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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.14964108

most people here don't even know what subahibi is

>> No.14964161

>those vn choices
Cringe and basic tastes, it's just lacking MuvLuv and Steins Gate so you get the normalfag vn audience. Just give me a vtuber focused on good moege already. Da Capo is just okay but it doesn't stand the test of time.

>> No.14964167

Ok /vt/, debate him.

>> No.14964169
File: 194 KB, 1170x1446, petrappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080567

Basic bitch taste.

>> No.14964177

Those taste really scream early 2010s

>> No.14964191
Quoted by: >>14973519

Who will play ことのはアムリラート?

>> No.14964199

Aka average 4chan user youth

>> No.14964202

why would i debate someone who is objectively correct?

>> No.14964204
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Quoted by: >>14964526


>> No.14964217

I'm from /a/ and his taste is shit
>death note
>plastic memories
>angel beats
Literally normalfag taste.

>> No.14964252

he's an incestfag

>> No.14964263

At least it's not かたわ少女

>> No.14964274

This whole gen has bad taste in anime. Just basic bitches all the way down.

>> No.14964330
File: 57 KB, 460x239, extremely old macro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elfen lied... home...

>> No.14964334

It could be 殻ノ少女 though.

>> No.14964336

>Rate my Tastes if I were to be a Vtuber.


Mass Effect 1,2, and 3
Dragon Age Origins, 2 and Inquisition
PERSONA 3, 4 and 5
Dark Souls 2 and 3
Radiata Stories
Star Ocean till the end of Time
Phantasy Star Universe
Cyberpunk 2077
Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite
Champions Online
Guild Wars 2

>> No.14964357

>Bring me the horizon
I used to hang around with all the fucking screamo kids back in school and despite getting into all the pop punk shit i could just never get into them.
The literal only BMTH song I know is can you feel my heart and it is exclusively for Gigachad shitposting. That, along with the anime and game taste just makes me think I'd hate this guy.

>> No.14964366
Quoted by: >>14964491

Yosuga no Sora is better

>> No.14964433
Quoted by: >>14966230

>no vns

>> No.14964443

That's the most normie female taste I've seeng

>> No.14964460

Absolute trash taste. Here's how it can be fixed:
Jade Empire
Persona 2
Echo Night Beyond
Valkyrie Profile
Star Ocean till the end of Time (yes, you can leave that one)
System Shock 2
EVE Online

>> No.14964491

Infuriatingly short hentai scenes.

>> No.14964497

All of those suck. If I've heard of them, they aren't worth playing.

>> No.14964526

its a front to collab with selen and inevitably have sex with her

>> No.14964588

Brochacho would've had my respect if he had the massive cajones to list ぴことちこ , クロイヌ or 姫奴隷 under favorite vidya. But OreImo's concest? That's the Bleach of relationship anime.

>> No.14964719
Quoted by: >>14972135

Dead on fucking arrival

>> No.14964917

His taste in anime is alright. I could watch anime with him. At least it's not shounen, Isekai, or moeshit. Also hello /a/.

>> No.14964959

Kodomo no Jikan
I'd be lying if i didn't say Chuu2Koi as basic as it is.
Panty and Stocking was fun.

King Crimson
Deep Purple
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
Biffy Clyro

Baldur's Gate
Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force (All)
Sly Cooper series
Spyro, basically the entire main series
White Knight Chronicles 2
Slay the Spire (Inscryption looking pretty good too)
PMD 1&2
Would be looking to play the nintendo classics since I didn't get to play them as a kid.
An excessive number of /weg2d/s

>> No.14964985

I can tell by your list that you're a pussy.

>> No.14965000

Femanon detected

>> No.14965021

y'know what maybe this guy is ok

>> No.14965039

Kuroneko was best girl.

>> No.14965050

Which vtuber has most /a/ taste in anime? It's not this guy, for sure.

>> No.14965080

The fuck are you on about? subahibi is one of the most popular VNs out there

>> No.14965089

>ME 3
>DA 2 and inquisition
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Guild Wars 2
shit taste/10

>> No.14965099
File: 759 KB, 640x1136, Saya-No-Uta(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saya no Uta
I will now watch your chuuba.

>> No.14965113

Decent for a regular person God tier for a vtuber
You're even with the guy above you
I'll give you a lot of points since none of the zoomers will

>> No.14965125
Quoted by: >>14966648

I tried playing subahibi, but got filtered after an hour. Arguably the worst VN I ever played amongst those that are well liked.

>> No.14965148

>visual novels
>no type-moon

>> No.14965162

>I'll give you a lot of points since none of the zoomers will
His list is full of literal zoomer shit.

>> No.14965218


>> No.14965232
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Quoted by: >>14965434


>> No.14965300
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still mad

>> No.14965342

>none of the zoomers will
The first thing he lists is fucking Jojo.

>> No.14965352

I mean Ike is not too far from casual /a/core but unironically https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-feature/2021/11/01-1/recs-top-30-anime-of-all-time-according-to-nyanners

Ike's biggest problem here is listing stuff like Elfen Lied, which no self-respecting /a/utist would ever admit to liking because they would get made fun of in the 3x3 thread. You can't let them have these kinds of free attacks.

>> No.14965354
Quoted by: >>14965388

>I'll give you a lot of points since none of the zoomers will
Do that many zoomers watch vtubers?

>> No.14965388

Watch streams? No. Watch clips? Yes.

>> No.14965411
Quoted by: >>14966372


gay rap parodies

metal gear
splinter cell

>> No.14965434

Higurashi is better than Umineko in every conceivable way.

>> No.14965554

>I'm from /a/ and my taste is shit

>> No.14965560

HYPERBASED but too niche for the average vtuber viewer, would be good as an indie

>> No.14965565
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His anime and games are also basic he's clearly not meant to be deep all he's missing is garbage like violet evergarden to complete the "yeah I heard from the internet this was good" meme list.

>> No.14965614

1100 threads on /vg/
10 years (or more if you count the early art)
And counting

>> No.14965625

This list is bait, there's no way you play farmware and have time for other games.

>> No.14965758

Higurashi is more normie but both are pretty good desu

>> No.14965951

a tiny miniscule, almost insignificant fanbase is getting filtered kek
>Da Capo is just okay
>vanilla generic boring romance is based >written by a virgin without real experience
kill yourself faggot, that's the most shittiest of taste

>> No.14966076

he's basically a 90s kid
but he seems to know decent Japanese atleast

>> No.14966090

He also desperately needs a 2deep4u hook like Serial Experiments Lain, Ergo Proxy, or something by Masaaki Yuasa or Satoshi Kon so you don't get guys like >>14964217 bullying you.

>> No.14966102
Quoted by: >>14979927

I'm going to posit a theory, If I were to be a vtuber and also exist as an anon on 4chan, i'd definitely leave out that I like steins;gate because it gets an immediate response for some people as the
>le funni science man game
which instantly means you'll be called a normalfag

>> No.14966230
Quoted by: >>14979305

The persona series is right there dude.

>> No.14966361

>Champions Online
Out of all of these, this one and Radiata Stories are the more niche of your choices. Which is also based.

>> No.14966365
File: 3.91 MB, 3264x3264, Game3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be a good vtuber?

>> No.14966372

Theif's base suitability as a stream game is awful but it scales very well with skill as an entertainer.

>> No.14966408

none of those games would be fun on stream, you'll forever remain a 0view

>> No.14966415
Quoted by: >>14966495

>MGS 4
Sorry buddy, but that's a no from me

>> No.14966420
Quoted by: >>14969345

Unless you are russian, I question how good you are in EVE online. But then again, Russians live rent free in that game.

Any KotOR single player is good tho

>> No.14966464

he also likes loli

>> No.14966466

I am now watching your vtuber

>> No.14966495

Just pretend it'll be a movie watchalong.

>> No.14966497
Quoted by: >>14966741

>My Chemical Romance
What the fuck? Are you a girl from the 2000s-2010s listening to that band?

Its both based but also makes a total normalfag

A lot of this would be forgivable if you do play some NES classics like Ghosts n' Goblins and Ninja Gaiden

>> No.14966603
Quoted by: >>14966655

It's a pretty good list honestly, what does it take at this point to not be called a normie? Forced to add Tatami Galaxy FLCL Excel Sage and Shirobako? Is Kemono Friends considered normie too now?

People will say Higurashi and Umineko are famous but almost no one read them, I wish it was easier to find, I never met a single person IRL in weeb circles who had read those.

>> No.14966648

The first few hours are not representative of the rest of the game. But those opening hours are still great, so you have pleb taste.

>> No.14966655

>I wish it was easier to find
you can LITERALLY, i mean LITERALLY, go on steam RIGHT NOW and type "umineko" in the search box and read it this afternoon

>> No.14966687
File: 8 KB, 252x213, 1633534714115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normalfag vn audience
no such thing
it's already insanely rare to find people who have read VNs. If you ever have that chance however, 50% of t he time just Dokidoki, Ever17 and other similar garbage.
I WISH I'd find people having read Umineko, but no one do

>> No.14966741

>Are you a girl from the 2000s-2010s listening to that band?
I hung out with a lot of emo kids back when i was a teenager, I rarely listen to them now but when I do its very nostalgic so I'd be lying to say they weren't in my favourites. Fall Out Boy's stuff held up significantly better over the years, I will say.

>> No.14966772

Anyone that likes Halo is okay in my book.

>> No.14966792

Kinda basic but he was definetly on /here/ at some point

>> No.14966796
Quoted by: >>14968431

I think he meant finding people IRL that like it.
But still, it's a lot more easier to find WTC fans than Subahibi fans, specially vtubers, Ike is probably the first one i've seen that likes it.

>> No.14966981

Your picks of what is "normalfag taste" is just random
You have toradora and angel beats as "normalfag taste", but not Elfen Lied, not Anohana, no Clannnad or Another? All those 4 are far more well known than Toradora who anyone under 25 never heard once about, or angel beats which was a complete disaster and quickly forgotten

>> No.14967012

Pretty good, must have been hard for him to find other weebs to share his tastes with, most of this is completely unknown from most normies, aside from Elfend Lied And Death note.

>> No.14967057

Tell me your future name so I can avoid losing a single second accidently clicking on your channel
I've never seen a list more boring that this.

>> No.14967096
Quoted by: >>14967417

Any anime that is enjoyable to watch is normalfag taste

>> No.14967127
Quoted by: >>14971358

Anybody putting KnJ on their favorite anime list is just asking for suicide by twitter. Still pretty good taste though

>> No.14967217

I told myself I'd read umineko after I finish higurashi
At the pace I'm going I'll probably finish higurashi around 2025

>> No.14967292

The fact that you think about hiding stuff if you were to debut just tells me everything I need about you: You would be really boring to watch.

>> No.14967396

Subaru no Hibi?

>> No.14967417

absolutely based

>> No.14967426
File: 1.36 MB, 444x444, 1631391048400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dark Souls
> 2 and 3
Literal based but retarded taste anon

>> No.14967463
Quoted by: >>14972205

>Has 700 positive reviews on Steam
Seems like the type of thing that's popular for people inside the circle, but still unknown compared to the vast ocean.

>> No.14967913
Quoted by: >>15076371

>tordadora in normalfag
>but not elfen lied and another

>> No.14968000

It's more accessible for the average joe
Umineko is vastly superior be it only for its character writing

>> No.14968061

What people call basic or normie here would get you weird or confused look in actual normie circles who only heard of Death note and Elfen lied in that list

>> No.14968087

not even close

>> No.14968218
Quoted by: >>14970869

umineko is shit and a waste of time, sorry

>> No.14968331

Kirino a fucking shit. The incest is not even the problem.

>> No.14968416
File: 1.07 MB, 920x920, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14968548

3x3 thread?

>> No.14968431
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I meant ever meeting people who have read it, yeah.
Usually at best they've watched Higurashi and heard of Umineko and that's it.
Of course it's known for a VN, compared to others I've read like Digital:A love story, Swan Song, True rememberance... but still saying Umineko is normalfag tier, with that amount of reading and difficult pacing, sure people know the names but not many actually read it.

>> No.14968491

Gonna do this too as a de-pantsing. Rate my shit taste if I were a vtuber /vt/.

Little Witch Academia (TV and OVAs)
Zombieland Saga
Dr, Stone
Kemono Friends
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho
Yuru Camp
Code Geass
Lucky Star
Oshiete! Galko-chan
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Shadows House
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou/Shimeji Simulation
>Video Games
Any nintendo series but especially Kirby, Pokemon, Zelda
RPGs: SMT Strange Journey, FFVI and Chrono Trigger
Team Fortress 2 and Portal
VNs: PW: Ace Attorney, 999, Your Turn to Die
Generally willing to try anything at least once for the sake of entertainment, but not a huge fan of horror games
Vocaloid: Pinnochio-P, OSTER Project
JP: TeddyLoid
Dadrock: Metallica, Billy Joel, The Beatles, Van Halen, The Police, Talking Heads, Genesis / Peter Gabriel, The Clash, Rush
Alt rock: Weezer, Oasis, The Strokes, The Cranberries, The Smashing Pumpkins, Silversun Pickups, Gorillaz
Misc: Bruno Mars, Daft Punk, pop rock in general, Frank Sinatra

>> No.14968508


uhhh ok but where are the mangas? is this literally an anime-only watcher?

>> No.14968548

is this a 3x3 for school-aged children you really like?

>> No.14968643

Forgot basically all my love of folk rock there too, but pretend I put Simon and Garfunkel, Crosby Stills and Nash, James Taylor, and Joni Mitchell on there.

>> No.14969208

okay /vt/ rate my taste if i were to be a vtuber


shounen, chotto sabotteko
sensei wa koi wo oshierarenai
pseudo harem
tonari no seki no satou san
kono Koi wa Fukami-kun no Plan ni wa Nai
song of the night walkers

>> No.14969317
Quoted by: >>14969973

Jojo Part 2
Ranma 1/2
Asobi AsoBASED
Nichi Bros
Cromartie Highschool
M.D Geist
Inferno Cop

Saijo Hideki
Tatsuro Yamashita
Riki Takeuchi
The Midnight

Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Age of Empires 2
Path of Exile
Mass Effect
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Dota 2
Yakuza 0
Alpha Protocol

Personally think my tastes are pretty based.

>> No.14969345

>Russians live rent free in that game
If you only knew how bad things really are. Lets just say they're Teddy bears now.

>> No.14969973
Quoted by: >>14970774

not qualified to judge anime/manga but your music taste is 4/10. smashing pumpkins are the only truly great band you listed imo, and only for 3 albums
fav album?

>> No.14970142

that is the most borderline normie / entry level Otaku I have ever seen

>> No.14970361

Thats because only normalfags would hijack a thread to ask for validation.

>> No.14970463

>that game taste
I don't think so sweetie.

>> No.14970542


>> No.14970577

The otakus stay so much time inside their circles rambling at each other that they forget that the majority of people out there still watch mostly well-known shit with just some niche shit here and there.

>> No.14970624

That music taste says otherwise, fucking BMTH and Ice Nine Kills, what is he a fucking twink- oh wait he is (fucking hell it still baffles me that the only new vtubers with /mu/ taste are girls)

>> No.14970636
Quoted by: >>14970679

>Kodomo no Jikan
>My Chemical Romance
>Spyro, basically the entire main series


>> No.14970648

Visiting 4chan doesn't mean you visit all boards.

>> No.14970669

I want to be his sister, heh heh.

>> No.14970670
Quoted by: >>14970801

>Putting Peter Gabriel and Bruno Mars in the same list
I hope you die, the only good thing Bruno Mars has done is the Collab album he did with Anderson Paak

>> No.14970679

I'm sorry but if you can't see why the original trilogy *atleast* are fucking fantastic you genuinely have zero fucking taste.

>> No.14970774
Quoted by: >>14971866

>fav album?
Power Metal

>> No.14970801

As a matter of fact that was exactly what I was implying.
But saying you hate Uptown Funk or 24K Magic is peak contrarian.

>> No.14970809

Are any of these dudes cool?

>> No.14970818

Subahibi only got properly translated in 2017 even though fanpatches are older. Lot of EOPs wouldn't have even heard of it before then.
Saying something more recent like Erewhon would have just confused people. Although I doubt he's got the balls enough to read a lengthy monolog about cannibalism

>> No.14970869

>T. animewatcher

>> No.14971030

Alright I'm gonna do a live2D debut soon anyways so hit me (I'll only do 3 cause I don't want to list everything)

Liz and the blue bird

JoJo Part 7

Dir En Grey
John Coltrane
David Sylvian

>Video Games
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
Halo 3 ODST
Titanfall 2

I'll fill up more of the list like Ike here for my 2D debut

>> No.14971084

Only oldfags have read ever17, newer fans would not have touched it.

>> No.14971194
File: 17 KB, 256x198, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyberpunk 2077
A cuck for projekt red, they even made refunds easier for retards like you yet you doubled down.

>> No.14971358
File: 1.04 MB, 1974x1600, __kagami_kuro_and_shirai_sae_kodomo_no_jikan_drawn_by_watashiya_kaworu__496ec4016d92582a425d066aa74952e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is the manga's where it's at
cause it has more best girl

>> No.14971573
Quoted by: >>14971665

Actual good taste anon.

>> No.14971651

Saya no Uta is cool, relatively basic taste in games, "I was on anitwitter in 2010s" taste in anime, "I was on twitter in the 2010s" taste in music, especially the "rock & metal" part. Either this guy or one of his friends has scars on their wrists

Imagine being proud of not being able to enjoy things

Did you read Ayn Rand?

I don't have any passion for any of the things you listed but you seem like a cool guy

>Ergo Proxy
It's not deep, it's pretending to be deep while being shallow. You will get laughed at by people. If you want 2deep4u shit, Lain is the classic, Texhnolyze or Casshern Sins if you want to be a bit edgier. Throw Key in there if you want to go the extra mile, or even worse, any of Oshii's movie that are not the first GitS

>Best MGS
No idea if this would be a good stream but you've got your heart in the right place

Soulless for anime and manga

I would watch your streams

>> No.14971665

The manga section can do better when I show the full list, I had a phase where I read only Yuri and there's only one series I would list so I have to do my manga reps

>> No.14971709

Lol if anything I wish I had Vox's voice, my dream is to get more collabs for Titanfall 2 once the fucking hacker stops killing the servers for a day

>> No.14971794
Quoted by: >>14974754

I found my doppelganger, I think that means if you become a vtuber one of us is going to die

>> No.14971866

trendkill is my fav but 80s pantera is bretty based

>> No.14971880

Fuck this, rate my shit taste:
I haven’t watched any anime in at least 7 years and chuubas now are superior.
Assetto Corsa/Competizione
GTR2 (with mods)
Forza series
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (with mods)
NFS 2SE, NSF 3, NSF: Underground 2, NSF: Heat
Planet Coaster
Transport Fever 2
Cities: Skylines
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 and 3
Ace Online (or whatever it’s called now; I miss that MMO aerial dogfighting game)
Fear Factory
Type O Negative
Celtic Frost
Pete Namlook
Saki Kaskas
Rom Di Prisco
Skinny Puppy
Front Line Assembly
Front 242
Boy Harsher
Pop Will Eat Itself
Clan Of Xymox
Depeche Mode

>> No.14972000
File: 149 KB, 256x256, 1637756272121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resisting the narcissistic urge to post my lists even though I have better taste than any of you plebs

>> No.14972006
Quoted by: >>14972653

>that game taste
>that metal taste
i wouldn't watch you stream because those games are dogshit to watch, but i would probably get along with you irl

>> No.14972135

now I kinda want an Eve vtuber.

>> No.14972204
Quoted by: >>14972278

All your alt rock choices are considered dad rock now. They're all bands from over 30 years ago.

>> No.14972205
File: 43 KB, 563x399, d51c78cb0c85e8cc9dcae7e8b88e6ec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would people be buying it on steam? its an old fucking game
you must be over 18 to post on this website

>> No.14972278
Quoted by: >>14972342

I dunno, 90's stuff still feels like it's separate from all the other dadrock that would usually be a part of "classic rock" as an umbrella. Or maybe I'm just conflating classic rock with dadrock and they're just terms for old rock nowadays.

>> No.14972333

Here's mine:

Samurai Flamenco
Patlabor 2 (the movie)

Yumekui Merry

A Scanner Darkly
Memories of Murder
Drive my car

>Kamen Rider

Peste Noire

Ground control
Hitman from Blood Money to Hitman 3
Prototype 1 & 2

>> No.14972342
Quoted by: >>14972428

If it's on a classic rock radio station, it's dad rock to me.

>> No.14972428

I haven't heard a lot of those bands on classic rock radio, personally, but I have heard Oasis, Nirvana, and Foo Fighters at least. Maybe we're just listening to different radio stations.

>> No.14972481

Your game taste sucks but you seem like a traditional metalhead, I like punks like you so you would seem fun to watch

>> No.14972564

>NijiEN males had such shit taste that they're forcing anons to post their lists and eventually become vtubers
Ah so this is what they meant by NijiEN males changing the western vtuber landscape

>> No.14972653

I mean the builder games and ETS2 and modded Flight Simulator X which I forgot to mention are excuses for zatsudan streams. And racing games can be good for streaming; you would have to adopt a Murray Walker style of commentating for it to work though (see Jimmy Broadbent). I’m probably not going to be chuubing any time soon so it’s a bit of a moot point

>> No.14972654

I mean you could probably excuse female vtubers since they are female but if you are male, you have no excuse.

>> No.14972658

I mean, when I see how low the bar is I'm seriously considering trying my chance. Is there a guide somewhere on how to attract fujos?

>> No.14972759
Quoted by: >>14972802

Smells like /r9k/ in here.

>> No.14972802

Welcome to /vt/, where we watch virtual YouTubers who most likely were /r9k/ regulars or whatever the 2/5ch equivalent is.

>> No.14973365
Quoted by: >>14973388

>no Everhood
>No fight knight
>No Katana zero
>No outer wilds
>No baba is you
You all have shit taste.
And these are just the recent ones I remember

>> No.14973388

>No baba is you
not a favorite but i'm enjoying it

>> No.14973442

Well the people I meet are all withint 30-40yo I guess that plays a role. I just thought ever17 was super predictable you could see every twist coming from a mile away.

>> No.14973519

hololive eo when

>> No.14973584
Quoted by: >>14973623

All this focus on games... I don't get the point of gaming streams at all, at best it's just a support for Zatsudan, but then anything intense is out of the windows, any FPS etc. is worthless as gaming stream.

>> No.14973587
Quoted by: >>15041448

the problem with Oreimo isn't incest (to which they didn't even properly commit to in the first place)

>> No.14973623

Gaming is easy content, that's why so many people do it

>> No.14974754
File: 148 KB, 410x598, 1636444263170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon we'll colab every month.

>> No.14974802
File: 255 KB, 1439x1920, omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these anons posting about how his taste is shit yet they browse /vt/ and unironically fantasy post about sharing their lists as a vtuber.
lmao even

>> No.14974867
File: 140 KB, 506x877, 1566584762648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora was able to make it work so maybe I can MGS4 bro. I've played it enough times to know how to fuck around with it.

>> No.14975032

Alright, let me try.

-Titanfall 2
-DMC series
-Ace Combat series
-Guilty Gear XXACR
-Guilty Gear 2
-Risk of Rain 2
-Lethal League
-Lethal League Blaze
-Metal Gear Rising
-Cataclysm DDA
-Deus Ex
-Far Cry 2

-Porcupine Tree
-Mayan Factor
-Green Day
-Foo Fighters
-White Gucci
-Adam Jensen
-Daisuke Ishiwatari
-Heaven Pierce Her

-Violet Evergarden
-FMA (original)
-Kara no Kyoukai
-Fate/SN: Heaven's Feel

/tg/ shit
-Vampire: the Masquerade
-Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
-Burning Wheel
-Anything but any edition of D&D. Every edition of that game is shit.

>> No.14975100
Quoted by: >>14975467

/vt/ doesn't know what normie is, I doubt 90% of this board has even read subahibi, hell even da capo 1 and 2.

>> No.14975197

Oh hey, another Utsu-P fan. I love that guy's stuff.

>> No.14975367

>FMA 2003
Based. 2003 is literally the best of FMA

>> No.14975467

Most of them consume the same content he is and are faking gatekeeping in an attempt to look like they go deeper in the rabbit hole when no one gives a shit except faggots like them.

>> No.14975571
Quoted by: >>14975732

i bought that game in 2006, and is still postponed forever in my waiting list

>> No.14975732
File: 894 KB, 800x600, ever17PC_us_INWdCbNT8v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a physical English copy you can make a pretty penny from it. Other than that it's fairly decent, I'd check it out just because it's a decently important piece of history in the English VN community. Remember11 from the same series is fucking amazing though, definitely one of the best VNs I've ever read.

>> No.14975797
Quoted by: >>14975971

Please fucking tell me your name I need ANY males who listen to vkei

>> No.14975898

Based, Leprous was kino

>> No.14975971
Quoted by: >>14976568

I don't want to shill my account here, i want to do my networking through raiding and stuff but otherwise just keep your eyes out next month, my rigger parent should be done my live2D by then

>> No.14976015
Quoted by: >>14976478

>-Fate/SN: Heaven's Feel

>> No.14976478
Quoted by: >>14977221

Heaven's feel is no worse than Jojo, KnK, violet evergarden on that list.

>> No.14976568
Quoted by: >>14976987

Will /wvt/ be able to find you? At least give me a hint so I can find you bro, raids probably means Twitch right?

>> No.14976987

I multiplatform, YouTube for main stuff and twitch for chill stuff but yeah I'll just go to /wvt/ once if you want to find me

>> No.14977155

Reminder that the first time you see Saya you are balls deep in eldritch cunny

>> No.14977221

It is because it's an insult to great original material

>> No.14977224

people don't want to see you play 100 hour repetitive rpgs on stream. you'd have to try really hard to carry a persona 5 stream.

>> No.14977265
Quoted by: >>14977755

So then what is the reason the other boys aside from Vox were hired? Cause with guys they have to have good taste for me to watch them unlike girls who make up by being cutely retarded

>> No.14977739

the 40 year old virtual youtuber

>> No.14977755
Quoted by: >>14977838

>So then what is the reason the other boys aside from Vox were hired
For fujos/yumes, they're not going for the male otaku audience at all.

>> No.14977801

Don't shit up the board with these literal whos don't you have a general for this stuff

>> No.14977803
Quoted by: >>14978156

seeing people's taste lists reminds me of how much of an absolute hermit I am

paranoia agent
made in abyss
madoka magica

dead sells
risky 2
half life/portal
rhythm doctor (want to get more into other rhythm games like adofai and osu)

works series by the label diverse system
aphex twin
eurobeat (only when going on runs, it's powerful)
sotaisei riron
pendulum (again, for runs)

>> No.14977838

But hasn't a lot of yumejo shit shut down in the west like Gacha? I know Elira whined about that once

>> No.14977857

Kuroneko is the best girl and this is not debatable

>> No.14977976
Quoted by: >>14978042

woww your all so unique

>> No.14978042
Quoted by: >>14979945

A lot better than Myanimelist 101, I want these faggots to become vtubers to actually see some fresh shit

>> No.14978057
File: 421 KB, 637x568, memes warping reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-My knees!

>> No.14978079
Quoted by: >>14978168

Plastic Memories is the least normalfag on that list

>> No.14978156
Quoted by: >>14978193

>absolute hermit
You have the tastes of someone with main character syndrome that probably studies/work in computer science, there's nothing special about it

>> No.14978168
Quoted by: >>14978198

>Plastic Memories is the least normalfag on that list
It's on every top 10 saddest anime of all time list anon

>> No.14978193
File: 29 KB, 153x173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14978216

on the fucking dot

>> No.14978198

Is it? I thought it was just seasonal shit that everybody forgot

>> No.14978216

Takes one to know one

>> No.14978275

I wonder where all the actual otaku of yesteryear have gone since ENtubing is full of nothing but trendhoppers. Probably gone to Gensokyo by now I suppose.

>> No.14978315
Quoted by: >>14979511

Actual otaku lack confidence to do vtubing in the west, actual gamers or music junkies do face cam stuff

>> No.14978319

I feel like vtubing is a continuation of the vocaloid fandom, which was mostly composed of relatively normie people

>> No.14979305

>persona series

>> No.14979432

we are right here being faggots instead of contributing to society retard

>> No.14979511
Quoted by: >>14979635

Sure most otaku are too autistic but there were /a/nons 10 years ago putting out consistent quality content on youtube, I'm sure some of them could adapt to streaming.

>> No.14979635

>Hey this autist sure is good at making essays. I'm sure that means he's good at actual conversation!

>> No.14979927

Ever17 is definitely not garbage
Steins;Gate shouldn't have become an anime since the VN was already perfect, and discussions online are filled with anime-only fags

>> No.14979945
Quoted by: >>14980051

someone's taste in media doesn't tell you anything about how good of a vtuber they would be. this entire thread is anons with no charisma stroking their egos because they have "niche" tastes

>> No.14979965

How tf can you admit to liking Subahibi in front of women?

>> No.14979999
Quoted by: >>14982320

He's alright in my book.

>> No.14980051

>this entire thread is anons with no charisma stroking their egos because they have "niche" tastes
This thread is people sharing what they like because people like to do that anon. Get checked for autism

>> No.14982320


>> No.14982518
Quoted by: >>15022516

>i'm from /a/ and his taste is shit
you're not from /a/

>> No.14982835
Quoted by: >>15022516

>from /a/
>Hasn't watched toradora 10+ times
You're not from /a/

>> No.14998665


>> No.14998725

anons whose only sense of taste for games was developed over years of being tainted by /v/ and /vg/ circlejerking each other over "based tastes" without realizing how fucking boring you will be a streamer.

>> No.14999124

Did any chuuba ever played Katawa Shoujo? I'm looking forward if anyone ever played that since that's a 4chan staple.

>> No.14999197

your /tg/ taste stinks of Seattle Coffee House.

Play some Delta Green and get back to me.

>> No.14999280
Quoted by: >>15002654

aw fuck he's based?

>> No.14999527

I kneel

>> No.15001953

The fact that he likes Ice Nine Kills makes me want his dick down my throat asap

>> No.15002654
Quoted by: >>15002921

even crazier, it's drakengard 1, not 3 that's his favorite.

>> No.15002921

do most people prefer 3 to 1? 3's obviously superior as a game, but that isn't really saying much.

>> No.15003433

most people here aren't even from 4chan

>> No.15004735
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, subahibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15007038

hmm yes, a great pick

>> No.15004770


>> No.15005069

>Calls his fans Quilldren
Based swedistani

>> No.15005118

Is Plastic Memories good? All I know is that its supposedly a sequel to SteinsGate that for whatever reason has nothing to do with it.

>> No.15005143

it's a sequel to plastic nee-san not steins;gate

>> No.15005873

It's ok. Better than most seasonal romance anime, but still pretty forgettable.

>> No.15006682

I'm not a big anime watcher but-
>Death Note
Okay I guess. It starts becoming progressively boring after the first episodes
>Plastic Memories
The plot is trash, but the first episode is extremely good and the latter half showcasing the relationship between Tsukasa and Isla is worth it
Cute story and I was satisfied, it helped me be prepared emotionally when a close family member was in his final days
Fucking shit. The second episode and that mini arc with Taiga's dad is what I would save from the show; first half is okayish, second half is full of characters being stupid, and the penultimate and episode ruined the entire show for me alongside the last one. The protagonists needed better character development

Good taste in vidya and that music is too niche for me

>> No.15007038 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 2070x452, desk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best

>> No.15010045
File: 500 KB, 1282x985, BGI_2018-12-03_16-26-18_result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15010452

Judge me anons

Made in Abyss
Madoka Magica
Houseki no Kuni
Sakasama no Patema
Shinsekai yori
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Vinland Saga

Moe Shop

>> No.15016487

Heckin' Bumperino

>> No.15016505

I rate it didn't ask/10

>> No.15020315

Making Xenoblade a good stream that keeps your numbers would be a major test of your skills.

>> No.15020434
File: 721 KB, 1334x750, thetruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15046717

Edited the screengrab for you to remove all irrelevant information, OP, you're welcome.

>> No.15022225

Basic ass boomer tier

>> No.15022516
Quoted by: >>15080610

>he unironically watches toradora and enjoys it
I bet you love tsunderes you absolute retards. Kill yourself.

>> No.15025103

Is there a single chuuba that has mentioned Legend of Galactic Heroes as one of their favorites?

>> No.15025194
Quoted by: >>15031969

Biological woman tastes

>> No.15030864
File: 561 KB, 635x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030961

Newfags and zoomzoom don't know what it is

>> No.15031077
File: 16 KB, 200x356, 03d63552221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what the anons tell you about your tastes this specific one is infinitely based. I kneel.

>> No.15031904
File: 345 KB, 640x480, 1627637340028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never even heard of the name once and I've read about 50 VNs so far from obscure to well known, in the last 12 years. Honestly thought people were in on some joke about an inexisting vn until I checked.

>> No.15031969

Jesus, dude.

>> No.15032016

Same I remember seeing some artworks though, but it's a pretty recent VN, IIRC it aired after 2010, so no chance I'd have read something as new.

>> No.15032093
Quoted by: >>15032119

The only VNs I've played are Tsukihime and MGQ

>> No.15032119
Quoted by: >>15032437

Oh I've seen that anime, never knew they also made a VN nice

>> No.15032437
Quoted by: >>15032525

...you watched the anime?
Whatever you do, please play the VN. It's a thousand times better. The anime is actually generally agreed upon to be a terrible adaptation.

>> No.15032525

I jest, it was a running joke in circles I was that the anime "didn't exist" beause of how bad it was.

>> No.15032909

Very boring and generic. Don't waste your time.

>> No.15033115

He doesnt even listen to good metal bands like Sabaton or Dragonforce

>> No.15033372
Quoted by: >>15043813

>Listing the most generic Power Metal
Iced Earth and Stratovarius pls

>> No.15033487
Quoted by: >>15033609

Only thing that makes me seethe is his metal taste, fucking Swedish and he doesn't list Opeth or any Melodic Death Metal. Imagine the fact that a Dutch girl vtuber has better metal taste than you

>> No.15033609

Dutch people that actually like metal have good taste on average.

>> No.15034468
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1415, 1633033188551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15043813

rate me /vt/
anime/manga/light novel:
No Game No Life
Code Geass
3-gatsu no Lion
Gunka no Baltzar

Escape from Tarkov
Dark Souls 3
Genshin Impact
Grisaia no Kajitsu
School Days

E ve
On Prism Records

>> No.15038015

A gentleman of taste, I see.

>> No.15041448
File: 98 KB, 800x532, d0d0bb32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082039

OreImo is still probably the most mainstream an incest anime has ever gotten, so I will

>> No.15041575
File: 5 KB, 567x80, witty g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Mamiyapilled

>> No.15041603
File: 3.94 MB, 6528x3264, 3by3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15042680

Would my combined anime and vidya tastes make for a good vtuber?

>> No.15042680

And into the vtubers I skip bin you go

>> No.15042899

read it. second best mystery vn after umineko.

>> No.15042902

Since when the fuck did MuvLuv become a normalfag tier VN?

>> No.15043681
Quoted by: >>15043813

He does listen to sabaton though. Mentioned them in debut 2.0 and sang a bit

>> No.15043760

>MuvLuv become a normalfag tier
is not, it never was, go to the street and ask if anybody knows wtf is muv luv

>> No.15043813

It's fine, I was just baiting.

Your taste is about half as good as friend's ass on that pic

>> No.15044211


>> No.15044750

Would you watch me?

-Crest/Banner of the Stars

-Oyasumi Punpun
-The Voynich Hotel
-Toshokan no Daimajutsushi

-Foreground Eclipse (RIP)
-Undead Corporation

-Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
-Baldr Sky
-G-senjou no Maou
-Muv-Luv Alternative

-Armor (John Steakley)
-The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch)
-Red Rising Trilogy (Pierce Brown)

-Path of Exile (dead game)
-Company of Heroes 2
-Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
-Hell Let Loose/Post Scriptum/Rising Storm 2: Vietnam/Arma 3/Squad/GROUND BRANCH

>> No.15045346
Quoted by: >>15045958

It's mainstream but of course not normalfag.
But honestly almost no VN is "normalfag", they don't read VNs, I can't recall the number of times I even had to explain what the fuck was a VN even to people who watch lot of animes and about my age. Usually have to allude to gamebooks.

The only visual novel I could consider normalfag tier is Doki Doki Literature, maybe Danganronpa/Persona if those even count. A VN being known doesn't mean it's normalfag.

>> No.15045753

VN are not games

>> No.15045933

Listing all your tastes unironically means nothing. Do you really think your opinion of a vtuber is really going to change if you hear in their debut they liked Oreimo? or if they make a throwaway mention to one random game they'll literally NEVER play on stream? These tastes are completely irrelevant. Unless they constantly bring up the thing, it doesn't matter.

>> No.15045958

Corpse Party?

>> No.15046717
File: 549 KB, 1334x750, 1617754663623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how people manage to limit to a few choice, even taking only the very top of favorites I end up with long ass list which looks pretentious
Honestly didn't play much games in the last 10 years or so, I prefer to stream creativity-focused stuff like composing or playing music, zatsudan are nice too.

>> No.15046893

The fuck are those games and music, doubt anyone would enjoy a fucking boomer.

>> No.15047906
Quoted by: >>15048343

I guess the trick would be to pick a mix of shit that can be considered vintage and some of the newer stuff. only boomers would know what GTO and Lucky Star is, but both zoomers and boomers alike have probably heard of Cowboy Bebop and Berserk.

>> No.15048199


>> No.15048239
Quoted by: >>15048430

If I was presenting, I'd only show normal fag shit too. You don't want to send people away on your debut

>> No.15048343
File: 719 KB, 270x360, lamu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feel lucky star is recent, I associate it with that era of Haruhi/Touhou/Vocaloid which felt like a golde age of online communities.

For old stuff which didn't make the list there would be Excel Saga, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflown, Slam Dunk, Cobra, Fist of the north star, Lupin the 3rd, Appleseed but it's hard to know what younger people are aware of among the old classics.

>> No.15048430

So in the end, mocking those presentations for being "basic bitch" or "normalfag tier" makes little sense, since they're precisely gonna pick what is more popular for people to recognize.

>> No.15048729
Quoted by: >>15049279

How old are you? Just curious because my list isn't even half size of this and makes me feel im doing something wrong

>> No.15049279
File: 1.14 MB, 911x828, 1620063040513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31yo, though had older friends which explain some picks
But honestly don't feel bad for having a 'short list', time is precious. Even among vtubers many aren't that deep in "otaku" culture, if you have other stuff to talk about it's not mandatory.
I spent most of my youth on anime forums or boards, got into an association related to that, staffed at conventions, met Ryukishi and Noizi Itou thanks to that, which is nice but not too useful in the daily life I guess.

>> No.15052680

>music tastes
mf an osu player

>> No.15061736

Male? I don't care.

>> No.15062104 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15062670

subahibi is literally r*ddit's #1 visual novel. This dude is a r*ddit tranny 100 percent, I can see it in his tastes and I can hear it in his vocal cords being compressed by the large amount of fat surrounding them.

>> No.15062670

I wish your kind would stay contained in /pyon/

>> No.15068808
File: 351 KB, 500x500, 1638913522596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to 4ch
>no katawa shoujo in VN list

>> No.15069263

>Those weeb choices, games, and music
oh boy it's an a/v/mu/tant...

>> No.15073207
Quoted by: >>15074172

interest in Another seems to have waned.

>> No.15074172

I see, it was honestly everyone talked about it when it aired but the quality was just so bad at least in my eyes and even surface level weebs were watching it.

>> No.15075935
Quoted by: >>15076334

Gonna post mines because I wanna get shitalked
Megaman Zero
From games (Sekiro, King's Field 4 and Armored Core if it didn't kick my ass)
Doom and lot of wads
Earthbound (no, I don't like undertale)
Devil May Cry
Digital Devil Saga
Katamari Damacy

Everything from Tomino. Fav. Is Zeta Gundam
Ping Pong
Cromartie High School
Odd Taxi
Space Dandy
Buso Renkin
Majin Bone
Samurai Flamenco
Dies In No Time
uchouten kazoku
Rakugo Shinji

>Music lol
Jam project
Nine Pound Hammer
And anything I find good because I don't search music, music finds me.

>> No.15075984


>> No.15076037
Quoted by: >>15076059

Death Note is kino
"entry level" =/= "shit" and I've been trying to get you faggots to understand the distinction for a decade

>> No.15076059

it is until you know who dies anyway
and then the ending is good too

>> No.15076193

Your music and anime taste doesn't matter. Most things you'll talk about is because of superchats, comments, your real life experiences, or due to the game you're playing.

>> No.15076334

based game taste

>> No.15076371
Quoted by: >>15085602

toradora IS normalfag tier.

>> No.15080469


>> No.15080567
Quoted by: >>15088683

Who is she? She looks cute.

>> No.15080610

Yes I do.

>> No.15082039

>little girl panchira on the side of a train.
Japan is truly the final bastion of civilization

>> No.15085602
File: 565 KB, 844x464, happyPregnantEnding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one know that shit anymore and for a while
rom com is already a bad start to be accepted by normalfags, and the serie was pretty atypical in term of characters
It never got much bigger though, the PSP game even took like 5 years before getting an english patch, which happened within the year for popular franchises

>> No.15086366

Please, debut.

>> No.15088683

Petra Gurin
She recently covered Tokimeki Broker

>> No.15089073

>Steins gate
>Not being a normalfag VN
