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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1200, GMuVXRja8AAeSsZ.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78233504 No.78233504 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>78220284

>> No.78233519
File: 127 KB, 1536x1480, GQKBZeWakAA-UB7.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with my cute wife

>> No.78233553
Quoted by: >>78234375

I fucking hate Petra so much it's unreal.

>> No.78233635

I fuck Petra so much it's unreal.

>> No.78233644
File: 105 KB, 2048x2048, 1718509092841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE! love my wagyu husband! his akuma is looking great

>> No.78233648
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78235747

wuca wuca!

cute lazulight daisuki

>> No.78233669

I wish I was in Sonny’s room

>> No.78233698
File: 225 KB, 724x643, 1718509148230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78233765

Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity

>> No.78233718
File: 198 KB, 800x800, Shu (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boi hours

>> No.78233722
File: 76 KB, 1357x653, ryoYeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78233748
File: 955 KB, 3191x4096, 1695214135005923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brothers and sisters, can I get a "da wose" from the faithful on this fine evening?

>> No.78233765
File: 61 KB, 564x752, 1651546283357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78234227

kadet daisuki!

>> No.78233770
Quoted by: >>78233826

What's the difference between a bar signal and a wifi signal for the ping?

>> No.78233792
File: 427 KB, 1737x2048, 1716653483469473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78233796

blackpill me on Finana

>> No.78233817



>> No.78233826

oliver is a wifi warrior

>> No.78233841
File: 855 KB, 2900x1631, IMG_3771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.78233943


>> No.78233956
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.78233961

da wose

>> No.78233962
File: 128 KB, 731x908, IMG_8504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca rabu!!

>> No.78233976
File: 50 KB, 720x1280, 1706145104572375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with peto

>> No.78234024

Da wose :D

>> No.78234037
File: 129 KB, 890x1024, 1718054488548031m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Wose!

>> No.78234072

Sonny's gonna get a big head: ) me below the table

>> No.78234083

I fucking love Uki so much it's unreal.

>> No.78234126
File: 424 KB, 598x498, 1713784918973813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78234137

While you are correct in that wagyu means Japanese cattle, there is a lot of nuance with the crossbreeds which is actually what most people refer to in modern wagyu. There are only 2 breeds of pure wagyu. There is a world wagyu council that regulates and promotes wagyu all throughout the world. Australia is the largest association outside Japan.

>> No.78234152

Weimu vs sonny! Down and Out mode

>> No.78234177
Quoted by: >>78237928

class traitor, fucking dropped

>> No.78234188
File: 1.55 MB, 1120x1302, 1689187821816826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am happy to announce that the /nijien/ minecraft server is live
i am kind of new at running a "public" server like this with plugins so feedback is welcome, please reply to me right here or otherwise use the in-game "/suggestion propose" command. trading plugins are on my radar as discussed, but for now let's get the ball rolling nice and simple

-normal difficulty
-offline/cracked mode, skins can be enabled through SkinsRestorer https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration/commands-permissions
-home warp plugin https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/huskhomes-1-16-1-20-set-homes-warps-spawn-tp-and-tpa-public-homes-works-cross-server.83767/
-images on maps and frames https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/imageframe-load-images-on-maps-item-frames-support-gifs-map-markers-survival-friendly.106031/
-decorative heads https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/custom-heads-1-8-1-20.29057/
-protected death chests, they'll destroy themselves after 10 minutes and can then be looted by anyone https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/axgraves-lootable-death-chests.113629/
-easy reports and suggestions, PLEASE use these for any issues/suggestions instead of shitting up the thread https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/easy-reports-plugin-gui-for-reports-1-8-1-20.112351/ https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%A1-mtsuggestions-%E2%9A%A1-teammt-%E2%9A%A1.107255/
-proximity voice with Simple Voice Chat, i recommend using it with Sound Physics https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions?g=1.20.4 https://modrinth.com/mod/sound-physics-remastered/version/forge-1.20.4-1.4.2
-some simple anti-cheat and anti-xray plugins
-max view distance set to 32 chunks because this server is so overpowered for this lmao, use distant horizons and take some cool screenshots

IP in image, DynMap accessible through port :8123

i have created a Rentry post with this information and some tips for connecting anonymously, if the thread bakers would graciously include this in the OP in the future that'd be appreciated!

>> No.78234216

No one appreciates cunny more than other cunny

>> No.78234227
File: 120 KB, 1226x1056, 1718509545467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wucub love! Chu!

>> No.78234247


>> No.78234336

Sonny wins! Kek the battle was funny

>> No.78234375
File: 3.29 MB, 2500x2010, 119657006_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78234377

you're so cute, i'll definitly play when nobody is streaming

>> No.78234374

woah this is amazing, i will try to check it out later
thanks anon

>> No.78234381

Sonny in another sf6 tournament when

>> No.78234418
Quoted by: >>78234493

Who is Oliver's main? Marissa?

>> No.78234455
File: 154 KB, 480x480, 1718212788666790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tribalist slayer

>> No.78234466
Quoted by: >>78234590

how 2 join anonymous

>> No.78234473

nooo alban what you did

>> No.78234482


>> No.78234493

yes the big lady that can bench press him
his ideal woman

>> No.78234501

god bless his autism noises

>> No.78234523

This is the first time I've heard Shu make these sounds... That squak is funny

>> No.78234532


>> No.78234538

>actively promoting unity between everyone except phase connect
maybe she's not so bad

>> No.78234541

Sonny vs Shu

>> No.78234558

Watching Petra get crushed by a steamroller.

>> No.78234566

Sonny came to Brazil

>> No.78234584
File: 354 KB, 3222x2940, 1662713320906306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you, what are you doing?

>> No.78234590
File: 14 KB, 259x225, 1688527058577119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launch the game in offline mode; if you use a third party launcher like MultiMC there should be a button for it, if you use the official launcher i think you have to sign out completely or something
i can't vouch for whether this works or not so i'd also suggest just using multimc

>> No.78234634
File: 242 KB, 2048x2048, F_lT_pRbUAAcfWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to fight him for making me miss him everytime i hear one of them say daddy chill

>> No.78234669

Sonny lost his 4 win streak...

>> No.78234680

Why didn't Reimu invite Vivi

>> No.78234705

jerking off with this thread on the other monitor

>> No.78234740
Quoted by: >>78234871

Why are you so obsessed with this

>> No.78234745


>> No.78234751
Quoted by: >>78235970

I miss Ike
I'm missing Ike

>> No.78234760

>it doesn't matter
>for you, everyone is strong
Dang Oliver

>> No.78234778
File: 47 KB, 777x1024, 1718493489850343m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia's swimsuit outfit soon

>> No.78234821
Quoted by: >>78234925

because vivi has no penis

>> No.78234830


>> No.78234845

Oliver praising muscles

>> No.78234858


>> No.78234871

This is the first time I'm asking, I'm just wondering. Vivi would have been a perfect addition and if the point is to teach Reimu more about the game, then having more play styles would help

>> No.78234918

I searched vtuber on pornhub to see what would come up and besides the expected cosplay shit of famous vtubers they had these girls with nude "vtuber" models with jiggly physics in vrchat and they're actually being fucked IRL by dudes who are invisible in the VR chat but like you can hear the very real fucking noises and the dude communicating with them as they fuck and see their VR chat models reacting to the dicking down they're getting.

>> No.78234925


>> No.78234935

vivi hates talking to people whos name is not kunai

>> No.78234936

Vivi is boring and dumb and no one likes her

>> No.78234983
Quoted by: >>78236298

that sounds pretty usable if the sound is good, actually

>> No.78235042

who in NijiEN

>> No.78235082

What are their ranks? Reimu has none? Sonny is gold 4? How about Shu and Oliver

>> No.78235097

Sonny you lame ass I didn’t laugh

>> No.78235135


>> No.78235143
Quoted by: >>78239666


>> No.78235184

Shu silver 3

>> No.78235236

shu's feet....

>> No.78235254

reimu said oliver is plat in prechat

>> No.78235263

Oliver is Gold 3 he was Platinum 1 at the beginning of the stream but he ranked down after losing

>> No.78235271

this is what anons do in vrc....

>> No.78235287
Quoted by: >>78235463

Mexican beaches are bad?

>> No.78235333

Ike literally spent all of covid doing that

>> No.78235372
Quoted by: >>78235445

Does your rank remain the same even if you switch characters?

>> No.78235419
File: 2.23 MB, 3000x2118, GLxefLRaEAAq0wG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78235510

may my sanity last long enough to get through this game
molesting vantacrow bringer! my oshi is now live with beyond two souls, come ball

>> No.78235427

he's just like me fr

>> No.78235429

>maybe hes in heat

>> No.78235434

Reimu doesn't play ranked. Shu is Juri silver 3. Oliver is Marisa gold 5 and Akuma Plat something. Sonny is Ken gold 4 and Akuma but don't know the rank

>> No.78235445


>> No.78235457

CageKINO on the menu tonight

>> No.78235463

every beach is bad unless they have draconian trash laws

>> No.78235472

Shu's not a very good teacher. He just wants to win kek

>> No.78235510
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 7b1adac1-0163-4f91-9da4-d0f7f0e21c04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78235607


>> No.78235527

Sonny Akuma is Gold 4

>> No.78235562
Quoted by: >>78235646

Sonny changed his main to Akuma and he said he's gold for Akuma

>> No.78235607
File: 29 KB, 112x112, wucawuca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78235672

thank you...uuu this game is boring

>> No.78235625

Sonny's akuma is strong

>> No.78235626

Sonny instantly turning down a compliment, sasuga

>> No.78235628
File: 833 KB, 2048x949, +Yeah!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira cute

>> No.78235646

I just listed every character they had a rank for according to the unofficial wiki and the stream

>> No.78235672
Quoted by: >>78236082

it is.. its not even boring in a bad entertaining way

>> No.78235695
Quoted by: >>78235929

I will never forgive Ike for telling Vanta to play beyond two souls first over heavy rain, what the fuck man

>> No.78235744
Quoted by: >>78235928

Sonny the maestro on the internet he's the mastermind!!

>> No.78235747
Quoted by: >>78235804

You're cuter

>> No.78235792
Quoted by: >>78235944

Sonny, I know you said you aren't competitive, but you have so much potential at getting good at fightans. You say your fundamentals are bad, but even just 2 weeks of playing SF6 and you've already gotten so much better than when you first played Akuma. Believe in yourself like I believe in you.

>> No.78235804


>> No.78235806

oh Vanta is talking about the faggots

>> No.78235844
Quoted by: >>78236309

>women in this thread keep spamming cutesy baby shit
>the guys routinely use cutesy baby shit in their thumbnails

I think these women need to go have a baby or something, because that is cringe as fuck

>> No.78235856
Quoted by: >>78235932

Based Vanta calling on the twisty haters

>> No.78235899

nah he's plat with akuma and gold with marisa

>> No.78235904

no you should point fingers at people in particular

>> No.78235913

>gold 5 losing to a silver 3
The power of controller

>> No.78235929 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they too, want vanta to go from male to female

>> No.78235928

Sonny is Japan is too powerful. Australia is such a debuff

>> No.78235932
Quoted by: >>78235967

you mean twisty who's first informal conversation with male vtubers she turned into incest roleplay session

>> No.78235944
File: 18 KB, 251x276, 1718510890540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78236219

we need to knock his head hard enough so he'd start feeling more confident...

>> No.78235967

I don't see any issue with that.

>> No.78235969

elira vore asmr

>> No.78235970
Quoted by: >>78236167

ike will return soon

>> No.78235985

vanta should actually do a collab with twisty, klara and sonny to rub it in even more

>> No.78236007
Quoted by: >>78236388

I hope I'm not too retarded so I can join the server, I forgor how I even joined the last server

>> No.78236014

sonny will die

>> No.78236036
Quoted by: >>78236442

Elira saved a picture of Aia to get off to.

>> No.78236043
Quoted by: >>78236261

all I'm saying is, there's a reason nobody watches this branch

>> No.78236061

getting a scolding as a viewer even when i didnt do anything makes me feel bad

>> No.78236067

>heh, i'm going to OWN the HATERZ
sounds like something that could never backfire

>> No.78236079
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78236150



>> No.78236082
Quoted by: >>78236157

I'm glad this should be the last time I see this game, sheesh..

>> No.78236089
File: 413 KB, 619x603, yuyu waow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god thank you, you can kill me after this

>> No.78236146
Quoted by: >>78236451

YuQtie so horny she forgot to rabu rabu Yuyu again...

>> No.78236150

i like the smiling friends TTT

>> No.78236151

he probably will since he does want a Collab with them

>> No.78236157
Quoted by: >>78236275

hopefully if your oshi pulls through to finish it! ill tune in after valorant if they dont go for 12 hours

>> No.78236161
File: 217 KB, 431x382, 16904238950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy sir
I'm watching notkyo's life is strange vods and waiting for reimu to play nier or bloodborne again, one of deez days

>> No.78236165

I know you love posting crying baby images, but I want to crush this one's skull

>> No.78236163

i'm really glad he spoke about this, and I hope the people who were shitting on her fuck off

>> No.78236167
Quoted by: >>78238409

you heard me, but now I'm finished so you can have all my attention

>> No.78236195
File: 1.98 MB, 4096x4096, 474847382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78236451

willy’s asmr is really cute and erotic. i want to sniff him.

>> No.78236219

If sonny with long hair is in a topknot/pony like this then I think I can like long hair sonny

>> No.78236254

>aloufags unironically watch Kyo in their spare time
just chop your testicles off

>> No.78236261

It's good to gatekeep

>> No.78236275
Quoted by: >>78236347

thank youu!!! if it's valo and claude is still there, good...good luck kek

>> No.78236294

Sonny vs weimu

>> No.78236298

I was surprised they were actually getting fucked I thought it was going to be like erp where they pretend to fuck some dudes VR chat model. They do have those too but that's lame. Just watching two people controlling two 3D models to make it look like fuck each other is kind of boring.

>> No.78236303
Quoted by: >>78236489

Whose keyboard is that? Does Shu also play keyboard?

>> No.78236309

I think every male vtuber should have a baby

>> No.78236347

h-hey hes not in vc this time! so it shouldnt last that long, less bickering kek

>> No.78236388
Quoted by: >>78240010

well hell if you figure it out let us know so i can add it to the rentry for others lol

>> No.78236394

Sonny back to Ken! I missed Ken kinda

>> No.78236404
File: 2.78 MB, 1000x750, 1693633782359877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78236427


>> No.78236442

she's not the only one

>> No.78236451
File: 90 KB, 247x238, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gomen I was making lunch but I can't.. too happi.
sniffing a just showered yuyu. *#@*(&#(&(*!#

>> No.78236460

Sonny teaching reimu mid game giwtwm

>> No.78236475

>could watch Gura, Fauna, Mumei, like a straight male
>instead seek out Enna's boytoy who's known for his obnoxious shouting voice

>> No.78236489
Quoted by: >>78236608

Shu uses hitbox and Oliver is using a controller this stream. Don't know what Reimu is using

>> No.78236511

Ken doing a peace sign is so cute. Sonny-sensei I missed you...

>> No.78236513

Ennaschizo fell off.

>> No.78236553

Vanta should play life is strange I bet he would like how much it sucks

>> No.78236585

Sonny Ken wins!

>> No.78236586

Let's erp in the minecraft server @paladin

>> No.78236597

I want Sonny to teach me video games

>> No.78236608

Ah the hitbox makes so much noise. Reimu uses controller, sonny uses keyboard.

>> No.78236616
File: 77 KB, 745x713, 20240403_113413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78236624
Quoted by: >>78236801

I want to see him experience the walking dead series

>> No.78236676
Quoted by: >>78237005

hi yuqtie I am also enjoying this but can you tell him to not do the left ear too much thnx

>> No.78236691
Quoted by: >>78236785

please no im tired of all these white girl simulators

>> No.78236693

Sonny says alcohol is not a human right.

>> No.78236717
Quoted by: >>78237005

Damn I wish I was Yuyu

>> No.78236743
File: 28 KB, 112x112, 623b7b88-1453-4414-86c8-433dc66ab947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78236785

Vanta may be black but he is a pure white girl on the inside

>> No.78236789

he's correct, it's a human need

>> No.78236801
File: 338 KB, 466x606, 1718095492888337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78237003

It'd be great to see him hating Chloe for being a selfish ass, but like >>78236624 said, I'd rather see him play the walking dead so he can both mald and cry

>> No.78236889

1 was good because victoria is cute and you get to kill the useless cunt at the end

>> No.78236926

i know he's an oreo but it's overstayed it's welcome NO MORE WHITE GIRL GAMES

>> No.78236929
Quoted by: >>78237053

Stream in 8 hours

>> No.78236948

Alcohol is a known liver anti.

>> No.78236949
File: 99 KB, 2048x2048, 20240612_181917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78236984


>> No.78236991

He's right.
t. never drank

>> No.78237003

would he like Kenny?

>> No.78237005
File: 162 KB, 268x348, yuyu -7-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but my left ear is my sensitive ear... ok he just calibrated
you don't need to change anon! hehe anon rabu rabu!! anon rabu rabu just being yourself!!

>> No.78237052

i miss oshi

>> No.78237053


>> No.78237059
Quoted by: >>78237114

Vanta watched the Finana and Aster footcam stream

>> No.78237060

vanta saw finana and aster's feet stream way before he got into niji

>> No.78237072
File: 13 KB, 315x204, GPEcPsZbQAARBdD (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's home now, right? stream soon

>> No.78237114

He would hate him until he loves him, Kenny grows on you over time, I think...
I wonder if he's just like me and mistook Aster's feet for Finana's

>> No.78237115
Quoted by: >>78237151

>Vanta talking about Finana and Aster's feet stream
Aaand I'm hard again. Thanks bro

>> No.78237139

They all use classic controls except Reimu...

>> No.78237151 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, 35.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78237218

I love sonny so much jesus christ just hearing his voice is enough to make my day better

>> No.78237265

>sf6 collab with sonny, twisty, vanta and klara

>> No.78237267

Catching up with the elden ring vod and the conversation headed to incest talk and I got a question is penguinsiblings a “family tag”

>> No.78237278

>purple is an evil color

>> No.78237282
Quoted by: >>78237386

Her feet are so long. I wonder if she's a size 9/10

>> No.78237334
Quoted by: >>78237357

>look at her, she's purple


>> No.78237344
File: 33 KB, 220x288, yuyu playing suika but mt. vesuvius exploded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cow

>> No.78237357

I know every character in that censorship i hate it kek

>> No.78237363

my penis there

>> No.78237368

Blessed sonny laugh

>> No.78237386


>> No.78237442

Based Based Based
Cunny unity together strong

>> No.78237461

Prof's Marissa and Zangief are wearing his clothes

>> No.78237468

Zangief ojisan...

>> No.78237487
File: 87 KB, 300x300, 1708723047059441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so fucking boring man

>> No.78237605
Quoted by: >>78238594

*licks your left ear*

>> No.78237634
Quoted by: >>78237764

All Reimu's commentary is Jamie is so pretty, look at his eye brows and waist

>> No.78237724
Quoted by: >>78238169


>> No.78237764
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, jamie-was-seriously-staring-hard-v0-aDE0dnFiM3loODZkMS8UENxIC3h83kIIZnLG1xIjGvTMr6jrX32Y0EgQ8f-J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78237863

Jaime is a hot gay boy

>> No.78237846
File: 15 KB, 205x191, 1708108445013616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78237911


>> No.78237863
Quoted by: >>78238067

Is he actually gay

>> No.78237889


>> No.78237910
File: 199 KB, 618x347, 1692385435791686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty might actually save Nijisanji EN by getting rid of female viewers any time she collabs with the boys. Would be funny.

>> No.78237911
Quoted by: >>78238058

Same, I am so fucking sick of Valorant.


>> No.78237928
File: 72 KB, 1024x503, 1718439795109811m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard if you don't pander to lolicons nowadays
They're most powerful fanbase in this industry

>> No.78237953

kek feesh

>> No.78237999

chipmunk lazulight

>> No.78237998

What is happening in thsi valo stream

>> No.78238033

Shu's hitbox is so loud

>> No.78238044
File: 19 KB, 369x177, 1709757769611702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78238133

>> No.78238058

counterstrike would be fun but be realistic...

>> No.78238067
Quoted by: >>78238112

nah it's just a meme

>> No.78238071
File: 754 KB, 965x965, wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the laugh

>> No.78238101
Quoted by: >>78238226

Sonny is popping off he always loses constantly when he’s paging against viewers though

>> No.78238109
File: 124 KB, 220x288, yuyu APPIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loved!

>> No.78238112

Are there any confirmed gay SF characters

>> No.78238126

now I've GOT to see his reaction to kenny calling lee "urban"

>> No.78238133

>memes from the past
>duck duck goose

>> No.78238153
File: 17 KB, 743x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78238169

>spooky video
>the monster is just a flying jawa from Star wars
man people fucking suck at monster designs

>> No.78238211

i forgot about this scene....

>> No.78238212


>> No.78238226

He does ok when he plays his mains though, it when he plays whatever new character he tries out that he's bad, which makes sense. Also unironically I think not streaming his pov helps since he seems to always do better when he's not

>> No.78238303
Quoted by: >>78238380

Several potentially queer characters feature in the Street Fighter series. In the original Street Fighter, Eagle was designed as a tribute to Freddie Mercury, which, when coupled with his mannerisms, leads to him being read as gay. However, this is not canonically confirmed.

In Street Fighter II, Zangief is also interpretted as a gay character by a number of sources, including some which state that Capcom officially confirmed his sexuality; however, these confirmations are unreferenced.

Street Fighter IV features Poison, who was originally from Final Fight and whose gender is debated. This title also features Abel, who was originally designed to be an effeminate man (although the character design moved away from this vision during the design process). There are hints that Abel is interested in dating men. Street Fighter IV also features Juri Han, who some read as a lesbian because of her flirtation with women; however, she also flirts with men, making her potentially plurisexual (or just flirtatious). Her sexuality has not been canonically confirmed.

>> No.78238334

yes, the player

>> No.78238371

Zangief is all I can think of

>> No.78238380

Zangief is gay???! What the fuck

>> No.78238404

>murder and grave robbing in the same day
>all in the name of god's work, or should i say aiden's work.

>> No.78238409
File: 578 KB, 640x1636, 1660614971903604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78238594

are you enjoying it? reimu is fun i am watching her street fighter rn
ah you reminded me i need to shower too wilsoneer

>> No.78238418

feesh sniffing her burps..

>> No.78238522

I think aiadmirers hyped up her outfit too much. Everyone was hyping her outfit was something crazy never done before but the lean toggle feature several livers in jp have it and multiple livers have features that move with eye movement (maria's ears). It's a beautiful outfit but not as crazy innovative like her fans were hyping.

>> No.78238534

Kek everyone's using jamie... Sonny's gonna let the alcohol flow into him

>> No.78238560

I get really jealous when Sonny's with Reimu because I keep wishing I was in her place instead

>> No.78238573
Quoted by: >>78238682

I think anon being a massive cunt

>> No.78238584

I meant that I want you to sniff me...

>> No.78238594
File: 63 KB, 187x160, yuyu rabu haato hehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78241200

anon mou..
oh I haven't too!

>> No.78238621
Quoted by: >>78238756

Yeah Aia's outfit was beautiful but nothing crazy like her community has making it out to be.
Scarle's sitting outfit wowed me more honestly.

>> No.78238665

Jamie is so sexual holy shit, I see it Reimu. The way Jamie's whole chest is moving and his back is arched on the floor with his arms above his head and he's panting

>> No.78238682
Quoted by: >>78238768

which en has massive cunt

>> No.78238743
Quoted by: >>78238838

I haven't watched it yet, but Fulgur said it had something that hasn't been done before, what did he mean

>> No.78238756
File: 945 KB, 945x944, shusip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is coming from a scarle outfit lover
Aia’s 3rd outfit is the 2nd best outfit and I’m sorry that you can’t comprehend that people have different taste

>> No.78238768

apparently confirmed aia with her huge pussy

>> No.78238776
Quoted by: >>78238831

Sonny winning even with a character he doesn’t know the moves of..

>> No.78238818
File: 2 KB, 341x34, 1714870265269865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240641

she called me cute, later losers

>> No.78238831

It's the alcohol speaking

>> No.78238838
Quoted by: >>78239064

He meant Aia's lean toggle, its new to en but jp livers have it. It's just more side movement and her eyeballs which move with her eyes, which is no different then Maria's ears moving on her new outfit. I was just expecting more I guess.

>> No.78238843

sonny will job soon

>> No.78238868
Quoted by: >>78238915

dont sing the jojo siwa song please

>> No.78238893
Quoted by: >>78238975

Scarle's outfit is 2nd best outfit imo. I think I was just expecting more because of the hype was so huge.

>> No.78238905

Daily reminder that the reason why sonny doesn't drink a lot is because he ran over a kid once

>> No.78238915

karmas a bitch

>> No.78238931

Yeah me

>> No.78238966
Quoted by: >>78239065

yamete she gives me so much secondhand embarrassment

>> No.78238975

We are agreeing on scarle’s 2nd outfit being the best
Aia still is the 2nd best to me

>> No.78238978

I should've known better

>> No.78238990

I too love Scarle's outfit and I too agree Aia's outfit is amazing and it's my favourite. But I think the issue is that so many livers hyped it up as something that breaks the mold when Scarle's did that more than Aia's. It's not a Scarle or Aia or outfit issue, it's the other livers building too much expectation. We've had this issue before when livers hype something up too much, it comes out and it's cool but not as cool as they made it out to be, so the next event that they've hyped up people didn't believe it anymore and there were less viewers. It's about setting the correct expectations.

>> No.78238992

It's not inability to comprehend different taste. The community just made it sound like this outfit was going to be groundbreaking that is it. Still a gorgeous outfit though regardless.

>> No.78239049

that one popular vantacrew that was shitting on twisty went private kek

>> No.78239053

Yeah I agree because Scarle doesn't get alot of outwardly support and hype from other en livers until the reveal. Scarle doesn't have livers hyping her up like Aia does.

>> No.78239064

Lean toggle? Is it different from the 3.0?

>> No.78239065
Quoted by: >>78239133

Did you know that she's arrested

>> No.78239080


>> No.78239110

no 3.0 has forward and back motion, the lean toggle is moving more side to side

>> No.78239133
Quoted by: >>78239352

WHAT wtf did she do

>> No.78239177

The others in en don't hype Scarle that is true. I remember Scarle mentioning only one person in nijisanji knew she even had a pajama outfit and some livers were surprised even in her own wave because they didn't know she had another outfit.

>> No.78239191

Sonny is only going to grab!

>> No.78239210
File: 316 KB, 598x498, 1718512384896687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that retweet

>> No.78239229

it wasn't one kid but two kids while they were crossing the road after finishing school

>> No.78239261

Did Sonny just groan over winning

>> No.78239285
Quoted by: >>78239378

pretty sure aia asked them to hype her outfit up because of how aia is. i dont hate her but shes deeply insecure and i can see her asking them to help hype her outfit up thinking no one would care.

>> No.78239298

i wish the senpais hyped up scarle more :/ but she does that to herself because she doesn't interact with anyone.

>> No.78239303
Quoted by: >>78239451

I only got my hopes up so much because Ike went out of his way to tweet about it...
It basically just changes the center of where the movement happens, instead of the whole upper body moving left and right the head just turns and the body leans to the side. It's a really subtle change and some rigs just look that way anyways

>> No.78239304

Ken sonny is losing on purpose

>> No.78239311

shu ojisan

>> No.78239352
Quoted by: >>78239395

Drugs and touching herself on stage full of underage audience

>> No.78239356

I sometimes believe management is literally just Elira/Shu

>> No.78239364
File: 3.03 MB, 2006x2833, 1718371073892616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78239605


>> No.78239375
Quoted by: >>78239461

I'm so out of the loop what were they even complaining about

>> No.78239378
Quoted by: >>78239505

That or she vents about feeling insecure so they feel like they need to help her out. If it works for her go for her I guess.

>> No.78239395
Quoted by: >>78239446

HUH im looking this up. theres no fucking way

>> No.78239444

Dangerously close to making fanfics about behind the scenes guys

>> No.78239446
Quoted by: >>78239665

It's real and kinda hilarious

>> No.78239451

Ike goes out of his way to tweet about everything. The only reason I catched up Scarle's was because he retweeted it

>> No.78239461

Twisty joined VC with Vanta and started doing incest roleplay, and looking up gay porn of him on stream and even worse. He kept threatening to kick her off the stream but never did

>> No.78239487


>> No.78239505
Quoted by: >>78239686

it wouldn't be that surprising. i remember 2 years ago when enna said she asked everyone to not stream during her higurashi concert because she worked hard on it. as long as it makes her happy

>> No.78239513

/Nijien/ - gossip and rrat

>> No.78239540

Reading this make me think vanta hate twisty

>> No.78239547

not playing valorant

>> No.78239550

do you now know why 4chan is terrified to opening up /incel/?

>> No.78239557
Quoted by: >>78239583

Aia's new outfit is beautiful

>> No.78239580

Let me guess, the fan was angry with Twisty and trying to protect Vanta's sensibilities? I really don't understand when they do this babying thing. If the liver is uncomfortable they can deal with it, fans needs to stay out of it. And if the topic is something a fan is uncomfortable with, close the tab.

>> No.78239583


>> No.78239585

millie doko?

>> No.78239605


>> No.78239628

kek they were about to gang up on Reimu raid battle

>> No.78239639

I’m just glad it didn’t blow up as much when some briskadets mostly fujos also complained on twitter, and I know I sound petty

>> No.78239665
Quoted by: >>78239730

LIAR i didnt find anything

>> No.78239666

I'm glad you agree Ike is gay and only has sex with men.

>> No.78239683

It's motherfucking Alvin aND THE cHIPMUNKS UP IN THIS JOINT

>> No.78239686

yeah aia has said on stream she has cried to several members about stresses so probably makes them feel better helping her out.

>> No.78239694

It was beyond awkward and should not have taken place.
Klara was horny too and demanding Vanta hold her hand

>> No.78239692

Sonny landing his combos and do his finishers this stream has been so fun to watch

>> No.78239701
File: 58 KB, 941x703, FRWOlWdVsAAuORn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goo moo (it's afternoon)
I miss Ike today too

>> No.78239730
Quoted by: >>78239882

I found a thread on twitter days ago, not sure if it's still there or not

>> No.78239735


>> No.78239740
File: 653 KB, 400x400, MillieLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come, please

>> No.78239745
Quoted by: >>78239916

It's not really about babying, it's about the regular listeners being uncomfortable and had to be filtered from their OWN oshi's stream. When Twisty left they all celebrated by posting 'she's gone' tweet in unison kek

>> No.78239756

Let the dead stay dead anon

>> No.78239763

Why does Scarle not get hype from her senpais?

>> No.78239781
File: 210 KB, 352x423, swirlyyuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear lord

>> No.78239785

Why Anon keep talking about this one vantacrew, like, can we not? Its a lot more fun to not see the shitty side of one of us,

>> No.78239798
File: 38 KB, 528x528, IMG_9255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a great day to be missing our oshi

>> No.78239805
File: 114 KB, 1490x1490, 20240524_074923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78239955

Goo moo

>> No.78239810
File: 139 KB, 2048x1384, GLNufwWbgAEGwUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78239955

goo moon actually its evening
i miss luca today too

>> No.78239812
Quoted by: >>78239879

sonny calling reimu 'reim'

>> No.78239821
Quoted by: >>78240158

Whoever has their turn on the Ike right now, please tell him to tweet something

>> No.78239852
File: 441 KB, 1664x2048, IMG_3493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78239955


>> No.78239863
Quoted by: >>78239959

Stop crying. Ike is out having sex with men. Be happy about that.

>> No.78239879

He also called Pomu Pom

>> No.78239882
Quoted by: >>78240008

OH i found it.. ew she put her entire hand down her pants wtf

>> No.78239888

fFinana choking on the glizzy.

>> No.78239905

pre-marital hand-holding? yabai yabai

>> No.78239916
Quoted by: >>78239961

Then close the tab. Or mute it until she's gone. They have no business in shitting on their oshi's co-workers. They want to do that, do it in private. If she was a popular fan, then even more so since she should know about the number of people who keep an eye on her.

>> No.78239923
File: 325 KB, 2048x2048, 1673397680896022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.78239942

Kachou Fuugetsu tournament

>> No.78239955
File: 43 KB, 610x610, GHvSl02bMAAzdXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240047

chuchu have a good day anons~
oshi crumbs soon I believe ;v;

>> No.78239961

Tell that to them

>> No.78239959
File: 468 KB, 628x614, 1718437908526000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240216

Those men? all me

>> No.78239973

Fantasy Luca (that doesn't exist)
>bountiful energy
>chunni protagonist

Real Luca (actually exists)
>Xqc mumbling noises
>*brags about himself*
>sounds half bored all the time

>> No.78240008
Quoted by: >>78240122

Yeah kek it was like in front of hundreds of children too. Also mb it was not drugs but she snuck a cocaine into the concert

>> No.78240010

I pirated minecraft so I forgot how kek but I'll let you know

>> No.78240028


>> No.78240033

Shu is really competitive huh

>> No.78240047
File: 204 KB, 924x1221, GPy-FfdaQAARVtU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240134

oshi crumbs one day!

>> No.78240073

He's a sad fucked up person who needs to prove himself to internet people, because he's not doing it anywhere else

>> No.78240107

Sonny will carry Shu, but Sonny is going to only use grabs and he will let Reimu drink

>> No.78240122
Quoted by: >>78240262

going from a celebrity popular amongst children to trying to finally be your actual age...

>> No.78240120

Why is chat censored

>> No.78240134
File: 258 KB, 2048x1381, GKdzJEEbEAAms3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240205


>> No.78240158

Then tell it to Vox.

>> No.78240178

There's something with the way sonny says 'okay?' that's messing with my brain chemicals

>> No.78240205
File: 64 KB, 1181x945, FzPx43NaEAAQaZ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240301

m-maybe for you! not for me kek

>> No.78240216

Based Pentomo!

>> No.78240243
File: 188 KB, 473x391, yuigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240264

I'm being vored

>> No.78240262

She definitely went overboard while doesn't really know what adult really is. She just became edgier version of herself and sexual harassing women

>> No.78240264

Yeah by me

>> No.78240267

It's the autism

>> No.78240287
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, GOyZu7AaIAEpgN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream reminds me so much of their drunk halloween collab just without the alcohol

>> No.78240301
Quoted by: >>78240413

w-why not... is luca traveling or something?

>> No.78240312

>twi zodia?
>Hyperchat translates this to "Your zodiac sign?"
Holy shit, it even translates ESL.

>> No.78240357

Holo and Niji have a positive relationship, what's the problem here?

>> No.78240356
Quoted by: >>78240493

the mahjong tourney feels a little empty without rikiichi..

>> No.78240413
Quoted by: >>78240502

i think so, if not he's just in japan still doing busywork.

>> No.78240426

phase can't have that

>> No.78240446
Quoted by: >>78240481

/NijiEN/ ???????? Thread

>> No.78240458

Reimu has beaten them all

>> No.78240461
File: 855 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but Ike

>> No.78240465

Twisty is like someone desperately trying to copy Gura without any comprehension why Gura is popular

>> No.78240481

do you wanna go back to masturbating to aia again or what

>> No.78240493

He deserves a rest after his solo live

>> No.78240501

The crazy thing is that NijiEn is still declining even more

>> No.78240502
Quoted by: >>78240585

oh. I hope he tweets something later for you!

>> No.78240504

Sonny trying out dhalsim

>> No.78240509
Quoted by: >>78240749

>Holo and Niji have a positive relationship,
One side relationship is fucked, like vtuber fan

>> No.78240511
Quoted by: >>78240602

She's not trying to copy Gura at all but that's the exact kind of opinion I'd expect from someone that has never watched her.

>> No.78240526

Sonny's playing dhalsim

>> No.78240531

Ike is meant for men.

>> No.78240532

Stop replying

>> No.78240542
File: 50 KB, 415x477, 1680803636243284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240611

Reimu thinks Sonny is so creepy!

>> No.78240567
Quoted by: >>78240688

Dhalsim ate the devil fruit didn't he

>> No.78240573


>> No.78240585

thank you! he retweeted fanart earlier so i think thats all ill get for today but thats daijobu

>> No.78240589
File: 133 KB, 1080x1078, Rage bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240745

Remember anons

>> No.78240602
Quoted by: >>78240679

>literally retweeting her
>but not copying her or anything
yeah sure

>> No.78240611

What a disgusting whore etc etc

>> No.78240625

The only way you can come to this conclusion is if you've never watched her. She's nothing like Gura and we already have so many livers who oshi and publicly support Holo

>> No.78240635
File: 105 KB, 1116x758, 1699308524683529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78240716


>> No.78240641

Elira called me sexy once

>> No.78240679

That doesn't make sense, can anon that knoe english explain to my Esl brain

>> No.78240688

id make a boomermad reply but i think some people would take me seriously so i will just say hue

>> No.78240716


>> No.78240720
File: 1.19 MB, 2662x1256, 1718513211418856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78240733

tfw you copy Gura by streaming 5 times a day

>> No.78240742

Sonny is ed when he grows his hair out

>> No.78240745
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 1714539455428459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda funny i’m seeing the fatty try with no avail to keep pushing flamebait while most are probably watching streams right now

>> No.78240749

I feel bad for all the Holo/niji friends when fans are so toxic.

>> No.78240752

Am i retarded or am i not able to buy this fucking game on pc with a canadian credit card

>> No.78240793


>> No.78240834

Why are you even bringing JP into this? Stick to EN.

>> No.78240837
File: 160 KB, 480x480, 1718515466905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78240848

Vanta is seething at david cage's shitty torture methods

>> No.78240857

Sonny Ed won!

>> No.78240868

Damn twisty….

>> No.78240867

the bass boosted burp kek

>> No.78240880

Whats the version again? 1.20.?

>> No.78240908

>rai and hiba in the thumbnail
Already nothing like Gura. What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.78240930
File: 157 KB, 296x343, yuyu facie question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78241319

I'm livestock for yuyu and that's okay

>> No.78240936

they do suck at torturing kek

>> No.78240939

Oh yeah, I can see that Zangief is gay now

>> No.78240973

If Twisty did that stuff in the JP branch she would get harassed forever. She's lucky she's in EN where there are no standards

>> No.78241017

what stuff? are you being schizo again sis?

>> No.78241039

fatass please stop embarrassing yourself many JPs retweeted holostuff before
you will never be japanese or American
you will always be a SeaMonkey
its the fatass you dumbass

>> No.78241060

glad to see their schizos are just as dumb as ours

>> No.78241074

the stuff with Vanta. That's abnormal

>> No.78241086

If she a jp she probably be shipped 24/7 if the fan like the what they're seeing

>> No.78241088

Ipn is a vtuber now..?

>> No.78241113


>> No.78241115

yeah! he's been a pngtuber but he has a model now

>> No.78241176
Quoted by: >>78241266

oh but when luca shows up to a girl's stream and starts being a creepy weirdo it's normal?

>> No.78241188

ok eop fatty

>> No.78241193

Nijispy here
The Filipino T. Rex is currently singing My Way by Frank Sinatra
He's mostly going to die after the stream
That is my report for today

>> No.78241195

this game sounds like its killing Vanta

>> No.78241194

This but myanon

>> No.78241200
File: 192 KB, 1951x1759, 1659158244090848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had finished, did you shower as well wilsoneer?
good morning ike will return
im curious how easy is it to tell the pentomos apart?

>> No.78241222

>not limp bizkit

>> No.78241253
Quoted by: >>78241661

kys kyousha

>> No.78241266

Now this is a blant samefag fatty

>> No.78241282


>> No.78241286
Quoted by: >>78241663

Twisty is masochist inside

>> No.78241319
Quoted by: >>78241639

how do you think you taste?

>> No.78241340
Quoted by: >>78241434

Reimu s twitter post, why are people saying Australian internet. Shouldn't they be saying Latino internet

>> No.78241364
File: 364 KB, 445x457, p e e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last game real

>> No.78241396
File: 538 KB, 811x797, uyuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78241526


>> No.78241411

That finisher is so cool

>> No.78241414

Sonny's akuma finisher is so satisfying

>> No.78241434

only two people said that

>> No.78241440

Reimu wanted a harem of males all to herself so she can flirt with them. Why would she invite a competent female like Vivi?
Same thing with apex. She wanted to be coached by Kuzuha, Kanae, Lauren and ignored good female players like Bora or Naraka.

>> No.78241445

it's the stress doing it to you...

>> No.78241456

Oh they're all playing their real mains now

>> No.78241483

I'm going to wake reimu

>> No.78241494

Akuma looks stinky as fuck just like sonny

>> No.78241520

Sonny has a neckbeard

>> No.78241526
File: 369 KB, 1580x2608, 1683952790333452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78241639

*blows up your ISP*
Nothing personal cutie, but your internet's gone

>> No.78241532


>> No.78241538
File: 76 KB, 186x205, yuyu rabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye yuyu... that was so good... every day you make me love you.. I think I just love your every asmr streams but I love this so much...

>> No.78241547

Reimu is a princess and deserves to be worshipped by a harem of males

>> No.78241570

Sonny let Reimu drink but Reimu didn't let him eat uee also Kel at Shu's scream last match. He's so competitive

>> No.78241585

i can't remember what finana sounds like anymore

>> No.78241603
File: 253 KB, 1668x1668, 1718516412188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's SF6 was truly fun

>> No.78241621

She's a spicy latina stacy. Reimu is gonna get gangbanged by Sonny, Shu and Oliver after the stream.

>> No.78241623

Glad Twisty sounds a lot better after not feeling well last stream

>> No.78241625

Please off collab

>> No.78241630

Bratty pussycat

>> No.78241639
File: 258 KB, 619x603, yuyueuehmmpphEXTREME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to shower and think of yuyu... yt poopy and it ended stream but it was so fun I wil rewatch it... I thought we were going together humu..
I think we could be sashimi... humu
pay for my mobile internet you meanieee

>> No.78241661

how sure it's kyousha?

>> No.78241663

Need that ryona doujin with Twisty and Klara.

>> No.78241672
Quoted by: >>78241905

Sonny can you stream later

>> No.78241675

If Reimu really wanted to learn, she should've invited Vivi. Vivi is also a better SF6 player than Sonny. It's obvious that her goal is just to flirt with males

>> No.78241684

Wanna go shower together

>> No.78241698

rip 300 yaminions who already left....

>> No.78241700
File: 24 KB, 1000x1000, GP2SZgnbgAE5Srg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how easy is it to tell the pentomos apart
hmm I'm not sure I think I only notice there's two of you? one wakes up around the same time as me so I'm assuming he's asian/aussie then there's (you) the burger(?) pentomo who asks what anons are doing. I don't really pay attention to other fanbases outside of quills and the anons who talk to me semi-regularly so I'm sure I missed other pentomos

>> No.78241719
Quoted by: >>78241818

Oats! Watching sonny sf6 is always so fun... I love you, I miss you! I'm so proud of how much you've improved! Good games from all, thank you Shu, Reim, prof!

>> No.78241789
Quoted by: >>78242412

>I'm assuming he's asian/aussie
Yeah he's very Australian.

>> No.78241791

I genuinely don't care about the rrats you're trying to prove but even if Vivi is a good player, that doesn't mean she's a good teacher.

>> No.78241797
Quoted by: >>78242448

garlic tonight?

>> No.78241818
Quoted by: >>78241878

you already left his stream?

>> No.78241821

Based. Reimu only cares about getting her pussy wet

>> No.78241830
File: 121 KB, 450x400, 1650222309780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's back!

>> No.78241831

>kawaii nekochan
>middle of an airport
big wtf

>> No.78241841

she just want a harem of males to play games with, she's a cartel princess after all

>> No.78241877

Garlic pussy

>> No.78241878

I saw Shu come back but I closed it anyway since Sonny is gone. Enjoy and go back to him yams

>> No.78241896

Is Reimu the female Luca?

>> No.78241905
Quoted by: >>78241933


>> No.78241933
Quoted by: >>78241964


>> No.78241935

ver is gonna fuck Aiadmirers

>> No.78241948

Big sniff!!!!!!*

>> No.78241960
File: 269 KB, 714x675, 1686637761198183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaa we can shower together next time wilsoneer! i just wanted to get it out of the way early cause my pubes were getting itchy so i shaved them all off sorry! next time~
i think there is a 3rd one now that uses a lot of zommer speak, hmmm i wonder how many pentomos there are in here secretly

>> No.78241964


>> No.78241977
Quoted by: >>78242056

Reimu is not beating the hetship pandering allegations

>> No.78241999

uki ily and I just want you to be happy

>> No.78242012

>3rd one that uses a zoomer speak
hes not a pentomo

>> No.78242016

I checked back in with Shu just as he said his GGS main is May kek

>> No.78242031

Ojou brought her cat in a bubble backpack to an airport once

>> No.78242051

she's right

>> No.78242056

Yeah! Doesn't she know it's pride month??

>> No.78242065

>She hates guns


>> No.78242070
File: 84 KB, 350x350, qMMbZPHyDOiJ_9EP-_60oAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi hi! Yes! Me! Hi!
I'm a Pentomo! I watch Petra!!!

>> No.78242086

Wait what's happening with Uki also those cinnamon swirls look yummy

>> No.78242103
Quoted by: >>78242119

What game is twisty ragging about this time?

>> No.78242107


>> No.78242119

real life

>> No.78242121

related to his tweet from earlier I think, he's just having a hard time. my poor baby

>> No.78242128

More like based.

>> No.78242131

Why is he crying?! Uki...

>> No.78242136
File: 135 KB, 882x1076, 1718517037657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otsonny! thank you for joining the collab today, husband. it's been 7 days since your last stream and you sound happy and energetic. your akuma is looking good so far, i miss ken a bit but akuma is kinda growing on me now. you're really improving with sf6 and i want you to know that im proud of you. the stream was chill for the most part but it was fun! i had a good laugh watching your fight with reimu during the bomb game mode. It was also nice to see you try characters you haven't used before and win! I miss you so much, husband... I hope that whatever you're working on in japan will be revealed soon. I miss your streams... I know that you're trying to enjoy your time there still I hope you won't forget to check on us once in a while. You don't tweet random tweets daily anymore and I am asking you to please keep that at least consistent : ( I'm sorry for asking too much. Love you sosomuch and hopefully, I will see you soon enough.

i might sound a bit biased but i think sonny is the best sf6 player in today's rooster... Aside from that, I really wonder what kind of stuff he is doing in japan since Uki is still in his home so it couldn't be for AX right?

>> No.78242140

It's cute that Oliver-sensei joined the zatsu

>> No.78242162
Quoted by: >>78242243

how was aia's new outfit

>> No.78242180

he's gay

>> No.78242184
File: 32 KB, 395x393, 1690236262177522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when they're just fucking around

>> No.78242199
File: 896 KB, 768x1024, 1706371506818810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chocolate cake
i hope your sister didnt eat it again

>> No.78242203

So females enjoy a whole stream of Reimu trying to flirt with your oshi?

>> No.78242224

When's Sonny's next SF6 with viewers stream?
I always miss them since I never have it installed at the time.

>> No.78242243


>> No.78242249
Quoted by: >>78242394

From today's group, he was. I was surprised at Oliver's gameplay as I was expecting more. I was hoping Vivi would join too since I really want to see how she fares against Sonny and Shu since Sonny says she's better.

>> No.78242263
Quoted by: >>78242298

Damn Aia is hot now.

>> No.78242264
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, IMG_2642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78242282
File: 137 KB, 768x1152, 1710695848461106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feesh is going to have some of this

>> No.78242298


>> No.78242299

Elira is too hazukashi to join gta server…

>> No.78242309

Why are you asking that briskadet. Also, ranked > playing with viewers

>> No.78242387
File: 383 KB, 598x669, 1668659472597848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still thinking about Ike in that pretty blue dress.

>> No.78242394
Quoted by: >>78242457

He usually streams SF6 morning JST during the weekends...
He truly was. I was expecting him to job (since he's a prominent jobber) so I was a bit surprised that he did so well today. Nonetheless I was happy everything. I wish Vivi was part of it because I haven't seen her play with them on stream...

>> No.78242403
File: 47 KB, 192x192, feesh chu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye feesh

>> No.78242408

shu said he will join gta server

>> No.78242409
Quoted by: >>78242500

Ojou is thinking about doing hardcore minecraft next week

>> No.78242412
File: 1.29 MB, 1914x3023, peto_hmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you implying

>> No.78242417
File: 44 KB, 192x192, 1650066517612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My feeshwife kissed me with chocolate cake covered lips later losers!

>> No.78242448

We playin minecraft

>> No.78242457
Quoted by: >>78242579

You guys always say he jobs but I'm autistic and don't know if you're joking or not. The SF6 tournament everyone seems to reference, he did well so I don't understand.

>> No.78242466

He could just be practicing for AX early, I like to think he’s learning a complex dance with Shu for Infinity but I might turn out wrong kek
Given he keeps saying he has to go somewhere and the other members have said he seems busy and he was on his phone during the totsu I’m pretty sure he really is

>> No.78242500

But she hasn't finished her castle yet.

>> No.78242504

oh what a scene to raid into

>> No.78242510

Octavio from StarsPH just congratulated Aia on twitter.
He really is a fan of NijiEN I mean he did a Tagalog cover of LGIS

>> No.78242540

hey can you do us all a favor and post this in doki's art tag, I think she would really like the implied sexual assault and the racism against chinese people. post it repeatedly to really ensure that she sees it

>> No.78242541

>raid into vanta losing it
goddamn ellen page is ugly

>> No.78242557
File: 380 KB, 1280x1280, GP7dg_MakAADqEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78242561
File: 1.25 MB, 1921x1080, GQGqOuuXgAA-jDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78242568
Quoted by: >>78242638

He probably took a lot of pictures of himself ueue

>> No.78242578
Quoted by: >>78242701

Selen won. Elira's vtuber mama is making her new outfit >>78233391

>> No.78242579
Quoted by: >>78242719

Vs viewers he tends to job a lot but that could do with him playing new characters or ping. He’s been doing good with Akuma lately

>> No.78242590

>The US is about to draft their population in preparation for war with China
>both men and women are subject to the draft
>trannies get an exemption

Meanwhile I'm sure 90% of the immigrants will skitter back to their home countries and won't have to serve shit.
The only benefit here is that China's about to get their shit rocked.

>> No.78242599
File: 29 KB, 422x422, IMG_6901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otshuuu!!!! That was a fun stream

>> No.78242610

Is Elira joining the GTA server?

>> No.78242625

If Elira installed gta, her pc might freeze again…

>> No.78242630

oh nice home3D

>> No.78242638

he was probably so proud of himself for looking so pretty I bet he sent pictures to nijien members and his other friends GIWTWM

>> No.78242645
Quoted by: >>78242703

It's not fair that he edged us like that and went to sleep with a smile on his face knowing he gave every single person on earth a boner

>> No.78242654
Quoted by: >>78242749

Are you that parasocial with us you can’t post this in /pol/ or something…?

>> No.78242655
Quoted by: >>78242734

Vanta just got triple raided

>> No.78242671
Quoted by: >>78242734

Holy fuck Vanta got triple raided

>> No.78242676
Quoted by: >>78242734

jesus 3 raids

>> No.78242679

Reimu really does not care about females huh. She doesn't even know that it's Mariring not Maririn.

>> No.78242691

vanta youre making the plot even more confusing kek

>> No.78242701
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, 1707382258507054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78242830

Nice, hope Rosemi can get Abandon Ranka for her designer when she dips out in 5 years

>> No.78242703

he's such a brat he knows exactly what he's doing and he dares to act all coy. needs correction!!!

>> No.78242711


>> No.78242719

I see, thanks for explaining.

>> No.78242724
File: 31 KB, 296x388, maripetstronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mariring is for greeting her

>> No.78242734

Triple penetration

>> No.78242741

out of context vanta's rambling sounds kind of weird

>> No.78242743
Quoted by: >>78242947

also all that does is raise the age from 24 to 26 and was included with a bunch of other shit too and it wont pass the senate. still

>> No.78242744
Quoted by: >>78242795

bad. why did you reply to him

>> No.78242749
Quoted by: >>78242791

Go back, we love discussing off topic here

>> No.78242756
Quoted by: >>78242829

Reimu home3D ahhhhhhh

>> No.78242768

shu, finana and uki are fucking vanta's ass at the same time....

>> No.78242777
Quoted by: >>78243024

Mariring is how she spells it herself. Just look at Maria's twitter

>> No.78242779

Elira is practicing her dance so when she see the teacher they will kot be disappointed at her.

>> No.78242791
File: 2.33 MB, 1668x1668, hjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78242795
File: 102 KB, 611x559, maririnflushed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To educate the kiddos, also im distracted

>> No.78242823

Vanta is being gangbanged, his hole is so loose

>> No.78242828
File: 2.15 MB, 1667x2500, mmm_mii_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Elira to get an outfit like this
One eye covered isn't enough!

>> No.78242829

I hope she show us her armpit

>> No.78242830
Quoted by: >>78242921

Now let's talk about actual impossible shit. Abandon Ranka hates Rosemi because she went full retard and designed her using her one of her favorite OCs as the blueprint and now she's forever salty.

>> No.78242854

More Eva watchalong with wiwa tomorrow! YIPPEE

>> No.78242875

Maria's literally said both is fine

>> No.78242877

Aia's new outfit is so pretty. was it designed by her mama too?

>> No.78242879

he has to be normal himself to play a normal person

>> No.78242894

OHHH she'd be so hot with this outfit...

>> No.78242915
File: 402 KB, 1503x1818, 20240610_010600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double D(oom)!

>> No.78242916

Isn't this similar to Nina's 2nd outfit

>> No.78242921

What oc

>> No.78242947

War with China is coming within 5 years though
I can't wait to see that fat piece of shit leader of theirs dead

>> No.78242953
File: 267 KB, 373x357, wiwis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78242971
Quoted by: >>78242992

She is shy, like 90% of other ENs. They always refuse to join any JP events, which makes people think JP does not allow EN.

>> No.78242992


>> No.78243010

Elira said there will be yaoi collab on someone’s channel next week. Is it Meloco?

>> No.78243016

>"I hate FPS"
>lists Fortnite, a third person shooter, as an example of an FPS
Is she stupid?

>> No.78243024

Do not mansplain the maripeddo fatty
You will get raped in the ass

>> No.78243049
Quoted by: >>78243181

fird person shooter

>> No.78243053
Quoted by: >>78243139

Can't wait to watch FPV drone footage of white Americans being blown up by 5 dollar chinese drones

>> No.78243061

she has to look up what doom is so i forgive her

>> No.78243124

Fortnite person shooter

>> No.78243139

The difference in military power is kind of insane to think about it though.


>> No.78243151
Quoted by: >>78243187

Can Elira even roleplay? It's supposed to be a roleplay server

>> No.78243181

My Pafology

>> No.78243187

She can roleplay as a discord kitten.
