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18190548 No.18190548 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Chubas immune to controversy.

>> No.18190737
Quoted by: >>18191614

this but unironically, if something like this were to happen to her, she'd be memeing about it the next day after keeping the VOD up for 12 hours...you gotta rate it ngl

>> No.18190781

retard, she caused coco to graduate

>> No.18190793

>ITT: Chubas immune to relevancy.

>> No.18190820
Quoted by: >>18191798

so she's immune like op said? nothing happened to her

>> No.18190839
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1623023146686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's never done anything wrong

>> No.18190850

She was born bathed in controversy.
She's controversy personified.

>> No.18190853

and she got off fine. Sounds immune to me

>> No.18190877
Quoted by: >>18191263

Haachama is perpetually balancing on the edge of graduating though

>> No.18191059

the way she handled her self-doxx incident was just magnificent

>> No.18191216

since when is doing the same shitty bit for 4 years the same as being immune to controversy

>> No.18191263

No she's not, though.

>> No.18191305
Quoted by: >>18191463

Matsuri/Rushia birthday

>> No.18191463

I don't think OP meant that she's immune to controversies happening to her, she's immune to the aftermath of a controversy

>> No.18191499

FBK it seems

>> No.18191566

This is true.

>> No.18191614

Well, Chammers is a different type of animal. Probably gives the least amount of fucks of anyone in HL

>> No.18191616
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I feel like if something controversial were to happen to her it would just be deflected

>> No.18191744
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>> No.18191798
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Ironic... she could save herself but not others...

>> No.18191831

never doing something wrong could be a wrong doing in itself

>> No.18191849
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>> No.18191863

Not receiving punishment doesn't mean she isn't free from controversy you idiot

>> No.18191865

let’s go ahead and just say everyone in EN except Mori

>> No.18191946

Fucking based-chama. She hated that bitch for speaking better English then caused the Taiwan yab, Coco with her US rage boner for the chinks was stupid fell right into the trap-chama. They both get 3 weeks off, Haachama comes back with 0 bug spam. Coco graduates 6 months later from the chick spam.
She really is The Strongest Mother Fucking idol.

>> No.18191997
File: 653 KB, 692x1100, 1639432632093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame gets found out to have a bf
>schizos start panicking
>watame starts stream
>"watame did nothing wrong"
>the sound of knees plummeting to the earths core resonates through the entirety of the planet

>> No.18192022
Quoted by: >>18192390

Everyone in holo JP really. Except Rushia now. HoloEN is different because of the difference in cultures, but no one should be as retarded as Calli.

>> No.18192080

How can you be controversial when you've made yourself irrelevant with edgy skits? Look at her recent stream numbers. They're Matsuri level because she try the shtick too many times with too many breaks.

>> No.18192092
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>> No.18192110
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heard something about Box but i dont care to find out and he hasnt talked about it. i feel like he'd just start talking about fnaf until people forget about it

>> No.18192260
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1639191317770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"watame did nothing wrong"

>> No.18192276

didn't Ina already have one?

>> No.18192390
Quoted by: >>18192973

the thing with haachama from what I've seen is that she makes sure that it happens once and never again is it made a huge deal
take the time her face was reflected off of the robot thing, now if that ever happened again it wouldn't be as big as it was when it first happened...pretty smart tactic ngl
unlike rushia who has to be extra carful because if she manages to get back on her fans' good side, they wouldn't handle something like this again

>> No.18192555
Quoted by: >>18192652

Momosuzu Nene

>> No.18192652
Quoted by: >>18192791

>They don't know

>> No.18192685

She had rrats, but nothing substantial

>> No.18192791
Quoted by: >>18193166

wdym? Nene is incapable of doing wrong

>> No.18192817

>EOP newfags don't know that haachama was involved in the second biggest, maybe even biggest doxxing scandal in hololive's history with the only other one being aloe's
vt is truly newfag central

>> No.18192973
Quoted by: >>18195959

There's also the fact that if Haachama doesn't get upset by "controversy" then Haatons usually don't really care. Haatons seem to only care about one thing; If Haachama is happy, Haatons are happy. Nothing else matters. It's a fucking cult. t. Haaton

>> No.18193166
Quoted by: >>18193195

>doxxed her genmates
>incapble of doing wrong

>> No.18193195
Quoted by: >>18202011

>did anything happen?
nene did nothing wrong

>> No.18193213
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>> No.18193356

if you're referring to the GG thing, she was referring to people who only visit streams to stir shit or anti. If you took it any other way you're
a) one of the people she's talking about and not a fan, so you don't matter anyway
b) a big softy bitch

>> No.18194563

This, having all your family doxxed and almost kicked out of the home was a big yab, but I feel like she matured from those yabs

>> No.18194620
Quoted by: >>18195051

>feuds with Matsuri
>caused Taiwangate
>Wants to graduate
>Immune to controversy

>> No.18194922
File: 977 KB, 3250x2048, 1644276741925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18196200

She is yab free.

>> No.18194969

Roboco could literally bomb a school and even the japs would be like "who?"

>> No.18195051

she is immune to consequences
Fubuki and Haato are functionally immune.

Haato has had many doxxing incidents and nothing came out of it. Outgames fucking youtube algorythms with jail pngs. Does whatever the fuck she wants. The only real consequence of the whole of taiwan issue is that she sometimes blames herself because of it. Haatons love her and dont give a fuck about doxxing and yabs.

Fubuki is not even fazed at the chink spam, and was the first to publicly support Coco while the taiwan yab was still ongoing. And dropped bili income like a brick. Can collab with males. Has quite the seniority, face of the company, sponsorships, and everyone knows she's the canary on the coalmine.

>> No.18195241

Why do you have be like that?

>> No.18195339

>Got off fine
>Plagued with guilt over the entire incident
>Doing everything in her power to get herself fired seemingly
She came off the worst because she's still there, her survivors guilt will drive her insane as time goes on.

>> No.18195396

>except Mori
Mori suffered 0 consequences due to her yab

>> No.18195560
Quoted by: >>18195809

Probably off the pure reason none of them would kick the hornets nest like Mori did.

>> No.18195594
Quoted by: >>18195749

>Haato has had many doxxing incidents and nothing came out of it
Because after all she is what she claimed to be, a high-school~College student living with her family. She has never hidden anything from her roommate

>> No.18195674
File: 171 KB, 850x928, 1641232209358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18202201

The most that happened was her discord or whatever popped up showing that she has someone from her previous life added on there. Hardly anyone cared. LuKnights got more shit for being scrawny manlets for far longer and even that didn't last long

>> No.18195749

that no fucks given attitude makes people shit on her, but at the end of the day its smarter, safer and more sane than playing the long con game some of the snakes do

>> No.18195809

let's be honest here, what mori tried to do is the same thing that haachama did, don't just bunker up and hide yourself but fucking rush into the wall head first but the difference is that with all of haachama's flaws she would never do anything that would hurt or disrespect her fanbase which why a lot of people were mad at mori for, I'm neither a haaton nor a deadbeat but that's what I gathered from just overlooking the situation

>> No.18195846

>>watame gets found out to have a bf
I guess you anon wasn't in jp threads then, luckily it's all in the past now.

>> No.18195935
Quoted by: >>18196207

Just wait until something about her roomate in college filters out

>> No.18195945
File: 1.21 MB, 2571x4077, 1641481320155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18195959

>Haatons seem to only care about one thing; If Haachama is happy, Haatons are happy. Nothing else matters. It's a fucking cult. t. Haaton
It's a positive feedback loop: if chamas is happy, haatons are happy and if haatons are happy then chama is happy.
t. in the same cult

>> No.18195999

At worst she is a 40 yo married jap with kids

>> No.18196175

Is it even new when that shit happen mid 2020 when vtuber is booming?

>> No.18196200
File: 488 KB, 1200x1200, 1643769062756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second these two cuties plus botan

>> No.18196207

eh, her antis are unironically losing spirit
>we make fun of her, she either fully ignores us or makes fun of us in front of more people
it's long and even antis would rather not have to deal with something that draining.
spamming her chat is probably the most retarded thing to do because the red heart emote is her literal signature that can be used by both memebrs and greys
that girl is fucking weird

>> No.18196254


>> No.18196263

Because haatons (and a single friend) were all that she had while in australia, and those were hard times. Room full of bugs, aussie host family children bullying her, learning to cook because she was barely fed by the host family.

Mori I feel like when she shits on her fanbase, it's only against the "holo newfag" fans. She appreciates DD fans. It's more of a case of Mori not fully adjusting to the hololive environment. Oppposite for Kiara, since she was an idolfag, she likes where she's at and would never have that kind of fanbase yab.

>> No.18196300

>t. antichamma

>> No.18196447

Someone made a rap dissing her, including doxx roomate content. She streamed the rap live and made fun of him. And he apologized and kneeled on twitter kek

>> No.18196577

and then someone found a video of him putting a cucumber up his ass or something (fuzzy on the details). fatality

>> No.18196640

oh right I forgot about that, it was fucking hilarious

>> No.18196644
Quoted by: >>18196962

>had to naked dogeza for a joke

>> No.18196656
Quoted by: >>18197112

kek why didn’t you guys tell me she was so based?

>> No.18196666
Quoted by: >>18197112

damn that's hot, where can i get more info?

>> No.18196695
Quoted by: >>18197376

absolutely fucking long, it's much easier to anti someone who'll unironically get affected and can't handle it, which is why I switched from haachama to aqua

>> No.18196713

Not to mention with the Taiwan shit, Chammers was the one comforting coco behind the scenes.

>> No.18196731
Quoted by: >>18197112

If she was immune, she wouldn't have broken down so often from the bullying, isolation, and feeling entirely responsible for Coco's graduation. She's strong, not immune.

>> No.18196860

she also chatted with PPT for hours and hours to keep her company when PPT was in the hospital

>> No.18196892
Quoted by: >>18196953

I don't know if I'm misremembering stuff here but didn't haachama keep logging into Minecraft during her suspension? I remember a clip where aqua blew up a yagoo statue and asked haachama for permission so she called her on discord, that was during the time she was suspended no?

>> No.18196949
File: 631 KB, 400x300, 1641175996307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18197038

>> No.18196953

Yeah, i think so. I just am referencing something Coco said when Haato was at her place one time.

>> No.18196962

True, she should have just hopped on twitter to really take a dig at her fanbase, whine about not being allowed to funpost then blame it on her drug and alcohol addiction

>> No.18197038

Holy kek.

>> No.18197112
File: 15 KB, 219x234, 1386846337637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18197351

It's not the controversy that got her, it's feeling guilty for coco's fate.

Archive reps, search for "cucumber up his ass"
holy kek

>> No.18197304
Quoted by: >>18198210

I like /vt/ desperately clinging on to a single bit of incredibly mild banter from 4 months ago because she gives them absolutely nothing else.

>> No.18197351


>> No.18197376
Quoted by: >>18197509

This some zoomer/tiktok slang?

>> No.18197509
Quoted by: >>18197668

sorry anon it's my British blood, long just means annoying

>> No.18197668

You're a good bloke. Sorry about your country and heritage.

>> No.18198210

Most the time these antis are just grasping at straws
>Bae loves Roberu
>Sana lazy
>Kronii lazy
>Ame lazy
>Gura lazy
best thing they had on Ina prior to that was “she’s not comfy, she’s boring” so they’ll work with whatever crumbs they can get

>> No.18198647

Everybody in EN and ID. Only JPs fear the yab

>> No.18201031

Pretty much. Chammers' audience is already depicted as pigs too so she's able to do light jabs at haatons without a problem

>> No.18201075
Quoted by: >>18201204

Didn't draw Coco.

>> No.18201204

arknights commissions, please understand

>> No.18201675
Quoted by: >>18201788

is haachama the senator Armstrong of holos?

>> No.18201757

That's already happened though newfag

>> No.18201788

I'm making the mother of all schizostreams son, can't fret over every yab

>> No.18201847

She would have to actually stream in order to have a yab

>> No.18202011

I applaud your selective amnesia but no, something did happen

>> No.18202201

She had her share of nijinigger antis after debut

>> No.18203491

Ina caused the Enma/Omega hate by not properly clearing her MC chat before streaming.

>> No.18203963

>>Ame lazy
Ame weighs 90 pounds and is half dead.

>> No.18204610
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Snuffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could have a tranny wife and 3 children and I still wouldn't care because it wouldn't affect the one thing I watch her for:
Being a stupid, funny talking trash-panda.

>> No.18204930

>Bae loves Roberu
I mean that isn't a straw, it's a fact. Might not matter but it is absolutely true.

>> No.18205396


>> No.18205474

90 kilo maybe

>> No.18205501


>> No.18207802

doesnt that prove his point

>> No.18208126

>immune to controversy
>is a walking controversy because she's intent on trying to be the biggest meme ever even if it gets her fired
