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File: 654 KB, 978x1460, 1629852757596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8797185 No.8797185 [Reply] [Original]

Let's appreciate Amelia Watson! Hololive EN's Number One Detective!
Previous Thread: >>8719391

>> No.8797223
File: 120 KB, 826x1024, 1630039551290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8798756

I miss Ame...

>> No.8797247


>> No.8797248
File: 477 KB, 1900x2700, E91YQUwVkAA8nRu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.8797276
File: 1.79 MB, 1540x1012, 1613963434211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8827250

I was about to hit "submit" and create this thread

>> No.8797277

>delay's stream multiple times
Ame pls.

>> No.8797363

Glad somebody made the thread. I tried, but forgot that I'm still imagebanned, and am too lazy to switch to chrome.

>> No.8797425
Quoted by: >>8797452 >>8797497

Any guess as to what Ame will play for Amedly?
im guessing: Valorent, Overwatch and Minecraft?

>> No.8797452

Most likely those games. Wouldn't mind some Apex though.

>> No.8797497

Those are the ones on the permission list in the description, so yeah.

>> No.8797678
Quoted by: >>8797725

Shes updating isn't she.

>> No.8797725
Quoted by: >>8797944

Good call lol

>> No.8797932

nice minecraft

>> No.8797944
Quoted by: >>8798086

I wish honey roasted peanuts didn't give me heartburn.

>> No.8798005

She's beautiful

>> No.8798007
Quoted by: >>8798051 >>8798086

Next time, please just copy paste the OP as it was before, or at the least link to the last thread.
I search for "For Ame" since it's faster than just "Amelia Watson Appreciation Thread", and we don't use the subject field either.

>> No.8798051

Same tbqh

>> No.8798053 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8798325 >>8798725

I wonder if Ame's boyfriend's discord will make a cameo like last time

>> No.8798086
Quoted by: >>8798163 >>8798178

>not searching for Amelia
Curb your autism.
Try gaviskon and robeprazol.

>> No.8798163
Quoted by: >>8798310

Bro my heartburn is clinical level bad, went to the hospital last winter because I thought I was having a heart attack.

>> No.8798178
Quoted by: >>8798256 >>8798785

Searching "Amelia" brings up other stuff. Right now it's just a write thread and an anti thread.
It's been months of doing things the way they were, no need to change 'em now, and even when change was implemented, it was then shut down.

>> No.8798195

Toxin levels rising already

>> No.8798256
Quoted by: >>8798307

I usually use 'Watson' as my filter. It works fine.

>> No.8798277
File: 225 KB, 393x325, Screenshot_1508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not again ame...

>> No.8798307

I guess. Still, just stuff to keep in mind for next time. If it ain't broke and all that.

>> No.8798310

yes mine was top, if they weren't pozzed they'd give you robeprazol prescription that stops your stomach from producing as much acid, gaviskon to further negate the acid and digestion ferments to help replacing acid
do your reflux reps

>> No.8798325 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8798455

Now THIS is a timeloop

>> No.8798455 [DELETED] 

Some council newfag "discovering" things kek

>> No.8798494
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>> No.8798603
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>> No.8798663
File: 31 KB, 414x559, 1621143996609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8798725 [DELETED] 

what the hell didn't that only happen in her previous life?

>> No.8798756
Quoted by: >>8798806 >>8798960

I couldn't cope anymore. I made my own copycat rig to deal with the pain.

>> No.8798785
File: 311 KB, 1080x1648, 1629600870232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8798834 >>8798847

Well faggot when I made the thread I had to use my shitty memory so fuck you make the thread next time.

>> No.8798806
Quoted by: >>8798960

Excuse me what? Explain yourself.

>> No.8798833

>doxfag replying to himself

>> No.8798834

There's no need for hostility, anon. I'll make it next time.

>> No.8798847

nta, but he ask politely kek

Also, ignore that samefagg retard

>> No.8798960
File: 2.89 MB, 853x480, 1614855237248.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8799018

Have you heard about Facerig?

>> No.8799018
Quoted by: >>8799084 >>8800116

So you took Ames avatar, fully rigged it yourself, and record yourself moving around pretending that Ame is there on the screen?

>> No.8799084
Quoted by: >>8799257

nta I'm just making assumptions
facerig + webcam is like 2015 tech idk why did it took vtubers so long to take off

>> No.8799257

I am the anon. I didn't do that. I just hand drew (well, technically mouse drew) her rig, made assumptions about how certain parts of her model worked, and then recorded myself playing minecraft. I just made this quick video. I made it shitty kinda on purpose and altered the design cause I was worried tranny jannies / legal shit.


>> No.8799319


>> No.8799321

In my defense, it looks far better when it's smaller. A lot of the errors kinda hide themselves.

>> No.8799330
Quoted by: >>8799408

huh? unless you use it commercially, why would be an issue for legal shit? I admire the dedication tho.

>> No.8799356

HOLY KEK. It's so fucking bad that it's good. I love it

>> No.8799386
File: 466 KB, 585x583, _uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8799388

you are absolutely insane and I'm saving that for life, bless you and your army of sperm

>> No.8799408
File: 773 KB, 3840x2160, EmaDoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was gonna make a "doll" collection and have the models in the background of my stream. Two birds, one stone right? I have it on the backburner for right now, it didn't turn out as good as I thought it would.

>> No.8799438

>chumbuds have cursed fuckplushie
>teamates have whatshon rig

>> No.8799484
File: 218 KB, 1375x1867, 1629604238506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8799681

That's an interesting use of spare time

>> No.8799576
File: 602 KB, 637x667, 1619498156784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what the fuck

>> No.8799595
File: 329 KB, 562x505, 1627176166736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a really dedicated teamate, jesas

>> No.8799670

Is Rhees Mei a relative of Tommy Hurtz?

>> No.8799681
Quoted by: >>8799776

Honestly, it was a good learning experience. I actually learned a few good tricks from this model. Like the neck shadow is actually a permanent thing. It just gets clipped to remain inside the "neck" art mesh. Or how Ame has like... two sets of eyebrows? so she always looks happy, even if the top set of eyebrows is angry. That's a cool trick to make her more approachable even if she's "mad".

>> No.8799776
File: 42 KB, 500x488, 1604712672832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8799813
Quoted by: >>8800077

Complete with Ame level singing holy shit bruh.

>> No.8799873
Quoted by: >>8799901


>> No.8799901

I also shoot goo after eating shit that's bad for me

>> No.8799963

Petition Cover to sell Ame Goo for the one year anniversary.

>> No.8800029
Quoted by: >>8800119

>Have you guys seen the episode where um?
>It's like that one episode... where um
>it was really funny, funniest thing I've ever seen
Holy FUCKING shit bros

>> No.8800030
File: 43 KB, 145x151, 1629683460861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you remember that one episode????

>> No.8800046
Quoted by: >>8800103

>it's like that one episode
>you know what i'm talking about


>> No.8800077

I am both offended and grateful anon.

>> No.8800081
Quoted by: >>8800121 >>8800187

Is Amelia Watson really the number 1 detective in ALL of Hololive? She hasn't even solved one mystery.

>> No.8800086
File: 673 KB, 713x746, 1625181605602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides Ame, please...

>> No.8800093

.....Am I losing my mind?

>> No.8800096

my sides

>> No.8800103

Funniest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.8800116

>schizophrenia so deep he makes his own e-gf

Very based and redpilled.

>> No.8800119

She timelooping bros....

>> No.8800121
Quoted by: >>8800171 >>8800379

shes the number one detective [/spoiler]...because shes the only detective.[/spoiler]

>> No.8800161
File: 182 KB, 1260x1156, 1629442933318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys remember that one episode >where uhhhhhhhhhhh....
>where like uhhmmm
>You guys know what I'm talking about right?
>where uhhh he like... uhhh.....
>ya know... uhm
>he gets turned into a pickle?

I love her

>> No.8800171
Quoted by: >>8800200

nice spoiler kek

>> No.8800177

All that time only for her to mention pickle rick. Never change ame

>> No.8800187
Quoted by: >>8800379

Never heard of the Obra Dinn?

>> No.8800200
File: 72 KB, 180x186, 1628307673362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma retard.....

>> No.8800242

My fucking sides, my fucking heart. I fucking love this detective holy shit.

>> No.8800253
File: 92 KB, 374x104, 1628126252614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame please I can't breathe

>> No.8800290

>asking your team to throw a round because she doesn't like this map

>> No.8800307

Reminds me of those posts that went

>hey guys
>what if
>listen to me
>what if we
>guys seriously
>what if

And so on

>> No.8800310
File: 134 KB, 376x452, 1629655018319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8800449

>guys pls throw
>2 seconds later
>can u guys pls try harder???
kek ame please

>> No.8800315

>oh nyoo~
Jesus fuck Ame

>> No.8800379

Shuba is a cop which can count as a detective.

That's a video game anon.

>> No.8800421
Quoted by: >>8800604

Ame jesus fuck this stream is gold. Between this, Frog Detective, and the anon who rigged an Ame because he missed her so much, today is fantastic.

>> No.8800449

she was talking to enemy team

>> No.8800505
Quoted by: >>8800588

I'm willing to bet Ame used to play TF2 with scout using force of nature all the time considering the amount of environmental kills she's getting lmao

>> No.8800588
Quoted by: >>8801255

I always figured she played sniper since she tends to lean heavy on sniping and long range weapons

>> No.8800601

>we're gonna be playing with DEEZ NUTS

>> No.8800604


>> No.8800669
File: 268 KB, 489x540, 1603220196297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is a gift that just doesn't stop giving.

>> No.8800857

Most based man alive right here

>> No.8801074
File: 18 KB, 390x398, 1629413823134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grapes on pizza

>> No.8801129

I love Ame so fucking much. I love her even more each stream. Lately she's getting even cuter after the break. I've been waking up at 4-5 AM
losing sleep for this girl just to watch her stream in real time. Guys I cannot take it anymore I just want to sit next to her and we both watch funny videos on Youtube or play games together.

>> No.8801174
File: 274 KB, 688x567, 1604990371401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APEX Alternator actually made me think if there's value in such construction.
It makes sense if it's straight blowback, but the w bolts are connected on an axle and push each other.
So when one bolt is cycling backwards, it pushes the other bolt forward through the axle, feeds and shoots (if that's an open bolt SMG).

With mechanisms like this it is essentially a lever-delayed blowback where bolt needs to push mass of another detail before it can go back and unlock the chamber.

Which would allow you to use much hotter ammo than regular blowback.

You can even get away with using just 1 mag because both bolts can be set up to feed from their inner part.

The ejection can be set up to go down 1 shared shaft for both bolts. From the pic alone it doesn't seem like left bolt ejects anywhere, so maybe it's using caseless ammunition.

>> No.8801194

nooo you were supposed to reply to my doxposting
you can't just derail the thread like that

>> No.8801211

Complete your own Ame rig. Join me brother.

>> No.8801255

But she seemed really good at moving all over the place
Those moves reminded me of run and gun scouts back in the day

>> No.8801283
Quoted by: >>8801331

>I've been waking up at 4-5 AM
I'm trying to set up my sleeping schedule 7PM-1AM so I can watch Gura and Ame. Neighbors aren't cooperating noise-wise.

>> No.8801310

why is this so fucking laggy jesus

>> No.8801331

that axe tree in heroes of storm? it's essentially a sniper and Ame is good with it

>> No.8801425
Quoted by: >>8801514

I always forget how good Ame is at Overwatch because damn, she carried hard.

>> No.8801431
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1627095206670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thankful to live in a timezone where most ame streams arent too early in the morning so i can catch them even if i do something in the beginning of the day. your dedication to ame is amazing

>> No.8801437

Its okay ame, pew pew games make me feel young again
like it's de_dust2 or Q3DM17

>> No.8801514
Quoted by: >>8801578

It's a new(ish) account so she's playing with literal babies.

>> No.8801543

imagine if Hololive have dedicated TF2 server
they have the members to play it just with their own people which eliminates any security issues

>> No.8801578

She doesn't carry against retards in Apex anymore

>> No.8801581
File: 1.77 MB, 2908x3958, 1629433969517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw one dude request quake in the chat, and now im remembering that with the new quake "remaster" most of gen 1 could play through the campaigns together

>> No.8801586

I'm retarded, what's the problem with TF2?

>> No.8801595

Wait shit that's right, Ame in the AM is tomorrow.

>> No.8801639

that game has been ruined by bots but that's probably not what ame is talking about

>> No.8801643

tf2 is old as FUCK and its been compromised by hackers for a long time, cant go two games without running into a spinbot. thankfully community servers are untouched.

>> No.8801657

its server-security is shit and you could doxx pretty much anyone you please as long as they were playing it on a valve server afaik

>> No.8801661

multiple problems, including private servers, sprays with porn, and unsecure security.

>> No.8801678

it leaks IP and it's customization is every streamer nightmare
nobody plays it on stream except when they have large enough clan to play without outsiders at all

>> No.8801698

The better question is why did Valve drop one of their flagship games.

>> No.8801766

it went out of fashion?

>> No.8801768
Quoted by: >>8802182

Probably because the techwizards who made have all left or stopped coding years ago. Probably went the route of "We can upgrade parts we can decode, but working on this is too much".

>> No.8801771
File: 176 KB, 1292x1067, fujoame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8801819 >>8801821

its 10+ years old now, not a lot they can do without a massive overhaul which isnt possible with the 2 people that work on the game long term. its mostly being kept up just cause its iconic, and money.

>> No.8801774

Not just one, but almost all. They went all in on DOTA 2 and all their other IPs were basically shelved. I was surprised we even got Half Life Alyx

>> No.8801785
Quoted by: >>8801821

I don't think anyone from the gamedev side of valve even works there anymore

>> No.8801819
Quoted by: >>8801864 >>8802534

Think TF2 pulls in enough to pay for the staff? I don't honestly know at this point.

>> No.8801821

This really makes TF2 sound like a ghost town.

>> No.8801864
Quoted by: >>8805619 >>8815201

It has a small but dedicated ~130k playerbase that stayed throughout the years.

>> No.8801891
Quoted by: >>8802074

More like a desert town. People still def play. But the community isn't growing and has been dying for more water (content).

>> No.8801946

selling games is infinitely more profitable than making them and has virtually zero overhead

>> No.8801955

Damn TF2 will always have a place in gaming history really sucks that it declined the way it did.

>> No.8801957

it honestly sorta is. a lot of the "players" nowadays are bots, teamwork.tf says that the true player count is wayyyy lower than steam charts actually says, but you can still find a match in community or official servers pretty quick.

>> No.8801988

Eww, there's a Wattson on Watson's team.

>> No.8801993
Quoted by: >>8802040 >>8802109

Her desk is covered in snacks

>> No.8802040
File: 333 KB, 586x325, kitkat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802074

Funny, given the game's aesthetic in most of its maps(at least the older ones, anyroad) being barren deserts in the middle of nowhere

>> No.8802092

I fucking hate that The Bee Movie made jazz a meme. Jazz is great.

>> No.8802103

>Bee movie
>I'm really...*heavy sigh* looking forward to it
the irony is thick

>> No.8802109

Needs more bread.

>> No.8802141
Quoted by: >>8802586

Wish she would just cancel le reddit movie and do something else.

>> No.8802167

Hey, fanbase was crying for TF2 for how many years? Nobody expected we'd get TF2.

Maybe we'll get TF3 one day when valve is done milking Dota kek

>> No.8802182

Funnily enough?
Valve has an extremely low turnover, problem is they're mostly really weird "we is arteests" devs.
They'll only work on what they individually want to work on and will only publish something if they think its perfect.
So you get extremely well designed and polished games. Once in a blue moon.
I mean TF2 is a masterclass in game design for a game of its type. Despite there being a lot of code jank in there.

This dumb as fuck behaviour on their part is financed by Steam.
Because Valve is basically rolling in cash their extremely stupid by conventional business standards behaviour is actually not running the company into the ground and enables them to do shit that seems really really dumb like the Index and the new Steamdeck.

>> No.8802181

I WILL spank Ame's bare ass EVEN if she's been a good girl.

>> No.8802205

Ame seems to have shaken some of the rust off in Apex.

>> No.8802232

Got it, Ame likes being called Watson while I'm fucking her.

>> No.8802275

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802304

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802322

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802349

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802366

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802375

I like the repeater, the repeater's fun.

>> No.8802438

Ame is the fucking cutest gal in the world, teamates

>> No.8802447
File: 17 KB, 680x403, 1607219864876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8802508


>> No.8802508
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1626685962023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802534

It doesn't need to, keys still move and valve takes a nice 15% chunk of every transaction

>> No.8802586

Not even sure why she picked it. She did a fan poll and those retards got absolutely blown the fuck out.

>> No.8802605
Quoted by: >>8802688


>> No.8802649

>YWN drink Ame's sweat

>> No.8802688

>ame hugging you after stream and covering you in her pheromone rich sweat

>> No.8802716

This is a good day for gaming watson huh? she's no playing that bad today. She's in a good mood

>> No.8802765
Quoted by: >>8802817

all these games kinda look the fucking same

>> No.8802777
Quoted by: >>8802827

if Ame was TF2 sniper, that would have been a headshot

>> No.8802817

>APEX: futuristic fps game
>overwatch: futuristic fps game
>valorant: futuristic fps game

>> No.8802818

oh hey Ame is using her old BGM

>> No.8802827
Quoted by: >>8802836 >>8802875

Damn it now I miss the critical hit headshot sound
Maybe I should try playing Tf2 again

>> No.8802836

just drop your mug on tiles lmao

>> No.8802852
Quoted by: >>8803125

Teamates, don't keep these kinds of things to yourselves, share them. I love this, holy based

>> No.8802875
Quoted by: >>8802943

God, those were the days...

>> No.8802911

Ame's voice is so comforting.... holy shit.

>> No.8802912
File: 98 KB, 800x1138, 1620126328891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when teamates bullied that one falseflagging asshole off his dogame images with images like this and the OP? Good times.

>> No.8802943

All those hoovies, dance parties, 2fort sniper battles, and rocket jumps...
All those memories, lost like tears in rain...

>> No.8802970

>Ame is being sneaky
>stays silent

>> No.8803022
File: 255 KB, 680x976, survive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8803060
File: 124 KB, 811x1016, 1626093999847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8803195 >>8803261

>that thrill of stabbing the engi and sapping his shit before turret turns around
>face-stabbing pyro
>flying demoman headshots
>red dot wall plays

>> No.8803111
File: 414 KB, 1200x1500, 1610492062372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8803125
Quoted by: >>8803277

The plan for right now is to make a whole slew of dolls. The next big vtuber to go on vacation, I'll make a copycat rig.

I sent this to irl friends as a spookymeme, so I'll post it here.

>> No.8803192

>last stream
oh noes

>> No.8803195
Quoted by: >>8803275

I'm legit tearing up from oh fuck

>> No.8803255
Quoted by: >>8803341

>Be careful about what you joke about in chat
>I'll wipe your ass out of this chat
That felt so real
What was it?

>> No.8803261
File: 89 KB, 1200x574, koronestruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8803270
Quoted by: >>8803341 >>8803377

wtf made her so mad at chat

>> No.8803275

I miss Tf2 bros

>> No.8803277 [DELETED] 

People throw the term based around way too often but for once it's actually deserved.

>> No.8803329
File: 63 KB, 201x200, 1607321661455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says it's last stream
>chat starts crying
>Ame gets mad at chat for saying it's her last stream
Classic Saltson

>> No.8803341
Quoted by: >>8803389

joking about graduation

>> No.8803349
Quoted by: >>8803389

I think it was graduation jokes

>> No.8803357
Quoted by: >>8803405

What did the chat say that made her snippy out?

>> No.8803377

I think it was game chat? i didn't see anything really bad

>> No.8803389
Quoted by: >>8803649

Guess she didn’t realize she misspoke

>> No.8803405

Black Lives Matter and something about women's rights

>> No.8803546
Quoted by: >>8803619

Ame is really good at this stuff.

>> No.8803607
Quoted by: >>8803682

Does anyone know what the comment was that got deleted that got Ame angry?

>> No.8803619

And this is pure instinct without practice

>> No.8803649

Is that all? Holy shit she's such a toxic gamer i love her

>> No.8803682
Quoted by: >>8803925


>> No.8803694

i never understood why people play like that cipher, flicking their mouse around like a fucking madman.

>> No.8803925

There was someone that got their comment deleted i saw people mention it in global too

Was it that instead?

>> No.8803938

I miss playing Overwatch... but rn the game is absolute shit

>> No.8803980

ame wtf are you talking about

>> No.8804002
Quoted by: >>8804044 >>8820001

Lmao based detective slapping down chat.
Chat shit, get hit

>> No.8804044

for her own slip of the tongue lmao not that I mind

>> No.8804105
File: 208 KB, 379x422, 1618693968681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8804120

This fucking girl.

I love her.

>> No.8804147
File: 1.03 MB, 1918x1014, 1616036297448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' gottem holy shit

>> No.8804174

>baiting a stream end to get fake teamates to leave

>> No.8804211
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Imagine being this new KEK

>> No.8804229

Imagine leaving Ame's stream before she shuts it down and the chat stops.
I love this girl

>> No.8804239
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>3 Repeaters

>> No.8804316

Say with me, Ame! Default scope is called Irons!

>> No.8804716 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8804872

>Ib4 2 minutes of goodbye screen and she gets on a Valorant game

>> No.8804739
Quoted by: >>8804763 >>8804826

bee movie is stupid and i don't want to watch it

>> No.8804763

then don't, just watch Ame

>> No.8804826

Do you need the discount ame rig anon?

>> No.8804872


>> No.8804927
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>> No.8804946

was really hoping for the double fake out

>> No.8805042
Quoted by: >>8805384

I'm not leaving untill the chat freezes completely

>> No.8805384

caught anything?

>> No.8805619
Quoted by: >>8806136

>~130k playerbase
As a fighting game fan, hearing something like 130k be a small playerbase hurts but it's completely understandable.

>> No.8805679
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3 streams today and yet I still miss her so much when she's gone
What does it mean

>> No.8805739

you have a crippling ameroin addiction

>> No.8805774

For a moment it was the fourth stream in 24 hours actually.

>> No.8805780
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It means you're in love with her
Me too

>> No.8805941

That's normal. Her spell is a wicked wicked thing.

>> No.8806135

Hopefully we get double GTA and double Spongebob (if necessary) next week. She can drop Dead Space. Shit’s boring.

>> No.8806136

Honestly TF2 is still going pretty strong. The game itself isn't in it's best state because of the reasons stated up above and more, but lifespan-wise? No real end in sight. A huge number of people still play TF2 and way more would if it got a real good fixing up.

>> No.8806257
Quoted by: >>8806483

image idea: beeg ame putting smol ame in the oven, which smol ame thinks is her new bedroom

>> No.8806483
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Quoted by: >>8806602 >>8806714

But why anon

>> No.8806602

the smol must fear the BEEG

>> No.8806700

I miss Trucker Ame

>> No.8806714
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Quoted by: >>8806766

Delicious smol ame flesh...

>> No.8806766
Quoted by: >>8808171

Does Ame become more powerful when she consumes her counterparts from other timelines?

>> No.8807287
Quoted by: >>8811612

Oh, i just remember that we should have the first edited video on tuesday

>> No.8807665
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Quoted by: >>8808197

>> No.8808171

Like Jet Li from The One?

>> No.8808197
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Quoted by: >>8832834

Based on Gura’s drawing, if you didn’t watch her stream

>> No.8808448
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Quoted by: >>8808975

>> No.8808975
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Is it, dare I say, Gurame hours?

>> No.8809489
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Quoted by: >>8809755

Shipping is just a different kind of tribalfagging

>> No.8809755
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Love... is discrimination. True love is: death.

>> No.8809939
Quoted by: >>8811291 >>8814072

I like Gurame and Iname. And AmeTori too. Rainforest needs some work.

>> No.8811291

Rainforest needs more love.

>> No.8811612

Thanks for the update Ame. Always appreciate it when you stop by the thread.

>> No.8814072
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ame should be in love with all her friends, holomyth orgy unity!

>> No.8815201
Quoted by: >>8815493

Everything is a matter of perspective, TF2 has a bigger player base than total warhammer yet tf2 is viewed as a shadow if its former self while TW is considered a runaway success

>> No.8815493
Quoted by: >>8815618

>there will never be a medieval 3 and if there was the fans would hate it

>> No.8815618

I believe anon - but warhammer 3 has to come out first, the circle must be closed

>> No.8816810
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>> No.8819043
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don't look at the feet

>> No.8819719
Quoted by: >>8820026

That frog detective stream was absolute kino. Ame's voices are so fun and I love it when she plays games that let her show it off. I missed the FPS Medley because of sleep reasons, how was it?

>> No.8820001
Quoted by: >>8820377

Got a timestamp? I want to see the bonking.

>> No.8820026

The usual, she's good at Overwatch, bad at Apex especially with 1060 barely can play it, & a bit of rollercoaster of emotion in Valorant.

>> No.8820269
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Quoted by: >>8820377

When OW2 comes out (whenever that is) there's potential for some more Ame x JP collabs. Every HoloJP and their mother will probably be playing that game.

>> No.8820377
Quoted by: >>8820644

It's at 1:49:11 based teammate put timestamps in the comment section
There's a good chance OW2 is never coming out kek but it would be fun to see ame play with her jp senpais.

>> No.8820644

>It's at 1:49:11 based teammate put timestamps in the comment section
I didn't expect her to say it like that. Kek, that gave me a good laugh. Thanks Anon and the teamate in the comments. You too Lucun, you were the goat at it.

>> No.8821225
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Quoted by: >>8826517

They're based

>> No.8821872
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Quoted by: >>8822373

Finally we got some decent jackos

>> No.8821905
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>> No.8822042

kek this reminds me of the teamate who made a hanzo skin since Ame said she liked him

>> No.8822228
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>> No.8822274

i love Shion

>> No.8822373
Quoted by: >>8826239

This is much better than that other one in this outfit.

>> No.8822654
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Quoted by: >>8823548 >>8824268

Rusian spam aside, I think #Amenews did a good job on reporting stuff so far. There's even that mysterious hole investigation.

>> No.8823548
Quoted by: >>8824268

I watched a fifty minute video about that hole ...

>> No.8824057

Im watching the Mor x Haachama collab and we really need another Ame x Haachama collab since the last one got cancel because of Haachama's break

>> No.8824268
Quoted by: >>8825288

The what now?

>> No.8824622
File: 126 KB, 800x1079, 1626647732503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is hot.

>> No.8825041
Quoted by: >>8825634

So I'm watching GTA5.
Damn your oshi is based.

>> No.8825156



>> No.8825288

The mystery mc hole that both kiara and irys fell into. Some autist made a fifty minute video investigating it.

>> No.8825295

A contingency plan. Nice.

>> No.8825634
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>> No.8826133
Quoted by: >>8826255 >>8826299

How was the frog game last night?

>> No.8826239

I think both are good

>> No.8826255
Quoted by: >>8829060

ame was cute. the game is unremarkable

>> No.8826299

Cute voice acting. It was like Later Alligator

>> No.8826517

Thanks for the kroame art anon, I've been trying to find new ones for my folder but can't seem to find a decent source
I really hope these 2 get drawn together more

>> No.8826550
Quoted by: >>8826759

The watch-along's in 11 hours right?
We have Bee Movie on Netflix here so I don't have to go looking for it this time.

>> No.8826759
Quoted by: >>8826794

That's what it says on the schedule but last stream she said it'd be at the usual time, 6pm EDT, so look out for that.

>> No.8826794

Ah yeah that's why I got confused. Schedule says 9 PM EST but I think she did say the usual time last night so I hope she clears up which. I'm fine with either though.

>> No.8827250
Quoted by: >>8827933

She got GMT and JST wrong in Bee Movie didn't she? I always have to transform from GMT or JST to my time zone, but both are different, and each one is different from PST-EST. I guess it's 1am GMT

>> No.8827567

this is it... TRUE SOUL

>> No.8827582

I can't wait for smol karaoke bros
My body is ready for more SOVL

>> No.8827657

Too bad it is a bit late for me, so I can only listen to it with headphones & not my main speakers.

>> No.8827797

The last one was super fun so I think this one should be just as fun.

>> No.8827925

I am very excite

>> No.8827933
Quoted by: >>8828290

I think she got it right for GMT actually, it's the JST she got wrong. For Bee Movie it's 2am GMT and 10am JST. What I do if I think something is off is convert one of the American times because she's less likely to get those wrong.

>> No.8828040
Quoted by: >>8828710

Wonder what she'll sing tonight

>> No.8828290
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I hate time zones

>> No.8828350

btw https://www.worldtimebuddy.com

>> No.8828663
File: 24 KB, 702x198, 1605070652211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8829663

Oh, sorry. I used PDT instead of PST

>> No.8828710
Quoted by: >>8828753

Chances on SSSS?

>> No.8828753

I could see that

>> No.8828839

Ame's cuteness has been incredibly high since her return.
With that, I feel like her karaoke will be lethally cute.

>> No.8829060
Quoted by: >>8829799

It really was. Ame was cute but the game was just a simple "go here, do this, talk to this animal" and that's about it. At least in the other short but sweet indie games there were things to do.
Still, it was short, and Ame was cute.

>> No.8829105
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Quoted by: >>8829174

>> No.8829174

Very kyut

>> No.8829223
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>> No.8829256
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>> No.8829476
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Quoted by: >>8829532

I miss Ame already.

>> No.8829532
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Quoted by: >>8829597

What a big baby. Are you a teamate or are you a baby?!

>> No.8829597

Teamate baby....

>> No.8829663
Quoted by: >>8829732 >>8829773

Also it's BST right now, which is on hour ahead of GMT. Timezones are really retarded.

>> No.8829712

Do you think Ame would be able to do such a choreography in 3D?
It would be amazing if she Ameway'd this

>> No.8829732
Quoted by: >>8829861

...Base Stat Total?

>> No.8829773
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Quoted by: >>8829861


>> No.8829799
Quoted by: >>8829935 >>8830068

She's great, it's probably a game she wanted to play and basically an extra stream when she didn't really have to.. it if she didn't want. Considering we also had the FPS medley a few hours after. This detective really does love streaming.

>> No.8829861

British Summer Tomato

>> No.8829935
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Luv streamin', simple as

>> No.8830068
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Any stream that gives Ame an excuse to be cute and voice act is a worthwhile stream.

>> No.8830454
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Quoted by: >>8830572 >>8830696

Apparently Bee Movie is gonna overlap with both Gura and all of EN2.
Jesus the overlap.

>> No.8830572
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, E90NbyQVgAEWxnZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8830662 >>8830696

I'm a goddamn teamate and I will watch the Bee Movie with Ame. Because I didn't see the whole movie and I don't understand the whole plot of it other than some guy was replaced by a Bee

>> No.8830662
Quoted by: >>8830696

Same, I'm just gonna watch Ame anyway, but man, trying to keep up with all of them is literally impossible.

>> No.8830696

I wouldn't be shocked if Ame moved the movie up to avoid overlapping the collab.

>> No.8830852
Quoted by: >>8830903 >>8830984

There's Smol Ame Karaoke after though. She might want to take it easy for a few hours before it.

>> No.8830903
Quoted by: >>8830984

I meant move the movie earlier so it's over before Gartic Phone starts.

>> No.8830984

She still has to clarify whether it's at the usual time (about six hours from now) or the schedule time (about nine hours from now)
She should be awake at some point in the next few hours though

>> No.8830989

She rarely moves watchalongs since people rent the movie on their way to work and she wouldn't want people to waste their money. She either outright cancels the streams really early or moves it to another week.

>> No.8831640
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Quoted by: >>8831705

>we will get art of bee Ame before we ever get art of Elastigirl Ame or Spider Gwen Ame

>> No.8831705
File: 924 KB, 977x1800, 1603682577133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8831761

>Spider Gwen Ame

>> No.8831761

Okay good, so we did get a Spider Gwen Ame.

>> No.8832609

I think I figured out what bothered me about the frog game.
The music was fine overall but there was like one part that I swear just used the most stock YouTube tutorial piano music and it took me out of it.

>> No.8832834

Ohmygawd falsies yaaas 10q gooRAH.

>> No.8832854
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I hereby declare this post as my dumping ground

>> No.8832901
File: 132 KB, 787x984, E1m1P20VEAAfWxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking blessed, thaaaank you

>> No.8833133
Quoted by: >>8833341

Based. Who needs Ame's forgotten highlighter when we have you, Anon.

>> No.8833341
Quoted by: >>8833418

I just do this when I have some extra time since I like having cute clips to revisit when Ame's not streaming for the day, usually not the case since I'm in the process of both job hunting and moving now.
Hopefully that highlighter gets on his ass and puts out some good compilations soon, would like to see that long overdue ordeal bear some fruit.

>> No.8833418

Godspeed anon, and thank you for the clips.

>> No.8833563

Thank you man

>> No.8833897

based and amepilled

>> No.8834252

