No.22545220

My bad, I watched like a dozen startend clips today that had them in that order lol

>> No.22545234

being frisked by Startend...

>> No.22545345
File: 196 KB, 500x500, 1648865909371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little late for the stream
>look up towa thread and search "towasamawin"
>0 results

>> No.22545363

This is the second game anon, they will win this one...!

>> No.22545378

Towasamawin offstream...

>> No.22545381

come on anon, there's only been one game

>> No.22545468
Quoted by: >>22545483

I'm sure they'll win the えぺ娘 relay race

>> No.22545483

No they won't lol

>> No.22545551

I wonder what wonderful nonsense Sui will talk about tomorrow to keep her nerves down.

also looks like they are holding centre building of next ring already, nice.

>> No.22545552

holy ring luck

>> No.22545553

This building is shit to hold and the ring is right on them lol

>> No.22545608

Why is Aqua such a brat...

>> No.22545617
Quoted by: >>22545635

was that sumisu with the loot delivery?

>> No.22545631
Quoted by: >>22545713

Is it just me or is Towa being very expressive with her model rn?
Is this the power of the 2PC?

>> No.22545635


>> No.22545713
Quoted by: >>22545831

Maybe some of the updates to the app they made for the 3.0 models made the tracking better? It does seem better than usual.

>> No.22545770

Pretty good effort.

>> No.22545778

Towa your ult...

>> No.22545786

If Towa was a bit better they would have won but still a very good round.

>> No.22545803

sasuga gorilla-san

>> No.22545823
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1643002451742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22546442

>> No.22545831
Quoted by: >>22545889

Is the 3.0 already out?

>> No.22545847
Quoted by: >>22545915

Towa got less kills than the others...it's all her fault...

>> No.22545882
Quoted by: >>22546026

Towa was a bit better this time. She really needs to stop fucking choking really cause Aqua is so consistent.

>> No.22545889

No but it was announced for Gen 1 so I imagine it's coming soon.

>> No.22545899

should have portal, its only a rat.

>> No.22545915

Yes, and since Suisei and Aqua had the same amount of kills, they're on the same skill level.

>> No.22546026
Quoted by: >>22546125

That's why Aqua is 10 points and Towa is 5 points.

>> No.22546034

Did she have that thing to shorten the ult recharge? She should be less conservative with the strike

>> No.22546089
Quoted by: >>22546172

watch astel pov and how they wrecked startend. you'll know how bad they fucked up

>> No.22546125
Quoted by: >>22546275

Ren and Miyako don't fuck up this bad, anon. That round 1 could have been a 6 kill plus more placement points. Aqua is so much better than Hayun. That was all Towa's fault.

>> No.22546136
File: 197 KB, 474x462, 1645201450130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think Suisei is doing behind the scenes? In streams she seems confident and carefree, but is that just a front?

>> No.22546137
File: 433 KB, 2048x1152, FQdjrroaIAIvLJx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22546172

I'll pass, I don't give a shit about faggot seaweed

>> No.22546187

Towa knows how to relieve her stress.

>> No.22546193

They should push astel team, they are in an awkward position and no dome so you can just grief them with nades. I can understand though, they are pretty much full kp already, no point risking it.

>> No.22546210

Behind the scenes she pees on me to relieve her stress

>> No.22546233

I guess we're tanking for the FPS thread today?

>> No.22546251

I hope they stream the extension matches after the race

>> No.22546275

I am not saying it wasn't her fault. I just mean I expect it.

>> No.22546280

i'm surprised when Miko and I think Calli report she is much more cutesy behind the scenes. Also she gets super nervous in competition. Her usual image projects such grace and confidence.

>> No.22546291

fps thread is taking it on the chin this is just splash damage

>> No.22546300
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, towa_howling[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FooNdo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love Towa, nothing changed.

>> No.22546322

I don't think there's any "tanking" when every thread becomes full of faggots the instant a scrim stream starts

>> No.22546325

So this is what it feels like to have falseflaggers huh? It really feels different from when regular posters shit on Towa.

>> No.22546331
Quoted by: >>22546453

Behind the scenes, she is Towa and Aqua's cumdump.

>> No.22546374

I assume they're just posting wherever they think they can get (you)s

>> No.22546386

I believe the fps thread is probably in a significantly worse state right now.

>> No.22546422


>> No.22546442
Quoted by: >>22546502

>Kill: 0 Damage: 9

>> No.22546453

I wish that was me.

>> No.22546494

Towa will die for our sins, she is the Jesus of fps vtubers. She is suffering the slings and arrows because she was born to do it.

>> No.22546502

towa did 12 damage one time, and 9x12 = 108...

>> No.22546581

why is always towa playing gibby in tournaments?

>> No.22546624

she has been molded into a permanent gib slave

>> No.22546626

She has pro gibby coaching.

>> No.22546648
Quoted by: >>22546774

The hero the team needs

>> No.22546662

She loves fatfucks

>> No.22546682

Towa and Gibby are both gay fat fucks
Their synchronization rate is higher than most people for that reason.

>> No.22546762

Towa is Maori

>> No.22546767

It's like every other tank character in games,noone wants to play but everyone demands it in their comp and Towa got stuck doing it because she's been playing him for her past few tournaments

>> No.22546774

Your 'hero' is a gay fat fuck that has a large ass hitbox, slow movement, yeets bubbles, and has a multi-grenade ult that almost does nothing but to scare opponents away.

>> No.22546796

Yes and I love her.

>> No.22546801

She's cursed

>> No.22546803

I wish her huge ass hitbox was on my face.

>> No.22546824


>> No.22546836
Quoted by: >>22546902

team bonding is strong, how nice!

>> No.22546902

Yeah they should release a cover or something.

>> No.22546920
File: 112 KB, 848x1200, 1637488352264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twa gib...

>> No.22546924

She started learning gibby to play with Uruca and Ars. Then had some success with Selly and Bora in cr cup. So in vsaikyou it makes sense for her to use it since she is not the main damage dealer.

>> No.22546936
Quoted by: >>22547078

I think you should try playing Apex.

>> No.22546962
Quoted by: >>22547005

What happens if I yank on her tail

>> No.22547005

It would be extremely pleasurable.

>> No.22547012

> Is cripplingly gay
> Has a fat ass
> Is cripplingly gay
> Has a fat ass

>> No.22547066


>> No.22547078

You can't fool me into playing Apex, Towa...!

>> No.22547082


>> No.22547165

Holy based Agua.

>> No.22547188

Stuck around too long with the caustic pushing them but Aqua farmed a clip or two out of it lol

>> No.22547205


>> No.22547223


>> No.22547237

Being Gib and getting ulted by Caustic looks like hell

>> No.22547276
File: 1.16 MB, 1195x1500, 1650112630214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22547340


>> No.22547335

No honor amongst fat fucks

>> No.22547340

Towa has a 'hank hill' ass.
This is a Towapropaganda.

>> No.22547342

> suisei pump a full pk shot at Towa's far ass during bubble fight again
Lol classic suisei

>> No.22547345

It is.

>> No.22547382

They will win the next game right...?

>> No.22547383

Watching Comet gameplay is rough. She was so lost on that fight...

>> No.22547397
File: 2.81 MB, 400x400, 1636458337027.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22547782


>> No.22547407


>> No.22547460

They'll win game 5 (off stream)

>> No.22547465
Quoted by: >>22547565

Even Gorilla has some embarrassing chokes.

>> No.22547471


>> No.22547496

No I don't think they will

>> No.22547565

Everyone does.

>> No.22547602
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1636560807183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22547627
File: 95 KB, 460x342, 1650113050904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22547717

do your best towasama!

>> No.22547717

Good luck nose...

>> No.22547727

*Imagine Dragons starts playing*

>> No.22547782

Why do japs not like booty meat?

>> No.22547865


>> No.22547871

That butt was nerfed for Susan.

>> No.22547944
File: 600 KB, 630x800, 1627800206003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22547988

The meat is stored in other places.

>> No.22547949

Towa your mental care...

>> No.22547959

It finally hit her that 100k people are watching her.

>> No.22547962

Praise time!

>> No.22547988


>> No.22548003


>> No.22548012
File: 508 KB, 1001x1500, 1650113465930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do, Towa has a fat ass

>> No.22548025

/vt/ this is your fault.

>> No.22548044

My poor Twi...

>> No.22548077
File: 356 KB, 1364x2048, FDKDlNgacAASLR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22548087

So this is what periods do to a woman huh?

>> No.22548094


>> No.22548099

sad towa noises...

>> No.22548101

im glad towa is having this mental break today and not tomorrow

>> No.22548122


>> No.22548139
Quoted by: >>22548188

I thought she was fucking faking it, WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.22548144

I blame hal scheduling it when she's most emotionally vulnerable

>> No.22548154
File: 329 KB, 1303x2048, FPVBkt9UYAA4ssV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.22548162

It's like a roller coaster.

>> No.22548182

I can't watch the stream now but I don't like at all what you're all posting...
My poor twi...

>> No.22548188

towa learning from watame about getting viewers

>> No.22548197
Quoted by: >>22548330

Looks like I have to big spoon Towa this time.

>> No.22548208

Sometimes Towa has a mental breakdown because she starts to snap out of the mind control spell...I'm sorry you had to see that anons...

>> No.22548234

I didn't think she could get even cuter but here we are

>> No.22548293

It's not even consistent between women and all kinds of different things can happen.

>> No.22548296
Quoted by: >>22548390

Implying she's not gonna break on the day itself

>> No.22548325
File: 136 KB, 1080x761, Screenshot_20220416-135620_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22548330

Anon... are you usually the little spoon.

>> No.22548343

towa your meds

>> No.22548365

Towa you dumb slut, don't break down now. Do it after the tournament.

>> No.22548390

Towa bends but doesn't break, this happened during C*c*'s thing too.

>> No.22548399

I cry when Towa cries

>> No.22548408

She really did put a lot of pressure on herself for this tournament.

>> No.22548495

It was obvious from the beginning that it would be like this.

>> No.22548558

I assume that was the last time she played with a holo in team...

>> No.22548557

I knew from back when she explained how aqua squirmed her way into her team to that she knew the kind of pressure she'd have to deal with and that made her reluctant.

>> No.22548579

I kinda expected the pressure to get to her once she was deemed team leader

>> No.22548611
Quoted by: >>22548702

how does one hug towa?

>> No.22548635

She's fine jesus christ stop worrying
Are you her wife or something

>> No.22548666

Towa husband...

>> No.22548676


>> No.22548689

I wish...

>> No.22548702
File: 233 KB, 946x2048, hou3yK1WvYGnewkXeONH-OXgTgoQuWRZFYdjpYqMhnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22548766

Like this

>> No.22548732

did nobody ever hug you bro?
me neither

>> No.22548734

While it's completely fine to worry she will be fine thanks for her good friends. Remember to encourage her after the scrims end for tomorrow.

>> No.22548745

>oshi starts crying due to pressure
>kenzoku stop worrying
new here?cuz that doesn't happen

>> No.22548766
Quoted by: >>22548803

god i don't know who I wish to be there

>> No.22548803

suisei obviously, i wouldn't let towa go.

>> No.22548804
File: 924 KB, 720x1280, Suisei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22548872

Got themselves in an awkward position
