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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.94283384 [View]
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>watching Cover force their talents to throw Fauna under the bus while parroting identical 'just shut up and consume you sheep' speeches
Well at least you were watching 'this' time...

>> No.93322865 [View]
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Cover's literally broken their word and bullied their talents to suicide-attempts, shillcuck. The idea that they give a solitary fuck about their talents is backed by literally nothing in reality.
Can you at least TRY to come up with something semi-believable while shilling? Or better yet, don't shill at all because shilling is against the rules.

>> No.90714711 [View]
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>feed talents obviously scripted speeches
>all is forgiven
Cover has the most open contempt for their own fans I've ever seen in a corporation. They actually think they're fucking idiot manchildren.
Doesn't change the fact that their subs have flatlined. I'll be watching Fauna once she goes indie instead, thanks.

>> No.90701641 [View]
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>well-established reputation
Cover is a cabal of money-grubbing psychopaths that have literally driven their talents to suicide attempts, shillcuck.

>> No.90450512 [View]
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This should have become common knowledge when we learned they've literally bullied talents to suicide attempts.

>> No.89247795 [View]
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It turns out that if you treat your talents like people instead of overworking/overcontrolling them to burnouts and suicide attempts, they tend to stick around.
Mindblowing, huh?

>> No.82899666 [View]
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>giving a solitary fuck about the girls
ERR: Div by 0

>> No.82331086 [View]
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Sis, Cover's literally bullied their talents to suicide attempts. It should be common knowledge at this point that they give zero fucks about the girls.

>> No.78316755 [View]
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No. Remember how Cover also bullied one of their talents into attempting suicide and fired one of their 5-year veterans over literally nothing a few months ago? We haven't forgotten that either.

>> No.76481312 [View]
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Good. Let's not let anyone forget that Cover literally bullied one of their talents to a suicide attempt either.

>> No.75421120 [View]
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>insane number of speech/content restrictions regarding words to not say, topics you're not allowed to acknowledge; basically never allowed to mention anything controversial and/or above PG-13 level
>content restrictions based on perm-politics instead of what would actually make good content
>10-12 hour workdays 6 days a week
>being forced to parrot speeches for the shareholder's bullshit ideas (see: Kronii's BS about how seeing arguing in the community 'hurts her' even though literally everything she's ever said about herself or others said about her establishes her as the polar opposite type of person who 'isn't' afraid to be argumentative. Bae's cringy rant about how the Promise rebrand was totally not a paper thin attempt to disguise how they hired IRyS with empty promises is another example.)
>being forced to use a microscopically-narrow selection of freelance artists/animators despite paying for it from your own pocket nonreimbursed
>all lyrics are scoured to be as blasé and inoffensive as possible (if you're an artist, you'll know how fucking stifling this is). 'Connect the World' fails most AI-generated tests, depending on source.
>said projects/costumes can be rendered immediately useless by asinine rule changes (reminder that Ame lost about half of her self-bought wardrobe when Cover issued that stupid restriction about animal ears because muh brand image)
>mandatory travels to Japan (nonreimbursed)
>paying for your own gear (nonrembursed) - see Wawa almost bankrupting herself to buy that mocap suit
>being at the mercy of a fucking idiot manager who keeps losing your work and telling you through google translate to redo it since they don't speak English (recurrent theme for both Wawa and Mumei and they probably got in trouble for mentioning it)
>Mandatory 3-hour corposhit meetings at 2 in the morning
>having your own 'opinions' fed to you
>Absolutely zero loyalty. The corposhits will throw their talents under the bus at the slightest sign of trouble. Ex: Rushia/Mel/Mano. Lest we forget, Mano Aloe attempted suicide over this.
>mandatory dance lessons paid for out of your own pocket nonreimbursed
>despite having paid for it themselves, the girls hold no legal ownership of their model/songs/assets and Cover retains them even if they leave; otherwise, Rushia/Sana/Mel/etc could have just deleted the cover logo from their banner and kept streaming as if nothing happened
>According to a 2017 study by The Japan Times, over 1/4 former idols (26.9% to be exact) were ordered to pose nude/perform sexually behind the scenes... Cover has every reason in the world to think they can get away with this and more. It's not as if any of the Kronies are going to ask her why she has a black eye. Mathematically speaking, it's just a question of 'which' girls have been exploited at this point.

Non-inclusive list, but I'm about at the space limit. tl;dr - No one should work for a dogshit corpo like this.

>> No.73974447 [View]
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She's probably just being careful, anon.
We've all seen how Cover throws the girls under the bus if they do anything that even might be interpreted as violating an NDA, even if by complete accident.

>> No.69575629 [View]
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They're corpo wageslaves. That's it.
If anything, you're watching they get burned out and taken advantage of, gradually losing passion for something which once meant the universe to them.

It always astounds me to see idiots ACTUALLY buying into the corporation's self-propagated image of themselves as doting old uncles instead of their reality being psychopathic money-vampires who'd be pleased as punch if all the girls got run over by a wheat-thresher as long as shilling their funeral-merch made their shares worth 5 points more by the time of the next closeout. GSH.

>> No.67324987 [View]
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Streaming is mentally exhausting, anon. They're not like you who can just shit literary tourettes onto a Mongolian sock puppet forum.
The girls have to remember a constantly-changing laundry list of topics they're not allowed to discuss, words they're not allowed to say, specifically-worded responses their legal team's required them to give is a particular trigger is noticed in chat, talking points they're required to hit, and other bullshit if they don't want Cover management to fucking murder them.
You need to understand that even if the girl in question is parasocial af and who legitimately love her fans, she's going into every stream with the constant fear that her own company is going to stab her in the back. Even for alledged zatssus or SC-cartchup streams, they are a far cry from relaxed or chillout affairs for her. Whatever's wrong with shork, it's pretty clear that she needs to minimize strain on herself, so this isn't happening.

>> No.66831943 [DELETED]  [View]
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Anon, Cover doesn't give a half ounce of shit about the girls.
They fired Rushia because she leaked a nothingburger conversation with her manager and they fired Mano Aloe because she was hacked and doxed and they didn't want to go through the trouble of protecting someone so new to the company. She later attempted suicide over this.

>> No.66266581 [View]
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>regular 12 hour workdays 6 days a week, often more
>given incompetent managers who don't give a fuck and usually don't even speak English
>most of them have to constantly travel back and forth to Japan because Cover is too cheap to fund regional infrastructure
>have to memorize a laundry list of canned responses and fucking encyclopedia of words/topics they're not allowed to say under constant threat of an unchallengeable firing if they forget something
>'forgetting something' is made much easier to do by the shareholders (none of whom watch or enjoy idols) constantly adding or changing new rules and contradicting themselves, recent example being when they were first told showing their hands was fine and two weeks later backpedalling on it
>emotional strain of lying to a fanbase they probably do have an actual empathetic connection with
>technical issues EVERYWHERE because recording/streaming is complicated for the girls who have very little technical background and cover provides no overseas technical support
>idiot administrators lose their recordings all the time and make the idols redo them instead of just learning how to do their fucking jobs (Wawa and Mumei have both had this happen, probably many other girls to who are just afraid to say it)
>Cover does not reimburse the girls for any of their expenses, so they live constantly fearing bankruptcy if anything flops
>health problems out the ass from sleep deprivation to attend completely pointless meanings at 2:00 am (this isn't unique to Cover. All JP corpos do this. They love their 8-hours-of-fucking-nothing powerpoints.)
>have to beg for sick leave. And usually don't get it anyways. IRyS probably fucked up her throat permanently because they forced her to record when sick and a couple months later she suddenly developed ''''asthma''''
>constantly have to witness blatant JP favoritism
>most of them had anxiety/health problems to begin with, which an environment this stressful does not help
>can have weeks of work all go to shit because some fuckwad in the perms department got lazy

To name a few. I could go on. The takeaway is that they have to work twice as hard to produce half as much as the JPs and even for them it's already a far cry from easy.

>> No.61273179 [View]
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>Cover really gives no fucks whatsoever about the girls.
Cover's unironically pushed their talents to suicide-attempts.

>> No.60716854 [View]
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Black company. This is common knowledge by now.

>> No.60430649 [View]
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>Wawa and Ame both at a breaking point because of Cover's shit
How long are we gonna let them keep getting away with it?

>> No.56758732 [View]
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Literally the same fucking motivator behind every awful decision Cover's ever made: Shareholders.

>> No.55804846 [View]
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nta, but if you unironically believe that Cover gives a literal fuck about the girls getting doxed, you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.55292235 [View]
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>makes moom pay for her own birthday present
Honestly, are there ANY depths to which Cover WON'T sink?

>> No.54056529 [View]
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Because Black Company. You should know this already.

>> No.53360646 [View]
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Stating it plainly in case anyone's actually fallen for Yagoo's badly-maintained 'doting old ojiisan' act: Cover is a CORPORATION, one which basically sells emotional blackmail. Everything, from the lyrics of songs to who's allowed to collab with whom to the calls of who gets hired or fired are made by a cabal of sociopathic shareholders who wouldn't give half a gram of shit if every girl was run over by a wheat-thresher and the survivors skullripped by the fucking Predator as long as shilling their funeral-merch made their shares worth 15 cents more at the end of the financial year. The popularity of any individual girls means jack-shit because they know you'll just jump to one of the other idols. The girls are viewed as expendable assets, which is why they really don't care about overworking them to the point of exhaustion/health breakdowns.
tl;dr: You should do your utmost to make your oshii feel loved because her employers sure as fuck don't.

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