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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.18618978
File: 71 KB, 560x559, 1645148860925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18634502

>> No.18618980
File: 322 KB, 637x1050, CuteRys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ILove IRyS

>> No.18619109

I want to drink her laundry water

>> No.18619204
File: 605 KB, 1104x621, Expo2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18635402

IRyS will show up somehow in the Hololive super Expo, that's cool I guess, so if global translation is correct "Limit Break, Who's the Council Queen" is the name of their even, sounds hilarious, hopefully the girls will have a good time with that

>> No.18619214
File: 496 KB, 2261x1488, 1645145117134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, I cant stop falling in love with this cute dork named IRyS

>> No.18619323

she was cute today, im glad to be alive

>> No.18619463
Quoted by: >>18619604

irys is reading this thread and the previous one at this very moment.

>> No.18619465

I missed the twitter space, she vented about hating her model?

>> No.18619572

Nah, just general venting, if I remember correctly

>> No.18619590

no venting happened, her panties kept falling off and that grinded her gears a little itsy bit

>> No.18619604
Quoted by: >>18620487

HiRyS, I'm listening to the archiveRyS. You sound very cute today.

>> No.18619623

didnt even vent, she just said she was in the mood to vent but would only do it to other holo members not live.

>> No.18619715

She vent about how unfair life is, but it is a good thing that her keyboard was there for her, unlike us....

>> No.18619782

She keeps saying that without saying what it's about. It's annoying.

>> No.18619909

she is venting to the keyboard right now

>> No.18619932

its better that way, dont want the armchair psychologists psychoanalyzing her even more than what they already do.

>> No.18619953
Quoted by: >>18620014

It's unprofessional to go too deep, anon. That's why she said she will vent those things with her friends. We are just her audiences anon.

>> No.18620014
Quoted by: >>18620870

Well, she mentioned that too, about not mentioning things within the yabai territory.

>> No.18620037

>she trust the keyboard more than (you)
>the keyboard can't speak, it will never hurt her
>but (you) can

>> No.18620186

Does anyone have copy of the twitter space?>>18619465

>> No.18620188
Quoted by: >>18620210


>> No.18620210


>> No.18620217
Quoted by: >>18620378

It's on twitter.

>> No.18620218

It's in the OP

>> No.18620378

But it is not the same as live

>> No.18620422

Well, sucks to be you, LateRyStocrat.

>> No.18620431
File: 42 KB, 336x480, 1628971821145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18620479
File: 608 KB, 1620x1080, 1645108664707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18620487

What do you mean? She sounds the same. She's sat right here next to me…
Also a LateRyStocrat >>18619604

>> No.18620596

link doesnt work sadly :(

>> No.18620630
Quoted by: >>18621103

Works for me. Fix your shit.

>> No.18620666
Quoted by: >>18620740


>> No.18620740

hey, my 10mbps internet can handle it

>> No.18620870

Only yabai thing that she can't vent on is probably management or colleagues, but I doubt it is latter.
Even >we are on edge of going full retard against them after this reddit post unstickied, making her do voice act in the middle of her throat hurt or stuff with her new outfit. With this open incompetence imagine how it works behind scenes with all her music.
Yeah, one fucking spark of joy and I will become worse than chinks.
No wonder she wants to keep it to herself and other holomem

>> No.18620995

IRyS can't go one stream/space without talking about piss.

>> No.18621058
File: 45 KB, 739x509, zxczxczxczxczxcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine can't dunno why

>> No.18621094
Quoted by: >>18621134

Why did you hide the rest, we need to know which SEA country you are from.

>> No.18621103
File: 11 KB, 695x713, Untitledzxcsaczxzxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this shit?

>> No.18621108

Delete cookies, use VPN, open it in incognito

>> No.18621119

Change IP location

>> No.18621126


>> No.18621134
Quoted by: >>18621167

I'm a peenoise

>> No.18621135

Just go to her twitter, the recording is still there

>> No.18621150
Quoted by: >>18621277

Your DNS (internet phonebook that resolves catbox.moe to its numeric IP address) is broken. Change your routers DNS to use and or and

>> No.18621157

Move out of China

>> No.18621167

My brother from another mother.

>> No.18621277

Worked , thanks anon, I'll tell my wife irys to give u a hug

>> No.18621728

How can we convince her to do more streams using her phone mic doing mundane stuff?

>> No.18621854

She sounds so much more asian with her phone mic.

>> No.18622181

I don't know why they're releasing her next song on the 27th instead of waiting for her birthday.

>> No.18622283
Quoted by: >>18622362

Make her lose a bet with chat

>> No.18622362

Won't work. Chat isn't /here/. They'll suggest something else instead that's fine in principle but much more dumb than hot phone mic.

>> No.18622789

It REALLY is a smart idea to have her release the orisong on her birthday. 27th means she'll have some sort of overlap with Bae who will also release a song on the 28th. Unfortunately, we don't know if IRyS can control when she can release the song if it's ready

>> No.18622868

Is this the start of manager larping again? It's almost like they don't want her music to get noticed.

>> No.18623358 [SPOILER] 
File: 647 KB, 1390x1080, 1627783501419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space is mirrored in the OP
>space is on twitter
>space is in the mega archive
aaa how do I listen why won't it work anon i went to sleep how do interwebs work why are these gruesome thing happening to poor old me aaaaa

>> No.18623377

maybe they're women

>> No.18623473
File: 343 KB, 100x100, 1638886101985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18623506

I missed the fucking space I want to kill myself, aslo I wasn't awake to make a new thread...
watching the archive is not the same...

>> No.18623503

>You will never IRyS's keyboard

>> No.18623506

also* fuck I need to wake up

>> No.18623517
Quoted by: >>18623535

You accidentally a word there

>> No.18623535

*never be

I typed too fast...

>> No.18624023

What? You are saying that some astral energy youtube algorithm will be better than scheduling it before birthday, where we can expect up to 20k people live?
You must be her manager. Noone else is this retarded

>> No.18624044
File: 368 KB, 1300x1080, GoslingRyS_Keyboardman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again, mate. I'm have achieved [Keyboard] status, im currently her most beloved.

>> No.18624045
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1623818783874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18624198

>Listening to twitter space I missed
>Forced to listen to how much she loves her keyboard

>> No.18624056
File: 257 KB, 463x453, 1642353357480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be, kek.

>> No.18624198
File: 642 KB, 1049x526, 1636122193295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18624245

>She mentions how she can't talk about the keyboard too much or people will get jealous

>> No.18624209
File: 283 KB, 284x396, claude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18624261

How does her voice sound that lovely on a fucking phone mic?
I would not be able to survive a phonecall with her.

>> No.18624236

I hope this is a sarcastic reply because if not, you're going to need to go back and do reading comprehension reps

>> No.18624245

It would be fun if she ever had a Bladerunner watchalong and did the "You look lonely..." lines. I for one, would die.

>> No.18624261
File: 861 KB, 1280x529, 1641877102575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it probably sounds even better with the VR mic Gura uses

>> No.18624857
File: 183 KB, 301x312, 1642238557634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... sorry

>> No.18625007

What are timezones anyway.

>> No.18626071
File: 1.65 MB, 1768x2500, FDhlW4xUYAYlIUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18626356

>> No.18626356

This one always brings the Q&ASMR stream to mind...

>> No.18626360
File: 424 KB, 1080x1134, 1645082755511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18626498

Why no one pointed out the fact that she took a break from streaming, because of throat, just so she can host this Twitter thing?
IRyS is too clingy and it is making me worry next to being happy

>> No.18626498

She'll never recover but 1 hour 45 minutes of talking normally won't really hurt.

>> No.18626798

Thank fuck for a space archive. Boy do I love being unable to adjust the volume because I'm expected to whip out and listen on my phone.

>> No.18627058
File: 235 KB, 849x1200, 95499883_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so fucking adorable...

>> No.18627226


>> No.18627250
File: 1.22 MB, 851x893, 1632025545128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18646068


>> No.18627277

I'm glad that I'm getting cucked by at least not black keyboard

>> No.18627293

True that.

>> No.18627294

What a timing, just when I was reaching the keyboard part of the twitter space

>> No.18627319

Check members right now

>> No.18627328

chill anon, irys won't like you if you're like that

>> No.18627350

Not having a numpad is unnatural... a sin.

>> No.18627375

One could safely assume that the keyboard is a female just by the color scheme.

>> No.18627391
File: 339 KB, 854x482, Killer Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted Keyboard
We know what it looks like, now we need to dispose of it.

>> No.18627413

only valid opinion on keyboards right there

>> No.18627422
Quoted by: >>18627937

Come on man, only accountants or people dealing with numbers use it, it is useless for the average computer user.

>> No.18627426
File: 23 KB, 213x208, 1621647447836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're losing to that?

>> No.18627465

I use separated cheapo numpad

>> No.18627499
File: 28 KB, 341x341, 1636764512404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, but since it's IRyS I can forgive her

>> No.18627638


>> No.18627702
File: 111 KB, 933x1199, 20220218_083338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18627750
File: 204 KB, 954x1200, 20220218_083343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18627937
Quoted by: >>18628110

the truth right here.
I have a numpad on my keyboard and never use it. I only use it for games that use it for something (e.g flight controls) but the last time I played a vidya game was…I don't remember.

>> No.18627964

>Sees Keyboard
I don't know why I though I had a chance. There is no way I can compete with a chad like that. Forever cucked :(

>> No.18628110
Quoted by: >>18628395

Yeah and then you get a keyboard without one and then stumble upon that moment you need one and you're just sitting there with a keyboard that is 10-15cm's less wide.

>> No.18628395

You should already know if you need one or not. It's only good if you need to enter 3+ numbers in a row really.

>> No.18628610
Quoted by: >>18628930

Not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed it doesn't have her color scheme, but I guess its for her personal use and we won't see it much
Also numpad is always good to have, unless your keyboard is meant to be portable.

>> No.18628772

I can't believe I went to bed right as she started the space what kind of luck is that

>> No.18628843
Quoted by: >>18628892

You sacrificed yourself for the Space to happen, thank you.

>> No.18628888

I woke up when she started it or around that time but I had no idea... I really should download twitter on my phone and turn on notifications...

>> No.18628892
File: 707 KB, 620x648, 1635741280814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18629006

someone better be the sacrifice next time
fuck, dude

>> No.18628930
Quoted by: >>18629503

Seems like a pretty common color scheme for custom keyboards but it's cute. And yeah IRyS' color scheme isn't her favorite.
It's probably better to not skip sleep just for that anyway.

>> No.18629006
File: 174 KB, 407x342, 1623921083193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18629259

If I sacrifice myself, will I be reincarnated as IRyS's keyboard?

>> No.18629213

Hey anon, Iheard your chuuba is an adorable dork. where should I start with Irys?

>> No.18629259

The time I sacrificed myself so that I'll be reincarnated as my oshi's keyboard manga

>> No.18629309

Pick a vod, any vod.

>> No.18629340
Quoted by: >>18632127

Hurray my membership just ended!
I can get peace of mind now

>> No.18629360

Minecraft streams or probably try watching her collabs so that you'll see her different sides of dorkiness

>> No.18629367
File: 61 KB, 227x102, 1639260588444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18629416
File: 465 KB, 542x750, 1637532291370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18629461

A little outdated but good picks nonetheless

>> No.18629461

I'm retarded, forgot the link

>> No.18629503
Quoted by: >>18631406

Yeah, I suppose I shouldn't expect chuubas to be into themselves as much as I am. Maybe I'll get a keyboard

>> No.18630199
File: 112 KB, 784x999, 1638423416885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18630369

>> No.18630369
File: 39 KB, 595x214, 1640792416449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18631779


>> No.18631406

wait for the iRyS keyboard/pc they may launch someday

>> No.18631590
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, RobocoPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted the Marine PC, I could do a custom case but my PC is all black with no light-up components so it'd be a waste

>> No.18631623

>The ultimate table, pc and keyboard for a tiny Japanese businessman.
>All fits on a single tatami mat.

>> No.18631779
File: 46 KB, 739x323, respectable remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been annoying me how low effort that edit is so I remade it.

>> No.18631822
Quoted by: >>18631895

La+ collab when?

>> No.18631895

IRyS doesn't collab with popular JPs.

>> No.18631924
Quoted by: >>18632466

This one isn't pinned though, also the crying emoji in your version looks like garbage.

>> No.18632127
Quoted by: >>18632202

When did you decide to cancel?

>> No.18632202

He's free now. Try not to get too jealous.

>> No.18632455


>> No.18632466
File: 47 KB, 738x348, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18632552


>> No.18632552

Well done, IRyS would love you for going the extra mile in fixing a meme.

>> No.18632622

The current obligatory monopoly reference in every stream is cringe.

>> No.18632863
Quoted by: >>18632927

>Out of context bait thumbnail that is in the complete opposite of what she actually says.
Lemme just-
Done, channel blocked for being humongous faggots.

>> No.18632927
Quoted by: >>18632975

How is it the opposite? She said the title word for word.

>> No.18632947
Quoted by: >>18633075

Irys sounds like an upper class woman on her twitter space

>> No.18632975
Quoted by: >>18633007

>Hey do you like veggies?
Wait just a second Holozilla I'll find you some art of IRyS shoving 50 cucumbers up her ass that you can use.

>> No.18633007

IRyS knows what she's doing when she references Monopoly. Give her some credit.

>> No.18633059
Quoted by: >>18633294

In that context she wasn't.

>> No.18633075

As she should.

>> No.18633086
Quoted by: >>18633294

Yes that's exactly why she told the kiddies in chat to stop being retarded when she talked about playing monopoly with her family as a child.

>> No.18633294
Quoted by: >>18633398

That's just her usual gimmick of having plausible deniability while still being yabai.

>> No.18633398
Quoted by: >>18633449

It's sad that you can't tell the difference but keep spamming blushing IRyS like you do to everything she says like the rest of the kiddos do.

>> No.18633449
Quoted by: >>18634488

She likes it and likes getting clipped for it.

>> No.18633667


>> No.18634488
Quoted by: >>18634666

I can only assume that's true because
>More clips = More exposure
At this point I stopped giving a shit and just embraced it. You can't change chat, best to use the blushing emote randomly for comedic effect. I used it during the caraoke when IRyS gave me head. Someone LOL'd at me. 'twas fun.

>> No.18634502
File: 379 KB, 1082x1080, GoslingRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18634666
Quoted by: >>18634723

Someone should tell her she was getting bigger numbers before making most of her content about piss fetishism, sex, yuribait and keyboards.

>> No.18634678

are we getting a stream later today?

>> No.18634706


>> No.18634708
Quoted by: >>18635930

You got your community post to replace the members only stream she was going to do.

>> No.18634723

No because that'd be lying.

>> No.18635402
File: 527 KB, 1000x1000, FH1DkbpWYAA4wfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Limit Break, Who's the Council Queen
Is this translation correct? I guess IRyS will be the narrator/judge, I doubt she will actually take part in that competition, since she is not really a council member

>> No.18635930

i still believe

>> No.18637484
File: 2.58 MB, 640x359, 1644817930390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18637637


>> No.18637637
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1643257543903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18637657
File: 244 KB, 1448x2048, 8763547867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18637807
File: 343 KB, 450x385, whyareyoulikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18637890

Why am I like what, IRyS?

>> No.18638022
Quoted by: >>18638603

That artist is /here/ and by that i mean /vt/.

>> No.18638603
Quoted by: >>18638636

Yeah he is so what

>> No.18638636

Maybe give him ideas for drawings?

>> No.18638681

IRyS on a waterslide with a terrified look on her face

>> No.18638719

bros.... ngmi.....

>> No.18639580

It's over, I'm an anti now

>> No.18639609
Quoted by: >>18639636

still sad that we will never get FFXIV again

>> No.18639636

thank god

>> No.18639743
Quoted by: >>18639872

I want to see irys with beer hat on drinking her favorite soda. Or instead of a hat, tape the cans to her horns.

>> No.18639872 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 490x498, 1640034382121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18651199

Like this but soda?

>> No.18640154
File: 899 KB, 2560x3220, FL3_MoLacAIxwvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18642181

Ty for archiving the space, I appreciate it <3.

>> No.18642525

It's more or less a random occurrence, depending on what she feels like.

>> No.18644730


>> No.18644842

Even the Bae plush is losing...

>> No.18645851
Quoted by: >>18646160

I wonder if IRyS would listen to Gura karaokes

>> No.18645935
File: 391 KB, 960x960, FL1rXmJWQAIPHOG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all Reine fault!!

>> No.18646068

What was the context of this picture again?

>> No.18646160

She said she wonders what and IRySandwich would taste like during a secret ending but I don't remember why.
The public ones maybe.

>> No.18646205
File: 1.67 MB, 3991x2635, E86IzuuUUAETR7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18646441


>> No.18646265

Apparently it was a secret ending on ~August 15

>> No.18646428

Her legendary casual singing karaoke!

>> No.18646441

Oh it was the secret ending from her karaoke stream.

>> No.18646739

M*ri has been venting a lot lately and has said that other holoEN members were unhappy; she was probably talking about IRyS. It's kinda sad.

>> No.18647434
File: 2.19 MB, 678x672, HiRyS Osiris[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkrjup4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18647490

irys your greeting...

>> No.18647490
File: 1.19 MB, 3455x2016, FL4bIHgakAYmCnj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18647663
Quoted by: >>18647823


>> No.18647823
File: 579 KB, 2700x1700, 1644164655252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine, Kronii and Anya sex!

>> No.18647920

dont talk about that bitch here.

>> No.18648042
Quoted by: >>18648356

Talent vs management is a tale as old as showbiz itself.

>> No.18648356
Quoted by: >>18648525

Still, aside from the health issues you would think it's not a bad gig.

>> No.18648525
Quoted by: >>18649083

It's not at alll and she's living out a dream most creatives don't achieve but when you are dealing with delays, changes, coordinating etc.. it's definitely stressful.
I'm sure when she has time to sit back and look at the forest through the trees she is very happy to have the platform and reach she does now

>> No.18648892

She just ranted about how much she loves incest for five hours.

>> No.18649083

NTA, but
>but when you are dealing with delays, changes, coordinating etc.. it's definitely stressful.
While I do understand that certain aspects are grating, it’s overall minimal in all but the charisma/kayfabe/managerial elements. She seems rather resilient and can compartmentalize well enough to avoid bringing outside matters in too often, recent suggestion aside. Management needs to stop being utterly shit with their choices, though.

>> No.18649136

Was sleeping during the Twitter Space is it worth putting on if I need something for BGM?

>> No.18649788
File: 386 KB, 2048x2048, FL6_7qoVUAAZGdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649804
Quoted by: >>18649903


>> No.18649837
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 1642571770409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649903

Kek thank you

>> No.18649938

BaeRyS is great and all but WHERE ARE THE KRONII x IRYS abusive lesbian relationship fanart?

>> No.18650029
Quoted by: >>18650129

I recommend listening to it while eating dinner or sitting on the couch while reading newspaper for the full wife experience effect.

>> No.18650114
Quoted by: >>18650421

this ship is dead, because Kronii's depressed ass neglected IRyS when she needed her most

>> No.18650129

I did that

>> No.18650262

kronii is killing all her ships...
and bae and irys (mostly bae) are pushing the ship and is cute!

>> No.18650331

Could have something to do with Kronii acting like a fucking psychopath, I dunno.

>> No.18650421
Quoted by: >>18650575

The death of any ship is a blessing

>> No.18650423

I hate all of the ships and want IRyS to myself again. *sigh*

>> No.18650473

It's just Bae, IRyS sees her more as a BFF she can talk and play games with, I'm happy they became fast friends and like each other.

>> No.18650498

Sure. Games like Monopoly.

>> No.18650544
Quoted by: >>18650667

Do you just cover your ears and start chanting to yourself when IRyS brings up Bae out of nowhere in every stream?

>> No.18650575

why? IRyS is good at balancing flirt, teasing and cuteness with her harem. It is not overwhelmingly cringe like other holomems do. It is subtle and joking around, just so fans can have something to shitpost about.
Until of course you are female and it disgusts you

>> No.18650667
Quoted by: >>18650841

It's usually chat that brings up other streamers.

>> No.18650707
Quoted by: >>18650809

>Until of course you are female and it disgusts you
Or you are male and "accidentally" fall in love with IRyS.
>Why are we here?
>Just to suffer…

>> No.18650712

It's really not.

>> No.18650740
Quoted by: >>18651016

I support IRySxKeyboard ship

>> No.18650809
File: 176 KB, 2048x1448, 1637851293786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesbian relationship doesn't count

>> No.18650841
Quoted by: >>18650911

If it makes you feel better, she told us on her own how she usually vents her frustrations speaking with them

>> No.18650847

Yes, it fucking does. I didn't care until I fell in love with her but now I just want her all to myself :'(

>> No.18650899

bro even her relationship with a keyboard counts

>> No.18650911
Quoted by: >>18651008

Yeah she said she mentioned "other members" once in her space, guess that means she's in love with them all.

>> No.18651008

She relies on her branchmates more than her fans for emotional support. Some chuubas are the opposite. If I was still in my gosling/parasocial phase I'd be jealous of that.

>> No.18651016
File: 416 KB, 1080x1131, GoslingRyS_Despair(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18651050
Quoted by: >>18651102

I was addressing the shipfags that act like IRyS is constantly bringing up other streamers when it's almost usually in the context of chat bringing them up, or when it comes to a game someone else is playing/has played before.

>> No.18651102

She decides what to respond to in her chat though.

>> No.18651163
Quoted by: >>18651291

She likely relies on her real life friends more than her branchmates.

>> No.18651184

For me it's IRySxSora,

>> No.18651199

Basically yea. It's an idea I've had since Ciderella but i have no art abilities

>> No.18651208

Keep YabaiRyS away from my Sora.

>> No.18651291

Heh I don't know anything about that. Good for her if that's true.

>> No.18651455

IRySxSora is a friend-ship. I can support this, there are no downsides to it. Sora is a positive influence on IRyS, unlike some other unnamed individual.

>> No.18651776

ships can be fun...

>> No.18651818

>citation needed

>> No.18651900
Quoted by: >>18651957

They're always cancer, especially yuri shit.

>> No.18651957

The worst ship of them all are small dick hut dwellers from South East Asia thinking they have a shot with internet streamers.

>> No.18652000

My condolences for your dick

>> No.18652310

I don't think you understand just how perfect IRyS is.

>> No.18652375

Perhaps I just have yet to understand why every Holo MUST be shipped, seemingly at gunpoint. Feel free to believe what you want to, however.

>> No.18652378
File: 382 KB, 920x900, 1642706606319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sudden +12 IPs
what did i miss? i just took a nap

>> No.18652439

As long as it's started and maintained by the Holos themselves it's fine. Pathetic subhumans getting mad and jealous because they get along with other Holos is laughable though.

>> No.18652476


>> No.18652570
Quoted by: >>18652624

World of Warships sponsoring this thread.

>> No.18652572

Being the losing ship is no fun. I fucking lost to a keyboard. How am I ever going to let that down?

>> No.18652624

No one in this thread said that though.

>> No.18652681
Quoted by: >>18653293

it's part of the delusion, retards don't have to feel on edge about their oshi's personal life if she's an attached lesbian

>> No.18652715
File: 19 KB, 482x360, unpopular opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never cared about yuri and yuriposters

>> No.18652730

Personally I'm not against the BaeRyS ship itself but I hate how it's in basically every IRyS fanart and comes up in every stream.

>> No.18653224
File: 531 KB, 850x1202, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do unspeakable things to Sora

>> No.18653265
File: 1.30 MB, 874x1200, 93488118_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18653293

Don't have to but still will. We care about her and in her Twitter space, she sounded like behind the scenes things aren't all sunshine and roses. It's not for us to speculate, in fact, she explicitly told us not to, but it's hard not to think of her when you care so much. I hope she's doing okay.

>> No.18653936
Quoted by: >>18655857

IRyS i love you and your keyboard addiction but Sora makes me think... things too; especially when she first got her casual alt

>> No.18654327

any streams today lads?

>> No.18654395


>> No.18654404
File: 304 KB, 2560x1440, brave_dYl3dtWXuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18654416
Quoted by: >>18654480

Rebroadcast of the valentines day stream

>> No.18654480
Quoted by: >>18654554

That's tomorrow.

>> No.18654554
Quoted by: >>18654587

Tomorrow is Chadcast

>> No.18654579

Maybe a members stream later

>> No.18654587

Tomorrow morning rebroadcast, evening chadcast

>> No.18654643
Quoted by: >>18654805

So the plans we know are SC reading stream, members stream, and rebroadcast right? I know she's mentioned other things but those seem the main ones planned but not scheduled

>> No.18654805

rebroadcast and CHADcast are the scheduled ones.

>> No.18654816

I finally got time to listen to irys' space, i'm listening to right now, did something important happen?

>> No.18654854
Quoted by: >>18654940

Yes but it's better if you find out on your own.

>> No.18654889

ENTER irys in rrat stream

>> No.18654940

irys' space gotta wait now>>18654816

>> No.18654943
File: 49 KB, 2000x1500, FLSuqR2aMAAi--m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS in Rat stream!!

>> No.18654963
File: 392 KB, 1755x2047, FLkKZzsVcAEz4pT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18654991
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1639496437404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18655071

God damn it, bad timing. Can't listen

>> No.18655065

Get in here, nerds.

>> No.18655071


>> No.18655078

Fuck Apex

>> No.18655079

apex arc?

>> No.18655122

Time to kneel to rat, Apex IRyS,Bae,Mumei possibly streamed might be offline

>> No.18655139


>> No.18655165
Quoted by: >>18655415

Why the fuck would I kneel for that.

>> No.18655169

I get so nervous about APEX. I worry about males popping up.

>> No.18655212

From what I've seen of IRyS playing Apex her gun skills and aim are actually super fucking good. However she has no situational awareness about anything else, lol. Seems par for the course when it comes to IRyS. She gets tunnel vision when playing games.

>> No.18655220
File: 1.94 MB, 640x400, 1606974901391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will play apex with friends
>I've played apex with IRyS

>> No.18655236 [DELETED] 

She's reading the wrong acronym

>> No.18655281

Sorry we only kneel to IRyS here

>> No.18655284


>> No.18655315

IRyS really do be forgetting her english

>> No.18655415

usualy i would say we at least get a new iRyS stream, but we actualy lost our members stream for good now.

>> No.18655445
File: 149 KB, 345x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jpg owl

>> No.18655700

Sora is the one who crashed our date

>> No.18655807

Sora likes IRyS idiot if anything she'd keep (You) from her


>> No.18655857

Only thought I got from that outfit was to have a beautiful date with her. Life's unfair :(

>> No.18656034
File: 190 KB, 319x248, Overdue.Birdofparadise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18656225

Just tuned in in Bae's stream, has Irys said anything related to her keyboard?

>> No.18656232

God IRyS is such a slut.

>> No.18656291


>> No.18656295


>> No.18656306

My slut~ <3

>> No.18656365
File: 163 KB, 375x236, 46438782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wanna nerd out about disney theme parks with this dork so bad ahhhhhh

>> No.18656486
Quoted by: >>18656807

>you will never ride roller coasters with this genki gyaru dork, why live?

>> No.18656534

IRyS really cranks up the chattiness when her Australian sex pet is in the room.

>> No.18656550
File: 1.03 MB, 640x906, 1643820568115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out, Mumei is actually my spirit animal. I'm leaving to be a Hooman, see you later, losers!

>> No.18656566
Quoted by: >>18656605

And reine

>> No.18656605

Or almost anyone really

>> No.18656803

IRyS stop sounding SEX in front of the rat. You're gonna make me jealous.

>> No.18656807
File: 325 KB, 1164x1080, 1645114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life isnt fair intensifies

>> No.18656831
Quoted by: >>18656878

shes just good at talking, except to people who dont like her, like kiara for some reason

>> No.18656867
Quoted by: >>18656953

good lord rrat and irys voices are so sex,
asmr stream doko?

>> No.18656878

Why doesn't she like her

>> No.18656898

You should be jealous since we don't have a members stream for this.

>> No.18656918

I fear for the rat if they actually go to their Disney "date"

>> No.18656941

>IRyS at the top
OK I am gonna play Jump King

>> No.18656953

IRyS said she only does asmr "for the lols" so that would take some convincing to do
you'd have to ask the rrat to push her

>> No.18656995

IRyS was born immense vocal talent and a dual citizenship.
Kiara's voice is considered grating and harsh by many, and she had to demean herself regularly just to make ends meet on a work visa.

>> No.18657001
File: 1.16 MB, 1243x702, IRySal D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't see you there IRyStocrats

>> No.18657031
Quoted by: >>18657091

Trade off is not worth it. Losing an IRyS stream and having to listen to Bae just to hear her.

>> No.18657049

Well not faking the chicken voice would help

>> No.18657079


>> No.18657084

Damn, I mean there are people worse of than kiara, what hers problem, No one get what they want... man fuck life :(

>> No.18657086
Quoted by: >>18657217

Kiara is fine. She's more successful than IRyS really.

>> No.18657091


>> No.18657142

>This could've been resolved if Kiara's visa didn't expire and she likely hang out more with IRyS than Mori

>> No.18657149
Quoted by: >>18657180

Take your meds.

>> No.18657180
Quoted by: >>18657224

Take the dildo out of your axe wound

>> No.18657197
Quoted by: >>18657273

people say its because irys annnoucement was on kiara's birthday (and ame had to help out a crying kiara) and kiara got a grudge against irys ever since.

>> No.18657217

The chicken is secretly not content with her success, even though she's >99th percentile, and you know it.

>> No.18657221
Quoted by: >>18657313

Bae is fucking annoying, the last few minutes have just cemented it as I haven't watched her in awhile. Hu uhuh huhuhuhuhuhuh. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. OH MAH GAWD. That and repeating shit instead of actually saying anything. You don't have to like Bae to like IRyS.

>> No.18657224
Quoted by: >>18657267

You're the one that should go back to hlgg if you wanna talk about Bae.

>> No.18657267

Actually IRyS is in Bae's stream and the comment chain started with a comment about how this is going to deprive us of a potential IRyS stream. It belongs here faggot.

>> No.18657273

Is she 10? doesn't make sense what bro

>> No.18657313

Bae makes me diamonds and I feel guilty about how often I bust a nut to her when IRyS is my favorite.

>> No.18657349
Quoted by: >>18657657

Her voice is shit

>> No.18657351
Quoted by: >>18657421

You should feel guilty. Only IRyS does it for me.

>> No.18657352

I believe in a members stream later, just watch

>> No.18657360

Don't feel shame. I jerk it to Kronii paizuri all the time and I don't even watch her outside of collabs.

>> No.18657376
Quoted by: >>18657426

Not happening pal

>> No.18657409

No, she appeared here, no stream. The quoatas been filled.

>> No.18657417

Joke on you all Bealz is my girlfriend and IRyS is my wife. Im having the time of my life right now listen to both of them voice.

>> No.18657421

it used to be only iRyS for me too, but Reine started getting me hard as diamonds sometimes.

>> No.18657426
Quoted by: >>18657543

What are you gonna do if it happens?
Put your money where your mouth is

>> No.18657433
Quoted by: >>18657640

Only IRyS for me now like it actually crazy how nothing else does it for me now its kinda concerning

>> No.18657473

And I'm out

>> No.18657478


>> No.18657526


>> No.18657531

FUCK im out, cant stand the Brapper

>> No.18657543

If no member stream, i will put my dick in his mouth , deal ?

>> No.18657575


>> No.18657606

>SP game

>> No.18657614


>> No.18657624

I will stay and note you guys when ..."that" gone

>> No.18657640

just don't turn into a tribalschizo

>> No.18657657

God no. Her all natural morning voice when she's making no effort to touch up her thick accent turns me into a whimpering sex mule.

>> No.18657660
Quoted by: >>18657711

i really wanna leave is anyone gonna sit through it and give me/us a short summary thing after?

>> No.18657659


>> No.18657707


>> No.18657711
Quoted by: >>18657773


>> No.18657726
Quoted by: >>18657754


>> No.18657754

did irys leave?

>> No.18657773


>> No.18657775

I did.

>> No.18657776

It's safe now

>> No.18657780

No, she's still there

>> No.18657842
Quoted by: >>18657894


>> No.18657843
Quoted by: >>18657913

>closing the stream just for the M-woman

>> No.18657850
Quoted by: >>18657894


>> No.18657894

PNG only.

>> No.18657913

i have to watch her space anyway

>> No.18657947
Quoted by: >>18657999

You anons are so weak, if you really love Irys then you would have the ability to only hear her and hear the others as white noise.

>> No.18657982
Quoted by: >>18658080

She's just went to see who was at her door not really gone

>> No.18657999

Selective hearing? Yes, that is a trait all men possess.

>> No.18658080

it was me

>> No.18658188

>She has bad handwriting
>I have bad handwriting

>> No.18658537

buffrys love

>> No.18658550
Quoted by: >>18658625

Woah dying here

>> No.18658625

Can I join you? Stupid rat stealing my wifeRyS.

>> No.18658658

So is there a chance for a stream today?

>> No.18658690


>> No.18658707

You have your stream right now

>> No.18658743
Quoted by: >>18658791

we've gotten an hour of IRyS up to now so

>> No.18658791


>> No.18658829

So this means she streamed today, there won't be anything else

>> No.18658832


>> No.18658854

Bea done streaming, you guys doesn't miss much, no need to rejoin her stream. But it would be nice if you guys could consider going to Bae b-day stream.

>> No.18658861

Bitch doesn't even remember her birthday

>> No.18658878

How does M-word not know IRyS's Birthday? I hate her more now.

>> No.18658890

Wrong thread, seanig

>> No.18658928

Thanks, appreciate it

>> No.18658929

I'll join when IRyS calls in.

>> No.18658942
File: 76 KB, 750x480, escanor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18659275

are you buff enough to handle Irys?

>> No.18658952

Thanks anon but I'll pass, I don't like her that much and I have some work to do

>> No.18659079

Man can't even let it end on a good note man fuck this bitch

>> No.18659139


>> No.18659142
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, leanrys.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18659231

What? It's funny

>> No.18659248
Quoted by: >>18659312

>triggered by teasing
grow some skin fruitcup

>> No.18659275
File: 6 KB, 564x626, 1645172780398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18659541

I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.18659312

Calm down, Cuckbeats

>> No.18659328


>> No.18659387

Except for the fact that it isn't

>> No.18659412
Quoted by: >>18659473

Glad Bae ended early to get rid of M*ri.

>> No.18659413
Quoted by: >>18659542

It's done now, but why can't you guys go to one of the other 30% of the threads on the board for bitching about Mori? This thread is for IRyS.

>> No.18659415
Quoted by: >>18659455

Let them know that they are not welcome.

>> No.18659456 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 507x267, Dopey.Sow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will watch jojo I promise...

>> No.18659455
Quoted by: >>18659554

catalog bait thread tribalfags aren't welcome either

>> No.18659473


>> No.18659541
File: 128 KB, 1500x1431, santa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go

>> No.18659542
Quoted by: >>18659586

>Goes to /ggg/
>At least 1 schizo bitching about mori
>Goes to Kiara general
>At least 2 schizos bitching about mori
It's all so tiresome

>> No.18659552
Quoted by: >>18660044


>> No.18659554
Quoted by: >>18659710

i welcome the ones against Mori in particular

>> No.18659586
Quoted by: >>18659859

The thread you want is /morig/. Stop getting lost.

>> No.18659621

back to VODs for me, I guess... unless? nah i wish she would take a break for the rest of the day and have fun

>> No.18659710
File: 833 KB, 1125x886, 1641873515877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too

>> No.18659744

Wait, whats happening here?

>> No.18659834
Quoted by: >>18659863

"fans" deciding their oshi can't have friends

>> No.18659840
Quoted by: >>18659941

mori anti tourists vs irystocrats, been like this since the cuck arc

>> No.18659847

People hating on Mori because she couldn't even remember IRyS's Birthday. Given how close she is to her this is unforgivable.

>> No.18659850
Quoted by: >>18660222

I find it so hard to start things these days. I still got Girls Last Tour downloaded and ready from around Ame's debut. Haven't touched it.

>> No.18659859
Quoted by: >>18659919

Retard, I'm getting tired of shitters mentioning her non-stop.

>> No.18659863

We don't have to like them

>> No.18659919

This but Bae too

>> No.18659941

IRyStocrats vs. Brrats and cuckbeats

>> No.18659955

Shitting your diaper over some milquetoast banter between friends is pathetic.
And holding a grudge for something insensitive someone else said over a month ago is literal woman behavior.
You may now try to save face by rattling your spear and claiming I'm a spy for your enemy tribe or whatever.

>> No.18660033

I don't care about the banter I just don't like her for many other reasons.

>> No.18660044

>caring about subtitle quality in 2020+2
if im gonna watch it subbed might as well watch it with the ones that make me laugh

>> No.18660077
File: 1.68 MB, 940x964, Odo (踊) - Ado[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9ufwg9.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18660291

>> No.18660222

You should try it, I recently finished Sonny Boy and started Wonder Egg Priority, I also started reading Kaguya sama, it has been pretty fun so far.

>> No.18660260

its not holding grudges, i just hate her as a person, also she doesnt stop doing what people are complaining about so it will never end.

>> No.18660272

Whoa, can I join morishills? Looks like they get paid a lot.

>> No.18660291
File: 296 KB, 450x450, 1635046404765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How's the volume

>> No.18660373
File: 818 KB, 4093x2894, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgqpcag.mp3].jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18660460

are the mori shills in the room with you right now, tourist?

yeah, I used to rip them from the karaoke vods, all the recent ones come from the holokaraoke guy who cleans them up though

>> No.18660377

high, as it should

>> No.18660454

>Tfw morishills gets to paid higher than any jannies on this site

>> No.18660460
Quoted by: >>18660492

Why? They're all in the mega in the OP.

>> No.18660492

I made most of them the day of the karaokes

>> No.18660555
File: 519 KB, 1080x1920, FL7mjToVcAYA5lh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18660570

So are they playing Apex now or what?

>> No.18660601

>4 waiting

>> No.18660630
File: 168 KB, 600x600, 1641788185159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me

>> No.18660681

To the Irystocrat that suggested Simple and Clean there in the last 5 minutes, I thank you.

>> No.18660680

Me and my smart sodas

>> No.18660746
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, E7zM9OmWYAUVndM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS love! and some anons here were thinking Bae stream was the last of IRyS for today

>> No.18660773

was watching kson, guess this is better

>> No.18660844

APEX time

>> No.18660945
Quoted by: >>18661055

>I have friends to play Apex with
This sounds kind of sad

>> No.18660985

im actually excited for apex for once

>> No.18661055

It would be sad if she didn't…
like me

>> No.18661089

Next thread:
