It can happen as you get older or just due to factors that affect your bone remodeling which is basically old bone tissue is replaced with new tissue. Just to name a few things that could cause it:
>as people age, bone breakdown outpaces bone formation. This process accelerates after the mid-30s, especially in postmenopausal women due to decreased estrogen levels
>low calcium and vitamin D: Calcium is essential for bone structure, and vitamin D helps absorb calcium. Deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to weaker bones. Low protein is also a factor as bones need protein to repair
>menopause: Estrogen helps protect bone. Its decline during menopause accelerates bone loss.
>sometimes excess thyroid hormone can increase bone breakdown
>prolonged high levels of stress can weaken bones
>ack of weight-bearing exercise (like walking or lifting weights) reduces bone formation and strength. Bones require stress from movement to maintain density
>conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, crohn's disease, and celiac disease can interfere with nutrient absorption or bone health
>being underweight increases the risk of bone loss
>family history of osteoporosis or fractures increases susceptibility to bone density loss