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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16797117 No.16797117 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start creating, stop tweeting.

Previous Thread: >>16688125

>> No.16797225
Quoted by: >>16814586

To whoever was recommending throat coat tea earlier, can I fill this with sugar without ruining the effect? I’m a huge baby about bitter tasting drinks.

>> No.16797912

Hey, /asp/. Need some advice.

>commissioned a cheap Live2D artist
>art is quite basic but good for the price
>find a more expensive but super high quality Live2D artist
>more expensive by USD 25-30 but even better (art rivals corpo chuubas' quality)
>total of these 2 commissions combined would cost USD 150-180
>minimum wage earner in a 3rd world but still living in my parents' basement so I can afford it

Should I eat the loss and commission the second artist? What do you think?

>> No.16798045
Quoted by: >>16798560

If it's not too late you should have already paid half to the first artist, just DM them saying that something came up and you wish to cancel the order so they get to keep half the money. Of course it depends on whether they're okay with it or not. Otherwise eat the loss and get the 2nd one.

>> No.16798055
Quoted by: >>16798560

Email the first and ask if they can cancel and refund if they haven't started already. Apologize for taking their time or a waitlist spot. Most artists will be bummed out but usually chill. Just don't lie to them and be honest that you found another artist whose art style is more to your liking.

>> No.16798414
Quoted by: >>16798581

what's your guys' biggest issues with 2 views that post here? quality? lack of a consistent schedule? just curious.

>> No.16798520

what is a good voice changer i can use?

>> No.16798560

I haven't paid because it's full payment immediately before receiving the final product. They're a newbie so there's no terms and conditions about cancellations. I've already been given a clean sketch. Should I offer to pay for half and cancel with the reasoning I found another artist? I still have no idea if the 2nd artist will be able to take the commission because given the price they just advertised, a lot of people are lining up for a spot. And I feel kind of weird about the cancellation because my real name and face is attached to it (social media correspondence only). I wouldn't mind just eating the loss if it means I won't get "exposed" or whatnot online. With all this in mind, what do you guys think?

>> No.16798581

none of them realize that streaming requires a performance. doesn't matter what the performance is but there needs to be some kind of performance. last clear examples of a chuuba i cared to watch was Yuki and that Dota2 aspie. they go live and just play a game as if its their job to hit an hours quota and then turn off the stream.

there's no acting. there's no performance. there's no entertainment. it's just "a guy streaming himself playing games" and that's it.

>> No.16798587
Quoted by: >>16799233

just don't.

>> No.16798693
Quoted by: >>16799428

Would viewers like it if I made animated openings with covers sung by me for special channel events or would that be way too much effort?

>> No.16798792
Quoted by: >>16799694

>dont know if the 2nd artist will be able to take the commission

Just pay off the first and give the artist the money since they already gave you a sketch. Then pay off the 2nd with a different costume or whatever and call it a debut down the line or hype it up as a 2.0 model. If the first artist is new you're basically ruining his first experience commissioning and you should feel pretty bad for cancelling.

>> No.16798876
Quoted by: >>16799694

>Should I offer to pay for half and cancel with the reasoning I found another artist?
That's really up to you, mysterychuuba. Email them and figure out what's going. Maybe they already have a sketch going and you could offer a percentage payment for taking their time. Then let them know it might be useful to have a Terms of Service agreement next time. Don't be a jerk to your artists but you're also not a charity.

>And I feel kind of weird about the cancellation because my real name and face is attached to it (social media correspondence only). I wouldn't mind just eating the loss if it means I won't get "exposed" or whatnot online.
Artists would kill their reputations if they leaked personal info of their clients. It's an unspoken rule for these commissions to just ignore that shit. Don't make a fuss about it unless the artist makes a fuss about it first.

>> No.16799233
Quoted by: >>16799972

>just don't.

why not?

>> No.16799428
Quoted by: >>16799621

why don't you ask them?

>> No.16799621

Because I haven't started streaming yet.

>> No.16799692
Quoted by: >>16803610

then it would be the second. too much effort. focus on the basics learn how to be an entertaining streamer first before you add extras.

>> No.16799694
Quoted by: >>16799840

>Just pay off the first and give the artist the money since they already gave you a sketch. Then pay off the 2nd with a different costume or whatever and call it a debut down the line or hype it up as a 2.0 model.
Unfortunately, that would mean paying for 2 rigs, which will no longer fit my budget.

>If the first artist is new you're basically ruining his first experience commissioning and you should feel pretty bad for cancelling.
He's done at least 5 commissions but I definitely see what you mean. Thanks for this perspective.

>Maybe they already have a sketch going and you could offer a percentage payment for taking their time.
Yeah, they have a clean sketch already and I'm thinking of doing this.

Just trying to figure out the timings because I'm still waiting for the 2nd artist's reply on whether they can take it or not and the longer they take, the more progress the 1st artist will have. And given that it's really cheap, I'll be more or less obliged to be pay close to full.

>Artists would kill their reputations if they leaked personal info of their clients. It's an unspoken rule for these commissions to just ignore that shit. Don't make a fuss about it unless the artist makes a fuss about it first.
Thanks for the reassurance; it's comforting to know this.
If anyone else has their own 2 cents on this, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.16799815

if you haven't started then worry about the basics before you move onto gimmicks. there's a reason xqc is as popular as he is without all the bells and whistles you usually see. people come to watch him play anything because he's entertaining first and foremost

>> No.16799840

>I'm still waiting for the 2nd artist's reply
Contact the first and let them know. It is awkward but they'll appreciate being kept into the loop for anything that develops with their clients. Things like sudden financial emergency causing them to be unable to pay or stuff like this where the client just wants to change their mind. The good thing about freelance work is you have a chance to just talk it out as two people just need to get over the initial awkwardness of breaking the news.

>> No.16799898
Quoted by: >>16799960

For what

>> No.16799960


To sound like a female when im a hunky dood

>> No.16799972

it won't fool anyone, but it will sound like garbage and immediately filter a lot of people. Real time audio pitching and stretching just isn't there yet. To put it in perspective, even some of the better ones used for post production that add a lot of latency and aren't real time don't sound phenomenal either.

>> No.16799992
Quoted by: >>16813832

Never ever happening

>> No.16800134
Quoted by: >>16801333

>there's a reason xqc is as popular as he is without all the bells and whistles you usually see
Exactly. Everyone knows his pepega six consoles rant and it's about those who have so much shit right at the beginning instead of making natural progress. If you're not part of a corpo there's no reason to go all out in terms of production value when you're just starting out.

>> No.16800946

if you have to ask on 4chan for a good voice changer, there's a good chance you've never heard a good voice changer before. give up, use your normal voice.

>> No.16801333

>Everyone knows his pepega six consoles rant and it's about those who have so much shit right at the beginning instead of making natural progress
That's not at all what the rant was about, not sure where you even got the idea. It's just about those streamers (many of which are successful) who have these ultra-setups and that he doesn't want that because it feels like he's going into the "office" to "work" and not just sitting down and streaming. It has nothing to do with new people who start out too big.

>> No.16801775
Quoted by: >>16802025

Is it weird to be two chuubas at once?
For a while now I've wanted to make an alt chuuba account portraying a completely different character. I just feel like making other types of content that don't really match what I do on my main and overall be more kino, just for fun.
Will people be ''upset'' or think something negative if they find out about my other account/persona?

>> No.16802025

>be more kino
Just do it on your main and don't worry about what people think, especially if you think it'll be more fun for you. Managing two different "personas" would be way too much work.

>> No.16803416

so I've got like 50k I could drop on this shit, how much of a difference would that actually make vs just being a png tuber with my own art? I can't read this nizima.com website at all

>> No.16803566
Quoted by: >>16803973

Just commission a high end artist and rigger.

>> No.16803610
Quoted by: >>16803723

It was more for something I wanted to do in the future, jumping in with something like that when there's no emotional investment would be dumb.
The reason I was asking, though, was that this is something that takes some time to learn and I wanted to know if it sounded like something worth learning for these purposes.

>> No.16803723
Quoted by: >>16803919

>like something worth learning for these purposes.
Depends on whether you're actually trying to make singing part of your brand or not. If it's just a throwaway thing then don't waste your time with it.

>> No.16803919
Quoted by: >>16804064

>Depends on whether you're actually trying to make singing part of your brand or not.
Yeah, I do.

>> No.16803973

yeah but how much would that matter?

>> No.16804064

Then get started now because it takes 2-3 months to do a proper cover.
It'd matter as much as your assets giving you a free pass over the 25 average monthly viewer barrier that most indies never manage to break through.

>> No.16804186

None of it matters, if you're a shit entertainer you still won't be able to hold an audience. Your ability as an entertainer matters the most.

>> No.16804523

Someone post that amazingly animated chubba's model that had a soul that couldn't be heard in collabs and never emoted in streams.
You know the one.

>> No.16806060

what's the pro-cons of Live2d vs Facerig?

>> No.16806551
Quoted by: >>16807688

>Live2D vs Facerig

What does this even mean?

if you use 2D use Vtubestudio

if you use 3D use Vseeface

>> No.16806574
Quoted by: >>16807683

Burgerbucks? That's too high of a budget just for a Live2D model and rigging. If you already have a decent set-up that can handle streaming, use that money to get some singing classes or something that'll help you be more entertaining.

If you just search #ENVtuber on Twatter, there are so many high quality $1-1.5k+ Live2D models and rigs but can't break over 1k followers on all their social media combined. And if you check expensive artists or riggers' portfolios, so many of them link to deleted or inactive Vtuber accounts. It's not for everyone.

>> No.16806728
Quoted by: >>16807688

Facerig is defunct and retardedly CPU hungry.

>> No.16807683

that's *could*
I don't want to spend nearly that much but I could if it actually had noticeable benefit. Buy your way to fame.

>> No.16807688

This. There's absolutely zero reason to use Facerig, the most used apps are >>16806551 and there's really no reason to use anything else but the two since they're at the top of their category as far as Vtubing software goes. Vtubestudio gives results noticeably better than corporate Vtubers, I'm not sure why they don't just cave and buy a corporate license from them

>> No.16807795

You're looking at the wrong audience if you want buying your way to fame. No one will watch if they don't like your content. You're better off hiring a manager or something than going insane on a Vtuber setup.

>> No.16807843

Is it easy to fuck up and show your real face somehow? I'd try being a .png but I'm too scared the software malfunctions and my ugly face shows up

>> No.16807987
Quoted by: >>16808674

>Is it easy to fuck up and show your real face somehow?
Only if you push your webcam feed directly into OBS for some reason.

>> No.16808013
Quoted by: >>16808674

no, facerigging software isnt that primitive anymore.

>> No.16808105
Quoted by: >>16808674

You'd have to intentionally send a webcam source into OBS to do this.

>> No.16808579

>Buy your way to fame.
Well, like I said:
>If you just search #ENVtuber on Twatter, there are so many high quality $1-1.5k+ Live2D models and rigs but can't break over 1k followers on all their social media combined. And if you check expensive artists or riggers' portfolios, so many of them link to deleted or inactive Vtuber accounts. It's not for everyone.
Hell, check Facebook or Discord. There are thousands of people looking to hire an entire team for everything a corpo chuuba has with an "unlimited" budget like yours. But if a model is just pretty to look at and the person behind the camera doesn't have any substance, they won't be making it very far.

>> No.16808674
Quoted by: >>16809570

Oh ok, good to know, thank you for clearing that up and alleviating a bit of my fear.

>> No.16809570
Quoted by: >>16810583

if you're asking just because of that one old-ass clip of babi, back in the day the face capture software literally had to overlay the webcam footage to track it properly, nowadays it only picks up on the relevant face parameters for controlling the model through, think of it like drawing lines on tracing paper over the footage and only using the tracing paper for the face tracking

>> No.16810583

No, it's stupider than that I was saw this video a little bit ago when it was recommended to me and wondered if that could actually happen.

>> No.16813832

Trans voice lessons are your best bet. If your range is good you can get pretty close

>> No.16814443

there's no such thing
if there was then everyone would be using it, even the women

>> No.16814462

for 50k you are looking at something like xsens and professionally(read as made by pros from game/cg industry) sculpted and rigged model, if you play your cards smart. At this point just hire a stripper, put her in the suit and own chaturbate main page for mad cash.

>> No.16814586

That would kinda defeat the purpose of it. Quit being a baby

>> No.16814666
Quoted by: >>16816033

Yes, PayPal me 30k and we can talk about what it will take to make you succeed in this industry

>> No.16816033
Quoted by: >>16816123

This guy’s trying to scam you, I can give you all the same info for 15k.
(But seriously, get yourself a PNG and stream some before you blow your life savings on this.)

>> No.16816123

Yeah this, get a good artist to draw a PNG and stream for a week or two and see how that goes and if you enjoy it. You can always go wild and get a high quality rig down the line with a fanbase that will support you if you're good at it too. Look at Lzysusan who did all that.

>> No.16816333
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, 1622939369404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a Vtuber (yet), but my latest review for a certain is getting pretty positive feedbacks, it feels nice.

>> No.16817179

> get a good artist to draw a PNG and stream for a week or two and see how that goes and if you enjoy it.

Come to the Western Indie Vtubers discord and ask around, they can get you started, probably draw a PNG for you just for the small labor cost alone.

>> No.16817530

>Western Indie Vtubers discord
got a link to the right one?

>> No.16817579

If it's the one with the furry sucking up all the oxygen in the room avoid it at all costs.

>> No.16817603


>> No.16817715

Oh it's the one by cadence and I see a furry in there.

>> No.16817734

Is this wvt and asps or its wider?

>> No.16818253
Quoted by: >>16860711

It will absolutely make a difference to how many people come to your streams, how likely some of them are to stay, and what you can stream.
But the most important things you can have are luck, and charisma.
Even if you're a perfect model, playing my favourite game... If you're boring, I won't watch.

However, PNGs are only really useful for starting to stream - seeing if it's for you. Even then, having a png isn't great, because it's another reason for people to want to not watch you.

My advice would be to check out streaming for a week or two (with a PNG), see if you like it, and then go whole hog and buy everything. Especially if it's money you won't miss.

>> No.16818341

Is Eastern Indie Vtuber knows english also welcome there?

>> No.16819649


>> No.16822510
File: 60 KB, 256x256, man-bowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons I want to try to start streaming, but no idea how to start networking, anyone got any useful advices?

>> No.16822861

networking is not a requirement for streaming
if you want people to see you just post your link in this thread like many people have

>> No.16823616

use twitter and hashtags, respond to other vtubers that need advice, etc

>> No.16823617

Just a piece of advice, if any of you plan to make it, don't plan on making wvt your main demographic. while the initial boost from there is nice, in the long run you'll stagnate

>> No.16823781
Quoted by: >>16913477

how do you approach a jp artist for a chara design / vtuber model? do most jp artists just ask you to let them know your budget and not have a price list? should I get someone to translate for me?

>> No.16823808

Lzysusan only inclined due to clippers, it was all luck
If you have 50k just go get a model it wont even make a dent in said 50k

>> No.16826376
Quoted by: >>16833360

Fuck networking, just stream and be entertaining as best as you can.

>> No.16829586


>> No.16829713

Do you think there's merit/room for a "pixelated" gimmick aesthetic? (question inspired by >>16819468 ). Maybe not in the model itself, but in fonts and fundamental design of stream elements.

>> No.16829896
File: 36 KB, 246x246, 776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of GIFfany from Gravity Falls.

>> No.16830264

With that sort of money you could even start a small corpo

>> No.16830329
Quoted by: >>16830382

Don't know if there's any merit or not, but I can't think of anyone who has the pixelated gimmick so anyone who does will definitely catch my attention. Pixel art is a dying art though so I don't know how easy it would be to find people willing to do pixel commissions

>> No.16830382

>Pixel art is a dying art though
m8 pixel art games are more popular nowadays than they have been since the mid 90s.

>> No.16830573
File: 47 KB, 941x1093, 265306567_437505714410045_1152046135019897350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be good at streaming but I feel I'm as plain as some generic gelatin, been doing some voice training but my voice isn't quite there yet ( ._.)

How do I become entertaining? Pic unrelated.

>> No.16832057

If I knew how to become entertaining, I would not be here.

>> No.16832259

That's a pretty open-ended question. I've seen other posters in this thread give some pretty good advice about how to fill dead air, if that's what you're looking for. You need to get out there and experience things so that you have things to talk about. If you really can't get out much, just try to take inventory of the things that happen in your day to day and find interesting ways to talk about them.
The subject of a stream inevitably always takes a backseat to the streamer's personality unless it's a strictly educational stream, so having charisma and interesting things to talk about is just as, if not more, important as speaking and enunciating clearly.

>> No.16832874
Quoted by: >>16835134

What kind of voice training?

>> No.16833080

do your writing and comedy reps, learn how to make and sell a story and how to bounce off random interactions.

>> No.16833288

I honestly feel like 90% of people either have it or they don't at this point in their lives (I assume you're in your 20s at least), but look at other people and figure out what makes them entertaining to you. It's a super open-ended question so it could be anything.

>> No.16833360
Quoted by: >>16835128

>Fuck networking
Zero chuubas have "made it" without networking. No one makes it alone. Everyone needs to network except for the extremely early adopters people like to name (who already networked) and those lucky enough to go viral. Look at almost any big chuuba or content-creator and there's a social network of people who came up with them or helped them get to where they are. The ones who didn't are exceptions and not the norm so don't depend on being that exception, just be grateful if it happens.

>> No.16835086

I feel like I'm pretty funny offline and entertaining in collabs/ conversations, but I'm not sure how to translate that to entertainability in solo streams. Any advice on being entertaining when you don't have a collab partner to bounce off quips from?

>> No.16835128

Define "networking" and give 2 specific examples that don't involve just wasting time chatting with other vtubers. /asp/ies love to talk about networking but don't even know what it means.

>> No.16835134
Quoted by: >>16835523

Standard stuff, Vowel modification and glottal closure because my throat isn't used to speak or sing sustaining higher notes and so far's been working out a bit

>> No.16835454

Keina Nate is a self-described pixel vtuber, they might be a good starting point for your research. Not my flavor personally, but their art is great and they do well streaming (~60 viewers or so usually)

>> No.16835523
Quoted by: >>16836583

Any resources or tips you can give for those just starting out with this?

>> No.16835562
Quoted by: >>16835802

Is there any kind content in particular that draws the readers of /asp/ in? I'm not really looking to cater to this board in particular when I start streaming but I am curious as to what kinds of stuff you guys like to watch.

>> No.16835802
Quoted by: >>16835901

I usually have a chill stream in the background, though from what i heard here i'm in the minority of viewers so take my opinion with a grain of salt

>> No.16835834

How do i become a /m/ale Beatani?

>> No.16835898

I remember KK Cyber got a pixelated live2d near the end of last year and I think I've seen other chuubas with similar models

>> No.16835901
Quoted by: >>16837144

I see, but I was wondering more about what kinds of themes or subjects you like to watch streams about. Like is it mostly let's plays for you, or something like cooking, a lecture-style stream about the streamer's interests, arts and crafts, etc.; that sort of thing

>> No.16836583


I'm pretty much a beginner myself so I don't think I'm fit to give advice on the matter, but all I did was looking for voice training excercises and went down the rsbbit hole until i came across some excercises appropiate enough for me at least, not that I'm any good as of right now either lol.

>> No.16836905

If you're going to stream games please go over the game's options and especially turn on subtitles. And don't just start playing your own BGM if the game doesn't seem to have music (which I've seen happen). Many games intentionally don't have music playing all the time, and you'll ruin the mood it's trying to create.

>> No.16837128

When dealing with dialog in old rpgs or something dialog heavy, should I read it out loud or just do it in silence?

>> No.16837144

got it, in that case i mostly watch art streams and zatsudans, though as i said i'm probably a minority and most people would answer let's plays

>> No.16837165
File: 78 KB, 506x404, fawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16837318

>> No.16837303

Read it out loud.

>> No.16837304

In my opinion you should find a happy medium between the two. The viewers are there to see you provide a transformative work and not just read all of the dialogue, and reading every line tends to slow down the pace of the stream more than I would care to see since I can already read what you are reading

>> No.16837318

Some people here would probably play the game but I don't think it's for everybody

>> No.16837841

Techwear alien anon here again.
I’m not really good with fashion. What could go well with a short legged bodysuit/pilot suit, if not a jacket? Arms and hands are planned to stay covered, but legs will be (partially) bare. There’s also floating mecha “ears” and a cable tail attached as well, but the actual visual details are still up in the air and might take on the aesthetic of the rest of the outfit.
Captcha: 0GWSD (how fitting)

>> No.16838492
Quoted by: >>16848182

see through plastic poncho with techy HUDs and displays

>> No.16838777
Quoted by: >>16838820

my oshi admitted to being /here/, or at least on the chans in general. i'm convinced she's a shitposter

>> No.16838820
File: 536 KB, 946x481, stinkobox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image didn't upload

>> No.16838958

>Check out newer or low view chuuba
>Great model
>Good game selection
>Actually good at the game
>Very attentive to chat
>Mic sounds like they're yelling across the house from the bathroom


>> No.16839140

no tells new chuubas that their microphones are the most important piece of hardware they should invest in. this is because every normie's microphone is shit but they all think it sounds okay through zoom.

>> No.16839256

akasupa him and tell him to get a mic

>> No.16840878
Quoted by: >>16840900

ded aspies

>> No.16840900

cause of death? pink woman condom money spam

>> No.16842146
Quoted by: >>16842196

I've been planning to stream the new Yugioh game since it got announced, but it released on wednesday, and my png won't be finished until tomorrow. I'm debating whether it would be better to start a separate fresh account since it wouldn't take too long to get back to where I am on my personal account, or just use the same account and flex being platinum rank

>> No.16842196

This is autism, just start. You won't even have any viewers.

>> No.16842729

are you winning /asp/?

>> No.16842962

My debut preparations are on hold cause of irl bullshit. But otherwise my model is done and research for other stuff is going well.

>> No.16843032

Still waiting on my png and practicing streaming before I've gone live, but I'm still on track to meet my goal of debuting before March rolls around.

>> No.16843781

Highest CCV was 14 yesterday on my own (no raids or anything). Chat was poppin and everyone had a good time.

I might still be small, but I built a nice community that’s slowly expanding. I’d say I’m winning.

>> No.16844074
File: 131 KB, 390x427, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this vroid model look? need ops

>> No.16844083

Looks fine. Start streaming.

>> No.16845611

Eye shape and face texture better than 70% of people of this business. Good

>> No.16846669
Quoted by: >>16852653

Unironically go to the discord and repost your question there in #character-design , I think someone will turn up to walk you through your design step by step.

Post a doodle in there if you can.

>> No.16847853

> wasting time chatting with other vtubers
Feel free to ignore it if you think it's a waste of time, but from my experience that "waste of time" can be very beneficial and has been shown to be for just about every single content creator out there. Chatting, sharing, and creating content together while creating a social networking of likeminded people to grow together, AKA "making friends you like to stream with"

>> No.16848182

Might work. It doesn’t really need to be something that makes sense with materials

>> No.16849329

how many streams did you all (dudes) do before people actually chatted? I'm still just talking to myself on stream #2

>> No.16849528
Quoted by: >>16849704

didn't get a regular chatter until 12 streams

>> No.16849704
Quoted by: >>16849764

did you ever post in /wvt/? glad to see this isn't just a me thing

>> No.16849764
Quoted by: >>16850100

no. i don't want to attract these type of viewers.

>> No.16850100
Quoted by: >>16851540

interesting. are wvt frogs just assholes or do they only want to watch girls?

>> No.16850153

i was lucky enough to get a regular by like my fourth and seventh streams or so; one of them still watches me and makes art for me and the other visits every now and then but they both really helped my confidence when i first started
i might not have grown a lot but it feels really nice to know that there are people that have supported me for so long

>> No.16851540

i just don't care to have viewers come from 4chan

>> No.16851777

I think my mics broken, and I'm too stupid to know how to fix it. I was really excited to do a stream with my voice for the first time, too, instead of just hoping I could emote with the body language of my vroid.

>> No.16852653
Quoted by: >>16881917

Which server?

>> No.16856030
Quoted by: >>16885269

Where did you get that hair texture? It's nice. That's one thing I need to do for mine. I keep procrastinating on trying to make one myself.

>> No.16859359
File: 44 KB, 620x330, 23.asp-snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP /asp/

>> No.16859521

cute snek

>> No.16860457

It's the freaken weaken baby I'm about to have me sum fun

>> No.16860711

nta but I don't even see models available for more than 3k. Where do you even get a 50k model?

>> No.16860712

Okay /asp/ies which of you put in Hololive applications? Which of you got views? Will you dogwhistle 4chan when you debut?

>> No.16861970
Quoted by: >>16869254

been 16 days since i submitted mine. no views.

>> No.16863538

I submitted one, 6 views over the course of a few weeks. If I did somehow get into a Hololive I'd let you guys know.

>> No.16865808


>> No.16866147

1. I'm not applying for hololive
2. Haven't debuted yet
3. I might do this vaguely, but regulars here have
already seen my model in various stages of completion so I don't think I'll need to.

>> No.16867754

Submitted one and got a view after two days, but it's been two weeks since and nothing else so I'm positive I bombed. If by some miracle I get in, I'd whistle

>> No.16868260

Got like 4 or so views don't have high hopes

>> No.16869080

I'm gunning for one of the big Japanese corpos but I probably won't dogwhistle, sorry.
If I'm asked about my posting history I'll mention that I've read this place, but I'll also namedrop Something Awful, Reddit, Tumblr, deviantART, LiveJournal and Twitter if I were to do that

>> No.16869254

you've been filtered out. stop waiting and get back to streaming. try again in 3 months.

>> No.16870991

I put in my second and made sure not to watch it after uploading (minus 1 view since I accidentally opened it once). I got one view 2 days after submitting that watched about 15 seconds before clicking away... which is progress, since my last one didn't get any views

>> No.16871194
Quoted by: >>16880221

Hey, /asp/. Following up on this:
>1st artist is already coloring
>2nd artist can take the commission with less than 1 week turnaround

Eating the loss is the best case scenario at this point, huh?

>> No.16871208
Quoted by: >>16871332

when you guys stream as new streamers, do you open the stream on your phone or something to jump up just a bit in the vtuber category on twitch? I did a pretty long stream and only had like 2 people float in since I didn't have any other devices boosting me. I still think it was an improvement over my last stream since I had close to no dead air over the course of 5 hours or so. not expecting much but the streaming reps feel good, man

>> No.16871332

>I did a pretty long stream and only had like 2 people float in
the problem isn't cheating the system with other devices. the problem is that no one knows or cares about you. you shouldn't be streaming to literal 2 views.

>> No.16871452
File: 753 KB, 811x1086, ardenlolo-Anime-Art-artist-Hololive-6925041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16872110

Exhibit A. Pic related. Exhibit B. Half of nijiEN. Exhibit C. The entirety of hologamers.

>> No.16872110
Quoted by: >>16872165

>he doesn't understand the difference between "networking" and "nepotism"
i know those words both start with the letter n but ESLchama you can't be this retarded

>> No.16872165
Quoted by: >>16872186

but anon, that is networking. I don't think any of those people are related. you don't just take shit you read on /vt/ at face value, do you?

>> No.16872186
Quoted by: >>16872325

viewerfag sit down and stfu thanks.

>> No.16872325


>> No.16872427

Does anyone know of good artists I could commission for a male live2d model? I feel like I've been looking for months but can't find anything good quality...

>> No.16872491

what kind of male are you looking for?

>> No.16872752

i've been liking tonkatsu sinclair. strikes me as an oldfag

>> No.16873367

Who are some indies with male models you like? Look towards their artists and similar ones.

>> No.16875637
Quoted by: >>16885547

Please tell me you weren't the 2 view tranny on twitch with a thick dude slav accent.

>> No.16879530

Spend it on ads. Indie JP vtubers do it, NijiEN does it. Why aren't EN indies doing it?

>> No.16879657

Because it's dumb. Every streamer I've ever learned about was either from browsing places like this or by word of mouth.

>> No.16880027

>searching for commission artists
>see ugly as sin models
>check price
>starting price $400
Why do they think they can do this?

>> No.16880040

demand is high and supply is low

>> No.16880198
Quoted by: >>16880227

Having a decent artist friend if pretty important for a starter if you totally don't know how to draw btw.

>> No.16880221

yup. go with the alternate costume idea / 2.0 outfit if you want. or just treat it as a skeb and use the 1st artist's art for your schedule posting (for more variation). let the 1st artist know that you're not going to use their art for your model but for other things instead, as a courtesy thing. otherwise they'll be surprised when they follow your development and see your model.

>> No.16880227

it's pretty important*

>> No.16880248

Because they can, and most likely have. You not liking the model doesn't mean someone else will.

>> No.16880340

Because ads don't help streamers in the west most of the time, why do you think next to no streamers take out ads? You have to stop thinking of things as just "Vtubers" and think of it as "streamers". If big, or even medium sized streamers all the way down aren't doing something then there's most likely a good reason, that reason being that it doesn't work.

>> No.16881594
File: 274 KB, 916x883, 528DE27E-732F-4B4A-BF5F-E1E311027E15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s only page 8 but I’m going to bed and the board’s too fast to risk it.

>> No.16881866

>search lowest to highest viewers in twitch vtuber category
>valorant, tarkov, mobas, yugioh, just chatting
>the ones who arent playing these have ugly models, are furries or are bosnian
dont be like them

>> No.16881910
Quoted by: >>16881927

guess I'm one of the ugly models

>> No.16881917
Quoted by: >>16882128

Look in >>16817603

>> No.16881927
Quoted by: >>16882008

post your model

>> No.16882008

nyo, don't want to be posted on 4chan but i'll be a 2view cause of the model, might as well update it soon

>> No.16882128
Quoted by: >>16882800

Oh. Joined, but I don’t have a separate Discord acct for future vtuber activities just yet. If I need to, that is.

>> No.16882800

Just set up your vtuber account and join with that. Ask around in #character-design for advice and brainstorming.

>> No.16884019
Quoted by: >>16884045

I haven't hung out with anyone in two weeks because I've been trying to finish some art assets and I'm starting to get a little lonely. Kinda wish I had a partner to help me out with this stuff but I couldn't reasonably afford one.

>> No.16884045

afford help*

>> No.16885269

i made this hair texture, eye texture, face texture
everything there is mine

>> No.16885547

nope, pretty sure that wasn’t me unless I was doing a voice for a character’s dialogue and you caught me at a bad time.

>> No.16885768

okay so how am I supposed to make myself easier to find? stream in a less congested time slot for longer periods of time? I don’t care about having 2 viewers super early on in my career, i just want to make beneficial changes going forward.

>> No.16888338

who's the bosnian i gotta fucking see this

>> No.16889573

Go look for fujoshi artists, they unironically draw the best looking males

>> No.16889632
Quoted by: >>16891501

I was streaming to 5 people for 6 months but i finally made partner and steadily growing, I'm happy

>> No.16891501

Most of the growth to your stream will be offstream. Editing/posting clips, shitposting here, tiktok, reddit, discords; chilling in other peoples' streams and "networking"/"making connections"/being friendly.

If you're not in the top two rows for a game, how is anyone going to see your stream?

>5 people for 6 months but i finally made partner
Do you mean affiliate? or did you get a 70 person incline?
In which case... Hi Bat.

>> No.16894294


>> No.16894532

start posting small clips of yourself and your content onto algorithms that will push you out to people when you're not streaming live. this means tiktok and youtube possibly instagram if you want to try that.

>> No.16897211

>Most of the growth to your stream will be offstream. Editing/posting clips, shitposting here, tiktok, reddit, discords; chilling in other peoples' streams and "networking"/"making connections"/being friendly.
Genuine question: how is anyone with a full-time job supposed to do this shit? No wonder a lot of Vtubers are freelancing artists (who always need to be online nowadays anyway) or a full-time student.

>> No.16897259
Quoted by: >>16899554

I wanna do CSGO case openings, if both my roommate and chuuba accounts have private inventories no one can track that i sent items from one account to another using something like csgo exchange, right?

>> No.16898521

For editing clips, if you want to do the bare minimum, streamladder/clipbot can auto edit your clips, but not sure they can auto-add subtitles. They can both also post to YT and tiktok.
These don't take too long to work, although I don't do them myself, I edit my own clips (I can do a few an hour, and then I'll queue up a week's worth of posting them to twitter, tiktok, and youtube).
I'll also schedule multiple posts on twitter - polls, stupid memes, "going live in twelve hours, you guys excited?", "in today's stream, we talked about the most calories you can farm, here's an article!". Basically, set up two or three hours on the weekend to queue up as much as possible, then shitpost in coffee breaks.
For reddit, I load up some relevant subreddits as I get up, and go to post there when I'm having breakfast/morning crap.

>> No.16899369

>how is anyone with a full-time job supposed to do this shit?
The same way anyone with a fulltime job pursues hobbies. You make time for it.

>> No.16899554
Quoted by: >>16900158

I don't think people are able to do that if you're trading through steam with private inventories. third parties on the other hand, a site admin can definitely see what your account has exchanged from their website. does that answer your question?

>> No.16900158

Yeah, thanks anon

>> No.16901018 [DELETED] 

Page 10 banp

>> No.16902663
Quoted by: >>16902686

I wonder, how much do long lasting events help a channel grow?
Like, if I dedicated a month on a three days a week schedule to games or watchalongs of one specific but seemingly random theme, something me and my audience can enjoy but can drop after the month ends, would that help me get more regular viewers?

>> No.16902686

>would that help me get more regular viewers?

>> No.16905075


>> No.16905874
File: 23 KB, 460x302, aEgpR7G_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back to PNGchuba because my webcam can barely catch my head when I put it where it belongs (a monitor!) even though I put my chair to its highest setting. And generally I am having issues with Live2D app because of how bad my webcam is (quality-wise, I bought the cheapest webcam I could find on sale that doesn't even have drivers...). Anons here oftenly say that only L2Dchubas make it...but what if? Do I have a chance to increase my audience even if I go back to PNG? I think I will also have some fun with drawing new outfits / accessories here and there while being PNG. I understand that clips would be an issue, but maybe I could set a button command to switch the PNG of my character by a click (for example, I would press a button and it would show my PNG with angry face)? And my current design already makes me feel a bit bored, I want to embrace the cute and funny properly. Thank you! Have a good Saturday.

>> No.16906574

>Most of the growth to your stream will be offstream
>If you're not in the top two rows for a game, how is anyone going to see your stream?
no one should be hoping to pull viewers from a category ever, those types never last. you don't need to worry about being at the top row because a majority of viewers don't even come from game categories, they come from offline sources like you said.

>how is anyone with a full-time job supposed to do this shit?
How long do you think it really takes to grab clips from your stream and upload them? You're not manually delivering clips to a physical place, you're taking one clip and uploading it to multiple sites. You're finding a funny relatable meme and replacing someone in it with your character, etc. It's really not that hard to do, even with a full time job you should be able to find a bit of time here and there to do some of it even if you can't get 100% of it done.

>Anons here oftenly say that only L2Dchubas make it
Either you're lying or were lied to and I guarantee any anon who said this had 5 replies saying it's bullshit that you chose to ignore. Nothing is wrong with having just a PNG.

>> No.16907322

Thank you anon! I am sorry, I have not been checking /vt/ in a long time, and the last time I did people would tell that PNG is bad in the long run and mentions that people usually don't watch PNGchubas (this thing was said somewhere above). I want to do my best to draw various fun outfits and accessories for my chuba without seeming boring... I can't afford to get a better webcam right now.

>> No.16907459

>and the last time I did people would tell that PNG is bad
/asp/ and /auds/ had never said this. the general consensus is that png is find regardless of how long you stream with. it's always an outsider tourist saying bullshit. that's on you to figure out what to filter out and what to listen to.

given that a former stream made twitch partner as a png snake and there are thousands of chuubas barely making affiliate with live2d models it really doesn't matter. your content is first and foremost the key deciding factor.

>I want to do my best to draw various fun outfits and accessories for my chuba without seeming boring
i wouldn't recommend this until you actually have a community. this way you can make your outfits and accessories mean something. if you come out of the gates with half a dozen outfits and accessories your viewers will assume that's the baseline.

>> No.16907536
Quoted by: >>16907669

Little_S, Shxtou, kenji (pre viral tiktok he still had a good chunk of viewers), and plenty of others chuubas have done fine with just a PNG. Just use something like Veadotube. I've seen this one that looks leaps better but it's 12 bucks, seems absolutely worth it though.


>> No.16907611
Quoted by: >>16907717

>Either you're lying or were lied to and I guarantee any anon who said this had 5 replies saying it's bullshit that you chose to ignore. Nothing is wrong with having just a PNG.
Eh, that’s an exaggeration. Going to play devil’s advocate as a viewerfag and say I watch 0 PNGtubers and if any of the dozens I watch now were PNGtubers, I’ve never heard of them when they were. There’s no incentive for me to not CTRL+T and be active on chat for PNGtubers I’ve checked out either because there’s little to no “movement” or variety (and understandably so because it’s the budget option). The L2D is just an extra push that some people trying to make it need. Is it necessary? No, but you’re sure as hell more well off with it than without. Most of the time, I end up wondering why PNGtubers are not just faceless YouTubers (with a profile picture of their desired look for when they can afford to get L2D) and insist on being a “Vtuber”.

My advice would be to stick with the L2D unless your webcam is that bad that it’s practically like you’re a PNG anyway. Just my 2 cents. Either way, do whatever you think works for you. That’s still most important anyway.

>> No.16907669

>12 bucks
Does it have any tranny shit embedded into the code/UI like Veadotube?

>> No.16907717

>I watch 0 PNGtubers
Don't take advice from people who don't even watch your streams. Ignore this viewerfaggot.

>> No.16907976
Quoted by: >>16908168

>don’t even watch your streams
>dead ass mentioned in the post I’ve checked out PNGtubers before
How can I if they didn’t even link their streams for us to see the quality of their L2D? I wasn’t even hostile with my opinion; I explicitly mentioned playing devil’s advocate and it’s just my 2 cents and for them to do whatever works for them.

If many of you straight up don’t consider any opinions that don’t align with your own opinions about how you should proceed with your streams, no wonder so many stay 2views.

>> No.16908168

See how much this viewerfag believe his personal taste matters in the grand scheme of things? At best he's a statistic at worst he puts you on the wrong path thinking you need to please everyone and anyone that might perceive you online. Ignore viewerfags especially from 4chan.

>> No.16908400

You're an absolute retard and getting offended over nothing, they've already said they've checked out vtubers. "Don't take advice from people who don't watch your streams" is the stupidest fucking possible thing you could say here because most of the advice from these threads are from people who haven't watched any streams. Stop being so personally offended when it was just a viewer perspective on what they watch.

I'm a chuuba and I watch maybe one PNGtuber, but it's not even something I've done consciously, I'm just not presented with many options to view them.

>> No.16908562

Seriously, why are there people that post in these threads that want to discount opinions from viewers wholesale? This has to be shitposting, right? Viewers are the people you're supposed to be attracting to your stream

>> No.16908668
Quoted by: >>16909060

Sure, let’s close this with you insisting being open to considering all opinions is just me completely pushing my personal taste.

I sincerely hope I’m not your regular viewer. Then again, you’re probably a PNGtuber who never considered the pros and cons before jumping in to be this affected by harmless 2 cents not even directed at you so I most likely don’t.

>> No.16908790

There's plenty of reasons to discount opinions from viewers, but this really isn't one of them. A lot of viewers don't really know what all goes into content creation, or even how Twitch, Youtube, etc works outside of "i click video and a person talks to me", so they do like to chime in with some dumb suggestions but this really was just a random POV from a viewer getting shit on, which makes zero sense.

>> No.16909060

>triggered viewerfags crawl out to defend their shit takes.

>> No.16909324

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a viewer! They're all viewers, they HAVE to be!

There was no "take", just "Here's why I don't watch PNGtubers." which is a reason a lot of people don't watch them.

>> No.16909442

Looks a bit stretched vertically. Give yourself more width.

>> No.16909472

>Viewers are the people you're supposed to be attracting to your stream
Viewers as a general concept yes. Specifically this 4chan viewer as an individual no. That's the issue. A viewerfag from here saying "don't do PNG I won't watch you" is just a subjective opinion statement. Insecure and confused chuubas who come here see that and misattribute to a generalized "I guess I shouldn't be a PNG" and then end up wasting time trying to skip many steps ahead to a Live2D. Don't forget the whole issue of designing your Live2D and that whole timeloop.

>most of the advice from these threads are from people who haven't watched any streams.
There are several Partners who come here and give actual advice on how to grow as a chuuba and not their sole opinion as a 4chan viewer. How you filter those is up to you.

>> No.16909591
Quoted by: >>16909649

you literally call anyone that disagrees with you a viewer
i got called a viewer last night in the back alley despite streaming for nearly a year

>> No.16909649

>i got called a viewer last night in the back alley despite streaming for nearly a year
probably because you have the ngmi viewer mindset and advocate dumb things like collabs to grow

>> No.16909905

>triggered pngtuber after realizing more than 1 person shares the same opinion on a potential reason they’re still a 2view after 1 year of streaming

>> No.16909967
Quoted by: >>16910031

you really just say random shit and expect it to stick huh
i was called a viewer for writing:
>someone saying how they are on stream does not represent how they are off stream
>it's a weird assumption to say that anon hasn't tried marketing themselves
which i don't get how you assume someone is a viewer from just that
anyways i don't advocate for collabs but i'm not averse to doing them; i think in the past three months i've probably done maybe four or five

>> No.16910031
Quoted by: >>16910259

cool story bro. that's what you get for shitting up the trashcan.

>> No.16910120

You guys okay

>> No.16910259

you're the one who regularly flames people like some abrasive asshole so i'd imagine you're the one shitting things up
its the same viewer managerlarping as a chuuba that refuses to ever post any sort of credentials doing his same old schtick

>> No.16910372

No, I'm really not ok. Thanks for asking at least.

>> No.16910674
File: 475 KB, 1091x622, 189041ia161d7f6-639f-4a17-9752-5221a92aa40e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16910773

>advocate dumb things like collabs to grow
fucking viewers man

>> No.16910773
Quoted by: >>16911052

>playing that 13th game of monster hunter or crab game with the same people you've been collabing with the last 3 months is gonna go viral and skyrocket your growth
sur, aspie

>> No.16911052
Quoted by: >>16911374

It's almost as if context and instruction on how to "properly" collab is needed and not blanket statements like >colalb bad >:(

>> No.16911374
Quoted by: >>16911698

the context is that not everyone wants to "make it" and trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous. most aspies don't care to make it so when they say "collab" they're just hanging out with friends. that's the most commonly meant when /here/chuubas have "collabs" you think Power Nelson's collabs are helping him grow? no they're just a hangout with friends on stream.

>> No.16911537
Quoted by: >>16911757

>Define "networking"
Make friends for business purposes and make use of them when it's convenient, works better if you have something you can exchange to make sure both sides profit off it.

>just wasting time chatting with other vtubers
You're not quite wrong. It certainly is quite a bit of time you have to spend, time that will go to waste, and not every lead will turn into profit of some form, but when you do hit it big, it will become something that is nearly invaluable.
It's really just a matter of knowning the right people who help you out to progress quicker.

>> No.16911698
Quoted by: >>16911757

that's one of the dumbest examples of chuubas that you could have used; his collabs are always consistently at a higher viewership than his solo stream; he's a great host for them

>> No.16911757
Quoted by: >>16912415

>Make friends for business purposes and make use of them when it's convenient
easier said than done when most of the chuubas you see on twitter and twitch are hobbyists who don't want to or care to grow so their usefulness is nonexistent or limited.
>his collabs are always consistently at a higher viewership than his solo stream
>higher viewership than his solo stream
you just proved that the collabs don't contribute to his own stream's growth. thanks for agreeing with me.

>> No.16912415
Quoted by: >>16912578

all the collabs are on his stream though so his channel and stream are in fact still growing as a result

>> No.16912578

Followers are a fairly meaningless statistic on Twitch outside of sponsorship for larger streamers. His statistics show little to no growth from when he started up til now as far as his solo content goes. He shoots up in viewers for these collab events, then maintains none of that audience once they're over.

>> No.16912959

Forgot to include this in my post, but his average for solo streams for the last 30 days is about the same as his average from 5 months ago. You can go check this yourself. You can see this even on a larger scale with streamers like Takahata. His viewership skyrockets during collabs, but when he does solo content it's significantly lower, at times even lower than they were months ago depending on the game, the only difference is that he's got a baseline audience and Nelson doesn't.

>> No.16913096

The solo content he's been doing recently I don't think are intended for growing his channel though and seem more like personal interests; no one streams a watchalong expecting huge turnouts and Strong Bad's Cool Game 4 Attractive People is also fairly niche
A lot of his collabs focus around him being a sort of host as well (Denny's, Woman Rating, Boyfriend Experience) and those numbers aren't inflated because they're a collab, its because its Nelson hosting a collab
I can only speak from my own tastes but I do feel more inclined to watch collabs from him over other chuubas that I watch

>> No.16913477

Start playing games and talking to yourself. Be energetic and friendly. Also try to make friends and talk to people with a genuine interest in their life to prepare yourself more for how you'll want to talk to people and engage with them on stream.

Find a fun game people enjoy watching either for story content gameplay and start doing that. Stay talkative the entire time and look at chat and respond to them often if someone comes in.

Advertise that you're going live on twitter and eventually people will want to collab with you if you're outgoing and entertaining. Your numbers will go up from randos on twitch staying and checking you out for a few minutes.

Yes, absolutely find someone to translate for you. Hire someone to translate a text that can be used generally like "Hello! I love your art and am a big fan, (name of person. referring to someone without their name in Japanese can be considered rude in some context)! I would love to commission you for a character design and/or vtuber model. Would this be something your schedule allows for and that you're interested in? I'm based in (whatever country you're in) so I may not be able to use a payment system if it's Japanese only. I have paypal though."

Then if the first one rejects you you can use that template to contact another until one says yes.

>> No.16914255

I'm doing alright. Thanks for asking. You okay?

>> No.16917265

no, i need a hug
