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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.87670196


>> No.87670214
Quoted by: >>87671445

No reservation for the return stream, but it's at 2 PM PT

>> No.87671445

Thanks Ina!

>> No.87674150
File: 113 KB, 1000x1100, FncHBXBaYAI8OwE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87674681

Cuddling with Ina...

>> No.87675850

>used this art for the thumbnail

>> No.87676475

literally me

>> No.87676736

takotime soon...

>> No.87676972

I would rather Ina collab with a Holostar than ever flirt with Mori on twitter again.

>> No.87677077
Quoted by: >>87679366


>> No.87677178 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>87679366

I'd rather Mori and the homos all die in a fire

>> No.87677197

Stop replying to yourself.

>> No.87677551
Quoted by: >>87677564

From watching the vods, I don't think i like her model update

>> No.87677564

watch streams

>> No.87677662
File: 258 KB, 1229x1600, guillotine-French-Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87677933

Prepare your guillotines, we are executing the japanese in 8 hours.

>> No.87677933

Easy there takito.
Ina has wives between the Japanese.

>> No.87677969

genociding all Japanese males would have 0 downsides

>> No.87678041

sorry anon, in this cult inaction is seen as treason. I don't make the rules

>> No.87678049
Quoted by: >>87678129

But Kuroboshi...

>> No.87678129

He's FGO female

>> No.87678213
File: 988 KB, 1500x1147, FMh1WmoacAA8dcW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InAme schizo here. I posted this from the ame thread and I'm posting it here as well. I made a Total Eclipse of the Heart cover with Ina as lead vocals and Ame as the duet. Don't ask me why I did this. I don't know myself. Used RVC and SynthV.

>> No.87678239
Quoted by: >>87680664

kill yourself

>> No.87678282
Quoted by: >>87685628


>> No.87678426

I am glad Bae has been feeding my Ina good food

>> No.87678464

Thoroughly disgusting.

>> No.87678527

death to shippers

>> No.87678560
File: 560 KB, 3000x1725, 20241018_072951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should smooch each other everyday

>> No.87678576

I hope she's still on track to go back after this trip home, she was having a lot of fun over there.

>> No.87678633

oh yeah she doesn't have to inhale ratwhore particles anymore

>> No.87678634
File: 427 KB, 850x1491, sample_e38c99dde0f1ef51156575967f24ce82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87685628

This schizo is alright.

>> No.87678730

Ina should end up moving with Bae, that would be the easiest, fastest and cheapest way of moving there

>> No.87678756

She also gets free AIDS, what a deal

>> No.87678928

Free miracle fried rice every day. What a deal!

>> No.87678932
File: 979 KB, 2000x3000, 20241018_074028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87685628

iname nation forever together

>> No.87678956

Directly living together isn't gonna happen but moving close to her would be pretty great

>> No.87678974

what's with all the tourists shipping Ina with whores

>> No.87679040

Yeah, they might not move in together but still makes me very happy that they hang out whenever close by

>> No.87679133

mmm finding somewhere "close" available for purchase would be a challenge itself depending on the area
also their economy is fucked

>> No.87679249
Quoted by: >>87681737

It's so fucking weird how food is really cheap in Japan but everything else is relatively expensive

>> No.87679297

They have a lot of the same needs (open to foreigners,easy transit to the studio, private or otherwise safe from stalkers), so it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up with similar areas to choose from.

>> No.87679357
Quoted by: >>87679444

considering bae posts herself online I think she welcomes stalkers

>> No.87679366

>least obvious samefag holo vs holo
Fuck Off vermin

>> No.87679396


>> No.87679413

>replying to the mentally ill instead of ignoring
go back retarded tourist

>> No.87679444

>I think
You really don't

>> No.87679586

In the scenario that Ina does move to Japan, she will definitely choose a place that's close by to Bae considering how often they talk

>> No.87679678
File: 141 KB, 1053x679, 1727880752123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87679681 [DELETED] 

make the raids less obvious brratcucks or deadcucks or whatever you are

>> No.87679733

Stupidly soft sugar cookies that that threaten to crumble into dust in your hands sounds really nice right now.

>> No.87679737
File: 3.65 MB, 1200x1200, 1714936565046989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I kneel before you Moom-sama

>> No.87679748
Quoted by: >>87679771

Why are promise fattening up my wife

>> No.87679771

They're called Promise because they Promised Fealty to Ina.

>> No.87679779
File: 670 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell is this?

>> No.87679814

Looks terribly unhealthy
I want some...

>> No.87679861
File: 12 KB, 93x84, 1702637997035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87681316


>> No.87680061
Quoted by: >>87681660

Ina could eat like 40 of these at once...

>> No.87680664


>> No.87680735

shit taste
not surprising though

>> No.87680767

mediocre as fuck
generic white bitches love them

>> No.87681132

Huh it quite literally is the bot that shits up other threads too. It loves using that format

>> No.87681223
File: 114 KB, 1200x402, 1703904191631815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87681280
File: 12 KB, 1500x1500, 1705023016126580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn... this girl never gets tired of getting rejected by my Ina...

>> No.87681316
File: 31 KB, 279x252, 1716653449065950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87681355
File: 562 KB, 800x800, 1728235910759038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87681386

What did she mean by that

>> No.87681386


>> No.87681421
Quoted by: >>87681463

I want to see Anya and Flare duel to the death for Ina

>> No.87681463
Quoted by: >>87681536

This but it should be mud wrestling.

>> No.87681536

This but tentacle slime instead of mud.

>> No.87681546

shooting her shot

>> No.87681588
File: 199 KB, 680x485, 1708181768816968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87681792

Flare retweeted this a few hours ago.

>> No.87681660
Quoted by: >>87681849

>The girl that splits a Subway into 3 different meals
> eat 40 cookies
Why lie ?

>> No.87681737

Forget about prices , Why are women so fucking obsessed with Japanese food ? Specially sushi ? What's the big deal of raw fish and plain white rice

>> No.87681779

women be... eating sushi, amirite!?

>> No.87681792

Cute, I didn't notice that underneath the pile of shill tweets.

>> No.87681816

Now that is really specific.

>> No.87681849
File: 3.60 MB, 1277x1809, Metal Friend launches nukes....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshly baked sugar cookies melt in your mouth and don't sate your appetite at all. The tactical advantage to this is overwhelming

>> No.87682569

Imagine been the guy that is plapping and will impregnate Ina's sister , Who is the popular girl at school hag version of Ina

>> No.87682668

why the fuck is shape trademarked?

>> No.87682802
Quoted by: >>87684019

Yeah, me

>> No.87684019

Yeah, that guy is me btw. >>87682802
And this is Ane'nis.

>> No.87684268
File: 337 KB, 2064x1874, takoamer18-1478429378375663616-20220104_131326-img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87685628

Appreciated, fellow schizo.

>> No.87684371

Yeah I don’t think Bluesky is a real place for chuubas to move to. There are way too many reuploads of old art when really, people should say a certain 3 words when it comes to numbers.

>> No.87684565

I know there's a good NTR joke with Bae's egg fried rice somewhere but I haven't been able to put it into panels.

>> No.87684645
Quoted by: >>87685628

Has Ina ever sang that song? Unarchived karaoke sometime?

>> No.87684832

did the ratwhore have a yab or something, why are brrats more annoying lately

>> No.87684879

>the brrat is shitting up both /HiRyS/ and /wah/

>> No.87684911
File: 2.78 MB, 1524x1794, kodak3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87685589
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, 【Unarchived Karaoke】 Karaoke Timeeeeeee-WRWSVjsoELw.mp4_snapshot_01.23.24_[2024.10.18_10.42.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87685628
Quoted by: >>87685849

Thanks guys.
Not sure. I don't think so. I don't remember.

>> No.87685849
Quoted by: >>87686117

Ah so it's an AI cover? It sounds good but I'm not really into that.

>> No.87685946

>AI shit
they're not even trying

>> No.87685991
File: 26 KB, 1008x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 seeders
>3 seeds


>> No.87686117

Yeah I set it up using SynthV (basically Vocaloid but better) and used RVC to change the voices.

>> No.87686319
File: 127 KB, 321x410, 1713049011769020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only AIs that I approve (I don't know if they're actually AIs but I don't care).

>> No.87686369


>> No.87686370
Quoted by: >>87686449

It isn't AI exactly, it's a voice synthetizer.

>> No.87686441
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, [20201009][Ninomae Ina'nis Ch. hololive-EN] 【UNARCHIVED】Karaoke Time!! (-u7jp3QHIjc).mp4_snapshot_01.11.55_[2024.10.18_11.05.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87686717

>> No.87686449
File: 16 KB, 326x347, 1705776180928820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they're smart and cute, and they're artificial, so in my book they are AIs. What's the point of a smart machine if it cannot also be a cute girl at the same time after all?

>> No.87686482

I hope our AI apocalypse is just Neuro fighting Evil over the last remnants of weebkind.

>> No.87686528

That's like calling your standard run of the mill text to speech an AI. The only difference is that Vocaloid has timbre and pitch control added on top.

>> No.87686623

nice try, Ina. I will never listen to vocaloid songs again, they peaked with Lost Time Memory

>> No.87686717
File: 46 KB, 610x824, 1716619356982667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87686749

Ina should sing I'm Yours again. Back then she was the cute and clumsy priestess, now she's a more open and cool nerd, and I love her even more than I used to.

>> No.87686749

Every couple weeks I remember her kino Unarchived Karaoke and wish she'd do some again.
I don't know why she got this idea that she doesn't know enough EN songs. She knows plenty.

>> No.87686812

Hi ina, if you could move takotime to 2-3 hours earlier just for the next 3 days that would be great. thxbby

>> No.87686959
File: 154 KB, 311x298, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo Ina, could you sing I am All of Me for my birthday in december? that would be kinda cool I think

>> No.87687159

All this talk reminded me I never watched that off collab unarchived singin stream with Ame and a bunch of other ENs
Time to remedy that.

>> No.87687816

4 hours left...

>> No.87688040
Quoted by: >>87688130

>supporting criminals
I thought you knew better than this, takochi

>> No.87688130

She stole my heart. I don't have a choice.

>> No.87689707


>> No.87691309
File: 298 KB, 496x900, 1713191605592393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87692120
Quoted by: >>87693678

Is Ina considered a kn*fe ear?

>> No.87692536
Quoted by: >>87693695

is Ina team werewolf or team vampire?

>> No.87693678
File: 1.47 MB, 1840x1840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87693695


>> No.87694309
File: 467 KB, 1125x1796, IMG_4931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a Friday
>On a day where everyone gets assraped by overtime
How do people look at Friday and think this is a good day for weeb things?

>> No.87694462
Quoted by: >>87695322

Hasn't the Round1 collab thingy been going for a while now?

>> No.87694597
File: 67 KB, 96x96, Dace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone gets assraped by overtime
not me bro

>> No.87694666

>Nearest one is a four hour drive round trip.
I hate shit that requires physical attendance.
Stream all events, sell all merch online.

>> No.87695322

It’s split into 3 weeks of updates.
First one was just the towels which don’t let you pick a singular girls.

>> No.87696242
File: 570 KB, 522x564, 1694557262665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys said Ina visits our thread sometimes?

>> No.87696298
File: 199 KB, 1428x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87696748

>watching random streamer play Nier Automata
>they refused to sacrifice their data to save someone
man... some people are just pieces of shit. That and not giving a positive message are two easy ways to identify someone as a piece of shit or someone who didn't care about the endings.
I am glad Ina appreciated the game, still one of her best playthroughs

>> No.87696621

Where do you live that Fridays aren't the chillest days of the week? Nobody fucking does anything on a Friday afternoon except rounding off the work week.

>> No.87696748

>Actually taking the bait
Anon... You know deleting your data is a genuine awareness check that you objectively fail if you agree, I hope?
>The whole point of the credit section is saving the save data from being deleted
>Delete it yourself anyway
>When a bit part of the narrative is how bad that is and how much it would suck for the characters in the story
>All for the computer patting you on the back and saying you did a good job while not actually affecting anyone positively in any way
Please play the game and pay proper attention this time.

>> No.87696760
File: 2.21 MB, 2980x4096, GaIjnCmXYAAOgJc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87696899
File: 103 KB, 962x910, Autistako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87697276

Don't care, it's about doing what is right and helping the weak. Also it's the fitting choice after getting the help and encouraging messages from other players

>> No.87696912

>I'll put a hairball in your throat Nyaa~

And then they kissed.

>> No.87697018

You were never funny Jerry

>> No.87697276

What's right, in the context of the story, is valuing those who sacrificed themselves to get you to where you were, unless you beat the credit section without losing anyone then just you sacrificing your own save would still be a huge net loss. Are you telling me multiple save files died so yours could live, and you waste that by throwing it away? That's not going what's right, that's doing what makes you feel good in the moment out of sycophantic altruism, rather than genuine care for what's right.

The whole game is about the veil of "doing what's good" versus actually doing good. You failed the final exam. I am going to drop the issue here though, don't want to make a mess in the thread more than I already have with this.

>> No.87697294
Quoted by: >>87697470

>while not actually affecting anyone positively in any way
this is what a sociopath looks like

>> No.87697332
Quoted by: >>87697379

>reddit paragragh from a pseud

>> No.87697345

the game was just about nice asses

>> No.87697379


>> No.87697419
File: 52 KB, 508x425, sandwichhorror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit paragraph

>> No.87697470

>Actually believing real people are helped by this
>Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary
Guess what? Believing convenient lies is also a bit theme of the game.

>> No.87697487

I believe this.

>> No.87697515
Quoted by: >>87697589

If you feed Cecilia a fish, would she die?

>> No.87697547
Quoted by: >>87697722

Your message and data literally shows up in other people's game to help them you fucking retard

>> No.87697563

I am too drunk to undestand your guys autism today. Can one of you make a metaphor involving Inas flat chest instead?

>> No.87697589


>> No.87697626

a2 should have been completely flat

>> No.87697722
Quoted by: >>87698095

>People show up to help save your files from being deleted
>Delete them anyway
>Think you alone replacing them isn't a huge waste of their sacrifice
>Think that the game system actually works like this, which can only be true if the overwhelming majority of players never accept the assistance or if the assisting players are never actually lost in the first place, making your sacrifice wasteful, redundant and useless all at once
You're not a very smart sort, are you? Do you think 2+2=refrigerator or something? How do numbers even work in your head buddy?

>> No.87697788
File: 29 KB, 349x642, 1708579485750466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87697791
File: 761 KB, 988x992, ninom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87698030

if you didn't delete your data you must have all of your skin and limbs removed.
deleting your save = preventing a random fanartist from drawing Ina with big tits
not deleting your data = removing Ina's flaps and making her tits bigger

>> No.87698030

>not deleting your data = removing Ina's flaps and making her tits bigger
goddamned subhumans

>> No.87698061

People who don't pay attention to stories and thus delete their saves are a cancer, like two lumps growing on Ina's flat chest.
People who pay attention and preserve their saves are defending the sanctity of DFC

>> No.87698068
File: 762 KB, 2565x4096, GaKuAQPagAA-RV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87698095
Quoted by: >>87698138

japanese people dont understand philosophy. anything youre noticing is simply coincidence.

>> No.87698138

>anything youre noticing is simply coincidence
it's made up head canon from a reddit sociopath

>> No.87698183
File: 37 KB, 650x328, takofork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's brain is being loud and you fools are arguing about Automata.

>> No.87698184

>If you're not an idiot falling for extremely basic emotional manipulation in a story that just spent hours warning you against that sort of thing then you're a sociopath!
>Le reddit!!
Convincing take!

>> No.87698205

Ina is thinking about it too

>> No.87698244

id like to nestle up in the folds of inas brain, personally

>> No.87698298

yo Ina are you ever going to play Replicant or is your collector's edition still accumulating dust?

>> No.87698398


>> No.87698430

>switching tactics

>> No.87698499
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, [20201217][Ninomae Ina'nis Ch. hololive-EN] Unarchived Karaoke + TAKOEATS Cookie Showcase Announcement!!_D0WBZ6RgmU4.mp4_snapshot_55.52_[2024.10.18_15.41.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87699336

DanDaDan cover soon
Ina will become the Japanese Rapper.

>> No.87699564

Ina is tweeting a lot more than usual, she's excited.

>> No.87699708


>> No.87699790


>> No.87699839

I feel like prison made her dopier

>> No.87699840

My Ina...

>> No.87699845


>> No.87699883

how new

>> No.87699895
File: 561 KB, 1280x718, sabah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the order Ina, I have the red button on my desk right now

>> No.87699964

RIP into them Ina

>> No.87700005
File: 205 KB, 500x336, aaaaahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87700018

Am late. Did she talk about the rest of her World Tour yet? Is it still happening?

>> No.87700047

Useless shits

>> No.87700070

Oh shit Ina's throwing cover under the bus the 4th trumpet is here

>> No.87700071

I can taste her anger

>> No.87700076
File: 319 KB, 815x979, 1713734514190114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly shits on the management
So fucking based.

>> No.87700091
Quoted by: >>87700381

Yeah, I get it Ina. Kyoani treatment it is.

>> No.87700159
File: 597 KB, 1006x982, a great reckoning[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjq6i8g.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87700385

that's it, I am going to fuckign kill them all, don't stop me

>> No.87700178
File: 128 KB, 1296x1390, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina
Kill intern-kun

>> No.87700188

How can management be so bad at their jobs.

>> No.87700199

I missed the first six minutes of the stream (including opening screen), did Ina say anything I should be aware of?

>> No.87700290

time to gut the fucker in charge of work visas

>> No.87700315


>> No.87700316

Literally worst case scenario holy fuck

>> No.87700350
Quoted by: >>87700834

My deepest hope is that whoever fucked this up is feeling the biggest shame ever at the moment, it's the only thing that could satisfy me.

>> No.87700358
File: 42 KB, 426x421, overwhelmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover Corporation and Hololive are fucking dead to me

>> No.87700370

jesus christ they actually fucked her over completely

>> No.87700380


>> No.87700381

Scratch that, Kyoani treatment is way too nice for them.

>> No.87700385

no one will stop you

>> No.87700404

Oh shit. Ina will make KyoAni2 happen

>> No.87700441

cover, what the actual fuck,

>> No.87700485

all that paid in advance material, like tears in the rain

>> No.87700489
Quoted by: >>87700705

With how careful she's being, it feels more like the government fucked up.

>> No.87700490

Seems to be tourist season here today.

>> No.87700495
File: 519 KB, 720x720, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme:

>> No.87700497


>> No.87700523
Quoted by: >>87700922

Can someone summarize?

>> No.87700537
File: 166 KB, 800x950, 22782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill japs behead japs drown nuke japs. LET HER IN

>> No.87700567

streaming while using a vpn wouldnt count as working in japan in my super professional law experience

>> No.87700613
File: 9 KB, 598x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even shit on the company fucking twitter won't let me

>> No.87700617

she should just stream for fun *wink wink*

>> No.87700622
Quoted by: >>87700701

>more letsplays

>> No.87700656
Quoted by: >>87700770

any normal person would sue or quit a job if they fucked you out of thousands of dollars and a significant amount of work and refuse to reimburse you.

>> No.87700691

This is actually a good thing, that way we don't lose her to JP bros, her moving to Japan and all.

>> No.87700701

its a lot better than no ina

>> No.87700705

Does it? To me it sounded like it was the company or their lawyers, some retard in government would be a possibility but it feels a really small one.

>> No.87700708

and now you understand why Aqua quit
fuck Cover

>> No.87700770
Quoted by: >>87701126

Yeah okay they'll just go take up all those other jobs that make you rich from playing games.

>> No.87700782
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, VIOLENT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8me2vo.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subhuman managers, subhuman company, subhuman country, behead them all

>> No.87700794

>Stutter Hill 2 shills in Ina's chat

>> No.87700834
Quoted by: >>87700951

I would usually act nice if an intern fucked up or something, but this time around Ina specifically said she did everything she could, which means her AND her managers probably were ignored. Therefore I hope whoever is responsible actually gets fired or heavily demoted at least.

>> No.87700877
Quoted by: >>87701235

I dunno, I feel like if it was as simple as "we forgot to file documents, visa expired", she wouldnt have mentioned law speak coming up and not knowing how to explain what is happening to us. That would be a pretty straight forward situation.

>> No.87700890
Quoted by: >>87701038

It really shows that the basement dwellers here do not know jack shit about work visas/permits

>> No.87700903

Great she's using this as an excuse to not stream for the rest of the year.

>> No.87700922
Quoted by: >>87700992

Her work visa is still fucked but she's already paid for so many plans in Japan she's going back and will have to go radio silent again. We get maybe two weeks of streaming and she's going to record extra stuff to air later. 3D live is likely delayed.

>> No.87700925

She really is mad isn't she?

>> No.87700945
Quoted by: >>87701057

She said multiple times there's nothing she could have done. If it was management she could have gotten on their ass about it up to and including personally strangling Yagoo until it gets sorted. If it's the Japanese government it's over.

>> No.87700950
Quoted by: >>87701133

She is literally not legally allowed to, that isn't an excuse you animal.

>> No.87700951

>gets fired or heavily demoted at least.
this but also beheaded

>> No.87700966

She is trying her best not to seethe on stream otherwise the shareholders are going to kill themselves

>> No.87700992

How long is she in Japan?

>> No.87701034

>chose going back to japan over takos
its so fucking over

>> No.87701038


>> No.87701057
Quoted by: >>87701257

But if an intern fucked up and the visa expired no amount of strangling yagoo will help.

Seems like it'll be at least 2 months.

>> No.87701111
Quoted by: >>87701257

likely through the end of the year, that was her original plans at least so likely she has stuff booked through then still

>> No.87701116

even in Japan mamanis wouldn't leave Ina alone

>> No.87701126
Quoted by: >>87701229

i am sure she is looking with far greater interest in how dobby does than she was a few weeks ago.

>> No.87701133

She could stay home and stream but no she's going back to Japan where she knows she can't stream.

>> No.87701178

So let me get this straight....she's the ami ami ambassador and yet she can't actually do any work when she's in Japan? And she also pissed money....out of pocket for whatever she has in planned and not getting it back either? Essh. Poor Ina

>> No.87701184

She's not going to graduate like any other loser that gets hit by this. She's a champ.

>> No.87701195

If it was the company I'd like to think they'd have at least offered to reimburse her for whatever she was out of pocket, but that's probably putting to much faith in Cover.

>> No.87701227

how about watching the stream anon

>> No.87701229

Who? Go back retard

>> No.87701235
Quoted by: >>87701840

That's just faffle. She isn't allowed to just say Cover screwed up her visa paperwork outright.

>> No.87701249
File: 9 KB, 225x225, kuroningen [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frf4mdu.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, way to kill your employees' motivation jut after she tells her fans she loves being here.
I hope this company fucking stops existing right now and all their employees kill themselves

>> No.87701257

Christ that's... bad. At least she has her other work.

>> No.87701271
Quoted by: >>87701516

>Just cancel your end of year plans and throw away the thousands it cost you and everyone else.

Nah, retard.

>> No.87701276

>Talks to dead people
Ina would be a perfect ally for the police. A shame they deported her.

>> No.87701285
Quoted by: >>87701403

I see a lot of shitposters in the thread, but the ones who unironically think she should cancel everything to stay and stream are the most retarded. She literally spent months and a fuck load of money planning it all, cancelling it would be a disaster.

>> No.87701291
Quoted by: >>87701402

but anon, ina is one of their employees!

>> No.87701312

Fuck it I'll say it. I hope she streams once in a while as Not-Ina while she's there. It's so unfair to everyone involved That is not cover or the government that she stuck like this through no fault of her own.

>> No.87701356

so did they forget her COE or what
those take 2-3 months

>> No.87701371


>> No.87701403

I'll miss her a lot but I could never ask her to do that, especially if she's taking the effort to hook us up with Past ina.

>> No.87701402

not for much longer after I make sure this trash company goes bankrupt

>> No.87701411

Okay calm down kiddo. You should be grateful that you have something to watch when you get your fat ass home from work.

>> No.87701421

Oh so Ina was the one who wanted to name her

>> No.87701422
Quoted by: >>87701639

fuck that cunt
she didn't post nudes

>> No.87701455

Spidersex when?

>> No.87701459

>I'm putting effort and care in it
Is Ina really capable of love?

>> No.87701463

So Japanese people deal with this crappy bureaucracy their whole lives?

>> No.87701470
File: 82 KB, 960x540, 1620683813686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87701490
Quoted by: >>87701675

"What's your Oshi mark" Did she just leak her mane is / was a Vtuber too?

>> No.87701516

Those end of year plans are already shot since she can't work.

>> No.87701526

the japanese ruined japan
yes, unironically

>> No.87701543

She is, but only with me.

>> No.87701563

Kumomane is one of the good ones

>> No.87701565

Every person of every country deal with retarded bureaucracy at some point in their lives.

>> No.87701570

ina fucked her frustration into the cum o matric

>> No.87701593

Blame this on the misfortune of your birth

>> No.87701632

Gurren Lagan is overrated trash, Ina

>> No.87701638

Okay now it definitely smells like BS

How the f is visa preventing her from using social media??
She is definitely shadow terminated.

>> No.87701639


>> No.87701647

I thought the ass drilling was a bit weird in gurren lagan

>> No.87701653

They aren't all work, and not all work-related plans count as work.

>> No.87701668

eww Ina breathed the same air as whori

>> No.87701675


>> No.87701708

all the managers are trash, Ina just wants us to remain calm

>> No.87701721

imagine the dmv in the US but 3x worse and that's every department you need to go to in Japan to get anything done.

>> No.87701730


>> No.87701758

get spiral'd

>> No.87701772

Nothing Japanese about it unfortunately. Bad bureaucracy is worldwide.

>> No.87701771

There is ZERO reason for Cover to be the one fucking her over, her not working means her not making them any money. Even if one of their people were the ones to fuck up the visa they'd want it resolved quickly, but thats not how bureaucracy works.

>> No.87701778

Maybe those plans don't count as work if the content isn't released. Similar to how past Ina doesn't count.

>> No.87701787

im putting you in the blender with management

>> No.87701789

So Irys is next in line...


>> No.87701796

Bae is retarded, Ina

>> No.87701802
Quoted by: >>87701868

Oh damnit I missed the first half hour. Someone said she can't stream for the rest of the year, fuckin wot? What actually happened, or do we still only know it was a visa fuckup?

>> No.87701840
Quoted by: >>87701963

pretty much, you can tell shes fuckin annoyed but it is what it is, idk what some of these takos are goin on about though wanting her to cancel her and her moms plans
i mean considering she explained what the issue was before this stream through other methods, id say she at minimum appreciates us
jap autism is insane, using her vtuber account is considered work

>> No.87701868
Quoted by: >>87701988

She's going back to japan like she originally planned but she won't be able to work there.

>> No.87701877

She still gets them merch. And at this point, Holo is all about merch and ads - they stopped caring about streams.

>> No.87701878


>> No.87701924
Quoted by: >>87702044

a WORK visa retard, anything she does as "Ina" is considered working. You don't fuck around with work visas or you get deported and they ban you from coming back for five years.

>> No.87701929

This is probably going to blow your retarded little mind apart, but I'll try and make this easy for you.
Ina's job is performing AS Ina. This includes tweets made in character.

>> No.87701945
File: 140 KB, 492x483, weird tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to resort to animeshit because the situation is so fucking grim
I am genuinely pissed as fuck bros, I need to release my anger on something

>> No.87701951
Quoted by: >>87702693

I wonder if moving to japan would simplify things in the long run or if this completely turned her off of it. She seemed super motivated and I unironically think its good she can actually see people irl every few days instead of being holed up but it sounds like a shitshow.

>> No.87701962


>> No.87701963
Quoted by: >>87702096

So how did she used it before going to Japan the fitrst time?

Dude, stop eating copium, something is def not aligning in her testimonies.

>> No.87701965
File: 2.14 MB, 3507x2480, __ninomae_ina_nis_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_guiyu_nocaudal__7240df6b8039c8a796e85eee2e077dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeat reporting in, heard what happened and I wanna say I hope every single intern or bureaucrat responsible for this big of a fuckup is (at best) fired and has their name run through the dirt

>> No.87701975

Her account has a checkmark so there is a big chance that is monetized. Those 40 dollars per month are really screwing us.

>> No.87701988

Oh I see. Can't really blame her for that if the company screwed her over.

>> No.87702007

They don't need a motive to be incompetent. She just said that she would have raged against the upper management so the problem is obviously with them.

>> No.87702021

>forced vacation
her prison sentence hasnt been finished...

>> No.87702030
File: 260 KB, 1200x950, Wolf_1629167634676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87702128

Run deadbeat, the schizos are here.

>> No.87702035
Quoted by: >>87702118

fuck off kekbeat

>> No.87702044

How. Did. They. Worked. Before. First. Japan. Visit.
Are you literally retarded?

>> No.87702090

>How. Did. They. Worked.

>> No.87702096
Quoted by: >>87702259

ESL-Kun stop sperging out about your retarded fantasies.

>> No.87702109

without you the rest of the year may as well be horse shit... literally meaningless

>> No.87702118


>> No.87702128


>> No.87702134


>> No.87702166
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1719777115921200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate her being in the spotlight for things like this because the worst catalog-tier retards and Ken-samas are adding up to the usual thread schizo now.

>> No.87702179 [DELETED] 

disgusting cucks shilling their pink whore while Ina is having a bad time, kill yourselves

>> No.87702184
Quoted by: >>87702396

>Fails to ask a coherent question
>Calls people retarded
??? You do know that's not an actual proper English question, right? Nobody is going to understand what the fuck you're even trying to ask there you retarded fuck.

>> No.87702183


>> No.87702190
Quoted by: >>87702458

They. Were. Physically. Not. On. Japanese. Soil.
Holy brainlet. Why do you even care if your mind can't process basic shit?

>> No.87702197

ham fisting your keyboard aint gon get ina her visa

>> No.87702205

Thanks, friend. We can only hope.

>> No.87702209

>I missed you guys too
for the record, she was missing me specifically

>> No.87702224

I'm trying to parse your ESL so do you not understand that visas aren't permanent can expire?

>> No.87702234

fuck off subhuman cover shill

>> No.87702259

What retarded fantasies?
They didn't need japan visa to debut as Myth from USA.
And up until visiting Japan - they didn't have one (at least some of them def didn't).

So how come they need it now, huh?

>> No.87702270

Offtopic but if any of you ever find out where the usual schizo lives, just his city, let me know asap

>> No.87702304

>Ina shows up on a Double Strike
Brb calling my dad to play some bowling at the Round 1.

>> No.87702305
Quoted by: >>87702354

What, why?

>> No.87702324
Quoted by: >>87702704

Holy shit he is just retarded, move along everyone nothing to see here.

>> No.87702325

I'm not in the secret services, tako.

>> No.87702340

There's a difference between a couple weeks and 6 fuckin months.

>> No.87702341

Ina trying to murder the management and Kumomane holding her back

>> No.87702351

You don't need a work visa to work in your country of residence, dipshit.

>> No.87702354

Violent plans

>> No.87702368
File: 76 KB, 512x512, 1619452857001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You smile and are full of hope, Ina. I can't understand how you do that.

>> No.87702392

Bruh... what the actual fuck are you saying? Can you just fucking go google how visas work instead of shitting up the thread, it's enough of a mess without your retarded ESL rambling.

>> No.87702396 [DELETED] 

>>Fails to ask a coherent question
>>Calls people retarded
>??? You do know that's not an actual proper English question, right? Nobody is going to understand what the fuck you're even trying to ask there you retarded fuck.
> Anonymous 10/19/24(Sat)00:35:26 No.87702190▶
>>>87702044 (You)
>They. Were. Physically. Not. On. Japanese. Soil.
>Holy brainlet. Why do you even care if your mind can't process basic shit?

I asked you a question, moron.

Did they have Japan visas when Myth debuted, in the midst of pandemic?

They didn't visit Japan until like second year or so.

So how dod they used twitter back then?
I swear to god, you guy are just fucking idiots.

>> No.87702406

Ina wasn't working in Japan. And for the rest, you don't know what they did and didn't have for visas.

>> No.87702458

So Ina is going to be on Japanese soil, without visa?

Since fucking when visa's work like that?

>> No.87702466
Quoted by: >>87702485

what the hell happened here

>> No.87702484
File: 37 KB, 404x248, flaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87702553

what was the point of this ambassadorship?

>> No.87702485

it's a bot

>> No.87702491

??????? Bro what the fuck are you even saying? What do you think visas are??

>> No.87702508

Christ, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.87702521
File: 783 KB, 661x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87702527

>the nonsensical and polemic shitposter
Probably the worst kind. Do you really want to spend your day doing this?

>> No.87702533

A WORK VISA is required to WORK.

>> No.87702552

>So how dod they used twitter back then
They used twitter while in North America. Not in Japan. They don't need Japanese work visa if they aren't in Japan. Does that answer your question?

>> No.87702553

Paying Ina to go to the r18 floor

>> No.87702554

You need a visa to work in japan. If you aren't in japan, you don't need the visa. This should be obvious for people with working brain cells. As for the people in japan, yes they had visas because that's how it works.

>> No.87702581
Quoted by: >>87703213

Let me help you out:
Ina's real life body outside Japan -> No need for Visa to work.
Ina's real life body inside Japan -> Needs a Visa to work.
She'll still go to Japan but using a tourism Visa or something like that, but because that document is different from a work Visa, she's not allowed to work while she's there or she would be violating immigration law.

>> No.87702593

She will be there with a visa that doesn't permit work.

>> No.87702598
Quoted by: >>87702688

Ryza game are so fucking shit Ina...

>> No.87702615

PLEASE stop biting that bait, you're all better than that.

>> No.87702626

stop responding to the bot you retards

>> No.87702649

No we aren't but I wish we were.

>> No.87702683

If you are hired by a Japanese company and you are in the US or Canada, you need the ability to work in that country. That is default active for citizens of that country. When she goes to Japan, she needs a work visa to work IN Japan because she is not a citizen of Japan. Being physically in Japan and working is not allowed without a work visa. A work visa is different than a tourism visa.

>> No.87702688
Quoted by: >>87702818

Ryza is pretty sex though
Thicc thighs save lives

>> No.87702693

I honestly hope it turns her away from the ide - it's honestly getting a bit frustrating seeing more and more of the 'English' talents going "lol, moving to Japan".

Like, what the fuck is the point of even having an 'English' branch, if all your 'EN' talents just end up moving to Japan anyway.

>> No.87702701

Takos please let me know what keyboard Ina is using

>> No.87702704


Stop talking to yourself, moron.
I know English good enough to comprehend your stupid non-answers.
I am not from ESL, btw - two tries left. Shot it.

>> No.87702727

I know nothing about visas, but how long would it take to unfuck the visa issue?

>> No.87702735

she is using the most ugly capybara keyboard available in the market

>> No.87702738

dude they could have been issued a work visa by cover because they are working for cover. It's like when you do an internship in a foreign country and you do the paperwork BEFORE going.

>> No.87702757

We are harebrained

>> No.87702759
File: 28 KB, 330x275, takopudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever see some big ass wall of texts just pass you by and you're just like man I'm sure glad I don't give a shit about whatever's going on there

>> No.87702762

The streaming times certainly end up being fantastic if you live in the EU, though. Provided they change them, that is.

>> No.87702792

It turns out that they speak English and lose less time traveling

>> No.87702794


>> No.87702795
Quoted by: >>87702890

I'd feel bad if he really is that confused. Sorry for responding though.

>> No.87702801
File: 741 KB, 800x800, 1638132210303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, what the fuck is the point of even having an 'English' branch, if all your 'EN' talents just end up moving to Japan anyway.
A branch that speaks in english.

>> No.87702816


>> No.87702818

Thicc thighs are the only assets she has though

>> No.87702827

all the time

>> No.87702831
Quoted by: >>87703401

Motherfucker, I'm NTA but here, for the final time.
A toruism Visa allows you to enter the country.
A work Visa allows you to WORK in that country.
You do NOT need a work visa to work from a country where you are a citizen of, regardless of who hired you.
You DO need a work visa if you are NOT a citizen of that country and you want to work IN that country.

Ina can do work from Canada. Ina cannot do work from Japan.

>> No.87702845
File: 12 KB, 605x204, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87703077

I tried to look for the figure in AmiAmi and I got this lol

>> No.87702848

You're a funny guy

>> No.87702873

everyday brother

>> No.87702890
Quoted by: >>87702969

He's not, I call those nonsensical shitposters, they just purposely spread nonsense to create discussion. It's like talking to a wall.

>> No.87702926
File: 29 KB, 947x947, 1717426304171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love not reading

>> No.87702945

she's gonna move to Japan so this never happens again

>> No.87702969

I know, but Hanlon's razor though.

>> No.87703007

Post dope pictures NOW (please)

>> No.87703019

I fucking hope so because if something like this happens to her again I might unironically go full schizo

>> No.87703020
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, 1626060152136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87703461

I don't want her to move to japan but I want her to go to where she'll have the best opportunities for what she loves doing, and that is japan.

I can only cope by being happy for her.

>> No.87703024
File: 69 KB, 285x399, 1706891513003592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want...is normal Takotime...and more streams...

>> No.87703059

>Canada is shit
yes we know, Ina

>> No.87703063
File: 65 KB, 266x389, 2021-09-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Raora and Ina are getting along great, I hope we get a collab drawing stream with the both of them Mumei can come too

>> No.87703064
File: 398 KB, 603x613, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87703077

which figure was it? I just caught that it was atelier

>> No.87703084


So if make videos for US company like Youtube - I need a work visa in USA, huh?

What the fuck are you saying?
She works at home - so she doesn't need work visa in Japan to do it.

Work visa implies you reside in that country.
But she is at home now.

>> No.87703095

>$20 for 3 days of food
You can live with $1 for a sods and $5 for a singular burrito, right anon?

>> No.87703102

I lost my folder of dope pictures in a fire, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.87703103
File: 119 KB, 836x715, 1666848881823004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it this way
Chances were very high that Ina would take a bigass break after her japanese trip.
Now, she's taking her break during her japanese trip.

>> No.87703116

I feel like this is the final straw for her decision on moving, no matter the answer

>> No.87703142

I paid like $30 for lunch yesterday

>> No.87703163
Quoted by: >>87703286

anon she still needs some sort of longer term visa to stay in the country...

>> No.87703168

good train of thought and probably accurate

>> No.87703169
File: 54 KB, 361x361, seisako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now apologize to me for shitting on the japanese

>> No.87703172


>> No.87703181

and then she has to go back to japan AGAIN, to make up for the time lost...

>> No.87703213
Quoted by: >>87703452

they can easily circumvent this by moving ina to the US branch and she can do whatever in japan lol

>> No.87703215

I'm not poor, so no

>> No.87703220
Quoted by: >>87703415

But once she gets the visa resolved she's gonna go back to Japan immediately and she'll have to catch up with work so she won't be able to stream.

>> No.87703250
Quoted by: >>87703320

thats the problem anon. cover is probably asking talents to come in person more to do more idol shit rather than just letting them staying in their come countries and stream all day

>> No.87703286

What Holo would Ina marry to get her green card?

>> No.87703293
Quoted by: >>87703415

the thing is... she has to go to japan again in april/may for her personal work, so she is going to spend a lot of time there next year too

>> No.87703315

Japan sure sounds like it'd be a lovely place if you're a rich internet content creator. I'd prefer to have gone in the 80s so I'd be the only foreigner there. Seeing some other white person there, I'd feel robbed. I'M meant to be the foreign gaijin here.

>> No.87703320

>idol shit
go back to the catalog

>> No.87703334
Quoted by: >>87703476

The entire purpose of a VISA is to enter a country, retard.

>> No.87703356

Mirin' those tako gainz

>> No.87703384

Ina should crush my balls with her hands

>> No.87703385
Quoted by: >>87703529

I only have a day left in my month long workout program and I don't know what to do once I'm done

>> No.87703395

>So if make videos for US company like Youtube - I need a work visa in USA, huh?
If you WORK for Youtube, and you are not a US Citizen, and you are trying to make videos IN the US, yes.
Youtube is not a job dipshit. Making videos FOR a corporation is.

>She works at home - so she doesn't need work visa in Japan to do it.
When she is home, yes. When she is in Japan, no.

>Work visa implies you reside in that country.
You actual fucking retard. It means you are doing WORK IN THAT COUNTRY. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT A WORK VISA IS.

>But she is at home now.

>> No.87703398

can this slut stop seducing me please

>> No.87703401

>>>87702704 (You)

I got you, bro. Calm down.

I assumed that Ina wouldn't go to Japan if it implied such restrictions.

So final question then - why the fuck is she planning to go to Japan then?
She is willing to be restricted from work, then, I assume?

I listen to stream, and I am still confused.

>> No.87703415


That's not a problem honestly. If she's working and happy I'm happy, I was worried about her burnout due to the extreme work she's been doing, and a long vacation looked inevitable.

I just hope next year her shit's sorted out.

>> No.87703426

you're wasting your time, the response you get will be deliberately obtuse. pls stahp

>> No.87703437
File: 3 KB, 234x246, it's ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point I can't even trust Ina's PT's words, he might just be gaslighting her to keep his job

>> No.87703444

I'm going to not kill myself if I see the word visa one more time

>> No.87703452
Quoted by: >>87703727

True, I wonder what kind of bureocracy bullshit would that entail though. I also don't know if work visas are better in the long run when people don't fuck up.

>> No.87703461

This might be a retarded question, but could she not simply get a dual citizenship so she can live in Canada and travel to Japan for work no problem?

>> No.87703476
Quoted by: >>87703642

Holy shit you are stupid.

>> No.87703515
Quoted by: >>87703737

The reason she wants to move to japan isn't any visa issue, it's the convinience of not having to travel half the world every time you need to do something.

>> No.87703528

>I listen to stream, and I am still confused.
Obviously not, she said she already paid for the trip so she's going to use it by going back to japan to essentially vacation time with her mom over there. Jesus Christ brother

>> No.87703529

repeat the program with added weight or reps

>> No.87703540
Quoted by: >>87703653


I figured it out, bro. Thanks, I really wasn't shitposting.

>> No.87703543
Quoted by: >>87703624

>So final question then - why the fuck is she planning to go to Japan then?
Because she planned this trip months in advance with her family. You'd know that if you watched the fucking stream.

>She is willing to be restricted from work, then, I assume?

>> No.87703566


>> No.87703607


>> No.87703624


Then I probably missed that part. I joined only at ~22 minutes.

>> No.87703642
Quoted by: >>87703730

here's some reading for you

>> No.87703649

How difficult is to get a dual citizenship in Japan? I think that's the question you are looking for anon. (I also don't know but I assume it's difficult because japan bureocracy)

>> No.87703653

I'm going to give you one last piece of advice.
If you don't understand something, and everyone is telling you that you are wrong, instead of arguing with them, accept that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. This is why people are yelling at you: Because you are both wrong AND insisting that you aren't wrong.

>> No.87703675
Quoted by: >>87703843

She literally stopped talking about it like 18 minutes into the stream brother, why were you arguing about shit you skipped

>> No.87703677

I can squat 100 pounds on each side, Ina maxing out at 15 is a sight I really want to see. I’m so jealous of her sensei…

>> No.87703687

Ina womanhandling with her tentacles

>> No.87703692
Quoted by: >>87703811

Ina's slightly muscular back...

>> No.87703691

guys i question, I always watch lostsa stream. all of them. I is not am ESl
Does ina lika de raisin cookie

>> No.87703707
Quoted by: >>87703811

Japan does not allow dual citizenships

>> No.87703725
Quoted by: >>87703868

squating if for faggots who want to have ass and women

>> No.87703727

nothing, because on paper she works for a company outside japan.

then she can just get a long stay visa for her other job if she wants to stay in japan.

>> No.87703730
Quoted by: >>87704177

>What Is a Visa?
>What Is a Travel/Tourist Visa?
>What Is a Work Visa?
The first three sentences on that page. You're retarded.

>> No.87703737

Fair. Maybe Cover needs to set up studios outside of Japan if they haven't already, then

>> No.87703766

you can practise planking as my ironing board ina...

>> No.87703805

Ina can ride me for longer

>> No.87703807

After they set up their shop in the US next year I imagine that'd be the next thing to do

>> No.87703811

Incredibly slender and slightly muscular Ina!

Let me tell you a little secret: a lot of countries require you to abandon your citizenship to get theirs, but most countries also don't accept your abandoing of your visa that easily, so you end up with a defacto dual citizenship either way.

>> No.87703813

That wouldn't fix the problem of working IN Japan.
So long as Cover is incorporated in Japan, visas will be required.

>> No.87703843

>>>87703624 (You)
Well because I skipped it?

I was trying to get info.

Cause hoping that I would get anything out of YT chat would be even more moronic from my side, wouldn't you agree?

Its just some miscommunication.

>> No.87703850

I'm sure Cover will be more successful at securing work visas in random foreign countries than they are in their own

>> No.87703856

all this talk about exercise has put me in mood for a pizza

>> No.87703868
File: 109 KB, 288x327, 1710272869467091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your weak chicken legs before posting stuff like this.

>> No.87703881

It's simply not convenient outside of japan because of how spread out the EN branch is. You'd still be traveling half the world to do stuff.

>> No.87703908
Quoted by: >>87703987

>raisin cookie
Anon no mames, how is she going to have a child cookie and make it grow, you raisin babies not cookies hermano en cristo

>> No.87703918

fuck this, i am going to get my dumbbells out and start that 3 days a week exercise routine on monday

>> No.87703916

A problem we've had since the Covid days Anonchama

>> No.87703923
File: 1.88 MB, 498x280, 1725136166297725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incredibly slender and slightly muscular Ina!

>> No.87703951
File: 179 KB, 1074x1278, shutthefuckupaboutyourfuckingvisasretards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys, fuck your visas. I fucking wish I was at the Round1 if it wasn't so fucking far away so I don't have to listen to you retards

>> No.87703987

I kek'd, the spanish made it hit a little bit stronger

>> No.87704006

Ina is alive!

>> No.87704033


Im not ESL, blyat, pliz beliv me

>> No.87704090
Quoted by: >>87704345

Ina moving around on my dick with her newly built grip muscles...

>> No.87704129

I used to feel invigorated by exercise then one day I just felt like shit afterward and it was all down hill from there...

>> No.87704170

What's she saying aaaaaaa

>> No.87704169

ina please stick with speaking English only thanks

>> No.87704177

You are indomitably stupid. You do not need any type of VISA if you are not entering the country. Read the shit.

>> No.87704185
File: 2.09 MB, 2648x3480, yeahme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ching chong ching chong speak english subhuman you are using Ina's chat

>> No.87704187
File: 48 KB, 222x357, 1658299654000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only takodachis with a valid void-issued Tako Visa can post in this thread from now on

>> No.87704190

Life really is that simple huh

>> No.87704192

cute Ina

>> No.87704210

It's begun Ina is only going to talk Japanese little by little now

>> No.87704212

let's get you to bed grandpa

>> No.87704216

Nihon no purotiin folded over a thousand times.

>> No.87704245
Quoted by: >>87704415


I heard that you can remotely abandon citizenship (right before getting new one) - but that country may or may not respect it, so formally you may still remain their citizen from their point of view.

>> No.87704294

>not made in Japan
>Made in Japan folded a thousand times

>> No.87704312

That wasn't me, bro D:

>> No.87704323

>sudden eop seethe

>> No.87704340

great now shes gooing to turn into bae and IRyS and speak jp every 30 seconds...
i hate japan

>> No.87704344

the japanese are so weak their protein probably has estrogens on it

>> No.87704345
File: 61 KB, 666x308, 1701696305231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me training Ina some more!

>> No.87704350

I always have a decent workout routine, then
>I skip it for a week or 2 due to vacation
>Try again and struggle a lot
>Dont exercise again for 3-4 months

>> No.87704415

I have a dual citizenship exactly because of that, lawyers told me not to worry because renouncing my birth nationality like that wasn't valid anyway and no one cares.

>> No.87704416

this but unironically

>> No.87704417
File: 63 KB, 216x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87704424

Ina. Is. Entering. The. Country.
Ina. Is. Going. Back. To. Japan.
I am done replying to you.

>> No.87704442

I sincerely hope that aren't anyone who can speak only English on this board
Like even some SEA or obscure Euro language is still good

>> No.87704506

>aren't anyone
yeah you def esl

>> No.87704512

>even some SEA
kill yourself

>> No.87704576

>at least 6 hours
wow, combined with staying up until 4/5am, she's not going to be doing herself any favours in the long term

>> No.87704606

>Ina. Is. Entering. The. Country.
>Ina. Is. Going. Back. To. Japan.
>I am done replying to you.

That is actually what I was trying to find out, cmon

I knew how visas work, so I got butthurt of 4chansplaining them to me - and then it just went ballistic, you know.

>> No.87704612

The brownest of hands typed this.

>> No.87704658

What's the word I'm looking for....屌你老母

>> No.87704681

>even some SEA or obscure Euro language is still good
cuck languages don't count and yes japanese is a cuck dying language

>> No.87704711

We're in agreeance I can't keep track of who is who.

>> No.87704729


>> No.87704803

EOP and proud

>> No.87704825

damn, Ina...

>> No.87704874
File: 666 KB, 1240x1240, __shiranui_flare_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_sasaki_glass1138__180e415040a4c9bf0852808a6f301d92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My box!

>> No.87704892


>> No.87705559

Name 5 things superior to thing (Japan).
