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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78294912 No.78294912 [Reply] [Original]

holy fuck will you move on already

>> No.78294991

this really needed a thread

>> No.78295134
File: 16 KB, 595x125, Screenshot 2024-06-16 213047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move on already

>> No.78295479

coco did much more and stayed much longer than Sana

>> No.78295503

You retards are actually obsessed

>> No.78295543
Quoted by: >>78296454

Never. Promise is forever cursed. Sana even got tons of fanart for her birthday that just passed.

>> No.78296164


>> No.78296408
Quoted by: >>78296537

Only reason sana is even a thought is cause of her model

>> No.78296454
Quoted by: >>78320208

proof that all it ever takes is get into holo. doesn't matter how, how long or how much you did. actually insane.

>> No.78296537

and holoburg

>> No.78296643
Quoted by: >>78296811

She was the sweetest among council

>> No.78296795

Coco's legacy is growing the subreddit into a SEA shithole and pissing off the chinks

>> No.78296811


>> No.78298443

Coco also never really left, whereas Sana is legit out of this (vtuber) world

>> No.78299693

Sana doesnt stream anymore so thats probably why theyre really clinging onto her

>> No.78301875
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of vtubing is a synthesis of Neurosama, Alexa/Cortada things and holograms maybe.

Weebs will have their old graduated models back someday to remind them to take their pills.

>> No.78303355
File: 150 KB, 2500x1017, Tomorrow_Gears_of_War_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78306840

Gonna be real funny being 50+ on the succesor to VR chat and watching some clueless 13 yrd old new weeb using Mel's 3D model having no idea were it came from because when she navigated through the asset gallery the model was called "Holographic Vampire Girl" and she just put it on. Lacking the half-a-decade context of why it even managed to survive for so long into the backlog of a VR service full of "dead" personas alongside the gorillion models of now long-shelved IPs, dead performers and thrashed OCs that never amounted to anything.
And suddenly, you freeze, remembering what happened in between 2015 to 2025, VTubers. Which might no longer be a thing of your taste anymore, maybe they went mainstream?, maybe they just died off?, who knows?, but in that moment, you go back to the good moments, HoloFes, the few times before the Niji fuckups, the rise of small corpos, back when a few JPs were the Queens of the medium and right back to Kizuna Ai's first appearance and then back to the last time you cared about them. And then, life continues. Because unlike all those now long forgotten things, you still have a...

>> No.78303470

Coco lost.
Xinnie the Pooh won.

>> No.78303475


>> No.78303521

>did much more
Yeah, like destroy Hololive's foothold in a country with one billion potential customers. Niji would be dead right now had Holo monopolized the chinks

>> No.78303802
Quoted by: >>78309936

Nah, Niji would have followed Hololive into China despite weaker expected results and equally fucked up alas NijiEN right fucking there too somehow. Or maybe they would had their own Taiwan moment but with other sensitive topic, who knows?

>> No.78305462

God I wanna suckle on Sana's giant fucking chocolate titties

>> No.78305562

Sanallites are so fucking annoying even Sana blocks them.

>> No.78306646

I think you should move on to the next life then kill yourself there too

>> No.78306840
File: 128 KB, 1200x1600, ............🎨koume_0515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be a writer

>> No.78309170

>literal one guy thread
OP are you a chuuba?

>> No.78309569
File: 161 KB, 1507x1366, 1692505164590918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me aussie space wife

>> No.78309936

holy fuck you newfags niji already went to china and failed
you think IN ID and KR were all they did
it was so bad and ended so poorly they had to partner with b2 to pretend like they have a successful branch over there

>> No.78310154

>pissing off the chinks
Sana's legacy is being a lazy an boring streamer with an insufferable accent

>> No.78310189

i wrote that comment btw and no will not move on

>> No.78310259

Watame is going to say Taiwan is a country
I can feel it

>> No.78310545

No holofag believe this you fucking faggot, bilibili have it own vtuber group and niji-bili2 group. Hololive are bound to failed since most of their antis are working with those group.

>> No.78310638

死死死死curse coco with my ancestor full all power煞气

>> No.78310787

As of two days ago, she's been gone for twice as long as she was here.

>> No.78312187

promise will never be a thing.

>> No.78313514

Watame is nuking China with her nuclear warheads while singing Mayday Mayday

>> No.78313548

Sana isn't even part of promise.

>> No.78313608
Quoted by: >>78314453

Watame has no personality at all and is just a venue for comfyfags to traumadump while she sniffles pliably.

>> No.78314244

Coco single-handedly destroyed vtubing by making it more popular with EOPs

>> No.78314376

Sana fans are the most deranged people in all of Vtubing

>> No.78314453
Quoted by: >>78314650


>> No.78314587
Quoted by: >>78314699

KYS last samurai

>> No.78314649

Yeah, it's hard to believe people haven't moved on yet (from Hololive to indies and small corpos).

>> No.78314650

I have never watched a clip in my life but I'm guessing you have since you're so quick to project.

>> No.78314699

Blow your brains out and then have wild monkeys sodomize and impregnant what's left with flowers and bloody monkey cum, you shit-eating reddit filth, you are the bane of humanity and should be strangled in your sleep.

>> No.78314790

Based sheep.
I liked both Coco and Sana.
I don't mind being reminded of them

>> No.78314848

I remember being 12

>> No.78314898
Quoted by: >>78314934

Welcome to 4chan now leave you fucking newfaggot.

>> No.78314934

Been here since 2006, longer than you've been alive sonny

>> No.78314983

i don't

>> No.78315048


>> No.78315093

now say it without crying

>> No.78316168

>entire reason Cover is push Promise is that they want to bury how they fucked over Sana and IRyS
>song was the most generic fluff and sounds like it was written by AI
Times like this, you really can appreciate that shareholders making decisions in corpos like Cover usually don't have actual experience with the culture they're fleecing.

>> No.78316755
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1708286166049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Remember how Cover also bullied one of their talents into attempting suicide and fired one of their 5-year veterans over literally nothing a few months ago? We haven't forgotten that either.

>> No.78317564

Demon was mentally unwell through and through before the bullying (which was mostly Niji sympathizers but with a seizable amount of regular HoloAntis) got her to the breaking point.
Mel broke her contract bad enough for COVER to unironically end fast just like they did Rushia.
With Mel we will likely never know but there's a non-zero chance she was helping Kotoka or told Kotoka stuff that was NDA bound when venting real hard and someone ratted on Mel telling stuff to Kotoka.
The biggest proof being that before the Dodger's MLB collabo Niji RUSHED to get a weird, barely prepped NBA collab before Hololive. Implying that maybe, just maybe, she could have vented to Kotoka about not getting the collab or dropped the bomb about it mid-talk, she then tells Niji which rrats on Mel to Hololive and rushes to get the NBA collab and Mel is terminated quickly when word reaches up to COVER.
Anything more convoluted is delusional but it's clear that it was either that or something like the B2 China return. IDK anymore. But I have a good feeling about either the Dodger's thing or the B2 event being the catalyst.
In retrospective, maybe she got mad that she didn't get the B2 spot for the event and neither for the Dodger's one because of just her darn color scheme.

>> No.78318841
Quoted by: >>78318954

>implying Sana was as important and iconic as Coco
>implying Sana ever mattered at all

>> No.78318913 [SPOILER] 
File: 888 KB, 2938x1691, __gawr_gura_shirakami_fubuki_usada_pekora_ninomae_ina_nis_mori_calliope_and_13_more_hololive_and_5_more_drawn_by_savi_byakushimc__10be76623f222931fa2fc319c6304ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78319853

>The future of vtubing is a synthesis of Neurosama, Alexa/Cortada things and holograms maybe.
Sorry to burst you bubble, but the future of vtubing is going to be virtual bands with instruments

.AI in vtubing will only be used for the creation of an animated filter that will make 3D showcase more anime like, and for being chat's voice, like what Ui did with zundamon once

>> No.78318940

based, vtubing would be 10x better if SEA and by extension english-speaking countries never found out about it en masse

>> No.78318954

she mattered to me anon :(

>> No.78318965

Nijinigger rewriting history once again

>> No.78319807
File: 1.51 MB, 1902x988, 1711774620249960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns vtubing into onlyfans whorefest
>is a reason why an entire branch is canned, Fubuki gets harassed for months and the China deal gets a cut
>It took 3 years for Hololive to come back to China and recover from coco's blunder
her biggest achievement was graduating from Hololive and becoming a borderline onlyfans fleshstreamer.

>> No.78319853
Quoted by: >>78320152

You don't need AI for that and it wouldn't add much, might even make it worse than without AI.

>> No.78319912

>stayed much longer
Did she really?

>> No.78319977

I already moved on to Henya but I will never forget how hateful Holonumberfags were towards Sana.

>> No.78320039

Sorry I stopped watching hololive I dont want to use bilibili

>> No.78320128

real, total numbermonkey death

>> No.78320152

Then you need AI or you dont need Ai?

>> No.78320208


>> No.78320237
Quoted by: >>78320472

people hated sana because she lied about why she wasn't streaming. her numbers were actually decent in the rare occassion she did bother to stream.

>> No.78320472

Wrong she got called runt of her Gen immediately because she didn't get as many subscribers as the Rest of council. Also she didn't lie about about the reasons she didn't stream that was also attributed to her because of numbermonkeys dislike of her.

>> No.78321155

I liked Sana more though

>> No.78321173

Don’t lie to me you fucking nijigook

>> No.78321281

Angry bugmen typed that reply

>> No.78321350

>growing the subreddit into a SEA shithole
It's a fucking subreddit, it would have been shit regardless
>pissing off the chinks
That was based tho'
