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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.77418721 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77425155

First it was Mori, now Gura... Who is that disgusting Gunt doxing next in his shitty show because this idiot had to introduce these IBS losers into /vt/... Right, because she is such a huge Jim "fan"... nah she wanted his following and she got it at this fucking cost. Having to listen Gaytor Gaymer shitty takes was bad enough but the Gunt doxing chuubas who have nothing to do with Pippa is a whole different beast.

>> No.77418740

>t. retard

>> No.77421394


>> No.77421444
Quoted by: >>77456073

Nyanners didn’t even grift this hard.

>> No.77421891
Quoted by: >>77421983

I request that no one answer or prolong this nonsense
Captcha: SH4TJ

>> No.77421983
File: 293 KB, 2160x1080, 1712079235898535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77422049

Started out on 4chinz then once she gets popular, she denounces the site and calls everyone creeps

>> No.77422691

Is this a defense for trannies?

>> No.77422733

she did thr whole "ohhh I hate harry potter shit so much but I'll play hogwarts to stick it to the libs!!!" bit, got drowned in cash, and then put that notice out.

>> No.77422807

>post on anime site
>/pol/tards who think that everyone here is like them start thinking you're on of them
>tell them to fuck off

>> No.77423099

remember when she shouted "for kekistan" unironically

>> No.77423308

KEK She pussied out to the trannies

>> No.77423764
Quoted by: >>77424195

She is a tumblerite, i am not judging but her taste is more in line with old tumbler than /here/,thats her real home but since that place dosen't exist anymore

>> No.77424036

Once a grifter, always a grifter

>> No.77424195

Isn't nyanners basically retired at this point? I haven't heard anything about her since she left Vshoujo and started doing face bullshit with her boyfriend

>> No.77424334

she bent the knee to the troons

>> No.77424389

I didn't realize you need to hate troons to troll Twitter freaks. But /pol/asks are only capable of "you are either with us or against us" thinking.

>> No.77424394
Quoted by: >>77521262

>"pride month yey"
>"we need to support Saint floyd and BLM"
>"le orange man"

>"you are the political one !!"

such is the kiked society

>> No.77424642

>I'm not going to let them control me. I'll do what I want!
>p-please forgive me, I'll ban any wrongthinkers in chat! I'm an ally!
Epic troll

>> No.77424724 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77424968

Politics in vtubing at all is shit I just want to watch cute girls

>> No.77424842

>you are either with us or against us
this is literally how trannies think

>> No.77424968 [DELETED] 

>"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
You can thank marxists for dividing people on everything, it will only get worse as the commie color revolution gets going in full swing. You will own nothing, especially not the right to watch reactionary media like non political vtubing.

>> No.77425084 [DELETED] 

Still screeching about Commies after the Cold War, eh gramps?

>> No.77425155
File: 320 KB, 473x677, take them please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77425191 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77425235

Communists are just a symptom of the main disease: kikes.

>> No.77425216 [DELETED] 

>mexico just elected a leader of a jewish communist party as the new president 2 days ago
>"communism is over ;)"
oy vey

>> No.77425235 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77458795

Of course it is.

>> No.77425336

>admits to thinking like trannies

>> No.77428395


>> No.77429223

Anyone who has been on this site long enough ends up hating it, especially when the control freaks from here get comfortable enough to try telling you what you should be allowed to do or say.

>> No.77429395
Quoted by: >>77487308

>/pol/grifter k*w*tard suddenly pretends to be against doxxing, dogpiling and the like
say it ain't so! I hope she gets fired, that'd automatically make phase a lot better.

>> No.77429434

the "male" knee socks weren't enough to show you where she actually stands?

>> No.77429556

This thread is a good reminder to never ever pander to a 4chan audience, no matter the field, because they will always turn against you when you don't act in public like how they act anonymously here.

>> No.77430171
Quoted by: >>77440327

More like don't turn 180 on your content/stances with any type of audience, Nyanners, Yuko and Finana learned that first hand. 4chan is just a bit more schizoish and less forgiving

>> No.77430293

Something you guys should understand is that it's de facto illegal to have "right-wing" views on life. It's only tolerated by power as punching bags for "progress".
So once someone gets big enough to be noticed, they are legally obligated to ditch those views or at least shut up about it. If they don't, there will be legal, financial, and social consequences for them.
>but muh 1st amendment
Propaganda. It never really existed.
>but muh hypocrisy
They have power. You don't. It's not hypocrisy, it's a flex.

tl;dr stop giving them punching bags.

>> No.77430409

2nd reminder: they will also make shit up or blow things out of proportion to justify harassing or doxxing you.

>> No.77430429
Quoted by: >>77433292

People are mad because they want to suck her boyfriends dick but he is honorable

>> No.77430554 [DELETED] 

these retards arent the 4chan audience, they're just edgy faggots seething that not everyone is obsessed with politics
4chan isnt a politics site, being here doesnt mean you have to be right-wing and anti-nigger and anti-tranny

>> No.77430602
Quoted by: >>77491313

They don't care because they're not the ones in the spotlight, and they think that what they got away with on twitter with their burner accounts can be safely repeated by public figures with contracts and sponsors.

>> No.77430767

pippa is a latina, you retard

>> No.77431044

>actually think communism is a thing
ok gringo, keep fighting dummies made by rich dudes kek.

>> No.77431221

People often forget that both Nyanners and Gura started as 4chan vtubers, but Gura was smart enough to broaden her appeal to a wider audience. There's an alternate reality where Nyanners is the most subscribed vtuber of all time.

>> No.77431440
Quoted by: >>77433184

They are the ones that turn first cause muh sponsors

>> No.77433184

Oh yeah, thats why Melody in vshojo can't get certain sponsors too

>> No.77433292


>> No.77434438

Pippa fans are by far the most mentally diseased in the entire board, giving sisters a run for their money. I've never seen anyone distort reality so aggressively as these adolescents. Two years ago Pippa was the most based red pilled hyperborean chuuba and now they calling her pro woke/troon/BLM (some even saying she's latina lmao). All this as an effort to clean her name.
How many more Holo talents have to be harass and doxx by the rabid dogs Pippa's community invited until they kill vtubing as a whole?

>> No.77435509

This is not true. You can have legitimate right-wing views, and argue for right-wing policies.
The issue is that you see people that claim to be right-wing try and politicize things like common decency and are against so-called political correctness. They want the right to hate and disparage others, to harass them, and disrupt institutions of society. When they do introduce policies it's to try and screw other people over and try to control them and how they can live in ways that goes beyond the betterment of society. It's gotten to the point that self-described right-wing advocates will argue that everything is political, and that everything is up for debate, and everything is merely relative but at the same time it has to be absolute back only by their talking points.
If you want to take it to "my political ideology is that I should be able to commit crimes against people I have for no logical reason" then of course it will be de facto illegal in any sane society.

>> No.77435698
File: 544 KB, 961x1021, 1715211041867147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanners is a faggot but I can respect her for leaving on her own good will before shit got worse. Pippa is far worse for the reasons of starting unrelated bullshit for the sake of clout. She's a dumbfuck. And honestly she should be glad that Phase hasn't tried to fucking remove her for being the malignant tumor she is.

>> No.77435727
Quoted by: >>77437656

Thanks faggot, now the janny has leeway to prune this thread because your post and the one you quoted had 0% vtubing related content.

>> No.77436261
File: 223 KB, 572x553, 4bf7c1d6fe681fbcf72cc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw the dramafags who thought they were defending her under the bus.

>> No.77436500 [DELETED] 

A reminder wokefaggots are astroturfing very hard on this board thinking they could control it and turn it into some SJW cesspool.

>> No.77436547
Quoted by: >>77436602

Nobody gives a fuck about being woke at all for the vtuber board. Go back to /pol/

>> No.77436602

Uh uh, you deserve to get sent to the gulag scum.

>> No.77436724

For me it's Pickme Pippa

>> No.77436795
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, 1715222661327438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive deserved it, we will keep doing it until Phase connect will become #1 corpo out there

>> No.77436810

This site is a bunch of far-right retards.
Not the whole world revolves around you. Many people cannot think the same as you.

>> No.77436898

Hololive deserves what? Getting attacked because Pippa and her dumbfuck fans cant shut their mouths?

>> No.77436929


>> No.77437057

I concur, she's the cancer of vtubing

>> No.77437169

you realize ethan ralph has pippa blocked and hates her because she made fun of him for being fat 2 years ago right? Pippa is not at fault for ralphs recent war on vtubers

>> No.77437181


>> No.77437195
Quoted by: >>77437290

How does it make you feel that some of the Phase talents are very much into yuri and/or yaoi?

>> No.77437269 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 307x726, 1715592924974825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only started this because he caught wind of the Nigger doing it too.

>> No.77437290

Very hard. I'm pro yuri/yaoi but against LGTB "let us groom minors" astroturfing garbage.

>> No.77437353

>be harass and dox
seethe brownoid monkey

>> No.77437372
Quoted by: >>77437427

Are these astroturfing groomers in the thread with us right now?

>> No.77437427

Yes, and they're telling people to go back to /pol/ or using some other boogeyman to defend their astroturfing right now on multiple threads.

>> No.77437531
Quoted by: >>77437670

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Where do you see this devilish cable advocating for grooming minors /here/? It's very rich of you to bring up boogeymen while sticking to this rrat.

>> No.77437594
Quoted by: >>77437670

>anyone who doesn't like /pol/ is a groomer
You sound like the twitter freaks who accuse anyone they don't like of being pedos. (while being actual pedos themselves)

>> No.77437656

It's related to Pippa, her content, and her fans you moron.

>> No.77437668 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1410x1436, SlavKingKin[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2ucr4m.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77454878

Is there a site where anons can chat about more hidden info? I wanna know if the whole Zack and Romanian background are real or not

>> No.77437670
Quoted by: >>77437829

Looks like you need to get your ears checked because you're deaf and delusional.

>> No.77437765 [DELETED] 

Good, death to dramaniggers

>> No.77437782
Quoted by: >>77437909

You're okay with porn destroying generations of brains, but you're not okay with them being able to live their life freely.

>> No.77437829

This is an imageboard, sir.

>> No.77437909

Sorry troon but nobody sane is okay with gaslighting kids to chop off their genitals. Anyone who does should be thrown into a woodchipper.

>> No.77438957
Quoted by: >>77439110

It's so funny vtubers go balls deep into cancer and then wonder why their fanbase turned out the way it did

>> No.77439040

>talks about stuff that never happens
>ignore what does happens that he's apparently in favor of
Look at all this projection.

>> No.77439110

You get what you do.

>> No.77440327

> a bit

>> No.77441518

Phase is becoming sanitized

>> No.77442104


>> No.77442444

this nigga samefags in pcg all day about communism it gets so tiresome

>> No.77442472


Maybe, just maybe, not everything is a Jewish Commie LGBTQ conspiracy. Maybe, people just don’t like hatred and rudeness.

>> No.77442582
Quoted by: >>77485500


I disagree, punch fascists.

>> No.77442710


I hope you get a trans attorney and funeral director.

>> No.77442809

I dont really mind her

>> No.77444027

This but unironically.

>> No.77445479


>> No.77446371

I actually like Nyanners.

>> No.77446689

wtf based, i love pippa now

>> No.77448098

kek pretty much

>> No.77448214
Quoted by: >>77454564

The only reason pippa isnt fat is the same reason as asmongold. They are missing so many teeth they dont like eating.

>> No.77448305
File: 838 KB, 800x800, 1674078461345891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pipcat good.

>> No.77448326
Quoted by: >>77449336

It was a mistake not gatekeeping the reddit election tourists of 2016. Or the gamergate reddit crowd

>> No.77449336

You didn't gatekeep SJWs when they invaded video games, so this is what you get. You get what you deserve.

>> No.77449901

Was always going to end like this.
Pretend to be retarded and actual retarded will think they're in good company.

>> No.77451599

I always thought Pippa was basically a Nyanners that stayed with 4chan instead of outright disregarding her past. If you look at her original PL model, it was a pink cat in a military uniform.

>> No.77451938

younger nyanners was better.

>> No.77451996
Quoted by: >>77490021

at least pippa has the decency to not show her face unlike nyanners who literally looks like a horse kicked her in the face

>> No.77454108

>Modern day Nyanners
Meowba was more similar desu

>> No.77454164 [DELETED] 


>> No.77454324 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77454479

Fucking based. drama fags are worse than numberniggers.

>> No.77454479

Most are completely ignoring what she said or rationalizing she means someone else and continuing the bullshit. Or becoming antis. So not that great for her

>> No.77454564

She's been to the dentist and gotten new teeth

>> No.77454633
File: 1.59 MB, 1095x1095, nyanpips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77454878


>> No.77454893
Quoted by: >>77455060

> Pippa is not at fault for ralphs recent war on vtubers
No it's fucking Gator's fault who also went to bat on a pity stream for a known Pippa hater that got arrested last week. And surprise surprise Gator is a another damn Phase orbiter who's just visiting from real hobby anime. Of course he can just dump drama and leave.

>> No.77455060
Quoted by: >>77455287

Gator doesn't actually care about chuubas, he just wants to groom someone. He went to offkai specifically because Kiki Pyon was there(as a robot). He's in her chat sometimes and interacts with her on twitter.
He isn't able to groom pippa, so he's been going after this high-2view.

>> No.77455287
Quoted by: >>77455486

I could believe that.

>> No.77455424

Pippa has never jerked off pedophiles. The worst thing that she's done is screaming "I'm gonna shoot up a Walmart!".

>> No.77455486

You don't need to "believe" it cause it's literally true. I've seen it time and time again with so many z-list micro e-celebs. He's a fat fuck with 0 experience with women, so he thinks his best shot is to go after one of the small "le 4chan chuubas" despite the fact that all he does is bring them negative attention.
Pippa's too big and interacting with bigger content creators than him. Instead of being a small fish going after a boat, he decided to go after an even smaller fish.

>> No.77455549

She called her fans creepy perverts

>> No.77455671
File: 162 KB, 585x564, 487620934899837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77476745

How to pander in 2010
>be cute
>do sings
>do VA for shitposts
>love your fans
How to pander in 2024
>talk about politics
>talk about drama
>do react content
>tell your fans to fuck off

Did the women get worse, or did we?

>> No.77456073 [DELETED] 

Nyanners used to post nudes on /b/ when she was underage. And went all in on the loli stuff.

>> No.77457458
Quoted by: >>77459076

The Hogwarts stuff is when I dropped her. I hate trannies, faggots, woke shitters, etc. I just want to make that clear. But Pippa first said she wasn't gonna play the game because she doesn't like Harry Potter... Right. Okay. Then the Pikamee stuff happened and Pippa jumped in without a second thought to defend her, talking big, being cringe and riling up her fanbase. Then she play the shitty game for like half an hour, gets big numbers, makes a shit ton of money and then she posts this >>77421983 . That's when it hit me. This stupid bitch is a grifter.

>> No.77457491
Quoted by: >>77459368

Is the joke that her 4chan audience is the happiest they have been in a long time?

>> No.77458364 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1170x1361, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at extremely convenient time no less. Most Mexicans don't know who the fuck she even is. She came from out of nowhere and won just like that. Even the Cartel donated to her campaign and even killed many of her opposition I kid you not. 37 politicians dead. 37.


>> No.77458795

>can't even make your own memes
The left really can't meme.

>> No.77459076 [DELETED] 

Maybe vtubers aren't for you, man

>> No.77459368

It's kiwifags and politics grifters getting mad the actual hobbyist fans are getting what they want

>> No.77459524

Her hearing her voice gives me the same feeling as watching Gummo.

>> No.77464432


>> No.77465119
Quoted by: >>77467948

Why doesn't she block accounts that shit on Holos then, and even follow them?

>> No.77467948

Because it's based when it happens to Whoros

>> No.77470786

Pippa is responsible for luring all these IBS losers, because the cunt had to lick Jim's cancer ridden balls, that is the only reason why her channel grew as much as it did. She got the following of Jim's Sweetie Squad which is already bad enough but also of all the bottom feeders surrounding Jim.

>> No.77471629

>pippa doesn't hold all my retarded views about minorities and just likes engaging in a mild amount of trolling so she must be a grifter.

this is an ai powered summary of this thread

>> No.77473585

She deserves whatever bad shit that comes her way for cultivating the audience that she has

>> No.77474139

I'm sad there will never be an awkward collab where there look at old internet memes. I'd imagine they'd both be a little bitchy. It'd be kino. Nyan is basically retired now and only does comfortable content.

>> No.77476745

wamen did

>> No.77478051
File: 335 KB, 531x961, ede2cf4da9e246f446c33aae741c169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentional pander to the twitter right wing
>oh wtf why is my fanbase this way

>> No.77481696

She belongs with the IBS parasites

>> No.77483544
Quoted by: >>77485252

I feel like the cis virtue-signalling allies do it more than the trannies themselves.

>> No.77485049


>> No.77485252
Quoted by: >>77486826


>> No.77485302

>you are either with us or against us
Anyone who isn’t completely retarded thinks like this

>> No.77485390 [DELETED] 

We hate niggers here sir
Consider fucking off to reddit

>> No.77485500

go back

>> No.77486826
Quoted by: >>77487234

Hey man, thanks for the pick-me-up. I was starting to doubt myself after spending all that time in those threads trying to decipher the friendship graph of internet personalities who stream using a anime persona.

>> No.77487234

you’re welcome

>> No.77487259 [DELETED] 

why do you stupid niggers keep necro bumping this dogshit thread

>> No.77487308 [DELETED] 

kirsche isn't in phase, nigger

>> No.77488729
Quoted by: >>77489245

>Pippa has never jerked off pedophiles
If you mean it literally then you're absolutely wrong. Do your reps.

>> No.77489220

Oh boy, I knew this thread was going to be more volatile than pure sodium in a water heater the moment I saw the OP image.
Also, stop bumping this thread guys. You need to clean up the rubbish near your desk.

>> No.77489245
Quoted by: >>77489301

The only thing ever close was that she wanted to be sniffed by Biden in a stream. I don't think that's jerking them off in any way unlike Nyanners who was underaged when she did porn streams.

>> No.77489265
File: 1.02 MB, 640x640, 1714929410130644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Pippa has never jerked off pedophiles.
Anon......Pippa literally has suggested there is a such a thing as "good pedophilia":


Kirsche also is directly connected to a pedophile from /k/ who's friends with a guy who got convicted for raping his daughter (this guy is documented on the farms and is the one who "smuggled" her along with Revsays and his fellow pedo wife into Offkai this year.

She's far worse than Nyanners ever was.

>> No.77489301
Quoted by: >>77489395



>> No.77489395

>baseless Rev accusation out of nowhere
Yep opinion discarded
I knew from the start you're a projecting SJW faggot

>> No.77489588
Quoted by: >>77493889

>Kirsche also is directly connected to a pedophile
Not that I don't believe you, but who and proof?

>> No.77489748
Quoted by: >>77489849

I wish you tourists that kirsche brought in would fuck off back to your containment shithole

>> No.77489762

There was a stream before where Pippa was playing some platformer when she said she's fine with hypocrisy because she thinks everyone is a hypocrite in some way, and asking chat what's even wrong with pedos (actual groomers) insinuating they're valid. That's just Pippa playing the devil's advocate for content. Not what she truly believes, which is why people think she's a grifter.
I can tell you plenty of leftie streamers also do the same, like Destiny https://x.com/hayasaka_aryan/status/1791494487425827232

>> No.77489849
Quoted by: >>77500076

LOL, with that attitude SJW fags like you are never beating the projecting child predator allegations

>> No.77490021

Well yeah, because her teeth are jacked up apparently (were?)

>> No.77490169
File: 20 KB, 474x285, READIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, Nyan wasn't political and Pippa doesn't do drugs. This is perfect proof that non-androgenized thinkers simply cannot comprehend the topic and will leave the treefort at this time.

>> No.77490704

lol don't spoil them, they might actually learn about socratic questioning and become capable of doing things

>> No.77491313
File: 94 KB, 697x674, mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77493938

Being a "public figure" and chasing after contracts is a choice you make. You can be poorer and less popular but stand up for what you believe, pic very much related. Or you can be a pathetic fucking grifter and bend the knee in a desperate attempt to sit on two chairs at once.

>> No.77493181

Already happening to Pippa too no? kek

>> No.77493797

Same /k/ pedo is also from the now graduated Yuko's friend group, who she was allegedly groomed into when she was just a teen, long before she became a vtuber, and this /k/ group hated her GFE content and were the sole reason why she stopped and turned against her fans., leading to the end of her career.

>> No.77493823

>Defending pedo Rev the grifting dramafag in anyway.
You're the one who needs to leave, tourist.

>> No.77493888
Quoted by: >>77493916

Hang yourself SJWfaggot. You don't belong here. Fuck off with your troony groomer bullshit.

>> No.77493889
File: 601 KB, 659x810, kirscheguardbroconnection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not that I don't believe you, but who and proof?
Guardbro, a pedo groomer from /k/ and also old friends of Yuko, who came from /k/. Proof is pic related, you can look up him on the farms yourself.

>> No.77493916

>Hating pedo's makes you a leftist now

>> No.77493938
File: 427 KB, 858x714, Anya - Revolution (Helly Luv) [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ferqhit.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Mana support free Kurdistan?

>> No.77493945

>I was just defending pedophilia as a prank bro!

>> No.77493949
File: 146 KB, 750x1000, Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i don't blame her for abandoning certain parts of 4chan some of you are mentally deranged

>> No.77493977
Quoted by: >>77494191

>pedos projecting performatively hating themselves
Wew, where have I seen this before. OH that's right, countless examples of you disgusting groomer faggots projecting

>> No.77494016

Hating pedos makes you a right winger. All pedos are lefties with their troony bullshit.

>> No.77494112
File: 46 KB, 176x176, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77494122


odd most pedo's are republicans like their diaper wearing toddler

>> No.77494122

Ethan Ralph is a right winger and a convicted predator
Both right wing groomer faggots and SJW groomer faggots are projecting and should be run over repeatedly or burnt alive

>> No.77494157

>All pedos are lefties
How do you explain Muslims?

>> No.77494191

SJWs have been abusing children since time immemorial, they're just trying to get away with it by skirting the law and legalizing troony faggotry with minors.

>> No.77494429

man, I really feel bad for the phase girls. genuinely some of the best vtubers with the best management/staff supporting them, only to be hit with one of the worst fanbases in vtubing. the watching experience is made so much worse with those retards spouting their dogshit constantly

>> No.77494553

At least they treat the fish like a god

>> No.77494555
Quoted by: >>77495934

Okay but that doesn't answer my question. If all pedos are lefties, then how does that explain muslims(a right-wing religion that worships a pedo)

>> No.77494974

IIRC during this whole stream Pippa was LARPing as an edgy xbox live kid because they had to use scuffed microphones and she kept calling Kirsche gay.

>> No.77494980

Maybe they shouldn't have intentionally cultivated a 4chan audience.

>> No.77495512

Its funny that Dizzy probably wrote that thing and fish posted it himself on Pippa's account

>> No.77495891 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77495934

This is next level brainrot

>> No.77495911

They are centuries behind. What we call pedo today was the norm back then. Talking about marriages from 14 years and up, like with Ghandi.

>> No.77495925
File: 3.75 MB, 333x387, 1717487093962467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a modern day fag

>> No.77495934

Not enough level of brainrot as much as SJWs, not even comparable. Those SJW groomers all need to get gassed.

>> No.77497219


>> No.77497739

>Pippa has never jerked off pedophiles
Do you honestly believe she just HAPPENED to be underage when Z-man went after her?

>> No.77498292
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>> No.77499176

There's a reason Sakana is making her tone it down

>> No.77499475
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Quoted by: >>77511706

>my political ideology is that I should be able to commit crimes against people I have for no logical reason
most of these have logical reasons, people just either don't listen or are to cowardly to admit it

>> No.77499507

those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it
many such cases

>> No.77500076
File: 996 KB, 1024x1024, 1704195252785992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77500524

>gong this hard for a drama tuber and Rev of all people

>> No.77500287

Why tf are people arguing about Rev in the comments. He does pretty good videos, has he touched some kids or something and we just haven't heard about it, or are weirdos on here judging him because of the... because of the model he uses? Are people really that fucking retarded?

Everyday it's further proven that phase antis really are those kinds of pearl-clutching cancel culture Karens. Saddest shit around.

>> No.77500358

Where's the peepeepoopoo toilet humor unprovoked at any given time?

>> No.77500523

And this is why i say she will have Antis until the day she graduates from both lives
They can't get over it.
She played a game they didnt want played and she didnt get erased from relevance
That's it
That's their whole beef
And theyre stuck on it like a computer thrown an error without a handler.

>> No.77500524
Quoted by: >>77507561

Rev outed one of their fellow groomers, now they hate him for being a decent person.

>> No.77500544

Capipis should encourage her to go indie if they don't want her to keep going in the censored corpo direction.

>> No.77501155
Quoted by: >>77504320

What were the replies?

>> No.77501274

What do you expect when they used to come to /vt/ daily to make Pippa shill threads?

>> No.77501500
Quoted by: >>77505995

Rev is a fucking clown who makes videos off twitter comments, gets oneguyed in every video. I can post a controversial opinion, get 50 likes, tag rev and he will make a content out of it. Idk who keeps watching his slop

>> No.77501961
Quoted by: >>77505883

There is good reason why she remains good friends with rye.
No one should be surprised by this.

>> No.77502079

"Right wing views" or the ones pumped through cable media have become very muddy of the last 20 plus years.

Wanting to have good national parks wasn't just a left thing and was heavily supported by a right winged president once. Get paid the same for the same amount of work as someone else was once a no brainer. People started conflating extreme activist views with standard human rights. Emotional arguments even random ones started getting weighted equally as the rational or more fact checked arguments. Working 50-60 hour work weeks with no benefits became more acceptable and less challenged. Corporations were given more leeway and more people defended them as a kneejerk (see console wars). Neo-hires became the norm and companies would lock out the public when hiring. A voter's loyalty to a party or one candidate became more and more a thing rather than what the candidate could do for the country as a whole.

In general standards have become a mess.

>> No.77503685

Rev isn't bad but he's still a dramafag

>> No.77504320
Quoted by: >>77505008

People pointing out 1350

>> No.77504505

Wasnt he the bearded guy that appeared on Moonshine's stream?

>> No.77505008
Quoted by: >>77508544

>corpo covers it's own ass
>wtf why isn't she letting herself get blacklisted from events and collabs and getting cancelled???
Such a grifter

>> No.77505883

Can't wait for invader Rye

>> No.77505995

Okay but where did he fucking diddle kids retard

>> No.77507247
File: 589 KB, 505x503, ezgif-3-f8a7ee6cd6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason she's disavowing old fans and not pandering the us anymore is because she thinks she's too big to fail now. Even if she yabs too much that Fishman gives her the boot, she knows that you know her PL anyway. I wish she never found success had I known this would happen but that was expected

>> No.77507481

The pippa IP is too good for her to afford abandoning it

>> No.77507561
File: 71 KB, 555x256, RevSaysLoli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decent person
Asmon dickrider who (allegedly) stalked a minor, serial loli defender (but denies liking loli himself), got doxxed by the Sharty on him and his fat wife's wedding day. Too bad Hasan told Asmon that being historically against lolicon himself while constantly spotlighting a lolicon advocate made him look really really bad so Asmon won't react to him anymore. If you're wondering why Asmon hasn't watched a Rev video in a very long time.

>> No.77507661
File: 108 KB, 474x239, revsayspedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. He does pretty good videos,
He spergs out at random twitter commetns and makes entire videos centered around whatever somebody on twitter said, sics his pedophile fans on anyone he doesn't like, and is a pedo himself . Most of his content over the years has been him seething at anyone who doesn't like loli. His entire identity is defending lolicon.

But no guys he's not a loli lover himself! Don't you dare accuse him of that!.

>> No.77507729

He's a grown man who presents himself as a little girl online. I'm not sure why you rightoids don't consider him a tranny because by your logic he would be one. At the very least you should think that alone is creepy, to say nothing of his history of loli defending.

>> No.77507807

What is with all these right-wing vtubers with pedophile connections? What's going on here?

>> No.77507884
Quoted by: >>77520614

Why does literally none of Rev's rightoid audience question him using an avatar of a little girl? Asmon never questioned it, Legal Mindset never questions it, literlaly nobody who reacts to him (other than his antis) ever question why a grown ass man is presenting himself as a little girl on the internet. It's genuinely surreal and unnerving.

>> No.77507923
File: 1.55 MB, 9999x9999, 1699637726289427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77510643

Remember when Pippa defended Kirsche from being booted from Offkai? Oh wait.....

>> No.77508084
Quoted by: >>77508221

>she knows that you know her PL anyway
Does she even want everyone to know? She grifted as a KHV long ago, and that PL is associated with... someone whose very existence would out that grift as a bold-faced lie.

>> No.77508219
Quoted by: >>77509341

Pippa has cultivated one of the worst fanbase/audience

>> No.77508221

Which reminds me, more and more people have confirmed that Pippa's kinda cute and I've been thinking. Was self-proclaiming as ugly a part of that KHV grift or did THAT certain someone just gaslight her into thinking she's ugly to keep her for theirselves? I mean, that person got to her pretty young.

>> No.77508407

She's not a grifter, though, she's just edgy and you people projected your nonsense on to her as if she actually ascribes to it.
No better than the people who get mad about fictional characters not being written how they want them to be written.

>> No.77508544

>panders to 4chan audience for initial success
>renounces them the moment they are inconvenient
yes a grifter

>> No.77508680
Quoted by: >>77508727

This is what happens when a unitychad (except for niji rumao) beefs with antis, you get live rent free in the heads of many.

>> No.77508727

get to live*


>> No.77508937
File: 126 KB, 1200x1110, 1682553706123877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread should be locked in a mental asylum.

>> No.77509079

Do you even know what's currently going on are you just posting vague shit based on the whatever you read in this thread?

>> No.77509190

She was never super political. You are just pissed the majority of capipis won't go to bat for Kirsche cause she got banned from commiefornia spewing everything the leftoid volunteers hate. Who could have seen that coming?

>> No.77509341
Quoted by: >>77509536

It's not her who cultivated this audience, it's the /pol/cucks who decided to latch onto her, she has always blocked retards on twitter when they'd go full /pol/ under her tweets and quotes.
Also getting attacked by your own audience at the slightest thing they don't like will only make you want to stay further away from them, those retards couldn't stop themselves from sperging out and now they've lost her.

>> No.77509414

You guys are cute

>> No.77509536
Quoted by: >>77509593

I mean can you blame them after she led them on by projecting herself as the 4chan rabbit in her earlier years? Almost no other vtuber has an issue like hers because no one is stupid enough to grift this kind of audience.

>> No.77509593

>le grift
Call her a pickme next sister

>> No.77509691

The thing that most people don't realize when they talk about this stuff is that her og audience was split between two extremes. Her 4chan fans always wanted her to be just a slightly edgy cgdct vtuber, her kiwi fans always tried to push her into doing drama shit, politics and male collabs with /pol/tubers, lolcows etc.
It's the latter who have been losing influence over the years and recently got told to stop being annoying slacktivists and just volunteer if they don't like how conventions in California are run.
Most of her 4chan fans have been really happy about the recent development and even got a sneaky shoutout from her in the same stream she told dramafags to stop being retarded.

>> No.77509865

Since this is about vtubers supporting troons, is it cool if I support troons only to get laid with a ftm?

>> No.77510643

S-she stands by her! She looked at her in the offkai trashcan video!

>> No.77510905

>unironically think lolicon is pedo
a DBnigger typed this

>> No.77510915

>until Phase connect will become #1 corpo out there
they want to be hololive to begin with, which is why this is impossible phasefag KEK

>> No.77510966

pippafag being retarded as usual

>> No.77511043


>> No.77511067

>they want to be hololive
Not really

>> No.77511159

I'd rather Phase aspire to be like Holo than Niji.

>> No.77511657

>De facto illegal to be right wing
>World is burning to the ground
Well, explains things doesn't it.

>> No.77511706

You can have a logic and still be wrong. Not him, so I won't attack you for being illogical. I'll attack you for being stupid and curating your inputs to give you the output you want. You're literally the coward sister.

>> No.77511780

Retard is mixing his lore up incredibly badly.
idiot. You're playing chinese whispers.

>> No.77511918

they have no one but themselves to blame
they also completely ruined /vt/ and the western vtubing community

>> No.77512346

More evidence once again that you should cultivate your audience /anywhere/ but here. 4chan fanbases (most especially /pol/ cockroaches) are Twitter levels of incompatible to any kind of change, and the most rote behaviors can still be intentionally misinterpreted as acts of malice towards them. Assuming no foul play, Pippa's ultimate crime was "Stop spouting bannable shit against individuals in hate trains", and you have an entire thread of people calling her a lying grifter when they expected her to be le based edgy yabbit for her entire vtubing career.

You can literally see her changes happening every single step of her time in Phase, and her time on 4chan singularly introduced her to behavioral problems which have been made less and less relevant as time has gone along and she's made more and more friends who she can have good times with while still being loud and edgy, but with a different framework than just LMAO TKD TND LOOK AT THE SKULLS LOOK AT THE CRIME STATISTICS LMAO LOL. If you want a VTuber who's never going to break from that, Kirsche is going to remain evergreen until she gets forced to Kick where a fanbase like that can be proper cultivated without YouTube filtration.

>> No.77512525

Don't worry, her TVA butt buddies will still support her!

>> No.77513222

4chan isn't the problem though, if anything 4chan has always been pushing her in the exact opposite direction. /pcg/ fucking hates all the drama shit and has always been advocated for cgdct content. They are also the main antis of Kirsche and celebrated Pippa for telling kiwis and /pol/tards to stop acting like retards. /vt/ in general has always shat on her for associating with drama/kiwi/pol shit. And the rest of 4chan isn't really relevant because for most of them vtubing is either "tranime" or "50 year old dude with voice changer"

>> No.77513337

>got doxxed by the Sharty on him and his fat wife's wedding day
Wait, he got doxxed and nothing at all happened to him even if schizos from shaty did it? It's like doxxing actually never matter and the fear it's only in vtuber minds ruining their own career because they are scare from people that don't have enough guts to make something with all the information everyone have in the dox

>> No.77513381

I don't think there are that many people who want to have a struggle snuggle with him

>> No.77513481

He isn't fat and was doxed thanks to photos in a gym, shartyfag don't dare to mess with someone that can actually kick their asses

>> No.77513495
File: 146 KB, 1165x686, 8bbe6d059df42fcc0c5014f7803f4c57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the astroturfing on /vt/ for fans has worked out for her

>> No.77513644
Quoted by: >>77518437

Pippa has intense imposter syndrome and no teeth, while nyanners is extremely self-centered and thinks the universe should revolve around her and has teeth. Pippa dragged herself to the top and raided her little friends until PC was a credible company, while Nyanners was the leech who would not go away for a decade until her connections with Melody and Ironmouse enabled her to finally find success for a while before she fucked it all up, like she usually does.

The only connection is both are 4chan grifting whores, but pippa has a savvy cunning wherein she knows not to fuck the pig. Nyanners would suck that pig off, then get mad that people are calling her a pigfucker, then disavow the pig and lose half her pigfucking fans, then wonder why people are mad/think she's gross.

>> No.77513661

It was either that or being forever 2-3 views. Most of you fuckers wouldn't even give a shit about Phase if it wasn't because of the edge. They'd be just another irrelevant microcorp like Kawaii, Lucid, V&U and the many others. Pippa and her /pol/pandering is the reason they are successful.

>> No.77513696

Don't forget she's now cgdct

>> No.77514145
Quoted by: >>77515851

>pandering to unicorn good luck covering anything male
>pandering to fujos+woketard well just look at nijisisters rather die than kneeling to those retards
>pandering to /pol/, /here/ and some 35+ y.o edgelord you become pippa/phase connect
choose your own poison.

>> No.77515851

How about simply sticking to playing video games and yapping about girl stuff and anime? Many vtubers can do it.

>> No.77518437
File: 148 KB, 236x260, 1690982194835629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77518991


>> No.77518839
File: 792 KB, 1920x1080, image_2024-06-06_144900176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77519753

>nyanners bait thread
>look inside
>all pippa

>> No.77518991

How many times are you going to out yourself as a twitter tourist by posting exclusively twittertard memes? Never post again, tourist.

>> No.77519035

True, in fact you should leave and never come back.

>> No.77519131

imagine saying kiwi farmers are normal harmless people

>> No.77519753

The direction of a thread is almost always decided by the image in the OP and not the content of his post.

>> No.77520614

they probably think Rev’s using it as a “joke”.

>> No.77520793

polniggers and dramafags, not even once

>> No.77521174

So what, we like Kirsche now?

>> No.77521262

Pippa has never mentioned any of these, you are mentally ill

>> No.77522080

the point she's making is that not all libtards are trannies.
