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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.16493217
Quoted by: >>16499186

I asked him whether he wants to tour with Hololive idol performances once the world goes back to normal

>> No.16493302

Bets on kiara asking about holostars EN, I dont know if they will ever appear or not but people is so annoying wiith them I already am an anti

>> No.16493313
Quoted by: >>16494658

>brings in a non-Holo

just kidding. Probably I'd have him explain more of his metaverse thing to have Kiara translate it, because that seems to be a big focus of the company lately or rather something he's excited about. That and inevitably ask about NFTs.

>> No.16493330
Quoted by: >>16493396

Let Kiara collab with Pomu asshole.

>> No.16493396

god i hope her tongue collabs with pomus asshole

>> No.16493450
File: 11 KB, 225x225, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collabing with a male
KFP... is this your oshi?

>> No.16493524

KFP I don't feel so good....

>> No.16493581

Finally a guest to be excited for

>> No.16493628

But he is THE male

>> No.16493638
Quoted by: >>16498493

What does Kiara's cunt taste like

>> No.16493662

I'm going to offcollab with your oshi and play footsie with her under the table the whole time. We might even hold hands.

>> No.16493700
Quoted by: >>16494223

how does talent scouting go. is it important to meet the person and get a general sense of how they are, or have you hired lots of people from just application submissions with vtube content? how does it come about from people completely outside of the industry, like Suburu? in general how do you consistently find such unique and charismatic personalities like Korone, Peko, Subaru, Polka, etc?

for JP only, the other branches obviously don't have very involved scouting or much talent to speak of.

>> No.16493706

Kiara: (speaks in Japanese) Hey, Botan. Can I copy your homework?
Botan: (speaks in gomen nasai) Sure, just make it look different so that it doesn't look like you just copied it.
Kiara: (speaks in weeb) Sure thing.

>> No.16493743

Why does hololive have to force yagoo into being a meme who gives a shit about the guy who owns the company

>> No.16493819
Quoted by: >>16494067

because he does a lot more than just owning it, he built it almost single handed, and puts a LOT of work in

>> No.16493934

Because he's a recognizable face you joyless heptagon

>> No.16493936

Yagoo, cheating on the wife is not a rare case these days in japan. Have you cheated on your wife yet?

Unfortunately all the good questions will be censored before Yagoo himself sees the final batch he might censor.

>> No.16494050

why did you hire kiara instead of someone with talent?

>> No.16494067
Quoted by: >>16494172

Do your Yagoo history reps.

>> No.16494088

Because he is a SOVLfull oji-san unlike the souless investor slave names rikku

>> No.16494158

Why are you on this board?

>> No.16494172
Quoted by: >>16494266

i know him better than you nigger

>> No.16494175

I want a definitive answer as to whether or not they plan to start an English-speaking version of Holostars. I really hope they hire some JSLs so that the already existing Holostars get some more exposure, too.

>> No.16494208
Quoted by: >>16499479


>> No.16494223

They’ve already answered that in one of coco’s stream

>> No.16494266
Quoted by: >>16494318

Go back to your subreddit.

>> No.16494310

Sou desu ne...

>> No.16494318
Quoted by: >>16494609

yes because people who use reddit oft use the vocabulary such as 'nigger'

>> No.16494396
Quoted by: >>16497373

Because he's basically a mascot at this point with little to no power.

>> No.16494435

I want to know if his dream is alive.

>> No.16494444

I like YAGOO and Riku. They both work for cool companies.

>> No.16494481
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1642082308084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male idol streaming with a f*male

>> No.16494553

>Why are you allowing Omega to be a tribalist faggot and ban Niji collabs?

>> No.16494555


>> No.16494562
Quoted by: >>16494601

No chance.

>> No.16494601

Why not?

>> No.16494609

>using nigger means you're not longer a newfag


>> No.16494618
File: 958 KB, 1909x855, tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its real

>> No.16494658
Quoted by: >>16500745

I hope Yagoo didn’t agree to his appearance now to mostly promote the game and NFTs like he did recently with Botan. As in Botan did the promotion of it for the JPs and Kiara will do it for the ENs.

>> No.16494719

My guess is that associating a company with a person goes a long way for the public image (this applies to a lot of IT companies), especially in an industry with plenty of negative black company examples.

>> No.16494720

What is the biggest surprise Hololive has encountered?

>> No.16494731
Quoted by: >>16500628

Well /vt/, what do you want to ask YAGOO?
Why does EN not have any Britbongs yet?

>> No.16494758
Quoted by: >>16494865

The only chance you would get with westerners are pure gamers and that's already a market saturated to fuck. Also holostars are more idol-like than the girls so the cross pollination would probably be close to 0. Besides, niji already beat them to the whole thing.

>> No.16494770

He literally scouted all the OG holos himself

>> No.16494789
Quoted by: >>16496531

Korean branch when?
Spanish branch when?
Russian branch when?

>> No.16494865
Quoted by: >>16495012

I see where you're coming from, especially with how they would be streamers instead of idols, but I'd still like to see it happen.

>> No.16494927
Quoted by: >>16495061

Wrong. Sora and A-chan scooted Yagoo.
But he did scoot a lot of talents, including was-just-looking-for-a-job Subaru.

>> No.16494987

Why are you wasting all you're money on metaverse instead of upgrading your Live2d software?

>> No.16495012

I agree it would be cool but while yes, the nijien boys are doing better than the girls, for hololive it would be much easier to just shit out a new gen of girls for guaranteed success.

>> No.16495050

Because Cover has built itself on the back of gachikois and cringy GFE trash, that's not gonna fly with a male branch.
You'd get a repeat of how the JP holos started.


Watch the video to get an idea of how ridiculous ly hard it was for them.

>> No.16495060

if people insist on such a question in the comments I guess but she's like the last EN member that would want it

>> No.16495061
Quoted by: >>16499495

my favorite story is how matsuri forced herself onto hololive

>> No.16495099

Hey Yagoo,

Why wont you let fans purchase outfits for their oshii? Why dont you allow sponsors purchase outfits for you vtubers?

>> No.16495166

>what do you want to ask YAGOO?
Are you really going to take a year to release a new English gen?

>> No.16495191

Yeah because NijiEN is doing SOOO bad with their new males, and they all behave like idols am I right??

>> No.16495231
Quoted by: >>16495371

What was different in your approach to scouting EN2 compared to EN1?

>> No.16495233
Quoted by: >>16495291

This is exactly why I think HolostarsEN would work. There's clearly a demand for it.

>> No.16495234

So you want some soccer kit costumes for your oshi?

>> No.16495267
Quoted by: >>16522613

niji has a lot less rules than hololive does

>> No.16495291
Quoted by: >>16497704

What does ANY of that have to do with what I said? Niji has never treated their male and female livers differentlyl. Hololive does.
There's no demand for male idols in the US.

>> No.16495335
File: 247 KB, 1299x951, __shirakami_fubuki_azur_lane_and_1_more_drawn_by_nagishiro_mito__70a0793c7bcde0e380f41f79dcd76d7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16497636

Any more gacha guest appearance planned in the future?

>> No.16495371
Quoted by: >>16501314

oh i can answer that
instead of looking for girls wherein every one of them will have a distinct personality and appeal, he picked the first 5 applications

>> No.16495405

Why do you want cover to hire males? Just go watch nijisanji you fag. Even if they got some you better not expect gura to even talk to them lmao, maybe some Ollie collabs.

>> No.16495415
Quoted by: >>16496214

Why dont you fire that fucking rigger, you know the one?

>> No.16495435

>it's easier to get Yagoo to participate in collabs than Ayame

>> No.16495468

After taxes and hololive share, how much of a $100 SC gets to the girl? $30?

>> No.16495486

Niji's males are popular because they dont act like idols or have retarded rules, vox is an autist, mysta is a coomer and so on.
>Muh gura
Hololive doesn't revolve around your dead subs queen cumshart.

>> No.16495503
File: 257 KB, 1200x675, EN5xl2KU0AEQkWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you going to bring back the swimsuits?

>> No.16495510
Quoted by: >>16495543

You will fill your diaper when I collab with Gura.

>> No.16495543
Quoted by: >>16495703

You're gonna have to wait 9 months cause I collab'd in her cunny yesterday

>> No.16495568

Can I have $800?

>> No.16495582

I'd ask if the idea of allowing Omegatranny to exist as it is was his, if not who it was

>> No.16495655
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16495740

Dino-Gura merch, where are they? Does your business not like money?

>> No.16495679

that's a really heavy video man

>> No.16495702
Quoted by: >>16495908

Your males are now fujobaiting just to gain views. Doing that takes out half of the supposed market you will enter.

>> No.16495703

She could probably still stream for like half of the pregnancy before it became noticeable. I'd just have to set the comedy dial to maybe 7 out of 10 and bring whatever weird snacks she demands.

>> No.16495720
File: 7 KB, 227x222, peeku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame won't botter herself to participate in something that the entire Hololive has been through so her father had to come in her place

>> No.16495740

probably never cause i don't think they can monetize it

>> No.16495753

Captain is dumb
Please by Prism Project

>> No.16495823

What would it take for a new hire to keep their old design like Suisei?

>> No.16495886
Quoted by: >>16496114

I hear him, but st the same time... you can just ignore those kinds of people. I really want to see HolostarsEN exist despite those kinds of people and be buds with the Holostars.

>> No.16495908
Quoted by: >>16496061

god i wish i had a bunch of thirsty loser women calling me king and daddy while paying me

>> No.16496061
Quoted by: >>16496135

I want it too. I'm legitimately trying to make it happen for myself in the coming years

>> No.16496114

I think it can work. I want to see them succeed. Just seems like a matter of managing expectations and being able to push through negative perception. Would take a really particular person or group

>> No.16496135
Quoted by: >>16496175

hope you make it brah
shit seems like a crazy good deal in life

>> No.16496175
Quoted by: >>16496387

Yeah, me.
Thanks man. If I do, I'll do my best not to disappoint

>> No.16496191

Yeah but why would you join holostarsEN knowing full well how ignored the JP ones already are. Sure, Yagoo said that it's his biggest disappointment, but it's not like he's even doing anything for them.

>> No.16496214

The pepeloni?

>> No.16496225

Fuck off with that homo shit

>> No.16496294

I would love to hear his take on the differences between Japanese style vtubing and Western style vtubing, same with corporates style versus indie vtubing.

>> No.16496310

Honestly, that sounds kinda cozy and lower stress compared to being in HoloEN. You could have a tighter community with chat, probably.

>> No.16496362

>seething at gachikoi and GFE
This post was written by a woman or a tranny

>> No.16496369

What color pantsu are you wearing?

>> No.16496387

Good luck dude. Take a chance and I hope it pays off
Sometimes you just have to try. Even if it won't work out. If my options right now in front of me were
>join holostars en
>go back to my shitty day job
I'd take the holostars route. even if it made less or was more stressful at times. I've been through so many jobs and just taken those chances and it works out sometimes, and sometimes not.

>> No.16496389
File: 64 KB, 1713x453, br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16496486

>Well /vt/, what do you want to ask YAGOO?
Why are you so hesitant about Twitch streaming?

>> No.16496431

Will you ever hire western artists for mamas?

>> No.16496436

>seething over Hololive
>seething over Gura
Oh, you definitely are a woman or a tranny. Maybe you're a pre-debut Vtweeting 2view too?

>> No.16496438
Quoted by: >>16500898

Mr. Yagoo-san, big fan but I have two questions. First, how big is your cock. Second, which Hololive girl is your favorite to fuck. Is it your daughter Sora?

>> No.16496486

they aren't tho
it's up to the talent to pick which platform they want to be on
that bugwoman artia used to stream on twitch as part of hololiveBUG

>> No.16496531

No new branches until everyone completely forgets HoloCN.

>> No.16496596

Because he's a nerd programmer that accidentaly made his own anime girl earner harem. He's us but he made it.

>> No.16496635


>> No.16496720
Quoted by: >>16502180

fuck yogurt too
bitch went to mainland so she deserved it

>> No.16496731

how many of the niji EN boys are open about their rl girlfriends/boyfriends??

>> No.16496753

Does he consider Rushia a loli?

>> No.16496806

When can we expect kiara to graduate?

>> No.16496829
Quoted by: >>16518943

Best question so far

>> No.16496832
File: 763 KB, 985x566, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16497095

Will Hololive ever debut anthropomorphic vtubers?

>> No.16496847
Quoted by: >>16497002

Was Council an intentional flop or you weren't aware that 2 had bfs and 2 were unprofessional lazy cunts?

>> No.16496986
Quoted by: >>16497088

Was Rushia supposed to be romanized as Lucia? If so, is everyone in Hololive retarded?

>> No.16497002

Does sana’s dog count as a bf or?

>> No.16497088

It’s clearly supposed to be Russia,

>> No.16497095

They already did, it's called Sana

>> No.16497166

YAGOO is literally cheating on his wife here

>> No.16497277

How does it feel to make your idols not interact with other males, just so that only you can do it?

>> No.16497373
Quoted by: >>16500812

So he's like the Queen of England?

>> No.16497394

How to make baby?

captcha: 24 HAM

>> No.16497636
File: 483 KB, 1080x2022, IMG_20211024_160248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering a lot of hot gacha games originated from China, it will be really difficult. The only Japanese gacha/Hololive collab that I know is that Vanguard Zero collab with Suisei where they released a Suisei card that is usable in any deck

>> No.16497704

>no demand for males in the us
That's the funniest thing I've read all night

>> No.16497797

>VTuber Hoshimachi Suisei!
I hope this spacing is not real. How can anyone fuck up so badly.

>> No.16497977

>easier to get the CEO than Ayame
actually funny

>> No.16498039

Please hire more Europeans for HoloEN.

>> No.16498076

Why was Kiara hired?
Yagoo is best girl. Everyone knows this.

>> No.16498089
Quoted by: >>16499161

If all euros are like kiara they better fucking not.

>> No.16498300
Quoted by: >>16498382

Would you allow the artistic Holos to design vtuber models for Cover, Indies or other companies?

>> No.16498382

ina draws characters for gacha games but she does it under her roommate's persona

>> No.16498460

Release an all cunny gen.

>> No.16498493

Fried chicken

>> No.16498578

Where is the Hololive Gacha game?

>> No.16498595
Quoted by: >>16498989

Why don't you hire someone to make english subtitles for the top JP earner to see if your profit raises?

>> No.16498731

Why don't you allow your talents to use Patreon or Onlyfans for content too risque for YouTube?

>> No.16498900

But I already forgor...

>> No.16498989
Quoted by: >>16499229

Very labor intensive for probably not that big of a buff.
Polka has a translator for The Legend of Polka and while yeah those videos do well, they don't do astronomically better than her normal videos do.

>> No.16499031
File: 80 KB, 940x518, 2v8sfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16499067

Will cover sell NFT?

>> No.16499123

When will you open HoloTW Yagoo?

>> No.16499161

t. European

>> No.16499186

>world coming back to normal
>the supercorpos and evil powers that rule everything allowing it anytime

Yeah, no. But it's a good idea in general. I just want le funny stories from him and shit. I know Tenchou will deliver as per expected though.

>> No.16499229
Quoted by: >>16499346

I said top earner and not just for some special videos, I meant everything. You can't keep EOPs if you just do it once in a while.

>> No.16499346

It's still Rushia, right? Not a numberfag so I don't know but translating a 3 hour stream is really labor intensive and almost guaranteed not to be worth it.

>> No.16499397
File: 859 KB, 3295x1527, unused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you plan to do with the unusable designs? Not Coco but the designs that belonged to the vtubers that you had to fire? Why don't you sell or auction off those designs?

>> No.16499410
File: 258 KB, 600x600, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you force all holomen to undergo SS13 training so we can have massive SS13 collabs?

>> No.16499442

Tell us the truth about Coco, Yagoo. Also tell us about Holofightz, yes, we know you know. Let's get the cat out of the bag.

Also Aloe. Also Hitomi. Also Hololive CN but that goes in the Coco question anyway. Bring Civia back.

>> No.16499463 [DELETED] 

Who will you graduate next?

>> No.16499479

Why Towa?

>> No.16499491
Quoted by: >>16499897

i don't think any of the girls have the necessary autism to understand how to run atmos

>> No.16499495


>> No.16499543

Imagine the prices anons would pay for Artia, just to distribute her to everyone and say she's a whore that allow any anon to enter her body.

>> No.16499555

I want to customize, hell, by Hukepapa-sama himself, a full on no brakes slutty gyaru outfit for Kiara herself.

>> No.16499687

Yagoo-dono; did you truly slap Pekora in front of Aqua? Or how was it? Thanks, arigatou, now have the german orange bird woman translate it for me. I need to know.

>> No.16499737
Quoted by: >>16500528


Fixed that for you, no need to thank me. Otherwise I share your fury (corrections applied).

>> No.16499748
Quoted by: >>16499874

I would only want to ask business related questions like are restrictions different between contracts (I know ample evidence but an official confirmation would be great) and if theres any failures in his current strategy hes trying to address. Of course these types of questions would never get approved despite being fairly benign.

>> No.16499841
Quoted by: >>16500151

>I can BECOME Aloe herself


>> No.16499874
Quoted by: >>16501608

>are restrictions different between contracts
They would absolutely never answer that.

>> No.16499893

>Why would you join holostarsEN knowing full well how ignored the JP ones already are?

Because it could be fun? I feel like I need something different in my life right now. Plus I feel like streaming gives me a better output to be a goofball. If I can somehow get into whatever holostarsEN or whatever it becomes, I would gladly do it.

>> No.16499897
Quoted by: >>16500155

They'd need to collab with Sseth, but he's a m*le and only corpo approved males like RRT and such are allowed, and even then under strict surveillance. A beast like Sseth would never pass the test.

>> No.16499981
File: 569 KB, 854x480, [Anime] Moar! t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16503021

Will HoloID and HoloEN get HoloGra episodes?

>> No.16500151

The Deepfaker AI will be fully developed before YAGOO does anything

>> No.16500155

wish he'd make a video more than once every 6 months

>> No.16500362

Are there any decent Korean gachas?

>> No.16500407

last origin

>> No.16500528


Fixed that for you, no need to thank me. Otherwise I share your fury (corrections applied).

>> No.16500628

>can't even quote properly
Sasuga britbong

>> No.16500654


>> No.16500694

What is my oshi's address and phone number

>> No.16500745

>the NFT rrat again

>> No.16500812

Leaving aside the fact that he founded the company, pretty much. I'd go with something like Princess Diana, though.

>> No.16500854
File: 993 KB, 4000x4000, __irys_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_felutiahime__10903a30c49c16c2465acc5e6f6d8ec3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you plan to expand ENVSingers beyond IRyS?

>> No.16500898

That's 3 questions

>> No.16500910

what's the point
they can never do any better

>> No.16501047

How many holos have you penetrated? Do you regret hiring whores?

>> No.16501169

Would you ever sell your company?

>> No.16501305
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x2250, 1641823971901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on NijiEN?

>> No.16501314

that's not true, he only picked four. Ina already got Sana in before they even started processing the applications

>> No.16501510

When are you guys going to release IRYS New Years outfit, July?

>> No.16501608

I know. But a man can dream.

>> No.16501662

>Orange woman interviews Yagoo in 2021
>Orange woman graduates
>Orange woman interviews Yagoo in 2022
When is she dropping the announcement?

>> No.16501853

he's the gaben of vtubing while rikku is tim sweeney

>> No.16502180

she's better off in her new company. besides being with her friends, they've made a bigger investment in getting her 3d studio time for concerts and merch that Cover never did for her.
she was always mainland, anyone who thought otherwise is retarded

>> No.16503021

When the country opens up again and they get their 3D models.

>> No.16503123 [DELETED] 

When will we get a Harry Potter watchalong?

>> No.16503154
Quoted by: >>16503218

I want to know who is his favorite lolicon artist

>> No.16503218
Quoted by: >>16503449

Would Cover ever hire a lolicon artist?

>> No.16503449

Imagine a Takamichi vtuber.

>> No.16503563

Whats your favorite manga?

>> No.16503832

but yagoo is besto garo

>> No.16503974

your vagina is bleeding anon, might i suggest a tampon?

>> No.16503990


>> No.16504063
File: 1.16 MB, 1574x2000, 20211209_105852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16513617

He made anime girls real. Fuck off.

>> No.16504187
Quoted by: >>16504862

Consider no one cares about her music, no.

>> No.16504200

off yourselves yagookeks, i'm sure you suck mark zuckerbergson's dick too

>> No.16504280


>> No.16504380

I'd consider it an honor if my male collabed with a superior nip. Happy, even.
Hell, as long as he isn't black I don't give a fuck.

>> No.16504862

no one gives a shit because her music is as generic as it gets. a good voice can only get you so far.

if they hire an actual professional who's experimental and is always involved in the creative process while not bowing to the whims of producers and songwriters, they might stand a chance to get something unique out.

>> No.16505487

How the fuck is this going to work? This is going to be prerecorded, right? The interview Coco did was prerecorded and edited to shit because YAGOO is a fucking yab machine. The managers had to keep having them redo answers because he would say things so poorly or indelicately.

>> No.16506414

It'd be funny if the question part was pre-recorded and the rapid-question one was live.

>> No.16509133

How did Sana get in?

>> No.16509499

leaked uncut yagoo interview

>> No.16509675
Quoted by: >>16512240

This is going to be so cringe. It's all going to be reddit questions about his dream and how does it feel to be best girl

>> No.16511173
Quoted by: >>16519580

It will be. I think Kiara mentioned it in passing during a SC reading shortly before Christmas that the next Holotalk would be on a small hiatus and come back in januari with a special guest where she had to prepare stuff for a pre-recording. So it might even be possible that the posts for asking him questions are nothing but smoke and mirrors and the thing al being edited and finalized as we speak.

>> No.16511665

It's good PR.
Control the memes=control the image of the company.

>> No.16512166
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, 1642318196579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want him to talk about LoGH man

>> No.16512240

>how do you feel that your idol dream is over?
>how does it feel to be best girl?
I can imagine this right now. However I don't think it's actually going to be like that.

>> No.16512772

Why are the talents paying for their own hardware, concerts and other happenings?

>> No.16513617


>> No.16515029

Can you say the T word?

>> No.16515789


>> No.16517490
File: 419 KB, 960x686, yawgoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijifans cant meme, they can only garner hate towards their beloved winnie the pooh cocksucker so they try to drag the MESSIAH down

>> No.16518848 [DELETED] 

>Not even one minute apart
Nice samefagging, now graduate from life already

>> No.16518943

>Not even one minute apart
So when can we expect you to graduate from life, samefag?

>> No.16519124

I'm pretty sure the two on the right were officially scrapped

>> No.16519580

She had to post her schedule early to announce it so she could solicit questions which is probably because the interviewing is happening on her day off or whatever.

>> No.16520134

Why wasn't IRyS 3D from the start?

>> No.16521299
File: 240 KB, 1026x265, granted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we allowed her this one time

>> No.16521360
File: 295 KB, 480x480, smug1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t. "King" Riku

>> No.16521571

based Yagoo, any man who enjoyed LoGH is a good man

>> No.16521586

Why the fuck he allowed his staff to bully Coco out of the company

>> No.16522387
Quoted by: >>16522783

What so special about Indonesia that you give them a branch but not Filipinos?

>> No.16522533

Do cucks really

>> No.16522613

You don't know that, stop making up shit you heard from here

>> No.16522699

Do you think he got the NFT idea from NASFAQ?

>> No.16522744

EN and ID should get a new outfits for their 3D and all custom background to make the wait worth it

>> No.16522783

It probably has something to do with Indonesia having nearly double the population

>> No.16522896

Why Subaru and not Sora?

>> No.16523648

Can you stop using default poses for EN? It looks so cheap

>> No.16524260

NFT's, not joking

>> No.16524600

Metaverse is a communication lobby sanbox character creation game. They won't sell any NFTs... Right? Hahahaha....

>> No.16527219

If kiara gonna ask yagoo about nft. she would be hated. Calling it rn

>> No.16529763


>> No.16530195

Does yagoo support trans rights?
