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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 283 KB, 850x1438, pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_parkiranhonda__sample-f128d7fecfc0a7da57b8a5ba086e76cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15023678 No.15023678 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15029999

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji's English branch and their vtuber units, LazuLight, Obsydia, Ethyria, and Luxiem!

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:

Twitter accounts:





Teamup Schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags and tribalfags. And when falseflagging begins remember to slut post and or feetpost.

Previous thread: >>15016911

>> No.15023694
File: 528 KB, 900x900, 1640031069734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife selen is very cute
however she kicked me in the balls earlier

>> No.15023695 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 768x1024, cutegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so cute

>> No.15023708
Quoted by: >>15023731

Mysta's gangbang fanart when?

>> No.15023714
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina love!

>> No.15023731

Soon if a Mystake commissions it.

>> No.15023744
File: 3.45 MB, 2160x3840, 1640081536480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Petra so much it hurts...

>> No.15023743

Wonder how many people will be watching him.

>> No.15023749
Quoted by: >>15023783

is there a lewd of him as a trap ?

>> No.15023760
File: 459 KB, 1858x4096, FGvEyksUcAAnkUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15023764
File: 261 KB, 1980x1080, DE48E836-40CF-4C6C-AF8A-A4340D4B28EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sweet pure mermaid!

>> No.15023783
Quoted by: >>15023818

Only a maid costume one I think.
Most of his Japanese fanartists are 15y girls so they are not into that as much.

>> No.15023786

no kr thread so i'm shilling this here

>> No.15023801 [DELETED] 

its alright elira was shilling it

>> No.15023815
Quoted by: >>15023889

I looked at the kr thread for bora's graduation and they were shitting on her non stop. Just stay here and talk about seffyna.

>> No.15023818

yea i really like that one

>> No.15023820
Quoted by: >>15023934

Around 2k

>> No.15023827

its alright elira was shilling it

>> No.15023838
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, Sadhada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15023846
Quoted by: >>15023934

around 3k

>> No.15023874 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 1638x2048, 152A6FEE-A540-4679-B272-989BB4245D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15023908

I don’t want to become a schizo
I just want to be horny

>> No.15023877

want me to make the new kr thread for u ?

>> No.15023879
File: 307 KB, 1000x1000, twerk_pomu_t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15023886
Quoted by: >>15023934

Around 1k

>> No.15023889
Quoted by: >>15023948

No one ever shat on Bora in that general other than numberfag tourists when she played in tourneys, or her graduation. I only remember that shitposter because he tried to imply Bora never talks to her gen when she literally goes to cafes with them and celebrates any life milestone in private before telling Twitter or her stream.
People who cry about a lack of game collabs remind me of women.

>> No.15023892
Quoted by: >>15023934

7k yesterday, maybe 2.5k today?

>> No.15023908
File: 138 KB, 264x345, enna_big_brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what othere NijiEN membera save their porn like Enna and Finana.

>> No.15023927 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 609x1199, 3A3D110D-1B72-40E5-8E43-6F1C0E89AEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu definitely

>> No.15023934
File: 520 KB, 1188x1057, 1640068530034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15023947
File: 54 KB, 574x457, 1638846320014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15024026

i don't understand this post

>> No.15023948
Quoted by: >>15023974

There were like 50 posts calling her a whore for "ignoring the rest of KR" and hanging out with her japanese friends.

>> No.15023967
File: 30 KB, 535x235, will_he.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15024008

Will he Mystakes?

>> No.15023968
File: 79 KB, 900x900, 20211209_063040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck that's hot, but yeah you're right Pomu definitely does.

>> No.15023974

Sounds like Selen ignoring NijiEN and hanging out with apexfags.

>> No.15023995

Yikes some retard on twitter doxxing millie hopefully that unicorn isnt from here

>> No.15023999

As long as she's having fun and making content, who cares? Fuck those niggers rpr and ipn though.

>> No.15024000
File: 630 KB, 704x1038, 1639774674540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15024024

Mr. Coom

>> No.15024008
Quoted by: >>15024052

He will scream and hopefully pee himself a little

>> No.15024020

femanons, are you actually attracted to Luca's moobs

>> No.15024023
File: 2.27 MB, 1600x900, IMG_9411.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what Finana has done with her kk card

>> No.15024024


>> No.15024026
File: 658 KB, 622x460, ring_of_fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna, Finana and probably Pomu save all nsfw art of themselves. Enna tried to show millie.

>> No.15024039

Luca is such a fucking chad
>set up guerilla endurance stream
>kusoge rage game
>he actually played and finished it before
>sandbagged first run
>finish 2nd run at a much better time
>doesn't elaborate further

>> No.15024052

>omorashi headcanons
Have we really reached this point this fast? Not that I'm complaining

>> No.15024069

I'm more attracted to his ponytail and dreamy eyes

>> No.15024093
Quoted by: >>15024483

Cute voice post Mystake sisters

>> No.15024092

I'm not into it but I have friends who are into the guy titty thing for some reason, it's a weird niche fetish

>> No.15024111
File: 249 KB, 553x474, 1640037642825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15026383

Shame his fans are cringe as fuck

>> No.15024112
File: 711 KB, 2028x2149, 1639804609354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see these two go full autismo

>> No.15024127

Mysta was a literal who and he is mogging Elira's nepotism hire. Many such cases.

>> No.15024140

Elira has bad taste, more at 11

>> No.15024151
Quoted by: >>15024187

yeah I don't like that guy. I don't know what Elira sees in him

>> No.15024163

He's really good at engaging with the fans and community

>> No.15024178
File: 218 KB, 1024x980, FG9L2inaIAQfJ_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a femanon, but he has such a bro energy and i like him. also based on that anon story about luca, he sounds like an anime protagonist and a good guy >>14910454

>> No.15024187

he fucks good

>> No.15024225
Quoted by: >>15024419

One thing I don't like about Luca is his faggy voice. If i get over it he might actually be watcheable

>> No.15024258

I was thinking of checking him out since he's doing Dark Souls.

>> No.15024289

i really want luca to do an acoustic karaoke. he might also can sing some english song

>> No.15024342
File: 82 KB, 972x1024, gos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15024614

i miss my BBE (best bro experience)

>> No.15024366

The thought of laying my head down on them is enticing but otherwise not really, in fact I don't find him that sexual, he's got cute little brother energy.

>> No.15024372
File: 153 KB, 1080x562, 1640088627391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also made Mika seethe so hard

>> No.15024419


>> No.15024483
File: 269 KB, 966x1447, IMG_20211221_071247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop listening to it he's so cute.

>> No.15024614

You have that shit with male Twitch streamers the whole time...

>> No.15024621

The fuck

>> No.15024663
File: 719 KB, 3277x4096, FEkFg2oaQAAlAql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn 日本語。


>> No.15024666

Mysta was far more popular in his PL?

>> No.15024678

perfect chest size

>> No.15024722
Quoted by: >>15024882

Found the account doxxing her but what the fuck

>> No.15024760

This is one of those situations where we can spam report the schizo to Nijisanji's cyberpolice

>> No.15024815
Quoted by: >>15024882

Nijisanji Task Force time

>> No.15024822

Do you have the link to Nijisanji's task force?

>> No.15024881
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, FFX1WHiXoAA1Zgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15024882


>> No.15024898
File: 97 KB, 369x413, 1639189906643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking containment is one of the worst kinds of faggotry

>> No.15024901
Quoted by: >>15025027

Were any of the five actual literal whos? They were all small time indies before, yeah?

>> No.15024905
Quoted by: >>15025012

the account has been deleted now?

>> No.15024933

Too late. Guy deleted the account after we talked about it here

>> No.15024936
File: 508 KB, 1500x1680, FHD96o_UUAAdSrR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15024964
File: 32 KB, 883x136, 3A8CC54E-D65A-458F-9841-84D3C69DC643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those replies already
Goddamn people love this faggot

>> No.15024984
Quoted by: >>15025021

Yes, me

>> No.15025003

The fag deleted his account, but remember that reporting this kind of shit on Twitter also works. Twitter actually responded after I reported the Finana doxxer.

>> No.15025012

Yes. Guy is lurking here obviously considering he deleted it after we talked about reporting him

>> No.15025021

Yes me too

>> No.15025027

Ike was the biggest, smallest was Mysta and he wasn't even that small, he was doing amazing for an EN male indie on Twitch.

>> No.15025048

the finetuning on my ai nijisanjis finally finished
time to generate and hope these look ok..

>> No.15025059

Smallest wasn't Mysta he had 16k followers to Shu's 4k.

>> No.15025065
Quoted by: >>15025088

>All these KR members trying out the hat
Is this just a coincidence

>> No.15025067

how was Ewiwa's Minecraft? I see that Seffyna is there

>> No.15025088

Koreans like dogs...

>> No.15025104

They bullied Petra most of the time.

>> No.15025120
Quoted by: >>15025179

This man lives online.

>> No.15025137

Faggot deleted the account after we talked about reporting him. The account has been created 4 days ago and was already tweeting the doxxes since then. One of the quote tweets was talking about the account following Millie but when I checked it was following crunchyroll instead

>> No.15025148
Quoted by: >>15025172

kino. remember to watch until the end.

>> No.15025172
Quoted by: >>15025200

>remember to watch until the end.
whose perspective

>> No.15025179

>I live online
>Mysta lives online
He's just like me guys!

>> No.15025190

very good stream

>> No.15025200


>> No.15025219
File: 45 KB, 540x540, 1640011517548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf bros... I was gay all along?

>> No.15025285
Quoted by: >>15025344

What's this?

>> No.15025301

who tf this nigga be? is this mysta?

>> No.15025345
File: 577 KB, 1800x2300, FHIblG4aQAEdLSq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15025344

faggot serial killer from london or a rando

>> No.15025348

you should invite Mysta to your apartment for couple of drinks

>> No.15025370


>> No.15025382


>> No.15025407

Mysta mama congratulated him on Twitter for getting a lot of fanart.

>> No.15025422

is that you anon? you look cute maybe we should have a drink together

>> No.15025476


>> No.15025499


>> No.15025500


>> No.15025503

I hope she draws him in outfits like Pomumama did.

>> No.15025542


>> No.15025566
Quoted by: >>15025628

Sucks he doesn't wanna retweet all of it. I doubt people care about him spamming their feed.

>> No.15025581

If there's one thing that this wave taught me it's that fangirls draw a lot of fanart. And that's a good thing - free promotion.

>> No.15025611

Mysta probably got hurt by him... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

>> No.15025610

i wish vox would maryr me I love him so much oh my godddd I wonder rhow big his feet are I need him to call me a good girl

>> No.15025628

If you retweet too much you get bonked by twitter. It's better to just like it.

>> No.15025683

Vox revelaing how toxic he is yesterday made me reconsider his shipt with Mysta.
I'm actually more excited for the doujin and fanfic potential now.

>> No.15025726


>> No.15025742
File: 42 KB, 750x741, 1632337743191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fck

>> No.15025760

Vox's beautiful and regal feet > Ike's pure untouched feet > Mysta paws > Luca's rough feet from kicking in skulls > Shu's gross feet

>> No.15025766

Hollyshit, Mystas waiting room chat is so fast already.

>> No.15025800
Quoted by: >>15025856

You're not drunk, you just think you are. Nobody types like this when drunk. Now go to bed.

>> No.15025804
Quoted by: >>15025827

>Shu walks barefeet everywhere
Imagine the smell.

>> No.15025826

Vox is already married you don't have a chance with him.

>> No.15025827


>> No.15025830
File: 256 KB, 1439x2004, 1631484260084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15025833

What the fuck

>> No.15025856
Quoted by: >>15025877

I'm not drunk and I never claimed to be drunk I'm just sleep deprived and horny

Shus feet look literally disgusting but I hate his entire design. But the weird bare feet and purple toenails make me want to die. Do you think Vox has big feet and a big dick

>> No.15025877

>I'm just sleep deprived and horny
Go get your stream ready Mysta

>> No.15025896

Did anyone stop and asked for a second "what if Luca was the guy who harrased Kenmochi in Australia"?

>> No.15025922

I love the voice he gave to the mascot, he has a lot of range.

>> No.15025926

Nah, that was me.

>> No.15025982
Quoted by: >>15025996

>niji store says my order is being prepared for shipping
So I'm actually going to get my goods in a reasonable time and not wait 10 months like Hololive?

>> No.15025996

must be nice to be a burger right now
being a leaf is suffering

>> No.15026014

I still don't know why he didn't walk away, he literally stayed there as the guy rubbed his penis on his butt then later got mild flashbacks. What a woman........

>> No.15026016

It pisses me off that he is the first to play this game on NijiEN but guess no one besides Selen owns a PS4.

>> No.15026046

I love the boys but their britbong hours are gonna kill me.

>> No.15026076

Japanese and their "don't make a scene" mentality that gets a lot of people molested in trains

>> No.15026091
Quoted by: >>15026117

So can we all agree that Luca has the biggest cock?

>> No.15026092

He's Japanese, he didn't want to cause a scene.
And maybe he liked it

>> No.15026093
Quoted by: >>15026253

>Orders by customers living on other countries where EMS delivery has been temporarily suspended will be remain at the warehouse until EMS resumes.
Let me use DHL dammit I don't mind paying the extra

>> No.15026109
Quoted by: >>15026253

It was mentioned in a previous thread, but you could try using a forwarding service based in the US.

>> No.15026117


>> No.15026146
Quoted by: >>15026227

bros I think I might like penises more

>> No.15026226
File: 60 KB, 636x831, YCIPGPnmSPYCrthWvm3St68gnBmqeSddLDHsaIpnUpA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claim your penis size here

>> No.15026227

Give it a week, I thought I was latinapilled but I turned into a bird fucker.

>> No.15026253

I 100% agree

I don't really want to go through the extra cost and effort of using a forwarding service when I just want a couple stands and badges

>> No.15026281

Whatever 18 cm is

>> No.15026296

I'm African-descent

>> No.15026312
Quoted by: >>15027783

Gotta say the niji en boys are better than expected.

Alright enough cock sucking gimme the details on their past lives I want more reasons to simp harder for them ngl finding out selen's past form and stuff made me like her more than the toxic laughing gamer dragon if only because I found the humanity within her rather than what her current form was so it certainly helped me there

>> No.15026316
Quoted by: >>15026424

i have a clitoris

>> No.15026351
Quoted by: >>15026367

Woke up today, cursed the existence of nina and wish she graduated, grabbed my coffee, on my way to work. Yup its Tuesday

>> No.15026367

What's your job?

>> No.15026383

This is 100% Mika who wrote this

>> No.15026405

TIL Im smaller than average in my country...

>> No.15026410

You guys say to not hornypost men too much but you keep posting about cock, stop, i instantly thought of Vox Mysta frotting and Vox gently humiliating Mysta's smaller dick with his huge girthy one

>> No.15026424

tits or gtfo

>> No.15026462


>> No.15026470

Luxiem debuting and instantly making half the anons in this thread like dick is incredible honestly

>> No.15026476
File: 239 KB, 1170x1503, FGlNFgDXMAQ2Yw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15026499


>> No.15026501

what the fuck is this scaling

>> No.15026529

all the gay RP in this thread is worse than all the pentomo and pentomo rapists rp.

>> No.15026533

Men are trully gay af

>> No.15026551

They already liked dick before Luxiem. They just needed a target to channel the faggotry towards.

>> No.15026558

How the fuck is a dick size survey possible in North Korea of all places?

>> No.15026575


>> No.15026579

Finana would find this hilarious

>> No.15026584

This is objectively the gayest general on /vt/

>> No.15026587

>above global average
Let's go

>> No.15026607

Guerilla dick inspections

>> No.15026623
Quoted by: >>15027096

Is Reimu only doing karaoke for members now?

>> No.15026622

At least it isn't /become/

>> No.15026624
File: 257 KB, 1030x1680, 20211221_074533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15026913

Mysta has really grown on me. The more he talks the more I want to pet his asshole

>> No.15026639
Quoted by: >>15026704


>> No.15026642

It's all fake. Like Korea wouldn't inflate their numbers.

>> No.15026646

Are you claiming my victimhood as a hemorrhaging Pentomian anus is a lie? I feel offended.

>> No.15026659

There's a small time gap between when the european neets go to sleep and the european wagies wake up when there aren't any fags. It really makes you think.

>> No.15026660

Why do you guys care so much about your dick size if you'll never use it?

>> No.15026704

>Nina doesn't wear a bra
>I don't wear a bra
We are!

>> No.15026713

I love Mysta but I do not want to have sex with him.

>> No.15026736
Quoted by: >>15026888

Get out

>> No.15026745
Quoted by: >>15026781

I hate Mysta and I want to have sex with him.

>> No.15026746

it matters when choosing the perfect onahole

>> No.15026747

Same, I just really want to watch.

>> No.15026758

/wvt/ and /asp/ exist though

>> No.15026773
File: 1.80 MB, 1728x2304, 1640041433164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the other Fox is away, I'll watch the gay brit fox, he's pretty fun

>> No.15026781

You can stay

>> No.15026807


>> No.15026810
Quoted by: >>15026848

I don't really find any of the guys attractive. Maybe Mysta if I was really drunk and horny. But otherwise not feminine enough.

>> No.15026811

That’s so fucking gay

>> No.15026818

I dunno if a general being a dick chamber with sweaty men talking about cute lolis is what i'd consider heterosexuality to look like

>> No.15026843

Which one is most like silco from arcane

>> No.15026848

He's extremely feminine, he types like an actual woman.

>> No.15026871

Attention, this is a BOYS ONLY thread

>> No.15026875
File: 280 KB, 1125x2436, FHIVUu1aAAYbMYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15027076


>> No.15026886
Quoted by: >>15026927

I wish I thought of sending my oshi a cute Christmas card. It's too fucking late now. I'm mad. Petra has some nice fans though good for her.

>> No.15026888
File: 67 KB, 659x479, IMG_20211221_081726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15026893
Quoted by: >>15026965

I guess Nina is a tranny then

>> No.15026898
File: 66 KB, 679x560, FDYSEdXaUAIsWLu.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 7.5 inch dick is the only interesting part of me.

>> No.15026913
Quoted by: >>15027011

He's been out for two days, chill.

>> No.15026927

You could still send her a sweet marshmallow.

>> No.15026965

Nina is the boys mother, she can stay

>> No.15026970


>> No.15026998
File: 7 KB, 411x88, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027011
Quoted by: >>15027023

I'm certain he's been out for much longer than two days

>> No.15027023


>> No.15027027
File: 395 KB, 2048x2048, FHIkqOGaAAALvZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra got some cute fanmail. Pentomos write some really cute letters

>> No.15027045

Mysta is ready

>> No.15027077

I like Nina's model but her voice and personality filters me, shame. I have the same problem with Mori.

>> No.15027076

I wanna fill her

>> No.15027096
Quoted by: >>15027115

Lame. Reimu, when you read this, please occasionally do non-members karaoke too! Gotta show people what they're missing out on if you want more people to join.

>> No.15027115
Quoted by: >>15027132

Ok bish

>> No.15027125

This idiot...

>> No.15027132

ay que caliente!

>> No.15027142

Things will pick up once you become a fat old bastard.

>> No.15027157

ready for what?

>> No.15027170

For fucks sake Mysta

>> No.15027205
File: 232 KB, 286x331, 1634701862831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone else more well-endowed than me

>> No.15027223

>pentomos are dicklets
It's beyond parody at this point

>> No.15027247

Because you're a stupid sexy pentomo and made to have your bussy hollowed out by Dragoons

>> No.15027251
Quoted by: >>15027307

>Nox debut was kinda bland and he seemd boring as fuck
>Smash stream was pure bro kino
>Luca seemed nervous but his intro stream was decent despite the menhera marshmellows
>Massive flex with getting over it.
These two ended up being way better than their debuts let on. I'm curious how the other guys streams today are going to be.

>> No.15027270

It's ok, you'll just have your ex to peg you so your size doesn't matter really.

>> No.15027300

how small is it? I can peg you. Do you have a cage?

>> No.15027307

Who is Nox?

>> No.15027334


>> No.15027339

She's pretty cute! She also collabed with Selen! Listen to this cover she did! https://streamable.com/rperep

>> No.15027359
Quoted by: >>15027650

Does Mysta have a maro? I want to send him a suggestion regarding opening a free chatroom so people can spam and chat there instead.

>> No.15027367
File: 182 KB, 713x453, baby elira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls understand v and n are next to each other on my scuffed EU keyboard.

>> No.15027372

Anycolor gave Ichiso a fucking edengumi cake...lucky bastard

>> No.15027399

When will this nigga make an outfit?!

>> No.15027404

Anon where do u live, i want to get dicked down by u

>> No.15027408

how many livers does nijien need for us to get 24/7 nijien live broadcasts

>> No.15027415

When management or pomu pays for one

>> No.15027434

They send similar stuff to their artists annually, last year it was cookies I think

>> No.15027435

Her zatsudans are amazing. I think you can warm up to her by watching her collabs with other members!

>> No.15027461

not even jp has 24/7 broadcasts

>> No.15027462

Do you think he works for free? If they pay him he'll do it in a week tho

>> No.15027498

He might be working on one right now.

>> No.15027502

They all share a timezone.

>> No.15027510

>Mysta doesn't wash his rice
Oh no....

>> No.15027517

So that's why he's retarded.

>> No.15027519
File: 225 KB, 360x285, dz9cUtY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15027615

Qu-chan gets to play Super People. Selen gets to eat dirt.

>> No.15027536
Quoted by: >>15027651

I like unwashed rice better though, it gets stickier.

>> No.15027554

Am I crazy if I think Mysta looks like Komori Met?

>> No.15027565

Assuming the average liver can stream 3h*5days a week and streams are relayed, 24*7/3*5=11.2 so we’re already there with the addition of boys. But of course there will be overlaps and downtime.

>> No.15027576
Quoted by: >>15027611

It does anon
if you count gwelu's meme 24/7 stream that has been streaming 4 months straight

>> No.15027587

yeah but en can have livers in different timezones

>> No.15027597

You guys should know better than expecting the british to know anything about food

>> No.15027602

Huh I do see the similarities

>> No.15027611

Gotta put in the work if you want to reach 100 ten thousands of subs.

>> No.15027612

I'll tell you right now, nobody makes a sin of rice more than the british.
They should not be allowed anywhere near rice.

>> No.15027615
File: 773 KB, 635x635, 1603865788088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if Selen collabs with Qu-chan but doesn't stream her POV?

>> No.15027623

color scheme and the hat

>> No.15027634
File: 395 KB, 1212x2048, 1639530671798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning friends

>> No.15027650

Yeah just type in his Twitter @ in the Maro url, he's been reading them.

>> No.15027651
File: 193 KB, 701x625, 1639206813799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon!? you need to wash it to get rid of the spider eggs!

>> No.15027664

Hola Reimu

>> No.15027674

There are no spider eggs in rice!

>> No.15027681

hi reimu please let me eat your ass

>> No.15027689

This is the country that showed a fried rice recipe on national tv that advocated washing COOKED rice in a strainer as preparation. Brits should be allowed in the kitchen period.

>> No.15027695
File: 155 KB, 338x330, 1637632690585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you Reimu!

>> No.15027703 [SPOILER] 

Can you give me a hint on Ike?

>> No.15027738
Quoted by: >>15027874

>See great NijiEN koikatsu cards
>Author is an autist nip who doesn't want to share them
I'm gonna firebomb someone

>> No.15027743

Why would you say no to free protein? Millie is with me on this one.

>> No.15027745

Luca's despair for males in Niji EN featured in a JP clip

>> No.15027756

Is Mysta going to be the star of Luxiem? Funny considering that he has the least talents on paper. I guess stupid and cute IS enough.

>> No.15027776

Why should I get rid of food from my food. Next you will tell me to peel my potatoes and get rid of that nutritious skin

>> No.15027783
Quoted by: >>15028295

Read the previous threads faggot. Their PL have all been found.

>> No.15027807
File: 110 KB, 828x828, 1636872585476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna using male pronouns for (You) in her xmas voice pack
Oh no how will female Aloupeeps recover?

>> No.15027841

By raping Pentomos of course

>> No.15027845

She knows they don't exist

>> No.15027853

Smart bird knows her audience.

>> No.15027874

>JP makes really good [illusion game] card
>NEVER shares it
They love rubbing it in peoples faces they made a good card and post dozens of screenshots but never share it for others to use.

>> No.15027931
Quoted by: >>15028192

>Have been exclusively masturbating to Enna since Thanksgiving
Can someone please get this girl out of my head? I'm starting to fear for my health.

>> No.15027962

Luca's very cute. Thanks for the male wave lol

>> No.15028005
File: 58 KB, 891x335, mystakesweremade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028015

Good morning /vt/! Reminder to subscribe to Luca’s wife on YouTube!

>> No.15028018

Interesting, 3 males play horror games on the same day.

>> No.15028042

Holy shit he got date raped...

>> No.15028080

i kept him up on my cock, sorry about that

>> No.15028081

I can't believe Luca meme'd EN into existence!

>> No.15028086
Quoted by: >>15028120


>> No.15028115

I will comfort them

>> No.15028120


>> No.15028127


>> No.15028149

Mysta sistahs...

>> No.15028154

I didn't know you were out of jail....

>> No.15028166

I'm glad I didn't buy them. I got rosemis and she just called me fat and stinky. I love her so much

>> No.15028185
Quoted by: >>15028231

Any news on Petra's Xmas wallpapers? They fucked up and gave me the group ones in her folder ;_;

>> No.15028192

What is it that people find attractive about Enna? I know her model is pure cunny but do you guys seriously like her personality, or are you just a bunch of breedfags?

>> No.15028218

She's a bigger breedfag than anyone.

>> No.15028219
File: 574 KB, 611x508, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15028347

anon I keep having dreams of this fucking ghost and I haven't watch a stream of hers in over a month.
Is she haunting me because I haven't been watching?

>> No.15028231


>> No.15028240

>I know her model is pure cunny
>but do you guys seriously like her personality
>or are you just a bunch of breedfags?

>> No.15028241

Nina requires a lot of suspension of belief to really get to like her, but once you get a good grasp of her character you'll see her for what she really is

>> No.15028269
Quoted by: >>15028327

Get in here Nijisisters

>> No.15028288

She's attractive because she's 2D and I'll never meet her. If I actually know her and interact with her irl, I wouldn't be that attracted. I'll probably friendzone her.

>> No.15028295 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>15028317

Ike's thread is gone so I have no clue other than he did metal

>> No.15028317

Archive reps

>> No.15028324

Why are you guys faggots

>> No.15028327

I'm there Mystake sister

>> No.15028347
Quoted by: >>15028712

now post this spanish ghostling.

>> No.15028353
Quoted by: >>15028406

>3k starting
We have a retard wave ACE guys!

>> No.15028363

>I am a bottom
He finally admits it.

>> No.15028364

Mysya really needs to post his schedule on twitter already.

>> No.15028366

Mysta is more popular than Vox now... Mystakes... We won

>> No.15028397

Mystakes are NOT welcome here!

>> No.15028399

vox streams at a shitty time...

>> No.15028406
Quoted by: >>15028795

He's nailing the SEA primetime and EU afternoon hours.

>> No.15028424

can't wait to hear this faggot scream

>> No.15028428

Wtf 4k Already????

>> No.15028434

>those are /men/ alright
Bros I feel objectified...

>> No.15028439
Quoted by: >>15028678

I think there's a thread on /y/ for exactly that.

>> No.15028449
File: 60 KB, 407x173, FG-f5LxXMAknth0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox Time!

>> No.15028456
Quoted by: >>15028491

i will lose my shit if he manages to reach 7k again KEK

>> No.15028462

hey dude serious answers only
i want to give mysta a chance but what are mystas streams like? is he like one of those overly insufferable gays or is he chill? does he pretend to be a retard or does he have some good talking points and stories to tell?
I want a bro to hang out with, know what i mean?

>> No.15028478
Quoted by: >>15028529

She's very relatable to anons here and yearns to be loved; of course people like her personality.

>> No.15028489

Unironically all of the above

>> No.15028491
Quoted by: >>15028552

He's streaming for euros and they are starved for content. My dude is getting all of that market for himself.

>> No.15028493
Quoted by: >>15028525

just watch the stream and find out retard form your own opinion

>> No.15028507
File: 124 KB, 735x57, 1636338261561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028510

Mysta wants Shu to be his cocksleeve...

>> No.15028509

>it's Shu!
>when do I get to wear you Shoe?
Mysta no!

>> No.15028521

they have the same CCV

>> No.15028525
Quoted by: >>15028551

>watch the stream
but im not gay

>> No.15028529
Quoted by: >>15028589

So does that mean that if I became a vtuber /vt/ would love me too?

>> No.15028531
Quoted by: >>15028580

He's getting the EU bros

>> No.15028536

>watching a vtuber you can't understand
What kind of retard does that?

>> No.15028542

>5k viewers already for Mysta playing Until Dawn
He really is the new lord of NijiEN

>> No.15028543

JOP are truly our mirror

>> No.15028545

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Most people don't speak japanese.

>> No.15028547

Mysta just called me cute...

>> No.15028552

I want his content in my mouth alright...

>> No.15028551
Quoted by: >>15028571


yes you are

>> No.15028561
Quoted by: >>15028588

Numberfag who compare popularities are faggots and will be paid a visit to their arse by OniGiri’s leaden beating stick.

>> No.15028571
Quoted by: >>15028671

stop projecting.
also YWNBA

>> No.15028572

wait, ago is streaming? aight
adios nigga

>> No.15028580
Quoted by: >>15028642

>Bimonthly reminder that no one will ever stream Europa Universalis
Thank you, anon...

>> No.15028586
Quoted by: >>15028692

I've also noticed a lot of japanese people liking and retweeting him. Are the other guys that popular with them?

>> No.15028589

yes if you're a woman

>> No.15028588
Quoted by: >>15028657

>simping for a chat mod
Is that the depth this general has reached?

>> No.15028590

Any good JP channels that translates the ENs especially these new faggots? I wanna watch clips and do my reps at the same time

>> No.15028592

Mysta was the one teaching Pomu and Finana british slang...

>> No.15028605

>Mysta was the one that taught Finana and Pomu minge

>> No.15028609

I wish mysta were my boyfriend

>> No.15028611

>Mika Melatonin
She's gonna kill him lol

>> No.15028636
Quoted by: >>15028694

To all the stinky fujos in here: You will never be a man.

>> No.15028637


>> No.15028642

I'm still holding out hope on Layla giving it a go one day.

>> No.15028643

Kek, someone messed up Mika's last name again.

>> No.15028646

mysta stirred finana's insides

>> No.15028647

>Mika Melatonin
Mika is a dark indo confirmed

>> No.15028651

S-so Finana and Pommers are still pure...

>> No.15028657

I don’t like the mod just as much as you so keeping it lodged in a numberfaggots ass seems like a winwin to be

>> No.15028668

he has that gay hand pose like Kuzuha does

>> No.15028670

Goddamn he's so insecure over his accent

>> No.15028671



>> No.15028672


>> No.15028673

That happens often? No wonder she's depressed.

>> No.15028678
Quoted by: >>15029108

how do you know this anon

>> No.15028679

the brits just can't seem to get her last name right huh...

>> No.15028680
Quoted by: >>15028757

imagine how dark her nipples are

>> No.15028688

Based. I kinda want to see what she looks like now.

>> No.15028692

Kinda but Mysta is the most popular followed by Shu because JP buff

>> No.15028694

never would want to be, its more fun watching

>> No.15028699

>over 6k
It's over, Voxsisters...

>> No.15028704


>> No.15028712
File: 398 KB, 2240x2671, FFbDY5vUYAI6oVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even enjoy her streams all that much.
I'm just cursed.

>> No.15028732

Can't believe an unironic flaming homosexual is the new king of NijiEN.

>> No.15028744

>Ago streaming
Alright sorry nijiENsisters but I have to be with my wife and his cute laugh...

>> No.15028749
File: 71 KB, 750x819, D73D514B-7A89-4E19-973E-FA787972B069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6k viewers for a 8 am stream
Bros/sisters, has NijiEN finally made it?

>> No.15028755

An unironic flaming homosexual idiot

>> No.15028757


>> No.15028762

At this point I wish Mike Milestone becomes an inner joke with the boys.

>> No.15028767

He's a huge normalfag so he's pulling women, gays, europeans, and the type of people who normally watch twitch streamers.

>> No.15028770

nijibros.....we finally made it

>> No.15028771
Quoted by: >>15028822

>Open Mysta's stream
>He's numberfagging
>Keep watching

>> No.15028783

I like how every organization at this point knows about Susan slashing their tires.

>> No.15028785
File: 5 KB, 348x50, 1638006449078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows from the best

>> No.15028790

>ywn be raped by this pomudachi

>> No.15028793

Well, it is the holidays. We'll see, I don't want to be too optimistic.

>> No.15028795
Quoted by: >>15028907

I think Luca will incline too if he moves to this time slot. Should be easy for him too since he's Aussie

>> No.15028801

He's not one to do a 90 minute zatsudan, so he's alright in my book.

>> No.15028805

go away numberfags

>> No.15028812

as a SEAnig, it's kinda inevitable that I catch Mysta's streams more than Vox's even though I like him more. I still catch Vox's vods whenever I can though, just like how I watch Nina VODs even if I can barely ever catch her live lately...

>> No.15028822
Quoted by: >>15028861

He's more excited to be popular rather than numberfagging. He got hyped as fuck on twitch for getting a 10 dollar donation

>> No.15028833
Quoted by: >>15028873

mysta elira sex

>> No.15028838

>he's already scared
This is gonna be great.

>> No.15028840

The title screen jumpscared him...

>> No.15028841

>getting scared by the fucking tittle screen
Why is Mysta such a pussy?

>> No.15028845
Quoted by: >>15029865

Holy shit he's so gay.

>> No.15028854

>8am stream
You see, for Mysta it's 2pm. And 11pm for his JP fangirls.

>> No.15028859

He's the only EN who streams at this time while everyone else overlaps. The english speaking audience exists in all timezones, not just the Americas so whenever Mysta's streaming, everyone who's awake at whatever timezone will watch because no other EN is streaming

>> No.15028861

Can’t wait for him to bust his balls seeing rainbow supers

>> No.15028867
File: 310 KB, 643x900, 0fd84795661a468bedb78cbaad093226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh he made it 27 seconds in before screaming, nice!

>> No.15028873


mysta wouldn't one of his bros like that

>> No.15028877

so that's how he screams when he gets fucked from behind, got it

>> No.15028880

Is there a NijiEN who likes Petra? Like genuinely.

>> No.15028884

Looks like we're gonna get horror kino.

>> No.15028887

I can't believe he's getting the same numbers as yesterday, holly viewer retention!

>> No.15028893
Quoted by: >>15028994

>JP fangirls
More like SEAnigger fangirls.

>> No.15028901
File: 96 KB, 690x917, 1640096153762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother knows best.

>> No.15028907

He should've taken the afternoon/AU primetime slot, lots of SEA and EU people are watching streams at that time.

>> No.15028912

>choices shape the story
this is a glorified VN isnt it?

>> No.15028916


>> No.15028922

Only Nina, and only barely.

>> No.15028931

Like mom like son

>> No.15028935

Elira Pendora's big fat sweaty dragon tits!

>> No.15028936
Quoted by: >>15028953


>> No.15028937
Quoted by: >>15028983

More like a David Cage game.

>> No.15028942

Pretty much except in basically every way possible.

>> No.15028953


>> No.15028951
Quoted by: >>15029037

JP women dont speak english all that well if at all

>> No.15028958
Quoted by: >>15029029

Isn’t she the one making them pretty graphics for their schedules

>> No.15028980


>> No.15028983

But a lot less pretentious at least, it's just a funny slasher movie

>> No.15028994
Quoted by: >>15029042

Well for them it's what, 9pm? So a much more reasonable hour.

>> No.15029010

>hurrrrrr EUs don't watch anything durrrrrrrr
Get bent Amerifats

>> No.15029011
File: 935 KB, 1312x830, SIuoVLq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a lot of people

>> No.15029029

I can't believe Petra is the slave of NijiEN...

>> No.15029033
Quoted by: >>15029137

This is a good game for Mysta, lots of good scenes to react to

>> No.15029037
Quoted by: >>15029136

They still like Mysta for his cute smile and noises

>> No.15029042

9-10PM depending where exactly yea

>> No.15029045

Nobody said they don't watch, but it's a simple fact that they don't superchat.

>> No.15029051

Rent free.

>> No.15029069

I think it's about 9pm in IN so mika is probably watching this stream with a dildo inside her

>> No.15029071
Quoted by: >>15029113

>Reimu is watching
I thought she was asleep.

>> No.15029076

I pulled an all nighter for work and now I can watch a 6AM stream.

>> No.15029078

still early but I can't believe >we really thought males was gonna have 500 viewers max

>> No.15029093

go to a dentist

>> No.15029096

He is gonna pass Ange at this rate.

>> No.15029108
File: 127 KB, 564x444, feesh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lurked there a lot earlier this year!

>> No.15029113
File: 815 KB, 1145x900, 1639526875646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15029162

I kicked her out of bed because she wouldn't stop talking about her horrible anime tastes.

>> No.15029125

Still too early to tell but I'm betting my ass they're gonna get at least a 2k average with Vox/Mysta around 3k, which is insanely good.

>> No.15029135

It's kinda wild to think that the weirdo from the spooky horror game had a career trajectory that made him the most recent Bond villain.

>> No.15029136

>They still like Mysta for his cute smile and noises
Wow, they're just like EOPs who watch JP for cute girl noises https://youtu.be/xYnMXjX4V0g

>> No.15029137

I hope lots of cips get harvested out of this

>> No.15029149
Quoted by: >>15029390

Vox kept 3k viewers through all of his Smash stream even when Shu was streaming. Pretty sure those bitches are gonna stay with him for life

And Mysta's Mystakes will ride or die for this idiot

>> No.15029162

How do you kick a ghost?

>> No.15029163

they will. give it time. they still have the debut buff.

>> No.15029173

Ah I remember this game, it was so popular 3 or 4 years ago.
Good choice Mysta.

>> No.15029175

>Enna is gonna talk Ike’s ear of about Umineko
>Millie is gonna ask him all sort of retarded questions about Vinland Saga and vikings
Sisters how do we save our pretty boy from these savages. Why is it always asian girls

>> No.15029183


>> No.15029193

How were reimu's viewers her first week?

>> No.15029207


>> No.15029209

Any mentions of a collab yet?

>> No.15029217
Quoted by: >>15029248

>He didn't see Vox retain all those viewers while completely breaking kefabe for Smash and it being called gap moe by the girls

>> No.15029225

He really got that stereotypical gay faggot scream

>> No.15029228

>all this animation stuttering in the cutscenes
Sasuga PS4

>> No.15029231
Quoted by: >>15029259

asian females hunt anything with white genes in it

>> No.15029238

i'm pretty sure all the people watching mysta are gays, not even females, he has that "extra" attitude that's common on queers

>> No.15029240

I will just superchat him and ask him about his favorite kind of loli.

>> No.15029245

Is the audio for the characters supposed to sound that compressed? It's weird.

>> No.15029246

Looks like between 5 to 10% of his chat is Japanese users.

>> No.15029247

>"Oh no, I hate this."
He really is the male Finanna, he even has her catchphrase.

>> No.15029248

we'll speak two weeks from now

>> No.15029250
Quoted by: >>15029322

The gays unironically stole that attitude from female celebrities

>> No.15029259
Quoted by: >>15029328

why don't they hunt me then ;_;

>> No.15029260
File: 62 KB, 984x524, nijiEN_roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After over 60 responses, the /nijiEN/ roster has been decided. Pic related. Yell at me if something is truly fucked on this.

The players highlighted in gold were the top 2 voted, then the ones in silver were the next 2 most after the gold ones. Selenbear was also extremely popular.

>> No.15029266
Quoted by: >>15029431

I'm watching him cause he's a funny guy

>> No.15029270

>he missed the shoe

>> No.15029281

Mysta has THE faggot voice. He doesn't even need to try and pretend to like dicks.

>> No.15029295


>> No.15029302
Quoted by: >>15029316

Please swap out "Reimu is /here/"

>> No.15029308
File: 43 KB, 662x147, 1640096260476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed this from the funny numbers thread, so this is the power of Euro hours....

>> No.15029312

>Later bitch
I love him

>> No.15029317
Quoted by: >>15029346

7k wtf

>> No.15029316

Reimu, please get back to work.

>> No.15029322

they stole it from black people to be exact

>> No.15029328

they can smell your insecurity and lack of masculinity

>> No.15029330


>> No.15029346

8k soon

>> No.15029356

fuck kinda stream title is hi?

>> No.15029360

>inclining to 8K

>> No.15029365
File: 439 KB, 680x674, 1635786186162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy stuff, anon!

>> No.15029367
File: 406 KB, 1940x2424, 1640064747721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029369

I laughed so hard at that jesus. He somehow picked the right game for himself.

>> No.15029381

why is Mysta inclining so fucking hard

>> No.15029380

Mysta really sells his body old ojisans.

>> No.15029384

Make him talk about Oreimo more for the great filtering.

>> No.15029388
Quoted by: >>15029410

New waves have a 1 month collab ban for some reason, so they're safe for a month

>> No.15029390
Quoted by: >>15029536

Yeah ok vox has a unique talent. But his stream was actually pretty boring. I understand that he loves Smash, but he has a largely female audience. Women who stream often play male-oriented games they don't enjoy, because it's for their audience. Male streamers can't be thinking of themselves all the time.

>> No.15029398
Quoted by: >>15029718

So Mysta has a hard grip on the Twitch/zoomer audience then?

>> No.15029400


>> No.15029408


>> No.15029410

that's for collabs outside of the branch

>> No.15029415 [SPOILER] 
File: 683 KB, 2048x2048, A6A56E25-C6B0-4A4D-861E-153E00CB9C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the other two horny post are still up, gotta complete lazulight

>> No.15029417

He's gonna be the first to beat his debut 2.0 mumbers at this rate.

>> No.15029423

>new wave debuts so we throw out all the things we know about numbers because someone gets 7k 2 days after they're debut despite the fact that Pomu, Rosemi, Selen, and yes even fucking Finana get 5-8k when they stream

>> No.15029431

so you think gay stereotypes are funny? he's the type of guy that brings down the rest of the community that don't want to be labeled like that

>> No.15029448
Quoted by: >>15029609


>> No.15029449
File: 668 KB, 745x728, 194_1376433553765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moan some more for me, little puppy.

>> No.15029453
Quoted by: >>15029556

Selen is the only person who peaks at around 6k for Apex

>> No.15029459
Quoted by: >>15029609

It's not a stereotype if it's true, but yes, I do think it's funny

>> No.15029460
File: 904 KB, 1280x720, 1625346413705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tribalfag

>> No.15029471
Quoted by: >>15029556

>despite the fact that Pomu, Rosemi, Selen, and yes even fucking Finana get 5-8k when they stream
Huh? Did you drop in from a parallel universe?

>> No.15029479

take your negativity elsewhere and leave our boy alone you fag

>> No.15029485
Quoted by: >>15029506

is this song dmca?

>> No.15029491
Quoted by: >>15029516

Chubby hmong pussy...

>> No.15029495
Quoted by: >>15029640

yes i didn't want to point it out, but if you genuinely think he is being cute, you're a pedophile 100%

>> No.15029497

How can you type with your head so far up your ass?

>> No.15029504
Quoted by: >>15029564

I'm going to masturbate to this, hope you don't mind

>> No.15029506
Quoted by: >>15029592

if you have permission for the game ofc

>> No.15029509

so is this a good game at all? is he gonna finish it lol

>> No.15029512

You sound incredibly insecure

>> No.15029516


>> No.15029523

Will the fox break the 8K?

>> No.15029536

If Kanae still has girls watching him play a boring ass game like tarkov then Vox will be fine.

>> No.15029552

Three Finanas, she's potent

>> No.15029555

I honestly cannot believe the boys are this popular, I expected NijiID numbers. Kudos to them.

>> No.15029556

no im just not a thread watcher

Finana usually gets 6 or 7k when she streams Gacha shit though, she usually only starts dropping when she go XLR's which is fucking great

>> No.15029563

are EUfags all jobless? its fucking 2pm

>> No.15029564
File: 15 KB, 267x267, 57B8A0A4-FAC2-453C-A086-05A605FC8288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029570
Quoted by: >>15029626

Do your intelligence a favor and ponder why numbers has it's own containment thread

>> No.15029592

The Resident Evil 7 credits song would like to have a word.

>> No.15029609

it's not true at all, it's like implying all poc are gangsters and thugs, but people can only see racism and the rest doesn't matter

>> No.15029613

Reimu I know you’re /here/ I love you and your cute feet

>> No.15029619

>fuck kinda stream title is hi?
She learned it from Mumei.
>are EUfags all jobless? its fucking 2pm
3PM going on 4PM, also most places are locked down again.

>> No.15029626
File: 502 KB, 1003x1016, 1640011350050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15030017

we like faggots now

>> No.15029628

Evening here. EU is larger than your SEA shithole

>> No.15029632

it's 3:30 in the civilized part
and yes

>> No.15029640
Quoted by: >>15029842

whats wrong with shotas anon? theyre just young boys?

>> No.15029641

Unless I'm miscounting where's the Millie rep?
I see I'm Pomu and Pomura for Pomu; Sheesh and Nepotism for Elira; AMOGUS, Finana's Egg, and What's a solar for Finana; Selenbear for Selen; Great Wosemi for Rosemi; Pentomos, BUSTAFELLOWS, and Peter Griffin for Petra; Connor and Birb Sex for Enna; Reimu is /here/ for Reimu; Mommy for Nina; Vox Fujoshi, Ayyy, Luca's tits, Scarjo for the boys; Ban Hada, Accelerate, and NijiCanadia for misc memes

>> No.15029648
Quoted by: >>15029689

Only seen Mysta and Vox so far but they are by far more entertaining than all the females safe for collab Sel.
Glad they don't go overboard with fembaiting.

>> No.15029654

Don't care, I'm laughing

>> No.15029656

he's not gonna get DMCA'd is he?

>> No.15029659
File: 1.28 MB, 1800x895, 1892839183748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so fun guys

>> No.15029678


>> No.15029690


>> No.15029689
Quoted by: >>15029750

why are dragoons like this?

>> No.15029695
Quoted by: >>15029911


>> No.15029698

>Mori mentioned
Oh no no hololeks

>> No.15029702

I shouldn't be surprised he doesn't know how to pronounce memento

>> No.15029706

>Meme? Meme-nto Mori?
Absolutely amazing, I am in awe.

>> No.15029718

Twitch people don't watch Youtube

>> No.15029721

It's 4:30 here in the east...

>> No.15029727


>> No.15029729

I got 0 millie responses

>> No.15029732

He is NOT gay, checkmate, fujos

>> No.15029738

>admitting in public to being an eastern european

>> No.15029744
File: 1.32 MB, 4000x3000, 1622313633210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do.

>> No.15029746

Everyone on Twitch watches YouTube anon.

>> No.15029748

Luca beat Getting Over It in 20 minutes? What the fuck, they finally found someone good at games?

>> No.15029750

Not a dragoon. Rosefugee after the peppening.

>> No.15029762
File: 496 KB, 1607x2048, 1639988461812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our boy ToT

>> No.15029769

I like the delirium that you're selling, funny man

>> No.15029773

if Scarjo counts for both Mysta and Ike, NijiCanadia and Nepotism count for Millie

>> No.15029784
File: 585 KB, 2846x2226, 1640068212448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twice, too!

>> No.15029787


>> No.15029791

>im just not a thread watcher
>claims Pomu gets between 5-8k when she hovers around 2-3k

>> No.15029799 [DELETED] 

im on my period and i mastrbated to vox like six times and i stink and but i dont feel liek shwoering

>> No.15029806

>Everyone forgot about "I'm going to post about Vadur on 4chan"

>> No.15029807

I guess you can just model Nepotism after her

>> No.15029814

>ingenious people

>> No.15029821
Quoted by: >>15029841

Yeah, he rused us into thinking he'd be a newbie when he was really a golden pot who wanted to flex and get a lower time on winner.
Think his second one was under 10 minutes

>> No.15029834

Oh my god.

>> No.15029839
Quoted by: >>15029906

I'm going to masturbate to you, hope you don't mind.

>> No.15029841

It was like 7 minutes. Based gaming god.

>> No.15029842
Quoted by: >>15030153

he's not supposed to be a shota but still acts like a kid, so the "in-character" excuse doesn't apply to him, he knows what he's doing, is on his seamonkey genes trying to lure people

>> No.15029845

>Digimon, digital monsters...
That's gotta be offensive.

>> No.15029850
File: 164 KB, 400x416, 1623201720219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, don't act like you haven't stuck a vibrating controller in your gaping bussy
Crazy what he gets away with in this timeslot.

>> No.15029855

my condolence

>> No.15029862

Mysta is a dumbass and can't read

>> No.15029865

He makes me think of that fag from Dragon Quest 11.

>> No.15029866
File: 442 KB, 2372x2683, 73F74B92-17CD-4290-9F5B-31BDB4AA2A17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Elira

>> No.15029868

>Mysta gets canceled on twitter arch

>> No.15029870
Quoted by: >>15029926

What's NijiCanadia and Nepotism gonna be modeled after?

>> No.15029874

>the past is beyond our control
>that's why I got sent to the future
Big brain

>> No.15029894
File: 158 KB, 1500x1061, FGBkG7NaQAE8HyB.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15029971

I love my daughterwife! Christmas party in just two days!

>> No.15029899

He's done a pretty good job establishing himself as a gay retard so he's good, but I can see him saying or doing something in the future that might get some heat lol

>> No.15029901


>> No.15029903
Quoted by: >>15029961

6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
b. Indecipherable text
Example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"

>> No.15029906
Quoted by: >>15029987

are you vox? are you sexy?

>> No.15029911

you called me that yet you're the one watching a seamonkey femboy, the true thai experience

>> No.15029921

Bets on if he gets to 8k?

>> No.15029926
Quoted by: >>15029975

I guess Millie can be for Nepotism as some have suggested. As for NijiCanadia, I was going to make a mock logo (with CA instead of EN) and replace the player head with that.

>> No.15029940


>> No.15029943

All I said is that if they managed to get Reimu numbers it was going to be a W in my book.

This is a huge one so far, but let's wait at least a week or two before things settle in.

>> No.15029951

t. finana

>> No.15029961

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:

where the FUCK do you think you are if you think anything in this thread or on this board is high quality. go back to plebbit and let me blog in fucking peace

>> No.15029965
File: 389 KB, 747x597, 1613875132003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro mysta's such a freaking homo that it's actually confusing the fujos

>> No.15029971
File: 41 KB, 200x200, 1639962860344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15029996

Petra is almost as cute as the average Pentomo!

>> No.15029969
Quoted by: >>15029998

Motion control is actually great for shooter aiming once you get used to it.

>> No.15029972

maybe after Ago finishes streaming. But if you want to bet do something higher like 10k

>> No.15029975
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1639862417878s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those are good ideas!

>> No.15029978

I wouldn't bet on it but I'd be pleasantly surprised

>> No.15029984
File: 264 KB, 1728x2304, 1640041414967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Foxes are too powerful

>> No.15029987

No but I'm also a bong

>> No.15029996

Pentomos get more dick than Petra...

>> No.15029998

that's how splatoon players get cracked

>> No.15029999

Why is Walfie's github missing Shu's pinned tweet?

>> No.15030002

Free my nigga Ike

>> No.15030009

>choco person
he's fine

>> No.15030012

please only reply to me if you're vox himself

>> No.15030017

>butchered meme
females seriously can't meme at all

>> No.15030025

>type 1 in chat if you would
Wtf is this twitch shit?

>> No.15030033
Quoted by: >>15030046

Is he retarded?

>> No.15030040

>whats a gondola

>> No.15030042

I know it's a debut buff but 8-7k is the average for HoloEN besides the shark

>> No.15030046


>> No.15030048
Quoted by: >>15030242

Mysta's fanbase is a faggot central

>> No.15030055

it's almost like he was a twitch streamer before hmmmmm

>> No.15030071


>> No.15030088
File: 1.37 MB, 778x778, nij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of these ai generated nijisanji ens i made using looking glass

>> No.15030102
File: 150 KB, 1200x1034, gon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030110
Quoted by: >>15030184

Goodshit, I'm having an aneurysm

>> No.15030122
Quoted by: >>15030184

The one on the bottom right looks like a witch's labyrinth.

>> No.15030130
Quoted by: >>15030184

i could see left column happening

>> No.15030131

being a speedrunner faggot is not the same as being "good" at games

>> No.15030138

10 bucks say Mysta will start talking about holos before the end of his first month.

>> No.15030139

So yuros only watch homos? I should have figured

>> No.15030142

I think he's actually dumber than Finana and I didn't think that was possible

>> No.15030153

he's so cute!!!!

>> No.15030167
Quoted by: >>15030207

I don't see why not, several members of previous waves did.

>> No.15030168

Which holo would he even be into?

>> No.15030175

Better getting a speedrunner than a spedrunner

>> No.15030184

i genuinely really like the bottom left one, i modified some stuff and tweaked the parameters but i can't generate more for now due to colabs free usage limits. i don't feel like paying for pro so i guess i'll wait

>> No.15030204

You are saying it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.15030203

nina does it a lot

already did but its always chat that brought it up
he has a brother in holostar
his chat is fucking crazy

>> No.15030207
Quoted by: >>15030243

Who? I only know about Selen lying about that collab for clout.
Nina talked about Coco I guess.

>> No.15030210

Wasn't he into Korone? But maybe just because she was a fellow dog

>> No.15030212

I love how he forces himself to enunciate his Ts.

>> No.15030232

Why does it fucking matter?

>> No.15030240


>> No.15030242

true but females still exist and the one who happened to do that meme was female or at least is as retarded as one

>> No.15030243
Quoted by: >>15030300

When did Nina talk about Coco?

>> No.15030244

He doesn't understand Japanese, and is not into girls, what would the appeal be though

>> No.15030245

Just because us nijisisters don't watch holos doesn't mean we care about tribalism shit. He can talk about whoever he wanted
I hope his chat behaves though

>> No.15030252
Quoted by: >>15030353

bottom left is really nice, it's pleasant to look at

>> No.15030253
Quoted by: >>15030273

hes bri"ish

>> No.15030254
File: 70 KB, 1376x1006, im bomu DDDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030262


>> No.15030273

I thought aussie?

>> No.15030276

>colabs free usage limits

>> No.15030275


>> No.15030291
Quoted by: >>15030414

He didn't really speed run it anon. Speed run record for that game is barely over a minute. His second run would put him in the 1700s for speed run times.
He just did it fast.

>> No.15030290

he literally did yesterday

>> No.15030293

That's Luca

>> No.15030299

That's Luca.

>> No.15030300

Russian stream she took down

>> No.15030302

He's obviously british, are you esl or something?

>> No.15030304

thai british

>> No.15030305

>luca is british
>mysta is aussie
I hate this meme.

>> No.15030308
Quoted by: >>15030327

When I went through his Twitter follows she was the only Holo I found

>> No.15030320

Finally Reimu with sagging boobas

>> No.15030327
Quoted by: >>15030389

Then it really was just because she was a dog

>> No.15030330
Quoted by: >>15030375

Yes. Aussies are brits how would I know how their accents differ?

>> No.15030334
File: 156 KB, 1170x1600, 1623322642952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030346

ESLs can identify accents, it's dipshit Americans who always get confused.

>> No.15030351

Mysta just got cucked...

>> No.15030353
File: 1.40 MB, 778x778, A9QN5MBHNE8AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15030487

These are the ones I got when I only gave it pomu. I fed it all the niji en girls but I have to wait

It's not like a ton but I don't feel like paying for it when I'm not doing anything intensive. I just tried to generate these and it hit me with a capacity limit. I just want to make shitposts and have fun

>> No.15030359

>It's ok she's not gonna cheat on me
>It immediately happens
He's gonna kill her.

>> No.15030375

They sound nothing alike.

>> No.15030381


>> No.15030386

wdym? most americans know the difference, its really fucking obvious

>> No.15030388


>> No.15030389

Thank god. If he actually liked a holo I would become an ANTI

>> No.15030398

It's shitposting, anon. They're doing it to ruffle feathers.

>> No.15030410

I dont hear him saying faggot tho?

>> No.15030414

>he took it literally
let's say he's an autist who played that game since release and tried to beat his pb every time, sounds good?

>> No.15030427

Pomu playing akibas trip today. It took her like 3hrs to break 1k last time. Is she nearly done with it? This is turning into Tokyo Chronos all over again.

>> No.15030436

American are weirdly susceptive to accents it's like an obsession what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15030439

>This is a bait
>murders a bird

>> No.15030448


>> No.15030457

enna is fucking dead

>> No.15030462
Quoted by: >>15030498

I can't believe Enna is fucking dead!

>> No.15030465
Quoted by: >>15030498

I can't believe Enna is dead...

>> No.15030466
File: 2.71 MB, 600x338, 1637633448857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030468

That's the first time I have ever seen someone kill the bird...

>> No.15030467

Enna not like this...

>> No.15030469


>> No.15030475

why is enna such a whore

>> No.15030481

Enna would be happy he killed the bird, even if it was her.

>> No.15030487

Yeah, that looks like Pomu.

>> No.15030498
File: 156 KB, 946x693, 1634284206709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030499


>> No.15030513

How do I get myself a retarded but cute bf like Mysta?

>> No.15030516

I think she still has a couple of streams left, she basically got nowhere last stream, spent most of the stream on one fight

>> No.15030527

Why Scarjo?
Shouldn't it be Kristen Steward, since Bella is still The iconic loner Totally Average Looking Trust Me Viewer-San character for 26-32yo nerdy girls?

>> No.15030528


>> No.15030529

groom a twitch 2 view

>> No.15030539

>using "pussy" as an insult
>joking about cancelation
not a good look mysta...

>> No.15030541
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, cancelled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15030544

show up at his house naked with food. Works on any man 100% guaranteed

>> No.15030546

Mysta getting cancelled on Twitter let's fucking GOOOOOOO

>> No.15030552
Quoted by: >>15030621

Fujosisters... Men worry our boy...

>> No.15030555

The futuristic settting I guess, feel free to make Bela edits

>> No.15030558
Quoted by: >>15030617

she needs to stop being sidetracked by funny quests. She is nowhere ear done with the story

>> No.15030578 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 470x380, sssdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15030615

>Which holo would he even be into?
Gee I wonder.

>> No.15030584

How is Mysta so horny?

>> No.15030585
Quoted by: >>15031142

Have you seen Blade Runner 2049? Since that's where the gosling meme came from, the closest female equivalent was Scarjo's Ghost in the Shell since they have similar cyberpunk settings

>> No.15030590
File: 341 KB, 828x1089, 1640011956920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hit the bottom

>> No.15030594

>snakes are super super cute
what the fuck mysta

>> No.15030595

you don't!! he's ours!!!!

>> No.15030599

>Men worry Mysta
>Chocking noises
Stop making me wet Mysta!

>> No.15030600

>Mysta making cock choking noises
I see...

>> No.15030611

Bin that knife.

>> No.15030610

>oi mate

>> No.15030613

Based snakes are cute, rats can fuck off

>> No.15030616


>> No.15030615

Uh based?

>> No.15030617
Quoted by: >>15030696

Wait, really? I remember I beat it in like a day and completed all the side missions. Could never beat the battle royale on hard mode though.

>> No.15030620

He's not wrong.
Snakes are pretty cute.

>> No.15030621

I mean if he saw the men in this thread I'm sure he'd be worried too.

>> No.15030623

He's based

>> No.15030631

>he is scared of burgers
of course

>> No.15030640

>jerma mention

>> No.15030641

When the clown is sus

>> No.15030647

i like his laugh

>> No.15030648
File: 133 KB, 800x670, 1320506650004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030651

Jerma mention

>> No.15030654

Hold up. I'm out of the loop.
Tourist geek chic foids anti Oreimo because it's "creepy" rather than just a flat-out awful show? Was that what I was supposed to get outta yesterday's caps?

>> No.15030666

how long is this game?

>> No.15030679
File: 220 KB, 850x1215, rosm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15030764


>> No.15030681

Like 3h I think

>> No.15030683
File: 154 KB, 900x900, 1613330035189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi Lovelock【NIJISANJI EN】

>> No.15030694

30 hours

>> No.15030696
Quoted by: >>15030809

Pomu is very slow but it's not like she's not enjoying it and she can afford a bit of view tanking with all those big streams she did

>> No.15030709
Quoted by: >>15031020

Are you speaking English?

>> No.15030713
File: 3 KB, 100x66, sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is... mansanji...?

>> No.15030714
Quoted by: >>15031020

I saw like one person who actually disliked Ike for his like for Oreimo and everyone else just thought it was a shitty show

>> No.15030716
Quoted by: >>15031020

No clue if you're referring someone in particular, but that was the gist of the few people getting cybertriggered by him mentioning Oreimo, yes.
Also you can see it's a zoomer problem because no one cared about one of the boys mentioning Saya no Uta.

>> No.15030715

>7,973 watching now

>> No.15030718
Quoted by: >>15031020

Excuse me this is an english-language website, please write your posts in english

>> No.15030724

he's so cute when he get scared by the title screen

>> No.15030736

8ish hours I think.

>> No.15030742

She cute

>> No.15030754

enter ike

>> No.15030756
Quoted by: >>15030807

Is that the girl who took 100$ to eat some pepper and then opted out?

>> No.15030758

Gaysanji power

>> No.15030762
Quoted by: >>15030820

with the nijijp MK tournament going on too

>> No.15030764
File: 1.18 MB, 3472x4911, deersemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi-sama's russy...

>> No.15030775

did 'e say summink

>> No.15030781

This gay brit is too powerful...

>> No.15030787
Quoted by: >>15030818

Ike abandoned Mysta...

>> No.15030791

I kneel before her Greatness.

>> No.15030794

You don't have to speak in fucking code anon
>likes Oreimo
Possibly based. Depends on what he liked about the show and his thoughts on the ending. S1 + Kuroneko OVAs were actually good

>> No.15030802

Mysta, your modding reps...

>> No.15030807

Only opted out when someone gave her 100$ to counter it

>> No.15030808


>> No.15030809


it really seems like she'd play this offstream anyway so any views at all are better than what she'd get then

>> No.15030811

mysta you ignored shu earlier kek

>> No.15030814
File: 770 KB, 786x1100, 1640020648845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi Lewdlock

>> No.15030818

Cheeky brat, he needs correction immediately.

>> No.15030820

Ago finished his stream, he got a few hundred more people from Ago's stream if anything.

>> No.15030829

I forgot MR Roboto was in Until Dawn

>> No.15030833

Alright bros, I missed the wave 4 debut and will probably miss streams for like the next week.
Give me the rundown.

>> No.15030850

tbqh I think it's a bunch of larping MAL threadwatchers who just know the rep of it's ending, people aren't gonna give out full-fledged criticisms anyway

>> No.15030854

fags and vox

>> No.15030862
File: 96 KB, 244x244, 1629441886185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAAHHA she's so cute...

>> No.15030865

Does Enna usually sound so...emo? This sounds like a tweet from a depressed teen.

>> No.15030869
Quoted by: >>15031142

lmao that's still bad, but it's funny that you tried to put some deepness, unlike these retard females that just put scarjo because they have the same futuristic setting

>> No.15030874

They're good, aside from Shu

>> No.15030876

Vox: BFE and smash autist
Mysta: Britbong faggot funnyman
Ike: EN Kanae
Shu: Male Elira
Luca: Aussie gamer who can pull off a trap voice

>> No.15030880
Quoted by: >>15030920

they're all full blown unironic faggots.
no bro vtuber among them.

>> No.15030886
Quoted by: >>15030969

Soulless whore.

>> No.15030903

>Does Enna usually sound so...emo
Yes, that is like her thing

>> No.15030906

are any of them /here/?

>> No.15030908
Quoted by: >>15031097

NTA but is that why I've been seeing people bitch about the stream?

>> No.15030909

>Mysta has lewd gay retard moe
>Vox has ikebo daddy/toxic gamer gap moe
>Luca has cute gamer bro, can do voice impressions, menhera 13y fans moe
>Ike has high powerlevel singer moe
>Shu is eyyyyyyyyyyy who moe

>> No.15030910

If there was any doubt about Mysta being gay...

>> No.15030920

watch streams

>> No.15030919

Mysta lusting after Ike's sex gloves...

>> No.15030922

what is she 15? so cute

>> No.15030923

They're all gay, especially Mysta and Vox. Vox got his ass blasted during his Smash stream for several hours and he enjoyed it.

>> No.15030926

The game got too straight so he started fujobaiting with Ike kek

>> No.15030930
File: 356 KB, 1573x2257, enna lood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid birb

>> No.15030932

ah-hem that's called a parry, and Rosemi-sama invented it. Pomu please don't copy, Petra please don't copy.

>> No.15030937

Anon your original nijisanji EN songs reps.

>> No.15030941
File: 497 KB, 2000x2354, FHHQWsOVEAQh-Fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he streaming rn go watch him

>> No.15030953
Quoted by: >>15030998

Possibly Mysta, Ike, and Voice

>> No.15030955
Quoted by: >>15030973

Everyone is.

>> No.15030954

>Shu: Male Elira
I know he's the nepotism hire, but please don't insult Elira like that.

>> No.15030959

Debuts are the usual, not really representative of the actual streamer or their style. They all had really cool intro videos except Shu, who either had kino or cringe depending on your tolerance for bullshit.

Luca seems a little awkward & nervous but he seems like a chill bro experience kinda like Bon.
Mysta's pretty high energy and over the top, seems funny. Also very stupid.
Vox tried to look really cool and mysterious for his debut and then he played Smash with viewers and got progressively more salty and autistic.
I haven't watched Ike or Shu yet

>> No.15030969
Quoted by: >>15031118

Don't worry groomerchama, there are other girls who stayed 2views and won't block you on Discord :)

>> No.15030973

the girls aren't

>> No.15030980

This was her third tweet

>> No.15030981

judging by his queer persona, he would go for amelia since they have the same character going on so he can act as disingenous as he wants and leech of views easily

>> No.15030982

>Mysta said "based"

>> No.15030988

Stop lying Reimu

>> No.15030990
Quoted by: >>15031043

i missed luca's stream but i love him bros how do i stop being the gay

>> No.15030998


>> No.15031000
Quoted by: >>15031023

>he doesn’t know

>> No.15031006

Based was popular slang on Tumblr before it was popular here

>> No.15031012

Reimu is now last in the merch sales, shoe has passed her :(

>> No.15031016
Quoted by: >>15031091

Would like to thank Mysta for teaching me that all I need to do for female attention is to stop pretending I'm not fucking retarded

>> No.15031017

people who find animals without fur cute have some serious psychological problems

>> No.15031020
Quoted by: >>15031084

>Also you can see it's a zoomer problem because no one cared about one of the boys mentioning Saya no Uta.
'You know what? That is a really good point, actually.
I really hope Reimu's reason is the latter.

Geek chic = People and aesthetics that pretend to be nerdy for fashion points. Usually in the most superficial, normie-pandering way.
D&D, capeshit, Jojo & Star Wars are the primary sources of Geek Chic references.
The more superficial, inoffensive and widely-tolerated the 'nerd' property being referenced is the better.
Geek Chic lovers usually try to move into more obscure properties and try to turn them into a mirror image of their preferred IPs.

>> No.15031023
Quoted by: >>15031093

Vox means Voice, yes

>> No.15031024
File: 573 KB, 1657x2331, E7-NmICX0AUssGK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031160

I love Pomu!

>> No.15031029

I don't think I'd call him male Elira. Elira is legitimately one of the best in the branch at just talking and interacting with her chat and having a back a forth while he is decidedly mediocre at it so far. Elira is widely expressive with her voice and model and he is just kinda there talking.

>> No.15031030

based on what

>> No.15031043

he's rping on vr chat so...

>> No.15031049
Quoted by: >>15031190

>Mysta is from Tumblr

>> No.15031051
File: 168 KB, 691x556, 1611338289244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031056

My cock

>> No.15031068

Based on deez Nutzzz

>> No.15031084
Quoted by: >>15031267

Take a hint fag we understood your slang it just makes you glow in the fucking dark

>> No.15031091

only works if you're a cute gay 2d anime boy

>> No.15031093

Thanks for the lesson Reimu

>> No.15031097

She herself asked for money for the punishment game right from the get-go. She even put the prices for different spiciness levels right on screen in text. Later on chat introduced "parrying" (superchat to counter earlier superchat) and she rolled with it.

>> No.15031098

but they are? if you disregard their instinct to choke or bite you they're just comfy living snuggle noodle

>> No.15031110

>what is arson?

>> No.15031113


>> No.15031116
Quoted by: >>15031149

>What is arson
I refuse to believe this dude is real

>> No.15031118
Quoted by: >>15031236

Nice projection. Frustrated your white knighting didn't get you laid?

>> No.15031121

New waves have a one week Collab ban for inside the branch (excluding their own gen) and one month for anything outside the branch

>> No.15031128
Quoted by: >>15031149

>What is arson?
Literal mental retardation.

>> No.15031136

Arson deez nuts

>> No.15031137

Did Mysta drop out of middle school? Wtf

>> No.15031142
Quoted by: >>15031261

I've seen Blade Runner 2049 but there's just no real femoid equivalent nor does Scarjo as an actress fit the bill in terms of public image or the roles she's typecast for.
She's female Nick Cage, if anything.
>lmao that's still bad, but it's funny that you tried to put some deepness, unlike these retard females that just put scarjo because they have the same futuristic setting
Why thank you, I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.15031145

I still wonder what they were thinking with that model. It just looks pretty stiff.

>> No.15031149
Quoted by: >>15031180

British pls understand.
They don't call it arson they just call it "setting fire to shit"

>> No.15031152

im not sure what's wrong with him
maybe it really was the nerves
he was just rambling yesterday during debut 2.0
not even answering questions in an interesting way despite having good topic to talk about

>> No.15031155
Quoted by: >>15031167

Arson my face haha

>> No.15031160
File: 209 KB, 1536x2048, FHGb53EVcAEaD_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031201

Good morning Pomu!

>> No.15031167


>> No.15031169

Holy shit, he really IS as dumb as Finana.

>> No.15031172
File: 72 KB, 750x872, 1632153632922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is arson
Your arse on deez nuts you fucking RETARD

>> No.15031177


>> No.15031178

Based, all chubas should come up with challenges like that instead of just sitting and begging for money like Millie

>> No.15031179

>I know what solar is, that's the thing that gives you electricity, right?

>> No.15031180
Quoted by: >>15031208

then how did i get tried for arson

>> No.15031185

Welp. Pack it up Doxxtards your fabled '''''''''''''roomate reps'''''''''''' (desu that should be an autoban phrase) are wrong.
Enna was 17 all along.

>> No.15031189

So this is your brain on cum...

>> No.15031190


>> No.15031194

Eyyyy Shu in chat eyyyy

>> No.15031199
File: 39 KB, 236x243, 1619673760335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031234

i know you're baiting me but that legitimately made me seethe a bit

>> No.15031201
File: 285 KB, 1640x1608, E5SlHFgVkAA7QVm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon Pomu!

>> No.15031204

>Later on chat introduced "parrying" (superchat to counter earlier superchat) and she rolled with it.
Rosemi is a pushover to her chat and her chat is full of concernfags so that doesn't really sound surprising.

>> No.15031208

Ha you got caught setting fire to shit.
What a loser

>> No.15031214

Mysta is rather entertaining for a fag

>> No.15031225

>Cannon genius

>> No.15031227

ayyyy based shu and based shu poster ayyy

>> No.15031232
Quoted by: >>15031253

[Sad News] Mysta's official character profile calls him a genius

>> No.15031233
Quoted by: >>15031272

>Does Enna usually sound so...emo?
Nina is the only Ethyria who isn't depressed to the point of self-parody.
>Mysta: Britbong faggot funnyman
Black Out is a perfectly mixed song with no exploits.

>> No.15031234
Quoted by: >>15031292

Stop taking the internet so seriously are you 15?

>> No.15031236

Who said it didn't? :)

>> No.15031244

Mysta is cuter AND dumber than Millie…oh no…

>> No.15031251

>cable car
>do ppl say rad
>whats gondola

>> No.15031253


>> No.15031261

you earn it bro, you clearly understood everything

>> No.15031264

Can probably suck dick better too

>> No.15031267

>the glowie slang glows
No shit. It was literally invented by marketers.

>> No.15031272
Quoted by: >>15031310

Millie and Raymoo are depressed?

>> No.15031291
File: 1.63 MB, 1700x1200, 1635094146993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031321

But is he as smoking hot as her?

>> No.15031292

sorry i despise irony in all its forms

>> No.15031296

shut up Reimu

>> No.15031301
File: 10 KB, 505x66, 4EE2B9CE-DBAB-4303-AD3A-4B9685B04C2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031310
Quoted by: >>15031418

Highly likely.
Aggressively so, where have you been?

>> No.15031320

>guys can you clip my screams?
Mysta that's too obvious...

>> No.15031321

For girls and faggots, yeah.

>> No.15031322

he got ignored earlier too
suggested mysta and vox to do a collab on naming american states
sounds sun actually

>> No.15031339

His numberfagging is admirable, he needs to grow while eyes are still on him.

>> No.15031358
Quoted by: >>15031397

Just tuned in, why does this game look like Terror: Become Human?

>> No.15031370

Oh no he's a cuck...

>> No.15031383

its ok when a guy does it
he just says what he thinks

>> No.15031386

>Plus I'm really into NTR
he just said that so casually
He said on the free chat the other day that he wants to be the bull

>> No.15031397
Quoted by: >>15031414

It's like Scream the intereactive movie.

>> No.15031409

Maybe he is a bull

>> No.15031414

Any burgers awake yet? Can you tell me if the voice acting sounds terrible to you too?
>It's like Scream the intereactive movie.
That sounds kind of awful.

>> No.15031418

>Highly likely.
Poor meth head
>Aggressively so, where have you been?
All anyone discusses about Reimu anymore is the Han Yun ship or how she's /HERE/ and I don't have time to watch her streams.

>> No.15031434


>> No.15031436

He self-inserts as the cheating women

>> No.15031435
Quoted by: >>15031474

It's bad but in a fun way

>> No.15031438
Quoted by: >>15031474

the voice acting is normal, realistic i guess

>> No.15031441
Quoted by: >>15031474

it sounds fine to me

>> No.15031448
Quoted by: >>15031474

>That sounds kind of awful.
Yes but in a good way

>> No.15031453
Quoted by: >>15031474

It’s a lot better than a David Cage game that you’d think. I guess it’s sorta Clock Tower-ish in that there’s multiple endings and certain choices lead to worse endings.

>> No.15031470

Morning started four hours ago. Yeah, the voice acting is atrocious, but as far as I can tell the devs wanted a B movie experience.

>> No.15031474

I... see.
>Yes but in a good way
Well I got nothing better (I feel like doing) to do so let's see if this works out.
>actually meaningful choices
OK. I'm in.

>> No.15031480
Quoted by: >>15031618

What number would mysta gets if he streams at na prime time with overlaps? Is he really the most popular rn?

>> No.15031498

How will (You) react, if Mysta starts flirting with your oshi, joking about NTRing her fans?

>> No.15031502

Sounds like voice acting found in a B-rate horror movie. Fitting I say.

>> No.15031513


>> No.15031525
Quoted by: >>15031564

Wait a sec guys Mysta is drinking for cock juices for a bit,

>> No.15031526

hes gay, no threat

>> No.15031527

Mysta is my new oshi though...

>> No.15031533
Quoted by: >>15031744

Not if I flirt with him first!

>> No.15031539

Mysta's dry mouth ToT

>> No.15031538

It's not unbearable.

>> No.15031542
File: 1.61 MB, 2480x3508, 1635880513529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032232


>> No.15031544
Quoted by: >>15031744

he already admitted to wanting to be the cucker not the cuckee

>> No.15031553
Quoted by: >>15031744

i'm going to cheat on my oshi with mysta

>> No.15031554

Does Mysta have the best rigging in the wave? The others all seem kind of stiff but his is pretty expressive and responsive.

>> No.15031560

I mean, Astel did say he feels the same for both girls and guys so I'm ok with it

>> No.15031564

he's taking a sippy sip!!!!

>> No.15031569

I will send death threats. Spend every waking moment posting about how much I hate him on 4chan.

>> No.15031572

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there goes the VOD.

>> No.15031596

He seems to interact more with Finana
So if that were to happen I would expect her numbers to drop by a cliff. Does she even have simps or goslings?

>> No.15031597

I guess they also improved his model when they removed the hamburger hat.

>> No.15031599

Holy fuck I'm going to kill the nigger that donated

>> No.15031600

You wash rice if you want the starch out, which plenty of dishes require for better texture.

>> No.15031612
Quoted by: >>15031649

I think it depends on how they set up the phone camera and light in their room. Lauren's l2d was pretty bad in early streams but it got smoother later.

>> No.15031616
Quoted by: >>15031649

mysta... your chat....
i hope at least membership chat will be comfy.....

arent they all rigged by the same niji team tho
maybe it has something to do with their artist
i find shu to be expressive too

>> No.15031617
Quoted by: >>15031658


>> No.15031618

I remember pomu streaming pretty early but not getting as many viewers as she usually does. Not sure I buy the idea the timezone is the only reason he's doing well, but if there was overlap he might get less views. But then again it seems like the guys aren't affected that much by the girls. Maybe when they collab at the same time we'll see.

>> No.15031622
File: 84 KB, 300x275, 1636509103259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi would unironically drop him and never collab with him again she isn't into weird RP

>> No.15031628
Quoted by: >>15031726

wait what happened did someone call him a fag?

>> No.15031635

Will Mysta be okay if he can prove that donations were turned off? I don't want the VOD gone...

>> No.15031639

>Finana's numbers
>dropping further than they have from trying to make viewers out of rolling crackheads

>> No.15031646
Quoted by: >>15031665

mystakesister calm the fuck down

>> No.15031649

They are all done in-house but it seems like the rigging isn't always super consistent. Finana basically only had one expression til they updated her model for example.
Could be

>> No.15031658
File: 301 KB, 480x480, 535C8554-8FB2-46F0-9441-836F3926D103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031721


>> No.15031665
Quoted by: >>15031687

No fuck you

>> No.15031666
Quoted by: >>15031746

Lmao, spot a legit retard.

>> No.15031670
Quoted by: >>15031693

What did he say?

>> No.15031687

take meds

>> No.15031693

Nothing really but this game isn't supposed to be monetized

>> No.15031694

Can Mysta please hide his chat away from the stream, I don't want to see that cancerous shit.

>> No.15031697
Quoted by: >>15031739

Finana would be fine. Pomu, Selen, or Rosemi, however...

>> No.15031702
Quoted by: >>15031748

Based woman hater Mysta fuck groids

>> No.15031705
Quoted by: >>15031792

I doubt he's gonna delete the vod, at worst he'll just edit that part out.

>> No.15031713

the dono alert is only a sound right ? if it's only a ping, then i maybe this archive will still up

>> No.15031721

I miss Fauna...

>> No.15031726

some fag donated and the alert came up when he said he turned it off

>> No.15031739

Rosebuds will riot and make him graduate.

>> No.15031740

The message is shown on screen too

>> No.15031744
File: 1.35 MB, 1119x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like people forgot this rule somehow.
(FF18) [三色坊 (黑青郎君)] 聊齋夜畫 王二喜 [英訳]

>> No.15031746

I’m not mysta tho, seriously it was a legit question

>> No.15031748

>Ashley gets punched
>Mysta laughs
Based woman hater Mysta!

>> No.15031752
Quoted by: >>15031796

>keeps telling the girl to shut up
>laughs out loud when one of the women is killed
He's /ourguy/

>> No.15031763

Can't he just edit that part out?

>> No.15031768

Why are gays so misogynistic?

>> No.15031772

Joke's on you I'm into NTR. Why do you think I like Enna? She is prime NTR material.

>> No.15031773

ok rip archive

>> No.15031777

wtf i love gays now

>> No.15031791

Nothing to lose.

>> No.15031792

Is that how it works?
I remember in the past the girls always just private the vod when shit like this happens. They only edit when it's a doxx or something.

>> No.15031796
Quoted by: >>15031818

is it true gay men are more misogynistic than straight men?

>> No.15031806

Rosemi got superchat donos on her first Sekiro stream and the archive is still up.

>> No.15031812

Maybe but I don't know if they'd risk it

>> No.15031818
Quoted by: >>15031854

Why else do you think they're gay?

>> No.15031827

Oh no, not like this

>> No.15031835

Dommy-mommy Mysta...........

>> No.15031842


>> No.15031843

Yeah but once Finana had superchats on an Undertale stream and that stream is gone forever so it's a tossup

>> No.15031851
File: 27 KB, 532x370, 1627297924615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bisexual friend said he turned gay because he hates women

>> No.15031852

oh ok nice to know

>> No.15031854

They are sexually attracted to men.

>> No.15031861

He will receive rape correction!

>> No.15031863


>> No.15031874

Its crazy to think that Until Dawn was meant to come out on PS3, this game is really taxing the PS4.

>> No.15031877

Believable, that's usually why women become lesbians

>> No.15031878

5ch likes Mysta now because he has numbers

>> No.15031881
Quoted by: >>15032126

I wish NijiEN had 3D.

>> No.15031885

he's just like me...

>> No.15031898

Knowing him I think he'll probably just say fuck it and leave it like that. Unless manager-san bonked him... it's his first week so

>> No.15031900
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, FG06JMSUUAEmRu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started archiving the stream just in case it gets taken down. Remember to use ytarchive next time, guys.

>> No.15031903
File: 40 KB, 565x579, 1636341563906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032114

>that doujin

>> No.15031907
File: 610 KB, 2223x2223, 1621627382928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they hate women?

>> No.15031913


>> No.15031927
Quoted by: >>15031954

what's their opinion about the boys so far ?

>> No.15031929
Quoted by: >>15032007

I'm guessing the amount of Youtube streamers who get 7k viewers with 36k subscribers is very small.

>> No.15031932


>> No.15031937
Quoted by: >>15031993

thank you our 5ch spy
what else are they saying?
do they know that he's a fag?

>> No.15031948

>Sounds like Selen ignoring NijiEN
Never understood why you tourists always claim this despite what literally every other girl in the branch has stated...then again you're a threadwatcher at best.

>> No.15031954

Dunno I'm only ctrl+Fing for opinions on Mysta right now

>> No.15031956
Quoted by: >>15032035

If he wants feedback he should wait for it to come in marshmallows not the stream

>> No.15031955

>Mysta insecurefagging

>> No.15031973
Quoted by: >>15032014

will you get the entire stream?

>> No.15031976
Quoted by: >>15032075

[5CH UPDATE] 5ch dislikes Mysta now. Disregard the above post. It was a misunderstanding.

>> No.15031986

Screenshot or link or it's cap

>> No.15031987

>screams in EU

>> No.15031993

Somebody said he and bobon should do a burp endurance stream, whatever that means

>> No.15031995

I feel like all the numberfags and shitposters are from there.

>> No.15031997
File: 798 KB, 1144x810, 1634930864299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yelling thread watcher doesn't make it untrue dude

>> No.15032007

i guess susan is doing them a favor by getting rid of all the dead subs

>> No.15032012
Quoted by: >>15032121

Assume that the rights holder is lurking at all times and unamused by fuckery. We had this conversation with Phasmo before.

On that note, though.
It's completely understandable to simply play games that'll bring you numbers or which you like in those magical first two weeks, but why do they keep playing Phasmo when there's like half a dozen clones that are almost 1:1 the same thing except you can turn on Supas?
Is Phasmo just updated THAT often?
What gives?
Petra played one of the clones with JP once and then nobody touched it ever again.

Hot take: Phasmo is best played going maximum sweaty. AAAAAAH AAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH IM DYINGGGGG shit is fun for a bit but the real entertainment value comes from play where it's done like KTANE.

>> No.15032014
Quoted by: >>15032075

Yes, ytarchive fetches the previous parts of a stream from Youtube so you can start archiving in the middle and still download the entire stream.

>> No.15032017

She had donos on the third Sekiro stream too, but deleted it. So don't really know what is going on with those, the only one she has really gotten big SC one was the first, but that one isn't nuked

>> No.15032034
Quoted by: >>15032161

>seanig hours where there are no streams usually and people would have to do their vod reps
>most retarded rrats come out
Makes you think

>> No.15032035

It's to drive up chat interaction.

>> No.15032048

what did he said?

>> No.15032049

>asking for proof
Don't be retarded. You're supposed to blindly trust anons who report on other sites.

>> No.15032064

ctrl + f ミスタ here or in the main thread

>> No.15032065
File: 1.44 MB, 1417x2008, 1631393584807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking timing of this man

>> No.15032075

elaborate you fag


>> No.15032077

Well fuck. I'm glad I downloaded that one.

>> No.15032078

>Why are gays so misogynistic?
My ex BF used to be because kinda misogynistic because women kept trying to hit on him and he thought it was gross. Especially since married women did and he's hilariously trad about relationships.

>> No.15032080
Quoted by: >>15032176

“Are you guys having fun? I don’t know if watching someone scream in terror would be entertaining. Can you give some feedback in chat”
Something like that

>> No.15032087
Quoted by: >>15032176

>I usually don't play horro games so I don't know if I'm being entertaining guys
>I'm not sure if someone being scared of a game is entertaining so feedback is welcome

>> No.15032089
File: 5 KB, 246x205, thnkng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this guy is a comedy genius.

>> No.15032114

Enjoying it, Pomufriend?

>> No.15032118


>> No.15032121
Quoted by: >>15032249

>but why do they keep playing Phasmo when there's like half a dozen clones that are almost 1:1 the same thing except you can turn on Supas?
Phasmo is one of those games that's significantly more fun for streamers to play than it is to watch. The girls just genuinely like it
See now that would make it more fun to watch instead of watching the girls fumble around for the millionth time

>> No.15032126

A female on stage dancing with males how scandalous. Seriously though I wonder how this thread would react to a male/female duet cover like some of the ones Chima has done with like Joe or Taka.

>> No.15032129


>> No.15032131
Quoted by: >>15032178

That's like ctrl+Fing for Ryugaurds here and taking it at face value

>> No.15032137

>what a BITCH
>completely unphased by her screaming

>> No.15032152

Was looking for Luxiem videos on nnd and found this gem:

>> No.15032154

They are like us

>> No.15032155

>"I don't scream"
>Immediately screams

>> No.15032161

For sure.
It's definitely something relating to what happened during the stream or comments, it's not SC related or any one after the first would have had it off, managers are VERY strict about that in hololive and nijisanji. So chances are it's background audio as a best bet.

>> No.15032176

Ah he's done that before. Saying that he's afraid that he might not meet everyone's expectation. I guess it makes sense that he was the most subb'd before debut. His indie number was way lower and he didn't do horror all that much.

>> No.15032178

No match other then your post.

>> No.15032182


>> No.15032183


>> No.15032196
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, E1jfub3WQAET-1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032341


>> No.15032198

Some Jap in chat just said Mysta looks like a little girl as a compliment

>> No.15032202

why cant britbongs speak actual english

>> No.15032209
Quoted by: >>15032348

I was going to say that someone should be archiving all of Wave 4's streams just in case but I doubt they have enough dedicated people in these threads to do that for 5 new chuubas.
It took a while for most of NijiEN to get consistent archivers and even now I'm not sure that Nina has one.

>> No.15032213

5ch is loving Mysta's fujo baiting

>> No.15032221
File: 100 KB, 629x69, 1621815758909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032222
File: 66 KB, 1035x589, 1614859383610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.15032232
File: 344 KB, 2088x1938, FG-J7PKXwAAwld-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.15032231

Mysta is so fucking insecure he's gonna attract the saviorfags like crazy

>> No.15032234
Quoted by: >>15032331

screenshots please

>> No.15032237

What the fuck kind of little girls does that Jap hang around

>> No.15032240

do they not know hes actually gay?

>> No.15032249

>Phasmo is one of those games that's significantly more fun for streamers to play than it is to watch. The girls just genuinely like it
No that's fair. I'm saying shit like Ghost Hunter Corp is the same thing down to the interface except you can make money while having fun.
> See now that would make it more fun to watch instead of watching the girls fumble around for the millionth time
I know, right?
Rage (at your FUCKING FAGGOT TEAM MATES) rather than screambait. I've seen it played like that here and there as well as some Nijiboi go full KTANE cold calculating killer with it but sadly neither is the norm, either because they think it wouldn't be entertaining (which is retarded, time & location sensitive content does really well in other contexts) or they're just genuinely retarded.
But man.
I wish there was a good game about actually driving out the ghosts.

>> No.15032251
File: 44 KB, 574x283, 1636106682600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the cute chinks are falling for him

>> No.15032262

I assume the implication is that he's cute and pure like a little girl

>> No.15032266

Mysta worldwide.

>> No.15032272

yeah, he kinda missed the point on why people watch those streams.

>> No.15032276


>> No.15032278

>do they not know hes actually gay?
He will be once I'm done with him.

>> No.15032286
File: 151 KB, 1280x1280, 1627302763320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032341


>> No.15032285

>Mysta hates women
>he is the most liked by women

>> No.15032307

They love what they can't have, if he were easy he wouldn't be appealing

>> No.15032310

that's a taiwanese girl anon

>> No.15032311

damn he really is mystaworldwide, I saw some gooks too

>> No.15032315
Quoted by: >>15032346


>> No.15032316
Quoted by: >>15032337

>they finally found someone good at games
Pluck you dunderhead

>> No.15032321

Also someone made a Petra bullying compilation. The japs are finally awakening to how Petra is being bullied in EN...

>> No.15032330
Quoted by: >>15032363

taiwanese are also chinks, let's be real.

>> No.15032331
File: 22 KB, 967x198, mystakawaee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032337

Rosemi's only good at games for a woman, which at least sill puts her leagues above most other vtubers.

>> No.15032338

Well looks like he's not getting 8k, but st least he's been able to keep 7k the whole stream.

>> No.15032341

>all three replies I've gotten to this post are Pomu
Having a real think right now. A real big think.

>> No.15032346

Fuck women for suggesting this shit.

>> No.15032348

I'm not dedicated enough to archive every stream which is why I hope more people here start using ytarchive as well. I also recommend making a Nijisanji archive thread on /t/ just so it's easier to post and find these kinds of archives. Searching for archived stuff on warosu is a bitch sometimes.

>> No.15032358

idk man it says translated from Chinese

>> No.15032363

not really, but you wouldn't be able to tell anyways

>> No.15032373

I mean, if you ever actually go to Japan it's not surprising, considering outside of the "girly girl" ones many tend to be tomboyish yet feminine, which is a good description for him.
This is why women are trash yet we still want them (unless gay.) They bitch and moan, shrug off potential partners, chase after shitty people, get burned then hate men but almost always crave gay men.
