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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.21802317

Ooooh so it's a different streams.

>> No.21802339


>> No.21802415

Go back on her playlist until you see the ARK arc.
She played that game fucking constantly.

>> No.21802535

Oh wait, it was on her other channel.

Also, I forgot this existed.

>> No.21802574

She grinds in fucking Minecraft.
So yes.

>> No.21802875
File: 142 KB, 882x253, welcometochoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21809114

yeah she does that sometimes
i am just glad its not apex again

>> No.21802897

I think she’s the only holo that can unironically handle dwarf fortress.

>> No.21802943
File: 222 KB, 758x881, 133594125_10218438053889336_1454017822178836314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21804723

the only fortress i know is team fortress
a game that i love and deeply miss

>> No.21803420
Quoted by: >>21813284

+ Kenshi

Also Choco grinds levels in minecraft sitting in front of an Ender farm so this is about another casual week of streaming for her.

>> No.21803608

>early access kusoge
>24h streams of it

>> No.21803610
Quoted by: >>21809114

a true gamer?
yes she is

>> No.21804325

Penetrating Choco's core!

>> No.21804649

Sexless, craving some dicks so she offsets the lack of male interaction with an autistic game that is unironically good to watch. She's always been that way anyway. 8/10h of Minecraft straight, 12/15h of Apex too... Whenever she finds a game that requires grinding she always puts the hours on it, and it's never less than 5hours unless she's busy that day.

>> No.21804723
Quoted by: >>21804855

Only her would bother playing this at Hololive. Some people were even trolling her with the sprays but she didn't give a fuck. https://youtu.be/yaHsTyvW3F0

>> No.21804764

It makes me hard seeing her autistically grinding

>> No.21804773
File: 56 KB, 164x216, Screen Shot 04-03-22 at 03.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she enjoys the game

>> No.21804855
Quoted by: >>21808597

i just want valve to care, that game is so valuable to a lot of people and it's a really unique game where you can learn a lot of cool mechanics
i really dont like games where the movement is done by just pressing one button, i want to learn a game and feel like i've accomplished something by learning it

>> No.21804907
Quoted by: >>21805269

If she started with Dwarf Fortress, I would watch the shit out of it. How good is her English though?

>> No.21804936
File: 683 KB, 661x698, 1613216009521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21809114

Autistic? yes, very

>> No.21805097

This is the same woman that sat her ass in minecraft for like 8 hours grind killing endermans until she got to a extremely high level over everyone else.

>> No.21805156
Quoted by: >>21814786

What I still want to know... why Stegos of all dinos?

>> No.21805166

built different? yes. very different.

>> No.21805187
File: 60 KB, 1200x675, Trenchcoatcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21809114

Yes, she is single and needs a good husband anon, I tell you this so that I can raise your hopes up, and then crush your hopes after I get married to Choco

>> No.21805269

Very stunted, some vocab but not a great amount of comprehension
I would love to watch Choco-sen play DF but I doubt she'd be able to articulate her way around it

>> No.21805797

isnt she just cant find huge meat stick and orgy cant satisfy her anymore?

>> No.21805862
Quoted by: >>21806075

>Choco learns engineering in SS13 from scratch

>> No.21806075

>Choco plays SS13
>gets addicted to it
>somehow manages to convince other holos to join
>station fully crewed by other holos
monkey paw would be that the game would recieve another wave of newfags

>> No.21806581

is this game interesting to watch?
I do appreciate Choco's autism, but I usually can't really sit through all this

>> No.21806752
Quoted by: >>21807427

Greytide would certainly suck, but I doubt it’d be as bad as Ssethtide was, at least at first.
>Choco too enthralled by doing her job on the station to notice antag shit unfolding everywhere

>> No.21807262

Wait, there's people here who haven't watched Choco slay endermen for 12 hours straight?

>> No.21807414

its decent. think top down terraria (but 1.0 content wise) with a runescape light leveling system.

>> No.21807427

You say like this is bad, but it's like a forest fire. Sure, it sucks, but ultimately it's important for the ecosystem to get new blood that fits in. The game is just going to be shit for a while, but the people who hang around and learn how to play ultimately ensure you can continue to spaceman.

>> No.21807504

She should just play osrs

>> No.21807743

The original streaming monster

>> No.21807799

>Is she, uh... You know..?
Yes, she's hooked on a new game. It happens every once in a while. It's fine and she's still entertaining.

>> No.21807852

So this type of autism is fine but Ina gets hate threads for playing elden ring??

>> No.21807890

>It's ok if Japs do it

>> No.21807927

I don't know what the issue is that people have with Ina, but this is what people have learned to expect from Choco.

>> No.21807967
File: 196 KB, 1244x700, 1644851638515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic? Absolutely.

>> No.21808367

124k views of 9 hours of clicks and very little dialogue. So is it just like her version of non lewd asmr?

>> No.21808597

The game got overrun by cheating bots again afaik.

>> No.21809114

i will now watch your oshi

>> No.21809575
Quoted by: >>21810174

I really don't understand her. The dichotomy between her being a slut who slept with her teacher(s), being one of the most attractive holo members according to all the other holo members, and then being able to poop sock video games baffles me. She's also usually the most quiet and autistic in colabs.

>> No.21810044

>but Ina gets hate threads for playing elden ring
It's just some retarded schizo, I'm sure you've noticed that there are constant "hate" threads about some chuubas regardless of whether they've actually done anything wrong or not.

>> No.21810121

Is this game actually good or not? On a scale of 1 to Terraria.

>> No.21810174

>who slept with her teacher(s)
Okay Imma need qrd, this a rrat or did she really admit to that?

>> No.21810210
Quoted by: >>21810248

7, less biomes, way better farming, fishing is ripped off from stardew, combat isn't as complex since it's just some tiers of swords, daggers, and some ranged weapons that isn't much different

>> No.21810248
File: 2.01 MB, 320x355, 1647653056345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21810343

Thanks, anon.

>> No.21810273
Quoted by: >>21810310

Choco has soul, Ina is a gook who hates her viewers.

>> No.21810276

i am not near as far as choco so far but id give it a solid 6. if you have cash and time give it a shot. if not then wait for full release. like i said further up its like early terraria where there is still not as much content

>> No.21810310

Stop lying, nignog.

>> No.21810343

might be even a 6 desu, they just reworked the repair table so that you will need to have the actual materials for a tool/weapon to actually repair instead of spam crafting wooden tools and disassembling them into scraps which used to be used for repairing tools, end game is boring since it just unlocks a drill that you can use to mine large ore veins.

>> No.21810388

It came from her mouth on stream. She also did a masturbation asmr when she was strapped for cash.

>> No.21810475

It's rare, make sure to watch her when a game clicks to her. Though I only watch her for her moans

>> No.21810590
Quoted by: >>21811198

>masturbation asmr
I assume that's the RJ277717 one?

>> No.21810618

Well, what are the odds. I am doing a study on masturbatory paraphernalia, including aural and visual sensory aids. Might I inquire as to the source of this so called "ASMR"? I will write a 15 page paper on it, which I hope to publish in various scholarly publications.

>> No.21810747

Fuck imagine having a knockout sexy woman who is also autistic in games as a gf

>> No.21810929

its some shitty school-nurse sucks your dick one, its only hot cause you recognize her voice.

>> No.21811079

She does seem to regret it though, being used by an oji-san while you're a young and stupid gyaru doesn't feel nice. She most likely never been truly loved.

>> No.21811112

A hardcore grind addict? Yes

>> No.21811198
Quoted by: >>21811238

If its the one with the bed creaking then yes

>> No.21811238

Yeah that's the one, it's literally sitting in my download folder lmao.

>> No.21811291
Quoted by: >>21813180

Is that just you're head canon or did she say that?

>> No.21812067

https://files.catbox.moe/z7vnv6.mp3 here is a link anon, just uploaded it

>> No.21812534

1:05 - 1:07

>> No.21812536
Quoted by: >>21813704


>> No.21813180
Quoted by: >>21814221

Most of her old streams and clips got deleted but if I remember well she only talked about dating and being used with a strong feel of deep regrets so you can make your own conclusions.
She also had a load of terrible terrible boyfriends and most likely didn't had sex in years.

>> No.21813284

I'll watch choco if she plays Kenshi.

>> No.21813704
Quoted by: >>21814188

...is doing just fine, go give her a sub

>> No.21814188

Already been subbed to Emma for months, but it's still sad.

>> No.21814221
Quoted by: >>21817094

I didn't see anything with her regretting it but I have seen the ones about her having shit boyfriends.

>> No.21814419
Quoted by: >>21817759

you lied to me
you said this was masturbation, this is full on blowjob and sex

>> No.21814681

I still genuinely think she's autistic. She's fun to watch, or rather, have as background noise while busy with something else and checking here and there. I can listen to her all day.

>> No.21814786

if you mean why breeding stegos they are really good for boss fights

>> No.21817094
Quoted by: >>21824480

She talked about teachers dating/hitting on students in a collab a while ago. I don't remember if it was with Haneru, someone from NoriPro or someone else. They were answering viewer questions and one was about that. She pretty much said that some teachers play with a students heart, making them believe they'll get together. Only to later find out they've been doing that to multiple students. To me that sounds like she regrets it.

>> No.21817759

Hey I am a different anon okay, not the one who said it was masturbation.

Now enjoy the blowjob & sex asmr

>> No.21824480


Idk if you're talking about this one but from what I understand that was a teacher trainee and not really an ojisan, still she didn't really sound perky talking about it unlike the two other girls

>> No.21827316

>tfw no sexy older-sister like gf who is also autistic and grinds games all day
Choco is so fucking cute i can't take it

>> No.21829159

While we're on the topic of choco sensei anyone got that old clip of matsuri talking about that time she got hit on with choco sensei by a guy who wanted to show them a magic trick?

>> No.21833032

I will marry this woman

>> No.21833124

You will have to fight me first

>> No.21834100

It probably was, she's done a lot of these kind of collabs it's hard to remember them. But yeah, she didn't enthusiastic talking about it.

>> No.21839700

She sounds like her normal self and she most likely didn't want to say much because it's technically illegal.

>> No.21840959

depressed again? yeah probably

>> No.21841790

good luck
she has high standards
