I love Ina!
>>82958215Man times really do change huh
one shion thread
fuck yeah a heckin BRAT thread
>>82958108Kobo once sexually harassed Kronii in the Cover Studio bathrooms
Bae a cute.
im going to make my way to the next dimension if I dont get a gf by the end of the year
>>OPShion yo!
>>82958037I honestly don't remember but I found the original from before I made that shitty transparent version at least, lemme check the sauce
>>82958303Don't worry it's not worth it
hey man
>>82957592Silly anon. You don't get std when you do it in the butt.
Man I Love Kronii!
qrd on the iroha situtation?
What do you guys do when you catch yourself fantasizing about scenarios in which you meet your oshi and realize you're gonna end up arrested?
SOS is the best MGO track and the absolute most criminally underrated hololive track
>>82958290I still have so many questions about that, man. Why did she want to watch Kronii pee so badly?
>>82958318hey girl
>>82958347uhhhhhhhhh qrd
>>82958343SOS is a bit too experimental for me
>>82958355Hello brother, may I have the name of the artist who drew this image?
>>82958323But I just need to fuck femtakos
>>82958347I also want to watch Kronii pee very badly
>>OPSex is back
if I showered yesterday (30 hours ago) theoretically do I need another one if im working tomorrow (14 hours from now)
>>82958347Lesbian pee symbolism is a real thing, anon. It's why Wamy helped Ina in the bathroom during their offcollab drinking stream.
>>82958450Are you leaving the house
>>82958342>getting arrested for harassing women>in japan
before i go to bed>>82958343for me it's the opener to starpeggio, light the light. just gorgeous. i can't get enough of it. night thread have a lovely evening.
When will IRyS buy another mech keyboard?
>>82958378"""for content"""
>>82958342I simply continue because I'm mentally well and can discriminate between fantasy and reality
>>82958262If she didn't make that weird sound to try and cover it up it wouldn't of been nearly as bad since it could just be a chair noise.
>>82958488Then absolutely wtf
I'm a Takodachi.
Someone please check on the gay Kazamatai anonI don't think he can handle 3 weeks of no Iroha ...
>>82958487Also fantastic... tough to go wrong with anything MGO really
otomo is a male ? no way...i thought they are like saplings
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>82958543i dont actually smell but ill do it for you
>>82958450how quickly does your hair get greasy
>>82958532It's just crazy that I hadn't even heard about it until now, like I'm genuinely stunned
>>82958568>i dont actually smellThat's what everyone thinks. It's been 30 hours man. This is the kinda shit that forces them to put up signs requesting people use deodorant before entering conventions
>>82958450Please shower man I've had to deal with people who showered like twice a week in the office before and it's just unpleasant
Explain this bullshit
>>82958500What are the odds that Kobo and Kanade peed together?
What is she doing this timeis she disavowing her ethnicity
>>82958637She's on a boat!
>>82958558the femtomo is the same but with pink paint instead
>>82958637reploids are waterproof.
>>82958637What the fuck? RBC can swim???
which fanbase will get raped in NYC
>>82958450I'm at work and I literally just showered minutes ago
>>82958500would've been good content not gonna lie
>>82958675Probably a Tako
>>82958675Idk, which fanbases are going to be there? Please reply
>>82958647If Ame, Zeta, Nene, Shiori aren't there...this stream didn't get the most influential bug people
>>82958637is she in Okinawa. Where else in Japan do people dive
>>82958450shower every other day at the minimum
>>82958678classic mimei
>>82958675After that thread? Chattini better watch out.
The girls don't shower so why should I?
who was in the wrong here?
>>82958675I am interested to hear if my multiyear long attempts to make this thread gayer and gayer bear any actual fruits
>>82958675Deadbeats gonna do the raping.The question is, which fanbases are gonna get pushed into subway trains or headstomped by nogs....I also vote Takos.
Stay away from my Takohole
>>82958765Fauna is friends with Shondo.That perfectly explains her default assumptions.
can someone post THAT sana superchat
>>82958827Nothing matters, I still can't sit next to femmate
hello hello! I have a need for a stinky, but sexy image of ninomae ina'nis
>>82958709I am a Prisuner
>>82958765Mumei is so based
>>82958765I love Fauna's acceptance of the idea that Bae would draw a diagram of how she would jump off a bridge
>>82958824Chumbuds are more of a D.C. crowd. NOW
It's 2024 and I am still not married to a hololive member how do I remedy this
Buon ferragosto, everyoneMay barbecue and beer come to you
>>82958837Would you eat a live tako? I've had it before. It can still move and you can choke if the suction cups stick to your throat. It was weird.
>>82958347it's a must for girls to share toilet if they want to know each other more. toilet is literally their sanctuary for bonding. that's also the reason why women spend more time in toilet. there's a research about that
>>82958827the KFP should just be Nerissa
>>82958851Are you going to use your cutesy tiny feet to give me a footjob Your little feetsies will make my cock look much bigger it'll make for a great picture
>>82958882It's almost out!!
>>82958890Go find one in an unsuspecting public area, like say....a convention.Then jump a metal railing and sneak up to her and then HUG her while she screams.
>>82958911This is true. I remember back in high school I snuck into the girl's restroom with my GF and the girls were blasting piss into the toilets while farting and chatting about stuffs.
>>82958903god no
>>82958342Why would my fantasy scenario with Mumei involve me getting arrested?
>>82958990KEK I remember this.
>>82958959hmmthis doesn't seem like it will work
>>82958647Sex, of course
>>82958927Anon, I am a 6'2 chad I will do no such thing
>>82958342I only get arrested if they find all.of Gura's body parts and I accidentally leave my DNA on some of them and they have a reason to suspect me and test my DNA. I love you, Goob, for as long as you last in my torture dungeon.
>>82959038Reminds me of that scene from Oldboy.
>>82958959The screaming means she likes it
>>829590506'2 chad that has to shop in the kid's section Basically a little girl
>>82959038why do asians always try to inflict as much suffering as they can on their food while eating it?
>Oh, this Iroha news sucks, but I don't really watch her>I know this is a bad idea, but let's see how /jp/ has been reacting to thi—oh wowYep this was a bad idea
>>82959093>live octopus>asiansjust the Nips
>>82958675I wonder if doujin of Hololive fans at conventions will ever be made.
>>82959085So I am to bear this cross foreverI'll have you know that I was shopping for nice clothes to wear to NYC the other day and the smallest sizes of adult male socks fit just fine
>>82959102Oh so this is how japanese acts like if a talent does this.
>>82959092Moona looks strange
>>82959102Yeah for some reasons those retards absolutely hate Gen5 and HoloX.
I'm a 5'1" male and I don't feel safe attending Breaking Dimensions anymore.
>>82959038It just means you were weaker than the tako
>>82959102>but I don't really watch herand you think they do? lol
>>82959134>/jp/>how japanese acts likeKEK
>>82959158The vengeful janitors...
>>82958959this is working for me. i hugged a beauty from behind and manage to fondle her breast a little. i said to her i was mistaken her as my gf and i get to walk away unscathed. ofc you need to maintaining your hygiene, use perfume, and well dressed before hand. other wise they ain't gonna eat up ur excuses
>>82959134Anon, /jp/ is more nationalistic than actual Japaneese people on 5ch
>>82959158I get HoloX, but why gen 5 too?
>>82959102/hlg/ has to be one of the most miserable places on earth. honest to goodness just an anti thread forsaken by god.
>>82959171You seem to be more familiar with them than me. Cool
>>82959093Hey, Western Elites also do the same thing to the children they harvest adrenochrome from
>>82959204the whole board is a miserable shitheap
Top 3 best EN original songs:1. Chotto-matte Full Color REFLECT (Jazz ver.)
>>82959183>Another crime added to hoomans' record
>>82959203Collateral damage for debutting close to Myth
>>82959124These reminders are my revenge as a manlet
Biboo eating cricket noises hits different if you think she's being forced to suck the mococock
>>82959239I can't even argue with chotto-matte being #1Somebody please release something good
>>82959239Top 3 best songs:1. Your Mine (Zeta)2. Michizure (Suisei)3. Chiku Taku (Ame)
>>82959204one time about a year ago I got banned from /vt/ and tried to hang out over there for a few days instead and it was fucking terrible. just the worst fucking unhappy people that you could ever meet
>>82959280Biboo eatinf she finally letting her Thai side loose
>>82959274Fair enough, it helps to keep my ego in check after so many people called me a gigachad last year
Goodnight bros
>>82959239>>82959281 (me)...I thought this was Kiara's chotto-matte I've been baited
Kiara Takanashi
>>82959354Baelz Hakoz
>>82959322eh, atleast it's better than youroop hours. but the hates toward gen 5 - regloss, i agree
>>82959361Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
>>82959354Bijou Koseki>>82959377Absolutely who?
>>82958300Bae cute!
>>82959354Gura Gawr
>>82958290Zeta and Kaela keep going to the toilet together when HoloId have lunch with lam
>>82959377>unofficial porn I'm excited
>>82959354Ina'nis Ninomae
>>82959354Watson Amelia
>>82959322One time about a year ago someone linked a post there and I clicked on it not knowing it was a different board. Then I continued posting there as if I was here and was surprised at anons suddenly becoming vile until I realized where I actually was. There's schizos here too but they are so obvious in comparison you can just ignore their messages and scroll past them.
>>82959354Koseki Biboo
>>82959374I swear you couldn't post anything there without the replies being noombers noombers kys doxx doxx fake doxx. maybe like the first few JP gens are safe but it's a fucking shithole
I am now sufficiently intoxicated and I will finally watch the Gurame offcollab karaoke
>>82959192We call them 5chinpotachi /here/
>>82959354Calliope Mori
>>82959354Suisei Hosimati
But can your oshi beat Goku tho?
>>82959392>Absolutely who?holy fucking newfag
>>82959354Watame Tsunomaki
>>82959472beat him off maybe
>>82959443You will be in dopamine
stop saying names!
>>82959484Hoof, hoof, helloof
aw, cute
>>82959354is IRyS true wife
I will "ee, maji?" and "wwwwww" soon
>>82959354Cecilia Immergreen
>>82959501I have been seething about missing it for 2 fucking years. I started working a part time job for the first time post-coof quite literally 10 days before it happened and the one day I had to do a closing shit it was the FUCKING gurame offcollab I'd been praying for. I'll still never recover from missing this thing live.
It's almost annoying that, due to the artist's preferred style, they will not fully color picrel
Ravencroft Nerissa
>>82959544im happy for you
Can't sleep.Clown'll eat me...
>>82959544Kimoi!'m a bit lost
so, have you tried your own niku jaga, hlgg ?
>>82959501Oh my god she was in Ame's office
>>82959598no sound...
>>82959333I was going to post your face from your twitter but I refrained You look good as long as you aren't fat yet
>>82959598i wish they toggled on the hungry indicator and ofc the zenloss. these will make the stream more kino
>>82959581Iron helps us play!
>>82959605>about 240 posts within 40 seconds of Ame enteringYup this is peak Gurame
>>82958568Anon, your nose get used to your body odor.
>>82959338I like how she says "for later"
>>82959590Moom is probably eating ice-cream or some shit
>>82959655My twitter?
>>82959631But can Nenechi beat her depression?
>>82959581God I fucking wish
>>OP>shion will not come out of her break to stream with aqua one last timeThe dream is dead, gone even.
>>82959681why is moom eating shit?
fr. is she married or something? i wish women here are as based as this hag.
>>82959691you aren't the cape guy?
>>82959696I want to chu this fennec
>>82959719(me)oof forgot the picture
thinkin bout my ina, but she's naked and covered in sweat
>reach their goal>have a party
>>82959570Raora is sex
>>82959818Must be a big poop'm watching this again
Sana may've left but she will never be forgottenSana love!Day 709
>>82959731Oh shit right I forgot about the stuff that wasn't posted /here/ by anons, yeah I guess being one of the extremely few EOP risuners isn't exactly inconspicuous. I mean fuck it I'll post myself man don't even try me I'll cut out the middle manAnyways it's fucking impossible for me to get fat I'm just struggling to maintain a remotely normal weight. So at least the frame stays intact. Fr tho the compliments have been dangerously frequent in the last 11 months
>>82959831They can finally debut JP7
>>82959831Regross cute
>>82959560you will recover by watching it now :)
>>82959875I want a new EN Gen
>>82959860Sana love!
>>82959895Precisely. I'm unsure how I'm gonna follow the threads since threadwatcher only works for the archived part but I'm having a blast with that part already
>>82959898Anon it has been 2 months
>>82959860>>82959903Why did she have to leave
>>26448581 Unbelievably unfathomably based /u/schizopost
>>82959943she hated me in particular
>>82959860Fuck you Fuck you FUCK YOU
>>82959860I miss her...
>>82959868I only remembered the account existing because I thought the cape thing was cool.I dont think you're all that noticable outside of saying based too much and the norf post.
>>82959875>>82959898There's no need for new gens yet. You have like 40+ girls to choose from already.
>>82959102Wait, what happened with iroha?
>>82960022whatever you say bud
>>82960028They're gay, never stream or only collab with Homos
>>82960048family hort
>>82960048family stuffs, taking break
>>82960007Based post desuRevisiting the account I'm reminded that Risu has retweeted images of me multiple times over the years (along with normal tweets) so I'm back on an emotional high. I do appreciate you trying to rein in my ego though. That said I'm also watching Gurame karaoke so I've got an extra large dumbass grin on my face already, this is just exacerbating the issue.I'm beyond hyped for NYC bro I can't fucking wait
>>82960064you are a sad little man
>>82960064None of that applies to anyone.
>>82960007Actually wait which norf post I'm completely blanking
>bad gatewayNot this shit again
TYPHOON HATEjust kidding, she told us about this before
I'm watching the baebi redline watchalong, they're so fucking cute. Biboo got some schmutz on Bae's shirt that she was wearing and Bae helped to wipe it off
>>82960132Shouldn't have tried to put it in the butt
>>82960129check the media tab it was for Gura
>>82960132works fine on my machine
I’m taking the whole site down with me
Yagoo will naked dogeza to Aqua so she doesn't have to graduate
>ruin sleep schedule watching the entire ark arc live>kill myself trying to fix my sleep schedule >actually manage to do it>have to ruin my sleep schedule again for 7 days to die arcBeing a hololive fan is suffering
>>82960163I hope they come back to finish cuphead
>>82959875Fuck no
>>82960064why are nijisis like this?
>>82960132see you in holotower, friends
>>82960231>spoilerYeah I did a double take upon hearing that too, kek
Hello, can I get an elaborate explanation on why Ina's art skill has gotten significantly worse recently? Did something bad happen to her arms and throat?
Wait actually soon wtf
>>82960231Ririka should sit on my face
holos for this feel?
>>82960168Wtf I don't think I even linked that anywhere how tf did you see itI guess this is to be expected though
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
>>82960296How tall is lady
>>82960275Her art skills are directly proportional to the size of her titties, or the lack thereof. You do the math.
>>82960296GIWTWM, why must women be short
>>82960379my cutewife
>>82960361Ultra Menhere
>>82960397beheading nendovella
>>82960231I love how much her fans love her thighs
>>82960358Huh? But she could draw too with her flat chest? Why now?
>>82960330I'm the hacker known as 4chanI just looked up the cape post in the archive and that's the one linked in the Risu general
So, who is taking part in this Hololive vs Bug thing?
>>82960296>sophie turner on the set of game of thrones
>>82960436on one side, hololiveon the other, bug
>>82960275im not sure what images you are talking about specifically but if I had to make up a reason it would be that she doesnt need to be good at drawing to be a millionaire anymore so she doesnt care
I hope my bibbers is safe during this typhoon
>>82960477anon when you're clueless just keep your pretty mouth shut and look nice instead of being embarassing for everyone
>>82960263See you there friend
Which Holos have expressed an opinion about bald men, and what was it?
>>82960479She's prolly staying with the baubau
>>82960296Holy Jesus Almighty. What I would give for a tall woman like that to be in my life
>>82958765>nooooooo haha you're so sexy Bae don't do it
It’s never been so over. First Iroha and now Shion will graduate.
>>82960515shiori penisheadvella
>>82958827Give me 3 and/or give me death.
>>82960432Holy fuck it's been a while since we've had a Risu thread. It is what it is, might as well commit to it. This year it's gonna be karaoke time with anons; whoever's in NYC next weekend better be ready to sing. If Risu won't do karaoke we will.
>>82960548Your penis is black and white? You should have that checked.
>>82960577Could just be vitiligo, I've got a similar issue
>>82960603IT'S OVER
>>82960564Noel is surprisingly funny
>>82960022if only I could block you, buttmunch.
>>82960564It's pain
>>82960296That woman will be single for life
Anyone got any Gurame karaoke soundposts?
>>82960231Sex with lyrica
>>82960632well, what are you waiting for anon? go fix that
>>82960231Don't you remember during last sports fes that Mori became a member of regloss?
>>82960695Anon...where is it
I couldn't stop beating off to a pic I found on the boards titled>erb brapCertainly a flattering photo that featured "erb" with bunny ears with her ass out to parade. I don't know who I am anymore.
>>82960636sex the chaos rat
>>82960296This is why having excellent charisma or "rizz" literally defies height standard.
>>82960755It's bullshit that women are so short
hand it over
>>82960612>surprisinglyEOP KEK
>>82960760how come' gamin'
>>82960675remember when they sang lucky and they were both super embarrassedwe'll never get something like that ever again
>>82960776Because I like when women are as tall or taller than me but I'm like 6'2 so none of them are
>>82960755But can it defy dick size standard?
>>82960797Yes because they arent going to stream anymore
Exposed forehead Kiara is a magnet for _____
>>82960784based dogu
>>82960824Blindfold pussy playing
>>82960816Tranny found
>>82960768you think you can handle it, kid?
goodnight, dont let the risuners bite
>following the gurame karaoke threads>somebody posted my unity ocGod I miss the days before catalogfags coopted the term
>>82960845Please don't compare asians to trannies, thank you very much.
>>82960877Wait what did I do to invoke such a warning
>>82960808>can't enjoy the pleasure of destroying short women's tighter pussy
>>82960922I mean I could but tall women are nice no?
>>82960797Oh god here it is>the fucking harmony attemptsBro I can't handle this
>>82960936Sure, but you'll stay single or a virgin a little longer.
Males will never want a tall woman, I also don't like women who are taller than me.Your relationship will often result in divorce most likely due to inferiority issues
>>82960991Ok I need an answer from this timezone, if I engaged in sex once but couldn't nut am I still a virgin or no?
>>82960994But I want a tall woman how would that result in inferiority issues if I'm also tall
>>82961031you're not a virgin, but you are gay
>>82961053Please I need to know
>>82961060First anon was right.
>>82961074>>82961050Man what the fuck I don't get my powers or anything?
>>82961031nope. if you penetrated, you're tainted.
>>82961085Boo, weak, we want CCGG
>>82961031sorry, anon. you had sex
>>82961085There's a fart joke in there.
>>82961089What a fucking waste man
>>82961108Punishing Moririn...
Ririka>High maintenance girlfriend who's very loving and caringKanade>Easily contented and a cuddle addict, most likely to want many childrenAo>Way too affectionate both physically and emotionally, so much so it can be tiringRaden>Will convert you to her passion and hobbies so you can spend all your time togetherNot too sure about Hajime
>>82961031sex is sex. a girl who's engaged in sex but didn't cum is obviously not a virgin, the same goes for you.
I gotta say today's been a pretty good day brosShitposters tried to fuck it up for a few hours but for like 9 of the last 12 hours it's been some proper Hololive enjoying
if youve ever had sex you shouldnt be posting here
I was hoping for a Kiara stream today
>>829611683Dboo is very cute
>>82961158sure doesn't feel like I did and that was 8 years ago this is bullshit I'm basically a virgin I deserve the title
>>82961168Biboo stop flirting with the disgusting jailbirds
>>82961168I just got to that part in the redline watchalong lol
>>82961215Nah jailbirds are based and deserve all the girls
I'm so happy with my wife
>>82961255>jailbirds>basedYeah after what they did to Nerissa last time and switching oshis...nah
fuck, I knew I'd like Last Days, but I actually LOVE it
>>82961189She's cute but is she as cute as my wifes 3D
>>82961270>>82961270Did a jailbird grope Nerissa at japanese comicon?
>>82961272Whole album is goign to be fucking great. Even the new sneaking. It should start being available for streaming in a few hours in some places.
>>82961291>chumguts imageThis has truly been a nostalgic as fuck day
>>82961270It's not their faults that nerissa is having a melty but it still won't change the fact that they're disloyal and turn coat
>>82961161you jinxed it
>>82961350Nigga there is 1 shitposter in the thread don't give him that much importance
>>82961175Outside of Mori who is busy fulfilling contractual obligations for her album, myth likely won’t be streaming until after the concert next week.
Fuck I fucking love karaoke bros
>>82961279>>82961189Bijou is cute in a heartwarming wayShiori is cute in a "my wife" wayBoth are god tier
>>82961306Hey don't joke about that, the next time he comes he might bring chloroform
>>82961337What nerissa meltdown? What happened?
>>82961427JP arc is tanking her mental
Ameoke tonight with Breaking Dimension, I can feel it in my ping.
>>26464202He's just like me frfrI love Hololive bros
>>82961427your mom is watching dramatuber
Akwa my Akwa...
>>82961453I want you to be right
Surely there will be an Ayunda Risu karaoke in the next 8 days :)
which fanbase has rabies?
>>82961501No but there'll be Vestia Zeta's Karaoke
>>82961481>slightly transparent clothesNice
>>82961535I will enjoy that but it is substantially less exciting than the alternative
>>82961522Kek, oh Koro-san
>>82961522what's so important about a comeback stream? should we be celebrating that she didn't stream?
>>82961522Korone + dot^3
>>82961574You wouldn't get it
Hololive is truly a beautiful thing
>>82961419Girls secretly like being raped though
yo why the fuck
>>82961574not now sister
>>82961599Do they?
>>82961595Still one of my favourite things that happened. It being one of first offline encounters made it that much more special
>>82961522This might explain why this also happened with Hachama's 3D celebrationRequests take a while to approve and rescheduling them could be an issue
>>82961522So is the whole time constrained permission thing always game company imposed? or is it hololive perms shit being autistic
>>82958492I miss the 'loni
>>82961270Lmao schizo please
>>82961623That's what people tell me /here/. I don't think they would lie about like that
>>82961627I was right to drink excessively before finally watching this collab after 2 years. It makes coping about missing it a bit easier and it makes losing it over every moment where THEY ARE all the stronger
>>82961481I think Raora should draw herself lewd drawing
>>82961657On that noteWHY DO YOU BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP
>>82961661Join us in her membership
>>829616572 years? Damn. I'm glad you finally enjoyed it though. I've still yet to miss the gura Minecraft stream with launching the rocket or whatever yet since I missed it but I plan to eventually...
>>82961661I think Raora should draw herself drawing herself lewd drawing
>>82961680Sorry I'm a pirate. Thanks for the offer.
>>82961641Use your blain.
>>82961641so smooth
>>82961641some publishers require it some don't
>>82961657It's even more special if you know that time period at Ame's wasn't just celebrating her Hololive birthday
>>82961701It was the first major EN stream that I ever missed and as a colossal guramefag I've been trying to cope with that for literal years.I advise not drinking for the impromptu minecraft collab though, that one really shone in the little moments. The parts without any words. You just gotta sit there and take it in like Goob did. That one was amazing. Also helps it was archived so threadwatcher will work fine for it.
>>82961522Reminder that even when they can ask for perms, companies might just forget to give them.See: Fauna's Dark Souls
>>82961501I need Risu to do more truckingwith a crotchcam
>>82961778Copyright law is pure cancer
There was too much Ina today. This needs to stop.
>>82961792Well you may get more trucking at leastI wouldn't get your hopes up for a crotchcam but we can pray nonetheless
>>82961623my fucking dick
>>82961733Comeback streams lose their charm after the 15th time.
>>82961814agreed but in this case you can blame japan's lack of fair use laws
>>82961522is it really a comeback stream and not more of a visitation stream?
>>82961840I jacked off to this article when it came up doing research for a psych paper in Uni and it's still one of the most shameful nuts I think I've ever had
>>82961623>>82961840yes they do but only if you are good at it
I hope Ina eats a bug today
>>82961871Actually this might be a different paper but you get the idea
>>82961839>dicking around in the cab with Risu as she drives the entire length of Java
>>82961777Thanks for the advice and I'm glad you finally achieved the closure of watching it. I'm tempted to rewatch it but I'm saving it for when I need a strong dose of gurame
>>82961481Why didn't she draw her with the iconic white tights?
>>82961871>jacking off to a research paperimpressive
>Kanata health>Aqua>Iroha breakThis is a concerted attack on our thread onaholes...
>>82961894Because even though Aqua is a baka, she's not dumb enough to wear tights to the sea
>>82961905There's a reason it's probably the most shameful nut I've ever had
>>82961872Holy rape fetish
>>82961901>>82961904>12 hoursfuck you soonposters
>>82961892Thanks anon, I'm glad this one was worth the wait and the hype.
>>82961901>>82961904Gotta love that "Early 2000's" Aesthetic
>>82961931from a cosmological viewpoint everything within a human lifespan and more is relatively soon
>>82961840Did Kiara feel any of this
>>82961952>actually now
>>82961940Wait a second THIS is MapleStory?I gotta admit I've heard of the game but never seen a screenshot of it.People used to play this shit?
>>82961912yeah but that would be pretty hot though
>>82961952>actually nowfuck you nowposters
>>82961894memberships stop when Aqua graduates right? I won't be able to see her membership posts anymore.. time
>>82961905Which is more impressive?Jacking off to a research paperorjacking off to tiles?'s time to POL(Ra)DEN
>>82961978That is many pols
>>82961980>jacking off to tileswut
Hey this is the OP of the anime adaption of Hell's Paradise, one of the best shonen I've read in a while.
>>82961955There's a good chance. Only way is if she says it which she never will probably
>>82961980Ok listen research papers are very descriptive it's not that tough to do man don't shame me
>>829619633D anime games didn't become popular until later
>>82961980>jacking off to tiles?hmm?
>>82961963You have to be there at that time, man okayu voice so calm and sexy at the same time. i want to be her son and fuck her in the ass while she mad at me
>>82961980>jacking off to tiles?Ah, the classic.
Raden actually kiinda sounds like Sheena Ringo
>>82961963Old shit looks old, yes zoomerchamaDoesn't means it's bad.
>>82961955If I had to rate rape experiences for HoloEN:> SSS tier: Kiara> D tier:BibooGura> F tier:Everyone else
>>82961952Ao is actually baddass? that was great
>>82962017My post wasn't shaming you. My post was merely about fetish vs fetish.
>>82961918you can rape Choco, but there is the risk that after you end all she will say is "oh, is that all?"
>>82961708how does one even pirate members streams? Viewers are so loyal to their oshis. None of them would ever leak
>>82962046>zoomerchamaHey man don't get mad at me cuz I spent my early days playing the superior game: Adventure Quest.
>>82962085You can thank member gifters for that.
>>82962085member gifting is a plague upon this world
>>82962067When did biboo or Gura?
>>82962095Yes, and I will not elaborate further.
ayo ceres fauna with the flow
How kind of you fags to entertain the shitposter/doxxfag with your rape discussionCan't expect anything better from SEA hours
>>82962115you're acting if they were never pirated before that, newfag or dumb?
>>82962085There's at least one who joins membership and would leak stuff. That's why there's stuff like the leak with Jurard a while back.
>>82962115>>82962105Yeah, but it's not like they can even upload it on youtube. What are they going to do, burn it on CD's? Lmao. I don't think you guys have anything to worry about
I dunno why but the lighting makes Korosan's club look even more like some piece of meat she ripped off some animal as a makeshift blunt weapon.
>>82962128bruh we're laughing at him for jerking off to a research paperChill
>>82962128To be fair there's not much going on right now, Bae will starting streaming soon though
>>82961980>jacking off to tiles
>>82962128How kind of you to encourage them by giving it attention. See look at them reply to you.
[Important News]Raden has just signed all of regloss up for polbungee
>>82962120Gura in the Mori party was a close experienceBiboo almost getting kidnapped is also a close experience.Both are D tier. Which practically means nothing
>>82962148You see her outfit? Your description is not too far off from reality
>>82962128You don't find it funny that somebody orgasmed to a research paper?Sad
>>82962128To be fair, this subject has come up before. It's just now that there's an extra connection to it
>>82962168I look forward to it.
>>82962136I pirate shit like photoshop, porn and movies/tv where the companies are assholes and don't make it easy for you to watch in good quality. I draw the line and individual shit I really like.
>>82962128>kfp>metaposting and vagueposting>forcing retards who already hid those schizo posts to be reminded of those schizo posts anyway
>>82962128Cry more you little fucking bitch
[Subaru News]She was just lit on fire and is being loud about it.
>>82962169>Gura in the Mori party was a close experienceit was heavily implied Gura lost her "innocence" at the party
>>82962128>Oh I know, by metaposting about those doxxfags, I would make sure that nboody will think about them anymoreSugoi
>>82962223I mean, I'd scream if I was set on fire
I hope Korone gets some better weapons this time around, she keeps jobbing to regular zombies.
>>82962223Wasn't that done to her yesterday?Seems par for the course
>>82962256I think that was Suisei. Unless I missed something that happened later on.
>>82962207Is it really schizo posts if it's been covered by all the vtuber drama channels on YouTube so most people inadvertently have stumbled upon it because the algorithm loves that shit
>>82962256MANY timesbasically everyone was on fire half of the time, it was chaos
Nice thread
>>82962280I love it when people sponge in info from depressed nousagi
>>82962280>using dramafag channels as a bar for things not being schizo hmm
>>82962106>AZKi/AquaI'm not crying/10>Ao/RadenKino song choice/10
>>82962280>is it really schizo posts if they watched dramafagsHow is this a question
Korone just got killed by a hog, KOROSAN LOVE!
>>82962296It's been pretty good overall
they're on day 5 now, that means ~2.5 hours until the first blood moon
>>82962383What are the odds of them wiping on day 7?
Kek koro-san