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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 291 KB, 1266x2048, Sasaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11372891 No.11372891 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>11228703

>> No.11372897
File: 1.72 MB, 1518x1075, Sasaki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11372960
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Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.11375471
Quoted by: >>11378307

We need a abusive Sasaki story. She’s the perfect fit with how short-temper she is.

>> No.11378307

I wouldn’t mind a Yandere Sasaki story.

>> No.11379358

just gonna repost this since that anon's azki story got completely overshadowed by the argument last thread

>> No.11382196

I missed this and I'll archive it in a bit. Thanks for reposting it.
The original requester is on vacation in the Bahamas and emailed me and asked me to pass along the message that he's very, very grateful, and, quote, "is very happy someone put effort into writing about his obscure music oshi".

>> No.11382305

another one enjoying a vacation in the bahamas, lol

sure is a popular place to go, huh?

>> No.11382819
Quoted by: >>11382855

What's so special about the Bahamas anyway? Isn't it like cheap Hawaii? Also do they not have internet over there? Why would he even go there then?

>> No.11382855

dunno. perhaps he was forced to?

>> No.11382878
Quoted by: >>11382916

If he had the internet to email you why didn't he just post in the thread?

>> No.11382916
File: 18 KB, 425x404, 1448375409180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11383569


>> No.11382977
Quoted by: >>11383481

thanks for reposting my story
I published it at the wrong time lol

>> No.11383481
Quoted by: >>11383570

Didn't catch this from last thread, but I thought it was a pretty nice read. There are some sections as the other anon said where it just feels like a list of actions more than anything else, particularly in the beginning where the sentences are all the same length. However, they do build up Azki's apartment quite nicely and give a good look at her routine. There's also moments where the description does a good job at conveying some emotion, such as Azki looking over the posters on her walls. Also, the last few scenes in the bathtub and her dressing up I think capture that comfy feel quite nicely and probably the best parts. Looking forward to anything else you might put out!

>> No.11383569
Quoted by: >>11383622

I uh... I missed the joke too.
what was it?

>> No.11383570

I'm glad I captured a part of that comfy feel even if it was a bit scuffed.

>> No.11383590

is it worth putting effort in to read and give critique even on writings whose premise you've got no interest in, particularly if the critique you'd give would be mostly negative in nature? is that something people would want to hear? would it appear magnanimous or condescending instead, and make someone's day worse?

>> No.11383622
Quoted by: >>11384436

"on vacation in the bahamas" means he's banned.

>> No.11384400
Quoted by: >>11384790

It's been said before. If the critique is logical and not just shitting on someone for no reason, then you should go ahead and post it. Most writeanons want to hear feedback, be it good or bad.

>> No.11384404
Quoted by: >>11384790

It's a bit hard to read things you've genuinely got no interest in or find a bore to read, but I try and read at least the start of other things to see if they're interesting or short enough. If they ask for feedback and you have a mostly negative critique, I don't think it can be helped. That said, I will try and comment on a few things I enjoyed and liked to see more of, no matter how little, to soften how mean I might come off and make the rest of the criticism easier to swallow. That's what I think at least is the nicest way to comment on others' writing.

On a different note, it feels much worse when no one pays any attention to what you write at all, than even just completely negative feedback, at least for me.

>> No.11384436
Quoted by: >>11384738

Ah. Thanks

>> No.11384738
Quoted by: >>11384961

Anon... I was joking, and I thought you were playing around too... you may want to get that noggin of yours joggin

>> No.11384790

i was thinking from a more philosophical angle. it is a worthwhile endeavour, or is it actually disrespectful to comment on something you've no interest in purely for the sake of giving feedback? is it worth chasing self-interest for reasons of principle, or is it worth promoting a more responsive thread culture, even if it means potentially hurting or chasing someone away with negative feedback? could that in itself be seen as a positive?

>> No.11384908

One of the lesser shitfits last thread is living rent free in my head, so now I'm curious:

Which chuubas are most likely to have bush?

>> No.11384960

Most likely: My oshi
Least likely: ur oshi lol

>> No.11384961
Quoted by: >>11385051

Wait ok now I’m confused. Is he actually in the Bahamas? If so how did he have the internet to email AA but not the internet to post in the thread?

>> No.11384995

Watame has woolly pubes

>> No.11385021

But Anon, you ARE my oshi

>> No.11385051
Quoted by: >>11385181

Anon...he was telling you the truth at first, it's terminology to say that they're banned

>> No.11385181
Quoted by: >>11385324

Ah. Thanks

>> No.11385253

realistically almost all of them since they play games for a living, have no love-lives and were mostly shut-ins even without covid

i feel like i'm gonna regret bringing up this chuuba but... pekora probably has one of the hairiest bushes in hololive, basically being a hikki

>> No.11385324

Anon... please... not like this

>> No.11385325

Any kind of well thought out feedback is useful for an author; if you want to think of it philosophically, consider the old saying "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I'd rather receive good critique than nothing, which is why I try to comment my thoughts regarding the fics I can read.

>> No.11385333
File: 215 KB, 333x333, dooooooog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11385940

Most likely Korone because sweaty gamer dog and Mio because sweaty wolf hag
...out of morbid curiosity I want to see art of this

>> No.11385342

I wanna eat out Pekora's stinky NEET pussy before fucking it and using her hair as handlebars until she can't even say 'Peko' anymore

>> No.11385360


>> No.11385444

Not Noel, she's keeping herself cleared down there for her brother.

>> No.11385512
Quoted by: >>11385943

>Least likely: ur oshi lol
You monster. Fauna would never.

Imagine how soft.

>> No.11385628
Quoted by: >>11385856

The only thing currently rent free for me was that one anon's assertion that Kronii is female Vinny Vinesauce. What the fuck?

>> No.11385856

If only she played more kusoge I would agree with that anon's assertion.

>> No.11385895

i'm happy with this assertion, i would prefer she be shaved or at least short and well-groomed

>> No.11385940

It's crappy quality but I've seen it.

>> No.11385943

>Imagine how soft.
I never really realized how much I enjoyed a good hairy pussy until thinking about it just now and Watame's gentle fluff would probably feel amazing, especially for people into hairjobs

>> No.11386257

God Imagine getting held down and forced to lick her smelly rabbit pussy.

>> No.11386359

>Held down as Pekora grinds against your face and quickshot orgasms over and over again

>> No.11386665

everything is good about this until you get to the smelly part

i've posted this before here but unwashed cunny is probably one of the worst smells in existence, much like anything tinged with the scent of ammonia

>> No.11387041

Other anon mostly says it right. That said, even if the story isn't completely interesting, I am curious if I can see the parts I am interested in be improved on in future works from the author. Also, I don't see the thread being responsive as something that has to involve chasing people away that much. There's also not much of pushing away potential writers that seems positive, although not sucking them into this hole could be considered one.

>> No.11387589
Quoted by: >>11387898

So long as you don't do it out of pity, I think it's fine. Whenever I start feeling like I'm hotshit, I drop something subpar and get a very much deserved reality shock from an onslaught of harsh critique. Probably saved me from embarrassing myself many times.

One day... I'll actually get commissions. After... the fourth reality shock, surely next time I'll be ready and the critique will be "that's worth my money"

>> No.11387898
Quoted by: >>11388428

>One day... I'll actually get commissions.
if you haven't yet, the reason may not be a lack of skill, but rather a lack of promotion, and if you're serious, i'm interested. what have you written?

>> No.11388428
Quoted by: >>11388564

Oh no I don't mean writing. I'm hot stuff at writing. It's my drawing that is lacking. Got a lot to improve.

>> No.11388564
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Quoted by: >>11388683


>> No.11388683
Quoted by: >>11388789

What even is that imagine supposed to represent anyway? Seems to be quite popular.

>> No.11388789
File: 97 KB, 700x520, 1433227483030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a desire for deconstruction of the capitalistic pseudo-meritocracy which society is founded on

>> No.11389672
File: 227 KB, 850x1226, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tamao_tama0kun__sample-e846b3ae9b4506cf6cfe054b3b22ffc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11389848

Alright, I haven't posted in quite some time, and last thread I posted this prompt got derailed and went to shit (not my fault), so here we go:

(You) died young from an exceptionally severe pneumonia (or tuberculosis, up to author) and go to the afterlife. Or at least, that was the plan. Fortunately, the Grim Reaper's apprentice offers you a deal: She would give you a new body in exchange of becoming her assistant for her side gig as a live streamer.

After your reincarnation, you decide to hold a journal to chronicle your thoughts and experiences about this new occupation, the rather colorful coworkers you now interact with, as well as your growing feelings for the pink-haired beauty who gave you a new lease on life.

>> No.11389848
File: 1.02 MB, 640x360, punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11390754

I can't believe you're posting this again so soon. This is basically spam at this point.

>> No.11390754
Quoted by: >>11390854

Hey, when you want something to get done, you ask for it until it gets done.

But more seriously, I guess you do have a point. I won't post it for a while after this thread is done, whether it gets picked up or not. It was more of a principle matter than anything.

>> No.11390854
Quoted by: >>11391858

It was just a joke, pal, made because I haven't seen this prompt in ages. You do you.

>> No.11391230
Quoted by: >>11392315

Speaking of prompts, guess I'll throw some feelers out here... a while back, someone posted about getting inspiration from a multi-ended prompt I made about (You) being an egg farmer and Fubuki eating your chickens. If you're still here, Anon, any word on how it's going or has motivation kicked the bucket?

>> No.11391586

Haha Yuck! That would be so gross! I mean could you imagine! Haha. Could you imagine...?

>> No.11391625

unfortunately yes

>> No.11391832

As long as it's with the smug superiority like when she crip-walked over Noel in Getting Up I absolutely can

>> No.11391858

Oh, sorry about that. I just came back home and it's late so I'm kinda tired, lol.

>> No.11391930

I just got done cumming to it so yeah

>> No.11392315
Quoted by: >>11393115

Considering we haven't heard from him in a while, I don't think it's gonna happen. Maybe post the prompt again and hope others will pick it up?

>> No.11393038
Quoted by: >>11396700

Mori either has hers cleared to help chase manlets or just has that shit be a big wild unkempt field.

>> No.11393115
File: 1.05 MB, 1642x1732, 09182021A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not.

You, a humble chicken farmer, have been dealing with nightly raids on your livestock for almost a week straight. Losing one hen a night is becoming quite costly, and it's clear to you now that a predator has sourced your farm as a prime hunting ground. You move all your animals inside for the night and lay a trap - a simple rope-and-stick tripwire which'll cause the door of the hen coop to shut behind it. You bid farewell to Dorothy, a sickly hen, and leave her inside the coop as bait, then go to sleep.

Sure enough, you awake to the sound of scratching and banging at wooden walls, and upon investigation, you find a bewildered young foxgirl with blood on her face and feathers scattered everywhere. She's clearly been raised as a wild child, and doesn't seem to communicate in anything but a series of growls and grunts. You've caught the perpetrator, but what to do with her?

A) Adopt her as a pet-slash-daughter. Foxgirls have similar intelligence to humans and can think past their animal instincts, so you spend your days teaching her how to speak and work the farm. Taking to civilization like a duck to water, within a year you've got yourself a fantastic farmhand and perhaps a blushing bride.

B) Adopt her as a pet, but don't teach her the ways of human communication. You've got a thing for animal girls and you'd prefer she play the part. Establishing boundaries and obedience, you quickly found her to be a loyal guardfox and, in mating season, an incredible bedwarmer...

C) Adopt her as a pet of sorts, although she would say differently if she knew how to speak. Keep her locked inside a chain-link enclosure and have her repay your lost chickens with her body for the rest of her life.

D) Just shoot her brains out.

This isn't a CYOA, it's a multi-ended prompt. You could disregard all of these ideas and do something else too.

>> No.11393703
Quoted by: >>11393943

That's an incredibly hot picture

>> No.11393943

kujirapasta is probably the best fubuki artist around, not necessarily in quality, but because he's really fucking good at capturing emotions
and also because fubuki is all he draws

>> No.11393976


>> No.11394280

this is really charming for some reason, cheers anon

>> No.11394808

>Just shoot her brains out
If you're going to do this, why even bother setting the trap? Foxes tend to hunt at dusk, so just wait out with a shotgun or small game rifle and drop her when she goes for the chickens.

>> No.11394938

If she's trapped it's easier to fuck her before blowing her brains out. With a limp leg and all, she can't fight back as much.

>> No.11395066

Probably because it's much easier to put down a trapped animal than it is an alert night-hunter while it's dark out

>> No.11395837
File: 2.78 MB, 2000x2829, UKeWNMYx7wiyu44ur8Myy8w8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerking off to High-Density Comet while listening to Stellar Stellar on repeat and I gotta say life's pretty good right now anons

>> No.11396424
Quoted by: >>11396519

Getting sucked under the table while listening to Suisei's moans and the buzzing vibrator in her pussy and I gotta say life's pretty ok right now. Think I'm gonna tell her to stream it next time so I can laugh at you sending her akasupas while she sucks my cock disguised as noodles ASMR or some shit

>> No.11396519

Shouldn't you be busy writing something about you getting fucked in the ass by Oga?

>> No.11396545
Quoted by: >>11396588

Should you be busy taking your meds?

>> No.11396588
Quoted by: >>11396619

Shouldn't you?

>> No.11396619
Quoted by: >>11396664

I already do, every morning at 10AM on the clock.

>> No.11396664

You shouldn't skip days, anon. The meds are supposed to get rid of Suisei.

>> No.11396668

mom, dad, please stop fighting

>> No.11396700

She has drunkly stated that she is hairless from the neck down

>> No.11396707
File: 16 KB, 248x276, 1437466217866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed so hard at this, fuck, last thread was amazing.

>> No.11399329
File: 303 KB, 1937x1000, SubaruWiggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11400705

Duck sex onegai

>> No.11400705

Gonna be honest I can’t bring myself to see Subaru sexually. She’s cute and I like her and I want to hug her but fucking her? It doesn’t sound right.

>> No.11400717

You might be gay

>> No.11400989

>not wanting to fuck the energetic tomboy childhood friend
I'd like to help you Anon, but I'm afraid there's no cure for the gay yet...

>> No.11401154

Subaru's got some of the best lewds out there and for sure she'd be the sweet spot between mature and immature when it comes to sex, with a healthy interest in it to boot. Duck would be a great lay.

>> No.11402172

Afraid I have to agree with the other anons, you gay nigga

>> No.11403089

Compensated dating with Ogyaru.

>> No.11403674

Not feeling horny right now so I'll go with A. It's so much hotter to have a fulfilling relationship with a consenting partner than to have a sex toy or sex slave.

>> No.11403706

Absolutely based.

>> No.11403772

I can see not seeing someone like Nene sexually but Subaru!? I cannot see any fucking issue that would prevent seeing her that way.

>> No.11403858
Quoted by: >>11403913

Nene is really sexy in her own way. She's so cute and silly but at the same time it feels like Nene would do her absolute best to make you cum even if it's in partially goofy ways. Imagine Nene kissing and lightly licking at the head of your cock while she has fluffy bear paw gloves awkwardly caressing your shaft and balls. I imagine she'd be the kind to literally blow a raspberry on your frenulum and let out a little cheer for herself when she inevitably stimulates you to the point of orgasm.
God I want to fuck that cute retard.

>> No.11403863


>> No.11403894

Her voice. Why would you want to listen to a squawking duck during sex?

>> No.11403913

>Imagine Nene kissing and lightly licking at the head of your cock while she has fluffy bear paw gloves awkwardly caressing your shaft and balls.
You have absolutely no idea just how frequently do I look for this sort of thing in my porn/hentai. Girls gently kissing the cock's tip are underrated but FUCK it's hot seeing it and/or imagining it.

>> No.11404121
Quoted by: >>11404262

Thanks anon, that was the first time I wrote straight-up sex instead of weird fetish shit. Heartening to know it can get people off

>> No.11404262
Quoted by: >>11404377

Wait, what else did you write? I'm curious.

>> No.11404377

Everything in the archive relating to architecture. That imgur link's continually updated by the way

>> No.11404403

That's an unexpected response. Good work on it either way..and thanks again for the Polka one.

>> No.11405535

Just read the two chapters of love bite. I gotta say, it actually makes me understand guro shit a bit more. It's still pretty disgusting, but u can see how people might be into it, the graphic depiction of the violence also really shows how both party might enjoy it. The story is pretty good, overall.
I still don't get necrophilia though. How can there be any enjoyment from fucking a corpse? Like when they cut off a chick's head and fucks the body. What the fuck even is that.

>> No.11405554
Quoted by: >>11405693

Have to ask, but why is it an imgur thing rather than stored on like google docs publishing/rentry? Seems like a really round about way to store it compared to how the rest of the thread shares their stuff.

>> No.11405693

Because when I initially made it, it was only meant to collect screenshots of short greentexts. It was only a number of weeks or months in that we started producing full-length fics, so now it's just sunk cost. If I can ever be arsed to get around to it, I've thought about moving the links to a google doc and having the imgur just be a single link on it serving as a repository of screencaps

>> No.11406397

I’m not gay, I just can’t see her as someone fuckable. Same with chuubas like Aqua, Nene and Rosemi. I’d happily have sex with most other chuubas, but the really cute ones I just want to hug more than anything.

>> No.11406426

Anon... It's okay. I know that mindset. But something will shift in you where you'll begin to see them as sexual of something occurs

>> No.11406450

..But Aqua's body is begging to be fucked.

>> No.11406499

You're telling me you don't want to fuck Aqua?

>> No.11406610

Even Aqua's artist wants to fuck Aqua with all the lewd art he has drawn for her.

>> No.11407014

Taking on Pekora in a Mario Kart punishment game only to be absolutely destroyed by her and then used as her sexual tension release toy for the rest of the week. Featuring a lot of Peko femdom where she talks down to you in her normal bratty "superior" tone even as she's trembling through orgasms and stroking your head to egg you on.

>> No.11408124

Okay now that one is just nonsensical.
She's nearly up their with Shion in the 'audience wants to rape them'. She's the embodiment of retard you want to defile and corrupt.

>> No.11408370
File: 1.82 MB, 800x1145, 1631316578052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a shitpost than a story, but here's my take on >>11393115

>> No.11408401
Quoted by: >>11408494

Sorry, I forgot to add:
Tags: Fubuki, Gore(?)

>> No.11408494
Quoted by: >>11408542

Oh boy! Oh-
I hope someone else reads it because that just killed my desire to open the page entirely.

>> No.11408542
Quoted by: >>11408558

Sorry for the disappointment, anon.

>> No.11408558

I'm used to it.

>> No.11410060

It was really good, got a genuine laughter out of me and also hurt me. How could you let Anon kill my oshi you SOB.
That aside though, I like your writing style. It was good.

With that said, I hope someone will write an actual serious story based on the prompt. Preferably the A route.

>> No.11410142

I fully realize that this is medium effort shitpost and your probably not looking for any critique but I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't say my feelings on a fic I've read.
Honestly I have mixed feelings on this. Like obviously the 'intent' I'm reading is that this is supposed to be faking out a fic going for the other options but the directness kinda doesn't really give it room for the reader to think it'll be any of the other options. In terms of execution, it's okay just seems a bit to straightforward and without any kind of tension that sticks.
If you were going for a fake out, I'd have dropped hints that this was going to be like an option a scenario by having a short intro that plants the idea that the Anon might take her as a daughterwife, maybe add some tension by making it seem like he won't shoot - then bang. Kill her there drop the descriptions of gore then end it as he leaves.

>> No.11411198

Requester here, laughed my ass off. Kudos

>> No.11412891

Since learning that Sora plays darts, I've been knocking around a comedy idea of her waltzing into an English pub (probably Wetherspoons) getting absolutely sloshed and joining in a game of darts with a load of drunken blokes and annihilating them. This would be playing in the background on loop of course:


not sure if anybody would be interested in reading this though, might be better kept as a daydream.

>> No.11414329
File: 65 KB, 850x956, sample_51125dcccc5364c869222b3837c00d9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel repeatedly interrupting your attempts at romance with other girls so she can have a supply of high quality virgin blood.

>> No.11414484
Quoted by: >>11415240

Menhera wrangler of instead of wrangling hololive's menheras it's about wrangling hololive's autists like Moona, Rushia, Mumei, etc.

>> No.11415240

Can you list them all? I'm autistic so I don't realise when people are autistic.

>> No.11415513

The second chapter for the adventures of Anon in a misandrist fantasy world is here!


Tags: Amelia, Flare, Ayame, SFW, Adventure

I did my best to take notes in regards to the pacing, and although I had a bit more planned to insert at the end of the chapter, I felt that it would be better to end it at the conclusion I did. For AA, I suppose this counts as a series, but I have yet to think of a series description for now. Will let you know when that happens.

As always, let me know what you think!

>> No.11415550

fuck the tag was supposed to be Action, not Adventure. Apologies, AA.

>> No.11415731

I've reread and jacked off to Fox Family Bonding again and for some fucked up reason, I have the iresistable desire to steal Miyuki away from papa Anon. Just grooming the impressionable fox daughter and corrupting her is just so fucking hot to me.

>> No.11416747
Quoted by: >>11416782

That's because you're a creep that should stay away from children

>> No.11416782
Quoted by: >>11416894

She's not real, anon.

>> No.11416894

He wants her to be real. If he finds someone like her, he will 100% act on his "not real" desires.

>> No.11416980
Quoted by: >>11417203

Go back to twitter you retarded nigger.

>> No.11417025
Quoted by: >>11417203

Pretty sure the author mentioned that the character is of legal age. Pretty sure Anon up there is talking about her personality not age.

>> No.11417042
Quoted by: >>11417203

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.11417203

Kys pedos

>> No.11418374
Quoted by: >>11419208

Not gonna accuse you of being pedo and shit, I'll just say that NTR, Mind Break and grooming overall are shitty kinks and I legit don't understand how can people get off to them

>> No.11419052
Quoted by: >>11453724

I'm happy that we got another chapter of this fic. I like that Ayame doesn't seem like a complete asshole like most of the women in this fic. Looking forward to more of this.

>> No.11419208

I guess the appeal of those kinks are how depraved they are and how vanilla will never come close to the types of reaction they can get out of the women getting fucked in their stories.

>> No.11419949
File: 39 KB, 680x848, 1442806579542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420482
File: 2.73 MB, 474x400, upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11423566

>first fubuki fic in ages
>it's her head getting blown to bits

>> No.11421613

Ok anon I can positively say you got me real hooked with this. I feel you definitely stepped up your game from the last chapter. I don't have much in ways of criticism; all I can tell it so good job!

Also just a little error I spotted with "She was wont to kill that man"

>> No.11421668

This is the kind of retarded take that gets books and art banned

>> No.11421875

isn't that sentence correct?

>> No.11422026

it is, but i'm not surprised ESLs don't know this because using "wont" in that manner is archaic english

>> No.11422257

Oh well I'm stupid then, ignore that.

>> No.11422273

to be fair most native english speakers wouldn't know that as well desu

>> No.11422537

Don't use it if it's archaic then. You're not smarter for using it, you're just trying to appear smart and failing. It's like calling salt sodium chloride, fuck off with that shit.

>> No.11422659
Quoted by: >>11453724

Hey nice, I liked the world you set up so I'm glad you got another chaoter out, and the pacing is much better this time around. Though, if there's one thing that I can kind of criticize it's that sometimes sentences are strangely formal in a way that interrupts the flow of the dialogue, at least for me. For example,

>“Ah, sorry about that. I… I’m not too sure why I said such things, to be frank. I don’t even know how am I going to change the world, and heck, I don’t even know how to use this thing properly,” you gesture to Shiny Rod, giving it a shake.

the "why I said such things" part stands out in an otherwise fairly casual conversation, but that's just a minor problem.

>> No.11422713
Quoted by: >>11422740

i am not he, and the author isn't to blame with your ignorance

>> No.11422740

>with your
for your*

>> No.11422920
Quoted by: >>11423053

It's not that archaic. I use the construct occasionally myself, explicitly because I see it here and there in modern literature and like the flair it has. I think this is just a case of two bumpkins in the thread

>> No.11423053

god damn west countrymen ruining it for everyone else

>> No.11423173
Quoted by: >>11423481


Next you'll be saying words like overmorrow, hithertofore, and barleycorn are 'archaic' or 'outdated' too. Wont in that context is tremendously common.

>> No.11423481

I have never heard a single one of those words in my life.

>> No.11423566
Quoted by: >>11423645

Hey, at least you actually get the fics you want to read. Those of us who genuinely want to read "Eating Fubuki's Diarrhoea" have to content ourselves with imagination and crying to sleep every night.

>> No.11423645
Quoted by: >>11423711

Be the change you want to see anon.

>> No.11423711

I think about it constantly, but I'm A) a really shit writer and B) can't jerk off to anything I create.

But maybe one day I'll get desperate enough and write it myself. I can feel motivation bubbling away inside already.

>> No.11423840
Quoted by: >>11424081

what makes the thought of slurping up fbk's rancid diarrhea arousing to you?

>> No.11424041
Quoted by: >>11424081

>I'm a really shit writer
Pun intended?

Hey don't knock until you try writing it. Even if it does turn out to be shit, just take it as a lesson to learn from. No one starts from the top.

>> No.11424081

Mental damage, probably, but I can't explain a fetish well. I will say it's weird to me that every other bodily fluid is commonly fetishized, including piss, and yet scat is demonized.

What I can say is that the idea of her suddenly getting the uncontrollable squits in public and the only release she has available to her being my mouth in a dark alleyway corner gets me harder than compressed diamonds.

Yeah, I might try soon. It's getting to that point where I kind of want to give it a go.

>> No.11424131
File: 192 KB, 663x522, 1633937974928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458

>the idea of her suddenly getting the uncontrollable squits in public and the only release she has available to her being my mouth in a dark alleyway corner gets me harder than compressed diamonds

>> No.11424171
File: 59 KB, 576x507, 1451689139206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458

>the only release she has available to her being my mouth in a dark alleyway corner
holy fucking moly i can't breathe

>> No.11424188
File: 391 KB, 472x439, KiryuWhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458


>> No.11424219
File: 6 KB, 218x67, telldown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458


>> No.11424228


>> No.11424353
File: 9 KB, 300x168, Bro_WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458

> the idea of her suddenly getting the uncontrollable squits in public and the only release she has available to her being my mouth in a dark alleyway corner gets me harder than compressed diamonds
But...why ?

>> No.11424443
File: 551 KB, 1183x635, IMG_20211014_021325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424458


>> No.11424458
File: 386 KB, 1447x2039, 1632017031754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I expected this reaction. Still kinda hurts, but I don't blame you all for it.

>> No.11424461

I thought the diarrhoea prompt was ironic as a jab at the other scat fetishists. Why are you like this?

>> No.11424494

This is what the average Fubuki fan you are associating yourselves with looks like.

>> No.11424496

I thought it was a jab made because there were too many Fubuki stories being written?

>> No.11424512

You know what, anon? If you want to eat shit don't let anyone stop you.

>> No.11424543

I assumed the same thing as well. Also someone please screencap this.

>> No.11424578

I refuse to believe it. He's probably sitting there laughing his head off. NO ONE can want this.


>> No.11424620
Quoted by: >>11424658

>it's weird to me that every other bodily fluid is commonly fetishized, including piss, and yet scat is demonized.

>> No.11424635
File: 53 KB, 176x163, 1630522468233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record the other bodily fluids are still disgusting, scat is just the worst offender. In order of disgust:
saliva > cum > pussy juice > snot > milk > sweat > ear wax >> vomit >>> piss >>>>>> scat

>> No.11424639
Quoted by: >>11424722

have you ever tasted shit? genuine question

>> No.11424658

Because scat looks gross is always smelly.

>> No.11424722

No, I haven't. But when it comes from a girl you're in love with... doesn't it seem less dirty?

To quote an old favourite, can you really say you love her if you won't eat her poop?

>> No.11424765
Quoted by: >>11424969

Try eating actual shit and then come back and let us know if you still have a scat fetish

>> No.11424808
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 1435025739375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But when it comes from a girl you're in love with... doesn't it seem less dirty?
nope, can't say it does.

>> No.11424825

I'll write that fic for you anon but only because your post and the following reaction made me laugh so hard that I started crying.

>> No.11424833

n-no... it doesn't seem less dirty to me anon. it's shit after all...

>> No.11424892
Quoted by: >>11424963

Anon, if you keep yielding in "for the joke", you'll eventually get actual freaks like supposedly this guy that are actually into shit. It's funny until it's not.

>> No.11424963

but funny

>> No.11424969
Quoted by: >>11425039

To know that for absolute certain... well, I'd have to have Fubuki shit in my mouth. Which is impossible. She's not real, and something tells me that even if she were and somehow fell in love with me, she wouldn't indulge me in this.

Even in my dreams I can't catch a break, man.

You have no idea how hyped this makes me feel. Please don't crush my hopes now. Thank you, Anon.

>> No.11425039
Quoted by: >>11425292

Fubuki is played by a real person. She lives in Japan. You may be able to loosen the pipes in her plumbing and claim some of her holy elixir. Good luck anon.

>> No.11425048
Quoted by: >>11425150

>vomit better than piss
i dunno about that one honestly

>> No.11425079
File: 52 KB, 334x298, _PcxcWaXEu3eTdHNA-Nnl_tPayOGYnTSL4WRlwhm1tA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11425150

>would rather eat snot than lick a sweaty leg

>> No.11425150

Right, swap those two and add blood below sweat
Snot is not as bad as you think anon. Though I guess if it's not your own, it's really gross.

>> No.11425195
Quoted by: >>11425371

>go to bed
>wake up
>55 new posts
>go take a piss, get some water
>13 new posts
What the fuck

>> No.11425292
File: 3.59 MB, 2000x2797, Shirakami Fubuki (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You may be able to loosen the pipes in her plumbing and claim some of her holy elixir.
I laughed, thanks Anon. It's not quite the same as a smooth-skinned, silver-haired fox girl, but you're right - the personality of that incredible human being does exist in our world.

>> No.11425371

Sorry. The conversation has steered towards my fetish. This'll be my last post on the subject for a while because I don't want to become the next brapfag.

>> No.11425549
File: 45 KB, 640x472, 1454925836368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appreciated. fuck that was funny, but no hard feelings - you do you

>> No.11425715

I may never come to understand your fetish but regardless, you're a good sport anon. I hope you can find the motivation in yourself to write your story.

>> No.11426027

Now let's discuss futa...

>> No.11426651
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the wake of this conversation, no one will judge me for wanting to fatten my oshi until diamonds of creamy flesh are poking out through the gaps in her clothes and she's constantly queasy and aching to be filled with diabetes-inducing desserts

>> No.11426850

hey, was never gonna judge you in the first place.
WILL laugh at you though

>> No.11426968

Those Towa greentexts from the horny thread were really hot.

>> No.11426972
Quoted by: >>11427204

As someone who's had a chuuby gf, you don't want that. Weird white scar like spots all over her hips, generally bad kissers as they don't get much attention, if any at all, also they will drain your wallet. Do not recommend 3/10 at least she had a nice ass in this one photo she sent me, the rest was all cons.

>> No.11427204
File: 536 KB, 728x455, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't enjoy your experience because you encountered a lazy entitled bitch in the wild. A proper construction plan involves a firm foundation that you can love even before corrupting her into a dependent pile of meat.

>> No.11431499

What fics do you keep coming back to but never actually announce it in the thread?
Hard mode: no Fubuki AND matthewanon fics

>> No.11431721

I honestly think I may be weirdly obsessed with the Kanata miscarriage fic "While my guitar gently weeps". It was posted so long ago but to this day it remains as the only fic that's actually gotten me to feel emotional. I don't know why but it just speaks to me for some odd reason.

>> No.11431739
File: 149 KB, 850x1011, KiaraStare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara rapist quadriliogy

>> No.11431774

Feeding Strays. I don't even watch Gura but man do I love that fic. It stirs something warm within me.

>> No.11431886

>no fubuki
>never announce it in the thread
not making this easy for me huh

high-density comet is one of my new favourite fics
i finally got around to reading "fuck is this shit?" recently while horny for aqua and had a mind-shattering orgasm
both the baelz and choco series fics are frequent stops for me
and of course lies come to light

>> No.11432339
Quoted by: >>11432917

Devilish Deeds (SFW), Guilty Caretaker (before it got taken down), Young Vibes, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Purple, Body Heat, A Sheep's Warmth, Nursing Catto, Rid(d)e(n) on (by) Time, PE Teacher Chocosen, Polka and Rain

>> No.11432917
File: 1.77 MB, 1078x1366, EsHAktrVEAEBhaV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guilty Caretaker (before it got taken down)
>before it got taken down
>it got taken down

>> No.11432988

learn the lesson niggas
back it up

>> No.11433214
File: 201 KB, 992x1373, 1634228437265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11433465

Stay motivated, writeanons.

>> No.11433244

>don't have it in my offline archive

>> No.11433465
File: 169 KB, 220x321, kanna-motivated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck. I'm writing my first fic for the thread and I'm 600 words deep so far.

>> No.11433503
Quoted by: >>11433857

nta but good luck bro
have you gotten an idea of what it's about or are you just freeform writing atm?

>> No.11433796
Quoted by: >>11433857

I believe in you, Anon!

>> No.11433857
Quoted by: >>11434870

I was inspired by the HL-3rd-gen-as-JKs image a few threads back and got an idea for something semi-long. Have the first arc planned out but I still dunno if I'll go further than that.

Fingers crossed it ends up being as good as I think it'll be.

Thank you!

>> No.11433935

Good on you! Keep it up.

>> No.11434870
File: 1.87 MB, 1600x5969, InPlainSight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad my prompt could inspire, I look forward to what you create!

>> No.11434994
Quoted by: >>11435345

>snot > milk
What's wrong with you. That stuff is actually meant for consumption that I have to ask why you place it so low?

>> No.11435345

Yeah, it's meant for consumption of babies, not a grown ass man. Being into titty milk is gonna give you some really fucking weird looks if you tell it to a normal person. Some people outright puke when they find out they've been tricked into drinking human milk. You just don't get it because you're into it.

>> No.11435542

consumption of BY babies. important distinction - the titty milk does not dissolve and assimilate human children into itself

>> No.11435547
Quoted by: >>11435657

Even so, I still think snot is significantly more disgusting than breastmlik.

>> No.11435657
Quoted by: >>11435725

If you admit to eating snot, you'll be seen as a manchild/childish because children do it all the time, plus you'll be weird but not more so than a little poking fun at. Admiting to wanting to drink titty milk, ESPECIALLY directly from a pregnant woman, will brand you as a sexual deviant.

>> No.11435725
Quoted by: >>11435809

Your own snot maybe, but wanting to eat someone else's snot firmly places you in the category of degenerate in the eyes of the public.

>> No.11435809
Quoted by: >>11435848

Good point, It's probably fine to swap sweat with snot in the list, but milk stays where it's at, + below blood.

>> No.11435848

>scat fans ITT and also vampires

>> No.11435924
Quoted by: >>11435981

I'm not saying I'm into blood, but a girl telling you she wants to drink/draw your blood will only brand her as freaky in bed, nothing more.

>> No.11435981
Quoted by: >>11436092

I want a girl to bite me until I bleed and then lovingly lap at the wound while we have sex.

>> No.11436092
File: 97 KB, 800x1130, 1623170805261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11436293

I know the feeling, anon. I'm personally more partial to a girl with fangs piercing directly, but even a normal girl biting to draw blood would be wonderful.

>> No.11436293
Quoted by: >>11436565

I'm afraid of needles...unless their saliva is some sort of numbing agent I'd be too uncomfortable to find it hot.

>> No.11436565
Quoted by: >>11436805

The momentary pinch is the best part. It sharpens your senses and makes you more aware of the feeling of blood leaving your body. If they numb the part they bite, you won't feel anything, so what's even the point?

>> No.11436736
Quoted by: >>11436987

october brought all the freaks to our yard

>> No.11436805

That's kinda hot. I guess you're right...

>> No.11436862
Quoted by: >>11436986

wdym, blood tastes great

>> No.11436986
Quoted by: >>11437000

> t. kid who loved to cut himself and lick the blood
I know we are all in 4Chan so everyone's got their problems, but your kind is just sad.

>> No.11436987
Quoted by: >>11437002

Anon, I've been here since April. I've just been locked down and unable to give blood recently so my fetish has gone a bit off the rails.

>> No.11437000
Quoted by: >>11437034

I think your projecting anon

>> No.11437002

Oh, blood donorchama! Hello again!

>> No.11437034

digits confirm, anon was projecting

>> No.11438382

Wrote that mori's partner after dying of consumption thingy. fair warning it isn't that good lol I didn't really know what to write about since I rarely watch Mori which is also why it's short.


Tags: Mori, Gore, Tonal Whiplash

>> No.11438829

Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad. And as much as I hate brapposting, the ending was pretty funny, kek.

>> No.11439338
Quoted by: >>11440319

Also, thanks for bothering with making an anchor for my prompt, even if you did so as a complete joke (guess that's what I get for pushing my prompt for a while. Oh well, can't win 'em all LMAO).

>> No.11439414
Quoted by: >>11439691

Most in-character portrayal of Mori I've ever seen, bravo.

>> No.11439691

Kek, like I said, that really wasn't what I envisioned when I originally came up with this prompt. I was actually hoping for a serious story (again though, I was kind of asking for someone to make a shitpost out of my prompt by posting it every thread lol).

Oh well, I guess I was getting a bit ahead of myself here. It *was* kind of an ambitious prompt for a serious story after all (not that I'm upset, as it actually got a laugh out of me).

Meh, guess I'll write it myself and post the result here.

>> No.11440319

I started out earnestly but the scat posting happened itt and that made me laugh so hard that I gave it more of a comedy angle.

>> No.11440552

Completely understandable, I assure you.

>> No.11441015
File: 872 KB, 1488x2105, hololive okayu 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Calliope Mori's friends almost universally call her Callie and not Calliope or Mori. Nothing breaks my immersion faster.

Okay if you like them so much, would (you) suck Okayu's barbed micropenis if she asked really nicely?

>> No.11441346
File: 227 KB, 640x640, 1631551073393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11441393

Depends on how much it hurts. If it's prickly enough to feel like a cactus or something, that whore can jerk herself off using me as material and that's all. Now, if it's only a minor inconvenience that sometimes stings my tongue, I'd suck on that cat's cock so hard she would have to scream for Korone's help to get me off.

>> No.11441393

>Now, if it's only a minor inconvenience that sometimes stings my tongue, I'd suck on that cat's cock so hard she would have to scream for Korone's help to get me off.

>> No.11441470
Quoted by: >>11441514

>Calliope Mori's friends almost universally call her Callie and not Calliope or Mori. Nothing breaks my immersion faster.
The council calls her Mori you dumbfuck.

>> No.11441514
Quoted by: >>11442168

Who cares desu senpai

>> No.11442073

On the condition I got to pump her ass full of cum after.

>> No.11442168

>An entire branch calls her Mori
>Who cares
fucking idiot

>> No.11442237
Quoted by: >>11442397

you wrote for the oversharing spamming redditor, I hope you're happy

>> No.11442254

I might be more incensed by your comment if I could muster the slightest inkling of shit to give about HoloEN

>> No.11442304

Retards will be retards. Sad thing is, he will never be Japanese

>> No.11442397

Okay, butthurt-chama. Time to take your meds.

>> No.11442572
Quoted by: >>11442669

quick note for AA if he's around
the Interlude chapter of CH goes between chapters 4 and 5

>> No.11442669
File: 45 KB, 1200x1000, 1504481298492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11443541


>> No.11443541


>> No.11444060
Quoted by: >>11444528

just read "beating the shit out of sana because she won't stop talking about astrology" and laughed my head off
t. aussie

>> No.11444528

Thank you so much anon! Been real busy lately with college and work, but hopefully my next story will get finished soon.

>> No.11446939
File: 306 KB, 1500x1912, 1634246614925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't this image just make you wanna cum inside that hamburger and feed it to her without her knowledge?

>> No.11446990

Fbk wnedy bacntr.....

>> No.11447124
Quoted by: >>11447668

sorry pierce, i'd rather make sure she's never in this situation in the first place

>> No.11447668
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1631798955661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11447849

> he doesn't want his oshi to unknowingly eat a big juicy hamburger filled with his hot seed as she moans about how delicious it is whilst licking off what she thinks is mayonese off her lips and says she loves how salty it tastes
What are you, a faggot?

>> No.11447849

i'm perfectly okay with my "hot seed" in her mouth, just not the "big juicy hamburger" part

>> No.11448010

Sounds to me like you're a spoiled little fag. Cum in her mouth is cum in her mouth, you don't need to be so picky about the specifics.

>> No.11448041

cope and seethe, Fubuki loves juicy burgers in her mouth and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.11448049
Quoted by: >>11448160

Stop taking the fucking bait.

>> No.11448160

Keep talking about eating diarrhea then if you think it's bait. Don't know how new you are but gokkun is fairly popular.

>> No.11448212
Quoted by: >>11448292

is this the earlyfag OP trying to start shit to get to the bump limit? fuck off with your literally who chuubas

>> No.11448292

>thread near bump limit
>needless hostility starts popping up
Looks like.

>> No.11448477

> can't even talk about the fetish without being branded as bait
Gokkunchads, are we gonna let this slide?

>> No.11448873

Now this is how you do a bait and switch shitpost. The setup is intriguing, the switch was funny and if I hadn't spoiled myself clciking the spoiler, really unexpected. This is a really good bait and switch, it's not something you'd come back to but it's a good unexpected joke that'll hit anyone browsing the archive in the future.

>> No.11448936
Quoted by: >>11448992

Just as long as the tags don't spoil the switch in the archive, too

>> No.11448992
Quoted by: >>11449227

Should I leave "tonal whiplash" out, then?

>> No.11449227

probably a good idea

>> No.11453720
File: 849 KB, 1180x661, 1634128259687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11453724


Thanks for giving it a read, and I'll see where I can work on the dialogue flow. in the future. I do have some concerns regarding the characterization of some of the holos moving forward, but I suppose that creative liberties are to be taken considering this is a totally foreign world.

>> No.11453746
Quoted by: >>11453815


Not the author btw, just thought it should be archived

>> No.11453815
Quoted by: >>11453874

this was already posted before and is currently in the archive already.

>> No.11453874
Quoted by: >>11453924

Fuck, I've missed it
Sorry about that, ignore it if that's the case

>> No.11453924
Quoted by: >>11454001

I won't, you're a dumbass.

>> No.11454001

Factually correct

>> No.11456264

At least finish the thread properly.

>> No.11456279

can't, busy finishing in your mum

>> No.11456342
Quoted by: >>11456407

Any suggestions?

>> No.11456407

Tuck into bed with a big kiss and a glass of water

>> No.11456432

>End of thread
>38 posters
Where'd everyone go? We usually average around 56 don't we?

>> No.11456458

Yeah, a lot of tourists. This thread went unusually fast

>> No.11456472

We're on the way out

>> No.11456525
Quoted by: >>11456559

It fluctuates with 40 being a solid average. The fetish discussion earlier made the thread move way faster and probably discouraged some posters

>> No.11456559
Quoted by: >>11456840

this desu, any and all fetish discussion more deviant than handholding missionary sex for the purpose of procreation should be banned

>> No.11456840
Quoted by: >>11457482

So no headpats, gentle femdom or aftercare? Man...

>> No.11456890

Fubuki reaches a breaking point from constantly having to fix the other Holomems messes and turns into her alter ego, Kurokami - not giving a fuck about anyone or anything anymore. It is up to you and your willy to show her that she is not just needed, but loved, too!

>> No.11457482
Quoted by: >>11457597

I want to be rode like a race horse even if it hurts as she threatens my life

>> No.11457552
File: 156 KB, 900x592, 1628598614033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11457596

Every time I see the write thread with a NijiJP op, I want to come in here and request something but I can't fucking think of anything

>> No.11457597
Quoted by: >>11458952

To each their own, friend. I prefer vanilla shit.

>> No.11457596

Fumino Tamaki slobbering on your dick like a retard while doing her weird giggle.

>> No.11458952

Acceptable. I also enjoy vanilla. Sometimes something different is nice. It's like French vanilla.

>> No.11460346
File: 371 KB, 1798x2048, EzP6v_RUYAYrSKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want some good Fubuki fluff, just something that would really make me smile like a fool reading it. Please.

>but there are tons of Fubuki fics already
I know, but I need more! I can't ever have enough fluff stories with Fubuki.

>> No.11460386
Quoted by: >>11460449

I'm stealing this Anon's prompt post.
Fubuki fluff but it ends in an equally fluffy tailjob and cuddling.

>> No.11460449
File: 252 KB, 1356x2048, FBlqtcbVkAAD4X9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for the wonderful addition!

>> No.11461581

not me looking at all the FBK fics I've written yet more ideas of the foxfriend invade my mind.

This general has ruined me.

>> No.11461673
Quoted by: >>11461960

Pretty much this. Again, not what I hoped for with my prompt, but since the bait and switch was good and managed to get a laugh out of me despite the fact that the switch was brapposting, which I normally loathe I'm not even remotely upset.

Also, would you guys be interested if I ended up writing my prompt the way I originally envisioned it and post it here like I said I would do ?

>> No.11461752
Quoted by: >>11461916

I like this as a dumb action/shounen thing; I want to say more but honestly this is the exact kind of dumb chuuba fics I want; keep up the good work anon.

>> No.11461916

Shounen chuuba enjoyer. Very based.

>> No.11461960

Go nuts.

>> No.11461998

What is the logistics of only consuming blood for food, magical bullshit aside? Can or can it not exist IRL?

>> No.11462118

You'd need to look at how hematophagy in animals works.

>> No.11462181

Here you go

>> No.11462203

My favorite Fubuki fic so far.

>> No.11462212

Supposedly, regular consumption would kill a human due to the ridiculous iron content. It causes undue strain on the liver and dehydration.
Animals that can drink blood have specialised mechanisms in place that allow them to expel the excess iron, and reduce their iron absorption.

>> No.11462287
Quoted by: >>11462362

New thread

>> No.11462362
Quoted by: >>11462431

At least you've actually begun posting the prompt board on top of it.

>> No.11462431
Quoted by: >>11462464

He always did though?

>> No.11462464
Quoted by: >>11462498

No, he didn't. He'd post the story anchor, not the prompt board. He's been doing board for maybe two/three threads now.
Source: I was posting the boards because he wasn't. Someone said something about it and now he does it himself.

>> No.11462498
Quoted by: >>11462528

Nigger, I was the one posting the prompt board.

>> No.11462524

Good story Anon, it did make me laugh, but there was no fluff involved. Not what I was looking for, but thank you nonetheless.
I still ask for a nice, wholesome Fubuki fluff.

>> No.11462528

For a bit, maybe. The past few times before the aforementioned threads above have been me. As long as it's posted, I don't give a shit who does it. I'm just glad it's there.

>> No.11462999

Shounenkino/10, sasuga writeanon.

>> No.11463559

I'm working on the Amelia bestiality piece some anons showed interest a while ago, does anyone know what breed is Amelia's dog? I can't seem to find information on it.

>> No.11463757

I think Bubba's a tiny dog of some kind...

>> No.11464069

Pretty sure it’s a brown terrier. There’s an easy to find roommate video of her showing her dog on YouTube somewhere

>> No.11465525

Mel watchers, got any good clips to show off her personality?
