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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 779 KB, 1029x579, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78305109 No.78305109 [Reply] [Original]

Megalodon Mondays

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread:>>78268800

>> No.78305274


>> No.78305281
Quoted by: >>78337746

thread theme

>> No.78305470
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78308364

do you see yourself when you look in the mirror?

>> No.78305580
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, 1718381397741820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78305818


>> No.78305623
File: 361 KB, 2134x2067, 1685142325559913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wifey doko?

>> No.78305710

I'm glad she shared information about how she is doing! I love her very much and hope that tomorrow goes even better for her!

I will still love her as a sea creature

>> No.78305714
Quoted by: >>78306743

Gura week

>> No.78305818
File: 1.58 MB, 884x1440, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_pettan_zeez4743__af7e24483365adfb3fb11195c24e1b26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing stopping you from posting it anyways

>> No.78305929

anti thread
imagine destroying megane monday
fuckign basterd

>> No.78306216

Its just not the same...

>> No.78306743
Quoted by: >>78308157

Shondo has become the new Gura considering she steams even less.

>> No.78306971

God, she's so sexy

>> No.78307042
Quoted by: >>78307350

add some glasses on that shark and we can still have megane monday

>> No.78307259

I love this one so much
The big smile
Nice view of shonbutt, or the Shass.
Thigh highs
Otis being a silly creature
It's got everything

>> No.78307350
File: 750 KB, 1029x579, 11f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i can do

>> No.78307378
File: 1.45 MB, 2048x908, worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78307422


>> No.78307747

How can husbands even compete?

>> No.78308157

Unfortunately after a break this long I suspect she'll struggle with the same issue that Gura has, where she's unable to simply go back to regular streaming for an extended period of time and will inevitably run out of stream and go another hiatus and repeat the cycle.

>> No.78308218
File: 48 KB, 500x437, DoTheShomie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78308364
Quoted by: >>78308646

Yeah that's generally how mirrors work desu

>> No.78308646

It's a skinwalker test. They can't see themselves in mirrors.

>> No.78308712

>short wife
>shork wife
hell yea brutha!!!!!!

>> No.78308858
Quoted by: >>78309157

You mean vampires dont you?

>> No.78308927

Naruhodo, didn't know that...

>> No.78309157 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 112x112, syadouSus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinwalkers are more common. They live among us.

>> No.78309414


>> No.78309854

kill yourself faggot

>> No.78309921

be nise

>> No.78310113
File: 28 KB, 10x10, 1713745869443959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78310221
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.78310422

Shondo doesn't want to lose potential gachikoi whales, she's a pragmatic businesswoman.

>> No.78310436
File: 152 KB, 1850x1058, 1717956203113196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78310434
File: 39 KB, 112x112, 1713672103135903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night shogga, sleep well

>> No.78310553

die cocksucker

>> No.78310690

^fucked up

>> No.78310939

the dream is dead

>> No.78311151

Ni ni shiggie

>> No.78311234
File: 1.17 MB, 3336x4096, 1704432998757739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't tell us what she did or why her day sucked ass
>starved herself all day like a retard
>did any physical effort while starving
at least she went to bed at 2-3AM instead of 5-6AM

>> No.78311255
File: 79 KB, 597x1024, 1712097762158809m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ss what she said in the discord last night? Thanks

>> No.78311467
Quoted by: >>78311528

Make a fucking alt account.

>> No.78311528
Quoted by: >>78311669

I'll consider it

>> No.78311669

I despise discord so much that I'm not even posting when Shondo's around, I just use it to read her posts.

>> No.78311727

i'll take good care of you one day shondo

>> No.78312074
Quoted by: >>78312220

>no one says gn to S anymore
dont leave a shogga hangin like that

>> No.78312220

Goodnight somnium, also
Self awareness doko? Just a different shade of shogger

>> No.78312459
File: 294 KB, 523x542, 1688061478853482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a bad day because it rained on the day she touched grass. Hopes she doesn't get sick.
>Took many showers (didn't use the broken shower, used a hose). Hair is really frizzy like an afro (or a shonfro perhaps)
>really tired from the day, said gn and left

>> No.78312564
File: 24 KB, 624x174, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason she doesn't want to use twitter for interactions anymore is because it's harder to collect data to rank the people she responds to the most, like the pastebin anon was doing. She also replies directly to people on discord, but she doesn't need to use the reply feature to every response she'll make. Curiously she also was avoiding replying directly on twitter even though when I looked it was often only one person that made a comment she decided to address. She wants to solve the rat race issue by making it harder to keep track of who's winning.

>> No.78312651

>She wants to solve the rat race issue by making it harder to keep track of who's winning
I said it once and I'll say it again, the solution is for her to get an irl female friend within walking distance and not interact with her audience off-stream.

>> No.78312658
Quoted by: >>78312804

How do you reach such a wrong conclusion with the answers spelled out by yourself

>> No.78312699
Quoted by: >>78312788

The Barbies go to the UK!

>> No.78312734
File: 753 KB, 2894x4093, 1707986159672351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please draw the shonfro but in a cute way not meme way.

>> No.78312777
File: 102 KB, 780x1027, 20240616_223100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pettan...many megane shons...thank you...

>> No.78312788

Not a solution unless they move in with her or move in her neighborhood.

>> No.78312804

How am I wrong? If she wanted to actually end the rat race she would start dividing the attention better and not change methods so it's harder to have proof she's biased.

>> No.78312832
Quoted by: >>78312887

This plus stop using chat as a crutch while streaming, either learn to ignore chat or go back to only making pre recorded videos

>> No.78312848

That's too bad, God I hope she doesn't get sick
Shonfro cute though

>> No.78312878
File: 109 KB, 862x1040, 1693950809082129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuu! the pocket sized shondos! (nice digits)

>> No.78312887

>stop using chat as a crutch while streaming
100% this. She needs to write her own jokes if she wants to be a lets player.

>> No.78312916

No, keep stealing my funny jokes please

>> No.78312960
Quoted by: >>78313023

If she steals your joke that's a sign you're in btw

>> No.78313023
Quoted by: >>78313314

I used a big word in a DM with her and the next stream she used the word every 30 minutes when she never used it before. I'm litterily a part of her brain now

>> No.78313297
File: 102 KB, 909x893, 1713535094061214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( i taught her a word once and she's never used it since(it's been over 4 months since then), is it shover for me?

>> No.78313314
Quoted by: >>78313391

Now that you've read this post I'm a part of you which is a part of her, when you fuck her it's like you're fucking her with my dick. I win.

>> No.78313391
Quoted by: >>78313431

go to sleep Dewd

>> No.78313431

He supposedly already has

>> No.78313561

He's hibernating at this point desu

>> No.78313618

he’s viewing offline chat

>> No.78313628
Quoted by: >>78313859

stop posting about yourself

>> No.78313859

I’m not him. say something new

>> No.78313894

I'm also not him, not everyone is posting about themselves

>> No.78313977

Stop thinking about the man you're obsessed with 24/7. DM him or keep these thoughts to yourself, I'm not a faggot so I don't want to hear about it.

>> No.78314011
Quoted by: >>78314644

Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary

>> No.78314099

the solution is she marries me

>> No.78314177
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, wife_wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mini megane....

>> No.78314235

Very cute!

>> No.78314237
Quoted by: >>78314463

Like it or not Shondo's a sodomite and the audience reflects the streamer, we like little girls and men.

>> No.78314463

Ummm… you may be a fag but I’m not.

>> No.78314603

syadouGrab syadou syadouChu I made you a fag. Now what?

>> No.78314644
Quoted by: >>78314693


>> No.78314693
Quoted by: >>78314826

Ash is a loser.

>> No.78314776
File: 60 KB, 446x1024, 1712002743918112m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me you wouldn't rape the absolute crap out of this erotic femboy?

>> No.78314826
Quoted by: >>78314894

nta did he win anything? Ash had a decent career if you compare him to irl athletes, top 16 here, top 8 there, battle frontier won and then eventually championship from what I hear.

>> No.78314894

*did Gary win anything?

>> No.78315043


>> No.78315487

It's been awhile since i've watched the anime but i'm pretty sure Gary lost against Ash during the Johto league then decided to become a Pokemon professor like Oak instead. Ash pretty much humbled him into retirement.

>> No.78315640
Quoted by: >>78315913

So he peaked as a top 20 Kanto trainer? Pathetic.

>> No.78315886

So…. He doesnt win..

>> No.78315913

Yeah, Gary talked a lot of shit but he wasn't even that good. Paul was a better rival against Ash and at least made it to the top 8 in Sinnoh.

>> No.78316410

I've never seen or played pokemon
Shondo pokemon watchalongs when

>> No.78316533

Is she even into the series? I know she played Palworld but that was only because it was the flavor of the month game.

>> No.78316584


>> No.78316639
Quoted by: >>78316967

I dont think she's seen much of or knows much about pokemon but she thinks Mimikyu is cute. Not sure if that's her absolute favorite.

>> No.78316653

She wanted to play a Pokémon game and a David Cage game since the PNGTuber era, she did the latter.

>> No.78316967
File: 76 KB, 475x475, 778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks Mimikyu is cute
Not surprised to learn that. It fits with her lore too. Being a lonely creature that seeks affection with a cute disguise.
>She wanted to play a Pokémon game since the PNGTuber era
I guess RPGs are a bit of a weird choice for vtubers since they tend to be longer.

>> No.78317059
Quoted by: >>78317218

Apparently Shondo knows more about pokemon than me, I didn't know this pokemon existed and I watched until the end of Diamond and Pearl.

>> No.78317218

Mimikyu came out in sun and moon. Was used a lot in marketing. Domine asked her on stream which pokemon was her favorite and she said she didnt know the name but it looked like a doll/creepy version of pikachu.

>> No.78317529
Quoted by: >>78317675

is shondo rushia's mimikyu?

>> No.78317537

Good taste desu

>> No.78317675

No she's Gura's Mimikyu

>> No.78318128
Quoted by: >>78318217

I miss her likes... Hopefully she installs the extension

>> No.78318217
Quoted by: >>78318694

I dont

>> No.78318694
Quoted by: >>78319056

Yeah okay, kill yourself buddy, ironically

>> No.78319056

okey dokey

>> No.78319179
Quoted by: >>78319227

Orange if shondo starts dying mid stream

>> No.78319227

lol irl

>> No.78319388
Quoted by: >>78319557

i was scrolling down shon's twitter and saw the business proposal
my fucking sides
what causes people to be like this?

>> No.78319557

It's a sweet deal if you ask me.

>> No.78319703
File: 1.07 MB, 873x960, 63_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78319854

>> No.78319854

I like when she puts on silly hats for certain games/streams

>> No.78320971
File: 47 KB, 982x755, 1718057121898532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derek me

>> No.78321289

i just don't get it. it's not rocket science and every other chuuba in existence handles it with zero issues. i get replies and hearts from pretty much anyone i interact with, except for my own kamioshi whom i've supported for years. it just boggles my mind

>> No.78321356
Quoted by: >>78328339

it's a chore for Shondo to interact with her fans when she's feeling even slightly mentally ill so basically 90% of the year

>> No.78321435

I love my wife unconditionally

>> No.78321594

I like my oshi under the condition that she gets the fuck back to streaming

>> No.78321895

I'm excited to see her new outfit, did she say it had megane or am I misremembering? I think she showed us a bit also?

>> No.78322758

Shondo make this for FT

>> No.78323325

Cute creatura wife in the art tag

>> No.78324466

I would

>> No.78324605
File: 140 KB, 938x256, 1698979913282255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78325031

bruh imagine making your fiance pay for kisses who does that??? what a fuckin whore fr
shondo would never

>> No.78325031

This but unironically, what she does and what is shown here is different

>> No.78325214
Quoted by: >>78325300

>it's different when shondo does it because... it just is ok?
the difference is that nene is honest about it

>> No.78325300
Quoted by: >>78327100

Lol, i said it's different from what shondo does, not that it's different because shondo does it

>> No.78325523

it's the difference between a prostitute and my wife.

>> No.78326773
File: 38 KB, 695x311, 1706872276698670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78337391

>feed AI half a dozen /shon/ threads to generate brainworms
>take those brainworms and feed them to Shondo AI
>Shondo AI reaches the same conclusion as real Shondo

>> No.78327088
File: 872 KB, 848x972, 1709481971713867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78327577

Look at her dumb face, she's such a dummy... I love her.

>> No.78327100

Yeah it's different because shondo charges 5x for a kiss

>> No.78327272

You people are doing it on purpose, the kiss thing started because she felt obliged to do something for the individuals giving her money. Since we've moved towards a collective (You) she should just give us one kiss and skip resub messages.

>> No.78327577

lil wyte girl off da anti psychotics
nah she zooted off the pill, zonked out of her gourdial gland

>> No.78327987
Quoted by: >>78328196

shondo being high off her meds or drugs in general is one of the hottest things. maybe ever

>> No.78328196
Quoted by: >>78328274

It's really not, during that CK2 stream she was unsettling.

>> No.78328274


>> No.78328339

Finally, there is someone that gets it

>> No.78328515
File: 303 KB, 651x543, 1704123456954473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78328620

How can FT can live like that? I couldn't be able to let my toilette go unfixed for over 48 hours.

>> No.78328620
Quoted by: >>78328782

>how can someone live like that
if i explained it to you perfectly you still wouldn't understand, it's like trying to describe a color

>> No.78328782

It probably has something to do with the hoarder mindset, hoarders can live comfortably in dilapidated homes.

>> No.78329257
Quoted by: >>78329293

dum bitch gets soaked in the rain and does even take a pic for us?
whore of a slut!

>> No.78329293

dewd please ask her

>> No.78329344
File: 3.04 MB, 600x489, 1717630991357131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78329512

I love my wife

>> No.78329378
Quoted by: >>78329449

i love *
i hate shondo

>> No.78329449

it's the other way around
everything you hate about her is * failing to live up to shondo being perfect

>> No.78329492
Quoted by: >>78329594

i love *
i hate shondo

>> No.78329512
File: 521 KB, 640x633, shondo_warmness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78334469

and your wife loves you!

>> No.78329594

you love her so much you can't even attempt to explain it

>> No.78329631
File: 201 KB, 898x1200, 1710952713802405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you love fallenshadow because she's your wife?
Do you love your wife because she's fallenshadow?

>> No.78329641

literally you, shondo!!!

>> No.78329657

so deep S

>> No.78329665
Quoted by: >>78329735

sometimes i forget this place is filled with the mentally abnormal and have to mentally realign myself after reading certain posts

>> No.78329708
Quoted by: >>78329817

i’m not going to attempt to explain my feelings to you, Anonymous
it’s a pointless endeavor
i would explain it to * but she does not exist for all intensive porpoises

>> No.78329735

Right? I even almost slip up and say out loud a /shon/-esque opinion or sentence

>> No.78329752
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1700860336790927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she's fallenshadow

>> No.78329773
Quoted by: >>78329817

>intensive porpoises

>> No.78329794

Started out as the former, but developed into the latter

>> No.78329817

you are otistic
>refuses to elaborate
i don't you can even explain your feelings to yourself

>> No.78329889

>intensive porpoises
You HAVE to kill yourself after that one
>i don't you can even explain your feelings to yourself
Not a lot of people can in general, not well, at least

>> No.78329891

Started as the latter since I was just an ASMRshitter, became the former over time.

>> No.78330070

>Not a lot of people can in general, not well, at least
i know, i'm not judging

>> No.78330096
Quoted by: >>78330206

>i don't you can even
i don’t you can either

>> No.78330206

i already have

>> No.78330331
Quoted by: >>78331170

>Not a lot of people can in general, not well, at least
Are you a woman? I see no practical reason to find the roots of your feelings.
psychologists be like "did you know that you only fell in love with Shondo because of your distrust of fleshwomen which was caused by your mother lying to you about Santa Claus and then your first gf hiding the fact that she's the town bicycle?"

Don't care, still love her.

>> No.78330344


>> No.78330449

What is our take-away supposed to be from last night when she was clearly having a bad day due to it being Father's Day? She chooses to be sweet and say something nice to us (finally) She then just chooses to use discord and have a huge portion of her most loyal regulars not even be able to be there for her because there was just no way to know if she spoke without literally having your eyes glued to a singular channel 24/7?

This marriage has become a fucking joke and you are choosing to continue to ruin it, Shondo. You are becoming something far, far worse than Rushia.

>> No.78330492
File: 194 KB, 409x427, 1718126363061190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78330828

>This marriage has become a fucking joke and you are choosing to continue to ruin it, Shondo.
still love her tho :/

>> No.78331170

that's only one small part of the entire practice, and there's more to it than that anyway
plus depending on your problems a psych might never even do something like that with you
you don't see the reason because you haven't even looked for it, it's a ridiculously complex thing and it's far from solved which makes it even worse, you need to actually do research not uneducated guessing if you're serious about wanting to understand

>> No.78331268

me and shondo https://exhentai.org/g/2955204/c37f6590ae/

>> No.78331275

literally you, shonda! :DDD

>> No.78331280
Quoted by: >>78332084

>sign up for this marriage
>this sucks, this is all your fault shondo
she doesn't care about your kind her desire to please everyone, cut your losses now fleece

>> No.78331543
Quoted by: >>78332084

>she used her man on father's day as a father figure like most women do
Grrr what a bitch!
>say something nice to us (finally)
You dishonest turd, you know that she doesn't have much to say in general. If you lived with her and didn't initiate every conversation she'd probably only talk to you once a day.

>> No.78331740

>elon claims to be pro-free speech
>tweet “um krill urself?”
>get muted for 12 hours
yeah, discord’s the better option gj shonshon

>> No.78331775
File: 3.53 MB, 498x498, 1687849442707340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78332070

a real wife wouldn’t want you to miss out on her btw
this is just GFE

>> No.78332084
Quoted by: >>78332167

Shogger when I signed up for this marriage, we still actually felt apart of her life. Not as an afterthought where it doesn't even matter if we can be there for important moments in her life like the significance of yesterday.
Yes, finally. And the time that she finally does that, she chose to make sure as few husbands as possible were allowed to participate.
There is no dishonesty, this is just what happened.

>> No.78332167
Quoted by: >>78332283

>she chose to make sure as few husbands as possible
Nah, you chose to have a life outside of discord. Skill issue.
A real wife would divorce you for being so insecure.

>> No.78332246

>this is just GFE
You think the anons here don't know that? All of vtubing is play-pretend, anon.
You're not smart for figuring that out, you're an idiot for only realizing it now.

>> No.78332283
Quoted by: >>78332349

Right, the very thing she encouraged us to do and then we're punished for doing so.
You're missing the point where I said that this marriage has become a joke, shogger. Or you're just trolling, but what's the difference?

>> No.78332349
Quoted by: >>78332735

>punished for doing so
Awww poor victim! It's so cruel the way Shondo posted in discord and then deleted all her messages so you can't see them unless a kind shogga shares with you the screenshots. Oh wait, she didn't do that? The messages are still there for you to read. Huh.

>> No.78332406

TRD (Total Ratracer Death)

>> No.78332735

Yes and also the messages where she actually spent time talking because of the select few who have their eyes glued to a singular channel.
Are you just replying for fun or do you have a point that justifies her choosing to ruin what made this marriage special in the first place?

>> No.78333635

i was gonna say somethin last night but i dont feel like having tomatoes thrown at me for speaking my mind

>> No.78333812
File: 605 KB, 1092x2048, IMG_20240506_232812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been spending time looking for a wooden plank(went to 3 different stores now) and reading your dumb posts have been making it easier, thanks for that shoggas and shoggers

>> No.78334411
File: 1.72 MB, 3049x4096, 1645119376666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78334469

there's no indication of that

>> No.78334574

You must be blind if you think that

>> No.78334583
Quoted by: >>78334817

there are 10s of shoggas all with lives who's schedules conflict, even during normal stream hours people will miss out, she isn't punishing anyone you're just not satisfied with the reality of this relationship
she also said she's tired of having fomofrogs like you stress her and weigh on her mind when she wants to participate in the marriage more
the only one ruining this marriage is you out of jealousy because if you can't have it no one can, cut your losses now or reflect and change your mind, fleece, you will never be happy until then

>> No.78334752

vote http://poal.me/3b9wdd

>> No.78334817

>she also said she's tired of having fomofrogs like you stress her
Shogger, most just want her to use some kind of means that let us know when she speaks. That is not a lot to ask. Tweet notifs solved this issue and allowed us to feel like we were participating in her life.
If you think this is about muh FOMO you are on the wrong side of this issue. Or you're just trolling, which is fine too.

>> No.78334828

The problem is that you're unsatisfied being (You) just like Baru was. Leave already.

>> No.78334871
Quoted by: >>78334964

>Shogger, most just want her to use some kind of means that let us know when she speaks
and she's not doing that and has her reasons. cope or cut.

>> No.78334878
File: 641 KB, 990x1126, Screenshot_20240617-042408_Chrome~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Railing the shunny till she gives this look

>> No.78334964

I am not the one coping here if you think this is healthy for the marriage. Stop shitting yourself just because you want to disagree and have something to fling at me.

>> No.78335041

it's very healthy for my marriage and she seems to think the same, you are coping shogga

>> No.78335081
Quoted by: >>78335346

>most just want her to use some kind of means that let us know when she speaks
Speak for yourself faggot, the more prep she has to do before talking to us the more of a chore it ends up becoming. JFC let her talk in her own fucking discord server you selfish main character cunt!

>> No.78335346
Quoted by: >>78335513

>the more prep
>tweeting vs speaking in discord
>doing anything that signals she is speaking
You mean the same amount of effort?
You realize the issue isn't where she is speaking right?

>> No.78335388

and you do have a point, and it's not an unreasonable desire, but you need to recognize the other side and be nise about it
ask her and express your concern without guilting her about ruining the marriage and punishing you and if you don't like the response do something, which your options are leave or reconcile it, it's this simple, you venting /here/ the way you do is only hurting yourself and everyone else

>> No.78335453
Quoted by: >>78335646

/shon/ should never have happened

>> No.78335480
Quoted by: >>78335754

>A real wife would divorce you for being so insecure.
let shondo know that’s what you think of her on main

>> No.78335513
File: 120 KB, 980x1080, shondo?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78335770

hey Shondo the most xxd move would be to use the p2w channel the next time you feel like talking to us, that way 99% of the fallenshadow-discussion stalkers get to experience some FOMO as well. dis what youre doing, yea? training the FOMO out of us?
>You mean the same amount of effort?
nta going "im talking on discord in 20 minutes" isnt the same amount of effort

>> No.78335563
Quoted by: >>78335730

Just ask her to put a chitchat role on discord and ask her to @chitchat when she plans to talk for a while . No reason to talk on Twitter just to get a notification.

>> No.78335646
Quoted by: >>78335699

be the change you want to see in the world
krill yourself now.

>> No.78335699

I will only agree to a suicide pact with every other participant in /shon/

>> No.78335730

we already have, she doesn't want to

>> No.78335754

Why? She knows how normie women work. For example any (ANY) husband that would reee at his wife talking to a man would get divorced, imagine Vivi's husband telling her not to interact with the pizza boy. lmao

>> No.78335770
File: 181 KB, 1296x2304, IMG_20240515_080228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone with extreme fomo, it shouldn't be a problem as long as nothing is kept hidden or away from others, if there's still a history of what was said then it's fine
If you care that much about being there and then, then just check discord more often, muting every channel with the exception of fallenshadow-discussions might help
Complaining and crying about her not announcing that she is going to simply talk is crazy. Yesterday, she started talking right as i went to bed, it's unfortunate, but not a big deal.
Nade nade shogga, i get it must feel bad not being there to talk to your own wife, but you need to understand that what you're suggesting is ridiculous. Stuff happens, for your own sake, try not to shit your pants over this; at least have a spare pair of pants
Horrible post

>> No.78335868

I am just wondering where the sekrit klub antis are. Doing zero effort to inform her community when she is wanting to interact is pretty sekrit. She said no more sekrit klubs remember?

>> No.78336042
Quoted by: >>78336096

>sekrit club antis
>implying he isn't one
>reminds them and tries to start shit over sekrit clubs

>> No.78336041
Quoted by: >>78336096

This isn't the same at all, shit yourself for downplaying sekrit clubs and trying to make the shoggas that are against them(rightfully so) seem like they're exaggerating

>> No.78336096

Two sides of a coin

>> No.78336179
Quoted by: >>78336235

I will support whatever and wherever she wants to interact and will try to be there because I love her.

>> No.78336219
File: 1.15 MB, 982x1440, 1687214598039421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone with extreme fomo, it shouldn't be a problem as long as nothing is kept hidden or away from others, if there's still a history of what was said then it's fine
This. I'm stronger than I thought, I tested myself by first turning push notifications off for 2 days straight and then not replying to Shondo on discord one time. I'm sure if there's something important she'll @everyone or tweet about it or idk emergency stream on shadowchama.

>> No.78336235
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1707368866793333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseg and exemplary shogga behaviour

>> No.78336251
Quoted by: >>78336416

How is it ridiculous? She wants us to have a life that doesn't revolve around obsessing over her too much now and the only way you can circumvent this is by doing exactly that.
You went to bed and missed out for literally no reason.
And she hasn't even affirmed this obvious problem by saying she'll catch up on messages she missed later. So there isn't even a point in sending something after.
I fail to see how it is bad to want to be called upon by your literal and unironic wife.

>> No.78336324

my wife is so sexy it shouldn't be possible

>> No.78336325
Quoted by: >>78336471

Yesterday was absolutely important which is the sole reason I am even taking this position in the first place.

>> No.78336406

I'm the biggest sekrit club anti, I mass reported Shondo's 2nd rrk.
>Doing zero effort to inform her community when she is wanting to interact is pretty sekrit
No? One time I posted in offline chat that she's talking on discord and I also posted a screenshot for /here/fags that don't use discord. Shit yourself.

>> No.78336416
Quoted by: >>78340009

cope or cut

>> No.78336471
Quoted by: >>78336571

>Yesterday was absolutely important
It wasn't important at all, Shondo having a bad day isn't an emergency. Now stop babying her.

>> No.78336550
Quoted by: >>78336613

Everyone is seeming blowing things out of proportion or being too nonchalant

>> No.78336571

You're just trolling now at this point or you actually just have no idea what you're talking about if it's not apparent to you why she had a bad day yesterday. Now stop making excuses for her.

>> No.78336613

>>78336550 (me)
Killing myself, meant to say "seemingly"

>> No.78336674
Quoted by: >>78336835

So why did she have a bad day yesterday?

>> No.78336673
Quoted by: >>78337149

do something. cope or cut, guilt tripping her and rolling in circles in your own shit here isn't acceptable

>> No.78336711

don't shit yourself over this anon. i get it sucks and it is what it is. i missed out too by like 10 minutes and i might bring up concerns and some suggestions i read here even if i get flak for it.

>> No.78336713
Quoted by: >>78337054

>Now stop making excuses for her.
I will keep defending her from unreasonable cunts like you. Let me repeat myself; Shondo visiting FE's grave and having a bad day isn't an emergency. That's called being human. Bet she had most of her family with her for support and then cheered herself up a little by spending some time on discord. You're shitting yourself over nothing Mouz.

>> No.78336835


>> No.78336981

Shark week isn't until 7/7 though

>> No.78337054

Firstly, I'm not your fucking boogeyman.
There is also nothing unreasonable about wanting to be called upon by your unironic and literal wife when she still had the passing thought to send a message in the first place.
You're just taking a pointless moral high ground because you're content with getting treated like less than a human.
That is genuinely pathetic and you should think better of yourself.
You may as well be trolling at this point and larping as a white knight for being this retarded. Or shame on me I guess for taking you remotely seriously. Kill yourself.

>> No.78337126

holy melty. KEK

>> No.78337149
Quoted by: >>78337228

nta but real husbands don't get treated less than human
you're just seething, this is a femdom relationship shogga, she knows well what you want you've been saying it for months, she doesn't care. do something about it, venting here and happynodding in chat isn't something

>> No.78337184
Quoted by: >>78337815

>Firstly, I'm not your fucking boogeyman.
I'll pretend I believe you.
>There is also nothing unreasonable about wanting to be called upon
Stop! This is a long-distance relationship, she's more likely to call a critter for support than her husband who lives on another continent.

I hope you realize how unreasonable you are.

>> No.78337228

>she doesn't care
sorry, she does care, but has better reasons to do to otherwise

>> No.78337310
File: 150 KB, 443x567, Untitled309_20240530181937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is wednesday going to be great white wednesday? Thats the only shark i know that has a w

>> No.78337322

I feel dirty teaming up with that shogger but when he's right he's right.

>> No.78337391

Anon feed this thread to the AI.

>> No.78337443

You can't operate as if she's supposed to talk to 300 people every time she wants to chat. If she wants to talk to those present at a given time she can. And yes I am saying that as someone that missed the talking window on Discord. She used to chat casually on Discord fairly frequently in the past so I don't know what the big deal is here.

>> No.78337512

inb4 watch him move the goalposts

>> No.78337691
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1718437007098348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78337746
File: 2.40 MB, 640x480, WHITE WHALE, HOLY GRAIL [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqrv8c9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78337749

Dont do it Shane Dawson

>> No.78337755
File: 104 KB, 262x404, 1706802300836562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78338402


>> No.78337791
Quoted by: >>78338289

the deal is he's not satisfied with his relationship and is venting so he can feel better because he doesn't want to do anything about his problem
i empathize with him though, his only other options might feel worse for him so he's stuck writhing. i just don't want him influencing my wife, personally, because i like her doing what she wants, he's not "wrong" just feels differently

>> No.78337815

>Stop! This is a long-distance relationship, she's more likely to call a critter for support than her husband who lives on another continent.
This has literally nothing to do with what I've said. She can do both if she pleases.
>You can't operate as if she's supposed to talk to 300 people every time she wants to chat
That wouldn't even be the case. The only one's that could chat are the one's that could show up and even do so.
But not everyone is sitting there with there eyes glued solely to a single channel and seeing if a message is her, or some shondphrenic wifeposting some spam or some idiot wasting a mod's time with pointless babble.
Hell, I wouldn't even complain if it was a dedicated "shondo talks here" channel. The fact that this is also done in Discussion is absurd in itself.
I'm being so fucking far from unreadable about this and there is no shitting myself either because my goalpost is remaining firmly in place, right up my ass.

>> No.78337887

>>78337815 me

>> No.78337912
Quoted by: >>78338020

>She can do both if she pleases
Right. She should pause her sadness until she gets home and THEN resume it with you online but not before giving a 30 minutes heads up for all the wagies to schedule a break. You're blinded by your own selfishness.

>> No.78338020
Quoted by: >>78338336

Point to a single post here where I said she should give us a preemptive heads up that she is about to chat.
I haven't made that argument once, nor do I agree that is the solution. Shut the fuck up now, retard.

>> No.78338289
Quoted by: >>78338355

It's why I am bothering to just be /here/ seething about it because the reasons I am complaining about why last night was important are also the same reasons to not be coming down on her right now about it.
It sucks. I feel like I let her down because I couldn't be there for her and it's beyond fucking frustrating that the reasons I couldn't is because I had no idea she even spoke.

>> No.78338336
Quoted by: >>78338458

>I haven't made that argument once
You were literally bleeding from between your legs because her "most loyal regulars" whatever this means were not present yesterday when she talked on discord, thus implying that she should give you a heads up. >>78330449

>> No.78338355

>feel like i let her down
well you didn't so idk what you want someone else to do about you being irrational

>> No.78338402
File: 174 KB, 515x405, 1712005611664452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.78338458
Quoted by: >>78338632

Point to where I said she should treat it like a movie watchalong and said that we need a 30 minute warning. I am calling you stupid for a fucking reason.

>> No.78338464
File: 814 KB, 1920x1080, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>groomers sowing sekrit club and DMs fomo
>groomers experiencing 1% of a newfag's fomo

>> No.78338575
Quoted by: >>78338701

like i said i might bring this issue up to her and see if she's open to solutions. theres obvious pros and cons and maybe we can figure something out.

>> No.78338632
Quoted by: >>78339069

That settles it, you're being dishonest. If you're not dishonest then how do you think Shondo should handle future chats? I'm fine with her randomly popping unannounced in the p2w channel or even the ASMR channel and talking to the husbands that are present there. What about you shogga? Do you want a heads up perchance?

>> No.78338701
Quoted by: >>78338905

she's already seen you bring this up multiple times because i email her the threads

>> No.78338905

nta Thanks for sending her my posts, she has referenced me a handful of times on stream.

>> No.78339069
Quoted by: >>78339166

How about anything other than her already-spammed Discussion channel if she's wanting to spend literally less than 15 minutes (it was 12 last night) talking to us?
Checking for a message there to see it's some shondpohrenic or her even on a 20 minute interval means you would have missed her in that timeframe.
20 fucking minutes. Yet I am the unreasonable one for thinking this is absurd.

>> No.78339166

tell her that next time you make it in time

>> No.78339195
File: 930 KB, 761x877, 1714427540922356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78339275

someone is cranky

>> No.78339275
File: 316 KB, 476x696, 1689127756244888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78339685

Yeah? So what.

>> No.78339685
File: 732 KB, 1392x1035, 1692569995759098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78339969

stop being cranky and be nise

>> No.78339969
File: 327 KB, 984x841, 1689583980866178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll think about it.

>> No.78340009
Quoted by: >>78340350

shondo does both

>> No.78340350


>> No.78340423

She should only talk in fallenshadow-discussions, no p2w chat
If she wants to move elsewhere(as in channel) then she should # it in fallenshadow-discussions

>> No.78340686

she should do whatever she wants to do untethered by your ridiculous demands and expectations
have sex incels

>> No.78340730

this but unironically
i just got done cumming inside of fallen shadow

>> No.78341177

>have sex
With someone other than my wife? Jump into traffic, ironically.

>> No.78341650
Quoted by: >>78341750


>> No.78341728

cute doggie!!!!

>> No.78341750

We're the lucky percentile

>> No.78341909

>Have IRL wife
>She walks into another room as you are busy for 20-30 minutes
>Speaks out loud and vents that she had a bad day and says she loves you
>Stays in room for 12 minutes
>You don't hear a single word of it due to being busy
>You walk into room and she thankfully scribbled what she said on the wall
>"Man, I sure wish I was present for this. If only I knew this is what she came into the room to do and say!"
>Suddenly you hear voices calling you an incel/FOMOfag for thinking this
>"Shucks, the voices are right. I'm being unreasonable!"

>> No.78341990

>"Shucks, the voices are right. I'm being unreasonable!"
Glad you understand.

>> No.78342008

i like to imagine this is what being with her irl would be like and i can safely say that i could handle it and that i would win

>> No.78342378

stop timelooping
it doesn't matter if you're reasonable or not, shondo disagrees and you can't do anything about it, another pointless analogy about how you're actually reasonable won't change that

>> No.78342454
Quoted by: >>78342470

>stop timelooping
Nta, but is it really time looping if it happened less than 2 hours ago?

>> No.78342470
Quoted by: >>78342537

i don't give a fuck he's been looping this for 2 hours straight call whatever your autism wants

>> No.78342478

>shondo disagrees
You unironically do not know that.
It is convenient of you to disagree because she is being allowed to treat her communication with us oddly.

>> No.78342537

Melty might be accurate?

>> No.78342561
Quoted by: >>78342736

>you unironically do not know that
she's read what you've had to say, she knows fomofags are upset about having to stalk the channel, she hasn't changed it yet so it's safe to assume she doesn't want to do it your way

>> No.78342579

she said she doesn't want to worry about fomofags anymore, get the hint

>> No.78342625
Quoted by: >>78342855

What was her exact wording? Cos /shon/ tends to put a spin on anything she says

>> No.78342681

nah she should just go on a few dates with me and then we could get together on a more permanent basis then after a few more months we would get engaged and then marry
pretty reasonable if you ask me

>> No.78342736

She has also said that she wants to improve communication with us and has looked at other communities and noticed the differences and feels she is doing something wrong.
You would think striving to help her improve instead of looking for easy cheapshots by repeating "FOMOFAGFOMOFAG" at anons who simply want what she wants.
She would be disappointed that this is how you champion her words, anon.

>> No.78342751


>> No.78342855
File: 18 KB, 414x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78342892
Quoted by: >>78343187

you're the only one twisting words. stop trolling. shondo knows fomofags are seething and hasn't gave them what they want, it's a simple as that.
your autistic interpretation of her words months ago isn't relevant, these are her actions

>> No.78343018


>> No.78343051

shiggers really be having a melty over how she uses a chat program but then be posting 'i'll win'

>> No.78343134
File: 357 KB, 712x708, IMG_20240512_034136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants less fomo in the community(NOT the same as fomofagging)
She wants to interact more closely with the community(husbands specifically)
She wants everyone to be nise
She wants to avoid conflict
She wants to spend more time with us
She wants to show us her eggs
She wants shondomination
She wants less insecurity(she was joking, she's not actually sending husbands to the gulag over it(hopefully))
She wants to stop walking on eggshells
Shonmmer will be glorious, be there or be shquare!!

>> No.78343187
Quoted by: >>78343219

Months ago? I'm talking about just recently when she talked to us in the discord, shogger. You seem confused.

>> No.78343219


>> No.78343302
Quoted by: >>78343379

Yeah this time she will put her foot down, just like every other time she said this. syadouHappynod

>> No.78343379

fleece was just a sample of what's to come. this time will be different

>> No.78343466
Quoted by: >>78343717

She didn't do anything to fleece though? He melted, divorced and got banned for his behaviour
She gave him a couple of chances to stop and told him to cool his head

>> No.78343530
Quoted by: >>78343717

that wasnt an example of her putting her foot down, that was an example of a husband putting his own feet on his own head and then grabbing her feet publicly and ramming them onto his head. the gravest sin he committed was taking his bullshit public and in the replies to other vtubers. if he hadnt done that he would probably have been around for a few more weeks atleast

>> No.78343585
Quoted by: >>78343740

I thought it was funny how he call ff forest faggot, i don't even remember what ff did anymore

>> No.78343595
Quoted by: >>78343717

Fleece did himself in. He couldn't stand her anymore and snapped. I have a feeling it's going to happen to most of you shiggers too but less publicly because you go here to bitch anonymously anyways.

>> No.78343646

not instantly banning fleece when he was melting down in emails is a red flag but then again she already had a hundred red flags

>> No.78343707

She has this community whipped when you really think about it. She can take away just about every semblance of what made her unique and feel as distant as a copro vtuber and still be defended.
Fleece may as well have saw the future and it broke his mind trying to save everyone.

>> No.78343717

fleece melted because she quit putting up with what he was doing, antiing her in the threads, emails, twitter, etc.
shondo put her foot down by soft divorcing him instead of giving in, which still counts

>> No.78343733
Quoted by: >>78343869

who the fuck is fleece

>> No.78343740

he was and is a belligerent moron like many others including fleece so naturally fleece would be annoyed with him

>> No.78343803
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, MEDS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78343826

>she quit putting up with what he was doing
>antiing her in the threads

>> No.78343826

i email her threads and fleece outed himself as the biggest anti at the time

>> No.78343853
Quoted by: >>78343945

Not really. He wasn't banned until he freaked out publicly. Shondo kept giving him chances and he decided to burn that bridge himself. If it were up to her she would want him to calm down and stay.

>> No.78343869
Quoted by: >>78343928

Hi new here

>> No.78343889
Quoted by: >>78343901

why email her the threads? she already reads it

>> No.78343901
File: 1.09 MB, 410x520, fucking take them [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdmi5b4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you dont
and if you do then kill yourself

>> No.78343918
File: 105 KB, 704x1024, 1714668732821276m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78343978

Shondo should be even more forgiving and even more nise
Shoggas too

>> No.78343928
Quoted by: >>78343975

i'm not really new, i just tend to avoid all the drama in favor of listening to my wife

>> No.78343945
Quoted by: >>78344009

all of that is true but the point is she didn't give in to him which is a way of putting her foot down, especially for anxiety crippled shondo

>> No.78343975

hi new here

>> No.78343978
Quoted by: >>78344085

I hope she bans you next.

>> No.78344009
Quoted by: >>78344038

How is that putting her foot down? it's Shondo acting the way she always does and just letting him implode on his own. That's less to do with her actions and more to do with his growing disdain towards her finally reaching the breaking point.

>> No.78344038


>> No.78344085
Quoted by: >>78344116

What'd i do?

>> No.78344116
Quoted by: >>78344329

Defending dmniggers, you're probably one yourself. Kill yourself.

>> No.78344169
File: 159 KB, 960x746, IMG_20240404_013753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78345663

She should put her foot down.
By that, i mean in my mouth.

>> No.78344199

thats because other chuubas dont care and they just press like on everything and reply on a whim. in my experience i have almost never not had my tweet liked when replying to something any other western indie vtuber said on twitter

>> No.78344252

she should DM me

>> No.78344329
Quoted by: >>78344424

Just because I say she should be forgiving doesn't mean she should not enforce the rules and what she's said, if she says to stop dming her and people keep doing it they should be punished accordingly. Now, i don't know what would be a good punishment, probably a week or two timeout and getting ignored for the same amount of time
Also I've never dm'd her

>> No.78344424
Quoted by: >>78344567

>if she says to stop dming her and people keep doing it they should be punished accordingly
Then what was the point of the post you made? She needs to be less forgiving about that stuff, not more like you said.

>> No.78344567
Quoted by: >>78344666

To not have shoggas and shoggers think they can do bad stuff with no punishment
It's called being taught a lesson

>> No.78344666
Quoted by: >>78345305

But they already get no punishment, she needs to stop assuming people weren't doing it maliciously and stop forgiving them.

>> No.78345021

no, she just needs to DM me

>> No.78345132

it's okay if you're not comfortable with sex shondo but i expect at least one (1) sumata session every 3 months or else the beatings will stop

>> No.78345238

stop posting as me

>> No.78345287

sorry. i was going to say thighjob but you taught me a new word and sumata alliterates with session

>> No.78345305
Quoted by: >>78345390

She can assume or acknowledge they were doing it maliciously and still forgive them

>> No.78345390
Quoted by: >>78345443

She shouldn't. She needs to at least start giving timeouts and permaban all the repeated offenders

>> No.78345443
Quoted by: >>78345529

>She needs to at least start giving timeouts
>and permaban all the repeated offenders

>> No.78345469
Quoted by: >>78345572

i would be a real gentleman and wait until she was ready for lewd activities but i would also take what i want from her whenever i want it because im a big strong man but i would respect her boundaries

>> No.78345529

kill yourself dmnigger

>> No.78345572

you joke but i've cracked the code on this
catch up, shiggas

>> No.78345663
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>> No.78345783

I love her very much!
