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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10671291 No.10671291 [Reply] [Original]

>Ina calling her viewers losers
>Kronii having a fucking trainwreck instead of a Hades stream
What the fuck is omegatranny doing?
Ina should be fired already and there should also be severe repercussions for not taking a few fucking minutes before the stream to make fucking sure that everything is working properly. There are way too many cases of this shit happening.
Ina ny normal multi-million corporation such fuckups would be treated very seriously.

>> No.10671333

How does one browse 4chan and become this soft

>> No.10671349
Quoted by: >>10675374

I don't really like either of them so I don't watch them. What's your excuse OP?

>> No.10671434

Someone show me the clip where Ina called her fans losers. There's like a 90% chance that you guys are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is.

>> No.10671519
Quoted by: >>10671680

I just checked in on Kronii she is in fact playing Hades
OP is a over reacting faggot

>> No.10671680
Quoted by: >>10672124

>I just checked in on Kronii she is in fact playing Hades
So you didn't watch from the beginning and have no idea how long it took her to set up.

>> No.10671714

Thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.10671820
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>> No.10671879

Ina can call people losers because she's an untouchable member of the legendary HoloMyth. You have to sit there and take it, and watch as people give her akasupas for having le leaky ceiling.

Kronii doesn't just have a fucking trainwreck, she IS a trainwreck. You were lulled into a false sense of security by honeymoon period nonsense. Now that she's realizing she is stuck entertaining thousands of people every day indefinitely, she's cracking real bad. You will watch as she gets saviorfagged extremely, cringelord-tier hard the more she falls apart.

Omega's doing everything right, and the multi million dollar corporation can only profit from menhera bullshit. That's the whole dynamic.

>> No.10672040


>> No.10672071
Quoted by: >>10672110

I am impress by how Ina is drama free that dramafags are so desperate for materials. They have to loop something that no one gives a shit for three days.

>> No.10672110
Quoted by: >>10675335

She called out shitposters, of course theyre gonna have a fit

>> No.10672124
Quoted by: >>10682806

Not a clocksucker
OP is still a faggot

>> No.10672279
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Don't talk about guta's friends like that, faggot.

>> No.10672442
File: 82 KB, 851x826, Dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ OP go get a glass of water or something

>> No.10672660
File: 225 KB, 330x412, 1630469474296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10686531

Damn, so this is what zero pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.10672754

What a loser.

>> No.10672772
Quoted by: >>10672959

What do pornstars, maid cafe girls and vtubers all have in common? They think you're losers for consuming their bad acting. And they're correct.

>> No.10672959


>> No.10673135
Quoted by: >>10673324

>Ina calling her viewers losers
you mean this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciCa6Y-E-7s where does she exactly call them losers?

>> No.10673324
Quoted by: >>10679857

>someone bitches on /vt/ about Ina
>it's her being based
every fucking time

>> No.10673394

Well, did she lie? Go out and do something with your life. Even Ina graduated college for fucks sakes.

>> No.10673465
Quoted by: >>10674864

Doesn't really count for much if you have asian parents and go to college. It was either that or one day her dad splits his stomach open.

>> No.10673557
File: 205 KB, 463x453, ANGRY ALPHA OMEGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low test, eat more meat your u fucking grass muncher.

How do you even fucking complain about LITTLE LITTLEST THINGS holy shit, you must be a ultra Faggot

>> No.10673585
Quoted by: >>10673725

OP might be a dramafaggot, but
>not checking if everything works before starting the stream
is a reoccurring problem with hololive in general. They can't even do a basic sound check when doing collabs and just rely on chat to complain if someone is too loud/quiet.

>> No.10673725

The scuff is part of the charm anon. It reminds you that your oshi is a flawed human like you.

>> No.10673751


Anyone taking it seriously deserves the roasting, but she even apologized for it anyway:

>> No.10673783

OP is a faggot. That is why

>> No.10673801

All this ranting no link to validate claim, do better next time retardchama

>> No.10674088
Quoted by: >>10682471

what would happen if Ina said fuck the chinese on stream?

>> No.10674287
Quoted by: >>10688118

If Gura did this she would be suspended. The double standard is obvious

>> No.10674301
Quoted by: >>10675391

I hope she just keeps saying stuff like this and eventually just stops apologizing, one thing I appreciate about Gura now is that she doesn't apologize for jack shit.

>> No.10674440
File: 12 KB, 260x391, 260px-Yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small indie company please understand

>> No.10674645

How to detect a giga faggot that missed his onions

>> No.10674864

It is normal for Asians to live with their parents. I mean, why be such a retard to buy your own place for "muh independence"? Yeah, being a slave to your own unnecessary expenses like rent when you can live with your parents is suuuch an independent feeling.

>> No.10674915

Making fun of your chat for watching them probably wasn't the smartest move.

>> No.10675230

If you watch anime girls play games on youtube, you should definitely expect to be teased about it at the very least by anyone who knows.

>> No.10675288

abused their prescription so they can't get meds refilled

>> No.10675335

this lol
they're just mad she basically called them retarded

>> No.10675374
Quoted by: >>10678178

Ina is cute I want to massage her little nips with my tongue.

>> No.10675391

Gura's idgaf attitude is rubbing off and it makes me happy lol

>> No.10675447

I think there's a difference between being called a do-nothing loser by other do-nothing losers and being called a do-nothing loser by someone that won the life lotto and is rich and famous. Kind of like how it's only socially acceptable to call black people nigga if you're black.

>> No.10675490

She was defending Mori because of muh Gurl Power mentality and because Mori is sensitive enough to let that shit get to her. I dislike Ina for other reasons but giving chat shit for being gaming elitists isn't one. In my opinion, don't watch a chuuba game if their poor play bothers you. It's why I don't watch Noel, Flare, or Rushia play anything involving FPS.

>> No.10675495
Quoted by: >>10680995

Every single person watching deserves to be mocked at least a little bit.
Stop being this much of a faggot anon.
You'll live longer and happier.

>> No.10675535

That joke is as funny as making fun of a girl's only job in life is to act cute and play games on the internet.

>> No.10675543

What do you mean by "even Ina"? She is as successful as it gets
>a cutting board hehe
>a big forehead lol
>a 1 braincell lmao
Also chat: can't take a slightest entry level banter. Piss off

>> No.10675615
Quoted by: >>10687576

Jews tricked Americas in post WWII culture to think having their adult children living at home meant they were loser kids, whether they held own a job or not. All in order to put a 20yo into a mortgage debt for 30+ years.
Car, House, and Student Loan: The Trifecta of US debt. Cherry on top is medical debt.

>> No.10675680
File: 3 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your trying to cover for Ina? Just getting fired won't pay back the huge blow they got to their reputation and the reputation of all others talents because of Ina's cataclysmal mistake.
At they very least a court case should be opened and I don't think her ear of working at Hololive will cover half of what she will have to pay as compensatioh

>> No.10675717

Bitch still won't draw Kaichou. Fuck her.

>> No.10675820
Quoted by: >>10676266

Ina got to the point where could become famous for playing an anime girl on the internet by spending years obsessively drawing anime girls and watching vtuber streams, being immersed enough in the whole thing to have better Japanese than 99% of this board. She spends most of her day doing this exact same thing now, drawing, streaming and watching other vtubers. If you don't get that herself is by definition kind of included in her teasing, you're not paying attention.

>> No.10675832
Quoted by: >>10676077

If you're bad at a video game then stream a different one if you don't want to get called out for being bad at it. Also these are all millennial women. They should know how to play video games by now.

>> No.10675856

her year*

>> No.10675928

It's unfortunate but aside from graduating all HoloEN I don't see what Cover can do, it's the only pay to repair Ina's damage, anything less would just make it worse.
Maybe they can keep IRyS since she's japanese.

>> No.10675981

Sometimes it's hard but you have to accept what happened and cut your loss. I'm sure the girls will find a new career and path in life.

>> No.10676077

Not all millennials, especially girls, grew up playing vidya. Even among the JPs, there are ones like Subaru, Choco, Noel, and Rushia who obviously only got into gaming after joining Hololive. Watching Fubuki play a game and then watching Noel play the same game is like night and day.

>> No.10676106

Ina has Yagoo by the balls, she's literally EN Fubuki.

>> No.10676112

>IRyS since she's japanese
I thought she was a huwaito expat or haffu.

>> No.10676169

If your job is to play vidya then you should be at least somewhat capable of playing it. People called out game reviewers all the time for being shit at video games when it's their job.

>> No.10676176
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, reddit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina ny

>> No.10676266
Quoted by: >>10687914

It didn't really come across as self-deprecating to me in this instance. >>10675490 was probably right in that she was just trying too hard to girl power for Mori when banter isn't your forte.

>> No.10676268

"won the lotto" except all the lotto takes is a 2 dollar ticket and to get into hololive you need years of work or at the very least 6 months of high quality work

>> No.10676398
Quoted by: >>10676488

Playing videogames isn't their job actually. They just have to hafe content, it doesn't matter what. If the content is installing games then so be it.

>> No.10676459

Ina herself has stated that luck has a significant role in life. Are you're dumb if you think there isn't. I know someone that suddenly died of a sudden brain aneurysm, I know someone that was raped when they were younger, I know someone that was homeless because of medical issues. I know someone that has literal schizophrenia. Stop pretending that everyone is a potential millionaire and is just too lazy to be one.

>> No.10676488

Yeah and that content tends to be playing games 80% of the time and zatsudon the other 20%.

>> No.10676679
Quoted by: >>10687961

OBVIOUSLY you retard but just applying to hololive without any type of "portfolio" isn't going to do a damn thing otherwise nyanners would be apart of hololive right next to gura

>> No.10676722

Her only strength is her ability to take the punishment, without it you're left with a milquetoast Asian shut in with a nasal issue

>> No.10676800

You are a fucking loser LOL

>> No.10676805

Still better than Ame's content.

>> No.10676819

What is it with normalfags and feeling like they should be ashamed 24/7 of everything? Or is it just an American thing?

>> No.10676873

it's an autism thing lol
As you can tell from the vaccine bs , most americans don't give a fuck lol

>> No.10676880
Quoted by: >>10677105

Except then they get in Hololive and slack off because the goal's been met and they can get big bucks just for casually mentioning they "need" something but haven't bought it yet. PC giving you issues mid-stream? "Yeah, my PC's kinda old, sorry guys :(" followed by instant 'PC fund" aka supas from brain-dead chimps who can't see the blatant money-grubbing for what it is.

>> No.10676882
File: 77 KB, 556x500, 1631765675372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, recognize this hobby for what it is and understand that the women you want will want nothing to do with you if you aren't doing something with your life.

>> No.10676920
Quoted by: >>10678150

It's nothing to be ashamed of, but who really wants to advertise the fact that they watch anime girls play games on youtube as a major part of their personality?
This anon gets it.

>> No.10676939

They are entertainers not pro gamers. Some of them almost never play games(excluding Minecraft). Haachama, Nene, and Polka hardly play any games solo besides MC.

>> No.10677019

I guess being a professional artist that makes good money drawing anthropomorphic sea vessels for billion dollar companies means nothing to you.

>> No.10677105

For Holos, you're correct but NijiEN or any other corporate ENs, they're not making much without the Superchat cash. Nijisanji doesn't give out a paycheck so the only cash they get is Adsense pay and merch sales. I'm not sure if SCs tied to adsense.

>> No.10677184

>I dislike Ina for other reasons but giving chat shit for being gaming elitists isn't one.
The issue is that she didn't attack them for being gaming elitists; she attacked them and by proxy everyone else watching because they took time out of their day to watch vTubers.

>> No.10677243
Quoted by: >>10677939

ina has on record said that her life at one point was just watching anime and raiding on ff14 as the highlight of the day. Why'd she shit on people who are probably in the same position she used to be.

>> No.10677519

>roasts fans
>apologizes while her avatar is stuck in perpetual smugness
How can one human be so based?

>> No.10677721

Based, I like her even more now

>> No.10677819

>The issue is that she didn't attack them for being gaming elitists; she attacked them and by proxy everyone else watching because they took time out of their day to watch vTubers.
This, I'm not even mad at her or anything, imagine being a dedicated tako for a whole year and she spits on your face with this just because you share the fanbase with retards, it makes her look like an ungrateful bitch

>> No.10677871

I really hate Ina now.
Why shit on the viewers and fans that have spent money on you.

>> No.10677939

Probably because she could at least get laid if she really wanted to, regardless of whether she did or didn't. And I think she feels a sense of pride belonging to Hololive and being basically the most well-liked, and the most viewed, Myth member. Her Avatar is good but can't carry that much. And most importantly: she was defending Mori from would-be "trolls" or whatever. Not a tako, she seemed like she wanted to say something mean to the people that said mean things about her friend; y'all are looking into it too much.

>> No.10678011

You guys are such crybabies. Every day you guys come on here and cry about a different thing. You dig through clips and streams to find something new to bitch about like children throwing a tantrum for hours on end.

>> No.10678060
Quoted by: >>10678352

Because you are a loser lol
Get over it.

>> No.10678076

>he thinks he's not a loser for watching vtubers
holy delusional batman

>> No.10678150

>who really wants to advertise the fact that they watch anime girls play games on youtube
Probably people who want to find other people with similar interests! It's just a thing they like and they aren't saddled with a ton of self-inflicted shame over an innocent hobby.

>> No.10678178


>> No.10678352

This. You get offended because you know it's true but want to change. Those that know its true and still watch, and even laugh at that, have accepted who they are, or the shoe honestly doesn't fit them so they could care less.
Ina being a "loser" in the past doesn't make her a hypocrite or a bitch for saying that. Maybe she hated herself before joining Hololive. And besides, who better than a former loser to call out others like them?

>> No.10678433

Please become normal.

>> No.10678469

>Nijis actually have to TRY in order to make money
No wonder they’re better streamers

>> No.10678508
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>> No.10678573

The superchat, membership and merch month after month that are the lifeline of a lot of the girls come from somewhere, Anon, stop projecting your miserable existence on everyone.

>> No.10678585
Quoted by: >>10679136

fucking soooooft
you retards realize chat was calling calli bad and she attacked chat where it would hurt
Grow up

>> No.10678831

>waaahh a girl called me a loser
Grow the fuck up BITCH. Kek

>> No.10678833
Quoted by: >>10688118

Well that is because she is just that
Mask is starting to show it cracks, and they will only widen

>> No.10678847

The irony here for me personally is if I was in a condition to better myself I could find someone better than these girls, except maybe Ina and Irys.

>> No.10679136

Learn how to read you dumb nigger, she could've insulted the elitists but instead she went off on everyone watching them.

>> No.10679291
File: 358 KB, 900x1200, E104lfLWUAEfrJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10679443

>LOL you losers watch anime girls play games
>Oh and thanks for the Times Square thingy you nerds

>> No.10679339

>get laid if she really wanted to
Which is just being a woman, in any era. Agreed otherwise, it's just another nothingburger if not an outright play for clicks.

>> No.10679340

And in what way does that have to do with anything I said?

>> No.10679367

Uh dude, any loser woman can get laid when they want to.

>> No.10679417

you're right, lets dump korone, pekora, marine, miko, noel, flare, polka, kiara, and sora too. since they have all had 20-30 minute delays because of technical errors.

>> No.10679443

Shit like this popping back into her brain after she said that is probably why she apologized. Not because she was sorry, but because she doesn't want psycho rich guys doing a Patrick Bateman on her.

>> No.10679493
Quoted by: >>10679513

"Psycho rich guys" would never do the Times Square thing in the first place. They have pussy and attention already. It's the supreme gentleman crowd she should be worried about.

>> No.10679513
Quoted by: >>10679562

If you think supreme gentlemen aren't in the ranks of the rich, you're the one in quotation marks bro

>> No.10679562

The most supreme of gentlemen never had any real money of his own, just daddy producer presents and handmedowns.

>> No.10679576

Why does Ina's chat move so slow? She has 20k live viewers and it's only 1 message every 3 seconds.

>> No.10679594

Takos are cultured or not literal children like chumkeks at least?

>> No.10679638

It’s not even about that anon we, gave this stupid self centered narcissistic bitch money and this is how she repays us???

>> No.10679676

Welcome to women, enjoy your lonely stay.

>> No.10679681

how bad was the hades stream? haven't watched it yet.

>> No.10679714
Quoted by: >>10679791

I think it must be bots, it moves slowly than a NijiEN stream with 1k live viewers.

>> No.10679727

Yeah, but not by the girls themselves.

>> No.10679735
Quoted by: >>10679814

And why not? Ye olde anime itself did it regularly, but average animefag back then was much harder probably too.

>> No.10679748

forget that, it isn't even about simping, it's about the fact she is one of the most disgusting losers herself. That she had the audacity to try and get up on a podium and tell the whole audience they're lower than her is fucking laughable, especially since even her day job only exists because of "nerds looking at anime girls".

>> No.10679751
Quoted by: >>10679824

I want to change, but I can't. If I was a woman, I would never consider fucking me because I would never touch a bald men in a million years unless he was a multimillionaire and paying me for it. The only solace I have is that the fact that noone is willing to fuck me means my undesirable traits are being removed from the gene pool & humanity is at least getting a bit better in one small way.

>> No.10679761
Quoted by: >>10679800

Hey I'll have you know about 1/20th of us chumbuds aren't children

>> No.10679779

You get called a faggot on a daily basis by anons in this site but when a girl calls you a loser you get offended? Get real, FAGGOT.

>> No.10679782
Quoted by: >>10679852

She won hard in my book. If the rrats about her effectively managing EN are at least half true, she won even harder.

>> No.10679791
Quoted by: >>10680060

Ina chat is pretty different from the usual Holo because she policed it fright from the start, and was the only girl with a moderator present every stream. She (gently) called out the retarded behaviors often, and personified her fanbase with her tako very well which also helps the sense of unity.

>> No.10679800

I'm a scumbud myself. The state of chat is appaling.

>> No.10679814
Quoted by: >>10679853

Excel saga was fucking BASED.

>> No.10679824
Quoted by: >>10679947

Dude, you can unironically do a Willis. All is not lost yet. I have a faggot babyface in glorious addition to being a manlet of manlets, I should be dooming here.

>> No.10679852

I mean, she wins because she's a holo. If someone came back with a really fat zinger of a NO U in superchat they'd have got shadowbanned instantly, and she'd still have made money from it. It's not about some childish perception of winning, it's about being more than a maggot bitching about the shit it lives off of.

>> No.10679853

No shit. I always chuckle more thinking about Anno and his supposed attempt to right the wayward ways of unicorn uwu schizos in NGE though.

>> No.10679857
Quoted by: >>10679875


>> No.10679874
Quoted by: >>10679973

Well, what you described is winning too in my book. She keeps the paypigs in line, paypigging.

>> No.10679875

dope based super lit

>> No.10679908
File: 1005 KB, 372x298, 16235525102619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10679952

So Ina containment threads like this gonna be the norm now? Eh, why not, just one more pointless fluff to fill this board

>> No.10679947
Quoted by: >>10679974

Bruce Willis, Jason Stathan, and the few other bald dudes only can get away with it because they have really handsome faces. Mine looks terrible so there is 0 hope unless I want to support some fat & insane single mom.

>> No.10679952


>> No.10679973
Quoted by: >>10679993

Well, if you're that easy to please, guess that's all there is to it.

>> No.10679974

Learn an instrument then, no other way.

>> No.10679993
Quoted by: >>10680035

I'm not a tako. But from the business perspective she made it hard, and women are all about business perspective in this.

>> No.10680031

No it's literally the best possible move, chat is always cancer for anyone with hundreds of thousands of subs, sane people don't interact with/use chat

>> No.10680035
Quoted by: >>10680078

If it's just business perspective, you aren't saying anything that couldn't be said about other holos. By that logic, we shouldn't even talk about the girls, and just post number threads and make nasfaq real.

Shit wait, now you've got me thinking

>> No.10680060
Quoted by: >>10680146

Oh, so she bans them all and that's why they don't type in chat?

>> No.10680078
Quoted by: >>10680250

Of course, that's the whole idea. Introduce some measure of healthy cynicism into the equation and it all becomes so much easier to parse. Basically le women redpill from PUAs.

>> No.10680088
File: 54 KB, 800x581, 1658349439506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I donated money to a girl I'll never be with, with no guarantee of getting anything in return, so now I'm entitled for her to worship me even when I'm a total schizo faggot

>only I am allowed to take jabs at her, she has no right to retaliate

>gets paid for being a loser, unlike (You)

>> No.10680146
Quoted by: >>10680311

A bunhc were banned in the eary days and it made the chat much cleaner. Spammers and kids are less kiley to spam in an actuallly readavble chat, versus opening a stream to a constant flood of emotes and just joining in with everyone.

>> No.10680152


>> No.10680250
Quoted by: >>10680346

Sounds more like you're just trying to distance yourself from a potential pain from investment, but I easily accept someone browses this place purely to wait for the amusement of drama and views modern hololive as a petri dish for analyzing cultural behavior. I hope that you didn't get hurt by an oshi, that's all I can say there

>> No.10680272

I'm not sure why takos are so obsessed with defending ina on this one when even she pretty much said she looked retarded

>> No.10680311
Quoted by: >>10680399

Ina's chat is definitely a good 8-10 years older on average than Ame's or Gura's chat.

>> No.10680322
Quoted by: >>10680350

I'm not even a tako , I just think there are a lot of man children who get way to mad at everything and schiz out
Should she have insulted chat like that? Probably not
Was it that big a deal that they should have spent the last 3 days posting about it? Absolutely not

>> No.10680341
File: 105 KB, 867x1300, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get paid for not being a loser

>> No.10680346
Quoted by: >>10680402

I am woefully ineffective in this then, since I support two. Drama is absolutely a draw for me, and I believe you should come in with at least some expectation of hurt, being the target audience, but that's quite okay and educational even.

>> No.10680350

I should say I'm not a tako, as in I'm not subbed, but I definitely watch her periodically

>> No.10680399

I wish there was a reliable way to poll Gura's membership on age. Everytime I asked in chat, there was a pretty sharp divide between afforementioned literal children and ojisans. Cover really did catch a lightning with her.

>> No.10680402
Quoted by: >>10680433

Man alive, that's actual cope I'm reading. Please reconsider how you're going about all of this, it's only going to make you feel worse down the line.

>> No.10680405 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.10680433
Quoted by: >>10680503

Strange, I only feel better over time. Perhaps it works different for me.

>> No.10680485

I'm not at tako, I just pretend to defend ina to make them look bad.

>> No.10680503
Quoted by: >>10680532

I'd be careful; that tends to mean your brain's got you figured out and is trying to hide shit from the rest of your common sense so it can keep having a good time. Common mistake of an optimistic person, but very lethal

>> No.10680532

>your brain's got you figured out
I sure hope so, considering it's mine...
But I really did learn from my mistakes on this.

>> No.10680660

yeah, people are too sensitive.
Just how it is though, people come to them for positive female attention so their guard are gonna be down, and a small minority who don't get the joke are gonna be hurt or over think it.
she did all u can really ask someone to do.

>> No.10680863

I honestly feel bad for someone with serious issues that is watching vtubers as a form of escapism, and then hears that shit coming from her, even if its meant as a joke.
Btw calling Ina flat and saying that she has a big forehead or whatever is not even compareble because they are insulting a 2D character and not Ina herself.

>> No.10680921
Quoted by: >>10682704

what if irl ina is also flat and has a huge forehead though

>> No.10680968

Graduation imminent

>> No.10680995
Quoted by: >>10681155

you sound like a normie, faggot.

>> No.10681008
Quoted by: >>10681320


>> No.10681155
Quoted by: >>10683122

And you sound like a little loser BITCH.

>> No.10681320

"Meds" what? Expand your comment.

>> No.10681448
Quoted by: >>10681578

>calls you a looser
>nobody cared
>makes apology next day
>15 minutes later we have low effort bait threads with said clip
lmao, she was right.

>> No.10681578

SEA begone.

>> No.10681969

This right here. If you're watching 2 anime girls play guilty gear because you enjoy their content, how does that make you a loser?
Do actresses call their fans losers for watching their movies and tv shows?
What about musicians? Do they call their fans losers for coming to see them perform? Do they roast their listeners in their lyrics?
She may have been operating from a banter mindset but the mask came off. If anyone here is below average attractiveness they would know what I'm talking about when I say it has gotten harder for men in the past 5 years.
But I understand her now. Only losers watch her stream. Guess I'll take my coat and watch a different anime girl, then.
The apology seemed forced at the start but genuine at the end. She must be really great at wearing that fucking mask, because I believed she was sincere and not forcing it out to please paypigs.

>> No.10682029

>do actresses
>do musicians
Case by case basis.
>I'll take my coat and watch a different anime girl
Make sure to have that adblock on.

>> No.10682296
Quoted by: >>10682355

Name some.

>> No.10682355

Al Stewart certainly does appreciate his fans, while Cobain hated the fuck out of them. But Cobain himself was a piece of shit.

>> No.10682408
Quoted by: >>10682439

The best thing Ina can do now is pivot away from her comfy style and just own it. Then losers will know what to expect.

>> No.10682439

Losers real mistake was expecting anything but disdain in the first place.

>> No.10682471
Quoted by: >>10682520

I would have sex with Bae.

>> No.10682520

Didn't know you visit /vt/, Roberu.

>> No.10682532

>She must be really great at wearing that fucking mask
How do you think she passed the audition?

>> No.10682545

>because Mori is sensitive enough to let that shit get to her
Nigga, she knows she isn't good at the game. She just plays GG for fun.

>> No.10682552
Quoted by: >>10691281

Anon I'm certain at least Noel and Rushia did gaming before hololive, the latter even called herself a gamer lel

>> No.10682556

Are we watching the same streamer?

>> No.10682576

gacha games love chinkmin money too much please udestand

>> No.10682635

Ok loser

>> No.10682704

Pretty sure her roommate does. She could actually cosplay her own character accurately.

>> No.10682717
File: 444 KB, 889x951, 1631827902766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-mommy! s-she called me a loser waaaaa!!
I knew we had a lot of faggots /here/ but holy shit
Also, wtf I love Ina now

>> No.10682729
Quoted by: >>10682803

Cover pays pennies

>> No.10682789

I'm not you, anon. People can have vtubers as a hobby and also be doing something with their lives. It's like watching tv or hearing a podcast to me. You retards have been tricked into believing there's anything to be ashamed of in all this, and Ina's poorly worded joke only reinforces this idea.

>> No.10682803

Ina said Hololive boosted her income so much her dad forced her to get a finance manager. Kiara can apply to wealth visa in Japan just for having too much money on her bank account. And those are the two that earn the least. HoloEN is literally printing money.

>> No.10682806

I'm calling every single Kronii fan a clocksucker now, myself included. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10682849
File: 62 KB, 761x502, 1624681369795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10683141

That means I'm cool because I didn't watch that stream.

>> No.10682921
Quoted by: >>10683090

she apologized because the management told her to

>> No.10683090

Ina is the management.

>> No.10683122
Quoted by: >>10683148

So what /vt/ was made for no-life losers like me who watch anime women making funny noises all day and shaming them for having boyfriends, I'm home faggot and you should go back to r*ddit/twitter ot whichever discord you came from.

>> No.10683141
File: 784 KB, 804x765, 1613814329278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10683148
Quoted by: >>10683334

We WILL mock you and you WILL like it reddit faggot go back to your hugbox

>> No.10683199

Recently Cali feels more possitive because other girls seem to say what she would want to say and probably did in private.

>> No.10683289

Yes but not out of Cover's wage which is like minimal Japanese wage afaik.

>> No.10683334
File: 4 KB, 241x198, 1632005100154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the tourist outed himself. You can't make this shit up

>> No.10683494

Too late faggot you've already outed yourself, dont humiliate yourself any further

>> No.10683708
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you having fun watching 2 anime girls play guilty gear?
Yes, that is exactly what I always wanted, thank you for everything.

>> No.10683734

Omega is busy tweeting. Please have some patience.

>> No.10683762

>Ina calling her viewers losers

>> No.10683831

>she was defending Calli being called garbage at the game
Oh boy, let me tell you the tales of Himemori Luna playing Street Fighters II.

>> No.10683846

Why is kronii's stream privated? Did she have a meltdown or something?

>> No.10683912
File: 1.17 MB, 168x192, 1620419600996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10684132

>Ame jabs her chat all the time.
>Chat takes it and jabs back.

>Ina makes a rare jab.
>Havin' a moan.

>> No.10684132

>Ame jabs her chat
>Ina jabs her chat, other chuubas chats, and anime watchers because she wants to seem cool for Calli

>> No.10684174

This is a clear sign of overdose. I'm sorry but we have to stop your meds and kick you out of the facility

>> No.10684185

Which one?

>> No.10684249
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1594744884011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Ina trying to be funny, please understand.

>> No.10684291

Her boyfriend came home early and slapped her ass on stream.

>> No.10684357

simple as

>> No.10684383

Apparently the first hour was fucked by technical issues. She wanted to cut it out but people told her to leave it in.
It should be back in full at some point today.

>> No.10684461

>she wants to seem cool for Calli
I can relate I guess

>> No.10684589

lmao if a quiet girl who avoids confrontation like Ina is calling you a loser it's time to do some self-reflection and unfuck your life or straight up kys

>> No.10684632
Quoted by: >>10691978

>quiet girl who avoids confrontation
They always have the most cynical internal lives.
You would know that,
right anon?

>> No.10684649
File: 474 KB, 666x666, 1632957324457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess its time to hangout with Calli's sensei huh?

>> No.10684672

It's been obvious from very early on Ina is full of pent-up bitterness

>> No.10684712

Ina full menhera arc when.

>> No.10684713

>quiet girl who avoids confrontation
I'm not an Ina anti but she never was like this, and you can notice she is hidding a lot of her thoughts since the start, also is not the first time she says something like this, just people has goldfish memory span

>> No.10684730
Quoted by: >>10684842

I might start watching her.

>> No.10684764
Quoted by: >>10684842


>> No.10684842

I mean I do watch her for relaxation and she's very good with actually finishing her games, but menhera Ina would be something else entirely. Like gap moe but not so moe.

>> No.10684867

4chan has always been made up of people who think they're hard and can't back it up

>> No.10684925

This is so sad, Ina, play Unravel

>> No.10685038
Quoted by: >>10686912

>And those are the two that earn the least.
Ina maybe, but Kiara is second only to Money Mori

>> No.10685443

Ina's just projecting the fact that she's a bitter loser onto haters.
In the end Ina's just insecure despite all the success she has.

>> No.10685504

but Ina was winning...

>> No.10685548

How do you browse 4chan and don't realize this is a shitpost

>> No.10685553

Is Kronii actually a tranny like Shartemis and TTS dragon?

>> No.10685570
Quoted by: >>10685751

She had a stable career before and will have it after. It the rrats are true, she may well climb the corporate ladder right in holo. Compare that to somebody like Ame or Gura.

Why would she be insecure?

>> No.10685751
Quoted by: >>10686080

Because she is by every metric a highly successful person but she seems to have been annoyed by the fact that losers exist, the ones who jab at Mori (who Mori lightly makes fun of herself because she knows she isnt the greatest either). Ina just couldnt stand looking at a reflection of herself, something that reminded her that despite of everything she has, she is still insecure and unhappy inside of being similar in stature and looks as the same losers who enjoy watching anime girls like her.

>> No.10685770

not exactly. she's(?) female to male

>> No.10685863

They were soft from the start obviously. Also, I highly doubt they frequent the rest of the site, not that it's anything to be proud of.

>> No.10685961

Nah you are a faggot, again go back to your reddit hugbox you freak.

>> No.10686062


I have a good gaydar and i say no.

>> No.10686080
Quoted by: >>10686177

This is a lot of projection here mate, did you feel personally called out when she rightfully called people who obcess over shitty vtubers losers?

>> No.10686151

>The apology seemed forced at the start but genuine at the end. She must be really great at wearing that fucking mask
Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe she recognized her mistake and wanted to apologize sincerely, and that you're just a schizo?

>> No.10686177

>This is a lot of projection here mate
from ina

>> No.10686181

Have you ever heard troons? even the ones faggots keep calling "passable" have a distinct timbre in their voice that clearly distinguishes them form real women.
There is a reason why castrati's ball's were taken when they were very young, and even then they sounded more like children than women.

>> No.10686219

God I would love that

>> No.10686310
Quoted by: >>10686381

>loser gets mildly made fun of for being a bitter loser
For fucks sake even /pol/ schizos are less bitch and annoying than this.

>> No.10686381

she called her entire audience losers though

>> No.10686384

Why would I watch autistic girls I think I had a chance with if I wasn’t autistic myself to find better, anon?

>> No.10686430

I don't watch nor ever will watch ina. I didn't like her in the first place, but for fucks sake you faggots are beyond pathetic she clearly did nothing wrong.

>> No.10686431

I don't believe so, TTS dragon is an obvious and I have a pretty goof knack for smelling testosterone in people like Artemis' voice, but kronii doesn't set off my Tdar so she's either NOT or she has the most convincing voice I've ever seen in a troon

>> No.10686471
File: 169 KB, 312x290, 1617403460295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10686531
Quoted by: >>10687387

Omega doesn't manage these girls we know who their managers are. What is it with this board and hatred for someone they literally don't even know? I always thought it was a meme people hated someone not having a defined "he or she" gender but I see you autistic fucks really haven't left your mom's basement.
Seems so.

>> No.10686537

What I like about this whole rrat is not even the fact that Ina did this, but how Ina's fans are literally treating like garbage everyone else even in this thread as a result. Those idiots don't realize that, by doing that, they are just consolidating the fact that Ina and her audience are absolute assholes.
So now it's not even going to be a "Ina's a shit", but "Ina's and her audience a shit". I'm genuinely curious to see how it's going to evolve from there.

>> No.10686548


well shit

>> No.10686556
File: 88 KB, 1063x752, wheezing_mio_by_nlpsllp_de2xhhg-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an FTM, probably hate your female body
>get into vtubing
>finally able to have any form you want, without physical limitations
>cover hures you
>Cover gives you the most female SEEEXXXXX model possible, everything accenting you femininity
Good one, Cover.

>> No.10686583
Quoted by: >>10687080

She didn't tho, the clip is right there. Not only did she say it jokingly, she clearly referred to the part of the audience talking shit to them and mori more specifically.
If that is not you stop being a little self centered bitch, not everything is about you. And if it is about you mate...get help.

>> No.10686599
File: 212 KB, 330x327, 1630812961690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10686753

I didn't expect a joke to turn into a full on schizo thread. Jesus are you people this thin skinned?

>> No.10686621

That's entry level banter, come on. Are you really this soft?

>> No.10686626


>> No.10686694

More often than not I've seen anons here talking about how Ina is fine, but they absolutely can't stand how pretentious tacos are

>> No.10686718

It was revenge for Ouro Kronii, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it. Ina was a made woman and chat wasn't. And we had to sit still and take it. It was among the holos. It was real grease ball shit.

>> No.10686748
File: 322 KB, 1498x1119, 1622054809507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10688118

>> No.10686753


Manchildren, zoomers and Sjws.
This is why you should not use normie docial mefia. Its full of weaklings with the mental fortitude of wet toilet paper.

>> No.10686757

wow, finally Ina did something worth hating, congratz /vt/rannies.

>> No.10686788
Quoted by: >>10686824

Takos are always garbage desu

>> No.10686811

Omegatranny is Ina's husband, he won't fire her.

>> No.10686824

this, they are scum and this bitchfest just proves it.

>> No.10686826

It is 2021 4chan where people from facebook and reddit come to larp as 4chan before 2010.

>> No.10686875

Kronii flailing around is cute. I wish she streamed earlier so I don't have to sacrifice all my sleep to catch the first half of her streams.

>> No.10686892
File: 95 KB, 960x1034, E2ymn6uVIAUr1hS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ENma

>> No.10686912

Maybe in superchat, but I don't know if things would pan out if you put all of the bills of sale on the table.

>> No.10687001

I don't watch ina but that's good.

>> No.10687080

>she clearly referred to the part of the audience talking shit to them and mori more specifically.
and she did so by implying that the life of everyone watching the stream must be pathetic
now this is pure cope. there is a reason mori went on immediate damage control and ina later admitted it was a stupid thing to say
its delusional to think she meant everyone but you

>> No.10687236
File: 61 KB, 185x221, 1422085939524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10687445

>/vt/rannies getting this triggered over a joke
The absolute state of this board. Even the average leddit snowflake isn't this fragile.

>> No.10687387

Omegay is far worse than just some manager, and is hated not for this troon bullshit at all.

>> No.10687445

It really shows how different the EN and JP viewers are.

On the JP side a girl makes fun of a janitor in a game, a joke that isn't even directed at anyone but the janitor job itself, and then everyone including her own fanbase lightly scold her reminding her that it's kind of a bad taste joke. She apologizes, everyone moves on.
On the EN side, we have a girl that DIRECTLY target her viewers, call them piece of useless shit, and her other viewers here have the complete opposite reaction. They not only defend her but also join in the shitfest. Truly shows why EN viewers are viewed like garbage by the JP branch.

t. specimen exhibit A >>10687236

>> No.10687576

And they even took away our foreskins en masse, and still do by the tens of thousands a year for over one hundred years.
How could the Jews be so evil, bruhs?

>> No.10687583

this makes me wonder how japanese are reacting to this. can somebody go through archives and find anything?

>> No.10687638
Quoted by: >>10688320

>now this is pure cope. there is a reason mori went on immediate damage control and ina later admitted it was a stupid thing to say
>its delusional to think she meant everyone but you
"you can't joke about ME how dare she!!!!! how dare that bitch!!!!"
Again mate dunno about other people watching her stream but you are surely pathetic. Do society a favor and off yourself.

>> No.10687878

They went on damage control about some light ribbing because some fans are exactly as autistic as you are

>> No.10687880

The Japanese have a strong superiority complex and that is no secret, it doesn't help when weaboos like you go "SUGOI JAPAN GREAT WESTERN BAD!!!!".
And why the fuck do you care about what some eastern smelly otaku thinks about you?
goddamit, how much more pathetic can one person get?

>> No.10687914

It wasn't intentionally self deprecating, but as she said herself, she later realized that she was describing herself before joining Hololive.

>> No.10687961
Quoted by: >>10688266

Did Nyanners apply for hololive? I feel like she wouldn't. Also she has a huge portfolio what are you smoking.

>> No.10688005

>Chat is retarded
What else is new?

>> No.10688025

They hated her because she spoke the truth.

>> No.10688118
Quoted by: >>10688314

Only about 20 replies from actually offended thin skinned faggots. The rest of (you) should >>10686748
if this is >all you, I kneel to your bait mastery

>> No.10688187

Shut the fuck up retard , get off 4chan if you have this much autismo

>> No.10688196

tranny hands typed this.

>> No.10688266

She did
Her portfolio is pomf pomf related shit or tumblr sjw shit which neither cover would care about

>> No.10688314
Quoted by: >>10688451

The gura guy was joking because gura calls her chat losers all the time lmao

>> No.10688320 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>10688437

again if you think she was joking or just refering to the fags calling mori bad at games you are delusional
>you are surely pathetic. Do society a favor and off yourself.
you seem quite worked up about this
take your meds

>> No.10688355

I am beyond surprised how many people here get mad at being called losers. I would assume you guys knew but didn't care. And as others have said, it's not like Ina shat on (You), she was mostly saying that to people that enjoy shitting on Mori on-stream by telling her she is shit at games.

>> No.10688422

>she was mostly saying that to people that enjoy shitting on Mori on-stream by telling her she is shit at games.
she wasnt though

>> No.10688437
Quoted by: >>10688532

If she was referring to her whole audience it seems she was right god you fags are pathetic.

>> No.10688447

>how many
Tip for next time, pay attention to the ip account and the thread not getting bumped.

>> No.10688451
Quoted by: >>10688850

I apologize to the Gura poster then. Forgive me for falling for your bait.
please don't reel me in

>> No.10688532
Quoted by: >>10688675

keep coping

>> No.10688579
Quoted by: >>10689065

She was, and that's besides my main point, which is how weird it is for losers to know they are losers, but still get mad when another person tells them what they are. And if you think this is yab that broke the camel's back and Ina is done, sorry, but I think you're wrong. Girls like Suisei and Mito, who have called their fanbase worse on-stream, still are here. Hell, Amelia outright hates teammates and people still watch her lmao.

>> No.10688587

It might come as a surprise to you, but if I see a disabled dude being beaten by another guy yelling at the same time "lol get fucked u fucking disabled retard", I'm going to point out shitty of a behavior it is. It doesn't mean that I care about either of them, I'm just pointing out a fact.

>> No.10688675
Quoted by: >>10689259

I'm not the one crying over my oshi calling me a loser retard. I don't like ina to begin with.
But whatever lets you sleep at night.

>> No.10688789
Quoted by: >>10689026

False equivalency. I don't see how what Ina said, in a mostly joking manner, is compared to that, at all.

>> No.10688850
Quoted by: >>10689262

You don’t have to apologize lmao it’s funny just letting ya know

>> No.10689014

Nigger she made a joke and even went "haha love you chat" at the end because it was clearly a fucking joke. Literally no one took offense until she apologized because SHE felt guilty, not because people complained. You fucks are literally just doing this to shitpost and I just needed to type this out to fucking vent because I'm sick of you retards pretending like you even watched either of the fucking streams

>> No.10689026
Quoted by: >>10690313

>False equivalency.
Not really. Ina called them losers because she perfectly knew it would affect them, she said it with the intent to kill, which worked perfectly.
Also context. Ina, the quiet and chill girl, said that. If you can read between the lines you already knows what that implies. I'd unironically have replied "damn girl, chill".

>> No.10689065
Quoted by: >>10690313

>She was, and that's besides my main point
she said their life must suck because they are watching vtubers
which also means she thinks all are fans are losers for watching her, everything else is pure cope
anyone claiming ina is done for is delusional too as can be seen by hundreds of other e-girls and their loyal paypigs

>> No.10689091
Quoted by: >>10689422

>have years of experience working on stuff
>company wants to hire experienced people
>you get lucky and they pick you after you qualify with your experience
>bitter retard complains about luck and does nothing his entire life
>never gets picked for anything while having 0 experience and blames luck
the sooner you realize this shit the sooner you can start doing something instead of being a woe is me world is unfair retard

>> No.10689233

Because they surf the blue reddit tier boards without checking out the NSFW boards before being forged

>> No.10689259
Quoted by: >>10689483

>I'm not the one crying over my oshi calling me a loser retard.
neither am I
I just think the takos calling her based for this are fucking retarded

>> No.10689262
File: 18 KB, 128x118, 859224108796346378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he gets offended that I called him "thin skinned faggot"

>> No.10689383

>western vtubers

>> No.10689409

Works extremely well for Ame.

>> No.10689422

You might be retarded
> you don't have experience?
> why don't you get some experience first before coming to work this job to get experience?
Again Trying to imply there is no luck element to life is simply retarded.
Trying to imply luck doesn't play a part is also retarded.

>> No.10689483

She is based, you guys are just proving takos are indeed thin skinned garbage and should be treated as such.

>> No.10689491

There are usually lower positions open all the time due to turnaround. For streamer, it will simply be streaming as indie and being at least somewhat successful, duh.

>> No.10690122

Ina lived the NEET lifestyle for a while and too started as an amateur artist, was a noviews on youtube, had a patreon for art, had a small twitch channel to stream art and FFXIV, had accounts in basically every plataform to showcase her art and grow even a little bit, then when she got a bit good had to take shitty offers from LNs and kusoge before landing those bigger jobs for bigger projects that we know her for.
She basically did it for fun for years until she started seeing earnings. Yeah she got carried by her parents for a while but all NEETs are the same and don't end up developing a marketable skill. She put herself out there and put in the hours. Now she's successful because of hard work + luck. Not everyone that works hard succeeds, but most that succeed that way did work hard for it.

>> No.10690313

Who is "them"? You are getting mad at other people's behalfs? You really think Ina's audience must be babied because the mean ol priestress punched them below the belt?
She said "they must have their act together." Never said losers or otherwise, said the statement applied to herself.
>but noo, I know she meant it! i KNOW that's what she really thinks!
Stop watching her, and don't watch Suisei or Amelia lol. Again, if these comments bother you so much, begin by changing yourself.

>> No.10690352
File: 40 KB, 575x630, 1631826916687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the JP side a girl makes fun of a janitor, chat scolds her lightly, she apologizes, everyone moves on
>on the EN side, a girl defends her friend when backseaters heckle her, chat gets the joke, she apologizes anyway, everyone moves on
>no more than 3 people on a mongolian basket weaving image board feel personally attacked by this comeback, lose their shit and make several threads hoping someone would sympathize with their schizo mentality

Take your meds. You attacked, she hit back, you got butthurt, end of story.

>> No.10690747

You can't spell China without Ina.
Thread closed.

>> No.10690824
Quoted by: >>10691116

>You are getting mad
>You really think
You sure love doing assumptions. I don't even understand why in your head, someone pointing out a shitty behavior means that person must be mad. You do something shitty and people will call you out for it. That's a very simple logic here.

>...babied because the mean ol priestress...
I'll take a wild guess and say that you're a tako. It's funny to see how you people always act so high and mighty without even realizing it. For someone being part of the manly men of the men, I'd assume that you wouldn't do something as petty as making fun of retarded people or using such a condescending tone. Guess I'm wrong, huh?

>> No.10691040

Crashing this thread with no suvivors

>> No.10691096
File: 88 KB, 992x558, 163309981421763079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop watching her, and don't watch Suisei or Amelia lol.

Ame and Suisei were always trashing the chat. Ina was hiding behind Ao-chan that did the dirty work for her because she was too pussy to say anything negative. THIS ENDS NOW! >WE wont tolerate her tyranny anymore!

>> No.10691116
Quoted by: >>10691240

Your logic is senseless. You are painting her far more aggressive and mean-spirited than she came across, and all to protect some poor imaginary actual "retarded losers." And you say I think I am high and mighty.
No, but Ina is my favorite EN, so there is that.

>> No.10691240
Quoted by: >>10691475

Again, I still don't understand why you make a link between calling out a shitty behavior with protecting.

>> No.10691246

OP here, you guys are all losers.

>> No.10691281

>the latter even called herself a gamer
Yeah, a shit gamer. Maybe she meant mobile games like candy crush or something because she is absolutely dogshit at most games she streams.

>> No.10691475
Quoted by: >>10691790

Because of>>10688587
That analogy seems to hold the most substance here. And again you ignore how much you're blowing this out of proportion. I explained it was mostly joking, mostly in retaliation to people that mess with Mori. If the insult stings, it's weird because you are in fucking /vt/, a board with a dedicated piss thread. Ina never pointed at anyone in particular, meaning that if the shoe fits, you either need to accept your situation or take active steps to change it.

>> No.10691790
Quoted by: >>10692027

>It doesn't mean that I care about either of them, I'm just pointing out a fact.
I literally said this. I am not defending, not blowing anything out of proportions. I am just pointing out a fact.
And no, you can't just discard what Ina said as random banter. There are plenty of things she could have said here. "she's still better than you" for offensive banter, "no backseating please" for defensive banter, just to cite two examples. She, purposely, decided to outright call them losers with nothing going on in their lives just because they're watching anime girls, which by the way is technically an extremely ignorant thing to say. I have no idea why they decided to watch the two anime girls that day, and she probably didn't know why either. It could be anything.

>you are in fucking /vt/
It's not about me. It was never about me. It's about Ina and what she did. I don't understand why you keep trying to make it personal, but it's fine I'll correct you each time you try.

>> No.10691978

yeah, but they rarely let it be heard out loud, so when you get them mad either you've done a good job trololololoing them or you're just that retarded

>> No.10692027

It is about you, about you feeling insulted by her choice of words and actions, and about you not having the balls to face that.

>> No.10692074
Quoted by: >>10692669

>you feeling insulted
I guess I really was talking to a wall. Just like Ina is, heh.

>> No.10692360

At first, I thought it was pretty funny, but thinking about too much, it does have a strange sense to it. "Haha, you enjoy my content, what a loser."

>> No.10692618

think again


this is a babiniku, i bet you wouldnt even notice if i didnt state it

>> No.10692659

Japanese doesn't have a "superiority complex", they have more of a "social complex" when you step outside of the anime community you're so used to as your only interaction with Japan.

>> No.10692669

>no argument
I knew it. Well, cope how you like.

>> No.10693204
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people are just mad that theyre being called out for being unhappy and deriving joy from putting others down. ina based as fuck.

>> No.10693500

It takes more balls to call someone out on their shit than it does to sit there and laugh awkwardly along with her.
Or maybe you're someone who genuinely got a good laugh from that?
If you see a kid on a playground saying nasty shit to another kid, do you just laugh and say "great job, based god?" But then you'll say "but that is what chat was doing." Fair enough. The correct answer is not to act like an immature shit flinging child to try to get the bad kid to stop being bad.

>> No.10694176

Nta but the situation is different, think of it as three kids two of which are twins one of them is a bully the other is a peaceful runt the 3rd kid is a victim of the bully, bullied kid gets mad and beats the shit out of both the twins even though he was harrassed by one of them is it ok that he beat both of them? The bully definitely deserves it but not his twin, dickheads who were shitting on mori deserve it but she made fun of everyone which and that's not good

>> No.10694301
Quoted by: >>10694621

Ina is either socially stunted and doesn't know how far is too far, or she's a manipulative loser who hates everyone that watches anime girls. But she wears a comfy and pretentious mask, so it's ok because pretentious people are cool.

>> No.10694421

>it takes more balls to call someone out on their shit, on an unrelated image board that she will never see
E-warriors make me laugh, at least have the balls to say it to her e-face. Chat didn't give a shit, it's (You) who got butthurt

>if you see a kid on the playground being bullied by another kid, but then the kid mans up and pushes the bully back, do you say good job for shutting the bully up?
Yes. Yes I do. Great job kid, don't let the insecure bully push you around.

Another reminder, that if you got personally offended by what she said, it mean she was right, otherwise you wouldn't have cared. Stay mad

>> No.10694498
Quoted by: >>10694678

>Another reminder, that if you got personally offended by what she said, it mean she was right, otherwise you wouldn't have cared. Stay mad
If you went to a shop, bought some beers/cigarettes/sweets/burgers/basically anything and got called a loser by a clerk, would you choose to not get offended and laugh at it?

>> No.10694504

No one was laughing awkwardly because people who aren’t zoomers understand it was a joke you retard

>> No.10694576

All of these softies must be baiting right?

And if not, do the world a favor and off yourselves already

>> No.10694621

How do you people manage to exist IRL? how coddled were you while growing up that some light banter is enough to get you this mad?
Is this why so many zoomers are turning into trannies?

>> No.10694678
Quoted by: >>10694721

Yes, and you would be called that, for example, if you asked for ketchup on a pizza place near where I live.
Are you for real right now? is this all just a massive troll? I can't believe people this socially retarded have the gall to criticize others.

>> No.10694689

You're giving her too much credit. She did more than push the bully back. She took it two steps farther than that. I do watch anime girls and I enjoy watching them. What's so wrong about that? Ohhhh hurrrrrrrrrr I guess if you're mad then you're a loser, right? durrrr hurrr nice bait, retard.

E-defenders make me laugh. At least have the balls to say you're only defending her because you're a gachikoi and you're too far gone.

I'm not in chat every single stream. I don't bully the streamers I don't like. Yes, I got called out even though I wasn't there, because some asshole was being mean to Mori and Takocunt thought it was a great chance to tell the chat what she really thinks of them.

I am right to be offended. She is a professional, but she fucked up this time. I'll still watch though.

>> No.10694721

Anon, it seems you don't realize that you are the socially retarded one.
