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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 871 KB, 800x1130, 94240231_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18563437 No.18563437 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18563446


>> No.18563456

>思ひ恋ふ (Original song)

>Iris (Original song)

>Goodbye Sengen (Cover)

>Hana ni Bourei (Yorushika Cover)

Merch(Check the product page for Geekjack links):
>Uruha Rushia Birthday Celebration 2022 (until 2022-02-28)

>Rushia Christmas Voice Pack (until 2022-02-28)

>Hololive Sankisei Summer Festival Shirt Resale

>Bloom 2020 Flower Charm Resale

>Akihabara Collab Sankisei Acrylic Figures

>Rushia Figma incl. Fandead

>Rushia Nendo

>Spotlight Album feat. "magical mode" cover by Rushia

Previous Thread: >>18511070

>> No.18563706


I mean, its possible, but it isn't the kind of love she promised. Also still doesn't change she was being dishonest to fandead despite promising she would never be so.

>> No.18563849

You don't need to hit the enter key an extra time, this isn't reddit.

>> No.18563975


meant to
to this post

>> No.18564276

that sounds like mental gymnastics and honestly i can't be arsed to do any

>> No.18564394
File: 635 KB, 1920x1080, unrelenting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue chasing your ideal fellow fandeads, never give up

>> No.18564443
File: 307 KB, 600x600, 1642045398573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18564453


You know your future, but you won't give up... but you know your future, it will end in disappointment anon.

>> No.18564499


>> No.18564883
Quoted by: >>18619087

Accept reality, Fandead
Why doesn't Rushia explain anything?
1. She can't because she can't look at the Fandead after what she's done.
2. She values corporate rules more than the people who have supported her so far.

>> No.18565051
File: 155 KB, 801x1053, 5d75967ea8ccd68d4ca77251290165bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have forsaken my idelas and decided to become a Superhero for her sake. Even if the whole world is against us

>> No.18565120

Anon...no it's not. I'll tell you what she loves; the money fandeads throw at her. That's as far as it goes and as far as it will ever go.

>> No.18565556
File: 45 KB, 629x630, 1639063030067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia a cute

>> No.18567618
File: 418 KB, 1672x1361, FLt95tmVEAUz0mA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18567761

Maybe if I use a fanart of her old model and write the subject in moon runes then the evil antis won't come to this thread!

>> No.18567913
Quoted by: >>18572536

Hold the line, Fandead.
You know that Rushia is the type of person to be mentally weak and break easily in times of stress, and this has been by far the most stressful moment in her career as Uruha Rushia.
However, she will return and she will explain everything as best as she is contractually allowed to. Believe in your oshi, not in the words of cuckbrain antis, nor in the words of Keemstar-knockoffs.

>> No.18569516
File: 284 KB, 1102x850, FLj-L-iVIAkTBDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18569586

She's never coming back...

>> No.18569759
Quoted by: >>18571965

Information at the end fo this week, you are going to be okay fandeads

>> No.18571965
Quoted by: >>18572179

What makes you so sure?

>> No.18572179
Quoted by: >>18589070

I belev it

>> No.18572268 [SPOILER] 
File: 238 KB, 1005x1080, 1640432553631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18593216

I wonder if she talked with her yet

>> No.18572274
Quoted by: >>18572315

This thread lives off scarce information. You all gonna end up insane. Go watch Towa, she was extremely cute today.

>> No.18572315

Don't post the T-word in this thread faggot

>> No.18572326
File: 1.34 MB, 930x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18589122

Just imagining the sex gets me hard...

>> No.18572412

>cuckbrain antis
GFE and unicorns are the cucks, by their own mentally ill standards - no one else thinks they get cucked when they are NOT in a relationship with someone
This is the backpedaling of EOP fandead, I assume? Or just hypocrites that kissed the ground Korekore walked on before his second stream?
Pathetic, either way. There are easier ways of saying you will always believe Rushia, you know.

>> No.18572536
File: 69 KB, 600x600, FLXU-SHaAAAcwfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, thanks
thread may be garbage but at least I get to laugh at the retarded schizos

>> No.18572613

I'll wait for however long I have to
I will end up getting sent to the psych ward again if this ends up being another Roa situation though

>> No.18572740

The thread would be a lot worse if not for the tourist thread I made which is still up.

>> No.18574813
Quoted by: >>18587968

>everyone who says things I don't like is a schizo, especially if it's the truth
Just what one would expect from a fancuck. Should go to your friend's little "secret" hugbox.

>> No.18576294
File: 83 KB, 288x248, 1600786899900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denied being a schizo
>but didn't deny being a retard
I see...

>> No.18576726

Now you see EN vtuber/fandom are cancer the reason about that is EOP

>> No.18577033
Quoted by: >>18587450

Hey fandead bros, I hope rushia is doing great today as well, and I hope chammers or any of her friends really are checking on her!

>> No.18579428
File: 522 KB, 1369x2878, FLyJQ4OaQAwATDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18579834

I don't watch Rushia, nor I like Hololive. But I feel sorry that mafumafu was dragged into this shitshow. I heard she is quite mentally weak, so I hope she doesn't do anything stupid like killing herself. I hope you Rushia fans the best.

>> No.18580130

I will. But just for myself.

>> No.18583473

Remember: pink woman bad
She'll come back soon with your bluepill explanation bros, don't worry you'll be back into your illusion soon enough

>> No.18585424
File: 205 KB, 850x1030, 4B9FC2BF-9CE0-4E32-8667-A40A03EC108D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18586627

>> No.18585427
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, solar flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18585528
File: 194 KB, 1589x2048, 1644945786191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18588141

>> No.18586179
Quoted by: >>18587315

Why did she do it, fancucks? Why did she suck and fuck so many cocks?

>> No.18586627
File: 311 KB, 1000x1000, 11186754636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18588141

Her cheeks look so pinchable...

>> No.18587152
File: 231 KB, 1600x781, FGuwW1nVIAE0K8H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18587191

>hugging and kissing sperm cells
What a fucking whore, holy shit.

>> No.18587315

All of them were Fandeads(mine)

>> No.18587450

Arigatou Haaton! I still can't manage to watch streams but I still catch the membership posts and I'm glad Haatos last one sounds as if shes found a positive way to look at what she mentioned. I'm glad for her

>> No.18587550
File: 45 KB, 250x216, teru teru bouzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18588447

I just realized that fandeads are literally the same shit as mafumafu's mascot

>> No.18587701

>Rushia trying to regain her fandeads.jpg

>> No.18587968

> still sperging about 'secret hugbox'
just kys SEA schizo

>> No.18588135
File: 107 KB, 1000x540, If you don't know GFE, then I can't expect you to get our cause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18588141

those fandeads? all me
I look pretty cute!

>> No.18588195
File: 333 KB, 888x895, __uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_yazawa_oke__55b5066a757839f12f89389c1b5159f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to go back to posting cute Rushias

>> No.18588345
Quoted by: >>18589316

It is still surprising me to that, regardless of what Rushia actually says (which I believe will probably be her graduation announcement because clearing up a misconception takes nowhere near this much time), you guys will be branded cucks for good. You fanbase will harbor the same disdain you probably have/had/most people here have towards Cuckbeats and Nakirigumi.
You can post "cute Rushias," it's just you'll post them in a shit thread.

>> No.18588447
File: 19 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18588558

Fandeads, I pity you, you can't even hide behind moonrunes...

>> No.18588628
File: 186 KB, 850x1206, E5DB5B60-5AEE-45F3-B7DF-71A95993D3C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18588700
File: 639 KB, 2279x3200, FLUegyqaIAEiQob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post cute Rushias, who's gonna stop you?

>> No.18588744

At this point it's literally like 2 dudes that are dedicated enough to seek us out, the rest of the seaniggers are more than happy to cuckpost
I'm still not posting here yet but it shows that we've gotten past the big wave

>> No.18588769
File: 89 KB, 388x630, rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18589153

The plan was airtight... they were finally going to hide the thread from those nasty crossboarders and redditors... why didn't it work?

>> No.18589070

its gonna be at least 2 weeks, and she'll give a weepy apology with no details. Fandeads will have no questions answered. There will be no member stream afterwards to answer either.

>> No.18589122

do you the know the source for the rule34 of mafumafu and rushia i've seen on here? cant find them on sankaku or the usual rule34 sites.

>> No.18589153
Quoted by: >>18589255

Just post the link. Let's kill off these cucks for good.

>> No.18589183

Not really, I think the slowing down is that there are not many fancuck here anymore. Because just as cuckbeats not too long ago, you could not help but bite the bait.

>> No.18589255
Quoted by: >>18589317

Maybe, once I'm bored or annoyed enough. If Rushia (or some other credible source) confirms it that's an immediate kill on sight for any remaining fandead.

>> No.18589277
File: 421 KB, 2048x1758, 1643782571711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post cute rushi and you will like it

>> No.18589288
Quoted by: >>18589354

SEAnigger here, do you want me to become the 3rd seeker? Like, im not against Rushia or anything but if you have a problem with SEA that much i could be come one, just for giggle.

>> No.18589313
File: 751 KB, 710x680, worried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are schizos so chuuni?

>> No.18589317
Quoted by: >>18589500

Confirms what? She is a confirmed whore. Sounds like you're a coping fancuck trying to act cool.

>> No.18589316

yea, unless she sues korekore that's pretty much a done deal. If she does sue him, then the fundamental facts may be off. Otherwise, this is going to continue to be extremely tough for her and fandeads. Broken trust simply can't be rebuilt quickly, sometimes not ever.

>> No.18589354

seanigger has long become a state of mind more than anything else, like nigger or faggot

>> No.18589500

I mean yeah, it's pretty much confirmed, you would have to be delusional to believe otherwise, but if there's a 1% chance these motherfuckers are right and they're defending their queen until marriage I don't want to be the person to crash the party. I'll wait for more information for now.

>> No.18589534
Quoted by: >>18589794

>there's a 1% chance these motherfuckers are right
The chance is 0%. You're a cuck.

>> No.18589794
File: 377 KB, 539x653, 1644743939565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18589995

Here you go, faggot.

>> No.18589995
Quoted by: >>18590044

There you go, cuck. Let's go get these cucks off our board for good.

>> No.18590044

Already moved to a new one. Unfortunately for them, the antis are always one step ahead.

>> No.18590530


>> No.18590722
File: 450 KB, 1200x794, 123463580579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18590790
Quoted by: >>18590952


>> No.18590952
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1611948176791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18591174

I didn't post this one, so it could be a fancuck deflection poal, but if not nice job finding yet another cuckshed. I was going to give it 20 minutes at the very least.

>> No.18591163

Edited with new poal.

>> No.18591174
File: 370 KB, 2152x1431, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18591381

Anyone with half a brain can find it easily.

>> No.18591381
File: 28 KB, 388x125, brain damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure, these fucking niggers really think it's a former fandead leaking everything. Apparently they forgot archives exist.

By the way, every single post in the poal since the 14th has been archived. Wish I came up with that idea earlier.

>> No.18591447
Quoted by: >>18591566

Anti-bros it's over...basically 2FA combining poal.me post history + membership/merch...

>> No.18591566

The Rushia split became what they swore to destroy: Reddit.

>> No.18591905

I don't even get the fucking point of this shit. Do you really want to be able to say
>oh geez, i hope she's alright and will talk soon, bros...
that fucking badly? I don't know why you don't just wait out the storm and lurk. Is it EOPs or people that can't be assed to keep with news? What's the point of these "secret" threads?

>> No.18591970

Fancucks are mind broken and require the reassurance of other fellow mind broken fancucks to not an hero.

>> No.18592047

The reason it's taking so long is because that one guy on twitter named aki something who claims to be her ex from 15 years ago and said rushia had an abortion with her next partner and shit. She contacted police about it, but I'm not sure there's anything they can do.

>> No.18592147

Really is no point but it's amusing watching that one faggot get autistically triggered over it.

>> No.18592163

Please don't gatekeep me. I need to be paid attention. I'm really short and I need to make fun of you somehow.

>> No.18592183

His shit has nothing to do with Rushia's relationship with mafumafu though. She could give an answer today, but she doesn't want to.

>> No.18592196
Quoted by: >>18592797

These people have been mindbroken by Mafu and can't handle all the negative comments on /vt/. I suggest forcefeeding them meds.

>> No.18592386

They weren’t intended to be secret, only to actually talk and not have every other post be “cuck”

>> No.18592455

How can you have honest discussion about this if you don't talk about the truth?

>> No.18592552

>They weren’t intended to be secret
Which is why you jumped ship immediately once it was no longer secret. Hope you have fun namefagging and circlejerking in your new Discord server.

>> No.18592586
Quoted by: >>18592966

So, this is "you have to use the poll to and show your membership if you're a fancuck" general

>> No.18592797
File: 8 KB, 282x179, fancucks rn.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They have nothing to hold on to and all they'll have here are people laughing at them or trying to convince them to take their meds and let go of their delusions. To some, this is the same as telling them to kill themselves. A lot of them can't engage without sounding like complete retards as well. I still remember the dude who had a breakdown because of this and claimed to know suffering because his parents told him about bread lines or some shit.

What they are looking for is a literal hugbox. Pic related.

>> No.18592966
File: 117 KB, 800x450, 1618205355444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, papers please. And your Rushia doll.

>> No.18593106


>> No.18593135

In case rushia tries to come back can we affors to max limit supor chat her a message she can't avoid reading like we did to Mori?

>> No.18593216

Pretty sure they had a talk somewhere in like december(?) not-coco twitted about serious conversation with a friend or something like that.

>> No.18593235


>> No.18593348

Shit she is not back yet
Is she gonna do like Roa and disappear for a year

>> No.18593480

by we you mean someone else right poorfag?

>> No.18593536

leaked copy of Rushia's return statement

>> No.18593556
Quoted by: >>18593781

I hope she disappears for good. Just look at all the fancucks here that she's exploited. They are so mind broken that they need to create what is basically a Reddit hugbox so that they don't off themselves.

>> No.18593605
Quoted by: >>18593955

Really feels like she is trying to deviate everyones attention with that anti hunt bullshit.

>> No.18593622

>anti gatekept
>immediately throws tantrum
Please remember to not feed the schizos and focus on getting in the new thing

>> No.18593690

She will be back to test the waters soon because the money is too good to pass up

>> No.18593740
File: 1.07 MB, 849x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this necromancer

>> No.18593764
Quoted by: >>18593859

>in the process also gatekeeping more than a hundred fancucks
Have fun with your 7 fellow fancucks.

>> No.18593774

>anti gatekept
Really? But the antis were lurking since the start.
>immediately throws tantrum

You're becoming more delusional by the day, fancuck.

>> No.18593781

We're normally posting here though since the thread is usable now.

>> No.18593788
File: 844 KB, 850x1046, 1645130226417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, me too!

>> No.18593795

I actually was ready to abandon it but now I want to continue because it makes those two seethe
I want to see how angry they can get

>> No.18593802

She doesn't love you, though...

>> No.18593859

Yup, at this point it's a private chat for a friend circle, not a bunker for fellow fandeads. No one gives a shit if you create a Discord server to talk to your friends.

>> No.18593955

I have a video that is very good evidence for what that guy on twitter said being true. I'm trying to decide if I should post it or not. Rushia isn't my oshi, but I don't want her to graduate. I also know that people change, but her recent actions make me think maybe she hasn't. I don't know. It's been bothering me for a couple days now and I don't want to be the only one here who knows about the video. I feel like it doesn't really have anything to do with what is currently going on besides showing that Rushia has had many, many troubled relationships in the past.

>> No.18594015

>I have a video that is very good evidence

>> No.18594025
Quoted by: >>18594097

>open thread
>its still the same people seething that general doesnt want dramafags and shitposters
do EOPs really

>> No.18594031
Quoted by: >>18594458

You want to add fuel to the drama fire because of past actions anybody who cares already knows about? Come on now.

>> No.18594066
Quoted by: >>18594170

I didnt mean like she is lying about it. Just that she has a much bigger situation going on with her fans and yet she is talking about some anon that spread rumors about her.
I mean sure that can be bad but at this point her Rushia situation is way more urgent.

>> No.18594097

>general doesn't want x and y
General should stop being associated with 4chan then. Fuck off and don't create a single thread until your oshi has redeemed herself.

>> No.18594154

Rushia is a piece of shit anon, I have a story of a time I met her (I didn't say anything because I didn't want her to graduate) but here goes.
I saw Uruha Rushia at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Mintias in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the candies and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence nanodesu,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by screaming really loudly.
so anyways she's a piece of shit

>> No.18594170
Quoted by: >>18594474

Anon that's because
1) the Aki shit is the one blowing up on the JP side of things and
2) It's much easier to deal with than the complicated legal problems involved with the first issue because it involves only her roommate and an obvious rrat from somebody with no ties to her

>> No.18594229
Quoted by: >>18594458

DM it to the person who posted their throwaway twitter in the poal that other faggot linked earlier, you can probably talk to them about it if you don't want to be alone since they seem to understand Japanese

>> No.18594273
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x833, furufuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18594368

うるさい https://youtu.be/Yz5Gdvi6p2k

>> No.18594368
Quoted by: >>18594548

I really wish she played more MonHun on stream, it was pretty fun.
Watching her fight Valstrax would've been hilarious

>> No.18594443

i hope she will find success with her other account

>> No.18594448
File: 59 KB, 686x658, antisseething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dummy account to take some pressure off of the other guy. As per usual, send me a picture of something you think is proof of you being Fandead or at least not an anti like DMing me a link to your actual Twitter with a tweet on it saying some shit that proves it's obviously yours. Timestamp it if it's a picture and include your ID.
Also, usless assmad jannies prove this board was a mistake but I'm still gonna keep Rushia threads up to make you faggots seethe

>> No.18594458

No. Almost everyone thinks the aki person on twitter is making shit up. That might still be true for most of what he said, but there's something specific that he said that most people didn't know about her that a few japanese fans/antis found evidence for. The video had hardly any views. I know it sounds like I'm making shit up. I can only give you my word that I'm not. I don't want to throw fuel on anything. I don't want her to graduate. But I also don't want Hololive to take advantage of people and call their talent idols if they aren't single.

That's a good suggestion. I will also post the video if she graduates.

>> No.18594474

Is it the same guy she been having problems before?
I dont follow her roommate twitter as she locks it and all but I know that like a year ago she was already talking about calling lawyers to deal with some harasser.

>> No.18594530
Quoted by: >>18594554

Send the video link to https://twitter.com/eNINEaa4919 if you can

>> No.18594548
File: 3.19 MB, 2000x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18594767


>> No.18594554

Fixed it to allow messages from anyone

>> No.18594608

>make you faggots seethe
At this point I don't know if this is directed to fancucks, antis or dramafags. Maybe all of them?
>send me a picture of something you think is proof of you being Fandead or at least not an anti like DMing me a link to your actual Twitter with a tweet on it saying some shit that proves it's obviously yours. Timestamp it if it's a picture and include your ID.
You're mentally ill.

>> No.18594656
Quoted by: >>18595056

>send me a picture of something you think is proof of you being Fandead or at least not an anti like DMing me a link to your actual Twitter with a tweet on it saying some shit that proves it's obviously yours
Hahahahahaha holy shit, some dumb fancuck is going to get himself doxed. I hope Twitter removes EXIF data.

>> No.18594767

furufuru a cute!
rushia a cute!

>> No.18594784
File: 87 KB, 528x403, colaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she's sipping on a nice cold cola right now

>> No.18595056
Quoted by: >>18595124

It does, and the bunker had IDs so we're fine. Good proof that this board needs IDs

>> No.18595124

I know right, maybe it should have usernames too? That's nicer than a persistent ID. Would make it so much easier to filter out the antis.

>> No.18595151

>cries about it

>> No.18595170
Quoted by: >>18595376

Just flags so that we can see you're from China. Stop acting like a dumb Chink you dumb Chink.

>> No.18595178


>> No.18595237

Post the evidence. It's so obvious she's continuing to manipulate people for money

>> No.18595254 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.17 MB, 2864x1908, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18617589

>> No.18595266

Send it to this twitter account that person who knows Japanese made https://twitter.com/PastebinThrwawy so they can look at it

>> No.18595281
Quoted by: >>18595376

>keeps the link for days
>gets called names once
>posts it immediately

>> No.18595343
Quoted by: >>18595381

post it now or you're a faggot

>> No.18595376

Ah yes, all the fucking chinks raiding /vt/ speaking perfect English. How will we ever get rid of those?
The real reason for taking so long to post the link is obviously because I wanted to collect more embarrassing posts from you pathetic fucks. Think.

>> No.18595381
Quoted by: >>18595988

>t. faggot

>> No.18595404

Stop acting like a bug then anon

>> No.18595414
Quoted by: >>18595501

>The real reason for taking so long to post the link is obviously because I wanted to collect more embarrassing posts from you pathetic fucks. Think.

>> No.18595418

Holy shit, seeing you cuckdeads in this situation made me realize that cuckbeats are more /strongmind/ than any of the cuckdeads here, especially the poll dude that uses a fucking throwaway Twitter acc.

>> No.18595485
File: 432 KB, 900x392, zzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18595501
Quoted by: >>18595560

Anon, I... you really believed that? The raging anti somehow doubting the rock-solid evidence that already exists? She's cucking you, it's a fact, and if it wasn't I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.18595506

It's no secret that JPfags have always been incredibly insecure.

>> No.18595516

Go back to your anti discord and stop seething about us not wanting to use your tranny shit

>> No.18595536
Quoted by: >>18595592

>But I also don't want Hololive to take advantage of people and call their talent idols if they aren't sing
Thats literally the same I want, but I cant the same about Rushia graduating.
I loved her and was happy to be a fandead, but the one thing I hate in this life is being lied to and made a fool of. So yeah, I just cant forgive Rushia if she stays in Hololive.
IF by chance she had the ultimate proof that she been single since the joined Hololive, then that would be fine. But I am sure she got nothing like that, and if you dont post whatever videos you got to show her true colors, then I fear she will just come up with a excuse, stay in Hololive and keep taking money from people.
Maybe I am being overdramatic but I think this situation even fucked up my trust in every other Holo, and now I just cant take them serious anymore.

>> No.18595560
Quoted by: >>18595621

>Anon, I... you really believed that?
No, but not because I thought it was a joke, just that you are

>> No.18595592
Quoted by: >>18596849

and he's back to LARPing as Fandead

>> No.18595621

Yeah, yeah, sure thing you fucking clown. Back to your cuckshed.

>> No.18595711

>cuckbeats are more /strongmind/
I cant even begin to imagine anyone who isnt an actual certified cuck still being Mori fan.
Rushia may have cucked her fans, but Mori constantly shows she does not give a shit about what her fans think. Not even when it comes to gachikoi shit, but in general, like how she gave superchat money to the dude who talked shit about Hololive.

>> No.18595747

and she's a wigger

>> No.18595754

Also not a Fandead by the way, before anybody starts claiming we're antis of anybody

>> No.18595776

t. Deadbeat

>> No.18595812

he didn't talk shit though, he praised it.

>> No.18595879

how long must this go on

>> No.18595884
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x844, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18595908

Graduation in a week.

>> No.18595925
Quoted by: >>18596275

Did you watch the clip? /vt/ really loves to bring this up but if you watch it, he's really just saying that with hololive, you get hundreds of thousands of subscriber pre-debut, he doesn't state that anyone in it is talentless at all.
>inb4 TTfag
No I think he's an annoying retard, but in this case people are just twisting a sentence.

>> No.18595927

stealth mafumafu thread?
stealth mafumafu thread?

>> No.18595969

Are you going to send it or does it just not exist?

>> No.18595988

You don't have anything then?

>> No.18595999

until that one schizo releases the immediate kill on sight order for fandead
I'm still laughing at that, what a chuuni fuck

>> No.18596044

So where are these embarrassing posts? Are you just a butthurt yard?

>> No.18596093

he's a faggot

>> No.18596099

I already gave you the link.

>> No.18596108
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>> No.18596112

Stop posting in the thread, I want to see how long the schizos can keep the conversation going between each other

>> No.18596275
File: 366 KB, 870x1047, 1644494885079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twisting a sentence
Kek, keep telling yourself that, cuckbeats, you fuckers just got lucky that Rushia took all the heat for your garbage of an Oshi. Your Oshi side with the one who shit on Hololive, never forget that.

>> No.18596480
File: 168 KB, 474x478, 20210312_161311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll hold on until she comes back, can't get worse

>> No.18596503
File: 1.28 MB, 782x1024, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18596574

>> No.18596574


>> No.18596752
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>> No.18596849
Quoted by: >>18615295

Honestly I wish I was larping. I wouldnt be here if I was.

>> No.18596968
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x1380, cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18598573

pink woman bad

>> No.18598619
File: 3.47 MB, 2563x2383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18598676
Quoted by: >>18599593

So, what happened?

>> No.18599466

I just saw the video, it's pretty bad. I won't link it because if it spreads it will unironically be over for her. I'll describe it though in order to sate curiosity.
It seems to be an old NND recording as it is incredibly blurry, however it could also be recent since it's incredibly blurry. She's talking about her favorite songs and artists and then suddenly she looks directly at the camera looking all serious, she starts crying bloody tears and in perfect Mandarin she says "I had an abortion" then it resumes as normal. I think this confirms Aki was telling the truth if she confessed this here. From now on I'm an Aqua Crew.
See ya.

>> No.18599539

Thanks for the chuckle anon, see you around

>> No.18599593

Nothing. Rushia will be back soon

>> No.18599675

She'll have to be graduated now, we can't allow to have any Mandarin speakers left in Hololive

>> No.18599690

>in perfect Mandarin
holy shit it's over for real

>> No.18599862

link or didnt happen

>> No.18600090

no...it's actually over...

>> No.18600180

Did she have hyper realistic eyes too?

>> No.18600224

Fuck this lying slut, I'm a kenzoku now

>> No.18600383
Quoted by: >>18600920

can't help but laugh even if it's true. either way it doesn't matter

>> No.18600920
Quoted by: >>18602872

It's true. I saw it myself, I won't link it here but it wasn't "bloody tears" OP mistranslated the text I think, just crying hard over it. Anyway, the point is that people noticed Mafumafu comment on the video apparently and claim he'll be released it to completely shift the blame over from himself to her, probably some time during his next stream. Keep an eye out because it should be what finishes this.

>> No.18602653
Quoted by: >>18603063

I can't believe I have a kill on sight order hovering over my head, I don't know how long I can withstand this pressure

>> No.18602872

The video doesn't confirm the abortion rumor. It confirms something else that guy said. I'm not posting it to your stupid hugbox poal site. I checked and it's already being posted on the major japanese roommate sites anyways so you'll see it soon regardless.

>> No.18603041

I know this probably isn't what you're talking about, but that guy did make me remember this thing that Kiara (of all people) said about Rushia way back in 2020, which seems to line up with what that guy on Twitter was saying. Some of you probably remember this, but I found the timestamp in case anyone else doesn't know what I mean:

>> No.18603063

>it's another case of "third worlder interprets tongue-in-cheek remark in the most literal way possible"

>> No.18603226

ok schizo

>> No.18603289


>> No.18604673


>> No.18604990

So I'm not a fandead but I came here to check in on you guys, how you holding up? I can't imagine how I'd feel if my oshi was in this situation, are you afraid of what the future holds or are you confident she'll come back with plan of how to proceed? You definitely have my sympathy.

>> No.18605067
Quoted by: >>18605136

What makes you so sure your oshi isn't doing the same thing?
Rushia just happens to be really careless/clusmy so she eventually had to slip up like this.

>> No.18605136

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.18607759 [SPOILER] 
File: 735 KB, 840x1200, 2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18607914

>> No.18607914
Quoted by: >>18608339

i'm sure there's a lot more high quality rushia than a paste on edit

>> No.18608241
File: 45 KB, 460x473, pwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18611134

>cuckdead are wormfags
Everything makes more sense now.

>> No.18608339

It reminds me of when she does this https://youtu.be/dl94fwRDEGw?t=4643

>> No.18608438

That? Now that you mention it, korekore also has tweeted about it in the past https://twitter.com/korekore19/status/1485120701141233666

>> No.18608524

What the actual fuck, that's the kanji for crime in the tweet right? Is Google mistranslating this shit or did he literally tweet about her doing something he called a crime in a tweet and fucking nobody said anything?

>> No.18608583

Yeah it was a drive by shooting. 187’d 3 cops.

>> No.18608786
Quoted by: >>18609704

rushia and mafu fucked in public and are now registered sex offenders

>> No.18609378

this dude is unhinged and needs to be stopped

>> No.18609704

Anon take another look at the picture. Take a closer look at the woman who looks like Rushia. Now zoom in on the top-right corner, by the balcony. Yeah, the face. THAT's Rushia, on the second story. The woman pegging mafumafu is somebody else in the same outfit.

>> No.18609980

I wonder how many Rushia fan arts per week decreased

>> No.18610213
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>> No.18610272
Quoted by: >>18610485

Rushia doko :(

>> No.18610485
Quoted by: >>18617679

It hurts, but it could be worse. I've seen some other fanbases when their oshi is gone for an extended period of time and some of them start crossdressing. At least we're just depressed

>> No.18610597

These threads are a great evidence of meidos not giving a shit if someone shits on JPs

>> No.18611134
Quoted by: >>18615454

Sakura doesn't even appear in that route

>> No.18611221

Don't get us started.

>> No.18611820
Quoted by: >>18612452


>> No.18612452
Quoted by: >>18613704

Compare to the Whori shit, you have one tranny babysitting it to delete any shitpost.

>> No.18612863
Quoted by: >>18616271

Every time I read gachikoi JP twitter I immediately feel better

>> No.18613095


>> No.18613311

>Calls others cucks
>Gets cucked
>Suddenly doesn't care about purity anymore

>> No.18613350

there's a schizo thread anon

>> No.18613649
Quoted by: >>18614532

Oh, it's just dramafag vs fandead.
Missed opportunity for future fandead talking to his past self.

>> No.18613704

The funniest part? He does it for free.

>> No.18613722
Quoted by: >>18619469

>calls other cucks
Find me a single fandead that did this and I will stream myself hanging myself by my own nuts from a power cable until I fall to my death

>> No.18614482 [DELETED] 


>> No.18614532
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>> No.18614829
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Quoted by: >>18615197

>> No.18615197

Why is Tokyo so soulless?

>> No.18615286
File: 852 KB, 965x870, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18615295

you can trust in migo anon.

>> No.18615332

Tokyo has more soul than any american city I've ever been to

>> No.18615382

Firebombing destroyed it more than even Hiroshima and Nagasaki were

>> No.18615429

kek sure thing.

1. Nothing you post here is gonna hurt Rushia, especially if a JP anti already has it, if it didn't take off, there's a reason for it.

2. You are probably just larping.

>> No.18615454
Quoted by: >>18615573

>Sakura doesn't even appear in Heaven's Feel

>> No.18615565

Rushia stream when...?

>> No.18615573
Quoted by: >>18615814

That is not from Heaven's Feel

>> No.18615590
Quoted by: >>18615786

So what is the anti's point even with the two videos they digged up?

>> No.18615786
Quoted by: >>18616029

The point of the anti is to keep the thread bumped

>> No.18615814
Quoted by: >>18619693

Nevermind I thought you were talking about the high jump scene in pic related

>> No.18616029

I just don't get what they are trying to prove with them. One of them was more or less プロレス stuff which isn't proving shit. The other one was her just getting angry which she also did as Rushia when something didn't work and she forgot to mute the mic. So their point is that she gets angry and is a menhera? That's hardly news unless Anti's think that we have some super warped image of her.

>> No.18616160

The most hilarious addition was actually that part about how she had like 6 more boyfriends with supposed proof, but they won't post that because they are all normal people.

>> No.18616192
Quoted by: >>18616516

Anon you should know exactly what their plan is after seeing Aki resurface during this. They're throwing literally the kitchen sink at her to try and drag her reputation through the mud as much as possible while the limelight is on her.

It's just that they genuinely have the wrong vtuber for that kinda thing to work. People say that her mixing her vtuber and roommate is a mistake(it's not mixing honestly but that's what people call it so whatever) but in this case it's genuinely beneficial for her, because the people she gives most of a fuck about and the people who give most of a fuck about her are the type of people least likely to be affected by that kind of smearing.

>> No.18616256

I had a dream last night where I met Rushia again and as we ran towards each other to hug copies of Towa t-posing started spawning until we drowned in Towa

>> No.18616271
Quoted by: >>18616419

post some

>> No.18616419

I'm retarded so every time I find one I don't bookmark or follow and I forget the account
It's like a treasure hunt each time

>> No.18616516
Quoted by: >>18616850

I get that, but how they are trying to do it is just baffling. The only thing they are proving is that she is exactly how i know she is.. like yea that is the women i fell for and?

>> No.18616850
Quoted by: >>18617597

I think I saw a post on 5ch about that yesterday saying basically just that
>Yeah Rushia is a fucking wierdo but isn't that literally the point?
When that's such a well-known sentiment that even the 'AmeButa' here on this board say the same shit about EVERY FUCKING HOLOMEN let alone Rushia, one wonders if they simply don't understand the situation

I saw a JP tweet too a while ago saying some shit like "I watched mikeneko when she was working at the vets, and I thought the way she acted was because of stress, but she's actually a menhera???" (checked their profile btw, full of shit, literally too new of an account)
That sort of normalfag GASP reaction is what they're fishing for. They're trying to drown her with the new cycle.

Remind them that neither she or any of us will ever take meds and that's a good thing and refuse to elaborate. It won't convince them, but sometimes it's fun to yell at people that you'll never take meds

>> No.18616902
File: 691 KB, 512x768, y57rvmdao7i81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute rushia!

>> No.18617150
Quoted by: >>18617597

Honestly the Aki shit is a retarded waste of time with a foregone conclusion, also
I know of what I think is like 2 posters here that would use that term instead of kayfabe and in kana to boot, stalkerfandead anon is that you?
Because you hurt my feelings with your "There are no EN Fandead" comment from a few days ago

>> No.18617194

The way she acted in that scam app video was kind of shitty though.

>> No.18617285
Quoted by: >>18617352

It was also a long time ago

>> No.18617352

2017 wasn't really that long time ago.

>> No.18617389

considering her age.... yea, that isn't that long ago.

>> No.18617416

I was in middle school in 2017...

>> No.18617451
Quoted by: >>18617658

Yeah and she could have been your 28 year old teacher.

>> No.18617497

Get the fuck off my board zoomer

>> No.18617589

Why is it upside down?

>> No.18617597

I guess that's true, i don't think she is that much of a weirdo, but that probably means that i'm also an weirdo. I can see how their argument could have an effect on people who don't really watch her to begin with. I'm not sure how much that matters when her fanbase likes her for who she is and that's not going to change.

I never said that you must be thinking of another anon. Kayfabe isn't even fitting in this case.

Maybe, but it's not like it matter that much now.

>> No.18617636
Quoted by: >>18617700

You need to be 18+ to use this site anon.

>> No.18617641
Quoted by: >>18617789

What scam app video? That's before she was even Rushia, right?

>> No.18617658


>> No.18617679
Quoted by: >>18617735

But, would you look nice in a rushia cosplay?

>> No.18617700
Quoted by: >>18618241

I am 18 just

>> No.18617735


>> No.18617789

>Maybe, but it's not like it matter that much now.
While it doesn't relate to the current situation much it reflects badly on her character no matter how you look at it.

She did a promotional stream for some net shopping app that was a scam. It's linked in the nyfco article.

>> No.18617908

People saying she had a shitty attitude beforehand are people that don't watch her. We're aware. It's like people bringing up 110 to shit on Pekora.
Funnily enough I remember people doing exactly this to both of them when they debuted back on /jp/
"oh no you can't allow such people into Hololive"
Turns out they were sweet girls in shitty circumstances and once they got a chance to have a nice audience they were able to stop defensive. People here don't fucking get NND and how insane it was. Women were literally prodded into being bitches. In a lot of cases that's why they left.

>> No.18618028
Quoted by: >>18618275

>She did a promotional stream for some net shopping app that was a scam. It's linked in the nyfco article.
Not a scam.
>While it doesn't relate to the current situation much it reflects badly on her character no matter how you look at it.
The worst part of it is how non-chalant she is about a few things. It's not great but it's hardly indicative of some long term behavioral trend.

>> No.18618082
Quoted by: >>18618226

Protip: when some anon claims to have "evidence" for drama or some super secret dox shit, but doesn't deliver, it's 100% larp for (You)s. No exceptions.

>> No.18618226

schizoposts are temporary but "ogey" is eternal
Do you have any clue as for how to let the braindead consumers of online tabloids in Japan learn this important lesson, though? Because right now they're quite literally doing the equivalent of being baited by one extremely dedicated 5ch schizo

>> No.18618241
Quoted by: >>18618501

jesas get out of here anon, you don't belong, and you're too young to get depressed and lovesick over a vtuber.

>> No.18618275

The worst part to me was how she was blaming the viewers even though she was promoting something very questionable.

>> No.18618308

tbf its nnd viewers. I'd blame them too.

>> No.18618334
Quoted by: >>18619982

Also I gotta say, I love how the oldest comment on that video is an EOP talking about forbidden knowledge

>> No.18618383

From that video what surprises me the most is that she had 12k viewers

>> No.18618461

It wasn't actually a scam, it was banned for gambling.
And as another anon said NND viewers, and particularly how NND viewers treated women...yeah. You know how antagonistic twitch chats can get, right? NND is a million times worse.

>> No.18618501

too late

>> No.18618707
Quoted by: >>18618886

Yeah it was a lottery with items being the prize. She should have understood that it was illegal but got angry instead.

>> No.18618886

>She should have understood that it was illegal but got angry instead.
>should have understood
Anon, she is retarded. That has never been a joke.

>> No.18618939
File: 11 KB, 800x123, 1644721708068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18619106

redditors fear him

>> No.18618993

I seriously wonder if anyone here ever did anything bad they regretted later. We all make mistakes, she is no saint and i ain't either.

Yea, being called an ugly whore is still on the nicer side of nnd chat messages.

>> No.18619087
Quoted by: >>18619175

3. She is physically weak because all this BS has really affected her.

>> No.18619106

yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before about pekora, coco, korone, rushia, marine, etc etc etc
that one being posted in 2021 makes it even less worth the time spent reading it
At least the posters ha d wringing in 2019 likely knew what they were talking about

>> No.18619175

stop replying to aged bait anon, the schizos might see it and think they have a meal ticket

>> No.18619231
Quoted by: >>18619469

It's called "Sunk Cost Fallacy"

>> No.18619401
Quoted by: >>18619487

Honestly this is like the people whining about Pekora's supposed parting comments to her NND chat being about money. And yet she ends up crying about not being able to pay her views back and stops reading non-aka to reduce SC not much later.

Hololive changed these girls lives for the better. They were able to build the kind of support network that made them happiest and that's why they ended up cherishing it, not the money.

Rushia herself has talked about how there was a period where she hated the world. It's not some secret.
I was in an awful way before her, too.

>> No.18619469

Until you answer this post >>18613722 you will remain silent and my testicles will remain attached, lying faggot.

>> No.18619487
Quoted by: >>18619589

too bad rushia can't stop thinking about dick

>> No.18619589

Fandeads dick(mine)
And that's a good thing because thinking about her masturbating to me is hot

>> No.18619693
File: 10 KB, 113x171, image_2022-02-18_135434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even pic related is from UBW

>> No.18619813

>i don't think she is that much of a weirdo, but that probably means that i'm also an weirdo.
I keep saying this, but this is why us and her are so close. If I didn't feel like I understood her on a spiritual level I would've never started those reps for her sake. Something about her makes the world make more sense. I made a chuuni post about it earlier

>> No.18619982

I'm convinned that I could find a grainy 20 year old video uploaded to the dustrybserver of a long defunct video host of a Holo and I'd still find an EOP comment wbout forbidden knowledge there
They're cringey as fuck but EOPs are like the cockroaches of the internet, there's always 1 somewhere. Rooting out old shit is probably one of the strongest powers EOPs have

>> No.18620401
Quoted by: >>18620440

Hey, any anons here have that clip of her as Rushia freaking out and stopping the stream when a viewer got shit on for IIRC an excessively cringey SC because she felt bad for him?
I remember a Twitter userr clipped it before it was removed from the archive. That moment stands out to me a lot aince she didn't have to do that at all if she was being manipulative and she probably lost money strictly speaking.

I doubt she'd want people to see it but it may serve as a useful contrast in specifically this case.

>> No.18620440

The one where he got shit on by chat commenters and she cried because she felt bad about that, I mean.

>> No.18620876

I dont know how the jannies treats shitposters in this thread, but reporting works in our general. Try to do so, if it works it works, if not then at least you try.

>> No.18621005

I gave up hope after that one travesty of a doxxshit thread but if it gets bad I might try again, thanks for the shout

>> No.18621045

Report for what? "Being a meanie"?

>> No.18621113

next thread

>> No.18621133
Quoted by: >>18621210

believe it or not this shit website has rules that aren't directly written into US law nowadays, for better or for worse

>> No.18621210
Quoted by: >>18621270

Yeah, but the only option you could conceivably pick is "this post is low quality", and that's only going to work if the jannies care enough about your oshi.

>> No.18621270
Quoted by: >>18621316

its all cryptic to me. i got a warning and then a ban in /vt/ for posting "chrome is a better web browser than edge" verbatim

>> No.18621273

Technically it falls under trolling outside of /b/, but then a lot of things count as that and obviously no-one ever actually gets banned or even deleted for it, I don't even know what exactly the standards are for "troll posts out of /b/".

>> No.18621316
Quoted by: >>18621543

Fucking Google shills.
I'm not trolling.

>> No.18621503

she's ugly af and a whore, you are getting cucked from two ways at the same time, congrats.

>> No.18621543

>In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a newsgroup, forum, chat room, online video game, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception.
Spamming Rushia cuck stuff, spamming about how "happy" you are about Rushia x Mafumafu, so on, seems like the definition of trolling to me. But then like I said, that applies to like 90% of the posts on /vt/ and 4chan as a whole at most times.

>> No.18621597

or you grow a thick skin and accept the cuckness, this board won't get any better i guarantee you

>> No.18621675
Quoted by: >>18621955

>with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception
I don't care how you react. I just hate Rushia. Sorry, not trolling and not breaking the rules. All my posts are sincere.

>> No.18621691

Why do cuckposters so horny about chuubas cucking their audience? Do they have cuckold fetish themselves and just projecting it onto others while being in denial? They post about it nonstop even without any actual yabs in every split thread and /hlgg/ alike...

>> No.18621701
Quoted by: >>18621955

If you're going to ban someone for inflammatory or insincere posts you're going to end up nuking 90% of 4chan out of existence. You'd be doing the world a favor but that's just not going to happen. 4chan is mostly comprised of posts like that. Just grow a thick skin and move on is what I say. Unfortunately, it's Rushia herself who fucked up and brought on this situation. Not much you can do until she streams again and hopefully clears up the air. Until then, either stay away from /vt/ or hide those posts. The mods can't nuke them on this logic without nuking the rest of /vt/ with them.

>> No.18621955

Yeah I know, I already said that, I was just throwing it out there, by a technicality it's "breaking the rules" and you could theoretically report it for that, but it probably won't get deleted.
You can be sincere about your hatred for Rushia and also "trolling" the Fandead with cuckshit at the same time, it's not mutually exclusive. It doesn't even matter anyway, I was just pointing it out.

>> No.18621957
Quoted by: >>18622103

Man, this site really has fallen from grace since 2011 huh?

>> No.18622103

To be fair, "do not post trolls outside of /b/" has been in the global rules before 2011

>> No.18622543

To be fair, I've got banned around Christmas for making what I thought was a legitimate post criticizing Sakamata since it is part of /vt/'s rules that targeted harassment of a vtuber
>Singling out individual VTubers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated. Do not stalk or harass any VTubers.
counts as trolling. So really if the rules are going to be used at all, the rules should be enforced when there's the same faggot blatantly making the same bait posts over and over again.

>> No.18622626
File: 994 KB, 1744x1079, 1639358351979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fancuck fears the orca

>> No.18622921

lol one of them entered a rushuia dox thread solely to remove a mori rm pic and ignored that even the namefagging OP asked for it's deletion.

>> No.18622947

>Singling out individual VTubers for the purposes of trolling them
How can you troll Rushia if she can't even read our posts?

>> No.18623617

Is Soju daijobu?

>> No.18623664

How do I get Rushia to fuck me? Asking for a friend...

>> No.18623970
File: 360 KB, 1222x1522, FLjr_gpaQAI-xEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18624554
File: 389 KB, 1300x1625, 1644146760477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
