Which Holo should Asanagi draw?
Is Fauna really doing heartbeat ASMR... It feels nice.
>wojack on page 1/vt/ was a fucking mistake
i was going to blast but i cant. she is too sweet
I love Ina!
>>OP>>9967521>>9967570ogayu is unfairly hot
I wish Fauna went for the sister or young aunt slant, not mother.
>>9967593All of Hololive
it's beating faster....
Gura's was lewder because we heard her taking off her clothes
Sorry bros, its my heart
I choose this one
Fat cat thread?
>>9967650just one fucking look kek
I'm an ASMR oldfag, have been listening to it for 10+ years or so and I'm pretty sensitive, but I don't get the appeal of heartbeat ASMR
trials of fat catdon't miss her stream in about an hour
>Fauna is huging you and make you rest on her chest while petting you in the headGODDAMMIT
>>9967658She's mother nature, anon...
sana image
This feeling... I finally remember... Has it been so long? I've missed this. I needed this. I'm back home.
>>9967593Reminder that Asanagi got commissioned by TMA to design a vtuber. The result is an oppai loli mesugaki.
I love Rushia!
>>9967658She wanted to do sister but people pushed the mama thing, she's at least doing fine either way.
>>9967593None, Asanagi is a sameface hack
Imagine you put your ear between Fauna's breasts and listen to her heart haha
I love Mori!
>>9967682it makes you "feel" closer to the person
>>9967682It's a real thing of a real person that you care about. Is that not enough?
>>9967682It appeals to the lonely
I want to fuck this brrat
>>9967662>Not Der Komissar or Vienna CallingAnon... your Falco reps....
>>9967665She's getting flustered because were listening to it...
wtf her heart is beating 2 times faster than mine, is she ok?
>Okay, some times I do have bad days, right, like everybody does, uh, and I—I get really like, hauuuuuuuuuh before I stream, but then something clicks in my brain—usually right before, like about half an hour before and I get really excited to see everybody again. Cause I actually—I realized this, after I got some macdonalds the other day, uh, on my way back home, uh, I was like, I was like wow—streaming and getting to see everybody, all of the, all of the shrimps and the chumbuddies is such a—is such a nice constant in my life and it’s been a while since I had something like that, and it’s so comforting to have—it feels like home—to have a place like that, every day, you know? Whenever I need or want to you guys are always there, and it’s not just—you know chumbuddies and shrimps I love you guys, but it’s also the myth members and everybody, it’s all so niiice, ALSO if I need a pep talk I know that myth is right there to give me one. So, that’s also nice. But yeah, other than that I’ll just throw back a red bull and hope it all works out!
I wonder if Fauna does heartbeat ASMR like Lamy naked
ritual post eyyyyyyy
Matsuri is cute!
>>9967678Fat cat thread.
gonna catch up with cute owl daughter's Q&A, what can I expect?
>>9967682It feels rather intimate. Very appealing to GFE fags. Or at least it would be without the rrat.
>>9967593that would mean a holo that would like to be beaten up and possibly even amputated so I don't even want that shit.
>>9967694If it's the one that's been posted here before, it also looks fucking awful.
The strongest fanbases
>>9967682Intimate and relaxing at the same time
>>9967681based early cat
>>9967682It's meant to simulate you being deep between her breasts.
I feel like I'm back in the womb
>>9967734GURA LOVES ME
The only times ASMR ever made me feel tingly was when Mori did it.
Watching Subaru live with the consequences of her action because yesterday she talked about how she saw her very first lewd Subaru illustration on Twitter yesterday, thereby opening the floodgates. Thus when she looked at Twitter the next day she bore witness to a new popular search titled Subaru R-18 artwork. Her hilarious zatsudan is still going on right now so if you need to laugh at cute duck noises then come on over.While Fauna's clearly making everyone's soul melt and their crotches stiffen during her Oil Massage/Ear Cleaning ASMR. Whispering sweet motherly words inside your ear as she strokes you old balding head and tells you that it's okay to be an ojiisan, just let mama take care of you forever.Polka gave us another wonderful cover release today, this time singing Kaikai Kitan, the Jujujitsu Kaisen OP. Her unique and chaotic but pleasant singing voice is always a delight to listen to and this song is an instant bop. You should definitely give it a stream if you haven't yet, you won't regret it. friends, where we at?
Fauna is living proof of that Lamy would be a lot of people's oshis if the language barrier didn't existand I love it
>>9967682I dunno. It affects me a hell of a lot more than rubbing a cloth against the mic.
>>9967667Gura's was like the audio version of where's waldo, or one of those stereogram things where you cross your eyes
can't believe I fell for fauna dammit
I very rarely tune into ASMR stuff. Is Fauna squeezing the mic between her tits to get this effect?
>>9967775RIght Here
>>9967744she fucked up and revealed that animal is a she
>>9967749>a holo that would like to be beaten up and possibly even amputatedWhat's keeping him from the Marine doujin?
>>9967657She is.
>>9967739Lamy only undresses because the heat of the soundproof booth, so I think it'll require Fauna to upgrade her setup before she has any reason to strip down.
>>9967744Andy Kaufman
>>9967775Playing Deltarune and waiting to watch Flare and Fubuki play it, friend
>>9967770>PolkaDo you nigger just randomly pick a holo name and slap it on Roberu?
>>9967773Yes, powerdrill ASMR really hits the spot
>>9967784>one of those stereogram things where you cross your eyesnigga i havent seen those since the 90s
>>9967593He already drew Shion once, surprised he never drew more. She definitely fits his style.
>>9966913As promised. It's in a plastic sleeve right now, I'll post a better shot when I get home.
>>9967734Gura loves >us
>>9967762its the early cat that gets the onigiri
Someone called me boring a few days ago for saying my favourites were Sora, Iofi, Ina and Mumei. This has been on my mind since then. They aren't the most popular holos, so it isn't a "boring" predictable lineup, nor are the holos themselves boring at all at least in my opinion. I just don't get it, is it some sort of joke? Is this one of them rrrrrats? Am I being gaslighted? I need answers.
>>9967756IS THATNice
Whenever I feel/hear my own heartbeat, I get really uncomfortable, but listening to someone else's is an incredibly nice feeling. It's hard to describe.
>>9967736the green light looks a bit ominous
>>9967653Now thats ASMR
>>OP>>9967486>>9967521>>9967570>>9967678>>9967681>>9967742>>9967762>>9967802>>9967843fauna asmr >>>> okayu asmr, cope
>heartbeat ASMRKINO
>>9967593Asanagi already drew Shion, and you'd know this if you did your reps. It led to people assuming he was going to make a Shion doujin for the longest time on /jp/.
>>9967788Same here, welcome to the club anon, who was your previous oshi?
what did she mean by this
>>9966614I can you that cover is not gonna let the profits of the first holoEN concerts go to some shitty fanexpo and that gura knows this. She barely even let the guy finish the question, live audiences mean live concerts to her. we've known since december that it's half the reason she joined hololive at all
>>9967667>he actually thought she took off her clothesAnon we all know that she wasn't wearing any in the first place
>>9967849Why do you care what others think?
>>9967875i dont know, wrong thread?
>>9967849You shouldn't let comments here live rent free in your head, anon.
>>9967849That's some pretty boring taste, anon, and I say that as someone that likes Sora and Meimei.
>the absolute state of these fags with parental issues outing themselves
>>9967849You've thought for days about a shitpost on 4chan about your vtuber taste?
>>9967650>page 1Who the fuck doesn't use the catalog?
>>9967775Here doing work reps right now Ayamefriend. Did you see that our forgetful knight Temma remembered to post his 3D teasers for the past two days? He's looking grand!
>>9967752Not sure if she was posted already, but her teaser only went up 14 hours ago. Works for my dick at least.
>>9967682My guess would be the same reason that babies like heartbeat noises
>>9967864Come at me bro!
>>9967875Bro I think you're lost
Chumbeats look like THIS?
>>9967734I feel like Hololive really saved her from a really lonely life
>>9967895sweat off my balls right into your mouth
I swear to god if she starts doing headpats and going "there there" my dick is going to explode
You think any holos will ever play 100% OJ?
>>9967864cease falseflagging
>>9966913As promised. I forgot to post the image so I just took the thing out and redid it.
>>9967849Just be yourself anon. You cannot be anyone else
>>9967775Right here!
>>9967933There you go anon
>>9967928Why does Gura have a sonic popsicle?
>>9967933Oh no...
>>9967952be a dick and crop the handle
>>9967805It's not the heat, it's that air conditioner is noisy af and any source of noise is bad for ASMR streams.
>>9967948>You think any holos will ever intentionally sabotage their friendship with each otherFixed.
Fauna I hear your phone buzzing
its wearing me down
>>9967682I didn't really get it either until that one Noel and Marine collab where they did the double heartbeat ASMR. Of course, it helps knowing that the mic was sandwiched in their tits
>>9967849that's....pretty boring honestly
>>9967965Moomers is horny...
>>9967775>strokes you old balding head and tells you that it's okay to be an ojiisanI watch chuubas to escape reality, not to be called out like this...
>>9967906Woah look at this chad with his stable upbringing, hey bro how did you end up a piece of shit watching anime girls like all the other manchildren?
>>9967775Right here, Ayamefriend!I'm not an ojisan!
>>9967929Yeah she’s basically said as much. And as long as she’s around I’ll support her with my whole being
>>9967928OHNONONONONONO chumbeats
>>9967849>nor are the holos themselves boring at all at leastThey are though. They don't do anything extraordinary or funny. Their voices aren't memorable. They're just kind of there. (Verdict's still out on Mumei I guess) Your opinion is the outlier here.
>>9967917He's so excited about his 3D Debut he was even late to his Mario Kart stream today. Honestly it's way past cute and it makes me all the more hype to see what he's got in store for the stream. ( ˘ω˘ )
i like ASMR because there's a chance i might hear a brrap
>>9967975>any source of noise is bad for ASMR streamsI think it's weird some people believe this, but maybe it is for a majority of people who aren't used to it.
I don't get any tingles or physical reactions to ASMR at all. Which I guess is supposed to be the "true" experience, right? I just like the sounds.
>>9967965You'll get your collab one day, Moomers.
>>9967929Nigga you are still alone, you are just watching anime girls play games now.
that rain post from last got me feeling depressedmore feels posts please
>>9967952This is exactly what I was imagining. Maybe less cartoony but based.
i like ASMR because it makes me not feel alone
that was too short ;_;
>>9967864>being a nigger for (You)sTAKE IT
>>9968012I'm not even a soratomo but I want to strangle you.
>>9967958It's a meme, anon
Spoonfeed me ASMR oldfags. Why did to mute before and after that last segment?
>>9968038>Nigga you are still alone, you are just watching anime girls play games now.What the fuck are you talking about?
>>9968018>way past cute>( ˘ω˘ )Ayamefriend is girlier than usual today
>>9968046Yeah, I get that.
>>9968038Anon, your reading reps...
>>9968027You need to find the right trigger. Head massages work for very well for instance.
>>9967952>Avatar of Nature>Ass to GrassKino
I just want to hug a girl
>>9968046i like Hololive because it makes me not feel alone
>>9967682The Marine Noel one was really bass-y and sounded amazing. Gura's was mostly cute with the efforts she went to do it. Fauna's is fine. I did like how I could hear her breathing through the heartbeat side as well
>tfw Marine is a sexual nudist
I miss Fauna already...
>>9967849patrician taste anon
>>9968080Fauna farted
>>9967914Yes, not constantly, but occasionally I would think back to it and be puzzled for a few minutes.>>9967892>>9967897I can't help it anon.>>9967903>>9967985But how is it boring? Are you saying the girls are boring? They keep me + hundreds of people entertained for hours.>>9968012Do you want me to write a paragraph on why i think each of them are charming, funny and entertaining? I would rather not. Most holos have plenty of personality that someone who doesn't watch their streams won't get.
Who will Fauna most likely collab with for heartbeat ASMR?
>>9968065she had to rip a fat one
>>9968080Fauna farted and shitted on stream for all to hear
>perfect the way you aredoes this mean I can stop /fit/ reps
>>9968063I wish Sora would strangle me
Don't tell me I deserve it, not even my parents say that...
>>9968038Wrong, he's also a part of us now. He's not alone anymore.
>>9968046What, we're not enough to keep you company? Get out.
>do your gym reps>you're perfect just the way you areWHICH ONE IS IT, YOU TRICKSY HARLOT
>>9967734i miss the "DYRBI" thing
>>9968042What rain post?
Fauna please stay with me longer...
> You don't need to change.Is this good advice?
>>9968065She had dialed the ASMR mic's volume up quite a bit to hear her heartbeat better, so the rustling she'd need to do so she could move it off of her chest and readjust it on the stand would be super loud.
>>9968027Yeah. If it still makes you feel relaxed or you like it, it's still good content
oh god don't kiss me
>>9968107>usNone of you are my friends, you don't even know my birthday!
>>9967683Rewatching the Arise stream while trying to sleep thoughts
>>9968108>>9968120>not understanding she means you're perfect just the way you are living and not by your actual form as everyone is different
fauna no i hate ara ara...
her ara ara is fucking weak but i already miss fauna....
Wasn't that good of an Ara ara, desu
JESAS that suprised me
>>9968127the soundpost with the odst soundtrack
she can't do the ara ara voice....
I miss Fauna...
Fauna Jesus Christ.
>>9968100>But how is it boring?They're like the vanilla ice cream of vtubers. There's nothing wrong with them, they just don't stand out as much as someone like Korone or Marine. Also it doesn't help that Iofi is speaking in tongues half the time.
>>9968100it's ok though i watch sora and meimei too you do you my man
dont call yourself a sapling if you didnt nut at least 3 times
>>9968165>>9968167She needs to do her voice acting reps...
Thank god at least it wasn't poggers...
a better attempt than last time, a bit too loud though
>>9968042Will you remember these days?
>>9968157It’s February 12th Steven, I got you a new electric razor last year
Are any Holos playing Deltarune ch.2?
>>9968046same des>>9968065moving the mic causes very loud sharp noises, it would blow out eardrums and wake people up
Ehh audio's scuffed but I see potential
Ina will talk about XIV in her next stream.
>people goslinging for a girl with a partnerEmbarrassing. At least find some evidence she's single now. No, twitter stats are not evidence.
>>9968094>sexual nudistisn't that redundant? how can someone be a non-sexual nudist?
she dind't say Uuuuuuu, fauna bros...
>>9968038This guy was so eager to insult someone he couldn't even read. Maybe you need some therapy.
I'm not feeling the sex, just feels like I'm missing something in my life.
Godammit I miss Fauna. And tomorrow won't be a fucking solo stream because of the shitty forced collabs. Godammit godammit godammit
>Explains constantly she's more of a momma figure.>Proceeds to ara ara
>>9968165>>9968167She's probably restrained by having to do it quietly since it's an ASMR mic.
>>9968184I only nut to my oshi who sells lewd asmr sets on dlsite.
>>9968211sturdy rope + your neck
>>9968217i think most nudists are non-sexual about it
>ends ASMR just before the XIV live letter starts
>>9967775I'm out of material for now so take something more vanilla.
>>9968127>>9968173this one>>9966206
Fauna.... don't leave us...
>>9968173yeah deference for darkness is a great track
For a live Q&A panel, do you go with the serious question or the funny assuming it's not some cringe "what pokemon would you be" question?
>>9968211>anon thinks relationships are allowed in hololivean (((idol))) company
It feels like something is missing now....
>>9967849>>9968100>letting a random comment like that get to you this muchYou're pretty cute, anon. Are you a girl?
>>9968211It's okay if you think of her as a mom..
>>9968252Ayamefriend being held down by Ayame as (you) fuck her
I am immune to Fauna's charms but it's kind of unfair to compare her to Noel, who is literally one of the best ASMR practitioners in the world.
>>9967875Nene is cute
I'm gonna take an evening shower before the Okayu stream. Remember, if you don't watch your oshi's stream with good hygiene she will know.
Subaru speaking eigo HNNNNNNNGHYou ASMRfags got nothing on this.
She's not great at this but she's got the spirit, and she seems to improve avery time.
>>9968286I'm ignoring these retards because they're also the type of idiots to think Haachama's ASMR is real .
>>9967958>>9968064In fact I posted a similar looking one here>>8040711
>>9968267I'd go for a cute and funny question
Did Ina talk about anything interesting during her chatting stream?
>>9968267Something serious that can get us some good deets. If you need one, take the question I was gonna say and ask if there are any holos they haven't interacted with that they'd like to talk to
I never should've let myself get angry at people talking about being cucks, I ended up Googling about it and finding out over half of all dudes unironically want to try being entire perspective on humanity changed in less than an hour
Finally, I'm the last sapling
>>9968204Flare will almost definitely stream itProbably FBK too
>>9968319That's all we can ask for really. She seems intent on getting it right and I'm sure it' a lot better when she gets a new mic.
>>9968320>le real ASMR maymay
>>9968355Towaflip is a whore....
>>9967681Nice maybe Okayu will be the first to actually try to get a record in this game instead of just play the first tutorial try
>>9968338Sounds like bullshit to me
>>9968267Try for serious. We wanna know more about the girls, not about their response to a joke
>>9968355What's the second SIM for anon?
>>9968208>"nooo I don't really think that's a part of my life anymore">"that was a very bad part of my life">people keep asking her about it or to play it>she keeps talking about the fun she had while playing it
>>9967734She should play Fall Guys with KFP
>>9968338ogey cucklord rrat.
>>9968022When it's not related to the ASMR experience, it can be very distracting. PC buzzing noise, traffic noise, dogs barking at ATF agents noise, etc. However, if it is, it can enhance the experience, people call it "foley" sound effect. Some great ASMR exploit this with bed cover rustling SFX and many others.
>>9968286noel asmr or cooler noel "asmr"?
>>9968355Nice Kronii image you got there, sapling
>>9968318Subaru has the worst voice in hololive
I'm now sapling and I'll proceed to do my fit reps
I don't want to restart time loops but God I hope Ame doesn't fuck up her shit and go right back to feeling like garbage because she eats a ton of bread
>>9968094>sexual nudistIsn't that just an exhibitionist?
>>9968355But that's me. I'm still there.
Someone called me retarded a few days ago for saying my favourites were Haachama, Risu, Gura, Mumei and Aqua. This has been on my mind since then. They aren't the most unpopular holos, so it isn't a "retarded" hated lineup, nor are the holos themselves retarded at all at least in my opinion. I just don't get it, is it some sort of joke? Is this one of them rrrrrats? Am I being gaslighted?I need answers.
fuck, i missed Faunahow was it bros?
>>9968338>he hasn't taken the replication crisis pill
>>9968208Ina might not but I sure as hell know someone who will.
I pity saplings, they've all been deceived by her womanly charms
>>9968338Ever wondered what brought the end to the Roman empire? This is just a symptom of the greater problem.
>>9968267ask a question you actually want answereddon't be the fucking "what if sonic met the joker" asshole
>>9967849All of those holos work best as supporting characters unfortunately. They work best working off of others by providing a foil or reacting to a more dynamic or chaotic character. Kind of like a Boke and Tsukkomi Routine.
If you think about it, JP really was a powerhouse of ASMR pros. Noel, Choco, Mel, Aki. Erolive was a glorious time. You don't need to speak Japanese to understand love.
>>9968409Not so great but heartbeat ASMR/10
she tried to appease the ara ara fags and it made her vod worse lmao she is going to hate arafags from now onfauna you can probably edit the ara ara out easily
>>9968157my irl friends dont know my birthday either
>>9968355>even the other towaflip he chats with changed his oshiyou flips have the loyalty of a rat
>>9968409Good, despite the bellyaching from a small group in chat and in this thread. She did heartbeat ASMR and rubbed our heads.
>>9968393Boob asmr
>>9967874The first HoloEn concert with live audience already happened at Dokomi
>>9968198i wish my hardrive didn't die, lot of good stuff i saved from these threads was lostlike the cafeteria picture
>>9968355ok PClet
>>9968399Your dad does, bitch.
>>9968426This is a really good description of things. Kind of like how Gura and Aqua are played as main characters, but they aren't always.
I miss Kiara
>>9968423But what if Sonic really did meet The Joker?
>>9968338>halfDon't overblow it nigger and in any case that's just mean you are not on the bottom of the barrel
The chat in that fauna ASMR stream was pretty hilarious. saplings are weirder than kronies it turns out
>>9968402Don't start timeloops anon, wait for that to happen before bitching about it. The symptons she had can also be caused by fish oil and vitamin deficiencies
>>9968405The holos are retarded, save for Risu. Mostly.
>HololiveNo one is live, Sasuga
>>9968433you could do the worst ara ara in history and ara ara beggars will be happy anyways
>>9968405It means you like a lot of holos well known for their retardation, and this thread subscribes heavily to the 'like oshi like fanbase' theory. Hope that helped, retard.
>>9968378He can't keep getting away with this
>>9968355How many times are you going to drop Towa you ungrateful whore.
>>9968313I always clean myself before watching your waifu.
>>9968267Whip your dick out and say "So what do you two lovely ladies think about this?"
>>9968157But I do. It's between January and December right?
>>9968226Yeah that weekly collab bullshit sucked ass back when Myth was doing it. It was such a relief when they stopped with that garbage.
>>9968208Just let me see Ina playing this game already and being stalked by 50 takodachis
I miss Pekora
>>9968252Have you download some of the scenes from the like 10k+ maybe close to 20k scene collection from the Koikatsu pastebin? of it.
Do chumbuds ever have dreams in which they are dying?
>>9968150Not yet...wait for membership
>>9967734I love Gura, so muuuchhhhh
>>9968355kenzoku... not like this...
>>9968494If Asmongold can play the game, Ina can play the game on stream.
>>9968405You realize you don't have to let what someone tells you affect you right chumbud
we still have mori jump king and bae utawaku.not bad
>>9968432What would you prefer more, a video of me shooting the mango pie, or stomping on it?
>>9968429As someone who has extensively listened to jap ASMR they're all way too identical an experience. Mel and choco especially are awful for doing almost the exact same thing everytime they do asmr
less than an hour and the rrat is going to destroy whatever is left of guras singing. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Will it reach moona levels?
>> do know. I'm sorry for doubting you Anon
Now what? Wait until Bae karaoke?
>>9967928he looks kino
>>9968335They get that question all the time already
>>9968504in the last thread there's a mega of another recording that's about 9 minutes longer. i'm waiting on one promised by a /ggg/ chumbud before i post a magnet with all three plus some clips from twitter.
>>9968462They both have coomer fanbases.
>>9968480Fauna's the Holo that I've wanted and been asking SINCE November when the auditions opened and now I finally got her... I love Fauna but I also love Towa too I think it's more appropriate to call myself a Kenzapling
Oh, I see Fauna has links to EN1 as well. Now only Sana and Hakos are the only ones in EN2 that hasn't linked to EN1 yet.
>>9968426I think I understand what you mean now. Thank you, I can now stop thinking about this.
>>9968504 Whole thing
>>9968405Even if you are failing to see the obvious>Caring about what some random schizo tells youAnon...
>>9968510I used to dream nonstop of dying and being chased until I started watching Gura a year ago. Now all my dreams are happy.
>>9968528That's just like your opinion man. Personally Noel's ASMR is the top of the mountain for me, what all other ASMR practitioners should strive for, and may never reach. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy other ASMR though.
>>9968267I went to the Boston one and got my question answered this is how it went for that panel at least. The announcer guy asks u to put up your hands if you have a question. Aids/staff come up to you in your chair and ask what your question is. The staff then decide based on what you said if they want you to ask the question. As the person in front is asking the question they find the next person. Your question doesn't have to be great or super deep just appropriate. Joke/funny ones seemed fine as well. Probably depends on the con/specific staff though
>>9968338Sounds like you're projecting bud
>>9968516Asmongold's streams are the perfect example of what she wants to avoid, literal hundreds of players following her everywhere she goes to kiss her feet.
>Wants you to work out and be healthy>Talks about going to the gym regularly>Not-Pickle and The City of Gains>Her ASMRs make you feel like you could stop a moving truck with your bare hands and suplex it which motivates you start lifting at that very momentThis is some sort of psyop to get me off my lazy ass and get /fit/ and it's starting to work
I'm looking forward to Mori's Jump King Stream and will always watch a girl play it.
>>9968211Shut the fuck up
Get in here takos, watch it with Ina
>>9968555>the whore wanted a whorefigures
Someone post a jigsaw that will solve in roughly 50 minutes
>>9968335>>9968372>>9968423It's funny because it entirely depends on what you think a Q&A panel should be. There's column A, which is taking the opportunity to ask a question live that you'd normally have to ask via superchat and them having the opportunity to answer slightly off the cuff in a non-broadcast environment. And then there's column B, where the panel itself is meant to be entertainment to a degree so presenting a funny yet unique softball for them to riff off of for comedy is also really tempting.I'll probably try asking something serious regardless, with my biggest fear being that I'll waste it on something they've already answered in a SC reading or member's stream at some point.
>>9968581That was day 1, and then GMs banned people for being retarded. XIV players dont want their accounts banned
>>9968564Nice thanks anon.
>>9968496Yes but I still have to tweak around things and stuff because of height differences and I just didn't do much more today at least.
>>9968499I have no clue what that thing she clicked was, or why it exploded and what the puzzle even was
>>9968449I'm aware of Dokomi. But, anon, that was a karaoke stream.
>>9968319>the catharsis of watching Gura become onfident at freechat>the catharsis of watching Kiara learning to ignore the haters and just do what she enjoysand now>the catharsis of watching Fauna become an amazing ASMR streamerfuture's looking brgiht
>>9968525Shooting yourself in the head you sick fuck how dare you even think about doing that to the mango pie
>>9967817He doesn't draw vtubers much because his content doesn't mesh well with real life people anima soon
>>9968546Eh, pick somethin else then
>>9967634Why is Mumei staring at Kronii's breasts?
>>9968597What does this showcase? A new update? Do takos even play this game?
>>9968614Don't worry about it there's always tomorrow!
Someone called me based a few days ago for saying my favourites were Ame, Gura, Ina, Kiara and Mori. This has been on my mind since then. They aren't the most unpopular holos, so it isn't a "based" hated lineup, nor are the holos themselves based at all at least in my opinion. I just don't get it, is it some sort of joke? Is this one of them rrrrrats? Am I being gaslighted?I need answers.
>>9968319>>9968364>>9968623That's literally the whole appeal of idols. Taking these girls and watching them improve along the way.
>>99686444 hours of job changes and such, eitherway its offtopic here.
Is Okayu's membership GFE she's not taking the whiners to heart. I hope she gets a setup upgrade, it'll do her wonders.
>>9968644New expansion, Ina is probably pretty excited about it
>>9968638Neat. Reminds me of when Re: Zero did it and it showed me that anime watchers use stereos so they didn't feel anything and apparently I'm alone in using headphones to watch anime.
>>9968584The best time to start is yesterday. The second best time is today. I've lost 20lbs since February and haven't felt this good about myself in years.
>>9968643Who wouldn't stare at Kronii's breasts?
>>9968651Basically, what it all boils down to is that you're based. It's as simple as that.
>>9968667Kronii and Noel really should just lay out their sound settings and setups in some kind of pinned post in the Discord.
>>9968499>Solvu thisu puzzleruWhy did Haachama say that like a bad JP dub.
>>9968633You will be receiving a scathing review soon enough.
>>9968674Why are towa soundposts always so simple? Doesn't her fan base care enough to make longer loops0p
I don't know if fateanon is here but Kiara is a seigi no mikata too you know!
>>9968338>halfThat guy is a poly cuck who claims to have surveyed 4000 men but has never shown data and uses the figure to advertise his book, all other research shows it's much lower
>>9968705Kronii will only share her setup if you go down on her
>>9968705Not everyone can have the same setup, and Fauna makes it sound like square footage is a luxury.
>92kHow can Pekora even compete…
>>9968667People were whining? What the hell, man.
>>9968705Kronii's sound settings are fucking shit though? For regular streams Fauna's is perfect, while Kronii's sounds muffled at times.
I was rewatching Peko Minecraft, this time through her PoV. I wish more girls would roll their Rs.
>>9968584>tfw can't go to the gym anymore because unvaxxedguess i'll just run then
>>9968471>>9968467They are not really retarded. They have other problems. Haachama just sounds retarded because of lack of proper eigo reps, Aqua may be on the spectrum, but she's not stupid, Gura is undermined by her ADHD and Risu is just slightly autistic like Aqua. Mumei I'm not sure about, but she's most likely an autist as well. They all have areas where they underperform and areas where they excel.
Someone called me based a few days ago for saying my favourites were Polka, Okayu, Moona, Mori and Noel. This has been on my mind since then. They aren't the most unpopular holos, so it isn't an "architect" hated lineup, nor are the holos themselves architects at all at least in my opinion. I just don't get it, is it some sort of joke? Is this one of them rrrrrats? Am I being gaslighted?I need answers.
>>9968721>>9968338>Deletes stupid xiv shit>Dont delete this off-topic shit
Hearing fauna's heartbeat earlier made me want to go back through the archives and see how fast gura's heartbeat was>bass boosted heartbeat during asmr stream>exercise induced (maybe?) (?)>bonus
Embrace the crunchiness.
Someone called me a pedo a few days ago for saying my favorites were Gura, Luna, Ina, Rushia, Matsuri, Suisei and Kanata. This has been on my mind since then. They aren't the most young holos, so it isn't a "pedo" aged lineup, nor are the holos themselves pedos at all at least in my opinion. I just don't get it, is it some sort of joke? Is this one of them rrrrrats? Am I being gaslighted?I need answers.
>>9968448same thing happened to me some months ago and i got really sad because i lost a lot of old /jp/ stuff, now i try to save everything on a cloud's the catbox for the full resolution:
>>9968770She means what she says
I'm the last hooman
>>9968753can always look up different workouts to do at home, with or without equipment
>>9968717Just eat it for god's sake
>>9968770that she would like to dom amelia hard
>>9968623>the catharsis of watching Kiara learning to ignore the haters and just do what she enjoysListen to this live was so so heartwarming, she finally learned, KFP will take the bullet for free anyway but she enjoying what she want to do, is the best thing i can wish for my oshi
>>9968761they were just saying they liked your lineup of holos without the sincerity of actually saying itliterally nothing else
>>9968510I haven't had a dream like that since years ago where i had that nightmare where my house was full of facehuggers.Most of my recent dreams tend to be more weird than anything.
>>9968768> gosling
>>9968792I just stopped arguing over it, now I feel much better.
No one called a few days ago. Am I being gaslighted?
>>9968378Anonchama you might be slightly retarded.Through all of the instances of her talking about it it's clear she has zero resentment towards the game for that, it was just a coping mechanism, not a cause, anyone claiming otherwise just took a couple of out of context quotes and ran with them.
>>9968737Not necessarily hardware but I'm sure they can show what settings are best for which situation.>>9968743Nah her speaking settings are great. Very clear and crisp. She has one of the better settings for regular streams. Also the fact that her voice sounds so rich is partly a function of her settings. Settings matter a lot, it's why Noel's cutesy voice sounds so good, its part her, part her settings. Plenty of other Vtubers try to do a cutesy voice like hers and it falls flat (literally in some cases).
>>9968761You're thinking too much. Mori would only be architectural if you consider her drinking, I don't think Noel eats much on stream but I don't watch her. The other two are dox tier as only Moona is a frequent eater. Maybe a boob enjoyer but Polka isn't particularly chesty outside some fanart
I want a Holo to do an ASMR Pokemon pack opening.
>>9968578Meh. Macoto is a better Noel if you want a direct comparison, in both ASMR and the stuff they do on the side. I still think they're both lacking in comparison to my favorite though
>>9968844Called whom?
If my waifu is Motoko Kusanagi, which Holo should I watch? Asking for a friend
>>9968882I don't remember.
>>9968768>You can hear the mic unsticking from her sweaty chest I'M GOING TO UOH
>>9968803I will eat it when I can get there to buy it.
>>9968792>This has been on my mind since then.Why do you let some retarded shitposter live rent free in your head, anon, especially with bait this old and tired? Very bad form.
>>9968378The only negative thing Ina really has to say about FFXIV is that she thinks it won't be good for streaming.I 100% wholly believe she's playing with other Holos and ENMa right now.
>>9968719What Class Kiara should be? Saber? Shielder? Rider?
>>9968874Noel put on a bunch of weight but then lost it after she went on a diet. However, she went up a cup size as a result. This is not a rrat.
>>9968888Ayame, because she is never around when the team needs her.
>>9968903Mumei... get off 4chan...
>>9967654Do you love her enough to watch the FFXIV showcase RIGHT NOW?
>>9968911saplings stay winning
>>9968844It's when strangers that know vague details about you start calling, that's when you're being gaslit.
Polka deserves more EN collabs.
>>9968770She really likes Ame....good I'm glad the time duo won't be just a lore thing
>>9968880Polka did that, but not with her ASMR mic
>>9968923Try the chicken aswell
>>9968647I lied I still had one more.
>>9968911Jesus fucking Christ Kronies
>>9968927She is right. It wouldn't be good for streaming outside of msq on patch day.
>>9968643She's getting ready
>>9968960The flunked collab with Kiara soured her for good.
>>9968979Did it have a camera?
I had another dream about being roomates with Mori>Home early from work, just in time to catch her stream, she had to go to a studio, for this was her 3D debut stream>Stream is going normal, but suddenly she starts getting guests.>everything is fine until the third guest, Miko shows up>for some reason she has blackface on her 3d model>just keeps pointing at Mori saying "Kokujin, kokujin.">"H-haha, y-yeah, I sure am, senpai">suddenly the stream feed cuts. Doesn't come back up>Later, Mori comes home, i immediately go to ask her what the fuck happened>"Yeah, I dunno why she said that, man"And then I woke up
>>9968938The perfect woman...
>>9968938>puts on weight>loses said weight>breast fat is retainedA woman's body sure is mysterious
>>9968960I don't watch streams, has Chiara made up for their scuff collab?
>>9968938Did she keep the cup size? sugoi
>>9968753There are bodyweight exercises for just about every muscle group. Plus you can start working on your home gym
>>9968881Who? Please don't tell me it's Patra.
>>9968911omegakeks oh no no no
>>9968920Whoops wrong link
>>9968994Here, have another retard noise for your collection.
Does anyone have the "yellow monkey superchat ah ah ah" image?
>>9968911Average teamate
>>9968911Jesas, I need to get some sleep.t. chumbud
>>9969042At least he's hot. Looks like Vergil
>>9968911Why is the Kronie image so funny, it's exactly what it feels like being in their thread
>>9968482I appreciate that!
>>9968584Anon don't! You're doing that same thing that one gosling did with Ame and the NHK analogies back on /jp/.
>>9969017They never collabed again, but Kiara wants to.
>>9968960Kiara is feiku
>>9969024Yes. She talked about it in a zatsu like... 6-8 months ago.
>>9968911>Hoomans just look like a default male in a character creator
Wait, you guys actually watch streams?
>>9969042Is that fucking Wesker?
>>9969003nope>>9968960I really want her to do more EN collabs, might happen since most of Council knows a bit of japanese
>>9968666one of her voicepacks is a scenario where she tells you the gender of the baby you put in herapparently chat said she isn't able to be a good gachikoi experience and she said she is going to make them taste the bitterness of defeat
>>9968911I want to see what the average Kronbeat looks like...
>>9968960She had one (somewhat) recently though
>>9968911takos are dangerous... they're gonna turn you gay
>>9969030Miyaji is my favorite by far. Also honorable mention for Mare since she's good at mixing asmr triggers and playful talking pretty seamlessly.
>>9969042Looks like Vergil's roommate
>>9968960She was the MVP of the Among Us collab for sure.
>>9968911Hooman and Sapling look like the same guy before and after 'nam
watching the gura calli panel and wow, gura is really enthusiastic and bubbly. she really loves the fan interaction, huh?
>>9969063How are onigirya not horny all the time such a bombshell oshi that knows how to play the role?
>>9969101>one of her voicepacks is a scenario where she tells you the gender of the baby you put in herThis can't be true...
>>9968960Kiara want do it but it mostly off of time since 1 month already, we will remind her about it soon, KFP want her to take a nice vacations first
>>9968982Wow! I can't believe you would lie to me! How dare you! :(Thanks a ton man. It looks great. Glad to see more lewds of her :)
>>9968960Clownpeace bros... One day it'll happen...
Who has the biggest porn / total art % on council?On Myth its Ame by far, at close to 15% on pixivI'm guessing Kronii? But Rrat seems to get a lot too.
>>9969135and kronie is just a deadbeat on HRT
>>9968929Saber, shes probably one of the easiest Myths to categorize.
I haven't caught a Mori stream in months. What can I expect from her upcoming Jump King?
>>9969144Well, we actually are horny all the time.
>>9968911>the average deadbeats face after Mori starts three separate timeloops in a single week
>>9969099>nopeSad! It really becomes something else when there's a good mic and you can see them go through the cards. It really is awesome. she's already graduating
>>9969124Polka...please be friends with IRyS. Offcollab karaoke please...
>>9969184smol ame stream but 100 times worse/better
>>9968960well, maybe the dumb clown should set them up
>>9969184butthurt and swears
>>9969184If it's anything like Smol Ame? She'll rage.
>>9968753Ring Fit unironically might be a good start if you play video games all day
>>9969184Suffering. Will it also be Kino remains to be seen.
>>9969166>On Myth its Ame by far, at close to 15% on pixivPretty sure it's Gura
>>9968960I hope she actually does get to sing with Mori like she wanted
>>9969062Because it looks a coomer that has their dopamine receptors fried with a glazed over face stuck in a goofy post orgasmic smile
>>9969198amajo-chan, not like this...
>>9969081A MC collab after the portal is set up would be the easiest, but I personally hope for something more ambitious.
>>9969184Sourpatch experience
Everyone has their own opinion on how the Umisea collab is going so far. I'm only halfway into the VOD for it, and it's making me want to retry learning Japanese again. So, I guess that's an achievement.
>>9969184First solo Moli stream I'll have watched in months.
>>9968911>kronie's are crack addicts>hooman's are Saplings pre-war>chumbud's are pedophiles>tako's are literally just Korean>sapling's are hooman's post-war>deadbeat's are deadbeatsChecks out
>>9969231Gura has more by volume, but Ame has more by percentage of total artworks.
>>9968960Teach IRyS Minecraft please, she's so bad
>>9969198I hope its another collab with Gura
>>9969144they ARE horny
>>9969231Percentage anon, do you understand?This is old, but you can get the idea.
>>9969179I hope every skill give her stacked guts
I miss moomy
>>9969144>How are onigirya not horny all the timeHave you SEEN these threads?
>>9969290what the fuck is a halu?
>>9969166Almost definitely Kronii, she has a similar percentage as Ame so far on Pixiv and paizuri wasn't the first result on when you typed her into Twitter search for a good week or two for nothing.
>>9969184Looking forward to it. Going off of Peko's marathon, Mori will offer a nice change of pace. Even if she rages or makes lots of mistakes, if her Smol Ame playthrough is something to go off of then this will be one you do not want to miss.
Cute Cat Stretch
>>9968802You wish
>>9968869>Nah her speaking settings are great. Very clear and crisp.On ER4XRs, and she sounds tinny and flattened when speaking normally, and yet still clips hard when she yells or screams. Currently the best audio settings in EN belong to Gura, she has everything right.
>>9969135The jungle changes you.
>>9969298Yeah no shit, I'd still have said Gura.
Why is this thread so peaceful? Should I be worried?
>>9969317It means delusional or something in huttese. Reine uses it a lot too
>>9969290Can't believe no one made soundposts out of that stream yet.
>Playism publishes Omori by Omocat>Playism backstabs Coco>Omocat instantly draws CocoSeems like for some people dignity is more important that zhang money. Omocat is forever based for not giving shit what some brainwashed bugs want. What a shame that someone who has never interacted with Coco is her better ally than ina who would rather suck off chinks and try to alienate her even more. Nice gratitude to an "inspiration" and one of the main reason why holoEn even exists in the first place. But apparently working for chink blood money is the only one way for artist to not become basically homeless and backstabbing coworkers for yuans is completely fine.
so many irys threads what happened?
>>9969300Why is she always seen to be munching on fast food?
>>9969317it means use the archive
>>9969363based but also meds
>>9968911Damn, apparently I'm a chumbud afterall.
listen to okayu asmr again, anon
>>9969350And you'd still be wrong...
>>9969328Cute cat sneeze
>>9969363I just roll my eyes when Ina talks about being busy and I know it's because she's drawing for chink trash gachas.
>>9969371bigger the better
>>9969356We got a lot of Kino streams in the last week and antis/dramafags got BTFO lastly to the point that they had to pay 4changos passes to keep their spam.
>>9969363reminder ina loves sucking chink cock than acknowledge coco
>>9969395And you're still being an asshole about it so fuck you.
>>9969397Please.... I'm tired of fapping to fatto catto's fat ass.... have mercy....
>>9969337>ER4XRsI know audiophiles but I am not one. What makes these better than even a low-end headset? I'm using a Sony Pulse and I would say Kronii sounds better than Gura any day of the week.
Will we get to see Fauna again today?
>>9969356Not even five posts later
>>9969363omocat's and indie and doesn't answer to anyone. it's not the same as being part of company of people you can drag down with you.
>>9969368WE miss her
>>9969363>Playism backstabs Cocois there a story behind this?
>>9969410What happened?
>>9969429Fap harder then!
>>9969368IRyS is dying and she's in our hearts. Send thoughts and prayers, and soda.
>Ironmouse's chat trying to convince her to send Mori a superchat during Jump King.>She's getting mad since she knows Mori's manager and some fans wouldn't like that and wants to collab in the future without any hiccups.>They're now trying to get her to call her on Discord
>>9969464Coco's roommate was invited to a Playism event.Zhangs sperged out in the commentsPlayism publicly apologized, claimed they didn't know that Coco's roommate was Coco and cancelled her invitation.
>>9969398Kyutto Kyatto
>>9969462>Irys MC Kino>Umasea>PekoKiara was actually Kiara being a comedic duo with Pekora>Mori unity MC stream>1st Year streamsAnd the list goes on
>>9968065take shirt off and put it back on?
>>9969464It has to do with K son rather so it is offtopic. But people are worried that it will affect games permissions which it wont since the problem is billlibilli restream for theirevent. Just a reminder not to accept billimoney.
>>9968088pay a prostitute to let you hug her
>>9969498cool story
>>9969356It's the calm before the storm, Before chaos and death shows up
>>9969507Oh, was the spam dying down so much they got the pass for the 30 seconds?
>>9969498>Mori's manager wouldn't like thatBASED J-CHAD
>>9969464>k*** invited as guest commentator>playism is made aware that she was coco>playism removes k*** from the listThat's it.
>Omocat's Coco offered without drama
>>9969361 was hilarious live
>>9969501This must be the most retarded shit i've ever read
>>9969498desu it would be a banger way to end the comunication and it would be funny as fuck
Control your libido.
>go out to deliver some stupid package for work>get back>Apparently fauna started and ended during the time I was goneWell fuck. How was it?
>>9969430>ER4XRsBass rolls off at 85hz, trebles overemphasized. No wonder Kronii sounds tinny on themKronii's problem is she peaks the mic super easily, not being tinny.
>>9969464This is from playism bilibili
>>9969505kyool kyatto
>>9969430Balanced audio signature and fairly detailed, but i wouldn't call them fun to listen to
>>9969363>>9969400>>9969415Shitposting aside it really does bother me that Ina draws for chink trash games. I know it's a hard situation to be in. I know she was doing it long before she even applied or heard of Hololive. I know it's her main job and that she has other considerations besides standing by someone she knew maybe a year at best. But man does it sting that she never drew or collabed with Coco. Again I'm not going to blame her, I know it was an impossible decision, and that Coco probably was okay with it and maybe even told her not to throw it away for her sake, because Coco was selfless like that, but still it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I still love her though.
I miss IRyS...
>>9968793thanks bro
So uhh, there's no moderation on this board, huh?
>deadbeats tried to gaslight everyone that the whole council were deadbeats>none of them ended up being deadbeatsrumao
>>9969498based manager
>>9969356>Should I be worried?Yes
>>9969592I didn't realize Okayu was a teamate
>>9969621Reddit is highly moderated
>>9969498>Mori's manager wouldn't like thatSince when has J-chad given a shit about any non-numerical thing ever?Captcha: Gayas
I don't get it. Just last week 5ch (Verboten!) said that JPs should play games other than Minecraft. Yet this week proved that some of the most entertaining streams tend to occur in that game.Is this definitive proof that the words of a few disgruntled JOPs are not to be taken as Gospel? Methinks yes...
I never got banned or even deleted for posting NSFW in /hlgg/ earlier today. Really makes you think.
>>9969356It is the calm before the storm, Chaos itself will be doing her first singing stream. It's going to be glorious to watch her whip gura in the ass.
>There are people in here that are going to watch fucking mori's jump king instead of the most kino karaoke in weeks.
>>9969632This is the ideal female body.
>>9969538Users here laugh at the fags trying to get Drama or do anti-posting, for PekoTori, Kiara did a joke both in japanese where Pekora laugh at it and then say it on english about "See you in 9 months i guess www" and eggs got so fucking mad that they decided to turn the catalog orange again and spam the same text over and over again here.
You will be there for her karaoke right?
>>9969368I need hope anon...
>>9969626Instead we got two takos, a chumbud, one DD and a Regular.
>>9969665>the most kino karaoke in weeks.thats not gura....
>>9969626Everyone in Hololive is a deadbeat
>>9969650Post towa lewds then
Anyone else love Mumei?
>>9969621report stuff, once the jannies finish their jack off session they will delete it, then if you're lucky they will tell a meido about it and the person will get a 1-3 day ban
So what kind of song are you hoping to hear Baebae sing today?
>>9969665It will be the soudtrack to Jump King.
>>9969498J-chad is based now? Wtf
>>9969675Of course.
>>9969675I will have her in the background while I watch Mori
>>9969665>the most kino karaoke in weeks.You a time traveler nigga?
>>9969665Watch kino kyatto instead.
>>9969621Only by newfags and retards.
>>9969646JOPs complain that burnt-out chuubas frequently fall back on regular solo minecraft streams as a low-effort copout when they clearly can't be fucked to put anything into streaming and are just filling their streaming quota.Scheduled collabs like this that demand planning and require talents step out of their comfort zone to forge working relationships with new people is exactly what they want to see more of, not "I guess I should stream today so I'll boot up micura and flatten a mountain in relative silence for 66 minutes"
>>9969718my expectation is no english songs , so even one would surprise me
>>9969583chinks really are spineless
>>9969675Ooh, why not! I haven't had the opportunity to catch rrat live much, and her singing during debut was really good...
>>9969665Wow, archived karaoke from Bae, Gura blown the fuck out
>>9969718>BaebaeCan't believe I didn't notice that until now, I think I'm retarded.Finally, a bae vtuber I can watch.
>>9969696There are more takos than deadbeats, Ina is the true harem protagonist
>>9969699( ´・‿・`) no
>>9969578I really like images big girls with small tables. Anyways, the first part was kinda meh, but the second part got pretty good.
>>9969712>posted from my ipone in my fuckswing
>>9969621This board has very lax moderation, but compared to other boards jannies tend to hit like semi-trucks. It's always a clean cut, they tend not to miss if you do your part and report what needs to be yanked off the thread. Fact of the matter is this board also has many 4chanX users relative to other blue boards, so you'll likely see deleted posts get way more (you)s than they deserve.
>>9969718is archived so is gonna be ostly japanese but i want to see if how much she can change her voice based on her debut song.I want get wild from city hunter tough.Only have ehard flare sing that one.
>>9969718Looks like it's an archived stream so it's probably Japanese songs stream
>>9969298>matsuri and marine work tirelessly to build sex appeal>four blonde bimbos mog them effortlessly
>>9969635anon, her great grandma was a yaoifags(Okayu Catsudan and ToM 1/2)>Does Okayu like shota?She prefers loli, if she had to choose, but she thinks shota are cute too. She liked little girls even when she was one herself. In middle school she only drew girls, usually from kindergarten to elementary school, with stockings and usually in school swimsuits too(though there were obviously some differences between what she drew at school or at home). She did eventually even out a bit in high school. Her baa-chan was completely fine with it too, just giving a slightly curious acknowledgment, rather than being taken aback. As long as Okayu explained what she was doing, like drawing kneesocks and focusing on the plumpness of the skindentation, Baa-chan would just go "Huh". Actually she was probably used to it, because her mother, Okayu's great grandma was a fujoshi herself. That and there was Hanaya Onee-san who taught Okayu about BL too. The entire bloodline seems to have something wrong with it. By the way, Okayu's baa-chan is a gamer, but not much of an otaku beyond that.
>>9969578Scuffed between chat's incessant bitching and her setup being less than ideal but we got heartbeat ASMR out of it
>>9969665I don't care what her setlist is, her sound settings and her voice are fucking atrocious.
>>9969709I love Mumei!
>>9969337>Currently the best audio settings in EN belong to Gura, she has everything right.How does Gura's setup compare to the way it was around debut? I know they were borked after she got the new PC, did she fix everything?
>>9969675She'll be the soundtrack to Mori's suffering.
This is ballz first karaoke stream?
>>9969646Solo MC bad, collab MC good. Simple as.
>>9969808I don't think that's Mumei...
>>9969780>Fact of the matter is this board also has many 4chanX users relative to other blue boardsThe price we pay for soundposts.
>>9969824yeah, technically is coucnil first karaoke.i think sana has one tomorrow
>>9969824I believe that this is the first council karaoke stream
Ina should be happy with that LMFAO
>>9967660this is great
>>9969665What? Kiara is going to do another German Karaoke?
>>9969820Doesn't youtube throw your view into the trash if you have two streams open at the same time?
>>9969838well, that'd be news to mumeifags because she was the op image just 2 threads ago.
>>9969759That seems like a gross simplification of what the talents' schedules skew towards on slower weeks, but it's not surprising to hear. Suppose the EOP equivalent would be APEX APEX APEX since Westerners tend to tune out a slew of Minecra-- I mean, "Micra" content.
>>9968088I have... like... twice
>>9969583wow, game companies still pandering to bugs while they're being fucked in the ass by them.
>>9969718It's archived, but I hope she sings some pop or other high energy stuff in unarchived. Stuff like what Coco, Haachama, or Moona would sing without as much ESL or shit timezones for NA
>>9968088It feels really nice and warm
>>9969877It throws your view in the trash if you're tabbed out.
>>9969337>Currently the best audio settings in EN belong to Gura, she has everything right.i agree that her audio is the best overall, but her compressor has certainly been maladjusted for a few months. she frequently has very large, fast peaks that punch right through it during its attack. listen to syllables when she starts with an "ah" vowel after a pause and you should hear it. sometimes it's very loud and annoying, especially if it's a particularly croaky "ah".
>>9969773Do it ಠ__ಠ
>>9969368Does IRyS still have antis? I remember early on she attracted their ire after it come out cover pays for her MVs
It's hard to for me to judge them yet, since none of them have done a proper karaoke stream yet, but I think this is how they ranked based on their singing abilities.Mei > Bae > Kronii > Sana > Fauna
oyakodon with subaru and ui
>>9968088I haven't hugged any girl for about 4 years now.
>>9969363Reminder that no one ever gave a shit about Coco until she was related to China.
>>9969688it's going to be even better.
We are one week away until the Taiwan Yab Anniversary
>>9968088visit your momit's actually pretty cathartic hugging your mom if you have been a very long time without human affection, i'm sure she misses you too
>>9969797>Okayu explained what she was doing, like drawing kneesocks and focusing on the plumpness of the skindentation,The fanbase truly reflects the oshi.
Umi = Sea
>>9969498Ironmouse is a based individual surrounded by the worst fans and friends in the community.
>>9968088I did that a lot when I was in high school. It's been almost a decade...
>>9969915Does that happen if you have in on a second monitor?
>>9969932Oyakodon with Ame and Nabi!
>>9969829Pretty much this. Minecraft is great when it's a setting for an impromptu zatsudan or collab between two or more Holos. You get all sorts of adventures and interactions.
I was at the Dallas con and I really hated that you had to "raise your hand" to ask a question. There were so many stupid ass questions and the con was waaaay too short for this. One of the women in the crowd got pissed because she couldn't ask Gura, "If you were forced to kiss one girl, would it be Mori or Ame? It can't be both or neither!" I think she was a shipper Some dude with a gura shirt admitted that he drew Gura rule 34 and wanted to ask her if she was flat or had some booba for reference, he seemed a bit off...There was another chick who was a Mori fan and wanted her to tell Gura, "Hey Baby doll, you lookin mighty good tonight" in a sexy southern voice. She was a bit sad that couldn't happenSorta disappointed by the con to be honest..
>>9969877>Muted>Tabbed out>Multiple streams open>If you have an adblockerAt this point I'm more surprised when someone discovers a way for your view NOT to be thrown in the trash
>>9968088I can't remember when I last touched a female, much less a hug.
>>9969958i hate saying this but i frequently rewatch her watching the bee movie and megamind videos
>>9969881>>9969838It's Mumei you fucking retards.
>>99699232 months in and she's going strong the only thing people shitpost about her is her model since she's extremely pleasant as a streamer with no dirt on her
>>9969920Who would you say has the worst audio in EN? Mumei?
>>9969956sea = ocean
>>9969942>2 WEEKS before cocos memebership content dissapearshiet need to save those videos or does anyone has the back up for them?
>>9969966You called?
>>9969986The only living being I've touched is my cat for the last several years.
>>9969337>On ER4XRs, and she sounds tinny and flattened when speaking normally, and yet still clips hard when she yells or screams. >On ER4XRsYeah no shit. There's your problem you fucking retard.
>>9969958unironically this.
Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all. She never thanked Ina for the drawing. She never welcomed back Miko after her months long break. She never said anything about Coco's graduation. She doesn't congratulate Holos on milestones or birthdays, she doesn't even respond if Holos comment on hers. She wasn't there for the Usaken Summer Festival. She wasn't there for the Summer Festival afterparty. She ghosted Coco for a year regarding Asacoco. She didn't show up to Subaru's Birthday/One million stream. Her first tweet after Coco's graduation was about airpods. She's a bitch in both the Western and Japanese definition.
>>9969974That last chick sounds pretty cool, I'd bet Gura would enjoy that.
>>9969356EUfags paid the price by getting spammed by /qa/ earlier today, also k**k*rikis were posting "cosplay" and I think those weren't deleted
im a reaper main
>>9969999nice numbers
I think there should be more Holos based on marine animals
>>9969974This has great pasta potential, better than the last one.
>>9969956but gura said that umi = ocean and sea = ocean
>>9970008that would be a question to ask at >>9929835 probably
I hope Baelz' karaoke isn't archived. I don't know why these girls try to archive their karaokes but it's such a big debuff it's unreal
>>9969501>>9969583Time to never buy a Playism game ever again.
>>9969998I didn't know there was an idolmaster girl named Mumei
>>9969958This is so true that it hurts, i still remember watching her streams even before Holo EN are?
>>9969923I doubt it. Sucks, because everybody stopped santi posting
>>9969958Eh, you can't really blame the fans here, since it's a learned behavior. Vshojo is a much more casual group of streamers that would easily do something like donate money for some chuckles, or randomly call each other on discord. It's simply a different environment from Hololive.
>>9970038Why are deadbeats like this?
>>9970038I'm already reaper
>>9969930Flip Fauna & Sana around and then make Mei = Bae and it's correct.The issue is that Mumei is very traditional whil Bae tends to apply her chaotic energy to her karaoke.Granted... This might be the first of a trend, so for all we know the whole list could change.Sana will still be last, though. I mean, come on.
>>9968198Where's Ryan Gosling on this list?
>>9969923She has at least one it seems like but he's not very effective.
>>9970008i thought the jp bros are already done that within 2days since the announcement
just got back from the hospital how was ina and mumei and fauna? did I miss anybody?
>>9970080>>9970085Watson, your genmates....
>>9969958>>9969994>>9970026>>9970078Go ba- Nah just kidding y'all cute.
>>9970076There's probably an Idolmaster girl for every syllable of Japanese at this point.
>>9970085RRAT was scouted by Amelia Watson. I didn't tell you.
>>9970093You telling me, this worse than this
boy I sure am excited to listen to 6 japanese songs I havent heard since the last time anyone did a karaoke
Reminder that Fauna likely had to wear something thin so she could get her heartbeat recorded by the mic.
>>9970122watch the gura mori con video, it was actually good
>>9969430In-ears beat headsets on quality at a given pricepoint because the drivers (part that moves the air, the actual "speaker") are much closer to your eardrums, so they can be smaller and thus made from better materials. I like them because they go for exact reproduction instead of enjoyable listening>>9969584Gura doesn't sound tinny on them yet she has much more treble, which should make it worse, no? Maybe we mean different things with "tinny".
>>9970081There's no point in Santa posting when everyone knows she's awful and should graduate
Wtf why is Pako so based
>>9970008i have it rotting on a external HDD as a personal archive but theres likely someone who already has it uploaded somewhere waiting for the original archives to close down before releasing them id assume
Post soundpost from the last Umisea animation
>not promoting Mori's jump kingI am now an Ame anti.
>>9969951Can't hug a grave
>>9970163If that is what we get, I shall obliterate her.Yes, of course, with my manhood.
>>9969669Guess the eggs got too fertile...
>>9968564>Gura breaking kayfabe at the introduction and making it awkwardI love this crazy shark!
>>9969626>Fauna self explanatory>Mumei mentions watching Ina, Ame and Mori >Kronii mentions Mori and Ina quite a bit >Rrat mentions Mori as her sister but is kinda of a unity fag>Sana ???What did anon
>>9970156Anon if it were up to me Sana and Amelia would be ranked higher than everyone else in Hololive.Alas, sovl only takes one so far.
>>9970017Oh my DICK thank you very much anon
>>9970201Mori don't need the numbers, Baelz streams at awful times, so she needs the promotion more.
>Botan streaming over rrat and mori tooWHAT IS WITH THIS TIMESLOT
>>9970002mumei is all over the place and seemingly sounds different every stream. today she sounded really bad, but it was only because she had the ugly noise filter (?) again. she has used a ton of different noise gate settings that have been good or bad in different ways. she does have a pretty good compressor setting now that's improved her dynamics a lot, though.the last few times i heard kronii she had frequent, terrible clipping/distortion, a muffled EQ, and maybe the same noise filter as mumei (?). i still find kiara extremely grating for several reasons. i haven't heard baelz in a few days but the last time i did she badly needed a compressor. it's hard to choose.
>>9970259i'm not the one posting off topic images. you want to try that again?
>>9970163Her speaking Japanese frequently in even zatsudans didn't tip you off yet?
>>9969675too big
>>9970275Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Mori promoted Baelz herself. Jump King will be a longer delivery than karaoke anyway.
>>9970201She always promotes the smaller chuubas on overlaps
Anyone watching the Live Letter?
I miss Ina
>>9970294I'm curious which HoloJP that have the best audio?
>>9970289>watching cod
>>9970192ALL videos or just members?
>>9970223>Fauna self explanatoryIsn't she a KFPBeat?
>>9970208that's unfortunate
>>9970289A wild card. Seems like every night there's opportunity for a wholly different overlap to happen between girls.>>9970364>Implying
>>9970356i don't listen to enough of them frequently enough to pretend to be able to answer that. i generally love how shion sounds.
>>9970372she's a calligulachad
>>9970339fucking kek
>>9970223>ignored mumei gura mentions
>>9969810Yes, it's back to the way it was. Eerily the same, suspect she literally copied configs over wrong the first time to bork it and copied it right the second time. Gura's setup is timeless, it was perfect for her from debut and hasn't changed, at least not compared to any of her genmates (Amelia, Kiara, please...)
why are song perms impossible to get bros, archived karaokes are so lukewarm with me after all this time now
Updated. Broke up tiers more. Holos that are retired from ASMR like Shion removed. Takes into account all content not just Youtube. Voice packs, Nico Nico, Twitch Cast, etc.
>>9970339fucking takos man
>>9970339HOLY KEK
>>9968770>unsolicited flirtingImagine if a HoloStar did this SANABROS?
Starting to resent the fact that Ina made everyone aware that FFXIV exists again...'m thinking they are
>>9969974Last one's worth a chuckle, the rest is >state of hololive fans
A new challenger approaches!
>>9970368oh now that you mentioned links, i kept a link for the unarchived karaokes, hopefully it still works
>>9969621Only if you post cumny
>>9970422please do metal
>>9970422this is gonna be a lotta soul
>>9970412Reminder that due to song permissions we will probably never get a popular English song cover.
>>9970422I can smell the SOVL
>>9970223deadbeats coping now
>>9970422>>9970441Awwwwww sheeeit dawg.
>>9969974At least mori and gura enjoyed it. You paid for the whole con ticket, walk around the main section and look for something cool.
>>9970422>>9970441Gee Sana, two streams?
>>9970464Reminder that song cover permissions are incredibly easy to secure despite whatever bullshit that tries to be spread here about it and cover is just fucking lazy.
>>9970339I was thinking about this from the very first time I watched the episode and I'm so fucking glad someone executed it
>>9970422I will only kneel if she does a metal cover.
>>9970408Gomen, it was in response to such a shitty post that I stopped caring and got bored half way through typing it
>>9970405kys doxnigger
Why is this hag so sexual?
>>9970422I can already smell the soul
>>9970422I'm going to watch in case she does metal, but if it's just more boring jp songs I'm out forever
>>9970223>Not mentioning Ame and Kronii's constant twitter interaction
>>9970368i imagine Cocos entire channel is staying up, so i just archived the members stuff as a personal bit. I did archive the first 8 months of her channel however before the taiwan event on a second HDD. I also have like 15 of her unarchived karaokes in that same folder.
>>9970422>that timeSEAnalites...
>>9969974Last one's pretty based.
>>9970223holy copium
>>9970559Its noon EST on a weekend anon.
>>9970422I want her to sing this
>>9970559Actually, perfect time for US/EU/Latam gang
>>9970559just dont sleep lmao sponsored by BANG energy drink
>>9970570It's 1 EST on a weekend, and midnight WIB (I think)
>>9970422>That timeJust collab with Kiara already.
>>9970552Good enough. Her main channel's probably safe from any turn arounds, yagoo really did sound like he was close to tears in his interview.
>>9970499Shes been talking about how shes gunna do 3 streams in a day before her break for a while
>>9970422Do abbos like gospel?
>>9970422>3AM in AuslandSana...
>>9970559weekend 1AM where I am, not a problem for me.
Same energy.
>>9970298>i'm not the one posting off topic images.ogey
>>9970473>>9970564>Makes presumptuous claim >Gets BTFO'dTheadwatchers copin' now Theadwatchers copin' now Watch some streams and show em' how can't even picture in my head what her singing voice would be like.
>>9970441>>9970422>Sana has 9 hours of dead hours to herself (ignoring members content and if the Umisea collab doesn't take longer than 2 hours)If the TBA Umisea thing is just a song, or something short, then Sana will finally have a decent timeslot that doesn't overlap with everyone and their mother
>>9970621THEY ARE
We're all in agreement that Sana & Mori are EN's dedicated marathon streamers, no?
>>9968504They're so cute together
>>9970166she muted to hide taking off shirt sounds
>>9968911dang takodachis are kinda cute
>>9970653Fuck, you jinxed it.
>>9970603>yagoo really did sound like he was close to tears in his interview.Yagoo is a good actor, as good as Rushia and FBK
>>9970629>gets felted>copesare you okay there mate?
>>9967734>If you had to study for an extremely hard exam, what studying tips would you give others?>Gura: Honestly, I like some good old fashion repetition! Repetition will always do you good no matter what form it's in. Flash Cards, digital flash cards... I don't know what other types are out there it's been a while since I took a test, but any form of repetitions I say! Is that an acceptable answer?Gura wants you to do your reps!
please rat sing only jp songs
>>9970653Seems likely it'll be only JP stuff, the stream isn't tagged with UNARCHIVED or anything like that.
time to see if the rrat can sing at least
>>9969718>archivedThat's how you know she's a money hungry whore.
>>9968638wow they really have an anime for every fucking niche topic huh
>HoloEN>Sings in Japanese
>>9970693It's archived so...
>>9970672>Yagoo is a good actor, as good as Rushia and FBKThe fact that the interview had to be done as a pre-recorded video and not as a livestream points to the contrary
>HoloEn>Sings in German
>>9970703Kek, it's funny 'cause it's true.
>>9970672Yeah, and she has experience with psychopaths
>>9969958>ironmouse interviewing s*****o (as if that wasn't bad already) and repeatedly asking questions about gura, insidiously suggesting wanting collabyeah, no. Fuck off and don't come back.
Ina must be losing it right now. Good riddance to SCH.
time for rrat
Did anyone just feel that earthquake!?
>>9970128>shilling your genmates with their already established fanbasei sleb>shilling EN2 with a still growing fanbasewoketh
>>9970754sorry bro she wanted me to go harder
>>9970008Someone in /jp/ already got a mega of all of her member VODs like a week after her graduation anon...
>>9967734Did we have a con-goer post updates or nah?
Isn't it taking a bit too long for EN2 to enable their memberships?
>>9970185The problem is those in-ears has a 5dB reduction in bass that starts at 85hz, higher in frequency and magnitude than most headphones. It also overemphasizes treble by 5dB between 1-5kHz relative to studio monitoring headphones. I don't know what you mean by "exact reproduction" but you aren't hearing what most people hear and definitely not what people using monitoring headphones hear. If you find yourself in disagreement with strangers on the internet on what things sound like, those in-ears are the cause.
>>9970760>>9970773>Letting people gather for rrat insteadSHE CARES ABOUT HER LIL SIS
>>9969046>40 minutes>not even 25% donewe really are retarded
>>9969884Personally I see something like APEX as being way lazier since they can just react to gameplay most of the time. Minecraft is harder since if they don't want to bleed viewers they need to either be doing something interesting or filling dead air with a quasi-zatsudan.
>>9970754yes, all of the earth is quaking right now, its literally the end of the world as we know it
>>9969718A Mori song. Would be a fitting soundtrack to Mori's Jump King, plus she already covered a Mori song and showed it to her in private
moomer general
>>9970414Ame's could be SO GOOD if she just did soft speaking, it suits her SO MUCH better than whisper. Seriously, her hotel ASMR is still her best one and she wasn't even using real ASMR equipment
>>9970411Ame's been messing with hers. The whooshing sound she somehow introduced still comes in occasionally, dunno how that happened.I feel like all she has to do at least for starters is boost her bass a bit since in her usual eq she basically cuts it all out.
>>9970786iirc irys was one month after SC opening
>>9968911takodachi looks like the people on old maoist propaganda
>>9970754Yeah, it scared me bro. Stay safe.
>>9970754Negative on San Andreas
>>9968666yes.. definitely
>Both Mori and Bae are playing 8-bit musicTHEY ARE
>>9970422Sana trying new times, that's pretty good
So does Bae have any programming experience or is the intro just purely visual flair?
Mori REALLY likes that intro screen huh? it's the longest lasting one in EN
>>9970795I was hoping we'd finish in time for Mori/Bae, my bad
>>9970786They want everyone to be able to get it together
>>9970800Can also be archived. Sounds like a good idea
>>9970422>>9970441>Single handily saving us from dead hoursThank you based Sana
>>9970422my body is ready
>>9970629the absolute state of deadniggers
>>9969718I am unironically hoping for Sparks, it seems like a song Bae would like.
>>9970756reminder that Risu dedicated an hour stream to literally screaming, crying, and likely masturbating in awe of the pure SEXX of this daki
Is Jump King actually fun to play
I swear to god if we get a fuwa fuwa time, I will stick Gura's fish stick in my mouth.
>>9970851it's fucking GOOD
>>9970754>Less than 7MwWhat are you? Fags?t. Chilean
>>9970851it is pretty neat
I miss when Ina's genmates would visit her stream.When's the last time Ame bothered?
>>9970754doxxbeat will find you
>>9970888fuck I read that in her voice
>>9970882If you're a mastochist
>wants bae unarchived>gets an hour of gaypopkeep it archived plz>Human fall flat
>>9970422Fuck yeah I can't wait. If she's singing at 3am, she must not have to worry about neighbours
>>9970797GO EARTH GO
>>9970851It's really, really good.
>>9967734Are we the new bronies? This expo scares me
>>9970875I'm shocked that stream has no soundposts. Risu ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY had her hands in her pants
Its Hag time
>5000 waiters goneSusan...
FF14keks couldn't this shit have just been patch notes? This is boring as fuck.
This can be the stream that turn everything around for Bae
Bae is my daughter. Do NOT say strange things about her, please.
>WASSAPheh, reminds me of Scary Movie Wah!
>>9970739>ina or miyabi get invited to the media tour>they can't talk about it because of permissions autism
>>9970916decent enough choice
>>9970916That game fucking sucks
Mori is live again!
>default micHas no artist made one for her?
>>9970916>Fauna wearing shoesTRASH thumbnail
>>9970930Damn, smug Risu has more sinister energy than smug Watame.
>>9970916That thumbnail is so cute
sister time!
fug baelz karaoke and mori jump king at same time
>Bae Aussie internet keeps sabotaging herpain
>>9970875did she review the members asmr and the voicepack?it's impossible to do no nut week when that shit existfat cat is a fucking succubus
>>9970884is that how kronii's clock is wound?
>>9970877>You'll never fill a hag's dusty womb with life
>>9970925I think >we'd have to wait until >they start wearing diapers publicly and shitting on hotel rooms.
>>9970916the more people playing it the better it is so I'm fine with this
>timing checkTHEY ARE
>>9970754Never in my life, I live in Brazil
>>9970916Everything about this looks mediocre.
>>9970540She's playing up resisting doing metal for now. "You can't make me ... yet!" The time will come.
>>9970959I honestly think these props are better, only topped by the soulful ones Nene and Korone make
>>9970884>I will stick Gura's fish stick in my mouth.What are you, a gay fish?Oh wait, that's Gura.
>We bout to get litHow young is Bae.
>>9970916My opinion of Sana has lowered. This is basically the Gang Beasts collab
>>9970992Kronii's clock is Gura's fish stick if you look close enough.
>>9970848purely visual
>>9971030young enough
>>9970983supposed to be horny Risu, and trust me she was -very- horny
>>9970817That's not asmr though, that's just having a good voice.
>>9971014Your mama/papa reps DELTARUNE
>>9970985looks like a lil sis looking up to the big one
>>9971014htf do you not know mika pikazo?
>>9971030not young enough
Mori sounds extra dead tonight.
>>9971014>We have people who are so new they weren't around for Council's debutHoly fuck
>Fucked up streamMori you good?
>>9971053wrong thread.....
>>9971050>>9971057No no, the other one
>>9971063I voted for everyone in order to ruin the results
This the first council karaoke?
Bae really has the best design
>>9970916>Not Minecraftblergh what a waste of a council meeting
Fucckkkk, it's archived. Prepare for only JP songs.
This bitch gonna sing or what
>>9971014>Being this new
>ArchivedOh so JP only songs
>>997093714 addicts treat someone reading patch notes out loud as some kind of festival, actual cult mentality
>archivedWelp it's gonna be all jp songs then
baelz has a really cute design
GUH is a shitty catchphraseShould've kept 'otsukari'
>>9971014delete this and you'll get more replies
>>9970998Doxxbeats farting now
is this Bae's first karaoke?
>>9971030I think shes tied with mumei for second youngest of council
>archived karaokehooray
>>9971032except you won't have somebody sitting in the corners running away from others like a headless chicken
>>9970720>had to reshoot some questions because the answer was too yab>just says the same yab answer againCEO of SOVL
imagine bae singing while you squeeze her boobs haha
I forgot to turn my goddamn volume down and got hit with that full powered scythe transition.
Mori's hand animation thing is the stuff of nightmares. Why would anyone think that looks good?
>archivedOh boy the same five songs sung in every archived karaoke incoming.
bros... how do i get a gf like IRyS?
god bae is so fucking annoying speak EN motherfucker
Preemptive GURA MOGGED
>the whole council is watchingUNITY
>ARCHIVED KAraokeOkay everyone go home, she's only singing the usual shit like SSS, Blue clapper, The gurren intro and whatnot, no english
I hate rrats voice
matsuri is the cutest slut
>>9971076>>9971086I guess she had to wake up early for the con.
>>9971094If you vote for everyone it has no effect.
Why does Baelz talk like that?
>>9971153Wait until you see Kiara's nightmare joycon hands
Please sing Rammstein
>>9971171i really hope the singing voice is better...
Baes stream keeps stuttering from time to time, I'm not the only one who's having that problem, right?
>>9971172But a Blue Clapper from Bae sounds kino.
>Kronii the only one not to showCouncil Mori...
>>9970418if holostars flirted with each other? would be pretty epic
IRyS made me like archived karaokes, so I'll give Bae a chance.
Mori is going to get drunk tonight.
>>9971166Kronii Kronii Kroniiniii...
everyone is there
HERE WE GOAlright, rrat. Mopment of truyth.
I think baells is asian….
Ado from the start?
Rrat starting with a hard one.
Yeah turn it off.
>Sana awake right nowThen when the fuck does she sleep? Considering her normal stream times
>drinking game jump king
>literally everyone but Kronii showed up wow what a bitch
is this the new meme song?
holy fuck
These are some pretty low numbers for her first karaoke, and on a weekend too.
Yo its that shion song
>>9971203Kronii is probably building her 3rd Fuhrerbunker in Minecraft.
I forgot we're entering the Odo arc
>close stream
>adoEh? I dont know this song is archieveable
I keep forgetting how big Bae's tits are.
Odo start what the fuck
Oh she's not good.
Obligatory >Holo EN>sings JP songs
>>9968510I've had dreams where I kill people many times, not really dying though
>Bae has a runny noseUhhh rrat bros....EXPLAIN
I guess she is being nice to gura and saving the full english slaying for a different day. Very sad.
I like Ina's better
>this voiceWHAT THE FUG
You think Iofi ever thanks Allah that Anya has replaced her in the "least popular holo" category?
Is it just me or does she sound like Ollie???
wait a second, Bae is a rrat????
I expect the autists here to explain why she is better than Gura yet worst than Ame at the same time. I believe in you all
Rat mommy?
>>9971202>he never saw Astel admitting to sleeping with Shien
>>9971217What gave it away?
Is this soul?
The unironic gura killer
This is good
Not impressed
Good choice.
>>9971261Wtf I'm male and pregnant??
this is fucking amazing
Horrible singing, dropped the rat
>>9971237Avril La Vigne?
Damn, she sings really good!
Kronii doesn't care about Mori who doesn't care about Hololive because Kronii actually cares about Hololive.Kronii is based.
>>9971205IRyS is like, hyperspecialized in signing JP songs, she's kind of a tough act to compare to.
This is SOUL in a good way, technically not amazing pitch but her massive amounts of effort and swapping between low/high is pretty entertaining
I reallly like kawaiiopoe morririn
I can't tell if she's singing well or not, but the range is stellar.
Sugoi, Bae soundtrack for finale of deltarune
Holy shit Bae's got Flare vibes when it comes to Karaoke. Just someone having fun singing.
Bae got soul but she's tonedeaf except in her head voice so far, that's weird
>>9971251I really REALLY want to grope them
I wish to be breastfed by Mori Callope of Hololive Myth from Hololive English, an English-speaking branch of the vtuber agency Hololive owned by the japanese company Cover Corporation
odo is a nice treat
Bae's range fucks with me, even if her voice isn't consistent
>>9971264It's better unironically. Even over Gura's, though that's probably due to Gura never practicing it.
The numbers
Deep voice Bae is making me feel things
pretty SOUL but not a singer voice
I'm still surprised how well Ina managed to do this song even if it's one verse
IRyS safe...
[News] vt_takes got suspended from TwitterYou don't have to worry about your posts showing up there now
Not bad. Not amazing, but not bad.
>its already JP saturday>its another 15 streams to choose from at primetime episode again
>>9971276yep, very similar
>>9971261sorry I we didn't get the SC condom money yet
>>9971286yeah, its a character voice, not her real voice, so its instantly soul
Shes ok
I am the last Shishiro Botan fan.
She's trying really hard to sing in character and she's doing a pretty good job
She was hiding her powerlevel
>Mori saw Gura's jump king meltdown stream
>6k watchinghow do we save the RRAT?
I am dissapointed, I'll watch Mori now to punish myself for having high expectatives
>>9971277No? That's a fucking koala
>>9971251perfect groping size.
Ok this is weird, like shes all over the place lmao. Some parts sound fucking amazing and then on others its like shes never sang before wtf is happening? I guess its chaos after all
>>9971299nice try chummer, You just wait.
This sounds bad to me
>>9971314I'm pausing to watch my rrat live GO BAE GO
>>9971293same, irystochad
>archivedTime to consume your daily weeb fill holofags
Gura killer.
I love her range
>>9971342Yep, she is safely the third best singer in EN
just tuned in to baelz, who is getting mogged currently and who has been mogged so far?
>>9971172ya know... they can sing ONE OK ROCK or Official髭男dism english songs
>stealing Risu's mid-song voice shifting gimmick
Go rat go!
>>9971261she's about to give birth to a litter of 12 baby ratsI'm the father
>>9971261>Having a runny nose means you're pregnant.Meds.
Here's the good version by IRyS
Rrat is cool
You guys told me she can singWhy are you guys lying...
>>9971360Jesus she does the same thing Kiara does, a fake cutesy voice that hides her actually having a hot voice
she sounded like marine for a moment there
>Jump King drinking gameOK she's fucking dead
Mori talking about Gura 'prank calling' her during that Jump King stream kek
>>9971346There's still some other faggot, everyone bitching about this were mentioning himAt least one source of constant cancer got removed
Should I watch Bae's karaoke or Pomu's karaoke?
Hot Take, but (you) know I'm right: Bae's deep voice is sexier than Kronii's normal voice by a country mile.
Gura unironically mogged
what if Roberu appears on chat
now this is soul
I see a lot of anons here didn't watch Bae's debut stream....
>>9971346I'm gonna screenshot your post anyway
>>9971392Holorodents stick together
For me, it's Okayu.
>>9971358>I am the last Shishiro Botan fan.I must be dead then
If she gets gonna go jokey I really hope she goes all out like kaichou did...
Maybe she will do a Mori song
>>9971346>spic>trannySometimes I miss the Chinese
>>9971376it's like she's switching between two different voicesi blame the character voice
oh that growl was nice
>>9971361I would laugh if Mori somehow mogs Gula in jump king
Why did Bae say she wasn't a good singer?
>>9971392Risu changes on breaks, not in the middle of the damn verse
>>9971392>implying it matters when risu fucking never does karaoke
>>9970937>>9971113off topic and ironic coming from a place that listens to their oshis talk about mundane stuff for hours
oh god, Mori, no...
>>9971376It's called having fun
>She's drinkingShe's going to die.
>>9971415I'm not even listening and I agree with it. Anything's better than that stone slab
okay this is already Baelz's best stream by a fucking mile
I'm getting Polka feels from rrat's singing. She's having fun and just seeing what her voice can really do.
>>9971400I'm playing it in sync with Bae right now
boom boom
>Trying to listen to Bae and Pika at the same timeFUUUUUUCK IT'S ALL A MESS I CAN'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING
>>9971436catposter is reclining...
Could this be... SOVL?
>real voice is betterEVERY TIME
>>9971376Heh>I guess it's chaos after allI now know a new coping strategy.
Not the best version of Odo but I like her voice
Watch Petra!
Gura mogged, but UNIRONICALLY.
>>9971376She's a bad singer with good lungs and not afraid to put power into her voice.
This Mori stream is going to be fucking rough.
>>9971417She will lose her shit and cream herself for our winning son obviously, did you not see her last time he showed up? she spilled spaghetti all over
>>9970653What part of "archived" you don't get after a year?
>Is in EN>Sings like an ID>Speaks like a JP
If Bae ever does an original song it should be a denpa song with lots of fast-talking and wotagei
>Alcohol and Energy drinksDeadbeats why is your oshi like this?
>>9971417I will throw an aka.
>>9971376She has mentioned it before, Chaos is her theme. there will never be a single voice.
rrat may not be that good but at least she is having fun
>>9971251If she were flat, she'd be banned in her own country.
wait what the fuck her singing voice is decent
>>9971454All singers are going to undersell themselves unless it actively undercuts marketing efforts
Holy shit the rrat can sing
>>9971415Only because Kronii sticks too much to the deadpan shtick
That was actually.... not too bad
Is Mori sponsored by Bang or something?
>>9971491It makes me seethe. When will they learn?
>>9969046A puzle for ants...
Calli it's the middle of the day you fuckin drunk
>>9971320>'alright, you've had your fill, you gotta make sure the other deadbeats get their chance as well. go ahead now to the back of the line!'
>>9971494wrong thread nijifriend
>>9971400so this is the power of the EN vsinger... i kneel...
>>9971415you haven't heard kronii try hard
>>9971358They nuked Russia?
>>9971514she truly is hololive global
>>9971410PIka's singing stream is unarchived, you should watch that.
>>9971514based unity rrat
>>9971392yes anon, Risu literally invented the concept of voice shifting
>>9971539try addicted to
>>9971391She's clearly 1 or 2 depending on your preference, there is no 3rd person close to her or Gura.
>>9971514very chaotic, no?
Kiara seething
>>9971484>not watching Mori starting to take shots youre missing out anon...
>>9971494The absolute state of the Gura Killer
>>9971454She legitimately, unironically isn't. I don't know whether she's intentionally forcing herself to sing in-character or if that's actually how her singing voice is but she's just screaming at some points without even attempting to control her voice.
Mori, your liver....
>>9971051>>9968363Ganbare, furea.
Who mogged Gura, Mori in Jump king or Rrat in singing?
>>9971407Jesus, Mori doesn't have to turn everything she's not confident at into a drinking game
You think that's rough? I'm trying to listen to Bae, Pika, AND Pomu
>>9971494>maleYou're lost friend, but I'm glad I dropped this whore 1 month after her debut.
>>9971475Sounds about right. Like some kind of unholy combination of Ollie and Polka.
Are people joking about that being good? That was mediocre at the best parts and awful for the rest.
I never get t watch Mori becasue I'm normally at work, what am I in for?
shes okay at singing nothing special but the whole swapping between the deeper voice and the character voice is kind of weird
>>9971245Kronii needs a second more hidden bunker to protect herself from IRyS
>>9971376She’s probably nervous as fuck
>>9971547Sana's just beeg please andastnd
I decided to go relisten to IRyS odo instead.
>>9971486I was beaten out by another catposter so I'd say we're stable.
>>9971514boom boom
Are there any DD Chads here?
>Jump King drinking gameThis nigga is finna die
Risu MOGGED can't play this game drunk. Gura is the prime example of that.
>>9971586t. cumshart
>>9971584She's going to get really, really angry.
>>9971561>Gura is literally killing my oshi
>>9971400IRyS's model has to have one of the best facial expressions while singing, it mogs everyone else.
>>9971494>they wanted to save her so hard that they are pairing her with males rumao
>>9971494Fuck off, and don't come back!
>>9971410You should have watched Pomu for the last hour, give Bae a chance now.
>>9971400I have only liked Gura's version, don't care much for it to be honest, feels like more K-Pop than a Japanese song.
>>9971392Bae's singing reminds me of Ollie rather than Risu tbhdesu
>>9971432Bring hamster-Kanata and HoloRodents is completed
>>9971599Shion's is the superior version, a bratty voice fits the song's theme much better.
>>9971599same here, irystochad
>>9971400Here's the best version by Suisei
>>9971516blame gura...
>>9971626I never compared her to anyone though?
Mori why would you make a drinking game out of a masocore platformer
>>9971549Whoops... Deleted, sry
>Dick mention
Rrat has a great voice but she really needs to do her reps and get some training.
>>9971567I am, i'm just paying more attention to the cute ones
I prefer Ame's singing, not even a teamate
if she sings Konayuki I am sending an akasupa
>>9971641Shion's cover is also really good. I can't stop listening to it.
>>9971400Pretty good but Gura sang it better
>>9971650>this schedule on my birthdayWTF SHE KNOWS
>>9971584She's either going to be weirdly good at it, or she's gonna spiral into a drunken meltdown, then schedule a "Jump King endurance until I beat it" stream for next week.
>>9971400Here's the try hard version:
the jump king lore
>>9971650I have high hopes for that karaoke
>>9971048I wonder if it's similar to that one anon who put live2d over his face while masturbating, but I am to scared to check.
>>9971650>Drawing with limiters offShe gave into the drawing stream beggars...
Jesus the RRrat can sing
>>9971569Not coping, honest. From what she has eluded to... her audience will only be getting her forced voice/voices hastag chaos lit! yay!.... I give her a few months
DEEP VOICE LET'S GO watch her true power!
did rrat nerf herself with a character voice
>>9971494I wonder how the thread would react if Gura played this game with a guy.
So who got mogged?
>I'll be using a deeper voiceWhat the fuck was the voice for Odo then?
People don't honestly think Rat is a better singer than Gura? Do they?
Botan's box merch unironically looks great and actually usefull. Buy?
>>9971655Heh if you listen to this they're pretty much the same.
>a deeper voice might suit this song betterA DEEPER VOICE WILL SUIT YOU BETTER BAE
>>9971586It was SOUL but in a good way. She definitely wasn't skilled but her massive amounts of effort and swapping voice tones was entertaining
>>9971650go sana go!
It's ok rrat, just embrace the SOUL
>>9971678t. deaf
>>9971400>>9971655So who's making a mashup of susy, irys and Gura?
>>9971578Whoops meant to reply to>>9971484
Wait Mori is a gamer?
>>9971594>A bunker under her bunker with a secret hidden sticky piston door leading to a rail track across the map to a 3rd hidden bunker where the ICBM controls are kept
>>9971672Fair enough
Why the FUCK does Jump King cost $13
>>9971721Unchained Rrat is far better, you will see one day...
>>9971745mori calliope is one of the gamers of hololive
I get it's a tiring comparison, but Baelz's karaoke does feel like a polished version of Ollie's. Willing to go in hard and has fun showing off a range.
>>9971718The chaos voice switching of course.
>>9971678Ame karaokes are fun. If the holo sings seriously it needs to be closer to a real concert than a "karaoke"
Is it really that hard to control your jumps?
GURA MOGGEDwhich stream am I talking about?
>holoen>singing in japaneseits all so tiresome...
>>9971475Honestly, elements of Polka (playful and belty) and Risu (range and holding [some] notes) and Kiara (character voice as limiter), but she isn't as good as any of them. Untrained though, all the others have training. Watch Bae for singing improvement
I'm diamonds from Bae's deep voice
>>9971400This is the only version that matters
shes ok but needs work
>>9971745always has been
your boy is already mogging Gurashe's been doing her gamer reps
Rrat mommy...
>>9971773You have zero control when you leap so yes.
>>9971622Gura was drunk for Getting Over It, she was having an existential crisis while playing Jump King.
deep voice baelz would be good singer if she didnt have a bad mic
>>9971716Gura. Gura gets mogged every single karaoke. Even her own.
>>9971758It's the price of 13 hot dogs at ICA in Sweden.
>>9971415The contrast brings it into stronger focus, like with Risu's Ayunda voice.
Holy crap this voice is good. Also the midi is strong with this karaoke track.
holy shit bae
>>9971778Not bae's
Rrat's singing is just Ollie's singing with less voice cracks
>>9971415that's why it's hot take, because you are wrong
If she practiced seriously Bae has the potential to be seriously good (also if she dropped the rrat voice)
Will Mori be able to get past where Gura stopped?and if she does what does that mean for both Mori and Gura?
>>9971721Yes but I think Gura has been pretty bad lately.
>>9971400All you did was make me miss IRyS..
Rrat's karaoke is pretty soulfulShe's not especially bad or good even but she's definitely putting a lot into it and having fun at the same time
this instrumental track is quite something
deep bae is actually really fucking good
>Bae can lower the tone of her voice to a normal one no not the ikemen shit>uses the one that is too high that filters the living shit out of meWhy is she like this? why does she keep using that eargrating voice jesas christ
>>9971778The Amogus collab
deep voice bae...
>>9971819yeah but i could have 13 swedish hotdogs instead of a meme game
For a girl, her voice can actually get fairly deep.
>another holo that debuffs herself with a joke voiceListen to this wtf....
>>9971775Western music companies will never surrender their permissions
I mean rrat is ogey. She's not great or bad just completely average.
>>9971475Good comparison actually, this is almost exactly the same way I feel watching a Polka karaoke.
to be completely honest she sounds all over the place
>>9971652Listening to it now and will say its actually better.t.irystocract
I'll be completely honest: She's a bad singer but it feels like a karaoke with friends so I still like it.
Gura… don’t look.
Rrat! I kneel!
>>9971693this is going to be kino
>your oshi>your favourite vtuber outside Hololive
I like Bealz's real voice but her singing is all over the place, wish she would just commit and drop the rrat voice. Is it like a rule that Holorodents need to have filtering voices?
>>9971851she wants to
>>9971839Yes, easilyTHEY ARE
>>9971415It's fine to have opinions, even if they are wrong
This gone be kino
>>9971868yeah it's inconsistent as fuck
>>9971842her "acoustic" karaoke was prime Gura though
>>9971856They're fine for hobos but I think I'd rather have a hot babe than 13 ICA hot dogs.
why is mori pressing the buttons so fast on her controller? when shes not moving?
mori is mogging GUra so fucking hard. this is embarrassing for goomba fans
deep voice baelz is pure sex
>>9971885KiaraSister Abigail
༼ つ| o_o ༽つ|
>its another episode of holo having a deeper voice than what she lets out on streamAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
>>9971775Western music is shite anon, you'd rather listen them listen to fucking Cardi B ?
Imagine Bae saying BOOM BOOM in her normal nonBae voice
>>9971839Nobody who actually watches Mori or Gura should be surprised, Mori is actually decent at platformers and got farther than Gura did in Getting Over It as well.
If she took the reverb off then this thread would be a lot less forgiving of her singing.
I was expecting AC/DC...
>>9971839It will decide who's gonna top the other during their weekly discord sex.
Bae has some major soul, I love how low she can go.
>Bae took on the rrat voice to not take away the only thing Kronii has going for her
>>9971738There's already one for IRyS x Suisei.
>>9971776Bae has been compared to Ollie and Anya now compared to Polka Risu and Kiara. Who else do we need to add?
Marica's speaking pitch was the same as rrat's, she just spoke softer. Her "real" voice isn't deep, never was.
best stop expecting a concert and just enjoy rrat for the fun karaoke she's delivering
>>9971851Watch her drop the character voice when she damages her vocal chords over time
>>9971415Get your ears checked and watch streams faggot
This voice is pure SEX.
>>9971885SuichanInui Toko
>>9971873The Ame appeal, but it's archived so it won't have the unpredictable setlist fun of Ame's karaokes
>>9971870hard to compare an actual studio mixed cover to a live karaoke
Wow wtf Mori is good
>Your oshi>Your cat's name
>>9971885KroniiI don't watch chuubas outside of Hololive
>>9971885GuraI like Whiskey, she's pretty much the only none Hololive vtuber I've watched
>>9970185>>9969584>>9969597are these good for ASMR?
>oshi>have you watched your name
>>9971738get the superior mashup version
>>9971859True, her real voice is miles better than that rat voice
>>9971925*Boom booms all over your chest*
>>9971885MoriUhh... I used to watch Kana before she went to twitch full time.
>>9971868She's trying to sing with 2 voices and she's falling, she's no Risu.
>>9971851Chaos.That is seriously, unfortunately, the only reason. who knows how long it will last.
Just stop using the rrat voice, rrat
>>9971851>She can lower her voiceAnon, her rat voice is her pitching it up. Her natural voice is closer to what we're hearing now, try pinching your vocal chords while speaking and you will also get the same effect as Bae's rat voice.
So is "She'd be good if she just drops the rrat voice" going to be the cope for rratbros from here on out?
Baelz karaoke has a nice energy to it.
>>9971885AmeHayama Marin
>>9971721>Gurashe can't even beat top25th in hololive kek
>>9971873I think muimei is the only one that's going to be considered good out of council for singing. Fauna can barely raise her voice above a whisper, Sana is Australian. Kronii might be decent, I'll wait and see
>>9971885>Fauna>Pochi mama!
>>9971885Kiara Veibae
>>9971885ReineHana Macchia
>>9971885GuraI liked Kana before I found out she was a giant schizo so still Koopa since she's at least a funny schizo
Now just imagine Bae screaming as loud as she does on normal streams, but using the deep voice.
>>9971650kek, so staff finally told her to improve her numbers or she graduates huh?
>>9971885GuraI watch Luto from time to time.
Bae's Karaoke has SOVL
>>9972002no she has other issues to work out in her streaming that isnt related to the voice
>>9971839Mori has more overall gaming experienceGura only played Barbie Horse Adventure and rhythm games growing up
>>9971851Her deep voice is clearly not her relaxed voice range
>>9971903Isn't platformers the only games Calli is good at?I wouldn't be surprise if she does well with Jump King.
>>9971885KiaraPomu at this point
>>9971978It’s over…
>>9971986AND RRAT!
>>9971947This'll probably happen. Unless you're Kiara, who somehow manages to keep up the chicken voice even on her roommate.
>>9971885AmeUsed to watch Ars for a bit