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File: 536 KB, 1440x1178, Screenshot_20210203-104217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
219026 No.219026 [Reply] [Original]

Takamori week continues. Let's talk about the recent streams, let's have a deepfried hearty wholesome rrat (what happened in pic related?). Post art and chill.

Keep community-drama or personalities out of the thread. If it takes more than two steps to be linked to 10chou, it's not related.

>> No.219048
File: 573 KB, 573x500, EtO0IPaXIAA2LmS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>220605

Depicted here are Sheriff Mori and Stasi Kiara deciding your fate.

>> No.219051

I love my dumb chikin wife!

>> No.219112
File: 1.60 MB, 824x1834, 1612321154174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>224437

>wholesome rrat
there's gonna be some joke about cold water and her being a phoenix prolly
how many alt costume ideas have we come up with? iirc, the list goes:
>toku suit
>hero outfit (like in pic related)

>> No.219405
File: 252 KB, 2048x1226, 20210128_173141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takamori love!

>> No.219481

Isn't this like the 2nd or 3rd active Kiara thread? Can't you at least wait for the others to die first? The board's not that fast compared to /jp/

>> No.219512
Quoted by: >>228066

gee kiara how come hololive lets you have TWO hats?

>> No.219515

the last kiara general died iirc
the other was a bait thread KFPanons /tg/'d into a discussion one somehow

>> No.219569
File: 400 KB, 469x492, 1602339394665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>223989

None but this one is positive

>> No.219772

>near death experience
If only she died, stupid cunt

>> No.219773

There's three thinly veiled anti threads that are just schizo narrative circulation. Those don't count.

>> No.219833
File: 29 KB, 286x360, 1602349166713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.219888

Given the circumstances of what they talk about doing offline and apparently Cali being involved, by best guess is baka bird had a bad slip innawoods,

>> No.220025
File: 195 KB, 1080x1325, 1611823466395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.220122
File: 772 KB, 2481x3508, EsQRRCaVEAEm1It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.220207
File: 43 KB, 174x132, kiaraEmblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>220929

i didn't notice this until recently but kiara has this neat phoenix badge whenever her sword and shield are out
we should get artfags to use it more

>> No.220343

I love funny chicken girl.

>> No.220605
File: 1.35 MB, 4093x2894, EtPM045UUAAES3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.220682
File: 505 KB, 3795x2280, 8AF858F3-AB0C-4D83-A572-FF61F584B4FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.220701
File: 537 KB, 2048x1538, 1602911106920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly worry that I'm falling too hard for this girl. I watch her VODs constantly. I have the timestamp to every time she's read one of my superchats memorized. I rehearse imaginary conversations I'd like to have with her in my head. Every time I send her an aka it's something I spent meticulously drafting and re-writing to get the most optimal ROI from character counts. I am developing more than just a crush and it's starting to scare me.

>> No.220722
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x1150, hoshimachi_suisei_by_zakenken_ddpebgz-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>220840 >>220870

Keeping in mind Kiara said she's focusing on earlier gens first, who is next on your Holotalk wishlist? Pic related

>> No.220775

I don't even like Kiara but I kind of feel bad for her that she is consistently ranked as the worst hololive live.

>> No.220798

Watch other vtubers

>> No.220807
Quoted by: >>220888

She's consistently ranked worst for hololive EN. Some JPs WISH they could pull her viewership numbers. Which is why seeing her numberfag in front of the JP girls on twitter in Japanese is infuriating to some people.

>> No.220811

She's on par with Gura for superchats, who has about 3 times as many subscribers, so numberfagging against her is kinda dumb to begin with.

>> No.220833
File: 378 KB, 1242x1522, 38FE75D6-2DB2-43A3-A124-7AE11708A07E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Kiara is my oshi but I definitely relate the least to a happy-go-lucky, openly thirsty, lesbian social butterfly.

Amelia is easily the most relatable and most girl next door out of all of them.

>> No.220840
File: 94 KB, 724x1024, robocoFeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>221009 >>222321

reminder: https://vocaroo.com/1eSizT1stoQp
suisei's already pretty well known by most people into hololive
i'm thinking it'll be hellobo

>> No.220870

Sounded like Mel was either gonna be the next one or get shorttracked

>> No.220888
Quoted by: >>220935 >>220981

Eh, Kiara's numbers are only passable when no one else is streaming. During JP primetime she averages like 3k viewers which is only ahead of like...Aki and sometimes Luna or Choco.

>> No.220929

It shall be the emblem of the Holy Order of the Phoenix.

>> No.220935
Quoted by: >>220967

is it weird that i usually have her stream open on the side whenever i'm watching other holos? i don't even like apex that much but christ she has under 1k viewers sometimes

>> No.220967

I'm not really sure what her issue is, unlike Aki she doesn't seem to try at all or care about her viewership.
Hell half the time I'm exposed to her is when she shows up on random indie or Nijisanji vtubers' streams, so maybe she just enjoys networking and being friends with everyone.

>> No.220981

Her streaming part 50 of grinding in a JRPG during jap prime time when everyone else is watching marine/pekora and then numberfagging is just her being fucking retarded. When she isn't being a retard she can pull in 8-10K easily.

>> No.221009
File: 7 KB, 160x120, 1438029367019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that Vocaroo

>> No.221010

How does one relate to kiara anyway. Its not surprising that the community relates the least to a loud and energetic force of nature like kiara. What makes you think this poll is a measurement of popularity anyway? Relating to someone doesn't mean you like em.

>> No.221081
Quoted by: >>221215

Yeah, pretty much. At this point most of the Holos who get low viewership either just aren't trying or are addicted to games no one wants to watch even though they know it's bad for their numbers. Besides Aki, she's been trying really hard the last couple months with variety content.

I gotta say though, in Kiara's case it's not really her fault that she can't do a ton of variety content or even Minecraft. Her internet is still so bad that she can't do anything during JP primetime since all of Japan are using the same line apparently. It'd be nice if she could stream Minecraft on the JP server during primetime so she can interact with her senpais, but alas she's stuck playing JRPGs instead.

>> No.221090
Quoted by: >>221190

People relate more to lazy NEETs than a musician, a professional artist and a gigastacy? How shocking!

>> No.221115
File: 140 KB, 911x1200, Em4peIcUYAA2haf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's try to actually have a good thread

>> No.221157
File: 1011 KB, 1280x720, kiaraSenseiBait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222497

>they fell for it

>> No.221187
Quoted by: >>221219

Fuck i was sleeping and missed my chance to send the questions

>> No.221190
Quoted by: >>221231

I love how you couldn't come up with a real compliment for Kiara after acknowledging that Ina and Mori are just unrelatable for being accomplished at their dreams

>> No.221196
Quoted by: >>221218 >>222226

she's done at most, 14 streams for a single JRPG no? console FE tends to be much longer than other FE games in general, too
i'm personally in support of her just doing shorter JRPGs but let's look at the other options
>more art streams/passepartout
kiara's pretty good at drawfaggotry so she'll enjoy these
the only issue i see is that ina's the main artholo within holoen so kiara might be intruding on her niche a bit
kiara's superchat readings are often joked to be the "real stream" within her streams, and it's clear a lot of her best moments are from them
the cons would be that any JOP viewers would be dependent on translators to be engaged, and too much talking without anything to distract kiara might result in yabs
>"trendy games"
kiara has said before that she's trying to avoid doing games that other holos have done or already doing
it's a valid point imo and i'd probably get really bored if kiara adopted apex or ark in addition to her minecraft streams

>> No.221215
Quoted by: >>221241

Why is her internet messed up compared to the rest of the JP members? Like even the Indos minus Anya (more because of her PC) are fine with internet and Minecraft

>> No.221218
Quoted by: >>221248 >>221354

I'm not saying that she should change her content. I'm saying that her constant whining and numberfagging about it is stupid because everyone knows her numbers are bad for very obvious reasons and she should just learn to live with it like JP girls who insist to stream nothing but ark.

>> No.221219

desu with the manager's picking the questions I'm not feeling too excited about anything interesting getting through.

>> No.221231
Quoted by: >>221314

Kiara's definitely not as accomplished as Ina or Calli, but at least she's trying. I'm not sure what Ame and Gura are doing exactly.

>> No.221241

She lives in a decrepit house in bumfuck nowhere with a rat infestation right?
Likely because she was moving back to Australia in February anyway so she skimped out on the cheapest place she could find as a short term thing.

>> No.221248
Quoted by: >>221287

>constant whining
Anon, it's been A MONTH since she's expressed feeling down because of numbers (the Ryza stream after the release of Wah Wah World). How is that "constant"?

>> No.221287

To add to that, it's been 28 streams on her channel alone since that Ryza stream.

>> No.221314
Quoted by: >>221329

i tend to feel that ame and gura tend to have a better sense of professionalism than the other three en girls
that might just me be though, i don't actually watch them that often

>> No.221329
Quoted by: >>232929

If you saw any of Ame's collabs with non-EN girls or her sponsored streams you wouldn't make this claim.

>> No.221354

>her constant whining and numberfagging
This is such a meme. I swear people's perception of this is completely warped because of LE EPIC THREE ARROWS.
I remember a thread where, when she prompted by a viewer acknowledged the obvious fact that JRPGs don't get high numbers in one or two sentences in an hours long JRPG stream, Anons complained about her "constant numberfagging" because they saw three arrows being spammed.
If she cared that much she would have stopped streaming JRPGs ages ago.

>> No.221389

Anon, it's so clear that the guy just doesn't watch Kiara and makes baseless claims.
I challenge him right here, right now, to provide a timestamp of Kiara whining about her numbers after that Ryza stream I mentioned (which was more than a month ago). Because we actually watch Kiara, we know that a timestamp like that doesn't exist.

>> No.221402
Quoted by: >>221476

1 month ago she was complaining about the numbers in a members stream

>> No.221434
File: 501 KB, 1000x600, cajunFrogLegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda surprised the KFP website doesn't have fried frog legs after the whole frog meme happened
your adding it to your franchises independently though, right?

>> No.221460
File: 370 KB, 786x588, 1610285522191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>221766

I get 404 because my ISP and you guys decided to do a fucking general?

>> No.221463

If she's gonna stream JRPGs I wish she'd take them more seriously and play on harder difficulties. Seeing someone struggle and take advice from chat is more fun than seeing her accidentally bumble her way to the end of the game on Easy/Normal mode.
The Fire Emblem stream in particular was kind of unwatchable because she didn't understand any of the mechanics and still finished the game just suiciding her units into the enemy.
It's not a big deal but I'm autistic when it comes to JRPGs and got really excited when she announced Fire Emblem and Ryza as they're two of my favorites.
Her streams are still quite fun just due to the chat interaction and her tangents though.

>> No.221476
Quoted by: >>221610

Wow, 1 month ago in a member stream. Sounds pretty fucking constant!

>> No.221478
Quoted by: >>221568

Why the fuck you replay to obvious baits?

>> No.221550

Her playing fire emblem on normal mode with permadeath on would have turned into a 300 hours cringefest because she only started reading the prebattle window 3/4 into the game. And still barely understood it.

>> No.221568
Quoted by: >>221720 >>221764

Whether it's bait or not, if you don't correct false claims retards will buy into them.

>> No.221602
Quoted by: >>221675

3H probably isn't a great intro to FE in general
I'm playing through the games and FE7 still seems to be the best entrypoint
it's probably real awkward to stream a gba game though so i'm not expecting kiara to play it any time soon

>> No.221610
Quoted by: >>221650

imagine getting this fucking defensive

>> No.221650
Quoted by: >>221893

>starts off with imagine
>no rebuttal
Not him but he wins automatically

>> No.221663

Its a nice idea but she would have just gotten destroyed, with her its just generally to play on a low difficulty and enjoy the story,

>> No.221675

3H isnt that bad of an entry point though, being able to rewind instead of having to do a soft-reset is convenient.

Actually that reminds me, did she ever actually use that feature? I don't recall her doing so but I didn't pay attention too much.

>> No.221715

A few times yeah, I think it's only a feature you really pay a lot of attention to if you are playing with permadeath on because otherwise who cares.

>> No.221720

The rewind? Not too much, by the end of the game she was spams critc like a beast
Antis doesn't deserve a (You) faggot, RBI

>> No.221763
Quoted by: >>221834

Comfy stream incoming.

>> No.221764

Feels like there's just no winning at this point. If you reply, the threads will ostracize you for that. If you don't, there's nothing stopping retards from spreading misinformation.

>> No.221766
Quoted by: >>221794

always has been

>> No.221794
Quoted by: >>221834

I hope i'm still alive for the next one, to revert it back to "Takanashi Kiara"

>> No.221806
File: 62 KB, 181x190, 1572539733911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she plays Dragon Quest or SMT.

>> No.221829

SMT would probably be a nightmare but I'm still holding out that she'll get permission for DQXI. It's been brought up before and she seemed a little interested.

>> No.221834
Quoted by: >>221861 >>221901

Fun! I hope alcohol is lightly involved.

What's the issue with /kfpg/? Rolls off the tongue.

>> No.221859

The only SMT game she stands a chance of beating is persona 5 and I have my doubts that even that game is easy enough for her.

>> No.221861
Quoted by: >>221922

i feel like it invites more shit than just being a Kiara thread that's positive

>> No.221893
Quoted by: >>222087

what is there to say? chicken has numberfagged multiple times. the last I remember was 1 month ago or so but thats not the only one

>> No.221901

We got already a mess of a thread by turning it into a general.

>> No.221922
Quoted by: >>221969

That makes no sense. Look at the thread from before.

>> No.221960
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, 1606242192888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.221969

Last thread was comfy and many faggots got banned, this one have an anti samefagging to tear appart the thread already, splendid job, there was a reason why the last 3 thread i did weren't a general

>> No.221997 [DELETED] 

we ina hood

>> No.222025

>an anti samefagging to tear appart the thread already
Thanks man, but I'm doing it in the hope that Kiara reads it and stops numberfagging once and for all. This includes telling JP holos that reached a milestone on twitter that she also reached said milestone (in a fraction of the time it took them) instead of just telling them she's happy for them.

>> No.222086
File: 161 KB, 480x480, 1609600800897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to breach containment
Yeah anti, whatever you say.

>> No.222087
Quoted by: >>222888

No one said she never numberfagged. The point is that it's far from constant and usually not in an all that offensive way. The fact that the last instance you could think of was a month ago, in a memebers stream where you'd expect her to talk more openly than in a public one does a pretty poor job of disproving that.
You can feel free to list some more examples though.

>> No.222098

please stop patting yourself on the back about making thread OPs

>> No.222116
File: 115 KB, 241x241, 1600785936280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222209

And you think it's the fault is the word "general" being in the tile, you belive in superstition? You believe a word holds so much power to change fate?

Let me whisper a word of power in your ear: Cunt

>> No.222134
Quoted by: >>222167 >>222376

Like we've said, she hasn't done it in over a month.
Why do you care that much anyway? You have arithmophobia or something? She'll still mention numbers at some point, like everyone else in Hololive does. I hope you'll have the mental strength to handle it.

>> No.222167


>> No.222209
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1080, 1608631050233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222316

Yes newfagchama, seems you don't go to /vg/ and how the general culture basically ruin threads by attract fags, if you want that, ok, then don't start complaining about big influx of obvious baits and nothing but defense post like right now when doesn't add nothing to the discussion.

>> No.222226

The average playtime for FE 3 houses is 48 hours. She's done 14 streams averaging over 5 hours.

>> No.222257

>jrpgs don't get high numbers
>pekora and korone exist

>> No.222300
Quoted by: >>222372

>did shever actually use that feature
you fucking bet she did lol
i swear she was giving me heartattacks with all the risky moves she was making (moving flyers within archer range, for instance)
i probably shouldn't have worried that much since permadeath was on but i was playing FE6 at the time

>> No.222306
Quoted by: >>222385 >>222467

>This includes telling JP holos that reached a milestone on twitter that she also reached said milestone (in a fraction of the time it took them) instead of just telling them she's happy for them.
Honestly, if she had done it that way someone would have pointed out the fact that she's congratulating her sempai for the same number of subs she has herself anyway, leading to people making up rrats.

>> No.222316
File: 338 KB, 441x557, Ei67cgFU8AMoC90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222366

Im adding art so it's balanced out.
A faggot will seek out a Kiara thread regardkess of which words are in the subject field. I find your belief in this superstition weird. I never went to /vg/, the only game I play is Doom.

>> No.222320

Nobody's claiming that Kiara is as big as Pekora or Korone, retard.

>> No.222321

this is vocaroo is very autistic and cringe but i started laughing at like :35 so i guess i am also autistic and cringe

>> No.222360

>he doesn't notice Pekora gets different numbers depending on what game she streams
Shameful display for a numbersagi.

>> No.222366
File: 286 KB, 1200x1200, Dx_SjnZUUAECmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222439

>I never went to /vg/
Of course, now shut the fuck up, i'm retaking control over this shit

>> No.222372
File: 92 KB, 400x500, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*permadeath was off
i forgot to sleep last night, my bad

>> No.222376 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 907x731, hololeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti samefagging
Patently false lol
She got bitched out by enma for it, Kiara hasn't learned anything at all, she could care less about hololive and is just riding the wave while trying to siphon as many subscribers to her ACTIVELY UPDATED VLOG CHANNEL so she can dump hololive and not have to give cover and the Japanese government most of her income anymore

>> No.222385

She did do that with Shion. Also she obviously wasn't intentionally being rude. But she unconsciously numberfags even when trying to not numberfag and anyone without autism can see how fucking disrespectful she's being.

>> No.222410
Quoted by: >>222446 >>222459

I wonder how all these antis feel knowing that Kiara's having the time of her life right now, knowing that she's the happiest she's ever been in a long time. I really hope it keeps them awake at night.

>> No.222439
Quoted by: >>222472

I will hold you responsible for the next thread. If it's bad it's your fault.

>> No.222446

Good, i want her to succeed and stop being a menhera. Maybe then we can all coexist in peace.

>> No.222456

I swear KFP's have just gotten sunken cost fallacy at this point, they feel embarrassed to abandon someone they've given money to despite how much of an anti-hololive 3dpd they are

>> No.222459

Literally rent free for almost 3 months, since the Pekora collab

>> No.222467
Quoted by: >>222546 >>222578

The criticism and backlash doesn't come out of just nowhere. They come from observable examples. Maybe the reaction to them gets overblown, but that just means exaggerations are made, not completely made-up lies like you're proposing

>> No.222468
Quoted by: >>223202 >>223276

i'm kinda hoping kiara goes down the korone route
i wasn't there for her early streams but from what i've been told be dogfuckers she didn't perform as her other genmates initially
she eventually developed JRPGs and retro media (super robot songs during karaoke, toku/mecha games) in general as her niche
while kiara isn't that much into retro media, maybe she could do JRPGs and... art I guess? it'll take time but korone's proof that kinda just doing your own thing for long enough can pay off in the end

>> No.222472

Better than this piece of shit thread already.

>> No.222497
File: 14 KB, 546x67, 1591368120208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>222528

There's too much Discord/Twitter newfriends in those threads.

>> No.222499

Imagine kiara plays nocturne.

>> No.222518

Honestly I'd rather see her play 5 than nocturne, the switch remaster seems to be pretty shit and if it's gonna be a disaster stream I'd rather have it be new content.

>> No.222524

>Beast Eye
>Beast Eye
>Beast Eye
>Beast Eye

>> No.222528

Totally, and the only place they lurked was /jp/ since Holo EN debuted, and they really think this place is some free-for-all talking when isn't.
>t. 2009 poster

>> No.222539

It would literally take one game over and her losing 1 hour of progress in the hospital for her to ragequit it forever. I'll sacrifice my firstborn to kiara if my prediction doesn't happen and she somehow makes it farther into the game if she ever plays it.

>> No.222546
Quoted by: >>222631 >>222676

>not completely made-up lies like you're proposing
I've seen more ridiculous criticism directed at Kiara than that particular made up scenario, to be honest. Remember when 5ch schizos accused her of leading a stalker to Subaru's home? Well, so much for criticism and backlash not coming out of nowhere.
Obviously that's not all criticism but there are people who will get offended at everything.

>> No.222578
Quoted by: >>222631

Everyone makes mistakes, but for whatever reason, Kiara is the only one in HoloEN that has to pay for them 24/7 while the others are instantly forgiven the moment the stream ends.

>> No.222631

>Moona get subs from Pekora and Miko, no backlash or leech rrats
>Kiara collab with whatever JP, get a backlash and get called leech
That's when the anti narrative felt appart, because it's only Kiara who does wrong, but anyone on Hololive it's suddenly "not bad" or they don't know. I don't see anyone calling Mel a leecher after the collab with Ame

>> No.222658
Quoted by: >>222670

You're correct but honestly it'd be hard to leech off Mel considering how little attention she gets.

>> No.222666
Quoted by: >>222750 >>222756

This is because Kiara planned collab after collab after collab with only the most POPULAR of JPs. At breakneck speed. While simultaneously saying stupid shit about the lesser popular holos. Like saying she didn't know mio was a good singer. It's clear she only gives a fuck about her popular senpais and only for views.

>> No.222670
Quoted by: >>222681

i think he meant the other way around, anon

>> No.222676
Quoted by: >>222730 >>222802

Nobody gives a shit about the stalker, people do give a shit about her being a leech who constantly insults the other girls in hololive

She is a 3dpd opportunist who could care less about hololive and only cares about what it will bring her main channel

>> No.222681

Yeah I can't into reading comprehension this morning I'm retarded

>> No.222715
Quoted by: >>222754 >>223099

Kiara IS a leech anon

>> No.222730
Quoted by: >>222747

Why are you telling us and not HER? She's available on social media channels

>> No.222747
Quoted by: >>222772

Because if he outs himself on social media he'll get harassed for being the faggot he is

>> No.222750
Quoted by: >>222785

This post is stupid because Subaru now it's the most popular of HoloJP according to this post, the only one who Kiara collabed and where really popular were Fubuki and Pekora, or are you saying that Nene is "One of the most popular" JP talents?

Have a (You) for the try

>> No.222754

A very sexy leech, mama mia!

>> No.222756
Quoted by: >>222817 >>222824

You say this as if she wouldn't have also gotten hate if she collabed with the least popular holos.
>The nerve of this woman to pity these holos!
>Guys, isn't it kinda condescending for Kiara to collab with these holos just because their subs are lower than hers?
>Great, now EOPs will ruin the chat of <insert holo here>

>> No.222772
File: 734 KB, 3020x1072, 1607893602831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>224644

And he well spotted as a INdog again. Not the first time. Also the leech narrative came from Jewbook

>> No.222779

the difference is moona put in her reps as a kouhai and never disrespected her senpai

Kiara to Fubuki
>I'm actually YOUR senpai when it comes to being an idol [fake copying peko laugh]

Face it, Kiara self admitted to never respecting idols months ago, and said she only came around to them AFTER she found out about Pekoro etc, which she proceeded to leech off at every possible opportunity

>> No.222785
Quoted by: >>222822 >>222862

She collabed with Subaru and Nene because she couldn't get the big fish fast enough. Come back to me when a choco, iofi, risu, azki, aki or mel collab happens. (spoiler: it never will.)

>> No.222802

>post an example of obviously make up shit antis got mad about
>no people don't get mad about this made up shit
>they get mad THIS made up shit
We get it, you're a thin skinned faggot who enjoys getting offended on the behalf of other people.

>> No.222808
Quoted by: >>222832 >>222840

The most menhera holo by far. She's fascinating.

>> No.222817

Yep, they're going that route now lmao

>> No.222818
File: 423 KB, 499x500, mmln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.222822

>Come back to me when a choco collab happens

>> No.222824

See, Ollie did the same thing as Kiara, but Ollie wasn't a literal leech about it who showed them fake respect.
KFP's can't tell because they have a money investment, it blinds them, but every other fanbase see's how fake Kiara is

>> No.222832
Quoted by: >>222873 >>222924

Matsuri's thread is over there, you know?

>> No.222840
Quoted by: >>222873 >>222924

I don't think she comes close to festival.

>> No.222843

Thank you mama.

>> No.222850
File: 40 KB, 607x287, notmama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mama, kiara doesn't want you to mention her, she also doesn't want you to talk about Ina in her chat either

But god forbid if someone criticizes kiara for attention whoring in pekora's chat when pekora's mom is on stream

>> No.222854

damn kiara gets to motorboat THAT?

>> No.222862
Quoted by: >>222875

Now get the fuck out, even Kiara invited Mel over Hololtalk last week in a discord live call.It seems you are not into Hololive, but talk a lot how Hololive needs to be lmao

>> No.222865
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x976, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_zambiie__3fa8fbbd175eb94003cb427bf778d732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hide indog threads
ignore indog posts
do not reply indog posters

>> No.222867

I havent given a single penny, yet i enjoy her streams. Am i a robot or something?

>> No.222873

Kiara is an actual sociopath.

>> No.222875

Fake and gay.

>> No.222888
Quoted by: >>222914 >>222970

nigger Im dont have a spreadsheet of all the times chicken has numberfagged. /jp/ archives should be a good place to start though.

>> No.222903

and now this is why you don't name your threads a fucking general, good work OP you damm faggot

>> No.222914

We should compile a spreadsheet of all the time she numberfagged to fight the KFP faggots. Who volunteers to watch weeks of VODs that might give you brain damage?

>> No.222924 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>222963 >>222968

Matsuri is just a hormonal normalfag girl, Kiara is, I don't know what to describe it, you fags like to say take your meds all the time but I feel like Kiara probably has been diagnosed with something and just refuses to get help

>> No.222943

That's pointless, KFP's rationalize everything and tell you your a schizo for thinking Kiara might be a bitch

>> No.222950

Takamori on 10 minutes

>> No.222963 [DELETED] 

She says she has Fibromyalgia, which is pretty much a mental illness

>> No.222967

realistically i don't think anyone gave enough free rent to kiara to warrant an entire spreadsheet
i'd try it myself just to give you the benefit of the doubt as a KFPfag but i've got college work to do most of the day

>> No.222968
Quoted by: >>223029 >>223610

Kiara is literally on meds. She has taken them on stream.

>> No.222970
Quoted by: >>223034

>source: dude trust me
>just check the archives bro
Fantastic point, especially given how this post >>221354 already pointed out how much /hlgg/ memed and exaggerated her numberfagging.
Give me actual examples or just shut up.

>> No.222973
Quoted by: >>223083

Kiara doesn't give a shit about your opinion dude, she's already been lead to believe everyone on 4chan is an evil anti she should just ignore, and in general her fanbase has now convinced her to just write off criticism as haters. She only cares about the people who already love her. If you don't, she is not going to change for you.

>> No.222989

Why? They'll just call you a schizo and deflect

>> No.223029

Great addition to hololive guys, really represents the best of western women

>> No.223034 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>223239

take your meds, you are about to have a mental breakdown just for pointing that chicken numberfags often.

>> No.223053
Quoted by: >>223116

Yeah me too anon, she's a literal angel and why people like to plot against her is really beyond me
I dont have money

>> No.223069
Quoted by: >>223149

Sounds painful. Also can't be cured, damn. Poor girl.

>> No.223083
Quoted by: >>223148 >>225309

4chan is a very small fraction of her haters, all the hate comes from JP's who actually decide not to watch them on holotalk
Holotalk should be realistically getting double the average views they get, at least, but only a small fraction of the JP audience even bothers to watch it
This is how disrespectful they find her

>> No.223099

I know anon.

>> No.223101
File: 1.23 MB, 1017x481, this is fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least now they are seething to a point that makes it obvious how full of shit they are to an unknowing newfag that might get lost into this dumpsterfire.

>> No.223116 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 907x731, hololeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>223276 >>223610

Have you subbed to your angels main channel yet like the rest of the devout KFP's? Once enough of you sub, she'll finally be able to graduate hololive and get an onlyfans

>> No.223148
Quoted by: >>223244 >>223330

Holotalk was never supposed to pull a nip audience so that feels like a retarded reach to me.

>> No.223149

I can't roommate post but believe me you would want to kill yourself if you had it

>> No.223202

>i wasn't there for her early streams but from what i've been told be dogfuckers she didn't perform as her other genmates initially
>she eventually developed JRPGs and retro media (super robot songs during karaoke, toku/mecha games) in general as her niche
Korone's growth wasn't because of her material, it was entirely from personality, and even now among the Western fanbase I'd say that she's popular in spite of the kusoges she plays instead of gaining viewers from them.

Her debut was a complete mess, from her having a cold, to her bio having a typo that indicated that she was Godzilla-sized, to BGM issues, and she didn't even how to render her model in high quality so it ended up blurry and jagged. She had to get bailed out by the rest of the Gamers group doing a Splatoon collab with her on her debut. She was also very shy and reserved back then, especially in collabs.

On top of that, Korone was a lot more shy compared to now. I remember seeing an early Minecraft collab with Subaru and some others, and Korone practically didn't say a word, and when she did, she was really formal because it was the first time she met Subaru I think. If you want Kiara to bounce back in the same way, she's gonna need to have confidence and charisma without coming off as annoying, since some people do think of her as annoying now even if they aren't antis, and she falters at times when it comes to confidence

>> No.223239

By now you should have had enough time to come up with a point but it seems like you still don't have one. This one's a freebie but you'll have to work harder for your next (you).

>> No.223244
Quoted by: >>223457

That's like saying Korone was never supposed to pull an english speaking audience you fucking idiot
If the content is interesting, people watch it, are you braindead?? Has your KFP brain been so fucking fried by donating to a 3dpd that you forgot why you ever started watching hololive to begin with???

>> No.223276

>actually thinking kiara's route is anything but siphoning subs to her main channel >>223116

>> No.223288

What the fuck KFPbros? Why can't we have comfy threads like when this board was created? I keep reading the dumbest fucking posts from people who have clearly never watched Kiara or are just trying to bait (You)s. Why would anyone care enough to constantly hate on a chuuba of all things? Is it just SEAgroids?

>> No.223308
Quoted by: >>223359

yes, any rational person who dislikes kiara hates them too at this point too because they can't just shut the fuck up

>> No.223325

SEA shit and OP was a fag by name it a general, something that previous OP avoided for the sake of sanity.

>> No.223330

Most of us watch Japanese streams meant for Japanese viewers???

>> No.223337
File: 251 KB, 804x730, En7DmhzVkAANtLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.223359

Rational people don't go to a thread labeled Kiara Fried Phoenix General.

>> No.223382

/jp/ mods started taking down hololive threads

>> No.223450
File: 148 KB, 1287x271, hey moonanti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona get subs from Pekora and Miko, no backlash or leech rrats
You must've not been on /jp/ because that's exactly what happened, specifically with people accusing her of chasing after Miko right after Peko left. Besides that, there was a really recent anti Moona thread, and Moona's been called a leech ever since the first Pekora collab. The only difference is that
a) Moona managed to give off the impression that she really wanted to be Pekora's friend and wasn't in it for the viewers
b) Kiara's reaction to Moona in the collab with Pekora (ex. "why won't you make fanart of just me and Pekora-senpaiii") made it so that it was funnier to dab on Kiara, bringing more people on Moona's side

>> No.223457
Quoted by: >>223512 >>223544

not a KFP, actually just hopped in here cause I never bothered with a split thread before and wanted to see if they were as shit as people always meme, frankly not disappointed.
The initial premise is what typically draws people to a stream - and if they know that the premise of Holotalk is "introducing Holos to the English only audience" then they probably wouldn't bother tuning in since they don't have the language barrier to work through like EOPs do when it comes to understanding JP holos.
This is the same reason why I always tell people that they are retards for wanting the IDs on Holotalk, since they already stream largely in English, so there is little to no point in terms of the initial premise of the show.

>> No.223477
File: 40 KB, 373x312, 3fxLBak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>223557


>> No.223512

>I always tell people that they are retards for wanting the IDs on Holotalk
Kiara even mentioned this in one of her streams. We already know a lot about the IDs just because EOPs can actually understand them most of the time.

>> No.223544
Quoted by: >>228421

Holotalks are just another form of content, and if you hate Kiara, it's not content

Many JP fans, pekora fans expecially, absolutely hate her after the shit she pulled on the pekomom stream, and will never forgive her because it was a stream Pekora was talking about before EN even joined

>> No.223543

>I don't see anyone calling Mel a leecher after the collab with Ame
Because it looks like Amelia's the one that reached out to Mel

>> No.223553
Quoted by: >>223614

Ah wasn't aware that she had also mentioned it, like I said, not a hardcore KFP, I keep up with the general jist of stuff going on with her, but not enough hours in a day to juggle everyone - thanks for the heads up!

>> No.223557

man that sucks
hopefully things improve for the rest of the week

>> No.223610
Quoted by: >>223648

Wow. every obstacles or pain she had make me like her more. Well my path is still 6 more years of clinical medschool and specialisation, but with my depression cured it's ought to be easier
I did yesterday
>only fans
Since she's in nipland, then nip only fans is more probable, what is it?
Yes sadly

>> No.223614

Bullshit, most of the ID barely have a following because most new fans do not realize they speak english.

The reason Kiara made Holotalk was to LEECH off the popular hololive idols, it's the only time she even gets JP's to donate to her

>> No.223648

She's moving out of japan right after the week with calli, how do you not know this?

>> No.223656

Thanks for the chuckle anon. Have a (You) for decent bait

>> No.223681

he replies to doxxfag posts instead of just reporting them, he's clearly not the brightest.

>> No.223710

I have no life
I feel sorry for nips

>> No.223714

Have a (you) so i can take over the OP next

>> No.223841 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 233x216, average_indog_anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara has low subs
>kiara is disrespectful
>kiara has low self esteem
>why are you still watching

>> No.223844

Wow, so Kiara is just openly racist to Indogs and won't have them on her show

>> No.223865

Sorry anonsama. Where are they going?

>> No.223879
File: 1.21 MB, 2330x1609, 1608794043502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst thread, not even discordrama was this bad

>> No.223883

You can't even make a comprehensive rrat anymore.

>> No.223914
File: 2.82 MB, 1666x1035, 1602049450672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please meidos, just nuke this thread and free us from our suffering

>> No.223941

This, i hope OP never post or do a OP ever again, you damm newfag

>> No.223943


>> No.223985


>> No.223989

This aged well

>> No.224006
Quoted by: >>224032

Anon, Tenchou is mad if she looks at us now. What do?

>> No.224013

It's because there's a "General" in the title. I can't explain it, it's supernatural.

>> No.224025

Hey friend, I’m not giving you a (You) but you know should know I’m talking to you. For your own sake find something positive to focus on instead of shitting on some e-girl with an anime avatar. I get you hate Kiara but jeez go hang out in whoever your oshi’s thread is and gush about them instead or something. It’ll be healthier for you.

>> No.224029

Kiara changed her explanation of Holotalk during Miko's show to say "mostly Japanese senpais". I don't know why that was, but it's possible she's considering having an ID on. Gen 2 would be pointless since they're so new and many EOPs at least occasionally watch them. Risu and Loafy would be viewer poison and extremely boring. Moona though, would be a huge draw. A lot of people like Moona as a character on the JP MC server but don't necessarily watch her streams and don't know much about her past. She still does a lot, maybe most, of her streaming in Indog. Also there's the Peko/Moona/Kiara rivalry to generate interest. Only downside is Moona might be a completely awkward dead fish to interview.

>> No.224032
File: 205 KB, 1920x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show this map

>> No.224071
Quoted by: >>224100

Isn't it JP mainly because their english isn't great? Most IDs speak at least adequate english.

>> No.224098 [DELETED] 

>Kiara changed her explanation of Holotalk during Miko's show to say "mostly Japanese senpais". I don't know why that was
Obviously because she's a racist. Remember how yesterday during the paper's please stream she said: ""Let in any foreigners? You're going to regret that. Someone is going to blow up something." She's anti open borders and therefore a literal nazi.

>> No.224100

Don't tell him that, he's the reason why Kiara has to explain every single time how Holotalks works in the first place.

>> No.224148
File: 246 KB, 665x425, kiarafrog1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>224352

the frog of hololive

>> No.224197

ID Holotalk would be pointless and more harmful than helpful for anyone, we all know how Indogs are possessive over the Pekora stuff and love to time-loop over that crap.

Holostars on the other hand, its very likely to happen and way more fun to watch, i would love a Roberu or Aruran Holotalk.

>> No.224205

She didn't say IDs and even Holostars were completely off the table but she just wanted to showcase other JP girls off to EOPs first since they face the most direct language barrier with them. Personally, I wouldn't mind any ID girls despite what it would do to these threads

>> No.224219
File: 1.92 MB, 500x390, 1580936462957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one faggot gets b&
>no more shitposting
Good job mods but honestly I don't think temp bans do anything other than making that kind of autist even more angry later.

>> No.224352
File: 288 KB, 513x273, 1612066367517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That frog looks like it is in pain

>> No.224437

I want an alt for Ame where she's actually a gremlin

>> No.224455
Quoted by: >>224513 >>224516

Meidos haven't deleted the doxpost from that anti from like 1 hour ago. Are we becoming /jp/?

>> No.224513
Quoted by: >>224531

But it’s gone now?

>> No.224516

you sure your extension didn't cache it?

>> No.224531
Quoted by: >>224594

Good, based meidos, please rageban indogs

>> No.224594

Now this is what's actually just a narrative going around in Kiara threads

>> No.224644
Quoted by: >>224693 >>224716

Not really >>222772

>> No.224653
Quoted by: >>224716 >>224742

/jp/ archive reps anon. Indogs are always outing themselves as Kiara antis and have been caught numerous times

>> No.224679
Quoted by: >>224693 >>224716

Kiara loves Indonesia, but Indonesians don't love her back. Sad.

>> No.224693
Quoted by: >>232431

Ok this is legit. Rangeban us now meidos

>> No.224716

KFP outing themselves as unhinged racists just like Kiara.

>> No.224742
Quoted by: >>224761 >>224777

Why? They took the Moona rivalry personally & like it wasn't staged?

>> No.224751

Based KFP.

>> No.224761

Moona said it wasn't staged

>> No.224777

Unironically yes, It wasn't staged though

>> No.224870
File: 439 KB, 860x1200, 1603951005197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we're racist, how you could tell?

>> No.224887
File: 509 KB, 1634x779, 1608554238874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>224995 >>225078

>Someone shit on INdogs
>He came back
Totally not a coincidence, and also the racist card on 4chan doesn't work, maybe on Jewbook where you belong

>> No.224995

He love Kiara, he just pretend he doesnt

>> No.225013
File: 67 KB, 1080x855, lsba1ev1mju51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>225089

How many days til they get proper internet again?

>> No.225078

It's because this thread uses the word general.

>> No.225089

Saturday JP time apparently.

>> No.225309

Holotalk is for english fans, not JP fans who can already watch the JP girls' streams themselves, retard.

>> No.225357

>starts shit, gets called out for starting shit, complains about racism.
Every time

>> No.225548
Quoted by: >>225614

I hope she'll pick something other than Minecraft & Ryza 2 soon. I've seen enough of the former and don't want to get spoiled for the latter.

>> No.225614

She started playing nier automata since they recently got permission.

>> No.225881

new video

>> No.225911

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDFxrW7YgGM&feature=youtu.be NEW VIDEO LADS

>> No.226011

Jesus Christ, mamaloni is definitely dead after this

>> No.226013
Quoted by: >>226053 >>226624

The countdown was longer than the video.

>> No.226032
File: 1.32 MB, 795x900, EnO0iE0VQAIW2eS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.226053

Worth it

>> No.226144
Quoted by: >>226170

Mamaloni will be remembered, R.I.P.

>> No.226170
Quoted by: >>226219

How much she's touching herself right now?

>> No.226219

Thats only of she is still conscious

>> No.226410

>Kiara only asked me to prepare a bed for her so that she could shoot a video. I silently made a double bed.

>> No.226425

God bless Mamaloni

>> No.226459

Jesus Christ this fuckin woman
Bless her

>> No.226507

my god
what level of the dependence cycle do you think she's on right now

>> No.226602
Quoted by: >>226704

Is takamori day Saturday in the US?

>> No.226624

First time?

>> No.226626

Sneaky Mamaloni...

>> No.226704
Quoted by: >>227009

Assuming they don't change the time (Which they might if Mori doesn't want to move her game stream) it starts Friday afternoon and stretches to around Saturday 3 AM EST-ish.

>> No.227009

Sorry, I could have figured that out, but I remembered when the trip stream was wrong.

>> No.227973

First time Takamori is cute.

>> No.228049
File: 326 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20210203-141313_Twitter~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.228066


>> No.228225
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>> No.228245

Does anyone know what the current EN drama is?
Not the Calli "Make Content" stuff, but the hololive discord one?

>> No.228316

Abaiyo Ceiling Schizo

>> No.228336

I don't know, i just lurk the KFP discord, anything else from there is unknown territory for me

>> No.228421
Quoted by: >>228468

lmao shit she put on pekomom stream when Pekora was the one who mentioned kiara because kiara was tweeting. It was a coincidence, retard.

>> No.228468

Of course that is not true at all, she did a 5D chess move to appear on Pekomom stream so she can leech on Pekora even more, trust me on this :^)

>> No.228528

Can't wait to not hear her 100% made-up bullshit story

>> No.228721

>Cover rushing for EN Gen 2 after how successful Gura has been
>Kiara, Calli, and Ina are pushing for trannyshark and a bunch of their other friends to be recruited
>Kiara is """demanding""" for 'the first black vtuber'
>Kiara talking shit about Ollie to staff
>Cover unhappy that Ame and Gura refuse to take Japanese lessons and are declining most JP collabs
>Ame is unhappy with streaming as a whole and may leave (her roommate did a similar thing)
>Hachamachama is still best EN girl

>> No.228775

the official discord or the fan discords?

>> No.228957
Quoted by: >>228971

These rrat narratives are reaching levels of retard I didn't even know were possible.

>> No.228971
Quoted by: >>229181

I wish they'd put more effort into making them believable.

>> No.229114

I wish she stopped talking with chat about tangents during cutscenes of the games she plays. Thats it, thanks for your attention.

>> No.229169

Yeah actually I can agree with that, even if she's trying to pay attention tot he JP dialogue for the EOPs in chat it's hard to read subs and listen at the same time.

>> No.229181

The only one of those mentioned that's believable is Kiara wanting a black v-tuber.

>> No.229375
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 5C41F9C4-7886-4FD3-9C54-A31ACCB70066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is """demanding""" for 'the first black vtuber'
May be just a ramblings of a retard but I Audibly shouted out loud NO when I read that. Please dear god i hope this isn’t true

>> No.229430

She doesn't deserve the hate, but she is the most boring of the EN girls.

>> No.229450
Quoted by: >>229811

Holy fuck just let this thread die already

>> No.229456

Yeah, I watch the streams in the background, so it honestly wouldn't surprise me if this is an issue.
Say what you want about Sakuna, but at least the way she handled the game's dialogue was great.

>> No.229756

desu even if she doesn't follow the story, get the twist all the time, so i don't worry about that, but yeah, it get distracting in crucial moments.

>> No.229811
Quoted by: >>230246

This will never happen unless they reduce the retarded bump limit or bring back visible sage.

>> No.229912
File: 404 KB, 766x510, 1612383133410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what really happened

>> No.230246

Indeed so the best thing we can do it's wait the post limit and let the previous OP do his job, instead of put a fucking general on a not general board.

>> No.230422
Quoted by: >>230796

It's funny to me how all the people who hate Kiara hate her for reasons her fans love her

>> No.230563
File: 595 KB, 512x512, 1607737005426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>230617

>I don't even like Kiara but I kind of feel bad for her that she is consistently ranked as the worst hololive live.

You can't feel bad for someone you don't like...WTF!

>> No.230617
Quoted by: >>230684

"Don't like" doesn't equal to hate.
If you hate a chuuba that hasn't explicitly harmed anyone, there must be something wrong in your head.

>> No.230679

I don't think I'd really be into Hololive at all if it weren't for Kiara. I tried watching the other girls at first because based on the first impression of the EN girls I was expecting to like Mori and Amelia the most out of the five. I hadn't watched Hololive before the EN debut, and I don't really watch "streamers" either cause I always thought it was just sort of boring to watch someone else play video games. But to me Kiara really stood out from the crowd because she seemed to be less focused on the game itself and more focused on just bullshitting or rambling about whatever while she plays, and to me that added a lot of actually interesting content to her streams that kept me coming back. I still find it hard to get into say Ina or Amelia, unless they're playing a game I really like (like Ina playing Hades), because it's literally just watching someone play a video game while they go "oh, I'll just jump up here, oh I found an item, oh this will be useful, hmm this boss is hard" etc. But if I watch Kiara she's always trying to just obliterate the dead air and keep talking about anything and everything simultaneously while she's playing the game, or if she's failing at it she's reacting in a really amusing way. A lot of people have said they can listen to Kiara in the background without even watching the video, and I believe it, because if you like her voice and her personality then her streams are almost more like a general bullshittery podcast than a video game commentary track. This is naturally why her superchat streams are so revered (it's deserved in my opinion). But yeah, I don't think I would have even gotten into Hololive if not for Kiara, she's the only one of the 5 ENs who gives a really consistent, unboring experience for me, because she's doing more than just streaming a game. And it's weird to me that people say she's the worst girl, but it almost kind of makes sense to me in a way, because maybe I STILL don't get the appeal of Hololive or what it is that most people are "enjoying" about any of this shit, and I just happen to like Kiara even if she doesn't fit whatever they're trying to get out of this experience. So for all I know she really is the worst Holo, and it doesn't matter to me because whatever most people are getting out of Hololive isn't something I'm interested in.

>> No.230684
Quoted by: >>230822

What's the point of feeling bad for them if you don't care for them at all? Makes no sense.

>> No.230695

wtf Kiara is based now?????

>> No.230723
Quoted by: >>230781

Copypasta or not, good to hear that you've found someone whose streams to stick to.

>> No.230781

not copypasta, I just felt like typing a wall of text

>> No.230796
Quoted by: >>230830

I love her tangents, but her ignorance of the game's story she's playing during the stream is easily my biggest pet peeve about her. It happened during both Ryza 1 and FE3H, where a big event occured and Kiara completely missed out on its importance. I wouldn't mind her stopping her train of thought to understand the plot, especially since the A Way Out playthrough and the watchalongs have proved that she gets absorbed really easily in the story she's consuming and her reactions stood out to me the most amongst her gen. Her usual gameplay is already very inviting due to the emotions she displays, but if those emotins had a little more weight behind them, it'd be even better and it's just a small thing she needs to remind herself of.

>> No.230822

It’s called empathy. It’s a feature that everyone without certain mental illnesses has.

>> No.230830
Quoted by: >>231120 >>231316

that's perfectly legitimate, I didn't really care how disinterested she was in the story of FE or Ryza because I don't know or care about those games really, but I definitely have that anxiety about her Nier playthrough

>> No.231120
Quoted by: >>231316

I seem to remember a lot of important stuff being a subtitle while you are running around or hacking, so maybe she'll read it instead of getting distracted by chat.

>> No.231254

The funny thing is, Kiara acts the most like her JP senpais with the way she's conducting her streams, especially the likes of Pekora, Miko, Subaru and Marine.
>fills dead air with entertaining quips and stories
>tries to maintain a back-and-forth with her audience in the chat
>is not afraid to share her fears and dislikes
>plays along with the memes and even partakes in them
>barely commentates her actions on the screen, unless it's important
>in collaborations, she brings up a variety of points to talk about with her partner, forming a deeper connection
>occasionally talks about the quality of her streams and numberfags
She's someone who took what she saw from her senpais as the golden standard and tries to do her best to imitate it, as opposed to her peers who take a decidedly more western approach to streaming.
And yes, her ability to entertain just by her personality alone is also the biggest drawing force for me as well.

>> No.231316

She's aware of how much hate she will gets if she doesn't pay attention to the story. She talked about it when she announced Nier permissions.

You're forgetting most people are probably clip watchers or don't know Japanese.

>> No.231342

Probably the reason why some of the holoJP/ID viewers see her as an invader of sorts. Plus while streaming or collabing she has sort of a powerful presence.

>> No.231512
Quoted by: >>231566

I wish she'd play more games she's bad at. The Mario 64 streams made me cry from laughing.

>> No.231533

Excellent points. I think the reason she's my favorite EN is because she's much like the JP holos I was previously following prior to EN's debut. She also leans into the 'idol' side of things a lot too which is also similar to many of them. It's really interesting to hear a perspective like >>230679 's too, thank you for sharing.

>> No.231566

It was funny for a while, but watching her failing to get a specific star in 1 level for 2 hours got painful when she refused to try another method despite dying over and over and over.

>> No.231644

Now is there any REAL info, or not?

>> No.231697

Just take the Ryza final boss as an example.

Normal people would have been sufficiently leveled, have good equip and know what they're doing.

Kiara went in under-leveled, horrible equipment and barely knew what she was doing and it was the funniest shit ever. And then to top it off, she got the final tutorial right after the final boss.

>> No.231885
Quoted by: >>232295 >>232453

>Kiara 'demanding' for trannyshark
>after she unfollowed and ghosted him after he revealed he was a troon after his debut
good shit, here's your (You)

>> No.232295

>Kiara dabbing on the retarded leftist masses, who raided her chat because Artemis mentioned that they were going to simp live on their stream

>> No.232354

That was a really awkward moment, even KFP started to hate the tranny shark for being obnoxious.

>> No.232408

>Kusotori shilling for trannyshark after she ghosted him after he came out
>Ame quitting despite being part of the top 3 from holoEN and the only one who's been a vidya streamer from day 1, even before Hololive
>implying hololive with force Gura to learn Japanese instead of just partnering her with Haachama or Coco, or forcing the JP girls to learn English to keep up with their golden child
Literal, actual schizobabble.

>> No.232431

based indog

>> No.232453

Do you have sauce on that last part handy?

>> No.232473

This is (one of) the reason why /hlg/ hates her and why I love her so much.

>> No.232483
Quoted by: >>232557

>2nd biggest lefty in EN still shitting all over the tranny-lovers
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt, based Kusotori.

>> No.232556

That's the only time I respected Kiara, because she realized the Sharkoid was just doing it for clout.

>> No.232557
Quoted by: >>232965

... second?

God, do I want to know the first?

>> No.232606

I really hope she blocked it after that supa.

>> No.232802
Quoted by: >>232832

New thread and fuck generals >>232787

>> No.232832

We haven't even hit page 10 yet, calm down

>> No.232929
Quoted by: >>232984

Why is that?

>> No.232965
Quoted by: >>233137

my money is on calli being the farthest left.

but it would be career suicide to start spouting leftist (or any politically leaning) stuff in a Japanese run idol company. Cover knows better.

>> No.232984

She's kind of awkward about it. I don't think it's that big of a deal in fact I think it's cute but some people just see it as pointless cringe for an hour. Her collab yesterday with Reine was actually an improvement but it was still hampered by the EN server being an absolute wasteland of nothing.

>> No.233137
Quoted by: >>233826

Really? I guess I can see that, though I had always thought it to be Kiara, especially with what I've learned about her roommate. I'm glad they've so far been made to heel at least, likely thanks to Cover.

>> No.233826

Political shit needs to be kept out of things these days if you want to build a product that appeals to the most people. If spouting political garbage would make them money in the long run then they would do it in a heart beat.

>> No.234157

You get it, brother. You managed to put into words what I've been feeling about the Kiara experience for a while now. Thanks for the effortpost.
Ah, I love her so much bros...

>> No.235205

>Kiara is """demanding""" for 'the first black vtuber'
We already have Mori though

>> No.237469
Quoted by: >>237500

Is he always like this?

>> No.237500

