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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.74173644

This year? Yes.
In this moment? No.

>> No.74173711

Ofcourse. EN needs at least 2 more gens to be self sustaining. Maybe 3.

>> No.74173739

Yes and I would like a sassy black woman with a big poofy afro and a fat ass please.

>> No.74173804

As long as all of them are 30+ years old.

>> No.74173809
Quoted by: >>74186398

If you ask me, I don't think there should be anymore debuts in Summer. Not for a while at least. The last two gens were in summer and Myth was in August. For the sake of not having all of the future anniversary streams clumped together, the next gen should be in winter or early spring.

>> No.74173842

EN4 will be the platonic solids. Tetrahedron is loli, icosahedron is boing boing, cube is the leader. The rest will fall into their roles as they gel.

>> No.74173845

too soon for en 4 maybe next year

>> No.74173890

As long as at least some of them will regularly stream between 7pm - 11pm EDT, yes.

>> No.74173914

Yes but not until the fall.

>> No.74173919

As long as at least one is a lolibaba

>> No.74173962
Quoted by: >>74186102

One single mom please

>> No.74173982

Not really, no.

>> No.74173992

Yeah, that's what people said after Council. No need, just wait. Fucking retarded faggots.

>> No.74173998

>more girls to not watch
no, not really

>> No.74174146
Quoted by: >>74174257

Only if they learn from their mistakes and only hire japanese girls born and raised in japan

>> No.74174257
Quoted by: >>74189651

What the fuck are you talking about, last samurai? Yellow fever that bad? HoloEN should be only white girls.

>> No.74174269

yes, then Gura will stream again!

>> No.74174275

Unironically, if they somehow find a diamond in the rough that doesn't have a victim complex due to her skin color and doesn't fw politics, she could be a breath of fresh air, specially if she extrovert. Black chicks just got a special aura around them
Alas, there's probably like 2 1views out there that would fit that criteria

>> No.74174335

I want Gura to stream and not be a lying whore.

>> No.74174412

nah, Advent still very much feels like the "new kid on the block"
no need for fresh blood yet, 2025 is more realistic
i think we need ID4 tho

>> No.74174424

imagine En4 coming out before Jp7 kek

>> No.74174548
File: 8 KB, 395x128, reg7oss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74175342


>> No.74174553

They can still milk HoloX a lot. You will get dev_is2 before JP7.

>> No.74174576
Quoted by: >>74217854

I'd check out their debuts but after that I'd just return to my indies desu.

>> No.74174641
Quoted by: >>74206160

I'm happy with advent for now
unless they go myth and promise with no streams, schedules or try to own the haters

>> No.74174662


>> No.74174675
Quoted by: >>74176039

Promise needs a new logo. That thing looks like OPs moms pussy.

>> No.74174697

we need something before advent's 3d thing because during and after that we are gonna lose them

>> No.74174810
File: 509 KB, 815x741, 1713544242713428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them all to be loving mothers with a stable home environment

>> No.74174868

Advent is still alive. Wait until they all start doing the "sorry guys no streams so busy busy with projects and vac-I mean work trips to Japan we'll keep releasing merch for you to buy tho" crap before sending in the next wave.

>> No.74174995

There are literally zero downsides in putting out EN4. None.

>> No.74175100
Quoted by: >>74178752

Yeah and I want them ASAP
It is a fucking shame that we have had 0 ambitious music holos since Myth. After 2 years you would think that we would get a banger gen with top shelf talent and instead we got fucking Nerissa. How hard is it to find a girl that would have put out a fucking EP on debut, there are several indies that could have done it yet they hire the girl that does not know japanese yet translates japanese lyrics, barely does karaokes, barely solo streams (in 2024 has more collabs than solo streams) etc

>> No.74175199

So far there are no signals of news for another generation in any of the Holopro divisions

>> No.74175205

Yes, I want 3 eastern euro hags and two happa lolis please.

>> No.74175222

I wouldn't say no to some sassy ghetto tough girl that is super cute for those she feels safe with

>> No.74175342
File: 23 KB, 361x252, t3mpus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not jp7, its like saying that t3mpus is en3

>> No.74175371
Quoted by: >>74175495

Eventually, yes. But need to wait a bit for the newest gen to properly stabilize.

>> No.74175443

>improves every gen
Yes, obviously I want it.

>> No.74175469
Quoted by: >>74175546


>> No.74175495

>But need to wait a bit for the newest gen to properly stabilize.
*For Shiori to graduate

>> No.74175546
Quoted by: >>74175704

sromu pedale

>> No.74175562

For you to rope rather.

>> No.74175627
Quoted by: >>74214441


>> No.74175704
Quoted by: >>74185307

Srom Pomu... *slurp*

>> No.74175767

Fuck off Eilene. Stop being a bitter cunt.

>> No.74175818

Based, cute bubbly black girls are top tier. Give her a hot, dark skinned sexo model and she'd be a hit. Bonus points if she does Okayu-tier ASMR.

>> No.74176039

that's a good thing

>> No.74176171

Kill yourself faggot, Shiori is great.

>> No.74176324

8 months Advent and still no 3D .
EN 4 in 2024 its impossible.

>> No.74176391
Quoted by: >>74176535

No. 15 is enough for now. And I'm not interested in adding the grifters this board handpicks for their "EN4."

>> No.74176535
Quoted by: >>74176717

>No. 15 is enough for now.
First of all, WTF. And second, no it's not.

>> No.74176538
Quoted by: >>74176641

EN4 would dilute the numbers like it happened to NijiEN.
If there's EN4, it should be 3 people max and at least after 1 EN member graduates.

>> No.74176583

If it means more streams throurough the day, yes

If they're just going to stream all on the same time as per usual, I don't care much

>> No.74176605

Fuck off. We're full.

>> No.74176624

If everyone was streaming properly then en4 woudl be over kill. Too many people have gone part time or full on quiet quit so you need another gen or 2 to fill in the holes they're leaving behind.

>> No.74176641

I would agree, but a bunch of EN members rarely stream

>> No.74176670

I might sound like a bit of a retard here, but whatever, I haven't watched any Hololive really since Jan 2022. Did Irys actually replace Sana in Council? And is the name change official or just a fan thing?

>> No.74176684

Not yet but soon maybe a month or 2 after advent 1st anni

>> No.74176717
Quoted by: >>74176979

I have information overload. I like my groups smaller and easy to comprehend all at once. Why I watch Hololive EN is because the number is small and not a lot like Nijisanji EN

>> No.74176766

No I want Promise to stream

>> No.74176898
Quoted by: >>74179420

If you'd allign the timelines, then at this point EN has 15 members and JP has 28. Don't fucking talk about acceleration.

>> No.74176933

Only if they're not PT based. There's still multiple hours of the day when literally nobody's streaming, having yet more people stream in the same 8 hour block would be dumb as hell.

>> No.74176979

This is something I've seen discussed over the past couple of years regarding the size of branches. Irrespective of the shitshow NijiEN has now become, I was a fan of a few of the girls over the past couple of years, but I never felt any pressure to keep up with what every single member was doing every day. But it seems like a lot of HoloEN fans really like keeping up with as many of the members as possible. Am I on to something or totally off base?

>> No.74177331

Not for me. There's some members i really like, (Fauna) others I don't care for at all (Kronii). I'd say i actively watch about 1/3 of the Holo EN girls.

>> No.74177669

If I didn't know any better, I'd say yes.
Realistically, we'd just get five more talents who are content with playing the same boring ass games 4-5 times a week in NA primetime, stumbling into cheap content ass backwards and getting rewarded for it by being memed to no end. In that case, no thanks. Maybe if Mint joins and starts pursuing idol aspirations, then I'd say I'd be fine with a new gen, but otherwise no.

>> No.74177863

I just really want a cute black girl or Latina

>> No.74178435

yes but it still feels too soon. No need to rush this one since advent streams right now and promise chips in too. cover should take their time, craft something good that doesn't fall apart easily

>> No.74178542

It's coming this year. Yagoo wants to make up for having no new gen for over 2 years between council and advent.

>> No.74178600

Bored of your new toys already? Told (You) this would happen. Watch JP, retards

>> No.74178618

Based on what is happening with Niji, Cover should focus on making sure that all of their idols have all the resources that they need. If it gets to a point where management feels that each of their streamers are performing to the best of their ability, then they can expand.

>> No.74178634

Late this year/early next year is my guess. I'd be a little surprised if they didn't debut by 6th fes.

>> No.74178709

I want EN branch to close down and stop ruining JP branch, but i dont thinks that gonna happen unfortunately.

>> No.74178752
Quoted by: >>74179202

Setting aside the fact that you are bullshiting that Nerissa has more collabs and solo streams, why the fuck is that important? You guys are so desperate for drama, that you are picking at straws... if one doesn't collabs much 'why is she not collabing? Does she hate Hololive?!' If one collabs 'she is problematic because she collabs too much!' Is really pitiful.
As for the second part, do you have any idea how expensive is to produce an EP? Who in their right mind would throw tens of thousands of dollars, to release an EP when they are building a fanbase from the ground up? Plus, you don't even know what sort of fanbase you will attract. You could be as serious as you may be about music, yet your fanbase have little to no interest in it. And then what do you end up with? Spending 10-20k to make a song a song and an MV, only to end up with a hole in your funds? Being talented and serious about it, doesn't always guarantee returns. Look at Bae for example, she is obviously very serious about music, and she is also a very talented singer, one of the best in Hololive, yet, she gets as much traction through her music as someone like Noel or Polka who just do it for fun or to have original songs for Fes. Bae should by all means have been on of the top singers in Hololive, but she isn't. Why? Is because her core audience sees her more as a streamer than a singer, unlike Suisei or Cali is seen. And that limits Bae's opportunities to grow as a singer and limits her releases to what she affords.

>> No.74178778

>he was waiting for someone to mention en4 since en3 debut to post this
do you not understand that new debuts are normal? of course people look forward to it

>> No.74178811

Quality over quantity. Always. If they can find top quality talent today then yes, if not then no.

>> No.74178817

Outside Ame and Fauna I only really just stick to collabs for my knowledge of the other girls. I just don't have the time to keep up with the other girls' solo content but if they appear in collabs with my oshis that's great.

>> No.74178905
Quoted by: >>74222909

I'm tired of new fans shitting on kiara

>> No.74179003

I just dont really care. Every time one new branch comes along, the previous one stop doing shit. Theres no reason for me to even get interested with that track record

>> No.74179054

Of course.
But only after their propper selection and training.

>> No.74179102

Yes. I'll have one mommytuber that doesn't immediately give up plx!

>> No.74179127

nothing has changed for EN Advent still dont have 3D after 9 months.

>> No.74179202
Quoted by: >>74179272

Her general keeps count >>74120829

>ep costs too much
didnt stop mori to do it
>but she knows how to make her own music
exactly, so hire girls like that
>but but the MV costs to much
png and lyrics doesnt cost that much
>look at my poor bae
look at watame, she grinded and keeps on grinding and seeing results of that grind

>> No.74179208
File: 1.71 MB, 556x702, 1711932281354962.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but at least we got this

>> No.74179272

Oh and I should add that the ratio of Nerissas solo streams to collabs looks a lot more health now than it used to do 4 weeks ago

>> No.74179323

>Watch JP
Not worth watching anymore. EN is unironically better now aside from a few jp mems.

>> No.74179382
Quoted by: >>74181306

That was probably the idea until they realized that it was fucking stupid

>> No.74179420


Also I don't speak Japanese and I have no interest to learn just fot chuubas.

>> No.74179553

Not really, no. The branch never does anything entertaining anymore. Half of them don't stream consistently and they never do fun collabs like they used to.

>> No.74179578

anon yagoo is opening hololive america this year, there's 0% chance en4 will be this year.

>> No.74179772
Quoted by: >>74179953

They seem to be setting a schedule of roughly one gen per quarter for 3D debuts and sticking to debut order- Tempus HQ was Q1, Tempus VG is obviously coming win the next couple of months since why else would they all be in Japan for an extended period of time, Advent will be this summer, and ReGLOSS has basically already said they'll be this fall.

>> No.74179802
Quoted by: >>74179973

Let me get this straight. Cover is opening a new office in US this year so there is no chance for a new gen where most members would propably be from North America? Is this what you meant?

>> No.74179947

Why the hell would them opening an NA office have the slightest impact on when EN4 debuts?

>> No.74179953

why is threeview tempus clogging up the 3d queue

>> No.74179973
Quoted by: >>74180124

Oh no... please no... not more of those damn Californian vtubers. There are too many of those.

>> No.74180085

>Ame, Ina, Gura have practically graduated
>Bae, IRyS, and Fuwamoco would rather stream in Japanese than English
I don't just want EN4, we literally need EN4.

>> No.74180124

You are righ, no California. A whole gen of wholesome Florida girls. Let's spice things up a bit. Or 4 from Florida and one black New Orleans girl.

>> No.74180125

>Ame, Ina, Gura have practically graduated
Ina is literally streaming right now, anon.

>> No.74180160

Wrong corpo anon.

>> No.74180172
File: 253 KB, 1664x2432, 1710121675737815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now? No. They can start scouting if they want, but Advent is pretty good. And everyone wants Gura to spread her cunny to Advent.

>> No.74180212

I wouldn't complain if there wasn't one this year

>> No.74180475

It's a new office not a new branch retard. If anything, HoloEN could move there so they don't have constantly to be in Japan to do shit.

>> No.74180526

I’m fine with the way things are now (just like I was before Advent), but if Cover puts out an EN gen that streams at EU hours I certainly wouldn’t complain.

>> No.74181032

do you think that anon watches hololive?

>> No.74181297

EN4, ID4, anything but more homos

>> No.74181306

There never was any hardcore proof for this aside from catalog posters schizo rrats.

>> No.74181330
Quoted by: >>74181718

We only just got EN3, I want the current members to be given time to find their footing and grow before Cover starts churning out new ones.

>> No.74181332

If Advent is the best they could find in 2 years then EN4 is looking grim.

>> No.74181394
Quoted by: >>74181664

IRyS and the remaining 4 formed a new group "Promise", probably to avoid the "they replaced Sana" accusations. The Promise logo has a 6th star as tribute.

>> No.74181425


>> No.74181524

but make them less family friendly

>> No.74181600
File: 74 KB, 951x961, 1710205256478585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74181709

are you out of your mind? no man on earth can possibly keep up with more than two biboos at most

>> No.74181664

>>74181394 >>74176670
Also to add, iRyS had no leader for at least a year so she was more than happy to be a real member, and yes, the name is official. Sana was never part of promise and iRyS was never part of council.

>> No.74181704
Quoted by: >>74183543

yeah, we need at least 3 more gens of homos before that

>> No.74181709

Just in case a few of them start getting lazy a few months in. I am scared of the time when Biboo will stream less, i hope it will never happen.

>> No.74181718
Quoted by: >>74182015

They've been around for almost a year, we didn't only just get them. I'd like an EN4 but the ideal hypothetical version of it which is probably not how it would really go. The market is oversaturated right now and there just aren't enough girls who are both hungry and talented.

>> No.74181959

after a year they become annoying memelord twitch whores so need fresh gen

>> No.74182015

Honestly a new gen every 10 months seems like a good pace. Advent took way too long, but we need time unlike other companies that constantly shut out new gens.

>> No.74182080
Quoted by: >>74189060

>waa Advent 3D first
Who gives a shit, everyone can travel as they want, Cover has new big studio. If Advent doesn't have 3D yet, it's because Cover is incompetent.

>> No.74182125

only if she cosplayed hinata in the year 2011

>> No.74183296
Quoted by: >>74183605

No talent has proven to be even remotely talented enough to be viral outside of Myth (FWMC can claim that, sort of). They all coast on the hololive name.

If that doesn't change, it doesn't even matter if EN4 is a thing or not.

>> No.74183543

Stop thinking about Man so much anon

>> No.74183605
Quoted by: >>74183962

You are talking about numerical success? Okay. So it doesn't matter that they don't put put out another gen that can get hundreds of thousands subs and thousands of CCV in EVERY stream? That just doesn't matter?

>> No.74183677

They lost Beryl to Phase and I don't see anyone else of her caliber around. I doubt I'll be impressed, unless they snag someone completely unknown better than her.

>> No.74183776

They'll grab 5 "twitch whores" and the fans will pretend they were never from twitch in the first place.

>> No.74183962

Despite being consistently bigger than anyone else, HoloEN has lost relevance, they are nowhere near as influential. The numbers are propped up by the JP branch, which has a star cast, such as Pekora, Marine, Suisei. The only person that comes close is Mori and everyone else is debatably irrelevant outside of numbers.

>> No.74184129
Quoted by: >>74184503

And? What is your point? I answered about numbers because you brought them up. Don't get pissy with me, boy.

>> No.74184228

>downsides to putting out EN4

>> No.74184344

shame roca became jewish. holoEN could use more rock or punk songs
there might be a reason why anons sometimes meme avril lavigne and hayley williams as new holomems

>> No.74184503

I didn't bring up numbers. Everyone recognizes hololive is big. But that's about it on the EN side.

I haven't seen a "TOMORROW" tier meme in a very long time outside the holobubble.
My point is the EN talents are dull and anyone who could have made it, wastes away by not putting in effort into their role. It's why I stopped watching them outright last year, besides some big events.

>> No.74184751

>I stopped watching them last year
Well fuck me, why didn't you tell me this first. Bye.

>> No.74184799

Cover USA is a foreign subsidiary and they are spending a lot of money on HoloEN. Management is definitely going to debut EN4 in 2024 and EN5 in 2025 to help recoup that investment. There is little cost in debuting new Hololive talents and in the first 3 years they had debuted over 25 talents in the JP branch.

>> No.74184963

tomorrow wasn't even a good meme though so im not sure what your point is

>> No.74184986
File: 1.83 MB, 1080x1080, 1699748701036184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your HoloEN 4, hope you like them

>> No.74185072

Sure, in a year or so maybe. And please save Pomu.

>> No.74185093

Bijou singlehandedly mogs all of JP for average CCV. She's the highest of all Hololive.

>> No.74185290
Quoted by: >>74185397

ehh, she's okay but honestly i don't really see her as all that different from the existing holos. plus if you accept her you're gimping her permswise. let her stay indie, mint would like it better too
sorry but i don't see her appeal. i'd poach a few idol or phase girls over her
i don't know the other two, qrd on them?

>> No.74185307
Quoted by: >>74213576

If Pomu is in then She'll graduate/hiatus mint 2 months before the debut

>> No.74185397

>i don't know the other two, qrd on them?
mono monet from v4mirai. she's like a latina version of Ina but better in every way. super gfe, super cute laugh, and very passionate about all forms of art.
denpafish is a /here/ 2view indie who is all of the above but also super menhera.

>> No.74185441

EN4 is going to be the worst thing that happened to this branch and y'all are going to celebrate as if it was Jesus Christ rebirth.

>> No.74185530
Quoted by: >>74192533

this is bigger than tomorrow ever was.

>> No.74185584

also no matter how great they are you will say it's shit anyway

>> No.74185636

So true sis

>> No.74185677

yes in september

>> No.74185864

They should retire myth before they add a new gen

>> No.74185866

I want another one or two non-gen debuts that they get a little more experimental with. I know they wouldn't likely stay experimental for long and would just stream games like everyone else, but for a brief moment it'd be fun.

>> No.74185948

you WILL wait another year for a new gen
you WILL get exclusively west coast timezone streams

>> No.74185963

JP is the one that needs to be quarantined to stop them from spreading their VCR shit to EN.

>> No.74185974

True. Before JP7 they should retire JP0, JP1 and JP2. Making room for new talent is a good idea.

>> No.74186008
Quoted by: >>74186190

kek true
>i want to do art streams
>i want to do theater streams
>i want to do bolivian slam poetry streams
>does it two times, drops and never mentions it again

>> No.74186102

Is it really too much to ask for. I feel cover is really missing out here

>> No.74186108

Who are they? I need actual chocolate girls to watch.

>> No.74186149
Quoted by: >>74186238

yes. the only advent i find myself being able to watch these days is biboo, 1/5 is pretty terrible for me. and i'm membered to fwmc since literally day they opened memberships

>> No.74186152
Quoted by: >>74186409

Yes, I'm sure the best way to not get murdered is to force Suisei into retirement.

>> No.74186155

No, I don't want EN4, I am happy with what we got,people that want more members for EN are just EOP grifters that went to watch niji for a bit and now that they are dead they want to bring their accelerate culture to holo

>> No.74186173

Honestly, no. Too worried about culture warriors invading and screwing things up

>> No.74186190
Quoted by: >>74187851

Because that sort of shit is way too much effort for too little return when the general audience and /vt/ would rather watch 100 hours of brainless /v/slop.
Let me know if you do find anyone who does mostly non-gaming streams like the type you mentioned, anywhere. It feels like no one can maintain that kind of content for more than a few months.

>> No.74186238

Nerissa is the only one I watch in stream, but Biboo does occupy a lot of my clip watching.

>> No.74186276

? the only reason i watch en is because i got bored of watching jp long ago lmao

>> No.74186302
Quoted by: >>74186337

Average numbermonkey everyone

>> No.74186337
Quoted by: >>74186436

Anon, if you can't read sarcasm that's on you. Look at the post he was replying to.

>> No.74186398

June to august is already filled af so winter makes sense

>> No.74186409
Quoted by: >>74189099

Don't bitch at me, cunt. It wasn't my idea to force older gens to retirement. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.74186436

I regret to inform you this is what numbermonkeys think should happen

>> No.74186555

>numberfags wanting to graduate the older gens which have most of the biggest earners and numbergetters over newer gens which don't
The fuck are you talking about? Every numberfag knows that Micomet is THE hottest pairing in Hololive which sells fucktons of merch, something that no newer gen has been able to replicate

>> No.74186637

There are zero numbermonkeys who want people like Miko or Subaru or Suisei, out of the company. Not a one.

>> No.74186748

Not if they're going to be normies like Shiori and Nerissa.

>> No.74186955

This, but she has to be "all dat n uh bag uh chips"

>> No.74187561

lol no fuck off with that shit
adding a black person will just ruin the interdynamics they already have

>> No.74187851
Quoted by: >>74188097

It'd work if releasing videos weekly instead of streaming daily were viable content still. For some reason, people in the EN market seemingly would rather watch a 10 minute third-party clip of a stream than a 10 minute focused video by a vtuber.

>> No.74188097

Not me I would rather watch the first party video and miss the old days.

>> No.74188285

Yes, we need a new gen every year.

>> No.74188518
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1634070129217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retire myth

>> No.74188530


>> No.74188706

we need some EU members so euros stop fucking crying all the time

>> No.74188818
File: 99 KB, 620x655, 1712313367965274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74198976


>> No.74188905
File: 93 KB, 328x328, KNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. I'm really happy with advent.
If they introduce an all cunny gen, I'd be all for it

>> No.74189060

>Cover is incompetent
Well this is why EN 4 is not for now.

>> No.74189099

Way to recognize a joke, fucktard.

>> No.74189199
File: 866 KB, 1597x945, 32wegas23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to wait until Vedal scouts them all out for us first.

>> No.74189249
Quoted by: >>74207449

this or a slutty gyaru

>> No.74189251

No one in Hololive will ever get fired if it isn't legal reason or someting because Yagoo was smart enough to undertand one thing... Without his broken girls he is nothing. Nada. Even the least popular girls make plenty of money AND they are friends wit the most populra girls, so you don't want to lose them if at all possible.

>> No.74189518

EN 1 and 2 was one year between, there's not really a clear pattern to this, it also depends if you count Stars as part of the EN release schedule overall. It's not crazy to think we'll get a proper EN4 late summer/early fall.

>> No.74189543
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x4000, 1707340762863289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think that Vtubing, especially EN Vtubing is in a king of economic bubble right now?
Some of the HoloEN talents are not doing THAT well at the moment. Wouldn't throwing out more gens make the whole market worse off?

>> No.74189651
Quoted by: >>74189878

>the most lazy and uncaring HoloEN girls are all white
Nah pass on that one

>> No.74189694

Tbf, EN2 fumbled the bag, squandering the Covid buff. EN3 is doing well, but not nealry as well if EN2 didn't have such a poor showing. People latch onto Fauna because she has an -ounce- of likeability to her

>> No.74189740

western vtubing has been overrun by e-thots, cv19 era lockdowns aren't going to come back. There will never be another golden era for vtubing, what we have now will slowly fade away for the next thing.

>> No.74189878
Quoted by: >>74189949

Mori and Kiara are probably the hardest working in HoloEN and definitely the whitest. Only Nerissa even approaches them. The honkys do run the gamut, though.

>> No.74189949
Quoted by: >>74190780

Don't forget about Fuwamoco. They work pretty hard, too

>> No.74190023
Quoted by: >>74190481

Not really, every gen has betrayed in some way. Gen 1+2 homocollabers, Gen 3 grifters and traitors caring more for JP audience than EN. I'd rather find the same person as an Indie

>> No.74190184

>Anyone else think that
No, you are a special and unique snowflake.
Listen, HoloEN is doing good. It has it's highs and lows, just like HoloJP. Some are more popular than others. You can't take cues to handling HoloEN from any other western Vtubing, because Hololive isn't like them.

>> No.74190481
File: 10 KB, 267x223, 1707864245138885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this schizo ruffian and laugh

>> No.74190780

But Fuwamoco are just twin boys pretending to be twin girls, so they don't count.

>> No.74190999

For more overlap because they only stream in one timezone diluiting the viewers even more? Fuck no, EN can barely sustain 2 gens, Promise and Adcent (Myth is virtually dead)
Only way to make EN4 work is for it to stream at completly opposite hours, the downside is they will be just isolated from the rest of Hololive EN

>> No.74191377

I want JP7

>> No.74191401
Quoted by: >>74191512

Fuck no. EN3 was a mistake let alone EN4. I wish Cover would stop wasting money on side branches and actually focus on JP as Regloss is half baked at best.

>> No.74191512
Quoted by: >>74191734

only some who thinks all of EN was a mistake would call EN3 a mistake

>> No.74191734
Quoted by: >>74192052

Honestly, what does this even mean? They released 2 EN gens during the COVID zeitgeist while everyone was at home watching streams and discovering vtubers. They then decide to wait 2 years to release another gen as the whole medium is contracting? Perhaps it's just wise JP business acumen that I'm too Western to understand and willing to lose money on.

>> No.74191809

Fuck no. Maybe next year.

>> No.74192052
Quoted by: >>74192295

everyone knows EN3 was a net loss and they are pulling trash numbers. since you are clever enough to know this too, surely EN4 will be a failure if you say it will be

>> No.74192295

Very obvious you're too /#/ brainrotted to read actual financial disclosures but Cover's own numbers show the medium is contracting.

>> No.74192458
File: 371 KB, 1100x1100, 1709751176840818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74192827

>you are too numberbrainrotted to know numbers
>anyway according to the numbers

>> No.74192533
Quoted by: >>74192916

>2 million views
Not even close

>> No.74192746

Due to the success of the twins and Pekomama, EN4 will have a mother/daughter combo.

>> No.74192827

Yes anon, Cover's actual published numbers are, believe it or not, important to running the business unlike bitching over who got gold today

>> No.74192916

True."Tomorrow" had nowhere near 2 milion views. Not even with all clips combined.

>> No.74195965
Quoted by: >>74198181

Leave Mono out of this

>> No.74196203

Looking at the mayhem in the current /baubau/ thread. Were going to need EN4 sooner than later

>> No.74197779

>the whole market worse off?
>small corpos are this worried about an EN4

>> No.74198161

i want less used goods and streams a lot

>> No.74198181

No, I want her to find her happiness. She deserves the world.

>> No.74198976

>HoloEN up +131% YoY

Damn, things were *really* dire stream-wise when everyone was in Japan for 4th fes if they're up that much with only a 50% increase in headcount.

>> No.74199633

funnily enough that /#/ love EN3 and have nothing against EN4, it's just weird ass falseflagger
also why tf you need to falseflag as a fucking thread

>> No.74202835

Rosemi is fine

>> No.74202923

Only if they stream during EU hours

>> No.74203170

>My point is the EN talents are dull and anyone who could have made it, wastes away by not putting in effort into their role.
You don't seems to understand, there's a reason why HoloEN is satinized in the first place, you may don't like it but beyond adverstisers this is a requirement to cut any possible drama from the let's go, unless you want to see holo being niji 2.0

>> No.74204694
Quoted by: >>74206595

i'm not sure if sanitized is the right word but it's not entirely wrong either. they are still above the niji line except for the bae penis game, shiori always toeing that line, and stars drawing dicks. but there's still tame coombaiting and slightly lewd stuff.
what stands out to me is how EN completely lacks gambling and drinking unlike JP where it's more like a cabaret club. probably a cultural thing. a good christian en anon would throw a fit if ens do a drinking stream

>> No.74205427

Personally, no. Too much overlap already and at this point you should have a perfect oshi to watch. Any new members would only exist to compete for the oshihen brawl.

>> No.74206160

The trips to Japan for 3D arc approaches

>> No.74206290

Yea, eventually but Hololive as a whole is in a good spot with it's roster so any additions feels unnecessary. Wouldn't mind getting ID4 though.

>> No.74206333
File: 423 KB, 1484x1005, 38yapg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74209912

>But it seems like a lot of HoloEN fans really like keeping up with as many of the members as possible.

I do this for like 3-4 months when I first start falling into the rabbit hole. Then once I realize how tiring this is, I just pick a few vtubers I like the most and watch them when I can. or if they play games that I interested in.
I really don't understand the mentality of "when the next gen gonna come? Why aren't you debutting a new gen now" it feel like this image.

>> No.74206533
Quoted by: >>74206595

you do NOT want a bunch of gambling and drinking addicted zoomers around here. half the board will be spam posts about dogwifthat token and someone will unironically convince your oshi to go on uponlytv or talk to trainwreckstv or something

>> No.74206595

wrong user

>> No.74207095

that what omega wanted lol

>> No.74207449

I like my cute black chicks that wish they were Asian. But I'ma have to pick the slutty Gyaru for the sake avoiding the brown debuff.

>> No.74207515
Quoted by: >>74210128

Weird how people discredit Myth like you can easily shift in Council and Advent into some fantasy scenario and it would work just as well. Stop thinking of terms in hindsight and placement of where they were at this time in 2020. The gens after Myth had the benefit of support that Myth didn't have. Being first EN branch didn't guarantee success because it wasn't so explosive when ID1 debuted before them. Then you've got the fallout over China with Coco and Haachama that happened soon after. Don't forget they would also have to do that Country Roads cover. They had to create their own template since they didn't have a solid EN vtuber one to draw from elsewhere other than usual streamer stuff. Myth success overshadows the fumbles they had to make while on their own since they had to be the first to do it. I don't think most of the people who applied for Council and Advent would've if Myth didn't prove their viability. I think people kinda forget the rough 1st year of Myth and how much more Hololive support the later gens got off because they learned from their past mistakes.

>> No.74207633
Quoted by: >>74213325

Beryl joined Phase? How come I didn't heard of this wtf.. which one is she there??

>> No.74207826

What happened there? Did the Nijisisters invade? I just heard their doxxsite got destroyed today

>> No.74208384

>Watch JP

>> No.74209912

a new gen is inevitable so of course there will always be people who look forward to it. the wheel keeps on turning
and before en3 this was even necessary because thanks to management at the time everything in en was DOGSHIT.
i'm happy with the third gen myself but i'd still check out a new gen for content that interests me or if my oshi's gone or something

>> No.74210128

Yes yes we know how amazing and how they overcome their hurdles yada yada yada.

>> No.74211620

natural adaptation did not spare the brain, and the difference would destroy the dynamic. You have been corrupted. Stay true to nature.

>> No.74211685
Quoted by: >>74223020

>sister board down
>suddenly this shit pops up on /here/
you are fucking disgusting

>> No.74213031
Quoted by: >>74213240

JP7 would be fine too

>> No.74213240


>> No.74213325

She is the blue one in their jp group, Kaminari Clara or something like that

>> No.74213388

yeah she deserves to world... hope she would do her membership asmrs on her RM since Hololive wouldnt allow them...

>> No.74213566

No, 3 was a mistake.

>> No.74213576

She's already effectively trained.
Also it would throw everyone off if she streamed right up until her Holo debut and then go on Hiatus.

>> No.74213624
Quoted by: >>74213719

advent was the best thing that happened to hololive EN, and dont get me wrong, I love promise and myth but that shit was basically "never live" the entire 2023 until advent happened, so yes I want another gen, if possible one that can fill some dead timeslots like the evening and late in the night

>> No.74213719

>advent was the best thing that happened to hololive EN
singer that doesnt sing, hates streaming and still hasnt released an orisong (as a vtuber at least roru)
abandoning en for jp

2/5 advent are good, shiori is having her little niche that cover clearly hired her for and biboo is our gayming streamer

>> No.74214031
Quoted by: >>74214344




>> No.74214145

It was the best because it increased the frecuency of streams, even from other gens, same shit happened when council just debuted, I don't even watch advent apart from biboo, my 2 oshis are in promise.

>> No.74214180

Not yet, I want it to be a slow process, but the possibility of Pomu redebuting in EN4 would make me hope I’d be sooner rather than later >>74173739
Go watch mori jogger

>> No.74214206

scrap everything I said before, we need it asap
it's fucking over

>> No.74214229
Quoted by: >>74222813

niji hired blacks and now iit is black company, holo does not want to follow that path

>> No.74214344

>b-b-but my second language is just french or whatever

>> No.74214348
Quoted by: >>74216267

We need EOP chuubas more than anything right now.

>> No.74214441
Quoted by: >>74214507

KR will not happen as their goverment is hostile to all streamers working

>> No.74214507

KR will not happen because cover is a japanese company

>> No.74214545

Getting yonkisei vibes out of this picture, and not the good vibes mind you

>> No.74215199

this is what I think too and why I wanna apply so bad! It's that 5 minute video that I get stumped on and wish there were more examples on what to do or say.

>> No.74216267

Give Phase a chance

>> No.74216761

I have seen the rest of the posts and there's a non-zero chance it all might get deleted if jannies notice this much samefagging, but I'm no Jannie so I can't say it will happen because I, fortunately, have no control over it.

>> No.74217661

What i want is for the actually entertaining streamers to leave so i don't feel sick wanting to supporting them

>> No.74217791
Quoted by: >>74218225

We're past the timespan between EN 1 and 2, and I remember THAT being considered too long between gens back in the day.
Assuming Cover isn't trying to ignore their main branch for 2 entire years again, we hopefully should get some news pretty soon.

>> No.74217854

I'd be curious if any of the indies i followed that graduated ended up there

>> No.74218225

>Assuming Cover isn't trying to ignore their main branch for 2 entire years again, we hopefully should get some news pretty soon.

>> No.74220110

>Do you want EN4?
right now

>> No.74221010

Since DEV_IS seems to be the branch for experimentation I kinda want DEV_IS gen 2 to be JP girls that speak decent EN and will stream as EN streamers during EN times. I think it'd be an interesting experiment and cultural exchange. Besides, some EN girls are trying to be JP and letting down their EN fans, it's only fair if we get some JP girls catering to EN. Plus I wanna see the wannabe JP dudes here who constantly shit on EN and think they're cool because they learned like 20 JP words and watch JP clips absolutely seethe.

>> No.74221207
Quoted by: >>74221425

If it's another gen of PST primetime streamers who all overlap each other then I literally do not care if they come or not, I won't watch them either way. There are single JP gens who have streams spaced out through more of the day than the entire EN branch

>> No.74221425

Reminder that homos had to BEG to be allowed to stream outside of the PST timeslot

>> No.74221439

i didn't even want advent because biboo and the twins are too good that i don't watch anyone else anymore

>> No.74221714
Quoted by: >>74221843

Do you think they'll ever hire someone from the UK? Our country is dying so surely there's a few lasses looking for work. A nice Welsh girl would be p good.

>> No.74221818

FWMC are 2 wasted slots for an english branch. EOPs or someone willing to do real mid translations like Henya are the way to go forward.

>> No.74221843

Not unless they're willing to stream at 4AM

>> No.74221959

If they stream in English. Yes.

>> No.74222422
Quoted by: >>74222544

Shiori is great, streams a lot and even makes a lot of her own clips/shorts. At the very least if FWMC were going to go do JP shit they could not be lazy fags and make subbed clips.

>> No.74222544

they are going to spend all the money ruffians give them on their real dreams and not give back to their hololive fans

>> No.74222813

Who’s that?

>> No.74222909

What if Kiara is just objectively terrible and worth shitting on?

>> No.74222996

We need a real EN generation and not weebs that will cater to elevanese.

>> No.74223020

Stupid faggot, I'm not a sister I have jungle fever. Fucking low test beta, go cut your dick off and become a tranny.

>> No.74223193
Quoted by: >>74223441

Catalog fag.

>> No.74223230

After Council flop Im surprised we even get EN3

>> No.74223250
Quoted by: >>74225306

Advent still feels new. Maybe late 2025? Even 2026

>> No.74223342

inb4 more homos.

>> No.74223441

Ok tell me how many solo karaokes Nerissa has had in 2024. If I pick a random stream of hers then chances are it is going to end very close to 2 hours i.e. when she feels like she has worked enough and wants to clock out. And where is her (vtuber) orisong?
As for FWMC *gestures wildly in 4 /baubau/ with 1k posts*

>> No.74225306
Quoted by: >>74226179

Not if you watch streams

>> No.74226179

We don't do that here. We rarely even read threads anymore.gv8vd

>> No.74228086
Quoted by: >>74228482

Nerissa spreads herself too thin honestly. She still works to maintain her PL, which then leads to people dragging her for not releasing content as Nerissa. Then she gets self conscious, doubts herself, tries to course correct, makes some people happy, and then makes some of the same mistakes again. I honestly just think her manager is kind of shit at their job. It’s been over eight months and it still feels like Nerissa is trying to discover what her niche is as a vtuber.

>> No.74228482
Quoted by: >>74229127

I mean if I were a jailbird and saw that she released an orisong on her PL after 8 months when she hasnt done so as Nerissa I would 100% dropped her. I dont get how she still has fans after that

>> No.74229127

I think most dedicated jailbirds don’t care, because it’s still the same person either way. She’s not hard to find. Those who remain willfully ignorant, well, I don’t know about them. My oshi is who she is and I couldn’t care less about kayfabe. I’ll check out whatever she puts out.

However, I can admit that the lack of focus probably stifles her growth as Nerissa. Lately she’s been appeasing some of the common complaints, aside from those who want more karaokes. As I said, I find her manager more responsible for these issues. Talent management isn’t easy and I feel that cover doesn’t fully understand this.

>> No.74229145

What's an average lifespan of a gen? If we treat them like real idols in idol industry, might as well wait for 3 years until new gen is announced to avoid oversaturation

>> No.74229186

Yes, but give me a gen of all handpicked 2views that are entertaining in their own way, if those even exist. Raise them in Hololive culture with Hololive ideals, and just give us something interesting. Their whole hiring ideal is supposedly "unique dreams and hidden gems", and I'm tired of people I didn't want to watch anyway in their PL getting a blue dorito slapped on them. I'd like someone I didn't have a pre-existing opinion on. In the presumable swamp of mentally ill girls applying it's hard to believe there aren't 4-5 of them who are worthwhile in there.

>> No.74229724

yeah, i do. especialy now that 2/5 advent are nip streamers.

>> No.74234330

