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File: 1.33 MB, 4096x2892, 1728534542708558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
87150450 No.87150450 [Reply] [Original]

Not a cult

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1844185991097004474

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide divorcees. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>87117239

>> No.87150462


>> No.87150687
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: (you) made a promise

>> No.87151233
File: 179 KB, 11x20, 1725092852532994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87152183

>> No.87151597

wow these retard filters are putting in overtime

>> No.87151986
File: 412 KB, 1787x1903, GXCsrBAaAAALCWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.87152183

Holy shit SyadouInspect
Everyone watch your steps!!

>> No.87152851

why are there so many dramasisters posting about shondo lately
also why is the 5'7 bit like, this world-ending insult apparently
t. non-regular viewer

>> No.87153096

Shondo collects a lot of antis, for whatever reason. Some of them are schizo former "husbands" and some are just political opposed or anti-loli.
Their activity ebbs and flows. I don't think there is any particular reason for it now, probably just opportunistic because Shondo has been involved in a couple dramatic episodes recently.
As for the 5'7" thing, it's one of the few places where Shondo's model doesn't match up with her IRL self and she glosses over it. All the regulars know that, it's not a big deal

>> No.87153269

i just dunno why its this big gotcha
guess im not female-brained enough

>> No.87153325

i don't mind that she's 5'7, that's still pretty small. but having a 6'6 gigachad bf does make me feel some type of way.

>> No.87153603
Quoted by: >>87153640

>that's still pretty small
I'm 5'2". I want to look at up my spindly, sickly, girraffe of a childwife.

>> No.87153640


>> No.87154492
Quoted by: >>87163589

>one of the few places where Shondo's model doesn't match up with her
dont forget the boobs

>> No.87155733
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, 1688268915068616[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87166050

i love you shondo

>> No.87156548

i think you're ok shondo

>> No.87156598
File: 13 KB, 847x695, 1697805408936063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo is perfect
don't bother replying

>> No.87156880
File: 1.78 MB, 1055x1079, 1716529859135578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87156945

I just think its really funny to point out that she had to remove the mirrors off her room else she would have a melty every time she would look at herself, its not that deep
Shes not even /here/ anymore

>> No.87156945
File: 1.02 MB, 1163x939, 1697052212338610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87157318

>anti posts right after i post
you're very sad y'know
that's a lot funnier than her t bh

>> No.87157318
File: 229 KB, 500x500, 1722942819358603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87157433

not everything is about you + didnt inquire + take two of these with water and tell me how you feel tomorrow morning

>> No.87157433
File: 762 KB, 2267x4096, 1718107757505009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not everything is about you
and now you gaslight like that wasn't exactly why you made that post
you're sadder than a schizo woman, by a lot, no wonder you try to tear her down so much
average anti poster
at least you make it easy

>> No.87157682

shadow is as neurotic as troons about being small and feminine

>> No.87157969
Quoted by: >>87158047

bee nise
especially today

>> No.87158022
Quoted by: >>87158047

what's special about today? isn't november the bad month?

>> No.87158047
File: 2.87 MB, 1900x2683, 1703908545321719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially today
that's the reason why they're gonna work overtime ;)
it's quite interesting once you start noticing
trying too hard

>> No.87158258
Quoted by: >>87158439

i'm only /here/ i don't know why today is special

>> No.87158439
Quoted by: >>87159047

it's special because it's a "safe day" for your mother and her time is running out ;)

>> No.87159047
Quoted by: >>87159316


>> No.87159119

that insult(?) contradicts itself, also weird because shadow is infertile

>> No.87159316
File: 757 KB, 1116x1200, 1712481788316574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i'll explode alright ;)

>> No.87159363

Reminder that shondo asked us to be more gentle with her this week, as she may be getting some bad news, which has put her on edge

>> No.87159447
Quoted by: >>87159527

>>87159363 (me)
The news probably being about shadowmama

>> No.87159508

Shadowmama will be fine
After all, i did those handstand pushups

>> No.87159527
File: 331 KB, 1193x2048, 1706575526322950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the dinnerbell for the people who aren't nise or genmtle and intend to manipulate and hurt her
so when the anti posting increases (as it has recently) keep this in mind

>> No.87159540


>> No.87159693

your mom is about to experience menopause but today she will not get pregnant ;)

>> No.87159745
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x2000, 1711115871873259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad ;)

>> No.87160138

weird new angle gary

>> No.87161669
Quoted by: >>87161801

Thread dead why?

>> No.87161801

the thread is dead because it got taken over by schizos

>> No.87162627
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1687710431762099[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87162739
Quoted by: >>87162792


>> No.87162792
File: 159 KB, 1079x1349, 1722954916910948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down chris

>> No.87163320


>> No.87163589

Don't forget the dick too. The model doesn't have one but shadow has a pp irl.

>> No.87164229
File: 94 KB, 1284x271, IMG_3497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god for this miracle

>> No.87164438
File: 1.81 MB, 3000x2000, 1715032859303388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all believers: (you) manifested this into reality, thank you, sincerely, i love you
to all doubters and antis: kill yourselves, unironically, and be reborn, i love you
captcha: MDXWM (idk what this means, find your own meaning)

>> No.87164615
Quoted by: >>87164759

not surprising the religious schizo thinks you can manifest cancer away

>> No.87164655

God's "miracles" are always so convenient. Maybe slaves in modern poor countries or sex trafficking victims just don't believe in God enough?

>> No.87164734

if your life sucks it's only because god is testing you, even though she knows everything already

>> No.87164759
File: 288 KB, 1566x2048, 1710330021754891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87165502

i'm not religious
unironically who knows? they could be.
the sin is the punishment and the punishment befits the crime, perchance
my life has worked out so far, as bad as it's been, i'm agnostic
this but maybe unironically (idk)

>> No.87164884

religious, spiritual, superstitious, it's all magical thinking

>> No.87164907

consciousness is magical so i don't see your point

>> No.87165019

that would mean being schizo is a buff

>> No.87165073
File: 81 KB, 828x818, 1697822938415575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well my wife is the most perfect human i've ever met and i'm the second most, and i've been referred to as schizo (though i'm more schizo-adjacent) so that makes sense actually
picrel, me & shondo

>> No.87165142
Quoted by: >>87165479

The next good news will be Gary and Tuffy being rangebanned, hopefully.

>> No.87165479

God put them on this Earth just to be a menace in these threads, sorry oomfie.

>> No.87165502

Thank you my Lord my God for listening to my prayers, those handstand pushups had assured me already, so this only works to reinforce my faith
God allows certain evils to take place for the greater good, His perspective is wider than anyone can imagine
This is true and it's talked about often in the bible

>> No.87166050

I needed a new to me wallpaper, thx

>> No.87166571
File: 434 KB, 800x800, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87166879

Discord Update: the news wasn't bad.

>> No.87166631
File: 2.59 MB, 5000x4000, 1718452199541935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you guys for at least telling me the important stuff <3
thank you <3 <3 <3

>> No.87166774


>> No.87166879

anti behaviour

>> No.87166890
File: 42 KB, 462x50, 1707932268957712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKA forgetting about permabanned divorcees

>> No.87166982

There was no drama over the weekend but she was still trending over the manager stuff please be comfy today please be comfy today please be comfy today

>> No.87167042
Quoted by: >>87173479

syadouPray to the lord of comfy and maybe he will bless this stream.

>> No.87167083

2022 was the last time it was comfy

>> No.87167088
File: 1.16 MB, 5000x4000, 1709688669201693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87167155

be nise
please don't anti for once !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
treat her well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok only anti a little as a treat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not greedy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please spoil her today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.87167113

she can't help but generalize groups of people so it'll keep happening

>> No.87167123

Stop spoonfeeding from the Discord, if people want to read it they can join it.

>> No.87167155
Quoted by: >>87167201

draw her getting raped

>> No.87167184

Why did your BF having whore of an Oshi get Chromuchromu banned?

>> No.87167201

idk drawing (you) feels like cuck art
eventually i probably will desu
it's on the list i suppose shogga dw
feel free to suggest more stuff too, my commissions are free

>> No.87167467
Quoted by: >>87167617

She has repeatedly insisted that you don't "need" to be a tall gigacha but it's pretty clear that she wants to feel like a little girl so she definitely prefers taller dudes and probably dudes who lift.

>> No.87167617

5'9 shon soldier of love reporting for duty

>> No.87167739

Sorry you must be atleast 30 years old and 6' to advance to the next stage of the trials.

>> No.87167743
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1728576834976295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks really cute today.

>> No.87167839

why did she go back to the donkey ears

>> No.87167870

to make me happy and to make you seethe

>> No.87167917
Quoted by: >>87168322

>neosky saying he is 12 and a half in chat
Well, if you want to get rid of him...

>> No.87167920

>shondo talking about coal digging
dewd having the time of his life rn i'm sure

>> No.87167960
File: 188 KB, 1198x1080, 1726102431851719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute

>> No.87167980

if he was gay he would like your boylike body

>> No.87168053

why is she so weird today

>> No.87168139

oh so you cant be british if youre black? fucking racist

>> No.87168144

2nd black NTR joke in 10 minutes

>> No.87168187
Quoted by: >>87168236

>black person mentioned
>must be NTR
why are you so gay

>> No.87168219

What's going on in your head that this was ntr

>> No.87168236

American syndrome

>> No.87168282
Quoted by: >>87168324

Neosky was suspended??

>> No.87168317

lmao one of you cunts actually reported him?

>> No.87168322

Aaand retard got banned kek

>> No.87168324

he was lmao

>> No.87168360

>knowingly breaks rule
>gets banned
lol who cares

>> No.87168373

why did tuffnar report neosky

>> No.87168415

>breaks only twitch rule that is universaly known to always result in an automated ban
>right after she specifically says not to do it

>> No.87168456
Quoted by: >>87168532

>chat will be 6% slower today
oh noooooo

>> No.87168480

It's an autoban. People have made videos about how easy it is to ban lots of people by tricking them into saying it.

>> No.87168491

finally a readable cha
so much better now

>> No.87168508

let it be known that twitch said you will be immediately and permanently banned for making sexual comments about minors

>> No.87168532

Today my Amazon stocks will go up 10 points thanks to them not having to pay for all his bandwith

>> No.87168564
File: 2.03 MB, 5000x4000, 1718276172300921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't i kind of like neosky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's annoying that he gets away with stuff but he's cool so i won't snitch he's cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.87168573
Quoted by: >>87168670

Neosky got banned and the chat is still garbage. Weird!

>> No.87168670
Quoted by: >>87168727

because he's still chatting in it on an alt

>> No.87168694

If rules are finally being enforced then being sexual or saying sexual remarks towards the streamer is banable Smile

>> No.87168708

is he retarded ?

>> No.87168727
Quoted by: >>87168779

Lol you're right. He's neosky8 now.

>> No.87168736

Not Shondo? Dont care

>> No.87168742

its against twitch TOS to say that youre under 13, shit has always been enforced

>> No.87168750

It's not banable, it's only banable if the streamer bans them for it and they keep being sexual, if she streamer doesn't ban them twitch can't either

>> No.87168779

you can report for ban evasion xdd

>> No.87168793

>opposite of my type
uh oh gingers

>> No.87168813

why is neosky trying to make this stream about himself? why isn't the mods banning him for vibe breaking?

>> No.87168854

thats only bannable if the streamer tells you not to do it

>> No.87169134
Quoted by: >>87169612

she made the leech a vip

>> No.87169167

>I'm gonna befriend them all
>Unless they have a manager then I will attack them for no reason

>> No.87169204
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1701351676744687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not what happened
lil bitch (nisely)

>> No.87169218

t. seething groomer

>> No.87169341
File: 53 KB, 544x246, 1697372029552089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can really tell he's SEA. he's so fucking low iq lol

>> No.87169407
Quoted by: >>87169474

shondo you just make like a trillion dollars from shumos cant you just give her money yourself?

>> No.87169474

why do you refuse to watch streams?

>> No.87169511
Quoted by: >>87169558

Technically we are giving money to the snow leopards since she could have saved that money instead and then she wouldn't need donations to give her kids a christmas. Money is mutable.

>> No.87169558

how much does she give to the snow leopards (not the groomers)

>> No.87169612
Quoted by: >>87169998

Made me worried it was AmeliaLovesShondo for a second

>> No.87169674

Sayu collab imminent

>> No.87169726

I’m a loli

>> No.87169830

Thats nice
Unless you're shondo i dont care

>> No.87169895
File: 580 KB, 854x838, 1726067668799989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Shondo! I'm watching your stream right now!

>> No.87169998

it was camila but yeah that would’ve been bad

>> No.87170140

yeah no, i'm gonna keep hating retarded degenerate whores with no morals. you don't have to behave and act like that just because a line is blurry. her old feminist self is shining through lol

>> No.87170348

>Your honor, it was my clients birthday

>> No.87170378
Quoted by: >>87170395

>Until Dawn
is she playing the remake or the original?

>> No.87170395
Quoted by: >>87170449


>> No.87170397

Shon i love you but your ban literally happened because you were cunny pandering. Yeah its not fair and other vtubers get away with worse but dont pretend you didnt know what you were doing.

>> No.87170405

>D keeps calling Zeph a cheater and outing him

>> No.87170449

Shame. Oh well.

>> No.87170456

yes shondo, these things add up

>> No.87170468

>bringing others down to make himself look better
woman behavior. im noticing

>> No.87170499

>From well over a year ago
This sounds like a giant hit piece

>> No.87170511

Or they just checked the reports?

>> No.87170528
File: 194 KB, 1778x1725, 1710119146114136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87170658

stop taking credit for me calling zeph out dewd, he just can't help himself from copying me
worse, he's copying my woman behavior
but zeph is objectively an anti who only comes around to confront her after divorcing so you do the math

>> No.87170529

>Get reported
>They check other reports
>Grr this is a targetted abuse of power they hate me
>The admins hate me!!!
Shondo please

>> No.87170530

But it makes her laugh.

>> No.87170625
Quoted by: >>87170706

she isnt attractive when she goes off like this about shit she doesnt understand

>> No.87170658
Quoted by: >>87170691

the fuck are you talking about divorcee lmao

>> No.87170691

i'm not divorced
anyway i'm just saying i'm fag who was being gay for zeph (anti) hope this helps

>> No.87170706

The formal tone for shit she doesn’t understand just makes her look dumber lol

>> No.87170760

I'm proud of her for eating

>> No.87170831
Quoted by: >>87170886

>dewd gets chromu banned out of spite because zeph had the audacity to not be a happynodder

>> No.87170886
File: 2.87 MB, 2591x3624, 1721952785965155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay if dewd did this i forgive him for this instance sorry shogger my bad king

>> No.87170933

Smile i would never

>> No.87171051

definitely not deranged behavior shoggers

>> No.87171145

She's in one of those moods again, isn't she?

>> No.87171174

does that mean its ok that i think that immigrants should all be repatriated immediately shondo?

>> No.87171221

chudbros our response?

>> No.87171292

room temperature iq takes

>> No.87171297

>it doesnt affect me

>> No.87171367

the more confident she gets the more wrong she is

>> No.87171442

Typical lower class person. "Uhhh my vote doesn't matter bro it doesn't make a difference it doesn't affect me!" then 5 months later: "WTF!!!! Why did my social security change! Why did I lose access to this service! How could they do this?!!"

>> No.87171516
File: 117 KB, 567x440, 1727206979812904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87171608

reminder none of you know what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to politics because you don't do anything beyond headlines and twitter and whatever youtube channel you subscribe to

>> No.87171535

wow, it one thing to not want to bring politics up on stream and hold a neutral stance. however this take is just straight dumb.

i hope the day doesnt come when she HAS to care.

>> No.87171608


>> No.87171640

yes shondo you're so oppressed move on from the topic please

>> No.87171652

Weird zatsu today. Just play the game already.

>> No.87171655

>it doesn't effect me
>people are judging me based on what I find attractive
She's very close to realizing it does effect her

>> No.87171666
Quoted by: >>87171747

>amerilards talking about how their votes matter
just as much as all those mexicans getting imported through the border without documentation? KEK

>> No.87171672

moment like this really crystallize the fact that only men should be able to vote and that womens suffrage was a mistake and exists purely to pit half the electorate against the other in their own homes
1 household = 1 vote inshallah

>> No.87171692

lol'd irl

>> No.87171731

>doesn't care about politics
>will derail chat for 20 minutes and counting to talk about politics and how little she cares
You really can't take the 4chan out of her

>> No.87171747

every woman who voted for republicans in 2016 found out their vote matters after the republican nominated judges decided to repeal roe vs wade and states decided to start taking away their reproductive rights

>> No.87171754

Not even watching today and I already she’s stirring shit by being too autistic to express herself correctly.

>> No.87171774

So what shes saying is theres a chance for me cheers

>> No.87171808

She is such a pickme

>> No.87171908
Quoted by: >>87171975

she must have insane daddy issues

>> No.87171918

>likes ugly men
im so in bros. sending in my manger application right now

>> No.87171927
Quoted by: >>87171945

VERY generous self estimate there

>> No.87171945

bee nice

>> No.87171956

is that why she pretends to be into fat guys too?

>> No.87171958

At least shes self aware

>> No.87171975


>> No.87172002
Quoted by: >>87172055

Thats why you should show your sexy body more shondo so I wont have to look at other girls

>> No.87172055
File: 553 KB, 2267x4096, 1699469553363759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172086


>> No.87172060

She does realize every actor she's said was hot has also been conventional attractive, just not the pretty boy type

>> No.87172086

I'm trying to explode to her sexy body yes

>> No.87172128

every actor has been a 9 or 10 and many of them on roids

>> No.87172142
Quoted by: >>87172368

Good many women are against the murder of children. Not enough of them to be allowed to vote though imo

>> No.87172199

It's interesting as well because shes said shes not attracted a lot of the men who should be attractive according to her stated tastes

>> No.87172237
Quoted by: >>87172368

Reddit is down the hall and to the left faggot

>> No.87172254

>thread talks about how she’s a 6/10
>next stream she says she’s a 6/10
hmmmm im noticing things hmmmm

>> No.87172284
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1715592471300333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread = one dumb nigger
yeah i'm noticing she gets baited too easily soemtimes

>> No.87172285

She literally said she found Chris hemsworth hot recently though

>> No.87172341
File: 137 KB, 773x1440, GU8j1fbW4AAaC1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi thread reading Shondo. You're a 10/10 to me

>> No.87172368

women haters

>> No.87172378

Shondo's using lilys voice changer thats so wholesome!

>> No.87172426

that is basic women psychology. they all say they are 6 or 7 and then their friends tell them that theyre a 10. she isnt here

>> No.87172434
Quoted by: >>87172614

Shondo your thighs are nice and fuckable. The best looking thighs I’ve seen in my life I want to stick my cock between them.

>> No.87172474
Quoted by: >>87174785

stop pointing things out you fucking anti

>> No.87172556

He's the closest thing to a viking if you think about it

>> No.87172594
Quoted by: >>87174785

I remember her saying that’s why she thought he was hot

>> No.87172614
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2892, 1713963218358142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a coomer, but yeah

>> No.87172634
Quoted by: >>87172663

shondo i mean this in the nicest way possible but stop being a retard and reading negative shit and taking it to heart, repeating it a day or two later. you're getting baited by SEAniggers and troons

>> No.87172663
File: 281 KB, 1686x1137, 1723245371459542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually no most antis are regulars and husbands of the fake variety

>> No.87172685
File: 1.09 MB, 410x520, fucking take them [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdmi5b4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172877

She isn't here, your weird bias to recognize patterns that do not exist is not a source.

>> No.87172753

ironic post

>> No.87172788

Hi thread reading nose powdering shondo!

>> No.87172831
Quoted by: >>87173005

shondo's voice is very soft and demure today.

>> No.87172877

yeah, most are if we're talking day to day but the past week brought all the part time antis out
that's nice shondo, but what i'm saying is still right

>> No.87172952

shondo must be taking a massive shit

>> No.87172985

women don't poop

>> No.87172991

Bet it smells alright

>> No.87173005

not really she wasnt very nice to listen to when she went on a rant for no reason

>> No.87173006

yeah on my chest

>> No.87173071

you were expecting a trauma dump today, it was just a regular one

>> No.87173349

shondo if youre in the thread we need a twin peaks zatsu in discord

>> No.87173473

>Completely flat chest
>Sets her voice to 'Male'
>No difference
Oh no

>> No.87173479
Quoted by: >>87173547

That's a dead god, and as shown in the book of kings by the prophet ijaiah, where baal(a dead/pagan god) is easily defeated by the God of Israel Yahweh(the true living God), dead gods have no power and will not answer you

>> No.87173547

Your god is from a fairy tale made by jews for jews.

>> No.87173556

did she break her filters? she sounds robotic in the high pitches

>> No.87173620

she sounds normal at 2x speed is there a way to speed it up to 3x?

>> No.87173635

He who says there is no God is a fool and his deeds are evil

>> No.87173704

But oli said not to do things to fuck with your pores who do I listen to for skincare advice

>> No.87173722


>> No.87173774

>shadowmama tells her she is too honest
at this moment i am infact laughing out loud in real life

>> No.87173792
Quoted by: >>87173831

The Jews of today are the Pharisees that Jesus told to fuck off

>> No.87173831

This is unironically true

>> No.87173952


>> No.87173962

>qte let's you walk right up to a deer and pet it while it looks at you
>"if you fail the qte you will draw attention to yourself"

>> No.87174068

comfy is never coming back

>> No.87174110
File: 166 KB, 451x542, shonbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will. Just bee patient.

>> No.87174117

That's because you prayed to a dead false god

>> No.87174172

>Mike can't have two women
>She can have a million husbands

>> No.87174204

Gaming is dead

>> No.87174241

standard woman behavior

>> No.87174263

So why did shadow do this to another streamer again?

>> No.87174327

>this is just like what happened to me in school!
>do people really do things like this

>> No.87174338

idk why did you do it

>> No.87174341

The “bad news” she was scared of getting was p*ro dying in the hurricane but she got confirmation that he’s alive so she’s happy.

>> No.87174346

She was ranting to her husband(me btw) and she's a woman
Hope this helps

>> No.87174400


>> No.87174411
File: 233 KB, 740x1123, 1710498357129134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are too good at this kek

>> No.87174464

why are you replying to yourself

>> No.87174467

this isn't the first time she shittalked someone so her fanbase attacks them.
she did it with cake, rucaco, and the animator for her transition screen
just to name a few off the top of my head
she knows the consequences of doing so from past experiences, and proves that she does it on purpose by repeating this behavior

>> No.87174478

you've been pushing this rrat on /lig/ for over a day and now you're here to try to push it

>> No.87174522

don't poke holes in her pity party stories

>> No.87174554
Quoted by: >>87174656


>> No.87174615
Quoted by: >>87174727

don't care, none of us attacked chromu or anyone else. also she shouldn't have put the commission off for a year and ghosted her then shondo wouldn't have said anything

>> No.87174656

godfather watchalong and pre-redebut talk, if you're new, it's fine, archives are public

>> No.87174671
Quoted by: >>87174898

ignore this guy he is a schizo from /lig/. last night the schizo arguments went from the chomu shondo 'drama' to instantly being about para instead

>> No.87174684
File: 60 KB, 768x1024, 1717538968682206m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87175151

I'm writing an essay on the shitter on my phone because I'm running out of time on an assignment and I wasted 2 hours watching the zatsu(worth it)
Am I cooked

>> No.87174727
Quoted by: >>87174838

>she didn't do it
>if she did, it wasn't her fault
every time

>> No.87174785

preasu understando husbant, she has bad memory and can not help but (unintentionally) lie

>> No.87174818
Quoted by: >>87174868

Genuinely kys betamale

>> No.87174838
Quoted by: >>87174986

she didn't send anyone to attack chromu and her messages were warranted because she was waiting for over a year and got ghosted. both completely separate things you illiterate retard

>> No.87174868

>being an alpha male is when you force women to have children
stick to watching andrew tate videos chud

>> No.87174898
File: 468 KB, 978x1011, 1711866385822131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Ignore the schizo trying to cause beef between Shondo and Chromu.

>> No.87174984

i already told you, dewd got chromu banned and sent the emails

>> No.87174986

you can't be this clueless, you're actually new

>> No.87175014

cant tell if shondo would be pro-life or not and that’s worrying
shed say shes pro-life but i feel like if a barbie or shadowmama got an abortion, shed say it was the right thing for them to do

>> No.87175032
Quoted by: >>87175261

Abortion is child sacrifice to the idol that is your self
You kill a child(your own) for your interest
God hates to have His children sacrificed
Hope this helps

>> No.87175053
Quoted by: >>87178195

I don't know why you retards try to fight against the fact that what shondo did evidently caused chromu to release the picture and complete her commission
it's just a fact that it happens, you guys trying to deny it happening just fans the flames of drama when it's just something that happened, get over it

>> No.87175069
Quoted by: >>87175340

shondo is a feminist so she is obviously pro bodily autonomy but she would never abort her own child because she is desperate to be a mother

>> No.87175118
File: 524 KB, 1068x1204, 1708875090273302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are ya'll hoes even waffling on about????????? watch the stream???? bitcH???????

>> No.87175148
Quoted by: >>87175172

Talk in chat

>> No.87175151
Quoted by: >>87175219

imagine lil shondo begging to pee (you locked the door) "daddy please let me go!" as she shakes her hips slowly

>> No.87175163

she's pro choice
she herself said she would get an abortion of she was pregnant because she would value her life too much to go off meds to bring the baby to term
and even if she did go off meds, she personally said she would kill the baby in a manic state without her meds
willing or not, she's killing the baby

>> No.87175165

im a divorcee and i cant talk :c

>> No.87175172
Quoted by: >>87175269

shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.87175217
Quoted by: >>87175306

thats old info

>> No.87175219

The toilet is out of order shondo but I can help *opens mouth*

>> No.87175222

Nah I'd protect the baby

>> No.87175261

Her and filian called babies parasites so idk about that

>> No.87175269
Quoted by: >>87175319

this kind of behaviour is why she doesnt give you a pity like on your “fan”art btw

>> No.87175293

after i win shondo will be having multiple children with me and she will only need to go off meds for a couple of months each time while strapped to a bed to protect her from herself and i sit alongside her the entire time

>> No.87175306

it's relevant info that wouldn't change because it has to do with lifelong meds, it will never change, and she will never be sane without meds

>> No.87175310

Shoggers, would you put Shondo in a mental ward under constant observation and care if it meant the baby could be born?(via caesarean, of course, there's no way a natural birth would work)

>> No.87175319
Quoted by: >>87175424

you said that last time

>> No.87175340
Quoted by: >>87175420

>im suuuuuuper traditional guys
>im not trying to be a pickme or anything

>> No.87175361

>and she will never be sane without meds
She will because I will heal her

>> No.87175367
Quoted by: >>87175444

she said she would only give birth normally and that she wouldnt get a c-section
she will be seeing a better doctor and getting some new meds

>> No.87175368
Quoted by: >>87175504

Why did they make it daytime in the remake?

>> No.87175420

this may be a surprise to you but women had abortions before the 20th century

>> No.87175424
Quoted by: >>87175456

thats my first time ever interacting with you and this will be the last
you are banned and muted and will stay as such for the rest of your pitiful life

>> No.87175444
Quoted by: >>87175483

no anti-psychotics and anti-depressants of any kind is allowed during pregnancy
you're coping.

>> No.87175456
File: 671 KB, 960x1234, 1700459457382203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bye

>> No.87175483

the only one coping here is you
coping that shondo isnt going to give birth to many children (im the father)

>> No.87175494
Quoted by: >>87175607

I'd hug her tightly and not letting her go for most of the day until it's time for her meals, at which point I feed her and take her to the powdering room if she needs to
Then get her in bed and sleep while holding her
Rinse and repeat for 9 months

>> No.87175497
Quoted by: >>87175587

your newness is showing, white knight

>> No.87175504

Until Dusk

>> No.87175533
Quoted by: >>87175587

people were fucking goats before the 20th century too? is shondo okay with goat fucking now? absolutely halal if so.

>> No.87175537 [DELETED] 

rtx has exactly the same facial features as I do like 1:1 I realized I only need some females and with enough tries I can make a shon of my own

>> No.87175587
Quoted by: >>87175663

you can still be a tradwife if you support abortion

>> No.87175607

Or like
Pay for a surrogate mother
That could also work

>> No.87175618
Quoted by: >>87175713

women will never directly fuck over their friends, they get other people to do it so they can gaslight them if they get called out

>> No.87175631

That's gay

>> No.87175637

>rtx has exactly the same facial features as I do
goofy lookin nigga lmaoooooooooo

>> No.87175663
Quoted by: >>87175825

you have no idea what a tradwife actually means because the only impression you have of it is through tiktok trends

>> No.87175713

be nise :)

>> No.87175760

she said she wouldnt do that. she will be naturally birthing many children for me

>> No.87175825

You're just a chud who thinks being a trad wife means that the woman has to give up all of her bodily autonomy to her husband and become a breeding sow other than when she is in the kitchen. Fucking piece of shit incel.

>> No.87175840


>> No.87175859

She said she wouldn’t want this. I hope she changes her mind because they would still be genetically ours and I do want to have children with her but I don’t want to lose her.

>> No.87175890
Quoted by: >>87175974

You’re a faggot who doesn’t understand the point of marriage.

>> No.87175893

drop your links, maybe I'll watch you instead, woman

>> No.87175957

Wrong site

>> No.87175973

Good afternoon Shondopolis!

>> No.87175974

>Marriage is when the Based Alpha Man forces the Woman to give birth to children for the rest of her life
Grow up, incel.

>> No.87175998

this is bait

>> No.87176017

Marriage is when two come together to become one, thus decisions should go through both and so should information

>> No.87176068

Neosky got banned?

>> No.87176106
Quoted by: >>87176214

yes, then he made an alt

>> No.87176110

This is the second time in this stream she’s said something sus about 9 year olds

>> No.87176126

marriage is when one girl pretends to be in a relationship with 176000 men on the internet hope this helps

>> No.87176166

Imagine basing your vote on slaughering children while having wars on 2 fronts growing into world wars you should genuinely troon out and cut off your dick sincere advise :3

>> No.87176214

thats ban evading… why hasnt he been banned yet?

>> No.87176223

By twitch

>> No.87176243
Quoted by: >>87176329

everyone you can vote for is going to send money to ukraine so i dont see what murdering children has to do with that

>> No.87176245

why do religious people have such chud opinions on everything

>> No.87176252

They also act like trump gives 2 shits about abortion lol

>> No.87176253

because you havent done anything about it, bitch

>> No.87176275

Report the ban evader, make the chat a better place
Fuck around and find out

>> No.87176279
Quoted by: >>87176621


>> No.87176313

kings keep winning
kneel to them

>> No.87176329
Quoted by: >>87176365

*send money to *israel
which is the land of my wife’s people so win/win for us

>> No.87176365
Quoted by: >>87176558

I kneel before my King and Lord Jesus Christ
She's european Jewish

>> No.87176393

… neosky cantt help himself. kinda sad actually

>> No.87176397

I wouldn't call being called out for black posting again "winning"

>> No.87176427

hes still gonna be number one on shonstats lol

>> No.87176477

love it when shondo talks about politics even after saying on stream and twitter that she hates politics and "never talks about politics" and "is never political"

>> No.87176481

Gary I said to stop spoiling the stats, I don't care if it's obvious

>> No.87176521

shes too dumb to develop a good opinion on politics anyway.

>> No.87176534

you dont have to be gary to know he spams the chat

>> No.87176557
Quoted by: >>87176621


>> No.87176558

>She’s European jewish
What do you think modern israelis are? Brush up on your post-WWII history.

>> No.87176565


>> No.87176583
Quoted by: >>87176647

she hates drama and politics and BPD women

>> No.87176621

you’re not using this meme correctly btw

>> No.87176637


>> No.87176647

maybe we should stop trusting a self-harming suicidal girl about her views on the world

>> No.87176655
Quoted by: >>87176806

shondo is based and by based i mean she bases all her opinions on whatever other people tell her so when she gets with a rich old man in real life (me) she will just vote for whoever i tell her to

>> No.87176668

I literally don't know what they are talking about

>> No.87176798


>> No.87176806

>bases all her opinions on whatever other people tell her
only after arguing, ghosting, and objecting your opinions for half a year, then saying she formed these opinions on her own

>> No.87176870

i can't tell if she's always been this similar to nep or started after the hiatus

>> No.87176944

yes she is a woman

>> No.87176947
File: 891 KB, 982x1440, 1715010568517718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit and piss

>> No.87176983

shondo is a hollow husk who absorbs personality traits and opinions from the girls around her before tossing them aside when they no longer serve a purpose for her
sort of like her lore

>> No.87177194

It's lore for a reason

>> No.87177316
Quoted by: >>87177501

lilyhops needs to tell shondo that trans rights are human rights and transwomen are real women

>> No.87177394
Quoted by: >>87177485

move on fleece

>> No.87177485

it's scary how many things he said about her turned out to be true

>> No.87177501

The Bible calls transgender people and crossdressers abominations in the eyes of God

>> No.87177538

I wanted to question her voting attitude then I realized women shouldn't be able to vote and she's so smart she realizes it instinctually

>> No.87177586
Quoted by: >>87178345

satanists worship a trans devil or something called Bafumat or something. checks out

>> No.87177617
Quoted by: >>87178345

That's the old testament bigot

>> No.87177621
File: 16 KB, 229x217, 1658854439823948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87177718

>The Bible calls

>> No.87177675

what does the bible say about liars?

>> No.87177698

Lying is a sin

>> No.87177702
File: 267 KB, 1161x2000, 1727473566248886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bratty kid needs to be taught a lesson :anger:

>> No.87177718
Quoted by: >>87178220

You’ll be facing the wall in a few months heathen

>> No.87177745

I didn't expect any grudge from her or anything but I am still happy she talked about chromu's banning despite people trying to incite discord between them

>> No.87177759

ok but what about liars who believe their lies are the truth?

>> No.87177780
File: 27 KB, 112x112, syadouWiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87177944

wiggly gang we need to reclaim our throne this month step the game up

>> No.87177808

shondo has a 16 year old ongoing grudge with her old classmates

>> No.87177824

It’s weird she didn’t bring it up until multiple people brought it up in chat considering how similar their situations are. You’d think she’d use the situation to engagement bait on twitter like she’s been doing lately.

>> No.87177838
File: 76 KB, 569x1024, 1722409101363267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87179366

hot as fuck desu

>> No.87177890


>> No.87177913

I don’t blame her, none of those people have reached out to apologize. I feel the same about people who bullied me in school.

>> No.87177932

it's because she's happy chromu got banned

>> No.87177944

the emo karaoke stream will be wiggly's moment

>> No.87177964
Quoted by: >>87178037

true but the pettiness of those grudges lasting so long aside she was actually wronged by those classmates and not just a communication breakdown
she may think it's deserved but also sees how it furthers her cause with twitch, who knows

>> No.87178007
Quoted by: >>87178107

its over for shondo

>> No.87178020
Quoted by: >>87178407

both of you should grow up

>> No.87178037
Quoted by: >>87178434

she made fun of a guy being minimum wage because he voted her as second ugliest girl when she was an obese blob

>> No.87178058

>I don’t blame her, none of those people have reached out to apologize.
Reaching out to apologize over an ancient thing that nobody remembers is almost always done out of self-indulgence rather than genuine contrition.

>> No.87178074

>feel when bald

>> No.87178107

shondo is the type who would say she wouldn't mind an eternity of suffering if she made enough money to make her family rich in her life

>> No.87178113

When I win I will take shon on holidays in the woods and perform natural obligations to her childish body in front on the fireplace like in this game

>> No.87178156

wheres my urban city lolis? frick this woods crap

>> No.87178175

>dewd feels threatened by her cousin

>> No.87178195
Quoted by: >>87178299

chromu sent it privately like a month ago as soon as shondo vented in offline
she might've posted it to twitter to stop the dramatards who were spurred on in /lig/ or /shon/ by her dig at zeph
this is just the big reason why these issues need to not be publicized, it was already resolved but the schizos wouldn't have known

>> No.87178220

i'll be facing my monitor jackin off just like you are right now

>> No.87178243


>> No.87178299

shondo needs to hear that, but she'll never listen, because this outcome benefits her, the fear of being called out by her publically and have hate rain down on them keeps people she works with in line

>> No.87178332
File: 116 KB, 1024x576, 1713598973972740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of those people have reached out to apologize
this fucking thread man I swear

>> No.87178345

God is outside of time and eternal, thus His character is eternal and unchanging, and so are then His opinions
Lying is against one of the Ten Commandments

>> No.87178390
Quoted by: >>87178493

>she wants people to stop making NTR jokes
>she concocts an NTR fantasy about her uncle, son, FT and the girl from shadowmamas workplace
what is wrong with this woman

>> No.87178407

Does the Lord forgive if you don’t repent and ask for forgiveness? Well neither do I. I don’t stay up every waking minute thinking about it but still fuck those people.

>> No.87178417

why does shondo of all people have a problem with age gap

>> No.87178434

I know and she should get over it already, but at least she was actually hurt, chromu didn't really do anything deserving a grudge (and I don't think she's holding one against her)

>> No.87178443

Forgiveness is a gift, not a reward
Thus you can and should forgive people regardless of if they "deserve it" or not

>> No.87178493
File: 114 KB, 1170x1155, 1708144575084356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87178594

she loves to joke about ntr, just behind closed doors instead

>> No.87178505

its ok when she does it

>> No.87178559
Quoted by: >>87178710

You are not comparable to the Lord

>> No.87178578

children don't have fully developed brains, just move on

>> No.87178594

yuri isn't ntr lesbianism intercourse is basically the same as exercise

>> No.87178657


>> No.87178660

she only had a bit of a problem with it not a big problem. we're still winning ojisans

>> No.87178685

My autism is rearing it's head again and I'm making a CtD character sheet (1st edition) for Shondo. I should make some for all the barbies.

>> No.87178710
Quoted by: >>87179291

It’s my duty as a Christian to be more Christlike. I fail daily but this is not one of my failures.

>> No.87178888

so true

>> No.87179051
Quoted by: >>87179291

yeah kinda cringe trannies basically doing stuff The Adversary delights in.

>> No.87179181

Holywood satanists actually initiate eachother by having actors crossdress on tv or in a movie. look into it

>> No.87179271
Quoted by: >>87179366

fresh retard filter

>> No.87179291
Quoted by: >>87179339

The Lord is the only Judge and sacrificial Lamb, only He has right to forgive us of our sins
Knowing this, Jesus told his followers to forgive those that trespass against them, for bearing hatred and anger does more harm to us than them, telling them that before they start looking for the kingdom of God, they need to resolve their differences with their neighbours
On top of this, Jesus also told us to judge in the same manner that they would want to be judged, so if you can see yourself doing the same thing under certain conditions and then wishing for forgiveness then you should be willing to forgive them who are already in those positions
From all this, on top of His undeserved gift of Grace, we can conclude that we should be forgiving everyone, not justifying nor excusing them, but just forgiving
Be nise, besides, Satan is the one who allowed trans ideas to be this widely accepted and supported

>> No.87179339

>>87179291 (me)
>Satan is the one who allowed trans ideas to be this widely accepted and supported
That caused*
God is the one that allows evil to be done, not satan, sorry

>> No.87179366
File: 242 KB, 1145x1200, 1708949456069638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this was my last post

>> No.87179571

Thank you!!!! Been saying for years that shondo would be so much better if her hymen was broken by a woman with a strap-on!!!!!!

>> No.87179647

its fine after i win i will wear a paper mask with ninas face on it when i have sex with her

>> No.87179729
File: 1.90 MB, 500x500, 1726269278910231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

