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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14253413 No.14253413 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy streams

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1467982100926193667

Art by: https://twitter.com/Golden___Rule/status/1458826864588476418

Previous thread: >>14162701

>> No.14253583

Do you still care about the TTRPG? Is Kiara the only one putting the effort?

>> No.14253599
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 84355868_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara has a beautiful soul.

>> No.14253746

I don't. The last episodes has been shit, i'm only watching because Kiara is there.

>> No.14253756

Nah I'm going to sleep now plus I still have all the recent vods to catch up on so I'm not in immediate need for Kiara. If she ends up leaving then good on her but TTRPG has been on the recline

>> No.14254108
File: 686 KB, 600x945, 1623882924604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.14254303

I want to rim Kiara's asshole

>> No.14254856
Quoted by: >>14255099

inb4 mucho texto;
I remember a few months ago in a Minecraft resources farming stream she talked a bit about her collab plans at that time: she wanted to do HoloAustralia(Bae, Sana, Haachama?) and Uno with 3 Council members(unfortunately Mori picked up it first), so that HoloAustralia + Kronii Diablo would be good for the Council ones. She also said that she was in talks with Marine about collab but couldn't decide what to do(and then sadly Marine went on a hiatus), also mentioned that she would like to do something with Fubuki, I wonder if both of these are up in the air. For the HoloX I really like Lui and her being bird + eigo jouzu but she seems to be already taken by Mori(I saw some fags already calling it Takamori 2.0), so idk. For IRyS, I like their rivalry/teasing dynamic so any 1v1 game would be great(other than clubhouse).

>> No.14255099


>> No.14256036

>Oho finally does something
>But it is trapping them underground

>> No.14256212

Kiara Love

>> No.14257682
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Quoted by: >>14258003

>> No.14257891

AME LOVE [Gone Sexual]

>> No.14258003

Love this phoenix Pokémon master

>> No.14258459

She's feeding my ageplay kink again...

>> No.14258754
Quoted by: >>14258862

>Is your phone number still the same bro?
Kiara's a comedic genius

>> No.14258862

>at least untie my fucking ropes

>> No.14259091

Yo guys, Teamate here. Love your oshii. Have you guys considered making a appreciation thread? I would definitely drop by. Teamates and KFP hanging out sounds great.

>> No.14259483
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>> No.14259662

Kiara will sit out on the VC new years collab...

>> No.14259946

>Mori called this a collab

>> No.14260383
Quoted by: >>14260614

[Number news]
am frog is 3k away from 1M

>> No.14260614
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Quoted by: >>14268745


>> No.14260643
Quoted by: >>14261261

Kiara seems low energy today

>> No.14260663
File: 200 KB, 700x1800, 1622975568088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14260723

I heard that Ame is the one leaving TTRPG.

>> No.14261261

She seemed the opposite to me honestly.
Pretty hype, especially since this is still in her normal streaming window.

>> No.14261392

It was kind of a dumb idea to begin with, unless the campaign was really short. They work better together in 1-2 hour one off streams.

>> No.14261575
Quoted by: >>14262710

You could almost say she's comfortable just letting them talk. I remember how she was in the Among Us. I think just being around Myth in general makes her happy. Hell, she even initiated this little zat we got at the end. Though she's going to be feeling it in a few hours. Lord knows what this recording is.

>> No.14261586

I like it cause them roleplaying together creates cute moments.

But the campaign and length were bad choices. I consider this a beta test to trying the format in the future. With a proper schedule and more groups playing different campaigns I think it could be a very good format for EN in general.

>> No.14262051

Kiara had an ulterior motive when she asked for an afterparty. She was trying to cheer Mori up

>> No.14262090

I could believe this given that she reached out to her a few days ago.

>> No.14262253

Mori seemed pretty hard on herself once again and so cheering her up before letting her sleep seems a nice idea.
I wonder if Kiara is still checking in on everyone, a fullMyth collab is a good opportunity to do that.

>> No.14262481
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Quoted by: >>14262768


>> No.14262529
Quoted by: >>14265687

Could also be because she has to record something 4 am her time and she said in one of her recent streams, that it is good there is TTRPG on that day. So she wanted the TTRPG to last longer since it is still a few hours until then.

>> No.14262633
Quoted by: >>14265184

Well, Mori certainly cheered up on Twitter. So it looks like it helped a lot.

>> No.14262710

I really don't think she was that hype. She barely talked, sure she was a downer and sure she is comfortable with the girls, but Kiara was definetely weird today. Maybe I am looking too much into it, but I think something shook her up today.

>> No.14262757

Sure she was not a downer*
Sorry, correcting myself here

>> No.14262768
File: 410 KB, 1446x2048, E0tle31XMAAWQ9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pick her up and baby her and simultaneously want her to stick her used pacifier in my mouth.

>> No.14262822
File: 499 KB, 1000x1563, tears in the rain[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffze1z1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14262898

I want to give her a child that I wouldn't get to touch until it was three years old because she would constantly hold it and baby it

>> No.14263301

fucking hell anon I want to be able to sleep tonight without feeling depressed

>> No.14263987


>> No.14263993
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>> No.14264201

They are having steamy VR sex and recording a sex tape RIGHT NOW

>> No.14264616
Quoted by: >>14264838

I love how Kiara tweets when they're together off-stream. Like with the practice groups for the among us collab as well

>> No.14264838
File: 525 KB, 637x628, FGC_Yx2X0AQbiyN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my gregarious and kindhearted unity bird.

>> No.14264877
File: 110 KB, 1421x731, FGC7T7BWQAQ0_ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I figured out Kiara was in the stage area in the screenshots, I laughed.

>> No.14265184
Quoted by: >>14287886

What was she sad about?

>> No.14265225
Quoted by: >>14265526

So i may be abit bias, But I think that Kiara has the cutest wafflie model. Her hair looking really long and fluffy. The hat looks great as well.

>> No.14265526
Quoted by: >>14265576

I agree, though I also really like Smol Ina.
Smol Kiara feels more fitting to Kiara's personality than hukiara

>> No.14265576
Quoted by: >>14265608

I hope Ina gets a real costume with glasses someday, they suit her well.

>> No.14265608

Her second outfit has glasses, doesn't it?

>> No.14265687

Didn't Kiara even say on the ttrpg stream that she wanted it to be longer so she could stay awake?

>> No.14265928
Quoted by: >>14267743

Yeah, they were going to break off after 2 hours, and she wanted them to stay and zatsudan.

>> No.14266022
File: 477 KB, 500x660, vt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How redpillied is this phoenix?

>> No.14266225

That's why I said ulterior, she said the obvious reason

>> No.14266326
File: 391 KB, 444x444, Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14267562

>> No.14266711
Quoted by: >>14268122

I just got home, how was the ttrpg? Who left?

>> No.14267562
File: 51 KB, 826x1170, 1634303682458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Kiara realizes how many anons gosling for her?

>> No.14267736

No yes

>> No.14267743

Couldn't she just do her own guerilla zatsudan and talk to her chat if she needs to stay up for something? Or is she saying her chat is so boring that she needs other people in order to keep awake?

>> No.14268122

It was good, recommend it. Nobody left, so if you were expecting a death or character retirement it there's nothing to look for.
Basically wrapped up one end of Kiara's back-story.

>> No.14268181

Fuck off mate, stop pulling stuff out your ass. Let her have fun with her genmates.

>> No.14268487

I'm just saying she could be streaming right now and she isn't.

>> No.14268583
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>> No.14268591

Talking to chat is different than actively having to contribute to a group conversation. Like this anon said>>14268181

>> No.14268745
Quoted by: >>14268866

How do we stop her?

>> No.14268866
File: 361 KB, 837x1181, vt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't stop her. We join her. Just take a chicken leg, Anon. Let all those bad feelings melt away.

>> No.14268927
File: 477 KB, 669x523, FGDOWFeVIAIFxZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birb on the keyboard.
What will she play?

>> No.14269309

Either Leaving on a Jet Plane or Fansa.
She needs to make sure our hearts can still feel something

>> No.14270000
Quoted by: >>14270063

what does she farm?

>> No.14270063

my seed

>> No.14271452
Quoted by: >>14271985

After Pokemon I need more Kiara playing idle-ish games while interacting with chat. We need RCT permissions.

>> No.14271985
File: 167 KB, 342x283, 1630405986830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14272323

>can't play jrpg without chat help
>somehow a good thing now

>> No.14272180
File: 3.48 MB, 2480x3508, c60a94a683f8592d55dc0a36e6d20067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14272318

A dark cold night in the same bed as Takanashi Kiara watching Netflix, listening to her laugh and comment on every single detail. Staying awake until she falls asleep next to you, and you turn off the TV. You get comfortable and bring Kiara in and embrace her warm body. Her soft and perfect skin against yours as you fall asleep to the rhythmic sounds of her breathing

>> No.14272318
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>> No.14272323

She knows that she can figure it out if she wants to or jfgi, she plays Arknights alone and seems to be fine, it's an excuse to interact which is cute.

>> No.14272669

God damn the minecraft update is so fun, I think Kiar will have a really good time with it

>> No.14272839

As a gosling I find it embarrassing to think she does, but she definitely does.

>> No.14273733

Apparently Kiara was in Mumei's chat? What did she say?

>> No.14273811
File: 28 KB, 508x233, Screenshot_432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14274204


>> No.14273825

She told her to retire.

>> No.14274124

Why are you still here?

>> No.14274204
File: 127 KB, 512x512, 94550774_p17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice girl.

>> No.14274302

Its pretty fun, especially if you treat it as group zatsudan.
And the talk with her brother was actual kino.

>> No.14275966

Have not watched a episode since part 2

>> No.14276891
File: 288 KB, 1196x1496, FGBF4LRXoAg-T40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14277097

>> No.14277097
File: 855 KB, 2895x4092, E_yWuRWUYAY6VfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn walks with Kiar.....

>> No.14277396

I think that's just how she is during ttrpg. Usually fairly quite in the beginning (relative to how much she usually talks). But once the roleplay starts happening and getting invested into what's going on she gets better.

Wish they did a talking stream tho. Unless the story is good and they all bring their roleplay A game, it's kinda boring.

>> No.14277424

Telur ini

>> No.14277544

I wish Kiara's SPARKS outfit would become an actual outfit she can wear. Is there precedent for that happening in Hololive ever? Like an outfit from an official music video ever becomes a real outfit? Obviously it's not gonna be her third outfit but maybe it can be her fourth? They could do like a whole theme of the ENs getting outfits from their music videos.

>> No.14277739

Not that I know of but she has to get the outfit around the same time as her genmates cause you know people would start going "How come >ME >ME >ME gets all these new outfits?!?"

>> No.14277839

If i remember correctly she gets to work directly with Huke on what gets added, at least that's what happened with her first outfit and the summer outfit.

>> No.14277955

Considering HoloMyth music has basically all been paid for by the girls, I imagine Cover might get snippy about the idea of outfits getting produced

>> No.14277964

just fuck off

>> No.14277995

Never change

>> No.14278029
Quoted by: >>14280709

>I wish Kiara's SPARKS outfit would become an actual outfit she can wear
I think that's a pretty common sentiment. It's so well done, and really expressive of "Kiara the idol entertainer", versus "Kiara the fast food manager", and "Kiara, the hot lady from fantasy mountain land".
>know people would start going "How come >ME >ME >ME gets all these new outfits?!?"
Even beyond the cost, this is the big limitation, which she even talked about on stream. I'd argue most reasonable viewers of the other Myth members either wouldn't know (since Kiara isn't their oshi) or wouldn't give a shit, and I can't imagine the other members actually getting jealous over it, if anything they'd be happy.
But the schizos would absolutely make a stink about it, and so it's a hornet nest that's not worth kicking.

>> No.14278245


>> No.14279682

Prechat summary:
>recording ended
>gonna make a sandwich and try to sleep
Ori is also pushed up an hour

>> No.14279930

Cute interaction with Huke papa

>> No.14280050
File: 223 KB, 1874x1271, FFuJmUqUcAAlGQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14281264


>> No.14280467

Damn I completely forgot Huke was the Black Rock Shooter guy. I wish Kiara's looked more like that style with the cool eyes. I guess people might say it would look weird but Irys' art style is quite different from everyone else's and I still think she looks awesome. I guess they weren't ready to take such a big risk on the first gen.

>> No.14280709

>"Kiara the idol entertainer"
Her new dress might look more Perfume-esque, and she has been singing Perfume recently

>> No.14281212

I doubt there’s much stopping them from asking for their MV outfits to be turned into their live 2D during suggestions time (though maybe they’d have to pay/ask permission from the MV artists first) but they just don’t seem to want to. Each MV gets significant fan art already and a new outfit will only result in more. Also, new outfits seem to be treated as rewards for special events/milestones and the recent gens usually debut theirs one after another. I hope the ENs get new hairstyles at some point for their outfits like Gen 5 did.

>> No.14281264
Quoted by: >>14282022

>Huke: It's been 14 years since I drew Black Rock Shooter...
>Kiara: Kids grow up fast, huh?
>Huke: You've grown a year in what felt like an instant too
I feel like DeepL removes some of the nuance in Huke's response.

>> No.14281329
Quoted by: >>14281755

crazy frog, repeatedly, for 3 hours.

>> No.14281669

At first I would watch the Stream live, then only the VOD and now finally I just stopped watching it entirely.
The concept of a TTRPG concept was very exciting at first and is unique in Hololive but it just overstayed it’s welcome.
The schedule is shit, mori is an entertaining but rather inflexible DM, it requires long amounts of focus so it’s not really something that I can listen to in the background (wastes 3 hours of my day)
Worst of all: there is basically no real full EN collab except the TTRPG, which is boring
considering that there are so many good things one could play/do for a full gen collab the months of endless TTRPG are just disappointing and unsatisfactory

>> No.14281720

I love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.14281742
Quoted by: >>14281966

I had to drive to work when the ttrpg just started and listened to it once the stream ended and man.

It was short, sweet and to the point. Kiara carried that session with that back and forth she had with Mori. Ame and Ina were listening intently the whole time, Ina nodding at in agreement with Tiara was so fucking cute. Scout's fuck you mom and dad bit was also fun to watch.
The casual conversations and talking about future stuff was cute and it seemed to cheer up Mori a bit which was sweet.

Overall it was a 10/10 stream for me. I really, really fucking hope it's not Kiara who's leaving.

>> No.14281755

That would be fitting.

>> No.14281966
Quoted by: >>14284969

Well then you dont need to worry, Mori said no one was leaving since there are only 2 sessions left after this one.

>> No.14282022
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>> No.14282431
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Quoted by: >>14282713

>> No.14282713
Quoted by: >>14282894

what's up with Kiara being the piano player
Is it an instrument she can play irl or is just a meme position because she's a cat too

>> No.14282894
File: 2.82 MB, 1919x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14283085

I think it's loosely based on the Mori's Roki MV ?

>> No.14283085
Quoted by: >>14283437

Yeah but even before that Mori mentioned Kiara would play the Piano and it's been a consistent thing.

I'm wondering if there's more to it.

>> No.14283437

Pretty sure Kiara said that she doesn’t know how to play any instruments so maybe it’s just Mori hinting that Kiara is good with her fingers.

>> No.14283578
File: 1.65 MB, 1491x2239, __takanashi_kiara_ouro_kronii_nanashi_mumei_and_friend_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_haraya_manawari__ee179368a31ef560d3856bd73d3454df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14284969

So she backed off on that and is just ending the whole thing entirely? I mean I still think someone's gonna have their character die at the end though so maybe that will be the one who intended to leave. Next time Calli does this she should pick people who are genuinely interested in sticking around for the long haul, maybe some in Myth are like that and the rest can be picked from Council and/or IRyS. Start a whole new story as an excuse to have a different group of players but the real reason behind it is you picked people who actually want to stick around this time and will do multiple campaigns instead of getting burnt out after a mere 8 sessions. Doesn't even have to be five people, can be a smaller team too as long as they actually want to do it. Over in Nijisanji there's these two guys doing a solo campaign with one of them as the DM and one of them as the player, they seem to be having a good time there.

>> No.14285046

It was never intended to be a long campaign. She initially planned to do 5 session.

>> No.14285130

The campaign isn’t shorter, this is exactly the initial planned length. The "3 sessions left" (now 2) is old news. What is news is that those 2 sessions will be with full party.

>> No.14285176

You fags are really trying to make a collab where Kiara greased up Ame's body a bad thing

>> No.14285496
Quoted by: >>14285530

It's bad because i wasn't there to personally oversee the greasing up

>> No.14285530
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>> No.14285888


>> No.14285996
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Quoted by: >>14286268

>Walls of text
I think it's time we all take our meds

>> No.14286268

It's funny. I used to read those paragraphs regardless if they were schizo ramblings or not but /jp/ and /vt/ just made me apathetic to them.

>> No.14287689

Ame has been out of her game for months, nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.14287886

Christmas with her family cancelled due to Japan draconic restrictions. According to her she hasn't seen some members of her familiy in more than three years. At least she has Irys and Milky to spend Xmas with

>> No.14288406
File: 184 KB, 1440x2048, FGCLMxTUUAYiuJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy phoenix


Also, seems like not everyone took notice, but there is a transparent part in the shadow: https://twitter.com/Seiren889/status/1468364049528336396

>> No.14288749

not enough belts

>> No.14288816

Is she high?

>> No.14289495
File: 653 KB, 956x920, 1637556333272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.14290554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14292529 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>14293038

ok but just imagine if she can use all her accessories in the new outfit
like the pacifier

>> No.14292576 [DELETED] 

Kiara hates collabs

>> No.14292659
File: 286 KB, 1500x2000, FGCmofWWYAQXqWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the bubbly bird!

>> No.14292680
File: 122 KB, 826x1168, FGF2NP3UcAAkvqH.jpg%3Alarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14292764
Quoted by: >>14292809

I miss Kiara so much

>> No.14292809
File: 1018 KB, 2838x4096, FEmd_R-WQAwrE20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need orange woman.

>> No.14292874
File: 2.35 MB, 3759x3736, Full-Time Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14293646

I was wondering why the art looked familiar

>> No.14293038

I hope so. As much toggle on accessories as possible for the girly girl onegai..

>> No.14293074

A dark themed outfit would be cool as hell.

>> No.14293618

Ori in 2 hours

>> No.14293646
File: 1.87 MB, 2894x4093, 20211029_174358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger version from pixiv. Artist accidently deleted it on twitter apparently.
that edit took forever to make but I love how it turned out

>> No.14293703

I know what you mean, like she had said before,, TTRPG isnt for everybody, but I think it has been a learning expierience for evryone.
If she can get a group of players interested in the long run and have a better schedule, it will turn out super good I think.

>> No.14293728
File: 531 KB, 1773x1745, 20211208_082206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14294894


>> No.14294613
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Quoted by: >>14294709

I want to kiss you on the lips you smug birb...

>> No.14294709
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Quoted by: >>14294848

North or south of the border?

>> No.14294848
File: 125 KB, 873x1104, 1638663817177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North to south

>> No.14294894

milf kiara makes me weak

>> No.14295197

>Mori hinting that Kiara is good with her fingers.

>> No.14295889
File: 99 KB, 1760x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insert le sad chimkin here

>> No.14295925
File: 197 KB, 900x900, 1636737913555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cook her breakfast and comfort her.

>> No.14296401
File: 243 KB, 1459x2063, 1638722353501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to comfort this chicken

>> No.14296614

Oh great, so more like Part 1 and less like Part 2

>> No.14297088

KFP! This is an opportunity! We must cheer her up!

>> No.14297163
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 1638649978200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiwawa is streaming

>> No.14297217
File: 51 KB, 850x478, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_seafoamboy__sample-e4908292e5d1bf04af63663d1f744fc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14297317

Does anyone have an image of smol vampire kiara with a similar flat background? dino gura too, if you've got it

>> No.14297317
File: 91 KB, 1920x1080, FDRosblWQAUooUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14297431

Like these ones?

>> No.14297431

oh perfect, thanks. I never thought of checking for a twitter

>> No.14297496
Quoted by: >>14297731

I just want to sit next to this bird while she vents about whatever bullshit is affecting her

>> No.14297731

I want this bird to sit on my face as she vents about her problems

>> No.14298080

kiara gamin

>> No.14298325

She seems to have cheered up a lot already. It's nice. I missed her.

>> No.14298681

Demon satan's punched Kiara's soft spot as a kid

>> No.14298814

I love whenever she talks about European things.

>> No.14299152

>half the chat spamming ground pound to bounce higher
>somehow picks out the random comments trolling her, or telling her to do different things

>> No.14299695
Quoted by: >>14299946


>> No.14299768
Quoted by: >>14299900

>"nothing beats a groundpound"
>proceeds to talk about her friend and boyfriend coming over to her house

>> No.14299900

Pretty shocking that she's openly talking about having a three-way at her house now.

>> No.14299946

COWgirl thoughts

>> No.14300189

>Kiara does not understand rigging your heart rate monitor.

>> No.14300547

>hurr durr Kiara no collabs
Take this nigger

>> No.14300609

Pretty sure it's just a troll trying to force his meme at this point.

>> No.14300682

To add to that, it's not like the onus is always on Kiara to initiate. Others are welcome to reach out as well.

>> No.14301261

>Mori hinting that Kiara is good with her fingers.
Ok, that got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.14301892

Gravity/inversion stuff really seems to fry Kiara's brain.

>> No.14302419

Kiara is being so cute, I'm getting diabetes

>> No.14302564

Feeding Kiara fruits every time she accomplishes something in a game!

>> No.14302650
Quoted by: >>14302699

This has been a really comfy stream. I hope it helps her get over her insecurities with being entertaining and hyper 24/7.

>> No.14302699
Quoted by: >>14302987

Maybe it's because I'm having it on in the background but it sounds more like pain

>> No.14302956

Why cant I be her boyfriend comforting her when shes about to cry for sucking at a game

>> No.14302987

I have it on in the background as well cause im working, but most of her frustration is cause of platforming, and she seems to get past the obstacles before getting legitimately frustrated. Also the constant cute Kiwawa noises and screams is nice.

>> No.14303107

Kissing Kiara's chocolate-stained mouth.

>> No.14303130




>> No.14303235
Quoted by: >>14303317

Her little whines and squeaks are really turning me on today.

>> No.14303317

That's been pretty much the whole stream. It's great.

>> No.14303432
File: 58 KB, 1076x495, 1611011707449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is banned from ordering ingredients

>> No.14304609

Oh God here we go again...

>> No.14304638
File: 1.12 MB, 964x822, 1630251707157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah I did the exercise once and my backpain wasn't gone durrr
Retarded bitch it takes a long time to fix this shit
Keep being fucking lazy and see how that works out
And stop fucking crying

>> No.14304811

based, send her that in superchat

>> No.14304836

These are the times I just wanna slap some sense into her.

>> No.14304847

It's a good thing this is your last stream, right?

>> No.14304875

I have to save her...

>> No.14304887


>> No.14304890

>no solo stream yesterday
>kiara stressed today
That's what happens when Kiara has to work in the middle of the night.
People that told her to do that retarded mystery collab need to take the fucking rope.

>> No.14304952
Quoted by: >>14305205

must. not. clipbait.

honestly tho, dont expect the silver bullet after the first session
hope the saviorfags eat their fill, I dont really enjoy it

>> No.14305040

Who the fuck is responsible that it HAD to be this late for her anway?
I swear if it was for any of the other Myths I am gonna schizo out completly.

>> No.14305078
Quoted by: >>14305205

I love listening to this woman vent. It's like she knows exactly how to generate sympathy.

>> No.14305101
Quoted by: >>14305205

>waaaah most flat needs running water and heating
um!?!?! just wear a jumper and drink your own pee bitch

>> No.14305103

It was all of myth. Kiara isn't doing any favors by living in the worst timezone. For the sake of her health, it'd be best to just drop these major collabs.

>> No.14305169

It was not TTRPG, it was some recording.
Mori went straight to bed after TTRPG anyway.

>> No.14305173
Quoted by: >>14305269

Yeah just never do a song again, never join mass collabs again, just shelter herself off completely and get replaced by IRyS.

Bravo saviornigger, bravo.

>> No.14305185

TTRPG was honestly fine since Mori wrapped it up quick. Kiara was the one insisting they continue afterwards to cheer up Mori and because she had a recording at 4am that could not be at any other time because of someone else participating.
Mori was asleep at that time so it couldn't have been Myth this time.

>> No.14305197

All we know is that it was some kind of recording. No idea who it is with or its use.

>> No.14305205

Calm your tits

>> No.14305269

>never join mass collabs again, just shelter herself off completely and get replaced by IRyS.

Why not? I don't like the rest of Myth. Also find better hours to record songs.

>> No.14305286
File: 561 KB, 617x540, 1611590678438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you faggots done? Just keep your noses out of this topic completely. You are fans and it isnt your business, which projects or collabs she joins or not.

>> No.14305293

I wasn't being ironic. I love when she vents and it has an uncanny ability to move me.

>> No.14305319

Way to miss my point with the shiny hunt example you fuckin retard....

>> No.14305337

Kiara brought this on herself by thinking it doesn't matter where she lives because you she can just "stream from anywhere".

Just move the fuck back to Japan already.

>> No.14305353

>You are fans and it isnt your business, which projects or collabs she joins or not.
It is my buisness when it ruins the quality of entertainment in her normal streams

>> No.14305364

>You are fans and it isnt your business, which projects or collabs she joins or not.
Fans have no stake in what content she puts out sure is a crazy statement.

>> No.14305377

Slit your fucking throat you retarded yesman

>> No.14305388
Quoted by: >>14305470

I'm guessing there's a raid going on or whatever. Again.

>> No.14305417

Her health problems are only her own fault, stop being dumb motherfucker, staying awake and working one night a month wouldn't be a problem if she had a normal sleep schedule to begin with, maybe communicate that to her under her 4am tweets you fucking concernfag

>> No.14305470

Couple autists spam and reply to themselves. Couple take the bait. The we need to fix her schedule timeloop is one of the most boring.

>> No.14305471

Holy shit, I just remembered that Kiara was in Choco's quiz show and she got one of the lowest points.

>> No.14305476
Quoted by: >>14305584

Stop watching Kiara if she doesn't appeal to you anymore.

>> No.14305553

I'm going to have sex with Kiara's sweaty frustrated anus tonight

>> No.14305570
File: 1.42 MB, 320x320, suffer[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fge3vtl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14305577

Welp, on a different topic. I wonder if it's possible for her to release that Takotori cover 'cause last time I heard they were going to release it in December.

>> No.14305584


>> No.14305597

She still got more points than Aqua. And the quiz had many technical Japanese terms and asked for Japanese history and geography.
That she managed to answer anything was enough, really.

>> No.14305631

It was planned for the week before Christmas but it already pushed back to the week of Christmas.
Let's hope it doesn't get delayed further.

>> No.14305656
File: 1.07 MB, 1242x707, 1617220112277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said it would be during Christmas week last time I remember.

>> No.14305677

Assuming it is a Christmas song was is most likely?

>> No.14305690

Kiara is one of the dumbest most uneducated people I've ever seen, no surprises. I remember the embarrassment that was Choco-sensei's IQ test too.

>> No.14305729

I'll be honest, I won't be sticking around here during her outfit reveal considering the kinds of posters that keep coming here. /hlgg/ has seen an increase shitposters lately.

>> No.14305778

Me neither, I don't wanna read "DURRR THE OUTFIT LOOKS FINE STOP OVERREACTING" when she inevitably comes out with dumb fucking meme tiny angel wings on her back and a random tiny chef hat

>> No.14305834

there were a few free ones like something about hydrogen and the www, but we like our cute girls a little retarded so whatever

>> No.14305839

Just don't reply to them.

>> No.14305851

>KFshitters in chat unironically saying controller for FPS is "fine"
I'm going to punch through my screen

>> No.14305892
Quoted by: >>14306101

Why did she jump on Deathloop so quick? Cause they already had perms? I don't remember it being such an amazing type of game.

>> No.14305902

>more points than this

>> No.14305915

>wants her to use the best set up just to suck at it anyway
Just watch Amelia.

>> No.14305922
Quoted by: >>14305965

jUsT DonT wATcH iF yOU dOnt EnJoy anYmORe

>> No.14305942
Quoted by: >>14306197

guess mamatori needs to cull the flock again, hope she sees it and sets Kiara straight before the fps arc begins

>> No.14305946

The fuck you're talking about, faggotron. It was like 50% general knowledge that a kid knows.

>> No.14305956

PS5 has no games - Takawashi Kiawawa

>> No.14305961

Wonder if Kiara will play that Big Brain game that's been popular lately.

>> No.14305965


>> No.14306003


>> No.14306036
File: 1.04 MB, 496x1267, gura brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see the shitposting when she gets a score of 1500 or less

>> No.14306050
Quoted by: >>14306146

Imagine letting the stupid shit parroted here get to you.

>> No.14306052

t. Didn't watch the clip

>> No.14306067

What are your hopes for Deathloop? the idea of playing a shooter on a console seems to confuse her, but itshouldn´t because she isn´t used to mouse aiming.

>> No.14306075

No, I just want to avoid posters like (You)

>> No.14306101

Mamatori recommended it to her after it came out.
And yes, she had perms. After the PS5 got send back she requested Dishonored and another game I don't remember but apparently she hasn't heard back yet.

>> No.14306107

modern shooters are baby mode anyway

>> No.14306110

>stresses out over nothing
>starts screeching and whining about how much she hates playing
>"now that i did this never ask me to play fps again"

>> No.14306123
Quoted by: >>14306221

Being fair, japanese is not her first language, not even her second

>> No.14306146

I'm only human, anon. I want to actually enjoy this hobby, even if I have to be on my own.

>> No.14306174

>tiny chef hat
It's literally on the silouette.

>> No.14306191

Probably. But Kiara learned about "Innenwinkelsumme" in school not whatever its Japanese name is.
If you don't know what the fuck that is then you feel exactly like Kiara with half of these questions did.

>> No.14306197

There are too many kids playing mainstream shooters for that to not be true.

>> No.14306204

It's not a general knowledge test, which is why I'm curious. Probably more g-loaded than Choco's quiz. She might do better than people expect.

>> No.14306221

It's her second. And she positions herself very high in Japanese language knowledge. So your post does not sum up.

>> No.14306270

I meant to reply to

>> No.14306299
Quoted by: >>14306375

Why did you even come here you discord pussies just to be butthurt about any kind of criticism is thrown her way? Go back to your hugbox doxxcord, send her your remaining money and then just kys

>> No.14306303
Quoted by: >>14306398

I can't wait until Kiara gets to visit Ame and Ina

>> No.14306307
Quoted by: >>14306485

QRD? There were a bunch of holos who did IQ test on stream?

>> No.14306318
Quoted by: >>14306579

Why don't she just sleep at night? The TTRPG Collab enden just a little after 00:30 for her. She should just stick to a rigid sleep schedule, whatever time is better for her

>> No.14306374

shit, kids grew up playing fortnight and shooters on their phones

...man the rope looks more comfy every day

>> No.14306375

>Go back to your hugbox so I can enjoy mu hugbox
Not in the discord but I see this comment all the time and this is always my immediate thought.

>> No.14306398

I want a myth disneyland trip. Whether is it Japan or wherever

>> No.14306417

It's a game of speed, which means Kiara will PANIC. So the outcome is predictable.

>> No.14306421

I got stoned just now and thought that it would be awesome if we would write down what happened in our threads through Kiara's career and then send her a compilation after she leaves Hololive.

>> No.14306446
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>> No.14306483
Quoted by: >>14306565

>It's her second.
You ground this statement on what?

>> No.14306485

Something like that. It's called Big Brain Academy and it tests various dimensions of reasoning. Also lets them face off against the results of other holos, which is pretty fun.

>> No.14306529
Quoted by: >>14306582

It's also a game of planning loops, I hope she enjoys whatever she does experience because there's little chance of meaningful progress.

>> No.14306531

This superchat reading has been nice

>> No.14306534

>Leave for like 10 mins
>60 posts
Is it one guy on cooldown or just a raid? Doesn't seem like something to get worked up about

>> No.14306565

I hereby say that she said that many times on her streams

>> No.14306570

Some genuine discussion has started up but I suspect so, yes.

>> No.14306579

She had a recording at 4am.
Similar to the Sports Festival it was first at another time, then suddenly got rescheduled to the middle of the night for her and there was no way for it to be changed.

>> No.14306582

Wait you're not talking about Deathloop. She will 100% panic when playing Big Brain Academy but it will be fun in its own way.

>> No.14306587
Quoted by: >>14306703

A lot of questions were quite uncommon for japanese everyday life, which what is she used to. Shit that you learn during highschool in Japan are obviously out of her control zone. People who disagree with me here are probably EOP btw, so pls don't talk about shit you are clearly unfamiliar with

>> No.14306618
File: 548 KB, 1000x1200, 1634862036231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14306764

all me

>> No.14306703
Quoted by: >>14306868


>> No.14306713

Kiara's English really isn't any worse than most British people.

t.English unfortunately

>> No.14306752

>wanted things to stay the way it was
is your oshi autistic KFP?

>> No.14306764
Quoted by: >>14307135

God I admit it, I laughed

>> No.14306773

Yea, better when thread is moving with speed of one post/3 hours and it's just "I wanna lick Kiara's asshole" than when there is a discussion, maybe just read the thread before you judge it for a schizo raid nigger

>> No.14306791
Quoted by: >>14306849

Why didnt she correct the SC just now? The SC just said english second language.

>> No.14306827

Nah, just a little bit wary to novelty

>> No.14306841

I mean... yes?
But honestly that one is pretty normal. Many people have an initially bad reaction to new things.

>> No.14306849

She didn't care enough to fix him.

>> No.14306868

t. EOP

>> No.14306871
Quoted by: >>14306998

Also English, and I have to agree. I've known a lot of EU ESLs too. She's good.

>> No.14306922

Can't she just tell them to fuck off? I know they don't have a typical job but having to do stuff at 4 am it's unjustifiable

>> No.14306937

t. northerner

>> No.14306958
Quoted by: >>14307215

Damn, Kiara talking about those topic is surreal.

>> No.14306998

From a native perspective how much accent does she have? I am an ESL so it's hard for me to tell. Thanks in advance brittanians

>> No.14307037
File: 73 KB, 260x260, 1627004251422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14307062
Quoted by: >>14307174

She is certainly a busy bird. I gotta say, I admire that about her. The fact that she does these things I wouldn't have 1/10 the motivation to do while still having medical problems makes me be at awe every time.

>> No.14307092
Quoted by: >>14307210

She didn't. In fact she said exactly the opposite, multiple times. She learned English in school and Japanese later by herself.

>> No.14307135

I just noticed that the guy just mirrored Peko's face, but for Kiara he went overboard.

>> No.14307160
Quoted by: >>14307331

not the people who you're responding to but I'm also British and while she has a noticeable accent, she's really easy to understand and it doesn't sound bad at all. Most ESL I've met have been much worse than her

>> No.14307171
File: 130 KB, 1324x1228, 1637537000941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14307173

>Kiara thinks being an acquired taste isn't a complement and doesn't like being called that

Isn't she one, though? I feel like its disingenuous to call her someone with a super-wide appeal, and that it isn't really insulting...

>> No.14307174
Quoted by: >>14307851

Anon, you would be willing to do many many things with the paycheck she is collecting

>> No.14307210

ok then

>> No.14307215
Quoted by: >>14307291

The one about how you need to be perfect when you are performing in front of a lot of people 'cause people will nitpick every little thing you do to bring you down? Almost as if she is in this thread right now.

>> No.14307222

It's more a demographic thing so I think she's right about it to some extent.

>> No.14307229

Calling someone cute for an ugly person isn't a complement.

>> No.14307235

It's not an insult but probably just doesn't sound the best phrasing wise

>> No.14307238

While I'd agree with that assessment, it's not something I would lightly tell someone. Being told you aren't likable to most at first is something to digest.

>> No.14307246
File: 612 KB, 816x669, 1634533198154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14307460

>> No.14307262
Quoted by: >>14307496

I don't know who this newfag(s) that joined the thread in the past few days but you have severely brought down the quality of the thread
I would say get out but I think taking your medication would solve the problem, or creating more constructive arguments that can actually change opinions

>> No.14307291

Yes. And on this board in general

>> No.14307295

Very obvious non-British, but you'd probably take a second to guess it is Germanic. I doubt most would guess Austrian but that's down to us being uneducated. However she does speak very clearly and on average doesn't fall into easy ESL traps.

I can't blame her for struggling with pronouncing some stuff as the language is very stupid and we all mispronounce easy shit.

>> No.14307317

>BFF makes delicious Goulash
>Kiara fucks up broccoli

>> No.14307331

So she basically doesn't have the ESL accent debuff, that's pretty cool. I wonder how she does it, I have no option other than believe she is kind of gifted with languages in general

>> No.14307338

>Kiara said she did a lot of "oopsies"
I thought Jenma forgave her everything.

>> No.14307375

I'm English and I used to live in a German-speaking area. Kiara's accent is noticeable but not very strong. She has a few German tells like her struggle with 'th' pronunciation and the way she says some vowels ('u' in particular). Very occasionally she phrases things in a German way (e.g. 'What happened with you?/Was ist mit dir passiert?' instead of 'to you'). Aside from that, she's very natural. Germans tend to make good English speakers because it's like German with weird phonetics but absolutely none of German's complex case/gender declension, but Kiara really is good and there's no real ESL comprehension issue, at least for me.

>> No.14307435

Chonkers hid in the closet to hide from the sound of the rental BF drilling for Kiara's walle

>> No.14307460
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>> No.14307467
Quoted by: >>14307513

>kiara is showing us her holes

>> No.14307496

Your pretty gud.
Only that I joined about 1 hour ago.

>> No.14307513

I wanna stick my finger in there

>> No.14307616
Quoted by: >>14307883

Wow, Kiara experiencing rental BF's drilling technique so she can use it with kfp, such dedication

>> No.14307631

Yeah I'd also guess she's gifted from the way she's described her language learning process in the past

>> No.14307653

Not that guy, but it's something you are really good at or really bad at. Terrible application on her part until now, but she's really good at it.

>> No.14307763

Calling something an acquired taste is usually a bit of an insult, yeah. At the very least it's calling it immediately offputting. So yeah, I can see how she wouldn't find it flattering.

That said she was absolutely an acquired taste for me. When EN first started and I was watching the debuts she was the one I clicked with the least. But through seeing her in collabs and the occasional clip and just catching her streaming when no one else was around I've become utterly devoted to the her.

>> No.14307798
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2500, Ja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14307952

She's very clearly ESL/not a native speaker, but her accent is subtle enough that you can't easily pin down where its from. When she initially debuted I thought she was Japanese, and after a better mic there was even a brief phase where I thought she was some sort of Yiddish since her Austrian accent sounded a little like some of the Hasidic's I've talked to.

>> No.14307815
File: 83 KB, 884x1200, 1637029106341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14308363

>> No.14307851

I am in a very good financial position, trust me. I just really lack the motivation to achieve the stuff that she herself has accomplished. I mean, even when only taking into account he pre-Hololive life, she
>went to Japan on her own and lived there
>learned an entirely new language just by talking with natives
>became a shrine maiden
>got to be a flight attendant
And the fact that she did all of this before her mid-20s, even despite the known low points she has been through, I still envy her 'cause she's got 2 times the life experience and can back up what she says through them. Comparing her to me, I got nothing. Her and Mori dared to take a chance when they had nothing, I just went with the system even though I got it better than most.

>> No.14307883


>> No.14307952
Quoted by: >>14308060

you're clearly not good at this since you glossed over the kicky ricky

>> No.14307966

Does any Japanese speakers know how thick her accent is when she speaks japanese?

>> No.14308029

All I know is that Subaru said in their second collab she sometimes forgets Kiara is not Japanese.

>> No.14308035

Some Japanese Holos have said they forget she's not Japanese so there's that.

>> No.14308038
Quoted by: >>14308071

I think Ger and Jap pronunciation is pretty close.

>> No.14308060

In my defense I'm Welsh, so we don't have many Germans or Euros out here. Most of my experience with ESL's are with Turks, Cantonese, and the occasional bum from inland who comes from a primarily Welsh speaking town.

>> No.14308071

There's also nothing to throw her off like the J/Y thing.

>> No.14308226
Quoted by: >>14308381

I'd say that is different from just not being for everyone. It means you have to work through and maybe even learn to love the bad. Whiskey is an acquired taste. First it is burning dirt water, then it is a complex range of flavours you enjoy burning your throat. Meanwhile some drinks you just don't like the taste and that's just it. The flavour isn't for you and maybe be widely popular or unpopular. No training yourself to appreciate something being missed.

>> No.14308363

I want her to call me a little shit after I goose her so so bad.

>> No.14308381


>> No.14308596
File: 2.33 MB, 1131x1600, 91103080_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara wasn't really an acquired taste for me. Not that I was head over heels within seconds, but it didn't take long for me to go from 'Oh, her voice is pretty cute' to 'Is she my oshi?' I wonder what that says about me vs. the people who went from being ambivalent or even disliking her to loving Kiara.

>> No.14308656

Probably it's because of the vowels, cuz are the same for Spanish too. Vowel sounds are really fucked in english

>> No.14308812
File: 98 KB, 633x633, 1637287241602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14308824

>Stop caring about Circles!!

>> No.14308903
Quoted by: >>14309139

Don't know if this was already posted but here's Flare talking about Kiara in her minecraft stream.
>Kiara's house
>If Kiara wasn't in Usaken I would pull her into Shiraken

>> No.14308974

Same for me, I didn't even know of the "chicken voice issue" til I came here. And the quality I liked about her a lot when first watching is how much she talks, and how freely she talks. Like she doesn't try an filter her speech.

>> No.14309038
Quoted by: >>14309575

Compared to the rest of Myth, she can be considered an acquired taste. The reason being is that the others have an estabilished identity by the average audience member, their own set of memes, or their own talent that they don't deviate from, so by spending around 15 minutes in their stream/watching some clips, a newcomer can easily know what they're getting into. With Kiara, it's not that apparent how she's like in her usual content if you just join a stream as someone who's new to her. Which just shows how shallow the audience is and that numberfagging is pointless as long as normalfags make up most of the viewership.

>> No.14309051

>she doesn't try an filter her speech
That's the problem.

>> No.14309139
Quoted by: >>14309221

>If Kiara wasn't in Usaken I would pull her into Shiraken
Cute. Unfortunately she doesn't like building much. I do wish she reach out to Flare some more, could lead to Fubuki collabs and a lot of other fun shit.

>> No.14309179

Elaborate the problem please.

>> No.14309221

I could see Kiara joining a new cave/surface terrain exploration collab

>> No.14309263

I wonder if Kiara wears orange pantsu.

>> No.14309421

People only like unfiltered people when they spew edgy shit. Anything else will remind them of why they look for escapist bullshit like vtubing.

>> No.14309540

She should think twice what she say a little more often, cuz since she is ESL is more inmune to cringe and awkward situations, like when she started to rant about omega about holocoincil lore. This is the reason behind coming up as a abrasive at times, because despite how proficient she is with English she is still an ESL. However, being that way is still way better for a streamer that being boring or bland like Ina

>> No.14309575

Yeah, I was the same. Her voice and accent made me smile and I loved how frank and openhearted she was. It was so refreshing. Couldn't get her voice out of my head and found myself going back to watch her VODs.
I don't necessarily disagree, but I guess I find it curious since my experience of getting into Hololive Kiara-first is clearly unrepresentative.

>> No.14309668

Non of what she says about ridiculous chunni stuff is a problem and Ina is her own brand comfy. Anyone can enjoy both.

>> No.14309733

Comfy=boring. Seriously Ina is sleep inducing, the solution if you suffer from insomnia

>> No.14309743

>Non of what she says about ridiculous chunni stuff is a problem
True but it also immediately got twisted into "that bitch kiara hates council".
> Ina is her own brand comfy
True and boring.

>> No.14309746
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Quoted by: >>14310344


>> No.14309799
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Quoted by: >>14310373

I like Ina.

>> No.14309926

>new outfit doesn't look like Reine's. Look very bird-like.
Welp, back to having low expectations again.

>> No.14309939

Why have we been writing walls of text the last week?

>> No.14310008

That is, learning a language is a very complex task to fulfill and it take a lot of time to really reach the level of a native. Words have a lot of shades, we associate certain terms as better or worse than other synonyms just because our experience. Changing the location of a word can totally twist what you are trying to convey, that's why (and mental illness) some people here think Kiara is bad willed at times despite how sweet she is to everyone

>> No.14310060
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>> No.14310061

Honestly most of today's discussion has been civil and the majority of the longer posts are the thoughtful kind of long rather than the psychotic kind.

>> No.14310131

Because >we complain about everything.

>> No.14310182

Totally agree with the last sentence.

>> No.14310183

Just came back from real-life socializing. And could only listen to the last half-hour of SC reading.

How was the stream?

>> No.14310196

>rant about omega
What are the complaints? Give me the fucking Pomu collab before she does a Coco.

>> No.14310280

You don't really want to have sex with your boss, right guys?

>> No.14310307
Quoted by: >>14310464

Already had low expectations when I saw those dumb fucking wings
I hate Huke so goddamn much

>> No.14310325
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>> No.14310344

oh, kiawawua

>> No.14310373

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.14310410

Yes, I want to pull her over the register and make a deposit

>> No.14310464

Kiara's normal outfit is retarded, but her second outfit is great so far Huke has balanced track record.

>> No.14310491

Normal outfit is fucking awesome.

>> No.14310526
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There were some decent bird like looks

>> No.14310546

I'm actually looking forward to the outfit. Where's the fun in being a doomer about everything.

>> No.14310550

>like when she started to rant about omega about holocoincil lore
Fuck off. It was one of the best moments of Kiara and absolutely true.

>> No.14310621
Quoted by: >>14310813

>True but it also immediately got twisted into "that bitch kiara hates council".
Oh, please. Her Mario Kart 8 stream talking about Council and Hololive auditions has been clipped to death enough that you would immediately know anyone who uses that angle is spewing BS.

>> No.14310646

How do I get a Kiara gf?

>> No.14310658

I don't like it, and i think the consensus is that its not "great", i like Kiara despite her design not because of it.

Her character has lots of promise like her second outfit and the sparks outfit showed but her original "henshin/fast food/bird" outfit mash up was at the very least bizzare.

>> No.14310666

NGL, her original outfit is what drew me to her a bit. Skin tight, mega short skirt, uniform. Its pretty fucking hot imo.

>> No.14310676
Quoted by: >>14311014

Normal outfit is good, but the two hats meme is real, the white hat makes me mad

>> No.14310683
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>> No.14310813

Implying people who hate Kiara will acknowledge proof.

>> No.14310883

It's not the walls of text that's the problem this time. It's the obvious spergs that want to yell at Kiara but don't have the balls to do it on her actual chat, Twitter, or even /hlgg/.

>> No.14310925

I agree, send a super chat and tell her yourself you faggots

>> No.14311014

It's just a hat, bruv. I've seen more nonsensical designs in fashion shows.

>> No.14311079
Quoted by: >>14311143

new thread soon?

>> No.14311106

Yeah it is sad to be so overly controlling of her, but such a coward they tell us instead.

>> No.14311108
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>> No.14311140

I don't think the normal outfit is awful or anything. However, it is somewhat odd and abit eccentric. It's not Irys level bad, but its at a similar level as ollies or polka's. In a company where everyone is a cute Idol, having a zombie/clown/fastfood-worker design is somewhat of a disadvantage.

>> No.14311143

It's over...
