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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 333 KB, 1819x1705, 20240930_084936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
86422728 No.86422728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.86422752
File: 1.87 MB, 1008x2055, Screenshot_20240930-142012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425701


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.86422764
Quoted by: >>86422779

Cute wawa

>> No.86422779
Quoted by: >>86422799

Which one?

>> No.86422799

Mod killed it

>> No.86422835
File: 491 KB, 1008x709, Screenshot_20240930-124814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did we learn from the last thread anons?

>> No.86422840
Quoted by: >>86422908

Learn the meaning of stable 5 view retard, Mouse is sub 7k most of the time. There is not a single vtuber who is perma 5 view like Gura, she could start a stream in whatever timezone with whatever game/content and she would still be a 5 view.

>> No.86422880

is shuba the heart of hololive?

>> No.86422908

okay I'm gonna challenge this I don't think she 5views with an unannounced 3 AM stream

>> No.86422917
Quoted by: >>86422993

Anon just last month JP Twitter was talking about how the demographic for Touhou of all thing is getting younger and younger. It’s normal, since theoretically you will have little kids growing up watching Vtuber

>> No.86422946

We'll never know because she doesn't do that outside of jp box events

>> No.86422948


>> No.86422952

Kinda curious what Ame’s final stream is actually gonna be, since clearly none of the girls are gonna be in it

>> No.86422956

Funny you say that because I'm still hoping to see her collab with Gura one day, and I did feel like she was most compatible with SNOT on debut. Amazing how they almost entirely dodged each other for ENReco. Yes, she is the exception. The others are just too "clean" for a lack of a better term.

>> No.86422984

Holo designs really fell off in the past 4 years huh?

>> No.86422993

And also generally speaking the older you get the less time you have available to spend on fandom shit

>> No.86423050
File: 39 KB, 1444x412, 1720420952620948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86423413

She's not consistent 5view especially outside of events
There were only a few months nearly 3 years ago where she was usually a 5view
It's also twitch numbers so who knows what the YT equivalent is

>> No.86423052


>> No.86423059
File: 2.81 MB, 2304x1556, noon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retards just live here now huh

>> No.86423070

I feel like she'd need to be forced into it, not because she dislikes them or anything, she's just that autistic

>> No.86423115

So is ID4 or IDstars getting announced today?

>> No.86423142
Quoted by: >>86423274

It's genuinely fascinating to me how Ame managed to not really become good at singing after four years
Like, some of these songs are her staples and she's fucking up, and I'm not just talking about her voice and carrying a tone, that's like a whole different thing, I mean she's fucking the melody up and having to rush to catch up a bunch, which is like, how? No practice? For your last karaoke? Ever???

>> No.86423175
Quoted by: >>86423346

We will never know but I bet she does. Anyway, my point was that a consistent 5 view outside of Gura is absent in the entire EN landscape.

>> No.86423230
File: 111 KB, 530x269, 187378328732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the sioli doing?

>> No.86423243

I still don't know how well Gura and Shiori would mesh. I think their styles are vastly different despite both being shit posters. Gura is more of the "ironic e-girl" shit poster while Shiori's shitposting style is straight from the bowels of 4chan and other autistic internet spaces that existed back in the early to mid twenty teens.

>> No.86423265
Quoted by: >>86423349

>Bitching about game updates in parts
Alright anons, what big games are about to have major updates/just had updates?

>> No.86423274

Singing talent is a thing
As an adult, you can improve your singing to a certain extent but there are limits due to your genetics and upbringing

>> No.86423277
Quoted by: >>86423784

She WILL breach the 3view barrier even if she has to resort to the darkest of dark arts to do it

>> No.86423300
File: 146 KB, 900x1200, 1727677890679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86423784

debubuffing into oblivion

>> No.86423346

Who’s the closest?
On YouTube specifically, so it’s more directly comparable

>> No.86423349
Quoted by: >>86423444


>> No.86423413
Quoted by: >>86424059

Not to mention that the entire Twitch vtubing world lines up to raid her everyday, along with some fleshies.

>> No.86423430

They did briefly interact on a few occasions during enreco and shiori seemed to make her genuinely laugh a couple times so maybe there's hope

>> No.86423441

That's only true for your voice, mastering an individual song's rhythm is a motor skill. She's not 70.

>> No.86423444

Oh, so our D2 schizo acting up again?
Seems unlikely, but maybe
Ah shit, the live letter just happened for 7.1...

>> No.86423446

change of plan since Katamari perms are time limited

>> No.86423450
Quoted by: >>86424595

Fauna is probably the closest after that crazy streak at the beginning of the year, but even she isn't a consistent one.
To be fair a consistent 5view is a rare sight even in JP.

>> No.86423456

anon clearly means just actually learning songs not being good
ame just sight reads because she misinterprets being bad with not having a reason to try

>> No.86423515

Yeah, Fauna is probably the closest.

>> No.86423544

>City of Stars
That's mean, Ame.
You can't do that to them, Amelia.
You have to set them free.

>> No.86423672
Quoted by: >>86423782

>Seafoamboi did the animated gators as a last minute request 30 minutes before stream time
goddamn man, you really can't even buy that kind of response time. That's the power of hiring people who are also fans

>> No.86423675
File: 33 KB, 615x409, IMG_7545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got 5 view streams in JP time retard, that’s cus Taiwanese and Japs love her. It’s the same reason her collabs in Japan, Taiwan and US fucking perform so well. Only place would be EU but she gotten 11-13k playing Luigi hrs before NA got off of school/ work

>> No.86423690
File: 218 KB, 320x320, 1727678256048.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86423803

>> No.86423727

ame is singing the fauna song

>> No.86423782
File: 746 KB, 1136x1003, 1691809496111918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86424344

As in
>He finished 30 minutes before the stream started
or as in
>Ame asked 30 minutes before the original scheduled stream time and he fucking DASHED

>> No.86423784
File: 982 KB, 1382x779, 1725183092478292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86423982

depending on whether or not CC is streaming shiori might actually benefit from the newly revitalized EU box especially if she catches a bit of a funnel from the DRG collab

>> No.86423803

Based. Dab on Kronii.

>> No.86423841
File: 759 KB, 1080x1080, 1727678393557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was just standing there...

>> No.86423900
Quoted by: >>86424016

Holy shit henma is fucking based

>> No.86423905
Quoted by: >>86424016

Based manager.

>> No.86423956 [DELETED] 

let this be a humbling lesson holokeks
number 1 sub channel soon

>> No.86423969

>Henma isn't even going to have La Creatividad around anymore
>his entire life is now trying desperately to wrangle Shiori from doing more dark arts shit (failing) and trying to keep Moom from killing herself accidentally
How has he not killed himself yet man

>> No.86423982

Shiori got pretty good numbers in EU time earlier this year when she showed up there fairly regularly. Of course, being Shiori, she stopped streaming there, only to go back again after EN has a more consistent EU streamer.

>> No.86424016
Quoted by: >>86424042

>vague posting

>> No.86424040
File: 211 KB, 937x777, 1727678592271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is henma btw

>> No.86424042

I’m the manager

>> No.86424059

this is some whacky cope

>> No.86424075
Quoted by: >>86424147

i undertsand why they stoped
but miss bubbabot

>> No.86424082
Quoted by: >>86424529

pretty sure Moom's manager is Kroma now

>> No.86424131

It’s cope with anyone else but she is being compared to Gura dumbass. Gura doesn’t get raids and does it natty

>> No.86424136
Quoted by: >>86426378

Are the raid lists everybody can check made out of cope you faggot? or the embeds? or the fucking shit viewfarm channels?

>> No.86424147

I forget was it perms, Ame giving up on a consistent Supa Sunday and thus not having advanced time to set shit up, or because people started throwing homo music into the feed
I remember all three things but I have no idea what caused it to end for sure

>> No.86424171
Quoted by: >>86424247

Henma doesn't actually manage mumei anymore he currently has shiori, and erb (possibly other justice?)
Tho it must be rough losing a talent you've been with for 4 years...

>> No.86424175
File: 75 KB, 800x651, pee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footage of niji loli pissing herself on stream

>> No.86424221
Quoted by: >>86428788


>> No.86424240

I really didn't want to know.

>> No.86424247
Quoted by: >>86424648

>they literally just dump that fucker on the problem child every single time
I would go insane

>> No.86424263


>> No.86424265

I'm 100% convinced she has a humiliation and degradation kink

>> No.86424271

Blatant shit is off putting, same shit as what the fake Gura loli did. Newsflash she faked it all and lied

>> No.86424276 [DELETED] 

mouse on her way to be number 1 sub channel
time for a humbling lesson holokeks

>> No.86424293

Ironmouse has in the past gotten 20+ raids a day, no other vtuber gets anything like that, so it is significant.

>> No.86424312

err interesting play, let's see if it pays off

>> No.86424325

Ame it's almost 3:00 AM what are you fucking doing

>> No.86424336


>> No.86424344


>> No.86424355
Quoted by: >>86424531

see you when the shithon subs die and she gotta do it all over again in a few months roru

>> No.86424374

>Holo meets a british sounding character in a game
>Chat explodes with LIZ mentions
Enjoy this for the rest of eternity

>> No.86424411
Quoted by: >>86424515

Just checked it and I see people saying she declared war on Ludwig and asking people to get her to #2? Fucking grifter

>> No.86424447

well it's obvious since she is the only brit in hololive

>> No.86424473

... I can't understand Indonesian

>> No.86424515

Ludwig? The Youtuber?

>> No.86424529

The furry? I'll bet they get on well

>> No.86424531
Quoted by: >>86424659

does she really do it more than once a year?

>> No.86424557

>Most buff thing on Twitch is begging money for days like a panhandler
What is wrong with Twitchies anyway?

>> No.86424590
Quoted by: >>86424714

there is nothing wrong with it if you do it with charity in mind.

>> No.86424595
Quoted by: >>86424759

>To be fair a consistent 5view is a rare sight even in JP.

>> No.86424600
File: 1.18 MB, 1290x1289, IMG_7897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New ipass collab in Taiwan

>> No.86424627
File: 1.14 MB, 1089x1129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86424704

>> No.86424632

Will any Holomem play UFO 50?

>> No.86424638
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, B739BECE-5FD6-4C15-86B2-EAECE250D569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just realized if only Ame lowered her head a bit, she could had counted as the Yellow Lamy or Lamy, Koyori, and Fauna will be known as Blue, Pink, and Green Ames since Ame debuted first

>> No.86424648

He 100% enjoys it

>> No.86424654

Ha ha, funny.

>> No.86424659
File: 196 KB, 864x724, 1727679393291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her subcount depends on how dedicated her 9k/10k paying subs are. They are gifting it all

>> No.86424668

it's a snake pit

>> No.86424681

Iofi maybe

>> No.86424693

Lamy debuted first anon

>> No.86424695
Quoted by: >>86424800

ignore the spoiler. my dumdum brain though Myth debuted before 5th gen

>> No.86424698

All time peak subs apparently with Kaicent being #1 all time.

>> No.86424704
Quoted by: >>86424794

I thought this year was cancelled? Or is it a different event?

>> No.86424714
Quoted by: >>86426645

>Charity, but I take 50% of the money instead of just donating 100% of it

>> No.86424727
Quoted by: >>86424800

>since Ame debuted first
So is this thread literally all council era newfags now?

>> No.86424732
File: 174 KB, 1242x604, AFD74C27-5262-4CFA-99C4-1CD504EC2692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzuha dropping new quote

>> No.86424739

Oh yeah that reminds me they've yet to ship out the gura ones people ordered back in March

>> No.86424759

Ah yes here's the jpnig thinking that Holo jp is 45 pekora's

>> No.86424784

>Miko clique
>Marine clique

Even distribution. Looks like management is trying to stop out clique domination.

>> No.86424785
Quoted by: >>86424850

>229K gifted
How many of that was in meme currencies?

>> No.86424794

Something called KnuckleUp

>> No.86424800


>> No.86424804

>Holo meets a cow
>Chat explodes with NOEL mentions
also don't act like the girls don't partake on it regularly, every single Collab with Raora at some point turns into a Mario imitation contest

>> No.86424807
Quoted by: >>86424859

I don't watch nijisanji, can someone QRD me on this guy? Why is he so popular in japan?

>> No.86424817
Quoted by: >>86424842

Lmao didn’t learn your lesson from the last embarrassment you shit eating Chinese cock cleaner?

>> No.86424818
File: 110 KB, 1010x208, IRyS king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Kuzover

>> No.86424842


>> No.86424846

this fucking account lol

>> No.86424850

It's impossible to track for us on twitch as far as I know

>> No.86424859

Well connected to the flesh streamer circles

>> No.86424878

can't risk angering the Watamates, the Yen can't handle it right now. Last time someone made the Watamates mad they killed Abe

>> No.86424891
Quoted by: >>86424973


>> No.86424906

I regret not getting the sushi gura, now I have to buy overpriced

>> No.86424919

Ah yes euros are awake now

>> No.86424938
Quoted by: >>86425046

time to block them again, I guess the stupid intern was on vacation or something

>> No.86424943

On the one hand, they really need to split that account up. It's truly obnoxious.
On the other hand, it's not that poor stupid goofy looking fuck's fault that his vtuber birthday happens to fall on the first Myth graduation in history, sucks to be him

>> No.86424973

You have to be an idiot not to see the Miko/Marine split across the company. There are two big camps that interact with each other mostly. If you have watched Hololive enough you will see.

>> No.86424977
File: 619 KB, 3541x2508, GYsKE9ta8AAvA3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86424985
Quoted by: >>86425260

wait her average subs is only 10K? Why are IMfags always saying she has a massive amount more than holo girls, I feel like 10K members is a pretty reasonable amount for many EN to have

>> No.86424992

New holoplus update announcing that graduated members will still be available to be added to the "my oshi" section after graduated, but you won't be able to tag them in posts

>> No.86425001

Dude got more superchats and memberships than most Holos for his bday
He earned it unlike the others

>> No.86425004
Quoted by: >>86425162

Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say

>> No.86425019
File: 168 KB, 1200x800, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86425033

>Fall asleep while watching CC karaoke
>Wake up and download the archive
>I actually watched the whole thing

>> No.86425046

Are you fuckers really going to get mad that the official account makes scheduled tweets about homo birthdays/merch?

>> No.86425047

>not even a mill
>more than most Holos

>> No.86425053

I mean judging from the gifts every single month it's less than 9k paying subs.

>> No.86425088

ye, they should get their own account. what part of total homo death you missed

>> No.86425112

I'm mad that it's set for specifically PST instead of EST

>> No.86425124

There's just members who are closer or more willing/free to collab with each other. The only actual clique in holo is the whole holobox.

>> No.86425132

they havent twited a single ame stream

>> No.86425151

homoshitters begone

>> No.86425162

Not at all. They at least keep their clique shit under wraps. It's very blatant in Hololive. When is the last time youy have seen a non-sponsored, 1 on 1 collab between Miko and Marine?

>> No.86425179

See, I told you it's a nijinigger

>> No.86425184

They didn't earn it (unironically). They don't deserve it (unironically). Get your own damn twitter

>> No.86425196

i thought you were fucking with me but isreal

>> No.86425232

they couldn't even bother to retweet a charity stream lmao

>> No.86425247


>> No.86425260
Quoted by: >>86425377

Not even fauna or fuwamoco have over 9k members

>> No.86425263

Mori has a very grey chat today also more viewers than usual, wonder if it's DS tourists or myth graduation tourists

>> No.86425270

Morp got her ass obliterated by a giant enemy crab

>> No.86425291

Hes a Gator

>> No.86425326
Quoted by: >>86425372

i can't sleep.. i miss fauna

>> No.86425330
Quoted by: >>86425543

When is the last time youy have seen a non-sponsored, 1 on 1 collab between Flare and Reine?
you are not making any sense

>> No.86425339
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, tips-on-soloing-the-huge-slime-boss-and-possibly-farming-it-v0-85ohr0az8grd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425467

[Sad News] People are now building farms for the slime boss in holoearth likely due to it's fuckhuge and scaling HP pool

>> No.86425362

>no tweet for Ame
>no tweet for a fucking charity stream
>a girl release a new Orisong people have been waiting for 15 months, only a shit RT
So the retarded shit fujo was just on vacation, that's why the account was doing it's job this summer

>> No.86425361

Ame this is actually cruel to the Goslings that never recovered

>> No.86425372
File: 215 KB, 2048x2048, 1725293232452492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425466

Me too.

>> No.86425377

I assume you have some proof of that?

>> No.86425381


>> No.86425404
Quoted by: >>86425509

sony buys anikara next year..

>> No.86425406

Probably ds ones. Fromsoft games bring a lot of back seating subhumans

>> No.86425411

Yes, the accounts should have never been merged, there's reason no one fucking uses it anymore

>> No.86425424 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 897x896, attentionWhoreME!ME!ME!ME!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this picture, all I can think of if this.

>> No.86425444

>myth collab has almost 500k views already
Gura's mindshare is crazy.

>> No.86425466
Quoted by: >>86425587

shut up monkey! only i allowed to miss fauna

>> No.86425467
Quoted by: >>86425575

Holoearth has very "fake videogame in a tv show" energy

>> No.86425468
File: 585 KB, 1042x613, InaEldenRing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest historically was probably prime Ina.
Fauna had that great run at the start of the year, but still a little short. Probably still the closest right now.
Mumei despite the crazy ceiling sometimes, is too inconsistant and her floor is quite a bit lower.
Other candidates currently I guess are:
FWMC, basically same issues as Mumei
Biboo, solid numbers, quite a way off solid 5view territory though
CC, bit of a longshot here but her numbers have been pretty good, some potential at least

>> No.86425471
Quoted by: >>86425533

He doesn't, it's untrackable. The closest we have is an unreliable site.

>> No.86425473

>merge mention
uh oh niji melty

>> No.86425484
Quoted by: >>86425634

Is there a website or way to calculate the total playtime of someones entire history of VODs? Out of curiosity, I'd like to know how long it would to watch then entirety of Ame's videos. Only her live streams though

>> No.86425490
Quoted by: >>86425533

Theres a chart out there somewhere but the membership streams speak for themselves

>> No.86425495

How many viewers? Threads and chat feel awfully slow for a last member stream.

>> No.86425509

Still waiting for Bushi to buy Cover

>> No.86425533

>there's a chart
Told you he's a retard.

>> No.86425535

Bro it's 3 AM on a Monday
I'm amazed anyone can stay up for this

>> No.86425543

They don't lead cliques and they are in a separate branches. Miko is a leader, Marine is a leader.

>> No.86425575

I blame twisted priorities and stock combat animations

>> No.86425587
File: 107 KB, 1380x1680, 1724933666404119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86425589


>> No.86425605
Quoted by: >>86426357

is 1 am and tomorrow is monday so threads is spected to be slow
however this isnt mouse chat. Set the caht to show all messages not just top ones.
vod views so far is so she has that and a little more for views.

>> No.86425607
Quoted by: >>86425711

Your branch can't even hit 8k members without a graduation buff kek

>> No.86425634
Quoted by: >>86426164

There's a way to generate a playlist on including all of the available videos in a channel, that would tell you the total run time for it

>> No.86425654
File: 2.22 MB, 496x486, 1727680589541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425991

>mask off

>> No.86425658
File: 118 KB, 1100x916, 1194119752578454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425735

Karubi grows bigger every day. Nacho doesn't need any other daughters.

>> No.86425665
Quoted by: >>86425697

>Gura just retweeted the youtooz figure thing again
She's telling you to buy to fund Ame's retirement.

>> No.86425669

2 months ago
Pekora clique sounds more reasonable than Marine

>> No.86425681

you got it all wrong, you fucking retard. Marine is in Flare's clique. Marine has never been the leader or anything

>> No.86425697

>she is awake
probably watching ame

>> No.86425701
Quoted by: >>86426034

These ID numbers are looking grim for an event

>> No.86425711

your whore can't get sub without begging, scamming and getting cum in her eyes kek

>> No.86425726

how do you buy from holoshop if your country is not listed? it's already sold out on geekjack

>> No.86425735

Nacho will never be hired to make another daughter ever again.

>> No.86425761 [DELETED] 

Pekora isn't a horrid bitch though. The clique revolves around Marine and no one else. Kanata/Chloe/AZKi doesn't collab with Pekora, just Marine.

>> No.86425767
Quoted by: >>86425847

What do you want to buy anon

>> No.86425780

Reshipper, tenso or blackship or whatever. What's sold out?

>> No.86425786
File: 237 KB, 720x1031, 1175925226861147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the stgr gta server indies started messing around with the ducks too.

>> No.86425797
Quoted by: >>86425966

Pekora isn't a horrid bitch though. The clique revolves around Marine and no one else. Kanata/Chloe/Lamy doesn't collab with Pekora, just Marine.

>> No.86425798
Quoted by: >>86426039

Fauna will, she asked for perms.
So just got to wait for someone else to ask so she can

>> No.86425800
Quoted by: >>86425830


>> No.86425830

No need to be so extra

>> No.86425847

the smol ame but I don't want to gacha

>> No.86425848

They're just sociable members who like to organize collabs. The whole clique thing falls apart as soon as you start thinking which members belong to which cliques since the vast majority of them will have no problem taking part in either member's activities.

>> No.86425873
File: 383 KB, 1774x2047, B0F190ED-876F-42C1-B63A-DAA0B0B1AD6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86425900

are nijiniggers trying to do some pysops in this thread?

>> No.86425878

Odds of Mori finding the Guts Sword in this area tonight?

>> No.86425883

Whose clique does Koyori belong to?

>> No.86425900

when are they not? i swear since nyfco died it's been 10 times worse

>> No.86425906


>> No.86425916

now that i think about it
gura didnt got time to celebrate her anniversary right?
probably has that stream pending still.

>> No.86425921
File: 2.18 MB, 1622x1151, 1727676001752151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why theres so many homobeggars pushing amesame?

>> No.86425930


>> No.86425937
Quoted by: >>86426048

None. She barely colllabs with holos nowadays.

>> No.86425966
Quoted by: >>86426075

>Kanata doesn’t collab with Pekora
Lol, also she collabs with AZKi who is Miko Clique btw

>> No.86425971
File: 2.74 MB, 1456x2128, 1727680933739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86425989
File: 2.05 MB, 1008x2251, Screenshot_20240930-152305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86425991
File: 2 KB, 262x55, 1727325491269760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86426028

He got less then Gigi singing September. Why just lie

>> No.86426034
Quoted by: >>86426160


>> No.86426039

I want to castrate Fauna's manager.

>> No.86426043

I guess we'll never hear this one with all of Myth at EN 3rd concert

>> No.86426048

that's Lui

>> No.86426075

AZKi is in Marine's clique. She collabs almost exclusively with them.
Same gen, that doesn't count towards clique membership.

>> No.86426081

Why aren't you fuckers watching Ame's karaoke?
She evwn wore her cowboy outfit.

>> No.86426098
Quoted by: >>86426149

This song really doesn't work in karaoke form...

>> No.86426102

Towa is in the celiac disease clique

>> No.86426135
Quoted by: >>86426198

I cancelled my Ame membership in 2022

>> No.86426149

its actually perfect

>> No.86426158
File: 148 KB, 336x276, 177376327623632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it flop?

>> No.86426160
Quoted by: >>86426284

Nobody watches Niji

>> No.86426164

Do you know how to do that by chance?

>> No.86426178

Towa is on the "Letting 'em nuts hanging out" clique with Polka and Minato Aqua from Hololive

>> No.86426198
Quoted by: >>86426278

>i don't even need to type anything mother fuckers just want to out themselves

>> No.86426203

I took it off my playlist because it's sad now.

>> No.86426214

She won’t sing Fansa

>> No.86426223

The song is awful and no one cares that much about Myth as a group

>> No.86426248

Towa broke my dog's jaw by accident and refuses to pay for it's surgery, shes got that ENRON money but won't help out a friend

>> No.86426251

>sub 9k en branch

>> No.86426258

Dont tell me theyre BAUBAUing there?

>> No.86426261


>> No.86426277
File: 348 KB, 1277x718, 1206036933592102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yab buspo cn is done for

>> No.86426278
File: 34 KB, 345x339, 1706767208899435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I answered your question

>> No.86426281

So, which one of you fucker told me the Cover Twitter intern was replaced?

>> No.86426284
Quoted by: >>86426324

Then why are you nijiseething?

>> No.86426292


>> No.86426302
Quoted by: >>86426350

Towa can fit a whole ass lemon inside her mouth without puking, I'm telling you that girl is just build different like these whores from Salem

>> No.86426324
Quoted by: >>86426365

I'm not

>> No.86426350

I want to fuck towa's feminine body

>> No.86426357

Damn that's a lot of views for an ongoing members.
She did have almost 8k new members just today including gifted, so makes sense

>> No.86426358 [DELETED] 


>> No.86426365

Towa really should apologize for what she did last Thursday, it was rude and uncalled for

>> No.86426378
Quoted by: >>86426458

yes and embeds got banned a year ago and qt only used that channel for like 3 days. hit me with your next cope.

>> No.86426384

MV is horrible. The best way to watch this song is just to pull up the Myth anniversary live and watch it there. Also not the cookiecutter jpop with tiktok bait that everyone seems to want now.

>> No.86426400

>show goes on
>one goes on...

>> No.86426435

>whoretubing will die in 5 years

>> No.86426441
File: 261 KB, 679x363, image_2024-09-30_173228469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86426851

can someone edit ao out and replace it with the niji/phase icon/the mouse? I'm too retarded to do it

>> No.86426443
Quoted by: >>86426522

Post her calling Froot a cheater.

>> No.86426446
File: 282 KB, 750x413, IMG_7563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Suisei is on Marine clique then

>> No.86426447

I will end the Kenzoku who terrorize these threads once and for all, using my ultimate technique

>> No.86426458

>embeds got banned a year ago
only for specific channels.

>> No.86426469

Is there any EN group song that is actually good?

>> No.86426495

Suisei is the "not brushing her teeth after giving head" clique

>> No.86426501
Quoted by: >>86426591


>> No.86426515

When this aired in the live everyone here called it good and only started shitting on it once it didn't do numbers.

>> No.86426523
Quoted by: >>86426604

Crazy how this woman went from one of my favorites to one of my most hated so quickly
I really don’t think she’s done a single admirable or commendable thing since she left

>> No.86426522

Did she really kek

>> No.86426541
Quoted by: >>86426845

I like Connect the World and BD

>> No.86426542
Quoted by: >>86426591

Look I know this is the promise+gura thread but rebellion is RIGHT THERE

>> No.86426543
Quoted by: >>86426591

the advent group song is quite good

>> No.86426545
Quoted by: >>86426585

oh ok go ahead and tell fextralife to come back

>> No.86426549

Suisei is in Miko's clique. You can tell she hates Marine.

>> No.86426554
Quoted by: >>86426700

Nijiniggers got too comfortable itt

>> No.86426557
File: 4 KB, 262x86, 1727325491269760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86426586

>still coping
You should really focus on botting your declining nephilim

>> No.86426585
Quoted by: >>86426673

that was one of the specific chanels

>> No.86426586
Quoted by: >>86426768

say her name scatman

>> No.86426591

Fuck, you got me

>> No.86426592

this is actually 100% true

>> No.86426604

Yea that bitch doesn't care about noombers what a cunt

>> No.86426620

no Suisei is in the your mom dies in you're sleep clique

>> No.86426621
Quoted by: >>86426949

I don't get it

>> No.86426634

The only people who shit on it are the same people who seethe at every holo under the sun everyday

>> No.86426643

Ever heard of recency bias?

>> No.86426645

Literally cover corp

>> No.86426671

Why is every graduating member last stream always Minecraft

>> No.86426673
File: 10 KB, 281x180, 1727681804678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86426682
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1705727309989928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Advent songs

>> No.86426700

I'm not the schizo but there is a very obvious friend groups around Marine, Miko, Flare, and Fubuki.

>> No.86426702
Quoted by: >>86426816

Nobody gives a shit about retarded twitch numbers that's why you won't get a tally you stupid retards lol
Those fags are sister level of delusions

>> No.86426704
Quoted by: >>86426763

inb4 it's ok when they do it

>> No.86426705
File: 144 KB, 850x1464, Immerheim_uber_alles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fordv8b.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86426706
Quoted by: >>86426962

Marine and Pekora joined Suisei and Miko server. Thet betrayed their own cliques
>Sakamata is the true “marine” clique leader
But who is the real Miko clique leader?

>> No.86426732

it's basically Hololive's metaverse. that's where the members can gather for one last time before they leave.

>> No.86426740
Quoted by: >>86426764


>> No.86426742

Because hololive was a minecraft streaming company during the golden eras of all of these graduating chuubas

>> No.86426760

people shit on sirens for being too kpop like and not doing numbers but I thought it was pretty neat, had a different vibe from rebellion

>> No.86426764
Quoted by: >>86426846


>> No.86426763

How does cover corp take 50% of the money spent directly on the charity's site you morons

>> No.86426768
File: 63 KB, 535x138, 1726832839784150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86426834


>> No.86426774


>> No.86426777
File: 29 KB, 547x470, 1612106413043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86430254

is this about niji concert from months ago?
why is he covering old topic instead of current happening?

>> No.86426783
Quoted by: >>86426867

People just wanted it to be good, it's super generic old timey jazz, it sounds like the type of music you'll hear in a movie to let you know it's set in the 1920s or whatever.

>> No.86426787

The Show Goes On.

>> No.86426807


>> No.86426816

>en has less subs then ironmouse and filian kek

>> No.86426834
Quoted by: >>86426940

you can tell the larpers apart from the real thing because larpers get too easily sidetracked

>> No.86426845
Quoted by: >>86426928

CTW is an alright hololive ensemble idol song (one of the weaker ones IMO but still fine) but Breaking Dimensions straight up sounds like Kidz Bop.

>> No.86426846
Quoted by: >>86426919

what streams? Link them

>> No.86426850

>talks about cn
>shows a blurry screenshot from qpi from JP
you have to actually explain your thoughts

>> No.86426851
File: 91 KB, 1078x576, 1199464806062044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428172

Here, you do the rest.

>> No.86426867
Quoted by: >>86427022

Good here seems to mean the same generic jpop with tiktok bait.

>> No.86426895
File: 37 KB, 1181x281, 1712989373605166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86426897
File: 37 KB, 220x251, Gigi300k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi hit 300k by the way

>> No.86426905

nta i would assume its about winzifred pooh

>> No.86426919
Quoted by: >>86426985

>spoonfeed me
no :)

>> No.86426925

on an unrelated note, EN needs a hot gyaru with nerd interests in EN5

>> No.86426928

CTW is better than SSS, but since we're approaching JP hours that opinion will be taken as sacrilege.

>> No.86426935

>it took 3 months to break 300k

>> No.86426936
File: 243 KB, 925x925, 1727682132891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86426940

Im sorry your nephilim declined but lashing out wont fix her sub 4k ccv

>> No.86426946


>> No.86426949

you guys are blind

>> No.86426959
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, dressup_EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86426962
Quoted by: >>86427047

>But who is the real Miko clique leader?

>> No.86426967
Quoted by: >>86427108

say her name dookie denier

>> No.86426968


>> No.86426985

An actual sister kek

>> No.86426988

is there any strats? I wanna get this as fast as possible with minimal effort

>> No.86426990

that means Gigi gains 100k subs per month, so she'll get 1 million in 10 months, faster than fuwamoco!

>> No.86426995
Quoted by: >>86427108

yup, larper. you lack the sheer vitriol of the real ennacuck.
In fact, you type like a woman

>> No.86426997

Since you guys missed it Iofi and Ollie released a cover of a certain highly philosophical song

>> No.86427006


>> No.86427020
File: 8 KB, 1185x64, 1717595591415721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3k left
she's really not going to do anything for the milestone is she

>> No.86427022
Quoted by: >>86427163

People wanted it to be good precisely because it was so different from most vtuber songs but unfortunately the execution was very unimpressive in the end.

>> No.86427038

Go Raora, go! Usurp the queen! One, independent, free republic!

>> No.86427039

I don't see a single en getting there in 1 year unless they go mega viral

>> No.86427047
File: 623 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86427058


>> No.86427067

Is advent supposed to be a music gen or something why do they have so many songs?

>> No.86427068

tiktok ERB! Gotta spam karaoke shorts soon!

>> No.86427086
Quoted by: >>86427287

She will, she'll just do it a month late.

>> No.86427092

easy to work with and fwmc probably helps a lot on the jp side.

>> No.86427094


>> No.86427096
Quoted by: >>86427147

>the 2 biggest homo beggars

>> No.86427108
File: 67 KB, 508x138, 1726832839784150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought gfe organs didn't lose numbers? What happened?

>> No.86427116

Yeah, no thanks

>> No.86427147
Quoted by: >>86427205


>> No.86427161
Quoted by: >>86427188

g r i m

>> No.86427163

Again, the thread liked it during the live and only started calling it bad when the MV didn't do numbers. I agree that the MV visually, but this thread is full of bandwagoners who do 180s all the time when it seems something will or won't be popular.

>> No.86427179
Quoted by: >>86427230

You are literally the worst ennacuck larper in the history of this thread lmao

>> No.86427181

Hey look it's basically nerissas career lmao. Can't believe out of all the people they picked from Moris old music circle they chose her. What a grim mistake for her music anyway I like nerissa as a holo though.

>> No.86427184

shows how unmotivated the other gens are
i dont blame justice though, it would have looked bad if CCGGRR just made songs together and left out ERB

>> No.86427188
Quoted by: >>86427514

>dodging the question

>> No.86427205
File: 20 KB, 855x79, EU hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86427218

>only started calling it bad when the MV didn't do numbers
This never happened. Nobody now is even calling it bad except for the Phase shitposter implying so. It is still the best English gen song to date.

>> No.86427220

>euros wake up
>thread goes to shit
Like clockwork

>> No.86427226

Ah, late night /#/. The bot seething at IRyS, the one pagpag eater obsessed with Europeans, and very bad posts all around. My home.

>> No.86427230
Quoted by: >>86427262

Why did she lose viewers? Thats all i'm asking

>> No.86427262
Quoted by: >>86427467

it's not even a bot
it's some sister larping

>> No.86427272

What prevents hololive from debuting a 6-member gen?

>> No.86427271

Why is ERB even at the top? Going by their actual popularity, Cece and Gigi should be at the top, then Raora not too far behind, then ERB dead last. It makes no sense.

>> No.86427275
File: 453 KB, 1024x444, 1726270899875822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gomenasai raid baby

>> No.86427287

you retards she talked about it like 20 times

>> No.86427305

Every Gen has their own director, Advents clearly prioritizes it.
Might also be related to them kind of being sister gens to ReGloss

>> No.86427308

>this thread is full of bandwagoners who do 180s all the time when it seems something will or won't be popular.
Or maybe this thread is browsed by more than one person and the NA hours posters who only use this thread to livepost 6k ccv EN streams are more likely to say the song is good than other /#/ demographics?

>> No.86427310
Quoted by: >>86427354

it's still the middle of afternoon anonchama.

>> No.86427314 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 878x1200, 24ef8ea7a42b68865b9a9c153ab607a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pagpag you say, pagpag hours time to torture Ame

>> No.86427320
File: 698 KB, 1008x599, Screenshot_20240930-155014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this philosophical

>> No.86427335

Their models become too small in YouTube thumbnails.

>> No.86427353

Drama buff, ofc doesn't translate in ccv because as we know beggars do not watch streams

>> No.86427354

In NA, the only timezones that matter, it is sleeping time.

>> No.86427356

It was posted, don't think a lot of people care though

>> No.86427387
File: 39 KB, 415x739, 128-29910517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86427413
Quoted by: >>86427435

>NA hours posters who only use this thread to livepost 6k ccv EN streams
Oh that's why never talk about Phase and niji stream

>> No.86427435
Quoted by: >>86427543

Try again, but in English this time.

>> No.86427457

it's actually crazy that hololive did a 6 member gen literally once and then never again

>> No.86427462
Quoted by: >>86427828

Give it a year because going by the sub rate trend the others will probably catch up

>> No.86427468
File: 228 KB, 660x649, 1697210851370620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive or bust
but if there are stinky otaku girls out there that are absolutely not interested in doing idol stuff just want to play vidya making cute noises, what is even the alternative in this industry?

>> No.86427467
File: 70 KB, 526x138, 1726832839784150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh declinerys seethe

>> No.86427480

Oh look the Frog from the trooncord is mad he gets all his schizoposts and spam deleted by the janny and he can't samefag all thread

>> No.86427483
Quoted by: >>86427528

Mel was likely supposed to be in Gen 0, but they had a space to fill with Chris terminated, so they said fuck it.

>> No.86427487
Quoted by: >>86427528

ackshually, Hololive never debuted a 6-man gen. Mel was a seperate debut that got relegated to Gen 1 after Chris got fired.

>> No.86427490

Dumb tourist

>> No.86427514
Quoted by: >>86427815

>la hedor

>> No.86427515


>> No.86427517

they should have licked ears before youtube started banning that shit

>> No.86427516
Quoted by: >>86427583

So whos calling it quits next because ame was the catalyst. Easy guess is Gura but I could see a fauna or mumei too.

>> No.86427528

the more you know

>> No.86427543
Quoted by: >>86427615

It's ESL hours sorry Phasecuck

>> No.86427566
Quoted by: >>86428080

It's amazing how they successfully memoryholed Hitomi chris

>> No.86427583
Quoted by: >>86427642

Heard people saying Mooms was gonna go next and Join doki

>> No.86427615
Quoted by: >>86427655

ESLs should be killed. But Phasecucks should be as well, just like nijiniggers and all non-holofans.

>> No.86427635

they can do game commentary videos, they pop off all the time see Any Austin or the dark path of Asmongoloid

>> No.86427642

Mumei is a weird one because she's in-between doing a Gura and not streaming and being a normal member. She has no reason to leave she's seems content doing whatever

>> No.86427643

jwu qrd on the yab?

>> No.86427655
Quoted by: >>86427717

HoloEN anti too

>> No.86427658

It's euro hours again

>> No.86427669

>doxxvermin already samefagging

>> No.86427690
File: 52 KB, 720x331, 7oQUw5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428095

On this note it's kinda sad how much hajime's artist mama ignores her. Like she's an afterthought to Nose.

>> No.86427708


>> No.86427717
Quoted by: >>86427868

HoloEN antis too*
You're supposed to add an "s" at the end of the word "anti" to make it plural, you ESL. The sentence does not work otherwise.

>> No.86427742

Nijiniggers raid
Homoniggers raid
Flip faggot starting its "euuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrroooooo" routine
same old

>> No.86427766

Mori says you will not see her tomorrow so guess this means ame is not doing final call-ins

>> No.86427800


>> No.86427803

That was pretty obvious anon

>> No.86427815
Quoted by: >>86428780

>sub 5k without raids

>> No.86427825

Mori raided into Watame's cover frame

>> No.86427828

I'm curious to know, since there's anons always saying Shioris a flop and what not, how was her growth rate compared to Justices over the same period of time?

>> No.86427840
File: 406 KB, 583x425, 1710442878488403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86427950


>> No.86427847

i respect the hustle but this is getting a little too desperate for my taste

>> No.86427854

based going full black

>> No.86427858
File: 10 KB, 221x228, 2132112323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nottomoe rm
huh so that who that girl was that was spammed in the niji hajime thread
i was confused as to why some of the nijifags were doompostings and concernposting over some random account

>> No.86427868
Quoted by: >>86427951

No, I'm talking about (you)

>> No.86427882
Quoted by: >>86428167

>Why is ERB even at the top?
she got all the debut buffs

>> No.86427885

This makes sense why they were trying to push a marine "yab" yesterday and spamming the former coo of anycolor saying vtubing is dying threads in nipland.

>> No.86427888
Quoted by: >>86427935

YAAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i put cow shit in my pagpag)

>> No.86427901

With what money?
Isn't Cover targeted to earn more than Bushiroad this year?

>> No.86427902

Are there Spanish speaking anons who can tell me if this is right? Lacking any real Spanish knowledge I asked ChatGPT to write a Spanish bridge for me and I wanna know if the AI fucked it up or not.
>"¿Dónde están? ¿Por qué no hablan ya?"
>Los beggars lloran sin parar,
>Pero las holomem solo callan,
>Y el ruido se vuelve nada.

>> No.86427935
Quoted by: >>86428102

ah the retarded frenchfaggot is back im surprised you havent spammed the copypasta yet

>> No.86427950
File: 239 KB, 1080x1469, 1656602374856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86427951
Quoted by: >>86428216

What do you mean? All antis should be shot. I saw a post with egregious English and commented on that. I wasn't reading the conversation chain. I just think ESLs should be executed for butchering my language.

>> No.86427954

shit like this doesn't hit when I've SEEN Matuli piss her thighs

>> No.86427961

why is anya grouped to JP1?

>> No.86427981
File: 50 KB, 647x647, GX0gCziakAM0Yc_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428027

My mori is off for the day and now I can rest my weary head and get some nice sleep

>> No.86427983

If it is wrong just claim that it is a latin american dialect

>> No.86427994

they need to earn money first since njpw is bleeding them dry

>> No.86428000

At this point cover is the one who would be buying bushiroad, not the other way round

>> No.86428010

>where are them? why dont they just speak
>the beggars cry non stop
>but the holomen remain silent
>And the sound becomes nothing

>> No.86428027
File: 700 KB, 1280x720, Hugs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9yk6cl.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight deadbeat

>> No.86428047

That's just Mumei if she gets a gyaru outfit.

>> No.86428058
Quoted by: >>86428112

Why does shigure ui never appear in these rankings?

>> No.86428059

EN Ririka.

>> No.86428080

what did she even do? I only started coming here around the promise debuts

>> No.86428095
Quoted by: >>86428260

maybe the mama is a normie doesn't really understand playing video games
vspo is leaning harder on that aspect after all

>> No.86428102
Quoted by: >>86428243

don't conflate me with that chronoir sandnigger, you're all brown anyway

>> No.86428112

They don’t carry indies. They now have an indie section but that’s for former corpos that went indie

>> No.86428118

Literally nothing, that's the whole thing

>> No.86428134

She was a newfag in /#/ who didn't lurk more before posting.

>> No.86428162
Quoted by: >>86428197

Her debut only I believe, the pose with hand on glasses? She was stuck like that

>> No.86428167

I think character design is just as important as well. I think that helps in getting a bunch of random (dead) subs. Gigi's design is the most "out there" of justice, and she also has the least subs, despite her CCV.

>> No.86428172
Quoted by: >>86429167

Anyone have the original template for this?

>> No.86428188

Linear growth huhaha

>> No.86428189

>(dead) subs.

>> No.86428193
File: 107 KB, 748x750, anya chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428318

borrowed money from a guy to start streaming
guy wanted lewds as payment
drama ensues
she got graduated but because she is related to yagoo he had to make a new branch and have her learn bahasa in order to have her back

>> No.86428197
Quoted by: >>86428226

She was around for a month, newfag. And you don't even have the English capabilities to know he was asking what she did to get terminated. LMAO

>> No.86428200

I wonder if anyone in EN will pick up the Fubuki role of "show must go on" and put on a happy face for the grieving crowd...

>> No.86428212

guys, the indie 2 view vsinger i follow just announced shes ending activities in 6 months im crying

>> No.86428216

>I wasn't reading the conversation chain
Oh, I don't care then

>> No.86428218
Quoted by: >>86428318

>what did she even do
Promises of “compensated date” in return for the streaming equipment, didn’t deliver on her end, dude ratted her out and she got cut before even debut because if there is one thing that really doesn’t jive with an idol vtuber company is a scandal like that

>> No.86428226
Quoted by: >>86428315

>a month
A day

>> No.86428236
File: 61 KB, 542x553, 20240314_211316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428348

Before she debuted she asked a dude to buy her a bunch of streaming equipment for her to use during her debut (don't remember in exchange for what), after she debuted she proceeded to ghost the dude that bought her the equipment, in a rage the dude proceeded to go on a rant on Twitter and dox Hitomi and complain to Hololive about what she did, Cover didn't want to deal with it and gave her the boot before it got too messy.
Did I get that right?

>> No.86428243

>don't conflate me with that chronoir sandnigger
thats a different frog you retard
there was a frog from around 2022 who sperged out after the jannies banned him and started spamming sea copypasta for around 2 weeks

>> No.86428260

nvm, found her vidya tweet
her xitter is pretty dead

>> No.86428315
Quoted by: >>86428388

Now, almost a month.
Newfags gonna newfag I guess.

>> No.86428318

I'll say this much, this has as much validity as the "luna got bullied out of nijisanji by Shiina" rrat because nobody knew anything about hololive back in 2018 and everyone is just repeating what they heard some other anon say for six years

>> No.86428337

Hey I still like it
The MV is crap but the song itself is pretty good and is a breath of fresh air from standard jpop fare

>> No.86428343

Is this true?

>> No.86428348
Quoted by: >>86428396

The exchange was sex. She was also underage.

>> No.86428372

I'm neither of those anons, but what we have is the Jap guy accusing her on Twitter of it. That's the only perspective we have.

>> No.86428375

It's probably been easier for management to wrangle them into one than for the other gens tbdesu

>> No.86428376

only thing i know about chris is that japs eventually found her working at some radio station before the big coof after which she disappeared again

>> No.86428381

>the former coo of anycolor saying vtubing is dying

>> No.86428387

Who knows

>> No.86428388
Quoted by: >>86428433

>but actually

>> No.86428394

You even mixed up which Niji people say bullied (not)Luna

>> No.86428396

She was not underage in that part of Japan, anon. She was 16, of legal age.

>> No.86428433

I accept your concession, newfag. It's literally stated right there, retard.

>> No.86428443
File: 73 KB, 820x216, trouble in paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm that's so odd

>> No.86428454

No, they just have better cohesion and work ethic. Only 1 singer, 2 mid, 1 bad, and one Shiori tier.

>> No.86428459

>what is even the alternative in this industry?
Is being a mid 3 view good enough? Because theres a few small corpos were you can do that. With the potential to push them towards 4 view territory if you do a good job

>> No.86428465

Nobody really knows, since it's a long time ago and hololive was smallish back then. She had her debut, but shortly after her contract was terminted, due to acontract breach. I know there is(/was?) a guy on Twitter, who wrote in his profile that he was responsible for the termination of several vtubers, one of them being her. How legit that claim is who knows. I think nobody has the actual answer, except for Chris and cover themselves.

>> No.86428468
Quoted by: >>86428590

>"luna got bullied out of nijisanji by Shiina" rrat
that one is a rrat because it wasnt shiina that bullied luna but honhima and sasaki and the only reason that those two are linked is because they had a past with luna before niji like how pekora and aqua also had a past

>> No.86428473
File: 108 KB, 736x686, 7e6f5974a8c762fbc9a912acae855e99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86428495
File: 2.24 MB, 1008x2463, Screenshot_20240930-161724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428582


>> No.86428509

Vox fans hate her.

>> No.86428545

not really considering vox dumped her months ago and she probably still has grudges over it especially when her old project was canned in favor of luxiem back in 2022

>> No.86428576
File: 240 KB, 1198x900, 1653869568817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I wonder why

>> No.86428579
File: 97 KB, 526x526, a966ce2a67d9ec222d1154e8e93c0fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86428582
Quoted by: >>86428717

can you do it with increasing enthusiasm?

>> No.86428590

Luna left Niji because she's a social climber her whole career, only reason stayed in Holo is there's no where higher to go.

>> No.86428602
Quoted by: >>86428981

What Marine yab

>> No.86428620
File: 106 KB, 1021x1024, 1727684267042057m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428879

I've never heard any other vtuber sing this.

>> No.86428627

Being the singer of the gen is a big sub buff. Gave her a big lead to start with.
She's losing that lead gradually though, despite the others not really doing anything to chase subs.

>> No.86428642
Quoted by: >>86428839

>Is being a mid 3 view good enough?
despite people still pushing this rrat, not really no and we lnow this because of the twitch leaks where the top 5% of twitch earns below minimum wage

>> No.86428683
File: 120 KB, 1200x1200, f30517490d7ddb82f2c752f8ccad8c38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86428686

I guess Ryona (niji en newest gen) got paired randomly with Dokibird in Apex

>> No.86428691
Quoted by: >>86428704

Mori talking about the Backrooms collab nearly getting cancelled

>> No.86428694
Quoted by: >>86428814

>Luna left Niji because she's a social climber
>left niji at their peak only to go somewhere lower
sounds more like social descending than social climbing

>> No.86428704
Quoted by: >>86428739

>Mori talking

>> No.86428717
File: 35 KB, 640x360, Vince mchamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86428792

Just imagine my face being like this every time I post it today

>> No.86428737

>nijinigger revisionism

>> No.86428739


>> No.86428747
Quoted by: >>86428839

Depends, there's a big different between 100 ccv and 900. Anything over 500 you can probably pay your bills from streaming and do it full time.

>> No.86428767

Kek I actually had to look up the name because I didn't know who that was
It's Ryoma, Ryona is about a man abusing women

>> No.86428780


>> No.86428785
Quoted by: >>86428818

luna left niji because nijisanji was a toxic shithole as a workplace anon
its the reason why nakao left niji for fucking voms of all places

>> No.86428788 [DELETED] 

You are redditors niggerfaggots seaniggers mods confirm.

>> No.86428792


>> No.86428814

Lunas from Gen 4 not 2, Holo was already clearly the place to be for female vtubers by the time she joined.

>> No.86428817

what is his real name at this point
last time i heard its barrenwomb

>> No.86428818

it's a shame she's back to male collabing now

>> No.86428839
Quoted by: >>86428898

lol no see>>86428642
there are 3views in the 500 range that can barely pay the bills without begging from their oilers anon

>> No.86428843

Did she actually say "my cunny is wet" lol

>> No.86428859
Quoted by: >>86428904

This is a reddit board

>> No.86428879

it's music for chuds

>> No.86428886

she should graduate and unironically stream on twitch, people there will love her

>> No.86428892
Quoted by: >>86428966

Holo was still a step down from Nijisanji at that time anon if Luna was actually a social climber she would have jumped at around gen 5 or 6

>> No.86428898

Like who?

>> No.86428904 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86429192

So what is being brown shitskins.

>> No.86428910

literally the only song in Holo to use Gura's vocals properly until Shinkiro

>> No.86428924
File: 32 KB, 1024x498, 1727679508458883m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86429768

>> No.86428956
Quoted by: >>86429093

>mad he got called out for being a threadshitting /lig/ger on /who/

>> No.86428961

This is a reddit thread

>> No.86428966

For females it was a step up, also their contract is just way better because they don't jew you on merch cut like niji does

>> No.86428981

A bunch of her anti schizos(jp nijinigs) got mad she "snapped" at poruka for some random criticism about Ao's singing during the 3D watchalong.
looked into it, it was mostly sukikira holoans making a fuss

>> No.86428988

How new?

>> No.86429001
File: 2.73 MB, 576x698, 3caebbfb48db77711b1afac.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86429088

>> No.86429069
Quoted by: >>86429221

>For females it was a step up
Around gen 5 or 6 maybe but during gen 4 debut it was still a step down especially when she was in the golden gen equivalent in nijsanji

>> No.86429087

What was the yab about Fauna revealing she was white

>> No.86429088

and then the pitbull comes along

>> No.86429093
Quoted by: >>86429207

man wtf is with /lig/ers raiding holothreads

>> No.86429109
File: 1.28 MB, 1502x5596, OldDebutNumbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86429147

>Holo was already clearly the place to be for female vtubers by the time Luna joined.
Don't think that's true, looking at the debut dates and numbers.
They were just starting to take off when she debuted, but doesn't seem like it would have been true when she would have applied/been hired

>> No.86429112

Design does play a part but unless the design/execution of the model is just fucked (like Sana's) it's not a dealbreaker
Debut impression and voice play a much bigger role
Like most of the sub runts, it's usually the filtering (streaming) voice that's the issue in the long run
It can be overcome especially with subs from viral-ish music and shorts

>> No.86429119
Quoted by: >>86429173

I really don't think this MV situation was justified, parody MVs are fine and in fact extremely common even in the unholy autistic godforsaken land of nippon
worst case, put it up and just let someone copyright claim it if they're going to be fucking assholes about it

>> No.86429132

She joined back in 2019 bro

>> No.86429137

yab and his associates met with anycolor yeah but nobody knows what agreements they made
the tomoe one is partially true and was mentioned in 5ch and matome

>> No.86429145
File: 117 KB, 487x597, 1840647768974496147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new merch

>> No.86429147
Quoted by: >>86429194

What did she get for her Niji debut?

>> No.86429167

There wasn't a template for that one. Everyone seems to be using their own screenshots from the stream so the arms are at different positions in every meme.

>> No.86429173
Quoted by: >>86429235


>> No.86429192

Brown taking over since the west has fallen

>> No.86429194

iirc it was around 8k-9k

>> No.86429207


>> No.86429221

By the time Luna debuted there were 2 livers in all of Nijisanji with a higher sub count than Fubuki

>> No.86429235
Quoted by: >>86429429

me still seething about ancient history, ame getting fucked over re: ookami blues

>> No.86429276

Fubuki had 300k at the start of 2020 anon, I find that very hard to believe

>> No.86429291
Quoted by: >>86429558

Kazoo and...Mito?

>> No.86429314

Super cool. Would buy multiple Fauna or Moom ones

>> No.86429382

fubuki was around 250k at that time so yeah dont think thats the case since there were at least 5 nijis at that time with 300k+

>> No.86429384

Hololive invents pens

>> No.86429396

Amelia graduation or VSPO 3D debuts, what will win?

>> No.86429411

what is /#/'s stance on the creation of /big/

>> No.86429429

I remember way back in the day Moris roki was getting cockblocked for so long. I don't even wanna know how many covers were shot down.

>> No.86429496

Gura had an IM@S cover that apparently even had an MV ready and then management shot it down.

>> No.86429503

Anything that distracts the antis sitting in /lig/ seething about hololive is good

>> No.86429508

Aggressive indifference

>> No.86429525

like seeing ants fighting
mildly amusing but not interesting

>> No.86429557
Quoted by: >>86429614

>tl english
>also adding her own lyrics
thats a lot of perms

>> No.86429558
Quoted by: >>86429876

Mito and Honhima. Kuzuha was under 200k at that point
>there were at least 5 nijis at that time with 300k+
Nope. I guess with modern numberrot it's easy to forget how small the scene was back then, Mito and Honhima were the only nijis with 300k subs at the time of Luna's debut.

>> No.86429589

I'm not saying you're a loser if you can't support a general and force your fans to talk about you in the Walmart of vtuber threads, but it is what it is.

>> No.86429614
Quoted by: >>86429899

I remember she even tweeted on her rm that it was gonna go up there because it was finished and then they denied her.

>> No.86429710
Quoted by: >>86429797

I checked them both out the other day a bit out of curiosity about the situation, just lurking.
Both threads seemed extremely dead and boring, I guess I'm too used to Holothread and /#/ speed, engagement, OCs, etc.

>> No.86429735


>> No.86429767

Ame wanted to spam 3D shows and lives but she cant lol

>> No.86429768
File: 59 KB, 480x303, vlc_screenshot_ Sep 30 2024 03_37_55.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86429772
File: 65 KB, 1964x303, Screenshot_20240930-164107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86429841


>> No.86429774

I have no feelings about one way or another

>> No.86429797

Half of that big thread is just someone posting Tenma from Phase pictures. She's not even on topic

>> No.86429833

Myth or Treat

>> No.86429841


>> No.86429856
File: 1.24 MB, 1264x6549, LQCzeeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei still on top
but /#/ told me she reclined how?

>> No.86429877

Do you really?

>> No.86429876
Quoted by: >>86430223

>, Mito and Honhima were the only nijis with 300k subs at the time of Luna's debut.
anon fubuki and shiina also hit 300k near the same time while kaede and rin was at 300k in 2020 anon you are the one who has amnesia due to numberrot
hololive at lunas debut was still a step down

>> No.86429899
Quoted by: >>86430000

that was for another song, and it actually came out over there

>> No.86429940

More like one schizo

>> No.86429942
Quoted by: >>86430252

U haven't sorted it, retard
It's still says "narabi kae"

>> No.86429956

No one else likes Above Below? Feels like it's as good, if not better than Rebellion.

>> No.86429976

>but /#/ told me
No one told you that. This is /numbers/ not /lies/

>> No.86430000
Quoted by: >>86430049

No, it was for roki. She was planning to debut her cover on her rm if cover didn't pull through at the last moment

>> No.86430043
File: 40 KB, 560x480, punch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86430049

pretty sure its another song since that was available in her rm

>> No.86430051

It's okay

>> No.86430054
File: 99 KB, 931x602, 2854452594289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86430055

It's actually fucking over for Filian

>> No.86430092

I liked it but the rap bit in the third stanza fucking sucks

>> No.86430101

Kill yourself doxxfag

>> No.86430188
Quoted by: >>86430275

hitomi chris talk is doxfag behavior?

>> No.86430223

Shiina reached 300k 4 months after Luna debuted in hololive. Deron reached it 6 months after Luna's debut. Rin didn't reach 300k until after Myth's debut. Nijisisters really exaggerate Nijisanji's supposed early dominance.

>> No.86430252
File: 452 KB, 1780x1152, 1712861708003796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86430461

That's the default selection display for it, but it shows that it is sorted by ninki when you click on it

>> No.86430253

Last member stream 11k likes

>> No.86430254

Because shitting on nijisanji covers a multitude of sins

>> No.86430276

something i hate about the indie space is they all getthis super detailed models and do nothing with them.
Just react content with the sensors on, or visit public vr chat rooms.

>> No.86430275

No, the doxxbeat

>> No.86430294

Will whatever weird contract Ame signed with Cover for this quasi graduation even allow her to be a vtuber? I feel like piloting two different vtuber personas at once is way too kayfabe breaking for Cover to allow and they would just full graduate her if so. Will she just be a fleshie? Seems weird because all her creativity seems to revolve specifically around being a vtuber.

>> No.86430318

What now, don't vague post about literal whos

>> No.86430327

Your have been hired by yagoo and is tasked to create a new group consisting of 5 girls from different gen. No duplicate girls from the same gen, you can mix and match any girls from different branch. So who will be your 5 pick, their group name and why?

>> No.86430342
Quoted by: >>86430535


>> No.86430344

>I feel like piloting two different vtuber personas at once is way too kayfabe breaking for Cover
tell that to matuli she even has her own 2view group

>> No.86430347

You are asking way too much. That autistic rapist isn't capable of anything that complex

>> No.86430358
Quoted by: >>86430456

is exactly the reason why she needed a new contract
to allowe her stream activities without any restrictions. That is why they would stop channel activities to allow that.

>> No.86430377

Miko, Fubuki, Subaru, Marine and Koyori. Who cares about the name

>> No.86430381

the fuck is happening on anya's stream she sounds possessed

>> No.86430401

what an unlucky shot

>> No.86430404

>december 31, 2019

>> No.86430417

Last karaoke ended.

>> No.86430421

You're not baiting me into watching an indog

>> No.86430443

She's doing a radio show larp

>> No.86430456

Well, she's still a Hololive vtuber, so posting about her new vtuber activities /here/ will be considered as doxxing.

>> No.86430461

Fuck Suisei

>> No.86430474

Koyori, Lamy, Fauna, Fuwawa and Zeta. Name of the group: "The four Lamies and Zeta"

>> No.86430496

i am

>> No.86430507


>> No.86430518
File: 41 KB, 679x409, 1704007459681417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken right after stream ended
These are pre-verification views, so Ame must have at least 30k members right now

>> No.86430532

Aki, Flare, Lamy and Irys and call it the undesirables subhumans group

>> No.86430535

She's really feminized...
