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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10265783 No.10265783 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN TTRPG General, your number one, FAIR AND BALANCED news source for all things Huntermyth!

Previous thread: >>9901907 #

Booru- Find and post all your new Huntermyth fan art here!

Current campaign listed below in chronological order:






Calli's post-tutorial recap: thoughts and plans (OPTIONAL)

(SCUFFED) SESSION 3 (Scuffed attempt after about 30 minutes)

Official Mythbreakers playlist:

>> No.10266003

Why do we have to have a general during downtime, anyway?

>> No.10266110

You still bitching about that?

>> No.10266364

I don't know if the cod zombies sound could make them get copyright striked

>> No.10267966
File: 438 KB, 3000x2000, 1432668549344993289_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10275957

To the anon that makes all the infographics, Ina updated us on her stats at 20:59 in this VOD


>> No.10273306
File: 570 KB, 2000x3043, E_6LiPaVQAgguKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what'd you think about the Vampire twins? And how soon do you think the Malkavians will have their revenge on the Mythbreakers?

>> No.10273358
Quoted by: >>10280422

Will probably happen during the season finale.

>> No.10275201

we are going to have a session where a Changeling comes in for revenge, gets killed by 2 vampires, then a nexxus crawler shows up and shits all over reality.
buildings fall, everyone dies.

>> No.10275880

this is a fun VYT topic.
if you don't get why table talk games work with Tubers get the fuck out, this is the real nerd realm.

>> No.10275957

>all those fucking pets
Is Ina a crazy cat lady in MC?

>> No.10276104

They've been gathering some interesting fellows that are out for their blood, that's for sure.

>> No.10276383

>Mythbreakers survive because all the assholes trying to kill them end up destroying each other
Now that's a season finale material.

>> No.10276871
File: 75 KB, 507x720, Hellyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10277012


>> No.10276965

I don't think the Romanos are gonna show up anytime soon. Even if someone from the family who wasn't at the ball figures out the Masquerade breach and put a target on Vic and Cornellius, it would be such a stretch. Word on the Street is powerful and all but not that strong to connect the Ball disaster to a bunch of hunters from a small town and then to the brothers.

>> No.10277012

So, possible conspiracies in play:
>The (Setite?) vampires Tiara ran into
>Pentex (and werewolves hunting the Wyrm, possibly from the forests nearby)
>True Fae (and that hunter Changeling)
>Scout's family that makes pacts with spirits
>A family of royal-level Malkavians
>Whatever else they piss off
Looking neat.

>> No.10278155
Quoted by: >>10279118

Campaign is probably too short to bring them back into besides maybe the last episode

>> No.10278413
Quoted by: >>10280422

It’s pretty clear Mori won’t kill anyone for most of the campaign but I could easily see her killing characters off in the finale. Gives her a lot more latitude to bring in some heavy hitters and let the crossfire take some of them out. She’s laid the groundwork for almost anything including vampires of various types, werewolves, Changlings/Fae, Wyrm related foes, pretty much anything. Bets on what Mori has planned for the finale? I’m guessing brohood ropes the crew into a multi party battle royale, Wyrm related final boss. Vampires hate them but end up in an uneasy peace.

>> No.10279118

For what I gather the seasons are just points where people who want to leave can leave. It's possible season one ends with the mystery just starting to open up.

>> No.10279451
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Previous thread >>10167384

>> No.10280181

Here's the summary of the third session that I typed up as I followed along. Did I miss anything important?

Session 3
>The bus is stopped by a man on the road, he gets on and it turns out to be Vic
>A man sitting in front of them had introduced himself as Cornelius, which he reveals that Vic is his brother
>Vic hands them each an envelope of money, which only happens to be $50
>They go to a formal dress store and buy something for the party, Tiara convinces the clerk to sell an expensive dress for $50 by claiming she'll tell the party and get more business
>Tiara's dress nets her +2 to all social rolls at the party, the others gain nothing from their discount clothing
>Cornelius reveals that the Romano family in the manor had sabotaged their family business which caused their father's health to decline up until his death, so this is an act of revenge
>He wants them into the party to access the master bedroom's ledger or find some kind of evidence that will ruin them, as he suspects they will definitely find something bad
>They stash all of their big weapons with Cornelius before he leaves off and they head in
>Tiara goes to socialize with the guests while Watoto and Scout tag along
>Yuul goes off to eavesdrop, but immediately is mistaken for a waiter and gets handed a tray of drinks to distribute
>Scout spikes a glass of champagne with some laxatives she received from Vic
>Tiara spots the twins of the family (Dominic and Daisy) and asks Cornelius for some info, where he reveals that they're debaucherous and wild
>Scout attempts to convince Dominic to drink from her spiked glass, but instead he saves it aside for later
>The twins offer some shots to the crowd around them, and Tiara gives hers to Watoto instead
>Scout gets her spiked champagne back and drops it into the punch bowl
>When Yuul has a moment, she is able to notice that the lights have turned a bit red and some guests are beginning to pass out and being carried off by the wait staff
>A waiter tells her that they need some booze in a secret room downstairs
>Once the guests start thinning out, Tiara suggests to Dominic they should go to his room, where he also invites Daisy and Watoto along
>Scout tries to talk to the head chef about what's for dinner, but is ignored, so Yuul attempts to distract the chefs by talking in Italian but are highly offended
>While the commotion is going on, Scout drops a laxative in the lasagna's sauce before they're kicked out

Tiara & Watoto
>Tiara and Watoto go up to the master bedroom and see the twins, along with two in the room cleaning something up in the back, dressed in black hooded robes
>The walls are adorned with medieval weaponry, some stained with blood
>The scene causes Watoto to lose control and go feral, trying to scratch himself and Tiara
>Tiara calms him down with her animal ken as they're lead by the wrists towards the bed
>She notices a man in the back as the father (Antonio), cleaning blood from his face telling his children not to make a mess before he leaves the room
>Before Dominic can try anything, Watoto vomits as a distraction to give Tiara the opportunity to call in Uhu, but it just hits the closed window
>Once the twins realize what's going on, Daisy mentally dominates Tiara and they begin to tie her to the bed
>Watoto draws his sound gun and fires, but misses, drawing their attention towards him instead
>The twins draw knives and choose a target, Dominic moves towards the helpless Tiara and Daisy towards Watoto
>Finally, Tiara snaps out of the domination and calls in Uhu to undo her ropes, drawing her revolver and firing a few rounds into Dominic's crotch
>Watoto grabs a flail off the wall and tries to help out Tiara, but is pushed back by Daisy
>While Dominic is stunned, Tiara takes the opportunity to rifle through the desk for the ledger, but is unsuccessful
>Watoto is sliced by Daisy's knife, taking 2 lethal damage
>Tiara takes another few shots, hitting Dominic in the eye, dropping him to the floor, blinded
>Daisy stops attacking and rushes to her brother's aid, commanding them to get out and swearing revenge
>Watoto finds the ledger, hands it to Uhu and it flies away


>> No.10280297
Quoted by: >>10294408

Yuul & Scout
>Yuul and Scout access the secret room behind a painting, and find a sketchy underground VIP lounge where there are cages with people inside being auctioned off
>Yuul meets Antonio, where he feeds on a waiter and drops him on the floor, inviting her to sit for a moment and talk
>Antonio recognizes that Yuul isn't a waiter and there's something fishy going on, so he offers to play a card game with her
>If he wins the game, Yuul will be put in a cage and join the auction, but if Yuul wins then he'll let them all leave
>At the same time, Scout sneaks off to a corner and spills her flammable punch onto some curtains and then crafts a slingshot out of her panties, preparing to start a fire if things go south
>At the final draw of the game, Antonio offers to up their wagers, if he wins he gets to take all of her friends, but if she wins then she can take something home from the manor
>Yuul accepts the offer and draws their final card, winning the game and leaving the lounge

>Scout and Yuul link back up with Tiara and Watoto outside the master bedroom, discovering the chaotic scene that had unfolded
>As they all headed towards the exit, Antonio asks what item they chose, but they lie and say basically nothing
>Vic is left behind at the party, not realizing that everyone had left
>In the taxi, Cornelius congratulates them on a job well done, discovering that their charity ball was just a scam for them to siphon money from
>The next morning's newspaper details how the charity ball ruined the Romano family's reputation with a bad case of food poisoning among the guests

>> No.10280422

>Mori pulls out all the stops for the finale session
>Admits straight up warns everyone they're not expected to survive because that's how things tend to go for Hunters
>All their enemies show up and a massive chaotic battle breaks out
>By some string of stupid luck and ridiculous RNG, everyone somehow survives (albeit some on the brink of death)
>at some point or another Scout manages to one-shot the hook with a roll of perfect tens all the way down with her pick-axe
>Tiara saves Watoto using special bullets with mushroom gunpowder
>Yuul does death donuts in the van to protect the group, somehow surviving the inevitable crash.

>> No.10286738
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Good Question: if players were given the opportunity to leave, who will?

>Ame: She barely gets roleplay
>Ina: wet towel to begin with, leaves because 'scary, muh heart'
>Gura: more likely she will stay, but Mori's imagination is starting to scare her...

>Kiara is in this one until it ends.....

>> No.10287066

Ame would leave and give the excuse that she wants to give someone in Council a chance to play.

>> No.10291241

Given the opportunity? Only when season 1 ends and the characters get their plots solved, and even then it's not gonna happen because:
She wouldn't want to see herself left out while the rest has fun rolling dice, her and Watoto's absense is going to feel like a gigantic hole on the screen regardless if the others or the audience understand if she doesn't want to be in for season 2 on her own volition. I don't agree with the barely getting roleplay, since Watoto helped when it was needed and has his moments to be a goof as well, she just needs to get a better grip on the flow of how players and GM bounce off each other.
Too much of a doormat to outright say she wants to leave, she'll stay until the very end, specially since she mentioned in her debut she wanted to try GMing CoC and I could see her using this to build practical experience. (Even if I feel it's something she just put up on the debut card-thingie because her character is an eldritch being, so she had to put that there). I'm sure her and Ame are set on not ending up like Squidward looking at Patrick and Spongebob having fun to their fans.
Having a whole lot of fun being a brick-headed hick flipping the middle finger to whatever wants to suck her soul
So adamant in staying and playing, I wouldn't doubt that she'd build a new character in minutes if Tiara bites it halfway

An interesting way of handling that is when the Council hop in, and Mori can set up an easy Monster of the Week plotline where the characters can hop in or out, allowing players to tag and keep a manageable number for Mori to GM comfortably (because 4 players is honestly a nice sweet amount, personally).

>> No.10291587

You know what, now when I remember that Watoto has a timebomb attached to his soul, it's honestly a great way to send him off and have Ame either jump out of the ship or make a character that suits her (and the Chronicle) better.

>> No.10293595
File: 8 KB, 630x437, 1434879890562584586_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10295492

Late night Neeta bump

>> No.10294408
File: 236 KB, 278x487, 1603666225296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me. Thanks for the effort, anon.

>> No.10295492
Quoted by: >>10325565

I will never understand why there is so much Neeta fanart

>> No.10297199
Quoted by: >>10298587

Kiara is actually rather likely to leave because she feels bad about Mori having to wake up this early to run it because of her timezone. And even the current one is rather late

>> No.10298587
Quoted by: >>10317773

I think Kiara would rather give Mori a better slot and comprise her sleep once in a while. She really loves playing with Mori

>> No.10299405
Quoted by: >>10328965

why the fuck does a first session have 1k dislikes? was there some drama i missed?

>> No.10301382

I hope calli will insert more rape in her sessions

>> No.10303930

Whens the next session

>> No.10305003
Quoted by: >>10307355

3 or 4 weeks

>> No.10305229
Quoted by: >>10309346

better question is: who of the new debuts is likely to want to join in for season 2?

>> No.10305497

Regarding the twins Dominic and Daisy, was Mori alluding to them having an incest relationship, or was she trying not to reveal their torturous feeding habits?
Because my dick got hard as fuck whenever they were in focus.

>> No.10305616

She was 100% leading the audience to suspect incest. Whether they canonically ARE or not is another question because in-universe it might just be a ruse to lire victims but the implication was that Tiara and Watoto were being invited to have a four-way with the two of them.

>> No.10305729
Quoted by: >>10323596

It's also well worth noting there might not actually be twins at all. Vampires tend to affect all sorts of traits, and with the large family focus lots of clans and coteries have it's not out of the question for them to play the part of twins at all. Vampires don't continue lineages through birth, but through embrace. The childer of the head Romano won't be linked by blood but by the Blood.

>> No.10307355

Man, this kills me. There's absolutely no reason why this shouldn't have been scheduled as weekly.
There would have already been several two week breaks anyways because of how busy the end of the summer has been with all the events and vacations everyone needed to do. The only thing it's done is delay the campaign for a month at a time because they're far too rigid to move a missed stream to the next week, instead choosing to pointlessly delay it for yet another week so that it stays on the 2 week pattern.
Just think about how we could have been watching session 6 or 7 last time.

>> No.10307584
Quoted by: >>10307844

Maybe Mori asked for one session every 2 weeks to make the TTRPG stream like less of a commitment for her genmates.
It would have been hard for one of them to refuse and be the odd one out that all the viewers want to finally see joining, so they had pressure on them to accept, which Mori would want to accomodate.

>> No.10307844

The other thing she cited was that full gen collabs are so difficult to set up. The most often they have ever happened was weekly, so she didn't want to monopolize them with a weekly TTRPG and give others a chance to organize their own.

>> No.10309346

I'm not sure if she's especially eager, but if they asked Mumei she would probably accept.

>> No.10309554
File: 1.45 MB, 2150x3035, MADNESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day the Wyrm will be relevant for the story again...one day...

>> No.10310689

I don't think we should be sure of too much more material from the tutorials returning. Anything that only featured in one of them would inherently favour the character in question and leave the others behind a bit; and at this point the tutorials happened so long ago that the players themselves might not think about them much anymore.
That said, it's definitely not out of the question that some tutorial characters, concepts etc become relevant again.

>> No.10310808
Quoted by: >>10374837

I feel like Gura's sticks with her though. Scout seems pretty heavily scarred from what's happened compared to everyone else's tutorial manifesting as fears. That said, would almost be interesting if after the season we basically got sort of an 'epilogue' solo session for each character/their next of kin.

Mumei is cute, but I'm really not sure she'd have the memory for a TTRPG.

>> No.10311100

I'm thinking the exact opposite.
The amount of importance placed on Tiara's pendant in her tutorial was way too much just to be forgotten about. From the very beginning it sounded like Mori is planning the endgame to revolve around this plot device. The same goes for Scout's parents, the chemical plant coporation, and the professor. She left these large plot threads open for a reason.
Besides, having personal connections form between the party is always a good thing for roleplay. Each of the characters offering their help to uncover their friend's mystery lets them bond as a group, rather than just coworkers.

>> No.10311398
Quoted by: >>10313678

>Tiara's pendant
now that you mention it, I wonder what would have happened if Tiara showed her pendant to the italian vampires

>> No.10313256
Quoted by: >>10313284

>wasting posts to argue about something that happened on an entire different board

>> No.10313284

Would you rather we spam pictures?

>> No.10313310

Might as well. This is a dead thread.

>> No.10313315

Both eat up posts, you're both annoying

>> No.10313430

Good point, there certainly are open plot threads remaining. But with how many there are, at least some might be only be picked up again in Season 2 or beyond, depending on who's leaving and staying (both player and character).

>> No.10313678

Enlighten me on the lore, does this pendant have something to do with vampires such that they'd be interested in it?

>> No.10313725

Speculation time: In the last session/battle, Gura will find some excuse for Scout to lose her pants permanently. Scout will return to belt buckle in her thong.

>> No.10314277

I do not know much about wod lore but I can remember from Tiara's tutorial that the vampires who wanted the pendant mentioned reviving their lord (?) or something like that. They were explaining it but no further details were given.

>> No.10314519
File: 84 KB, 1163x616, 1632406736263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Scout and Yuul the most popular characters?

>> No.10314602

Going off raw numbers of artwork on the booru, Yuul and Watoto are. There is a booru you can use for these pics you know

>> No.10314626
File: 118 KB, 706x1003, 1632406852785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watoto seems to have the most fanart

>> No.10315528
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>> No.10315706
File: 321 KB, 480x480, 1604840776003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the VOD of the last session, definitely the best one so far. Thank you Mori, for the kino ending and for seductive Kiara.

>> No.10316896

>There's absolutely no reason why this shouldn't have been scheduled as weekly.
All of them are busy as fuck and have other commitments.

>> No.10317139

Jesus fucking christ shut up all of you, this isn't on topic.

>> No.10317773
Quoted by: >>10317959

She definitely enjoys it, but she was particularly hard on herself after the first 2 sessions for a variety of reason but pleased with herself after the most recent.
However she also talked recently about trying to get her sleep schedule in order and that includes trying to avoid streams starting after midnight for her.
Currently I'd say it's a tossup whether she'll continue after the first finale

>> No.10317959
Quoted by: >>10318079

If Kiara wants to sleep earlier, they could try streaming in the morning her time. It'd mean the NAs would be streaming in the (late) evening unless Kiara gets up pretty early, but for Mori it'd be afternoon.

>> No.10318079
Quoted by: >>10318273

I mean Kiara seems to avoid early streams like the plague, she already did that back when she was still in Japan.
The bigger problem is that after a session like Episode 3 that ends at ~3:30am you're not able to fall asleep fast.

>> No.10318273

I mean, it's understandable if she doesn't want to stream at night or in the morning, but there have to be exceptions for collabs, events etc. It's the sad fate of being in a timezone far from the others, and if she likes playing with Mori she's likely to stick the timezone issues out.

>> No.10319200
Quoted by: >>10319242

Where are all the character sheet posts? I'm supposed to be giving feedback.

>> No.10319242
Quoted by: >>10319318

I don't think they've posted the updated ones

>> No.10319318

Oh I'm not talking about the girls', don't give a shit about that.

>> No.10319596
File: 159 KB, 1200x737, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10321563

>/tg/fags eating all the bait
anon just ignore it, this board always has too many bored niggers trying to start shit in every thread

>> No.10319822

Yuul reuniting with the party after winning the card game\https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiuvKtnO0sM

>> No.10320275

Going by commentary i hear, Watoto had hype but is dying, Yuul has the long burn and a sizable fanbase, while Scout grows like her master.

>> No.10321447

There we go. A nice big mass delete. Based jannies.

>> No.10321504

I tried to but jannies said it's the first time they heard someone complaining over images on an image board

>> No.10321563
Quoted by: >>10321810

How do you know its people from /tg/?

>> No.10321662
Quoted by: >>10323732

GMing is hard, and Mori is doing more prep work than most people do (scene art, dynamic BGM etc).
There would almost certainly be a drop in quality if this series was weekly.

>> No.10321810

We don’t. It’s most likely just people from /vt/.

>> No.10322005
Quoted by: >>10322078

The pendant is PROBABLY related to the Ascending Ones, a powerful hunter conspiracy.
Hints so far:
>Their symbol is a phoenix
>Tiara's brother, who gave her the pendant, is said to be in Egypt. The Ascending Ones are based in Egypt
>They specialize in brewing potions that grant supernatural powers, just like Madame M.

>> No.10322078
Quoted by: >>10322303

AO is also a "peace first" Conspiracy, although not typically to cancer cell levels, so that whole things works too. Depends on how genuine M is being though.

>> No.10322303
Quoted by: >>10322780

I fully expect a cliffhanger ending featuring Slasher M.

>> No.10322780

I'd be surprised if that was the case, I'm gonna bet Calli isn't too up to date on stuff like that. She could certainty be a Charmer or something but she's also been in it so little it's hard to say.

>> No.10323596

That said, while she said Malkavian, the Romano show much stronger signs of being Giovanni, quite incestual due to how they Embrace new childe so there's that.

>> No.10323732

It takes 5 minutes max to find royalty free music (which Calli gets sent to her by fans so she just has to plug in and go) and throw an image on the Roll20 Map. She isn't even using Roll20 properly, yet even then we're maybe talking 10 minutes tops per session if you're not a brainlet. But this is Calli we're talking about. She can't plan and do things properly to save her life.

>> No.10323793
Quoted by: >>10323854

>t. nogame

>> No.10323854

>t. sucking calli's cock
I stream the 4 games I run currently. It's dead simple/quick to do prep work if you put even just a tiny bit of effort and thought into it. Try better bait.

>> No.10323888
Quoted by: >>10324164

What else does a GM have to prepare? She already has a few missions planned out from session 1 months ago. Isn't the majority of the work done on the fly?

>> No.10323959
Quoted by: >>10324164

Oh, then you're just retarded. It can't take 5 mins max to find more than 5 mins of music. Unless you've some how figured out time dilation you're just a moron.

>> No.10323960

Someone actually said if Mori could improve as a Gm, what's your take on it?


>> No.10324090

NTA, I agree with most of their points but disagree on their conclusion. Calli isn't a perfect GM but she's far from a bad one and that anon has some strange ideas of what universally good GMing looks like. Like the quantum ogre shit can be exceptionally obnoxious, especially in the scenarios we saw last session.

>> No.10324164

For what she's actually showing on screen? Nothing really. No set pieces/maps means no tokens. No tokens generally means no character sheet (PC or NPC), but having sheets speeds things up considerably. Where her "prep time" is being spent is on the railroaded story.

Clearly you're unaware of how many royalty free sites are out there. Unless you're sitting down and listening through each and every track they possess, you can very rapidly find appropriate music for your game. And even if you do have OCD and need to make sure every second of the music is good, then you only need to do so once. It doesn't take 2+ hours each week for audio.

I would simply highlight what they said about Roll20 and deus ex machina moments. If you overuse the latter then the players will start to feel like gods and never worry about consequences. Or what happens is you truly take the kid gloves off and then they bitch and moan when they start to get injured/hurt/etc.

Quantum ogres done right means you never know you were quantum ogre'd to begin with.

>> No.10324175
Quoted by: >>10328965

The only thing that I hard agree on is that Mori requires way too many meaningless rolls for mundane tasks.
But that's probably something she learned from how she got introduced to TTRPGs so I don't see that changing

>> No.10324282
Quoted by: >>10324481

>No set pieces/maps means no tokens
WoD doesn't generally do maps, it's theatre of the mind.
>No tokens generally means no character sheet (PC or NPC),
Wrong you're going from your DnD experience. Mori most definitely has character sheets for the NPCs, even if simplified. Otherwise she would take way longer to make up how many dice they are rolling to contest the party. Compare the twins to the owl that doesn't have one in that regard.

>> No.10324290
Quoted by: >>10324481

Anon, you can't spend just 5 minutes finding music if you need to fill 3 hours full of music. You're a moron. Judging by the rest of that I'm kind of not even sure why you've stuck watching it this long.

>> No.10324429
Quoted by: >>10324481

>Quantum ogres done right means you never know you were quantum ogre'd to begin with.
A very astute observation totally not missing the point at all. Very worth the reply.

>> No.10324481

I'm fully aware that WoD goes for Theater of the Mind. My point was she's not having to spend time on putting battlemaps in or make art for tokens. As for character sheets, if she's doing full character sheets for NPCs then that's on her wasting the time/effort. All you really need for NPCs in a basic dice pool number and notes about any special rules they have. Detailing each and every stat for a given NPC is a pitfall many new to middling GMs make.

Try actually putting some points into your Intelligence and reread what I said.

You had no point other than "it's obnoxious"

>> No.10324503
Quoted by: >>10324681

So do you love or hate railroads?

>> No.10324559

Lol post link so we can experience what a high tier gm looks like. I can’t wait to bask in storytelling excellence

>> No.10324577

Do you not have anything better to do than shit up this thread? Are you the same fuckhead from earlier who got buttblasted because they're not allowed to spam threads?

>> No.10324643
Quoted by: >>10324715

Dude. He streams four different games and is no mere new or even intermediate gm. Let’s just let him show us how it’s done.

>> No.10324681
Quoted by: >>10324834

Obvious railroads are objectively shit. It's a crutch that newer GMs rely on because they only know how to prepare for a single set of circumstances/progression from linear point to linear point. If you're telling the players "you must go here" or "you must get this now" then you're doing it wrong.

The whole principle behind quantum ogres is that you are railroading, but in a way that allows for player agency and doesn't bind the players to your single railroad track.

>People ask for feedback
>Anons get pissy when their world view is challenged
>Anons start going full schizo because their oshi's cock isn't being sucked

>> No.10324715

How foolish of me. We are in the presence of a true master of the craft, I deeply regret my insolence.

>> No.10324834
Quoted by: >>10324995

Damn, did I miss the comment asking you to be a cunt too? Also you're an actual nogame for that quantum ogre take. It's 100% just a railroad you dipshit, it's the illusion of choice and nothing more. There is no choice, their is no agency, the outcome is the same no matter what you do. That's the entire purpose of it. How on Earth do you have 4 games and not know that? Oh wait...

>> No.10324938
Quoted by: >>10325016

>As for character sheets, if she's doing full character sheets for NPCs then that's on her wasting the time/effort. All you really need for NPCs in a basic dice pool number and notes about any special rules they have
I won't disagree that Mori clearly isn't a very experienced GM, I remember she herself saying that and commenting on her own rustyness especially after the first Tiara tutorial.
But for me personally making character sheets in WoD, especially the Attributes and Skills, really helps solidifying character traits for my characters. Obviously only major characters, but for the example of this session I expect that the entire "main family" were statted out characters with a firm personality in mind, while the filler characters were thought up on the fly.

>> No.10324995

>t. brainlet nogames
You clearly are unable to stop sucking cocks long enough to put that half-a-brain-cell to work. Quantum ogres is quite literally meant for agency and choices. Unless the players fuck off entirely and ignore every single plot hook (See: Critical Role S2) then everything you've ever prepped can be inserted and retooled at any given moment to suit your needs. Unless you're literally telling the players you're quantuming them, they will not know that you're reusing a monster/NPC stat block or moving an item/NPC from one place to another.

But you're a nogames who's crying on /vt/, so clearly I'm wasting my time trying to explain it.

>> No.10325016
Quoted by: >>10325461

You don't get it. Anon runs 4 games, they're a master of the art. There is only one way to GM and it's their way.

>> No.10325090
Quoted by: >>10325203

i think this thread has been infested by a pair of trolls.
i literally see two retards playing off each other. --janitors, please clean this thread up.

>> No.10325134

If the choice results in the same outcome you have not made a choice, you've been presented with the illusion of choice, if all things a player can do results in the same outcome you do not have agency. Stop being dense on purpose.

>> No.10325203

>On-topic discussion about TTRPGs
Oh I'm sorry, here's what I should have been posting:
>Lastly, a special message to the ladies of Hololive English (implying they'd ever be caught dead visiting this dump):

>A massive, Mori-melon-sized thanks to each and every one of you for all of your hard work in the creation of the Huntermyth series. This is a truly unique phenomenon for both the tabletop and vtuber community, and we appreciate all you've given us so far!

>And a very, VERY special thanks to Mori Calliope, chief architect of this project. You are truly an exceptional person and one of the best DMs to grace the realm of tabletop.

How do you know it's the same outcome? Seriously, you're missing extremely obvious points here. You act like the players are omniscient when they tend to barely know what's written on their sheets

>> No.10325372
File: 1.84 MB, 1200x675, Emo-Klore TTRPG Fubuki PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. we lost 30 posts, nice.
sorry to interrupt your argument, but,
.....is anyone in here equally interested in the OTHER badass tabletop Hololiver?
i know she's JOP, but she's mad for TTRPG in ways i have not seen from Cali.
She's even gone out of her way to find the latest developed games and try them out.

>> No.10325413
Quoted by: >>10325458

>narcissistic dick reply
Arcadium, is that you?

>> No.10325440
Quoted by: >>10352722

Being EOP is the only thing holding me back from seeing what Friend can do, but I've heard good things

>> No.10325458

No, I called out his shitty GMing/creeper vibe too and definitely felt vindicated when the same faggots telling me I was full of it admitted that everything I ever said about the fat fuck was true.

>> No.10325461

Jokes aside if I were asked to run a Hunter:the Vigil campaign for 4 very sweet but somewhat retarded/autistic women who are also complete newbs in front of an audience of 10k+ I wouldn’t gm anything like I usually do. It would be dumbed down tremendously and be very railroady and honestly I wouldn’t do it because it would be stressful as hell tard wrangling them all. Like these girls can’t drift in Mario kart, navigating a vampire ball in character is asking a lot of them. I’ve found these streams entertaining af even with the training wheels on but I really want to see season 2. With people from ID/gen 2 to fill slots and more more experience and investment for everyone involved could be great stuff.

>> No.10325565
Quoted by: >>10325810

>cute girl nervously asking if they're girlfriend material
Gee I wonder. She's moe as fuck, dude.

>> No.10325607
Quoted by: >>10325665

Now you're just moving the goalposts. It's an illusion of choice whether a player knows it or not. That's inarguable. It does not grant players any agency because the GM made their choice for them. Equally inarguable. It's also not the point at all because the illusion is fragile and when it breaks it taints the entire game if it bothers a player. In a situations like "find the book in the big house" that illusion is paper thing. If they keep failing and you just shove that book wherever they land it's painfully obvious it was just wherever in the first place. It's a terrible place to use quantum ogres, which already suck, because you've got infinite space to do anything else. You can provide back up upon back up and never have to railroad anyone.

>> No.10325635

Don't expect anything to happen until the end, Tiara's "insanity" hard confirmed "training wheels off" was a bluff.
>put into a 15-year long illusion
>zero change in memory or mannerisms
The whole party has plot armor. I want Tiara to die but it's not going to happen, just like your hopes and dreams of the Wyrm party wipe. Every enemy will make convenient mistakes RIGHT before killing party members and everything will be won with the power of friendship.

>> No.10325665
Quoted by: >>10325723

Read what I said >>10324995 and try again. All you're doing is describing the shitty version of Quantum Ogres, not the proper one. No goalposts have been moved, other than by you.

>> No.10325723
Quoted by: >>10325758

You are just trolling after all. Jesus. How boring.

>> No.10325758
Quoted by: >>10325791

>I have no argument!
Thanks for playing deadbrap. Feel free to try again in the future.

>> No.10325791

Feel free to try at all.

>> No.10325806
Quoted by: >>10326206

Can someone explain why you guys think Mori spends a lot of time preparing for each session?
There's one guy that argues she doesn't because she only needs some character sheets for NPCs, google some scene images, and implement music that's given to you via fans. No one seems to be able to argue otherwise.
I'm new to TTRPG so I don't know what kind of work goes into being a DM, especially when it seems that all you need is some scenarios, characters, and a visual aid.

>> No.10325810
File: 178 KB, 415x882, 3fb03787255e10f2511032dffa8998cc5843b1f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it

>> No.10326206
Quoted by: >>10326346

She spends a few hours each session at least and she's talked about all of this on one stream after all the intros. That's not including artwork she draws on other streams. Other anon seems to think GM prep is just like pictures and music. Other anon was raised on a diet of bleach and lead paint chips which gave him a superiority complex and a hate bone. Basically just take all of last session and break it up into individual scenes, and characters. Depending exactly how she works she's plan out a rough beat for beat storyline and then fill in scenes around that. The beat for beat stuff can be 10-30 mins work depending on session length or complexity. When you've got you can add the scenes to go along with those beats, the characters in them, general things that will happen, rough ideas of where that will lead. For any given scene you can bet there is likely another 1/3 - 1/2 of a scene which you didn't get to see. So if you say 10 scenes there were likely 3-5 more you didn't see which were planned. Had the characters gone outside you would have seen different stuff, and there was likely another way the card game could have gone or something else to happen in its place. Obviously you need the characters too so any with dialogue took 5-20 minutes to realise, assuming a singular appearance. If they're recurring and have bigger roles to play down the line more work likely went into them. You need to know who they are, how they relate to everything relevant to the scene, what they look like, how they talk, a rough idea of their stats and abilities assuming a fairly big role, and then you have to think about what they're doing and what they'll say. Music takes basically as long as you have time to fill, and as long as you have scenes that require music. It's not a crazy amount of work, and you can make do with less depending on the game and its style, but it's not no work by any means.

>> No.10326346
Quoted by: >>10326402

>Other anon was raised on a diet of bleach and lead paint chips which gave him a superiority complex and a hate bone.
Now who's being a narcissistic dick?

It does not take "30 minutes per beat" unless you're literally writing out dialog choices word per word. Or if you utterly suck ass at improv. Hell, most of what you just wrote is how new GMs justify how much time they waste.

>> No.10326402

Didn't say either of those things.

>> No.10326545

Ehhh. I get where you're coming from but that's not really the same thing. Kiara and Calli not working together to RP that situation to its fullest potential isn't because of training wheels. It's just because they're new. A Persistent Condition is nothing to sneeze at. That's a pretty fucking rough penalty. We don't know exactly what it does but it could easily result in a death. Unironically. The only thing in that fight that went in the "training wheels" direction was the break from Frenzy, but that might just be Calli not knowing how Frenzy works/homebrewing it. RAW would have basically the opposite happening. Loved ones getting hurt is a big Frenzy trigger regardless of ruleset.

>> No.10326791

If more holos/chuubas start playing TTPRGs I hope this thread expands to include that. You guys watched that game FBK ran?

>> No.10326927
Quoted by: >>10326993

Dude Tiara succeeded in her breaking point roll, you don't give a permanent fucking condition if she passes

>> No.10326993

didn't she FAIL her breaking point roll, then we had a scene change, then like 40 minutes later we scene changed back and she did her roll again?

>> No.10327222

to be honest, that entire post could be dismissed on the basis of the point 'always late/delaying shit' already, since majority of the sessions outside of Kiara/Ina and recent one started on time (no, anon being autistic about length of a loading screen isn't a delay, Mori often waits for people to start being moved from waiting room to watching)
the first two were related to dealing with streaming on other channel, which didn't cooperate consistently with the application Mori used due to updates and the last one was caused by issues with Cover tracking app which is currently affecting multiple EN and JPs, so he's talking shit without even attempting to educate himself/assumes the girls are lying

actually, most of the points outside of those related to rolling/skillchecks/system awareness are objectively wrong and only pass if you assume Mori/other girls lied about stuff like preptime or time involved in their non-TTRPG work; stuff like 'can't handle the party splitting' is just outright wrong if you watch the streams where she narrated and transitioned between separate scenes at fairly fitting and interesting points

>> No.10327278
Quoted by: >>10327342

no, that was a check against Domination/Delirium, the breaking point check was sparked by her failing
I hope you're not the same dude because it would show he's bitching without even fully paying attention

>> No.10327342

You mean Dementation

>> No.10327392

I'd love to see this thread get a wider scope, it would definitely help with the lulls between biweekly sessions. Can an EOP get by watching one of FBK's games? I may need to buckle down harder on my Japanese reps

>> No.10327472
Quoted by: >>10327904

isn't that oWoD?

>> No.10327505
Quoted by: >>10329626

JPs play one-offs fairly regularly but you'll be hardpressed to see a discussion going
I dunno the status of Vshojo session but I'm guessing shit's currently dead as rock and waiting for reanimation
anything else vtuber-related that's moving in the TTRPG zone?

>> No.10327514
Quoted by: >>10327904

It's for all intents and purposes "vague mindfuck power"

>> No.10327904

Calli is using oWoD lore for her vampires. But it's in nWoD too, and CofD if you're using False Gods: Ventrue (which I kinda think you should be). Malks have a bit of a strange place in VtR though. VtR1e had a stupid amount of "We have to do X because of VtM" in it. So in the core book you have a Venture Bloodline called the Malkovians. They were the "crazy" Bloodline and filled a similar narrative niche, but they have Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, Resilience as their in-Bloodline Disciplines. When the Venture Clanbook, Lords Over The Damned, came out it brought with it a whole new take on Malks. In that book there is Malkavia which is a mystical degenerative disease that can effect vampires and causes them to go mad, but they did also get access to Dementation. It wasn't restricted to just Ventrue either and you could also spread the disease if you were afflicted with it. It's generally a way cooler take on them IMO as it makes the whole thing more horrific. False Gods: Venture is a third party release, written by a chunk of the official writers, that serves to update 1e Ventrue stuff and add some new bits, both a 2e version of Malkavia is in their and a 2e version of Malkovians as well. There is a new version of Dementation there too, although it's a different take than 1e's because 1e's is very easy to update. All three versions of it are pretty different too.

Well, yeah, but it wasn't Dominate and Delirium is a Woof thing. With them being Malks, and it obviously being a madness based power, I think it's pretty obviously meant to be Dementation. Especially given that the initial effect on Watoto was pretty clearly Voice of Madness, even if what afflicted Tiara was just vague mind magics

>> No.10328282
Quoted by: >>10352722

I want her to host another CoC campaign, it might be easier to understand with the help of her usual translators in chat.

>> No.10328965

>why the fuck does a first session have 1k dislikes? was there some drama i missed?
Yes, there was drama, and good thing you missed it. You ready to hear it? Here we go:
>some SEA monkey tweeted a fanart to Calli.
>she didn't reply or updoot or whatever Twitter users do
>SEAniggers flip out and shitpost in her chat for a few weeks
Too bad you missed Session 1's prechat, it was swarming with these seething little manlets. Vtubers and Orientals (minus Japanese) don't seem to mix too well. Maybe I should write a dissertation on it.

>Dominic and Daisy, was Mori alluding to them having an incest relationship
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who picked up on this. I was almost expecting Calli to bust out some creepy monologue about how "Daisy holds her brother's head in his arms, her voice breaking as she struggles to comfort him. She then assures him everything will be alright...and then kisses him...in a way you've never seen a brother and sister kiss."

>too many meaningless rolls for mundane tasks
She had less perception rolls the previous session, and even said she'd be doing more with fewer perceptions.

On the side, I wanted to thank whoever delivered the item sheet to the ladies before the session. It wasn't the one I made, as several names and pieces were missing, but I'm still immensely thankful someone else made the effort to aid them a little without being accused of shamelessly backseating.

>> No.10329278

>The enemy rolls six successes Tiara, and you roll none. His shotgun goes off point blank in your face. However luckily, it appears that the enemy actually loaded some non-lethal rounds by mistake, so you take bashing damage.

>> No.10329626
File: 766 KB, 2650x1900, 1615479745118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a few indies.
-A knife-ear running WoD and other games, both serious and shitposts. Also paints Skaven.
-a literal paperbag plays Kingdom Death every Monday (But plays vidya most of the time)
-doxxbeat doing >DnD-related content
-Notepadanon, aka homebrew general(?)'s OP. Yeah, that guy.
But I don't think it's appropriate to shill this here, since this thread is mostly holo-centric. Maybe when other corpos start their own, Mori does a second campaign with a separate playerlist or Fauna decides to start her own. I really don't want to visit /tg/ again.

>> No.10330038

>I really don't want to visit /tg/ again.
They're just too bitchy, even for a website like this. Watching Mythbreakers has gotten more more interested than ever in joining a group for TT, but dear God I'm terrified of stumbling into a session staffed by miserable /tg/ autists.

>> No.10330085

It's wild to me to here people on this board be like "/tg/ is just too much".

>> No.10330245

It's hard to explain, but if you read the midsection of this thread you'll see what most people are talking about. It's sort of like /v/ with its nonstop nitpicking about every little aspect "wrong" with vidya these days, but since they're zoomers raised on Twitter, they don't have the attention span to harp on it. /tg/ crowd is older and far more jaded, so when it comes to a grievance or mistake, they're like a dog with a bone: they gnaw it down to splinters and then some.

>> No.10330387
File: 131 KB, 600x386, Anya - War Cant of Mars [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdwpger.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10330742

I was on the board ever since it was created but kinda dropped out around 4(?)ish ago. /tg/ was unassailable for the longest time, then I watched in horror as cuck and incel slowly became part of its vocabulary and people ate more off-topic bait more than usual. And I'm not talking about the usual /tg/-style derail about hyperspecialized topics, but the /pol/style off-topic that leads to nowhere.

The last time I visited there they called each other simp and/or cry about 3DPD.

>> No.10330474

>/tg/ crowd is older and far more jaded, so when it comes to a grievance or mistake, they're like a dog with a bone: they gnaw it down to splinters and then some.
Dwarves, basically. And like dwarves, I too am an exile from my homeland.

>> No.10330742

Sounds like you're giving too much attention to the wrong people. Lots of /tg/ is wonderfully helpful, but it's just like here and you've got to know what not to engage with. I didn't have to engage with the dickhead up thread but when their sniffing their own farts and acting like they're the only standard that matters its worth it to point it out. It's not like we have to scroll up many posts here to see a /vt/ regular being a fuckhead either. It's a site-wide thing, it just looks different on some boards. It's all besides the point though. Public groups run the risk of not being fun and you should 100% run games with people you know. Not even IRL friends just acquaintances online can be great. I've made RPG groups from a couple of other communities and they works wonders, if you can have a conversation with a group of people and have fun, and those people might like or do like RPGs, then that's a good group to go with.

>> No.10331104
Quoted by: >>10331638

It's just not the same anymore. I was never a fan of the board gravitating towards generals instead of random discussion threads. I'd rather hang out in a small colony here than witness my old home board in its story state.
Online games with randoms are horrible. In theory you can filter through it with enough time and effort, but running with people you know will always be infinitely better. I have an IRL gaming group and we've been together for 12(?) years now.

>> No.10331638

Generals are pretty much required though. It's post consolidation. Anything that gets popular enough to warrant a general tends to be one of two things. Firstly it's something that gets just 100 threads a day without the general keeping it down, or secondly it's something that gets enough discussion to consistently hit bump limits but isn't so popular that random threads about it do. So the former is vital in letting other things be discussed or else the board just has little else on it, and the latter is good because small things don't facilitate random discussion well without a steady presence. You wipe the slate clean and they'll just come back.

>> No.10333811

>doxxbeat doing >DnD-related content
If you thought the anon from /tg/ earlier is bad, DiceQueenDi is so high on her own farts that she sets a new standard for even the heaviest stoners. She actively parades around as "the" authority on TTRPGs, gloating that she gets shit sent to her for free and pointing out how every system should conform to her magical set of criteria. She's also gotten into shouting matches on twitter when someone points out what she's saying is hypocritical or says anything remotely bad about Calli.

TLDR: Avoid Di. Go to Hal instead. Though Hal needs to fix his fucking mic settings so he doesn't peak all the time.

>> No.10334263

Don't disagree. She only does fantasy settings and is entirely nu-styled. Watched her write a western setting but kept dumping fantasy assumptions in them and couldn't stop being ironic for a second. Not to my tastes. At all. If anything her own way of running games is completely different from how Mori does her thing.
t. deadbeat

But you're right, Hal is absolutely great. He ran Dungeon Crawl classics with his chat and it was a fucking blast. Yes, he used the funnel and it was 1 viewer = 1 body. It worked out but he won't do it outside events because it's stressful as fuck.

>> No.10335834
File: 177 KB, 904x1038, 1579488094590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you all don't mind if an indie like me quickly slips in to address some stuff. I do appreciate all of the kind words.
>Though Hal needs to fix his fucking mic settings so he doesn't peak all the time.
I was actually unaware this was an issue since this is the first I've heard of it. I would not be surprised if something with my audio is jank since I've barely touched my settings since I started chuubing.
>It worked out but he won't do it outside events because it's stressful as fuck.
Oh I definitely want to do it again in the future. It's not a stress issue so much as time. I've been juggling so many tabletop projects that I've yet to really sit down and schedule the next one.

>> No.10336707

I'd definitely recommend applying a compressor or lowering the gain some. Right now it sometimes sounds like a Wendy's drive thru. Nice to see you drop in.

>> No.10336795

She's absolutely high on her ass but the one thing I give her is that she's admitted when she's wrong or inexperienced more than a handful of times on stream. Which is more than I can say over a lot of vtweeters.

>> No.10337369
File: 435 KB, 1848x1848, 1628636848545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a new IP
Wait, you were here all along?

>> No.10339129

>She's also gotten into shouting matches on twitter
Not defending her, but civil discourse on Twitter runs so counter to that website's userbase that it's pretty much part of the standard code of conduct that you be as much of an asshat as possible. That place does something to people's brains; to an outsider who has never used Twitter, it's very obvious.

>> No.10339164

/vt/'s tranny central, anon

>> No.10340932
File: 239 KB, 2350x1078, Huntermyth8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had me some questions and ideas planned for the next thread, but I'll post them here to stimulate discussion.

-First thing's first, will Dominique be able to fully recover from the wounds Tiara gave him? I'm guessing yes, but how easily can a vampire recover from having a chunk of his head turned into hamburger meat?
-Scout's backup fire plan. As informed by a helpful anon several threads back, fire is one of the best weapons against vampires, causing aggravated damage and sending them into an uncontrollable frenzy. Let's say Scout set the whole VIP lounge alight, how frightened are vampires of fire? Do they avoid it at all costs, or would they brave it to try and kill the party? Also, do you think Gura maybe knew about their weakness? She claimed to have read up a lot while drafting her final character (it took her about a week), so mayhap she did some deep diving into the lore.
-Seeing the concentrated effort by Cornelius and Vic to take down the Romanos, how infighty are vamps? Do they scuffle amongst one another as badly as humans do?

This idea picked up some interest in a previous thread (and elsewhere), but how would you anons like to see the party do an hour or so-ish debrief stream? Just a shorter, laid back intermission session where the party returns to HQ and comes to grips with what the hell they just went through. Amidst spending their experience for the viewers to see (and maybe elaborating on the justification), Yuul could put her mental skills to work doing some research, Watoto could cultivate some helpful greenery, and Tiara and Scout could shop around for a replacement company car or something. i think a mini-session like this would work wonders; the girls could just shoot the shit, chat OOC more than usual, ask questions if needed, and complete their pre-mission prepwork without having to try and cram it into another 3-4 hour stream. Also Calli wouldn't have to do any excessive prep for it, as it would be pretty laid back.

>> No.10341213

>how easily can a vampire recover from having a chunk of his head turned into hamburger meat?
Give it enough time/blood and they can more or less come back from even the worst injuries.
>how frightened are vampires of fire?
Frenzy is not just a word used for flavor. If they fail their frenzy test, they go full animalistic "FUCK NOPE IM OUT" mode.
>how infighty are vamps?
Take /vt/ (or any fandom) and ramp it up one billion times. That's less than 1/1000th of how petty and drama-filled vampire society is.
>how would you anons like to see the party do an hour or so-ish debrief stream?
As much as it would be nice to see, I'm not sure the girls would handle downtime RP all that well. They sort of flounder without a plot to follow since they're new players

>> No.10341692
Quoted by: >>10342735

A debrief or epilogue to their session would be a very nice addition. Another thing that I wanted at the end of the stream was a more in depth chat about their session. It wraps up so quickly that I'm sure that Mori and the others have lots of things they want to get off their chest about what happened, now that it's not going to interfere with the roleplay.
Just little things like "I really didn't expect you guys to go here" or "What would you have done if this roll succeeded/failed?".

>> No.10342391
Quoted by: >>10352722

Dude, I would watch the shit out of it if I wasn't dekinai'ed to oblivion.

>> No.10342735

>Another thing that I wanted at the end of the stream was a more in depth chat about their session
They all confirmed at some point that they did this after their tutorial streams (Gura said she and Calli went on about it like giddy schoolgirls regarding their session alone). The community would love to see more of the backstage / post-session stuff from the girls. Realistically, it's very hard to commit another hour to a postgame show after performing for so long, particularly for Calli, who gets up early to prep, and Kiara, who didn't get to go bedsy bye until 3:30am Euroslurp time.

>> No.10344660

There's no difference between reality and an illusion that is never revealed to be one.
The ultimate goal of TTRPGs is entertainment, not choice.

>> No.10344709
Quoted by: >>10352722

Does she have translators in chat for some of the games? I'd like to see Fubuki's TTRPGs.

>> No.10344801
Quoted by: >>10354238

The thing with /tg/ is that is hard to found a casual thread, all the generals aren't fun to read if you aren't into the game, all casual thread are mostly "goblin touch your tights and wink at You, what do?" Or dnd so I can see why someone won't invest so much time reading anon's book.
You always nees new blood to keep it fresh but can why it would be bad with CR era.

>> No.10347603

They could do that, but only in additional smaller collabs. Mori doesn't want all the available timeslots for full gen collabs to be taken up by her TTRPG, and the sessions they do have already go long past midnight for Kiara.

>> No.10350994
Quoted by: >>10352646

A TTRPG general from time to time sounds like a good idea. Maybe on /tg/ but I'd rather have it here.

>> No.10352646

/tg/ would claim it's not /tg/, or that it belongs on /vt/ since it contains vyt.
we can run one here, so long is the focus is on the personalities and the games they choose.

>> No.10352722
File: 1.58 MB, 3812x2128, Hololive-Fubuki stats kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10355554

>dekinai'ed to oblivion.
the language barrier. our greatest foe.
has anyone ever scrapped chat for translations and then added....
they removed that feature. fuck me.

>> No.10354238

If generals aren't fun for you then they're doing you a favour in getting rid of a glut of game specific threads that you wouldn't enjoy. There are like 65-75 threads on that board right now that aren't generals, game specific, art threads, or fetish bait. So, like I said, you're focusing on the wrong things. We can all take a trip to /vt/'s catalogue and pick out the awful shit too. Just the way boards are.

>> No.10355554


>> No.10357597

Some of this stuff depends on the exact vampire in question and also the game you're playing. I'm just going to talk about it in VtR2e terms because a lot of the VtM details don't translate over super well and I'd hope Calli is just using the rules available rather than homebrewing something for the same result.

>Will Dominique be able to fully recover from the wounds Tiara gave him?
Yes. There is very little a vampire can't bounce back from, so long as they haven't met the Final Death yet then they won't die without outside intervention regardless of their wounds. It's only really total destruction of the heart and removal of the head that they can't recover from.

>How easily can a vampire recover from having a chunk of his head turned into hamburger meat?
If they have access to as much Vitae as their wounds require they can heal back to full with 1 day's rest for all Bashing/Lethal, and then one day per Aggravated. Dominic didn't take any Aggravated damage that encounter, or would have fallen into Torpor, and they probably looked something like this;
>[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ /] [ /] [ /]
Vampires heal at 2 Bashing/1 Lethal per Vitae which would have meant 7 Vitae needed to be spent to fully recover from their wounds. It was the lethal damage that caused the Tilt that messed with their vision, so when all the damage from that attack is gone they'll have their eye back. 7 isn't a massive amount all in all, especially for the childer of a Prince. They'll have easy access to blood.

>How frightened are vampires of fire?
Deathly. It's one of the three great banes, the stuff you pull out when you need a vampire dead. A whole host of things provoke Frenzy in a vampire, but it's broadly about anger, danger, or hunger. If you light a torch and swing it in a vampires face that's likely to provoke Frenzy, and Frenzy from small fires like that are as hard to resist as it coming from the death of a friend. So they really don't like fire, and in VtM they even have a word for how badly it effects them, Rötschreck or the Red Fear.

>Do they avoid it at all costs, or would they brave it to try and kill the party?
It depends on the situation. Frenzy is the Beast taking control. The Beast is the predatory aspect that makes a vampire a vampire, it drives them to hunt, to kill, to flee, and when it takes over it's because it wants something. When you Frenzy the Beast has a goal in mind and it pursues that goal with single-mindedness and destructive abandon. The provocation is what you use to ick a goal. So if it was causes by seeing the house catch fire that desire is "get the fuck away from all that fire", but if someone saw Scout light the fire and their rage provoked a Frenzy then the Beast might just want bloody vengeance. A Frenzying vampire basically doesn't stop until the Beast gets what it wants or they enter Torpor. Vampires can also "Ride the Wave" it can take a lot of Willpower and good rolls to do it but they can take the Beast by the reins and point it where they want it, you can pick any goal you wish. The vampire of the second example might want to attempt to ride the wave in order to flee rather than charge into some flames. It's also possible to resist Frenzy, although doing so usually means you're more likely to Frenzy later on, and you can spend Willpower to delay the Frenzy for a turn too.

>Also, do you think Gura maybe knew about their weakness?
Maaaaaybe. It's hard to say, fire is a pretty big weakness of most monsters so it's something they could just "know" in the same way they know vampires don't like the sun.

>How infighty are vamps? Do they scuffle amongst one another as badly as humans do?
Vampire is a game of scheming and politics, the entire setting is pretty much built on foundations of infighting and strained alliances. All out war isn't unheard of, although typically done in the shadows, but every faction has its methods. Hard to say what's going in with it in the girls' game because we don't have a lot of information to work from.

>> No.10361314
Quoted by: >>10362588

Agreed, here sounds better. Maybe once the next Mythbreaker session is on the horizon, it's going to be mostly about that, unless Vshojo resumes their TTRPG by then and there's lots of seethe about it in the thread.

>> No.10362588

There are probably other members here who can nudge holos to a game, these ones in particular;

>> No.10362689

Stream generals aren't /tg/ you get one live and one talkback thread. That's just how the board works.

>> No.10364445
File: 430 KB, 1080x1300, _20210925_192942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10365678

/vt/ league makes me wish we joined in. We have at least 10+ish characters?

>> No.10366042
Quoted by: >>10378043

These threads aren't that good of a fit. There's not nearly enough thread specific humour to make a full roster of players, so we would only end up being a really lame team with boring character names from Mythbreakers.

>> No.10367439

Hunter 2e is up on /newvola, a rebrand link, for anyone that wants to check it out.

>> No.10371294
Quoted by: >>10372207

>/vt/ league
I googled some shit and have no real idea what this is. Explain?

>> No.10372207
Quoted by: >>10373812

Soccer with /vt/ threads

>> No.10373812
Quoted by: >>10378043

Oh. Well that's incredibly dull. Also why are /vt/ threads such total ass?

>> No.10374487
Quoted by: >>10374961

I noticed that too. It was a case of them being dumb and having shitty memory. Oh well.

>> No.10374837

I think she’s playing it up. But in the event she’s not, yeah, it would go very badly.

>> No.10374961
Quoted by: >>10376224

no, that's you having shit comprehension, there was only a single Breaking Point check that session

>> No.10376224
Quoted by: >>10380064

Which is frankly insane. There should have been at least 1 per member.

>> No.10376384

Fubuki was playing Emo-Klore, anyone here knows something about the game besides being exclusively japanese and using a d10 system?

>> No.10378043

It's a fun community experience.
If we have other campaigns to watch, we could probably include their characters. Maybe in the future.

>> No.10380064
Quoted by: >>10380560

>at least 1 per member
One more at most. Watoto has the divine (insidious?) protection of the Wyrm, and managed to fight off enough mental attacks from the twins. Scout has the intelligence of an alligator, so...yea. Yuul seeing Antonio drain that poor bastard right before her was pretty frightening, but should it have incurred a breaking point / morality check? It's pretty gray area to me, honestly.

>> No.10380560

I think it may have triggered Yuul's, it was the first time seeing someone die and drained by a vampire, it is pretty twisted.

>> No.10380784

So, was Antonio's shock at losing because he thought it was literally impossible? He's a Malk and Malks have the gift of prophecy, so did Yuul essentially defy foresight when she won?

>> No.10381139

Antonio wants Yuul's virgin ass so badly. He let her win so they could "meet up by happenstance" again at some point, whereupon he'll try to turn her to his side. He's playing the long game to get his girl. Don't vamps have some unique abilities if they get turned when virgins? Or am I thinking of another setting?

Seriously though, is the Malk gift absolute, or is it one of those wishy washy prophecy powers where it can be easily misinterpreted by one who is overconfident in his abilities?

>> No.10382494

>During the Dark Ages, the Malkavian Orders of Mystery, also known as Ordos, tried to channel the gift of prophecy to mimic the Methuselah-Oracles of Antiquity, but with the formation of the sects and the severing of Dementation, their practice fell out of use.
says the wiki

>> No.10383022
Quoted by: >>10383769

>wishy washy prophecy powers where it can be easily misinterpreted by one who is overconfident in his abilities?
The way Malkavians work is that they have a psychic connection to this thing called Madness Network. Now imagine that you can receive messages of future or past through any way possible including screens, outdoors, voices coming out of objects and many such situations, but you can't it turn it on or off because someone else does it.
It's that typical "I don't know what this vision means, but I know it's gonna be a bad time when it happens." Did Antonio see something regarding Yuul? Mori could write it like that later.

>> No.10383769
Quoted by: >>10383818

To correct myself, Antonio could be written as seeing something important regarding Yuul later, not in the card game itself. Maybe a vision told him about a mortal who used a vampire to beat another while God watched (I forgot what was the winning draw for Yuul), who will do something specially exceptional. Except in an even more cryptic way.

>> No.10383818
Quoted by: >>10384609

Winning draw was Yuul- vampire ; Antonio- human.

>> No.10384609

Maybe he heard the Vampire will win the match by 1 point or something.

>> No.10384674

>So, was Antonio's shock at losing because he thought it was literally impossible? He's a Malk and Malks have the gift of prophecy, so did Yuul essentially defy foresight when she won?
Malks aren't really prophetic, at least not until you get way into the high power levels (A lot of it is Auspex based, so open to lots of vamps. V5 also dramatically lowered the dots needed for premonitions), what they are is connected. The Madness Network connects all the Malks together and Malks know a lot of things, with a bit of effort you can send a message to other Malks and elders can ask the Network questions and its likely someone will have some idea of what you want. Malks are also nuts and vampires are also exceptionally arrogant, especially when dealing with the kine, so even if there wasn't anything prophetic going on he might just think that anyway.

>Don't vamps have some unique abilities if they get turned when virgins? Or am I thinking of another setting?
You're thinking of a different setting.

>Seriously though, is the Malk gift absolute, or is it one of those wishy washy prophecy powers where it can be easily misinterpreted by one who is overconfident in his abilities?
Very little is absolute, but Malkavians aren't seeing strange visions or cryptic prophecies, even if they'd like you to think so. The exact veracity of the information they have largely depends on the method their acquired it. Malkavian Time is pretty much down to whatever the individual Malk wanted to broadcast. They could do any message and you'd be able to receive it, so they could just lie about whatever. Sybil's Tongue is pretty much a sure fire thing so long as someone on the Network actually knows what you want to know.

>> No.10386888
File: 165 KB, 898x1203, 1441461523113668612_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10388267

poopy lasagna bump

>> No.10388267

I thought that, when Scout asked Vic if he had laxatives, Mori has him say "Of course I had, hold on", get his hand in the pocket just to show Scout an empty palm and going "Why do you think I carry laxatives around?!"

>> No.10391602

