>new red girl is everything shiori haters said she would beAPOGOLIZE
I became a shigger after her interactions with IRyS
>>OPno fucking way...
>>OPIf anything these recent events makes me appreciate Advent so much more.
>>OPShiori I am sorry
>>OPNo apologies because I was too busy jacking it to her to care for the respect my collab choices rrats
someone add shiori to the mori and kronii improved image
>>78506348Shiori never fucked up unlike M*ri for the 26th time.The Niji VCR made me quit finally
>>OPreally shrugging off the once-and-never again interaction with flayon?look, i like her but shitpost correctly
>>78506556>Shiori never fucked uplol
>>78506725Her weird "respect my Collab choices" statement during her debut notwithstanding, she's hasn't put her back on homocollabing unlike her gen mate Nerissa. In fact, blue Kiara should get bullied more than Shiori at this point.
>>78506983That statement was there to inform people that she wouldn't collab with other holos much early on because she was shy. Stop falling for shitposts and drama
>>OPwhat happened this time?
>>78506983because she saw the backlash and decided not to go back to her indie numbers immediately
i always beliebed
>>OPBut… 2 more weeks!!!
>>78506983>"respect my collab choices">chooses not to collab>chooses not to collab again>chooses not to collab again and again and againgot to be one of my favorite slow setup jokes
>>78505540That's usually how new EN Gens go then Gen 5 will happen and everyone will say boy these new girls really make me appreciate Justice.
>>78506348Shiori never needed to improve she has been the same giga autist she was on day 1.You're the one who changed anon.
>>78506983Nerissa has never collabed with the homos you tourist dramanigger.
>>OPCan someone tl;dr me on red girl
>>78509736arguably a male collab still counts
>>78509736You know a tranny/male still have a dick for her to ride, right?
>>78509870Interacting with stars already and saying wanna the join the redheads group with Ollie/Jurard/Flayon/Bae
>>OPAs a Novelite, fuck off with the bullshit catalog drama.
>>78509999She didn't even reply to Bae's tweet
>>78509903clearly it doesn't count because the model is a female with giant tits, and tts voice. there's so much layers of copes for these retards any argument is invalid like their brains.
>>78509903holy kek i forgot about thatthe state
>>78509888>>78509903“Homos” refers specifically to the Stars. And if you’re gonna count that vshojo tranny as a male collab, that’s basically the strictest standard imaginable for branding somebody as not unicorn friendly, so I assume you also apply that same standard to a good 2/3rds of holoJP that has interacted with males on stream before in some capacity?
>>78509903You think she knows whether he's a dude or not? She fully believes zen is a girl. That's what matters.
>>OPI thought this said everything Shiori hates and assumed you were talking about her being European.
>>78509736No, she just collabs with Nijis, which is worse.
>>78512977Female nijis, which is absolutely not worst then homocollabs, if it were male nijis I would agree but she’s only ever collabed with other girls
>>OPi already apogolize last week..
>>OPWhen are unis going to apologize to Shiorin?
>>78509615Except Advent was better than IRyS/Council
>>78514806All of Advent? Fuck no. FWMC and Nerissa (when she's singing)? Maybe.
>>78510347Guess we know where her priorities are at then, DOA
>>78506348lmao, teakek desperately trying to memoryhole the 3rd member of the cocksucker trinity
>>78507460Someone smacked some sense into her during that "break" right after debut. Cleaned up her act right after.
>>78513092No fuck off, all niji's are cancer the end
>>OPI did say sorry during the "respect my collab choice" shitstirrer about. I respect her even more now
>>OPI wont until enough time has passed. For all we know, shes gonna join the stars collabs with her as now theres a new HoloEN member who is desperately gunning to collab with them, all it takes is one push for it all to come crashing down.
>>78520541She didn’t join in even with one of her senpais (Bae) pushing extremely hard for them, she’s not gonna suddenly break that streak because the new eurokek retarded girl decided to throw away her golden ticket.
>>78520541TWO MORE WEEKS!
I won't apologize, Shiori's PL was a massive red flag.
shiori is the hitler of our generationshe unironically did nothing wrong
>>78509870replied to homos, didn't reply to (some?) girls
>>OPher voice is better
>>OPI always believed
>>78505315She needs to collab with IRyS more, they're team up during the sportsfes was gold
>Catalogfags like
>OP too weak to make an apology formNah I don't think I will just due to this fact.
>>OPI love the fact that no one can find my posts history here, when I insulted this cute christian Watamote and constantly post screenshots of me being completly retarded.I already apologized like 5 times so fuck off nigger
>>78515428>that's OKThe only EN member with less subs is Sana. Grim
After 1 year of failing miserably on every front its time to give upMaybe watch the homos you've been homobegging so much for the first time in your life
>>OPI only watch Myth
>>OPfor the first time ever, i will do exactly that. im sorry shioribros, your oshi earned her spot on advent and is a very important member of the team
>think she's going to be all the worst parts of Twitch>turns out she's just a slightly weirder MumeiI was wrong.
>>78515428God this is so fucking autistic I love it
>>78509870>Holo messages her on X; ignored>Homo messages her on X; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpGx4foRdPw
>>OPShiori was scared into being seiso and thinking she would be Sana tie. she was correct
>>OPI'm sorry Shiori. You were a good hire.
>>78520541>he's STILL screaming "TWO MORE WEEKS"lmao you fucking lost bro, just give up.
>>78509903not if "she" has cut his dick already
>>785456491 more year is next.
>>OPshiori is boring
>>78505734FAT FUCK
I hate you ryona fags so much. I really want to take a baseball bat and beat you and then drag you to your family to see while you slowly bleed to death while I piss on you.
>>78558981calm down shiori