Youtube: Member VODs: Twitter: TikTok: Songs: Merch: Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds or Youtooz figure Previous Thread: >>86778737
Tourist shitposting whores trying to make me give up gura are pathetic. I'll never stop loving my oshi.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr>Yagoo is with thee>Blessed art thou amongst lolis>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus>Stinky Gura, mother of memes>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST>a>men
>>86796950those posts are made by gura herself
Day 4! Give it up for day 4!
>>86797040>Gura>A threadshitterNot likely.Oh, but I wouldn't want to make "assumptions."
>>86797040Damn brat rubbing her bean while watching chumbuds defend her again!
I really do love this dumb tiny girl so much.
>>86797141gura is the og threadshitter
sex with a shark
>>86797244What on earth are you implying, chumbie?
>>86797357yeah I do!
>>86796579>I refuted *you* by proving that she is, indeed, LIKELY to provide help Nope. You didn't. You showed she is willing to help, which is what I had said the entire time.>I did this by posting a timestamp showing that all parties - especially Ame and the other girls - are willing and able to have her do so.Nope. You didn't. Your timestamp didn't even contain any of the other girls. You're adding words and additional meaning to what she said. She said she is willing to have them over or help them. She never said they are planning on going. There is no "likely". You have no idea what is going to happen. Ame said she herself doesn't know.>Because we're talking about what's likely to happen based on the reality of the situation with Ame and Cover.Nope. We weren't. You never said this originally. You insisted it *was going to happen*, not "likely". I'm not going to let you squirm out of this, shithead. Once again, you have no idea what is going to happen. Ame said she herself doesn't know.And despite your incessant projections, you will continue to be one of the least white people here. Now continue to fall back on and fill your angry tirade with multitudes of pathetic racial epithets since you have nothing of substance to offer.Dance for me, orthodox monkey.
can you stop sillymaxxing this late at night?
>crossposting your gay little argumentkill yourself
>>86797592nta and I dont care about the 'tism argument as I'm just going to watch dooby anyway but orthodox bro is based and logic pilled
>>86797675I'm trying to get back into warframe again. Its alright, makes my brain mushy
Gura skipped out on participating in an event for her preferred fans
>>86797822>link goes to facebookthat is a first
>>86797675I also don't like it when it's unnecessarily fast and dumb when it's this late. Take a break and save it for another day please.
>>86797875Protip: You do not have to read every post
>>86797760Lmao, no "he" isn't. He's a self proclaimed autistic pseud that cannot go a single thread without mentioning politics, religion, or other off-topic bullshit. He's obnoxious and might as well be using a tripcode.He wants to hurt Gura and her family and is generally a terrible person.
I love my wife so much!!
>>86797875I don't like it either chumbie. We'll get through it
>>86797929I don't, I actually skipped over most of last thread.
>>86797943I havent seen anything of the sort tbdesu. Anyway I'm playing FFX now, the argument is dumb, shes graduated and you're only on about the specifics because you have nothing better to do
t. the anon crosspost schizo is seething at. I was going to make another post reaming him for being an illiterate moron again, but I saw posts like this >>86797952 >>86797875 , and honestly I don't want to ruin the thread for you guys. His stupidity speaks for itself anyway. Sorry for participating in the threadshitting 'tism arguments for so long, buds.And thanks >>86797760 , you're based and logicpilled too :)
>>86797760I shan't be watching dooby unless she gets naked.
>>86782567>>86786957>>86787159>>86788805>>86797592thats a kid
>>86798286Well good news for you is as an indie those odds of her getting naked are vastly increased
>>86798316out of 10
>>86798316that's my daughterwife
Kind of sad to think that Gura has probably spent more time in pointless meetings the past few years than she has streaming.
Its a shame I get so sleepy during comfy hours. I think I'll head out now chumbies
>>86797211Same desu
>>86798834Have a good one AI dinobud
The universe is conspiring to keep me away from my wife but i will be with her eventually
>>OPWhy isn't she wearing anything under her shirt?
Oh nyo,she can't even be bothered to shill the merch anymore..
Guys I'm going schizo I thought I heard Gura's voice a minute ago but I don't even have any sound going out at the moment.
>>86799044Sorry that was me, I'm practicing my Gura impressions and also internet telepathy
>>86798880I really need to sniff this you don't understand...
Baguraette honhonhon
>>86799174shark tummy ToT
>>86799044You probably did hear her...
>>86799044She's in your wall dumbud
J*UI understand releasing merch because there are business/production/logistic/whatever deadlines that they literally can't postpone but that's still kinda scummy move from Cover desu. Randomly announcing it in a tweet out of nowhere is just weird and confusing. Now people are gonna be wondering if she will even do the anniversary stream, could have at least clarified it better.
>>86799736Agreed. Cover needs to get their shit together.I never thought I'd find myself praising Bjoarn but his tweet was on the money.
>>86799736I'm all for blaming cover but someone else could have handled it better too, she kinda had all monthEspecially when she showed signs of life this morning, giving birth to that gay argument
Why is Gura so lazy and why is not one making a Gura vocaloid as a backup for lack of streams. I'm sure cover has tons of voice recording from Gura over 4 years to make one.
>>OPIs there anything that a shrimp can do?Why did she make us dream when we are so insignificant?Why did she showed us hope when everything will eventually end?Why did she appear only to slip through our lives?Is it unacceptable to hold on to that, or it's for the best?
>>86800345Me and Gura look so comfy. It's cool enough to whip out the extra comforters.
meanwhile bloop
just came to wish your oshi a swift recovery or finish of deadlines and that she come back to you soon
Weird that she could do Deep Rock Galactic np but a 40 min zatsu to say hi and announce her merch nope
>>86801003She sounded pretty sick during the collab, are you deaf or something? Maybe instead of being greedy corpofucks Cover should have respected her wishes and waited. But of course they have to sell as much shit as possible because management only cares about money now. No fucking wonder Ame left.
>>86801118This change in tide from Cover was felt for me the first time right after Connect the World, probably coinciding with them going public. Every single thing that starts bringing in shareholders turns to shit. Every single time.
>>OPRape T u T
>>86801174But the majority of the shares aren't public and they're owned by old money and banks.
>>86801174Cover's attitude is apparent when even after success of CtW, Dodgers and other stuff they still decided to chose some ghetto ass venue with barely any seats for BD instead of something like MSG because they're too fucking greedy.
>>86801174>>86801118Why are you blaming Cover for being bound by contracts? They need to know how much of x merch to produce and couldn't delay it any longer.Gura not wanting to bother to do a single short stream for it in the last week+ isn't on them>but healthYeah yeah people have been saying that for the past 2 years. TWO years of her being like this and you always find some reason why it's actually not her fault.
I wish she'd stop getting pregnant so much.
How we doing this morning? I was getting so worried what this could mean last night that I went to bed crying. Trying to assure myself right now that it will all work out in the end somehow but man I can’t deal with this pit in my stomach. This is not how I wanted to start my weekend…
goob morning stinkiesI guess it's going to be a day of a few people internet fighting the whole time in here.
>>86801357This. Management is based and are always right and Gura is obviously lying about her health. Cover can do no wrong, we love Cover.
>>86801517>I was getting so worried what this could mean last night that I went to bed crying.This is a false flag right? You guys aren't actually like this...
>>86801620I didn't say that management is always right, but you're a lunatic if you think Gura isn't to blame for a lot of the past two years.And in this case right now Cover is also bound by contracts with other companies.
>>86801517I am playing civ6
>>86801653pretty much, they add too much melodrama to their posts.
>>86801662What is Gura to blame for here exactly? She got sick and informed people about it and wanted to do anniversary later after she recovered. And instead of listening to her management just randomly released her merch against her wishes and probably even without her knowledge. This is unironically sabotage at this point, they're fucking her over on purpose, like Full Color, her daki and other shit. Reminds me of Niji situation.
>>86801838If you're gonna ignore what I just told you as to why Cover had to announce the merch now then there's no point in talking to you.
>>86801653I see this sort of style of posts when the shitposters are also around. They're definitely "larping" as they call it.And if they actually were crying, they got some other issues in their life that needs to be addressed.
>>86801863Nope, doesn't make sense. Kiara's and Ina's anniversary merch didn't get announced yet because they're waiting for their 3D lives. If Cover can wait for them why did they push out Gura's merch? Because they're greedy fucks
>>86802057Kiara and Ina have their 3D lives on set dates that Cover knows about.Cover was 100% certain Gura would have her anniversary stream, but then she didn't.
>>86802121>And other things I make up online, an Anon's story
>>86800728Thank you kronie.For the record, your oshi distinguished herself with her exchange with Ame at the aquarium, and in the DRG collab the next day. I got mixed vibes from her before, but now it's clear to me that she has a heart of gold beneath the layer of mild mental illness.Like oshi like fanbase o7
>>86802121>Cover was 100% certain Gura would have her anniversary stream, but then she didn't.She literally said that she will do it later after she feels better, are you saying that her retarded manager doesn't even read her tweets?
>>86802225She said that on very short notice right before it was meant to happen, it was already too late at that point.
I mean, this is just unfortunate but corpo deadlines aren't something that can be easily changed. She's obviously gonna do anniversary stream after she gets better and I doubt this means anything other than business stuff. If she won't I'm gonna go full menhera though.
>>86801653>>86801979Not larping but you may have a point about past issues, I've got the same sense of dread I had back when my Dad went for a checkup for some ongoing health issues and a few months later was diagnosed with cancerCan't shake this feeling we are going to have the other shoe dropping moment sometime in the next few months right now
>>86802419Nah, reverse uno card go!!!
>>86802264So they waited 3 weeks but couldn't wait longer for some arbitrary reason (the real reason is greed btw)? Yeah that makes sense.
>>86802419You unironically have ptsd because of your past trauma. I was the same for a while after we got a call that my grandad died and after that I developed fear of phones. Go see a shrink and take your meds.
She followed that account months ago
I give no shit about Twitter follows on both accounts.
>>86802419Well I'll assume you arent making that up cause that would be fucked.I can hopefully offer you and your dad some advice though because my dad also went through cancer and is in remission now. He told me the most important thing in getting through chemo (and the after effects years later) was a positive outlook. Even so much as being glad you woke up to a new day could be enough. Hold on to that feeling and NEVER stop fighting. My dad personally saw people who had a decent prognosis give up and die within a few weeks to a month because your body literally reacts to your mental state and how much endurance you have. So always encourage him.Good luck Anon. Hope he beats it.
another thread, another waves of chumbuds defending lazyness..
I miss Gura...
>>86802709Why is concept of being sick so alien to schizos?
>>86802734I touch Gura...And dote on her.
>>86802778Shitposters have no soul or empathy. Just ignore them.
>>86802734>>86803138I hug Gura
I lick Gura
>>86802709I'm not exactly a paragon of hard work myself so I can't really judge. I just love Gura, and any Gura in any capacity is a gift.
The light of my life
>>86801838This. Also holding a meeting amid the ENreco event, axed Kyuu Vampire cover (but able to arrange an imas collab for that flip whore no problems), axed Full Color mv, axed Jazz Reflect mv, sabotaging her Queen cover by giving her fake numbers, taking 4 years to fix her model, cutting her first 3D live in half, entirely basing your audition criteria on DEI (Bijou) instead of the quality of chuuba, etc. Cover is vile.
>>86805203>sabotaging her Queen cover by giving her fake numbersQRD?
>>86802778>tummy hort ->stream MC ->stream DiggyHoleand still sick? she was definitely enjoying the DRG collab one..
>>86805203It's quite obvious they have an axe to grind with her for some reason
For King and Cunny!
>>86805203THEN FUCKIN GRADUATE?Why the hell is she staying then? She suffers. her normal fans(not the defense force /here/) also suffers because of her absence..
goob morningi love gura
>>86806315we all do, gura is very lovable!
Think we'll ever see a collab with gooby & dooby?
goob morningi love gura the most!
>>86805203>DEIBloviating conservatoid spotted. I thought that one guy was kidding about retards like you.
>>86807745You don't know how anything works.
>>86807910wew lad
>>86807525>>86807910How do I give Reddit gold on this site
>didnt even login to her x, mane-chan posted the recent tweet>but have time to login to *other account and follow someone..You cant make this shit up
I guy I live with somehow managed to cut his ballsack while sleeping last night and now the laundry is bloodyHe seems to be fine now thankfully young girl had 4 years left, like seriously can you tell it? have some sympathy guys
>>86806071>(not the defense force /here/)Those are the normal fans greybud
>>86808862you wash laundry together? how much got ruined?
>>86809345He's a family member.After looking through the hamper it seems just be the towel he used. I guess it wasn't that bad of a cut, thank fuck. Like I said he seems fine now.
Goob morning retards
>>86806778I LOVE GURA MORERare chuubigod post
>>86809827Goob morning faggot.
>>86809827Morning nerd
This is SFW, right?
>>86811289I can see her cute little cunny button T u T
>>OPwhy are gura and ame still getting threads when they're not streaming
>>86811289My boss says it's ok
>>86812094La basé
>>86797135Gura has been streaming on twitch alt thats why
Sex with a fembud.
Whoever it was who mentioned installing that codec from the Windows 10 store app to display webm thumbnails in Explorer a few weeks ago:I fucking love you. I FINALLY got around to doing it myself just now and the sight is too beautiful for words. I disabled the Windows store with blackbird a long time ago so I had to find a third party installer script workaround on GitHub, but after some fiddling around it worked perfectly.You're an absolute legend. Goob bless. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do a full system malware scan. Don't worry about me - preliminary scans found nothing, all of the files were like four years old, and in the worst case scenario I keep exhaustive external backups.
>>86812552 (Me)Before I forget, here's what it looks like.While I'm at it maybe I should get the codecs for webp and other file formats that don't have thumbnails by default... though obviously webm was the most important.
>>86812646those are some nice webms
>>86812646>Activate WindowsAh yes, the white man's fire alarm battery sound.
>>86812884I'm glad you agree
>>OPMe teasing Gura after we just had sex
Feet keychain is probably the weirdest merch anyone in Hololive ever put outWeirdo fucking autist
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
>>86812552Win 10 doesn't have that by default? I don't recall ever having to install any codecs.
MY wife
>>86812979now i wanna rewatch moom & goom's room review
So why did they randomly announce merch? I genuinely don't get the reasoning here, this is just confusing. Does it mean she's not gonna do the anniversary stream after all? Is she dead or something? She sounded pretty fatigued in collabs but not on the verge of death...
>>86812979so do you continuously reinstall windows to reset the activation period?
>>86813277Idk, maybe it had something to do with me not activating or removing bloat/telemetry or something.Either way, they were just white pages before and now I can actually see what they are, so I'm happy.>>86813388Kek
>>86813657Surprisingly no. I don't remember what I did to make that stop, but I don't think I pirated the ROM.You know, I'm starting to realize how strange my system is after all the weird things I've done to it over the years.
>>86813535Since this merch is made to order, Cover has a deadline to hit since they need to report the number of units to their manufacturer.
>>86813978So why didn't they or she said so? Now a lot of people are concernfagging and making up rratsUnironically management is just as bad at communicating as Gura
>>86813205It's a funny idea, but it looks a bit guro, like Korone's yubi-yubi thing.
What if Gura asked you to apply sunscreen to her body?
>>86813535I mean it's basically free money for them why wouldn't they? Think of the shareholders
I think Gura
Gura is a slippery little whore
Gura has an extremely long, voluminous pony tail that reaches her ankles.
>>86814832same desu
Where is this stupid fucking brat, I'll fucking show you throat hort with my cock down your throat you little faggot
Apparently Gura intends to stream three times a week from now on.
>>86815765imagine the pee crystals
>>86815828What if she got kidney stones and had to get an emergency surgery and her throat pain is from being intubated?
>>86815765I wish she kept that at least 3 streams a week schedule she proposed 2 years ago.
I do wonder what that 2 year project is supposed to be. It can't be just a song since 2+ years is too much time for a single orisong even for Gura
>>86816113Going from 6 streams a week to 3 seemed like such a downgrade back then....
>>86816113But she did keep it, back in June and August/September after she returned from her parents and before she got sick she streamed at least 3-5 times a week.
When dinoaibud gets on, I want to ask him to make some dinogura awakening from their slumber art
Dick hort, the cure? Shark kisses.
>>86805203How the fuck is bijou a DEI hire? Are you retarded? I don't even watch her, but that's the dumbest thing anyone here has said in a long time.Asians are excluded from DEI hiring, not to mention that Cover is Japanese. Are Ina, IRyS, Kronii, Bae, Shiori, and Gigi DEI hires as well, you fucking retard?
>>86813535Because she must have told management she wasn't going to stream for the rest of the month or longer.>>86813978>They had to release it now because of deadlinesKiara and Ina haven't released theirs yet because they're waiting for their upcoming 3D lives. There is no deadline. They put in the order after the sales period. The only explanation is that Gura told management she wasn't going to stream any time soon and said they should just release it. The only reason they would announce it without her is if she asked them to.
goob noonI love gura
>>86811289Her cunny and nipples are censored so it's pretty safe..
goob morninthe dinos are sleeping in, as usual...
She's playing online games right now.
>>86818350its true, i just beat her ass at the club penguin dojo
>>86818350your obvious itch to cuckpost aside, yes, she probably is just loafing around playing videogameswhy anyone would think otherwise after how movie may ended is beyond me
>>86811289I showed my boss but he didnt seem to appreciate it
>>86818350>she's [insert thing that will never be proven or shown ever but lemme just say it for shotpost purposes]
>>86806046For s’ghetti too!!!
>>86819960mmmh I love s’ghetti so much...
>>86816310I second this
>>86818337>>86820448 (Me)I should have read ahead
So what even is the future for Gura?Her only real friend in hololive fucked off.She admits to being defeated when it comes to releasing music.Her health is apparently to set up any events ahead of time, including anniversaries, so there goes any sololive or anything like that too.It's no streams, no songs, no concerts, no tweets and it just keeps getting worse. Graduation is an honorable way out at this point, before everyone's memories of Gura stop being what she was like in 2021 and become "that flaky girl that shows up ever 60 days"
Get a room, you two.
>>86820565>before everyone's memories of Gura stop being what she was like in 2021 and become "that flaky girl that shows up ever 60 days”Little too late for that.
>>86821225zoomers these days have really bad memory
>>86820978I didn't check my picrel closely enough before posting, nothing to see here jannies
>>86821302it's been a minute or two since this started dude, half of ENs entire historythere's a decent chunk of people who seriously don't know her for anything else, it isn't a zoomzoom attention span thing
These last two years have broken me. I don't understand why she started treating us this way.
>>86821392I think its really weird that so many newfags came in with advent and justice. Their fanbases don't feel quite right
I think he's copypasting from a template or something. He never says anything new.
How do we fix this slut?
MY Gurandma
shark shagging
shark sagging
I've been getting into Warhammer lately and I realised that schizos are like heretics/chaos, there's no point in engaging with them and if you do you only risk getting contaminated yourself. The only solution is the bolt to the head.
Why is our oshi like this?
>>86824309t. schizo
Are crocs actually good or are they a meme?
>>86824309Funny you say that because its been known that gura's a favorite of Grandpappy NurgleShe's his favorite mildew
>>86817273If there's no deadline then they could have waited until her stream, retard. You literally just contradicted yourself.
CC and Mumei are playing Halo Reach, I hope Gura joins them soon
>>86816726Bijou is talentless simple as >Inaprofessional artist>IRySVSinger who can into Japanese >Kroniiprofessional voice actress + 300k subs on her pl>BaeN1 Japanese + strong passion for the culture >Shiorisince this whore is part of Advent so ain't gonna argue on this one >Gigiold small corpo chuuba, was already familiar with full body tracking Bijou's only talent is that she's a Thai whore
>>86801118lol, she wasn't sick. This is total cope yesman behavior
>>86824551Retard, Gura is a faithful servant of the Emperor.
>>86824890Not only did she say that she was sick and her throat was hurting, she also sounded obviously tired and sick. Fucking deaf autistic retard.
>>86824883Take your schizo ass to global please. You'll get more (you)s there
>yesman/yesbudActual retard post. Dont respond.
>>86824868These girls have to stop starting with reach. I still feel like Halo CE is the best to start with
>>86824824The "deadline" is probably nebulous in so much that it only exists because it would be ridiculous to release anniversary merch 3-6 months after her anniversary.It'd look almost as bad as releasing a 3 year membership badge 9 months after you've had memberships open for 3 years.
>>86825178>It'd look almost as bad as releasing a 3 year membership badge 9 months after you've had memberships open for 3 years.Why? Some members don't even have more than one badge like Suisei I'm pretty sure. Also are you seriously still seething about getting your png late? That's pathetic
>>86825017>she said she was sickThat's the problem. But she had no trouble doing 2 collabs. How retarded are you? Do you believe she is sick everytime she says she is? Ironmouse is sicker then Gura and streams a lot more than her. SHE DOESNT LIKE STREAMING AND HASNT FOR AWHILE. SHE ALSO HATES HER FANS.
>>86825146Found the yesman, lol. It's so easy to draw them out.
So many fembuds in denial.
>>86824868Does moom and CC lurk /ggg/? I'm suspicious of the timing
>>86825166why it's the first canonically and transitions seamlessly into CE
Halobud is actually Gura herself, she's the one who told Moom and CC to play the series.
>>86824868first time an EN girl has streamed a Halo game in almost 3 years.>>86825166thislots of moments that would be great on stream (warthog driving, learning how to deal with hunters, invisible sword elites in the ship)
>>86825396>Ironlung mention out of nowhere Wow the mask sure fell off quick huh? Fuck off vshojo cuck. Your grifter mouse has been faking her totally deathly terminal illness for like 10 years now, delusional retard.
>>86825396She did 2 collabs 20 fucking days after saying she was sick you drooling retard. She could be sick for two of those weeks and it wouldn't have been a lie. Use your fucking brain because it just seems like you are be obtuse on purpose.
>>OPI just want her to be happy
>>86824883She's already better at Japanese than Gura after only the GTA streams, is better at games than most other holos, streams the most in EN, etc. I'm not sure if she's a good singer or not because I don't watch her (I dislike her over-reliance on zoomer memes), but she clearly cares a lot about her fans and hololive. And from the schedules I can see on holodex, she actually completes games. Gura hasn't even continued a single game past a part 1 in like 18 months, unless you count the episodes of poppy's playtime, which she didn't finish either.I wish Gura cared half as much about us that bijou does about her fans.
>>86825515They need to know how cool master chief is before starting Reach
I'm feeling autistic. I might start reading the Halo books soon
I got that one illness where you number 1 out of your number 2.
>>86825871DEI hire LOLOLOLOL brand image has taken a nosedive ever since this bitch came to exist
>>86825871You're not slick, pebblekek.
>>86826176>DEI /ggg/ - /pol/tard General
>>86826298We, just like Gura, are all right leaning here. Go back.
What’s a car alternator? Why’s it called an “alternator”? Does it alternate something back and forth? Are there any alternatives to “alternators”?
Also don’t use gpt. I know if you will
>>86826452Explains your ESL at least. Discuss Gura or get the fuck out.
>>86826555Wikipedia told me it turns mechanical energy into electrical energy
>>86826452>zoomer woman>right leaning
>>86825360>suiseiSuisei is one of the only members who doesn't do anything for her fans at all, has told them she doesn't want them thinking they're important to her, and that she doesn't want gachikoi in any capacity whatsoever. This was a horrible example for you to use. She refuses to give her fans a mascot or additional membership badges out of principle. She also turned superchats completely off because she didn't want to feel indebted to her fans.>are you seriously still seething about getting your png lateNo. That was a joke to illustrate how unprofessional Gura is when it comes to deadlines and doing things on time. I'm guessing Cover asked her if she was going to do an anniversary stream within the next few weeks/months and she said no and that they should just release the anniversary merch on twitter.
>>86825874I preferred finding out how cool master chief is after playing a regular spartan
>>86826176Japanese companies don't do DEI, anon.
>>86826719>I'm not seething so here's a wall of textOgey. >I'm guessing So you're pulling shit out of your ass a usual. What else are you guessing?
>>86826773I suppose you're right. If they could only play one Halo game then I'd say they should've started with CE. Just playing Reach would be a waste
>>86826846Are you serious? Even From now uses body types instead of genders for character creation.
>>86826203Think what you want, but I literally don't watch her. I have always maintained I don't watch her because I find her zoomer humor meme shit obnoxious. She also runs jokes into the ground.But numbers don't lie, and you don't end up streaming that much if you hate doing this. It doesn't take one being a pebblekek to recognize how much bijou streams.
>>86827051Bijou is a typical twitch grifter who obviously hates idol culture of Hololive and just wants to do low effort long streams. Have you seen her streams? She barely talks or does anything interesting, it's the same exact shit as those garbage twitch streamers. She the epitome of quantity over quality
>>86826452NTA, I am right leaning and if I expressed my views here I would be banned, but you don't know what DEI/ESG is if you think bijou is a DEI hire.You're retarded enough that in a perfect world, you would be one of the ones being forcefully sterilized.
>>86827255She's brown and an asian who's been hired for EN branch instead of ID branch, how is she not a DEI hire?
>>86826846they do, but they're still in the early stages, I hope they wake up before it takes root, I'm glad it's dying in the west
Do you guys think the government could send me money if I get diagnosed as a high functioning autist?
>>86827584i think it depends on the state.
>>86826495From my understanding, it's the part of the engine that uses energy from combustion to spin a magnet in order to induce an alternating electrical current for the car's electrical components. So it's the part of the car that is responsible for maintaining electricity in it.
>>86827255It's not exactly DEI but something akin to DEI, more diversity in hololive means more money to be made and the Thai market was big enough for Jewgoo to waste one slot. This is worse than DEI
I got halo on the mind now
>>86827878They gotta find their ways to get that Blackrock money somehow
>>86827840ah yes, THIS is off-topic... also Gura has autism, so it's very on-topic
>>86828144I love my autist sharkwife
>>86826848>what?! So you're not an insider? Then how do you know?Retard. There's no other explanation that makes sense. If she was planning on streaming soon, like some time before Ina and Kiara's 3D lives, then they wouldn't have released her merch on twitter without her. She clearly told them she isn't going to stream. If yesterday was the "deadline", then Kiara and Ina would have had to release theirs too. So there's clearly some wiggle room for when they can release it, but Gura isn't going to stream within that period.You don't need to be clairvoyant to understand what is going on. You just need to use some goddamn common sense.
>>86812266What? Where...
I'm still eppy.This nice cool fall weather does it to me every time. I love the fall but it makes me lazy.
>>86828144Yes, she does. That has nothing to do with making the topic about yourself and scheming to steal money from taxpayers because you're too lazy to work for yourself. Don't try to turn this thread into one about your problems just because you relate to her with autism. She also likes other members of hololive so you think we should shit up the thread talking about them too? Get back on topic; Gura cute.
>>86827231>Have you seen her streams?I have literally been saying "no" this entire time.But I know she doesn't do male collabs and is generally positive about idol culture, so I'm not sure why you think she's a grifter or "obviously hates idol culture". She could grift without putting in 900+ hours of streams this year so far, so you're not making any sense. I'm not a pebble. I just don't hate her and I recognize she just isn't for me.
>>86828261Dude already made it plainly obvious he's a retard by stating he doesn't read the posts he replies to. Most people in this world (and especially this thread) are much more stupid than you may assume.
>>86828261Kiara's, Ina's and Gura's merch and their release windows has absolutely literally nothing to do with eachother. Kiara's merch was originally supposed to release today and that's when it will be released unless her live gets randomly cancelled at the last second. Gura's merch was originally supposed to have been released last month and I assume they couldn't delay it for more than a month, also explains why they announced it on friday.Do you unironically believe that anniversary merch all have the same deadlines across the gen for it or something? You do know that Fauna released hers back in August and Kronii last month and the rest of them still didn't even release it yet right? You're either genuinely stupid or pretending to be retarded. Fuck you for wasting my time typing all this shit out
>>86828261So according to your logic, both Ina and Kiara wanted to release their merch during their anniversary streams, but then decided last second to do it during their 3D lives?
>>86828572Rated marseed for everyone
>>86827878If they were interested in DEI, there would be a bunch of black and latino members in EN. They're pretty much all white or asian because Cover is specifically not interested in DEI and they know what their audience wants. It's incredible to me that you don't understand this.
>>86828437Can't wait for temps to drop where I live. I should move up north one day
>>86827878There is no money in the thai market, retard. And bijou doesn't even live in Thailand. You seriously seem like some kind of tourist.
>>86828726>Kiara's, Ina's and Gura's merch and their release windows has absolutely literally nothing to do with eachother.Go and look up their anniversary dates. I'll wait. Did you do it? Okay, good.>Do you unironically believe that anniversary merch all have the same deadlines across the gen for it or something?As you've just found out, their anniversary dates are the same two days, so there is obviously a similar time window. I doubt Cover would let them release anniversary goods half a year later, for example, unless it was a situation like Pekora or Subaru where their anniversary 3D lives had to be delayed because of Cover's own studio issues. If you believe otherwise, then go and find an example of this kind of announcement happening in the past to another member. I believe Haachama once skipped her birthday one year because of deadline issues and she just didn't release birthday merch that year because of it.
>>86818337I appreciate your work dinoaibud
Damn, he's an actual retard
>>86828847Neither are latino. Ame is hispanic and Mori is polish/italian.
>>86828888Autumn here's the best. It's beautiful, refreshing, and it even smells good.
>>86828968Is it? Just because you don't seem to know anything about the rest of hololive doesn't make ME a tourist because I do.
>>86829526>The Subhuman's LamentSo you have zero argument. I accept your concession.
You guys are cute when you internet fight.
>>86830141I didn't even know a fight was happening
>>86830428Is it considered a fight when an ant tries to topple a human?
>>86830267oof that's basically monopoly money...
>>86830483It is for the ant I suppose
>>86830483Are they massive alien ants?
>>86830267>in Bangkok cope
>>86830746We wouldn't know because Gura fought them off-stream for "some reason".
>>86831117They have an entire branch located in Indonesia. What's your point, retard? The currency is still monopoly tier.
>>86831239so is Japanese Yen should have been Gura and Ame.