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15601880 No.15601880 [Reply] [Original]

Is Council really THAT bad?
They all seem to pull decent enough numbers.

>> No.15601961

it doesn't matter if Holox inclines or COVER launches 5 new gens, watch this year COUNCIL WILL BE THE BRIGHEST OF HOLOLIVE

>> No.15602102

Good luck with Sana on that team

>> No.15602422
Quoted by: >>15603016

Chink and (blue) dog hands are the only salvageable ones. The others are a snoozefest. They should've waited until they found 3 more decent ENTERTAINERS, and told Ina to shove her nepotism straight up one of the half-empty pizza boxes littering her floor.

>> No.15602681

>Trying to judging their qualities with "numbers"
You see, this is not the correct metric.

>> No.15602781

Only Fauna and Bae are good streamers. They should join myth

>> No.15602844

theyre fine. remember, vt are schizophrenes

>> No.15602902

>Team sandbag being good
nah anon just wait for Gen 3 or homo gen, just throw in the towel for council.

>> No.15602923

All of them are solidly okay.

>> No.15602924

What's the correct metric?

>> No.15603016

this is what nepotism hires get you

>> No.15603061

Fauna is decent, Ballz can be decent. IRyS mogs them but she doesn't stream much. Still, all mentioned are watchable unlike Myth.
t. Nijifag

>> No.15603394

I mean with this no irony and not as bait even though I know it will infuriate the Mori/Kiara apologists that run amok in this board.

Fauna is the most entertaining HoloEN streamer
Mumei is the second most entertaining HoloEN streamer

Council is thus automatically better than Myth

>> No.15603470 [DELETED] 
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If EN management taps Yuria, Yuma, Nerine, and Kyoresu as a GAMERS-esque 4-persom gen, then pulls the stick out of their ass, the entertainment value of Hololive EN can be saved. Probably. Otherwise I don't think they can survive another gen comprise mostly of boring shitters.

If you add in Baelz, Irys and Mumei (just because she's Kronii's second wife and it'd be rude to exclude her), then you have a 7 chuba gen with Fauna and Sana free to indulge their asmr and astrology garbage on their own time.

>> No.15603723
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If EN management taps Yuria, Yuma, Nerine, and Kyoresu as a GAMERS-esque 4-persom gen, then pulls the stick out of their ass, the entertainment value of Hololive EN can be saved. Probably. Otherwise I don't think they can survive another gen comprise mostly of boring shitters.

If you add in Kronii, Baelz, Irys and Mumei (just because she's Kronii's second wife and it'd be rude to exclude her), then you have an 8-chuba supergen with Fauna and Sana free to indulge their asmr and astrology garbage on their own time while Myth screws around as usual.

>> No.15603845 [DELETED] 

There goes the:
>Mumei is the second most entertaining HoloEN streamer
I see him everywhere. Trying to forget her multiple bfs

>> No.15603911

they're mostly better than myth, mythturds are just tasteless people

>> No.15603974
Quoted by: >>15605427

Coping hard.

>> No.15603984

Cover should really try to hire single american women, they're the most successful by far.

>> No.15604561

>no one focused on music
>the one focused on art doesn't fucking stream art
Already a downgrade

>> No.15604686


>> No.15604756
Quoted by: >>15610276

I like all of them but I do not like Sana.

>> No.15605079
Quoted by: >>15605741

Ame only pulls about 2k more viewers than Sana these days ...

>> No.15605404

Council is ok.
But objectively speaking any NijisanjiEN wave is better.

>> No.15605427
Quoted by: >>15607601

>Coping hard
Holox is a literal example of why it's an absolute dogshit of a metric tho?? The actual entertaining ones get lower views than the haha cute seiso ecksdee clippable shit members.
>Cute design>>>Entertaining chuuba
That's also similar to saying that The Chainsmokers are literal Gods of Music that ascended the mortal fucking plain because they have massive music streams you retard.

>> No.15605606

Myth set a very low bar such that vshojo and nijien were able to be competitive.

Glad Council gave me faith in english vtubers

>> No.15605741
Quoted by: >>15617859

Ame works behind the scenes to do big events instead of regularly streaming.
Sana barely streams because she doesn't care about being a streamer.

>> No.15605768
Quoted by: >>15606598

Sana is the 2nd highest earner in the Council and the top streamer in terms of hours

>> No.15606553

they aren't, its just a meme
except sana, unironically the only thing that saves sana is her model

>> No.15606598

Anon, the entire gen is terrible, that isn't really an accomplishment.
All of the girls in their past lives were lazy streamers, why cover picked them for EN gen 2 is beyond me

>> No.15606712
Quoted by: >>15607348

Kronii is love
The rest is a disappointment
Mumei is best when she's in a collab with Kronii
Bae is best when in a collab with anyone
Fauna and Sana are always meh
Honestly the entire council might have been hired to make the EN minecraft server more populated

>> No.15607335

I like how this is the go-to defense for Council but when someone cites the same argument for NijiEN they're a coping seething Nijinigger

>> No.15607348
Quoted by: >>15609511

Fauna was such a disappointment in every way possible, my gf was so excited for a nature girl getting added to hololive, then after debut we barely watched her due to how boring she is
Cover should have gotten one of those angry greenpeace vegans to play her instead of a normalfag girl with no remarkable qualities

>> No.15607601

>The actual entertaining ones get lower views than the haha cute seiso ecksdee clippable shit members.

Being entertaining naturally leads to having more clips. Maybe the ones you like are less entertaining than you think.

>> No.15607738

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.15607925
Quoted by: >>15608192

I think it's funny how anons have a different opinion on who is the only good member of council and Sana is the only one that isn't mentioned

>> No.15607966
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I haven't seen much from Sana because obvious reasons so I can't give a proper opinion, Fauna... I feel she's missing something but can't put my finger on what it is, still she's the only one in EN that does ASMR with passable quality so I guess it's ogey she got in, not bad, not amazing, ogey, Kronii is the best pick from the gen, at her debut my opinion was the opposite so that says a lot, Mumei is the second best pick despite, uh you know the debuff, and rrat... I still can't tell if she really was her in her past life, kinda funny how Ollie wrecked that home btw, but I would say she's ogey, not amazing but she's up the task, and I have the feel that she has more room to improve than the other 4, not saying she's lacking, just that the other 4 have room to improve a little in some areas while she could improve everywhere, time will tell if I was right.
On a side note, Irys... She's an excellent pick, I just want to murder whoever gave green light to that model, but I know that probably there were some special conditions around it, and I'm glad she's in despite it and I hope she gets a redesign sooner this year

>> No.15608192

Maybe taking a month long break and then streaming 80 hours of boring-ass pokemon gameplay wasn't a good idea for fan retention

>> No.15608356

>you know the debuff, and rrat
Mumei and Sana I haven't watched basically at all since debut, help me understand this.

>> No.15608670

I see this thread all the time and it's getting annoying so I guess I'll let you know the actual reason.
Council is not horrible, but they aren't great either.

One never streams and refuses to showcase her actual talent in the fear she will upstage the person who got her hired.
Two have "you know what" and so are dead on arrival.
One of them gushes over a dude and refuses to stream at any time other than like 2 to 4 AM for most of her potential viewer base,
And the last one is decent but seems to be depressed to the point of apathy.

Hololive is for idols and idolfags. EN management was never really comfortable with this because they're faggots, with one or more of them being actual literal trannies IRL. However, they were probably told to shove their disdain for idol culture up their ass by Cover for the first gen and IRyS which ended up blowing away everyone's expectations.

Because of Myth's success and Cover's main EN recruiter leaving the company (evidenced from Cover's linkedin), they probably gave EN management the opportunity to prove themselves by scouting talent. Naturally, being faggots, EN management decided to put less emphasis on idol characteristics and more on specific abilities like speaking multiple languages, ASMR, whatever they thought Mumei was good at, etc. Even though Myth was extremely successful, the EN management wanted to prove the West doesn't care about boyfriends or singing or idol activities because it would make recruiting and managing future talent way, way easier if they didn't have to spend months searching for diamonds every new gen.

TLDR: EN management are lazy faggots that hate idols and idol culture and were wrong about the West not wanting it, at least from Hololive.

>> No.15608758 [DELETED] 

nta but Mumei has a best friend and supposedly she has had multiple bfs at the same time as well as an onlyfans account with leaked pictures but the only endive I've seen about this is some random whore's picture with the face covered

>> No.15608912
Quoted by: >>15618161

I feel how most people probably felt at a trump rally, I blindly believe you and now believe this.

>> No.15608929 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15609123

You better watch out that cuck mod might delete your post for criticizing his whore oshi.

>> No.15608939

cool analysis bro

One problem, myth literally has no idol qualities or characteristics

>> No.15609003

Oh yeah I knew that, wasn't aware people made such a big deal out of it though. I just hate her voice so I never watched.

>> No.15609030
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Quoted by: >>15609114

Fuck numberfags, council is fun and enjoyable, all five of them.

>> No.15609055

From Sana I haven't seen enough from her cause she streamed way less than the rest, Idk what her strong points are, Mumei, is not a great singer but her voice is good, if she gets proper guidance she could be in a high spot, also I like her character, it feels unique, and about the debuff... well someone already mentioned it above

>> No.15609064

Kiara was a (failed) idol, mori might be a wigger but it's not like there aren't alternative idols

>> No.15609114

How many hours of sana's pokemon streams did you watch?

>> No.15609123

> endive
evidence* excuse my mild stroke
she's my oshi too anon, but I don't care if he deletes it, that anon asked and I answered

>> No.15609212

At least twelve but not all at once. The rayquaza one with Callie was really fun but I fell asleep after 5 hours

>> No.15609221

They were two different people anon, didn't even look alike

>> No.15609284

I just feel like there isn't much reason to watch any of them over certain other streamers. When Myth came out they all felt unique and I was waiting to see what they could do. Council doesn't seem capable of doing anything cool or unique ever, they roll around in mediocrity. I originally thought it just make take some time for them to find a footing but it's been 4 months already, I remember this time last year I was eagerly waiting for Guras baking streamers and shit like that, with Council I'm just waiting for a recommended video to randomly pop up of a game I like and maybe i'd check it out.

>> No.15609511

Fauna overthrew Ina as the queen of the comfy gang
Personally, I did not expect much of Fauna because I thought her green druid girl model was fucking cliche and unoriginal but her voice and personality made her my council oshi
now that Meimei has begun showing her truly autistic colors (along with her chat), Ive begun to appreciate her a lot more, before I thought she was plain

>> No.15609791

You're not supposed to watch them whole. You just have a 10 hour window when she's up so you can enjoy some of the stream live even if time zones fuck you over

>> No.15610276

i dislike all of them except for sana

>> No.15610472
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I'd tell you do take your meds but people like you believe they have 5g nanomachines in them to tract your every thought.

Instead i'll just tell you to shut the fuck up and prepare for Gura's singing relay, just sit back and die there's nothing you can do that would matter at this point in ENs careers.

>> No.15610581

Any gen of any branch made after ID2 is and will be shit.

>> No.15610646
File: 377 KB, 1200x633, 85889153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15613583

they're fine. they admittedly had a rocky start and so a handful of mythfags who were salty at YWNBJ anons saying that EN was a mistake finally had something to latch on to to deflect that. mostly kronii, mumei and sana being deadweight at first, but eventually the former two started finding their footing (ESPECIALLY mumei, she didn't know what to fucking do at first and it showed, now she's pretty entertaining), and fauna & bae are kind of the same they've been since the beginning.
almost everyone whose oshi is not the catalog knows this, even if they ultimately don't like them (which is fine, you can't please everyone). there was a lot of understandable criticism and complaints during the first weeks which has in my opinion been fixed or is getting there, but you know how this place is, once you give a negative first impression you'll never shake it off. (though honestly why give a fuck about what the catalog thinks in the first place, except for suisei being sex)

the one i have to sadly admit was a bad pick was sana, and as much as i like her and enjoyed her during the first weeks by being a gives-no-shit shitposter who played fun games and has a charming attitude, over time i started feeling like she was being a little TOO gives-no-shit about her position which is kinda infuriating and disappointing. i can genuinely only just hope she starts taking her opportunity more seriously even if she's already successful behind the scenes, because she's a good girl.

>> No.15610744

at least they're all single

>> No.15610917

I wish council would play more video games, that's all I ask. Just play and stream more. IRyS is a vsinger and she is a better vtuber than council, most of the time.

>> No.15610988
Quoted by: >>15612108

Rrat is ogey and Kronii isn't half bad either, but yeah, the rest are even worse than Kiara.

>> No.15611324
Quoted by: >>15613184

>make a youtube channel
>less than 6 months have 250k-500k+ subscribers
>channel is failing because /#/ said "ummm ACKTHUALLY..."

>> No.15611366

Council is a dogshit gen. Fauna at least has the coomer buff and ASMR despite Ed**, but Mumei is a flat out boring, retarded whore.

>> No.15612108

Kiara is the best, tho. Cry more that Ame doesn't stream, teammate.

>> No.15612273

They dont fail in terms of numbers
They failed in content
As long as omegatranny is on the throne their talents are wasted on shiningapexblocktale lets plays

>> No.15612633

>actually defending Mumei and listing her as a favorite
Fucking HOW?
I tried watching her like 4 times because I really, really liked her model before debut but she's just so inoffensive and flat personality-wise, it's like watching a kindergarten teacher with 0 experience try to be a vtuber. IRyS is the opposite, dogshit model hardcarried by personality. Cover is fucking retarded man.

>> No.15612755


>> No.15613184

Sana is the least subscribed member in hololive while being an EN, you know the branch with the only Gen with everyone at 1M+ subs?
Of course she's not failing as a vtuber, but who the fuck cares about comparing her to others as a whole? She's being compared to other hololive members

>> No.15613355
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Quoted by: >>15613842

Belgian hands typed this post.

>> No.15613583
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Quoted by: >>15614544

Regarding Sana, I fell for her during her first videogame streams, specifically Rhythm Heaven and I Am Bread, she simply showed this kind of innocent fun while she was playing so she was the first Council holo I subscribed to. Her Super Bunny Man with Ina was also really good, it showed how those two could banter back and forth with almost no filter like the old friends they are, but the problem is that she took way too many breaks.

Now, is understandable that her pet she had had for a mayority of her life died, but even after that she still didn't stream as much as we hoped so that could allow her to recover some lost time and she hasn't really streamed anything as entertaining as in those first days. Most of the times I checked what was she streaming, it was either Pokemon or Animal Crossing, with the former being streamed by literally everyone while the latter is a chore to watch. Even today she's streaming AC right now and I hate being a numberfag, but her current viewers are way lower than usual, even if they're on the 1.4k.

I hope she can find her footing again because she lagged way behind than the rest who are already comfortably collabing with the rest of EN in games that are not Minecraft.

>> No.15613842
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Quoted by: >>15615904


>> No.15614544
Quoted by: >>15633626

I think Sana has a complex about her talent
She wanted to do her own thing but fears being ignored
She picked buff content her colleagues did only to get ignored again because theyve seen it a million times
She knows she can do art streams but fears being accused of copying her friend's gimmick
It's an endless cycle

>> No.15615904

Did you seriously mistype endive without even knowing what an endive is? That's hilarious.

>> No.15616140

I got you
> boring - boring - decent - boring - boring

>> No.15616341

>fauna and Mumei are the most entertaining in HoloEN

>> No.15616371

They're not bad, but they smell THAT bad.

>> No.15616709

Watching a Mumei stream is basically nyquill I’ve never seen a more boring company Vtuber it’s insane. Mumei is proof you don’t need to do anything to be popular in Hololive you can just turn a stream on and retards will clap.

>> No.15617020
File: 134 KB, 295x283, 1.1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it really that bad?

>> No.15617136

fauna, kronii and baelz are decent

>> No.15617303

They're not bad at all, they're just average. Even a bit above average. Compared to most (not all) indie or small corp ENtubers I'd say they're notably ahead of the curve. But average looks a lot worse than it is when compared to talent like Myth and HoloJP.

>> No.15617859

as much of a kiara hater i am the collabs she plans are way more entertaining and are as dificult to pull off as those big events amelia does

>> No.15618000

>Less than most NijiEN members

>> No.15618161

I do the same bernie bro, dont worry about it. We will win iowa again.

>> No.15618381

Millie parfait from nijiEN3 beats these numbers. Ouch

>> No.15618923

Hello, I'm replying to your bait. Mumei is probably not going to suit your taste as a GFE loving NEET, but her gentle sadism is a boon for the rest of us. I personally enjoy her small autistic fits of rage and her stealth emp side.

>> No.15619044
Quoted by: >>15622679

No. They make Gura happy.

>> No.15619052
Quoted by: >>15623177

Kronii is unbelievably boring unless she's getting bullied in Minecraft.

>> No.15619085
Quoted by: >>15623572

She deserves it.

>> No.15622679

I like them because they make good sidekicks for Gura, all of them follow along with her streams except Sana, and that is one of the reasons Sana isn’t more popular.

>> No.15623177
File: 240 KB, 768x768, kromegalol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I didn't laugh that time."
gets me every time

>> No.15623357

Being lazy, entitled and uninteresting western whores kind of fucked them over.

>> No.15623429

Paco should be ashamed of this shit

>> No.15623572

I don't think she deserves it for the doggening, since that was mostly Australia's retarded quarantine rules, but everything after that where she kind of dragged her feet in spite of everything instead of going balls to the wall and taking advantage of dead space to shill herself like how Kiara kind of took over the "holo EU" market for herself definitely made her a dumb cunt who knows she's phoning it in because there's no pressure ever. The west is an utterly fucked place where undeserving people get promoted to do nothing and people who work hard just get given more responsibilities and no extra pay. Fuck this civilization.

>> No.15624071
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>check her stream
>she dropped to almost at 900 viewers

I'm happy she's having a good time, but watching AC is a fucking bore.

>> No.15630094
File: 860 KB, 1080x1080, rr[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjh5bjj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii's zatsudans are decent but she should stop doing so much jazz, her jazz voice is not as good as she thinks
I don't watch Fauna a lot, but her ASMRs are nice as sleeping material
Mumei is actually fun and if she stopped doing those weird inflexions in her karaokes she'd be my favorite singer
Rrat is my favorite council member. That creepypasta reading stream was pure kino
lmao sana

>> No.15631248

good song, i like it

>> No.15633626

She should really just commit to the autistic gamer route. Aqua vacated her position and no one has really taken over it. Sana seems the most capable of all the EN girls to pull it off

>> No.15641585

Kronii's inscryption stream made me gave up on council completely, its so boring and painful to watch (not in bad at the game way mind you)
Maybe after bae taking more singing lessons i'd watch her karaoke streams but thats about it.

>> No.15644822

Fauna has really solidifed herself as the MVP of the council, and I say this as someone who would never click on an ASMR stream. Her gaming content is good. The other four are either all bad or extremely hit or miss. I hope Fauna does her language reps and collabs with Watame again.

>> No.15647692
File: 536 KB, 1920x1080, media_FH-d7SgVEAEHw5v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae starting off 2022 strong at least. Has the other Council members posted their 2022 schedule yet?

>> No.15647841
Quoted by: >>15652298

>IRyS model bad
Kill yourself fag

>> No.15648103

Why are you here if you obviously know nothing about idol culture?

>> No.15650213

Bae (only council that have overlaps) despites Gura and Ame overlaps streams got a freaking 14K on the New Year Karaoke relay, that tell you something. Also most council got decent numbers on the relay.

>> No.15650338

numbers mean nothing when most of them don't SC.

>> No.15651492

no, they're really not that bad. i don't know who this thread is comparing them to, as if other holos put out pure quality at all times, rather than mostly streaming shit games while bantering. naturally some members put more effort than others, but they all have their appeal.

>> No.15652298

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength

>> No.15652361

I just barely watch Mumei and she's ok

>> No.15652583

diminishing returns

>> No.15655737
Quoted by: >>15656726

i see so many posts saying fauna is the best one in these kind of threads yet she pulls terrible numbers. Is she like 4chan's fav council or something?

>> No.15656726

It's because Fauna is a chumbud.

>> No.15656885

*rapes you*
