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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 106 KB, 535x388, 1608796393896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12689556 No.12689556 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

Official Website:

Official Schedule:

Teamup Schedule:

Official Twitter:

Official Character References:

Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenmamaemi

▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
The cutest rabbit in the universe - or so she would like you to thin-
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa

▼Phase Friends
CyberLive >>>/vt/clg/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg/
Maple Alcesia - https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread >>12639854

>> No.12689569

▼Michiru EYE Cover
Michiru released a cover of EYE by Kanaria.

▼Today's streams
Uruka will be playing Undertale in 4 hours.

>> No.12689717
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>> No.12690593
Quoted by: >>12690667

will the rabbit also simp for the new tsun maletuber?

>> No.12690648 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 750x380, 2786C853-0B3D-4280-BF30-C844FDD9BB48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t forget what Kap’s cum took from us tonight.

>> No.12690667

he doesn’t seem as gay as the other one so probably not

>> No.12690765

is pippa a fujo?

>> No.12690775
File: 862 KB, 3840x2160, 1604986308871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12691545


>> No.12690788

Gap moe is always possible. I fully expect pink rabbit in chat.

>> No.12691057


>> No.12691173
File: 20 KB, 422x166, FDnD3OFVcAY1h9l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noped out on Best Blue Bear's previous Undertale stream. Is she on Genocide or Pacifist route? And how bad was the backseating?

>> No.12691545


>> No.12692543
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, FDZ1FwMaMAAg58n.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12692764
Quoted by: >>12694187


>> No.12693523
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12693695
File: 137 KB, 503x479, michirulove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12708536

>> No.12694187
File: 71 KB, 500x500, D6A92BF0-072C-46DC-AC83-211C59F03C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12694369
File: 2.17 MB, 1350x1488, 1632295290126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12694797
File: 36 KB, 220x279, Dude-love-3-mick-foley-38255657-220-279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12695444
File: 783 KB, 2100x1500, nasa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed OP

>> No.12697092

What happened to Pippa's Secret World video?

>> No.12697176
Quoted by: >>12697242

her what? please describe

>> No.12697183
Quoted by: >>12697242

Stream was cancelled because she's going through soda withdrawal

>> No.12697242

oh yesterdays scheduled stream. yeah cancelled as >>12697183 said

>> No.12698479
File: 363 KB, 850x1621, nasa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12700023

Uruka is playing Undertale

>> No.12700368
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>> No.12700922

the new tsun gen is pretty solid. I think the talent pool hasn't dried up yet
that's a strange gun

>> No.12701579

toms voice filters me a bit but ill tune in. i think kawaiis new gen is really good

>> No.12701598

Were Kanpainiki well-behaved during the stream?
Spider's voice filtered me bad. Still gotta go back and watch the others.

>> No.12701740

Spider's jp voice was alright, she mentioned wanted to collab with jp chuubas I hope she reaches out to phase's jp girls

>> No.12702407
Quoted by: >>12721415

spider might be my new oshi with that taste in games.
anyways, reminder to do your notpippa tweetreps. interesting stuff

>> No.12702712


>> No.12702910
Quoted by: >>12705142

bless her heart. let her pretend

>> No.12702949

Nasa chest... eroi...

>> No.12705142


>> No.12705329
File: 26 KB, 400x400, N1QbcPE4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12705598

>michiru's twitter profile pic

>> No.12705598

sad from the lack of cum

>> No.12706263
Quoted by: >>12717886

Michiru is very cute and funny. I hope Kevin doesn't fuck this up.

>> No.12708536


>> No.12708892

Do you think Pippa watches divegrass or holofight z?

>> No.12709116

shes aware of divegrass at the very least, she talked about missing the /pcclg/ matches. not sure about hfz, as shes never mentioned it. i would love to cheer on watamage along side her though...

>> No.12709620

are you tarded?

>> No.12711572
Quoted by: >>12712011

>Asking about Pippa
>In this thread
>In this site
take a fucking guess

>> No.12712011

quite simply imma guess that you are pants on head retarded

>> No.12712878

Tenma "soon"

>> No.12713007

That leads to an empty page, an-non. What are you talking about, Tenma never streams on Twitch.

>> No.12713473

JST 22:00 / UTC 13:00 - Nasa's drawing stream

>> No.12713548

Tenma is starting.

>> No.12713613

The male talents are too gay for my tastes. At least Pippa has someone to gush over now

>> No.12713691
Quoted by: >>12713726


>ywn hold rabbit boy in place while Pippa lovingly punches him in the gut
Reality is a cruel joke and we're the punchline.

>> No.12713726

Fucking weirdo. I just wanna give him a reach around and fuck him in the ass while Pippa holds him down.

>> No.12715789

wakeup, thread

>> No.12716442
Quoted by: >>12721106

Wakeup and smell the shitposts

>> No.12717861

I didn't know Nasa could draw this good!

>> No.12717886

>implying he hasn't already.

>> No.12717945
Quoted by: >>12721461

The loan was worth it. Nasa sure is streaming more and that's great

>> No.12718107


>> No.12718119
Quoted by: >>12718723


>> No.12718723

PC's JP branch is very artistic. Lori can draw too, right?

>> No.12718779
Quoted by: >>12718843

Why doesn't Nasa wear pants?

>> No.12718843
Quoted by: >>12719058

Easy access

>> No.12719058
Quoted by: >>12719080

To tail?

>> No.12719080
Quoted by: >>12719118

To dragongirl pussy, anon.

>> No.12719118

Nasa isn't like that

>> No.12719170
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1634873186682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn't invited

>> No.12719350 [DELETED] 

Didn't you hear her boyfriend opening the door to her room 16 minutes ago?
It was me

>> No.12719362


Reminder to only hit it from the back, face down ass up. I still have nightmares about the missionary anon and his back scars.

>> No.12719381

Pippa go back to drinking water

>> No.12719440

Missionary is worth it to stare into those wincing Chinese eyes while I cum deep inside.

>> No.12719614

But the back scars make it all worth it anon. Those are signs of love

>> No.12720503 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 612x309, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12720526

Pippa fucks her suckmates

>> No.12720679
Quoted by: >>12720818

cringe, tuna

>> No.12720818

calling someone a tuna is kinda fucking rude bro, just call him a faggot, like in the good old days

>> No.12720884
Quoted by: >>12721055

Pippa fans are like little kids that learn a word and repeat it nonstop. Glowies, feds, sneed, etc.

>> No.12721055

Sir that is all chuubafags

>> No.12721106
Quoted by: >>12721878

digging this from the archive
pretty sure there was a rise and shine version but I don't have the time to look at all the archive rn

>> No.12721415


>> No.12721461

is just tunning in enough? I'm a poorfag

>> No.12721509
Quoted by: >>12721639

turn off your adblock

>> No.12721534
Quoted by: >>12721639

Every view helps boost her in the algorithm a tiny bit. Also stream Red Hot Jump every day

>> No.12721639

I never use adblock, dumb move yeah.

>> No.12721660
File: 138 KB, 1911x1416, 5FE382C6-C5CB-4665-A0B2-79D2F74F01EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasa Amoogys at 22:00 JST today

>> No.12721688

kinda funny to see phase thread so slow now with all the posters flock to tsun/kawaii new gens and soon™ prism
I'm one of them

>> No.12721721
Quoted by: >>12721763

I don't see tsunderia thread, is it dead? I want to shit on Tomo's choice of first game stream.

>> No.12721763
File: 421 KB, 828x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's there
bad timing on your part

>> No.12721878 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 360x450, 1634138578551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it https://files.catbox.moe/z70ztq.mp3
Best shit to come out of the z-posting if you ask me

>> No.12722021

Nah bro, I migrated to clg

>> No.12722025
Quoted by: >>12722050

I'm pretty new to small corps, for me I want to stop at Uruka, Pippa, the new tsunderia gen (except nen) and maybe the mio wolf from.. prism? I need menhera chuuba.

>> No.12722050
Quoted by: >>12722498

uruka is the opposite of menhera though
spider also doesnt seem like a menhera
rest the rest is correct

>> No.12722498

ah, I was referring to the mio wolf when saying menhera, the rest I just like cuz'

>> No.12723622


>> No.12723713

Phase threads have been slow for the past 3 or so weeks, after all the hyperactive schizos fled to /clg/ and /pyon/.
It's been great.

>> No.12723896

actually this.
I got filtered from those thread precisely for this reason.

>> No.12724542
File: 649 KB, 1080x1128, Yab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12724613

Where's the tail?

>> No.12724664

not in my face, and that makes me angry

>> No.12724957


>> No.12724993

I have good news for you an-non, I'm back.

>> No.12725180


>> No.12725428

>Beatani collab
oh boy, here we go

>> No.12725451
File: 96 KB, 501x316, schizchiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell to keep you here forever*

>> No.12726060
Quoted by: >>12726223

Did the Fishman ever mention what the plan is for Gen 2? Will he play it safe with an all-EN gen or risk adding more JPs?

>> No.12726113

Lumi please control yourself.

>> No.12726223

I'd be surprised if they even got any JP applicants

>> No.12726380

More Tera!

>> No.12726476

should I download it this time or will this be the final one?

>> No.12726485

>Phase threads have been slow for the past 3 or so weeks, after all the hyperactive schizos fled to /clg/ and /pyon/.
This. I'm enjoying it.
Phase itself is still on the incline or stable so clearly interest hasn't waned.
Really though.
What WAS Kevin thinking ordering a second rabbit?

>> No.12726491
Quoted by: >>12726509

What you should ask yourself is, do you want to groom Pippa y/n?

>> No.12726509

Didn't look like anyone was grooming Pippa last stream.

>> No.12726525
Quoted by: >>12726941

No, there's still cuckposters here

>> No.12726601

>Didn't look like anyone was grooming Pippa last stream.
I once again have to point out that nobody added Pippa until she told them to add her. Capipalists may be legit starting to improve their shit.
>should I download it this time or will this be the final one?
...dude she legit contemplated clearing the schedule of everything but TERA and book club.
Until people start to drop off or she gets bored of (us) that shit's gonna be a staple 100%.

>> No.12726643

What, you want people to wear "I'm grooming" shirts or something. Parasocial relationship has been completely established already.

>> No.12726686

pippa was the one doing the grooming
Her fans are seemingly well behaved when they have a name on aside from the discord guys

>> No.12726778

the first step to groom someone is to gain their trust, so I still think we are not out of the blue

>> No.12726869

It's only one day this week, if there's more on the schedule next week it might be time

>> No.12726876

just be careful of getting addicted yourself, tera is a uniquely dangerous one

>> No.12726905

You would need to get to around level 24 before next stream if you want to quest alongside her. As for if it will be the last one, who knows? If you have 80gb to spare and want to play a thing with pippa (while also experiencing the good combat mechanics) do it. Just don't expect off stream play or anything.

>> No.12726906
Quoted by: >>12730116

What's the Beatani collab going to be?

>> No.12726941
File: 2.79 MB, 10000x10000, 1624226145891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like, 2, and the occasional idiot that gives them (You)s.
I mean, there's the obvious elephant in the room reason as to why Cappipalists are relatively groomer-free but I'm honestly still shocked at the lack of attentinwhoring (besides the usual suspects) for a /here/chuuba of all fanbases. Unless I'm lacking some critical info, these are also the only some of common sense-having oil barons I've ever seen, for any streamer.
Kevin may be a retard, but his no-DMs rule is beyond reproach and likely has huge knock-on effects for the community atmosphere as a whole.

>> No.12727035


>> No.12727091

oh no

>> No.12727098

there it is. loli michiru

>> No.12727346

not her large mana reserves...

>> No.12729212
File: 550 KB, 1000x1200, Michiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michiru looks at you like you're walking /pcg/ garbage, what do?

>> No.12729413


>> No.12729433


>> No.12729458

Being /here/ doesn't guarantee attendance of events, the question is legit.

>> No.12729502

>Pippa's euro impossible schedule now extends into Beatani

>> No.12729872

No, and the rest of you don't either, which is why we won't be having a team come next /vt/league

>> No.12729981
Quoted by: >>12730161


>> No.12730005

the actual work's already done nigger, just needs one person to manage it now

>> No.12730116
Quoted by: >>12730161


>> No.12730161

/pcclg/ won't be a thing next /vt/ league so we are in need of a manager. Someone showed interest in doing it but I haven't from them.

>> No.12730187
Quoted by: >>12730405

Tenma is live.

>> No.12730191

was the /clg/ spergout over LumiVei that bad?

>> No.12730319
Quoted by: >>12730445

>download and learn PES modding/best practices/etc
>learn PES tactics
>remove /clg/ shit and replace it with /pcg/
>Update the /pcg/ shit that's already there
>Update the aesthetics
>Correspond with the organizers
>Not fuck up/forget any of the tech shit
If you think it's so easy, step up to the plate.
That was me, but after seeing the lack of fervor for divegrass in general (hate to say this but, since the schizos left), especially by the only /here/chuuba that gives no shits about it, it's just too much work.
Perhaps I'm wrong. Might as well make a poal for a couple days and see.

>> No.12730363


>> No.12730405

going great so far

>> No.12730420
Quoted by: >>12730571

Has nothing to do with it. /pcclg/ only happened because we didn't have anyone who wanted to manage and /clg/ didn't have enough memes to fill a team. Neither general is brand-new anymore so we'll have enough memes to fill our own respective teams. Both of us also have Gen 2s coming so a joint team will start to get very cramped. No bad blood or anything.

>> No.12730445
Quoted by: >>12730571

Already working with two other teams, didn't know /pcclg/ was dead because anons can't detect a mocking impression when it comes from a woman

>> No.12730571

Yes, quite, but not for the divegrass team. It was the catalyst to the current "Is/Should Lumi (be) GFE?" arc currently raging over at /clg/
>/pcclg/ was dead because anons can't detect a mocking impression when it comes from a woman

>> No.12730727

I'm laughing so much at the sheer absurdity of this stream, Tenma,
I needed this to make up for the murderous headache I had.

>> No.12730729
File: 211 KB, 400x400, 1612020785515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12730782

Why not stream this on Twitch? She wouldn't have to censor anything there. This is kind of shit.

>> No.12730888

Only if you can't keep your dick in your pants like a 12 year old, sure.
This is hilarious.

>> No.12730914

Come to think of it, she doesn't even have to censor it here, if her only concerned is keeping the VOD monetized.

>> No.12730946
Quoted by: >>12731393

She'd probably still get in trouble on twitch for this too, only people with 6+ digits on their sub count are allowed to actually have fun

>> No.12731333

Alright I take this back, there's something kind of kino about this.

>> No.12731393
Quoted by: >>12732180

Are you actually autistic? Are you missing the gag that is being spelled out every 5 seconds?

>> No.12731568

>KFP - Rail Operations Manager

>> No.12732180

nta but it got old really quick

>> No.12732190

Pippa's new waiting rooms are out, also start times seems to be delayed by an hour for most of them

>> No.12732417


>> No.12732640
File: 180 KB, 322x305, 1610507241550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coomers are actually upset Tenma's messing around with the censoring
jesas people, just go to some booru or something if you're that desperate for SK's tits

>> No.12732795
Quoted by: >>12734429

Daylight savings isn't global

>> No.12734176
Quoted by: >>12734318

No schedule from Uruka yet?

>> No.12734318
File: 234 KB, 316x355, 1567727073210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that's my fault. She's gonna be a while

>> No.12734429

It was nice while it lasted. Maybe I should just become nocturnal at this point.

>> No.12734997
File: 144 KB, 478x548, 6d9eabb1122e2ecd02daa612bf096c64140a76ab07e20b4f2ab3fa6aa2076451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filtered not because she's a furfag, shit at video games or has trash taste but because of fucking daylight savings

>> No.12735302
Quoted by: >>12735856

I forgot how much I hate this serie's art style. Feels like the Sakura EVN series.
I like big tids but they draw them badly.
Is this sponsored?

>> No.12735856

Leave us men our little pleasures ma'am.

>> No.12736153

Nasa streams > other members

>> No.12736533
File: 173 KB, 793x372, 163383695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12736762

*blocks your path*

>> No.12736762

Pippa > Uruka/Iori > Lia > Tenma > Nasa/Michiru

>> No.12737230
File: 693 KB, 2722x4096, lia 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lia is almost back bros, i can hear her voice

>> No.12737398
Quoted by: >>12737470

Ok place your bets for Lia's stream.

Will she not stream at all and blame it on OBS again?
Play a little bit and stop so she can play League?
Or actually do a long stream again?

>> No.12737470
File: 698 KB, 700x525, Lia Shrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will do a long stream because she loves me

>> No.12737566
Quoted by: >>12737709

Did lia continue PMD?
I stopped watching because of irl stuff

>> No.12737709

no, it's popped up a few times in chat but i think shes avoiding it

>> No.12737996

What's happening in Iori's twitter space.

>> No.12738051

Why did Nasa private her DBD stream? Its one of her best streams.

>> No.12738218
File: 3.42 MB, 2000x2000, I LOVE LIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12738275

Why have the Liafags multiplied so much lately

>> No.12738337
File: 1.58 MB, 512x342, lialikeranimorph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally all me

>> No.12738356

They've always been here

>> No.12738398

Lia is live. Prepare for suffering.

>> No.12738436
Quoted by: >>12751072

Is her 22:00 stream at 8 or 9 est?

>> No.12738585
File: 72 KB, 243x173, Lia 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit she is so cute, just like she is every day!

>> No.12738650

>Didn't play league on vacation
>Played 4 days ago
>Didn't have to play the rest of the days due to getting railed by Kap
Anything else Lia?

>> No.12738826

Lia is so cute when she's overflowing with Kap's cum!

>> No.12739104
File: 542 KB, 876x739, Lia sadist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12739331

i like lia, i want to make love to lia, i want lia to throw a plate at me because supper isn't cooked right! I want to be lectured by rin mama for being a degenerate with no job moving in with their daughter! I want lia to smother me with her huge enormous honkers! I want Lia to hit me and rage fuck me after losing a game of league! I want Lia to lecture me every time we see each other throughout the day! I want Lia to trip me down the stairs just for fun! I'll wear glasses just so Lia wants to bully me more! I love Lia!

>> No.12739331

ywn be Kap getting paid in bimbo pussy for carrying aram.

>> No.12739486

I want to love, date, marry and impregnate Nasa...

>> No.12740148

me 2

>> No.12740310

anon...she already has a boyfriend

>> No.12740340
Quoted by: >>12740432

All of PC does. Even Kevin.

>> No.12740347
Quoted by: >>12740446

Yes, me.

>> No.12740432

>Even Kevin
But of course, it's me

>> No.12740446

I don’t remember posting this…

>> No.12740463

me neither

>> No.12740474

You did. Don't worry about it. Happens to everyone sometimes.

>> No.12740537
Quoted by: >>12740811

Nia from Prism also took a break around the same time as Lia, after all they did collab together before and are friends. Do you think the Kap man got to her too?

>> No.12740699

>phasmophobia with michiru

>> No.12740811

My god....

>> No.12740961
Quoted by: >>12741069

>1 week vacation
>comes back to oilbarons whaling
this is how you make your chuubas learn the wrong habits...

>> No.12740985
Quoted by: >>12741239

>both lia and tenma don't have streamelements showing on their screen

>> No.12741050


>> No.12741069
Quoted by: >>12741151

Oil barons paying for Kap's next plane ticket to dick down Lia.

>> No.12741151
Quoted by: >>12741786

This stream will barely pay for the condoms he breaks through in 3 days. Keep it coming, barons. We know Kap will.

>> No.12741239
Quoted by: >>12741433

Streamelement dono alerts don't show up?

>> No.12741433
Quoted by: >>12741503

They show on everyone's but lia's and tenma's I think.
Kind of dumb to hide the one that doesn't take a 30% cut.

>> No.12741503

The stream elements one does have an alert,
it's often too small to make out on Lia's stream.

>> No.12741613
Quoted by: >>12741757

It’s me the pickle guy from months ago.
I’m back once again to eat pickles at midnight and watch Lia, funny enough, she was playing RE7 last time and is playing RE2 now

>> No.12741757
Quoted by: >>12741886

pickleanon! did your housemates get mad at you for eating all the pickles after all?

>> No.12741786

I hear Kap's condom's have to be custom made with carbon nanofiber reinforced rubber and are over two feet long. he can't buy normal condoms because regular market condoms dont fit him... The nanofiber is there because Kap cums with the of Mach 10 speed with enough force behind it that could shatter steel. It's over bros... we were too cocky...

>> No.12741886

Yea. I bought extra jars next time and they forgave me.

>> No.12742093

>Lia bullies and shoots innocent zombie behind boards
>gets bitten by a cop zombie shortly after
Thank you, officer. Even in undeath duty does not end.

>> No.12742125
Quoted by: >>12742181

“hell yeah”

>> No.12742181
Quoted by: >>12742292

I don't think she would "hell yeah" about a spooky stream, anon. The bear's a pussy.

>> No.12742292
Quoted by: >>12742316

Sorry bro, I’m quite horny right now, so all I retained from your post is “bear” and “pussy”

>> No.12742316


>> No.12742704


>11/13 Violin Karaoke

You're in for a treat...

>> No.12743176
Quoted by: >>12743606

>every spic name acts like a fucking idiot
You can't make it up.

>> No.12743606
File: 63 KB, 192x168, CT32yXZWEAEBibL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed it too..." what the fuck is going on with these random Spanish spammers"

>> No.12743730

What's the best way to make clips? Streamable seems fairly easy and they can be used to shitpost in threads

>> No.12743763
Quoted by: >>12743889

>2h27m stream
ngmi lia

>> No.12743889

but she passed the 2 hours mark??

>> No.12743914

You go Lia, keep reading every single one of Kaps messages, totally wont make the cuck messages keep coming every time

>> No.12743952

Thanks for doing your job at least cipher.

>> No.12743957

Do you actually think she cares about what those retards spam?

>> No.12744018


>> No.12744041

I'll give you a hint anon it's not Lia that drives the cuckposting. It's (You)

>> No.12744439

Also Cipher slay the rrat for good, I know you have some insider information on whats going on between Lia and Kap. Tell us, what is really happening?

>> No.12744736

Literally nothing. We laugh about it.

>> No.12744920

Thanks lia and kap, hope you enjoyed your honeymoon

>> No.12745026
File: 223 KB, 500x492, thefinalyab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service Cipher.

>> No.12745624

There's literally nothing, we all lurk here, I'm the only one who's openly posted here.

>> No.12745802
Quoted by: >>12746700

so you're saying anons are getting upset over their own headcanon? impossible...

>> No.12745950
Quoted by: >>12746700

It's literally nothing, don't worry about it

>> No.12746021
File: 43 KB, 367x367, 1618623053388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the only one who's openly posted here.

>> No.12746700
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>> No.12746703
File: 1.78 MB, 1521x2048, 1606717813939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pippa is going to hit a couple milestones this week. the book club stream will be her 150th video uploaded to her channel (unless she publishes some shorts or does a guerilla) and her Beatani collab will be her 100th stream, including offcollabs. (im also counting the twitch vod in both of these milestone counts)

>> No.12747323
Quoted by: >>12747490

I am excited and scared for Gen 2. Kevin did a good job with Gen 1 picks but I hope we don't get a Council situation.

>> No.12747490

>council situation
you mean that the new gen is just all round better? idk anon seems unlikely to me.

>> No.12747680
File: 542 KB, 615x543, nasacute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed the stars on the inside of Nasa's hair.

>> No.12747704

IRyS stop widening your Eyes it makes your model uglier!!!!

>> No.12747738

Wrong thread sorry

>> No.12748253

vt told me that they have less numbers than myth had at their current time. Does that still holds true?

>> No.12748369

But does council have a Gura killer? Didnt think so chump.
*drops mic*

>> No.12749559


>> No.12751072
File: 295 KB, 720x720, nasa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8am est

>> No.12753059
Quoted by: >>12754778

I don't believe any of Cipher dismissing the rrats until I see proof. Kap is Lia's boyfriend until proven otherwise.

>> No.12753284

I believe Cipher dismissing the rrats unless I see proof. Kap is in Lia's friendzone until proven otherwise.

>> No.12753850
Quoted by: >>12753882


the kap ratts was wrong bros, she's cucking us with thanatos now

>> No.12753882

Kap is Thanatos.

>> No.12754386
Quoted by: >>12756329

If you retards are going to try to get Kap in vc to confirm/deny rrats, don't make it so obvious. All you did was alienate him before seeing if anything was true.

>> No.12754525

Watching some Blue Bear VODs and... Uruka is just faking being scared, right? I mean, nobody can be scared of Little Misfortune to the point needing Lia to handhold her, right? How does she survive reality like this?

>> No.12754778
File: 17 KB, 236x247, jfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12759625

Actually im the real Cipher and I can confirm Kap is Lia's boyfriend

>> No.12754821
Quoted by: >>12755015

trash bear is the only member who is actually from a different world.

>> No.12755015

Calling Chinese actual aliens is kinda racist, anon.

>> No.12755039


What was Michirus spaces about? Anyone listen in?

>> No.12755050

isn't it just the cutest? :)

>> No.12756329

>fear of prying eyes
that guy is one of the old notpippa fans. they are all cucking us now

>> No.12757746

Nasa is playing amogus

>> No.12757897

With an open lobby apparently. I wish I didnt work today.

>> No.12757903
Quoted by: >>12757974

she's playing with viewers, saviorfags this is your chance

>> No.12757974

I actually feel sad watching this. She can't even fill a game.

>> No.12757994

Anos, if you speak Japanese, please save her

>> No.12758070
Quoted by: >>12758181

well there's a couple of factors, she just came back from a hiatus and I noticed the stream wasn't showing up on the schedule web until it went live, also the discord pinged 10 minutes into the stream. something like this needed a bit more advertising

>> No.12758115
Quoted by: >>12758216

I don’t speak jp or I would

>> No.12758181
Quoted by: >>12758305

The discord pinged 1 minute into the stream which is how is its supposed to be now.

>> No.12758216
Quoted by: >>12758491

They're talking in English so join.

>> No.12758305

oh, right. Forgot there's a dedicated channel for youtube pings now. I was talking about the live channel

>> No.12758491

nta but chat isn't working for me for whatever reason

>> No.12758602
File: 423 KB, 1050x591, 1625815221260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakana sus

>> No.12758695

Mi-chan is drawing "art memes"

>> No.12758743
File: 140 KB, 1024x1280, nasa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I had trouble getting out of bed for the first game, now I am here to save her

>> No.12758751

Kek. Nasa's Japanese is so slow and simple and interspersed with the occasional English that I can actually understand everything she's saying

>> No.12758874

▼Birthday News
Michiru's birthday is in 2 day. (November 11th)

Tenma's birthday is in just under a month. (December 3th)

>> No.12759017
Quoted by: >>12759067

>skipped the dandelion meme
is she embarrassed about that?

>> No.12759067
Quoted by: >>12759268

I missed it, what when?

>> No.12759212

Jesus fucking christ DON'T KILL THE STREAMER FIRST

>> No.12759268

she was showing her oc memes folder and when the dandelion meme comic she made came up she just skipped to the next

>> No.12759481

>Tenma has the shakes from alcohol withdrawal.
Kevin save her from herself please.

>> No.12759625

This is bullshit but I believe it

>> No.12760124

I think I'm starting to understand the appeal of Lia and Uruka. Your bear is pretty cute, Uruka-bros. She's probably going to die if she plays an actual horror game though.

>> No.12761217

I want to MMO, FFXIV seemed like a good option but it gets shit everytime a vtuber shows interest on it?

>> No.12761593

rrat: Kevin founded this company because he wanted streamers to have an incentive to frequently play Minecraft to make his server really cool. He wanted the girls to play FFXIV so they could get a ton of gil so he could get some too and get a giant guild house. Gen 2 is about finding girls who will actually do that stuff.

>> No.12761710

>play Minecraft to make his server really cool
did he jokingly tweet about only starting phase connect so he could have cute girls do all tedious shit in MC for him?

>> No.12761719
Quoted by: >>12762139

I love Tenma so much bros.

>> No.12761809


>> No.12762139
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>> No.12762298
File: 252 KB, 537x623, 1606422272843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12762482

Just pester Pippa to play New World or BDO. TERA is pretty fun, but it's completely fucking dead. Even if there's more TERA streams and the guild keeps staying active we will run out of stuff to do eventually because there's literally nobody else playing and the game won't be getting any more content because of it.
AGS have finally shown some signs that they intend and, most importantly, are able to fix and finish New World, and have plans to support it long term. It's got all the potential of being a good MMO with fairly good action combat, plus it has all sorts of ways to fuck with people even if there is no forced PvP, which is something that the rabbit has alluded to like. The only thing the game is completely lacking in is the cute and the funny.
BDO should be self-explanatory. It's the prime Korean grinder with forced PvP and plenty of cute and funny, and coomer bait.
Anything else I really don't see any potential in, unless Pippa for some absurd reason wants to get into WoW. Then God help us all.

>> No.12762990
Quoted by: >>12763958

>The only thing the game is completely lacking in is the cute and the funny.
this is critical for me

>> No.12763211
Quoted by: >>12763958

>New World
The combat in that is somehow worse than Elyon. No way she would like that.

>> No.12763414

Not sure about now, but being an action game it gives you that constant feeling of progression in both gear and personal skill level

>> No.12763653
Quoted by: >>12763958

New world has no anime titties does it? DROPPED
BDO I'm pretty sure I heard it was the hell of hells because of the grinding

>> No.12763754
File: 213 KB, 2136x1924, FDxCj5jWQAMrUQB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe this picture

>> No.12763809

is she wearing big shoes or what's up with that

>> No.12763864

tummy erotic uooohhhh

>> No.12763881

I saw her panties and now I can never be a bride...

>> No.12763958

>The combat in that is somehow worse than Elyon.
It's really not, even though it may seem that way from videos or while playing very early game. The reason why it looks bad is because it is very "down to earth" when compared to things like BDO, however, unlike in BDO you actually have to aim because the hitboxes aren't fuckhuge and there is no auto-aim. Landing that big chunky headshot or long range Fireball is very satisfying and time-to-kill can be close to those in Korean MMOs if you know what you are doing. I've oneshot glass cannons with some of the more cancerous builds I've come up with.
Obviously there are issue with combat, some due to design and many due to bugs, but, as said, AGS have actually signaled that they intend to listen and fix shit.
This is a major flaw, yes. However, it wouldn't really work that well with the Diablo-esque setting. You can have pretty dresses tho (even on a bearded dude).
BDO has fairly insane catchup right now, so if you apply brain on top of grinding you can have a semi-viable character in a month. After that you hit a fucking wall though and need to get on the treadmill. Luckily there's a lot of other fun and/or grindy stuff you can do both solo and in groups.

>> No.12764180



>> No.12764249


>> No.12764327

I like the color of her pantsu

>> No.12765295

Apex addict with incredibly erotic voice going live to save the dead hours

>> No.12765431
Quoted by: >>12765704

another anon but I keep seeing BDO's pretty characters and want to get on board but it sounds like it is just pvp focused

>> No.12765467
Quoted by: >>12765704

>it has all sorts of ways to fuck with people even if there is no forced PvP, which is something that the rabbit has alluded to like.
>Themepark kiddie MMO
KEK. Tell me another one

>> No.12765541
Quoted by: >>12765704

I might consider BDO if there is a chance to actually play with everyone, no point in joining a MMO to form a group and it gets full and you are left out... and of course if Pippa actually picks it up, so that more .. capipalists? are reeled in. Otherwise TERA it is

>> No.12765704

By those standards literally every single MMO is a themepark nowadays. NW is largely a sandbox in my opinion. The one thing that is keeping it from being a true sandbox is the fact that there is no forced PvP.
Yeah, BDO could be fun, but it's going to be shit if we don't get enough people that want to commit. Also latency is going to be a big deal. I know I ain't playing no ninja on NA servers.

>> No.12765879

>By those standards literally every single MMO is a themepark nowadays.
>literally every
KEK. Do you have any more?

>> No.12765887

Pvp could be fun with the group, but if I am playing solo then it gets tiresome looking for pugs

>> No.12765983
Quoted by: >>12766043

No Lia for us besides Kap today.

>> No.12766043

how to make a girl so addicted to your dick? is he a discord mod or something?
Is saying "no memes in general" sexy?

>> No.12766140
Quoted by: >>12766199

You just have to find a cute, horny as fuck neet, anon. If Kap can do it, so can you.

>> No.12766199

What if Kap is Kagi’s boyfriend and Lia is actually the third wheel?

>> No.12766231

Lia is a slut

>> No.12766334
File: 389 KB, 609x861, 2021-11-09 20_44_32-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12766890


So i did some diging and sleuthing around and uncovered that Michiru is part-cat. You heard it here first folks!

>> No.12766388

I know, isn't it hot?

>> No.12766772


>> No.12766890

Her mother fucked a beast man.
Many such cases.

>> No.12767521


>> No.12767655
Quoted by: >>12767729

Pippa, some schizo from clg wants you to open a crypto wallet >>12733760

>> No.12767729
Quoted by: >>12767814

At this point do you really think pretending to be an uninvolved third party is going to make you look better?

>> No.12767814
Quoted by: >>12767877

I am a third party, why else do you think I choose that deleted comment in particular to highlight the situation?

>> No.12767877
Quoted by: >>12767960

I don't see any reason that a third party would dig up a day old comment to remind Pippa that she totally needs that shitcoin wallet so she can get the big bux donations. I don't see any reason for a third party to even get involved in this other than telling you to stop spamming it already.

>> No.12767960

I have 4chan x, so digging deleted posts is a non issue, also, I'm a tourist in that thread, didn't know he's a regular schizo. First time seeing it. And since this thread is past bumplimit anyways I thought I would link it here

>> No.12767980

They were close before he became a YouTube mod, but he's not a Discord mod. Maybe he's a bullyable glasses-wearing weeb boy, her type.

>> No.12768068
Quoted by: >>12768327

Did she laugh because she was aware of what was being said?

>> No.12768108

As long as she can whoop my ass between sex sessions I am good

>> No.12768327

Uruka callled PC a black company in chat after the two imposters were both staff members. Also Nasa said "Not black company phase connect" but that's less useful for shitposting

>> No.12768775
File: 2.25 MB, 434x596, 1606644619048.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pogchamp fox
