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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 831 KB, 1700x2952, FKpxjavakAEvFra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17654809 No.17654809 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>17654829

Towa Thread
Previous >>17543013

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>> No.17654829
File: 192 KB, 2048x1448, FKmazNmUYAY4EyQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17654895

(hololive IF petit-Relax time-) https://twitter.com/bnam_jp/status/1483643472133308416
(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(1st EP, Scream) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_scream
(2nd Anniversary) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/tokoyamitowa_an2nd
(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
(set ready, hololive!) https://setreadyhololive.hololivepro.com/
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk


>> No.17654841
Quoted by: >>17654852

Twap is advertising Maruyama!

>> No.17654843
File: 82 KB, 255x361, 1629289652072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17654852

Must have been an episode she really liked.

>> No.17654895
Quoted by: >>17654914

>(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
This is dangerous information

>> No.17654914
Quoted by: >>17655074

Towa's lavender forest...

>> No.17654937
File: 294 KB, 1200x1800, FJOPnHKaQAoxOF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17654948

Starting in a bit.

>> No.17655044

it just started and they already killed Towa...

>> No.17655074

They say lilac on the main page but I would be fine for lavender too, it'll remind me of vacations in the south

>> No.17655378

This girl sure is cool...

>> No.17655508

I have just enough time to go for a quick walk and get something to eat before the gartic phone stream...

>> No.17655547


>> No.17655735

No but seriously how the fuck did Towa do worse than that

>> No.17655740

The Twap line...

>> No.17655780

I'm not a big fan of the gifting memberships thing.

>> No.17655810
Quoted by: >>17655883

There's that now?

>> No.17655811

Well that was a fun episode. Towapi was able to show how cool she is in that one segment.

>> No.17655832

It doesn't seem to be enabled on Towa's channel

>> No.17655883

It's on for some channels. Example, Friend's free chat:

>> No.17655923

Oh so that's the same thing as Twitch. I agree that it's a bit weird, memberships are more personal in my opinion

>> No.17655945
Quoted by: >>17656206

Towa barely did member stream anyway, i just join for the emote mainly.

>> No.17656206
Quoted by: >>17656528

Eh, I kind of understand where he's coming from. Member streams are kind of a "safe space" for Towa where she can feel comfortable and just talk about whatever without having to worry about randoms watching the stream. Gifting subs to those random people kind of ruins that.

>> No.17656250
Quoted by: >>17656313

From what I've seen, Friend, Sheep, Peko and our local kenzoku cunny have it.

>> No.17656313

Peko already has greyshits begging for subs. Welcome to the new age.

>> No.17656372
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, watchv=t_VCxztzeuQ-[18.29.292-18.33.045].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17656384

Look at her go...

>> No.17656496
File: 2.75 MB, 1602x720, watchv=t_VCxztzeuQ-[03.00.247-03.13.610].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17657632

I mostly made this one for Mel shooting the shit out of Shuba but Towa fucking dying in the back is also a very good element of it

>> No.17656528
Quoted by: >>17656590

But those free gift member are only last for like 1 month tho? If she does multiple member content in a month i could see she affect by this gift member thing.

>> No.17656529


>> No.17656538

>gift random grey name a sub
>they become physically and emotionally dependent on Towa to continue living
Heh, devilish...

>> No.17656548

This is the girl that can turn a disturbing number of people into menhera overdrive mode with just a tweet and she looks like an excitable moron...

>> No.17656590

They only last 1 month but people are going to continue gifting them month after month so there will always be a bunch of randoms in her member streams from now on (assuming she enables it, or that you can even disable it if it's available to your channel).

>> No.17656593

She made me fall in love with her by being an excitable moron which makes me menhera whenever she's unhappy...

>> No.17656602


>> No.17656616
Quoted by: >>17656639

>Nothing on schedule for 2/5 and 2/6

>> No.17656639

She doesn't usually schedule 4 days out unless it's a collab, it doesn't mean anything

>> No.17656689


>> No.17656867

laplus is going to put twap's drawing of her on the fridge.

>> No.17656872

>Laughing so hard at her own joke
What a dork...

>> No.17656884

Towa's dumb art...
Towa's dumb laugh...

>> No.17656922

that la+ art acually got me really hard...

>> No.17656967

Isn't that how menhera work?

>> No.17656996


>> No.17657040

>Laplus somehow rigged it so that Towa would always draw her

>> No.17657172

Towa mogging everyone in the art department...

>> No.17657199
File: 186 KB, 756x1008, 1600476837447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17657323

>> No.17657323

Towa bringing you her art and asking for praise...

>> No.17657341

>guruguru even in 240p
towart has forsaken me...

>> No.17657421


>> No.17657489


>> No.17657511

So much twaplap in the drawings

>> No.17657516
File: 934 KB, 1280x720, 1637972331281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this is the girl I fell in love with

>> No.17657632

Duck season.

>> No.17657680

one of us...

>> No.17657742


>> No.17657786
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[42_04], take=[2022-02-03 06.42.33].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanbase reflects oshi

>> No.17657959

okay the girls are getting weird now lol

>> No.17657966

For people worried about Luna, she's better physically, is going to have another check at the hospital soon, but overworked at the moment

>> No.17658024


>> No.17658133
Quoted by: >>17658167

Did something happen to raise concerns?

>> No.17658167

Tweets on her main account

>> No.17658737
File: 943 KB, 1264x711, 1630732449607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell down...

>> No.17658961

Should I buy the official Towa perfume, or the one she said she likes?

>> No.17658987

You can't buy the official one anymore, it's sold out

>> No.17658998

official to give towa money, the one she likes for making things smell like towa

>> No.17659001

She also said she likes the codemeee stuff, so either should be fine. The original one she mentioned might make for a more authentic experience though.

>> No.17659193
Quoted by: >>17659259

Is it the wrist again?

>> No.17659243


>> No.17659259

No, she had strong nausea to the point that she couldn't move, and is now feeling better but heavily overworked for at least the rest of the month

>> No.17659495

Towa's holosummer prompt, danchou draws shuba, senchou draws aqutan lol

>> No.17659531

Everyone, including the talents, want holosummer.
Cover please...

>> No.17659538

Blame Susan.

>> No.17659561

I miss Towa...

>> No.17659563

I miss Towa...

>> No.17659571

Maybe with the MCN stuff there's a way to say "don't show these videos to kids but allow us to have swimsuits"?

>> No.17659596

i don't wanna see pale towa in a swimsuit

>> No.17659623

Tanned Towa would be too much but I'd like to see it

>> No.17659628
File: 153 KB, 952x1749, E1gMGpBVcAMQDbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17659680
File: 705 KB, 2897x4096, 1612816541643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17659789
Quoted by: >>17660122

Tons of new TOWARTs to put on the fridge...

>> No.17659799

they didn't do the animation part?

>> No.17659831

1 round in the middle

>> No.17659958


>> No.17660047
File: 154 KB, 768x1024, 1640398337502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17660122

I'm gonna need a second fridge soon to fit all of Towa daughter's drawings...

>> No.17660531

I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed

>> No.17660639

I'm going to think lewd things about Towa while I drift off to sleep and she can't stop me

>> No.17661011

sell me on towa

>> No.17661029
File: 2.81 MB, 400x400, 1621894768954.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17661034
File: 368 KB, 270x434, 1622805231825.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17661196

This is the exact moment for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBFidUOxBBs

>> No.17661226

Towa's twapping RIGHT NOW

>> No.17661571
File: 10 KB, 287x254, 1639762511761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17661931


>> No.17661931


>> No.17661949

Towa lewds Towa, so I also lewd Towa.

>> No.17662128

Cute angry debiru

>> No.17662274
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[2_17_17], take=[2021-11-14 09.50.48].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17662297

i WILL kiss

>> No.17662297


>> No.17662299


>> No.17662411

she almost fooled me...

>> No.17662444

So she's into that kind of play? Nice

>> No.17662589
Quoted by: >>17662726

every time someone posts a clip after a few months I realize that she sounds slightly different again

>> No.17662696
File: 246 KB, 1066x1491, FKrotv-VEAoV_ks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17662734

This has to be one of the hottest Towa pictures. Ah... this is too much for me.

>> No.17662726
Quoted by: >>17662814

She can't maintain a consistent character voice for the life of her. It pretty much just constantly fluctuates between varying pitches of her normal voice.

>> No.17662734
File: 144 KB, 589x1024, 1640731285153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a good artist. I'll probably get the acrylic stand to have a Towa on my desk

>> No.17662803
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, towerbaka[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk0ysql.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17662814

if she just keeps incrementally changing it eventually she'll just be back at deep and no one will even notice until they go back a few months

>> No.17662846

i want towa-kun back

>> No.17662889

I want to massage Towa-kun's back.

>> No.17662939

I want Towa-kun to pull my choker from behind during doggy-style...

>> No.17662955

I wish I was Towa imouto...

>> No.17663138
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-02-03-22-48-05-037_com.miui.home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17663162

I love Towa

>> No.17663162

Okay, retarded question time, but I have never been able to find any info on what's the "painting the face" thing. It seems linked to new years. Does it have a name?

>> No.17663203

It's a part of a New Year's game in Japan, winner draws on the loser's face.

>> No.17663254


>> No.17663312
File: 423 KB, 908x559, 1639183703349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17663510
File: 3.92 MB, 1972x2016, 1624473510209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17663539

why do i love towa so much

>> No.17663528
File: 3.22 MB, 2480x3508, 95971842_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
I hope tomorrow is a good day too.

>> No.17663535
File: 367 KB, 1200x1214, 1633585783953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17663539
File: 811 KB, 354x486, 1613561151080.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Towa's fault.

>> No.17663576
File: 89 KB, 752x970, 1630914747970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Towa feels better soon

>> No.17663617
Quoted by: >>17663699

Thanks, but the wiki page doesn't have any info on the "drawing on people's face" part

>> No.17663699

I'm >>17663254, I'm not sure what the new year game is the other anon is talking about. I thought it was just a common trope that they get ink on their face while writing the calligraphy.

>> No.17664032
Quoted by: >>17664261

It's a popular "punishment" for that traditional game that looks like badminton

>> No.17664261


>> No.17665250

I want to fix Towa...

>> No.17665318

What are the benefits of sad/broken Towa?

>> No.17665464
Quoted by: >>17665726

She's probably more clingy at times like these

>> No.17665726
Quoted by: >>17665933

I don't think there are any... I think things are better when she's happier...
I don't think this is true. I think she's clingier when she's in a good mood.

>> No.17665933
Quoted by: >>17666154

Maybe she's more avoidant but inside really needs people to help her?

>> No.17666154
Quoted by: >>17666481

I think she does want supportive messages during times like this, otherwise she wouldn't make her menhera posts in the first place. Her fans are part of her support system, but when it gets especially bad she doesn't feel like streaming or doing anything and would rather just take a break and go home. When she's just in a normal bad mood or had an off day, I think she does tend to get more clingy and bait praise and stuff, but even with that being said I much prefer her just being happy and streaming when she's in a good mood.

>> No.17666287


>> No.17666290

Towa wallpaper...

>> No.17666309


>> No.17666399
Quoted by: >>17666450

Towa will never be a cat

>> No.17666443

Very cute, thank you Towapi.

>> No.17666450

and thats a good thing

>> No.17666481
Quoted by: >>17666657

Cute wallpaper but I still prefer the headpat fanart...

That's true, but I feel like in times where she's down she needs help rather than being left alone

>> No.17666507

bibi looks cute

>> No.17666512

is there a coco reference in this wallpaper?

>> No.17666536

Towa is thinking about me...

>> No.17666545
Quoted by: >>17666672

I think it's the clock.

>> No.17666611
Quoted by: >>17666672

The ribbon on the box?

>> No.17666644

I think she's cooking that chocolate only for me, sorry anons.

>> No.17666657

When she wants to be left alone we can't really do anything to prevent that from our position. In that situation we just have to hope her friends are there for her.
That's why it's important to be there for her in the times where she does reach out to us, though.

>> No.17666672
File: 252 KB, 587x605, 1634417812757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17666787

The Coclock.... Isn't that something to weight things?

Seems like it

>> No.17666787
File: 147 KB, 870x1390, 1636850945635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea, it's definitely the ribbon, forgot about that. For the clock, I highly doubt any human actually has these at their homes and not just a digital one nowadays.

>> No.17666853

licking the chocolate off Towa's cheek...

>> No.17666908

licking the chocolate off Towa's entire body...

>> No.17667001
File: 69 KB, 675x900, 1632797824927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have something like that at home, I don't think it's that rare

>> No.17667016

Thanks for the notification youtube

>> No.17667043

Oh wow, I looked at the picture wrong I thought the clock was just being cropped off for no reason, I just realized that Luna's crown is being weighed, yea you're right.

>> No.17667047 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 500x632, 1639905214633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17667146

I guess it's like having a fax machine.

>> No.17667146
Quoted by: >>17667231

Fax usage is growing every year anon, it's a good market to be in

>> No.17667231
Quoted by: >>17667304

Thinking about fax machines, VHS and other old tech makes me feel too old, I just want to stand still in a time with Towa forever.

>> No.17667304

For some reason I imagined that most of Towa's fanbase was young but now that I think about it there must be some older people too

>> No.17667389

you call that a clock? i was looking for actual legit clock for couple minutes

>> No.17667394

surely there have to be some hagzoku

>> No.17667477
File: 2.07 MB, 850x720, 1628496341410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17667538


>> No.17667538

I don't think they count...

>> No.17667545
Quoted by: >>17668050

I'm a year younger than her.

>> No.17667544

And some ojisazoku too

>> No.17667858
Quoted by: >>17668050

There sure are ojizoku too, but I mean you don't have be 65 yo to catch some of these old technologies, but I guess it actually depends on where are you from...
she's older than me...

>> No.17668050

I'm three years younger than her...

>> No.17668162

i'm older than her... also is it just me or does bibi's open mouth make it look like he's got a handlebar mustache? is bibi italian? bibizano?bibiparte?

>> No.17668764
Quoted by: >>17668821

Will Towa ever replace her channel banner? It still has her original model...

>> No.17668821

I hope Towa never learns how to change her banners, she is the last one to have a true yonkisei banner...

>> No.17670137
File: 289 KB, 1450x1193, 1612722229339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17670178

KanaTowa love! https://twitter.com/kdwr43/status/1488626764356395008

>> No.17670178
File: 401 KB, 2000x1414, 1625288200871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17670247


>> No.17670247

God I wish I was either of them

>> No.17670355


>> No.17670410

How is she so strong?

>> No.17670522
File: 51 KB, 676x858, 0mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17670574
Quoted by: >>17671866

>Kenzokus, son.

>> No.17670710 [SPOILER] 
File: 514 KB, 4096x3446, E2SQRJeVcAMChK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17670742

I hope they'll get permissions for this game one day, it's so good

>> No.17670913


>> No.17671065

>Played Gibraltar, y'know.

>> No.17671399


>> No.17671731
File: 632 KB, 2480x3508, FKgkTB5acAAMC7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17671866 [SPOILER] 
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, 1640551405565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's strength is directly linked to the approval of kenzoku...

>> No.17671943
Quoted by: >>17672085

I was curious how many threads we've had, searching warosu with "Towa" as the subject brings up 258 threads, the majority of them seem to be this thread, but not all of them. There's also been a few threads where people forgot the subject, and there were also threads on /jp/ before /vt/ was made. I think we're definitely past 250 at the very least.

>> No.17672085

Time passes so quickly but I would guess the overall average length of threads is about 1.5 days and we have had threads for about 1.5 years...

>> No.17673607
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1619907606950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one person who can save Towa

>> No.17673908
Quoted by: >>17674010

Did she just wake up or hasn't gone to sleep yet?

>> No.17674010
File: 352 KB, 1000x1420, FKp-Z-haAAAG8-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17674085

Towa will never go to sleep ever again.

>> No.17674085

I was going to go to sleep but now that i know Towa is awake I don't know if I can!

>> No.17674090
Quoted by: >>17674220

>liked the pictures on both sides of Mr.Lime's picture, but not his picture
what's za mean...

>> No.17674220

Don't know, she retweeted a Bora picture pretty recently too, so it's not that she doesn't do that. Maybe Bora is really coming back for the next overwatch girls club and she doesn't want to muddy the water, is my schizo take.

>> No.17674269

That's just what we wish.

>> No.17674344

twitter space onegai
gimme that jwu kun

>> No.17674423
Quoted by: >>17674819

The next OW girls club is like next week

>> No.17674819

Exactly, schizo.

>> No.17676313


>> No.17676509

I'm tired of being away from Towa...

>> No.17676546

Towa needs to duplicate herself or constantly have a twitter space on at all times.

>> No.17676571

Creating the next generation of Towawas...

>> No.17676626

Imagine living with her and hearing her do stuff all day.....

>> No.17676889
Quoted by: >>17677048

Taking a bath with Towa...

>> No.17677048
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1626285702694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17677320

I just want to rest my head on Towa's comfy thighs...

>> No.17678267
File: 127 KB, 844x1024, 1629960354475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17678329

I can't believe Towa forgot about B-san...

>> No.17678329

Towa will start talking about a new mysterious Korean woman soon...

>> No.17679417

Towa won't tweet soon...

>> No.17679972

What if Towa's depressed because she had a falling out with Bora...

>> No.17681092

I don't think I can make it if Towa doesn't tweet soon...

>> No.17681384

I don't think we have to worry about that at least.

>> No.17682444
Quoted by: >>17682636

Dreaming of Towa...

>> No.17682636

clean your room la+...

>> No.17682986

If Towa doesn't tweet in the next 2 1/2 hours I'm going to kanafap tonight instead!!

>> No.17683297

Don't be stupid anon

>> No.17686134


>> No.17687711
Quoted by: >>17687956

Bora was cured from carpet munching.

>> No.17687956

Towa banana...

>> No.17688297

I'm going to become purple

>> No.17689513
Quoted by: >>17689837

I haven't heard Towa's voice in so long I can't even remember it anymore...

>> No.17689837
Quoted by: >>17693574

Who is Towa?

>> No.17693574
File: 440 KB, 2015x2981, FKiCNP0agAAxhFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Towa

>> No.17694252
File: 148 KB, 1440x1260, 1616686753266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comment section of this video is full of weirdos

>> No.17694887

I doubt this is about Towa, La+ seems to have more oshis

>> No.17694997

I don't know much more pointless things than listening to self righteous faggots opinions about idols and whatever headcanon they want.

>> No.17695485

Towa will tweet soon

>> No.17696735

Man it really is just the same shitty echo chamber about idols that's always so pertinent on shitty places like reddit and the rest of this board. Honestly this self-fulfilling shitting from stuff they heard from someone else who also doesn't watch JP talents or understand Japanese or Japanese culture in the first place really is far more harmful and cancerous than any rrat I've ever seen in the past.
So yeah fuck everyone in that comments section, they have no idea what they're talking about and never have.

I love Towa. Towa loves me, too.

>> No.17696895


>> No.17697119
File: 82 KB, 1169x550, FKuOqaPakAMUIvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17697486


>> No.17697120
Quoted by: >>17697486

What's the mean...

>> No.17697486


>> No.17697582

did laplus just do a "WE ARE"

>> No.17697629


>> No.17697743

Ohhhh, I get it now. Heh.

>> No.17698898

...are they?

>> No.17698958

I am

>> No.17699905


>> No.17699971
File: 135 KB, 1228x868, FJ8m8gvaIAIJABJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17700048


>> No.17700101
File: 19 KB, 373x373, 20220203_232447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wishes

>> No.17701282

In her imagination, yes.

>> No.17701663
Quoted by: >>17702142

Does Lap fap to Twap just like me? We could be friends.

>> No.17701976
Quoted by: >>17702102

In my imagination, at every opportunity

>> No.17702102

extremely hot.

>> No.17702142
Quoted by: >>17702745

You should get married and gachikoi Towa together. Or would Towa get mad because that'd be kenzoku x kenzoku.

>> No.17702745
Quoted by: >>17703148

I think she'd hate it even more considering it'd be Kenzoku x Femzoku...

>> No.17703148

Towa is only opposed to kenzoku (male) x kenzoku (male).
kenzoku x femzoku or femzoku x femzoku is fine.

>> No.17703790

>Nip girls are obsessed with BL
>Disapproves of it in real life

>> No.17703866
Quoted by: >>17704015

But Kenzoku x Femzoku means taking away a femzoku from Towa...

>> No.17704015
Quoted by: >>17705368

That just means we need to make more

>> No.17705368

That wouldn't work either because she would be jealous of you having kenzokubaby.

>> No.17706357
File: 109 KB, 701x1000, 1643926318519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17706570


>> No.17706605

darusaka towa when

>> No.17708230


>> No.17708286
Quoted by: >>17708458

i can't tell how but she keeps me mentally sane and motivated

>> No.17708399

Towa doko...

>> No.17708458

I dunno about sane but I'm definitely happier with Towa in my life.
I guess I'm more motivated too.

>> No.17708472
Quoted by: >>17708501

TowTarkov when...
I didn't really like the idea of her playing it at the begging, since watching this game is a snoozefest, but now I think if she brought somebody like Botan or Pegor with her it would pretty fun.

>> No.17708501
File: 3.83 MB, 1389x2084, 94886249_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Tarkov?

>> No.17708541


>> No.17708693

A collab with Qpi would be dangerous, Towa might let out her full gyaru power...

>> No.17709908

How old is Towa? Eternally 17 or 19 now?

>> No.17709952


>> No.17710005

Ah, she found it. Nice.

>> No.17710041

eternal 17

>> No.17710144

Soon she'll be 17 year old hag.

>> No.17710385
File: 851 KB, 3244x2613, FKs3g8kVIAACv75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17710416

Towa looks so cool!

>> No.17710825


>> No.17710833


>> No.17710883


>> No.17710998
File: 316 KB, 1729x1729, 1623922010031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess no stream today then

>> No.17711035

I need Twa...

>> No.17711069
File: 58 KB, 680x475, FKi9YFzaAAATzl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing that she tweet out early so i can do something else.

>> No.17711324
Quoted by: >>17711651

Towa...hates me?

>> No.17711428
Quoted by: >>17713032

Why is Flare so sexy...

>> No.17711589

I'm gonna be busy with Towa until tonight, and she'll probably be too worn out to stream, sorry.

>> No.17711606


>> No.17711651

I fucking hope so.

>> No.17711655


>> No.17711793
Quoted by: >>17711893

I don't know why I need to turn off my brain just read this read....

>> No.17711893

whats the mean...

>> No.17711950

Towa-kun looks soft and cute!

>> No.17712491

I want to play with Towa-kun's banana...

>> No.17712766
Quoted by: >>17712783

Have we figured out what's za mean yet?

>> No.17712783

I don't think we ever will.

>> No.17712997

Towa is always working hard for us...

>> No.17713032

Cuz that's homura

>> No.17713103
File: 43 KB, 420x378, 1630929985929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713143

Towa needs praise every day.

>> No.17713143

what's the point if she goes out of her mind to find negative feedback everywhere.

>> No.17713204

It's like fuel, Towa can't survive without it.
It feels nice to praise Towa too.

>> No.17713238

>Towa sees bad comments so there's no point in letting her see good comments too

>> No.17713725
Quoted by: >>17713813

I think we should all leave constructive criticism about preferring Towa without any clothes

>> No.17713813
File: 100 KB, 1108x1477, 1638950658151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713994

Naked Towa...

>> No.17713831

Morning sex with naked Towa using her morning voice...

>> No.17713897
Quoted by: >>17713947

Yeah naked Towa is pretty cool. But if you think about it, Towa is always naked under her clothes.

>> No.17713947
File: 314 KB, 1240x1754, Euqh-wOVkAEyJSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713979

If it was up to mama she would never wear clothes...

>> No.17713979

Towa should just wear nothing but ribbons...

>> No.17713994

Where's Towa?

>> No.17713997


>> No.17714015

Guys this is a little embarassing, but...
I think I have a crush on Towa...

>> No.17714031

hah, what a loser

>> No.17714039

Towa has ruined me for marriage...

>> No.17714271

That's it...I'm going to sleep, enjoy your stream.

>> No.17714732

TenQ for your sacrifice...

>> No.17714944

*doesnt stream anyway*

>> No.17715315
File: 112 KB, 750x886, 1641305042735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17715403

>wanted to take a proper break sometime
>will just end up working hard and spending lots of time with us anyway
Towa is so dumb...

>> No.17715403

Towa has developed a dependence on Kenzoku just like Kenzoku have developed one for Towa...

>> No.17716139

I hope people won't try to push Towa into doing a ranking challenge now too.
I'd rather she didn't burden herself with anything more to stress over.

>> No.17716206

Random people trying to pressure her into something is like a surefire way of her never doing something anyways

>> No.17716238

People have been trying to get her to do that even before this. She won't do it.

>> No.17716371
Quoted by: >>17716440

"Play Visage" -Vodka

>> No.17716440

This unironically has more of a chance of turning into a thing than Towa grinding masters

>> No.17716468

Imagine pushing towa into doing something she doesn't want to. I'd still love to watch her doing some rank tho, but not as a challenge and not in solo, full party is much better.

>> No.17717012

Only person who got close to getting Towa to do that is Bora.

>> No.17717073

Look where she is now, even her fresh is nowhere to be found til this day.

>> No.17717438

The body is still missing to this day... Don't piss off the menhera mafia...

>> No.17718045
Quoted by: >>17718085

Man this version of Aqua is really good. Would love to see her in some tourneys with Towa but I know that holofans would seethe hard and blame Towa for everything so it's never going to happen.

>> No.17718085

I blame Towa for making me fall in love with Towa. This girl needs to take responsibility.

>> No.17718177

I still want to see nose towa leona for vsaikyou but nose probably play with met or pute again this time.

>> No.17718222

I would love to see Towa...

>> No.17718241

I love Towa...

>> No.17718295

I would Towa...

>> No.17718328


>> No.17718433


>> No.17718876

I still love Towa, even after all this time apart.

>> No.17718915

I'll probably love Towa forever...

>> No.17718960

I'll definitely love Towa forever.

>> No.17718969

I've never forgotten Towa's voice...

>> No.17718982

Towa needs to take responsibility...

>> No.17719031
Quoted by: >>17719084

The worst part about this? I will remember Towa for the rest of my life. This sucks.

>> No.17719084

I don't want to forget a single thing about Towa, especially her dumb cute face and her dumb cute laugh.

>> No.17719087
Quoted by: >>17719223

The fact she's making an effort to try solo diamond off stream obviously makes me think she is interested in doing a challenge like this, but I think doing it on stream would be too much for her right now. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what she does next season though.

>> No.17719159
Quoted by: >>17719200

It hurts that my dream holo team of Towa-Aqua-Botan would never happen...

>> No.17719200


>> No.17719223

Well, doing it off stream is a good start but I am sure Towa will do what Towa does.
