>> | No.83268315 File: 89 KB, 269x265, 1000005844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>83267882 >but this might genuinely be the worst board on this site. I browsed /tv/ a week ago, opened a thread and saw: >A deeply heated debate on the white man's burden, and the ethnic cleansing of African countries >an anon talking about his plan to kill the first black person he sees in public, with an address linked and firearm image. >Anons debating on how to chemically infuse a hymen onto a girl they like at work so he can be sure she remains a virgin >A schizo self replying to himself on how much he loved little girls and CP, while posting random pictures he took of them at the park. What was the topic of the thread holding all this madness? "Did Deadpool and Wolverine do good enough to save marvel?
Trust me, /vt/ is very far from the worst board on 4chan.