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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.49 MB, 2288x2916, E4UOBtVVcAAXrQE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8536027 No.8536027 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>8536055 >>8543444

>> No.8536055
Quoted by: >>8540174 >>8540255


>> No.8536171

Choco love!

>> No.8539520
File: 1004 KB, 220x285, Mori Crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Mori’s little brother.
>you will never grow up with Mori in the same house.
>Mori will never use you, her little brother, as a substitute boyfriend to know the boyfriend experience.
>you will never cross the line between brother and sister with Mori and have sex.
>You will never move to rural area to raise your child with Mori in peace.
Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

>> No.8539793
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540101


>> No.8539841
File: 403 KB, 500x500, 1629749154429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8539996 >>8540037

Kiara is for loving

>> No.8539898
File: 302 KB, 1444x2048, E8CJu35VkA0l1Ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8539903


>> No.8539919

ah the good old days

>> No.8539925
File: 229 KB, 2048x1147, 20210824_065219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8539968

>> No.8539966
File: 1.23 MB, 800x976, 1629203585706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn buy a house in the Austrian countryside and start a family with farmwife Kiara
It hurts...

>> No.8539968


>> No.8539986
File: 2.13 MB, 200x185, mori calliope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8539989
File: 694 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-08-24-18-59-16-858_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know
Omega males can be bred and impregnated

>> No.8539996
File: 417 KB, 2048x1450, cinderella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8539997
Quoted by: >>8540018

>white knights are soijack posters
what a shocker.

>> No.8540002

Seemsime Omega/p-san is going to stream, anyone ready to anti this autistic fuck who caused all the bs in EN?

>> No.8540005

Do I sell or hold EN2 coins on NASFAQ now? Everyone is fucking selling, I don't know what to do

>> No.8540006
File: 198 KB, 850x1201, 1629802887524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Choco!

>> No.8540010


>> No.8540016

his english is really weird.
sometimes it sounds almost native, sometimes it sounds japanglish, and his "oh my god" sound very indian-american for whatever reason

>> No.8540018

You posted that, didn’t you faggot

>> No.8540022
File: 58 KB, 651x557, 1623235566574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540023

The absolute fuck state of cucks. Jesus...

>> No.8540025


>> No.8540026
File: 175 KB, 518x255, 1629768671550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540078 >>8540197

Does it really take this much security to safely transport one singular Deadbeat?

>> No.8540030

Polka's new outfit is the same one from her twitter banner in case you guys are wondering

>> No.8540036
File: 65 KB, 799x799, cute!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meimei a cute!

>> No.8540037
File: 916 KB, 2016x1512, Kiara 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken wife...

>> No.8540041

Migo is streaming, btw

>> No.8540042
File: 1.04 MB, 1240x1754, 1622358850214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what's going on in current streams friends.
Okayu's showing off her racing skills by blessing us with some incredibly cute noises as she gets confident in her drifting only to fall straight off the map and laughs at herself in some Mario Kart 8.
While Choco's still doing her best ranking up in Apex Legends, trying to get out of Plat IV. She's not getting very far due to stream snipers but she's at least having fun and has improved vastly thanks to Astel's coaching.
While Miko's going to logging onto Minecraft continuing on with the building project she's assigned herself. She'll probably even find out that Gura visited her castle and will go into an hyperventilating fit knowing that Gura's scent has been left in her castle.
Polka ended a couple of minutes ago but you'll be excited to know that she's got a brand new outfit reveal on the 26th of August and it's for sure going to be outstanding and just as chaotic as her Original and New Years outfit. Tabun.

>> No.8540043
File: 116 KB, 828x1792, 20210823_195136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? Eeeeeeeeh?!

>> No.8540044

where does the shrigma male fit in this society?

>> No.8540047

Vergil is this... Power?

>> No.8540049
Quoted by: >>8540089

Kronii seems ok

>> No.8540051


>> No.8540054
File: 32 KB, 257x340, marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540059
File: 63 KB, 807x566, sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540071
File: 55 KB, 2048x1157, E9jN5GbVEAMrqr1.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your SC money is funding P-san's chuuni delusions

>> No.8540073
File: 125 KB, 891x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save the chocolate lads?

>> No.8540078

a deadbeat has to be carefully observed and restrained or he'll manage to doxx himself and everyone surrounding him in a 1km radius

>> No.8540079
File: 7 KB, 266x189, Ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require my investigators to do a thorough investigating.

>> No.8540080
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat cat is really real.

>> No.8540082

>Everyone is fucking selling
sounds like a good time to buy

>> No.8540089
Quoted by: >>8540134

That's not really how NASFAQ works, it is based on views, the debut views were pretty fine for all holos, but the problem is that the price of EN2 might still go down because it's currently overpriced due to demand.

>> No.8540094
File: 1.56 MB, 1843x2000, 1629796504834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540095

Heat her up till she is blushing

>> No.8540100


>> No.8540101
File: 221 KB, 512x512, 1601999841709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Gura, your new wife is Shion.

>> No.8540099


>> No.8540103

not overlap with gura MC on jp server.

>> No.8540105
File: 21 KB, 444x322, 1604400617111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540108

Cuckposters are shorting the market but Kroniicoin is super safe. Buy the dip.

>> No.8540110

Mori start a yab, save your kouhai-tachi.

>> No.8540109
Quoted by: >>8540388

Fucking cock sucker, why did it have to be that autistic fuck from the interviews, if it was Jenma everyone would be happy but schizos and the EN girls are not excited

>> No.8540115

Could the Holos get away with something like this these days?


>> No.8540116
Quoted by: >>8540208 >>8540312

Why are we the only non-racist vtuber fans? Why does no one else like Sana?

>> No.8540118


>> No.8540119
File: 652 KB, 915x1242, 2647DE50-C42F-40E1-9561-23D224A8E09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the Fubuki AC7 streams. No there’s no stupid shit behind doing this I don’t actually expect more Ace Combat I just wanted to revisit some memories of the girl that brought me to Hololive

>> No.8540126


>> No.8540129
Quoted by: >>8540626

There is definitely some kind of chicken voice going on. The way she sounds when speaking japanese in old roommate videos is very different compared to how she sounds as kiara.

>> No.8540130

clearly by posting this in every thread

>> No.8540132
Quoted by: >>8540251 >>8540270


>> No.8540134
Quoted by: >>8540192


>> No.8540135
File: 178 KB, 816x583, Screenshots_2021-08-24-07-05-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540136
Quoted by: >>8540168 >>8540185

They are?

>> No.8540137
Quoted by: >>8540173 >>8540199

How does one man fuck someone 8 times in a row?

>> No.8540140
File: 116 KB, 703x709, 1611988455070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess. I think Kiara is finally starting to rub off on me. I'm actually starting to love her. What does this mean?

>> No.8540142


>> No.8540151
File: 48 KB, 109x165, KFP gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Kiara...

>> No.8540156

Is Mumei what you call lobotomoe?

>> No.8540160

We ask her to kindly start streaming in the evening so EUbros can appreciate her!

>> No.8540161

a classic

>> No.8540163

Okayu is using Za Warudo...

>> No.8540165

>Kronii that far away from others
Is it really the deep voice buff?

>> No.8540167
File: 519 KB, 852x1200, 92186154_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540168


>> No.8540170
File: 32 KB, 463x453, 1629182432424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540173

the fine blue ass fills a man with DETERMINATION.

>> No.8540174

what is THIS

>> No.8540175
File: 3.56 MB, 498x660, 1587435849543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540231

Reminder that this is a thing that is going to happen.

No, nobody is going to cry this time. Probably.

>> No.8540176

Gura mention

>> No.8540177
File: 122 KB, 805x900, 1628331606070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does this mean?
It means you finally developed good taste anon

>> No.8540178
Quoted by: >>8540343


>> No.8540182
File: 88 KB, 255x264, 1602768939677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely nobody:

Mori: GUH! Big ups Charlie! Take my 6 gorrillion cuckbeat shekels!

>> No.8540185
Quoted by: >>8540225

Before debut I'd have assumed both of those two to have the same energy, but rrat is energetic in a completely different way to zoombie. I'm looking forward to a collab between the two.

>> No.8540189

>Irys lost all her diamond gear off stream

>> No.8540188
Quoted by: >>8540279

What is Aruran’s last name?

>> No.8540190
File: 479 KB, 2048x1250, 7E6343B7-9384-4128-B89F-EC4A02E05E26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means the conditioning is working and very soon you will be allowed to leave The Usual Room.

>> No.8540192
Quoted by: >>8541984

To be exact, every day at 9:05 AM ET, the adjustment happens, which makes coins' price either go up or go down, depending on how much views they got yesterday compared to how much views they got the day before yesterday.

>> No.8540194
Quoted by: >>8540311

I'm not trying to shit on Kronii, but clipfags went fucking wild with the stuff she said when she decided to pander to chat to pad out her debut. I feel like that's a big part of her incline.

>> No.8540197
Quoted by: >>8540412

It shows how powerful deadbeats are over investigators

>> No.8540196
Quoted by: >>8540483

She just chose a terrible timeslot. It might actually be one of the worst possible ones. That being said I'll still be keep her stream open in another tab

>> No.8540199

took me a very long time to realize its her chin and shoulder. i cant wrap my head around it

>> No.8540201

Gura chan mention

>> No.8540206
File: 10 KB, 194x259, 1629803289258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions el último KFP en este hilo.

>> No.8540209
File: 142 KB, 500x600, End of an Era[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdhahuh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540267 >>8540326

Things were better before

>> No.8540208

It's a strange world that this place, of all places, has alot of support for Sana. Normalfags truly are the real racists

>> No.8540212

I wish Ollie would fuck off already. Obnoxious cunt.

>> No.8540215

>Wada buff
>Paizuri hole buff
>Voice buff
>Clipper buff
Kronii is stacked in more ways than one.

>> No.8540218
File: 36 KB, 497x616, 1615649152688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540281 >>8540360

I... uhh.. ummm.. ye- I'd uhh umm.... I'd l-like uhhhh a hnnnn.... Umm I'd like o-one big Mac please...

>> No.8540220

If sana wants to catch up she needs to do art streams. She's avoiding talking about it because of her roommater but it's fucking useless, people recognized her art style already, might as well capitalize on it

>> No.8540221

Zombro representing.
>ywn bring Ollie to your wedding bed and have wild wild physically stenuous lovemaking, literally tearing entire chunks of her out with your impassioned rutting

>> No.8540225
Quoted by: >>8540293

How different?

>> No.8540226
Quoted by: >>8540337

Clippers, easily. She went full fanservice during her debut.

>> No.8540231
File: 94 KB, 209x229, 1627826672947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540238
Quoted by: >>8540333 >>8540591

...I can get behind this. I'm watching kronii's game VOD because i JWU. Also, let me get this straight - did >we get ANOTHER bunch of holos that stream in NA primetime with 1 or 2 that go for JP primetime? Uploading files from my fucking IP range is banned due to abuse? Interesting...

>> No.8540244


>> No.8540245


>> No.8540249
File: 173 KB, 1020x756, 1629703623403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540278


>> No.8540251

>Disney destroyed my boy's brain

>> No.8540255

Those sound effects are a bit goofy but this is pretty hot

>> No.8540257

>great design and rigging
>incredible voice and mic
>not afraid to pander
>sticking to her trope well

>> No.8540258
File: 1.27 MB, 512x512, 1610002645511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched her vod after Gura's stream. She's pretty cool, how come she isn't streaming at similar times as rrat?

>> No.8540260
Quoted by: >>8540306 >>8540307

what do >we think about clipCHADs?

>> No.8540261
Quoted by: >>8540296

She's Gura lite, had pretty similar content on her YT channel, not as many subs but 6M views on most viewed video

>> No.8540266

You know, those 2 posts up there made me realise something.
I hardly heard anyone talk about Mori yesterday.

>> No.8540267

Fuck omega nigger

>> No.8540270

Those are such great impressions holy shit

>> No.8540278
Quoted by: >>8540321

Rat is fine but Ollie is a whore who needs to be graduated ASAP.

>> No.8540279

diis nuts

>> No.8540281
File: 272 KB, 828x828, 1629784552248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540284
File: 1.13 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_1318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540510

Please watch my WIFI wife and her friends.

>> No.8540289
File: 3.58 MB, 2208x1242, welcome new egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540287

They did when she streamed.

>> No.8540291

>every EN2 starts with zatsudan post debut
>Kronii starts with a fucking kusoge
>somehow has the most subs

>> No.8540292

Mori is old and busted. We have the good Mori now

>> No.8540293
Quoted by: >>8540499

rrat is ollie who gained a few years worth of wisdom

>> No.8540296
Quoted by: >>8540351 >>8540359

Wait, I thought she was the 2view seal.

>> No.8540297 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8540324 >>8540361

Location-Agent: LAS 1.0.0; Metaverse (like X-Metaverse), Layer 1, World cdc81c3d-a259-4e38-bf32-6eeb3d7802af, The United States of America, New York, New York City, Block 17, Mall "Walmart"

>> No.8540299
Quoted by: >>8540344

Why would holos suddenly talk about mori? If you mean /hlgg/ then people talked about her a lot

>> No.8540305
Quoted by: >>8540349 >>8540375

So where do the EN2's fall in the bust size chart?

>> No.8540306

They are either really good and based, bringing translation to content in around 10 minutes videos also showing the character to EOPs, or complete cunts and only clipping “le Holo said lewd thing” and clickbait

>> No.8540307

the only reason we are here

>> No.8540311
Quoted by: >>8540334

I'll be honest considering youtube is still cutting subs from En2 comparing their subs right now is absolutely worthless

>> No.8540312
Quoted by: >>8540383 >>8540481

Its the horoscope shit, it filters western normies.

>> No.8540314 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1544x2048, E9fVumRVIBEnJdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540394

What did Kiara mean by this?

>> No.8540316
Quoted by: >>8540341

I need context about homos electrocuting themselves to cum

>> No.8540321
File: 405 KB, 770x776, Zombie 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540362


>> No.8540323

You weren’t here when she was streaming?

>> No.8540324


>> No.8540326

thats a big deadbeat

>> No.8540328
Quoted by: >>8540385

I wanna breed the omeganons ITT

>> No.8540329
File: 176 KB, 831x1402, 1629803558772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540407 >>8540424

J*U did Shion see Gura's love confession?

>> No.8540330

hold owlcoin, she will incline soon

>> No.8540331
File: 3.00 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_1319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540333
File: 121 KB, 1034x1000, 1610660968294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540369 >>8540370

>did >we get ANOTHER bunch of holos that stream in NA primetime with 1 or 2 that go for JP primetime?
It'll probably be more spread out as the days go by but honestly I don't know what other people were thinking we'd be getting. At least Meimei's streaming in a EU friendly time zone today.

>> No.8540334

I mean, sure, but it's reflected in the view numbers as well.

>> No.8540335
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x3040, 1629120879036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540388

This motherfucker is getting a ton of the line rig, and yet Gura and Anya still have their broken shit?
What the fuck is Cover's problem?

>> No.8540337

>taking the gura route

>> No.8540338

1. Kusoge is new. It's shit, but most people still don't know it yet
2. People only care about zatsus after they learned a bit about them already

>> No.8540341

Bossu is amazing!
He did double cartwheel on his 3D debut!

>> No.8540344
Quoted by: >>8540492

I meant /hlgg/ and other than deadbeats talking about which EN2 is a deadbeat I hardly saw any talk about her.
Even the cuckposting looped back to Ame for some reason.

>> No.8540343
Quoted by: >>8540384


>> No.8540348
File: 156 KB, 352x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really so surprising?

>> No.8540349

sana >= kroni > ceres > mumei > baelz

>> No.8540350

Start by not streaming Horoscopes as her first stream.

>> No.8540351
Quoted by: >>8540438

She is. Idiots are taking literally any channel run by a Korean and going "look, it's HER"

>> No.8540358


>> No.8540359

that's true, it wasn't her only other channel though

>> No.8540360
File: 83 KB, 241x248, 1624644314654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540361
File: 6 KB, 280x158, images(63).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucked up anon

>> No.8540362

Sorry but Kiara and Ollie are objective cancer. No amount of cope posting will change that.

>> No.8540363

Kronii has always been here anon. Watching her debut vod she did before the big gang is always enlightening.

>> No.8540364

I want them to sandwich Gura in between them.

>> No.8540365
Quoted by: >>8541285

Every anti latched unto Clock and now her fanbase is tainted.

>> No.8540368
Quoted by: >>8540470

The fact that she can actually pull off the cool, sexy and sadistic role relatively well so far, is a great vote of confidence.

>> No.8540369

Well shit

>> No.8540370


>> No.8540372

HoloLive Nye

>> No.8540373
Quoted by: >>8540440

Mumei will be EN Towa

>> No.8540374


>> No.8540375

I think either Kronii or Sana are the biggest ones on Hololive right now

>> No.8540378

Hololive Nye...

>> No.8540383
File: 260 KB, 500x500, E9imxOvVkAEADfQ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540481 >>8540538

She's trying her best...

>> No.8540384

Migo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eDu0OCQfOo
Chat told her about Gura's stream.

>> No.8540385

There's no room for pregnancy in the grindset

>> No.8540388
Quoted by: >>8540451 >>8540468

Why do you care?

>> No.8540390
File: 36 KB, 463x453, 1628805289421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can KFP in this thread tell me what was kiara's first game stream without looking?

>> No.8540391
Quoted by: >>8540632

Should have said Mori instead eggchama

>> No.8540394
File: 222 KB, 1019x1080, coco k sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540395
Quoted by: >>8540437

Mori and Kronii are similar but Mori's autism is genuine and you can tell she has good intentions that are perceived poorly due to her wording and autism while Kronii has decided she just wants to do the bare minimum while attempting to play it off as a joke "look how boring and uninterested I am guys, isn't this funny". Sorry but I won't be watching her again.

>> No.8540400

Anon, 12 minutes is THE hot game right now. It has 19.1K views on twitch currently which is BIG for a singleplayer indie game.

>> No.8540408
File: 38 KB, 351x348, ChickenSmug 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540474


>> No.8540407
Quoted by: >>8540435

Yeah but too bad shitposters are ruining a cute interaction

>> No.8540411

Normal people don't give a fuck about chatting streams

>> No.8540412

>forgetting a Tako, Shrimp, and fucking Kotori are also there
You mean every EN fan base.

>> No.8540416

You're confusing facts and opinions again seethechama

>> No.8540420
Quoted by: >>8540443

you make it sound like a zatsudan is 100% the best stream to follow up a debut.
Turns out, no.

>> No.8540424


>> No.8540428
File: 13 KB, 242x242, 1605361397401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all Virgos in /hlgg/ are BAGELS.

>> No.8540433 [DELETED] 

Here you go friend

>> No.8540434
File: 43 KB, 510x680, E6fdGSWVIAMDbvH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541965

I am still only subscribed to Gawr Gura and Kronii.

>> No.8540435
Quoted by: >>8540536

>shitposters are ruining a cute interaction

>> No.8540436
Quoted by: >>8540680

The egg thing right. Or was it Fall guys?

>> No.8540437

Fuck off, you can like both and not be a schizo.

>> No.8540438 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8540561

Man I remember when nijien debuted and everyone knew who they were immediately?
Compare that to en2 and retards can't even nail down 3/5 of them

>> No.8540440

No one will be the Towa of EN or any kind of that, these new ENs will be themselves! Mumei will be Mumei, Kronii will be Kronii and so on!

>> No.8540443
Quoted by: >>8540491

I dunno, it made me subscribe to the rrat

>> No.8540444

There was tons of Mori discussion during her stream, especially when she was talking about all the EN2s.

>> No.8540445
File: 223 KB, 225x429, leg lamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540479

Any teamates here? Can you explain why you made this?

>> No.8540451

Fuck off P-chan, we know its you pushing for this retarded rig

>> No.8540453
Quoted by: >>8540680

I believe it was Fall Guys and she did it right after the first group collab

>> No.8540456

feels good to be a muffin and/or cinnamon roll

>> No.8540462
Quoted by: >>8540680

Fall Guys

>> No.8540463
File: 739 KB, 1080x868, 1621308421928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540466
Quoted by: >>8540500 >>8540507

What VR streams from Holos should I watch?

>> No.8540468

>Spend money on some fag no one knows like Jenma
>Has the audacity to make themselves a god character and spend money on their own character after causing a lot of problems for EN without fixing issues like Shinove or Achan do

>> No.8540470

Her sarcastic deadpan humour was great but you can tell she's holding herself back from being more energetic and engaged. Yesterday's stream got really good when the game was clearly breaking her and she just started making noises

>> No.8540474 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8540522

>When Kiara has been proven to have the most trannies in her fanbase of any Holo

>> No.8540479

It's a major award

>> No.8540480

banana bread

>> No.8540481

Astrology IS shit, its literal abstract bullshit.

Its fine if she's into it, but I'm not gonna watch it. Play Moonbase Alpha or something and I'll watch.

>> No.8540483
Quoted by: >>8540572

yeah today's lesson is: DO NOT STREAM AGAINST THE SHARK

especially when Ame is also on.

Extremely important they found this out on their first day of actual streams. Compare Kronii's 20++k at a weird timeslot (~Ina-ish) vs Sana's mainstream-but-Gura+Ame-slot.

>> No.8540485
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 1615889312511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Sana called us perfection, Virgochads stay winning

>> No.8540486
Quoted by: >>8540513 >>8540681

JWU. Did Migo find Gura's contributions to the JP server yet?

>> No.8540487
Quoted by: >>8540589

>fucking kusoge
isn't she the first in hololive to play it and its a good meme game that fits her theme.
also just because its a shit game doesn't mean bad numbers look at fucking night delivery

>> No.8540488

Thanks for the catch up friend

>> No.8540489
Quoted by: >>8540524 >>8540565

>irys being a huge weeb
Damn she's cute

>> No.8540491

nah the only reason they do that is because they are exhausted after a debut.
Game streams are better.

>> No.8540492
Quoted by: >>8540530

>Why weren't we talking about Mori when 3 other ENs were streaming at the same time, so nobody talks about her anymore
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8540497
Quoted by: >>8540680

Fall guys, everyone thought she was about to drop dead because she thought doing another stream so soon was a galaxy brain idea.

>> No.8540499
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1620516671345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gained few years worth of wisdom
>still into kpop

>> No.8540500
Quoted by: >>8540542

Kiara's flight simulator stream is pretty good, can also recommend Gura's IronWolf VR

>> No.8540502
Quoted by: >>8540573 >>8540698

What was Capricorn? I missed the stream.

>> No.8540504


>> No.8540507
Quoted by: >>8540542

This one.

>> No.8540510

Oh neat, it has English subs.

>> No.8540508
Quoted by: >>8540564

Why does default Minecraft FOV makes me feels like I'm suffocating?

>> No.8540512
Quoted by: >>8540680

Fall guys and she was fucking dying

>> No.8540513
Quoted by: >>8540527

She just started the stream, so no

>> No.8540516

Pretty much. And then retards were coping saying "that's just how she is" and "she sounded bored in her debut too"

>> No.8540519

Pizzachad here

>> No.8540522
Quoted by: >>8540570 >>8540704

Anon the war is lost, omega brings with it a wave of endless troon posters. You better get used to it or find another corpo.

>> No.8540524
Quoted by: >>8540755

Is it being a weeb when you're half japanese and live in Japan?

>> No.8540525
Quoted by: >>8540630

>He missed out on Mios kino Tarot streams
Damn anon, take your fedora off you don't know what you're missing

>> No.8540527

>She just started the stream
I am retarded. Thank you.

>> No.8540529 [SPOILER] 
File: 977 KB, 667x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540556

reine babu

>> No.8540530

Anon have you been in these threads? Even when a stream has nothing to do with Mori it somehow always devolve to people going on Mori timeloops.
That's what i'm saying.

>> No.8540534
File: 845 KB, 1232x957, 1627755909445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana bread chads, how we feeling today?

>> No.8540536


>> No.8540537

Miko being told about Gura visiting the castle now

>> No.8540538

I can fix her...

>> No.8540542

uh what

Watched that, pretty good

>> No.8540544
File: 379 KB, 690x877, Screenshot (791).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540931

It's catchy dude go listen to All In or Backdoor from Stray Kids also stan Stray Kids

>> No.8540547
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, BAKA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxi6tjo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate numberfags

>> No.8540546
Quoted by: >>8540798

I heard a rumour that IRyS was horny today, can anyone verify?

>> No.8540552
Quoted by: >>8540630

>plae vidja
>no unique content >:(
go back please

>> No.8540556

Is she feeling better now?

>> No.8540561 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8540592

that one japanese site has everyone already found and well documented

>> No.8540564

It's really fucking narrow. I crank that shit up to 90 every time

>> No.8540565
Quoted by: >>8540603 >>8540755

>lives in Japan
>still being called a weeb
goddamn man

>> No.8540568
File: 1.01 MB, 1214x683, Screenshot 2021-08-22 at 12-02-46 【DEBUT STREAM】BIG STREAM🪐 #holoCouncil #hololiveEnglish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we don't need to save her, she's doing fine.

>> No.8540567


>> No.8540570
Quoted by: >>8540631 >>8540704

I will fight the good fight against the troons infesting this thread. The war is not lost

>> No.8540571
Quoted by: >>8540931

and we are still into anime girls

>> No.8540573
File: 597 KB, 608x713, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frfnl6f.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch the VOD to find out!
but seriously, do, it was fun and the breadoscope only took 30 mins

>> No.8540572

Why do you think they care?

>> No.8540576
File: 262 KB, 964x595, 1618707079499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540578
Quoted by: >>8540619

just because it isnt real doesnt mean you cant have fun with it, anon

>> No.8540585
Quoted by: >>8540643

So? What bread are you anon?

>> No.8540589

Now I want to see someone play one of chilas arts absolute shitstain for their first stream after debut.

>> No.8540591

Two Aussies mean there's more potential to fill weird timeslots. I doubt Sana's gonna keep streaming in that timeslot. It's gotta be like, early morning for her. I'm just glad that Kronii, despite seeming NA, is going to be streaming "late night NA hours".

>> No.8540592

2 of them are bogus though

>> No.8540598
Quoted by: >>8540931


>> No.8540599
Quoted by: >>8540634

toast is literally the best

>> No.8540600

tauruschads run this shit

>> No.8540602
File: 539 KB, 720x720, 1614348303860.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540603

I live in Japan, where are the fucking subtitles?

>> No.8540607

I am 99% sure Sana would of bullied everyone here in highschool, please do not support her, you deserve better

>> No.8540610
Quoted by: >>8540674 >>8540700

I wish somebody had the timestamp but she actually explained it in a way that sort of changed my perspective on this gay mysticism shit. Something about just having a shared human experience and you don't really have to believe any of it.
Video game streams are boring.

>> No.8540616
File: 93 KB, 501x612, zodiac compatibility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons! Why don't we find our soulmate through here using this chart!

>> No.8540618

it's funny that gura talked more about council than ame did

>> No.8540619

Read Plotinus, specifically the Ennead named "Are the Stars Causes". Astrology is more real than you might think.

>> No.8540621

im amazed of how much she can do with this game.

>> No.8540623
Quoted by: >>8541058

With the owl's book i assumed she was doxxing kronii and claiming she was russian

>> No.8540625

Calm down anon it's just a bit of fun

>> No.8540626

We've heard her drop the voice multiple times on stream.
Mostly when she talks while out of breath from laughing or when genuinely shocked, like when she saw the rat for the first time

>> No.8540628

I don't know why she was going transparent. It was freaky and scary.

>> No.8540629

She's west coast, so it'll Ame Guerilla hours

>> No.8540632

Dumb KFP

>> No.8540630

>you missed le epic LARP, bro!
Tarot is literally just an analog method for generating rrats. Mio is unironically a rrat peddler.

I'm not saying she shouldn't do her astrology content. I'm saying I (and many others) aren't interested.

>> No.8540631
Quoted by: >>8540668

Kind of hard to keep going when Cover is actively gunning for their wallets to be honest.

>> No.8540635


>> No.8540633

>banana bread
>had banana on a bread today
checks out

>> No.8540634


>> No.8540638

that's because both her and Mori are proud Senpais.

>> No.8540639
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, E9jVB3dVgAEUqnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine baby...

>> No.8540640


>> No.8540643


>> No.8540644
File: 146 KB, 1049x1028, 1629367132202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being gay

>> No.8540645

If you ask chumbuds, sure 1100 is an unreasonably early time to be expected to get up.

>> No.8540648
Quoted by: >>8540684

Gura and Calli seem to be taking their senpai roles seriously for some reason

>> No.8540650

>ITT adult men talk about what kind of bread they are through horoscopes

>> No.8540653
File: 285 KB, 595x408, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp55p0w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Luna/Roboco vs Lamy/Botan video has subs

>> No.8540654

doesnt tell me what kind of bread i am...

>> No.8540657

I'm a round artisan bread

>> No.8540660

Reine baby...

>> No.8540658

sounds like a type of bread to me

>> No.8540662

>Yesterday's stream got really good when the game was clearly breaking her and she just started making noises
Time stamp?

>> No.8540668 [DELETED] 

Kiara is really the only Holo who actively courts the troon audience which is why it's so important to anti her and try and get her to graduate.

>> No.8540672
File: 113 KB, 307x363, 1609100203625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540717 >>8540857

Why are there women posting in /hlgg/?

>> No.8540674
Quoted by: >>8540732

That's just mean you are an easy prey for charismatic charlatans

>> No.8540677

where's the whole EN sched

>> No.8540678
Quoted by: >>8540756

t. Sourdough

>> No.8540679
Quoted by: >>8540789

I can't believe you are dumb not to get it just from the theme.

She's doing astrology in a fun ironic way anon not in a teenage-girl-that-worships-readings way.

>> No.8540680
File: 1.79 MB, 1411x1840, 1628805499439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540722 >>8540871

Do your reps
Congrats, you 4 are certified KFP

>> No.8540681
Quoted by: >>8540759

I didn't get to watch the whole Gura stream earlier. Did she actually add something to the server? She looked like she was just touring around for the most part.
Oh wait, I'm just now remembering the signs in Shion's house. Is chat even going to tell her to go there?

>> No.8540682

i will breed death and the rrat

>> No.8540684

Mori isn't a surprise. She has saviorfag tendencies with some of her indie friends.

>> No.8540687
Quoted by: >>8540714

If you don't know what Disney Princess you are you don't know SHIT about Hololive

>> No.8540696

kek Miko just figured out her spelling error

>> No.8540697
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 【 Minecraft 】悪の教典、いや教室・・・にぇ!!!!!!🏫【ホロライブ_さくらみこ】 21-13 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540698

Perfectly round arTEEEEEEEsian bread,

>> No.8540701
File: 88 KB, 1076x590, E9hRK-VVUAISkvM.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a cute and soft anon?

>> No.8540700

>Something about just having a shared human experience and you don't really have to believe any of it.
That sounds incredibly gay and retarded.
>hurp lets just all huff paint together guys it'll be fuuuunnn

>> No.8540702


>> No.8540703

Oh muffin…

>> No.8540704

Fuck off


>> No.8540709

>sana is a gemini
>i am a gemini

>> No.8540710

newfagchama this has been done many times with the holos
Shion is my soulmate

>> No.8540711
File: 166 KB, 989x1164, E9i-D3EVcAUGIZ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Miko recruits Gura into her Demon King Army instead of Akukin?

>> No.8540713

What a baguette

>> No.8540714

What Disney Princess is Astel?

>> No.8540717
Quoted by: >>8540738

Onions un caballero dorado hijo de tu puta madre

>> No.8540722
File: 532 KB, 509x520, 1605606159964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a year. I can't even remember what day of the week it is, cut me some slack.

>> No.8540725
File: 641 KB, 1200x800, corn bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540770

yeah, cause i'm the most adult and dadlike type of bread

>> No.8540723
Quoted by: >>8540847

I can't believe all Ame had to say about Fauna was that she sounds like dunkey's wife.

>> No.8540732

I literally don't pay for superchats or memberships.
I'm a miser.
But hey, if they want to entertain me for free then I'm more than willing to be entertained.

>> No.8540735
File: 190 KB, 375x400, 1611578424568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a slytherin by the way.

>> No.8540737

>tfw critically incompatible with my oshi
the stars have betrayed me...

>> No.8540738
File: 101 KB, 629x720, 1626603847199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540739

Well, she did start off the stream talking about tired she was and how she wasn't used to waking up at this time, so rather than holding back there's that to factor in. Also the "Babe?" "Sir?" and "Tweeting in the closet while wifey is getting murdered", etc were some of the best moments that didn't require breaking. Though seeing her get starting to break every time the kiss part came up was great.

>> No.8540741
Quoted by: >>8540811

one of the most baffling posts I've read in a long time, omedetou

>> No.8540740
File: 160 KB, 726x1024, E9i_kAtVIAYoDgW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540750
Quoted by: >>8540781


>> No.8540752

sourdough hands wrote this psot

>> No.8540755
Quoted by: >>8540800

She fucking loves anime, doesn't matter if she's a hafu living in Japan now

>> No.8540756
Quoted by: >>8540804

Let's be honest tho, sourdough is the best bread unless you're German or something

>> No.8540759

She didn't do much. She left a few signs and moved a chest of gunpowder from one end of the room to another.
I haven't noticed much in the way of people trying to steer Miko.

>> No.8540761

Ame just wants to be left alone to stream 12 hours a day. She doesn’t give two shits about her kouhai

>> No.8540764
Quoted by: >>8540781

He's Jasmine

>> No.8540769

I wonder if Sana has a trollsona

>> No.8540770

my nigga

>> No.8540775

>is it a non-sweet basic carbohydrate block that's made from flour?
>its bread
bagguette is bread, toast is bread, pita is bread, etc

>> No.8540774

pizza chads where you at

>> No.8540780

Sorry Guramebros.... Murasame is the true lovers

>> No.8540781

I can see it.

>> No.8540784

That's Mori "Trans Rights are Human Rights" Calliope.

>> No.8540787
File: 196 KB, 765x831, strims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540807 >>8540849

So what are you guys watching shortly before JPs all start streaming?

>> No.8540788
Quoted by: >>8540836

This post reeks of bagel energy

>> No.8540789
Quoted by: >>8540826

>She's doing astrology in a fun ironic way
So its even more pointless.

>> No.8540790
Quoted by: >>8540888

It's a bread evolution path.

>> No.8540791
File: 351 KB, 1050x713, 1604170168791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Miko is being EXCEPTIONALLY cute in her Minecraft stream right now. I think you should give her a watch, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.8540793

You're out of the loop anon
Astel is a Disney Prince according to Kanae
Kanae, in turn, has expressed his wishes to become a Disney Princess to dance with Astel

>> No.8540794
File: 522 KB, 570x570, 1607501396210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some shitposter on 4channel you sure are easily disturbed and angered by some girl larping as an anime fast food restaurant manager. I don't think someone as frail as you should be posting here.

>> No.8540797

>Kiara is really the only Holo who actively courts the troon audience
Im sorry anon

>> No.8540800

That's not what weeaboo means retard

>> No.8540798

Yeah, me

>> No.8540804

that aint pizza dough

>> No.8540806

Anonchamas, I want a full dive vr game with holos in it

>> No.8540807

Miko with the new video from the official Hololive channel in my backlog

>> No.8540808

you are now thinking about kronii's massive spilling tits. you're welcome

>> No.8540810
File: 1.19 MB, 1500x1500, 1621482104284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Less favourable with Towa
I can make it happen... This can still work...

>> No.8540811 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8540874

You do NOT want trannies to EVER feel welcome in any hobby you enjoy anon. Trust me.

>> No.8540814

t. faggitarius

>> No.8540815
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, YEAH TOAST [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbuchlx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a bread supremacist

>> No.8540819
File: 1.60 MB, 1997x2644, 66DBDAA5-6986-4B1D-B033-B1061B49645F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thank Fubuki. I want to thank her for introducing me to Hololive.
Her cuteness surpassed my lack of understanding of what she said, and I respect her infinitely.
God bless you, Fox, and may you enjoy every moment in your life.

>> No.8540820
File: 89 KB, 924x505, E9ZejBfVEAkuDJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she do it bros...

>> No.8540823

no thanks discordfag

>> No.8540822

I'm watching Mikochi right now.

>> No.8540826
Quoted by: >>8540902

Must be sad to live a life thinking having fun is pointless then

>> No.8540829
File: 725 KB, 685x687, 1628349519823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there, 35p

>> No.8540835
Quoted by: >>8540858

>migo shows american style classrooms
>chat asks where are the guns
fucking JOPs i swear lmao

>> No.8540836
Quoted by: >>8542086


>> No.8540838

mmmm this post isnt making fun of me

>> No.8540840

too bad gura's going to see this before she streams. it'd be so cute seeing her squeal and die after reading this.

>> No.8540844
Quoted by: >>8540864


>> No.8540847

Keep saying it

>> No.8540849
File: 402 KB, 797x839, 34FC0BCA-59C0-4D99-A892-D8C0144AAB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540875 >>8540944

Continuing the AC7 VODs, boutta finish the second one

>> No.8540850


>> No.8540853
Quoted by: >>8540875 >>8540899

please i desperately need a holo to play a plane game

>> No.8540857

Babe? What's your star sign babe?

>> No.8540858

35Ps have the best banter.

>> No.8540860
File: 123 KB, 673x639, 1614520815350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bagel apparently so I guess I'm destined to get slathered in cream cheese and dressed with various toppings like cheese, tuna, fruit or whatever others want.

>> No.8540861
File: 129 KB, 1200x1800, Healthy-Banana-Bread-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540919

Despide being declared a banana bread chad, i've never had it. But looking at pic related, it seems fucking great

>> No.8540862


>> No.8540864

fuck you whole grain toast is awesome

>> No.8540865
File: 1.51 MB, 900x900, 1625326679145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's next?

>> No.8540866
File: 149 KB, 825x369, 1625758346840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am indeed watching Migo

>> No.8540867
File: 294 KB, 2000x2000, E9g3TgFVEAARTfA.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may hate spore with every single fiber of my being but I'm looking forward to the stream since she's so excited for it.

>> No.8540871

But I'm a deadbeat?

>> No.8540872
File: 252 KB, 512x506, 1629797886618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540907 >>8540909


>> No.8540873
File: 96 KB, 1200x983, 1629775324820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540874

Sure, I can get behind that, but I just find the larping around being a Kiara anti to save hololive from the troons to be hilarious.

>> No.8540875
File: 603 KB, 500x850, kronii_ruler2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540905

Max, just make the goddamn incorrect summary of Hololive already!

>> No.8540883
Quoted by: >>8540937 >>8540948

We got 6 new holos and EU primetime is still going to be Kiara-only hours despite it being easy for any of the NA members to hit that slot by streaming before lunch.

>> No.8540886
Quoted by: >>8541263

I was really expecting more but to have both Gura and Calli gush about their Kohai instead was took me by surprised since she's typically used for unity. Thought Gura alone was enough autistic "I'm a senpai now and I took all these notes and I'm going to smother them" energy was more than enough for all of Hololive

>> No.8540887
Quoted by: >>8540944

How are the Ace combat vods anon?

>> No.8540888
Quoted by: >>8540936

For dough to become bread you need like 90 degrees C and for bread to become toast you need like 170. Dividing those by ten give us some pokemon levels, evolving at level 9 and level 17 respectively. Is bread a bug type pokemon?

>> No.8540892

mmm fuck yeah take it you little bagel slut, who's your cornbread daddy?

>> No.8540895


>> No.8540899


>> No.8540902
Quoted by: >>8540954 >>8541003

No I just don't see what's """fun""" about being told I'm corn bread based on when I was born. Its just random nonsense.

>> No.8540905
File: 674 KB, 713x714, 6BF5E6B1-15B0-4A6A-83C5-1966729E3A94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not max0r.

>> No.8540907


>> No.8540909


>> No.8540912


>> No.8540915


>> No.8540916

And my cum

>> No.8540918
File: 22 KB, 402x339, 1624808099768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540973

W-what does this mean? I'm a bagel too and I'm scared...

>> No.8540919

It's really fucking good, especially if you add walnuts to it too

>> No.8540920
Quoted by: >>8540952 >>8540981

I miss Kawaiiouro Kroniinin...

>> No.8540927


>> No.8540931 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 500x502, 1572468812757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541006

i was memeing, i actually like kpop

>> No.8540930


>> No.8540932

Ame had some of it concentrated on twitter. Gura won't ever touch twitter so she spills it all out on stream instead.

>> No.8540934


>> No.8540936
Quoted by: >>8540969

Shouldn't it be grass type?

>> No.8540937
Quoted by: >>8540978 >>8541013

>despite it being easy for any of the NA members to hit that slot by streaming before lunch.
Waking up before the afternoon is far to big of an ask anon.

>> No.8540941


>> No.8540940

God fucking dammit Sana you just gave the gayposters more material to work with.

>> No.8540942

It's a mystery why Miko loses so many elytra

>> No.8540944

Ahm >>8540849
Also hope people will stop thinking I’m trying to make Holos play it. I know they won’t. I gave up that idea long ago. I just want to relive good memories while the board is being shat up

>> No.8540946


>> No.8540947

>mfw Toast
kill me

>> No.8540948

>EU primetime is still going to be Kiara-only hours
Ina always had a nice timeslot for EU since she streams around 9-10 pm.
I still just watch mainly IDs since they stream right after lunch.

>> No.8540952
File: 134 KB, 850x591, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yukisame__sample-64ce47f778643d5e599ac9b514b080d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8540983

Too forced. Try something else.
How about Moeouro Kroniirin

>> No.8540954


>> No.8540956

Miko has that shocked look towards chat after she fucks up down to an art. My fucking sides.

>> No.8540959
Quoted by: >>8540982 >>8541174

I've started watching Mori for the first with her Omori let's play. I got the feeling that she's trying to be a kid-friendly channel

>> No.8540963
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, ohno[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyeb9tc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8540965
Quoted by: >>8541000

What, you don't agree that brioche is best bread out there?
Shit's delicious, you can try out some of my cock, it will open up your horizons!

>> No.8540967
Quoted by: >>8541024

There is nothing gay about baguettes

>> No.8540969

Yeah but the main characteristic of bug types is that they evolve atrociously early so their final forms are normally useless. There are a few exceptions and they are all powerhouses.

>> No.8540972

Uwaa anon's creamed round bagel hole...

>> No.8540973

Come here, boy and lemme get dome mayo on those buns

>> No.8540978

Doesn't seem to bother Aussies
Hopefully they won't be able to keep at it for long

>> No.8540981

Same. It's only been two streams but I love her already.

>> No.8540982
Quoted by: >>8541021

>Kid friendly

Oh boy.

>> No.8540983

based i love of them

>> No.8540984 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 257x231, Screenshot_1155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541005


>> No.8540988

What's with the Jack-O pose that everyone's doing? I'd rather have the ass be towards me

>> No.8540989

Could be worse. At least you're not a baguette.

>> No.8540993
Quoted by: >>8541067

>implying she can best Miko's meme tram monster

>> No.8540997
File: 3.73 MB, 1612x2287, 1615058561828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically based dope superlit

>> No.8541000

Empty brioche have no reason to exist

>> No.8541003


>> No.8541005

No thoughts
Head empty

>> No.8541006
File: 268 KB, 504x800, Anya_Melfissa_with_short_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grand but now you gotta stan stray kids this is a STAY only zone no loona

>> No.8541008

if i got a dollar for every time bread became an EN meme i'd have $3.5 which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened almost 4 times now
the bread rant is underrated

>> No.8541007

Will this get shitposted into the ground and ruin any future Gura/Shion posting?

>> No.8541010

Normalfags discovered Jack-O's pose despite it being a thing for years now.

>> No.8541011
File: 1.48 MB, 1097x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it Kiara what did you do to her...

>> No.8541013

And yet Mori/Irys/Sana/Rrat have no issues waking up early to hit that NA primetime. Weird, huh.

>> No.8541015

Twitter trend that started with Jack-O being the next DLC character in Strive

>> No.8541021

I know the game, I mean she way she talks in general

>> No.8541023
Quoted by: >>8541617

Successful PR move from ArcSys

>> No.8541024

Bagel please. Baguettes are the most penetrative of bread

>> No.8541039

As a sourdough chad I can tell you and you are a pretzel and therefore we need to fuck, Anon

>> No.8541043

Mori typically doesn't stream NA primetime. Neither does IRyS, really, she usually starts streaming as 'primetime' is ending.

>> No.8541047
Quoted by: >>8541069 >>8541448

Mori and Irys can barely drag their asses out of bed before 12.

>> No.8541050

Ame's biggest dilemma, the men are gayer than ever but bread is the key.

>> No.8541052
File: 92 KB, 1055x716, 1607875013902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop the cock

>> No.8541054

>The sandwich disaster
>Gura's moldy bread
>Ame no!
>Sana's new breadoscope
That's 4 times something with bread has been a meme anon. You have 4 dollars!

>> No.8541057

>Eating bagel with anything more than slight amount of butter
That's stupid, our taste is amazing without anything else and we bring out amazing flavor of anything we get served with but only if there's only few things there!
Others should be fighting for chance to be served with us!

>> No.8541058
Quoted by: >>8541128

She basically outright confirmed PST timezone in yesterday's stream

>> No.8541063
File: 147 KB, 1526x1217, 1629804886079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541075 >>8541107

Where IS Nanashi?

>> No.8541064

these are the best

>> No.8541065
File: 282 KB, 1700x1794, DAF00E42-3630-44A3-8645-3B34987FDAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horoscopes are heretical

>> No.8541066
Quoted by: >>8541096

Do any of you actually pronounce 35p as migopi? I pronounce it as "forty six pi" unironically

>> No.8541067
File: 90 KB, 802x934, 1620098770026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541088 >>8541100

Neither of them can compete really.

>> No.8541068

actually now that i think about it i'd have 5.5 dollars
what the fuck? how do they do it

>> No.8541069

That's early, by Hololive standards.

>> No.8541070

He can live like a King in Indonesia with that.

>> No.8541073

Mori and IRyS not really. Sana and Rrat also not really early, but we'll see how they go forward with their scheduling.

>> No.8541075


>> No.8541080
Quoted by: >>8541087

Does Mori's bread rap count?

>> No.8541081
File: 381 KB, 1604x1160, 1606128987807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I look fucking cute

>> No.8541083

You sound like you could sure use your bagel toasted or... with some Toast

>> No.8541087
Quoted by: >>8541103


>> No.8541088


>> No.8541091
File: 1.43 MB, 222x222, classy shrimp[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fncrxma.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8541093
File: 76 KB, 1258x839, 1627896280276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that bitch looking down on me

>> No.8541095
File: 143 KB, 379x382, confused_dagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrology is real and I'm a muffin and I'm objectively the best bread despite technically being qualified as a chemical leavened quickbread and not a yeast leavened proper bread, I am the outlier, you should all fear me.

>> No.8541096
Quoted by: >>8541138

Anon, come on.. just… come on
>captcha BAKA RH

>> No.8541097
Quoted by: >>8541120

I want to breed reine so fucking much

>> No.8541101

Ina putting bread in the dishwasher too

>> No.8541100

Korosan is unmoggable so she doesn't count to shitpost with

>> No.8541103

By me

>> No.8541105
File: 1.15 MB, 1273x1800, E8_KbcoVUAI8FIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub my cock in her belly

>> No.8541107 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.20 MB, 1882x1371, curse_(you) [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhhg4zb.mp4%0A].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy being nannasshoi

>> No.8541110

>ame no
>gura's moldy bread
>gura's lost bread
>bread rant
>sandwitch disaster
i might move to Indonesia or Lebanon with all these dollars

>> No.8541113

Whenever I see Kronii I think of this game and this theme. It's probably because Kronii is colored like Dialga.

>> No.8541116
Quoted by: >>8541134 >>8541156

>eating bread
wow dude so awesome tell me about your 60g carbs per slice bro

>> No.8541117

Bagel bros...

>> No.8541120
Quoted by: >>8541155

Don't breed the baby peafowl.

>> No.8541125
File: 984 KB, 710x629, apex baby....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541172

No, no. That is on her mama too.

>> No.8541127
File: 135 KB, 458x478, 1627379277347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strive showing everyone Jack-O's crouch pose despite it being in Xrd years ago. Also Jack-O has also been disproven to have a fat ass, as her pose is a filter, the true best ass has been chosen.

>> No.8541128
Quoted by: >>8541159

Well, my dreams of watching my wife live are dead now...

>> No.8541132
File: 204 KB, 850x1347, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dayshiart__sample-78d5a26ea06025377424756e733e1b06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rat... is superbly cute!!!

>> No.8541133

has Migo seen Gura's message yet? no, not the shion one

>> No.8541134

This is some pretty pathetic cope, Ame...

>> No.8541138

It's because when I first saw 35p I didn't actually know how to pronounce it. I'm an ESL so pronouncing th in thirty is extra work for me, so I just started using forty.

>> No.8541143
File: 410 KB, 600x494, 1626012414197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541146

Bagel chads ww@?

>> No.8541146

Why is everyone a Bagel here?
even I am...

>> No.8541152
File: 207 KB, 1610x1242, CB2E8278-BA2A-4AEA-B621-973695574F9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall only consume a pita, and even then only if it had Hummus.

>> No.8541154
Quoted by: >>8541189

Just did

>> No.8541155
Quoted by: >>8541184

That's even better, sorry

>> No.8541156
Quoted by: >>8541199

people who only gets uppity on carbs are morbidly obese people

>> No.8541157
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 【 Minecraft 】悪の教典、いや教室・・・にぇ!!!!!!🏫【ホロライブ_さくらみこ】 36-53 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541189


>> No.8541158


>> No.8541159

if you cannot make time for your "wife", she is not your wife

>> No.8541160
Quoted by: >>8541189

just now

>> No.8541165
Quoted by: >>8541189


>> No.8541166
File: 699 KB, 906x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541188 >>8541200

watch streams nerds

>> No.8541168
File: 1.30 MB, 1228x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541188

>> No.8541169
Quoted by: >>8541189

Just now

>> No.8541170
Quoted by: >>8541189

Perfect timing

>> No.8541172
Quoted by: >>8541207

The babubabu apex stream was kino

>> No.8541173
Quoted by: >>8541215

>Nene has a twitch channel now
Why? Is hololive seriously going to move to twitch?

>> No.8541174

>What the fu- I mean hi children!
Pretty spot-on

>> No.8541178

I got a little freaked out yesterday when Sana was talking about Capricorns and she was saying they were traditional and preferred to follow plans because that fits me to a T.

Anyway. Mio now has a witch friend to do tarot streams with, now with extra horoscope stuff. Yay!

>> No.8541179
Quoted by: >>8541197

miko found samechan board

>> No.8541180
File: 502 KB, 1339x779, Screenshot_1344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541197


>> No.8541181
Quoted by: >>8541370 >>8541400

Trying to get a soundpost on Kiara's rrats from her stream last night, anyone got timestamp for when she told an EN2 (assumedly mumei or ceres) it's a Japanese company and to buckle up and deal with it?

>> No.8541184
File: 103 KB, 1181x1181, 1624089564296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541188


>> No.8541189

looking at it right now, that's the good shit

>> No.8541190
Quoted by: >>8541226


>> No.8541197


Well that was fast

>> No.8541199

people who eat bread are dyels or morbidly obese.

>> No.8541200
Quoted by: >>8541218

I only watch eigo-speakers, thank you.

>> No.8541203
File: 390 KB, 650x650, 1629683606732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl nervously asks if she can step on you

wat do?

>> No.8541207

It was pretty good.

>> No.8541215
Quoted by: >>8541235 >>8541278

Every Holo has a twitch channel and use it sometimes.
They won’t move to twitch because while they’ll BTFO the entire site with their numbers, they’ll slowly lose them overtime because they lose the luxury of YouTube’s size and recommendations.

>> No.8541217

no she doesn't

>> No.8541218

Miko is spigging it

>> No.8541219

>No George
>Yes George

>> No.8541224

Why does she need to step on me?

>> No.8541226
File: 295 KB, 398x453, 1629174074019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541246

motherfucker I thought the thread died already

>> No.8541231

what fucking else do i do? i cum at lightspeed and unlock time travel powers before dying of empty nutsack

>> No.8541234
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, Tsukumo Sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541237 >>8541275

>> No.8541235

Correction in my statement: I didn’t mean all of them use it I mean that the channels are used sometimes. Not by all of them.

>> No.8541237


>> No.8541240

Goomba is finally bonding bros... i'm so proud

>> No.8541243
Quoted by: >>8541354 >>8541436

God I love Miko, she really is one of the most important members for Hololive. She's a type of glue that holds everything together.

>> No.8541246

>134 IPs
Pretty close

>> No.8541254

much better then last night

>> No.8541261


>> No.8541263
Quoted by: >>8541307

She talked about everyone, but unlike everyone else, she was away for a long time, so she wanted to tell teamates what she was doing all this time.
I don't know if you're new, or why you would expect more, because Ame never excessively gushes over anyone. She thinks being too overbearing on stream while talking about other people puts too much pressure on them.
Especially if they're new. It's her form of autism, she doesn't want to influence how the audience sees them as streamers by telling "private" things about them. Also why she doesn't go to other people's chat that often, and instead goes wild on twitter. She doesn't want to influence their stream by putting the focus on her.
But she is always consistant in hyping up people.

>> No.8541264
Quoted by: >>8541291 >>8541302

I want to cum inside Miko.

>> No.8541274
File: 686 KB, 2411x4096, 1629748760485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii wouldn't be shy about asking
She didn't make it through even one stream before she started showing contempt for her audience

>> No.8541275

Anon, you need to devices. one for the image and another one for the cool thematic post

>> No.8541276

Better than the 400+ that have been plaguing this place for the last day

>> No.8541278

>they'll lose them overtime
Not if you upload your VODs to YT like what regular Twitch streamers do.

>> No.8541279

No, because this obviously isn't her if she's approaching like that

>> No.8541285

She's gonna do something Mori-like and eliminate all those people from her fanbase, I'm certain.

>> No.8541291

Better than 400IPs.

>> No.8541302
File: 211 KB, 320x320, 1621758791718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you female?

>> No.8541303
File: 1.47 MB, 1224x1466, 1629683351916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8541307

t. ame

>> No.8541310

It's the hot new thing for streamers, besides people don't know that the game is shit.

>> No.8541316
File: 646 KB, 2100x3000, 1629257920053-fourchan-vt-8126556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543336

Im the last pretzel

>> No.8541318
File: 538 KB, 850x601, EBDB221C-6381-499A-B765-8B169C42E71A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541345

This imageslot is dedicated to me wanting sex with Bakatare

>> No.8541325

What type of bread are Scorpios?

>> No.8541327
File: 2.98 MB, 600x338, 1607704238879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541452


>> No.8541334

>watching Gura MC at 1.35x speed
what am I doing with my life

>> No.8541345
Quoted by: >>8541358 >>8541437

Fuck Watame, Marry Friend, Kill the nigga

>> No.8541348

Not fast enough

>> No.8541354
Quoted by: >>8541572

She gets points for me by being one of the few that aren't intimidated by Sora

>> No.8541358

>Marry Friend

>> No.8541360

>missed Fauna first stream
>missed Sana's first stream
>missed Gura's MC
>missed IRyS' MC
>missed Ame's return

Uhh.. ok where do I get started, how were they?

>> No.8541359

it could be worse, i watched it live while playing in my own mc server

>> No.8541367
Quoted by: >>8541495

>Sana said i'm a baguette

>> No.8541370
Quoted by: >>8541665

The conversation starts around 1:48:xx
Somewhat surprised I didn't see any splits about it

>> No.8541375

Sana, go find out what bread you are, nothing else matters.

>> No.8541377
File: 190 KB, 512x512, 1605954312413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541415

Are you that pressed for time? Just leave it on the background. while you do something else.

>> No.8541385

All were great. Do them in the order you wish.

>> No.8541393

>watching fauna

>> No.8541395

>not 2x
Do you not value your time?

>> No.8541400 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>8541665

Sometime around here onward

>> No.8541408
Quoted by: >>8541440

Gura and Sana seem like the ones to watch if you want to keep up with what the thread has been talking about for the past day and will keep talking about for a while (especially the Gura MC vod, with the Shion/Miko developments).

>> No.8541413
File: 1.02 MB, 7362x1800, 1620452771085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, who do you think had the best outfit? Who are your Top 5s?

>> No.8541414
File: 545 KB, 845x613, nature girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Fauna

>> No.8541415

Even when I've got tons of spare time I almost always watch vods at 1.5x speed.

>> No.8541416

>fell asleep to Gura’s SC reading

God that was nice, I’m gonna do this more often

>> No.8541419
File: 2.35 MB, 1022x720, 1626743848593.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541435 >>8541440

Gura had the time of her life, even if no JPs logged in. Robbed Pekora and left the spoils at Akukin HQ, left a love poem for Shion in her castle.

>> No.8541420

>checking archive
Where’s the Cave Johnson soundpost about /vt/?

>> No.8541422

Whichever one interests you. I recommend getting your bread fortune first.

>> No.8541424

Watch it. It's JP server so it's great.

>> No.8541430

Towa easily, and I'm not a towaposter

>> No.8541431

Watame's grew on me like crazy, but Towa and Ame still had the best outfits. Mori and Ina's are also great.

>> No.8541436

the pillars of Hololive
the daisenpai
the approachable and beloved dumbass
the leader of the leader Gen
>Coco (RIP)
the driving force of change
the bridge

honorable mentions: Botan, Kanata and Watame, who often assume positions of leadership

>> No.8541435

fucking brrat

>> No.8541437
File: 660 KB, 698x532, 1627218587290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but marry and protect Watame, fuck Friend, fuck Flare

>> No.8541440

Gura is cheating on Ame?

>> No.8541443

Do baguettes really?

>> No.8541444

>you cum
>she rewinds time everytime
>to the point it feels like you are infinitely pissing cum and it looks like a stready stream
imagine the euphoria

>> No.8541448

Yeah, Mori never wakes up early for a stream. Never ever.

>> No.8541452
File: 294 KB, 850x1179, __ouro_kronii_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mile_off8mile__sample-b14c4c7acef30dd1be26cf8bdd22ccbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're in bed with Kronii
>It's the best moment of your life, fucking her while grabbing her milkers
>She is almost expressionless, with a hint of disgust and boredom
>You're about to cum, but desperately try to hold it in
>She looks at your obvious struggle, sighs and finally says
How much longer do you last?

>> No.8541456
Quoted by: >>8541489 >>8541497

Kiara is more like, the tumor

>> No.8541462

Serves Ame right for not going for it.

>> No.8541465

Towa, Mori, Kanata, Ame and Ame.

>> No.8541468

gurame is dead and buried

>> No.8541473
Quoted by: >>8541547

Kiara excitedly hyping up that story about finding a 7th piece of bread while she was high on painkillers was also a nice shortlived meme.

>> No.8541475

Shion is her oshi dumbass

>> No.8541477
Quoted by: >>8541543

I don't get turned on by this and I don't understand why some people do

>> No.8541481

No she's giving her what she fucking deserves

>> No.8541486

Why is Gurame rent free?
Let Gura have some fun with her senpai

>> No.8541489

*pisses in you*

>> No.8541495

>baguette is the intense sign
>Anon going in really intense
T-the bread thing isn't real, right guys?

>> No.8541497


>> No.8541500
File: 2.08 MB, 2066x2511, c48b0a292b95fdff85b765c3a9d2eed8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8541502
File: 397 KB, 497x420, D3AE1AB8-1E17-499C-AF3F-17E384A9D13D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541504
File: 227 KB, 576x576, 1618137553461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No my oshi is just a raging polyamorous dyke.

>> No.8541516
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x1895, 1620970663428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa definitely had the best outfit here, you might call me biased and stuff but even looking through a non kenzoku perspective she's still the best for me. My top 5s are Towa, Mori, Kanata, Ame, and Watame

>> No.8541519

Nah she also sent Ame a message when she got back. But she's always been a cunnyseur so Shion is special

>> No.8541520
Quoted by: >>8541546

i fucking hate how all of Kanatas outifts are so stiff and bulky

>> No.8541524
File: 82 KB, 720x1016, 1605283687151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame, Towa, Kiara, Kanata and Ame.

>> No.8541525
Quoted by: >>8541553

Kronii is great and all, but her framrates filtered me

>> No.8541529
File: 201 KB, 1914x1066, 1606513444855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541535
File: 144 KB, 434x434, Listener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541579

ALL EN girls need pacificers.

>> No.8541543

emotionless sex has its charm. It's almost on the same line as light femdom
if you mean those weird larp posts then yeah I dont get it either

>> No.8541547
File: 275 KB, 1552x764, ONE FREE BREAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541616

Never forget

>> No.8541546

She can take the jacket off right?

>> No.8541550

Ah fuck, I legit felt something from that. I think I'm into this more than I thought...

>> No.8541553

Arent 15 enough for you? Well, more for me then

>> No.8541555

Towasama wins
Kanata, Kiara, Mori and ina fill the top 5

>> No.8541566

ayame and kanata look pretty cool.

>> No.8541572
Quoted by: >>8541773

>aren't intimidated by Sora
so all of Gen0+Azki, pekora, towa, watame, who else? i cant remember the others

>> No.8541574

Mori's in my favorite by a wide margin, mainly because its not the usual cutesy bullshit.

That aside I like Ina's and Twap's. Ayame's is a fucking disaster.

>> No.8541579
File: 1.07 MB, 1270x670, mamaloni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up Mamaloni

>> No.8541582
File: 2.11 MB, 1508x869, 704BE8A2-F59C-4F2D-9105-1919AF29224C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further Honorable mentions: everyone. Each Holo brings something to the table, and together form a beautiful family.
You don’t have to like all of them, you just should actively focus on hating them. Each has their own thing, and not everyone is for everyone. But, there is something for everyone
Unity isn’t about having everyone, but not specifically excluding and hating someone. This is why I chose this image. It doesn’t have every Holo, but it has what is pretty much a random mix, and the ones not in it aren’t out of it because of hate, but because they just weren’t in the event

>> No.8541588
Quoted by: >>8541601 >>8541680

Sana's accent is filtering my ESL ass
It's a shame, I really like her

>> No.8541589
Quoted by: >>8541627 >>8541851

>Omega didn't retweet anything related to Mumei
What is this? Graduation soon?

>> No.8541591


She's still going

>> No.8541593

Towa, Ame, and Coco.

>> No.8541594
Quoted by: >>8541695 >>8541853

Gura is annoyingly fake.

>> No.8541595

Watching Sana VOD, can't believe I'm a superior Sourdough

>> No.8541601
Quoted by: >>8541668

You better fucking hope that the rrat never takes off her limiters, because Sana's accent is very mild.

>> No.8541608

Oh, Ollie...

>> No.8541612

She hits that Daria, Ghost World, Aubrey Plaza vibe pretty hard. It’s a niche but I’m all about it.

>> No.8541613
File: 129 KB, 940x994, 1603091547213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t have to like all of them, you just should actively focus on hating them

>> No.8541616


>> No.8541617

I would put money on that being the case

>> No.8541618

>EN2 only has 2 non-asians
>tfw hololive only has 6 non-asians

>> No.8541620

Yeah, Twaps was the best, Kanata and Ayame were also cool but Ayame si downgrade to her original one and Kiara is really good fit to hers

>> No.8541626

Your oshi first, you dumbass. But otherwise:
Sana if you want to turn into bread.
Ame if you want to see Metal Gear Ame.
Gura if you want to see her love letter to Shion.
IRyS if you want to see dogs copulating.

>> No.8541627


>> No.8541631

>but desperately try to hold it in

>> No.8541632
File: 307 KB, 850x1286, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nez_box__sample-c2ac6637130c1fc1438009356ea2c950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541667

rats can have up to 7 litters per year!

>> No.8541633
Quoted by: >>8541659 >>8541712

Ollie I swear to god

>> No.8541636

Real talk, when will Kiara or Sana play "I am bread"?

>> No.8541638
File: 20 KB, 224x320, 1597620571265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for high drama once again my friends. Peko monster rancher kino is upon us once again.

>> No.8541639

I love how Watame is also a unityfagprime. She became a permanent nice holo in my book since she is the only one who invited and approched Sora to minecraft to play with where everyone else is online too but straight up not talking to her.

>> No.8541647
File: 535 KB, 2048x1536, acrylic unity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541735

Based and beautiful.

>> No.8541652


>> No.8541653
File: 188 KB, 900x601, B5524B9C-53C5-4E2F-8428-B56C453E7BE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame’s new outfit really changes her as a whole. It’s hard to explain, but it’s really, truly a change not just to her look but how her character feels

>> No.8541657
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, E9eWdmYVcAUgD3Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541656

Good lord, osmeone finger Ollie so she stops tweeting.

>> No.8541659


>> No.8541664


>> No.8541665
File: 63 KB, 227x222, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone voiced some concerns and I could related to those concerns, I've been through that
>I'm not gonna sugar coat it, working for Hololive isn't a fairy tail
>People "underestimate how dis-... how the real world actually is"
>A lot of people who audition have rose tinted glasses and don't realise the trials and stress that awaits them, just thinking they will be having fun every day and getting rich
>If you are a sensitive person it's gonna be tough
>People don't realise what they signed up for by working for a Japanese company, but they need to deal with it
>I was used to it so it was easy for me


>> No.8541667
File: 88 KB, 1919x251, Screenshot_20210824-085618_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541713 >>8541941

yeah with me

>> No.8541668
Quoted by: >>8541728

I mean, I understand her, but I have to focus more than the other ENs. I just can't put her in the background while doing other things.

>> No.8541669

>hololive has more australians than euros
i would have fucking laughed at you if you'd told me that a few weeks ago

>> No.8541670


>> No.8541680

Accent ? Do you mean her Fucking Obnoxious LISP? She Sounds like she has a blanket in her Mouth

>> No.8541683

Missing the debuts really leaves things that cant be discussed afterwards...

>> No.8541685
Quoted by: >>8541705

Ceres says she knows french?

>> No.8541686
File: 263 KB, 1000x760, 1612358859566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call this gang of girls?

>> No.8541689

The fuck.
How is ayame's head so big.

>> No.8541690

This is peak peko content. Luck, numbers and funny pekora faces

>> No.8541691
File: 214 KB, 353x991, 9alrgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame & Towa. They are basically wearing matching outfits anyway.

>> No.8541693
Quoted by: >>8541741

bro your linking reps...

>> No.8541697
File: 2.39 MB, 3799x4096, 1625646818031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541695

Gawr was streaming that day

>> No.8541701 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8541830

Mumei unironically still has a boyfriend

>> No.8541705
Quoted by: >>8541750

Probably canadian. We have to learn it in schools and then promptly forget all but the basics.

>> No.8541707
Quoted by: >>8541741

wrong link

>> No.8541709

I'll watch until she gets her monster, if its shit i'll close the stream

>> No.8541712

Ollie really is master of comedy

>> No.8541713

Kronii's are retarded.
Why would you want her to continue that shitty game?

>> No.8541715

Never forget THE WALL, BROTHER.

also, never forget that in Korone's run Oyayubi will never get his vitamins

>> No.8541717

First part is prolly regarding haters/antis. Second part is most likely Cover corp and JP business autism. Personally, I relate to the JP business shit since they want to do a whole lot of retarded things

>> No.8541719

Why is she like this?

>> No.8541720
File: 14 KB, 292x227, 62c31e4753572c958a6823118f8984c19be4acdd04d36ef68c6755484c14760d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541792

Kiara is acting like a hardass Japanese senpai and really hammering down hard on the new girls the company line to the extent that they think she's bullying them.

>> No.8541722

>male voice

>> No.8541725

>After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he’ll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest

Just this basically

>> No.8541728
Quoted by: >>8541756

Its fucking exhausting listening to that nigger Trying to make out even 1 Word of her negrolisp

>> No.8541730

its shit, but she literally has an hour at the very most including credits.

>> No.8541732


>> No.8541733
Quoted by: >>8543702

This is probably a conversation she also had with Mori in the past.

>> No.8541735
Quoted by: >>8541793 >>8541821

>no sana
>no mumei
>no kronii
>no omega
>no baelz
not unity

>> No.8541738

Watame, Luna, Mor

>> No.8541741

Are indies that desperate for views?
Actual link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0hEfm_Bnkg

>> No.8541742
File: 567 KB, 803x623, 1629727495743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541743

Permission shit. Financial and emotional abuse from cover and antis respectively. Bureaucracy in the strangest of places.

>> No.8541744
Quoted by: >>8541848 >>8542139


>> No.8541748

I'd assume they want her to suffer

>> No.8541749

*Kronii's fans

>> No.8541750

French is weird because it's a romance language right? Whereas most of the other languages in europe are germanic or slavic.
Romance languages have gendered nouns

>> No.8541751

>not in sub only mode

>> No.8541755
Quoted by: >>8541822

Is people horny for Saber face Time

>> No.8541756

You are not funny and you do not fit in.

>> No.8541757

>Not in sub mode


>> No.8541762

No... why twitch
God dammit

>> No.8541765

>most of the other languages in europe are germanic or slavic.
I think Europe is bigger and more varied than you think it is

>> No.8541772

Is Hebrew a romantic language then?

>> No.8541773

Should be all of them but these girls are socially retarded.

>> No.8541774


>> No.8541778

I'm a croissant, later putains

>> No.8541781
File: 366 KB, 607x1192, 1598829072171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is Ollie doing?

>> No.8541784

god looking at twitch again the video quality looks crisp unlike youtube's garbage indie company coding

>> No.8541786


>> No.8541791

Ame, Towa, Ina, Kiara, Calli. But I feel bad not having Watame in the top 5 because it's great too.

>> No.8541790

>no nightbot
>no slow mode
>no follower-only mode
>no sub-only mode
This shit is gonna be all ASCII and nigger words in a few minutes, they didn't learn shit after Miko's twitch debut

>> No.8541792

nah, she's being supportive but also telling it how it is, which is based

>> No.8541793

>no Fauna

>> No.8541795

What is this for?https://twitter.com/1UMIN4/status/1430119429153583112

>> No.8541800
Quoted by: >>8542118

I think it's probably related right? Because latin and hebrews are both mediterranean people

>> No.8541801

bun bun cha.

>> No.8541810
Quoted by: >>8541841

Unironically made me appreciate Kiara all little bit more seeing this. Nice to know that there's someone that isn't just going to be a shoulder to cry on for them and give them empty assurances. While it sucks, she's right and you have to put up or shut up. That's the deal.

>> No.8541812
File: 188 KB, 1019x1441, 1607540631184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542038


>> No.8541817
Quoted by: >>8541864 >>8541959

"Romance language" is literally just propaganda. Medieval france liked to pretend they were the new Rome.
French is a germanic language with some latin influence, just like german, italian, english, spanish etc.
In fact, english gets most of its latin from french, because England was a French duchy for a few hundreds years.

>> No.8541819
File: 330 KB, 1080x597, Screenshot_2021-08-24-19-04-17-21_7a4090f09f6554852d748ee9fd6f40d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save her...

>> No.8541820
File: 410 KB, 598x472, 1606423225090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541821

Just in case you’re not shitposting, read again>>8541582.
Also the acrylic pic has double the friend!!!

>> No.8541822
Quoted by: >>8541840

I am contemplating animating a titjob scene of her despite never animating before I am that powered by horniness.

>> No.8541827

Nah it's a rat language

>> No.8541829


>> No.8541830

Yes, that's me

>> No.8541835

>Not 1.00x
Do you not value your time?

>> No.8541837
Quoted by: >>8541850


Subaru viewer participation Smash in an hour

>> No.8541840

Go for it, anon. Time is on your side.

>> No.8541841
Quoted by: >>8541893

Do i want to know the context?

>> No.8541848

that's just love live alter

>> No.8541850

>Subaru viewer participation Smash
yeah, with me and fellow anons

>> No.8541851

Who? Who?

>> No.8541853
File: 1.94 MB, 498x498, tuna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542064

Weird thing to latch onto anon. Is Gura doing shit she thinks is cringe and then begging to not be called cringe in an over the top manner for funnies really indicative of a fake person to you?

Are you autistic?

>> No.8541854
File: 12 KB, 339x101, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541894 >>8541904

based JOP nekko

>> No.8541857
File: 1.22 MB, 1123x1296, 1604592992432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541928

>you just should actively focus on hating them

>> No.8541860

towa and kanatan only

>> No.8541862

>Nene is now twitch thot
it's over.

>> No.8541863
File: 136 KB, 828x1308, EhesZPeUwAAh-Nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541864
Quoted by: >>8542072

It's because the romans heavily colonized france and influenced the language. Spain, France, and Italy are all romance cultures. England, Germany, Sweden....etc are all germanic

>> No.8541868

Watch Pekora get a monster that she thinks is ugly/creepy looking and she doesn't like but ends up bonding with over the next few hours

>> No.8541870

I don't get it
How does Taurus have "dad energy"? What does that mean?

>> No.8541875

as always Pioneers will forever be based, only arrives when they need to

>> No.8541877
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_05_28 ], take=[ 2021-08-24 14.06.25 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541890

romance languages are the biggest group in Europe by population, anon

>> No.8541892

Why is my wife on twitch?

>> No.8541891

Because its actually good and she actually got into it at the very end.
Also she's at the halfway point and it's like doing a watchalong and stopping at the act 2 climax

>> No.8541893

She kept it deliberately vague and I don't know if there's anything solid other than what she said about one of the EN2 girls coming to her post debut with concerns or sads.

>> No.8541894
Quoted by: >>8542039

>Gifted memberships
Imagine GIVING a greyname membership privialges

>> No.8541897

azki booba/10

>> No.8541898

Who's that on second from left?

>> No.8541900

More girls should tease omega.

>> No.8541902

>Nene's manager told her to try using Twitch
it's over

>> No.8541904
Quoted by: >>8542039

same. just entered and already got gifted. guess I'm a nekko now

>> No.8541910
File: 698 KB, 497x488, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it now, one EN2 member will graduate around January. It will be the final yab that causes western media to turn their attention to the purity culture of idols and Hololive specifically, because its being applied to western women and it's in English. There will be large scale attempts to cancel Cover and rally support around Vtubers having open relationships.

>> No.8541919
Quoted by: >>8541994

I'm a fucking Banana bread bruh.

>> No.8541923

>Open Nene's stream
>She's talking about iCarly
>Keep Nene's stream open

>> No.8541925

Someone was nervous and overwhelmed. Kiara senpai talked them down. I doubt any of the council will elaborate about it anytime soon.

>> No.8541928

i just realized… fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.8541930
Quoted by: >>8541986

Why the fuck do nousagi NOT want to watch monster rancher? Damn idiots don't know what they're missing out on

>> No.8541931
Quoted by: >>8541982

Nene received Twitch streaming instructions from her manager. She replied that she doesn't know anything about Twitch, and the manager suggested, "how about making a Twitch account and trying it out?". And that's how the Twitch stream happened.

>> No.8541932

at this point i'm almost convinced cover pays her to shill specifically what cover wants shilled.

>> No.8541937
File: 390 KB, 220x220, senchou looking at you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8541950 >>8542046

This is LITERALLY what people said about EN1 and it never happened. How new are you?

>> No.8541938

Wait, twitch subs are only $2? that's cheap bro

>> No.8541939

>le final yab
Welcome newfriend! Go away!

>> No.8541941

Why does she need to ask to finish a short indie game? Just finish it.

>> No.8541950

Didn't Mori graduate on January like everybody said?

>> No.8541952

they added regional prices a few weeks ago

>> No.8541957
File: 722 KB, 828x926, 1628808340612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541959

>French is a germanic language

>> No.8541963

Yes. RIP.

>> No.8541965


>> No.8541967

Yeah, she was replaced by Calli.

>> No.8541971

Their contracts are up soon... surely any day now....

>> No.8541974

Is it still a graduation if she was just replaced by someone else?

>> No.8541975
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, 9EDB3C82-015C-4CA8-8B44-433475D116CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to my severe autism I wrote “should” instead of shouldnt. You SHOULDNT actively hate them

>> No.8541979

$1 subs reporting in

>> No.8541982

Also pretty interesting that Nene (and I'm assuming other Hololivers) got monetization straight away. Advantage of corporate relations I suppose.

>> No.8541984
Quoted by: >>8542010

Is that based on CCV or total views including VODs? That sounds like it'd heavily affect sharkoin depending on which.

>> No.8541986
File: 908 KB, 1189x1171, 1619934057213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542021

It's not minecraft. Majority of her viewerbase do not care.

>> No.8541987

Thinking about eating some bread right now.

>> No.8541988
File: 1.66 MB, 2200x2200, 1617552409743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea she got replaced with Kawaiiope.

>> No.8541990
File: 261 KB, 779x1231, CHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8541992

Also I assume she already said this before but she essentially had zero input on her original design and model? Makes me feel bad for IRyS even more, knowing her roommate's taste there's no way she would have chosen to look the way she does without retarded management deciding for her.

>> No.8541994

>Aquarius is based

>> No.8541998

They started to convert the costs into local currencies or something. I save like 1€ per base sub now.

>> No.8542002

Hinotori mention!

>> No.8542008
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, 1629711791346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542062


>> No.8542010

I think total views including VODs, not sure though.

>> No.8542016

I will save every image of the chaos rrat i see in this thread.

>> No.8542021

Pekora's done almost everything you can in that game. What else is there to get excited about?

>> No.8542028

Why does Mumei's stream today feel like a moment of truth sort of situation

>> No.8542038
File: 416 KB, 403x467, 1612948354324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542039
Quoted by: >>8542243

I'm already a NenePro member, but no way I'm buying a twitch sub, she's not gonna stream here regularly anyway
>chinks spamming already
I fucking hate it

>> No.8542046 [DELETED] 

Except this time 2 of them are in relationships and their is a shit load of newfag redditcucks here

>> No.8542049
File: 535 KB, 2048x2026, 1629806756692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542168

>huge boobs
>thigh gap
>boob window
>short skirt
>thigh-high stockings
>femdom theme

It's like she's trying to make my dick explode

>> No.8542052
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1629773809491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually plays Minecraft at these hours
>Miko is online
>plays something else
why is she like this?

>> No.8542057

This basically confirms that they just hire people based on what personality they think the character design needs

>> No.8542059

Maybe if it was a draw stream, doubt you'll get that from Journey

>> No.8542061


>> No.8542062

Spread 'em

>> No.8542064
Quoted by: >>8542270

I find that over the top 'do it for the content' behavior a big turn off.

>> No.8542066
File: 100 KB, 1024x709, 4A4F4681-5AD0-49BC-BAA0-A6582ACA9A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542376 >>8542839

Had a blast watching two of the Ace Combat 7 VODs from Fubuki. Really brings back some memories.
Highly recommend you go back and watch a 2019 or early 2020 playlist of a Holo, puts some perspective on things.
And no, I don’t expect any ace combat in the future. It’s very very unlikely.

>> No.8542072

Rome colonized a celtic gaul. Those people and their culture no longer exist.
France was founded and occupied by the Franks, an amalgam of german tribes ranging from northeastern europe to the black sea that settled on Rome's border and then conquered Gaul and recolonized it when the roman empire fell. By the time they did so, the population of Gaul had declined catastrophically from centuries of civil war and successive plagues. Every major european kingdom and culture actually comes from germany or even further east, and resettled somewhere in north/western europe during the Great Migration. The english came from northern germany and denmark, italy was colonized by goths and alemanni, etc. Even North Africa was colonized by Vandals.

The french are a german people and the latin influence in their language comes mostly from ecclesiastical latin spread by the catholic church. From Rome itself, they only loaned enough language to facilitate trade before the empire fell and some military terms from copying late antiquity cavalry tactics, which became the basis of medieval knights.

>> No.8542071
Quoted by: >>8542125

Yeah, with me

>> No.8542077

Remember that Ame Mario Odyssey stream?

>> No.8542080

Retard this isn't a vtuber only thing. A lot of twitch thots also do try and keep their relationships private as well. It's just profitable to manipulate lonely men.

>> No.8542082
Quoted by: >>8542125

Yes, I'm dating both of them

>> No.8542085

I got gifted a free sub. Twitch is awesome. Why the hell are they still using YouTube?

>> No.8542086

we're toast bros anon!

>> No.8542087

Ina and twappi are god tier

>> No.8542088

She'll just be a Snoozefest again and "forget" everything

>> No.8542093

indeed for I am he

>> No.8542095
Quoted by: >>8542142 >>8542178

she said it depends from person to person
for her she had very little input because, as she said repeatedly in the past, she auditioned very late

>> No.8542094
File: 35 KB, 1079x720, FB_IMG_1629719396856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542115

>> No.8542101
Quoted by: >>8542171

Haachama bought a big melon!

>> No.8542110

nene manager doko can you please help your poor talent this should've been prepared beforehand

>> No.8542111
Quoted by: >>8542176

It really doesn't. Considering Gura's design and her past, there's literally no way the design is just a coincidence.

>> No.8542113

Man Gura really lucked out with
A relative nobody like Nachomama

>> No.8542114
Quoted by: >>8542148

google image for
"romance languages"
"germanic languages"
"celtic languages"

you will see the divisions

>> No.8542115

she looks like a tekken character

>> No.8542118
Quoted by: >>8542181 >>8542220

Theyre are not in the same language families at all. Hebrew is semitic.
At best hebreic had an indirect effect on romance languages the same way arabic did, trough trade.
A lot of hebrew words for example were first translated to greek in the bible and then further on translated to other languages.
Modern european jews speak yiddisch as far as i know and hebrew only for religious purpose

>> No.8542125
Quoted by: >>8542152 >>8542180

You shills realize this don't actually work right?

>> No.8542126

Not necessarily anon, she was very clear in saying that this was her own experience and that others could have had it different. She gave an example of earlier gens where what you were saying was indeed the case, but there is evidence to suggest that a bunch of newer holos had some input with their character

>> No.8542129

Probably because she has potential but her showings so far have been duds. This is her chance to make an impression while people's interest is still piqued from the whole debut parade.

>> No.8542136

I was watching Gura's minecraft stream and when she was talking about Fauna's cats someone in chat said "Snail is older than I am"
Snail is 10 years old so that means chumbuds are literally kids

>> No.8542139

>MaiR swimsuit mv
>no tsukushi in school one piece
>no fuku buchou cameo even though he's on guitar for this
alive musix just doesn't have the same soul after the rebrand.

>> No.8542142

Yeah, I remember that some of them talked about their interest and formed the model from what they gave them. Like Gura liking sharks

>> No.8542145

Gifting subs is fine on Twitch where there are no exclusive streams, but gifting membership streams to grey name niggers seems like a bad idea.

>> No.8542148

*slavic languages*
not celtic

>> No.8542152

Both me

>> No.8542154

everyone's hoping for an Ame tier turnaround and Journey seems like a good game for it to happen with

>> No.8542158
File: 52 KB, 615x1168, FB_IMG_1629807423494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her name?

>> No.8542163

Because she’s the most forgettable by far and this will be her time to stand on her own feet

>> No.8542168
Quoted by: >>8542236

>femdom theme
yeah like Mori's cool theme and Ame's British theme

>> No.8542169
Quoted by: >>8542274

It's not been long since Twitch almost retroactively banned everyone for having copyrighted music on streams that happened 4+ years ago and that weren't even still available as VODs but instead as viewer clips that the channel owner had no way of deleting
Basically they're just as retarded as Youtube but in different ways

>> No.8542171

But she already has two!

>> No.8542173
Quoted by: >>8542283

Looks better without the shitty YouTube compression. If only the Twitch userbase wasn't so dog shit and you didn't have to use 3rd party programs to avoid ads.
Literally stuff that anyone with common sense would've known even before Kiara said it. Though even with that it can hit pretty hard. It's pretty much why Mori and Kiara say stuff like "Only go for this kind of gig if you KNOW you wanna do it and are willing to put up with shit whether you're an indie or a corporate vtuber."
One should also learn early on that Japan in general is highly autistic and Japanese companies make special ed classrooms look like MIT then decide whether or not you wanna continue despite the bullshit

>> No.8542175
File: 1.76 MB, 1400x1183, 1621713376654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T u T

>> No.8542176
Quoted by: >>8542260

>Amelia is pre-debut Gura.JPEG

>> No.8542178

I was gonna say, no way mori didn't have any input. It's literally her

>> No.8542180

I'm sure you aren't new here.

>> No.8542181

Best example of the difference is country names. In Hebrew, France is “Tzarfat”, “Greece” is “Yavan” and India is “Hodu”

>> No.8542183

Doesn't that mean kids are watching the sex deer? Wtf?

>> No.8542184
Quoted by: >>8542210

that's nice anon that chumbuds are living rent free

>> No.8542186

I don't know why she's playing Journey, that game is literally so fucking boring I fell asleep the first time I tried to play it
She should've opened strong with one of the "world-building" games she mentioned

>> No.8542192
File: 222 KB, 1600x1478, E9jgC4iVUAQNs1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542219 >>8542419



>> No.8542195


>> No.8542199
File: 23 KB, 468x133, THEY ARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542238 >>8542248

>> No.8542200
File: 1.28 MB, 1035x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542198


>> No.8542204
Quoted by: >>8542504

what the fuck is this bullshit
even with the massive population decline of the late roman empire the vast majority of early medieval france was still latin and the german tribes that settled there, even though they assumed the role of the ruling class, were quickly culturally assimilated

please Mumei do an history stream already, this thread dearly needs it

>> No.8542205

Twitch is garbage. Just because you're a happy poorfag who got lucky doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.8542209

Miko is a gosling for english speaking girls

>> No.8542210
Quoted by: >>8542269

they are not living rent free, I am literally watching the minecraft vod right now

>> No.8542212
File: 879 KB, 606x761, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... you aren't responding to cuckposters and tourists, are you?

>> No.8542219

Shira/Kurokami Omegay

>> No.8542218

i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they mixed up snail and clover

>> No.8542220

Also Yiddish is practically German-Polish. It’s never used these days. Most jews use Hebrew, and European Jews started fully using their local languages since the 1800s

>> No.8542225
Quoted by: >>8542243

>give me subs please
Well did you?

>> No.8542226

ollie is being herself

>> No.8542230

>I don't know why she's playing Journey
Civilization theme.

>> No.8542231

Did Mio just mog everyone with her MV?

>> No.8542236

I dont think anyone gets hard for a british theme

>> No.8542238

Addicted to Minecraft

>> No.8542242
File: 489 KB, 498x480, sana!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(BIG VOICE) I'm not replying to anyone!

>> No.8542241
File: 2.92 MB, 1548x2048, 1629760020116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542243

I'm not paying twice >>8542039

>> No.8542245

Too busy being suffocated by Sana's massive derrière

>> No.8542248
Quoted by: >>8542268

>anon didn't watch Irys's stream

>> No.8542252

I'm responding to you instead

>> No.8542255

Nah, they're all artisan bread anyway.

>> No.8542257


>> No.8542260
File: 420 KB, 976x742, rratic phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542266
File: 495 KB, 542x860, 1629731013174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im only here to post this cute rat once in awhile and contribute or read anything else in this thread for a month at least!

>> No.8542268


>> No.8542269
Quoted by: >>8542307

and that one comment made you care so much about them that you had to bring attention to it instead of ignoring it

>> No.8542271
File: 1.18 MB, 4000x4000, 1629523340668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching Sana's VOD!

>> No.8542270

It's not exactly "for the content". It's just playing up how much you care about something embarassing for fun because you think it's funny, the kind of shit you do around your friends.

>> No.8542274

Maybe they shouldn't have streamed copyrighted music then? Literal retards

>> No.8542277

??? That is just Ame drawn by Nabi.

>> No.8542278

>forsen gif emotes in chat
I hate it.

>> No.8542283
Quoted by: >>8542447

>anyone with common sense
Anon...you should know by now that common sense isn't common at all.
This is why she had to say that directly.

>> No.8542285

Azki and lliterally whos

>> No.8542286

I think all Holos should have one giant lesbian sex orgy.

>> No.8542306

I don't know but she has a sick coat

>> No.8542307

I just thought it was funny, most people here bring attention to things they think is funny

>> No.8542308

I think I should join them.

>> No.8542320

With me, specifically

>> No.8542321
File: 598 KB, 2780x1909, 1629185243151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542327
File: 94 KB, 850x1202, 1629807740498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife did well at apex today!

>> No.8542328


>> No.8542329

Hololive and /hlgg/ orgy when?

>> No.8542333
File: 102 KB, 617x433, 1629554383695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542355

ᴵ ᶠᵒʳᵍᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵒᵏᶦᵉˢ.

>> No.8542335

Nene stumbling her way around all of Twitch's features is actually making for quite a funny stream

>> No.8542346

kek got a free nene sub
just move all of them to twitch

>> No.8542355 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 518x535, cookie [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6pvwb1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542403

sorry tako

>> No.8542357
File: 3.02 MB, 259x146, 1629791718785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s time for cunny on cunny action

>> No.8542358
Quoted by: >>8542418

This but Holostars orgy

>> No.8542361

Let's say that youtube is impartial and fair when compared to Twitch moderation

>> No.8542362

>nene wants to change her name color in chat to orange

>> No.8542365

fuck off greyfag

>> No.8542371
Quoted by: >>8542393 >>8542447

How is Twitch's video quality so much fucking better than YouTube's?

>> No.8542373
File: 896 KB, 1280x720, clever meat pie[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fowpm0i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542413

I'm currently making soundposts, fellow Sanallite
Got no time for that

>> No.8542376
File: 1.01 MB, 1332x1242, 223A4CBC-4840-4BA3-A8A5-3CDAC15B3014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542772

Anyone else did it or plans to do it?

>> No.8542377

Wait, why exactly is Nene streaming on Twitch? I thought they only used that god-forsaken site for watchalongs.

>> No.8542378

If your oshi randomly streamed on twitch like this, would you sub? Even if there was no guarantee she'd ever stream on the platform again?

>> No.8542379

is this twitch astroturfing? fucking children and their 'free entertainment'

>> No.8542381

twitch doesn't have archiving right?

>> No.8542382

Considering Huke is such a big name they might've commissioned him way ahead of time

>> No.8542385
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1628570602220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens to the game chat when two MC servers get connected by a portal? can they see each other's messages?

>> No.8542392

Someone gifted a Nene sub to Pekora kek

>> No.8542393

This is the only thing i'm wiling to say twitch is better at than youtube

>> No.8542394

i like the sanaposters, the big voice posts make me laugh for some reason.

>> No.8542396

Nene's gonna hex the taliban...

>> No.8542400

I don't pay for YT stuff so why would I sub on Twitch?

>> No.8542401
File: 206 KB, 220x224, 18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's funny...
NaTuRe & priNTeR always make me laugh.

>> No.8542403

A tragedy in two acts.

>> No.8542406

Their archiving solution is a button that automatically uploads the VOD to Youtube for you.

>> No.8542408

Archived for 3 months. Clips stay forever no matter what

>> No.8542410 [DELETED] 

>tranny janny woke up
>must defend my ntr queens!

>> No.8542413


>> No.8542418

Now we're talking

>> No.8542419

JP's are not that creative to even thought about that

>> No.8542420

>would you sub?
Everyone gets a free sub once a month so I'll just use that

>> No.8542422
File: 3.62 MB, 2500x2000, 1629249549147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they should do it on top of Sana

>> No.8542423

I want to see mamaloni's reaction to the revelation that Kiara is taller than Mori, she always draws them with a big difference in height

>> No.8542426

>open Nene's twitch
>she's just staring at me for 7 seconds
>keep stream open

>> No.8542427
File: 26 KB, 662x312, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542429

I'm not going to member her on two platforms at once
I'll also not watch anyone who stays on Twitch

>> No.8542433

Kinda but VODs get deleted after three months so a lot streamers have youtube channel for VODs.

>> No.8542435
File: 120 KB, 600x600, 1623119310016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco set Azamina as her commercial until the stream starts. That's neat.

>> No.8542444
Quoted by: >>8542479

Ina's stream was amazing mostly because her partner was from there

>> No.8542448
File: 225 KB, 1017x550, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542447
Quoted by: >>8542594

Yeah that's the unfortunate part
Twitch doesn't have shitty compression. Google straight up doesn't give a shit since they make so much money otherwise they would've fixed this literally a decade and a half ago

>> No.8542454
File: 2.77 MB, 2841x4000, 15554A08-4EBF-45A7-AAA2-40FCAD6EA7FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542508

Get fucked raider. That’s what you get for being a cunt who doesn’t even watch Hololive and only comes here to shit up the thread.
I’ll still break your legs nigger

>> No.8542453

I watch streams and just post what is interesting that is happening

>> No.8542455
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x946, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542617 >>8542639

Guys Omegaα was always here!

>> No.8542460
Quoted by: >>8542488

wait why is nene on twitch?

>> No.8542467

I think it works like that for the resource server they have on JP so I think so?

>> No.8542470


>> No.8542472

I havent played the game and currently watching the VOD, what's so funny about wanting the "true ending"?

>> No.8542473

Why are you surprised? Twelve Minutes is a current popular meme game that brings big numbers.

>> No.8542476
File: 369 KB, 567x769, 1629808043742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542492

>> No.8542479
Quoted by: >>8542578

How did that change anything? You only found out afterwards.
How did that change how fun the stream was to watch?

>> No.8542482
File: 245 KB, 850x1275, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shouu_kun__sample-1f77379f7bafd5a24d89708fe2508e04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542481

minecraft servers can grab messages from discord or irc, but I doubt anyone at hololive manage server plugins

>> No.8542484

Go have an aneurysm somewhere else

>> No.8542488
Quoted by: >>8542686

It seems like they all got told to figure out how twitch works so they have a backup platform / can use it for amazon prime watchalongs

>> No.8542489

Probably not. The better question is what happens to inventories since each server has a seperate one.

>> No.8542490

Dangerously based.

>> No.8542492

>that tummy

>> No.8542493

she must already hate her audience kek

>> No.8542497

Kronii is gonna be doomed is she keep doing what chat asks

>> No.8542498

Nothing other than the game being trash and Kronii clearly wanting out of it as the stream went on.

>> No.8542503
File: 5 KB, 327x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ the Nekkos are insane

>> No.8542504

No, you see, that was my point. France loves to pretend that they're "basically roman" but that couldn't be further from the truth. The germanic franks that resettled Gaul formed an ethnic majority and the resulting culture of "France" is shaped by those germanic roots. The franks were sensible enough to learn from their predecessors and spread a lot of that knowledge through europe via conquest and trade, but they were fundamentally germans LARPing as romans for legitimacy. It was such an obsession they went as far as having the Holy See declare their leaders to be official roman emperors, long after there ceased to be a roman empire. The pursuit of being perceived as the rightful inheritors of roman culture and learning shaped french national identity and an enormous amount of their historical sources are filtered through that lens, but it's not reflected in reality. The Franks were not a small ethnic group like the Visigoths in Spain, and late roman Gaul was so depopulated that they were abandoning permanent settlements just out of a lack of people to inhabit them. The conquest of Soissons changed everything, but of course the french will never admit their kindred lie across the hated Rhine.

>> No.8542505
Quoted by: >>8542532

there's only like half an hour left, right?

>> No.8542508


>> No.8542510
Quoted by: >>8542541

why are you not subbed to fubuki?

>> No.8542512

kronii seems to hate the game, or it might be her disinterested mode of speech.

>> No.8542515
File: 114 KB, 805x1153, le jwu sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542548 >>8542571

[Important news] Sora JWU

>> No.8542519

>Kronii is sadistic
>Like chuuba like fanbase

>> No.8542522
Quoted by: >>8542616

That's 500 dollars right?

>> No.8542525
Quoted by: >>8542556 >>8542630

Husband is actually the brother and has been commiting incest sex and wife is preggy and hitman is actually the dad of both
writing is really retarded but whatever

>> No.8542528
File: 468 KB, 2000x2400, 1628352770788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread could use some more kiara.

>> No.8542532

Yeah, there's like 3 more hours left.

>> No.8542537
File: 598 KB, 550x526, 1622320587368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more brats.

>> No.8542541

Where is the sub button?{

>> No.8542542

That's just twitch for you. You even get your name on top of the leaderboard for that.

>> No.8542543

>tonkotsu over miso
i always knew nekkos have shit taste

>> No.8542546
Quoted by: >>8542593 >>8542600

why is nene streaming on twitch?

>> No.8542547

>Irys keeps messing things up etc... because no one ever gave her a proper tour

>> No.8542548
Quoted by: >>8542919 >>8543096

>9 pm
I thought she had a decent sleep schedule because she does idol stuff with other companies all the time.

>> No.8542550

did Pekora forget how to move during fights?

>> No.8542551
Quoted by: >>8542603

She's stupidly close to the true end for one and fags are confident she hates the game.
I think she's about a loop or so away from finishing it.

>> No.8542556


>> No.8542557
Quoted by: >>8542588 >>8542630

the true ending is wildly kuso
the entire thing turns out to be incest
then the actual ENTIRE thing turns out to be a hypnotherapy session to get the guy to break up with his sisterwife

>> No.8542559

Nene is having fun, I'm having fun, simple as.

>> No.8542560
Quoted by: >>8542688

>The germanic franks that resettled Gaul formed an ethnic majority and the resulting culture of "France" is shaped by those germanic roots
but that's simply untrue

>> No.8542561
File: 3.98 MB, 600x480, 3kiaras.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542565

that is how it works between the jp server and the resource server right now.

>> No.8542568

Orgies are gross and impersonal. They should all pair off and have deeply passionate, intense 1 on 1 sex sessions that last for hours and involve lots of kissing, biting, hickeys and other forms of marking so that the rest of hololive can tell at a glance who claimed them. And this should all happen in the same apartment complex so they can hear each other go at it through the walls and know who's making who scream tonight.

>> No.8542571
Quoted by: >>8542919

I never thought of Sora to be a top tier degen sleeper

>> No.8542575

Change mic and remove disgusting accent, also remove shit taste for astrology

>> No.8542578

It's more about the fact that people in this thread are about 90% more likely to behave in certain ways

>> No.8542583
File: 876 KB, 1570x972, 1629808298444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will HoloCouncil get mascots as well?

>> No.8542584
Quoted by: >>8542665 >>8542823

I really don't get the problem people here have with this stream, I watched it yesterday at night while laying down on my bed and it was comfy af. Can't wait for the last part.

>> No.8542588

Why are my fellow Europeans like that? Did it work`?

>> No.8542589

>haughty sadist chuuba
>fans just bully her and make her suffer
It's great

>> No.8542594
Quoted by: >>8542680

On the flip side twitch chugs bandwidth like a torrent so good luck watching twitch if you have any kind of data cap

>> No.8542593
Quoted by: >>8542781

Literally because she wants to. This isn’t some big thing. Pekora did it before and Miko too.

>> No.8542599
File: 972 KB, 1000x1414, E9bHbY7VEAALJnR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe wada is working with hololive

>> No.8542598

her character is a "world traveler"

>> No.8542600

just want to have fun and test shit. maybe also because youtube is fucking up, since her latest vods don't have comments on it

>> No.8542603
File: 30 KB, 467x467, 1614508738482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542631 >>8542633

I genuinely didn't put the baby name thing together for almost an hour. I hope she's not smarter than me.

>> No.8542607
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1614470149163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will boycott anything on Twitch and never spend money there

>> No.8542616


>> No.8542617
File: 2.62 MB, 500x417, 8fe5c8b7a026e4aa87ced37525e53d9f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello world!

>> No.8542618

Also correct me if I'm wrong but neither Ame nor Gura cancelled streams as consequence of their 'yabs'. In contrast it's almost undeniable that Mumei cancelled some of her planned week 1 streams.

>> No.8542621
Quoted by: >>8542645 >>8542688

>late roman Gaul was so depopulated that they were abandoning permanent settlements just out of a lack of people to inhabit them
Are you using WW2 German propaganda as a source or something?

>> No.8542629
File: 511 KB, 1050x969, shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542669 >>8542691

I was completely tired last night waking up for the Ame stream, I missed some things.
Saw people in the thread quoting Ame "talking little bit" as if it was to be taken at face value. Didn't really hear it myself.
Rewatching the VOD.
Completely sarcastic delivery, implying a lot of talking, also hinting at lore things with "had my run-ins".
Fuck you people for lying to me.

>> No.8542631
Quoted by: >>8542756

Explain please? I dont even understand where the _brother_ thing comes into play

>> No.8542630

What is wrong with Portuguese people?

>> No.8542633

I'm pretty sure she was putting it together in the first hour off of a wild guess, which is funny since she'll probably write it off when she plays it again.

>> No.8542635

>open pekora stream
>her monster choice is trash
>close stream
at last migo got the meme train one. step it up numbersagis

>> No.8542638
File: 327 KB, 534x476, 1622601828998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542679 >>8542754

How come everyone in Hololive is starting to play Mario Kart again?

>> No.8542639

Omega deez nuts

>> No.8542643
File: 329 KB, 1570x2048, 1629808421208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really watch a lot of Mori, but I love all the art she gets

>> No.8542645

No, but if we're using wartime propaganda my personal favourite is the "germans are huns" one.

>> No.8542646

I love Nene

>> No.8542649
File: 78 KB, 1576x1576, buffbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great another holo that i can bully

>> No.8542654
File: 3.72 MB, 1389x1954, 1629663095987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542673

for the Kroniigers out there, may I take some of your time by answering this poal? http://poal.me/m3g4iy I'm quite curious

>> No.8542658
File: 626 KB, 742x777, 1629677275293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542794

>saves dead hours
holy shit i love the rrat now

>> No.8542664

there's the orange guy, the paper bag and the mouse on Baelz's head

>> No.8542665
Quoted by: >>8542852

Anon, even Kronii agrees it's a shitty game.
She herself sighed heavily multiple times throughout the game.
This is about the Kronies wanting more sufferkino from their oshi.

>> No.8542669

This is why you can't just be a thread reader

>> No.8542673

>I take some of your time by answering this poal

>> No.8542676
File: 379 KB, 2500x2000, E9YoP1ZVUAEQbJV-fourchan-vt-8462753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542698 >>8542729

Maybe Sana will draw them
https://youtu.be/sfxIojed54Q Ballz did credit her for the thumbnail

>> No.8542679
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, LaPatrona[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxius6m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542680

Yeah I remember even back in like 2016 when I had to deal with really shit internet for a month it would become nearly unusable the moment my brother came to stay for the day and would sit down and watch Twitch streams on his laptop
I wish there was a more middle ground site that was just as popular but that won't happen for a long time if ever

>> No.8542684
Quoted by: >>8542711

That's one of her paypigs, VanillaThunder

>> No.8542686

Huh, I wonder if it's a good idea if Ame does some Top Gear watchalongs. She seems to like James May, at least.

>> No.8542688
Quoted by: >>8542753

As cool as this conversation is and as shit of a board that /his/ is…

>> No.8542691

>le dumb dog boss

>> No.8542692
Quoted by: >>8542723

I really wish youtube livestreaming was more similar to twitch, the youtube interface is so ass in comparison.

>> No.8542698

rrrrrrato shimurator rrrrrrato

>> No.8542704
File: 7 KB, 679x44, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542743


>> No.8542706 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8542741






>> No.8542709


>> No.8542712

How many normalfags use Twitch versus Youtube? Even for people who do use Twitch regularly, do you have it open if you haven't already decided to watch a particular streamer? For most of the audience who came because they watched clips, clicking on a link to a website where they might not even have an account is too much work. Even if they do, they'll probably never be around to catch any streams - because normal people don't keep Twitch open for nothing. On the other hand, people use Youtube for cat videos, for work, to play their own music.

As a current viewer I am very happy because the quality of my streams is raised. But as a holo? I'll quickly notice the comparative lack of growth. Even when that growth comes, it brings people you don't want. Due to how the site functions, it prioritizes viewers who watch for a particular game over people who come for the streamer. You thought Minecraft kiddies and Apex autists were bad? It's much more amplified on Twitch.

It used to be even worse - at least now they have the 'live channels we think you'll like feature - but that's even worse in a way because holos are giants. That feature makes it way more likely for viewers to flow away from holos and to indies, not the other way around. (Hell even as I speak I realize I've been distracted from Nene's stream because Twitch recommended a vtuber from my country. That literally never happens on Youtube.)

>> No.8542711
File: 28 KB, 332x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah looks like her gachikois carried over

>> No.8542717


>> No.8542723

I don't. All that raid, channel point bullshit and sub pop up shit is cancerous. I rather live with youtube.

>> No.8542729

god damn it

>> No.8542741
File: 7 KB, 238x212, uoooahhhwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542743

Why is a staff member getting so uppity?

>> No.8542744

That came outta nowhere.

>> No.8542751

Based fuck that crazy bitch

>> No.8542750
Quoted by: >>8542896

>How many normalfags use Twitch versus Youtube?
Real normalfags probably don't even know that youtube has streaming lmao

>> No.8542753

this but

>> No.8542754

both branches has a tournament coming up because there is a serious lack in holo dramas lately. they want to see the new bloods reveal their colors

>> No.8542756
File: 275 KB, 471x540, 1611721411691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nanny's name (Your mother) is the name on the baby's clothes. It's HEAVILY hinted at by multiple bits of dialogue, but I just didn't put it together.

If I was the one streaming you'd have found it more frustrating than Kronii's playthrough. I ended up smashing a flower pot like 5 times thinking it would do something just because the wife mentioned flowers like once.

>> No.8542763

>chumbuds dissuaded Gura from playing it
Kind of shocked honestly. They also never fail to shit on APEX every time Gura mentions streaming it.

>> No.8542761
Quoted by: >>8542814

Exactly. Fuck all that points/bits/stars/raiding/etc. garbage

>> No.8542762

exaggerating affection with someone you're obviously not that close with is an easy light heated joke to make. saying that stuff about Ame would be way more awkward since it could be taken seriously.

>> No.8542764
File: 1.33 MB, 1447x1020, 9F65A3A7-58C6-4A86-8463-54EE15435ACD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542779

Before >we die, I want to dedicate a post to Friend

>> No.8542770

What's the difference between Western and Japanese companies really? In the end you're both getting shafted by corporate retardation.

>> No.8542772
Quoted by: >>8542799

Yeah I did. Her enthusiasm during the opening act is pretty cute, and I should watch her more often

>> No.8542775
File: 1.01 MB, 3292x3300, E9jnIsrUUAEvyqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only change is that the T3 was moved back one day. Still no time/details for the Chama collab or the EN song collab.

>> No.8542777
File: 150 KB, 600x670, colon space D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542779
Quoted by: >>8542839

You need to let go of AC, anon

>> No.8542780

Imagine the emotionless sex you can have with Omega.
God that's so fucking hot.

>> No.8542781

Pekora and Miko have that for watchalongs, which work better with Amazon Prime integration. If anything, I wonder why Fubuki doesn't have it.

>> No.8542786

Chumbuds are based sometimes.

>> No.8542787

APEX sucks

>> No.8542793

>Polka's Po is already at 500k

>> No.8542794
File: 54 KB, 850x450, deadhours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best euro hours has ever had it.

>> No.8542796
Quoted by: >>8542969

>If I was the one streaming you'd have found it more frustrating than Kronii's playthrough. I ended up smashing a flower pot like 5 times thinking it would do something just because the wife mentioned flowers like once.
I'd probably try to use the flowerpot to smash the cop's head and get angry when it doesnt work

>> No.8542799
File: 358 KB, 740x782, C4245F7B-CD62-46F6-9FD1-BFF1532D0777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyyy so I wasn’t actually the only one. Wait till you see her reaction to the the Drone Hub’s shield, or her reaction to killing the president..

>> No.8542800

copious amounts of additional bureaucratic retardation and seniority autism

>> No.8542801
File: 275 KB, 1735x1200, 1629808766951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542802

>Open tweet
>Ollie has been going for the last hour with these puns

>> No.8542803
File: 1.18 MB, 963x1291, 1629725696526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the design process went like this.

Cover assigned the basics: "we need a tall girl, short girl, beautiful girl....etc"
The girls decided among themselves which one they wanted to be.
Then they assign the themes: "We need time, space, civilization....etc"
The girls decide among themselves, probably a lot of bickering.

Then Cover works with their talents fill out their character traits.
"Short girl, you be the excitable kouhai. Tall girl, you can be the femdom girl."

Then the characters are designed with some basic constraints in mind, but the girls get lots of feedback into their designs. All the girls want to be sexy, so they all request the biggest boobs they can get away with. Cover needs variety, so they don't let everyone have massive boobs. The taller characters have more leeway to be sexy, because they are less "cute" by japanese standards.

It makes these designs far more sexy when you realize the girls themselves probably chose these designs to titillate you

>> No.8542805

Gura and mori cover hypeeeeee

>> No.8542806

Sounds like chumbuds are based. Fuck Apex, fuck Ark, fuck Overwatch, fuck Valorant

>> No.8542807

Japanese companies still have not discovered the concept known as "human rights"

>> No.8542808


>> No.8542814
Quoted by: >>8543226

I fucking hate it, it gives too much attention to the viewers
Normal twitch streamers are probably okay with it since they don't need to spend much effort on the entertaining part and they can let the viewers create their own fun in the chat
used to watch forsen years ago, he's a boring cunt that got carried by his community

>> No.8542821

More people use youtube in general but twitch is basically the face of livestreaming. Holos only use youtube because it managed to catch on better than twitch in Japan.

>> No.8542822

Western companies will dig up some shit you wrote 10 years ago and fire you because one tranny with a furry art patreon account started a Twitter mob against you
Japanese companies will just make you naked dogeza and apologize any time you do anything that draws negative attention even if you were in the right

>> No.8542823

Apex is fucking trash, but I wish Gura would play it once or twice a year. Something like a Gura/Calli/Ina collab.

>> No.8542825
File: 1.22 MB, 1383x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omegaalpha more like omegalul right twitchbros?

>> No.8542829

>Even if they do, they'll probably never be around to catch any streams - because normal people don't keep Twitch open for nothing. On the other hand, people use Youtube for cat videos, for work, to play their own music.
i never miss a stream on twitch (on the channels i follow). as soon as the channel goes live, i get a notification.
i always miss a stream on youtube unless the stream has been scheduled and i clicked "set reminder" on the video.

>> No.8542839

As I said before: >>8542066
I genuinely don’t expect it to happen, I just want to watch it again

>> No.8542840
Quoted by: >>8542878

ame ame ame....

>> No.8542844
Quoted by: >>8542858 >>8542862

>Eikaiwa stream
count the times where chammers will correct Mori

>> No.8542847
File: 338 KB, 600x600, Gura bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit, ain't gonna watch that kusoge again. once with Kronii is more than enough

>> No.8542849
File: 154 KB, 500x417, 1629808870192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542852

That doesn't mean anything, you niggers don't understand human emotions

>> No.8542854
Quoted by: >>8542903 >>8542949

Are the MV release have streams accompanying it or is it just the song?

>> No.8542857

Anon...human rights? I don't think you know how corporations work...

>> No.8542858


>> No.8542862

It's mori teaching hachama obscure swear swords anon

>> No.8542866

>Want to say Nene cute!!!!!!
>Can't say anything

>> No.8542867
Quoted by: >>8542899

Sana's face really looks like she has a giant futa clock

>> No.8542868

This is the first full Myth collab after Council debut

>> No.8542869
File: 43 KB, 420x378, 1629185442836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542928 >>8542941

Why are we on page 10? Are schizos going wild in the catalog again?

>> No.8542870

Human rights are for fags.

>> No.8542871

So you're saying either Cover gave Hakos shark teeth to mimic Gura and leech off her success despite it not fitting the concept or Hakos requested shark teeth to mimic Gura and leech off her success despite it not fitting the concept?

>> No.8542873

>page 10
>1100 posts
>on JP Primetime
Post faster or some retard will kill us by flooding the board

>> No.8542874

I still don't know how raiding even works.
Do you just say the name of a streamer and then viewers raid the channel?

>> No.8542878
Quoted by: >>8543045

Ame is too good at Apex. I want noobkino.
Can't quote the right post to save my life.

>> No.8542880
File: 755 KB, 1179x1143, 1624727923909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /v/'s onii-chan loves this game THAT much.

>> No.8542883
File: 658 KB, 1000x563, 1629808941299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542885

Considering gen 1 designs (especially Mori/Ina/Amelia) I would say they were probably just given a list of time, space, nature etc and they were left on their own with their mama/papa from there

>> No.8542886
Quoted by: >>8542926

Wow what a shit week because the only streams she is not in a Collab with someone is member streams

>> No.8542887
Quoted by: >>8542926

The only non member streams are collabs?

>> No.8542888

But I'm tired

>> No.8542890


>> No.8542891
Quoted by: >>8542954

has the AO-chan rrat being confirmed or denied? the writing style for both seem to match up.

>> No.8542894
File: 2.23 MB, 1052x1754, 1629735005582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543186

Before the thread dies, please consider pic related.
Thank you.

>> No.8542895

>human rights
I think you mean "ethical work time" or something similar, but the japs ARE based for ignoring human rights

>> No.8542896
Quoted by: >>8542953

This is true, but Youtube recommends the streams to them anyway, or autoplays it for them and then they find out. During the initial boom you used to see clueless greyniggers in chat trying to be witty and asking how they ended up listening to an anime girl talking in a language they don't understand. You cannot get redirected like that on Twitch unless the streamer specifically raids another channel.
Which is the other thing, if they stream on Twitch regularly people will expect them to raid and accept raids, because that is the most common way to grow channels. The top echelon of streamers basically all know each other even if they aren't close, and once you're past a certain size as a variety streamer you have to get in on that as well or face stagnation.

>> No.8542897

Let them. We have comfy hours finally after all that tourist hype from EN2

>> No.8542899

A futa cock with the diameter of Saturn's rings

>> No.8542901
Quoted by: >>8542941

>thread dying before 1500
oh no, anyway

>> No.8542902
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, And I eat...[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqeo9d5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542903

No stream for the first MV release, since it's just going to be an MV for Bully, but I imagine there might be a stream for the other song. It's not on her channel though so gotta wait until we know whose it's on first.

>> No.8542904
Quoted by: >>8543281

The streamer picks a channel, a countdown appears, any viewers who don't opt out during the countdown get automatically redirected there

>> No.8542905
Quoted by: >>8542938

>Gura/Calli/Ina collab.
The fabled get a single kill endurance stream...

>> No.8542906

Of course the man behind Walking Simulator loves this game

>> No.8542908
File: 93 KB, 871x1157, 1629738662116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542952

balls deep in a rat as she moans in a cute accent

>> No.8542909

You just do /host then the channel name, then if people go to your channel it will play there instead

>> No.8542910
File: 333 KB, 2202x1476, 1629808996929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542934

>> No.8542912

Between wanting Sana to sit on her, and the way she talked about Ame, Fauna, and Shion, yesterday had to be Gura’s gayest stream

>> No.8542914
Quoted by: >>8542973 >>8543035

These threads are reddit shit now thanks to the resident shills. It deserves death.

>> No.8542913

>on JP primetime
>only 2 are streaming on YT
It's a slow day.

>> No.8542916

I will forever be thankful to Ina for drawing mascots for all of the Myth girls aside from Gura.

>> No.8542917

Dude Kojima is known to have legendarily shitty taste in games and movies.

>> No.8542919
Quoted by: >>8543096

It'll be a nap, she's been having them of late since she's been so busy during the day to the point of it wearing her out

>> No.8542923

Done with IRyS and Gura's stream.. So this piece of shit is their producer who has too much spare time based on IRyS comment.
Also Gura keep roasting her and finally make connection between her and Vergil..

>> No.8542927
Quoted by: >>8543095

>If I was the one streaming you'd have found it more frustrating than Kronii's playthrough. I ended up smashing a flower pot like 5 times thinking it would do something just because the wife mentioned flowers like once.

Yeah, these kinds of games are pretty tough to play in an entertaining way. I spent 8 loops trying various things to see if I could keep the wife conscious + shock the cop with the light switch so we could do a joint interrogation (hiding in the shower with the lights off, hiding in the bedroom, making her leave and then hiding in the closet, etc).

>> No.8542926

Based. Fuck greyniggers.

>> No.8542928

>filtered by rangeban
>went to vacation
>stalking newfags that came from the debut streams at the catalog to bait

>> No.8542930
Quoted by: >>8543281

The streamer ends their live stream and redirects the live feed to another twitch streamer. Then everyone yells RAAAAAAAAAAAIIID spams emotes and you get goy points for partaking in the raid.

>> No.8542932
File: 255 KB, 671x900, 1629809037016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542934
Quoted by: >>8543006

That Mori is dead

>> No.8542937
File: 2.70 MB, 1148x1852, 3165D7E0-8040-4578-9982-6AAE45F83370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to finger Watame

>> No.8542938

Yes, this. Exactly this.

>> No.8542940
File: 677 KB, 647x738, 1624845739163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8542999

I like Sana and I like Kronii. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.8542941
File: 151 KB, 512x512, 1629777104138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543008

Kronies fucking remade their thread thrice because the OP was wrong

There are still some images left

>> No.8542942

sex wanters should explode

>> No.8542944
File: 52 KB, 627x431, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542945

I can't stand the original welcome to the black parade but I love Mori's cover

>> No.8542948
File: 48 KB, 1200x600, 1629809072279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542949
Quoted by: >>8542975

just the song, like TGRIALS last time

>> No.8542952

I will shut her up with my dick

>> No.8542953

>raiding fuckery
Yup, youtube it is

>> No.8542954

No idea, i missed the AO-chan rrat in general as well as a bunch of info on the girls, primarily the timezones everything beyond that YT served me on a diamond platter with gold stripes

>> No.8542966
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1614914096062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542967
Quoted by: >>8543007

>the girls themselves probably chose these designs to titillate you
i choose to believe this, Mumei showing off her booba was very hot indeed

>> No.8542969
Quoted by: >>8543020

Being able to kill the wife whenever you want made it easy to get over being frustrated. You can just kinda stab her whenever you feel like it.

>> No.8542970
File: 145 KB, 731x437, 1629809109591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542971
Quoted by: >>8542998

Japanese corporate culture traces its roots back to Feudalism. Most of the country's infrastructure and capital are owned by literal families of nobility that seized power in a land-grab during the Meiji revolution by selling out their government and turning coat, and have been in a continuous line of patrilineal power through succession ever since. America tried to root these families out during the occupation but ultimately failed. Japanese corporate culture is opaque, unaccountable and ultimately answers to people more powerful than the government that still genuinely believe they are in power because they inherited genetic superiority from their forefathers and the rest of humanity is simply lesser. Startups and smaller businesses that exist peripheral to that conglomeration still roleplay as nobility because acting like the guys in charge is how you fit in and pretend you belong among the elite.

Western corporate culture is its own bag of worms but fortunately is several degrees of separation and hundreds upon hundreds of years from feudalism. Its issues are usually just the result if incompetence or some spoiled nouveau riche getting too full of themselves until it bites them in the ass.

>> No.8542973
Quoted by: >>8542995

based tranny

>> No.8542975

Well it's bully or guh right there's 0 other songs

>> No.8542982
File: 564 KB, 1280x1881, 1629773657661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542984
File: 232 KB, 2039x1378, 1629809164654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543009

I'm in love with Gawr Gura from Hololive EN

>> No.8542983
File: 55 KB, 278x377, 1608062744464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542991

I do like his review format of not talking about what he dislikes though. Always puts a smile on my face.

>> No.8542993
File: 746 KB, 1534x2048, 1629809155509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8542995

Fuck off

>> No.8542999
File: 427 KB, 3558x2730, 1629809152538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this post but forgot to include Baelz.

>> No.8542998

>Japanese corporate culture traces its roots back to Feudalism. Most of the country's infrastructure and capital are owned by literal families of nobility that seized power in a land-grab during the Meiji revolution by selling out their government and turning coat, and have been in a continuous line of patrilineal power through succession ever since. America tried to root these families out during the occupation but ultimately failed. Japanese corporate culture is opaque, unaccountable and ultimately answers to people more powerful than the government that still genuinely believe they are in power because they inherited genetic superiority from their forefathers and the rest of humanity is simply lesser. Startups and smaller businesses that exist peripheral to that conglomeration still roleplay as nobility because acting like the guys in charge is how you fit in and pretend you belong among the elite.
Holy fucking based

>> No.8543000
File: 311 KB, 301x671, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543051

post images

>> No.8543006
Quoted by: >>8543021

watch streams

>> No.8543009

does she love you tho

>> No.8543008
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1615634653388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's stupid

>> No.8543007

there's nothing to believe when you're rocking gigantic tits that sway with every movement mori

>> No.8543010
File: 2.79 MB, 720x1036, Okayu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnvzotd.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543013
File: 268 KB, 850x1458, 1629255443470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543015
File: 2.67 MB, 1632x918, 1629809196100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543017
Quoted by: >>8543105 >>8543321

Already on second day, I assume non of EN2 girls will have their streaming slot around JP/SEA hours??

>> No.8543020

Kek, yeah, i laughed when kronii just shanked her thinking it would restart the loop

>> No.8543021
Quoted by: >>8543049 >>8543065

I did, she outright said it was "embarassing"

>> No.8543027
Quoted by: >>8543068

No one wants you here troony boy.

>> No.8543029

When's Spore? I can't into timezones and the reservation isn't up

>> No.8543030
File: 1.01 MB, 1637x2048, yubi beat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitch shill not saying that some thrid world shitholes have now a better price do membership o whatever is called
lol lmao

>> No.8543035

wtf does this even mean?

>> No.8543036
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, Isreal[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwfns5w.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8543037

true if big

>> No.8543038
File: 909 KB, 1169x1644, 1629809238409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543039
Quoted by: >>8543064 >>8543091

[download] Destination: **\**\***\Kiara Ch. hololive-EN][20210328] 【NieR -Automata】Route B !!!! And a bit of Route C maybe #キアライブ (nI8w1sJdS_Y).f299.mp4
[download] 1.4% of 12.64GiB at 370.71KiB/s ETA 09:47:43

Oh yeah, this is going to take some time....

>> No.8543043
File: 1.89 MB, 356x200, 1597247624567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543076

What? So Sana WANTED to be black?

>> No.8543045
File: 48 KB, 347x313, 1601884731863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543069 >>8543071

>ame good at apex

>> No.8543047

I dont visit /v/ that much, but I always thought kojima tweets were posted ironically

>> No.8543049
Quoted by: >>8543106

watch streams, onegai

>> No.8543048
Quoted by: >>8543074 >>8543121

I think we're reaching a tipping point
There are too many holos
It's impossible to watch all the ones you like

>> No.8543050
File: 157 KB, 1450x1450, E30frrvVgAE3FNd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543051
Quoted by: >>8543084

why? we still have loads of posts left

>> No.8543057

Ame, stop posting in this place.

>> No.8543061


>> No.8543064
Quoted by: >>8543139

Ganbatte archive bro

>> No.8543065
Quoted by: >>8543106


>> No.8543068

Take your meds retard

>> No.8543069


>> No.8543070
Quoted by: >>8543233

I still don't get why Ceres is holding a potato is this something about european mythology?

>> No.8543071

Too good != good

>> No.8543073


>> No.8543075
File: 424 KB, 1600x800, 1629084261184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love Towa

>> No.8543074

We reached that tipping point with Sankisei

>> No.8543076
Quoted by: >>8543092

She is indonesian right? It's probably her natural tone

>> No.8543077
File: 536 KB, 1097x1071, Gura_Normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that real?

>> No.8543079
File: 123 KB, 216x277, 1620115497262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys hurry up and kill this thread please.

>> No.8543082
File: 3.31 MB, 2700x2700, 1629809310598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543084
File: 59 KB, 636x635, E9HsEWzVEAQMAXq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543138

page 10

>> No.8543091
File: 1.81 MB, 613x581, birb brain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543139

why tho

>> No.8543092
Quoted by: >>8543125 >>8543177

She's not indonesian, the rrat is the indog

>> No.8543095

You can either get really invested in the kinda shitty story, or fuck about with the timeloop stuff to do whatever you want. Kronii did a pretty good job really, and the weird jank she ended up getting made it pretty fun.

>> No.8543096
Quoted by: >>8543387

what is she up to these days?

>> No.8543103


>> No.8543105
Quoted by: >>8543294

The rest of Kronii's streams are on IRyS' timeslot.

>> No.8543106
Quoted by: >>8543151

You can't even prove me wrong

>> No.8543108
File: 168 KB, 1445x1020, 1629809366800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543110
File: 196 KB, 600x600, 1614702341777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me robutt.

>> No.8543111
File: 1.77 MB, 720x720, 1616884449497.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543143 >>8543149

>> No.8543118
File: 208 KB, 1492x2048, E9e0eq9VoAIuVWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543121

That's why I don't understand the obsession with long streams

>> No.8543122
Quoted by: >>8543207 >>8543271

Kiara said outright yesterday that talents aren't consulted on the design process. And in context it makes perfect sense because how the fuck is someone that doesn't speak a lick of Japanese going to consult with a japanese illustrator on design details.

They probably have the vtuber designs all but finalized before the auditions happen and pick and choose the girls based on who they feel will 'fit' each design. There might be some revision after the fact, but it's probably not driven by the talent's preferences. They would be asked when they pass the audition if they're comfortable voicing a 'haughty, sadistic warden' or whatever and if they can't cut the mustard they'd just pick the next applicant in line.

>> No.8543125
Quoted by: >>8543209

Werent the rrat and sana aussies though?

>> No.8543126
Quoted by: >>8543180

Go back to twitter

>> No.8543132
Quoted by: >>8543181

Channel points are actually pretty cool, allow people that watch you a lot to do things others can't and shit, imagine exchanging 12 hours worth of watching live streams for being able to watch member stream for example

>> No.8543137
File: 500 KB, 1025x1080, 810334DB-9D81-4D03-A46B-786DDA1412C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543138
Quoted by: >>8543172

then who cares if we don't finish off the images? getting a thread bumped off is way more embarassing and post speed will only slow down once the images are gone.

>> No.8543139

I just want to clip some cute giggles......

>> No.8543143
File: 2.71 MB, 2264x3000, 1629727150025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8543144
File: 204 KB, 512x512, EROTIC_GURA[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fikn4is.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8543149
Quoted by: >>8543453

how come she gets so much movement, meanwhile kiara can't even move her head independently from her chest

>> No.8543150
Quoted by: >>8543312

Please. Never let Fubuki play this game

>> No.8543151

just watching stream does, there's no reason to prove anything

>> No.8543152
File: 96 KB, 850x1084, 1629680407921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543157


>> No.8543156

>Actual trannies in the thread

>> No.8543163


>> No.8543168
File: 13 KB, 313x300, 1618503860259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anya eating me

>> No.8543172
Quoted by: >>8543197

>getting a thread bumped off is way more embarassing
tourists need to leave

>> No.8543176


>> No.8543177
Quoted by: >>8543259

chinese-indonesian, she's as aussie as Mori is japanese

>> No.8543180

>no u

>> No.8543181

All they are used for are silly noises and force the streamer to do dumb shit. I don't like it.

>> No.8543182
File: 515 KB, 2048x2048, E9E1TmhVgAM1Zwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T o T

>> No.8543183


>> No.8543185
File: 2.20 MB, 1119x1180, 1629769579804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8543186

Not gonna lie, I'm impressed with Korean branch of Hololive EN, first Ina and now Kronii..

>> No.8543187
File: 1.24 MB, 913x1680, D75D5C3C-B10C-4FBB-8FD3-25667E92606F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8543213

I wanna fuck my friend

>> No.8543191
Quoted by: >>8543219

Where the fuck is the schedule anon when you need it?

>> No.8543197
Quoted by: >>8543223

>image autism is okay but thread autism isn't

>> No.8543198


>> No.8543199

Nene is a predator...

Is this game available in English?

>> No.8543202
Quoted by: >>8543237

That’s how melhomies look like?

>> No.8543206

>Guramefags damage control
lmao, inamechad keep winning

>> No.8543207

she said SHE wasn't consulted but that it depends from talent to talent

>> No.8543208


>> No.8543209
Quoted by: >>8543243 >>8543270

The same way Ina is Korean and Canadian, the rrat is Indonesian and Australian

>> No.8543213


>> No.8543217
Quoted by: >>8543309

I dont have time to watch all the new EN but can pick up one, who should I watch? I watched the rat but was kind of meh

>> No.8543219


>> No.8543223
Quoted by: >>8543235

both are retarded.

>> No.8543225

At least dude is a good tsukkomi on twitter if nothing else

>> No.8543227
Quoted by: >>8543300 >>8543395

Is the nene stream just a zatsudan/test stream?

>> No.8543226

>boring cunt that got carried by his community
he knows exactly what he is doing YESIDOTHINKSO

>> No.8543233
Quoted by: >>8543277

There's a bunch of golden apples in christian, norse and greek mythology.
The greek goddess of chaos throws a golden apple between a bunch of vain goddesses and tells them the first to grab it is the prettiest. This causes the Trojan War.
The Argonaut Atalanta boasts to be the fastest runner alive and claims she would only marry a man if they could beat her in a foot race. Aphrodite gives one of her suitors a golden apple and he uses it to distract her and win the race by cheating. They marry and the image of them fucking like wild animals in Aphrodite's temple afterwards is an iconic motif of in classical art. There's even paintings of her throating him.

>> No.8543235

I agree

>> No.8543236
Quoted by: >>8543255

checking to see if I'm still caught up in the image range ban


>> No.8543237

Melhomies have no definite form.

>> No.8543243

moving doesn't change your DNA

>> No.8543247

This Sachie fella is gonna end up a shitter.

>> No.8543255


>> No.8543259

Could give less of a fuck about her background. With an accent as thick as her's she is 'stryan as any sick cunt.

>> No.8543266

>your oshi
>a random old playthrough in Hololive you like

>> No.8543270
Quoted by: >>8543299

Next you're gonna tell me fauna is bri'ish

>> No.8543271

Well more specifically she outlined 3 design processes:
1. Audition for revealed design
2. Audition for unrevealed design
3. Talent is more involed in design
She said she fit more into the second category and probably at most had input to adjust smaller things like skirt length, of which she shortened. I guess category 1 no longer applies unless Kakage and the racoon girl design aren't abandoned as promotional material.

>> No.8543272

People who have an EN1 oshi:
Do you think your oshi is fitting in well to her new role as a senpai?

>> No.8543277
Quoted by: >>8543369

I'm sorry to all the artfags here but...sauce on that last one? That's a what the fuck moment right there.

>> No.8543278

Shien's jumpking

>> No.8543281
Quoted by: >>8543427

That seems like it would really, REALLY easily be abused for harassment.

>> No.8543283

Choco GTA

>> No.8543286

Luna Dark Soul

>> No.8543290

Mr. Koro Pepsiman

>> No.8543294
Quoted by: >>8543396

Welp non of them want to stream at SEA hours then...
IRyS slot is morning EU and late burger...

>> No.8543299

>fauna is bri'ish

>> No.8543300

I think so

>> No.8543301

>Cover hiring a no talent """amsrist""" is spitting in the face of all fans showing they don't care about anything beyond extracting supas
>None of them seem to care about video games
>Ina nepotism gen
How can cover do this? They had almost an entire year to scout and find decent picks and yet this is what they ended up with, I know everything good comes to an end but I didn't expect it to happen this quickly. All of gen 1 were extremely soulful and you could tell that from debut, it seems like Kronii and Hakos were hired and told to do nothing other than attempt to appeal to redditors and bait clips. Ceres seems like she was told to have no personality and just turn her mic down and act like anime tropes without providing anything of substance. I won't judge the other two because I was so bored during Mumei's debut I went and showered and I haven't made my mind up about Sana

>> No.8543303

god i want to fuck baelz

>> No.8543307

Aqua Titanfall 2

>> No.8543309
Quoted by: >>8543467

I liked Sana from the beginning, and it turns out her streams are the only ones I can watch based on my timezone, so go watch her I guess
She's aware people aren't that interested in astrology but I think she did her best with the bread stuff

>> No.8543312

too late sukonchama. all gachas prey to the hands of the fox

>> No.8543314

Watched Mori, Gura, and Kiara yesterday. The 3 of them are good senpais. Especially Kiara, god damn, respect for her for laying out the truth in public

>> No.8543316

Marine Rimworld

>> No.8543320

Don't care, I watched all the EN2s and realized I still love Ame way more and always will.

>> No.8543321

Baelz and Kronii, the latter depending on if you're a wagie that has to work for lunch.

>> No.8543327

That's not how you survey post anon.

>Your oshi
>Are the EN1 fitting in well to their new role as a senpai

>> No.8543336


>> No.8543335
Quoted by: >>8543366 >>8543382

>Grown ass woman actually fucking sobbing calling a 15 year old girl eroi

I love this timeline

>> No.8543342

ogey 2view-chama

>> No.8543344

Ceres and Mumei have good voices
Don't care about the rest and will not watch

>> No.8543348

Hard to tell since Ame hasn't talked about the new generation too much, but it was nice seeing her being protective of them last stream and she obviously wants them to succeed, so I'd say so.

>> No.8543349


>> No.8543353
Quoted by: >>8543370

Heh, Nene called her points NENECHI COIN

>> No.8543355
Quoted by: >>8543389

Go back to plebbit, failure

>> No.8543356


>> No.8543357

>one of the first to interact with them on twitter
>first to dogeza over the debut delay
>was present at all debuts
>seems chummy with most of them
>girls seem to respect/like her a lot
>wrote lyrics for a kohai, the song basically saved her debut from being a complete dud
Mori seems to be killing the role atm

>> No.8543366

the best part is she is the tamest meltdown over a loli in hololive

>> No.8543369

I've literally never heard of that last one. I'm aware of the myth but not the sex drawings

>> No.8543370


>> No.8543372


>> No.8543373
Quoted by: >>8543409

>Ceres and Mumei have good voices
I know something else they both have

>> No.8543381

good streams when or where?

>> No.8543382

Isn't it great, it's totally normal there
Now imagine how much the JPs want to fuck Gura

>> No.8543387
Quoted by: >>8543435

She's got that Tubeout Summer Fes appearance coming up in a few days. Otherwise she was busy for most of July for an unknown reason. I think she might be working on another album and/or live concert (likely to perform those new songs) since we're around the time of year she dropped her most recent album ON STAGE!

>> No.8543389

>muh plebbit
hello tourist

>> No.8543395
Quoted by: >>8543451

Yep, literally says it on her announcement tweet
>Test stream zatsudan

>> No.8543396

>SEA Hours
You mean afternoon JST? There's no merit on streaming on that timeslot.

>> No.8543397

Gura = Suisei

>> No.8543399

She already confirmed helping Rat on OBS stuff, so yeah, she is. But I assume she will help them in the background as she did with Kiara.

>> No.8543401
Quoted by: >>8543413

>good voice
Just watch nyanners mate

>> No.8543402 [DELETED] 

Keep supporting the condom fund cuckold-sama! Ganbatte!

>> No.8543403

The anon who makes the 'currently live/will be live' seems to be gone

>> No.8543409
Quoted by: >>8543507

Yea retard schizos like (you) obsessing over them for about 1-2 months

>> No.8543413

kill yourself

>> No.8543415

Would mods delete it if I made a hololive thread without shills and cucks?

>> No.8543419


>> No.8543421

Towa botan it takes two is starting!

>> No.8543427

You can turn it off, but as stated raiding is part of the twich etiquette. Sure hololive is big enough on its own, but you would kill a lot of natural growth on the side. Truth to be told corporate vtubers don't work very well on twitch, at least the very big ones.

>> No.8543431

Not really a playthrough, but the Korone Marine Cho Aniki race was fucking amazing.
>Korone and Marine playing that dumb game for many hours
>Constantly taunting each other and freaking out when the other one manages to clear a stage
>Coco talking about them in AsaCoco while they were still playing
For me, it was peak Hololive

>> No.8543433

Fauna is cute.

>> No.8543435

thanks soratomos that's actually good to hear given the coof hindering concerts

>> No.8543444


>> No.8543446

Watch Pekora raise this retard into something hopefully decent.

>> No.8543448

Kanatan's Undertale playthough
Watching it with the threads added an extra layer of excitement

>> No.8543449

>Mention Ceres/Mumei
>Thread becomes Ollie's split in February
Sasuga SEAhours

>> No.8543450

Nice pasta.
Will save it for NijiEN3.

>> No.8543451

Been a while since I've used twitch.

>> No.8543453

Anon don't confuse the rigger demo with how much the L2D actually moves. All demos aim to impress, but often include movement the actual L2D doesn't reproduce.

>> No.8543456


>> No.8543459

Korone RE4

>> No.8543464
Quoted by: >>8543493

I want to post a picture of IRyS spreading her asscheeks but I can't

>> No.8543467
Quoted by: >>8543546

Just had a quick listen and as an Aussie she sounds like every bogan i've ever met, glad your enjoying her though

>> No.8543469
Quoted by: >>8543510

rrato shumireta rrat

>> No.8543472

Based. Fuck off cucks.

>> No.8543474

I think kiara is cute

>> No.8543477

Subaru Detroit

>> No.8543478
Quoted by: >>8543554 >>8543637

It's actually better than /hlgg/ in the Trash Taste/Charlie arc

>> No.8543481

Marine sakura wars

>> No.8543483
Quoted by: >>8543782

I have to test something, apologies if the timeloop will be too bad.

>> No.8543492

treerrat collab!

>> No.8543493
Quoted by: >>8543542

catbox it.

>> No.8543502

>mention Ceres/Mumei
>thread becomes Ollie's mouth when Connor visits

>> No.8543503

God can cuck just be an autoban word on this board already. I have not seen a single fucking good post with that word in it. Including this one.

>> No.8543507

Do you realize that it only stopped for Ame because it was proven to be outdated?
Unless that happens with these two as well it's not gonna stop for them

>> No.8543510


>> No.8543511

Her first minecraft streams that weren't on the EN server

>> No.8543520
Quoted by: >>8543559

ID1 UNO collab with graduating Lyrica

>> No.8543522
Quoted by: >>8543581

Remember when
>No one is live

>> No.8543526


>> No.8543530
Quoted by: >>8543554

give it a month, they will get bored

>> No.8543534


>> No.8543535
Quoted by: >>8543568


>> No.8543542

no, no, you misunderstood.
I can't post it because it doesn't exist

>> No.8543546
Quoted by: >>8543583

You must have met incredibly eloquent, wealthy and educated bogans there mate.

>> No.8543549


>> No.8543554
Quoted by: >>8543616

Reminder that literally no one cares and the majority of plantfags were gosling during her stream despite 4-5 fags still trying to stir shit up. It's just more obvious now because the hours are dead. I'm pretty sure it'll be the exact same when the owl comes too

>> No.8543557
Quoted by: >>8543571

>Kiara literally explains that she had to explain to her kouhai that hololive is full of Japanese business autism
>you morons: "rrats?"
how do you niggers fucking breath

>> No.8543559

treerrat looks funny

>> No.8543562

you are talking to virgins and losers here. get used to their cuck posting

>> No.8543561

Evading bans to shit up a Kiryat Shmonati street fighting forum is cringe. Spend your time on something useful please

>> No.8543564
Quoted by: >>8543598

Because word filters have ever solved anything in the history of 4chan

>> No.8543568

Remember to check your runtime. It's 2h 30minutes, not 2h 21minutes

>> No.8543571
Quoted by: >>8543644


>> No.8543581


>> No.8543583
Quoted by: >>8543655 >>8543693

<talks about horoscopes

>> No.8543585

korone doesnt want to stream so she will do a IF 8TH YOU END stream

>> No.8543586
Quoted by: >>8543679

Haachama is starting.
I wish everyone had fans as good as the Haatons, her intros are top tier.

>> No.8543592


>> No.8543596
Quoted by: >>8543639

Tagalog risu lol

>> No.8543598

Except 4chan cup threads outside of /vg/, even then only partially

>> No.8543605


>> No.8543608


>> No.8543613
Quoted by: >>8543633

Onegaiii Choooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose me

>> No.8543616
Quoted by: >>8543678

How can people gosling for an ASMR GFE holo despite knowing what they know?
idk how others do it

>> No.8543623


>> No.8543625

>[EN] AZKi Twitter: It's been a while and I can't get into the holo server... Just give me a minute.
Delay on the SorAz minecraft collab

>> No.8543633
Quoted by: >>8543688

I just booted that song up, where are you in my house exactly?

>> No.8543636

>None of them seem to care about video games
Anyone that cares about gaming is staying far away from Hololive, Niji, or any other Japanese company.

>> No.8543635

>2:28 [EN] :speech_balloon: today's haachama cooking is..... breaking watermelon with rubber bands!!!!
Haachama, that's not cooking...

>> No.8543637
Quoted by: >>8543704

Nothing will surpass that arc.
Ch*rlie still lives rent free on /hlgg/s mind.

>> No.8543638

holy shit this entire interaction is cringe as fuck and makes me want to punch holes in the wall

>> No.8543639
Quoted by: >>8543727

What did she say

>> No.8543643
Quoted by: >>8543674 >>8543711

When is the next EN stream? just wondering if we will get dead hours after JP primetime

>> No.8543644

Thanks mooner.

>> No.8543645
Quoted by: >>8543673

still haven't heard a talent say anything positive about omega nuts

>> No.8543651
Quoted by: >>8543682

I don't get this post. Why did she bring up Ina?

>> No.8543652

Why is she so cringy?

>> No.8543655

Educated people believe dumb shit all the time, see mbti. It tends to reflect in how they speak as well, like how suburban americans don't often sound like niggers or trailer trash.

>> No.8543670
Quoted by: >>8543714 >>8543721

Takanashi Kiara

>> No.8543673

Wait for Ina.

>> No.8543674

Mumei in 7 hours

>> No.8543675

This gets me thinking about what kind of shit Cover forces them to do.
Like are they FORCED to do sponsorship streams? Or do they get a say on if they want to do it or not?

>> No.8543677

I dont think Nene is ready for twitch...

>> No.8543678
Quoted by: >>8543809

Because no one cares and most fags just see this shit as entertnainment. "No one" is delusional enough to actually believe they'll be with these women that's retarded it's just fun

>> No.8543679

Yeah she's a genius for showing off her fans stuff so much because it makes a feedback loop of them making better stuff to use

>> No.8543682

Because ina is only known for drawing and making puns

>> No.8543684
Quoted by: >>8543785 >>8543860

Nice "A-chan" you got there EN bros. No refunds btw

>> No.8543687

>Told them to get a grip on themselves since they signed up for this job
Yeah, Kiara is doing well

>> No.8543688

look up

>> No.8543689
Quoted by: >>8543789

I hate this person already
Types like an autistic AO-chan only now they have a model and chuuni shit going on for themselves too

>> No.8543690
Quoted by: >>8543723

Or you know... learn to not feed the trolls by replying to them? There's no point in arguing on the internet with shitposters. Oldest rule on the internet.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if a post like this was made by one of the tourists.

>> No.8543693


>> No.8543696

This omegaalpha thing has been the worst fucking idea...

>> No.8543702

Mori knew how to deal with outside negativity, she was literally boo'd off the stage in the past
her issues were more about not knowing who to cater her content to since her new audience covered a much bigger scope of different interests than her former niche
she needed the 'just do what you want, idiot' talk

>> No.8543704

And so does Gigguk. Mori really did a number on this place, no wonder most of you hate her.

>> No.8543706
Quoted by: >>8543752

>rat is streaming at 9 am my time
I'll take it

>> No.8543707

It is time for Flare!

>> No.8543709
Quoted by: >>8543747

What is cooked watermelon like?

>> No.8543708
Quoted by: >>8543753 >>8543792

I just want to take the time to slaughter the rrat that shadow is a holo-reject, don't mind me
I know it's offtopic but i felt bad for her so here you go

>> No.8543711

Mumei in ~7 hours

>> No.8543714

Wtf based

>> No.8543721


>> No.8543723
Quoted by: >>8543864

I fucking don't reply to them. They fucking reply to themselves.

>> No.8543727
Quoted by: >>8543775 >>8543778

"salamat pogi" (thankyou handsome) (ID-TG play on words)

>> No.8543733

>Your Oshi
>Streams you're looking forward to this week.

>> No.8543734
Quoted by: >>8543772

I am going to have sex with Watame, but more importantly be a her friend. Not boyfriend, just friend. She’s too lonely…

>> No.8543740


>> No.8543745

So is the image board ban a permanent thing? PLEASE say it is.

>> No.8543747
Quoted by: >>8543774 >>8543783


>> No.8543752

Bastard. Kronii starts at 7 am my time and i cant watch her unless i stay up all night because my phone's alarm is shit

>> No.8543753

>free to talk about boyfriends and shit

>> No.8543756


>> No.8543757

I fucking love this cringy shit. God I need more of it

>> No.8543759
Quoted by: >>8543816

is this really considered cooking

>> No.8543767

why is Ollie so fucking stupid to understand she is a bother for the others

>> No.8543772

How many hours did she stream this month anon?

>> No.8543774

This shit is a LIE.

>> No.8543775

Heh, nice

>> No.8543778
Quoted by: >>8543831 >>8543863

I thought salamat pagi means Thank you stingray in Tagalog?

>> No.8543782
Quoted by: >>8543858

We won't get an Ayamefriend timeloop cause there's two new holos to shitpost about.

>> No.8543783

I read that as "watamelon smoking" and was gonna get angry about faggots posting soundposts on youtube

>> No.8543785

>tfw only spent money on JP holos
funds are safu

>> No.8543788

I haven't had a whole Watermelon all to myself in a while

>> No.8543789

Remember Ina talking to AO-chan about needing a model for Minecraft?

>> No.8543791

Omega Deez Number One Victory Royale

>> No.8543792

shadow you have to let her go and stay away from this board, it's not good for your mental health

>> No.8543793
Quoted by: >>8543896

Lasagna, the MK tournament, and Minecraft

>> No.8543803

When’s the part where all the girls team up to kill this cringe, chuuni shithead?

>> No.8543804
Quoted by: >>8543847 >>8543876

nah newfag, it was not as bad as TT arc

>> No.8543808


>> No.8543809
Quoted by: >>8543877

>"No one" is delusional enough to actually believe they'll be with these women that's retarded it's just fun
How new are you to these threads? Be honest. This is literally the #1 newfag argument brought up by fresh tourists. It's been disproven and explained that it was never about anyone thinking they'd get to be with them a thousand times.
How can you still use this argument?

>> No.8543815
Quoted by: >>8543857

>ttrpg, kroni watchalong, mumei sim game, polka new outfit

>> No.8543817


>> No.8543816

Not technically but in a roundabout way, you could consider this food preparation.

>> No.8543819
Quoted by: >>8543853

Watamelon is going to die, isn't it?

>> No.8543823

wait is omega the anicent ones?

>> No.8543826

Just checked my twitter
Jesus Christ "Mori" is so hot

>> No.8543825

They're gonna see how fat your hands are...
oh nyoo

>> No.8543828

Haachama's bare forearms...

>> No.8543831

It does but Pogi means handsome maybe she changed it to that idk I'm not watching risu

>> No.8543847

Are you daft? Or is he not part of the podcast anymore?

>> No.8543849


>> No.8543853
Quoted by: >>8543902

That's the plan but I don't know if Haachama will succeed

>> No.8543858
Quoted by: >>8543931

It’s mostly the theory that the doxfags are the same faggots who orchestrated the whole thread policing bullshit. Seeing a lot of similarities like samefagging of making the other side look more pathetic than it is

>> No.8543857
Quoted by: >>8543908

>polka new outfit

>> No.8543860

I've unironically hated AOnigger from the day he showed up in chat and started doing his cringe roleplay

>> No.8543861
Quoted by: >>8543915

Damn, half the board's threads must be on page 10 if >we are still alive

>> No.8543863

It does but risu purposefully said "pogi" (handsome) instead of "pagi" (stingray) cause treerrat cute dork

>> No.8543864

Yes they do and it doesn't matter, continue ignoring. Samefags become very easily recognizable with no one but themselves replying. It's not only funny to watch them squirm/agree with themselves until a mod gets back, but also because some of them start to crack and start breaking global rules, which earn them harsher bans much faster.

>> No.8543870


>> No.8543871

fucking hell haachama's camera angle is giving me anxiety. it feels like she would get surprised once the watermelon explodes then she'll trip into the camera

>> No.8543872


>> No.8543876

But Gigguk is the host of the TT????

>> No.8543877

>How can you still use this argument?
Because you obviously weren't ITTs during the entirety of Fauna's stream, and it'll be the same today

>> No.8543881

live action cowboy bebop looks so bad

>> No.8543882


>> No.8543884

japanese watermelons are weak compare to strong burger melons

>> No.8543885


>> No.8543887


>> No.8543888


>> No.8543895

and that is the haachama stream

>> No.8543896

I forgot also the TTRPG and the Korean duolingo stream gahh but that’s everything in her schedule except Zelda..

>> No.8543898

Gura and Ina
>EN2 streams and especially Mumei's
>Member's karaoke
>DMC3 ending
>Ina doodling stream

>> No.8543902
Quoted by: >>8543942

Well I'll be damned, Haachama BTFO me

>> No.8543904
Quoted by: >>8543928

Go back to your split

>> No.8543906

Holy shit
Nene is so sexsy

>> No.8543908
Quoted by: >>8543955


>> No.8543912


>> No.8543913


>> No.8543915

about six more thread before >we die

>> No.8543916
Quoted by: >>8543950

>haachama doing more and more risky stuff to stay relevant

>> No.8543917



>> No.8543918

What were you expecting?

>> No.8543924

sachie is so shit...

>> No.8543926


>> No.8543928

fuck off i rather they stay here than infect /clock/ kys

>> No.8543929


>> No.8543931

That's not a theory since it's blatantly obvious but being aware of it can't stop derailment if there's enough of them to get the wheels turning.

>> No.8543936

Everything looks bad, is this the first one you've seen?

>> No.8543942

It's one of those "task failed succesfully" cases

>> No.8543943


>> No.8543944

but honestly, how this is possible?

>> No.8543945

no shit

>> No.8543948

Gura got shion to stream

>> No.8543950

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You're not supposed to do new things you need to die off in irrelevancy
I never understood why you niggers pretend this is a bad thing

>> No.8543952

I don't remember this icy bridge part of It Takes Two when I watched Takamori play it
What the fuck? Did I memoryhole parts of it?

>> No.8543953

TTRPG, Reine/Irys collab, MK tournament, Fauna Spore and ASMR, Lasagna

>> No.8543955

What happened to Polka isn't she popular here? Why am I only seeing this shit now?

>> No.8543957


>> No.8543958

>And so does Gigguk
Even C*nnor arc didn't touch Charlie's place on anon's head.

>> No.8543962

>TTRPG, member streams
>Kroni Superhot
>whatever Sana does, she's pretty great
