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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.85 MB, 2000x1931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19370811 No.19370811 [Reply] [Original]

Fashionable phoenix for a fashion review stream.

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1495561698224357383

Art by: https://twitter.com/k0k0midess/status/1498582198785609728

Previous thread: >19328014

>> No.19370830

Previous thread : >>19328014

>> No.19370842

Kiara Love
Kiara Love
Kiara Love

>> No.19370856
File: 1.51 MB, 1813x1080, 1619840199845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current schedle

>> No.19370872
Quoted by: >>19371401

Oh damn, I just assumed the previous thread had the correct one

>> No.19370954
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Quoted by: >>19401193

Best part

>> No.19370959
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>> No.19371040

Bets on how short tomorrows stream will be?

>> No.19371041

Slow week. Guess that means I can go back to the archives and continue with old VoD reps. Next on the dockette is the first TakoTori Mario Kart collab.

>> No.19371165
File: 137 KB, 1191x825, FMsXJaJVEAAf8_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more Elden Ring

>> No.19371195
File: 206 KB, 1345x1362, FMwgwRTaQAI52ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like homocute

>> No.19371401

I fucked it up. I just took the pinned tweet's address without noticing that it's still last week's schedule yesterday.

>> No.19371513

I wonder if Kiara will notice Reine and Risu's sponsored ER co-op stream. Maybe she'll like how co-op works and consider it for herself.

>> No.19371593

We can hope. Its nice that with the romantic nonsense buried, Kiara and Mori can just hang out together. I just think they both see each other as extremely busy individuals and don't want to bother the other.

>> No.19371648


>> No.19372099
Quoted by: >>19372349

been thinking of getting the game but I doubt my PC can run it. any anons with toasters that have played the game?

>> No.19372349

when I take a break at work I play on a gtx 970 on a 1366x768 resolution monitor, game runs perfectly fine, I think I'm on high settings maybe with some demanding stuff disabled I don't remember but it's 60fps and looks great, better than other modern games I've played here definitely

>> No.19372516
Quoted by: >>19373839

nice. never really cared about graphics as long as it runs fine.
I have a 1060 3gb so that should be okay?

>> No.19373063

i also have a 970, ill give it a try then.

>> No.19373558

Feeling cool, KFP?

>> No.19373754
File: 69 KB, 269x255, 1646143808445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling bad about shitting threads.

>> No.19373757
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>> No.19373839

not him but 1060 3gb is only marginally better than 970
depending on your screen res (I am assuming 1920x1080) you might be able to get by with mid to low settings

>> No.19373958

Feeling cool, I made it into the omocat review and got complimented

>> No.19374122

Random question, but who do the rest of you watch out of Kiara's Vtuber friends? Y'know, Nene, Reine, Pomu, etc.

>> No.19374195

Myth, Reine, occasionally Pomu

>> No.19374268

Ina, reine, sometimes pomu

>> No.19374277

I dont have the time to watch anyone else usually
If I had, probably Reine.
I am gonna watch Pomu MGS and Ollie Okami when those continue

>> No.19374320
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>> No.19374336
Quoted by: >>19374444

almost everyone i watch doest like kiara at all,
oshi :IRyS
Membersips: Baelz, Fauna, Kiara, Reine.

>> No.19374375
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>> No.19374444
Quoted by: >>19374917

Oh shit an Irystocrat. What's your sleep schedule like? Was last night's stream at a good time for you?

>> No.19374476

Every once in a while I jump into Reine/Ollie. If they're playing a game I like or something insteresting is happening around them, I'll watch Gura/Ame/Baelz. The 'hardest' I went was watching everything Sana put out for the first few weeks, but she ended up not being what I was hoping for so I slid hee back into the 'playing game I like' category.
Kiara eats up what little free time I have, so it's hard for me to watch anyone else.>>19374122

>> No.19374529
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>> No.19374600
File: 548 KB, 1932x2576, 1616617740659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hats off to this cosplayer again. Teased the pattern before, now it's a full kimono.

>> No.19374606

Mostly unrelated small vtubers. Watching holo/niji all the time is bad for mental health.

>> No.19374622

Damn, that's pretty. Kudos to her.

>> No.19374662

Reine, Ina, and IRyS if I have time but Kiara takes priority.

>> No.19374764

Reine, Nene, Watame. As for EN I just watch whoever is doing something interesting.

>> No.19374775

Muffet is insane, she pumps out cosplays like crazy

>> No.19374861

I mostly am WOKE and YOLK, but I do occasionally watch Reine or Ame.

>> No.19374917
Quoted by: >>19375818

kiara streams when im at work, so i watch her while working, i try to sleep in the evening and wake up 11 PM to wait for iRyS and sleep again after she finishes, so basicaly i fracture my sleep in 2, i also skip one sleep block to watch fauna when she streams, luckly her streams are usualy not that long. iRyS is getting later and later nowadays and im getting forced into VOD jail sometimes.

>> No.19375247
File: 524 KB, 4096x2678, 1643328458822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19375357

>> No.19375357

This is what Kiara would promote to in Fire Emblem

>> No.19375366

I watch almost as much Pomu as Kiara. I sometimes tune in to an interesting Ame or Reine stream.

>> No.19375401

How wad the omocat collab?

>> No.19375479

Takamori have a way of carrying any collab they are in together. Omocat was probably out of her depth being alongside two much more experienced streamers. She was cute though. But I need more Zat collabs chicken, stop blue balling us already.

>> No.19375555
Quoted by: >>19375696

Nothing special but it was fun, despite omocats best efforts to ruin the collabs.

If you COMBINED Mori's "I hate hololive and I don't want to be here" uncaring bitch attitude with Ame's "EEGH HUMAN INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE ARGH *stays silent for 5 minutes*" autism, you STILL wouldn't manage to get something as bad as this autistic whore.

>> No.19375654
Quoted by: >>19375752

A blast, especially if you were in global during the stream

>> No.19375696

>I hate hololive and I don't want to be here
Dude mori was fine in this collab. She hasen't been like this in months

>> No.19375699
File: 277 KB, 900x562, 1640712883631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when you are under impression that KFP is democracy?

>> No.19375729

Holy shit that looks great! Fuck lewd cosplayers, aquire talented cosplayers!

>> No.19375752

Why? Were they actually good or did shizos find something to be mad about again?

>> No.19375782

Reine, Flare mostly, sometimes Watame

>> No.19375818
File: 332 KB, 737x689, 1640606958079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VoD jail
Ah, the life of a 9 to 5 KFP...

>> No.19375828

It was fun though Omocat added a lot of awkwardness. Would’ve been better if it was just Mori and Kiara but hey, free stuff for the participants and winners.

>> No.19375905

The fact that they called Omocat an autistic whore unprovoked sould have tipped you off that it was bait.

>> No.19376024

It was actually good and some of the entries were quite funny or SEEEEEEXXXX

>> No.19376060

Don't care, will never forgive her for the Coco collab

>> No.19376098

It was funny to see all the tribes roast each other. Particularly funny was the moment that a teamate said "When do we get to the chad teamates" (>>19359935), and then people immediately started mocking all the teamates like a couple minutes later.
I don't think any of them looked that bad personally but the photos were definitely awkward

>> No.19376358

idk ribbing Omocat for "It's cool" has been pretty fun

>> No.19376457

It made me laugh yesterday during the mem stream when she said 'Maybe this will be a better stream time for NA bros' when a lot of her bigger fans are at post-college career phases of their lives.
That guys kitchen was fucking amazing tho.

>> No.19376778
Quoted by: >>19377028

No schizos or at least, they were drowned out by everyone live reacting and poking fun at each other. We breezed through a bunch of threads with only like a hundred images used.

>> No.19376782
File: 30 KB, 269x223, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19376917

I dont why Omocat didnt show a bit of emotion on that stream. The bitch should at least show a feeling of giddiness or gratitude. Shes literally seeing people buying her merch and giving her money all the while giving her brand free exposure. But then again, knowing how Omori was made, she couldnt help herself. I guess old habits do die hard

>> No.19376845

I'm getting ready for work and I'm so tired... but it was nice to be able to watch her live in the evening before bed.

>> No.19376889

Went to work feeling dead inside. At least it was a great stream.

>> No.19376917
File: 345 KB, 1434x2048, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, this is a KFP. Go make a different thread about it if you care so much.

>> No.19377018
File: 289 KB, 850x850, 1626751069822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19381370

Watching this Nene and Matuli cover, I wonder what song O'riends is releasing themselves in a month's time. Connect would be fitting, but between the two they have quite the range.

>> No.19377028

Honestly, it was probably the best /hlgg/ has been all year unless I'm forgetting something.

>> No.19377108
Quoted by: >>19377395

I hope that Kiara and Omocat had discord sex afterwards.

>> No.19377179

I actually woke up earlier than half 7 for once. It was fun but it all now seems pointless because I can't even access my work systems. Fucking Web page is like "refuses to connect". I've been twiddling my thumbs all day. At least I'm off tomorrow and next

>> No.19377395
Quoted by: >>19377474

I always liked that Kiara tries hard to get the quiet girls involved in any collab she’s in.

>> No.19377474

Probably because she understands best what it feels like to be left out lol

>> No.19377523

She's said at much, hasn't she? That she knows what it's like to be picked last from back in school and wants to make sure that nobody else has to feel that way

>> No.19377537
Quoted by: >>19377927

She's really empathetic. What a beautiful human being

>> No.19377584

I wonder if Kiara realized her MK stream was overlapping Nene's live

>> No.19377641

Mario Kart is planned for tomorrow, anon.

>> No.19377656

So is Nenechi's birthday live ?

>> No.19377706
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>> No.19377778

She'll probably push it back once she realises the overlap. Since I doubt she would miss Nene's live.

>> No.19377806

She's yet to put up the reservation, I'm sure she'll not only notice but actively cheer her on.

>> No.19377927

Kiara's a real human being

>> No.19378032
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>> No.19378274

That explains why I'm a gosling.

>> No.19378292
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Quoted by: >>19378404


>> No.19378322

I want to rim Kiara's asshole

>> No.19378404
File: 805 KB, 1500x1168, 1635588809968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19378484

Just imagine sitting on the couch, Kiara leaning into you, the cats walking/laying on your laps which Kiara quietly baby-talks them. It hurts to live, but without pain you won't know the joys of Kiara.
I assume it would turn into chonkers is hers, smoothie is yours type of situation.

>> No.19378484

It may hurt, but it's better than it'll ever be when graduation happens. Even this pain is something that you have just a very short time of. Make the most of it.

>> No.19378666

Oh my god they hate each other

>> No.19379118
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>> No.19379160
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>> No.19379367

Haven't seen the collab because most Mori collabs make me physically cringe.
Is this one good? Is this finally a good Mori and Kiara collab?

>> No.19379526

It's mostly Kiara carrying it.

>> No.19379690

I've started to have dreams, both wholesome and sex, about her roommate. Am I in too deep?

>> No.19379828

Yes, stop being a shizo and watch streams.

>> No.19379831

Most of their onstream interactions since ITT finished has been great. If Mori still makes you cringe after that, then it’s probably a (you) problem and it’s better if you just avoid watching it. The two worked well imo though Omocat was very nervous and quiet.

>> No.19379853

Lucky, I don't have nice dreams.

>> No.19380305

There sure are alot of birthdays this month, Nene, Miko and 3 confirmed for EN as well.

>> No.19380510
File: 285 KB, 320x320, dance 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380627

Btw Ollie attempted Hinotori and was quite cute though she didn’t quite remember the lyrics:

>> No.19380617

Never had sexual dreams, but I've had 2 very similar dreams that ended with me and her going back to my hotel room at a con to keep chatting.

>> No.19380627

The Hinotori Challenge is proven to be quite interesting.

>> No.19380792

Reine times to time, Pomu when she does Karaoke, i mostly watch Fauna or Suisei. Kiara number one of course

>> No.19380873

So, we're going to push the Blade Runner watchalong?

>> No.19381047
Quoted by: >>19381081

I'd prefer Her just because I want to see how Kiara reacts to it. I'm a real big fan of reminding myself how fake all of my love is from time to time to help keep myself grounded. Humor in stupidity after all.

>> No.19381081
Quoted by: >>19381226

I should've taken your advice...

>> No.19381144

Idk if you could say "friends" since they havent done much together on stream. The only other memberships I have and streams I try an not miss is IRyS and Fauna. I do watch other people, but thats only if I just happen to notice them streaming and I am not really watching anything else. Kiara is of course #1 though.

>> No.19381226

It's easy. Just remind yourself that there is no way in hell you will ever be together with Kiara beyond Kiara. Enjoy the time you have, use it as a cope if you want, but try and do something positive for yourself with that 'Do it for her ' energy.

>> No.19381370
Quoted by: >>19381551

I want Nene and Kiara vacation trip, sounds kino. Could invite more gen 5 too if they need to supervise Nene. Show Nene how good relaxing is.

>> No.19381458

I usually cringe as well, but somehow Kiara always manages to balance Mori's autism and make her seem normal. It was fine.

>> No.19381551
Quoted by: >>19381651

Ryan goosling
Can’t imagine all the stories Kiara would have if she went on vacation with Nene, those two are like sisters

>> No.19381601

I don't dream often but a recent one I've had is that I spent a whole day with a cute girl doing stuff around town, and at the end laying down outside I kiss her and she asked "why did you do that?" and I replied "Idk, I just felt like kissing a cute girl." and she basically hides her face and rolls around in embarrassed joy for being called cute. I dont really remember putting a face to the girl, but I've convinced myself that it was HER.

>> No.19381651

Everyday it would be Nene doing some ridiculous shit everyday, and just having a crazy time. Sounds super fun.

>> No.19381673
File: 986 KB, 500x332, 1643660801394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara stopped showing up in my dreams... The last vtuber that showed up in my dream was Polka. And I dont even watch her

>> No.19381826

Why is this thread so often about dreams?

>> No.19381862

Kiara takes priority, otherwise its just NijiEN all the way, unless they're not doing anything interesting then Ill tune in to Reine, etc

>> No.19381919

Pomu on occasion, but the timezones rarely work out. Then there was Rushia. Occasionally Mori, but takamori is also on ice.
I don't know, I don't really vibe much to her core chuuba group.

>> No.19382065

Kiara is so powerful that she can invade people's dreams

>> No.19382164

dreamin chuchu

>> No.19382290

When people spend their days in fantasy, is it really a wonder when their dreams portray their wished reality. I just think Kiara is cute in every way, and if someone brings up dreams I'll chime in with my experience.

>> No.19382722

Has Kiara ever read a comment you made in chat?
She read a joke I made in the last Pokémon and stream and laughed and I'm still feeling warm off that high a day later

>> No.19382889

I don't comment.

>> No.19382922

I feel most KFP and people that are positive about Kiara has had at least one comment read by her (if they care to use chat). I remember seeing random posts in other threads saying they've warmed up to her after she read their comments and stuff.

>> No.19382923

I still remember her reading my comment about the dark ages. Read my name as well. She actually catches a lot of my random comments. It's great

>> No.19382944

She's tangented off of a comment of mine and she ended up very happy so that made me happy too.

>> No.19382993

She reads mine from time to time, but she usually picks out my comments that are not written in a joking manner for some reason. It's not like I didn't make her laugh ever and I also make her tangent from time to time, but I can't make her laugh as often as I want to.

>> No.19383057

She has read it once. It scared me so much that I never posted again.

>> No.19383135

She reads mine frequently enough for me to chat every stream, I like making her laugh whenever my slow brain can

>> No.19383227

Yea, I type in chat often. Always feels good, I type in her chat way more often because she reads a lot. It feels more worth it than others, ya feel me? Providing help or a laugh, it's great.

>> No.19383360

I can easily dig up the first video she audibly laughed at my comment, just because I don't post much and I still remember exactly what was happening. She read it quietly under her breath letting a few words escape and then let out a long giggle, and that's all I've ever really wanted.

>> No.19383411
Quoted by: >>19383605

>Flare in Holotalk
>Noel in Holotalk
IKZ!!!!! Good job Kiara!!! Chickens your oshi is fucking cool I'm happy that she continued with the Holotalks

>> No.19383605
Quoted by: >>19383875

Its really great when she gets to the "more popular" girls. Also if the guests are more open and talkative. Like the Flare episode Kiara had to pretty much brute force end the episode or it would have ran on forever. I think Matsuri was very talkative as well. Another one I enjoyed was her Aqua episode as she was able to make Aqua feel comfortable and talk a lot, still upset the EN Minecraft server tour got cancelled.

>> No.19383861
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>> No.19383875

>when she gets to the "more popular" girls
I hope she gets there before they're all gone...

>> No.19384072

This is why Ina needs to visit as well. Can't have Kiara going lonely.

>> No.19384542

a bunch

>> No.19384620
File: 39 KB, 609x193, Screenshot from 2022-03-01 20-11-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she really is into scat, i think
matches well with the brapper reaper, huh

>> No.19384658


>> No.19384716 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 800x830, chocolate-banana-ice-cream-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19384719

Fucking hell Kiara

>> No.19384829

Just makes me like her even more desu.

>> No.19384874

How can you say you love her if you won't even eat her poop?

>> No.19384892


>> No.19384965

I love our poop-loving Tenchou...

>> No.19385030

You know I used to think the german scat fetish was a stereotype since I never met anyone in germany like this. After I got to know Kiara I now think the austrians caused this reputation.

>> No.19385152


>> No.19385162

Oh shit is the equivalent of fuck for germans, that's probably where it starts.

>> No.19385420
File: 366 KB, 487x437, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19385486

God, this women literally radiates SEX.

>> No.19385683

Kiara should mating press Omo with her banana

>> No.19385754

>Austrians ruining the reputation of Germans
Many such cases!

>> No.19385977
File: 269 KB, 500x375, PoopXD[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fv9jcmy.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386194
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>> No.19386468

Well, at least this one doesn't trigger me as bad as the 'egg laying' she posted about on vacation. I went and wrote a whole story about that one.

>> No.19386642
Quoted by: >>19386687

Now that she mentions it, Tenchou has been having a lot of weird dreams as of late

>> No.19386687
Quoted by: >>19386854

Maybe it's the melatonin?

>> No.19386854 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 882x1170, 1644798888245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387091

Actually, that could be it. Deeper sleep resulting in uninterupted dream cycles and less stimuli to fuck with the dreams. Honestly, if she's gonna start trying to explain it, the banana is an easy go to for you know what, and the other half is anal fixation stuff, so that means Kiara wants to have anal with me! I'll bring it up to her to her tonight in a joking manner to ease her into it.
In a semi-unrelated, click that pic if you dare.

>> No.19386922

>4am mario kart
>might change it to not overlap with Nene

Nice. I hope she pushes it later. I do sorta wanna play with her.

>> No.19387091
Quoted by: >>19387147

>Mori shirt

>> No.19387147

That made me laugh. Thanks for the chuckle. I'll edit it out next time if you want.

>> No.19387214

I think you need to make death sensei bigger instead.

>> No.19387243

Add more Mori stuff

>> No.19387301
Quoted by: >>19387773

You gonna share that story with the thread?

>> No.19387442
File: 404 KB, 850x2381, Egg origins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387641

>egg laying
welp, now you've done it I am rock hard

>> No.19387623
Quoted by: >>19388432

Egg laying

>> No.19387641
Quoted by: >>19387697

Anyone got the pic of Kiara laying an egg and then using it to make an omelette

>> No.19387697
File: 390 KB, 850x2381, omlette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19387741
File: 57 KB, 702x702, 1631160698205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19388038

>poop dream
>people won't stop posting about poop and egg laying

>> No.19387773
Quoted by: >>19389804

Welp, I was gonna tell you to go look at the thread that normally has that sort of thing, but they don't have up their guidepost post, so I just reuploaded it. I give no fucks because the thread got devolved into fetish posting, but I will warn you that the quotes around egg laying were there for a reason. There have to be some Choco KFP based on some of those replies she got on twitter.

>> No.19388038
File: 757 KB, 309x327, 1645862694076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to hell fucko.

>> No.19388432

really hot thank you

>> No.19388613
File: 778 KB, 1920x2560, 1645458280846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in here?

>> No.19388811
File: 986 KB, 1598x1065, alpine walk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fro7zwb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off-days for Kiara, shit always goes off the rails.
Let's post some Gosling stuff instead.

>> No.19388992


>> No.19389006

/ag/bro and /ringo/bro are colluding

>> No.19389078

I know full well I'm going to get called a fucking retard but why aren't my images posting? Anyone know some common reasons that they don't? 4chan accepts pngs right? Thank you.

>> No.19389142
Quoted by: >>19389222

You might be ranged banned due to people posting CP elsewhere.

>> No.19389222
File: 266 KB, 2012x1996, Babu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it usually tells you if someone was being a retard in your IP range and won't let you submit a post with an image giving that reason in red text. Some fag got a huge swath of IP ranges banned from image posting for a hot minute like a year ago.

>> No.19389245
Quoted by: >>19389418

What you can get band for other people posting cp? (I'm not into that shit and don't go on threads that'll likely have any of that kind of shit btw) Didn't know that.

>> No.19389279


>> No.19389284

try on another board, try on another device/pc

>> No.19389418

IP ranges Anonchama, look them up. It's usually because someone resets their route over and over to post the same shit, so to stop them they'll ban a certain range of IP's.

Kiara mentioned that she had a busy week this week at the end of the arceus stream. Did she ever elaborate, because her schedule looks pretty light. Maybe 3d stuff if she can't talk about it?

>> No.19389454

It just had to be that pool, didn't it?

>> No.19389536
File: 674 KB, 768x768, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19389540

>everytime kiara "lays an egg" she screams kikkerikii in the bathroom

>> No.19389541
Quoted by: >>19389870

I don't... think she did? Though I did miss a bit of the members gorilla.

>> No.19389584
Quoted by: >>19389870

She got her kitchen yesterday and had/has to prepare for omocat and Holotalk.
Beyond that I don't remember her telling us anything.

>> No.19389785
Quoted by: >>19389870

3rd fes prepwork is a good guess, she's probably learning choreography and tries to set up the 3D rig for herself by following instructions. I imagine they're figuring out delay timings and such with staff as well due to the ping to Japan.
Or Cover found a way to fly her into Japan and now she's filing out paperwork for that, but that's a mile long shot and basically has no chance of turning out to be true.

>> No.19389804
File: 1 KB, 24x24, SmolOgey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19389870
Quoted by: >>19390135

Just hit it at the end of the gameplay segment, that's why I figured I would ask.
Ah yeah, I don't know why I keep forgetting about the kitchen thing. I figured her prepwork for Omocat was just what she did in the members stream, but I haven't watched it yet.
Yeah. Any idea how much is under wraps in terms of the talent talking about the tech they use? Kiara is so chatty it'd surprise me if she didn't want to talk about the inside scoop of what she needed to do to prepare for it once it happens.

>> No.19389983
File: 64 KB, 1200x1037, FMy3FnyXoAEuoMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19390131
Quoted by: >>19390359

Just finished the omocat collab, kfp females are hot

>> No.19390135

Considering Kiara said she can't mention what kind of mocap suit they are using when it came up, I imagine Cover's pretty secretive regarding their setup and practice for their 3D projects and Kiara knows better than to blabber about that. Also she doesn't know much about the subject herself beyond what an actor has to know so there's not much she can tell anyways. She'll probably talk about the practice afterwards and focus more on interpersonal rather than technical details, I'd say.

>> No.19390242
Quoted by: >>19390307

Wasn't it already established that Myth wasn't going to be doing the motion capture for the FES themselves?

>> No.19390307
Quoted by: >>19390659

I have never heard anything that would indicate that and given that she can't do a watchalong I imagine Kiara is doing her part live.

>> No.19390359

Fanbase reflects oshi

>> No.19390373
Quoted by: >>19411495

My bad, my post might have come off as if I was hoping she'd spill the tech secrets, but I know our birb is too dumb to explain most of it. I meant more in what it's like to use it, how it feels, what it does to her dance routines, etc. It's probably easier for her to just say nothing about the practice because she doesn't want to give away anything at all on what's going to be preformed, so I'm excited for the members stream post-FES.

>> No.19390480

>Austrians do something
>Germans get blamed
Many such cases

>> No.19390659

I don't think Cover could ever tolerate the possibility of a Holofes performance being disrupted by unstable internet. I'm 99% sure mocap+vocals will be recorded ahead of time. Kiara is dissuaded from doing a watchalong for her day to avoid making that too obvious (even if it is).

>> No.19390822
Quoted by: >>19394120


>> No.19391315

I can see Kiara getting addicted to a game like this.

>> No.19391373
Quoted by: >>19391506

which game? vampire survivors?

>> No.19391506
Quoted by: >>19391674

Yeah, if she gives it a try of course.

>> No.19391668

Yeah it's a mindless/endless game kinda like slither.io which can be used for a low-effort/low-attention backdrop

>> No.19391674

Yeah, I thought of recommending it to her like a month or two ago when I started playing, but then I remembered how much of a graphics fag she is, and probably wouldnt play it on just that alone. Its a very simple but addicting game, and since runs are only 30 mins max, she could do it for short streams or long streams. Hopefully with everyone playing it, she might consider it.

>> No.19391937

Anyone watch the Reine Elden Ring stream? I'm probably not gonna look into it for a couple hours, but I am curious, was it good, or was it kinda just a normal sponsor stream, but a good game. Kinda sucks its only an hour and a half.

>> No.19392066

She was talking in some made up language for the parts I saw

>> No.19392137

Couldn't catch much, but she and risu seemed way better at the game than kiwawa

>> No.19392315
Quoted by: >>19393125


Randomly came across this video in my recommends, its a pretty decent concept. Do you agree with Mom's description of Kiara?

>> No.19393125

Kiara do be jolly

>> No.19393344


Sorta Kiara lewd

>> No.19394080
Quoted by: >>19397621

Mumei you are based making separate chat for the next one to make it easier to ping people. Good job.

>> No.19394120

That's her child, Takanashi Amelia Jr.

>> No.19394136

Mumei wants to visit Kiara too. This year's gonna be memorable for sure.

>> No.19394482

Why does Omocat like feet?

>> No.19394561

why don't you?

>> No.19394759

She has good taste.

>> No.19396290


>> No.19396621

How is she so funny, man

>> No.19396947

She's active in prechat

>> No.19397041

I really don't think she has a fetish, its just that in some cultures this scatologial humor is not frowned upon, its just funny. As a Brazillian, there was a podcast I loved to hear that had a lot of stories of people shitting themselves and it was funny as fuck how people can turn that into a dramatic situation. Still, its hypocritical of me to say this, but I always get surprised when Kiara mentions scat, somehow I feel like its something she shouldn't mention even though is silly. As we say over here, the toiled is the throne of equality.

>> No.19397417
File: 778 KB, 900x900, 1644270497057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19397489
Quoted by: >>19416246

>the toiled is the throne of equality
I've heard something similar from a European I think. "Even a king looks foolish on the toilet".

>> No.19397621

Why are birds the most powerful in Hololive.

>> No.19397741
File: 1.14 MB, 1220x1500, emo takamori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, it's done.

>> No.19397886
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>> No.19397910

The teen memories are so strong.

>> No.19398488

It's mostly this. In german-speaking countries, or most of europe in general, people don't shy away from haha poop funni humor as much as puritan americans who apparently need to lie down on the fainting couch anytime someone reminds them that bodily functions exist (or at least that's the impression I get from skittish anons always crying over Kiara mentioning poop occasionally). Don't get me wrong, of course if you overdo it and talk about poop every day or for continuous an hour , europeans would also begin to side-eye you. Kiara is likely rather quite prudish and vanilla in her actual sexual feelings, so the idea that what in her mind are just harmless childish jokes are actual indications that she has a serious scat fetish (because of course what else could it be, in the minds of schizos who overanalyze everything) would send her both equal parts laughing and ewww-ing.

>> No.19398600

For the most part, you're right. It's just stupid humor but in the US it can be seens as childish and there's a certain stigma around women talking about themselves shitting. It's starting to lose its stigma a little bit in cultural humor, but it's still a bit of a shock for a woman to candidly say 'I took a huge shit' a la the 'egg laying' comment during her vacation.

>> No.19398645
File: 55 KB, 1080x153, Screenshot_20220301-181815_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in gaining these new emotes, the Bottom Left emote is now dead (and the alternate, darker cheering lightstick because she was at the limit).

>> No.19399572
File: 633 KB, 1130x526, kiara emotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the fact that she has so much emotes. It fits her so well!

>> No.19399816

Oh, she put in the meme chicken versions from Needy Streamer? Sweet.

>> No.19400221
Quoted by: >>19400398

omo cat did not want to be there but agreed to kiara saying it will be great

>> No.19400398
Quoted by: >>19400588

>omo cat did not want to be there
Omocat asked to join the collab, anon. It was originally going to be just Kiara and Mori.

>> No.19400588

They didn't? Kiara and Mori decided to ask her.

>> No.19401193

Oh, I thought you'd left forever.

>> No.19401296

Most of the times Ame, but I like to watch Kronii when it's like past midnight and I'm dying but can't go to sleep anyway. I recommend her Inscryption playthrough, good shiiiit.

>> No.19401365
File: 851 KB, 1288x1460, 1646186060724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey chikken

>> No.19401415
Quoted by: >>19402026

Is there any way to go beyond this limit?

>> No.19401559
Quoted by: >>19401953

Has this leaked yet?

>> No.19401757

She read one of my advice comments during the ER stream and I got so worried she'd take it badly, but on rewatch it seemed fine, even a little positive. She also laughed at one of my other comments while we were cheering her up for the silent stream. She truly deserves to be lifted up.

>> No.19401911

Honestly I'm glad those two were removed. Bottom Left is so 2020, and the darker one was always redundant

>> No.19401953

Don't think so, check here in a day or two

>> No.19402026

I think it goes up based on certain criteria but I'm pretty sure she's at the final limit

>> No.19402320
File: 339 KB, 648x671, 1643899765209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rewatching Kiara's birthday stream because YT recommended it for some reason
>get to Ame's call
>half of it is Kiara praising Ame
...Huh, I didn't remember that.

>> No.19402474
Quoted by: >>19402744

I can understand why; that was actually back before most people had caught on to Ametori. People did cite it as evidence at the time, but the Papers Please that happened later that month was the real moment most people remember as the big Ametori Awakening

>> No.19402744
Quoted by: >>19402924

I've always thought of the beginning as that time where she got a DM from Ame and went on a minute and a half Ame rant featuring "what are these tingling feelings, is this love?", but I guess it was actually the birthday call all along.

>> No.19402924
Quoted by: >>19403286

The moment I decided Ametori was #1 for me is when Ame flirted to Kiara in Super Bunny Man and she reacted so strongly to it.
>I like the idea of... us.
That's why I remember the birthday message being so teetee, I had been looking for scraps ever since months before

>> No.19403006
Quoted by: >>19403205

It's funny how searching for "Kiara birthday stream" brings up a certain other birthday stream as the first result.

>> No.19403033
File: 203 KB, 826x1238, 1628723825017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19403744

I find Kiara's final PLA outfit hilariously orange. How fitting.

>> No.19403205
Quoted by: >>19403277

You might be watching her roomate too much...? I searched it and then searched it again in incognito but both times it's second, after the actual birthday stream.

>> No.19403277

Weird, I searched in incognito. Might be region related as well?

>> No.19403286

Looking back on that moment, I can't wonder if this was a turning point in her decision to kill Takamori, since she was struggling to both be faithful to her "character" and also let the chemistry flow unimpeded.

>> No.19403707

>Serious clipper privated the video again

>> No.19403744

Well shit
We can go even further. I will not rest until the day kinsarin is full orange

>> No.19403996

I'm gonna slow my roll on the Mori hate. I'm reminded with this last collab that without the shit TakaMori pretext, their collabs are fine. Too bad most of them are tainted with it.

>> No.19404111

That and Mori kept thirsting after every new girl that joined Hololive.

>> No.19404254

I'd argue Kiara visibly lost interest in Mori before even IRyS showed up.

>> No.19404262

I think that was the worst part. No one gave a shit when Mori would do it, but the TakaMori fanbase would blow up when Kiara tried to get teetee with anyone else. It was irritating as fuck and probably lead to Kiara saying that she felt trapped in the fake relationship.

>> No.19404268

Fine indeed. also so long as it's something Mori cares about, that Minecraft collab...

>> No.19404348

I remember during their Paladins stream people in global pointed out how Kiara would sometimes randomly shout Ame's name. Here we see that instinct was in her all along.

>> No.19405450

Kiaras early identity was basically Takamori, can’t imagine how suffocated she felt. Moving back home was the perfect time to “end” it.

>> No.19405908
Quoted by: >>19407484

Quick question, did you actually watch Kiara back then?

>> No.19406216
File: 43 KB, 591x396, 894646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19406946

>> No.19406926

It's kinda interesting thinking about it. By dynamic Calli was basically the harem protagonist with Kiara being the main girl but no one minds if she flirts with other girls. They don't like it when the main girl does it.

>Kiara's identity was the other half of Takamori
>Ame distanced herself from Gura to avoid being Gura's sidekick

>> No.19406946

Her trip back to Japan is going to be legendary

>> No.19407484

All these people that say Kiara's identity was Takamori didn't watch her back then. No one even remembers Kiara putting chat in its place for mentioning Mori out of place and Mori never being able to shit down the Takamori schizos. Even worse, no one remembers that the hololive member that pissed Kiara off the most was Mori in the earlier minecraft streams.

>> No.19407530
Quoted by: >>19408066


>> No.19408066

No no, the former works.

>> No.19408134
Quoted by: >>19408713

I'm only in early Nov 2020 in the VoD's but other than a little bit of 'Rule 4 guys' comments, she seemed pretty open to it up to that point.

>> No.19408516

Anybody know why all of kiaras streams this week are at the jp slot? I can't catch a single one live...

>> No.19408583
Quoted by: >>19420296

This. Kiara had absolutely no problem telling chat when she wanted to talk serious, regardless of her feeding Takamori. Also both of them got the “she’s gonna get jealous” thing from chat as all ships and pairs do.

Pretty much all of Mori and Kiara’s collabs after Mori’s Shadowverse/Clubhouse 51 thing were fine. Some even good. You guys just dislike Mori so avoid their streams together. Simple as.

>> No.19408640

Kiara is secretly in jp in praparation for holo fes

>> No.19408643

She has to accomodate for Japan time with Holotalk and the Fashion Review. She might have set Mario Kart early to give the Koreanbros some love.

>> No.19408713

From what I remember she gradually got more and more worn down, you can see her gradually losing her patience for it. There was one time, a "The Room" Watchalong in January where she got pissed off at Mori for sending her deadbeats in in the middle of a stream. But that's not exactly "early", it's just the earliest instance I can remember of her getting legitimately upset at Mori

>> No.19408821

Apart from mentioning Holotalk prep, no.
It's up to your own speculation about when Myth+ID need to prep for Holofes. But Kiara has to make some extra time at some point to do actual dance+song reps.

>> No.19408915
Quoted by: >>19413068

Tangentially related: I forgot she had a The Room watchalong; I should rewatch that at some point.

>> No.19408927

Did she mention when she was planning to fart on stream yet?

>> No.19408947

I remember that. That was back when Mori would often look for Kiara in her chat when she got tipsy. ‘Twas cute. She didn’t send chat they just went on their own when she asked if Kiara was there.

>> No.19409044
File: 71 KB, 372x400, 1640555360922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19410225

Yeah, 10:53:12 EDT, feel free to quote this.

>> No.19409148
File: 654 KB, 1500x2117, 1646196759765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She liked this on her twitter

>> No.19410225
File: 233 KB, 2048x1463, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re keeping it a surprise. Anticipate it.

Don’t leak members stream info. Now we’re gonna have to reschedule…

>> No.19410251
File: 22 KB, 318x542, 1637607027235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19411183

On one of the youtube info pages it basically says if you get past 5k members and 49 emotes to just talk to them. I think it's possible because I could've sworn Coco had more emotes than this but I might just be remembering wrong.

>> No.19411495
Quoted by: >>19411690

>She'll probably talk about the practice afterwards
>It's probably easier for her to just say nothing about the practice
She already talked about it at one point, when she revealed she's going to perform an orginal and she had to do a split but she had issues with it

>> No.19411690

>she had to do a split but she had issues with it
I think she specifically said having trouble bringing her leg up, but I did also wonder if that meant doing a split. I'm looking forward to whatever choreo she has prepared.

>> No.19412085
Quoted by: >>19415902

I dislike Mori, because she's too often an odious chore, but even I can admit that she can show up with enthusiasm for the rare times when the stream topic is something she actually cares about (her personal interests, projects like ttrpg, etc.) and be actually bearable.
So if you know what those favorite topics are, you can know in advance whether the stream is probably going to be actually watchable, or if it's one to avoid because she will probably be in her usual zero-effort mode

>> No.19412322

I have never had the impression that Mori was particularly "flirty" with any other girls (especially not compared to Kiara's rather blatant yuribaiting towards other girls). She always struck me as the most "straight" out of Myth, I can't remember any flirty or even jokey-sexual comments she made about other girls, so I wouldn't really know what got the takamori /u/schizos so in a tiffy about Mori talking to other girls (unless of course in typical schizo fashion they take ANY kind of two girls talking as "omg they're flirting!!!")

>> No.19412429
Quoted by: >>19415902

It wasn't so much flirting as it was any positive interaction or reinforcement. It also wasn't "omg they're flirting!!!" but mroe like, "lmao Kiara's gonna be sooo jealous, sistah!" and the ever-classing "Kiara NTR'd :cryingemoji:"

>> No.19413068

Mori had a The Room watchalong not Kiara.

Later Aligator and Elden Ring are at pretty normal Kiara times, though.

>> No.19415860
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>> No.19415902

Basically just this and like I said, it happens to every pair. It’s not unique to them.

>what got the /u/schizos in a tiffy about Mori talking to other girls
I don’t remember that happening at all except maybe from shitposts from this board. It’s always just teasing from chat. NTR jokes are unfortunately very common from Holo chat to the point where it’s pretty much a meme.

>> No.19416028

For how much I usually dislike Mori I simply cant deny the fact that Takamori is hot as fuck...

>> No.19416132

Kiara has masturbated to that at least once. Don't ask me how I can tell. I just can.

>> No.19416170
Quoted by: >>19418198

Wait, what is this about Mumei visiting or chatting?

>> No.19416246

"Where even emperor goes on foot" is in my country. I goes the whole continent sees the toilet as symbol of equality

>> No.19416347
File: 244 KB, 1525x1587, 1617168458348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19416547

For your consideration.

>> No.19416403
File: 1.82 MB, 1879x2048, frier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary stuff.

>> No.19416450

I can almost smell the hair spray off of them. Good work, anon!

>> No.19416547

Kiara sees [SERIOUS] clip

>> No.19416963
Quoted by: >>19417031


>> No.19417031


>> No.19417185

I can't wait for Kiara to gave Mori a private tour of her home

>> No.19417346
Quoted by: >>19417554

I need to sleep soon as I got classes this morning and then work but you faggots better grief her hard so we get a ring fit or horror game stream.

If she's still streaming past 7am pst I will definitely get try and get on.

>> No.19417554
File: 308 KB, 960x960, 1643815119165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necromancers are ready to revive Judas, if needed.

>> No.19417707

>wake up
>remember om*cat literally wasn't able to even see the images for the fashion contest because her "stream was too low quality" because she "doesn't have nitro", and only chose to reveal this fact after like an HOUR
>get mad

I literally want to punch this bitch in the face. Fucking disrespectful cunt, why do you even show up if you're not going to do or say literally ANYTHING?

>> No.19417781
Quoted by: >>19417900

It's stupid and should've been taken care of before stream but there is no reason to get this upset over it dude.

She was probably sweating bullets and didn't know if it was appropriate to interject.

>> No.19417879

It was only 4 images in, anon, not an hour. Your hatred is disrupting your memories.

>> No.19417900

NTA, but I find this situation hilarious
>So, omocat, what do you think about this outfit ?
>(Shit, i don't even see the outfit)
>...It's nice *give it10/10*
>"Omocat, you're so nice !"

>> No.19418198

Mumei just mentioned traveling to EU and it would be one of the opportunities to meeting Kiara

>> No.19418232

>Mumei is going to ruin the AmeTori vacation

>> No.19418328
Quoted by: >>19418559

Did she explicitly mention Kiara?

>> No.19418334
File: 216 KB, 1080x1920, FDWzHk4UYAUDTvy.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine it. Kiara and Ame sexually harassing and bullying their cute kouhai

>> No.19418399

Rrat slaying owl LOVE! She did Minecraft collab after kawaiitori oopsie.

>> No.19418436

Nice, more bird sex.
Although Mumei strikes me as extremely kinky, not sure how Kiara will react when her kouhai whips out the dragon dildo and ball gag.

>> No.19418559


>I specifically think I'll be able to go close to Kiara

>> No.19419310

Full birdhouse gets more and more possible...

>> No.19419316
Quoted by: >>19419582

Honestly I'm just happy that Kiara will be even for brief periods not completely alone.

>> No.19419582
Quoted by: >>19419772

You make it sound like the NA girls are having constant off collabs

>> No.19419772
Quoted by: >>19420037

Not really. I'm more so happy that they might finally be happening more often with more planning and more time together. I'm surprised it took so long, honestly.

>> No.19420037
Quoted by: >>19420199

>I'm surprised it took so long, honestly.
...you do know what happened the last two/three years that prevented that?

>> No.19420199

I know. But a lot of restrictions have been lifted. I'm just looking forward to things going forward. That's all.

>> No.19420296
Quoted by: >>19420503

>collabs after Mori’s Shadowverse/Clubhouse 51 thing were fine
That's sort of my problem. After being a dead weight in collabs with Kiara, the least Mori could do is put in some extra effort, even if only as an apology for the earlier collabs, to make them fucking amazing. Instead, at their best the collabs are just pretty good, and it's still Kiara basically carrying it

>> No.19420503

jesus christ shut up

>> No.19420844
File: 396 KB, 1538x2048, FGzsI2ZagAAdY4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara love

>> No.19420846
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, chimkin butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chimkin butt

>> No.19421103

She basically acted like she did with Kiara but a lot less derogatory.

>> No.19421221
File: 2.81 MB, 4096x2731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
