Youtube: VODs: Gura Pop Up Parade rerun Gura Nendoroid 2nd Rerun Gura Figma Thread: >>82612639
I love my wife so much!!
Gura cute!
Do you also love my shark wife?
>>82653186Yes I also love my shark wife!
>>82653186>>82653289I made these posts
I love my cute shark daughterwife!
>>82653186I am the one who loves Gura the most.
There's definitely something very bad happening at Cover.Aqua leaving because of some disagreements with management is extremely concerning. What could possibly a wallflower autist like Aqua dislike so much that it made her quit all of a sudden after 6 fucking years? Coupled with Gura's feeling meh about Hololive and even getting angry it all paints a pretty gnarly picture. Plus I can't even imagine how Gura must feel now after her oshi of several years, who she met irl and has a fucking shrine for, decided to just randomly quit out of fucking nowhere. do we feel about Filian making fun of Gura and chumbuds?
>>82653652I don't watch whores unless they get naked. Who?
Mad cus cute.
>>82653505Maybe Gura's oshi graduating is karma for abandoning her own fans for the last 2 years.
>>82653652I dunno what she's talking about winning, but saying gura doesn't stream isn't a insult, it's just reality
>>82653505I understand why you might jump to schizophrenic delusions in a desperate need to shitpost and get attention.But I think corpo gossip should have it's own thread in the catalog.
Day 27! Give it up for day 27!
>>82653652wow actual bitch
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr>Yagoo is with thee>Blessed art thou amongst lolis>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus>Stinky Gura, mother of memes>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST>a>men
>>82653880That's not karma
>>82653160>*Le touché*
>>82653652someone said that Gura should've won vtuber of the year and Filian simply said that she should've streamed more that year
Why is my wife so gay?
>>82653652What she said wasn’t insulting, and she even remembered the award Gura did receive. I think that’s pretty nice actually. If you were trying to get me mad, you did the opposite, lol.
My nose is stuffy from my cold. I don't think I can enjoy a beer for dinner at this rate.
Gura cute Gura cute!
I think im gonna preorder a new figure, it's been a while since I've done that. I wonder if Gura has gotten any new figures lately.
What is best in life?
>>82655380I'm more of a salmon roe kinda guy'm watching the Alien movies again. I think this is the most genuine "FUCK" I have ever heard in cinema.
I just woke up because of a stupid spam caller. I guess it’s late enough in the day anyways…
>>82655727Chumbie its almost night time now...
>>82655715On paper, an Alien invading a prison colony sounds so cool. It’s crazy how hard they botched it.
>>82655803I’m struggling here, alright
>>82653938How are they delusions exactly? Aqua randomly quitting after 6 years of smooth sailing is a fact. What reasons could she possibly have to leave other than Cover doing some evil shit? If she said she was quitting for personal reasons or she's just tired of vtubing it would be understandable but that's not why she's graduating.>But I think corpo gossip should have it's own thread in the catalog.This affects everyone in Hololive and especially Gura since Aqua was her oshi and Gura already expressed her dissatisfaction with the situation.
>>82654952to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women
>>82656059The only reason why Aqua was Gura’s oshi was because her name fit Gura’s whole ocean/water theme.
>>82656207what else are the voices telling you?
Baguraette honhonhon
Gura's oshi is Fauna
>>82656207Retarded nigger tourist.
For King and Cunny!
>>82656403For s’ghetti too!!!
>>82656368La basé
Xenomorphs are the ultimate nightmare fuel. I don't think it's a coincidence that other people have the exact same nightmares as me.
>>82656518I used to be really scared of them as a kid. They are still pretty spooky.
>>82656518What’s cool about them is they illicit 2 types of fears. 1 being a savage beast, when they run at you on all fours. The other being a savage killer, when they hide away and stand bipedal to kill you at the best moment.
Welp, it's obvious you guys don't want to discuss whatever serious trouble is brewing in Hololive that will affect Gura and would rather talk about offtopic shit and just post images. We're currently experiencing a cataclysmic level event and you faggots would rather plug your ears and stick your head into the sand while I'm the only one who seems to be concerned.
Sex with a fembud.
>>82656449god I love s'ghetti... I'm gonna make some tomorrow!
>>82656747They hunt you. They're a scary being that hunts you and you slowly learn to find out that they've hunted you before, they vaguely look like you if you look close...
So what do we think about Mittsu oshihening to Cecilia? I guess tastes can change or whatever but why now?
>>82657310Don't care
>>82656518I've always found ghosts to be more scary because you can't just shoot them.
>>82657183Tell us how it goes
Will there be any fembuds at the King's Theater for Breaking Dimensions?
I really want s'ghetti now
>>82657486Me too…
>>82657310Mittsu is just a yuritard
>>82655967theres nothing wrong with alien 3.
>>82657310never heard of either of those guys. are they from that naruto you kids are crazy about?
>>82657594It stinks, mister.
>>82657310idk but it frees up Gura to talk about how good her cunny felt getting deflowered by doberman dog dick without disappointing her.
>>82657450will do
>>82656982Why do you think she is not streaming right now after that post? Take a good look at how she did it. She gave me you everyone a message on what she is doing look at what she did. She is smart. Trust her its a reason for this. I know why but can not say anything just trust her she may not be in the place she is at now but she is not leaving us. She is in the final battle.
Got it. So the anti is back. Well chumbies, it was comfy in here while it lasted. I’m gonna go get some covfefe and skiddies and maybe play some Elden Ring or watch anime. Try not to get too feisty in here till I get back.
where is she
>>82657895Have fun chumbie. I'm thinking about making dindin soon too
>>82658001MY wife
>>82658001My girlfriend (real).
>>82657390Do you think ghosts might be real? Or are we as humans trying to convince ourselves that they are real because we're lonely. We also so desperately want to prove that aliens have visited us before.Are humans lonely?
>>82658200WTF LET HER GO!
i want gura to start a rap beef with fauna
I will now cook six eggs.
>>82658771I also want to hear their brap beef
>>82659129Gaston the chumbud, that guy is pretty cool
>>82659129so many eggs
>>82653505Subaru, June 5th: thought it was really strange that Subaru hardly talked at all during this collab stream. days later, on June 15th, Subaru talked about how after that stream, Miko was able to tell that something was wrong and so she went with her to yakiniku while Subaru cried the entire time.A-chan, June 28th:, one of the three original founders of hololive, decides to quit after working there for seven years.Suisei, June 28th:>今いる場所がどんどん変化していってるなってすごく感じる>変わっていくことが前に進んでるってことだといいなと思う*face holding back tears emoji*>I feel like everything around me is changing so quickly.>I hope this change means things are moving forward. *face holding back tears emoji*Gura, July 12th:>been a busy couple weeks for me on the hololive side. been kind of MEH about certain things and if I think too much about them I get mad. Oh no!Mori, July 12th:>I received some really really really really bad soul-crushing news>It might get resolved, it might not. I wasn't sure if I could stream today but I'm glad I did because I feel a lot better now. Maybe things will resolve themselves but there is a chance that... yeah.>Hopefully I won't- I don't think I'll even be able to talk about it. My hope is that everything gets solved and I just forget that there was ever a problem in the first place. I don't like talking about bad news in the first place especially if it's bad news I know is gonna make a lot of people mad. I'm sure it'll be fine, I don't think I'll need to say anything. I hope.Nene, July 12th:Suddenly stops streaming and tweeting. Nene, July 14th: days later, asks fans what she should stream. She says she's really sad and puts up a frame with a depressed-looking Nene and Nekko and titles it>【歌枠】なんか気分激ローになってしまったので元気を出す歌枠【 桃鈴ねね / hololive 】>I'm feeling really down, so I'll do a singing stream to cheer myself up the stream one hour before and tweets that she's having a small problem.Nene, July 16:>みんなしばらく連絡できなくてごめんね、ちょちょちょちょーーーーとトラブル起きちゃっててSNSの更新もなかなか難しい状況、、、!!!!叩いたら直るかな?!>突然枠閉じてそのまま消えちゃったみたいになってびっくりさせちゃって申し訳ない、、!!!!>早くみんなに笑い話したいよ!!ww>ねねのこと忘れずに待っててね、ねねは毎日みんなのこと考えてるゾApologizes for not saying anything and canceling suddenly. Wants to tell everyone what happened, so please wait for her. She thinks about you every day. She makes a couple more tweets about a beetle zoo collab in Odaiba.Nene, July 22: indefinite hiatus.Aqua, August 1st:>Finally, there's something I would like to tell everyone.>I'm about to say something really strange, but please listen to it carefully.>If something happens to me, I want you guys to understand that there is a big, big force at work that I cannot agree with.>Tomorrow...I will continue to live.>I hereby vow... that I will not give up... and continue to fight for justice.>Right now, you guys probably don't understand what I'm saying, but you may or may not understand in the future.>Now, please listen to this last song.>Stay Alive (Re:zero)Korone, August 3rd:>こぉねになんかあったら付いてきてくれる?>If anything happens to Ko'one, would you follow me?Fubuki, August 5th:>ホロライブのメンバーが次々居なくなろうとも白上だけはカバー株式会社にそそり立ってやると思うので皆よろしくお願いします>Even if hololive members leave one by one, I believe that Shirakami will continue to stand tall at Cover Corporation, so please continue to watch over me.Aqua, August 6th: she will be graduating because of an irreconcilable disagreement with management over the road forward for herself and hololive.
>>82659129How did you cook them chumbie?
>>82660007I scrambled them and now I am eating them with salt pepper and some hot sauce.
Have you ever played GUN?
>>82658300Yes, ghosts are real. Aliens are real. And alien ghosts are real. Demons, however, are not real. Those are just alien ghosts.
MY Gurandma.
>>82656518>>82656747>>82657189>>82656740Did you know that the movie Alien was made as a metaphor for sexual assualt and that all the roles were written to be unisex? It seems like a modern woke idiot's wet dream, but it just goes to show that people who had similar messaging to today's far left retards presented their ideas much better and more meaningfully back then, 45 years ago.
>>82660222My cousin had it for the ps2 and I got to play it a bit. Good times…
>>82660222yes but that was like 20 years ago, dont remember anything about it
how do we free Gura from the swim ring
>>82660583My favorite part is that you had a button dedicated to scalping. That is so brutal.
>>82660759I've been trying to push her out through the bottom side with my penis since she made the post.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
Off once again... to the nightshift
Wife soon?
>>82660007Sounds tasty chumbie
>>82660222Fun game, but the story was extremely cringe.
>>82662108good luck chumbie
>>82662144Ye. I like this ritualpost.
>>82663779based shanabud
She said she'll be back in august and we're 10 days into it, what happened now?What happened to "I feel like streaming"?
How do you think "liver eating" Johnson got his name?
>>82664128I want to eat liver now…
>>82664119Hurricane season in the east coast. She's gonna stream after things go back to normal there
>>82663779Shana is so hot!
>>82664128he ate liver a lot?
This is the third or fourth time where someone took one of my long, researched posts from this thread and posted it in the catalog. I originally posted it in /hlg/, so it's not like I mind if it spreads or anything, but I wanted to talk about the clear changes that are happening within hololive and what that might mean in the context of Gura.I think she's going through the same thing Aqua is because their activity and presence in hololive really seems to mirror each other.
I watched a video where people were removing barnacles from a turtle and now my skin is all itchy and I'm uncomfortable...
>>82664558Nobody cares.
>>82664119You are definitely a grey trying to fit in
>>82664588probably one of those faked vids where the fags super glue barnacles onto a soft shelled turtle
>>82664588I like the ones where the people pick off the parasites from the shrimp
>>82664588>>82664859links pls
>>82664640You will once Gura follows Aqua.
>>82664128what about pancreas?>>82664859mine are the ones of picking sea urchins and and breaking the last one to feed the fish
>>82664558The two years Aqua was struggling would match with Gura's recline after her first year, but I feel that's cutting Gura too huge of a break.
>>82657844I see it but you may be looking way more into it. But I can not ignore this one.
>>82665056No one will care about your post then either.
>>82665462I doubt anyone will care about any of these posts here then, so your sentiment is meaningless. At least mine has value in the moment.
>>82665690No, it doesn't, I already know the Mori part is bullshit and nobody gives a shit about the JP part. Go back.
Gura ugly Gura ugly!
>>82665757You're objectively wrong. Many here care about JP members, as does Gura, according to her own words.You're a clown for insinuating I have to justify my post about the clear problems occuring within the company my oshi works at.It is (YOU) that should justify YOUR presence within this thread, insect.
Gura sucks toes
I found myself falling into a rabbit hole about the American old west.
>>82664967Once I finish dindin chumbie
>>82666242turtle chilling
>>82659991I don't know what they did to cause all this problem but Cover should know they can not have Vtubing with out the girls so if they all leave that is a very big problem. I hope they backtrack on what they are doing and we find out at most some of what is going on because its scary to think about. I'm worried about Gura in all this. She cut contact after the members post. It worries me.
>>82664558I don't think there is much to talk about since it would just be speculation anyways. The only thing I'm taking away from everything is that I hope Cover pulls their head out of their ass and doesn't ruin the good thing they had. I'm so fucking tired of watching things I love being run into the fucking ground by people who are either greedy or retarded, or probably both.
Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
>>82635145do you have uncensored version
>>82666574She cut contact and HER went back to following people
>Shitposting like crazy including gura bait catalog. Yep something happened with the sisters today didn't numberfags made fun of you again???. Truly sad.PLEASE KYS RIGHT NOW!!!!!
>>82666793You should know that Japanese companies have never been known for their intelligence. When they want to do something they will stick with it even if the company will go out of business because of it. It worries me because what if what is going on is something bad they had that involved the well-being of the girls. I would like Gura to stay but at the end of the day no one should be made to work for a place that is doing bad things. I wish the best for all the talents.
>>82666793Sister please get a gun already and kys
I will kiss my shark
>>82667076Yeah you truly a pathetic piece of shit PLEASE KILL YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
>>82666945We know. Plus the last members posts had hints of all this right as she started doing this. Could be a message or a threat to cover to change things back. Whatever the case we should not worry unless she makes a post besides following. Even then I would not worry because we will see Gura no matter what. She is strong and always makes her way back to the top.
>>82667175Go to bed, Natt.
>>82667078Either you're a shitposter deflecting or your ability to pick out threadshitters is extremely poor.
>>82667375Kys first sister
>>82667362litterbox? actually no thread is shit right now we don't deserve it
I just got a nose bleed and it’s not even that cold out yet
Why is it so hard for some people to just ignore and report bait?
>>82667474Not even denying it this time Ebi. You are the worst of her fanbase. How does it feel being the most disliked person here? You will never be gura, Also she would never hang around a person like yourself. KYS.
>>82667592since when has that worked? they only do anything if it's egregiously over the line and there's only a chance then
>>82667592Jannies have to kill the bait before people bite it but I dont think any of them stopped by
>>82667592This is the website where “your mom will die if you don’t reply with …” posts get insane levels of engagement. What do you expect lol.
>>82667585I know that feeling chumbie. I recently got a cold for some reason
>>82667592First they need tokill the bait catalog. But today they just waiting for the 3d showcase
>>82667747Don't You me. My post had nothing to do with your green text. >LEARN TO READ< Hell even Gura knows how to do that much.
>>82667076>It worries me because what if what is going on is something bad they had that involved the well-being of the girlsThis is a retarded take and if you're even a tiny bit genuine at all in hoping for the best for the girls then you wouldn't even think that way. The logistics of thinking Cover is harming talents across the globe will never make sense, and if they were then talents that have been fired or left would have blown the whistle by now.
>>82667293at the very least they won't allow her to go right after aqua so everything's probably clear thru at least myth anniversary. however if she wanted to go out with a bang...
>>82667898Depending on what it is they can be tricked and told lies that They signed it in the contract so they have to and they can convince them and they stay. Money is also involved and if someone does not know how to fight back the legal way they lose everything. I'm not saying anything bad may be going on with Gura and the rest but if it is some need help and if they could help them selfs we would never have any kind of problems like that to start with.
>>82667747So you're a genuine schizophrenic with no comprehension skills.
>>82668184Hi tablebud. Please stay safe. It’s getting pretty feisty in here.
sup /ggg/ this shit was so ass. First off I had to go to fort lee. I live 10 mins away and I don't go to fort lee ever unless I am picking up poke because driving there is so ass. its like mini nyc where you are on hills the whole time, the roads are narrow as shit with shitty directions on them and no parking. might be decent to live there if you are a kid since it seems like it was mostly teens outside and its literally mini korean nyc. so I illegally park and walk to the place. the girl working as the waitress was white or hispanic, not rude or anything just weird. she probably doesn't like vtuber fans. like she was polite but I'm use to waitresses at like sushi restaurants being much more outgoing and shit. the only holo live stuff was the staff's shirts and they were playing anime music on a projector. I got told I could get a pin if I left a 5 star review which I did then deleted after I left. place was fucking empty at 8:30 pm on a saturday. like 3 asian families and that's it. some places I passed had lines. I think I saw 3 guys who had just been at the place. oh and they had a self scan and order and pay with your phone thing which I didn't do because that shit is AIDS as fuck. I got the Kiara soda and Gura ramen. because those were the things they had. Kiara soda was good, but it was prob just store orange soda. Gura ramen was ass. it was cold and fatty as fuck. could only eat half of it it was so rich and salty. For literally one bowl of ramen and one drink it was $40. Safe to say I'm not going back. Oh and I got to pick out the pin I wanted so I got my Gura pin. which is good since the website and way they had the box was obviously supposed to be gacha which is turbo AIDS but the way the girl held the box I could see the Gura pin before reaching in. but yeah never again. there was an ice cream place I saw on the way I might go to in the future. there are literally 2 boba tea places that are like 2 min walks from my house so there is no reason to go to fort lee for boba, even if I drank it often
>>82668149Why are ESLs like this?
>>82664967 should be the video chumbie
Cute and canon
>>82668149I was hoping I was wrong but you are just the retard ESL building up to push your rrats. There may be genuine issues with how Cover is managing hololive but you can fuck off with any of your shitty opinions on the matter.
>>82668192>>82668426takeru and poco are female?
I just wanted to have to spend some quality time with my chumbies tonight. Is that too hard to ask
Oh boy another Gura acrylic stand
>>82667365I though gdca/darkmaze died.
>>82668554I tried to have an actual conversion for the first time in a while and got caught in the crossfire of two schizos. I don't know why I bother anymore.
>>82668549If Takeru was female I would literally dump my entire life savings into trying to date her. I’m not even joking
>>82668633post a screenshot of the acrylic stand for my acrylic stand screenshot colleciton
>>82668549Takeru hired a girl to cosplay Gura. Don't know about poco
>>82668554It was very comfy a couple hours ago. I think we'll have to weather the storm until comfy hours
>>82668706Cute dino shirt! Also, the BD acrylic panel is neat and the Gura art on it is cute. Ill probably end up getting one.
>>82668845same desu
>>82668818I didn't take one and they already swapped merch screenshots.
>>82668449Wasn't Gura front and center for the CtW poster?
>>82668766Was it about the Xenomorphs? I always try to talk about the Xenomorphs in here but the discussions don’t last more than a few posts. Try Halo. People like Halo in here
>>82668355penis butt fuck penis in the butt
>>82668766Well what did you eat today chumbie?
>>82668920>put gurame next to each other in the suggested lineupsTHEY ARE
>>82669010I'm not much of a conversationalist chumbie. I just think xenomorphs are scary
>>82669010I like xenomorphs. I got this randomly recommended to me the other day, you seen it?
>>82668837Weathering storms (in the literal sense) is my favorite thing ever. I love when it rains hard. I love the feeling of protection I get when I hear the rain hit the roof. I live weathering storms
>>82668920I can't believe that a couple of years ago I hated acrylic stands and now I have way too many...
>>82669010Discussions lasting more than a few posts sucks, that's the ideal.
>>82669038I'm about to eat some smoked bratwursts and watermelon. >>82669010I went through a short phase where I got pretty into the lore of the Alien franchise, but I've forgotten most of what I learned about it by now. I was still trying to talk about Gura and Hololive as a whole but that's surprisingly hard to do in the Gura thread these days.
Gotta say Gura openly doomposting, someone of Aqua's semi retired nature, and the whole artist/rigger follows on her dead as fuck RM account are concerningI guess there's no way to talk about it without just schizos piggybacking though
>>82669491YOU ARE A SCHIZO.
>>82669156>>82669201>>82669357A Xenomorph vs. a Sangheili. Both adult, no weapons. Who would win?
>>82669491I mean it's concerning but what more is there to say? I'm hecking concerned!!!
>>82669563Xenomorph wins easily
>>82669575Dunno, was hoping we can pool together reasons why the goncerns are unfounded? Here are mine:-Gura wanting 2024 to be a good year-Gura hinting a second 3d live this year-The possibility all of this stuff is just tied to insurance moves/she reactivated RM account cause they privated likes and she can finally do those without schizo stalking, so the follows are just natural addons to her using twitter again
>>82669771This ebi is so cute. Even though I know it probably smells of garlic bread and has chocolate stained sweatpants
>>82669931Roommate discussion is offtopic and also a shitposter magnet
I wish C104 brings new Gura content.
>>82670226It did. None of it will be scanned and now that fanbox is dead (again) you'll be lucky to get fanbox scraps.
I really want to go to comiket for the dinogura merch. Sameanko's dinogura is my favorite.
>>82670141Anon they could make another thread to talk about it if they wanted because that wouldn't be breaking any rules. Anytime people bring up that stuff here it's because they're trying to stir up drama.
>>82666574>>82666793I want hololive to be a place the girls don't want to leave. It doesn't make sense that Aqua and A-chan wanted to quit after working there for 6 and 7 years, respectfully.I can't imagine that Aqua wanted anything unreasonable, revolutionary, or outlandish. If she was upset with the way things currently are, then why couldn't management work with her? With Aqua leaving, things will never change, she throws everything away, and she hurts everyone left that has to struggle through the damage left by the wake of her decision.This would never have happened just a few years ago, and so I'm worried what caused Aqua and A-chan to decide that leaving was their best option.
>>82670318They aren't breaking the rules here either judging from how often that gets enforced. The only discussion would be "oh another follow" with maybe two replies if they weren't graduationbaiting with it.
>>82670318>Anytime people bring up that stuff here it's because they're trying to stir up dramaOr because I don't want to "discuss" this shit with catalog monkeys.
>>82667175ESL child, you should leave.
I kinda wanted to talk about Halo and Xenomorphs some more…
>>82669563A Xenomorph and a Sangeli french kiss, is it hot?
>>82670331Bro A-chan left cause of family issues, she outright says so. A chan was also not a talent, she was the management drone helping decide directions.
>>82670527I know sangeli are super tall and stuff but can't xenomorphs spit acid? Wont they instalose?
>>82669931>-Gura wanting 2024 to be a good yearwell it wasn't, better than 2023 sure, but still pretty bad compared to previous years
>>82669563Xenomorph wins that fight easily. The real hard one is the flood vs necromorphs.
>>82670554Yes but the Xeno has to be the mommy and the Elite has to be the daddy.
>>82670527I hate both those topics. I'm going to eat a can of beans.
>>82667365Man, you are really, really dumb. My guess is that you have autism or something.
>>82670389>They aren't breaking the rules here either judging from how often that gets enforcedSpeeding is still speeding even if a cop doesn't see you and don't get pulled over. It's still breaking the rules. Again, a new thread could be made to discuss the topic and it would be fine but people never will because they don't actually want to discuss the topics they bring here. A great example >>82670466 because bringing up something like that here wouldn't yield any better of a discussion since this place is overrun with threadshitters anyways.
>>82670629The Sangheili is taller and stronger than a human male. The Xenomorph has acid for blood, not spit. The Xenomorph would probably use its tail to attack the Sangheili.
>>82667747>BECAUSE SHE NEEDS TO GO JAPAN UNTIL SEPTEMBER.I know you're a schizo, but she literally never said this.
>>82670628It hasn't ended yet but how the fuck is it better than 2023? We had a 1 month period of activity in both, so far.
>>82670811It's not worth making a new thread over. You're just trying to get people to not post about Gura activity here. And yes, that is Gura activity, whether you like it or not.
>>82670649I’m not super versed in Dead Space lore. I know the flood have hive mind like control system. Do the necros have something similar? Like moons are something like that?
>>82670723I hope you choke on one of those beans, mister
>>82670840I looked it up and apparently the xenomorph and sangheli are around the same height. Maybe the spangheli has an edge in a 1v1 because I don't know how smart a single xenomorph mook is
>>82670943idk it feels better to me, maybe I just got used to it, but I'm not in constant despair this year
>>82668706The shirt with PREDATOR across is it very funny. I'm not sure I'd personally wear that in public though.
>>82671131 I'll chew thoroughly for you.
>>82668706I really want dinomerch. I need more dinomerch
>>82662958ty bud
>>82671134You’re the first person to suggest the Sangheili would win!! The xeno is pretty smart, for an animal that is. the first minute of this scene, you can see that the Xenomorphs realize their attempts to breakthrough are futile, so they start looking for other ways to get inside.
>>82669931>>82670628>>82671200>Better than 2023
>>82671064nta, the moons send out signals (which are boosted by the markers, which are also a source of infinite energy, which lures in civilizations) that manipulate sentient creatures, make them work in their favor, make them go insane, kill each other. then they reanimate the dead. and if enough dead biomass has accumulated trigger a convergence event to create a new moon.large necromorphs also act as signal boosters, kind of like overlords from starcraft.I assume the flood are a lot more advanced than the necros though, since they can even assimilate machines I believe, but idk much about Halo
>>82671064The moons also a hivemind structure like the flood.
>>82671460…oops oops. should’ve posted this link instead. It was the last minute of this scene that you see the xenos wise up.
>>82670995Something that didn't occur on an official hololive channel or profile or wasn't done using the Gura model isn't Gura related.
>>82671855Don't reply to shitposters, anon.
>>82671776Now that I think about it, an unarmed spaghetti would probably lose
>>82671991It's not shitposting to care about Gura. There wouldn't be any arguments if people accepted it and let people do their 1-4 posts about new follows in peace. The only issue is that real shitposters refuse to let it end with that and have to bring in their graduationbaiting crap.
>>82671647>>82671739I guess another good question would be, can either faction assimilate the other side? Like could a Flood Infection Form take over a Necromorph? And could the Necromorphs make use of a body that has previously been infected by the Flood? I would guess no to both scenarios.
hewwo chumboners
Maybe I should become a halo autist and start reading all the books
>>82672230>unarmed spaghetti *Wheezes*
>>82672503It's not worth it. Trust me.
I think Gura is in my walls again
Are we all creepy perverts?
>>82672712Is it that bad? I’ve seen people post excerpts of master chief going full doomguy and obliterating all covenant in his path
>>82672503I’ve heard excerpts on youtube and it was pretty bad/shallow. I think the target demographic is middle schoolers who are interested in the military. And I don’t mean it in a bad way or anything, it’s just…ya kno, shallow.
>>82672837>*Li touchí*
my companion asked me if I could sing
>>82673905'ello guvner
>>82672976>The head of the missile was the only thing he saw. The air grew still and thickened. >He continued to move his hand, palm open in a slapping motion—as fast as he could will his flesh to accelerate. >The tip of the Scorpion missile passed a centimeter from his head.>He reached out—fingertips brushed the metal casing—and slapped it aside. I think my manchild brain is amused. Its so ridiculous that I'm now tempted to read it for the laughs.
>>82673676This the fallout mod? You can get waifu in this?
>>82674325yes, she's the second companion I found (through the main quest) idk if I can romance her yet, but I'm gonna try, I like her so far.
Last chance for Gura to shoe up in Advent's debuts.
Gura cute?
>>82670943In terms of stream frequency it's been pretty much just as shit, but in terms of 'vibes' or however the hell you'd phrase it it's been much betterMovie may, that birthday stream, anniversary and aquarium stream, hardly the only examples but we haven't had those absolutely miserable low points yet
>>82674624Why would it be Gura, who hasn't really interacted with them much?
>>82674055No, that’s not bad, you’re right. The passage I was thinking of was much more mundane and rudimentary/simplistic in its story telling. It probably has something to do with who the author is. But the one you posted sounded cool. I liked hearing about John 117 augmentations and training. I think I remember hearing something about how when he first was augmented, he tried running so fast it broke his legs, or something like that.
>>82674707The cutest!
>>82674882You aren't wrong chumbie. The writing is definitely mundane and simplistic. There are some funny gems like that though.
so, are panties in 3d allowed again? will Gura finally get the cute panties she wanted?
>>82674624>can't dance, can't sing, annoying mannerisms, annoying voices no thx
>>82677374sexy cowgirl outfit incoming
>>82677374Cover fucked up my daughterwife's eyes. Who knows what will happen if they try to add panties
Are you a chumbabooey?
>>82678631ye, I'm crying, shidding and pissing because my wife didn't get her cute frilly panties, while the dogs got striped pink and blue ones
>>82678631Oui oui monsieur
>>82677805I want to kiss this thing on the mouth. Imagine coming across this. Hope could you not just give it kisses
Chumbuddies?more likethe babybuddies
>>82678631Yes I am and I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!!! I WANT TO SEE HER PANTIES!!!!! WAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I'm not the guy who has been playing RDR2 in these threads. But I've been watching RDR cutscenes and gameplay recently. John Marston is such a family man, he really tried his best right to the end.
>>82682615I'm still on chapter 3. I've spent a lot of hours fishing and hunting
>>82680765Gura protecting me from all the bullies. She loves me.
>>82682615yup he was a good man, I played RDR 1 on the xbox when I was a young teenager, and I cried at the ending.I cried harder at the ending of 2, I really like both MCs but I think Arthur is better written (I don't like jack though, he's kind of annoying)
>>82682736>*steal her happy meal*
>>82683466Why would you do that?
>>82682736*steals the food out of the bag and leaves the empty containers*
>>82683699EVIL DEMON
Gura approves of thin shark tail.
>>82683157I like Jack. He really learned to appreciate his father and the things he did for him and his mother.I want to believe the boy lived an okay normal life as an author after killing Edgar Ross.
>>82684667well I hope he didn't get drafted into WW1
surely stream tomorrow, right?
What da chumbies doin upon this midnight dreary?
>>82686536playin follout lundun, cleared out the bank of ingerland and found a huge pile o' "gold" now I'm just explorin mor of the city
>>82685864The story of Jack is very vague, but he might be smart enough to avoid being drafted.
>>82686536My cold got me feeling low energy. I'll probably just watch youtube videos and relax.
>>82674706Her birthday last year had to be one of the lowest points>Chat closed>She showed up at the last minute after ghosting us for 2 months>Kanauru skinwalking her >limited merch dropped out of nowhere >sucked off the discord>She left at the hour mark like she didn't even wanna be there
>>82686536I was watching the 3D debut, but I'll probably play OSRS the rest of the night. I should undust my figures tho...
>>82687053get well soon chumbie
I've really been breaking my head about what in the world the evil clowns could be planning that is so particularly bad that after all this time and everything that happened, now is the time for people to actually start leaving and having had enough. Very curious. Must be quite something. It is seemingly gonna affect everyone. Realistically, what could it be? It can not be the mandatory homo offcollabs. It can not. It is too retarded.
>>82687317The only other thing that I can imagine being just as bad is that they're selling the company
Well, if it's really bad then respect for aqua for giving it all up and just walking away.
I really want the dinogura tshirt.
I came to terms with it. No matter if it's Gura or HER at least she won't leave us behind
What's the relation between Grove st. Gura and Dino Gura?
>>82684667"well them machines can turn men into angels..."That's a very serious quote from John. That stood out to me.
>>82688216grove street gura HATES dino gura
>>82688216grove street gura doesn't wear the hat
No wait. It is the mandatory homo offcollabs, isn't it?
>>82687069I understand that your whore doggos were not as good as you expected them to be, I even managed to predict all of that just by taking a quick glance at their garbage 3D showcase >>82677487 but you don't have to slander my wife
>>82688361Literally nobody is saying the showcase wasn't as good as they wanted lol. Gura's was great too.
Gura is actually MY wife
>>82688612This is my post btw
>>82688612Well you must not be happy about all of that either then, right?
I still don't get where that retarded rumor came from and why they think anyone is gonna believe it.
>>82689074Don't acknowledge it chumbie. Just squelch.
Big ups to jerard for proving that it is in fact a bad idea before it even happened. What a guy.
I'm eating burger flavored doritos!
>>82689488Is that a new flavor?
>>82688348Maybe not Homo collabs but they might merge all of the branches into HoloPro. They removed the homos from their latest report because Cover thinks calling them Hololive members will suddenly save them from flopping but it will just make the unicorns mad
can you please not reply to it
>>82689726Which might mean that they'll have to meet up (more?) behind the scenes and before events and such. Might be just because it might be easier to manage all of them like that. Idk. Tasteless decision in any case.
>>82689729I love the nyamunyamy
Well that was easily one of the best 3D debuts in hololive history. Song choice, dancing, and bits were all great. And I loved seeing Okakoro there. The quality for these keeps going up and that's good for everyone.Also, I hope Gura gets panties like FWMC soon.
>>82689781Excuse you? Wtf, dude. And who might you be? The mayor?
Gura cute
>>82689581New? Not really. I bought that flavor like a decade ago and I liked it, it tastes the same.It's the "Late Night" style.
>>82677487BTFO'dAlso mocopants.
>>82654017Is that the real count? I was told there was a member stream a few days ago
>>82690180Oh thats the borgar flavor. I usually only buy ranch doritos.
I just watched the first episode of Chernobyl and it was really good. Have you guys seen that?
>>82690250There was a member stream on July 14th.
>>82689925Mixed gens would be the end of Hololive
>>82690014way too busy to chat, I'm the mayor after all!
>>82688361NTA. Anon, you can hate them, but the showcase was really good. Like really, really good.I love Gura more than anything, but a good 3d stream is a good 3d stream.
>>82690297I remember when that show was trending. I haven't seen it but I hear its supposed to be pretty good.
>>82690297Ive seen the memes, I heard it's a good show and that it made people think some wrong things about nuclear power plants when it came out (like that they explode like a nuke, which is impossible) but idk if that's true
>>82674768Towa, Bae, and Mori didn't interact much with bijou and they were in her stream.I was just kind of wishing she'd show up. That's all.
>>82690437It was good but then I remember that Cover will never fix all the old crusty models that the girls still use. Its pretty unfair
>>82690315Not mixed gens. Where did I ever say that? That would be worse. Could very well both happen at about the same time.
Are chumbies being silly again?
>>82690695I'm waiting for oyasamebud so I can go to sleep too
>>82690601I think they update them, just really slowly. I think they'll fix Gura's eyes soon. It looks really weird without the reflections.I'm more worried that they slightly changed the shape of her face. It seems a tiny bit more angular and her cheeks look less squishy. I hope they fix it.
>>82690755Good news, he'll be posting in exactly 45 minutes.
>>82690297the cow scene will probably hit you even harder with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine
>>82690695it's really grinds my gears when people call non-chumbies chumbies
>>82690818I really want them to work on gura's mega buster sleeves. I saw the physics that FWMC had and I wondered if Cover finally got good.
Aqua is leaving so I don't really care what happens after that, even to Gura.
>You can't openly talk about what's happening with your oshi and her company and be fan.Noted.
>>82690941>>82690878I want to give love to the others too.
>>82690983Sorry aquacrew. I hope things work out for you. I wish this wasn't happening.
>>82690878It really grinds my gears when retards think other chumbuds have to love and hate everything that they personally do.Kill yourself.
>>82691206You have a big heart chumbie
>>82691376One thing is for sure, if you don't love Gura then you shouldn't be in /ggg/.
>>82691537But that's Dino Gura...
compared to Gura? mid. Carried by the unfair airtime. I hate Cover so much
>>82690297I had my mom watch that with me when it came out. She liked it a lot and so did I. She was very emotional about watching it because the powers that be told the public jack-shit about it when it happened, and she realized that there was a massive ecological catastrophe that just got swept under the rug in her lifetime.
In fact, I'd say that things are suspiciously quiet around these here parts, all things considered.